Environmental Science Curriculum Guide
Guide to Reading the Science Curriculum Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pages 3-5
Grade Level Overview and Year-at-a-Glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Page 6
Unit Guides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Pages 7-24
Cluster Support Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Page 25
Guide to Reading the Science Curriculum Guide
Grade-Level Overview & Year-at-a-Glance
The DCPS Science Curriculum Guide begins with the grade-level overview and year-at-a-glance that names the NGSS disciplinary core ideas, the
units of study, as well as the the topics and performance expectations to be covered each Term. The grouping of topics into units and sequence
of those units generally matches the organization of content within STEMscopes, our core curricular resource for science. Because we are using
STEMscopes structures, some of the units cross the boundary between terms. In some cases, the order of STEMscopes units has been adjusted
based on feedback from DCPS teachers. In addition, each NGSS performance expectation listed is linked to a downloadable/printable PDF of the
Evidence Statements from https://www.nextgenscience.org.
NGSS Evidence Statements
The NGSS Evidence Statements for all student performance expectations are an essential resource for planning science instruction.
These statements provide additional detail on what students should know and be able to do, and include observable and measurable
components that, when met, will satisfy the NGSS performance expectations.
These statements support teachers in unpacking the
standards and determining what needs to be included in an instructional sequence. Evidence statements include the performance
expectation in its entirety, including the clarifying statements, assessment boundaries, and foundation boxes which list the specific
science and engineering practices (SEPs), disciplinary core ideas (DCIs), and crosscutting concepts (CCCs) that were combined to produce
the performance expectation.
Unit Guides
Unit guides are included for each unit of study and include the following components:
Anchoring Phenomenonthe phenomenon that students will make progress on throughout the unit as they experience and learn a
variety of new science ideas.
Performance Expectations (PEs) – a summary of the standards addressed in the unit; additional detailson the performance expectations
are included in the evidence statements at the end of the document.
Big Ideas (Disciplinary Core Ideas) the big ideas come directly from the disciplinary core ideas associated with the unit’s performance
Taken from the Achieve Next Generation Science Standards website: http://www.nextgenscience.org/resources/evidence- statements.
Tier 1 Instructional Activities includes links to curricular resources from STEMscopes, EcoRise Sustainable Intelligence Program, and
Project NEED resources. Specific guidance is provided on which components of the STEMscopes, EcoRise, or NEED lessons are
recommended to address the PE and Big Idea for that topic. Tier 1 resources are arranged in accordance with the 5E model of instruction
and therefore includes resources for:
o Engage: Students are mentally engaged with an event, question, or challenge.
o Explore: Students gather information through (often) hands-on experiences with scaffolded guidance.
o Explain: Students communicate their understanding of scientific concepts by formulating generalizations, reflecting on
plausibility of explanations, and/or analyzing and interpreting data.
o Elaborate: Students apply what they have learned and extend their knowledge and skills to new situations.
o Evaluate: Students assess their own knowledge and skills while teachers evaluate their progress.
Please note: While Evaluate is listed as the last stage of the 5E model, evaluation should happen continuously throughout the
lesson (e.g., exit tickets, journal writing, discussion questions, etc.).
More information about the 5E model of instruction can be found in the Appendix of this curriculum guide.
Accessing EcoRise materials:
Go to the website: https://www.ecorise.org/enroll/
Fill in your information.
Check your email for a Welcome Email and click on the unique link in your email.
Login using your email address as your username.
Check your email to set your password.
Tier 2 and 3 Supplemental Resources and Activities supplemental resources and activities are suggested from a variety of sources
including Discovery Education Science Techbook (available for all students and teachers grades K-12), ExploreLearning Gizmos (available
for all students and teachers grades 3-12), as well as other suggested resources all to support Tier 2 and Tier 3 instruction. Resources
to be used for acceleration are also included in this section.
Considerations for “Unit 0It is common to begin the first week or two in any science class for introductory lessons and activities,
often referred to as “Unit 0”. In many schools, student schedules are in flux during the first few days or weeks of school, making it
difficult to simply jump right into new course content. In addition to establishing classroom expectations and routines, students may
need an introduction to the course which includes, but is not limited to, understanding the Nature of Science and revisiting the Science
and Engineering Practices that they learned in previous years. Suggestions for Unit 0 resources can be found on the Science Canvas
Additional Resources to Support NGSS-aligned Planning and Classroom Implementation
The following is a list of resources to support planning and classroom implementation. This is not an exhaustive list and will be updated as
1. 5E Instructional Practices document
2. Science Instruction Look-For Tool
3. NGSS site https://www.nextgenscience.org
4. EQuIP rubric and detailed guidance document
5. Task Annotation Project in Science (TAPS): https://www.nextgenscience.org/taps
6. STEM Teaching Tools: https://stemteachingtools.org/
7. Tools for Ambitious Science Teaching: https://ambitiousscienceteaching.org/
8. Teaching with Phenomena: https://www.ngssphenomena.com/teaching-with-phenomena
Environmental Science Overview & Year-at-a-Glance
In high school Environmental Science, students develop an understanding of their role in environmental management through hands-on
activities based on topics such as ecosystems, biochemical cycles, and natural resources. Environmental Science students will be able to discuss
and study a variety of concepts and examine problems from many different perspectives.
Unit Topics (associated Performance Expectations)
Ecology and the Natural World
Earth’s Biomes and the Flow of Energy
Carbon and Earth’s Processes
Interactions of Organisms within Earth's Systems
Human Dependence on Earth
Resources from Air, Water,
and Land
Water Resources and Use
Air Resources and Use
Sustainable Eating
Land Use
Earth’s Resources and Energy
Earth’s Processes Shape Our Resources
Nuclear Power and Hydropower
Wind and Solar Energy
Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas Energy
Environmental Justice
Atmosphere and Climate Change
Waste Productions and Impact
Environmental Sustainability
Note: Engineering, Technology, and Applications of Science (ETS) performance expectations should be addressed whenever possible in relation
to the above topics.
Unit 1 Guide: Ecology and the Natural World
The following unit guide provides a breakdown of Tier 1 instructional activities that should be completed for each topic, each week.
Supplemental resources and activities are also provided and can be used to provide additional support for students who need Tier 2 or 3 support
(i.e., remediation and/or intervention).
Unit Anchoring Phenomenon: What governs the types of plants and animals that can survive in a certain biome? Are patterns of biomes
predictable throughout the earth's surface? Ex. Why can we find thriving acacia trees on several, if not all of earth's major continents?
PE(s) and
Big Ideas
for this
Earth’s Biomes and the Flow of Energy
HS-LS2-2: Use mathematical representations to support and revise explanations based on evidence about factors affecting biodiversity
and populations in ecosystems of different scales.
HS-LS2-4. Use mathematical representations to support claims for the cycling of matter and flow of energy among organisms in an
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration provide most of the energy for life processes.
Only a fraction of matter consumed at the lower level of a food web is transferred up, resulting in fewer organisms at higher levels.
At each link in an ecosystem, elements are combined in different ways and matter and energy are conserved.
Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are key components of the global carbon cycle.
Tier 1 Instructional Activities
Tier 2 and 3 Supplemental Resources and Activities
Week 1
Weeks 1-2
Section Resource: Course Resource Folder in Science Canvas Portal
and Science One Drive
Law of Conservation of Mass: Complete the Engage,
Explore and Explain sections for Part 1 of this activity. This
may be completed in groups or as a demonstration with
Explore 1: Complete the HHMI BioInteractive BiomeViewer
activity with Student Worksheet in folder.
Rationale for use
Build a 3-D Model Biome
Students can take
mathematical measurements
of their designs at the
beginning and end of module
to help support their CER on
energy and material cycling.
Resource found in folder.
These suggested activities can be used, where indicated, for remediation and/or intervention. Resources to be used for acceleration are also included in this
Unit Anchoring Phenomenon: What governs the types of plants and animals that can survive in a certain biome? Are patterns of biomes
predictable throughout the earth's surface? Ex. Why can we find thriving acacia trees on several, if not all of earth's major continents?
Explore 2: Complete the HHMI BioInteractive- Modeling
Trophic Cascades activity with Educator Materials and
Habitat and Organism Cards in folder.
Explore 3: Complete the HHMI BioInteractive: Exploring
Trophic Cascades Interactive.
Complete the Design a Biome Profile Page activity in folder
Bozeman Science: Ecosystem Ecology: This resource may
be used to support students as they develop their
Complete the Biomagnification: Hidden Dangers in Food
Webs activity in folder.
Complete the Measuring Biodiversity Performance
Assessment in folder
PE(s) and
Big Ideas
for this
Carbon and Earth’s Processes
HS-ESS2-6. Develop a quantitative model to describe the cycling of carbon among the hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, and
Gradual atmospheric changes were due to plants and other organisms that captured carbon dioxide and released oxygen.
Changes in the atmosphere due to human activity have increased carbon dioxide concentrations and thus affect climate change.
Tier 1 Instructional Activities
Tier 2 and 3 Supplemental Resources and Activities
Week 2
Weeks 3-4
Section Resource: STEMscopes scope HS Earth and Space Science:
Carbon and Earth’s Processes
Course Resource Folder in Science Canvas Portal and
Science One Drive
Engage- Accessing Prior Knowledge: The Flow of Carbon
Rationale for use
Bananas or bread?
Alternative explore or elaborate
activity to reinforce the carbon cycle
and evaluate the impact of climate
change on the food that is produced.
Unit Anchoring Phenomenon: What governs the types of plants and animals that can survive in a certain biome? Are patterns of biomes
predictable throughout the earth's surface? Ex. Why can we find thriving acacia trees on several, if not all of earth's major continents?
Explore 1: Scientific Investigation - Biogeochemical
Explore 2: Activity - Carbon Sinks and Carbon Bombs
Picture Vocabulary and STEMscopedia should be
introduced throughout each Explore activity to support
students as they explain their understanding
Math Connections- The Carbon Cycle: Carbon Stocks
CER- Use data to explain why global CO2 levels have been
Teacher and Student resources found
on linked website.
Carbon Cycle Student
Carbon Cycle PPT
Review activities including guided
notes, video with questions, carbon
cycling dice activity, and exit ticket to
support students thinking about how
and why carbon is constantly cycling
through our environment. Resource
found in folder.
PE(s) and
Big Ideas
for this
Interactions of Organisms within Earth's Systems
HS-ESS2-7. Construct and argument based on evidence about the simultaneous coevolution of the Earth’s systems and life on Earth.
Gradual atmospheric changes were due to plants and other organisms that captured carbon dioxide and released oxygen.
The many dynamic and delicate feedbacks between the biosphere and other Earth systems cause a continua coevolution of Earth’s
surface and the life that exists on it.
Tier 1 Instructional Activities
Tier 2 and 3 Supplemental Resources and Activities
Week 3
Weeks 5-6
Section Resource: STEMscopes scope HS Earth and Space Science:
Interaction of Organisms and Earth’s Systems
o Course Resource Folder in Science Canvas Portal and
Science One Drive
Accessing Prior Knowledge: Interactions Between Spheres
Hook: Succession
Rationale for use
Erosion Stations
Students build mini water
sheds inside a foil pan or
dissection tray. Using
modeling clay and pipe
sand/soil/rocks/leaves from
outside etc. Then test” the
erosion control by adding
These suggested activities can be used, where indicated, for remediation and/or intervention. Resources to be used for acceleration are also included in this
Unit Anchoring Phenomenon: What governs the types of plants and animals that can survive in a certain biome? Are patterns of biomes
predictable throughout the earth's surface? Ex. Why can we find thriving acacia trees on several, if not all of earth's major continents?
Explore 1: Activity- Making Calcium Carbonate from Carbon
Explore 2: Activity- Origin of Atmospheric Oxygen
Picture Vocabulary and STEMscopedia should be
introduced throughout each Explore activity to support
students as they explain their understanding
Communicate Science- How can farming practices impact
the future of our atmosphere?
Explore 4: Scientific Investigation - Reefs and Erosion
Explore 2: Activity- Resources, Sustainability, and
Biodiversity (found in the ESS scope: Resources,
Sustainability, and Biodiversity)
CER- Describes the relationship between Earth’s surface
and living organisms.
OER questions
water to the landscape which
simulates annual rainfall.
Observe and record results
Additional resource found in
course folder.
PE(s) and
Big Ideas
for this
Human Dependence on Earth
HS-ESS3-1. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the availability of natural resources, occurrence of natural hazards, and
changes in climate have influenced human activity.
Resource availability has guided the development of human society
Natural hazards and other geologic events have shaped the course of human history; [they] have significantly altered the sized of
human populations and have driven human migrations.
Tier 1 Instructional Activities
Tier 2 and 3 Supplemental Resources and Activities
These suggested activities can be used, where indicated, for remediation and/or intervention. Resources to be used for acceleration are also included in this
Unit Anchoring Phenomenon: What governs the types of plants and animals that can survive in a certain biome? Are patterns of biomes
predictable throughout the earth's surface? Ex. Why can we find thriving acacia trees on several, if not all of earth's major continents?
Week 4
Weeks 7-8
Section Resource: STEMscopes scope HS Earth and Space Science:
Human Dependence on Earth
o Course Resource Folder in Science Canvas Portal and
Science One Drive
Accessing Prior Knowledge: Human Activity and Natural
Hook: Water-Too much, too little
Explore 1: Research- Human Settlements
Explore 2: Activity- The Case of the Disappearing City
Picture Vocabulary and STEMscopedia should be
introduced throughout each Explore activity to support
students as they explain their understanding.
Connection Video- Natural Resources
RCT 1: Impact of Deforestation on Arctic Ecosystems
Math Connections: Human Dependance on Earth,
Investigate the relationship between population growth
and water availability.
CER- describe how natural hazards have shaped the course
of human history and migration.
OER questions
Rationale for use
Carrying Capacity
Student Activity
and PPT
Use lessons on carrying capacity to discuss the
interconnectedness of human dependence on
resources. Also provides opportunities to
interpret data.
Density dependent
vs. Density
variables that
impact change
Use lesson to discuss the key differences
between density dependent and density
independent variables that have shaped
populations over time.
Ocean Acidification
This activity may be used as an alternative for a
Tier 1 explore activity or as a remediation
Week 5
Week 9
Teacher created Summative Assessment and re-teach opportunities.
Unit 2 Guide: Resources from Air, Water, and Land
The following unit guide provides a breakdown of Tier 1 instructional activities that should be completed for each topic, each week.
Supplemental resources and activities are also provided and can be used to provide additional support for students who need Tiers 2 or 3
support (i.e., remediation and/or intervention).
Unit Anchoring Phenomenon: Can we ever run out of water? How to landlocked states or countries grapple with this concern?
PE(s) and
Big Ideas
for this
Water Resources and Use
HS-ESS2-2. Analyze geoscience data to make the claim that one change to Earth’s surface can create feedbacks that cause changes to other
Earth systems.
HS-ESS2-5. Plan and conduct an investigation of the properties of water and its effects on Earth materials and surface processes.
HS-ESS3-1. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the availability of natural resources, occurrence of natural hazards, and
changes in climate have influenced human activity.
Key areas of concern related to our sustainable use of Earth's water resources
How personal habits matter in terms of a larger ecology
The difference between physical and economic water scarcity
How different populations around the world depend on, value, and interact with water
The impact water-conservation designs had on local, regional, and global communities
Tier 1 Instructional Activities
Tier 2 and 3 Supplemental Resources and Activities
Week 1
Weeks 1-2
Section Resource: EcoRise Module: The Power of Water (EcoRise
Canvas Course)
o Course Resource Folder in Science Canvas Portal and
Science One Drive
101 Fundamentals: Water, Introduction video
101 Fundamentals: Water, Presentation and Discussion
Global Water Innovations
Do it Yourself Drinking Water
Rationale for use
It is possible to
run out of water?
Use these NSTA resources for engaging
activities and explorations to supplements
students’ understanding of the hydrologic
cycle. Resource found on NSTA website.
Use presentations to support students as they explain their
RCT 2: Assessing Optimal Rainwater Collection Systems
Inspired by Nature
HS Lesson 1: Water Resources and Water Footprints
Evaluate- Teacher created assessment
PE(s) and
Big Ideas
for this
Air Resources and Use
HS-ESS3-4. Evaluate of refine a technological solution that reduces impacts of human activities on natural systems.
Defining air and air pollution
Factors influence indoor and outdoor air quality, and how it is measured
Ways that air pollution challenges can be addressed locally and globally
Daily actions that impact air quality?
Tier 1 Instructional Activities
Tier 2 and 3 Supplemental Resources and Activities
Week 2
Weeks 3-4
Section Resource: EcoRise Modules: A Breath of Fresh Air and Air
Eco-Audit (EcoRise Canvas Course)
o Course Resource Folder in Science Canvas Portal and
Science One Drive
101 Fundamentals: Air
Picturing Pollution
Explain- Use presentations to support students as they explain their
Elaborate- A Living Wall
School Air Eco-Audit: Exploring
School Air Eco-Audit: Analyzing
Evaluate- Teacher created assessment
Rationale for use
Is there a link
activity and air
pollution in
urbanized and
coastal areas?
Use this resource for a CER or more
lengthy research project for students to
explore a relevant issue around air
resources. Link to Science.gov website.
Air Particulates
Lab and PPT
Lab activity using simple materials and
power point resource.
PE(s) and
Big Ideas
for this
Sustainable Eating
HS-LS4-5. Evaluate the evidence supporting claims that changes in environmental conditions may result in (1) increases in the number of
individuals of some species, (2) the emergence of new species over time, and (3) the extinction of other species.
HS-ESS3-1. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the availability of natural resources, occurrence of natural hazards, and
changes in climate have influenced human activity.
HS-ESS3-3. Create a computational simulation to illustrate the relationships among the management of natural resources, the sustainability
of human populations, and biodiversity.
What exactly is food, and what are some of the different reasons we value it?
What are some common farming practices, and how sustainable are they?
What are some possible solutions to food-related challenges?
What is the value of a farmers market?
How can we use human ingenuity and innovation to design solutions to lessen the impacts of food production and consumption?
Tier 1 Instructional Activities
Tier 2 and 3 Supplemental Resources and Activities
Week 3
Weeks 5-6
Section Resource: EcoRise Modules: Sustainable Eating and Food
Eco- Audit (EcoRise Canvas Course)
o Course Resource Folder in Science Canvas Portal and
Science One Drive
101 Fundamentals: Food
Farm Fresh Food
Animal Farms
Explain- Use presentations to support students as they explain their
School Food Eco-Audit: Exploring
School Food Eco-Audit: Analyzing
Evaluate- Teacher created assessment
Rationale for use
Socratic Seminar:
An exercise in
Team Building
There are several ways to frame
“sustainable food” or “sustainable
eating.” We can look at it from a business
perspective, a nutritional or dietary need.
Divide students up into 3 teams (or 6
teams and two teams cover the same
angle) and help them conduct a Socratic
Seminar based on their team’s unique
lens. Have the class vote at the end as to
which team’s talking points or arguments
were the most effective. Link to website
PE(s) and
Big Ideas
for this
Land Use
HS-ETS1-2. Design a solution to a complex real-world problem by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable problems that can be
solved through engineering.
Characteristics of a great public space
What is placemaking, and how can it enhance a community?
The value and role of culture in public spaces
Integrating aspects of our culture into public spaces on our campus
Planning to improve a public space on campus
Tier 1 Instructional Activities
Tier 2 and 3 Supplemental Resources and Activities
Week 4
Weeks 7-8
Section Resource: EcoRise Modules: Powerful Public
Spaces (EcoRise Canvas Course)
o Course Resource Folder in Science Canvas Portal and
Science One Drive
101 Fundamentals: Public Spaces
Planning Smart Spaces
A Place for Culture
Explain- Use presentations to support students as they explain their
From Plans to Reality
School Public Spaces: Exploring
School Food Eco-Audit: Analyzing
Teacher created assessment
Rationale for use
Cookie Mining
muffins and
Sand tubs with
small jewels or
glass gems can
also be used
depending on
time and class
Cookie Mining
Student Sheet
Hands on, experiential activity with
minimal cost and set up for the teacher.
Driving Question: How do we quantify land
use and its various uses or human based
applications? Links to teacher instructions
and activity on website and student
worksheet in folder.
Week 5
Week 9
Teacher created Summative Assessment and re-teach opportunities.
Unit 3 Guide: Earth’s Resources and Energy
The following unit guide provides a breakdown of Tier 1 instructional activities that should be completed for each topic, each week.
Supplemental resources and activities are also provided and can be used to provide additional support for students who need Tier 2 or 3 support
(i.e., remediation and/or intervention).
Unit Anchoring Phenomenon: Is it worth it to pursue a carbon neutral society? Why should we strive to minimize or at least mitigate the impact we have
on the earth? We cannot compare the various forms of energy in an “apples to apples” fashion, can you develop a way to quantify the pros and cons of
each power source humans have to choose from for their homes and businesses?
PE(s) and
Big Ideas
for this
Earth Processes Shape our Resources
HS-ESS1-5. Evaluate evidence of the past and current movements of continental and oceanic crust and the theory of plate tectonics to
explain the ages of crustal rocks.
HS-ESS2-1. Develop a model to illustrate how Earth’s internal and surface processes operate at different spatial and temporal scales to form
continental and ocean-floor features.
Continental rocks, which can be older than 4 billion years, are generally much older that the rocks of the ocean floor,
which are less than 200 million years old.
Earth’s systems, being dynamic and interacting, cause feedback effects that can increase or decrease the original changes.
Tier 1 Instructional Activities
Tier 2 and 3 Supplemental Resources and Activities
Week 1
Weeks 1-2
Section Resource: STEMscopes scope HS Earth and Space Science:
Scope-Plate Tectonics and Scope- Earth’s Formations
o Course Resource Folder in Science Canvas Portal and
Science One Drive
Accessing Prior Knowledge: Plate Tectonics
Accessing Prior Knowledge: Earth’s Formations
Plate Tectonics: Explore 2- Edible Plate Boundaries
Earth’s Formations: Explore 1- Landforms at Plate
Earth’s Formations: Explore 2- Mass Wasting
Rationale for use
Education video:
Plate Tectonics
Explains the theory of plate tectonics and
the different types of plate movements.
Link to
Discovery Education website.
Education video:
Real world
science – Earth’s
Land Formations
Investigates land formations that can be
found on the earth’s surface. Discusses
the continents and how they were once
joined together to form a large land mass
called Pangea, and the current land
formations which can be found in high
lands, lowlands, flat lands, and near the
. Link to Discovery Education
Picture Vocabulary and STEMscopedia should be
introduced throughout each Explore activity to support
students as they explain their understanding
Connection Video- Earth’s Surface (Earth’s Formations
Earth’s Formations: Explore 3- Constructive and
Destructive Force of Water
CER: explain how the given model would be used to
explain how features are created on the sea floor.
PE(s) and
Nuclear Power and Hydropower
HS-ESS3-4. Evaluate or refine a technological solution that reduces impacts of human activities on natural systems.
Nuclear power despite being a top generator of electricity has its limits to use, is very regulated, and is subject to public concern
related to safe use.
Hydropower is a highly efficient source for electric power in the U.S.
Conventional hydropower involves the use of a dam or generation facility in a river or stream. The future of hydropower includes
low-impact hydropower technologies, conduits, pumped storage, and marine hydrokinetic technologies (oceans).
Big Ideas
for this
Week 2
Weeks 3-4
Section Resource: NEED Project Resources: Energy of Moving
Water, Exploring Hydroelectricity, and Exploring Nuclear Energy
Teacher and Student Guides. All resources found in course folder.
o Course Resource Folder in Science Canvas Portal and
Science One Drive
Introduction Energy, Electricity and Water (Select activities
from Activity 1: Introduction to the Unit found in Energy of
Moving Water, TG p.7 and Energy of Moving Water SG,
Nuclear Energy
Radioactivity: Stable and Unstable Isotopes (Exploring
Nuclear Energy p. 8, 52-53)
Radioactive Dose Chart (Exploring Nuclear Energy p.
8, 54)
Rationale for use
Nothing Fishy Happening
(Hydroelectricity TG p.16-
(Hydroelectricity SG p.54-
Use this resource to extend
students’ understanding of
ecological impacts that dams
have on fish populations and
other species.
Candy Chemistry
(Exploring Nuclear Energy,
SG include:
Radioactive Decay
(Exploring Nuclear Energy
p.9, 55)
Avg. Atomic Mass
(Exploring Nuclear Energy,
Examining Nuclear Energy
Use this resource to help
students understand ideas
around how there may be
multiple isotopes of the same
element, how atoms decay, and
how to draw a decay curve.
Virtual Tours (Exploring Hydroelectricity TG, p. 20)
Force of Water Explorations (Energy of Moving Water
TG, p.11, Energy of Moving Water SG, p. 47-51)
Secondary Energy Infobook should be used to support
students as they explain their understanding
Nuclear Power Plant Simulation Summary (Exploring
Nuclear Energy, p. 14, 63)
Hot topics in Hydropower (Exploring Hydroelectricity TG, p.
18, 51-52)
Nuclear Energy Assessment (Exploring Nuclear Energy, p.
24, 70-72)
Pre/Post Assessment
(Exploring Hydroelectricity TG, p. 18
and 53)
(Exploring Nuclear Energy
PE(s) and
Big Ideas
for this
Wind and Solar Energy
HS-ESS3-4. Evaluate or refine a technological solution that reduces impacts of human activities on natural systems.
Wind energy is harnessed using a turbine generator to capture the energy in the moving air, and is cost competitive, despite its
Solar energy, or can be harnessed using thermal energy conversion, or more commonly through solar panels.
Tier 1 Instructional Activities
Tier 2 and 3 Supplemental Resources and Activities
Week 3
Weeks 5-6
Section Resource: NEED Project Resources: Exploring Wind Energy,
Exploring Offshore Wind Energy, and Exploring Photovoltaics
Teacher and Student Guides. All resources found in course folders.
o Course Resource Folder in Science Canvas Portal and
Science One Drive
Introduction to Wind (Exploring Wind Energy TG, p. 7,
Exploring Wind Energy SG p. 2-8)
Introduction to Solar Energy (Exploring Photovoltaics TG, p.
6- reference pages and activities in both the Teacher and
Student guide)
Wind Energy
Rationale for use
Baseload Balance
Most students don’t give electric power much
thought until the power goes out. Electricity
plays a giant role in our day-to-day lives. This
activity demonstrates how electricity supply
is transmitted on the electric grid to
consumers. It also encourages students to
explore the differences between baseload
and peak demand power, and how power
companies maintain supply to ensure
customers have power as they need it.
Resource found in Exploring Wind Energy
Teacher Guide.
Solar Space Heating
(Solar Oven)
Students may be familiar with this activity.
Use it to reinforce ideas about how radiant
Measuring Wind Speed (Exploring Wind Energy
TG, p. 8, Exploring Wind Energy SG, p. 8)
Wind Can Do Work (Exploring Wind Energy TG, p.
9, Exploring Wind Energy SG, p. 24)
Wind Can Generate Electricity (Exploring Offshore
Wind Energy TG, p. 12, Exploring Offshore Wind
Energy SG, p.30-32)
Solar Energy
PV Ping Pong Simulation (Exploring Photovoltaics
TG, p. 18-19)
Secondary Energy Infobook should be used to support
students as they explain their understanding.
RCT 3: Wind and Solar Energy
Siting and Permitting a Wind Farm (Exploring Wind Energy
TG, p. 17, 22 44-47)
Offshore Wind Assessment (Exploring Offshore Wind
energy TG, p.22, 26)
Solar Review Questions (Exploring Photovoltaics TG,
p. 9 and 11, Exploring Photovoltaics SG, p. 18)
energy can transform into thermal energy,
passive and active solar technology
applications and why they are beneficial.
Resource found in Exploring Photovoltaics
Teacher Guide.
PE(s) and
Big Ideas
for this
Coal, Oil and Natural Gas Energy
HS- ESS3-1. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the availability of natural resources, occurrence of natural hazards, and
change in climate have influenced human activity.
HS-ESS3-2. Evaluate competing design solutions for developing, managing, and utilizing energy and mineral resources.
Mineral and fossil resources are extracted through different processes depending on the resource. Each of these processes impacts
the natural environment. Reducing impacts on the environment and reclaiming the used land must be incorporated for responsible
We use energy in the US for electricity generation, industry, commercial and residential buildings, and transportation. Each energy
source has its advantages and disadvantages, and all have impacts and ties to our economy, policy, societal goals, and
sustainability practices.
Tier 1 Instructional Activities
Tier 2 and 3 Supplemental Resources and Activities
Week 4
Section Resource: NEED Project Resources: Great Energy Debate,
Exploring Oil and Gas, and Exploring Coal. All resources found in
course folders.
Weeks 7-8
o Course Resource Folder in Science Canvas Portal and
Science One Drive
Formation of Petroleum and Natural Gas (Exploring Oil and
Gas, p.9 and 67)
Resource extraction process and impact videos:
Core Sampling (Exploring Oil and Gas, p. 15 and 79)
Getting the Oil Out (Exploring Oil and Gas, p.17 and 81)
Using Density to Extract Petroleum (Exploring Oil and Gas,
p. 23 and 93)
Comparing the Types of Coal (Exploring Coal, p. 8 and 56)
The Properties of Coal (Exploring Coal, p. 9 and 57-58)
Secondary Energy Infobook should be used to support
students as they explain their understanding
Great Energy Debate: Student teams learn about all the
energy sources, then are assigned to represent one specific
energy source. Working cooperatively, students develop
arguments on the merits of their source over the others.
Complete Evaluation Activities (Exploring Coal, p.28 and
Exploring Oil and Gas, p. 32)
Rationale for use
Socratic Seminar:
An exercise in
team building and
Energy Wars! Allow your students to
continue to sharpen their communication
skills, debate skills, and teamwork as they
work in teams of 3-4 to participate in
another Socratic Seminar with a focus on
details of the energy sector: uranium,
hydropower, solar power, wind, coal, oil,
etc. Website resource linked.
Mining Challenge
(Exploring Coal,
p.12, 65-67)
Students will be able to describe the
process and challenges of mining.
Density (Exploring
Oil and Gas, p. 22
and 92)
Students will review density concepts by
comparing the densities of different items
and defining density and describing its
importance as a physical property.
Week 5
Week 9
Teacher created Summative Assessment and re-teach opportunities.
Unit 4 Guide: Environmental Justice and Sustainability
The following unit guide provides a breakdown of Tier 1 instructional activities that should be completed for each topic, each week.
Supplemental resources and activities are also provided and can be used to provide additional support for students who need Tier 2 or 3 support
(i.e., remediation and/or intervention).
Unit Anchoring Phenomenon: Highway construction of the 50s and 60s and the subsequent environmental impact, zoning rules and government
level planning have shown landscape level consequences for those most vulnerable.
PE(s) and
Big Ideas
for this
Environmental Justice
Analyze and reflect on how, due to systemic social and environmental inequalities, resources are not always distributed equally.
Describe the importance of perspective, empathy, and compassion in understanding the needs of and conditions impacting others.
Explore key events and leaders related to the EJ movement to build shared understanding.
Tier 1 Instructional Activities
Tier 2 and 3 Supplemental Resources and Activities
Week 1
Weeks 1-2
Section Resource: EcoRise Modules: Introduction to Environmental
Justice (Ecorise Canvas Course)
o Course Resource Folder in Science Canvas Portal and
Science One Drive
Session 1: Limited Resources Game
Session 2: Defining Environmental Justice
Session 3: Exploring Environmental Justice
Use presentations to support students as they explain their
RCT 4: Access to National Parks
Session 4: Advocating for Environmental Justice
Teacher created assessment
Rationale for use
Why EJ is so critical
Let students explore local issues that fall
within the parameters of true environmental
justice. Link to website resource.
Reinforce Media
The media is saturated with differing
viewpoints and vantage points. Ask students
what they think drives these many and
diverse opinions.
Introducing the
concept of Bias
Select from PBS Learning activities in
Interactive lesson: Who, me?
Biased: Understanding Implicit Bias
Resources from STEM Teaching Tools website
PE(s) and
Big Ideas
for this
Atmosphere and Climate Change
HS-ESS2-4. Use a model to describe how variations in the flow of energy into and out of Earth’s systems result in changes in climate.
HS ESS3-5. Analyze geoscience data and the results from global climate models to make evidence-based forecast of the current rate of
global or regional climate change and associated future impacts to Earth systems.
There is a strong relationship between energy consumption and climate change. Mitigating the effects of climate change will
require addressing the energy sources and technologies we use to meet our needs.
Tier 1 Instructional Activities
Tier 2 and 3 Supplemental Resources and Activities
Week 2
Weeks 3-4
Section Resource: STEMscopes scope HS Earth and Space Science:
Energy and Climate Scope and Impact of Climate Change Scope
NEED Project Resources: Exploring Climate Science. All resources
found in course folders.
Course Resource Folder in Science Canvas Portal and
Science One Drive
Engage- Impact of Climate Change: Accessing Prior Knowledge-
Human v. Natural Climate Change Factors
Explore 1: Wobbly Earth (Energy and Climate Scope)
Explore 1: What Does the Climate say? (Impact of Climate
Change Scope)
Explore 2: Tuva- Climate Change Data Analysis (Impact of
Climate Change Scope)
Explain- Picture Vocabulary and STEMscopedia should be
introduced throughout each Explore activity to support students as
they explain their understanding
Greenhouse Gas Demonstration (Exploring Climate
Science, p. 7)
Properties of CO2 (Exploring Climate Science, p. 8 and 40)
Greenhouse in a Beaker (Exploring Climate Science, p.10
and 41-42)
Evaluate- Climate Web Activity (Exploring Climate Science,
p.19 and 64-69)
Rationale for use
Carbon Cycle
(Exploring Climate
Science, p. 15, 24-
38, 47-61)
Use this resource to assist students with
describing the basic ways that carbon cycles
throughout the Earths systems, and compare
how carbon cycled prior to and after the
Industrial Revolution.
Electrical Devices
and Their Impacts
(Exploring Climate
Science, p. 20)
Students will describe the energy
requirements of using certain electrical
appliances and calculate the cost of using
electrical appliances.
PE(s) and
Big Ideas
for this
Waste Production and Impact
HS- ESS3-1. Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the availability of natural resources, occurrence of natural hazards, and
change in climate have influenced human activity.
Americans produce over 4lbs of waste per day, per person. Waste management is a large challenge for towns, cities, and nations,
as land space becomes scarcer, and environmental regulations are increased.
Tier 1 Instructional Activities
Tier 2 and 3 Supplemental Resources and Activities
Week 3
Weeks 5-6
Section Resource: EcoRise Module: The Weight of Waste (Ecorise
Canvas Course) and NEED Project Resources: Museum of Solid
Waste. All resources found in course folders.
o Course Resource Folder in Science Canvas Portal and
Science One Drive
101 Fundamentals: Waste (The Weight of Waste)
The Story of Electronics (The Weight of Waste)
Plastic Bottle Planter (The Weight of Waste)
Upcycling Competition (The Weight of Waste)
Use presentations to support students as they explain their
Museum of Solid Waste & Energy (NEED: Museum of Solid
Teacher created assessment
Rationale for use
No Impact Man
After viewing the film, (in whole or a few clips,
up to your discretion) Challenge the students
to pick a daily practice that could be viewed as
“Unsustainable” and make a podcast or short
PSA about it. Posters and videos can both
count as their PSA.
EcoRise Audit
Activities (EcoRise
Canvas Course)
Waste Eco-
Audit: Exploring
Waste Eco-
Audit: Analyzing
Use these resources with students who are
uncertain about the impact of waste in their
immediate environment. Resources found in
EcoRise Canvas Course
PE(s) and
Big Ideas
for this
Environmental Solutions
HS-ESS3-4. Evaluate or refine a technological solution that reduces impacts of human activities on natural systems.
Scientists and engineers can make major contributions by developing technologies that produce less pollution and wasted and that
preclude ecosystem degradation.
Tier 1 Instructional Activities
Tier 2 and 3 Supplemental Resources and Activities
Week 4
Weeks 7-8
Section Resource: STEMscopes scope HS Earth and Space Science:
Environmental Solutions
o Course Resource Folder in Science Canvas Portal and
Science One Drive
Accessing Prior Knowledge: How Has the Human Use of
Natural Resources Changed Earth?
Explore 1- Inquiry Investigation: The Quest for Clean
Explore 2- Engineering Solution: Building Blocks
Picture Vocabulary and STEMscopedia should be
introduced throughout each Explore activity to support
students as they explain their understanding
Connection Video- Reducing Human Impact
Reading Science- Urban Heat Islands
CER: provide a scientific explanation that justifies the
recycling of aluminum.
Rationale for Use
Human Impact on
the Sesan Dam
Students will analyze and interpret data in a local
drainage basin to predict how changes caused by
human activity influence the hydrology of the basin
and the amount of water for use in the ecosystem.
Link to Discovery Science Techbook.
STEM in Action
Applying relationships between human activity and
Earths systems. Link to Discovery Science
Week 5
Week 9
Summative Assessment and re-teach opportunities.
Central Services Science Team Contacts
For more information or support around the DCPS science curriculum, aligned resources, and NGSS implementation, please contact us:
James Rountree, Director of K-12 Science
Lauren Allen, Manager of K-12 Science/Science Content Lead for Cluster VII
Titus Peterson, Manager of K-12 Science/Science Content Lead for Cluster VIII
Margaret Harrison, Manager of K-12 Science/Science Content Lead for Cluster IX