Journal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550
The menu-setting problem and subsidized
prices: drug formulary illustration
Todd Olmstead, Richard Zeckhauser
HarÕard UniÕersity, Cambridge, MA, USA
The menu-setting problem MSP determines the goods and services an institution offers
and the prices charged. It appears widely in health care, from choosing the services an
insurance arrangement offers, to selecting the health plans an employer proffers. The
challenge arises because purchases are subsidized, and consumers or their physician
agents may make cost-ineffective choices. The intuitively comprehensible MSP model
readily solved by computer using actual datahelps structure thinking and support decision
making about such problems. The analysis uses drug formularieslists of approved drugs
in a plan or institutionto illustrate the framework. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All
rights reserved.
JEL classification: D61 allocative efficiency; Cost-benefit analysis; I10 Health, general; H42 Publicly
provided private goods
Keywords: Menu-setting; Subsidy; Drug formulary; Cost effective; Constrained maximization
1. Introduction
A menu lists the goods or services an institution offers, and the prices it
charges. When a profit-seeking organization, such as a restaurant or mail-order
clothier, sets its menu it cannot simply decide on an item-by-item basis. It must
worry about cannibalization of purchases due to cross-elasticity of demand. The
Corresponding author. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, 79 JFK St., Cam-
bridge, MA 02138, USA. Tel.: q1-617-495-1174; Fax: q1-617-496-3783; E-mail:
0167-6296r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0167-6296 99 00010-7
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550524
pasta dish may draw customers from the more expensive and profitable meat
items, and similarly for the clothier with sweaters cheap and cher. Taking
inexpensive items off the menu is not the solution, because they allow profitable
sales to some customers who would not otherwise buy. Here lies the essence of the
menu-setting problem MSP : making an item available to one group of persons
will draw off more desirable purchases from other individuals. This paper sets
forth the MSP, identifies its particular salience in the health-care arena, and
illustrates with drug formularies.
The MSP is of greater importance in the health-care arena, and takes on an
additional salient dimension, because so many goods and services are offered at
heavily subsidized prices. The goal in health care, at least implicitly, is to spend
treatment dollars where they will produce significant benefits. However, once
items are subsidized, the menu-setter has a significant concern that inappropriate
purchases will be made. Why is health care subsidized, as opposed say to meals or
clothing? Risk spreading provides the primary argument for subsidy of health-pro-
moting items: they are expensive and random factors make their consumption
desirable. Hence, the providing institution would like to offer the items at little or
no cost to appropriate users, those who would derive significant expected medical
benefits from them, but charge inappropriate users, i.e., those who benefit
marginally, the full costs of provision. Yet once the subsidized item is placed on
the menu, it is available for consumption by those who reap high value and those
who do not. Self-interested patients, or physicians acting on their behalf, will
choose items that are expensive relative to the health benefits secured; in other
words, they will undertake consumption that is not cost effective. There may be
other justifications for subsidy beyond risk spreading, such as paternalism, or that
needed health care is a right. The same conflict between ready affordability for
some and costrineffective consumption for others would apply.
Note, the majority of health care expenditures in most developed nations are
paid for by government. Even in market-oriented United States, employers subsi-
dize their workers’ health care, since it is an employee benefit, not a source of
profitability, and is tax favored. Most care-giving institutions, such as HMOs and
hospitals, are nonprofits. Moreover, even for-profit insurers and providers subsi-
dize health-care purchases at time of sale. This caters to risk aversion, and allows
profit makers to charge higher premiums and government and nonprofits to
produce greater welfare. All these subsidy-offering entities strongly encounter the
MSP: What services should be made available?
We take the objective of the health-care provider, whether government or
private, for-profit or nonprofit, to be to maximize expected health-care outcomes
subject to a constraint on resource expenditure. Setting the constraint appropri-
Presumably, a for-profit entity can charge more if it secures better outcomes; hence it also solves
this constrained maximization problem.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550 525
ately is a problem left for another day. If all patients desiring a particular
treatment were homogeneous, there would be no problem. All cost-effective
treatments and only such treatments would be placed on the menu. The challenge
is that patients desiring a treatment are heterogeneous; for some the treatment is
well worthwhile, for others not. This paper addresses the problem of setting the
menu to balance effective and wasteful provision. The drug formulary is our
central example. A formulary provides a crisp example of a menu. Its prices are
almost invariably subsidized, implying that inappropriate or excessive use may be
a problem. There is also the possibility of cannibalization, with the use of one drug
replacing another.
Though we focus on the problem of drug formularies, we could have easily
directed attention to health care more generally. As they proceed, readers are
encouraged to apply the MSP to their own areas of interest, such as mental-health
care, or the use of diagnostic technologies, such as MRIs, indeed to any problem
where the expected benefits of particular treatments or procedures vary widely
from person to person. The MSP also applies at a higher level to the menu of
health-plan options that an employer presents to employees. We provide brief
illustrations from these areas before turning to drug formularies.
Most health plans offer their insureds a fixed number of subsidized visits, say
eight, to a mental-health professional per year. For a person with an anxiety
disorder, this may be a roughly appropriate number. But this number may be far
too few for a person with a serious mood or psychotic disorder, and many more
than is worthwhile for milder stress-related conditions. Assuming the health plan
cannot discriminate among such individuals in services offered, it encounters the
An MRI machine is a patient magnet. A health plan with such a machine will
incur many uses that are at best of marginal value. But it is difficult for health
plans to direct physicians to use MRIs only when they are cost effective. The
doctor just might get some diagnostic insight from an MRI, and the patient wants
it. In many such cases, the doctor just goes along with a costrineffective use. The
use of diagnostic technologies, such as MRIs, will also depend on how readily
competitive services are available. To some extent, MRIs will substitute for
CATscans, or even regular X-rays. The MSP captures any propensities to substi-
tute among goods or services.
Frequently, the alternative to a procedure is doing nothing at all, but still the
MSP applies. If PSA tests screening for prostate cancer are routinely offered to
men over 50, their highest value use, knowledgeable men under 50 may request
Many health plans, recognizing the need to draw distinctions among individuals, now contract out
management of their mental health service to firms that specialize in drawing such distinctions. The
contractors are given considerable latitude in allocating treatments. Essentially, mental health care is
made a non-menu item.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550526
them. Once a health plan makes flu shots cheaply available, even individuals in
their 20s may request them. Undesired choices may also result when offering a
health plan. An employer might wish to offer a strongly subsidized version of a
generous health plan to allow employees with significant health problems to
secure intense treatment at affordable rates. The strong subsidy may also attract to
the plan people with ordinary health risks, who were not the employer’s intended
recipient group. This ‘you can’t get one without the other’ feature is the essence of
the MSP, which suggests that the MSP is first cousin to the problem of adverse
We develop the remainder of our analysis in the context of drug formularies,
which are explicit lists of approved pharmaceuticals within a health plan or
institution. Such formularies are used in one form or another by most health care
providers in the US. Their objective is to maximize expected health-care benefits
for a heterogeneous population subject to a constraint on pharmaceutical expendi-
tures. Drug formularies encounter a serious agency problem, given the subsidies
they offer. To spread risks and possibly to pursue distributional goals, patients are
charged much less for drugs than the marginal cost to the provider. Patients, who
are allowed to choose their drugs, will not count costs to the provider or plan .
Thus, moral hazard will result in excess expenditures on drugs as judged by the
people covered by the provider, because it is these individuals who ultimately pay
the costs of pharmaceutical use, whether through premiums or reduced subsidies
for other health services.
In this situation, where choosers are both subsidized
and self-interested, how is a provider to set the optimal menu of alternatives?
We present the MSP as a mathematical model that explicitly accounts for
patient heterogeneity, and considers all medical conditions and drugs together
when selecting the formulary. This model is flexible enough to accommodate a
variety of objectives and cost structures, and can be used as a decision support tool
by formulary decision makers. The interest in the model stems from the fact that
drug prices are subsidized. Therefore, marginal cost pricing does not carve the
path to efficiency. The drug formulary example is illustrative of any attempt to
limit resource use by a group of subsidized, heterogeneous individuals choosing
for themselves, such as defining an approved set of procedures for a health plan.
As Newhouse 1998 points out, subsidizing drugs may promote allocative efficiency, from the
standpoint of society at large. The social marginal cost of drugs is often quite low relative to the price
charged to a health provider; pharmaceutical companies need to set prices high to recover the fixed
costs of R&D and marketing, and they are able to do so given their market power. Subsidizing
consumers’ purchases brings the prices they face closer to the producer’s marginal cost.
Baumgardner 1991 analyzes an HMO setting quantity restrictions to control the use of new,
expensive technologies. He observes that a principal competitive advantage of HMOs is their ability to
control costs in this way.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550 527
In what follows, we say that individuals choose, recognizing that it is usually the
physician choosing on their behalf.
This paper consists of seven sections. Section 2 provides information about
formularies, including a description and assessment of the methods typically used
to determine them. Section 3 considers the problem of seeking the optimal drugs
to treat a single medical condition, framing it as an MSP, allowing but not
requiring charges to patients. Section 4 extends our single-condition MSP formula-
tions to the multiple-condition problem considering all medical conditions and
drugs simultaneously. Section 5 discusses pricing in MSPs. Section 6 discusses
several limitations on the use of the MSP framework to determine drug formula-
ries, and Section 7 concludes, and relates the analysis back to menus in health care
more generally.
2. Drug formularies
A formulary is a listing of pharmaceuticals permissible to use in a given
institution, such as a hospital or HMO. It is continually revised to reflect the
current judgment of the institution’s medical staff. A formulary system enables the
staff, typically working through a committee, to evaluate and select from among
numerous available drug entities and drug products, those considered most useful
in patient care American Society of Hospital Pharmacists, 1986a, 1991 . Formula-
ries are also concerned with cost effectiveness.
The first known formulary in the US was published for the Continental forces
during the American Revolution American Society of Hospital Pharmacists,
1986b . In 1933, the first guidelines for operating a formulary system were
formulated by a physician and a pharmacologist Nash et al., 1993 . In 1965, the
development of hospital formularies was mandated by the Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Hospitals Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals,
1965 , and an estimated 95% of managed care plans currently use a formulary
Freundlich, 1995 .
There are three basic types of formularies: open, closed or restricted, and
incentive-based. An open formulary serves merely as a guide: a physician may
prescribe any drug, but is encouraged to use the formulary list in prescribing
decisions. In contrast, a closed or restricted formulary lists the drugs that will be
reimbursed by the health care provider; nonformulary drugs will be reimbursed
only if they are authorized prior to prescribing. An incentiÕe-based formulary
represents a hybrid between the open and closed formularies; patients pay a higher
price for nonformulary drugs.
Health-care providers use formularies to generate safe, effective, and cost-con-
scious use of medications for patients. By assuring drug-by-drug review of all
medications, the formulary system can reeducate and remind physicians of alterna-
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550528
tive cost-effective therapies and balance the promotional tactics of pharmaceutical
manufacturers. Formularies can save money through the lowered prices that come
from bulk purchasing and competitive bidding, and by reducing waste and
overuse. By giving physicians in-depth experience with a limited number of drugs
with proven superiority, formularies can reduce the risk to patients of medication
errors and drug reactions which may result from sound-alike drug names and a
proliferation of drugs that caregivers must know and to which patients might be
exposed. The advantages of such a focus are growing given the increased number
of new drugs being marketed, many highly potent with significant side effects, and
the increasing influence of possibly biased and unscientific advertising information
U.S. Congress, 1995 .
Like all management tools, formularies possess certain intrinsic limitations.
They cannot, for example, determine whether the therapy of choice should be a
drug product rather than rest or diet, and they have limited power to cope with the
inappropriate use of even the most appropriate medication Rucker and Schiff,
1990 . Moreover, the formulary system has been severely criticized for placing too
much emphasis on cost and too little on quality. A common complaint is that
formularies often include only those drugs that are cost effective for the ‘average
patient’ while overlooking the special needs of individuals Bakst, 1995; U.S.
Congress, 1995 . Even if physicians can seek authorization to prescribe nonformu-
lary drugs, such procedures can delay needed treatment for the patient and
ultimately lead physicians to prescribe a suboptimal formulary drug instead U.S.
Congress, 1995 .
Despite their widespread use in the US, the impact of formularies on the quality
of care for patients has not been well studied. A few controversial studies have
indicated that formularies lead to either higher costs Horn et al., 1996 or lower
quality of care for some patients U.S. Congress, 1995 , but much work remains to
be done in this area before any sound conclusions can be reached Freundlich,
1995 .
Drug formularies are determined by formulary committees.
The membership
of formulary committees varies, but most include physicians, pharmacists, nursing
representatives, lawyers, and ethicists. Large committees may consist of several
subcommittees, each responsible for reviewing a given therapeutic class of drugs
Nash et al., 1993 . Health-care providers typically have formal procedures for
changing their formulary, and most formulary committees meet at least quarterly
to vote on the acceptance or elimination of formulary drugs Rascati, 1992 .
Determining an optimal’ drug formulary requires tradeoffs between the cost
and relative effectiveness of numerous pharmaceuticals for the heterogeneous
In hospitals, these are often known as pharmacy and therapeutics P&T committees.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550 529
group of people who are on the health plan. A major difficulty is that once a drug
is placed on the formulary, it will be selected by many individualsactually, their
doctors often choose on their behalfeven when it is not cost effective.
For example, heart-attack patients can be treated with a variety of thrombolytic
drugs to increase their chance of survival. Two of the most effective drugs are
streptokinase, a drug derived from bacteria that costs US$240 per dose, and tissue
plasminogen activator TPA , a genetically engineered substance that costs
US$2400 a dose. Although TPA is ten times more expensive than streptokinase, it
is on average more effective in preventing death. A recent study involving over
41,000 heart-attack patients found that 6.3% of patients treated with TPA died
within 30 days, compared to 7.2% of those treated with streptokinase GUSTO
Investigators, 1993 . The problem is that the relative effectiveness of the two
treatments varies across patient groups, and a cost-benefit or cost-effectiveness
analysis of the two treatments will reach different conclusions for different
patients. Table 1 summarizes the results of the study, disaggregated by important
patient subgroups. For all subgroups TPA was statistically significantly superior.
TPA is more effective if only slightly than streptokinase in preventing death for
all patient subgroups. Hence, each subgroup would choose TPA and not worry
about cost.
We discuss infarct location and hours to drug therapy first. There are severe
differences in net benefits, suggesting that the plan might prefer to make TPA
available only for some groups. Due to practical restrictions, however, if a plan
makes TPA available to patients with an anterior infarction who arrive at the
emergency room less than 4 hours after the attackthe group whose mortality
reduction is probably the greatestit must also make it available to patients with
an inferior infarction who arrive at the emergency room five hours after the attack,
though their smaller survival gains may make the choice of TPA cost-ineffective.
Thus, a health-care provider faces the agonizing dilemma of deciding which
thrombolytic drug or drugs to offer its members. If it offers TPA, all rational
Health-care professionals claim that the provider cannot, in practice, offer a given drug to some
patients and deny it to others on the basis of cost effectiveness Basskin, 1998; Caul, 1998; Glomski,
1998; McLaughlin, 1998; Nash, 1998; Sorrenti, 1998 . This restriction may also have some legal bite.
The Patients’ Bill of Rights Act of 1998 states that ‘‘patients should not be discriminated against in
their access to covered health-care services.’’ And a few years ago, a court awarded US$89 million to
the family of a California woman who died after her HMO refused to pay for a controversial
bone-marrow transplant that doctors hoped would cure her breast cancer. The court’s decision hinged
on the fact that the HMO had earlier approved identical treatments for two other women, both of whom
testified at the trial as living proof that the therapy might have worked Shoop, 1994 .
The group experiencing greater than 6 hours to drug therapy actually had better results with
streptokinase 8.3 vs. 10.4% mortality . Since the group comprised only 4% of the population, the
difference is not statistically significant, and the group is not included in the table.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550530
Table 1
Mortality after thrombolytic drug therapy for heart attacks ns41,021 patients
Subgroup Percent of Mortality rate % Absolute improvement using TPA
patients lives saved per 1000
Streptokinase TPA
Infarct location
Anterior 39 10.5 8.6 19
Inferior 61 5.3 4.7 6
Hours to drug therapy
0 to 2 27 5.4 4.3 11
2 to 4 51 6.7 5.5 12
4 to 6 19 9.3 8.9 4
Age years
- 75 88 5.5 4.4 11
G75 12 20.6 19.3 13
heart-attack patients will select it, at great expense to the provider, making it less
feasible to offer some other desirable drug under a restricted budget, or raising the
cost of the health plan, thereby making it unaffordable to some segments of the
population and less attractive to the rest. If the plan offers streptokinase and not
TPA, all patients will select it, getting less effective treatment than with TPA; but
it may then be feasible for the plan to support some other desirable drug. Or, the
cost of the plan will decrease, becoming affordable to more segments of the
population, or leaving its members with resources for other purposes.
Age presents a more challenging problem. Patients over 75 secure a slightly
greater mortality reduction when they take TPA rather than streptokinase. How-
ever, they have far fewer years to live; hence they benefit much less in terms of
measures such as quality-adjusted life years QALYs . The choice of output
measure involves ethical judgments.
The formulary problem becomes more complex when all relevant pharmaceuti-
cals, medical conditions, and patient subgroups are considered simultaneously.
Formulary committees deal with the complexity of this problem by making two
simplifying assumptions that can lead to suboptimal results.
First, instead of considering all drugs simultaneously, committees usually
consider only one therapeutic class of drugs at a time Seaver, 1995; Garrelts,
1997 . Unfortunately, determining the most cost-effective drugs within each
This pattern, and the accompanying ethical challenge, arises whenever the more expensive drug
gives the greatest mortality benefit to those already at the greatest mortality risk.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550 531
therapeutic class will not necessarily result in the most cost-effective formulary,
because marginal benefits may vary across classes, and drugs provided for one
category may be inappropriately selected by another. In fact, such a localized
procedure is inconsistent with the fundamental objective of welfare economics,
which seeks to maximize the benefits from society’s scarce resources Birch and
Donaldson, 1987 .
Second, committees tend to group together patients with the same disease and
then recommend drugs that are the most cost effective for the ‘average’ patient in
the group Bakst, 1995; U.S. Congress, 1995; Garrelts, 1997 . However, the cost
effectiveness of a drug often varies among patient groups. Pharmacogenetic
research, for example, has discovered important differences among racial and
ethnic groups in the metabolism of drugs, in their effectiveness, and in their side
effects Levy, 1993 . A major conclusion of this research is that the most
cost-effective drug or dosage for treating a given disease often differs by ethnic
and racial group.
Therefore, an assumption that all patients are the same can
result in a formulary that overlooks the special needs of important subpopulations
of patients or spends cost-ineffectively on others.
In the past decade, a number of decision analytic models have been developed
to help committees determine better drug formularies.
Unfortunately, these
models typically evaluate the relative desirability of medications within a given
therapeutic class for an aÕerage patient; while they undoubtedly reduce the
amount of subjectivity involved in the formulary decision-making process, they
fail to correct the incorrect simplifying assumptions.
It is clear that formulary committees would benefit from a formal model that
explicitly accounts for patient heterogeneity and that considers all drugs simultane-
ously, both within and across medical conditions. We introduce patient hetero-
geneity in Section 3, and then develop a model with heterogeneity and multiple
medical conditions in Section 4.
Exactly how this welfare economics mandate should be carried out in practice is controversial. The
central question is: How should benefits be aggregated across different groups of individuals? The
usual answer is to use some metric, such as total QALYs gained, as an output measure. Such metrics,
in effect, maximize the expected utility gain of a randomly chosen individual.
Levy 1993 provides specific examples of racial and ethnic differences in response to the
following commonly used agents: cardiovascular drugs including beta-blockers, diuretics, and ACE
inhibitors , central nervous system agents including tranquilizers, antidepressants, and neuroleptics ,
analgesics including acetaminophen, codeine, and morphine , and alcohol. Other important factors
involved in determining a patient’s response to a medication include age, gender, multiple disease
states, presence of other drugs, and pregnancy.
Clearly, as difficult as it would be to prioritize on, say infarct location, it would be much harder to
do so on a racial basis, even if this resulted in some drugs being precluded for all patient groups.
Ž. Ž. Ž.
See, for example, Kresel et al. 1987 ; Senthilkumaran et al. 1987 ; Cano and Fujita 1988 ; Calvo
Ž. Ž. Ž. Ž. Ž.
et al. 1990 ; Barriere 1991 ; Schumacher 1991 ; Einarson et al. 1995 ; Lee et al. 1995 ; Harvey et
al. 1996 .
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550532
3. The optimal formulary for heterogeneous patients with a single medical
We first use our model to determine which drugs to include in the formulary to
treat a single arbitrary medical condition experienced by three groups of patients.
The condition can be treated with any of four different drugs, whose costs and
efficacy for patients with different expected responses to the drugs are shown in
Table 2. For simplicity, we measure efficacy in QALYs. Since patients within a
category may have different medical responses to a drug, QALYs should be
thought of as an expected value. We assume that patients choose the formulary
drug that gives them the most QALYs, neglecting cost, and that the health-care
provider cannot offer a given drug to some patients and deny it to others.
facilitate exposition, we assume that there is one patient in each group equal
numbers of patients in the groups would produce the same result .
If the objective is to maximize total QALYs in the population of patients
suffering from this condition, the obvious solution to the single-condition problem
is to include on the formulary each drug that is best for some patient group. Thus,
the formulary should contain Drugs 1, 2, and 3.
In total, such a formulary will
yield 30 QALYs and cost US$11. In general, if money were no object, such an
approach could be used for as fine a partition of patients as data permit.
In practice, it may be prohibitively expensive to give each patient group its best
drug, but it is not often obvious how to make the necessary tradeoffs between the
cost of the drugs and their relative effectiveness. A simplistic approach used by
formulary committees, and described in the decision-analytic literature cited
earlier, is to rank the drugs according to how they perform on the ‘average’ patient
and then select the one or two highest-ranked drugs for the formulary. Unfortu-
nately, when patients receive differing benefits from drugs, such an approach will
often result in suboptimal formulary decisions. In our example, if the committee
decides to include the best drug to treat an ‘average’ patient, Drug 4 will
undoubtedly be selected because it is ‘good’ for all patient groups, resulting in 18
QALYs at a cost of US$15. But this strategy is both less effective and more
expensive than including Drugs 1, 2, and 3, which provides more QALYs, 30, at
less cost, US$11.
Appropriate optimization considers the number of QALYs attainable for a
given level of expenditure. For example, Fig. 1 shows that 17 QALYs can be
attained for US$3, 23 QALYs for US$5, 26 QALYs for US$9, and 30 QALYs for
The assumption that providers cannot discriminate comes from interviews with Basskin 1998 ;
Ž. Ž. Ž. Ž. Ž.
Caul 1998 ; Glomski 1998 ; McLaughlin 1998 ; Nash 1998 ; and Sorrenti 1998 , asking their
views of medical practice. Only Bakst 1998 demurred from this opinion, believing it to be too
Patients in group A will select Drug 1, those in B will select Drug 3, and those in C will select
Drug 2.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550 533
Table 2
Quality-adjusted life years
Patient group Drug 1 Drug 2 Drug 3 Drug 4
Unit cost US$ 1 3 7 5
Fig. 1 enables committee members to evaluate the cost effectiveness of
a drug within the appropriate context. That is, in the presence of patient hetero-
geneity, the cost effectiveness of a given drug depends on the set of drugs in the
With only a few drugs and a few patient groups, it is straightforward to
construct the equivalent of Fig. 1 by hand. However, the problem rapidly becomes
unwieldy as the number of drugs or patient groups increases. Fortunately, the
single-condition problem can be modeled as an MSP for which good solution
techniques already exist.
3.1. Menu-setting problems
MSPs arise when one individual, the setter, puts an array of permissible options
on a menu, from which each of a heterogeneous group of choosers will select their
preferred alternatives. The setter’s task is to define the menu that maximizes her
objective function subject to the choosers’ known preferences and various con-
straints. For clarity, we treat the setter in this paper as female and the choosers
as male. Though we develop our analysis in terms of the MSP generally, our
The respective menus and choices leading to these outcomes are as follows: Drug 1 is offered, all
groups choose it. Drugs 1 and 2 are offered, A’s and B’s choose Drug 1, and C’s choose Drug 2. Drugs
1, 2, and 4 are offered, A’s choose Drug 1, B’s choose Drug 4, and C’s choose Drug 2.
Although MSPs are generally quite common, formal treatment of MSPs did not begin until the
early 1980s, when marketing researchers began publishing articles on the problem of designing an
optimal product line. The MSP’ is known as the product-line design problem’ in the marketing
literature. The objective there is to maximize the setter’s profits. Olmstead and Zeckhauser 1996
discovered this problem independently, gave it the menu-setting name, and pioneered the subsidized-
menu problem, the context where purchases are likely to be subsidized and maximizing consumer
welfare or social surplus is likely to be the setter’s objective.
MSPs are characterized by a principalagent relationship in which: 1 there is a group of
heterogeneous agents, the choosers, with a known distribution of preferences; 2 there is one principal,
the setter, who sets the menu from which each member of the group must choose; 3 each agent gets
one choice from the menu; and 4 the agents’ and the principal’s preferences differ. See Pratt and
Zeckhauser 1991 for a thorough discussion of agency problems.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550534
Fig. 1.
primary interest, given our health-care audience, is contexts where price is set
below marginal cost, the subsidized menu problem.
MSPs are solved from the perspective of the setter.
The setter’s objective
function may be purely self-interested; for example, a private-sector firm with
some market power may select a mix of competing products to maximize profits.
In the drug formulary case, the objective function is likely to relate to the welfare
distribution among choosers, with some measure of overall welfare as the maxi-
mand. In the single-condition problem, the formulary committee is the setter; all
patients are the choosers; and the menu consists of the drugs on the formulary.
One possible objective of the formulary committee is to define the menu of drugs
that is, the formulary that will maximize the expected health utility’ of a
randomly chosen patient, subject to a budget constraint.
This objective can also
be thought of as maximizing the expected total health benefit from the formulary.
The challenge to efficient allocation within the MSP framework arises when
two conditions apply: first, the choosers are heterogeneous either in their prefer-
ences, or in the setter’s preferences for their choices, and second, the setter’s and
at least some choosers’ preferences differ. For example, the setter might like to
make option a1 available to chooser i, but she will not do so because that would
also make it available to chooser j, who would select it, and she finds the pair of
combinations a1-i and a1-j highly unfavorable; she decides to refuse option a1
to chooser i. If the choosers were not heterogeneous, the setter could put solely
her preferred choice on the menu. If the choosers’ preferences corresponded to her
own, she could put all options on the menu, knowing that the choosers’ selections
would be her own.
Sometimes the choosers are clustered into categoriessay
Note that the solution to an MSP tells the setter which specific options already under considera-
tion to include on the menu; it does not tell the setter which options to consider in the first place.
This might be the objective selected by a chooser in an ‘original position’ Harsanyi, 1955 ; that is,
before he knew who he would be and before he knew from what conditions he would suffer.
At this stage in the paper, we ignore considerations such as set-up costs, or economies of scale,
which would limit choices to capitalize on decreasing average costs.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550 535
patients with ear infectionswith a menu offered to each category. If the choosers
in each category remain heterogeneous, then each category would present its own
The divergence in preferences in the context of the formulary problem arises
because the patients, whose drug purchases are subsidized price below marginal
cost to the provider , will have insufficient incentive to be concerned with the cost
to the provider, hence to their fellow enrollees, of the treatments they receive. In
contrast, the health-care provider must usually meet some budget constraint.
cost effectiveness is a concern, letting each patient or patient group choose for
itself may be a poor system. Table 3, which parallels Table 2, but with different
entries, illustrates this point.
Say that the budget is US$21. The optimal assignmentthe one that maxi-
mizes QALYs for the dollars spentgives Drug 1 to Group A, Drug 3 to Group
B, and Drug 4 to Group C. Thus 35 QALYs are obtained at a cost of US$20.
However, if the menu contained Drugs 1, 3, and 4, B’s would choose Drug 3, as
the optimum requires, but A’s and C’s would deviate, selecting Drugs 4 and 3
respectively, each gaining only 1 QALY at respective additional costs of US$6
and US$5. Expenditures would then be US$31, hence out of reach. If the plan lets
patients choose for themselves, the optimal menu with a budget of US$21 includes
only Drugs 1 and 2. In this case, Group A chooses Drug 1 and Groups B and C
choose Drug 2. Thus 25 QALYs are obtained at a cost of US$21. Interestingly,
B’s and C’s are both worse off under the menu system than they would be if the
plan used an assignment system with the same budget.
3.2. Model for the MSP
We now present a mathematical model of the single-condition formulary
problem. To highlight the menu-setting aspect of the problem, we take drug prices
as fixed, though formularies can in fact often bargain for lower prices, possibly
yielding significant savings. We also allow for a fixed cost in having a drug on the
formulary. Though order costs represent fixed costs, the more consequential fixed
expense that results from including a drug is keeping doctors informed about its
Let i index the groups of patients with the medical condition, is1,...,m; and
let j index the drugs capable of treating the medical condition that are being
considered for inclusion in the formulary, js1,...,n. Let u sthe expected
Doctors are agents for both the health plan and their patients, which produces a conflict of interest.
Presumably, professional ethics the Hippocratic Oath requires that they place their patients’ interest
first, and consider resource expenditure only secondarily. In this spirit, resource-saving concerns, say
by an HMO, may dictate prescribing generic rather than equivalent brand-name drugs in most
circumstances, since there is likely to be little or no therapeutic difference.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550536
Table 3
Quality-adjusted life years
Patient group Drug 1 Drug 2 Drug 3 Drug 4
B 2615 3
C 091110
Unit cost US$ 1 10 12 7
utility a patient in group i gets from drug j.
Let c s the unit cost of treating a
patient in group i with drug j, let f s the fixed cost of including drug j in the
formulary, and let Bsthe pharmaceutical budget. Let N s the number of patients
in group i.
Let y be a binary variable indicating whether or not drug j is put on the
formulary, and let x be a binary variable indicating whether a patient in group i
chooses drug j. We would normally expect that the formulary’s objective is to
maximize consumer welfareor equivalently, the expected welfare of a randomly
chosen individualsubject to an expenditure constraint.
The formulation is
ConsumerWelfare:Maximize Nu x 1.0
, y
subject to:
x s 1 ; i 1.1
x F y ; i, j 1.2
ij j
uxGuy ; i, j 1.3
ik ik ij j
mn n
Nc x q fyFB,1.4
iij ij jj
s1js1 js1
x , y g 0,1 ; i, j.1.5
ij j
Constraints 1.1 require each patient to choose exactly one formulary drug.
Constraints 1.2 ensure that only drugs in the formulary can be chosen by the
The u s are assumed to be normalized within individuals so that their addition across patients is
more meaningful, as it is with QALYs. Measures other than QALYs are possible, of course, including
Ž. Ž.
healthy-year equivalents HYEs , willingness-to-pay WTP , and direct utility.
This objective function evaluates welfare within the boundaries of the plan, i.e., for the provider’s
enrollees, and does not consider, for example, society’s resource costs in producing drugs, profits to
drug companies, or pharmaceutical R&D expenditures.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550 537
patients. Constraints 1.3 guarantee that each patient chooses the formulary drug
that gives him the most utility. Constraint 1.4 ensures that the budget constraint
is not violated. And constraints 1.5 ensure that drugs are either offered or not,
and if offered, either chosen or not.
The above formulation 1.01.5 parallels a model presented by Green and
Ž. Ž.
Krieger 1985 . Other formulations are also possible. Dobson and Kalish 1993 ,
for example, extend the Green and Krieger model by explicitly considering prices
and costs. The net utility to the patient is defined as the difference between value
and price, and is measured in dollar terms, as opposed to the QALY metric that we
considered above. That is, u s Õ y p , where Õ is the expected dollar value of
ij ij j ij
the drug to the patient, and p is the price of the drug j that is charged to the
Each drug has an invariant per-unit cost, c , and a fixed cost, f . In this
formulation, prices may vary. The objective is to maximize social surplus, which
equals consumer welfare less the plan’s expenditure on drugs, both quantities
measured in dollar terms. The objective is thus:
mn n
SocialSurplus:Maximize N Õ y cxy fy.2.0
Ž. Ž.
iij j ij jj
, y, p
is1js1 js1
Ž. Ž.
The equivalents of constraints 1.3 and 1.4 change for this objective. See
Appendix A, which formulates the multiple-condition problem with patient utili-
ties set equal to expected value from the drug less their price.
The MSP framework is very flexible and can be modified to model the
particular requirements of many scenarios. The MSP framework can adopt a
societal, institutional, or patient perspective, depending on how the setter defines
the objective function and the factors she includes in the costs and benefits. The
MSP framework can also allow for a variety of interdependent drug restrictions.
Such restrictions may arise from negotiations with pharmaceutical suppliers and
take the form of ‘eitherror’ constraints i.e., two drugs cannot both appear in the
formulary or ‘all or none’ constraints i.e., the setter wishes to offer either all of a
given set of drugs or none of them . If concerns about particular patient groups
One can now obtain a graph like Fig. 1 by iteratively solving the above formulation using
successively larger budgets, B.
This formulation is soundly based in microeconomics: u is a measure of consumer surpluswil-
lingness-to-pay for the drug minus the price of the drug. Dobson and Kalish note that little work has
been done on measuring monetary utilities.
If the setter wishes to offer Drug 1 or Drug 2, but not both, she adds the constraint: y q y F1. If
the setter wishes to offer either all q of the drugs from a set M or none of them, she adds the
constraint: yjs
q, where
is a binary variable. Many other types of linear integer constraints
g M
may be incorporated within the standard MSP mathematical programming formulation.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550538
or regulatory constraints make it essential to have a particular drug j in the
formulary, then y can simply be set to 1, and the remaining problem solved.
4. The multiple-condition formulary problem
We now consider all medical conditions and drugs simultaneously.
This is
important, since many drugs can be employed in treating a number of different
conditions. Simply combining the results of single-condition optimizations will not
work. When conditions are examined one at a time, there is no way to allocate the
fixed costs of a drug used to treat multiple conditions. More important, drugs that
may be highly cost effective in treating some conditions may be only marginally
beneficial in treating others, yet still selected for those conditions. Thus Prozac,
which is highly beneficial for individuals suffering from depression or obsessive
compulsive disorder, may offer only marginal positive and possibly negative
benefits for individuals experiencing normal reactions to situations of stress, such
as grief. Similarly Viagra, clearly useful in treating many forms of impotence,
might offer at best mildly enhanced sexual performance to individuals without
dysfunction. Yet, once on the menu, both drugs are likely to be demanded by
marginal beneficiaries.
Mathematically, the extension from the single-condition model to the multiple-
condition model is relatively straightforward. We maintain the assumption that
drugs approved for a given medical condition cannot be withheld from anybody
with that condition. However, we allow drugs to be approved for some medical
conditions and not for others. So, for example, powerful and expensive antibiotics
can be approved for postsurgical recovery but not for low-grade infections.
results in a powerful model that combines the MSP framework with the classic
assignment framework. It creates a group of MSPsone for each medical
conditionconnected through either a budget constraint or an objective function.
In practice, some desirable restrictions of drugs to particular conditions or
diagnoses may not be feasible; our formulation below allows for situations where
a drug made available for one condition must be made available for some others.
Olmstead and Zeckhauser 1996 consider a variety of nonutilitarian objective functions for MSP
problems, including citizen choice models with plurality, Borda and approval voting, and Rawlsian
maximin and leximin objective functions.
The same model that solves the multiple-condition formulary problem can be used to solve the
more general multiple-condition problemthat considers all treatments simultaneouslyby replacing
the words ‘drug’ and formulary’ with the words treatment’ and health plan’ in the following
Frequently drugs are even prescribed for off-book i.e., non-FDA approved uses, though this may
be due more to drug approvals lagging behind experimentation and knowledge, rather than drugs being
deployed where their benefits are marginal.
The decision to restrict a given drug to certain medical conditions must be made by the formulary
committee when setting up the problem.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550 539
Let K be the set of all r medical conditions to be treated, and let J be the set
of all drugs considered for inclusion in the formulary. Let J : J be the set of all
drugs that may treat condition k, and let K : K be the set of all medical
conditions that may be treated with drug j. Let I be the set of all patient groups
with medical condition k.
Let u s the expected utility a patient in group i
gets from receiving drug j for condition k, kgK, jgJ , igI . Let c s the
kk ijk
unit cost of treating a patient in group i with drug j for condition k, kgK,
jgJ , igI ; let f sthe fixed cost of including drug j in the formulary, and let
Bsthe pharmaceutical budget. Let N sthe number of patients in group i with
condition k, kg K, igI .
Let z be a binary variable indicating whether drug j is included on the
formulary, jgJ; let y be a binary variable indicating whether drug j is included
on the formulary and approved to treat condition k, kgK, jg J ; and let x be
a binary variable indicating whether a patient in group i chooses drug j for
condition k, kgK, jgJ , igI . When the setter’s goal is to maximize consumer
welfare, the formulation is:
ConsumerWelfare:Maximize Nu x 3.0
ik ijk ijk
, y, z
subject to:
x F1 ;kgK, ; igI ,3.1
ijk k
x Fy ; kgK, ; igI , ; jgJ ,3.2
ijk jk k k
uxG uy ;kgK, ; ig I , ; jgJ ,3.3
ilk ilk ijk jk k k
Nc x q fzFB,3.4
ik ijk ijk j j
x ,y ,z g 0,1 ;kgK,; ig I , ; jg J , ;lgJ,3.5
ijk jk l k k
y Frz ; jg J.3.6
jk j
There are two significant differences between 3.03.6 and its single-condition
counterpart, 1.01.5 . First, 3.1 is written as an inequality to enable the
provider to avoid treating certain medical conditions altogether. If this is undesir-
The partition of patient groups can vary by medical condition.
If we were dealing with medical treatments in a health plan, this formulation would apply if there
were a unified budget for the plan, covering pharmaceuticals, diagnostic tests, mental health, etc. If
there are separate budgets for different categories, then there would be one budget constraint equation,
equivalent to 3.4, for each category.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550540
Table 4
Quality-adjusted life years
Condition 1 Condition 2
Patient group Drug 1 Drug 2 Drug 3 Patient group Drug 4 Drug 5 Drug 6
Ž. Ž.
Unit cost US$ 2 4 6 Unit cost US$ 1 5 10
able, the provider can ensure that a particular medical condition is covered by at
least one formulary drug by changing the appropriate constraint in 3.1 to an
equality. Second, 3.6 is necessary to model the fixed costs of putting a drug on
the formulary.
We now demonstrate this model in action. We consider two conditions, each
with three possible drugs and three classes of patients. The data are shown in
Table 4.
The setter’s objective is to maximize the total QALYs in the population of
patients suffering from these two conditions, subject to a budget constraint and an
additional equity requirement that at least one drug be offered to treat each
The results of this problem for the case in which each group contains five
patients are shown graphically in Figs. 2 and 3. For each budget level, Fig. 2
shows the number of QALYs that can be obtained and Fig. 3 shows which drugs
should be offered.
Note that some of the drugs move on and off the formulary
as the budget varies. Such jumps as a response to relaxing a constraint are
common in models like the MSP that contain binary variables and linear con-
straints and objectives.
Figs. 4 and 5 underscore the importance of accurately modeling the size of
each patient group. These figures, which differ significantly from Figs. 2 and 3,
show the results of the problem for the case in which groups A through F contain
10, 2, 3, 1, 7, and 7 patients, respectively. The same number of patients, 15,
suffer from each condition as before; only the mix of patients among the three
groups suffering from each condition has changed . Given the crowding of
outcomes, Fig. 4 does not indicate the drugs associated with each outcome.
When constructing Fig. 3, we broke ties in favor of the least expensive formulary. With a budget
of US$85, for example, the setter can obtain 200 QALYs in the patient population either by offering
Drugs 1, 3, 4, and 5, or by offering Drugs 1, 2, 3, and 4. However, since a formulary comprising Drugs
1, 3, 4, and 5 costs US$85 and a formulary comprising Drugs 1, 2, 3, and 4 costs US$75, the latter
formulary is assumed to be optimal for an US$85 budget.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550 541
Fig. 2.
Fig. 3.
The optimal formulary differs considerably between these two cases Figs. 3
. wxw x
and 5 over the budget intervals US$55US$89 and US$95US$140 . In
Fig. 4.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550542
Fig. 5.
addition, the QALYs vs. budget ‘curves’ shown in Figs. 1, 2 and 4 are ill-behaved
in that each exhibits both increasing and decreasing returns to scale over various
budget intervals; this effect is especially pronounced in Fig. 4 over the budget
interval US$45US$94 . Such curves are common in MSPs. While the MSP is, in
general, a difficult problem to solve to optimality, general-purpose math program-
ming software and specialized heuristics can readily find near-optimal solutions to
problems of realistic size.
5. Pricing in MSPs
Ž. Ž .
Whether prices are modeled explicitly, as in 2.0 and Appendix A A.0A.5 ,
or implicitly, as in 1.01.5 and 3.03.6 , they are an integral part of the solution
to any MSP. What do we expect these prices to look like? The answer depends on
a number of important factors, including the objective of the setter e.g., social
surplus, consumer welfare maximization, or profit maximization , the degree to
which the setter can price discriminate among the choosers, and the degree of
market power enjoyed by the setter e.g., price-taker vs. monopolist . The essence
of the subsidized-menu problem is that prices are set below marginal cost,
presumably to promote risk spreading and, possibly, distributional goals.
Our discussion of pricing applies to MSPs in general, and is not limited to
formulary drug pricing applications. There are a number of other important
The MSP belongs to the class of problems known as NP-complete, which means that the time it
takes to find the optimal solution may grow exponentially with the size of the problem. GAMS and
LINDO are commonly used to solve math programming problems like the multiple-condition MSP.
Ž. Ž.
Dobson and Kalish 1993 and Green and Krieger 1985 provide a technical discussion of specialized
heuristics that can solve large single-condition MSPs to within 1% of optimality in seconds.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550 543
applications of MSPs in the health-care arena, and we discuss pricing in this
broader context. The most general is what mix of services a provider, such as an
HMO or an insurance plan, should offer. A key problem for such plans is the
challenge that leads to MSPs: once an option is on the menu it will be selected by
individuals who receive little benefit from it, since they pay but a fraction of the
cost. Price could be raised to deter low-value users, but not high-value users, but
that would sacrifice efficiency in risk spreading.
5.1. Profit maximization and price discrimination
The menu-setting formulation is adaptable to a range of objectives, including
profit maximization, the presumed objective of a for-profit medical enterprise. The
setter’s strategy will depend on the extent to which she can price discriminate
among the choosers. If she can perfectly price discriminate, she is a monopolist
who has complete information about her choosers and is permitted to offer them
different menus. Then the setter is no longer solving an MSP, but rather a classic
assignment problem. In practice, such tailoring is rarely feasible in a medical
setting; the same products must be offered at the same price to all individuals, or
at least to broad classes of individuals. For example, all privately insured patients
might pay one price, government-insureds another, and charity patients who
cannot be denied treatment nothing. Moreover, even in a for-profit setting, if
patients are risk averse with respect to monetary expenditures, there will be an
up-front charge with use prices set below marginal cost. Thus, the MSP may
appear even in a for-profit setting.
In many real-world situations, the choosers cluster into categoriessay, pa-
tients with knee injurieswith a menu offered to each category. If the choosers
remain heterogeneous within categories, then each category presents its own MSP.
Consider, for example, the problem of a health plan deciding which medical
treatments to offer its enrollees. In practice, patients are probably grouped by
medical condition e.g., knee injury, ear infection , and each patient with a certain
medical condition is offered a menu of treatments designed specifically for that
condition. The MSP framework can be adapted to model this type of problem by
defining the decision variables to reflect the feasible chooser-item choice combina-
Ž.Ž .
tions, as in 3.03.6 and in A.0A.5 . The resulting model is a powerful hybrid
of the pure’ MSP and assignment frameworks.
When the setter cannot identify the choosers but knows their distribution of
preferences, then adverse selection prevents her from extracting as much surplus
as above, but she can still price discriminate indirectly. If the setter is a
monopolist, for example, she will provide products of quality lower than the ideal
to the less lucrative segments of the population to minimize the switch to these
products by the more lucrative segments. Alternatively, gold-plated products might
lure and extract rent from the highest value customers, a pattern we see with
luxury wings of hospitals. Of course, such tailoring can be done by altering any of
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550544
the products’ attributes, including price. As the market power of the setter
declines, prices will approach marginal costs.
5.2. Marginal cost pricing?
Let us return to the formulation where the setter seeks to maximize social
surplus, as defined by the consumer welfare of participants in the plan. It is
tempting to conjecture that efficiency concerns will lead a benevolent setter to use
marginal cost pricing. However, benevolent setters are often concerned with more
than mere economic efficiency. In many public and nonprofit settings, for
example, prices are heavily subsidized or set at zero. In most medical care
settings, including hospitals, HMOs, and drug formularies, the price to the
consumer at the time of purchase is set well below its marginal cost. Such
subsidies facilitate risk spreading and cater to various conceptions of social
welfare such as arguments that health care is a merit good or right .
Distributional concerns may lead a benevolent social planner who can differen-
tiate among choosers to cross-subsidize medical care by charging well-insured’
patients a greater portion of their marginal costs than under-insured’ patients.
Moreover, marginal cost pricing may be ruled out by political considerations. For
example, tuitions at most colleges are subsidized, and few people would prefer to
charge chemistry majors more than English majors, even if the former cost more
to educate.
Thus, while marginal cost pricing may promote efficient resource allocation,
we do not expect to see it in practice in many settings in the health care field.
Virtually all drug formularies subsidize drugs to some extent.
In MSPs with
benevolent setters, marginal cost pricing, or indeed any pricing in pursuit of
efficiency, should be thought of as one desideratum competing with such goals as
political acceptability, distributional concerns, and risk spreading. Even for-profit
medical plans may employ subsidies to promote risk spreading, thereby making
their plans more attractive and permitting them to remain competitive at a higher
The MSP framework can accommodate real-world constraints on pricing in a
number of ways. For example, if the prices are predetermined e.g., zero or a
nominal copayment , they are in effect set exogenously and treated as parameters
in the MSP.
The resulting problem then seeks the menu that maximizes welfare
Note that in settings where subsidies occur, the setter is usually constrained by available resources
such as the budget, and subsidies often must be covered by the premiums charged to all participants.
See also
, which discusses the drug-pricing problem taking society’s rather than the provider’s
resource costs into account.
In some circumstances, subsidies may be desirable from the standpoint of the plan’s budget
because they will induce drug compliance and thereby reduce future medical costs.
Labor negotiations sometimes set pricing rules for drugs, but the composition of the formulary is
left to the health plan or plans offered by the employer.
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550 545
subject to politically or socially determined prices and often a budget constraint .
Instead of exogenously setting the prices, we may wish to set price ceilings on
certain items or to restrict prices for certain classes of drugs or services to be
identical. Each of these situations can be modeled without difficulty by adding
appropriate constraints to the basic MSP model.
6. Limitations of the MSP framework for drug formularies
In this section, we consider a number of limitations to using the menu-setting
framework to determine drug formularies, one of their most immediate areas of
application, and thereby highlight areas for future research.
6.1. Data
A practical limitation of the MSP framework is the need for information about
the benefits and costs of using drugs to treat medical conditions. For example, the
MSP framework requires a global outcome measure to assess health benefits both
within and across medical conditions. Unfortunately, there is no general agreement
on methods for combining the measurement of the different dimensions of health
outcomes such as morbidity and mortality into a unidimensional measurement
scale, and some researchers question whether there can be a single best measure
Ž. Ž.
Detsky, 1994 . For example, Johannesson et al. 1993 and Zeckhauser and
Ž. Ž.
Shepard 1976 recommend using QALYs, Mehrez and Gafni 1989 recommend
Ž. Ž.
using healthy-year equivalents HYEs , Gafni and Birch 1993 recommend using
willingness-to-pay WTP , and still others recommend using conjoint analysis to
assess utility directly Chinburapa and Larson, 1989; Maas and Stalpers, 1992;
Hornberger et al., 1995 . None of these measures is universally accepted, which is
not surprising given the distributional consequences and ethical implications of
Even the measurement of costs for drugs can sometimes be difficult and
contentious. Although charges for drugs and services are relatively easy to capture,
the relationship between such charges and underlying resource costs is tenuous in
a system where reimbursement schedules, charity cases, and other factors distort
the market Willke, 1995 . While the full firepower of econometrics can be
applied when analyzing cost data, the collection of such data for drugs is poor
Willke, 1995 . Fortunately, both the quality and the quantity of data are improv-
ing with the maturation of the field of pharmacoeconomicswhich describes and
analyzes both costs and outcomes of drug therapy to health care systems and
In the discussion of the thrombolytic drug data in Table 1, we saw that the choice of output
measure had a salient effect on the relative well-being of under 75’ and over 75.’
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550546
society. In any case, the MSP framework is available for use by formulary
committees where the appropriate data are or might be made available.
6.2. Scope
The MSP framework can be used to determine the formulary that maximizes
the health returns from a given level of pharmaceutical expenditures. By varying
the budget, the user can sketch out the frontier of possible outcomes. But the
framework cannot tell us what the tradeoff rate should be between health outputs
for example, QALYs and dollars, which must be known if we are to set drug
budgets appropriately, or maximize social surplus directly.
Moreover, just as we criticized formulary committees for considering one class
of drugs at a time, we too can be criticized for taking an overly narrow view. By
focusing solely on drug expenditures, we assume that expenditures on all other
types of medical treatments are set at optimal levels. A broader perspective would
determine the optimal amounts to spend on medical treatments of all kinds, not
just different drugs. But critics concerned with allocating society’s resources for
all welfare-related activities would consider even this perspective too narrow.
Where to limit the scope of one’s analysis is a political, institutional, and
philosophical question that must be answered for each formulary committee before
it embarks on an MSP analysis.
The models considered here reveal the implications of a wide variety of
assumptions when determining drug formularies. For example, a committee could
examine the relationship between patient benefits and the pharmaceutical budget,
or evaluate the impact of approving a given drug for a particular medical condition
in terms of its benefits for patients and the budget. It could look at the distribu-
tional consequences of assuming a utilitarian objective function, and modify the
model accordingly. The models can be used for extensive sensitivity analysis by
altering data values as well as objective functions.
7. Conclusion
The menu-setting framework, here focused on determining a drug formulary,
helps to address problems in a wide range of health-care settings. Three key
characteristics of such settings are that 1 subsidies are common, thereby ruling
out marginal cost pricing as an instrument sufficient to ensure an efficient
Ž. Ž.
outcome, 2 there are multiple medical conditions, and 3 within each condition
patients are heterogeneous with respect to benefits from treatment.
The challenge of the MSP arises because patients choose or have their
physicians choose for them drugs or treatments on a self-interested basis. Hence,
the substantially simpler assignment problem cannot be employed to allocate
patients to treatments. The agency loss of excess expenditure arises. The MSP
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550 547
formulation is designed to curtail agency losses in such situations. In similar
fashion, it can assist the employer who must select the menu of subsidized health
care plans to be offered to employees.
The MSP framework permits optimization in a subsidized situation, but it does
much more. It highlights the payoffs to both expanding and constraining alterna-
tives, and it illuminates the virtues and limitations of using prices to limit demand.
The MSP framework offers insights whenever a principal must design a program
for a heterogeneous group of subsidized, self-interested agents; in effect in the vast
majority of circumstances where health care is offered.
We thank Michi Aoi, David Cutler, William Hogan, Joseph Newhouse, John
Pratt, Stephen Schenkel, M.D., Miles Shore, M.D., Charles Slavin, the interview-
ees listed in the references, and the referees. The Taubman Center for State and
Local Government and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation provided research
Appendix A. The multiple-condition problem with prices
The following formulation of the multiple-condition problem is an extension of
objective function 2.0 , with appropriate constraints.
K the set of all r medical conditions to be treated
J the set of all drugs considered for addition to the formulary
J the set of all drugs that may treat condition k, J : J
k k
K the set of all medical conditions that may be treated with drug
j, K : K
I the set of all patient groups with medical condition k
Õ the value to patient i, measured in monetary terms, of using
drug j for condition k, kgK, jg J , igI
p the price to the patient of using drug j for condition k, kgK,
u s Õ yp the utility a patient in group i gets from receiving drug j for
ijk ijk jk
condition k, kg K, jgJ , igI
c the unit cost of treating a patient in group i with drug j for
condition k, kg K, jgJ , igI
f the fixed cost of including drug j in the formulary
B the pharmaceutical budget
T. Olmstead, R. ZeckhauserrJournal of Health Economics 18 1999 523550548
N the expected number of patients in group i with condition k,
kgK, igI
Decision Õariables
z a binary variable indicating if drug j is added to the formu-
lary, jgJ
y a binary variable indicating if drug j is added to the formulary
to treat condition k, kgK, jg J
x a binary variable indicating whether a patient in group i
chooses drug j for condition k, kgK, jg J , igI .
The objective of the setter is to maximize social surplus. The formulation is:
SocialSurplus:Maximize N Õ y cxy fz A.0
Ž. Ž.
ik ijk ijk ijk j j
, y, z, p
subject to:
x F1 ;kgK, ; igI A.1
ijk k
x Fy ; kgK, ; igI , ; jgJ A.2
ijk jk k k
Õ ypxG Õ ypy ; kg K, ; igI , ; jgJ A.3
Ž.Ž. Ž.
ilk jk ilk ijk jk jk k k
x ,y ,z g 0,1 ; kgK, ; igI , ; jgJ , ;lgJ A.4
ijk jk l k k
y Frz ; jg J.A.5
jk j
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