From campus to career.
Midwestern State University Career Management Center
developed by:
Services 3
MSU Mustangs Career Plan 4-5
Job Preparation Tools 6-7
Job Search Checklist 8
Job Scam Red Flags 9
Career Closet Overview 9
Your Digital Dirt 10
Email Etiquette 11
Reasons to Attend and How to Prepare 12
Creating Your Own 30-Second Commercial 13
Resume Writing Tips / Sample 14-15
Using the Right Words 16-19
Personal Resume Samples 20-28
Sample Reference List & Tips 29
Preparing Your Curriculum Vitae 30-31
Sample Curriculum Vitae 32-33
Tips for Letter Writing 34-36
Cover Letter Checklist 36
Cover Letter and Resume Email Etiquette 37-38
Sample Cover Letter 39
Sample Letter of Inquiry 40
Sample Thank You Letter, Card,or Email 41
Sample Letter of Resignation 42
Interview Preparation 43-45
Types of Interviews 46
How ToAnswer Tough Questions 47
How to Handle Illegal Interview Questions 48
Interview Checklist 48
Appropriate Pre-Employment Inquires 49
Interview Questions 50-52
On-Campus Interviews 53
Items That May Be Negotiable 54
Comparing Multiple Offers 55
Graduate Application Process 56
Graduate/Professional School Statement 57-58
Checklist for Admissions 59
Appendix 60-63
The areer anagement enter presents several opportunities for you to be introduced and guided through the professional
development process using a wide variety of helpful services. We focus on preparing you for significant and personally
satisfying careers and teaching you how to effectively market yourself to prospective employers.
The CMC
will facilitate networking and employment opportunities enabling students and alumni to obtain
satisfactory employment.
The CMC staff will work 1:1 with you to develop your resume,
cover letter, interview, networking, and job search skills.
-Secure your future by scheduling an on-campus
interview with one of many employers who come to MSU to fill their employment needs.
Provide helpful information in such areas as
building a winning resume, successful interviewing skills, workplace ethics, and most importantly,
preparation for the real world.
From Graduate/ Professional
School Application assistance to Entrance Exam preparation, the CMC has several programs to
get you ready and accepted into Graduate/Professional School.
 Several events/programs
are offered each year providing an opportunity to network with employers and graduate/
professional school programs from across the country.
These How To . . .” events provide tips on fine dining, dressing for
success, and making a positive impression.
Utilize the CMC MustangsHIREpowered by Handshake
system to find listings of full-time, part-time, volunteer, and internship openings.
Dedicate yourself to doing well academically by actively and regularly attending classes, developing good study habits
and taking advantage of campus resources designed to help you.
Meet with your academic advisor to determine your degree plan, review course descriptions and requirements for your
Explore potential career paths.
Visit the Counseling Center to take career assessments to help discover your personality traits and interests as they
pertain to a career.
Meet with a CMC Staff Member to have your resume critiqued and to learn about services available at/through the
Career Management Center.
Get involved! Join social, athletic or academic organizations to help develop transferableskills.
Register with MustangsHIRE.org powered by Handshake for internships, employment listings, volunteer opportunities,
networking events, on-campus interviews and program updates.
Talk with professors, mentors, family members and network with professionals in occupations that interest you.
Attend networking career events and other programs sponsored by the CMC.
Consider a summer internship to begin acquiring work experience in an area of interest. Begin your search through
MustangsHIRE.org powered by Handshake.
Take a variety of courses especially ones that could improve your skills in writing, communication, speaking, business,
and computer usage. Continue to explore your career options.
Keep your grades up! Need help? Contact Tutoring and Academic Support Programs.
Update your student profile and upload resume on to MustangsHIRE.org powered by Handshake. Visit Mustang-
sHIRE.org powered by Handshake on a regular basis in search of internship, job listings, and volunteer opportunities.
Take on leadership roles in on/off campus activities.
Join a professional society/organization that is related to your career field of interest.
Update your resume and learn to write a cover letter.
Continue to build your network of contacts for references (professors, advisors, supervisors).
Take advantage of our online resources including: CollegeBoard.com and Vault.
Attend networking career events and other programs sponsored by the CMC. Make sure to follow up with employers.
Research organizations/companies that offer internships and/or job shadowing. Begin your search by using
MustangsHIRE.org powered by Handshake. Job Shadow a professional who works in a career field of your interest.
Secure a summer internship.
when completed!
Meet with a CMC Staff Member to discuss your post-graduation plans and possible next steps.
Have your resume ready for distribution for internships/part-time jobs. Refine your cover letter skills.
Update your student profile and resume on MustangsHIRE.org powered by Handshake. Set up a job search agent on
MustangsHIRE.org powered by Handshake so that internship/job listings are automatically sent to you after posting.
Thinking about grad school? Research application deadlines, standardized test information and funding options. Attend
graduate/professional school seminar and graduate/professional school practice exam day.
Strengthen your interviewing skills by completing a mock interview with a CMC Staff Member. Participate in
on-campus interviews.
Research potential employers and positions and become familiar with job descriptions and work settings.
Continue searching MustangsHIRE.org powered by Handshake and many other online job search resources.
Build your leadership skills by getting involved in a campus or community organization.
Gain career related experience through an internship, volunteer experience, or part-time job.
Attend networking career events and other programs sponsored by the CMC. Make sure to follow up with employers.
Be prepared!
Continue to build your network of contacts for references (professors, advisors, supervisors).
Watch your digital dirt!
Update your resume and cover letter. Make sure you include your current contact information.
Update your student profile on MustangsHIRE.org powered by Handshake.
Meet with a CMC Staff Member to schedule a mock interview, review your job search techniques, and to critique your
resume, cover letter and references. Continue to participate in on-campus interviews.
Have your resume, cover letter and references ready for distribution.
Develop multiple job research avenues, such as MustangsHIRE.org powered by Handshake and other online job sites.
Keep in mind safety tips when job searching online. Create your job search notebook with all of your employer con-
tacts including items such as employer name, address, telephone number and contact person/job title as well as the date
of each contact by letter, email, telephone call of interview.
Begin applying for positions that you hear about or see posted. Do thorough research on potential employers, especially
those with whom you plan to interview. Dont wait until graduation to start looking!
Network! Network! Network!
Continue to be active in campus or community organizations. Assume a leadership role in a campus chapter of a
professional organization.
Narrow your graduate/professional school choices and keep current with their admissions deadlines.
Complete relevant entrance exams for graduate/professional school. Apply to graduate/professional school.
Attend networking career events and other programs sponsored by the CMC. Make sure to follow up with employers.
Be prepared!
Watch your digital dirt!
Register with Alumni Relations and stay connected with MSU.
Remember that you can visit the CMC anytime for FREE career assistance for life!
Good luck on your future endeavors!
100% of the
Fortune 500
 
For additional
information and tips on
LinkedIn click here!
Ready to StandOut?
Click here for virtual interview tips
and more!
Contact the Career Management
Center to get registered!
In order to make your job search a success, use these steps to
guide you to the job that you are seeking to obtain.
Register with MustangsHIRE.org powered by
Identify your personal strengths, skills, interests and
You will be communicating these to employers
through your letter, resume and interview
Write a resume and have it critiqued by the CMC
Upload your resume onto MustangsHIRE.org powered
by Handshake
Write a cover letter and have it critiqued by the CMC
Create a reference list
Start a job search notebook
Schedule a mock interview with the CMC
Participate in on-campus interviewing
Research industries, employers and locations
Shows employers you understand what they do and
why you want to work for them
Vault Career Intelligence and Glassdoor are two good
tools to research employers
Employ several job-search strategies because one is
NOT enough!
On-Campus Interviewing, MustangsHIRE.org
powered by Handshake, career events, professional
societies, employer websites, and your network of
faculty, family, classmates, alumni and employers.
Final tips:
Start early, be positive and persistent, follow-up and
follow-through, be professional/enthusiastic/honest/
thoughtful, and make sure to demonstrate a can do,
will doattitude
Let the CMC know when you have found a job!
when completed!
With all the different questions being thrown about, you may wonder what exactly the employer is looking for in a potential
employee. The following is the list of the top ten qualities employers desire in you, as a potential employee. Show your
competence in as many as possible and you will rise to the competition.
 
2021 7.2%
2020 6.3%
2019 10.7%
2018 -1.3%
2017 5.0%
2016 5.2%
2015 9.6%
2014 8.6%
2013 2.1%
2012 10.2%
2011 19.3%
Source: National Association of
Colleges & Employers Job Outlook 2021
Spring Update
Fraudulent job postings are popping up on job boards and websites everywhere. Students can protect themselves from scam
artists that may prey upon your money, personal information and physical safety in many different ways. Its important for
students to be aware of red flags.
Offering you a job without ever interacting with you
Paying you a large amount of money for doing little to no work
The position requires an initial investment, such as a payment by wire service or courier
The company is not listed with the Better Business Bureau
The job interview is scheduled at a restaurant or anyplace other than a legitimate office
The employeris requesting a copy of your passport, drivers license or social security card up
The company doesnt have a legitimate website or an email address with a company domain
You are asked to forward payments, by wire, courier, bank transfer, check, or through PayPal
A high salary or wage is listed for a job that requires minimum skills
The job is too good to be true
By Peter Vogt, Monster Senior Contributing Writer
Some employers are searching the Internet to see if they can catch a glimpse of you beyond
your sterling resume or fabulous interview performance. If the two pictures don't match, that
internship or job you've been pursuing -- or are already in -- could potentially vanish. To wit:
A chemical engineering student at a university in the Northeast was eliminated from consideration for a job opening after
a company recruiter Googled the student's name, discovering, among other things, that he liked to blow things up.
A student at a school in the Southeastern US was being courted by a small business owner for a key position -- that was
until the owner saw the student's Facebook profile, which featured explicit photos and stories about the student's drinking
and pot smoking.
A recent graduate of a small upper Midwest university was only a few weeks into her first post graduation job when the
boss called her into his office. He had discovered the young woman's personal blog, where she had been writing in detail
about how miserable she was in her new position. She soon became a former employee.
If stories like these have a faraway, it-happened-to-my-sister's-best-friend's-cousin feel to them -- the kind of vibe that makes
you skeptical -- you're not alone, according to Jill Wesley, a former Purdue University career counselor who recently became
director of career services distance education at Indiana Business College.
"Although some employers are checking profiles, it takes a lot of time and is dull work," Wesley says. Moreover, "there are
also some legal gray areas, and I don't think any employer wants to be the test case for them."
Still, Wesley stresses, it's critical for you to remember that with few exceptions, whatever you put on the Internet is public --
and very often available indefinitely. So you need to make sure your online presence is working for you, not against you.
Here's how.
Wesley and former Purdue colleague Kimberly Shea created a "Personal Internet Presence Job Seeker Self-Audit." It's a
handy checklist you can use to see how you might be perceived in your online pursuits. Among the steps it suggests you take:
Use the popular search engine to look up your name. You may want to try a few other search engines
too, like Yahoo!. Does anything potentially damaging turn up? If so, consider contacting any sites where you found the
information and ask to have it removed.
 Have you posted stories or photographs on sites like Facebook and
MySpace that could turn off a prospective employer? Have friends posted any potentially damaging information that
could somehow be associated with you? Are you a member of any Facebook groups whose names and activities could be
deemed suspect? When in doubt, take it out.
 Have you written about -- thus sharing with the world --
any topics or experiences that might give a prospective or current employer pause?
When you're done, your overall online presence should pass the "would you be comfortable if your grandmother saw this?"
test, says Wesley.
Grandma may never really look you up online, but an employer certainly might. What will he discover about you?
Source: Mashable, www.reppler.com
 Is the topic being discussed something youd write on company letterhead or post on a bulletin board?
 Do not assume the person receiving your e-mail knows who you are, or remembers meeting you. Include a
simple reminder of who you are in relation to the person you are reaching out to; an extensive biography of yourself is not necessary.
 The maximum number of exclamation points in a business e-mail? One.
 Refrain from discussing confidential information in e-mails such as someone's tax information
or the particulars of a highly-sensitive business deal. Should the e-mail get into the wrong person's hands, you could face serious –
even legal – repercussions.
 Unless you work in some type of emergency capacity, it's not necessary to be available the instant an e-
mail arrives. Responding within 24 hours is acceptable.
 Using shortcuts such as "4 u" (instead of "for you"), "Gr8" (for great)
in business-related e-mail is not acceptable. If you wouldn't put a smiley face or emoticon on your business correspondence, you
shouldn't put it in an e-mail message. Any of the above has the potential to make you look less than professional.
 Nothing annoys recipients more than when people reply and leave the messages messy, for example, an e-mail chain that
includes excessive carets (>>>), or pages and pages of e-mail addresses that weren't protected using Bcc. Clean it up, then send it.
 Your subject line needs to get to the point quickly. It should be simple and descriptive of what you have
written about. Proof your subject line as carefully as you would proof the rest of the e-mail.
 Avoid subject lines that are in all caps, all lower case, and those that include URLs and exclamation points
which tend to look like Spam to the recipient.
 Never open an old e-mail, hit Reply, and send a message that has nothing to do with the
previous one. Do not hesitate to change the subject as soon as the thread or content of the e-mail chain changes.
 Sending unannounced large attachments can clog the receiver's
inbox and cause other important e-mails to bounce. If you are sending something that is over 500KB or more than two attachments,
senders should ask first or use an online file sharing system.
 Before you click Reply All or put names on the Cc or Bcc lines, ask yourself if all
the recipients need the information in your message. Take time to send your messages to the right people.
 When a topic has lots of parameters that need to be explained or negotiated and will generate too many questions and
confusion, don't handle it via e-mail. Also, e-mail should not be used for last minute cancellations of meetings, lunches, interviews,
and never for devastating news. If you have an employee or a friend you need to deliver bad news to, a phone call is preferable.
 If you overuse this feature, few people will take it seriously. A better solution is to use descrip-
tive subject lines that explain exactly what a message is about.
 If you're sending a message to a group of people and you need to protect the privacy of your list, you should always
use "Bcc." Additionally, avoid giving out e-mail addresses to a third party.
 Write concisely. Make sure when you look at what you're sending it doesn't look like a burden to read
feel free to use bullet points. The person reading your e-mail should not have to dig through several paragraphs in order to figure
out what you're asking. You should state the purpose of the e-mail within the first two sentences. Be clear, and be up front.
 Your e-mail greeting and sign-off should be consistent with the level of respect and formality of the person to
whom you're communicating. Also, write for the person who will be reading it if they tend to be very polite and formal, write in that
language. The same goes for a receiver who tends to be more informal and relaxed.
 You never want someone to have to look up how to get in touch with you. If you're social media savvy, you
can include all of your social media information in your signature as well. Your e-mail signature is a great way to let people know
more about you, especially when your e-mail address does not include your full name or company.
- An automatic response that says, "Thank you for your e-mail message. I will respond to
you as soon as I can" is useless. However, they will alert spammers that your e-mail is real and they can add you to their spam list.
- Every e-mail you send adds to, or detracts from your reputation. If your e-mail is scattered, disor-
ganized, and filled with mistakes, the recipient will be inclined to think of you as a scattered, careless, and disorganized businessper-
son. Other people's opinions matter and in the professional world, their perception of you will be critical to your success.
Adapted from 25 Tips for Perfecting Your E-mail Etiquette by Lindsay Silberman, http://www.inc.com/guides/2010/06/email-etiquette.html
 and are able
to explore job opportunities that will
assist them with choosing a major.
can explore internship
opportunities which many times
result in employment.
have the opportunity
to present themselves as
worthy candidates for
potential employment positions.
Dress Business Professional:
WOMEN: Dress, skirt and blouse or suit, comfortable shoes.
MEN: Suit or slacks, jacket & nice shirt, no sneakers.
Its okay if you dont have Business Professionalclothing.
MEN: Nice pants (khakis/dress pants) and a buttoned down shirt.
WOMEN: Nice pants and dress shirt.
Bring a supply of resumes that have been proofread by you and critiqued by the
Career Management Center. A general resume works well in this situation.
NOTE: Not all businesses accept resumes at career events. They may instead re-
fer you to their website.
Bring a portfolio and pen so that you can store your resumes and take notes after
talking to each employer.
Bring your business cards and make sure to ask for business cards from the
employers so that you can follow up with a note.
Smile and have a positive attitude.
Introduce yourself to recruiters briefly stating who you are and your education
and/or professional background.
Research companies that interest you in possible career opportunities.
Apply classroom theory and learning into real-world action with Internships! Ask
companies about their potential openings.
Project your successful, positive, enthusiastic, and well-rounded attitude to
company recruiters.
Network with potential employers to utilize these opportunities later in your
career search.
# 10 - Dress for success.
# 9 - Keep a positive attitude.
# 8 - Scan the environment.
# 7 - Target the employers you want to talk with and visit them first!
# 6 - If you have to stand in line to talk with a recruiter, make sure you are reading
the companies material.
# 5 - Arrive early!
# 4 - Your time with a recruiter is actually an interview.
# 3 - Be ready for the rapid-fire questions with your rapid-fire responses!
# 2 - Make sure you get a business card for follow up.
As a job seeker, you are in charge of a marketing campaign and the product is you. One key tool you will use throughout the
process is defining who you are, what you are looking for, your skills, expertise and experience. Develop a 30-second
commercial, sometimes called a positioning statement.
Communicating to employers what your goals and key strengths are in a clear and concise way is essential to your success
in acquiring the job of your dreams. Do not assume that a title and the name of the company you worked for will clearly
present who you are and what you have accomplished. Once you have developed your 30-second commercial you can
customize it to fit any situation.
Networking at meetings, school events, and even leisure activities.
Use it in phone conversations with potential employers to introduce yourself.
Integrate it into your resume and cover letter as a summary statement.
During an interview use it as your point of origin for answering tell me about yourself.
Be specific – communicate with a defined focus.
Make your pitch conversational, but not overwhelming with content.
Emphasize your uniqueness through your skills and shining personality.
Communicate enthusiasm and motivation.
What are you looking for? (describe your dream job, professional career field, fulfilling position).
Recent education/prior relevant work experience.
Areas of expertise/skills/accomplishments.
Include words that emphasize your enthusiasm.
Im looking for (an entry-level, senior-level) position to use my mechanical engineering skills. I recently completed my
degree at Midwestern State University. During my last year, I worked full time at XYZ Firm assisting the partners in
planning projects for their clients. I secured this position after I completed a four-month internship. The owner was
impressed with my technical skills and offered me a full-time position. I am strongly interested in design and development.
My strongest points are my ability to listen to client needs and come up with unique ways to create solutions for their
project specifications.
One of my main career interests is manufacturing in the XYZ industry. What are the key qualities your firm looks for in a
mechanical engineer?
Complete an internship while in school. Over the course of the last 4 years,
70% of employers prefer candidates to have RELEVANT work experience.
Always seek constructive feedback from the Career Management Center on your resume before you submit to a
prospective employer. Your resume should be evaluated according to the following criteria:
Create good spacing to develop a pleasing effect including margins at least one inch wide on the top, bottom, and
sides of the resume.
Use , underlining and CAPITALIZATIONS to highlight information.
Use a font size of 10-12 points and non-decorative fonts including Times New Roman, Arial, or Helvetica.
Your resume should be concise and professional. Never make handwritten corrections on your resume.
If your resume is longer than one page, do not staple.
Use 8” x 11” paper of good quality (20 to 25 lbs) and 25-100 and cotton content.
Use white or off-white paper only - we recommend resume paper”.
If possible, limit to one page. However, in some fields it is okay to have two pages, but never more than two pages.
Put contact name and information on each page.
Use 3-5 bullet points to describe duties at each job experience you include.
Use only current resumes. Make sure information such as phone number, email address, and mailing address are
current. Put local and permanent address, if applicable.
Tell the employer what you can do! Highlight transferable skills.
Show and address why your work was relevant. Detail results, achievements, and accomplishments.
Do not list personal information (marital status, religion, ethnicity, etc.), photos, or references on the resume.
Check for grammar, spelling, and typing errors.
Write in concise phrases. Complete sentences are not necessary. Use action verbs!
Write objectively - no Is, mes, mys, etc.
Use numbers, dollar amounts, percentages, and time durations to quantify the results of your actions.
Place most important material at the beginning of the resume.
For each job experience description, place most important duties first.
Be consistent with format throughout the resume.
Does the resume tell a story, but not the whole story?
If you were an employer, would you be interested in inviting this candidate in for an interview?
  
If both addresses are the same, use only one (centered under your name) along with email address and phone number!
 NOTE: Feedback from employers varies - - some prefer a summary; some do not. Keep it simple
and to the point! Be specific about your skills and qualifications. Customize it for each job that
you apply for. Two-three sentences are all you need. This area is also called a Summary of
Qualifications. You can achieve this by listing 3-4 action oriented bulleted statements that out-
line your skills and qualifications.
 List the degree you are currently pursuing first and continue in reverse chronological order. Iden-
tify the university name, city, state, title of the degree, major, minor, and the expected date of
graduation. Grade point average may be listed if over 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. You may also indicate
the GPA in your major.
 Start with your current or most recent employment and record data in reverse chronological
order. Identify employer, city, state, period of employment, job title, and duties. It is suggested to
bullet your duties versus listing them in paragraph form. Include volunteer work, part-time and
summer jobs of significant duration and importance - - it all counts! Volunteer work could be
listed under a separate section as well.
NOTE: If you have work experience that is directly related to your major, you may want to
include a section called PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCEwhich would appear prior to the
 List the organizations and clubs that you are (or have been) a member of - - these may be on- or
off– campus. Also include the dates of your membership. If you are an officer within the
organization (s), include the office.
 Include any honors or awards that you have received. These may include deans list, honors
program, organization recognition and etc.
 List the computer software that you know if it is important to the job you are applying for. Do
not include phrases such as familiar withor understanding ofas these may imply weakness-
es. Special skills, travel, ability to speak other languages, etc.
By using actions verbs to describe your experiences, activities, and etc. you can effectively convey the skills you have de-
veloped. These words are crucial to obtaining a job interview.
Your resume should convey the skills you can offer an
employer. The figure to the right highlights the attributes
employers seek on a candidates resume.
Source: National Association of Colleges and Employers
Job Outlook 2021
Set up
A great way to stand
out is to create a
business card.
4607 Happy Hollow
Wichita Falls, TX 76310
(940) 555-1234
4607 Happy Hollow City, ST 76310
(940) 555-1234 • Newton.Sim[email protected]m
 Wichita Falls, TX
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Minor: Chemistry
Expected Graduation Date (or Graduated): (May, August, or December Year)
GPA: (if 3.0 or above)
Durham, NC
Associate of Science
Date of Graduation: May 2020
GPA: 3.75/4.00
Physiology Microbiology
Biomaterials Biochemistry
 August 2020 - present
Eureca Program Participant
Collaborate with MSU faculty members to enhance educational experience.
Develop basic research skills related to mechanical engineering.
Research the ability of harvesting rain water on campus.
Graham, TX August 2020 - present
Fall Semester Intern
Assist technician in the creation of orthotic prototypes
Learn about the design process to meet individual patients needs
Develop knowledge of materials and processes used in research and development
 Raleigh, NC August 2017 - May 2020
Physical Therapy Volunteer
Gained familiarity with assessment tools and rehab equipment
Observed physical therapiststreatment of adults and youth
Prepared patients with stretching exercises prior to appointments
  
Fraternity/Sorority August 2020 - present
President, Date of office held
Vice President, Date of office held
Volunteer Organizations May 2017 - May 2020
Community Groups September 2016 - May 2018
Please note: The action-oriented, bullet statements above are very general. When you write
your statements, be specific and provide accomplishments or tasks to the potential employer.
An effective resume will use 3-5 bullets for each experience and provide as many relevant
details as possible. (No more than 2 lines of text per bullet point.)
Please note: Branding or Marketing Statements are
suggested by the CMC. Consider adding one to your
1010 Southwest Pkwy. Wichita Falls, TX 76308
(999) 888-7777 • gina.gold@msutexas.edu
Write a Branding or Marketing Statement to place here. Use this space to sell your skills in 3-4 sentences. What
sets you apart from other candidates? What are your strengths? Why should I hire you?
, Wichita Falls, TX
Bachelor of Business Administration, Finance
Expected Graduation Date (or Graduated): (May, August, or December Year)
Grade Point Average: (if 3.0 or above)
, Dallas, TX June 2020
Provided excellent customer service through meeting the needs of patrons by……….
Performed monthly cash audits and daily deposits with precision
,Wichita Falls, TX August 2018 - present
Retail Banker
At least three actionoriented statements about your job
Fraternity/Sorority August 2018 - present
Offices held, Date of offices held
Volunteer Organizations May 2019 - May 2020
Awards Received September 2018 - May 2020
(look for identifiable skills in job posting)
Computer Skills: Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Languages: Bilingual in English and Spanish
Please note: The action-oriented, bullet statements above are very general. When you write
your statements, be specific and provide accomplishments or tasks to the potential employer.
An effective resume will use 3-5 bullets for each experience and provide as many relevant
details as possible. (No more than 2 lines of text per bullet point.)
4607 Happy Hollow City, ST 76310
(940) 555-1234 • Patricia.McEntire@emailaddress.com
 Wichita Falls, TX
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Minor: Mathematics
Anticipated Graduation Date (or Graduated): (May, August, or December Year)
GPA: (if 3.0 or above)
Linear Algebra Differential Equations
Operations Research Concepts and Facilities of Operating Systems
Java, MATLAB, JavaScript, C++SQL, UNIX, SAS, HTML
Programming Intern May 2020 – December 2020
Albuquerque, NM
Designed programs and systems using functional specifications
Coded, debugged, and tested system for portfolio management program
Provided technical support to customers
Position Title Dates of Employment
 Location
At least three actionoriented statements about your job
Volunteer Organizations Date
Fraternity/Sorority Date
Office held, Date
Community Group Date
Deans List Date
Provost List Date
Scholarships Date
Please note: Branding or Marketing Statements are suggested by the CMC.
Consider adding one to your resume before the education section.
4607 Green Gables Way Wichita Falls, TX 76310
(940) 555-1234 • arschrute@emailaddress.com https://linkedin.com/in/yourname...
 Wichita Falls, TX
Bachelor of Science in Geosciences
Expected Graduation Date (or Graduated): (May, August, or December Year)
Grade Point Average: (if 3.0 or above)
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing Petroleum Geology
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Groundwater Hydrology
Brunton Compass Barometer, Alidade, and Plane Table
Mapping and Measuring Basic Well Log Analysis
 August 2020-present
Faculty Mentor: Dr. John Smith
Write two-three sentences that describe the project and demonstrate the hands-on experience of your
Canyon, TX January 2020-May 2020
Spring Intern
Participated in the computerized study of rock composition and deterioration
Assisted researches with park maintenance
Created a Friends of the Canyonelectronic newsletter to provide information to frequent visitors
Location Dates of Employment
Camp Counselor
At least three actionoriented statements about your job
Geological Society of America Date
Geosciences Club—Midwestern State University Date
Volunteer Organizations Date
Fraternity/Sorority Date
Office held Date
Community Group Date
Please note: Branding or Marketing Statements are suggested by the CMC.
Consider adding one to your resume before the education section.
4607 Happy Hollow City, State 76310
(940) 555-1234 • Ashirley@emailaddress.com
Write 1-2 action-oriented sentences that describe you and why you would be an asset to the
organization. Avoid all personal pronouns.
 Wichita Falls, TX
Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies
Expected Graduation Date (or Graduated): (May, August, or December Year)
Grade Point Average: (if 3.0 or above)
Certification: 6-12 Social Studies
Location January 2020-present
Clinical Teaching, 123 Elementary and ABC High Schools
At least three actionoriented statements about your job
Location January 2019-December 2019
Clinical Experiences: 123 Elementary and ABC High Schools
t least three actionoriented statements about your job
 Shoeville, TX May 2017-August 2019
Camp Counselor: Grades 4-9
Provided constant, encouraging supervision of 350 campers
Maintained a friendly, professional rapport with coworkers and supervisors
Created games and activities tailored to the age level and abilities of the campers
  
Volunteer Organizations Date
Fraternity/Sorority Date
Office held Date
Community Group Date
Are you a member of a professional organization that
is related to your career field? If yes, then remember
to list this on your resume!
Are you a member of a professional organization that
is related to your career field? If yes, then remember
to list this on your resume!
123 Taft Blvd. Wichita Falls, Texas 76308
(940) 867-5309 • michael.m[email protected] https://linkedin.com/in/yourname...
Write a Branding or Marketing Statement to place here. Use this space to sell your skills in 3-4 sentences. What sets
you apart from other candidates? What are your strengths? Why should I hire you?
Wichita Falls, Texas
Bachelor of Arts, Mass Communications
Expected Graduation Date (or Graduated): (May, August, or December Year)
Grade Point Average: (if 3.0 or above)
Include a piece about your senior documentary.
Wichita Falls, Texas January 2018 - present
Advertising Assistant
At least three actionoriented statements about your job.
Wichita Falls, Texas January 2017 - December 2019
Customer Service Associate
At least three actionoriented statements about your job.
Wichita Falls, Texas June 2015 - December 2016
Customer Service Associate
At least three actionoriented statements about your job.
InDesign Publisher
PowerPoint MS Word
Volunteer Organizations Date
Fraternity/Sorority Date
Office held, Date
Community Group Date
4607 Happy Hollow Wichita Falls, TX 76310
(940) 555-1234 • [email protected]
Organized engineer with experience tracking site performance, preparing reports, and maintaining accurate records within
professional environments. Natural aptitude for math and visualizing designs in 3D.
Combine motivation and pride in hard work to produce quality outcomes:
Freed time for Department of Transportation supervisor by creating online data-entry tools.
Honored to have a writing assignment selected by a professor as a template for classes in the future.
Earned recognition for multiple semesters on the Deans List at MSU and graduated with distinction.
 Wichita Falls, TX Graduation Date: May 2021
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Grade Point Average: 3.75
Minor: Mathematics
, Wichita Falls, TX January 2021-May 2021
Freight Hauling System
Designed 4-wheel drive truck to handle 16 foot container at 5-ton capacity with 4-cylinder hydraulic system
Worked with 2 team members to determine design and component needs
Led hydraulic system design determining size and counterweight requirements using 2D SolidWorks software
Went beyond project requirements to factor in horsepower for climbing hills and street worthiness
Wrote paper and presented design to faculty and industry, earning praise for rendering of prototype/3D model and feed-
back around design flexibility, ergonomics, and safety concerns
, Denver, CO May 2020-August 2020
Data Analyst Intern
Automated manual weekly data entry for traffic stations statewide by creating online data entry tool
Organized data to ensure accuracy and speed identification of discrepancies and comparisons
Created 50-page macro in VBA for Excel to compile data, linking data sets between Access and Excel
Prepared reports, investigated anomalous data, and logged discrepancies for supervisor review
Cut data analysis time from 1-2 hours to 5 minutes and earned commendation letter for outstanding technical skills,
teamwork, time management, and initiative
Wichita Falls, TX September 2017-April 2019
Sales Associate
Greeted customers and assisted them in locating merchandise
Created appealing visual displays marketing new products
Met sales targets regularly by utilizing referral base and strong customer relationships
Exceeded monthly sales target by double for a special edition product which later became a part of the regular merchan-
dise line
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society January 2019-Present
American Society of Mechanical Engineers April 2017-Present
Golden Key Honor Society September 2016-Present
Ultimate Frisbee Club, Midwestern State University October 2016-May 2020
-: SolidWorks, Autodesk Inventor, AutoCAD, and SolidWorks FEA Simulation
: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, OpenOffice, and Materials Research
: Fluent in German
444 Kemp Blvd.
Wichita Falls, TX 76308
(123) 456-7890
List 2-3 bullet points that summarizes your strengths and skills you bring to the workplace. Use active writing
voice and avoid all personal pronouns.
Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, TX
Graduation Date: May 2021
GPA: 3.5
Study Abroad: Queen Mary University of London
Summer 2019
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (Expiration: May 2021)
United Regional Health Care System, Wichita Falls, TX (January 2021-present)
 United Regional Health Care System, Wichita Falls, TX (January 2021-present)
 Denton Regional Hospital, Denton, TX (August 2020-December 2020)
 North Texas State Hospital, Vernon, TX (January 2020-May 2020)
 Texas Specialty Hospital, Wichita Falls, TX (January 2020-May 2020)
 United Regional Health Care System, Wichita Falls, TX (August 2019-December 2019)
 Senior Care Resources, Wichita Falls, TX (January 2018-present)
At least three actionoriented statements about your job
 Kohls, Wichita Falls, TX (May 2017-December 2018)
At least three actionoriented statements about your job
Volunteer Organizations (Date)
Fraternity/Sorority (Date)
Community Groups (Date)
Are you a member of a professional organization that
is related to your career field? If yes, then remember
to list this on your resume!
508 Main Street Wichita Falls, TX 76308
(940) 123-5555 Melissa.mustangs@msutexas.edu
Wichita Falls, TX
Bachelor of Arts, Political Science
Expected Graduation Date: December 2022
GPA: (if 3.0 or above)
American Constitutional Law I International Law Research Methods
Judicial Systems Public Administration Legislation
 May 2021-present
Senate Intern May 2019-August 2019
At least three actionoriented statements about your job
Wichita Falls, TX December 2018-present
At least three actionoriented statements about your job
Wichita Falls, TX June 2017-December 2017
Customer Service Associate
At least three actionoriented statements about your job
Student Ambassador, MSU January 2019-present
Hospice of Wichita Falls Volunteer August 2018-present
College Republicans August 2018-present
Pi Sigma Alpha, Political Science Honor Society January 2020-present
Alpha Chi Honor Society September 2019-present
Please note: Branding or Marketing Statements are suggested by the CMC.
Consider adding one to your resume before the education section.
Put references on a separate page
Use the same format for the heading as on your resume
Always get permission from your references first
Provide the employer with exactly the number of
references requested
Only supply references if the employer asks for them
Keep references professional
Include professionals in your chosen field, professors,
and supervisors
Never use relatives or friends!
Spell names correctly
Include complete information for each reference: name,
title, company, address, phone, and email
If a prior supervisor is now working for another company
include their current information
1001 Lamar St. Wichita Falls, TX 76310
(940) 321-9876 susie.student@msutexas.edu
Phone Number
Phone Number
Phone Number
Vitae, also known as curricula vitae or CV, are documents that give much more detail than resumes about your academic
and professional accomplishments. They are most often used for academic or research positions, whereas resumes are the
preferred documents in business and industry. Note: "vitae" (vee-tie) is the plural form; "vita" (vee-tuh) is singular.
Vitae are commonly used in applying for the following:
Admission to graduate school or as part of an application packet for a graduate assistantship or scholarship
Grant proposals
Teaching, research, and upper-level administrative positions in higher education
Academic departmental and tenure reviews
College or university service appointments
Professional association leadership positions
Speaking engagements
Publishing and editorial review boards
Research and consulting positions in a variety of settings
School administration positions at the superintendent, principal, or department head level
While your resume - even for most graduate students - should be kept to one page, CV are usually two pages at the
shortest, and can be many pages in length. Common lengths for CV are one to three pages for bachelor's and master's
degree candidates; two to five pages for doctoral candidates; and five or more pages for an experienced academician or
researcher. Even though it's a longer document, write it concisely and give it a clean, easy-to-read layout.
A CV includes information about professional publications, presentations, committee work, grants received, and other
details based on each person's experience.
You can include:
Master's thesis or project
Dissertation title or topic
Course highlights or areas of concentration in graduate study
Teaching experience and interests
Research experience and interests
Consulting experience
Internships or graduate practicum
Professional papers and presentations
Grants received
Professional association and committee leadership positions and activities
Certificates and licensure
Special training
Academic awards, scholarships, and fellowships
Foreign study and travel abroad
Language competencies
Technical and computer skills
Although curricula vitae are often similar to resumes, the preferred style, format, and content varies from discipline to
discipline. Before writing a CV, you should become familiar with the requirements of your academic field by asking faculty
members in your department and contacting professional associations for additional guidelines and examples. The Career
Management Center staff can review your vita and make suggestions.
Follow these simple rules for form and style for best results:
Style: Short phrases; succinct word choice; action verbs
Paper Size: 8½X 11”
Margins: left and right margins 1"; top and bottom margins 1½
Grammar: parallel, consistent
Typing: error free
Font Size: 10-12
Use boldface and italics to highlight information, but be consistent in your use
Avoid graphics, shading and underlining; if you do use lines, put at least ¼white space around them
The Chronicle of Higher Education, Career Network Library
Of particular note are the CV Doctorarticles
The Curriculum Vitae Handbook: Using Your CV to Present and Promote Your Academic Career by Gerald Roe
and Rebecca J. Anthony
Current Address Permanent Address
1200-F University Terrace 5000 Greenway Drive
Wichita Falls, TX 76308 Norfolk, VA 23703
(540) 555-3000 (757) 555-5555
[email protected] JBD@yahoo.com
Master of Science, Biology, Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, TX
 Regulation of aerobic gene expression in Escherichia coli
Expected: May 2021
Advisor: Chris Smith
Bachelor of Science, Biology, Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, TX
Minor: Chemistry
May 2018
Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society, 2015 - Present
American Society for Microbiology, 2014 - Present
Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society, 2014 - Present
National Institutes of Health Society, 2015 - 2016
Regulation of aerobic gene expression
DNA sequencing and determination of DNA binding domains
Undergraduate biology and microbiology courses including microbiology, genetics, and
microbial genetics
Graduate microbiology courses
Research Fellow, National Institutes of Health, Poolesville, MD
May 2020 - August 2020
Synthesized and purified hundreds of oligonucleotides
Sequenced DNA
Constructed a cosmid library from human blood DNA
Research Assistant, Department of Biology, Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, TX
August 2019 - May 2020
Performed protein bioassays and prepared tissue cultures
Assisted with DNA preparations for DNA fingerprinting including isolating DNA and gel
Analyzed data…..
Biology Research Technician, Biotech Research Laboratories, Inc., Roanoke, VA
Summers 2017 2019
Participated in DNA fingerprinting project
Separated digested DNA fragments by electrophoresis through agarose gels and transferring
by Southern blotting technique
Prepared buffers, photographed gels, developed autoradiographs
Laboratory Instructor, Department of Biology, Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, TX
August 2019- present
Taught two laboratory sections for undergraduate introductory Microbiology course
Managed a student load of 200 per semester
Adhered to all university laboratory policies and procedures
Teaching Assistant, Department of Chemistry, Midwestern State University, Wichita Falls, TX
August 2018 - May 2019; August 2019 - May 2020
Instructed ninth – twelfth grade biology and chemistry students
Graded quizzes and assignments
Served as biology club sponsor
Doctor, J. B. and T. W. Advisor. Structure of the glp repressor and the determination of DNA
binding domains. (in progress)
Doctor, J. B. and T. W. Advisor. April 2021. Structures of the promoter and operator of the
glpD gene encoding aerobic sn-glycerol 3-phosphate dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli
K-12. J. Bacteriol. xx: xxxx-xxxx.
Doctor, J. B. and T. W. Advisor. June 2020. Nucleotide sequence of the glpR gene encoding
the repressor of Escherichia coli K-12. American Society for Microbiology, Anaheim, CA.
Advisor, T. W., J. B. Doctor, A. Colleague, and S. Colleague, A. M. Graduate. 2019.
Tandem operators control sn-glycerol 3-phosphate glp gene expression in Escherichia coli
Gordon Res. Conf., Meriden, NH.
If you have not had a formal interview with a company but would like to make application by letter, remember that the
prospective employer is influenced by its appearance and your presentation. Listed below are some simple rules that may
be followed for a letter of application:
1. The letter should be an original typewritten copy, not a photocopy or carbon copy. Its appearance should be neat and
free of grammatical and typographical errors. Try to be brief, but express your interest in the company and in the
particular job for which you are applying.
State the reason for your interest in the company and list your qualifications for specific kinds of work.
Request an appointment for an interview, giving the time you might be in the area or the possibility of meeting a
representative from the company in your own geographical area.
2. Do not extend your remarks past one page; employers are busy people and one page is sufficient to state your case.
3. Enclose a resume.
Be sure to keep copies of all job search correspondence.
A thank you letter for an interview, though not mandatory, is a positive way to show interest in a company. If the
interviewers do not notify you by the time which they had indicated, a note reminding them tactfully of your talk would
be appropriate. The follow-up letter should include an expression of appreciation for the interview and indicate the
specific date and location of your interview. Restate your interest in the company and the job. Add any additional
information to clarify your position and close with a tactful request for further action. You have little to lose at this point
by refreshing their memory, and you might receive a favorable response. Thank you letters can be handwritten on note
cards, typed in a formal business letter format, or sent via email.
This letter is appropriate if you wish to postpone any definite action on an offer. Make reference to the reason for the let-
ter (i.e., an offer by telephone, etc.), state your continued interest, and indicate the time period you will require to reach a
decision about employment.
Maintain a positive tone as you thank the employer for their interest in you and reject the offer. Your promptness in
notifying the employer will be especially appreciated, and may open an opportunity for an offer of employment to another
Midwestern State University graduate.
This letter should be written as soon as you have made a positive decision. Usually it is best not to assume you have a job
offer until you receive it in writing. Remember, this letter constitutes an employment contract. Restate the details of the
agreement to avoid any misunderstanding (title, place, work, salary, etc.). Be sure to give the date you will be available
for work. Finally, do not forget to thank the company for selecting you for the position. It is a good idea to send the letter
by registered mail.
To a large extent, securing an appropriate position is a challenge of communicating effectively. Job-search letters should
reflect sound writing practices and promote your candidacy. You must communicate your value to a prospective employer
in an understanding, brief and positive way. The following guidelines should help you achieve those goals:
1. Design your letters to be work-centered and employer-centered, not self-centered. Your letters are marketing tools
that should address the needs of employers and evoke a desire to learn more about you.
2. Never delegate responsibility for your job search to anyone else. Do all the writing yourself and take responsibility
for follow-up with employers.
3. Always address your letters to a specific individual with his or her correct title and business address.
4. Use high-quality stationery and envelopes. Be sure to use the same stationery throughout the letter writing and
resume process.
5. Keep the letter to one page. Eliminate extraneous words and avoid rehashing materials from your resume.
6. Produce an error-free, clean copy.
7. Tailor your letters for each situation. Generic mass-produced letters are unprofessional.
8. Show appreciation to the employer for considering your application, for granting you an interview, etc.
9. Always keep your reader in mind. Make your letters easy to read and attractive.
10. Be timely. Demonstrate that you know how to do business for yourself and, by implication, for others.
11. Be honest. Always be able to back up your claims with evidence and specific examples from your experience.
When reflected in your writing, these job-search guidelines should communicate that you are a responsible person with a
positive attitude who knows how to operate in a professional environment.
Communication skills are among the most important skills you bring to your career, and your job-search letters normally
will be the first sample most employers will have of your competency in this area. Your letters should be functional,
understandable, easy to read, and pleasant in tone. Remember, every communication act is a message about you.
There are several basic letters you will probably use during your job search. Each has its own function and should be used
accordingly. The types of letters are described when necessary and illustrations are provided for each. Be sure to sign the
original letters and to keep copies of all correspondence.
 The purpose of this letter is to get your enclosed resume read and to generate
interviews. Use this type of letter in response to specific job advertisements and vacancy announcements. Your strategy is to
demonstrate that your qualifications fit the requirements of the position. Study the position description carefully and com-
municate why you want to work for that SPECIFIC company. Link major job dimensions with your related past perfor-
mances and experience. Hiring managers dont want to see a generic cover letter that can just be sent to every company
within your field.
Structure your cover letter with three or four paragraphs:
 Come to the point and reveal your purpose and interest. Identify the position and your source of information
[company website, job search engine (MustangsHIRE.org powered by Handshake), newspaper ad, faculty referral, etc.].
Introduce your themes.
 Outline your strongest qualifications that match the position
requirements based on the themes you selected. As much as possible, provide evidence of your related experiences and
accomplishments. Make reference to your enclosed resume. Convince the employer that you have the personal qualities and
motivation to perform well in the position. Sell yourself!
 Suggest an action plan. Request an interview and indicate that you will call during a specific time period to
discuss interview possibilities. Show appreciation to the reader for his or her time and consideration.
 The purposes of this letter are to prospect for possible vacancies in your occupation, to get
your resume read, and to generate interviews. Prospecting letters are used extensively for long-distance searches. Target
specific individuals in specific organizations. Structure this letter similarly to the application letter, but instead of using
position information, focus on broader occupational and/or organizational dimensions to describe how your qualifications
match the work environment.
 This letter is designated to generate information interviews not job interviews – which
allow you to meet individuals who can give you specific information about your intended career. Your purposes in seeking
information interviews may vary, but your reasons for wanting to meet with a contact person must be genuine and sincere.
Information interviewing remains a viable way to conduct job market research, to refine career goals, and to uncover
vacancy information in an industry or a geographical region. Information interviewing is not a magic shortcut to
employment; it requires solid preparation, sincerity, and much effort. The networking letter is the first step in the
information interviewing process.
If submitting electronically:
One page only and limited to three/four targeted para-
Full spell check and proofing
Have it critiqued by your college coordinator!
Correct and complete company name and address
Quality paper, 8” x 11” - ideally the same size as your
Close with Sincerely,
Before hitting Sendor Submit”, make sure you have
attached the appropriate items
Print/Save a copy of what you submitted
If NOT submitting electronicallythe previous...plus:
After Sincerely,sign your name with a blue or black
Make sure that you have a copy of the cover letter and
resume for your records
Place the resume behind your cover letter and fold in a
tri-fold, with no staples
Type or neatly print address on the envelope
Seal the envelope
Conservative stamp on the envelope
when completed!
When you're sending an email cover letter, it's important to follow the employer's instructions on how to submit your cover letter and resume,
and to make sure that your email cover letters are written as well as any other correspondence you send. Even though it's quick and easy to send
an email, it doesn't mean that you should write anything less than a detailed cover letter focused on why you are a good match for the job you are
applying. Above all, when you email an employer, you must demonstrate the same respect and courtesy as you would if you were meeting that
employer face-to-face. So, it is extremely important to show proper manners, or etiquette, through your writing.
There are a few important points to remember when composing email, particularly when the email's recipient is a superior and/or someone who
does not know you.
Be sure to include a meaningful subject line.
Just like a written business letter, be sure to address your audience with the proper formality.
Begin your email with a salutation, or greeting:
Dear Dr. Jones, or
Ms. Smith:
Use standard spelling, punctuation, and capitalization:
Do not use text language.
Do not, under any circumstance, use emoticons:
It is forbidden to use anything like or .
Write clear, short paragraphs and be direct and to the point:
Employers see their email accounts as business. Don't write unnecessarily long emails or otherwise waste the employer's time.
Be friendly and cordial, but don't try to joke around:
Witty remarks may be uncalled for and may not come off appropriately in email.
Include your cover letter and resume as instructed by the employer:
as separate attachments, or
as pasted into the body of your email.
Make sure you list the position you are applying for in the subject line of your email address, so the employer is clear as to what job you are
applying for. This helps clarify what your message is about and may also help the employer prioritize reading your email. Be sure to include the
job code if one was given in the job posting.
The level of formality you write with should be determined by the expectations of your audience and your purpose. For example, if you are
writing a cover letter for a job, you would write in a formal style. If you are writing a letter to a friend, writing something personal, you would
use a more informal style.
Here is an example:
I am applying for the customer service associate position advertised in the Dallas Morning News. I am an excellent candidate
for the job because of my significant retail experience, my good language skills, and my sense of courtesy and respect. I have
attached a cover letter and a resume as you requested in your job posting.
Hi!!!!!! I like read that u was lookin for a associate or whatever. I think that im good for that job cuz i've done stuff like that
b4, am good with words, and am good at not disrespectin people and stuff. Text me if u want 2 c my rez. Thx!!!!
There are two main ways employers like to receive resumes and cover letters:
as separate attachments, and
pasted into the body of an email.
Unless an employer specifically asks for you to include your cover letter and your resume in the body of your email, send them as
separate email attachments. You should always write a real cover letter and attach it to the email. Your letter may be passed
around from one manager to the next, and a printed or photocopied email used in that situation looks unprofessional; it looks as if
you didn't bother to write a letter. Send your cover letter and resume as separate PDFs or separate Word documents, because those
two forms of electronic documents are the most common.
Some employers do not accept email attachments. In these cases, paste your resume into your email message. Use a simple font
and remove the fancy formatting. Don't use HTML. You don't know what email program the employer is using, so keep your
message simple, because the employer may not see a formatted message the same way you do.
Your email should give enough information about you and about the goal of your communication so that you could be contacted
even without the attachments.
Always use an informative signature when you apply for a job. Include your name, address, phone, and a professional looking
email address.
For example
Mr. Smith:
I am a recent graduate of Midwestern State University applying for a customer service position with your store. I have
attached the resume, cover letter and transcript that you requested to this email. If you have questions or need more
information, you may reach me through the phone number or email below.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Your name
Your address
Your phone
Your email
Send the message to yourself first to test that the formatting works. If everything looks good, resend to the employer.
Make sure you spell check and check your grammar and capitalization. They are just as important in an email cover letter as in
paper cover letters.
Adapted from Email Etiquette when sending a cover letter and resume.Applied Communications in English. https://
sites.google.com/site/appliedcommunicationsinenglsih/lesson-v-cover-letters/email-etiquette (accessed May 18, 2015).
1001 Lamar St. Wichita Falls, TX 76310
(940) 321-9876 susie.student@msutexas.edu
May 1, 2021
Mr. John Smith
Hiring Manager
North Texas State Hospital
1472 North Lane
Wichita Falls, TX 76308
Dear Mr. Smith:
paragraph - Identify the position and your source of information (company website, job search engine
(MustangsHIRE.org powered by Handshake), newspaper ad, faculty referral, etc.). Introduce your themes.
Discuss your strong interest in the position.
paragraph - Provide information about your graduation, your skills, relevant experience, and how you can
benefit the company if you are hired. The 2nd and, possibly, 3rd paragraphs should contain information about
how your qualifications match the requirements of the job. Tell a story thats not on your resume.
paragraph - Is a thank you paragraph for considering you and taking the time to look at your resume. It also
gives them the information on how and when to contact you, or states that you will follow up on a certain date.
Susie Student
Enclosure: Resume
1010 Southwest Pkwy. Wichita Falls, TX 76308
(999) 888-7777 ▪ gina.gold@msutexas.edu
May 2, 2021
Mr. Michael Scott
Dunder Mifflin
1582 Maple Dr.
Scranton, PA 18501
Dear Mr. Scott,
paragraph discusses your interest in the employer/individual.
For the past ten years I have followed your company through news events, interviews and web research.
Dunder Mifflins dedication to community service and your understanding of the important role paper
distributors play in today's market is most impressive.
paragraph details the experience you would bring to the company.
I have had the privilege of honing my selling abilities in two major retail stores. Upon graduating from col-
lege, the local branch of JC Penney offered me a job where I learned all aspects of using suggestive selling
techniques. I then transitioned to Assistant Regional Manager for the largest Staples store in Dallas, TX. My
current position is Director of Paper Research for one of the largest paper distributors in the southwest.
paragraph talks about how you would like to inquire about any employment opportunities within the com-
pany. Discuss when you plan on contacting them and mention the resume you are sending.
I would like an opportunity to visit with you to get your insight and suggestions on where my skills and abili-
ties would be of the greatest value to Dunder Mifflin, and to inquire about possible job openings with the com-
pany. I will call your office to set a convenient time to discuss potential opportunities within your company. A
copy of my resume is included for your review. I do look forward to visiting with you.
Gina Gold
123 Taft Blvd. Wichita Falls, Texas 76308
(940) 867-5309 • michael.m[email protected] https://linkedin.com/in/yourname...
April 12, 2021
Mr. Matthew Smith
ABC Company
8910 Kell Blvd.
Wichita Falls, TX 76308
Dear Mr. Smith:
paragraph expresses your thanks for the interview opportunity.
Thank you for interviewing me yesterday for the Marketing Assistant position. I appreciate the information you
shared with me and enjoyed meeting you and learning more about your company and opportunities.
paragraph mentions how your experience transfers to the position.
My enthusiasm for the position and my interest in working for ABC Company were strengthened as a result of the
interview. My education and internship experiences fit nicely with the job requirements, and I am sure that I could
make a significant contribution to your company.
paragraph reiterates your interest in the position and provides your contact information. Make sure to thank
them for their consideration.
I want to reiterate my strong interest in the position and in working with you and your team. You provide the kind
of opportunity I seek. Please feel free to contact me at (940) 867-5309 or michael.mustang[email protected].
Again, thank you for the interview and your consideration.
Michael Mustangs
Dear Mr. Smith:
Thank you for interviewing me yesterday for the Marketing Assistant
position. I appreciate the information you shared with me and enjoyed
meeting you and learning more about your company and opportuni-
My enthusiasm for the position and my interest in working for ABC
Company were strengthened as a result of the interview. My education
and internship experiences fit nicely with the job requirements, and I
am sure that I could make a significant contribution to your company.
I want to reiterate my strong interest in the position and in working
with you and your team. You provide the kind of opportunity I
seek. Please feel free to contact me at (940) 867-5309 or mi-
[email protected]. Again, thank you for the interview and
your consideration.
Michael Mustang
To: matthew.smith@abc.com
Subject: Thank You
Dear Mr. Smith:
Thank you for interviewing me yesterday for the Marketing Assistant position. I appreci-
ate the information you shared with me and enjoyed meeting you and learning more
about your company and opportunities.
My enthusiasm for the position and my interest in working for ABC Company were
strengthened as a result of the interview. My education and internship experiences fit
nicely with the job requirements, and I am sure that I could make a significant contribu-
tion to your company.
I want to reiterate my strong interest in the position and in working with you and your
team. You provide the kind of opportunity I seek. Please feel free to contact me at (940)
867-5309 or micha[email protected]. Again, thank you for the interview and your
Michael Mustang
Roberta Jones
4016 Anderson Dr. Wichita Falls, TX 76308
(940) 333-4444 ro[email protected]
March 13, 2021
Ms. Joyce Michaels
Business Manager
ABC Company
15 Main St.
Sometown, TX 77777
Dear Joyce,
(Opening paragraph includes the fact that youre leaving and your last day of employment)
Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation from my position as staff accountant. My last
day of employment will be April 10, 2021.
(You may want to give a reason for leaving but this is not required.) I received an offer to serve
as senior accountant of a Fortune 500 company, and after careful consideration, I realize that
this opportunity is too exciting for me to decline.
(Share some positive aspects of the job, what you learned or the experience you gained) It has
been a pleasure working with you and your team over the last three years. One of the highlights
of my career was collaborating with you to automate ABC Companys accounting, financial and
balance systems and setting up your accounting infrastructure. Your company is poised for con-
tinued growth and I wish you much success with your upcoming acquisition of XYZ Company.
(Offer to ease the transition if possible.) I would like to help with the transition of my accounting
duties so that systems continue to function smoothly after my departure. I am available to help
recruit and train my replacement and will make certain that all reporting and records are updat-
ed before my last day of work.
(In the closing paragraph, thank your employer and politely say goodbye.) Thank you again for
the opportunity to work for ABC Company. I wish you and your staff all the best and I look for-
ward to staying in touch with you. You can email me anytime at robertajones@msutexas.edu or
call me at 940-333-4444.
Roberta Jones
The interview is the last step of the hiring process and the most important. It offers both you and the employer the
opportunity to meet one another, exchange information and come to tentative conclusions about one another.
The interview is a two-way process. You evaluate the employer while he/she evaluates you. Since there is no one way of
interviewing, you will have to develop your own style. In the short amount of time that you will spend with a potential
employer, you will either be screened in or screened out, so you must project yourself in a positive, enthusiastic manner.
The interview gives the employer the opportunity to meet you in person and to evaluate the totalyou. This includes
your attitude, appearance, personality, confidence, knowledge about yourself, and knowledge about the company, as well
as basic ability to do the job.
The interview stage is regarded as the most important step in the job search process. A decision to hire an applicant will
not be made until the interview has occurred. Ultimately, the decision to hire someone oftentimes is based on the
interview results.
In order to present yourself well during the interview, you must be prepared. Preparation builds confidence and enables
you to give a better presentation of your qualifications. As youre becoming prepared, learn whats expected before,
during, and after the interview.
Thoroughly research the organization to impress those with whom you meet and to allow more time for you to tell
your story and discuss specifics of the position. Some of the information you will want to know includes:
You can find this information in the following places:
Employer brochures
Local newspapers
Library materials
Other employees
Contacting the organization directly for information (only if you cant find anything elsewhere)
Analyze your strengths and weaknesses and know exactly what you want to say and do not want to say during the
Evaluate problem areas in your record and be prepared to offer a strong case for these during the interview, if
necessary. Do not volunteer negative information about yourself or a former employment situation.
Write out answers to possible questions from the interviewer, as a practice activity. Do a mock interview with a
staff member in the Career Management Center, a friend or relative, etc.
Key people in the organization
Size of organization
Location of facilities
Structure of organization
Types of clients
Product line or service
Potential markets
Stock and assets information
Training provisions
Relocation policies
Recent news items
Others you know in the organization
Know the name, role and level of responsibility of each individual with whom you are to meet.
Know exactly how to get to the organization and be prepared to arrive early and stay late.
Dress to project an image of confidence and success; your total appearance should be appropriate to the job. Dress
 A dark, preferably single breasted, suit (navy blue or charcoal grey in solids or subtle striped patterns) is
recommended. A crisp, white shirt is also best with a no-shine silk tie. The tie should have a small print pattern and meet
the belt buckle. The shoes should be laced, in black or cordovan, and be shined. The belt should match. The socks should
be dark solid or a small pattern. Wear a minimal amount of jewelry and cologne.
 A well-tailored suit with the skirt length approximately at the knees is recommended. Mini skirts are not
acceptable. A conservative dress is acceptable. The suit jacket may be single or double breasted in navy blue, charcoal
grey, or black. The blouse should be cotton, silk, or rich looking artificial fibers in white or light blue. Always wear a
classic low to medium heel. Wear neutral hosiery. Use a conservative amount of jewelry, perfume, and makeup.
It is highly recommended to cover tattoos, hide or remove unusual body piercings, and to keep finger and toe nail polish
Prepare to bring additional materials to the interview such as copies of your resume, a list of references, samples of your
work, or transcripts. Be prepared to verify and explain everything that your resume contains.
 
(webcam, microphone, speakers) prior to your scheduled interview. The camera should
be at eye-level so that you are looking directly into the camera.
so your interviewer sees a neat, attractive environment behind you. Prevent any
interruptions from pets, children or roommates by making arrangements for them to be out of sight and earshot.
to be sure your face is illuminated. Try placing a light behind your computer. Avoid cast-
ing shadows on your face. Lighting can make your skin appear shiny so consider a light dusting of powder.
, including pants and shoes. Wearing professional clothing will boost your confidence and you
dont want to be caught unprepared if you are asked to stand during the interview!
Before the interview you should have considered  you want to communicate and  you are going to communi-
cate. What you will want to communicate are: personal qualities, functional skills, and special areas of knowledge that
relate to the particular interviewer or organization. How you communicate those personal attributes and background facts
is indicated by your attitude, non-verbal behaviors and verbal responses.
Your first task will be to  with the interviewer(s). The characteristics of building rapport involve your atti-
tude and your verbal and non-verbal behavior.
1. First contact: When meeting your interviewer, establish direct eye contact, address him or her (formal name only),
introduce yourself and give a firm handshake (not too hard!). Smile! Dont chew gum, have candy, or look at
your watch at any time.
2. Keep the following in mind:
a. Be aware of your grammar.
Avoid fillers (ya know, like, okay, etc.)
Avoid tentative (I guess, I feel, etc.)
Avoid ambiguous/negative terms (pretty good, fairly well, etc.)
b. Be aware of your body language, how you communicate non-verbally. Try to appear relaxed and self-assured. You
will want to convey sincerity, a dedication to achievement, confidence and a high energy level. These attributes are
communicated through your attitude and actions as well as through your verbal responses.
c. When you communicate verbally be sure to:
Use active verbs
Use concrete examples
Be concise and complete
Summarize and make transitions
Be positive and ownwhat you have done and what you know
d. Your knowledge of what contributes to a strong answeralso contributes to effectiveness. A strong answer does not
create more questions than it answers. The components of a strong answer include:
Backing up a statement with a specific example
Sharing your role (the challenge and accomplishments)
Sharing the outcome or solution
Summarizing to emphasize your strengths
e. Always arrive 15-20 minutes before the interview.
f. Look professional: carry a portfolio, take extra copies of your resume and have appropriate interviewing attire (see
g. Exude confidence and be convincing.
h. Maintain good eye contact. Show your interest and your professionalism. Nod your head and smile at appropriate
i. Be positive during the interview, because its not the time to be negative about past employers, co-workers, or pro-
j. Listen and be sure to answer every question completely. If you do not understand the question asked, ask for clarifica-
k. Do not monopolize the conversation; be specific with your answers and relay only experiences that relate to the job for
which you are applying.
l. Project enthusiasm by selling yourself, your qualifications, experience, skills and your personality.
m. Always have a list of prepared questions that are relevant. Do not ask about salary or benefits unless they initiate the
discussion or until it strongly appears that they will offer you the position.
n. Seize an opportunity to express your interest in the job towards the end of the interview.
o. Never make false statements; always be honest and sincere.
p. Remember to thank the interviewer for inviting you for the interview.
Prior to leaving the interview, be sure to reiterate your interest in the company and the employment opportunity. Thank
the interviewer for his or her time. If no indication of your standing is offered, you may ask when a hiring decision will be
Use the interview as a learning experience. Evaluate your performance and make a note of important information you
Always send a follow-up letter. This should include an expression of thanks and should reiterate your interest in this
employment opportunity. It is fine to check back with the employer if you have not received word within the allotted
time. When you do contact the employers office, be polite, pleasant and straightforward.
If you do not get the job, you may want to ask the interviewer for some constructive criticism or recommendations for
future interviews. If you are consistently passed over for positions, try to identify potential problems, then seek guidance
for improvement.
As a job applicant, you will encounter a variety of interviewing styles and mannerisms. The interviewer may be just as
nervous as you are. A very high percent of all interviewers have never had formal interview training. You may be asked
inappropriate questions that may have nothing to do with job performance; or you may be asked illegal questions that
indicate discrimination. The interviewer should not ask questions about age, race, religion, nationality, or disabilities un-
less the answers are job-related.
Learn to recognize the different types of interviews. Some of the most common interviews are screening, one-on-one,
serial, stress, panel, and behavioral interview.
This is a very formal interview that will occur during stage one of the interview process. The interviewer is usually a
human resources representative who is very well trained. The type of interview questions asked will be designed to gather
specific information and will be asked of every applicant interviewing for that position in order to narrow down the
applicant pool.
This is the most common type of interview. The interviewer is usually a hiring supervisor and may not be very well
trained as an interviewer.
This is a variation of the one-on-one interview that involves a series of sequential interviews with several interviewers,
mostly hiring managers. It usually occurs in the selection at the employers location. Usually, the interviewers have hiring
authority, and chances are if you are hired, one of these will be your boss. You should treat each interviewer and person
you meet as if he/she were a key player in the decision-making process, even the bosss secretary. Make a negative
impression on anyone, and it will probably be reported in the evaluation phase. You will be faced with getting similar
questions from different interviewers throughout the half day or even full day at the employers location. You must be
consistent with your responses. Chances are they will compare notes and evaluations before a hiring decision is made.
Be aware of stress and expect it during the interview. The technique is supposed to test a candidates ability to react
articulately and gracefully under pressure. Always maintain your composure during a stress interview situation. The
interviewers goal is to make you feel uncomfortable.
This is another form of the stress interview. You are interviewed by several interviewers who are familiar with various
aspects of the job and the organization. It is very important to relax and maintain good eye contact. Be sure to pace
yourself, since questions may come to you in a very rapid manner. Companies use panels because theyre convenient and
helpful in building rapport. People who do well verbally and enjoy performing do best in the panel interview.
This is a structured pattern of questions designed to probe the applicants past behavior in situations similar to those the
job will entail. This type of interview is based on the premise that the best predictor of future behavior or performance is
past behavior or performance in similar circumstances. You cant bluff your way through a behavioral interview, because
the open-ended questions are designed to determine whether you possess necessary qualities to do the job.
 Be careful! After qualifying whether the interviewer wants to know about our professional or per-
sonal life, use this opportunity to stress your positive character attributes especially ones that tie in strongly with what the
company is looking for in an employee.
 You can get through this one in several ways. You can mention a weakness that is not
really a weakness in the eyes of your prospective employer. (“I often put in overtime when necessary. This leaves less time
for my family and friends, so I make my time with them quality time.”) Another way is tell of a past weakness youve since
overcome. (“When I first started working, I had a difficult time juggling work demands and setting priorities, but now I am
much better organized.”). A third way is tell how you are making the weakness a strength.
 Base your answer on the experiences and skills you have that meet any needs already mentioned
by the interviewer. Add any additional skills you think are especially pertinent for this position.
 Point out that you realize rejection is not rejection of you, but of what you are selling or
proposing, and you thus use this information to strengthen your next attempt.
Both! No one wants to hire you if you lack aspirations to move up, but
no one wants you to lack the ability to follow directions either. The main asset here is in knowing when to do which.
 
Never discuss any dislikes or differences you may have had with your supervisor. Instead, simply point out his or her
positive attributes.
 Whether it was because of a
bad location, lack of challenge, or little or no opportunity for advancement, mention it and reiterate that working for this
new employer would be a positive career step for you.
 Always discuss an instance outside work and one that had no
great negative consequences.
 You dont necessarily have to mention the last one you read, but do mention one that
has a tie-in with your positive qualities (i.e. How to Be a Better Manager).
 You need not be exact here. You may also want to include the worth of benefits you
receive in the dollar amount you reveal. For example, if your employer pays your insurance premiums, add that annual
amount to your base amount.
 This may really mean: Do you have a realistic idea of whats involved in this
job? This is where your research comes in. Answer in terms of wanting the type of work for the type of employer that this
position offers you. Be specific.
 This may really mean: Are you good at any of
the things that are important for this job? Tie any solid accomplishments or experiences into the employersperceived
 Use caution here. It is advised never to mention religious or political activities.
However, if an employer would not hire you on that basis, would you want to work there? This is an individual decision.
- This may really mean: If we hire you, are you likely to stay awhile
and is this job really the kind of work youre interested in? Your best bet is to mention a more advanced position, either
within that organization or in the same field.
interviewer is looking to discover how you make decisions and set goals.
 
As you prepare for your job interview, use this checklist to make sure you are ready and have everything that you need in
order to land the job!
Put the interview on your calendar so that you can make adjustments to your class and/or work schedule!
Schedule a mock interview through the CMC.
Plan what you will be wearing. Make sure your clothes are clean and pressed. Look your best!
Bring several copies of your resume to give to the interviewer(s).
Make sure you have directions. Get to the interview early! At least 15 minutes.
Relax and be yourself!
Make sure to get business cards.
Send Thank Younote.
when completed!
On the surface they seem innocent enough. And most of the time, they are truly asked in innocence. Yet the structure and
format of the question may be entirely illegal. So youve just been hit with an illegal question. What do you do? How do
you respond?
In our politically correct society, we are often ready to cry foulat the slightest deviation from the accepted norm. But the
reality is that most illegal interview questions are asked in true innocence. Or, better stated, in true ignorance. Ignorance of
the law, ignorance of what questions are proper, ignorance of how the information could be used by others in a
discriminatory way.
Ironically, most illegal questions are asked when the untrained interviewer is trying to be friendlier and asks a seemingly
innocent question about your personal life or family background. Therefore, any attempt by the candidate to assert their
constitutional rightswill merely throw up the defense shields and put an end to mutual consideration. Warning lights go
on, sirens sound, and the interviewer begins backing down from what may have been an otherwise very encouraging
So what is the proper response? The answer is up to you, but my recommendation is to follow one of two courses of action:
answer in brief and move on to a new topic area, or ignore the question altogether and redirect the discussion toward a new
topic area. The interviewer may even recognize the personal misstep and appreciate your willingness to put it aside and go
Unless the question is blatant - - and yes, blatant discrimination does still take place - - your best option is to move on to
other things. But if it is blatant and offensive, you have every right to terminate the interview and walk out.
While laws vary from state to state, there are some definite taboo areas with regard to interview questions that employers
should be avoiding. Following are some of the basic subject areas and questions that if asked during the course of the
interview, might be viewed as illegal questions being asked with the intention to discriminate:
Questions related to location of birthplace, nationality, ancestry, or descent of applicant, applicants spouse or parents.
(Example: Pasquale - - Is that a Spanish name?)
Questions related to your sex or marital status. (Example: Is that your maiden name?)
Questions related to your race or color. (Example: Are you considered to be part of a minority group?)
Questions related to religion or religious days observed. (Example: Does your religion prevent you from working weekends
or holidays?)
Questions related to health or medical history. (Example: Do you have any pre-existing conditions?)
  
Have you worked for this company under a different name?
Have you ever been convicted of a crime under another name?
Former name of applicant whose name has been changed in court or
Applicants place of residence
How long applicant has been resident of this state or city
Birthplace of applicant
Birthplace of applicants parents, spouse or other relatives
Requirements that applicant submit a birth certificate, naturalization or
baptism record
Can you, after employment, submit a work permit if under eighteen?
Are you over eighteen years of age?
If hired, can you furnish proof of age? /or/ statement that hire is
subject to verification that applicants age meets legal requirements
Questions which tend to identify applicants 40 to 64 years of age
Applicants religious denomination or affiliation, church, parish, pastor
or religious holidays observed
Do you attend religious services /or/ a house of worship?
Applicant may not be told This is a Catholic/Protestant/Jewish/atheist
Statement by employer of regular days, hours or shift to be worked
Inquiries about work availability used to screen out applicants because
of obligations to the military reserves or National Guard, or religious
Complexion, color of skin, or other questions directly or indirectly
indicating race or color
Statement that photograph may be required after employment
Requirement that applicant affix photograph to his application
Request applicant, at his option, to submit photograph
Requirement of photograph after interview but before hiring
Statement by employer that if hired, applicant may be required to submit
proof of authorization to work in the U.S.
Whether applicant or his parents or spouse are naturalized or native-
born United States citizens
Date when applicant or parents or spouse acquired U.S. citizenship
Requirement that applicant produce his naturalization papers or first
Whether applicants parents or spouse are citizens of the U.S.
Languages applicant reads, speaks or writes fluently
Applicants nationality, lineage, ancestry, national origin, descent
Date of arrival in United States or port of entry; how long a resident
Nationality of applicants parents or spouse: maiden name of appli-
cants wifes mother
Language commonly used by applicant: What is your mother
How applicant acquired ability to read, write or speak a foreign lan-
Applicants academic, vocational, or professional education; schools
Date last attended high school
Applicants work experience
Applicants military experience in armed forces of United States, in a
state militia (U.S.) or in a particular branch of U.S. armed forces
Applicants military experience (general)
Type of military discharge
Have you ever been convicted of any crime?If so, when, where, and
disposition of case.
Have you ever been arrested?
Names of applicants relatives already employed by this company
Name and address of parent or guardian if applicant is a minor
Marital status or number of dependents
Name or address of relative, spouse or children of adult applicant
With whom do you reside?
Do you live with your parents?
Name and address of person to be notified in case of accident or emer-
Name and address of relative to be notified in case of accident or emer-
Organizations, clubs, professional societies, or other associations of
which applicant is a member, excluding any names the character of which
indicate the race, religious creed, color, national origin, or ancestry of its
List of all organizations, clubs, societies, and lodges to which you
By whom were you referred for a position here?
Requirement of submission of a religious reference
Can you perform all of the duties outlined in the job description?
Statement by employer that all job offers are contingent on passing a
physical examination
Do you have any physical disabilities?
Questions on general medical condition inquiries as to receipt of Work-
mans Compensation
Notice to applicant that any misstatements or omissions of material facts
in his application may be cause for dismissal
Any inquiry that is not job-related or necessary for determining an
applicants eligibility for employment.
Next, the interviewer will guide you to the purpose of the meeting and will then begin inquiries about your qualifications.
In most instances the interviewer will ask questions relating to the applicants resume. You can expect other commonly
asked questions about your education, career goals or plans, experience and questions specific to the company/job for
which you have applied.
Describe your educational background.
What additional courses or workshops have you attended since graduation?
Why did you select your college or university?
What led you to choose your field of academic study?
Which college subjects did you enjoy the most? Why?
Which college subjects did you enjoy the least? Why?
How would you have planned your academic study differently? Why?
Do you have plans for continued academic study? When?
Do you think that your grades are a good indication of your academic ability?
What have you learned from your participation in extracurricular
Describe your most rewarding college experience.
Do you believe that you have received a well-balanced college education?
Please explain.
Describe how your college experiences have prepared you for your
chosen career.
Did you ever change your academic major while attending college? Please
Which of your college years was the most difficult?
What has been the greatest setback in your college career?
Do you believe you have done the best scholastic work of which you are
How do you determine or evaluate success?
What are the most important rewards you expect in your career?
In what part-time or summer jobs have you been the most interested? Why?
What features of your previous jobs have you disliked?
In what ways do you think you can make a valuable contribution to our
What qualities should a successful manager possess?
If you could have any job in our organization, what would it be?
What interests you about our products and/or services?
In what work environment are you most comfortable?
How would you describe your ideal job after graduation?
Why did you decide to seek a position with this company?
What two or three things are most important to you in a work setting?
What criteria are you using to evaluate the company for which you hope to
Do you have any geographical preference(s) for work?
If you were offered employment with our company, would you be willing to
Are you willing to travel as part of your job?
Are you willing to spend at least six months in a training program?
What do you expect to be earning in 5 years?
What criteria should determine a persons progress in a company?
Describe your work habits.
Describe the type of relationship that should exist between a supervisor and his/her
Which is more important to you – the salary you are earning or the type of work you are
doing? Why?
What have you done in the past which demonstrates your initiative and willingness to work?
What do you think it takes to be successful in an organization like ours?
What were your major achievements in your past job(s)?
What did you do well in your last job(s)? What were your
What did you like most in your last job(s)?
What is your typical workday like?
Why do you want to leave your current job?
What did you like most about your last manager?
Why do you feel that youre qualified for this position?
Why do you want to change jobs?
Why should I hire you?
What would your ideal job involve?
What is important to you concerning a job?
What do you want to be doing five years from now?
What other kinds/types of jobs are you considering?
What attracted you to this job?
How will you contribute to our area?
If I asked your current manager about your work, what would I be told?
What are your short-range goals (in the next 5 years)?
What are your long-range goals (in the next 10 or more years)?
How do you plan to achieve your career goals?
Why did you choose the career for which you are preparing?
How do you think a friend or professor who knows you well would
describe you?
What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?
Tell me about you.
What are your major weaknesses? Strengths?
What causes you to lose your temper?
What do you do to relax?
What types of books do you enjoy?
How well do you work under pressure? In meeting deadlines?
Are you a team-player? Give me an example.
What types of people do you enjoy working with?
If you could change your life, what would you do differently?
How would you describe yourself?
What are your hobbies?
How do you spend your spare time?
What have you learned from your mistakes?
Firm grip, but not death-like.
Establish good eye contact.
Timing is key! Two up and down shakes typically
is perfect timing.
Nametags are typically worn on the right side of
the chest. This is key as you will be able to see the
persons name as you go in for the handshake.
What kinds of assignments might I expect the first six months on the job?
Are salary adjustments geared to the cost of living or job performance?
Does your company encourage further education?
How often are performance reviews given? Who gives them?
What products (or services) are in the development stage now?
Do you have plans for expansion?
What are your growth projections for next year?
Have you cut your staff in the last three years?
How do you feel about creativity and individuality?
Do you offer flextime?
Is your company environmentally conscious? In what ways?
In what ways is a career with your company better than one with your competitors?
Is this a new position or am I replacing someone?
What is the largest single problem facing your staff (department) now?
Is it possible for me to speak to a recent graduate who has held this position?
What is the usual promotional time frame?
Does your company offer either single or dual career-track programs?
What do you like best about your job/company?
Once the probation period is completed, how much authority will I have over decisions?
Has there been much turnover in this job area?
Do you fill positions from the outside or promote from within first?
What qualities are you looking for in the candidate who fills this position?
What skills are especially important for someone in this position?
What characteristics do the achievers in this company seem to share?
Is there a lot of team/project work?
Will I have the opportunity to work on special projects?
Where does this position fit into the organizational structure?
How much travel, if any, is involved in this position?
What is the next course of action? When should I expect to hear from you or should I contact you?
How much opportunity is there to see the end result of my efforts?
Can you briefly describe your training program?
How much opportunity will I have for decision making in my first assignment?
Why did you decide to work for XYZ company?
What sort of mentorship opportunities exist?
On-Campus Interviews (OCI) are the simplest and easiest ways for students to be recruited and hired by an employer. Just
think of this. Instead of taking a full day off from work and/or class, driving an hour to possibly a city that you are not
familiar with, finding the employers place of business and having to worry if you will make it there on time, MSU students
and alumni have the opportunity for employers to come to them!
Preparing for an OCI is as simple as 1-2-3!
. Sign up for an OCI through MustangsHIRE.org powered by Handshake and complete the required steps.
Submit resume and cover letter to the employer. Make sure to also send a copy to the Career Management Center.
Sign up for an interview time.
Confirm time with the Career Management Center.
. Set up a mock interview with the Career Management Center to help you prepare for your OCI.
. The day of the interview...make sure to dress professional and to arrive at the CMC Office (Hardin South—Suite 211)
15 minutes before your scheduled OCI.
Other than these simple steps, an OCI is just like an on-site visit.
When comparing two equally qualified candidates, employers say these things
help to differentiate candidates (in rank order):
Has completed an internship
Intern experience in industry
Has held leadership position
Has general work experience
Extracurricular activities
High GPA (3.0 or above)
Has no work experience
Volunteer work
School attended
Source: National Association of
Colleges & Employers Job Outlook 2021
Source: National Association of
Colleges & Employers Job Outlook 2021
Mark A, B, or C next to the relevant items to indicate your negotiating priorities (A=highest, C=lowest).
o Base Salary
o Sales Commission
o Bonuses (Sign-on, Performance/Incentive)
o Money in lieu of benefits
o Personal Days
o Extra Vacation
o Insurance Programs
Long-Term Disability
o Financial Programs
Deferred Compensation
Stock Options (Phantom, Qualified, etc.)
Corporate Performance Participation Plan
Company Paid Pension
Immediate Vesting of Pension Accrual
Matching Investment/Profit Sharing Programs
Long-Term Disability Thrift Plan
o Educational Programs
Tuition Reimbursement
Executive Development
Education/Training Expenses
Professional Association Membership(s)
o Expense Accounts
o Company Car
o Liberal Gas Allowance
o Free Lunches
o Outplacement Service
o Severance Settlement
o House Hunting Trip(s) for Self & Family
o Moving Costs (Direct or Percentage)
o Travel
o Temporary Housing
o Getting Settled Expenses (i.e.: new drapes, etc.)
o Higher Living Cost Subsidy
o Unusual Expenses (i.e.: moving a boat or horse)
o Realty Fees, Legal, and Closing Costs
o Higher Mortgage Cost Allowance
o Bridge Loan
o Low-interest Loan
o Outplacement Assistance for Spouse
o Relocation Assistance for Spouse
o Club Memberships
Country Club
Health Club
Lunch Club
Private Dining
Airline VIP
Frequent Flyer
o Use of Company Apartment
o Premium Hotel Accommodations
o Executive Dining Room
o Spouses Travel Expenses
o Company Tickets to Theaters, Sporting Events, etc.
o Sabbatical, Military, Maternity Leave, etc. (Paid)
o Larger, Better Office
o Private Secretary
o Reserved Parking (Company Paid)
o Annual Physical Exam
o Legal, Tax, Financial Assistance
o Loans
o Discount on Purchases
o Computer Equipment
o Computer Software
In the My Needscolumn, weigh the criteria on a scale from 1 to 10 (with 1 being least important and 10 being most im-
portant) against your personal needs. Use this column to evaluate each company from whom you have an offer.Next, on a
scale from 1 to 10, weigh how well the company satisfies each of the criteria. Finally, total the columns. The higher the
score, the closer the company comes to matching your needs.
   
Accountability/Adequacy of Staff
Promotion/Personal Growth Potential
Decision Making Authority
Type of Work/Use of Talents & Skills
Size of Company
Company/Industry History
People Who Work There
Management Style
Compensation Base
Bonus/Profit Sharing/Stock Options
Benefits (Pension, Disability, Life Insurance,
Geographic Location
Travel Requirements
Commuting Requirements
Special Expenses (commuting, fares, taxes,
relocation, etc.)
Start gathering information early to be able to complete your applications on time. Most people should start the process a full
year and a half before their anticipated date of matriculation. There are, however, some exceptions to this rule. This time
frame may be different if you are applying for national scholarships, assistantships, fellowships, etc. You may have to begin
the process two years before your date of matriculation in order to take your graduate admission test and arrange for letters of
recommendation early enough to meet deadlines.
Application deadlines may range from August (a year prior to matriculation) for early decision programs at medical schools
using the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS) to late spring or summer (when beginning graduate
school in the fall) for a few programs with rolling admissions. Most deadlines for entry in the fall are between January and
March. You should in all cases plan to meet formal deadlines; beyond this, you should be aware of the fact that many schools
with rolling admissions encourage and act upon early applications. Applying early to a school with rolling admissions is
usually advantageous, as it shows your enthusiasm for the program and gives admissions committees more time to evaluate
the subjective components of your application, rather than just the "numbers". Applicants are not rejected early unless they
are clearly below an institutions standards.
The timetable that appears below represents the ideal for most applicants.
Research areas of interest, institutions, and programs.
Talk to advisers about application requirements.
Register and prepare for appropriate graduate admission tests.
Investigate national scholarships.
If appropriate, obtain letters of recommendation.
Take required graduate admission tests.
Write for application materials.
Write your application essay.
Check on application deadlines and rolling admissions policies.
For medical, dental, osteopathy, podiatry, or law school, you may need to register for the national application or data
assembly service most programs use.
Obtain letters of recommendation.
Take graduate admission tests if you havent already.
Send in completed applications.
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and Financial Aid PROFILE, if required.
Check with all institutions before their deadlines to make sure your file is complete.
Visit institutions that accept you.
Send a deposit to your institution of choice.
Notify other colleges and universities that accepted you of your decision so that they can admit students on their
waiting list.
Send thank-you notes to people who wrote your recommendation letters, informing them of your success.
You may not be able to adhere to this timetable if your application deadlines are very early, as is the case with medical
schools, or if you decide to attend graduate school at the last minute. In any case, keep in mind the various application
requirements and be sure to meet all deadlines. If deadlines are impossible to meet, call the institution to see if a late
application will be considered.
Personal statements are sometimes also called "application essays" or "statements of purpose." They are essentially essays which are written in
response to questions on a graduate or professional school application form which asks for some sort of extended response. Personal statements
are most important when you are applying to an extremely competitive program, where all the applicants have high test scores and GPAs, and
when you are a marginal candidate and need the essay to compensate for low test scores or a low GPA.
Some applications ask more specific questions than others. There is no set formula to follow in shaping your response, only choices for you to
make, such as whether you should write an essay that is more autobiographically focused or one that is more professionally focused. Requested
personal statements also vary widely in length, ranging from a couple of paragraphs to a series of essays of a page or so each.
Most likely, your personal statement will be read by professors who serve on an admissions committee in the department to which you are ap-
plying. Develop your personal statement to carefully consider this audience. What are the areas of specialty of the faculty in this department, and
what might they be looking for in a graduate student?
Since personal statements will most often be read as part of your "package," they offer an opportunity to show aspects of yourself that will not
be developed in other areas of your application. Personal statements should not simply duplicate material contained elsewhere. Think of the per-
sonal statement as the only document in your application package that allows the admissions committee to hear your voice. You will want your
statement to readily engage the readers, and to clearly demonstrate what makes you a unique candidate that set you apart from the rest of the
Before you put pen to paper, begin the writing process by studying and analyzing the question(s) asked on the application. Avoid creating a one-
size-fits-all answer that you submit to multiple schools. Research the school and the program to which you are applying. Ask yourself the fol-
lowing personal inventory questions:
What makes you unique, or at least different from, any other applicant?
Why do you want to attend this school? In what way are you a good fit for this program?
When did you initially become interested in this career? How has this interest developed? When did you become certain that this is what
you wanted to do? What solidified your decision?
What are your intellectual influences? What writers, books, professors, concepts have shaped you?
What are two or three of the academic accomplishments which have most prepared you?
What research have you conducted? What did you learn from it?
What non-academic experiences contributed to your choice of school and/or career?
Do you have specific career plans? How does graduate or professional school pertain to them?
How much more education do you plan to pursue?
Are there any problems or inconsistencies in your records or scores that need explaining?
Do you have any special conditions not revealed elsewhere in the application such as a significant (35 hour per week) workload outside of
What's the most important thing the admissions committee should know about you?
Write out a 2-3 sentence answer to each of the personal inventory questions. Then write your essay, and revise for form and content. Ask some-
one else, preferably a faculty member in your area of study, to read your essay and make suggestions for revision. Revise your essay again, and
proofread carefully.
A personal statement should have an introduction, a body that covers points mentioned in the introduction, and a conclusion that ties everything
together. In the introduction, clearly spell out to the admissions committee why you want to be admitted into the graduate program and why you
would make an ideal student. Make the first sentence grab the attention of your reader. Use the supporting paragraphs, with only one major point
per paragraph, to drive home the point that you are worth adding to the graduate program. Include relevant information about job experiences,
internships, and volunteer positions. Focus on the concrete rather than the intangible. Being specific about a research project embarked upon
with a universitys department head, for example, would be better than just making a casual reference to research experience. In the concluding
paragraph, provide a brief overview of what was presented up to that point and then drive home the message of how participation in the program
would enable you to achieve your career objectives.
 Avoid the temptation to submit the same essay for different questions. Tailor your response to each ques-
tion and each school.
 Use positive emphasis. Do not try to hide, make excuses for, or lie about your weaknesses.
Write an essay that focuses on your strengths.
 Make your first paragraph the best paragraph in your essay.
 Each piece of information you give about yourself in the
essay should somehow support your thesis.
 Don't summarize your entire life. Strive for depth rather than breadth.
 Think of the essay as not only an answer to a specific question but as an opportuni-
ty to introduce yourself, especially if the program doesn't interview applicants. This is your chance to be original, to paint a picture of your
personality. Try to tell the reader something that no other applicant will be able to say. Provide insight into what drives you.
Be meticulous. Make it perfect. Good writing skills are of para-
mount importance.
-. Write directly and in a straightforward manner that tells about your experience and what it means to you.
Use technical terminology only where appropriate.
 Form conclusions that explain the value and meaning of your experience, such as what you learned about yourself
and your field and your future goals. Draw your conclusions from the evidence your life provides.
 Document your conclusions with specific instances.
 If you distinguish yourself through your story, you will make yourself memorable.
 Use a legible font type and size.
Write what you think the admissions committee wants to hear. You are probably wrong, and such a response is likely to make you blend
into the crowd rather than stand out from it.
Use empty, vague, over-used words like "meaningful," "challenging," "invaluable," or "rewarding."
Emphasize the negative, but also avoid failing to explain errors or weaknesses. If you were ill on the day you took the LSAT or had an auto-
mobile accident on the way, these are legitimate reasons for poor performance.
Try to be a comedian. You don't want to take the risk they won't get the joke.
Get too personal about religion, politics, or your lack of education (avoid emotional catharsis).
Include footnotes, clichés, or long-winded and slow introductions.
Use statements like "I've always wanted to be a…" or any other trite phrases or gimmicks.
Use the what I did with my lifeapproach.
Allow any superficial errors in spelling, mechanics, grammar, punctuation, format, or printing to creep under your vigilant guard.
Use a catalog of achievements. This is only a list of what you have done, and tells nothing about you as a person.
Lecture the reader. For example, you should not write a statement such as "Communication skills are important in this field." Any graduate
admissions committee member knows that.
Make an appointment with the MSU Career Management Center staff to come up with a plan.
The MSU Writing Center offers programs on writing technique as well as individual tutoring.
Statementofpurpose.com is an excellent resource that includes essay critiques and writing tips.
Writing the Personal Statement”. Online Writing Lab, Purdue University. https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/642/1/
Graduate School Statement”. Berkeley University of California Career Center. https://career.berkeley.edu/Grad/GradStatement
Name of:
University and Department
Date Requested
Catalog & Application
Admissions Application Deadlines
(Graduate School and Major
Date Application Sent
Date Transcripts Sent
Date References Sent
Test Required
Date Test Scores Sent
Financial Aid
Application and Deadline
Date Financial Aid
Application Sent
Scholarship Application and
National Scholarship
Application Sent
Housing Application Deadline
Date Housing Application Sent
Date of Campus Interview
Expected Date of
Decision from University
Date Notified
Date Deposit Due
”. 
Current photo
Strong headline
Detailed work history
Organizations and volunteer experience
Skills, honors, and awards
Hardin South - Suite 211
Phone: (940) 397-HIRE (4473)
Fax: (940) 397-8801
contact us
Updated: July 2021