r 2010 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.
Vol. 87 No. 12 December 2010
Journal of Chemical Education 1303
10.1021/ed1000894 Published on Web 09/29/2010
Chemistry for Everyone
Influences from Latin on Chemical Terminology
Peter Loyson
Department of Chemistry, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Port Elizabeth 6031, South Africa
Latin forms the basis of many European languages such as
French, Italian, and Spanish and was used for centuries as the
main lingua franca of the Roman world, spreading with the
expansion of the Roman Empire (1) and later, the Catholic
Church (2). Latin has also influenced the English language (3);
in fact, many everyday English words have a Latin origin.
Examples include: introduction, penultimate, minus, mile, contra-
dict, omnipotent, professor, vice president and senate, to name just a
few. It is obvious that there would be many scientific and
chemical words that have a Latin derivation. There would be
two main reasons for this: first, in the western world, Latin was
used as the language of scholarship well into the 17th century: the
last great English-speaking scientist who used Latin was Isaac
Newton in his Principia Mathematica in 1687 (3); second, early
Western chemists in the 18th and 19th century, usually had a
classical education, steeped in Latin and Greek, so that when it
came to describing a new scientific or chemical term, they
resorted to their knowledge of Latin and Greek to co in the
new word.
A recent article in this Journal discussed the influences of
ancient Greek on chemical terminology (4). This article traces
the influence of Latin on words commonly used in chemistry.
Understanding the Meaning of Latin-Derived Words
To understand the meaning of Latin-derived words it is first
necessary to look at Latin prefixes and suffixes: these are compo-
(suffix) of a word. Familiarity with these word components, also
called morphemes, allows for easy formation and understanding of
Latin-derived words. Table 1 shows an alphabetical list of Latin
prefixes commonly found in chemical terminology, while Table 2
listsLatinsuffixesroutinelyused(5- 7). Examples are given for
each case and knowledge of these Latin prefixes and suffixes allows
for easier understanding of the exact meaning of these words.
Additional examples are superscript and subscript,soessentialin
chemical formulas, and in situ, meaning in the original situation,
literally in place.
Latin-Derived Names for Chemical Elements
Several papers addressing the naming of the elements have
appeared in this Journal over the years (8- 17). Two articles in
particular (13 17,) explore the origin of these elemental names
and many are shown to have either Greek or Latin derivation. A
recent paper in this Journal (4) summarized the 36 elements
whose name derives from the ancient Greek language or Greek
mythology. Table 3 lists the elements whose names are derived
from Latin, in order of increasing atomic number. Further
information regarding the naming of these elements can be
obtained from additional sources
(18, 19).
As can be seen from Table 3, there are 18 elements with
Latin-derived names. Eight of these are derived from Latinized
place names and one for the planet Earth; three deal with the
colors found in their emission spectra; the rest refer to properties
and Latin names for materials in whic h they were found.
Table 1. Latin-Derived Prefixes Commonly Used in Chemical Terminology
Latin Prefix Meaning in English Example
Ab- Away from, off Absorption
Ad- Toward, to Adhesion
Ambi- Both, on both sides Ambivalent
Bi- Twice, twofold Bimolecular
Co- Together, with Covalent
De- From, down from Desorption
Dis- Apart, away from Discharge
Equi- Equal Equimolar
Ex- (ef- or e-) Out of, off Effluent
In- In, into Induction
In- Not Insoluble
Infra- Below Infrared
Inter- Between Intermolecular
Intra- Within Intramolecular
Multi- Many Multivalent
Non- Not Nonaqueous
Post- After Postcolumn
Prae- Before Pre-electrolysis
Re- Back, again Reduce
Sesqui- And a half more Sesquioxide
Super- Above, over, more than Superconductor
Trans- Across Transmutation
Ultra- Beyond Ultraviolet
Table 2. Latin-Derived Suffixes Commonly Used in Chemical Terminology
English Suffix
Ending or Word
in English Example
-able -abilis Capable of Reduceable
-ant -ant Corresponding to Reductant
-cide caedere To kill Herbicide
-cule -culus Small Molecule
-eous -eus Pertaining to Aqueous
-ion -io Action Fission
-ory -orium Place Laboratory
1304 Journal of Chemical Education
Vol. 87 No. 12 December 2010
r 2010 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.
Chemistry for Everyone
An interesting case is the naming of Gallium. It was named by
its discoverer, Paul Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran after the Latin name
for Gaul, essentially modern France, his native land. It was later
claimed, however, that he had also named the element after himself,
because le coq in French means the rooster and the Latin for
rooster is gallus. However Lecoq controverts this in an article he
wrote describing gallium and his methods of discovering it (20).
Regarding the name of the element Cs, it should be noted
that the international spelling of the name, standardized by
IUPAC (21), is actually Caesium, as it should be, considering the
Latin word from which it comes, and not Cesium, although this
spelling variant, predominant in American English, has been
accepted by IUPAC since 1993 (22).
Latin influences can also be seen in the symbols used for
elements whose English name is not reflected in the symbol for
that element. There are nine such elements and the information
is shown in Table 4.
Naming of Chemical Compounds: Classes and Types
Although the naming of chemical compounds and com-
plexes is mainly based on the anc ient Greek numerals (4),itis
informative to look at some of the Latin numerals and their
associated words that are used in chemical terminology. Table 5
summarizes the most important Latin numerals and ordinals,
with an example of their use.
As seen in that table, many words used in chemical
terminology are based on Latin numerals. Primary and secondary
alcohols, tertiary amines and quaternary ammonium compounds
are just some examples of classes of compounds based on Latin
ordinals. An interesting example is nonane ,C
, the ninth
member of the homologues series of alkanes, named after the
Latin ordinal for nine. Most of the other members in that series
are named after Greek numbers (4). Nonane is an exception in
that series.
Other classes of compounds based on Latin prefixes are
semiconductors and superconductors , nonelectrolytes and multi-
dentate (many teeth) ligands. The latter word comes from the
Latin verb ligare, to bind. The term insulator, literally means
making something into an island (insula), and clearly describes
its nonconducting properties.
The word patricide means father killer (pater means
father), while regicide means king killer (rex means king), so
a word like herbicide (herba means vegetation) means weed killer
and germicide is that which kills germs.
A sesquioxide is an oxide containing three atoms of oxygen
with two atoms of another element, in line with the Latin
meaning of the prefix sesqui shown in Table 1. Fo r example,
is a sesquioxide. Another ex ample is Fe
. The name also
applies to compounds containing other negative ions in the same
ratio with metal ions: chromium sesquisulphate Cr
, and
ethyl aluminum sesquichloride,(C
), a
catalyst used in the Ziegler-Natta polymerization process for
the synthesis of vinyl and diene polymers (23).
Using Etymologies of Latin Word Derivations To Enhance
Chemistry Teaching and Learning
General Words Used in Introductory Chemistry
Numerous words that form part of our everyday chemical
nomenclature are derived from Latin. In introductory (leading
Table 3. Etymologies of Chemical Elements with Latin-Derived Names
Element Information
Number Symbol Name Latin Word Etymological Meaning
6 C Carbon Carbo Coal, charcoal
9 F Fluorine Fluere To flow, fluorspar used as a flux in metallurgy
13 Al Aluminum Alumen Alum, the aluminum salt
14 Si Silicon Silex Flint, a Si-containing mineral
20 Ca Calcium Calx, calcis;
Chalk (CaCO
), lime; Incinerate chalk to lime
21 Sc Scandium Scandia Scandinavia, only found there and discovered by a Swede, L. F. Nilson in 1879
29 Cu Copper Cuprum Mined in Cyprium, Cyprus, by the Romans
31 Ga Gallium Gallia Gaul, modern France, discovered by Frenchman Lecoq de Boisbaudran in 1875
37 Rb Rubidium Rubidus Deepest red, after its reddish-violet flame color
44 Ru Ruthenium Ruthenia Russia, discovered by the Russian Karl Klaus in 1844
49 In Indium Indicum Indigo, named after the blue spectral line in its spectrum
52 Te Tellurium Tellus Earth, named after our planet
55 Cs Cesium Caesius Bluish gray, named after the bright blue lines in its emission spectrum
67 Ho Holmium Holmia Stockholm, hometown of P. T. Cleve who discovered the element in 1878
71 Lu Lutetium Lutetia Paris, named by the French chemist G. Urbain, who codiscovered it in 1907
72 Hf Hafnium Hafnia Copenhagen, named after the place of discovery in 1923 by
D. Coster and G. von Hevesy
75 Re Rhenium Rhenus Rhine, after the German chemists, W. Noddack, I. Tacke,
and O. Berg who discovered it in 1925
88 Ra Radium Radius Ray, referring to its radioactivity
r 2010 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.
Vol. 87 No. 12 December 2010
Journal of Chemical Education 1305
Chemistry for Everyone
into) chemistry courses, one has the mole, which comes from the
Latin word moles, meaning mass, and molecule, which is the
diminutive form of moles, signifying a very small mass. The
term valency is derived from the word valentia meaning
strength and hence covalent means two atoms exerting a
strong influence on an electron pair in a bond.
The word equilibrium is derived from aequus (equal)
and libra (balance) and perfectly describes a stable state of a
system, as illustrated by the two arms of an old-fashioned
chemical balance being level during a weighing process. The
words equal and equation are also related to aequus, while
aequatio means maki ng equal. Equival ent ( aequivalens)indicates
having equal power.
The term constant comes from the verb constare meaning to
stand firm, indicating that the particular value must be the same
under different conditions.
The terms metal and metallic come from metallum
(metal) and metallicus (
having the qualities of a metal),
respectively. An orbital derives from orbita,meaningacircuit.
The terms solubility, solvent, solvation, solution, soluble,andinsoluble
(note the prefix in-, meaning not) are all derived from the verb
solvere (to loosen or dissolve). The word salt comes from the
Latin word sal, and hence saline and desalination. Miscible and
mixtur e are derived from miscere, meaning to mix.
Further introductory chemistry words are nuclear (nucleus
means a kernel, or the inside of a thing), configuration (configere
means to fasten together), co-ordination (from ordinare to arrange),
activity (activus means active), distr ibuti on (distribuere, to divide),
complex (complexus means combination), crystal (crystallus means
crystal) and others.
Latin-derived words dealing with introductory practical
work are laborato ry , consisting of labor, work
and the suffix
-orium, place ; acid (acidus means sour); balance (bilanx, having
two scales); aqueous and nonaqueous (aqua, water); desiccator
(siccare, to dry); neutralize (neuter, neither one nor the other; i.e.,
neither acid nor base); reduction (re-, again or back, and ductare,
to lead; i.e., leading back the electrons, to cause a lower nuclear
charge), and precipitate, which derives from praecipitare, mean-
ing to fall headlong, to rush down.
Inorganic Chemistry Terms Derived from Latin
Some inorganic compounds or complexes are often named
using either the terms cis-(on this side of)ortrans-(across )as
prefixes (24). For example, the cis- and trans- isomers of Pt-
) are shown in Figure 1; using this notation, it is
possible to easily distinguish between the two isomers, which
have different properties.
In the cis isomer, named cis-diamminedichloroplatinum-
(II), identical ligands occupy adjacent corners of a square, while
in the trans isomer, named trans-diamminedichloroplatinum-
(II), the identical ligands are across from each other. It is
interesting to note that the cis isomer, called cisplatin, is an
effective anticancer drug, whereas the trans isomer is physiolo-
gically inactive (24).
Physical Chemistry Terms Derived from Latin
In spectroscopy there are numerous Latin-derived words: a
spectrum in Latin means an appearance or image of a thing and
the visible (visus, meaning sight) spectrum indicates the portion of
radiation that can be seen with the naked eye. The sensitivity limits
of the human eye extend from violet light (λ =400nm,4 10
or wavenumber 25 000 cm
) through the rainbow colors to red
light (λ =800nm,8 10
m or wavenumber 12 500 cm
) (25).
Infrared radiation is the portion of the spectrum below the
red, referring to the wavenumber range of 12 500-33 cm
which is below that for red light. The name suggests a lower
wavenumber, hence lower energy than red light. Similarly,
ultraviolet light is the portion of the spectrum above violet,
exceeding the wavenumber of violet, and therefore more ener-
getic than violet radiation.
Table 4. Latin-Derived Suffixes Commonly Used in Chemical Terminology
Atomic Number Symbol English Name Latin Name Explanation
11 Na Sodium Natrium Latin name for natron, a hydrated sodium carbonate salt, found in Egypt
19 K Potassium Kalium Latinized name of the arabic word alkali, meaning calcined ashes
26 Fe Iron Ferrum
47 Ag Silver Argentum
50 Sn Tin Stannum Originally referred to an alloy of Ag and Pb;
came to mean tin only in the 4th century B.C.E.
51 Sb Antimony Stibium Name proposed by Berzelius
79 Au Gold Aurum
80 Hg Mercury Hydrargyrum Latinized Greek meaning silver water or liquid silver
82 Pb Lead Plumbum
Table 5. Latin Numerals and Ordinals
Numeral Ordinal in Latin (English) Example
Unus (1) Primus (first) Univalent, primary
Duo (2) Secundus (second) Duality, secondary
Tres (3) Tertius (third) Tertiary
Quattuor (4) Quartus (fourth) Quadrivalent, quaternary
Novem (9) Nonus (ninth) Nonane
Decem (10) Decimus (tenth) Decimal
Centum (100) Centesimus (hundredth) Centimeter
Mille (1000) Millesimus (thousandth) Milligram
Figure 1. Isomeric structures of (A) cis- and (B) trans-Pt(NH
1306 Journal of Chemical Education
Vol. 87 No. 12 December 2010
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Chemistry for Everyone
The terms vibrational, rotational, quantum (how great), and
emission all derive from Latin words. Two additional terms,
absorbance (ab-andsorbere, to suck in)andtransmission (to send
through), make sense when the Latin meaning is understood.
The term ad sorption in surface chemistry signifies the
deposition of gas molecules on the surface of a solid to form
either a monolayer or multilayers (26) and represents a tendency
of gas molecules to go toward (ad-) the surface. Desorption
indicates removal (de-) of the molecules from the surface.
The nuclear terms fu sion and fission can be di stinguished by
understanding the Latin words from which they are derived: fusio
means a melting and hence fusion indicates the combining of
the nuclei of atoms under intense heat to release nuclear energy;
the word fissio means a cleaving and hence fission indicates the
splitting of a nucleus of a heavy atom into nuclei of lighter atoms
and the resultant release of energy.
In a reaction mechanism, the last step is termed the terminal
step, reflecting the word terminus, (limit or end). Fin ally, the
term radioactivity is purely Latin, based on radius, ray, and
activus, active.
Analytical Instrumental Chemistry Terms Derived from Latin
Numerous Latin-derived terms are used here. Table 6
summarizes som e selected terms with the words from which
they derive.
Organic Chemistry Terms Der ived from Latin
Many organic acids and alcohols have trivial names derived
from the Latin language. Table 7 summarizes some of these,
together with their original meaning. In many cases, the com-
pound was named after the Latin word of the material from
which it was first isolated and identified.
Certain techniques used in organic chemistry also derive from
the Latin: saponification (sapo
, soap), distillation (destillare, to
trickle down), extraction (ex-andtrahere, to draw or drag), and
reflux (re-andfluere, to flow back).
Finally, a racemic mixture derives its name from racemus,
meaning a bunch of grapes, and indicates a 50:50 mixture of (þ)
and (-) isomers, which produce no net optical rotation in a
polarimeter because the rotations produced by the individual
isomers exactly cancel. The first known racemic mixture was
racemic acid that Pasteur found to be a mixture of the two
enantiomeric isomers of tartaric acid (27), an acid that occurs
naturally in grapes.
This article has shown that there are many Latin-derived
words used in chemistry, and that an elementary knowledge
of Latin prefixes and suffixes, together with a fe w selected
Latin words, can le ad to a better understanding of the exact
meaning of these words. Learning the connection between
the roots of Latin-derived words and the chemical meaning of
these terms allows students to m aster th ese chemical concepts
easier (28- 32 ).
Literature Cited
1. Cunliffe, B. Rome and Her Empire, 1st ed.; The Bodley Head Ltd:
London, 1978.
2. Kung, H. The Catholic Church: A Short History; Weidenfelf and
Nicolson: London, 2001.
3. Morwood, J.; Warman, M. Our Greek and Latin Roots, 2nd ed.;
Cambridge University Press: Cambridge, 1992; p 17.
4. Loyson, P. J. Chem. Educ. 2009, 86, 11951199.
5. The Living Webster Encyclopedia Dictionary of the English Lan-
guage, Kellerman, D. F., Ed.; The English Language Institute of
America: Chicago, IL, 1973.
6. Nybakken, O. E. Greek and Latin in Scientific Terminology; Iowa
State College Press: Ames, IA, 1959.
7. Lewis, C. T.; Short, C. A Latin Dictionary; Oxford University Press:
London, 1962.
8. Hauben, S. J. Chem. Educ. 1933, 10, 227.
9. Coryell, C. D.; Sugarman, N. J. Chem. Educ. 1950, 27, 460.
10. Fernelius, W. C.; Loening, K.; Adams, R. M. J. Chem. Educ. 1971,
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13. Ball, D. W. J. Chem. Educ. 1985, 62, 787788.
14. Glidewell, C. J. Chem. Educ. 1986, 63, 659.
15. Ball, D. W. J. Chem. Educ. 1987, 64, 472.
16. Hill, W. D. J. Chem. Educ. 1988, 65, 652.
17. Ringness, V. J. Chem. Educ. 1989, 66, 731738.
18. Wikipedia Encyclopedia English Language Entry for Chemical Element
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_elements (accessed Sep 2010).
19. Greenwood, N. N.; Earnshaw, A. Chemistry of the Elements;
Pergamon Press: Exeter, 1986.
Table 6. Some Selected Latin-Derived Words from Instrumental
Analytical Chemistry
English Word Latin Word and Meaning
Detector Detector, an uncoverer
Dispersion Dispersio, a scattering
Flame Flamma, a flame
Fluorescence Fluor, a flowing
Membrane Membrana, a thin skin
Mobility Mobilis, movable
Polarity, polarization Polus, a pole
Potential Potentia, power
Pulse Pulsus, a beating
Refractive index Refractum, broken up; and
index, from indicare, to point
Selectivity Selectio, selection
Transformer Transformare, to change in shape
Table 7. Latin-Derived Trivial Names of Certain Organic Compounds
Trivial Name Latin Word and Meaning
Acetic acid Acitum, vinegar
Citric acid Citrus, lemon
Oleic acid Oleum, olive oil or oil
Lactic Acid Lac, milk
Cerotic acid Cerotum, wax plaster, beeswax
Palmitic acid Palmetum, a palm groove
Myristic acid Myristica fragrans, nutmeg
Cetyl alcohol Cetus, whale
r 2010 American Chemical Society and Division of Chemical Education, Inc.
Vol. 87 No. 12 December 2010
Journal of Chemical Education 1307
Chemistry for Everyone
20. Lecoq de Boisbaudran, P. E. Ann. Chim. Phys. 1877, 10 (5), 100141.
21. Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry, IUPAC, Leigh, G. J., Ed.;
Blackwell Scientific Publications: Oxford, 1990; p 253.
22. IUPAC, History of the Recommended Atomic-Weight Values.
(accessed Sep 2010).
23. Molecular Behavior and the Development of Polymeric Materials,
Ledwith, A., North, A. M., Eds.; Chapman and Hall Ltd: London,
1975; pp 203-205.
24. McMurry, J.; Fay, R. C. Chemistry, 3rd ed.; Prentice Hall: Upper
Saddle River, NJ, 1998; pp 882-885.
25. Kemp, W. Organic Spectroscopy, 3rd ed.; MacMillan Press Ltd.:
Hong Kong, 1991; pp 4-10.
26. Atkins, P.; De Paula, J. Atkins' Physical Chemistry, 8th ed.; Oxford
University Press: Oxford, 2006; pp 917-924.
27. Morrison, R. T.; Boyd, R. N. Organic Chemistry, 6th ed.; Prentice
Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1992; pp 1164-1165.
28. Sarma, N. S. J. Chem. Educ. 2004, 81, 14371439.
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