i - Consultant Policy Guide
© 2017 Pampered Chef used under license. MKT-6736 01/2017
Consultant Policy Guide
Update Pages
Please take time to familiarize yourself with our most current policies and processes. For
questions regarding policy, please contact the Solution Center at 800-342-CHEF (2433).
January Update (01/17)
P. 11 First Nation Tax Exemption
New process when submitting shows/orders
P. 55 Director Award Reimbursement - Travel Reimbursement Form
2017 rate for approved mileage reimbursement - unchanged from 2016
November Update (11/16)
P. 17 Increasing Your Commission Rate
$20,000 Career Sales - earn a sterling silver award featuring the Pampered Chef
P. 22 Career Title Award
Upon promotion to a new title, you receive a sterling silver award, featuring the
Pampered Chef’s happy spoon logo, as a symbol of your achievement
iii - Consultant Policy Guide
© 2017 Pampered Chef used under license. MKT-6736 01/2017
Consultant Policy Guide
Table of Contents
Code of Ethics………………………………………..2
Customer Order Types…………………………...2
Large Quantity Orders……………………………..4
Order Details……………………………………….4
Completing the Sales Receipt .............................. 5
Special Ordering Situations .................................. 5
Submitting Orders ............................................... 5
Payment Options ................................................. 6
Order Submission Deadlines ................................ 7
Order Resolution ................................................. 8
Shipping Information ........................................... 8
Product Availability .............................................. 8
Your Pampered Chef
Account…………… ........... 9
Direct Deposit Account ....................................... 9
Applying for Direct Deposit ................................. 9
Changing Financial Institutions
or Account Information…………………………….9
Order Payment Account……………………….10
Applying for your Order Payment Account……...10
Returned Cheques and Order Payment Account
Sales Tax and Business Licensing…………………11
First Nation Tax Exemption……………………….11
Commission Adjustments…………………………11
Consultant Purchasing Opportunities……………12
Pampered Chef
Dollars (PC Dollars)……………12
Supply Orders ................................................... 12
Kit Enhancement ............................................... 12
Personal Orders ................................................. 12
Early Purchase of guest specials .......................... 13
Personal Inventory ............................................. 13
Solution Center Procedures……………………….13
Understanding Your Role ................................... 13
Contacting the Solution Center .......................... 14
Understanding Our Product Guarantees ............ 14
Lifetime Guarantee ............................................ 15
Adjustment/Return Procedures .......................... 15
Types of Adjustments ......................................... 15
Income Opportunities ......................................... 17
Increasing Your Commission Rate ...................... 17
Elite Seller Bonus ............................................... 18
Commission Payment ........................................ 18
Bonuses and Overrides ...................................... 18
Pampered Chef
Career Plan……… ................ 18
Promoting to a Higher Level .............................. 18
Maintaining Your Title ....................................... 19
Merchandise Discount ....................................... 19
Senior Consultant ................................................ 19
Team Leader ........................................................ 19
Director ............................................................... 21
Advanced Director............................................... 23
Senior Director .................................................... 25
Executive Director ............................................... 26
Senior Executive Director .................................... 28
National Executive Director ................................. 30
Pay Based on Performance .................................. 31
Active and Inactive Status .................................. 32
Special Situations ................................................ 34
Consultant Resignation ...................................... 34
Director Resignation .......................................... 34
Simultaneous Promotion .................................... 35
Passing By ......................................................... 35
Rebuild Months ................................................. 36
Reversion .......................................................... 36
Repromotion………………………………… ...... 38
Natural Disaster Program ................................... 39
Career Plan Summary Chart ................................ 41
Marketing, Advertising and Publicity Policies ..... 43
Your Title/Identification ..................................... 43
Party Copyrights, Logos and Trademarks…….43
Copyrights, Logos & Trademarks ........................ 44
Copyrighted Materials…………………………….45
Publicity ............................................................ 46
Advertising ........................................................ 46
Conducting Your Business Online ...................... 47
Personal Website Address .................................. 49
Social Networking ............................................. 50
Imagery Usage…………………………………….52
Policy Enforcement ............................................ 52
Forms……………………………………… ............ 53
Professional Development Reimbursement ........ 53
Travel Request ................................................... 54
Travel Reimbursement Form .............................. 55
2 - Consultant Policy Guide
Pampered Chef
has built a solid reputation for
excellence by continuing to offer our customers the
services and products they’ve come to expect and
value. One way we demonstrate this commitment
is through our pledge to abide by the highest
standards of business practices as outlined in the
Direct Selling Association’s (DSA) “Code of Ethics”.
As a proud member of the DSA, the Code of Ethics
ensures that we will make no statements or
promises that might mislead either consumers or
As a Pampered Chef
consultant, we encourage
you to review the Code of Ethics, available at
www.dsa.ca. We also encourage you to uphold
the same ethics by always presenting our products
and the Pampered Chef
business opportunity in a
truthful and accurate manner.
There are several types of orders you place for your
customers and it is helpful to note the specific
policies that apply to each order type. Most of your
orders will be Cooking Shows or Catalog Shows.
The Cooking Show should always remain the core
of your business as this is where you will meet
others who are interested in joining Pampered
Chef and Hosting Shows.
Order types include:
• Cooking Shows (K)
• Catalog Shows (C)
• Online orders (O)
• Individual orders (I)
• Fundraiser Shows (F)
Wedding Showers (B)
Cooking Show
To qualify as a Cooking Show, guest sales (excluding
shipping, handling, tax, and past host discount) must
total a minimum of $200. The host’s purchases do not
count toward guest sales.
If the above requirement is not met, then each order
will be considered an individual order, and shipping
rates will be determined using the individual shipping
The past host Future Party Pick purchase does count
toward guest sales. However, for the past host to be
eligible for the Future Party Pick, guest sales (excluding
the Future Party Pick) must first reach $200.
Co-hosted Cooking Shows:
• Up to two people can co-host a Show.
• Both hosts can divide the Free Product Value and
half-price items.
• Only one host can select the monthly Host Special
at the original Show. (If the Host Special for a particular
month is a “select two items” special, then the host and
co-host can each select one.)
• At each future Show booked and held within 6
months, only one Future Party Pick can be claimed by
one host (not both)
• Each host receives an earned host discount up to
• Each host receives the past 10% host discount.
• Co-hosting is reserved for Cooking Shows and does
not apply to Catalog Shows, organizations or
Catalog Show
A Catalog Show differs from a Cooking Show in that the
host does not have people in his/her home. Otherwise,
the requirements and benefits are the same. Refer to
the catalog show planner for details.
3 - Consultant Policy Guide
Consultant-hosted Shows
If you or a member of your household hosts a
• You will receive commission on guest orders
only. You will not be paid commission on items
you order at the host discount.
• You are not eligible for the Future Party Pick or a
past host discount.
• Personal orders placed on the Show do not apply
toward the achievement of any bonus, incentive or
• A recruiter or upline Director cannot be the host
for a downline Consultant.
Cooking Show Fundraiser
A Cooking Show Fundraiser is essentially a Cooking
Show for a select group. For example, this might
include church groups, your child’s sports team,
dance group or any other interested organization.
The chairperson for the organization’s fundraiser is
considered the host. However, instead of receiving
free, half-price and discounted products, the
organization receives a cash contribution from
Pampered Chef
A contribution of 10-15% of the Show sales is
made directly to the organization. The following
rules apply:
• The contribution is based on the total guest sales
after discounts are taken and before tax and
shipping are applied. All guest sales must
include sales tax. There is no tax exempt status for
an individual.
• If total guest sales (after discounts are taken and
before tax and shipping are applied) are less than
$800, the contribution is 10%.
• If total guest sales (after discounts are taken and
before tax and shipping are applied) are $800 or
more, the contribution is 15%.
• An additional $4 will be contributed for every future
Show booking from the fundraiser.
• The merchandise and the fundraiser cheque will be
shipped separately to the ship-to address.
The fundraiser cheque must be payable to an
organization. Cheques will not be issued to an
individual. We cannot send the fundraiser cheque to a
separate address.
• You can earn 15% commission on Cooking Show
Fundraisers. This increases to 17% once you achieve
$20,000 in career sales. The maximum commission
rate you can earn on a Cooking Show Fundraiser is
17%, referenced above. No additional bonuses apply.
• The organization is not eligible for host benefits. As a
thank you, the chairperson of the fundraiser receives a
10% past host discount and may choose to purchase
the Monthly Host Special.
Also, if the fundraiser was booked from a Cooking or
Catalog Show, that past host may also purchase the
Future Party Pick at the Fundraiser Show.
• The past host Future Party Pick purchase does count
toward guest sales. However, for the past host to be
eligible for the Future Party Pick, guest sales (excluding
the Future Party Pick) must first reach $200.
Individual Orders
When individual customers place orders not associated
with a host, they must be placed as an individual order.
Direct shipping charges apply and the order will be
shipped to the customer.
Individual orders should not be combined and
submitted as a Show. The Host Rewards program is
reserved exclusively for Cooking, Catalog Show and
Wedding Shower
hosts. We recognize and appreciate
our hosts efforts to introduce you to new customers.
The Host Rewards program is an investment to ensure
you have future bookings.
4 - Consultant Policy Guide
Show/order Audit
Pampered Chef
reserves the right to audit sales
and recruits to confirm eligibility for awards,
incentives, recognition, commission, overrides and
Manipulation of orders, or transferring of sales or
recruits from one Consultant to another will result
in disqualification for promotions or incentives, as
well as loss of benefits and earnings for all involved.
Large Quantity Orders
A large quantity order is the purchase of a single
item in quantity greater than 50. For example, a
customer may want to purchase Pampered Chef
products as client gifts. If you encounter such an
opportunity, refer to the guidelines below.
Large quantity orders must be pre-approved by
Career Solutions prior to submitting your order and
will be placed on hold pending review when
• Discounts are available for corporate orders
based on the full retail amount of the order
(before tax and shipping):
• 15% discount on orders $6,500 - $11,999.99
• 20% discount on orders $12,000 or more
• Large Quantity orders are individual orders, not
cooking or catalog shows and are not eligible for
Host Rewards.
• Items may not be purchased and resold for retail
• Products may not be engraved, embossed,
stamped, etc. with any other company/corporate
logo without prior approval from Career Solutions.
• If the Pampered Chef name, logo or copyrighted
materials will be used to promote the items
purchased, a copy of the marketing/advertising
material must be submitted to Career Solutions for
• Special shipping charges may apply. Shipping rates
are based on the item, weight and quantity.
• Orders are non-refundable and are eligible for
replacement within the guarantee.
• Commercial use of products voids the guarantee.
• Home Office reserves the right to limit commission
overrides and awards. If discounts apply.
Commission/overrides will be paid based upon the
discounted retail amount (before tax and shipping).
Past Host Discount
Customers who hosted a Show within the past year are
eligible for a 10% discount on any items in the catalog.
If your show was submitted through the new web, the
10% discount will be applied automatically by using the
past Host’s email address that was used for the show.
Future Party Pick
The past host from whom a Show was booked (if the
past host’s Show was held within the last 6 months) is
eligible to purchase any one item in the catalog at 50%
off once the current Show has reached at least $200 in
guest sales (excluding her purchase of the Future Party
The 10% past host discount does not apply to the
Future Party Pick purchase.
Providing a Sales Receipt
You must provide each customer with an official sales
receipt when they place their order, whether it is
electronic or paper. The sales receipt includes required
legal information about customer rights.
5 - Consultant Policy Guide
If you choose to use the paper sales receipt, this
triplicate form provides you, your host and your
customers with all the information needed to
complete an order. The back of the sales receipt
includes legal information about customer rights.
Therefore, you must provide each guest with their
copy of the official sales receipt when they place
an order.
Before the show, stamp or write your name and
contact information in the blank area.
During the show, follow these steps to complete
each customer’s order:
1. Ask each customer to fill out the form
including their shipping, order and payment
information and your consultant number.
2. Write in the monthly guest specials if your
customer is eligible based on their purchase
total. Fill in the product, cookbook or pantry
items earned in the corresponding spaces
provided. Use the special product number,
description and price as published on
Consultant’s Corner.
3. Calculate cookbook item orders and tax in the
separate Cookbook Description section and add
it to the total order.
4. Calculate pantry item orders in the
separate Pantry Description section and add it
to the total order. Pantry is non-taxable.
In all provinces, shipping and handling is taxed.
Refer to Consultant’s Corner for more detailed
tax information.
5. Enter Round-Up from the Heart
on the corresponding line and add the amount
before calculating the grand total.
6. Indicate the appropriate method of payment.
If payment is made by cheque, guests may
make their cheques payable to either you or to
the host.
If payment is made by debit or credit card, enter the
card number, expiration date, cardholder postal
code and take your guest’s signature. When taking
an order over the telephone, write “phone order”
on the signature line. Tear off the perforated charge
section before giving the receipt to your host.
7. Distribute each copy of the sales receipt. One
copy must be provided to your customer. Keep one
copy for your files and you may want to give one to
the host to distribute with guest orders.
Direct Shipment
If a customer wants their order shipped to an address
other than the host’s, shipping and handling charges
apply according to the chart on the back of the sales
receipt. In addition, the tax rate must correspond to the
address where the order is shipped.
To use host free product value toward a New
Consultant Kit, allow 48 hours for processing after the
show is received at Home Office, before submitting the
Independent Consultant Agreement. Twenty-four to
forty-eight hours after the Agreement is submitted, a
welcome email will be sent to the new consultant
containing the consultant number and password. After
that email is received, the new consultant is able to
recruit, and submit orders.
You can submit orders one of five ways:
1. Electronically via the new web
It’s simple to submit orders through My Shows &
Orders on Consultant’s Corner. You collect
payment, from customers, guests and hosts, and
then enter and submit the order to Pampered
Chef® with complete payment. Customers will
receive an email receipt as soon as the order is
6 - Consultant Policy Guide
2. Canada Post
If you need to guarantee a month-end receipt
date of an order, you must use Federal
Priority Overnight service or
Overnight for delivery to the
address below. The order must be sent at least
two business days prior to the month-end
close date. M
ail orders to:
The Pampered ChefCanada Corp.
Attn: Solution Center
One Pampered Chef Lane
Addison, IL 60101-5630
3. FedEx
or Purolator
If you need to guarantee a month-end receipt
date of an order, you must use Federal
Priority Overnight service or
Overnight for delivery to the
address below. The order must be sent at least
two business days prior to the month-end close
The Pampered ChefCanada Corp.
Attn: Solution Center
One Pampered Chef Lane
Addison, IL 60101-5630
4. Other Overnight Couriers
If you use an overnight courier other than
FedEx or Purolator, shows will be counted
toward the month in which they are received.
5. Fax at 1 (630) 261-8566
Once a show has been submitted to the Home
Office, no changes or cancellations can be made!
Please double-check your work.
Customer Payment Cards
Pampered Chef
accepts payment by Visa
, and American Express
customers and hosts.
Full payment must be included before an order can be
processed for shipping.
Order Payment Account
The Order Payment Account electronically transfers
funds directly out of your bank account approximately
four business days after your order is received by the
Home Office.
Large orders paid with your Order Payment Account
can be subject to funds verification at your banking
institution before the order is released for processing at
the Home Office. To avoid any processing delays,
please ensure funds are deposited prior to submitting
your order.
To create your Order Payment Account, go to
Consultant’s Corner > Business Center > Financial
Information > Order Payment Account.
Consultant Cheque or Money Order
Made payable to The Pampered Chef
Write your consultant number and show number in
the memo section of your cheque.
Only cheques written by a consultant will be
accepted. Your name must be printed on the upper-
left corner of the cheque. However, temporary
cheques will be accepted from new consultants for
one month following the consultant’s Agreement
By providing a cheque as payment, you authorize
Pampered Chef
to either use information from
your cheque to make a one-time electronic funds
transfer from your account, or to process the
payment as a cheque transaction.
When we use information from your cheque to make
an electronic funds transfer, funds may be withdrawn
from your account the same day your payment is
received. In this case, you will not receive your cheque
back from your financial institution.
Submit one cheque or money order per show.
7 - Consultant Policy Guide
It may be important for your order to be credited
toward a specific month’s totals. When submitting
an order using one of the following methods, the
corresponding rules apply:
Via the Web
Orders must be received by midnight, CT on the
last calendar day of the month to apply toward that
month’s commission, bonuses or incentives.
The Home Office is not responsible for orders
unable to be transmitted electronically for any
The end of the month is our busiest time. Please
allow ample time to transmit orders at that time.
The end of the month is our busiest time. Please
allow ample time to transmit orders at that time.
Canada Post, Overnight Courier or Fax
These orders must be received prior to midnight
CT on the last business day of the month to apply
toward that month’s commission, bonuses or
The last business day of the month excludes
weekends, published holidays and published
Pampered Chef
holidays listed on Consultant’s
The Canadian Postal Service, for either First-Class
or Priority Mail, cannot guarantee a date when
mail will be received by the Home Office. The
Home Office picks up its final mail on the last
business day at 4:30 p.m. CT. Orders received
after that will apply toward the next month.
If you use Federal Express
or Purolator
, follow
these requirements to guarantee a receipt date:
Ship the order(s) overnight, by Federal Express
Priority Overnight service or Purolator
Overnight service. Send them at least two
business days prior to the month-end close
Save your receipt with a clearly marked
tracking number, ship date and indication
of the overnight service.
Be sure to check the pick-up times if using a
drop-off box. The Home Office is not responsible
for orders placed in drop-off boxes in the event a
pick-up is delayed.
Deadlines for Monthly Host/Guest Specials
To qualify for monthly host/guest specials, shows/orders
must be received in the Home Office prior to midnight
CT on the 15
of the following month.
Web users will not be able to transmit a show that
includes the previous month’s guest and host specials
after the 15
of the following month.
Mailed orders received after the deadline will be
placed on hold, any monthly specials will be removed,
and the Solution Center will contact you to resolve
your order.
Example: A show held in September must be received
by midnight CT on Oct. 15 to qualify for September
host/guest specials.
Deadlines for End of a Selling Season
At the end of a selling season, shows/orders must be
received in the Home Office prior to midnight CT on
the 15
of the month following the end of the season.
Web users will not be able to transmit shows/orders
past the deadline date.
Mailed orders received after the deadline will be
adjusted to the current season’s prices.
Shows/orders that include discontinued products will
be refunded or exchanged and your commission will
be adjusted.
For example, a show held in September must be
received prior to midnight CT on October 15 to receive
discontinued products or end of season pricing.
8 - Consultant Policy Guide
If you fax in an order, include a cover sheet with
the following information:
Your name and consultant number.
The show number(s) and date(s).
The country and country code from which you
are faxing.
A phone number where you may be reached.
The number of shows you are transmitting and
the number of pages you are transmitting.
Please number each page at the top.
Your Order Payment Account is the only
payment type accepted for faxed orders.
The Shipping Status page on Consultant’s Corner
updates you on the status of your order. Orders
will not be allowed to be transmitted without
approved authorizations on all credit cards.
All credit cards payments are authorized at the
time of submission. If a credit card is declined,
resolve the declined credit card with the customer
within 48 hours or you risk losing approved
authorizations on other credit cards on the order.
If you do not resolve a problem order in time to
meet month-end deadlines, the order will be
processed in the following month. This will affect
when you receive your commission, as well as your
eligibility for promotions and incentives.
All shows/orders are generally shipped within two
business days of the date received in the Home
Office. During periods of peak order volume, such
as month-end and promotional cut off, two
business day turnaround time may not be possible.
When this occurs, every effort is made to ship in
no more than five business days. If there is a
problem with an order, it will be shipped once the
problem is resolved.
Orders are typically processed on a first-come,
first-served basis. Occasionally orders may be delayed
briefly due to temporary product shortages. To check
the shipment status of an order, go to Consultant’s
Corner > Show Support > Shipping Status.
Back Orders
If Pampered Chef
experiences an unexpected delay, a
product may be placed on “Back Order” status.
Although Pampered Chef
tries to avoid back orders,
they do occur occasionally. Back-ordered item(s) will
be shipped separately to the host as soon as they are
Occasionally (e.g., at the end of a product’s life),
Pampered Chef
may run out of a particular item. If
that occurs, we may substitute a similar item of equal
or greater value, or refund the cost of the item.
Stop Sell
If Pampered Chef
experiences an unexpected loss of
availability; a product may be placed on “Stop Sell”
status. You will be notified of this so you can notify
customers that the product is unavailable.
Shows/orders received which contain a product on
“Stop Sell” will be refunded and the consultant will be
commission adjusted.
While Supplies Last
Discontinued items are available while supplies last and
will no longer be available when sold out.
For complete details on product availability go to
Consultant’s Corner > Product Status Alerts.
Paperwork Availability
Occasionally (at the end of a season) Pampered Chef
may run out of a particular item. If that occurs, we may
substitute a similar item or refund the cost of the item.
Guest Specials
Use monthly guest specials to promote sales to your
customers. Any customer who meets the requirements
of that month’s guest special is eligible. Guest specials
can be found on Consultant’s Corner.
9 - Consultant Policy Guide
All consultants may have their commission cheques
directly deposited into their chequing or savings
account. If you do not enroll in direct deposit, you
will receive your monthly commission cheque in
the mail.
There is a $6.00 monthly charge for this service,
which will be applied as a commission adjustment
each month.
Consultants on direct deposit receive two
payments each month:
A mid-month payment of commission on the
day of the month for all shows and online
orders received between the 1
and the 15
days of the month.
Commission is paid at 20 22%. Mid-month
commission is paid at a percentage based
upon the total commissionable sales received
by the 15
of the month. No overrides are
included in this payment. If the 22
day of the
month is a Saturday, Sunday or holiday, the
deposit will be made on the following
business day.
A month-end payment of commission and
overrides on the 8
day of the following month,
including adjustments for increased commission
Allow up to two full business days for direct
deposit funds to be credited to your account. If
after two full business days you have verified
with your financial institution that the funds
were not received, contact the Solution Center.
To see your monthly commissionable statements
online, go to Consultant’s Corner > Business
Center > Financial Information > My Commission
To apply to have your commission direct deposited
into your bank account, go to Consultant’s Corner >
Managing Your Business > Financial Forms and
Applications > Order Payment Account and Direct
Deposit. Request forms submitted to the Home Office
between the 1
and the 15
of the current month will
have direct deposit become effective beginning with
mid-month commission payment. Request forms
submitted between the 16
and the 31
of the current
month will have direct deposit become effective
beginning with the following month’s commission
To transfer your existing direct deposit of your
commission cheque to another financial institution, or
to a new account number at the same financial
institution, you may submit your account change online
at Consultant’s Corner > Business Center > Financial
Information > Direct Deposit.
You may also sign and return a completed paper form
by mail or fax to:
The Pampered Chef, Ltd.
Attn: Financial Services & Risk Management
One Pampered Chef Lane
Addison, IL 60101-5630
Fax: (630) 261-8586
Completed direct deposit authorization forms for
account changes submitted to the Home Office
between the 1
and the 15
of the current month will
have the change become effective beginning with the
mid-month commission payment.
Changes received between the 16
and 31
of the
current month will become effective beginning with the
next month’s commission payment. Do not close your
old account until the first deposit has been made to
your new financial institution or to your new account
10 - Consultant Policy Guide
All consultants must have an order payment
account to electronically submit commissionable
orders to Pampered Chef
. With the exception of
New consultants within the first 60 days of signing
their Agreement, the order payment account is the
only accepted consultant form of payment for
these orders.
The order payment account will allow Pampered
to electronically withdraw funds from the
checking or savings account you provide.
You can sign up for the order payment account on
Consultant’s Corner. Once you submit your
request, it will take 2 business days for your order
payment account to be available for use. Your
order payment account number will be sent to you
in an email from the Home Office.
To change the bank account information for your
order payment account, you must submit a
completed paper form to Pampered Chef by fax or
mail to:
The Pampered Chef, Ltd.
Attn: Financial Services & Risk Management
One Pampered Chef Lane
Addison, IL 60101-5630
Fax: (630) 261-8586
Order payment account changes cannot be made
online. You will be notified by Pampered Chef
once your completed form is received and when
the change is effective.
Orders already received in the Home Office will not be
able to be redirected to the new account.
Any order payment account transaction returned
unpaid by your financial institution will be subjected to
the Returned Payment Transaction policy.
It is important to deposit your customer’s payments in
your account prior to submitting your order, or you risk
being charged additional fees by your bank and
Pampered Chef. Cheques and Order Payment Account
transactions can only be submitted once to your
account. If the transaction is returned unpaid to
Pampered Chef’s bank due to Nonsufficient Funds
(NSF) or any other reason, including invalid account,
account closed, stop payment, etc., it will be handled
as follows:
You will be notified from the Home Office
when the transaction is returned.
You will be charged a $30.00 bank return fee
by Pampered Chef
for each returned item.
You will be unable to submit any orders until
your outstanding balance is paid in full.
Commissionable orders paid in full by host and
guest credit cards will be accepted. As a
reminder, it is against policy to use your
personal credit card as payment on any guest
Any commission, overrides or other amounts
due to you will be applied to the outstanding
Once you pay your balance in full, it can take
up to 48 hours to update your status. Once
your status is updated you may resume
submitting orders using your order payment
Failure to promptly pay your outstanding
balance can lead to termination of your
Consultant Agreement and the balance being
forwarded to an outside collection agency.
11 - Consultant Policy Guide
You are responsible for collecting the appropriate
rate of sales tax based on the ship-to address of the
order. Typically, this is the host address. All
consultants are responsible for complying with any
local business licensing requirements.
First Nation Tax Exemption
Tax for first nation customers must be paid and
submitted with the show/order. The products must
be shipped to a reserve. Collect a copy of the
Certificate of Indian Status identification cards and
then complete the form found on Consultant’s
Corner. Once the show/order has been submitted,
send the form and copies of the ID cards to the
Solution Center via email, fax or mail. When the
First Nation status has been verified, a refund will
be processed and deposited into your Order
Payment Account.
For additional information, go to Consultant’s
Corner > Business Center > Financial Information
> Tax Information.
The Home Office may make corrections to orders
without delaying the shipment of your customers’
products or issuance of your commission cheques.
Commission adjustments under $20 are
completed automatically.
In case of a commission adjustment over $20
you will be contacted for approval.
How Commission Adjustments Work:
Show totals will be adjusted, and your
commission cheque will reflect the corrected
amount. Commissionable sales will also be
A deduction will be made as a line item on
your commission statement if the adjustment
requires additional funds to be paid to
Pampered Chef
Commission adjustments may total up to $20 per
order. When errors require corrections that exceed
the $20 maximum per show:
The order processing procedure will stop.
The order will be held until a response with the
correction is received.
The received date will be changed.
The order will be processed in the date/month that
the correction was received in the Home Office.
Order corrections will not be processed ahead of
other orders.
If we are unable to contact you, your Director may
be notified of the resolution needed and may give
authorization to process.
If the error on an order causes a $20 or more
overpayment by the host, a guest or you, a refund
will be issued. The balance of the order will be
shipped separately to the requested address. This
type of error delays order processing and shipment.
If the error on an order causes less than a $20
overpayment by the host, a guest or you, the
amount will be added and appear on your next
commission statement. This type of error delays
order processing.
Product Returns
Per the Consultant Agreement, a consultant
authorizes the Company to deduct commission,
overrides and other amounts due to a consultant on
products returned by customers.
As a result of the returned sale, commissionable
sales totals will be adjusted accordingly. On any
adjustment to commission or overrides over $20,
the consultant will be notified by Career Solutions.
In addition, points toward incentives or credit
toward promotions or bonuses will be similarly
12 - Consultant Policy Guide
Pampered Chef
is not responsible for any loss of
incentives or awards, Director promotion,
maintenance requirements or consultant activity
status that might occur as a result of the
Pampered Chef
Dollars can be earned through
incentives offered by the Home Office. Both active
and inactive Consultants can use PC dollars on all
non-commissionable orders, such as supply orders,
kit enhancement, samples, personal orders and
registration payment for some corporate sponsored
meeting, please check meeting registration for
Pampered Chef has a variety of items to support
your business, including print and show supplies.
Go online to Consultant’s Corner for more
• No returns, exchanges or refunds can be made
for paperwork/supply orders.
• Non-commissionable order shipping and
handling rates apply.
Should you experience a problem with your
order, contact the Solution Center.
All active consultants may purchase products from
the entire line at a 40% discount during kit
enhancement month, which occurs every year in
To place a kit enhancement order submit your
orders via the web or send a sales receipt with
payment to the Home Office.
All consultants, regardless of title, must be active for
3 consecutive months in order to submit a kit
enhancement order.
Example: For April kit enhancement, consultants
must be active January March or February April.
In the second case, at least $200 in personal
commissionable sales must be submitted in April
prior to submitting a kit enhancement order.
Only one kit enhancement order is allowed per
consultant during April.
New consultants are eligible for kit enhancement in
their fourth full month of business if they have been
active in the three consecutive previous months. If
they have been active in only the two previous
months, they can submit $200 in personal
commissionable sales in the fourth month, and then
place a kit enhancement order. (If your New
Consultant Kit enhancement month would be April,
it will be assigned to May instead.)
A consultant is considered new in the month he/she
joins or until $200 in commissionable sales is
submitted, at which time they are considered active.
The retail value of items ordered, before discount,
cannot exceed $900.
Kit enhancement orders cannot be combined with
any other order.
Only one quantity of any item may be purchased
during kit enhancement month.
Non-commissionable order shipping and handling
rates apply.
Guest and host specials may not be ordered on a kit
enhancement order.
New and active consultants at all levels may purchase
products for personal use at a discount based on their
13 - Consultant Policy Guide
Consultants receive a minimum 20% 40%
discount (based on title) on purchases made for
personal or business use. See the Career Plan
section for discount levels.
This discount does not apply to products
purchased for resale to customers. Discounted
sales do not qualify for commission, consultant
sales promotions or incentive programs.
Submit your orders via the web or send a sales
receipt with payment to the Home Office.
You may pay by personal cheque, money order,
Pampered Chef
dollars or with your Order
Payment Account.
Non-commissionable order shipping and handling
rates apply.
No commission or incentive points are awarded on
these orders. New Consultant Reward bonuses and
consultant promotions/incentives are not earned
on personal orders.
You may not place personal orders on a show
In order to have a sample to demonstrate, you can
purchase most guest specials (but not host specials)
the month prior to the promotion (as well as the
month of the promotion) on a personal order. See
the monthly promotions flyer for specific details.
Guest specials are assigned a unique order number
for the month of the promotion.
To order a guest special on a personal order:
When submitting the order electronically you
must identify the order as a personal order and
use the assigned guest special product number.
You may purchase only one early guest special
in the month prior to the promotion.
If the guest special has specific purchase
requirements, you must meet the requirements
after the discount has been taken to take
advantage of the special.
Example: Spend $95 and receive the Bar Board free! If
the consultant wants a free Bar Board, she or he must
spend $95 (after the personal discount) to receive the
item free.
If the consultant simply wants a sample of the Bar
Board, we recommend that she or he order it using the
regular product number and purchase it at the regular
personal discount.
Although it is not required, you may choose to carry a
small amount of inventory occasionally when exhibiting
at a fair or for other special purposes. These orders can
be placed on a Personal Order (see above).
Pampered Chef
wants every customer to be a satisfied
You are the connection between the customer and the
company, so when a customer contacts you, be sure
Listen to the situation.
Explain our guidelines that apply.
Always verify that the adjustment is within our
guarantee guidelines.
Prepaid shipping arrangements are available within
30 days of shipment when a product return is
Shipment on returns over 30 days is at the
customer’s expense.
Confirm proof of purchase by checking that your
customer has the original sales receipt.
For Product Adjustments, you can email or call the
Solution Center at the Home Office.
A reference number will be authorized and
provided for all approved requests.
14 - Consultant Policy Guide
This reference number must be included and
written on the outside of the carton on all
requests including returns, exchanges and
refunds. Do not include any product that was
not on the request.
All approved requests that include a refund or
exchange will be required to be returned with a
reference number and the merchandise. An
original sales receipt is not necessary as long as
we can find reference to the original purchase
in the system that is tied to the show.
Keep your confirmation information or log
details regarding your phone conversations.
You can contact the Solution Center any of
four ways:
1. Internet:
www.pamperedchef.ca Contact Us.
Please allow 48 business hours for a response. A
reference number will be authorized and given
for all approved requests. This reference
number must be included and written on the
outside of the carton on all requests including
returns, exchanges and refunds.
2. Email:
SolutionCenter[email protected]
Career Solutions can be reached by emailing:
Please provide the following information:
Show number
Customer’s or host’s name, address,
phone number
Reason for adjustment
Product to be returned
End result desired
Address for 30-day courtesy (consultant, host or
customer address), if applicable.
Confirmation of the request will be provided within
three business days including an approved reference
number and/or additional information needed to
the request.
All exchanges and refunds require a proof of
purchase. Be sure to include the original sales
receipt when returning product unless informed by
the Solution Center that the original sales receipt is
not necessary.
3. Phone:
Call Customer Solutions at 1-800-342-CHEF (2433)
from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. CT Monday through Friday
and Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT.
4. Fax:
(630) 261-8566 seven days a week, 24 hours a day.
To ensure that you have included all necessary
information, refer to the “Adjustment Form” located
on our Web site.
Be prepared to:
Provide your name, consultant number, show
number and the appropriate adjustment
Confirm any necessary follow-up.
Retain the approved reference number for all future
references and shipments since this is your
Keep a log to record the name of the representative
who helped you, date, time of call and reference
Pampered Chef
supports our customers by offering
products with guarantees and by adjusting orders when
appropriate. You are responsible for properly
communicating these policies to customers.
15 - Consultant Policy Guide
Please refer to the sales receipt for product
guarantee information or call the lifetime guarantee
number at (800) 808-5395.
For our products with a lifetime guarantee, the
guarantee applies to the original purchaser (or gift
recipient). The guarantee covers any manufacturing
defects under normal home use.
The lifetime guarantee does not cover normal wear
and tear, or misuse of a product. Refer to the sales
receipt for lifetime guarantee information.
Courtesy Pickup within the First 30 Days from
the show Ship Date
During this time period, your host should contact
you regarding any error or other problems. We will
arrange for pre-paid shipping arrangements when
applicable. You must obtain a reference number
for all requests to be honored. This number is your
Once you receive a reference number, the item
should be properly packaged for shipping. All
exchanges and refunds must be returned with the
original copy of the sales receipt enclosed unless
informed by the Customer Solutions that the original
sales receipt is not necessary. The receipt will be
returned. Instruct your customers to write the
reference number on the outside of the carton.
Beyond the First 30 Days from the show Ship
If an adjustment is requested after this timeframe,
you can offer to contact the Customer Solutions to
obtain an approved reference number. Return the
original sales receipt (when a refund or exchange is
desired unless informed that the original sales
receipt is not necessary.) with the merchandise and
the pre-approved reference number, or have the
customer handle the return by contacting the
Customer Solutions. Be sure the mailing receipt is
saved for return verification.
All sharp and pointed items must be securely packaged
in the original case or protective sleeve.
If this protection is not available, sufficiently pack the
items so that sharp points or edges do not cut through
packaging during shipment.
Please be aware of these guidelines for each of the
following situations:
Missing Product
Verify that the item was submitted on the original
Verify that the missing item was indicated as
shipped on the packing list.
Customer Solutions can process a commission
adjustment for an order for products up to $20.
However, adjustments for items that are
inadvertently left off the order, for whatever reason,
are not commissionable, nor do they affect show
totals, bonuses, etc.
Verify the product number and description of the
Verify that nothing extra was received.
Determine the ship-to address for the missing item
(host or customer address).
Use our Product Adjustment online application on
Consultant’s Corner, call 1-800-342-CHEF (2433)
or, SolutionCenterCA@pamperedchef.ca
Always retain the reference number since this is
your authorization.
If there are any changes to the adjustment after the
original request (address, product, etc.), notify the
Solution Center to ensure accurate shipping.
Tracing a Missing Shipment
You can track your shows on Consultant’s Corner.
Click on Check Shipment Status under My Action
16 - Consultant Policy Guide
Be sure to document all missing items before
contacting Customer Solutions. This will ensure
that the appropriate follow-up can be taken.
Email or call to request a tracer. (Be sure to
have the show number, correct shipping
address and the recipient’s phone number.)
The shipper must issue a claim number, which
may take up to seven business days, for us to
confirm in cases where the missing items are
from a lost carton.
Extra Product
Verify if the item received is on the packing list.
The Solution Center will need to know this
information when processing the adjustment.
Verify the product number and description of
the item received.
Call 1-800-342-CHEF (2433) or email
SolutionCenterCA@pamperedchef.ca. If
applicable, we will arrange for prepaid shipping
arrangements for return within 30 days from the
shipment of the original order.
Provide your address or your host’s address
from which the incorrect item(s) will be
Always retain the reference number (this is your
authorization) and print this number on the
outside carton of the merchandise being
If there are any changes to the adjustment after
the original request (address, product, etc.),
notify Customer Solutions to ensure accurate
return processing.
Damaged Product/Replacements
Verify that the item is within the guarantee
guideline for replacement.
Verify the product number and description of
the damaged item.
Obtain the address for the damaged item(s) to
be returned, when applicable.
Call 1-800-342-CHEF (2433) or email
If applicable, we will arrange for prepaid shipping
for return within 30 days from the shipment of
original order.
Always retain the reference number (this is your
authorization) and print this number on the outside
carton of the merchandise being returned.
If there are any changes to the adjustment after the
original request (address, product, etc.), notify
Customer Solutions to ensure accurate shipping.
Verify that the item is within the stated one-year
exchange guarantee.
Call 1-800-342-CHEF (2433) or email
SolutionCenterCA@pamperedchef.ca. If applicable,
we will arrange for prepaid shipping for return
within 30 days from the shipment of the original
Always retain the reference number. This is your
authorization. Print this number on the outside
carton of the merchandise being returned for
When a sales receipt must accompany a return,
write in the reference number on the back of the
original sales receipt.
Securely pack merchandise and original sales
receipt (when necessary) in the box.
If there are any changes to the adjustment after the
original request (address, product, etc.), notify the
Solution Center to ensure accurate shipping.
Verify that the item is within our stated one-year
refund policy.
Call 1-800-342-CHEF (2433) or email
SolutionCenterCA@pamperedchef.ca. If applicable,
we will arrange for prepaid shipping for return
within 30 days from the shipment of the original
17 - Consultant Policy Guide
Always retain the reference number. This is
your authorization. Print this number on the
outside carton of the merchandise being
When a sales receipt must accompany a return,
write in the reference number on the back of
the original sales receipt.
Securely pack merchandise and original sales
receipt (when necessary) in box. The original
receipt will be returned to the customer with
the refund cheque unless otherwise indicated.
If there are any changes to the adjustment after
the original request (address, product, etc.),
notify Customer Solutions to ensure accurate
Shipping and handling charges are non-
Adjustments for Consultant’s Products
Our product guarantee also applies to all items you
receive in a kit, bonus, sample or personal order. If
you experience a problem with your merchandise
within the guarantee and beyond the first 30 days,
follow these steps:
Identify the order on which you want to request
an adjustment.
Always retain the reference number (this is your
authorization) and return the damaged or
defective merchandise to Pampered Chef
the reference number written on the outside of
the carton.
If the item is from a kit enhancement, New
Consultant Kit, bonus kit, new product samples
or personal order, a replacement will be
shipped upon receipt of the merchandise.
“Restyled” Products
As we continually evaluate each product’s
performance, enhancements may be made. This
does not mean the original product is inferior or
does not work according to the Use and Care
A product that does not perform according to our
guarantee will be replaced with the same product
ordered not with a later, restyled model. In some
cases, replacements of a preceding product with an
enhanced product will be made based on guarantee
and inventory levels. If actual product replacement
cannot be made due to unavailability, Pampered Chef
may, in its discretion, offer comparable product
replacement or credit toward future product purchases.
As a consultant, you earn at least 20%
commission on:
Cooking show, catalog show and wedding shower
sales (excluding host free, half-price items and
monthly host specials, shipping and handling & tax).
The discounted price of items purchased by a host
with their 10 30% discount.
Individual/online orders (not including your personal
You will earn at least 15% commission on:
Cooking show fundraiser sales (excluding future
party pick, shipping and handling and tax).
You do not earn commission on:
Host free, half-price items, monthly host specials,
future party pick, shipping and handling and tax.
Past host discounts.
Personal and supply orders.
Adjustments to orders.
The commission rate you earn each month is based on
the total commissionable sales you submit that month.
This means that when you increase your sales, you
increase your commission rate as well.
18 - Consultant Policy Guide
At first you will earn from 20 25%, based on the
chart below.
When you reach $20,000 in commissionable
career sales, you will receive a 2% monthly
commission bonus, effective the first full month
after the $20,000 is achieved.
In addition, to commemorate this achievement you
will receive a sterling silver award featuring the
Pampered Chef
logo, as a symbol of your
Sales Total
% After
Career Sales
$5,000 and over
$3,500 $4,999.99
$1,500 $3,499.99
$850 $1,499.99
$1 $849.99
* The highest commission rate you attain for the month
will apply to all commissionable sales received during
that month.
For fundraiser commission rates, see the information
under the cooking show fundraiser heading.
To qualify as an Elite Seller, you must have
$85,000 in personal commissionable sales in the
past rolling 12 months and $7,000 in personal
commissionable sales in the current month. As an
Elite Seller, you will earn an additional 2%
commission on your personal sales for that month.
You will also qualify as a Director that month and
are eligible for Director privileges and awards. For
more details, refer to the Career Plan section of this
Monthly payments of commission, bonuses and
overrides are mailed or sent for direct deposit on the
day of the month for the prior month’s
performance. If the 8
day is a Saturday, Sunday or
holiday, payments will be mailed or sent for direct
deposit on the following business day.
See the Career Plan section of this document for details
on earning monthly bonuses and overrides in addition
to your commission on personal sales.
At Pampered Chef
, you can earn income not only
from your personal sales, but also from helping others
to build their own businesses. You truly have unlimited
earning potential, and you determine the pace! As you
help others to succeed in this business, you can earn
monthly overrides and bonuses for the support you
provide them.
This section explains the requirements for each title,
the overrides and bonuses related to that title, and the
specific privileges and awards that are available with
the title.
When you meet the requirements for a higher title, you
are paid that level’s applicable overrides and bonuses
for the month in which you met the requirements. The
new title is effective the first of the following month.
Example: You are a consultant who meets the Team
Leader requirements in May. You will be paid-as a
Team Leader for May, and will promote to the title of
Team Leader effective June 1.
To maintain your title, continue to meet that title’s
requirements. When you do, you’ll be paid at that
19 - Consultant Policy Guide
Once you achieve a title, you will keep that title for
the following minimum period of time.
Senior Consultant
Qualify monthly
Team Leader, Director, Advanced
Director and Senior Director
3 months
Executive Director
6 months
Senior Executive Director
9 months
National Executive Director
12 months
When you meet your current title’s requirements
in a month, the title maintenance period is
extended according to the chart above. For details
on what occurs when title requirements are not
maintained, see the Pay Based on Performance
Use this generous discount to stock your own
kitchen with Pampered Chef® products and build
your collection of products to display at Shows. By
trying out products at home, you can share what
you love with hosts and guests at your Shows.
Both active and inactive Consultants can use their
merchandise discount to purchase product.
20% discount
Senior Consultants
20% discount
Team Leaders
30% discount
30% discount
Advanced Directors
35% discount
Senior Directors and above
40% discount
Discounted sales do not qualify for commission or
overrides, and do not count toward Director
maintenance requirements, consultant sales
promotions or incentive programs.
Active Consultants:
If a consultant submits $200 or more in
commissionable sales, he/she is active that month
Each month:
Be active yourself
Have one active consultant (direct or indirect)
What is a direct recruit?
A consultant is direct to you if you personally
recruited her. The other way someone is direct to
you is if their recruiter is no longer with Pampered
, and the consultant is now directly assigned
to you.
1% override on personal sales
1% override on personal recruits’ sales
Recruiting Bonus of 30 Pampered Chef
dollars on
each personal recruit who reaches $1,500 in
commissionable sales within their first 90 days.
(You must be active in the month your personal
recruit reaches the $1,500 in sales.)
Each month:
2 active lines
$1,000 in personal commissionable sales
$3,000 in team commissionable sales (personal sales
plus the sales of both direct and indirect recruits)
20 - Consultant Policy Guide
What is a line?
When you personally recruit someone, you start a
new line. When your personal recruit brings on a
new consultant, the line continues.
What makes a line active?
A line is active when at least one person in the line is
active, that is, submits at least $200 in personal
commissionable sales in that month.
Your promotion is effective the first day of the
month following the month in which you qualify by
meeting the Team Leader requirements.
Each month that you meet the requirements
above, you will earn the following:
2% override on your personal commissionable
2% override on the commissionable sales of
your personal (direct) recruits.
1% override on the commissionable sales of
your indirect recruits.
Recruiting Bonus of 30 Pampered Chef
on each personal recruit who reaches $1,500 in
commissionable sales within their first 90 days.
(You must be active in the month your personal
recruit reaches the $1,500 in sales.)
When you hold the title of Team Leader, you are
eligible for the following privileges and awards.
Some awards have additional eligibility
Celebration Package
The first time you promote to Team Leader, you
will receive a Celebration package. This special
award includes a variety of recruiting materials to
use and share with your team to keep the
recruiting momentum going.
Professional Development Award
The more equipped you are with valuable leadership
skills, the more effective you will be in helping your
team members set and achieve their goals. Pampered
has partnered with national training providers
that offer discounts on quality programs on the below
list of approved topics.
In addition, Directors and above may choose other
trainers/companies that offer professional development
on the following topics.
Time Management & Organizational Skills
Computer Skills
Communication Skills
Conflict Management
Coaching and Team-Building Skills
Presentation Skills, Public Speaking
Professional Development reimbursement is an annual
award based on your level.
Team Leader $150
Director $150
Advanced Director/Senior Director $250
Executive Director and above $350
Professional Development Award Guidelines:
The professional development award can be used
toward registration fees for live classes and online
training classes.
To receive reimbursement, a certificate of
completion, receipt and Professional Development
Reimbursement Request form must be submitted
to Consultant Career Solutions.
The award is not granted for training given by other
Pampered Chef
consultants (current or past) or
active representatives of other direct-selling
21 - Consultant Policy Guide
The award covers class registration fees only;
materials such as books, video and audiotapes,
or travel expenses are not eligible for
National Training Partners
Dale Carnegie www.dalecarnegie.com
McLuhan & Davies www.mdctraining.ca
By fulfilling Director responsibilities, you are
eligible to receive the overrides, bonuses, privileges
and awards associated with your title.
The responsibilities of a Director are detailed in the
Independent Sales Director Agreement.
When you promote to the Director level, you are
required to complete the Independent Sales
Director Agreement. When you log on to
Consultant’s Corner, you will be prompted to
review, print and agree to the current Terms &
5 active consultants in the personal team
(direct or indirect)
$1,000 personal commissionable sales
$6,000 personal team commissionable sales
(includes your personal sales)
Your promotion is effective the first day of the
month following the month in which you qualify by
meeting the Director requirements.
Each month:
$1,000 personal commissionable sales
$6,000 personal team commissionable sales
(includes your personal sales)
Personal Team:
A personal team is composed of all the direct and
indirect recruits of a Director who have not
achieved the level of Director or higher. A
personal team includes all Consultants, Senior
Consultants and Team Leaders who are not part
of another Director’s personal team.
Elite Seller Program
Performance as an Elite Seller substitutes for the
personal team structure promotion requirement.
To qualify as an Elite Seller, you must have:
$85,000 in personal sales in the past rolling
12 months. The rolling 12 months includes
the current month and the eleven prior
$7,000 in monthly personal sales
When the above maintenance requirements are
met, you qualify as a Director and will earn the
An additional 2% commission on personal
commissionable sales. (Elite Sellers earn 29%
personal commission on sales.)
Director overrides, bonuses, privileges
and awards
Each month that you meet the requirements above,
you will earn the following:
3% override on personal team commissionable sales
(including your own sales).
3% override on 1
generation commissionable sales
Recruiting Bonus of 30 Pampered Chef
dollars on
each personal recruit who reaches $1,500 in
commissionable sales within their first 90 days.
22 - Consultant Policy Guide
(You must be active in the month your personal
recruit reaches the $1,500 in sales.)
$15 Activity Bonus on every active Consultant,
Senior Consultant and Team Leader in your
personal team.
When you hold the title of Director and fulfill your
Director responsibilities, you are eligible for the
following privileges and awards. Some awards have
additional eligibility requirements. The
responsibilities of a Director are detailed in the
Independent Sales Director Agreement.
Career Title Award
Upon promotion, you will receive a sterling silver
award, featuring the Pampered Chef’s happy
spoon logo, as a symbol of your achievement.
Pampered Chef
Dollars Award
Directors will receive 250 Pampered Chef
when they promote to Director for the first time.
New Director Academy
This valuable training prepares new Directors to
grow their businesses and offers a unique
opportunity to visit Pampered Chef
Office. New Directors will forge valuable
connections and receive hands-on training. The
curriculum includes goal-setting, coaching for
results, understanding reports, time-management
and increasing personal and team recruiting.
For details visit Consultant’s Corner > Consultant
and Leadership Training.
New Director Product Samples
The first time you promote to Director, you are
eligible to earn a selection of new season product
samples. There are three ways to earn:
Promote to Director by meeting the Director
promotion requirements within your first 90
days of joining Pampered Chef
. Please refer to
your welcome letter or email for your 90-day
end date.
Promote to Director and submit $1,500 or more in
personal commissionable sales in three of the four
months prior to your promotion.
Promote to Director and submit a total of $6,000 or
more in personal commissionable sales in the four
months prior to your promotion.
The seasonal product selection will be based on the
date of promotion. Promote January 1 through June 1
and receive a selection of new spring/summer
products. Promote July 1 through December 1 and
receive a selection of new fall/winter products.
New Product Samples
Directors through Executive Directors can earn a
selection of new season product samples. There are
two ways to earn:
Submit $1,500 or more in personal commissionable
sales in three of the four qualifying months.
Submit a total of $6,000 or more in personal
commissionable sales in the four qualifying months.
Spring/summer products can be earned by submitting
the required sales September December. Fall/winter
samples can be earned with sales submitted March
If you take a grace month during the four qualifying
months, you must submit at least $1,500 in
commissionable sales in each of the other three
qualifying months to receive new product samples.
Annual Incentive Program
Please refer to the current incentive program
requirements for details.
Professional Development Award
The professional development award of up to $150
annually provides Directors the opportunity to increase
their knowledge and leadership skills to make a positive
impact on their teams. See details under Professional
Development Award guidelines.
23 - Consultant Policy Guide
Upper Level Directors
The term “upper level Director” refers to Advanced,
Senior, Executive, Senior Executive and National
Executive Directors.
By fulfilling Director responsibilities, you are
eligible to receive the overrides, bonuses, privileges
and awards associated with your title. The
responsibilities of a Director are detailed in the
Independent Sales Director Agreement.
Each month:
1 qualified 1
generation Director
$1,000 in personal commissionable sales
$6,000 personal team sales
(includes your personal sales)
$15,000 organizational sales (includes
commissionable sales from everyone through
your 3
In addition, if a Consultant, Senior Consultant
or Team Leader is promoting to Advanced
Director or above, he or she must have 5
active consultants in the personal team (direct
or indirect)
Your promotion is effective the first day of the
month following the month in which you qualify by
meeting the Advanced Director requirements.
A generation refers to the position a Director has
relative to another Director in the downline. A
Director may have any number of “generations” of
What is 1
When you promote a Director, the Director
becomes the leader of his/her own personal team
and that personal team is 1
generation to you.
What does it mean to be a Qualified Director?
A Director who meets all maintenance
requirements for a month is considered a
“qualified” Director.
Organizational sales are the total monthly
commissionable sales from all consultants through
three generations, even if the Director does not
receive an override on all the generations.
Organizational sales include all 1
, 2
and 3
generation sales as well as personal team sales.
Each month that you meet the requirements above,
you will earn the following:
4% override on personal team commissionable
sales, including your own sales
4% override on 1
generation commissionable sales
3% override on 2
generation Director’s
commissionable sales (who have at least $1,000 in
personal commissionable sales).
½% override on 2
generation team
commissionable sales (excluding the Director,
on whom a higher override is paid).
24 - Consultant Policy Guide
Recruiting Bonus of 30 Pampered Chef
on each personal recruit who reaches $1,500 in
commissionable sales within their first 90 days.
(You must be active in the month your personal
recruit reaches the $1,500 in sales.).
$15 Activity Bonus on every active Consultant,
Senior Consultant and Team Leader in your
personal team.
$100 Bonus for each qualified 2
Director, up to maximum of $300 monthly.
$600 2
generation Director Leadership
Development Bonus is awarded when a new
2nd generation Director is promoted.
When you hold the title of Advanced Director and
fulfill your Director responsibilities, you are eligible
for the following privileges and awards. Some
awards have additional eligibility requirements.
Career Title Award
Upon promotion, you will receive a sterling silver
award, featuring the Pampered Chef’s happy
spoon logo, as a symbol of your achievement.
Professional Development Award
The professional development award of up to
$250 annually provides Advanced Directors the
opportunity to increase their knowledge and
leadership skills to make a positive impact on their
teams. See details under Professional
Development Award guidelines.
Travel Award
The face-to-face time you invest in developing
Directors is a smart investment in your own future.
To help support long-distance teams, Advanced
Directors and above can receive reimbursement up
to $600 to offset travel expenses when traveling to
eligible 1
generation Directors.
The Travel Award is available to reimburse travel once
per year to 1
generation Directors who reside more
than 160 kilometres away.
Eligible expenses include transportation (car, train, air),
hotel and meals (up to $50 per overnight for the
traveling upper level Director only). Meal expenses are
part of the $600 travel expense reimbursement, not in
The Travel Award is available to Advanced Directors,
Senior Directors and Executive Directors who have
$1,500 in personal commissionable sales in at least
three of the four months prior to travel and one
personal recruit in the same time period.
Travel Award guidelines:
A Request for Award form must be submitted to the
Solution Center along with a meeting agenda that
includes the specific training the upper level
Director will be presenting.
Travel is allowed only once per calendar year for
each 1
generation Director. A Travel Request must
be submitted prior to travel allowing you time to
plan the training agenda and announce meeting
dates in advance to ensure good attendance
maybe even offer a team challenge! As a result,
you'll maximize your time with long distance
Directors and their teams.
The award will be paid upon the receipt of itemized
expense receipts (i.e., plane ticket, itemized hotel
bill, etc.). The travel award does not cover gifts,
awards, or meeting room.
Requests for separate travel award reimbursement
to an area where there are multiple 1
Directors, and additional overnight stays would be
required, the upper level Director may be eligible
for an additional reimbursement up to $600 for
each approved visit.
25 - Consultant Policy Guide
Example: if an Executive Director is approved
for travel to a 1
generation Director and has to
travel over 160 kilometres to another 1
generation Director and as a result, an overnight
stay is required, the Executive may be eligible
for reimbursement up to $1,200.
These special requests must be reviewed and
approved by Consultant Career Solutions prior
to travel plans being scheduled.
Upper level Directors will not be reimbursed for
travel connected to a meeting sponsored by
Home Office such as National Conference or
Regional Meetings.
The award will not be made for travel during
November and December. Executive, Senior
Executive, and National Executive Director
requests for travel during November will be
The Home Office has the sole discretion to
approve travel awards. Approval is based on team
size, travel cost, timing with relationship to Home
Office visits to the area, and other considerations.
Written approval for travel will be sent to the
Director. No reimbursement will be made for
unapproved travel.
Bereavement Continuity Payment
This award provides short-term financial support
for the families of upper level Directors after the
death of an upper level Director. Advanced
Directors’ beneficiaries may receive a one-month
bereavement continuity payment.
Bereavement program guidelines:
Upon the death of an upper level Director,
Pampered Chef
will assign responsibility for
the personal team to the upline Director or to
whomever Pampered Chef
The estate or designated beneficiary* of the
deceased upper level Director will receive the
earned commission, overrides and bonuses for the
month in which the death occurs plus one month
following the death. All monthly requirements to
receive overrides and bonuses are waived.
The upline Director designated by Pampered Chef
will assume responsibility for the deceased
Director’s personal team after such payments have
been made.
Pampered Chef
reserves the right at any time to
change, modify or terminate this award at its sole
discretion. Appropriate financial planning is the
responsibility of each independent contractor.
New Advanced Directors will receive a beneficiary
form which should be submitted to the Home Office.
See additional Privileges and Awards for Directors and
By fulfilling Director responsibilities, you are eligible to
receive the overrides, bonuses, privileges and awards
associated with your title. The responsibilities of a
Director are detailed in the Independent Sales Director
Each month:
3 qualified 1
generation Directors
1 qualified 2
generation Director
$1,000 in personal commissionable sales
$6,000 personal team commissionable sales
(includes your personal sales)
$30,000 monthly organizational sales (includes
commissionable sales from everyone through your
26 - Consultant Policy Guide
Your promotion is effective the first day of the
month following the month in which you qualify
by meeting the Senior Director requirements
Each month that you meet the requirements
above, you will earn the following:
4% override on personal team commissionable
sales, including your own sales
4% override on 1
generation commissionable
3% override on 2
generation Directors’
commissionable sales (who have at least $1,000
in personal commissionable sales).
1% override on 2
generation team
commissionable sales (excluding the Director,
on whom a higher override is paid).
Recruiting Bonus of 30 Pampered Chef
on each personal recruit who reaches $1,500 in
commissionable sales within their first 90 days.
(You must be active in the month your personal
recruit reaches the $1,500 in sales.)
15 Activity Bonus on every active Consultant,
Senior Consultant and Team Leader in your
personal team.
$100 Bonus for each qualified 2
Director, up to maximum of $300 monthly.
$600 2
generation Director Leadership
Development Bonus is awarded when a new
2nd generation Director is promoted.
When you hold the title of Senior Director and
fulfill your Director responsibilities, you are eligible
for the following privileges and awards. Some
awards have additional eligibility requirements.
Career Title Award
Upon promotion, you will receive a sterling silver
award, featuring the Pampered Chef’s happy spoon
logo, as a symbol of your achievement.
Professional Development Award
The professional development award of up to $250
annually provides Senior Directors the opportunity to
increase their knowledge and leadership skills to make
a positive impact on their teams. See details under
Professional Development Award guidelines.
Bereavement Continuity Payment
This award provides short-term financial support for the
families of upper level Directors after the death of an
upper level Director. Senior Directors’ beneficiaries
may receive a two-month bereavement continuity
payment. See details under Bereavement program
By fulfilling Director responsibilities, you are eligible to
receive the overrides, bonuses, privileges and awards
associated with your title. The responsibilities of a
Director are detailed in the Independent Sales Director
Each month:
6 qualified 1
generation Directors
2 qualified 2
generation Directors*
$1,000 in personal commissionable sales
$6,000 personal team commissionable sales
(includes your personal sales)
$60,000 organizational sales (includes
commissionable sales from everyone through your
* The 2
generation Directors may not both be downline
from the same 1
generation Director.
27 - Consultant Policy Guide
Your promotion is effective the first day of the
month following the second consecutive month in
which you qualify by meeting the Executive
Director requirements. You are paid-as an
Executive Director during the two qualification
Each month that you meet the requirements
above, you will earn the following:
4% override on personal team commissionable
sales, including your own sales
4% override on 1
generation commissionable
3% override on 2
generation Directors’
commissionable sales (who have at least $1,000
in personal commissionable sales)
1% override on 2
generation team
commissionable sales (excluding the Director,
on whom a higher override is paid)
½% override on 3rd generation commissionable
Recruiting Bonus of 30 Pampered Chef
on each personal recruit who reaches $1,500 in
personal commissionable sales within their first
90 days. (You must be active in the month your
personal recruit reaches the $1,500 in sales.)
$15 Activity Bonus on every active Consultant,
Senior Consultant and Team Leader in your
personal team.
$600 2
generation Director Leadership
Development Bonus is awarded when a new
2nd generation Director is promoted.
$600 Car Allowance
What is a Car Allowance?
The Executive Director Car Allowance Program
provides complete flexibility. Choose the
vehicle of your choice and drive in style!
Executive Director
Senior Executive Director
National Executive Director
When you hold the title of Executive Director and fulfill
your Director responsibilities, you are eligible for the
following privileges and awards. Some awards have
additional eligibility requirements.
Career Title Award
Upon promotion, you will receive a sterling silver
award, featuring the Pampered Chef’s happy spoon
logo, as a symbol of your achievement.
Professional Development Award
The professional development award of up to $350
annually provides Executive Directors the opportunity
to increase their knowledge and leadership skills to
make a positive impact on their teams. See details
under Professional Development Award guidelines.
Bereavement Continuity Payment
This award provides short-term financial support for the
families of upper level Directors after the death of an
upper level Director. Executive Directors’ beneficiaries
may receive a three-month bereavement continuity
payment. See details under Bereavement program
Executive Summit
Executive Directors and above are invited to attend
this exclusive Pampered Chef
-sponsored seminar.
Pampered Chef
leaders join to exchange ideas, build
leadership skills and network alongside Home Office
staff and fellow leaders.
28 - Consultant Policy Guide
Pampered Chef
Executive Directors and above receive a free
annual subscription for Pampered Chef
eBizTools™. Promote your business with online
marketing tools, manage guest lists and collect
online orders.
You must be an Executive Director or above at the
time your Web site renewal is due in order to
receive this benefit.
National Conference Award
Executive Directors receive free registration for
National Conference plus $275 to offset related
expenses, such as team gatherings, recognition and
wardrobe related to attending and participating in
National Conference.
By fulfilling Director responsibilities, you are
eligible to receive the overrides, bonuses, privileges
and awards associated with your title. The
responsibilities of a Director are detailed in the
Independent Sales Director Agreement.
Each month:
9 qualified 1
generation Directors
5 qualified 2
generation Directors*
1 qualified 3
generation Director
$1,000 personal commissionable sales
$6,000 personal team commissionable sales
(includes your personal sales)
$120,000 organizational sales (includes
commissionable sales from everyone through
your 3
* The 2
generation Directors must be downline from at
least 2 different 1
generation Directors.
Your promotion is effective the first day of the month
following the third consecutive month in which you
qualify by meeting the Senior Executive Director
requirements. You are paid-as a Senior Executive
Director during the three qualification months.
Each month that you meet the requirements above,
you will earn the following:
4% override on personal team commissionable
sales, including your own sales
4% override on 1
generation commissionable sales
3% override on 2
generation Directors’
commissionable sales (who have at least $1,000 in
personal commissionable sales)
% override on 2
generation team
commissionable sales (excluding the Director, on
whom a higher override is paid)
½% override on 3
generation commissionable
Recruiting Bonus of 30 Pampered Chef
dollars on
each personal recruit who reaches $1,500 in
personal commissionable sales within their first 90
days. (You must be active in the month your
personal recruit reaches the $1,500 in sales.)
$15 Activity Bonus on every active Consultant,
Senior Consultant and Team Leader in your
personal team
$600 2
generation Director Leadership
Development Bonus is awarded when a new 2nd
generation Director is promoted.
$800 Car Allowance
29 - Consultant Policy Guide
When you hold the title of Senior Executive
Director and fulfill your Director responsibilities,
you are eligible for the following privileges and
awards. Some awards have additional eligibility
Career Title Award
Upon promotion, you will receive a sterling silver
award, featuring the Pampered Chef’s happy
spoon logo, as a symbol of your achievement.
Professional Development Award
The professional development award of up to $350
annually provides Senior Executive Directors the
opportunity to increase their knowledge and
leadership skills to make a positive impact on their
teams. See details under Professional Development
Award guidelines.
Personal Sales Bank
Senior Executive Directors may draw on a Personal
Sales Bank to meet their monthly personal sales
requirement. In any month that a Senior Executive
Director sells more than their personal sales
requirement, the excess amount will be added to
their Personal Sales Bank. In any month that the
Senior Executive Director sells less than their
personal sales requirement, the amount needed is
automatically drawn from the Personal Sales Bank.
Commission on personal sales are paid for the
month in which the sales are submitted.
No commission will be paid on amounts drawn
from the Personal Sales Bank.
The Personal Sales Bank cannot be used to
meet Personal Team or organizational sales
At the time of promotion to Senior Executive
Director, $2,000 will be deposited in the
Personal Sales Bank.
At the end of the year, the Senior Executive
Director must have $2,000 in their bank.
The bank is reset to $2,000 at the beginning of each
Since Senior Executive Directors have the Personal
Sales Bank for flexibility needs, they are not eligible
for grace months.
Reduced Sales Requirement for Travel Award
To be eligible for the Travel award, a Senior Executive
Director must have met their annual personal sales
requirement of $12,000 in the prior year.
Reverse Travel Award
Senior Executive Directors and above may choose to
bring a 1
generation Director to his or her city, rather
than making an annual downline team visit when the
generation Director lives more than 160 kilometres
away, up to $600 can be reimbursed to offset the 1
generation Director’s travel expenses. See Travel
Award guidelines.
National Conference Award
Senior Executive Directors and above receive free
registration for National Conference plus $500 to offset
related expenses, such as team gatherings, recognition
and wardrobe related to attending and participating in
National Conference.
Promotion Items
Senior Executive Directors and above will receive
promotional items featuring the Pampered Chef
with no sales or recruiting requirements whenever
possible. If a promotion features oversized or special
order logo items, you may not receive each item.
The purpose is to showcase these items at meetings to
motivate your Directors and consultants to earn them.
Your minimum requirement for consultant sales
promotions is reduced to half of the commissionable
sales amount required to earn. The reduced
requirements do not apply to promotions that are
based on number of shows submitted.
Bereavement Continuity Payment
This award provides short-term financial support for the
families of upper level Directors after the death of an
upper level Director.
30 - Consultant Policy Guide
Senior Executive Directors’ beneficiaries may
receive a three-month bereavement continuity
See details under Bereavement program guidelines.
By fulfilling Director responsibilities, you are
eligible to receive the overrides, bonuses, privileges
and awards associated with your title. The
responsibilities of a Director are detailed in the
Independent Sales Director Agreement.
Each month:
12 qualified 1
generation Directors
9 qualified 2
generation Directors*
3 qualified 3
generation Directors**
$750 personal commissionable sales
$6,000 personal team commissionable sales
(includes your personal sales)
$240,000 Organizational Sales (includes
commissionable sales from everyone through
your 3
* The 2
generation Directors must be downline from
at least 2 different 1
generation Directors.
** The 3
generation Directors must be downline from
at least 2 different 2
generation Directors.
Your promotion is effective the first day of the
month following the third consecutive month in
which you qualify by meeting the National
Executive Director requirements. You are paid-as
a National Executive Director during the three
qualification months.
Each month that you meet the requirements above,
you will earn the following:
4% override on personal team commissionable
sales, including your own sales
4% override on 1
generation commissionable sales
3% override on 2
generation Directors’
commissionable sales (who have at least $1,000 in
personal commissionable sales)
% override on 2
generation team
commissionable sales (excluding the Director, on
whom a higher override is paid)
½% override on 3
generation commissionable
Recruiting Bonus of 30 Pampered Chef
dollars on
each personal recruit who reaches $1,500 in
personal commissionable sales within their first 90
days. (You must be active in the month your
personal recruit reaches the $1,500 in sales.)
$15 Activity Bonus on every active Consultant,
Senior Consultant and Team Leader in your
personal team
$600 2
generation Director Leadership
Development Bonus is awarded when a new 2nd
generation Director is promoted.
$1,000 Car Allowance
When you hold the title of National Executive Director
and fulfill your Director responsibilities, you are eligible
for the following privileges and awards. Some awards
have additional eligibility requirements.
31 - Consultant Policy Guide
Personal Sales Bank
National Executive Directors may draw on a
Personal Sales Bank to meet their monthly personal
sales requirement. In any month that a National
Executive Director exceeds their personal sales
requirement, the excess amount will be added to
their Personal Sales Bank. In any month that the
National Executive Director sells less than their
personal sales requirement, the amount needed is
automatically drawn from the Personal Sales Bank.
Other rules are as follows:
Commission on personal sales are paid for the
month in which the sales are submitted.
No commission will be paid on amounts drawn
from the Personal Sales Bank.
The Personal Sales Bank cannot be used to
meet personal team or Organizational Sales
At the end of the year, the National Executive
Director must have $2,000 in their bank.
The bank is reset to $2,000 at the beginning of
each year.
Since National Executive Directors have the
Personal Sales Bank for flexibility needs, they
are not eligible for grace months.
Career Title Award
Upon promotion, you will receive a sterling silver
award, featuring the Pampered Chef’s happy
spoon logo, as a symbol of your achievement.
Professional Development Award
The professional development award of up to $350
annually provides National Executive Directors the
opportunity to increase their knowledge and
leadership skills to make a positive impact on their
teams. See details under Professional Development
Award guidelines.
Reduced Sales Requirement for Travel Award
To be eligible for the Travel award, a National
Executive Director must have met their annual personal
sales requirement of $9,000 in the prior year.
Yearly Travel to a U.S. event
National Executive Directors are eligible to attend one
U.S. event each calendar year that is mutually agreed
upon with the Company. Expenses covered include
airfare for one, accommodation and meals as
appropriate for the agreed upon event.
Promotion Items
See details for Promotion Items under Senior Executive
Directors and above.
Bereavement Continuity Payment
This award provides short-term financial support for the
families of upper level Directors after the death of an
upper level Director. The National Executive Director’s
beneficiaries may receive a three-month bereavement
continuity payment. See details under Bereavement
program guidelines.
When you meet all the requirements of a level,
you’re paid at that level.
When a Senior Consultant meets the requirements of
being active herself and having one active consultant,
she earns Senior Consultant-level overrides and
If not, she is paid at the consultant level.
When a Team Leader meets the requirements of
2 active lines, $1,000 in personal sales and $3,000
team sales, she earns Team Leader-level overrides and
If not, she is paid at the level whose requirements
are met (Senior Consultant or Consultant).
32 - Consultant Policy Guide
When a Director meets the maintenance
requirements, she’s a “qualified Director” that
month and earns Director-level overrides and
If a Director doesn’t “qualify” that month, she is
paid at the level whose requirements are met
(Team Leader, Senior Consultant, or Consultant).
For an upper level Director to be paid the
maximum override for her title, her downline
Directors must
for the month.
Example, an Advanced Director needs one
qualified 1
generation Director and $15,000 in
organizational sales. If the 1
generation Director
doesn’t qualify in a given month, then she would
be paid as a Director for that month, assuming all
Director maintenance requirements are met.
If Director sales requirements were not met, she
would be paid at the level whose requirements are
met. For example, Team Leader, Senior
Consultant, or Consultant.
An upper level Director’s overrides are based on
the number of qualified Directors in each
generation (as well as total organizational sales).
Overrides are paid on all Directors (and their
personal teams), even those who don’t qualify in a
given month, based on which level’s requirements
are met.
Example: Lisa is a Senior Director who has four 1
generation Directors and two 2
In June, three of Lisa’s 1
generation Directors
qualify, one of her 2
generation Directors
qualifies, and she has organizational sales of at
least $30,000. Assuming that Lisa has met her
personal and personal team sales requirements,
Lisa will be paid-as a Senior Director.
She will earn 4% on all of her 1
even the one Director who didn’t qualify that
She will earn 1% override on both her 2
generation teams and 3% on both her 2
Directors’ personal sales (if they sold at least
In August, only two of Lisa’s 1
generation Directors
qualify, one of her 2
generation Directors qualifies,
and she has organizational sales of at least $30,000.
Assuming that Lisa has met her personal and
personal team sales requirements, Lisa has met her
personal and personal team sales requirements, Lisa
will be paid-as an Advanced Director, because she
didn’t have at least three qualified 1
She will earn 4% on all of her 1
generation, even
the two Directors who didn’t qualify that month.
She will earn ½% override on both her 2
generation Teams, and 3% on both her 2
generation Directors’ personal sales (if they sold at
least $1,000).
Active Consultant
A consultant (of any level) is active in a month when he
or she submits at least $200 personal commissionable
Inactive Consultant
A consultant (of any level) is considered inactive for the
month if she submits less than $200 in personal
commissionable sales.
Demonstrator liability insurance and support will
accumulate while inactive and be deducted from
the commission cheque as soon as a consultant is
active in a month.
After two months of continuous inactivity, a
consultant (of any level) will lose his/ her career
sales, as well as his/ her 2% commission increase (if
already earned).
Consultants (at any level) do not lose their recruits
after two consecutive inactive months.
33 - Consultant Policy Guide
We want consultants who have already started
building a team to reengage in the business with
their team in place.
To provide help in a prolonged situation, a
consultant may request a one-month extension.
This gives him/ her one additional month in which
to submit $200 in personal commissionable sales,
so that she can retain her career sales and 2%
commission increase. This extension is available
once every rolling 12 months.
Example: Lori didn’t sell at all in June, so she
was inactive in June. In July, she sold $100 but
didn’t reach $200 in sales, so she was inactive
in July. In July she requests and is granted a
one-month extension, which means that she
will need to submit at least $200 in personal
commissionable sales in August to retain her
career sales and 2% commission increase.
An extension request must be in writing, and
must be received at Home Office by the last
day of the second consecutive month of
inactivity. Send an email to
[email protected]om. Include
the word “Extension” in the subject line.
An extension only prevents loss of career sales
and the 2% commission increase (if already
The extension month is counted toward the 6
months of continuous inactivity, after which
the consultant Agreement is dissolved.
After six months of continuous inactivity, the
consultant Agreement is dissolved and recruits
are re-assigned to the next upline active
consultant. If the former consultant would like
to sell again, he/she must sign a new agreement
and purchase a kit.
A consultant’s access to their eBizTools™ will
be removed effective the first of the month
following six months of consecutive inactivity.
New Consultants
Just like all other consultants, when a new consultant
submits $200 or more in personal commissionable
sales, she is active that month. If he/she submits less
than $200 in personal commissionable sales, he/she is
inactive that month.
For the month in which the new consultant submits
his/her agreement:
If the new consultant submits at least $200 in
personal commissionable sales in her first “partial”
month, she is active that month. In this case, the
Director earns a $15 Activity Bonus, and can count
that consultant as active for purpose for Director
structure qualification.
If the new consultant doesn’t submit at least $200 in
personal commissionable sales that month, she is
listed as new. In this case, the Director does not
earn a $15 Activity Bonus on this new consultant.
This month does not count as an inactive month for
the new consultant.
Directors and above are allowed two (2) grace months
within a 12 month rolling period. The purpose of a
grace month is to protect the Director’s (or above)
income for the month, when personal circumstances
interfere with meeting the $1,000 personal sales
The grace exempts the Director from the $1,000
personal sales requirement for the month requested.
The Director must meet the personal team sales
requirement for the month for the grace month to
be granted.
A grace month will not be granted in the third
consecutive month of not having been paid at the
Director level.
A grace month must be requested, and it is approved at
the discretion of the Home Office. One or two months
may be requested.
34 - Consultant Policy Guide
The request must be received in the Home
Office by midnight CT on the last day of the
month for which the grace is requested.
an email to [email protected].
When a grace month is applied, the Director (or
above) is considered as having met active status
for the grace month.
In a grace month, the Director is considered
“qualified” for the month. This means the upline
Director can count the Director as a qualified
Director toward the upline Director’s organization
structure requirement (for Advanced Director and
If a Director is granted a grace month in her first or
second consecutive month of not being paid at the
Director level, she is considered qualified that
month. In the following month, if she does not
meet her Director maintenance requirements, it is
considered her first month of not meeting
The paid-as level for a Director or above in an
approved grace month is determined by the level
requirements for which they qualify (except for the
personal sales requirement, which is covered by
the grace).
If the paid-as level is higher than the current
recognition title, the Director (or above) will
promote to the new title.
If the paid-as level is below the current
recognition title, the normal title maintenance
rules are in effect.
Example 1: An Advanced Director meets all
Senior Director promotion requirements in June
with the exception of $1,000 in personal sales.
The grace month means that she would be
paid-as a Senior Director in June, and promote
to Senior Director on July 1.
Example 2: An Executive Director doesn’t meet
Executive Director maintenance requirements
in June, but meets all Senior Director
maintenance requirements with the exception of
$1,000 in personal sales. The grace month means
she would be paid-as a Senior Director, and this
month still counts as a consecutive month of not
meeting Executive Director maintenance
A grace month does not count as having met $1,500
for privileges & awards, such as leads, product samples;
etc. (In other words, a grace month is not granted if the
Director’s personal sales are at least $1,000.)
National Executive Directors and Senior Executive
Directors are not eligible for grace months, because
their Personal Sales Bank provides them flexibility in
meeting personal sales requirements.
If you wish to resign, please send your resignation in
writing to the Home Office and copy your Director.
Consultant resignations are effective on the first day of
the month following the date notification is received in
the Home Office.
A Consultant must be resigned for a period of six
months prior to rejoining under a different
recruiter/upline. If a Consultant wants to rejoin through
the Renewal Program under the same recruiter/upline,
they can join with no waiting period. See the Renewal
Program FAQ on Consultant’s Corner for complete
A Director may terminate his/her Independent Sales
Director Agreement and either resign completely or
remain a consultant after resigning Directorship by
indicating this in the resignation.
Resignation must be received in writing and should be
directed to career_solutions@pamperedchef.com.
Resignations are effective on the first day of the month
following the date notification is received in the Home
35 - Consultant Policy Guide
Upon resignation, the Home Office permanently
reassigns the Director’s personal team to her
upline Director.
For example, an Advanced Director submits a
resignation on June 5. Her resignation is effective
July 1. She is paid as a Director in June and the
roll-up becomes effective on July 1.
If an upline Director’s level changes as a result of
receiving the roll-up, the effective date of the
promotion is the first of the month following the
month the roll-up is received.
A simultaneous promotion can occur when a
Consultant, Senior Consultant or Team Leader, as
well as a Consultant, Senior Consultant or Team
Leader beneath her, both meet Director promotion
requirements in the same month.
In the month of qualification for Director, the
first consultant [A] needs $1,000 in personal
sales, $6,000 in personal team and a total of
five active consultants in the personal team.
consultant [B] can count as one of the five
active consultants for [A]. consultant [B]’s
personal team can count toward the five total
active. Plus, in the month of qualification, the
$6,000 in sales from consultant [B]’s personal
team also counts toward upline consultant [A]’s
$6,000 personal team sales requirement.
For the three months following the qualification
month, [A] is in Rebuild. See Rebuild rules.
A reverted Director may not be part of a
simultaneous promotion unless she has 5
active, NEW consultants in her personal team,
direct or indirect. See Reversion rules.
Example: Anna is a Team Leader, and Beth is a
Team Leader beneath Anna.
In June, Beth meets the Director promotion
requirements of $1,000 in personal sales,
$6,000 in personal team sales, and five active
On July 1, Beth promotes to Director, and she is paid-
as a Director for her June performance.
Anna can simultaneously promote to Director with
Beth on July 1, if in June Anna has:
$1,000 in personal sales
$6,000 in personal team sales (inclusive of Beth’s
personal sales and personal team sales)
Five active consultants in the personal team.
Beth can count as one of Anna’s five active
consultants. In addition, Beth’s personal team can
count toward Anna’s five active consultants.
Anna could promote directly to Advanced Director
by meeting all the above requirements, plus the
Advanced Director requirements of one qualified
generation Director and $15,000 in
organizational sales. If this occurs, she will be paid
as an Advanced Director in June and promote on
July 1.
In July, August and September Anna is in Rebuild.
See Rebuild rules.
Passing by occurs when a new Director promotes
beneath a Consultant, Senior Consultant or Team
Leader. This happens when a person [A] is unable to
simultaneously promote to Director along with the
Team Leader [B] below her. In this situation, she has
three months to promote to Director under the normal
Director promotion requirements. If she does not, the
new Director will “pass by” and be permanently
assigned to the first upline Director.
In the month of qualification and the three months
following the promotion of the downline Team
Leader [B], the “passed by” person [A] does not earn
overrides on the newly-promoted Director or her
personal team. (Because only qualified Directors
earn on downline generations.)
36 - Consultant Policy Guide
In the month of qualification and the three
following “potential pass by” months, the newly
promoted Director [former Team Leader B] is
considered 1
generation to the Director upline
from [A].
Example: Anna is a Team Leader, and Michael is a
Team Leader beneath Anna.
In June, Michael meets Director promotion
requirements of $1,000 in personal sales,
$6,000 in personal team sales and 5 active
consultants in his personal team. On July 1,
Michael promotes to Director, and he is paid-as
a Director for his June performance.
However, Anna does not meet the
requirements for simultaneous promotion.
If Anna meets the normal Director promotion
requirements in July, August or September,
Michael and his personal team will become 1
generation to Anna. If she does not, Michael is
reassigned to Anna’s upline Director, and
Michael’s personal team is 1
generation to
Anna’s upline Director.
Anna does not earn overrides on Michael or his
personal team (unless Anna promotes to
This occurs when a Director or above promotes (or
repromotes) a Director from her personal team.
For the new Director’s month of qualification,
the upline Director can count the personal
team sales of the promoting Director to meet
her own Director maintenance requirements.
Then, during the three months following the
promotion, the personal team sales requirement
is reduced to $3,000 for the upline Director.
Example: Director Jill has Team Leader Sue who
meets the Director promotion requirements in
June. Sue is direct to Jill. Sue is paid-as a Director
for June and promotes to Director on July 1.
For the month of June, Jill can count Sue’s personal
and team sales toward her own $6,000 personal
team sales requirement,
In July, August and September, Jill’s personal team
sales requirement is reduced to $3,000.
As long as Jill meets the above requirements
and her personal sales maintenance requirement in
July, August and September, she is considered a
qualified Director. She is paid-as a Director, and her
upline Director counts her as a qualified Director.
Important Note: If a Director loses her title and
reverts to Team Leader or below, she forfeits the
rebuild privilege. Rebuild is a program available to
those who have the title of Director and above.
If a Director (or above) fails to qualify (be paid-as) for
Director for three consecutive months, she will
“revert,” that is, move back into her upline Director’s
personal team and lose her title. This change is
effective the 1
of the month following the third
consecutive month of not paid-as a Director.
The reverted Director will keep her direct and
indirect recruits (unless one of those recruits
promotes to Director and then normal Passing By
rules take effect).
A reverted Director may not be part of a
simultaneous promotion unless he or she has 5
active NEW consultants in her personal team (direct
or indirect).
When the reverted Director repromotes, the upline
Director is in Rebuild. See Rebuild rules.
Important note: Directors through Senior Directors
must meet monthly maintenance requirements and if
they do not, after three months of not meeting
requirements, they will revert to Team Leader or
below. (For Executive Director and above please refer
to the Maintaining Your Title section.)
37 - Consultant Policy Guide
Example 1: Director Robert does not meet
Director maintenance requirements of $1,000
personal sales and $6,000 personal team sales
for June / July / Aug.
On Sept. 1 he reverts to Team Leader, Senior
Consultant or Consultant (based on his
Example 2: Senior Director John does not meet
Director maintenance requirements of $1,000
personal sales and $6,000 personal team sales
for June / July / Aug. On Sept. 1 he reverts to
Team Leader, Senior Consultant or Consultant
(based on his performance).
If a reverting Director has downline generation
Directors, the following occurs upon reversion of
the Director:
The order of any downline generations will be
reordered accordingly (e.g., a 2
downline becomes 1
generation to upline
The reverted Director (who is now a Team
Leader or lower) has six months from when she
reverts to promote to Director again, otherwise
all downline Directors will be permanently
assigned to the first upline Director.
Example: Advanced Director Pat has 1st
generation Director Sue. Pat’s upline Director is
Advanced Director Pat does not meet
maintenance requirements of $1,000 personal
sales and $6,000 personal team sales for the
months of June / July / Aug. On Sept. 1 she will
revert to Team Leader, Senior Consultant or
Consultant (based on her performance).
generation Director Sue and her entire
personal team “move up” a generation to
become 1
generation to Tina.
Pat and her former personal team (direct
and indirect Consultants, Senior Consultants,
and Team Leaders) are now part of Tina’s personal
If Pat meets the requirements to repromote to
Director ($1,000 personal sales, $6,000 personal
team sales and a total of 5 new, active consultants in
her personal team, recruited after the month of
reversion, by the end of February (her last possible
qualification month), she will repromote to Director
and regain Sue as a 1
generation Director. Sue will
then be 2
generation to Tina.
In order for Pat to repromote to Advanced Director
(or above), she must meet the Director repromotion
requirements ($1,000 personal sales, $6,000
personal team sales and a total of 5 new, active
consultants in her personal team, recruited after the
month of reversion) along with the required
Organization Sales and number of qualified
If Pat does not meet Director repromotion
requirements by the end of February, she can still
repromote to Director, but she cannot regain Sue as
a 1
generation Director.
If Pat and Sue were to revert at the same time and
Sue regains her Director title prior to Pat, Passing By
rules are in effect
If no upline Director is in place, Pampered Chef
assign the consultants in the best interest of the
consultants and Pampered Chef
If a reverted Director has a downline Director who
also reverts, either in the same month the upline
reverts or during the next six months, the downline
reverting Director becomes part of the first reverting
Director’s team. If the former downline Director
repromotes to Director before the upline
repromotes, the Passing By rules apply.
Example: Advanced Director Pat has 1
Director Sue. Pat’s upline Director is Tina.
38 - Consultant Policy Guide
Pat reverts to Team Leader on September 1, but
Sue maintains her Director title. Sue and her
personal team “move up “a generation to
become 1
generation to Tina.
Sue then reverts to Team Leader on October 1.
Sue and her former personal team (direct and
indirect Consultants, Senior Consultants, and
Team Leaders) are now part of Pat’s personal
Sue meets the Director repromotion
requirements ($1,000 Personal sales, $6,000
personal team sales and a total of 5 new, active
consultants in her personal team, recruited after
the month of reversion), in October and
repromotes to Director on Nov. 1, but Pat does
not repromote simultaneously with Sue. Pat is
now in a Passing By situation, which means that
she has just three months to regain Sue as a 1
generation Director.
If Pat meets Director repromotion requirements
($1,000 Personal sales, $6,000 personal team
sales and a total of 5 new, active consultants in
her personal team, recruited after the month of
reversion), in November, December or January,
Sue and her personal team will become 1
generation to Pat.
If she does not, Sue is reassigned to Pat’s upline
Director Tina, and Sue’s personal Team is 1
generation to Tina. Pat cannot regain Sue as a
generation Director.
The reverted Director can regain her Director title
by meeting repromotion requirements.
In order to repromote to Director or above, the
reverted Director (who is now a Team Leader,
Senior Consultant, or Consultant) must have
$1,000 in Personal sales, $6,000 personal team
sales and a total of 5 new, active consultants in her
personal team, recruited after the month of
A former Consultant who rejoins after the month of
reversion under the Renewal Program will count as
new to fulfill this requirement.
The 5 new consultants may be at any level of the
personal team (direct or indirect) and must be active
in the month the Director meets repromotion
requirements. (consultants are considered active if
they submit $200 in commissionable sales in a given
Note: A former Director who lost the Director title
between March 1, 2010 December 1, 2012, and
did not hold a Director title since that time, may re-
promote to Director for the first time by achieving
Director promotion requirements of $1,000
Personal sales, $6,000 personal team sales and 5
active consultants in the personal team. The 5
active consultants do not need to be new.
Example: Director Sue lost her Director title on
August 1, 2012. In September 2013, she meets the
special, one-time only repromotion requirements of
$1,000 Personal sales, $6,000 personal team sales
and five, active consultants in her personal team.
Sue repromotes to Director on October 1.
Beginning July 1, 2013 or after, if the repromoted
Director subsequently loses the Director title, the
current repromotion rules of $1,000 Personal sales,
$6,000 personal team sales and a total of 5 new,
active consultants in his/her personal team will
apply. A former Consultant who rejoins after the
month of reversion under the Renewal Program will
count as new to fulfill this requirement.
In addition, if promoting to Advanced Director or
above, he or she must have the number of qualified
Directors and organization sales required for the
applicable title
Pampered Chef’s hospitality arrangement allows a
consultant not residing in her Director’s area to attend
local meetings. The following guidelines can make
hospitality work smoothly.
39 - Consultant Policy Guide
The requesting Director is the primary source of
training, coaching and recognition for everyone in
your first line. Hospitality is a supplement to your
ongoing support. As the requesting Director, you
are responsible for initiating arrangements for
hospitality. You can ask the Solution Center to help
find a hospitality Director. You may ask the hosting
Director to recognize the visiting consultant’s
achievements. You need to provide all relevant
information to the hosting Director in a timely
As a hosting Director, you may recognize the guest
if the requesting Director gives you the relevant
information. If the guest has questions or needs
additional training, please refer her to her upline
Director. Be sure to communicate any important
feedback to the requesting Director.
A consultant residing in a mandatory evacuation or
declared disaster area as declared by the area’s
local government are eligible to apply for
consideration for the following circumstances:
A make-up month can be requested to earn the
consultant sales and/or recruiting promotion
that was in effect the month of the disaster. The
make-up month will be the third month after
the disaster occurs. For example, if the disaster
or mandatory evacuation occurred in
September, the make-up month would be
December. If a consultant earned the monthly
sales or recruiting promotion in the original
month offered, he/she is not eligible to earn it
again as part of the natural disaster program.
A one-month extension can be requested, for
either the month the disaster occurred or the
month following.
This special extension will not be counted
against the one-month extension of time
allowed within any 12-month period.
The extension period will not be counted toward
the six months of continuous inactivity, after which
the consultant Agreement is dissolved.
For a Director, the one-month extension waives the
$1,000 Personal sales requirement.
The Director’s monthly personal team sales
maintenance requirement must be met in order for the
Director to be considered “qualified” for the month.
This means the upline Director can count the Director
as a qualified Director toward the upline Director’s
organization structure requirement (for Advanced
Director and above). The paid-as level for a Director or
above on an approved extension is determined by the
level requirements for which they qualify (except for
the Personal sales requirement, which is waived).
A one-month extension of the New Consultant
Rewards Program can be requested. Should a
natural disaster or mandatory evacuation occur
within the first 30 days of the New Consultant
Rewards Program the 30 and the 90-day end dates
will each be extended an additional thirty days.
Should a natural disaster or mandatory evacuation
occur between the 31
and 90
day, the 90-day
end date will be extended an additional thirty days.
Disaster Occurs within the first 30 days
Example: A New consultant’s 30-day end date is Feb.
27; the 90-day end date is April 30. A disaster occurs
on February 10. If approved, the new 30-day end date
will be March 29. The 90-day period will be extended
to May 30.
Disaster Occurs between the 31
and 90
Example: A New consultant’s 30-day end date is Feb.
27; the 90-day end date is April 30). A disaster occurs
on April 6. If approved, the 30-day end date remains
Feb. 27. The 90-day period will be extended to May
A one-month extension can be requested for the
reversion or rebuild periods for Directors who live in
the disaster or mandatory evacuation area.
40 - Consultant Policy Guide
These allowances do not apply to upper level
Director Travel requirements, Director overrides,
host promotions, guest specials, Pampered Chef
Excellence Awards and annual incentive programs.
Requests for consideration under the Natural
Disaster program must be made in writing to
career_solutions@pamperedchef.com no later
than the last day of the month following the month
the disaster or mandatory evacuation was declared.
Approval (or denial) of the request will be provided
in writing.
- Earn 20% – 25% on all sales
- Earn an extra 2% after $20,000 in career sales
- 30 Pampered Chef dollars Recruiting Bonus**
Active Requirement:
- $200 monthly personal sales*
Bonuses & Overrides:
- 1% override on personal sales
- 1% override on personal recruits’ sales
- 30 Pampered Chef dollars Recruiting Bonus**
Monthly Requirements:
- $200 personal sales
- 1 active recruit
Bonuses & Overrides:
- 2% override on personal sales
- 2% override on personal recruits’ sales
- 1% override on indirect recruits’ sales
- 30 Pampered Chef dollars Recruiting Bonus**
Monthly Requirements:
- 2 active lines
- $1,000 personal sales
- $3,000 team sales
Bonuses & Overrides
- 3% override on Personal Team sales
- 3% override on 1
- 30 Pampered Chef dollars Recruiting Bonus**
- $15 Activity Bonus per active Consultant
Promotion Requirements:
- 5 active Personal Team Consultants
- $1,000 personal sales/$6,000 Personal Team sales
Monthly Maintenance Requirements:
- $1,000 personal sales/$6,000 Personal Team sales
Elite Seller: (alternate Director requirements)
- $85,000 personal sales in past rolling 12 months
and $7,000 personal sales in current month
Bonuses & Overrides:
- 4% override on Personal Team sales
- 4% override on 1
- 3% override on 2
Generation Directors
- ½% override on 2
Generation Team
- 30 Pampered Chef dollars Recruiting Bonus**
- $15 Activity Bonus per active Consultant
$100 Bonus per qual. 2
Gen. Dir.
(max. $300 monthly)
- 2
Gen. Dir. Leadership Development Bonus
Monthly Requirements:
- 1 – 1
Generation Director
- $1,000 personal sales/$6,000 Personal Team sales
- $15,000 organizational sales
Bonuses & Overrides:
- 4% override on Personal Team sales
- 4% override on 1
- 3% override on 2
Generation Directors
- 1% override on 2
Generation Team
- 30 Pampered Chef dollars Recruiting Bonus**
- $15 Activity Bonus per active Consultant
$100 Bonus per qual. 2
Gen. Dir.
(max. $300 monthly)
- 2
Gen. Dir. Leadership Development Bonus
Monthly Requirements:
- 3 – 1
Generation Directors/1 2
Generation Director
- $1,000 personal sales/$6,000 Personal Team sales
- $30,000 organizational sales
Bonuses & Overrides:
- 4% override on Personal Team sales
- 4% override on 1
- 3% override on 2
Generation Directors
- 1% override on 2
Generation Team
- ½% override on 3
- 30 Pampered Chef dollars Recruiting Bonus**
- $15 Activity Bonus per active Consultant
- $600 Car Allowance
- 2
Gen. Dir. Leadership Development Bonus
Monthly Requirements:
- 6 1
Generation Directors/2 2
Generation Directors
- $1,000 personal sales/$6,000 Personal Team sales
- $60,000 organizational sales
Bonuses & Overrides:
- 4% override on Personal Team sales
- 4% override on 1
- 3% override on 2
Generation Directors
- 1¼% override on 2
Generation Team
- ½% override on 3
- 30 Pampered Chef dollars Recruiting Bonus**
- $15 Activity Bonus per active Consultant
- $800 Car Allowance
- 2
Gen. Dir. Leadership Development Bonus
Monthly Requirements:
- 9 – 1
Generation Directors/5 – 2
Directors/1 – 3
Generation Director
- $1,000 personal sales/$6,000 Personal Team sales
- $120,000 organizational sales
Bonuses & Overrides:
- 4% override on Personal Team sales
- 4% override on 1
- 3% override on 2
Generation Directors
- 1½% override on 2
Generation Team
- ½% override on 3
- 30 Pampered Chef dollars Recruiting Bonus**
- $15 Activity Bonus per active Consultant
- $1,000 Car Allowance
- 2
Gen. Dir. Leadership Development Bonus
- 12 – 1
Generation Directors/9 – 2
Directors/ 3 – 3
Generation Directors
- $750 personal sales/$6,000 Personal Team sales
- $240,000 organizational sales
*Personal sales = commissionable sales. **On personal recruits who reach $1,500 in sales within their rst 90 days, as long as recruiter is active in the month that occurs.
$600 Bonus awarded when a new 2
Generation Director is promoted. Effective June 1, 2013. See Consultant Policy Guide for complete details.
© 2015 Pampered Chef used under license. Pampered Chef, Pampered Chef and Spoon design, PC and Spoon design and Spoon design are trademarks used under license. mkt1992-102015
*Elite Seller: (alternate Director requirements)
$ 85,000 personal sales in past rolling 12 months and $7,000 personal sales in current month
**Awarded when a new 2
Generation Director is promoted.
Generation Directors cannot all be under the same 1
Generation Director, 3
Generation Directors cannot all be under the
same 2
Generation Director.
Effective June 1, 2013. See Consultant Policy Guide for complete details.
Gen. Dir. Bonus
(maximum $300)
Gen. Dir.
Leadership Dev.
Director Car
$200 30 PC $
Senior Consultant
1 active line
30 PC $ 1% 1%
Team Leader
$1,000 $3,000
2 active
30 PC $ 2% 2% 1%
$1,000 $6,000
5 active
30 PC $
$15 per
Active Cons.
3% 3%
$1,000 $6,000 30 PC $
$15 per
Active Cons.
3% 3%
$1,000 $6,000
5 New
30 PC$
$15 per
Active Cons.
3% 3%
Advanced Director
$1,000 $6,000
1 – 1
$15,000 30 PC $
$15 per
Active Cons.
$100 per
qualied 2
Gen. Dir.
$600** 4% 4% 3% ½%
Senior Director
$1,000 $6,000
3 – 1
1 – 2
$30,000 30 PC $
$15 per
Active Cons.
$100 per
qualied 2
$600** 4% 4% 3% 1%
Executive Director
$1,000 $6,000
6 – 1
2 – 2
$60,000 30 PC $
$15 per
Active Cons.
$600** $600 4% 4% 3% 1% ½%
Senior Executive
$1,000 $6,000
9 – 1
5 – 2
1 – 3
$120,000 30 PC $
$15 per
Active Cons.
$600** $800 4% 4% 3% 1¼% ½%
Executive Director
$750 $6,000
12 – 1
9 – 2
3 – 3
$240,000 30 PC $
$15 per
Active Cons.
$600** $1,000 4% 4% 3% 1½% ½%
43 - Consultant Policy Guide
As a consultant with Pampered Chef
, you build
your business primarily by holding cooking shows
and sharing the opportunity. There are times,
however, when promotional activities via
advertising and public relations can be of great
All Pampered Chef
business, advertising, publicity
and sales activities are limited to Canada. Please do
not promote your business outside Canada.
To maintain consistency and to promote the image
Pampered Chef
wants to project, it is important to
adhere to the following policies. Therefore, it’s also
important to understand how to appropriately
represent yourself and the proper ways to use
Pampered Chef
logos and trademarks.
If you have questions about title identification, logo
and trademark usage, copyrighted materials or
advertising, please contact the Solution Center at:
E|career_solutions@pamperedchef.com or,
P|1-800-342-CHEF (2433) and ask for Career
Anyone in violation of any of the Marketing,
Advertising and Publicity policies will be notified
that they must correct the violation. If the
consultant fails to comply within the time specified
by Consultant Career Solutions, action will be
taken per our Policy Enforcement procedure (see
section for specific details).
Always clearly identify yourself as an independent
consultant for Pampered Chef
, rather than as the
company or one of its employees. Use your full
name, and Independent consultant or Independent
Sales Director (or appropriate title) for Pampered
Mary Smith, Independent Sales Director for
Pampered Chef
The same policy applies when answering the
phone or recording an answering machine or
voicemail greeting.
Pampered Chef
strongly respects other parties’
intellectual property rights, including those
relating to copyrights, trademarks and logos. In
running your business, it is imperative that you
also respect these rights, not only as they relate
to Pampered Chef
but also as they relate to any
third party.
While we cannot outline all the possible
intellectual property issues you may encounter,
we do want to provide guidance to help you
understand both the restrictions, and also ways
to accomplish your goals without running afoul
of these third party rights.
For copyright, for example, consultants may
consider using photos/images and recipes from
food bloggers and other sources on their
pages. Sharing photos/images and
recipes is a great way to create interest, but it’s
imperative that you respect other party’s
copyright rights in doing so.
For example, instead of saving photos/images
and recipes and republishing them as your own
on social media, “Share” posts you like on
, Re-Tweet on Twitter
and “Re-
Pin” on Pinterest
. Sharing, re-tweeting and
repinning allow links to the original content and
owner to remain intact which is required. If
you’re not sharing according to the terms of use
of these social media channels, and you do not
otherwise have permission from the owner, you
will legally be at risk.
44 - Consultant Policy Guide
The same consent or authorization is required in
order to use trademarks and logos. Unless you
have the approval of the owner, either directly or
through an applicable “terms of use” page, your
actions are likely to be considered to be infringing.
A violation of another party’s intellectual property
rights is a serious matter and can put you and your
business at risk. Most social media sites also make
it clear that this type of activity is not acceptable. A
violation of this nature is considered a direct
violation of this Consultant Policy Guide.
There are two separate and distinct sets of
Pampered Chef
logos and rules for their use.
1. The official Pampered Chef
logos For
Home Office use and approved licensed
merchandise vendors.
2. The Independent consultant logos For
consultants use.
Except for these two authorized uses, and as
otherwise may be provided herein, no other use
may be made of Pampered Chef
logos. All
consultants must use the Independent Consultant
Home Office approved logo formats for advertising
and publicity as set forth below. There are three
rules for use:
1. The logos may not be altered in any way
2. You may not use the happy spoon icon
alone. If you are currently utilizing the
logo in any other format, it must be
replaced with one of the approved
formats below
3. You must include your name and proper
title (see above) at all times when
promoting your business.
The Independent consultant logos are available
online for download from Consultant’s Corner.
Follow the downloading and file-saving
instructions that accompany the logos.
Printed Logo Usage
The best way to market your business and ensure
proper use and protection of our trademarks and
logos is to:
1. Use the promotional flyers the Home Office
produces and makes available in Consultant
News and in downloadable format on
Consultant’s Corner.
2. Purchase marketing materials available through
our licensed merchandise vendor. These pieces
contain the official Pampered Chef
You may not alter the logo in any way if you
choose to use these materials.
3. If you generate your own printed advertisement
or flyer at a printer, or on your own, you must
use the Independent consultant logo.
Online or Electronic Logo Usage
You must use the Independent consultant logo
(see below) when conducting or promoting your
business online. This includes use of your:
Personal Website
e-mail signatures
Participation in social networking
All other approved online activity
Please see the Social Networking websites
section for specific rules and guidelines regarding
logo usage on these sites.
45 - Consultant Policy Guide
Additional Trademark, Brand and Name Usage
Except as otherwise provided in these policies, it is
inappropriate to use the Pampered Chef
corporate name, any trademark used by the
Company or any derivation of such, for instance,
“pamper,” pampered, “chef,” “discover,” “in
you,” etc. as part of an e-mail address, domain
name, or any profile on a social network or other
social media. Other examples of trademarks
include product names like RockCrok
, etc.
You may use the Independent consultant logo to
market your business under the guidelines outlined
in these policies. All other usage is prohibited.
If you reference trademarked Pampered Chef
products, brands or materials in print or online
advertising, you must use the proper trademark
symbol that is provided in catalogs and/or
marketing materials, for example, TM, ® or ©.
Please understand however that the “TM” or “®” is
not required to indicate a trademark or registered
trademark exists with respect to products, brands
or materials in print or online advertising, so be
sure to adhere to the instructions outlined in the
section “Copyrights, Logos & Trademarks” above.
Approved Vendor
As it relates to the official Pampered Chef
do not give the logo or other trademarks to
outside vendors for use on items such as
personal checks, business cards, promotional
merchandise, etc. The following licensed
merchandise vendor is the only authorized
vendor to make and sell business supplies and
promotional items that feature Pampered Chef
logo and trademarks.
Formcor Inc. access the PC Logo Shop
(operated by Formcor Inc.) through Consultant’s
Corner > Promoting & Building Your Business >
PC Logo Shop.
The “©” symbol indicates copyrighted materials.
Other than in communications with show hosts
or guests, the catalog, postcard invitations,
newsletters, recipes, etc., or anything bearing the
“©” symbol should not be reproduced in whole
or in part. This applies to Pampered Chef
copyrighted materials as well as those of 3
parties as discussed above in the section “3
Party Copyrights, Logos & Trademarks”.
Please understand however that the “©” is not
required to indicate a copyright exists with
respect to published material so be sure to
adhere to the instructions outlined in the section
“Copyrights, Logos & Trademarks” above. Do
not sell or provide copyrighted materials to any
non-licensed vendors. Do not write “all rights
reserved” on anything that bears Pampered
name, trademarks or logos. This includes
printed or electronic materials like newsletters or
As a consultant, we know you will look for new
and exciting ways to promote your business and
may even consider running a promotional event
through a sweepstakes, raffle or contest.
46 - Consultant Policy Guide
The legal requirements around administering a
sweepstakes, raffle or contest are extremely
complex. If not done correctly, these innocent
efforts to promote your business can end up
putting you and your business in jeopardy.
It is your sole responsibility to ensure that any
sweepstakes, raffle or contest you might set up is
done in full compliance with all applicable laws
and regulations. These activities are complex and
extra care and attention is required. Consultants
are prohibited from setting up or administering a
lottery type game of chance under any
You “publicize” your business when you invite a
representative from the media to write about your
business. For example, you might invite a local
newspaper reporter to write about your business or
your fundraising activity. With publicity, any
coverage you receive is free to you, and the
reporter/publication controls what’s said and
The Home Office reserves the right to contact the
top newspapers in the Canada on behalf of all of
our consultants. The top 100 newspapers are
posted as on Consultant’s Corner > Promoting &
Building Your Business.
Please review the following publicity policies
closely. If you have questions about the following
publicity policies, contact Corporate
Communications at:
If you are placing a paid advertisement, please
refer to separate policies on advertising.
If You Are Contacted for an Interview
You should not conduct any interviews with or
supply content to the top newspapers, national
magazines, website, blog with 20,000 or more
unique visitors per month, any radio station or
any television stations unless the opportunity is
first approved by the Corporate Communications
Department. You can determine the number of
unique visitors a blog receives per month by
asking the blogger when you are contacted for
an interview. If contacted by a member of the
media, you must immediately alert the
Corporate Communications Department for
counsel on how to proceed.
Assistance will be provided within 24 hours. The
Home Office will ensure the media request is
legitimate and in the best interest of Pampered
and all consultants. Publicity opportunities
that are national or in large markets will
reference the corporate website
(www.pamperedchef.ca) and may not link to the
individual consultant’s Personal Website.
You “advertise” your business when you pay for
a mention or space for an ad in a newspaper,
magazine, social media or event program.
Because you pay for the mention/space, you
have control over what’s said and shown about
your business.
You may only advertise your business in
publications that are limited to Canada. Please
review the following advertising guidelines
closely as they vary depending on consultant
level and medium.
To ensure your advertisement follows the
appropriate guidelines, you can e-mail your ad
to career_solutions@pamperedchef.com.
47 - Consultant Policy Guide
If you have additional questions, please contact the
Solution Center at
career_solutions@pamperedchef.com or, 1-800-
342-CHEF (2433) and ask for Career Solutions.
Print and Radio Advertising
All consultants may place paid advertisements in
print publications such as local, community and
national newspapers, town newsletters,
Chambers of Commerce or other business
organizations’ publications; school, church or
county fair programs, flyers, etc., local magazines.
Radio Advertising may be placed with stations
broadcasting to local radius no greater than 80
However, Consultant Career Solutions must first
approve what will be said and the station(s) on
which it will air.
In all advertisements, identify yourself as an
Independent consultant rather than as the
company or one of its employees. You may also
include your name, phone number, personal e-
mail address and Personal Website.
Television advertising of any kind is not permitted
for any consultant. This includes cable access
channels that have community billboards.
Your Online Presence
Every Pampered Chef® Consultant can be
searched for on pamperedchef.ca. Customers
looking for a specific Consultant enter the
Consultant’s first name, last name and province in
order to find contact information for a Consultant
they already know.
In addition, Team Leaders and above with a
Personal Website (part of eBizTools™) can be
found on pamperedchef.ca when consumers are
looking for Consultants in their area.
The customer enters his/her location information
to see up to three Team Leaders or above in
their area.
To be eligible to appear in this listing, a Team
Leader or above must have had $1,500 in
commissionable sales in the prior month and be
subscribed to eBizTools™.
Online Business Rules
In order to maintain a fair and equitable market
opportunity for all consultants, YOU MAY NOT:
Place/pay for online-only advertisements,
such as Facebook ads or Google ads.
List or sell Pampered Chef
products using
online classifieds (such as Kijji, Craigslist and
Amazon), on eBay (or other online auctions)
or through online retail stores or ecommerce
sites; nor may you enlist or knowingly allow a
third party (customer) to sell or list Pampered
products on these sites for you.
Purchase lists for e-mail marketing purposes.
Spam, over-solicit or harass members of any
online communities, groups, forums, chat
rooms, blogs or reader comments sections
related to your Pampered Chef
business, or
Pampered Chef
products and programs.
Unsolicited spamming of any kind is
Link to your Personal Website from your
personal blog without clearly identifying
yourself as an Independent Pampered Chef
consultant and including Independent
consultant logo on the home page.
Purchase or use a separate domain name to
specifically re-direct visitors to your Personal
48 - Consultant Policy Guide
Use the username Pampered Chef, The
Pampered Chef or variations of the brand name
on any site without including your full name,
Independent consultant title and personal
profile photo so it’s clear to the reasonable
consumer that you are an independent
Upload or publish images, photos, recipes or
other copyrighted material, or use a party’s
logo, trademarks or other intellectual property
without proper authorization or consent. See
Digital Media section for more information.
Website Monetization and Optimization
Monetization refers to purchasing/using online
advertising (banner ads, links, etc.) in order to
drive traffic to your Personal Website.
Monetization of your Personal Website through
affiliate programs, such as adSense, Google Ads
or similar programs is strictly prohibited.
Optimization is paying for or using free
resources on a search engine (Google, Bing,
Yahoo, etc.) or other website in order to
increase the traffic to your Personal Website.
You may not use search engine optimization
(SEO) tactics to promote or enhance your
Personal Website. If you maintain a personal
blog or an Executive Director training website,
you may not search engine optimize the site
with any hotlinks, words or references relating
to Pampered Chef
or any of its products,
programs, trademarks or copyrighted materials.
Bulk E-mails and Standardized Communications
You may only send bulk e-mails, newsletters or
other standardized communications promoting
Pampered Chef
, its products or the Pampered
opportunity to subscribers who have “opted
in” or requested to receive communications from
You must include an opt out” option that allows
recipients to be removed from your distribution
list and you must promptly remove anyone from
further distribution who advises you that they
wish to opt-out of receiving further
communications. Unsolicited spamming is
prohibited. You must keep accurate records of
this information including the dates of ‘opt-in’
permission as well as ‘opt out’ dates.
Truthfulness and Tactfulness in Online
Postings, Activity and Compliance with the
It is your obligation to ensure your postings and
other online marketing activities are truthful and
in good taste. Such materials must not be
deceptive, in bad taste or offensive and must not
mislead customers or potential consultants in any
way. Postings that are false, misleading,
deceptive or not in compliance with laws and
regulations are prohibited. This includes, but is
not limited to, false or deceptive postings relating
to Pampered Chef’s income opportunity,
Pampered Chef’s products and services, and/or
your biographical information and credentials.
Websites and web promotion activities and
tactics that mislead or are deceptive, regardless
of intent, will not be allowed. This may include
spam linking or unethical search engine
optimization (SEO) tactics. Pampered Chef
be the sole determinant of truthfulness and
whether specific activities are misleading or
deceptive, are/or may be offensive or in bad
You must ensure that your content is truthful and
accurate. This requires you to fact-check all
material and product use & care that you post
online. You should also carefully check your
content for spelling, punctuation, and
grammatical errors. Use of offensive language,
slogans or materials is prohibited.
49 - Consultant Policy Guide
Consultants of all levels may promote their
businesses with a Personal Website. Personal
Websites are part of the eBizTools™ subscription.
Personal Website domain names begin with
You can list and link to your Personal Website
address in your personal email correspondence, e-
newsletters, on personal blogs, social networking
websites or profiles, or on business cards, checks,
stationery and other similar materials. Your host
may use your Personal Website address to promote
their show through printed invitations, email
invitations, or through their social networking
profile. You can also list your personal site in print
advertising as long as you act in accordance with all
other guidelines.
New consultants are eligible for a free eBizTools™
90-day free trial period. The 90-day trial period is
calculated beginning on the date you subscribe.
The new consultant is responsible for the set-up of
his/her eBizTools™, including setting up Personal
Website content, and identifying contacts to
receive monthly customer connection emails, etc.
Personal Website Addresses/Names
Consultants may not attempt to represent
themselves as the Pampered Chef
Company in
their Personal Website address. These consultants
are in violation and will be contacted to change
their Personal Website name.
Fundraiser Shows
If you have a fundraiser with an organization that
wishes to post a link to your Personal Website on
their website, fundraiser links may only be active
for 60 days. It is your responsibility to make sure
the link is removed at the end of the 60 days.
Fairs and Expos
If a bridal fair, home expo or similar event sponsor
offers you space on the sponsor’s website, you may
list your name, appropriate Pampered Chef
(which must include the word “Independent,”
the Independent Consultant Logo, your phone
number, personal email and Personal Web Site
address. All contact information must be
removed from the website at the conclusion of
the event.
eBizTools and Privileges of Executive
Executive Directors and above receive a free
annual subscription for Pampered Chef
Only Executive Directors and above may
purchase a separate domain name and/or
develop a website or blog outside of their
Pampered Chef
Personal Website for the sole
purpose of training and recognizing their
As with Personal Website names, domain names
and blog titles cannot include Pampered Chef
corporate name, the tagline, or any trademark
used by the company. On the site itself,
Pampered Chef
may be mentioned and the
Independent consultant logo may be used, but
the company logo or tagline may not be used,
and products may not be sold from the site. If
you mention Pampered Chef
, you may only do
it in the same font that you use for your text. You
may not use it in a headline or create a new logo
with a special typeface or font. You must identify
yourself as an Independent Executive Director
for Pampered Chef
Executive Directors may not link to their Personal
Website from their training site.
An Executive Director who is interested in having
his or her own site with a separate domain name
must have the domain name pre-approved, in
writing, by Consultant Career Solutions prior to
deployment of the website. Pampered Chef
corporate office reserves the right to monitor any
Pampered Chef-related website.
50 - Consultant Policy Guide
Personal Responsibility
You are personally responsible for understanding
and adhering to the official rules and regulations of
any social networking website on which you are
You, not Pampered Chef
, are responsible for or
liable for actions taken by a third party social
network in the case that a violation of their policies
You may use social networks like Facebook,
Pinterest, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter etc., to share
information about the Pampered Chef
opportunity. You may promote your Pampered
business on such sites, but must abide by the
following requirements:
Clearly identify yourself using your name and
Independent consultant title.
You may include the Independent consultant
logo, your e-mail address, phone number, and
link to your Personal Website. See Linking to
Your PWS through Social Networking Sites
section for additional policies on PWS linking.
You may not post anything anonymously.
You may not upload or publish another party’s
intellectual property or copyrighted material
such as images, photos, recipes without
crediting the source by sharing or hyperlinking,
or obtaining proper authorization or consent.
You may use Pampered Chef branded images
and content
If you choose to promote your Pampered Chef
business on your social networking sites, be
mindful that all content you post reflects on your
Pampered Chef
business and the Pampered
Do not post any content or materials that are
obscene, threatening, derogatory, offensive (or
which some may view as offensive), disparaging
and malicious or that infringe on or violate, in
any way, any law or any right of any person or
entity, or any other content that might in any
way reflect poorly on Pampered Chef
. All social
media activities must be in compliance with the
terms and conditions of the consultant and
director agreements.
Consultants will be held fully responsible for any
and all of their online activities conducted on
behalf of their business.
In the event of the termination of your
Consultant Agreement, you must remove
references to your Pampered Chef business from
social networking profile(s) from public view. If
you created separate accounts for your
Pampered Chef business, we ask that you close
those accounts
Mentioning your Pampered Chef
business on a
blogging platform will be permitted if:
You are clearly maintaining a “lifestyle” blog
one that promotes more than your
Pampered Chef
You may not use The Pampered Chef
Pampered Chef
or any variations in the
name or URL of your blog
The primary purpose is NOT to sell
Pampered Chef
You clearly identify yourself as an
Independent consultant in an “About Me”
section accessible from the home page
The Independent consultant logo is present
on your sidebar
Please review all marketing, advertising, and
publicity as it relates to blogs
Pampered Chef reserves the right to enforce
discontinuation of any blog as it pertains to
Pampered Chef product or a Pampered Chef
business at any time as necessary.
51 - Consultant Policy Guide
Linking to Your Personal Website through Social
Networking Sites
All URLs for pages in your Personal Website now
include your website address.
This means that when you provide a customer with
the URL (including “Pins” for Pinterest), the link
will take them directly to the page in your PWS,
including product and shop pages. In addition, the
links do not expire or redirect to the corporate site
as long as you have an active PWS.
Note: Attempts to mislead web traffic into
believing they are going to Pampered Chef’s
corporate site, when in fact they are being directed
to a consultant’s Personal Website will not be
The determination as to what is misleading will be
at Pampered Chef
Groups or Group Pages on Social Networking
If you create a consultant group on a social
networking site that is primarily dedicated to your
Pampered Chef
business, you must privatize the
group. For example, if a Director creates a
Facebook group for their downline or other
consultants, it needs to be private. Only
individuals specifically invited by the group
moderator should have the ability to join the group
and access the group’s page/information.
Corporate Facebook Page
The official Pampered Chef
Canada Facebook
page is a resource for you and your customers.
When engaging with the official Pampered Chef
Facebook page, you can:
Republish our posted content, photos, updates
and articles to your own Facebook wall and
other networks
Express your enthusiasm for Pampered Chef
and its products this reflects well on the
company and all consultants.
It is not appropriate to:
Publicize your business or Personal Website
on the company page remember that this
is a resource for everyone’s customers.
Post content on the corporate page or any
other page that offers negative opinions or
complaints about Pampered Chef
customers can see this and it will make it
harder for you and everyone else to do
business. Instead, please contact the Solution
Center at 1-800-342-CHEF (2433) to resolve
or discuss any issues regarding your business,
Pampered Chef
products, policies or
Upload or publish another party’s
intellectual property without proper
authorization or consent.
Violation of these policies may result in the
removal of your post(s) and may lead to further
action being taken. See also policies on Social
Digital Media Submission (Facebook
Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube
, PhotoBucket
You may upload, submit or publish any personal
Pampered Chef-related photo content to a
personal profile site or the corporate Facebook
page, as long as it aligns with Pampered Chef
values, contributes to the Pampered Chef
community greater good and is otherwise in
compliance with Pampered Chef
policies and
These submissions must comply with all
copyright/legal requirements, and must state that
you are solely responsible for this content and
not The Pampered Chef Canada Corp. or The
Pampered Chef, Ltd.
52 - Consultant Policy Guide
You may upload, post or share personal videos that
include Pampered Chef
content (including
cooking shows) to your personal social networking
You may not upload, submit or publish any content
(video, audio, presentations or any computer files)
received from Pampered Chef
or captured at
official Pampered Chef
events or in buildings
owned or operated by Pampered Chef
prior written permission from Consultant Career
Using Photos on the Web
You may use any photos the Home Office has
posted in the Personal Website gallery, images on
pamperedchef.ca, branded images provided via
Pinterest, which are linked to from the Marketing
Online page on Consultant’s Corner and photos on
official Pampered Chef social networking sites.
You must clearly identify yourself as an
Independent consultant in these posts and may not
alter, misuse or misrepresent the original content in
any way.
Pampered Chef
(the Company) reserves the right
to photograph and/or video consultants and to use
their image in any medium for any purpose related
to the business of the Company. Additionally, the
Company reserves the right to use any photo or
video provided to the Company by consultants.
The Home Office will randomly audit social
networking and other websites and links to
Personal Websites to ensure these guidelines are
being followed. If you wish to report a violation,
please e-mail Consultant Career Solutions at
Consultant Career Solutions will notify consultants
who are not following internet policy. Following
notification, the violation must be removed. If
there is continued non-compliance, the consultant
risks cancellation of their Personal Website or
potentially their social profile page.
Pampered Chef
reserves the right to take
immediate action, up to and including
termination of a consultant’s agreement with
Pampered Chef
if, in Pampered Chef
’s sole
and exclusive judgment, it determines such
action is warranted under the circumstances.
Professional Development Award
Reimbursement Request
Please complete this form, attach a certicate of completion and receipt. Send by fax to (630) 261-4088 or
email career_solutions@pamperedchef.com. Reimbursement will be made by commission adjustment. Please
see the Consultant Policy Guide for details.
Name __________________________________________________Consultant Number _____________________________
Business Level (at time of seminar) _________________________________________________________________________
Name of Seminar _______________________________________________________________________________________
Location of Seminar _____________________________________________________________________________________
Date of Seminar ________________________________________________________________________________________
o Dale Carnegie o McLuhan & Davies o Skillpath o Other
Amount Paid: $ ____________
o Certicate of course completion attached
o Proof of payment attached
Home Ofce Use Only:
Date received ________________
Amount $ ___________________
Approver ____________________
© 2015 Pampered Chef used under license.
Please complete this form, include a meeting/travel agenda and send by fax to (630) 261-4088 or email
career_solutions@pamperedchef.com. Reimbursement will not be made without prior approval. Please see
the Consultant Policy Guide for details.
Name __________________________________________________Consultant Number _____________________________
Date of Request ________________________________________________________________________________________
Travel Information:
Name of 1st Generation Director(s) _________________________________________________________________________
Consultant Number(s) ___________________________________________________________________________________
Location of 1st Generation Director(s) _______________________________________________________________________
Date(s) of Director/Team Training ___________________________________________________________________________
o I have met the travel requirements per the Consultant Policy Guide
Home Ofce Use Only:
Date received ________________
Date approved ________________
Approver ____________________
Agenda Attached _____________
160 kilometers or more _________
Generation Director__________
Approval letter ________________
Sales requirement met _________
Recruiting requirement met ______
© 2015 Pampered Chef used under license.
Reimbursement Form
Please send this completed form along with itemized receipts by fax to (630) 261-4088 or email
career_solutions@pamperedchef.com. Reimbursement will be made by commission adjustment.
Please see the Consultant Policy Guide for details.
Name ________________________________________________________________________________________________
Consultant Number ___________________________________ Destination: ________________________________________
Purpose of Trip _________________________________________________________________________________________
Names of Directors ______________________________________________________________________________________
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday TOTAL
Air Transportation
Personal Auto*
Auto Rental
Gasoline (Auto rental)
Total Amount $
Submitted by ______________________________________________ Date ________________________________________
Please attach all itemized receipts.
Mileage may be reimbursed at the established Pampered Chef
rate (54 cents per kilometer in 2017
for personal auto used for
business purposes only when the mileage from the upline Director’s home to the Director exceeds 160 kilometers each way.
Home Ofce Use Only:
Date received ________________
Amount Approved $ ___________
Approver ____________________
© 201
7 Pampered Chef used under license.