A comparative analysis of the cognitive levels of Science
and Mathematics secondary school board examination
questions in India
Anirban Roy Chowdhury
Nandagopal K S
Vijay Prakash
IIT Bombay
Sean Fogarty Syaamantak Das
IIT Bombay
This research study investigates the cognitive levels of the
questions used for assessment and evaluation purpose in
three national school board secondary school leaving exam-
inations in Mathematics and Science subjects, conducted
in Indian schools from 2011 to 2020. The research used
Bloom’s Taxonomy to identify the cognitive levels of 3071
board examination questions. The study addresses the gap
in the current literature on the non-availability of a compar-
ative study of national school board assessment practices in
India. The study provides a comparative analysis of three
English medium Indian school boards (ICSE, CBSE, and
NIOS) by analyzing what areas/topics the board exams test
and which ones they ignore. Based on this analysis, certain
trends were analysed which are present in boards/subjects
in the 10th standard national level exams in India. This
study will help school education stakeholders to get an in-
sight into the cognitive level trend/patterns of assessment
Cognitive level, Assessment Questions, School Examination,
Indian School Boards
A learning process can be segmented into three sections
[7]. First, the learning goals, which are also referred to as
instructional objectives / Learning Objectives (LO). They
specify the learning outcomes that mention the skills and
knowledge which is to be imparted to the learner. Second,
the selection of learning materials that meet the requirement
to achieve the learning goals. Third, assessment questions
that determine whether the learner is learning the necessary
skills and knowledge to solve the problem. In the educa-
tional domain, the Learning Objective refers to the state-
ment(s) of a course curriculum, specifically describing the
skills and knowledge that the student must gain after the
course is completed. If complemented by a similar cognitive
level of instructional techniques and tests, the learning out-
comes help the teachers determine whether the students are
achieving the expected skills and knowledge.
The Learning Objective also determines the performance
results by determining the conditions under which perfor-
mance will occur. It also defines the requirements (specific
skills, competencies, and attitudes) that the learners will
follow. “Learning outcomes are precise statements of what
faculty expects students to know and to be able to do in
some measurable way as a result of completing a program,
course, unit, or lesson” as stated in [3]. It was also observed
that “in addition to guiding, teaching, learning, and assess-
ment strategy, effective learning outcomes facilitate student
orientation to the subject and communicate expectations”
as reflected in this research [6]. For active learning to take
place, ‘there must be a constructive alignment of the cur-
riculum, which should ensure that in an education program,
the learning objectives, teaching and learning methodolo-
gies, and assessment techniques should complement each
Student’s ability to think for activities during instruction
and examinations are essential for improving their intellec-
tual abilities, performance execution, and professional growth.
As a result, exams should be designed to encourage students
to express their thoughts on the exam questions, develop cre-
ative answers, and connect the exam answers to their own
experiences and real-life situations [5]. Also, good questions
not only promote effective learning and assessment, but they
must also be consistent with curriculum and instruction, as
assessment has a significant impact on both learning and
teaching. The phenomenon is known as the ‘washback ef-
fect’, and it refers to how testing affects teaching and learn-
ing [17].
As a result, writing high-quality exams that include both
higher-level questions (HLQs) and lower-level questions (LLQs)
is critical in assisting students in achieving the desired learn-
ing outcomes and evaluating their level of proficiency in a
specific course. The HLQs help students dig deeper into the
learning materials while also encouraging critical thinking
A. R. Chowdhury, N. K. S, V. Prakash, and S. Das. A comparative
analysis of the cognitive levels of science and mathematics secondary
school board examination questions in india. In M. Feng, T. K
and P. Talukdar, editors, Proceedings of the 16th International Con-
ference on Educational Data Mining, pages 509–514, Bengaluru, In-
dia, July 2023. International Educational Data Mining Society.
© 2023 Copyright is held by the author(s). This work is distributed
under the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial NoDeriva-
tives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) license.
and creativity. A work by [2] stated that, schools must em-
phasise higher-order skills in order to develop critical think-
Therefore, the present study seeks to examine and compare
to what extent the questions of the tenth grade school board
examinations in Mathematics and Science subjects prepared
by three national level Indian school boards include both
higher and lower-order thinking levels. In the first place, it
is essential to assess how well students master the informa-
tion of the educational materials within the six levels of the
Bloom’s Taxonomy. Additionally, it is essential to analyze
whether the exam questions of the given examinations in the
Mathematics and Science subjects are based on both higher
and lower-order thinking levels.
2.1 Mapping Bloom’s Taxonomy Cognitive Lev-
els to Thinking orders
Bloom developed a taxonomy in this context that is used
to develop assessments that take into account each of the
six levels of hierarchy in the cognitive domain [14]. Knowl-
edge (recalling details), comprehension (description in some-
one else’s words), and application (using existing knowledge
to produce results) are examples of lower-order thinking
domains. Higher-order thinking domains include analysis
(discovering connections between facts and concepts), syn-
thesis (creating new original work), and evaluation (judg-
ing and demonstrating one’s position) [12]. Researchers
used Bloom’s Taxonomy’s two cognitive categories to anal-
yse and determine the levels of questions asked in exams, and
they established two types: lower-level questions (LLQs)
and higher-level questions (HLQs) [16]. The LLQs are de-
signed to test students’ recall of fundamental and universal
concepts and processes. The HLQs, on the other hand, are
more advanced and difficult because they require students
to engage in deeper and analytical thinking processes.
2.2 School Board Examination System in In-
The work by [8] gives a comprehensive overview of Indian
school education system. The research article extensively
covers the Indian school education system, which is one of
the largest education system in the world. With both pub-
lic and private schools, the Indian school system can be di-
vided into four main categories pre primary (consisting of
pre-school, lower and higher kindergarten), primary school
(standard one to five), middle school (standard six to eight),
secondary school (standard nine and ten) and high school
(standard eleven and twelve / or pre university standard).
The public schools are majorly either central government
schools (such as Kendriya vidyalayas, navodaya vidyalayas,
Sainik schools etc.) or state government schools of respective
states. The private schools are usually run by individuals,
trusts or societies and may or may not receive fund from
the government. Apart from these two major categories,
some other semi government type schools run by local gov-
ernment bodies also exist (e.g. Municipality schools). The
central government schools are usually affiliated to the Cen-
tral Board for Secondary Education (CBSE) supervised by
the National Council of Educational Research and Training
(NCERT) under the Ministry of Education. The Council of
Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) is a semi-
private, non governmental education board in India. It con-
ducts the Indian Certificate for Secondary Education (ICSE)
examination (for tenth standard) and Indian School Cer-
tificate (ISC) examination (for twelfth standard) in India.
These two are the major all India based school examination
boards. Apart from the all India based school examination
boards, the state government affiliated school examination
boards constitute a major part of Indian school examination
system. All Indian school boards for the sake of collaborat-
ing and exchange of information with each other forms an
umbrella body called Council of Boards of School Educa-
tion in India (COBSE), a voluntary association of all the
boards of school education in India. There are more than
50 members with associate members from Nepal, Mauritius,
Bhutan, Pakistan and United Kingdom. Other than these
Indian school boards, foreign school boards such as Inter-
national Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) and Cambridge
International Examinations (CIE) are emerging as newer
school boards in urban areas. These schools boards offer
global school level examinations all over the world and fol-
lows universal curriculum. It must be noted that all school
boards in India are autonomous having their own syllabus,
curriculum, method of assessment and evaluation.
An elaborate research work on the quality of school educa-
tion in India has been done by Institute for Studies in In-
dustrial Development as mentioned in [9] for Quality Council
of India, New Delhi. Firstly, they have clearly defined the
distinction between syllabus and curriculum. Curriculum is
being defined as – “In formal education, a curriculum (plu-
ral curricula) is the set of courses, and their content, offered
at a school or university”, while syllabus is defined as “A
syllabus is an outline and summary of topics to be covered
in a course”. They have identified that in CBSE, the ad-
vantage is that the curriculum is same all over the country
and the continuity of education is not a problem if some-
one needs to change a school. They have also inferred that
ICSE syllabus is tougher than that of the CBSE and state
based school boards. Their research work showed that the
school boards are giving high importance to evaluation and
examination system which includes some additional forms
of evaluation such as (a) project work, (b) reading and writ-
ing skills, (c) participation in co-curricular activities, (d)
attitude and behaviours, etc. However major emphasis was
given on written examination by schools. IBO puts more
emphasis on project based and practical work compared to
the Indian school boards as it follows a global curriculum all
over the world. IBO assessment focuses on what skills the
students have learnt or what level of understanding can the
students demonstrate. British Council in India, in their re-
port [13] on the Indian school education system provides an
overall picture into this large and evolving school education
system of India. They remarked that “the present education
system in India is guided by different objectives and goals
but is based around the policies of yester years.” They claim
that two important policies of the Government of India—the
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) in 2001 and the Right of Chil-
dren to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act, 2009
have made education priorities rise among common people of
India and have been responsible for improvements in educa-
tional performance. However, this report does not mention
about the challenges faced by the Indian school education
system today. Also National Institute of Open Schooling
(NIOS) is not covered in these reports.
The objective of this research is to find the trends and pat-
terns of cognitive level in secondary school board examina-
tion questions. To the best of our knowledge, there is no
previous research on a comparative analysis of the cognitive
level of questions from three different school boards (with
respect to India) and in multiple subjects. This study tried
to address this gap through a comprehensive research and
provide an accessible and open dataset as a solution to the
problem and for future similar comparative research.
This study investigates the cognitive levels of the questions
used in the English medium school leaving examinations for
three national school boards in India administered nation-
wide from 2011 to 2020. It put forwards the following re-
search question: To what extent do Indian school board
school leaving examination questions cover the lower and
higher-order cognitive levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy?
5.1 Why are these data useful?
Every year, millions of students appear for the 10th board
(secondary exam) in India from various national and re-
gional state education school boards. In 2021, 21,50,608
students appeared in the 10th Board exam in Central Board
for Secondary Education Examination (CBSE) in India [1].
However, not much is studied about what Cognitive ar-
eas the board exams test, which sections of learning they
stress, and which ones they ignore. This research tries to
provide a comprehensive comparative analysis of three En-
glish medium national school boards Indian Certificate
of Secondary Education (ICSE), the Central Board of Sec-
ondary Education (CBSE), and the National Institute of
Open Schooling (NIOS). The Indian Certificate of Secondary
Education popularly known as ICSE is an examination con-
ducted by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Ex-
amination (CISCE), a private board of school education in
India for Class 10. The CISCE board is headquartered in
New Delhi. The Central Board of Secondary Education
(CBSE) is a national-level board of education in India for
public and private schools, controlled and managed by the
Government of India. There are more than 27,000 schools
in India and 240 schools in 28 foreign countries affiliated
with the CBSE. The National Institute of Open Schooling
(NIOS), formerly National Open School was established by
the Ministry of Human Resource Development of the Gov-
ernment of India in 1989 to provide education to all seg-
ments of society with the motive to increase literacy and
aimed forward for flexible learning. The NIOS is a national
board that administers examinations for Secondary and Se-
nior Secondary examinations similar to the CBSE and the
ICSE. NIOS enrolls about 350,000 students annually which
makes it one of the largest open schooling systems in the
5.2 Who can benefit from these data?
This data will help school education stakeholders to get an
insight into the cognitive level trend/patterns of assessment
Table 1: Dataset details
Sl.No. Board Years No. of Ques.
1 ICSE 2011-2020 838
2 CBSE 2011-2020 1274
3 NIOS 2011-2020 959
Total 3071
Figure 1: Types of Questions and Cognitive levels
questions.This data can be extremely useful and can be fur-
ther re-used for creating intelligent tools as mentioned in
similar research articles like [10] and [9]. The following ta-
ble, Table 1 shows the details of the dataset.
The data was collected from the physical and digital copies
of the previous question papers. The text data of digital
copies were cleaned and curated in online spreadsheet sys-
tems (Google Sheets). Once compiled, all the questions were
segregated into individual sheets year and subject-wise
Three annotators having sufficient domain knowledge about
Cognitive levels using Bloom’s Taxonomy action verbs [11]
annotated each question individually to identify the most
appropriate cognitive level. The inter-annotator agreement
for the appropriate cognitive level was in the substantial
agreement range (using Fleiss’s kappa) [4]. For data analy-
sis and visualization, Tableau [15] was used.
7.1 General Findings
Table 2 and Table 3 shows the top five Bloom’s Taxonomy
action verbs used for Science and Mathematics across all
the three boards. Figure 1 shows the various types of ques-
tions, based on their cognitive level and their frequencies.
Figure 2 shows various types of questions and their frequen-
cies against each board. Figure 3 shows Cognitive level with
respect to individual boards.
7.2 Patterns and Observations
7.2.1 General Question patterns
Figure 4 (Mathematics), 5 (Physics), 6 (Chemistry), and 7
(Biology) shows the comparison of the number of questions
CBSE and NIOS takes a combined Physics, Chemistry and
Biology exam while ICSE have separate exams for the three
Figure 2: Types of Questions and School Boards
Figure 3: A complete overview of School Boards, Question
typ e and Cognitive levels
Table 2: Top 5 Most used Action Verbs (Maths)
Rank Verb f CBSE f NIOS f ICSE
1 Find 565 220 192
2 Prove 96 36 25
3 Draw 36 9 19
4 Construct 32 18 14
5 Solve 32 11 19
f denotes frequency of verb in respective board.
Table 3: Top 5 Most used Action Verbs (Science)
Rank Verb f CBSE f NIOS f ICSE
1 Name 31 31 188
2 Write 68 45 96
3 Explain 44 63 92
4 State 47 32 92
5 Draw 44 30 94
f denotes frequency of verb in respective board.
Figure 4: Question Pattern - Mathematics
Figure 5: Question Pattern - Physics
asked on behalf of different Cognitive levels of Bloom’s Tax-
onomy against each Board. Figure 8 shows an overall com-
parison of Boards, Question type and Cognitive levels. From
this analysis, it can be inferred which type of assessment
was most preferable for a specified cognitive level. As it
is observed, Application-level questions are most frequently
asked in all three types of questions (MCQ, Long, Short).
For the MCQ type of questions, there was no “create” and
“evaluate” type of questions asked. The reason can be that
MCQ questions are known as single marks questions, and
asking for creation and evaluation will be much more in
Figure 6: Question Pattern - Chemistry
Figure 7: Question Pattern - Biology
Figure 8: Question Pattern - Overall
terms of time and effort required. In long and short type
questions, all Cognitive levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy ques-
tions can be found. It was also observed that lower cogni-
tive levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy questions are asked more
for the long answer types questions.
7.2.2 Board vs Subject vs Cognitive level
The highest number of application-level questions are asked
in Mathematics subject in all three boards. Physics also had
the highest frequency of Application level questions among
all three boards similar to Mathematics. For Biology sub-
ject most number of Knowledge level questions were asked
for CBSE and NIOS boards. At the same time, ICSE em-
phasises more on the understanding-type questions, as they
had the highest tally among all other cognitive levels. Sim-
ilarly for Chemistry, Knowledge level questions frequency
was highest among all three board subjects. For all three
boards for 9 years, there were no create level cognitive-type
questions asked in Chemistry.
7.3 Discussions
7.3.1 Analysis of the three boards for educational
and assessment practices
According to the study findings, lower order cognitive level
exam questions outnumber higher order cognitive level exam
questions by a wide margin. Such an imbalance in questions
based on the six cognitive domains in national examinations
may have a negative impact on instructional quality and stu-
dent learning. CBSE has two categories of papers in almost
every year, Delhi and Outside Delhi. These papers have
some differences in number of questions in each cognitive
level. In ICSE science, all questions have multiple subparts
(upto 5 or 6) each from different chapters as well as cog-
nitive levels. These can be very confusing for the student
and can cause ambiguities in their analysis. Maths papers
throughout the three boards have an abundance of applica-
tion level questions. Most of these have the somewhat am-
biguous Bloom’s Taxonomy Action Verb ‘Find’. In NIOS
papers (Mathematics), the questions for visually impaired
students are usually of lower cognitive level than the equiv-
alent for the other students. NIOS Maths asks students to
name and define terms in the form of MCQs (approximately
5%) that comes under memorization level and is absent in
CBSE. CBSE papers before 2018 only test concepts from the
second half of the syllabus, as was the case in Continuous
And Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) pattern.
7.3.2 The impact of secondary school national board
exams on teaching and learning quality
The questions indicated that students are required to spend
more instructional time preparing for the exam or studying
past exams that are heavily lower cognitive thinking (LOTS)
driven and derived from curriculum books. As a result, stu-
dents will fail to master complex reasoning skills as required
by the curriculum. Students are more likely to face chal-
lenges in secondary and tertiary education, as well as in
their personal and professional lives, if primary education
does not include critical thinking instruction and long-term
The study, however, was limited to the English medium na-
tional school board examinations. With 30 or more state
boards in regional languages, data collection and annota-
tion would have been a real challenge. However, if it had
been implemented, it would have provided a more in-depth
understanding of the national education system by reflecting
on assessment approaches.
All the Indian school boards are similar in terms of mak-
ing students remember the facts, understand the concepts
and apply them to solve problems. Thus the questions for
evaluation and assessment also focus on these three major
aspects. The CBSE syllabus is comparatively “more easy”
on students in its approach as it has been designed for a
specific year and is divided into various segments. Every
segment is given a specific number of periods so that it can
be completely and thoroughly taught in one year. It empha-
sises on understanding of concepts and processes with their
application. The ICSE system stresses more in terms of
aptitude development and thoroughness by almost equally
focusing the syllabus on remembering facts, understanding
of concepts and application of the processes learnt. NIOS
being an open schooling option, do provide some relaxation
in terms of cognitive rigour when compared to the other two
national boards. In conclusion we can say, if the syllabus is
written considering the Bloom’s Taxonomy and knowledge
dimension, it will be lot easier to analyze and evaluate that
whether the learning objectives have been successfully sat-
isfied on completion of the curriculum.
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