Dr. Nilam P. Trivedi / International Journal for Research in
Education (IJRE) (Impact Factor 1.5), ICV: 6.30
Vol. 4, Issue:2, February : 2015
(IJRE) ISSN: (P) 2347-5412 ISSN: (O) 2320-091X
40 Online & Print International, Refereed, Impact factor & Indexed Monthly Journal www.raijmr.com
RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
A Comparative Study of Admission and Evaluation Procedure
of CBSE, GSEB, ICSE and IB Secondary Schools
Principal & Dean School of Education
GLS University. Ahmedabad
Gujarat (India)
In the modern school system there has been the existence of various Boards of Education. These
boards of Education claim to prepare the students for various forthcoming challenges in their lives. It
is because of this parent are in dilemma as to which board will suit the best for the education of their
child. This study attempts to explore the similarities and diversity existing, with reference to admission
process and evaluation system in the schools affiliated to various boards of education. Total 23
English medium schools of various boards in Ahmadabad city are taken as a sample for study. Two
different types of tools are used to collect the data regarding admission process of students in the
schools. To study the process of admission of students, a self made questionnaire was used and an
informal interview was conducted with the school authority. To study the principals was conducted
with regard to the assessment of the student. Being this research a qualitative and quantitative one,
the data was analyzed using simple statistical technique and classification of data based on certain
parameters. The data was interpreted and conclusions were drawn.
Keywords: CBSE, Evaluation system, GSEB, ICSE, IB
1. Introduction
Education is continuous process. It has various steps like input, process and output. The word „input‟
refers to „admission of students‟, „output‟ refers to „evaluation of students‟ when „process‟ refers to
„learning experiences at school‟. Various schools set their own priority and choices for the admission
of students. Who would get the admission? And who should get the admission? Remains A million
dollar question for parents seeking admission for their ward in the schools of their choice. For,
institutions believe the quality of students is the base for the best result. Thus admission is a complex
phenomenon not only for parents but for the schools as well. The mechanism of input, process and
output can only resulted well when examined effectively. Examination is an important stage of the
complete process. Now the question is what to examine? The input or the quality of students taking
admission or the kind of process they pass through at the school. Many educationists have expressed
different views on examining the students. “Evaluation has handicapped the education process”-
Secondary Education Commission on the other side in a report submitted to NCERT on quality in
school Education expresses “Evaluation is a standard procedure to measure or scale the students‟
performance. Conducting examinations in education system works like a regulatory mechanism in
improving the quality in education. More specifically, the quality of education also depends on the
credentials of whole education process. Different boards adopt different policies relating to evaluation
of students such as state board adopts „school based comprehensive Evaluation‟, CBSE and ICSE
adopt „continuous and Comprehensive evaluation‟ whereas IB adopts „criterion Based Evaluation
Model‟. There is a need felt by the researcher to understand the relation in terms of similarities or
difference to evaluation system in the schools of different boards. The study also focuses on the
nature, principles and practice of evaluation in schools affiliated to different boards. The study also
focuses on the policies and practices of student‟s admission in a school affiliated to a particular board
of education.
Dr. Nilam P. Trivedi / International Journal for Research in
Education (IJRE) (Impact Factor 1.5), ICV: 6.30
Vol. 4, Issue:2, February : 2015
(IJRE) ISSN: (P) 2347-5412 ISSN: (O) 2320-091X
41 Online & Print International, Refereed, Impact factor & Indexed Monthly Journal www.raijmr.com
RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
2. Objectives
Following objective was undertaken for the present Study:
To study the admission process of students in CBSE, GSEB, ECSE and IB schools.
To study the process of evaluation of students in CBSE, GSEB, ICSE and IB schools.
3. Research Questions
Following were the research questions for the present study:
1. Whether there is any difference in the admission process of students in CBSE, GSEB, ICSE and
IB schools?
2. Whether there is any similarity in the admission process of students in CBSE, GSEB, ICSE and
IB schools?
3. Whether there is any difference in the process of evaluation of students in CBSE, GSEB, ICSE
and IB schools?
4. Whether there is any similarity in the process of evaluation of students in CBSE, GSEB, ICSE
and IB schools?
4. Delimitations of the Study
The study is delimited to CBSE, GSEB, ICSE English Medium Secondary Schools of Ahmadabad
5. Abbreviations
CBSE: Central Board of Secondary Education.
GSEB: Gujarat Secondary Education Board.
ICSE : Indian Council of Secondary Education.
IB : International Baccalaureate
6. Design of the Study
Selection of research method is sensitive to various aspects of the study such as the nature of the
problem, objective, hypothesis and the purpose of the research. Research can be classified in following
three ways based on the purpose of the research. Research can be classified in following three ways
based on the purpose of research. They are: (a) Fundamental Research (b) Applied Research and (c)
Action Research. According to the other classification of research, they are: (a) Historical Research (b)
Descriptive Research and (c) Experimental Research. The present research is to explore the practices
of schools affiliated to four different boards of education with regard to the admission and evaluation
process of student the respective schools. Hence, depending on the nature of data it is a Survey
7. Population and Sample
There were around 22 Gujarat State Education Board English Medium school in Ahmadabad, out of
which 16 school have been selected as the sample for the study , and 7 CBSE school out of which 4
school have been taken for the study, 4 ICSE schools out of which 2 have been taken and 1 IB school
which has been taken as sample. In all 23 out of 34 schools have been taken as sample for the present
8. Tool
To study the process of admissions of students in CBSE, GSEB, ICSE & IB schools a questionnaire
consisting of 12 yes/no type of questions and 7 open ended questions was constructed. The tool
consisted of items on the areas like written test, financial status of parents, and family background of
parents, reservation policy, and age limit of the students at the time of admissions, preference to the
same board school students and so on. This questionnaire was filled by the member of admissions
committee, i.e. principal / senior teacher of the respective school To study the process of Eva lunation
Dr. Nilam P. Trivedi / International Journal for Research in
Education (IJRE) (Impact Factor 1.5), ICV: 6.30
Vol. 4, Issue:2, February : 2015
(IJRE) ISSN: (P) 2347-5412 ISSN: (O) 2320-091X
42 Online & Print International, Refereed, Impact factor & Indexed Monthly Journal www.raijmr.com
RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
the literature was collected from the board offices. Further, in formal interview was conducted with the
principal and senior teachers of the schools to clarify the gaps.
9. Data Collection
To study the admissions process of students to CBSC, GSEB, ICSE&IB schools, a self constructed
questionnaire was administrated on the members of admissions committee of the schools of respective
boards. For understanding the process of evaluation copies of circulars from respective boards to the
schools were collected. The senior teachers and principals were interviewed in order to clarify the gaps
in studying the practices of schools for evaluation process of students.
10. Data Analysis and Interpretation
The collected data for the process of admissions was analyzed with the help of percentage. After
studying the evaluation process of students in all the four boards of educations, a comparative analysis
was done based on certain aspects like Boards Wise Weight age of each.
Dimension / Area / Aspects in percentage , boards wise grading pattern, Board Wise passing criteria
and other norms in terms of grades ,board wise theory subjects co scholars and practical activities.
11. Finding and Discussion
1. Regarding Admissions process it was found from the responses that although conducting a
written test before admissions of a student in particular school is not a criteria given by any of
the board, 75% of CBSE, GSEB, ICSE schools conduct a written test before giving admission
whereas IB schools do not conduct any written test before giving admissions to the students in
the schools.
2. The common aspects on which CBSC,ICSE&GSEB focused for conducting the tests where
general knowledge, mathematical ability and logical reasoning .beyond this, it was also found
that CBSE & ICSE schools focused more on comprehension Ability and English language.
3. It was found that all the schools conduct interview before giving admission to the students in the
school. The admission committee in CBSE, GSEB and ICSE constituted of the principal, senior
teacher and subject teacher whereas in IB school the committee comprised of program co-
curricular, a senior teacher and a subject expert.
4. It was also revealed from the responses that 50 percent of CBSE and ICSE schools consider the
board of education before giving admission while others do not consider the previous board of
education of the child at that time of admission in the school.
5. It was found from the responses that in practice importance are given to the educational
background of the parents of the child while no importance is given to the financial status of the
6. It was found that at time of admission, 50 percent of CBSE, ICSE and GSEB schools charge
developmental fees whereas the responses from IB school revealed that they do not charge any
developmental fees from students.
7. It was found that no school denies admission to any student on the basis of caste, creed or any
8. Regarding the process of evaluation of students in CBSE, GSEB, ICSE and IB schools
9. It was found that the schools affiliated to GSEB follows school based comprehensive Evaluation
i.e. SCE. It is of two types: Scholastic Evaluation and Co-scholastic Evaluation.
10. Scholastic Evaluation is done by three types: Formative Assessment, Summative Assessment and
Indicators through observation. There are four formative assessments throughout the year
carrying a weightage of 40 percent and two summative assessments carrying a weightage of 60
percentage of marks.
11. CBSE schools follow a continuous and comprehensive evaluation, which is also of two types:
scholastic evaluation and Co-scholastic evaluation. Evaluation of students is done by four
Dr. Nilam P. Trivedi / International Journal for Research in
Education (IJRE) (Impact Factor 1.5), ICV: 6.30
Vol. 4, Issue:2, February : 2015
(IJRE) ISSN: (P) 2347-5412 ISSN: (O) 2320-091X
43 Online & Print International, Refereed, Impact factor & Indexed Monthly Journal www.raijmr.com
RET Academy for International Journals of Multidisciplinary Research (RAIJMR)
formative assessments carrying a weightage of 40 percent of marks and two summative
assessments carrying a weight age of 60 percentages of marks.
12. ICSE schools also follow a continuous and comprehensive evaluation in which there are three
unit tests, one terminal exam, a half yearly and an annual examination throughout the year. The
entire syllabus for each subject is divided and three terms, first term, second term and the third
term. The schools conduct examination for standard 1 to IX, whereas the council conducts
examination for standard X in accordance with the recommenendations of the New Education
Policy 1986, through the medium of English.
13. There are no Board examinations in IB Middle Year Pregame. Instead, classroom teachers
design their own examinations. The assessment is continuous and there is involvement of parents
and teachers in the process of assessments, the assessments consists of open ended, problem
solving activities, investigations organized debated, hands on experimentations, analysis and
reflection of students. Final assessments is based on the judgments of teachers, further, the
technique of assessment varies from subject. The marks allotted by teacher are reviewed by the
expert teacher‟s team of IB.
14. It was found that CBSE, GSEB, ICSE, and IB schools vary from each other regarding the
grading system in evaluation of students. CBSE and ICSE schools follow 9 point grading
system; GSEB schools follow a 7 point grading system.
15. It was found that the minimum percentage for passing in GSEB and CBSE schools is 33
percentages. In IB schools there is no Board Examination till standard X.
16. The evaluation in all these schools is not done only on the basis of scholastic aspects but also on
co-scholastic aspects and they are rated on the basis of different indicators.
17. Overall, it was found that the all the schools follow the evaluation process as instructed by the
board of education.
12. Conclusion
Though taking a written test is not mentioned as a policy of admission in any of the board. It has been
the practice of the schools to conduct a written test and interview for the students seeking admission in
the school. No school denies admission on the basis of any caste of any caste and religion. Regarding
evaluation practices, it was seen that continuous and comprehensive evaluation is practiced in all the
four boards of education, but they vary in their grading system.
1. Ministry of Human Resources Development, India (1986) “National Policy On Education”,
MHRD New Delhi, Page: 42
2. Ministry Of Human Resources Development, India (1952-53) Secondary Education Commission,
MHRD New Delhi.
3. Final Report on Quality in School Education for Quality Council of India New Delhi.