Professional Emergency Manager (PEM)
Program Manual
1 | P a g e
Revised May 2023
The Michigan Professional Emergency Manager (PEM) Program provides the knowledge and skills for
emergency managers in the state of Michigan to effectively prevent, prepare for, respond to, recover
from, and mitigate the effects of disasters or emergencies in their communities. Since the early 1990s,
hundreds of emergency management professionals from many whole community partners have
completed this PEM Program to help ensure the safety of their communities. The Michigan State Police,
Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (MSP/EMHSD) is proud to continue the high
level of excellence this designation is known for through a diverse, challenging program.
This manual provides aspiring and current PEM designees with information needed to successfully
complete and maintain the designation. It is intended to be a guide through all the steps of the program
and outlines the annual renewal requirements. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the
MSP/EMHSD State Training Officer via email
or at 517-897-6120.
Thank you for your interest in the Michigan Professional Emergency Manager (PEM) Program and your
dedication to making Michigan safer and more resilient.
Professional Emergency Manager (PEM)
Program Manual
2 | P a g e
Revised May 2023
Achieving the Michigan PEM Designation
Follow the four (4) steps below:
Register for the Professional Emergency Manager (PEM) Program.
Complete and pass all the required coursework in the table below (recommended order):
Course Title Learning Mode Length
FEMA Independent Study (IS) Professional Development Series
(7 courses)
Virtual Self-Paced
NIMS Training (IS-100, 200, 700, 800, and classroom course
Virtual and
3 Days
IS-393 Introduction to Hazard Mitigation Virtual Self-Paced
IS-029 Public Information Officer Awareness Virtual Self-Paced
Michigan Core Emergency Management Knowledge
Requirements (MI-CEMKR)
Virtual 2 Days
Public Information Basics (L-105)
Classroom 3 Days
Incident Command System/Emergency Operations Center
Interface (G191)
Classroom 1 Day
One of the courses below:
Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
Course Webinar
Virtual 16 Hours
Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)
Basics Course Classroom (L0146)
Classroom 16 Hours
Have a minimum of two years of experience in emergency management or a related field at the
time of the examination application.
Register for the comprehensive Professional Emergency Manager Designation Examination,
after completing the first three steps above, at least 30 days prior to the examination date. A
passing grade of 75 percent or greater on the exam is required.
Applicants must complete the program within a four-year period from the time of registration acceptance. See process clarification
and details on page 4.
The G290 Public Information Officer course can be substituted for the Public Information Basics (L-105) course if you completed
the course prior to October 2022.
The HSEEP course may be completed in the classroom at the Emergency Management Institute (EMI), by MSP/EMHSD, or by
EMI webinar. You must register in MI-TRAIN and with EMI to take the webinar and E/L0104 versions.
Professional Emergency Manager (PEM)
Program Manual
3 | P a g e
Revised May 2023
STEP 1: PEM Application Process
When you register for the PEM program in MI-TRAIN, you will be asked to provide your local
emergency manager’s name and contact information. It is anticipated you have, or will establish, a
relationship with this person and are, or will become, a resource to the local emergency management
program. Active participation in the emergency management field is expected to maintain the PEM
Local Emergency Management Coordinators: Applicant will automatically be approved.
State employees in support of Michigan Emergency Management functions: Applicant
will be accepted into the program after confirmation of the state agency/department he/she
Federal and for-profit employees: Applicant must provide a letter confirming his/her
organization’s support of participation in the program.
Whole community partners/all other participants: Applicant must email a letter of
recommendation from an immediate supervisor or past supervisor in the emergency
management or related field to
msp-em@michigan.gov. After the letter is received by the
state, applicant must obtain approval from the Emergency Management Coordinator (EMC)
identified in their PEM Program application. A copy of the letter of recommendation will be
sent to the EMC along with the message below.
STEP 2: Complete Required Coursework
Classroom courses registered on MI-TRAIN and completed through the Emergency Management and
Homeland Security Division, such as Basic Public Information Officer (G290) or HSEEPClassroom
(L0146), will automatically be verified when you have met the course requirements.
If the course was not registered on MI-TRAIN, such as FEMA Independent Study or the HSEEP
Webinar (K0146), verification of course completion must be submitted in your MI-TRAIN account by
uploading the course certificate into MI-TRAIN. Directions to upload your own certificates are found on
page 8.
All registrants will stay in “pending status” until a course manager reviews the registrations.
This message is to inform you that [Applicant], [Title and Organization], has applied for the Michigan
Professional Emergency Manager (PEM) Program. They listed you as their local Emergency
Management Coordinator.
Do you recommend their participation in this program? If not, please explain. Your reply is requested
within 14 days so we can promptly process this request. You may approve or decline participation or
defer this decision to the PEM Advisory Board for a final resolution.
Thank you for your time and commitment to the Michigan Professional Emergency Manager Program.
Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division
Michigan State Police
Professional Emergency Manager (PEM)
Program Manual
4 | P a g e
Revised May 2023
On occasion, the EMHSD must reduce the number of registrants to meet course requirements. When
doing so, the following policy will be used:
PEM Course Approval Priority Policy
Second Priority
Third Priority
Local, state, and tribal personnel in the Emergency Management field.
Whole Community partners who support Emergency Management functions
within the state.
Federal employees and all others who do not directly support Emergency
Management functions within the state.
Program progress and need for a course for an upcoming exam will also be considered.
Lodging, meals, and transportation are the responsibility of the student or their organization.
STEP 3: Minimum of Two Years of Experience in Emergency Management.
The applicant for examination shall have at least two (2) years of experience in the emergency
management field. Experience may include employment, volunteering, or internship in the following
Emergency management
Public safety role with a non-governmental or private organization
Public safety role with a local, state, or federal government organization
First Responder (fire, law enforcement, or emergency medical services)
STEP 4: PEM Examination Application Process
The applicant must complete all the above requirements prior to applying for the exam. Applicants must
complete the steps below at least 30 days prior to the exam:
Register for the exam on MI-TRAIN.
Complete a PEM Exam Application (link emailed to applicants).
Applications will be reviewed to verify completion of all prerequisites. Applicants will be notified of
approval or denial approximately three (3) weeks prior to the examination date with the opportunity to
resolve any outstanding requirements. If the application is missing any required information, the
applicant will have five (5) business days to submit the missing information for review.
Professional Emergency Manager (PEM)
Program Manual
5 | P a g e
Revised May 2023
Annual Renewal Requirement
Annually, all PEM designees must complete at least three of the five activities listed below. Only
one activity per category can be used toward the renewal requirement.
Documentation to
Support Activity
Online Training
Complete eight (8)
hours minimum of
management training.
EMHSTC Courses,
FEMA Independent
Study, NDPC
courses, etc.
Course completion
certificate, sign-in
sheet, transcript,
MI-TRAIN records,
Attend a
Attend eight (8) hours
minimum at a
conference related to the
emergency management
and public safety fields.
Great Lakes Homeland
Security Conference,
MEMA Conference,
NEMA Conference,
Certificate of
MI-TRAIN records, letter
from conference
organizer confirming
attendance, etc.
Develop a
article, plan, or
Development of an
article for a community
newsletter, educational
research paper,
emergency management
plan, educational
presentation, etc.
newsletter, published
paper, Emergency
Operations Plan,
presentation, etc.
sheet, proof of
your development of
the publication, article,
plan, or presentation.
Exercise Planning
Participation in exercise
planning or conduct.
Observing an exercise
does not qualify.
Participation on an
exercise planning
team, playing in an
exercise, controlling,
or evaluating.
MI CIMS entry,
Incident Action Plan
(IAP) with your name
on it, After-Action
Report (AAR), etc.
Proof of your
participation in
exercise planning or
Significant Actual
Planned Event
Active involvement in an
actual incident or
planned event that is
significant for your
Flooding, Super Bowl,
county fair, festival, etc.
MI CIMS entry, IAP
with your name on it,
AAR, sign-in sheet,
PEM designees may claim activities from the list above that occurred from October 1 to September 30
of the previous year. In early September, all active PEMs will receive an email containing a link to an
Annual Renewal Form (EMD-074). The link will contain a questionnaire to certify the completion of at
least three of the five annual renewal requirements and any verification of contact information.
Professional Emergency Manager (PEM)
Program Manual
6 | P a g e
Revised May 2023
Below is an example of the certification language on the renewal form:
PEM designees will not be required to submit documentation at the time of the certification.
A randomized
subset of current PEMs will be asked to provide substantiation documentation for review. If selected,
one must provide documented proof of completion within 30 days of the request by:
uploading documentation into the PEM designee’s MI-TRAIN account
providing hard copies of the documents
emailing electronic copies of the documents
Note: Failure to comply with the annual renewal requirements set forth in this PEM Program
Manual will result in revocation of use of the “PEM” title by the Michigan State Police,
Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division (MSP/EMHSD).
Program Authority
The Michigan Emergency Management Act, Public Act 390 of 1976, as amended, states that the
MSP/EMHSD is required to, “set forth standards and requirements for training and professional
development of emergency management coordinators in Michigan.”
PEM Advisory Board
According to the Michigan Emergency Management Act, Public Act 390 of 1976, as amended, “the Board
shall advise the Michigan Department of State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security
Division on matters pertaining to the application and registration of emergency management coordinators,
and other emergency management personnel, as Professional Emergency Managers in a manner not
inconsistent with the constitution and the laws of this state, which may be reasonably necessary for the
proper performance of their duties, including methods of procedure in processing before the Board. The
members of this Board will serve voluntarily in a manner prescribed by the Michigan Department of State
Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division.”
The PEM Advisory Board is composed of one (1) representative appointed from each emergency
management district of the state, one (1) recognized subject matter expert from the emergency
management community, and one (1) Michigan Emergency Management Association (MEMA) voting
member who will provide opportunities for coordination and collaboration between the Board and the
The PEM Advisory Board follows guidelines, as documented by the PEM Advisory Board Bylaws,
regarding Board Membership, PEM Application, PEM Examination, PEM Registration, and PEM
Annual Renewal Requirements.
The PEM Advisory Board typically convenes quarterly (four meetings) each calendar year.
I certify the above information to be true and accurate as of [date of submission] for the
fiscal year [previous fiscal year]. Furthermore, I am prepared to provide substantiation
documentation as proof of completion within 30 days of being requested to do so.
Professional Emergency Manager (PEM)
Program Manual
7 | P a g e
Revised May 2023
Further Information
Please direct any questions or concerns regarding the Michigan PEM Program Manual and related
emergency management courses here.
Professional Emergency Manager (PEM)
Program Manual
8 | P a g e
Revised July 2022
Uploading an external certificate into MI-TRAIN
To register for and update the status of FEMA Independent Study courses in MI-TRAIN, follow the
instructions below:
Search for the course in MI-TRAIN.
Click on the course name from the list.
Click the Register button.
Select Credit Type.
Click Launch and complete the course on the FEMA website, if needed.
Close the FEMA training website window and return to MI-TRAIN.
Click Home.
In the Your Learning section, find the course and click on the three dots to the left of the title.
Click Mark Completed.
Follow the procedure below to upload the FEMA certificate.
To update the status of a Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) Course
Webinar (K0146), follow the instructions below:
In MI-TRAIN, search for “K0146” or “L0146” and select the appropriate course from the list.
Click the Register button.
Click Launch.
The course will launch in the FEMA site.
When the course is complete, return to MI-TRAIN.
Click Home.
Click Your Learning
Click on the
three dots
to the left of the title find the previously registered course
Click Mark Completed.
Follow the procedure below to upload the FEMA certificate.
To upload an external certificate into MI-TRAIN, follow the instructions below:
Save a copy of the certificate to an external drive or computer.
Click Your Learning.
Click Your Transcript.
Find the course and click the clock icon to the left.
Click on the three dots in the course history window (to the left of the Registration Date).
Click Upload External Certificate.
Name the certificate in the upload certificate window.
Click Drop your file here or click to upload to find the saved electronic certificate and select it.
Click Upload.
Click Save in the top right corner.
Click Close in the top left corner.
Click on the Your Certificates tab to view your uploaded certificate.
Exit MI-TRAIN or repeat the above steps to upload additional certificates.