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on the Web • November 2006
that one of their biggest challenges is supporting
young children who have problem behavior beyond what might be expected
(Buscemi et al. 1995; Hemmeter, Corso, & Cheatham 2005). Some children
engage in problem behavior that is typical of a particular stage of develop-
ment as they build relationships with peers and adults and learn to navigate
the classroom environment. For example, a toddler might grab a cracker
from another child’s plate because she is still learning to use words to ask
for what she wants or needs. What troubles teachers is how to meet the
needs of children who have persistent problem behavior that does not
respond to positive guidance or prevention practices. The extent of this
problem is highlighted by recent reports on the rates of expulsion of chil-
dren from preschool programs (Gilliam 2005).
The teaching pyramid
The teaching pyramid model (Fox et
al. 2003) describes a primary level of
universal practices—classroom
preventive practices that pro-
mote the social and emotional
development of all children—
built on a foundation of
positive relationships;
secondary interventions
that address specific
social and emotional
learning needs of
children at risk for
challenging behavior;
and development of individualized interventions (tertiary level) for children
with persistent problem behavior (see the diagram “The Teaching Pyra-
mid”). The model is explained more fully in “The Teaching Pyramid: A Model
“You Got It!”
Teaching Social and
Emotional Skills
Lise Fox and Rochelle Harper Lentini
Lise Fox, PhD, is a professor in the
Department of Child and Family Studies
of the Louis de la Parte Florida Mental
Health Institute of the University of South
Florida in Tampa. She conducts research
and training and develops support
programs focused on young children with
challenging behavior.
Rochelle Harper Lentini, MEd, is a
faculty member in the Department of
Child and Family Studies of the Louis de
la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute.
She provides training and technical
assistance to early educators and fami-
lies on supporting young children with
challenging behavior and promoting
social and emotional competence.
Development of this article was sup-
ported by the Center for Evidence-Based
Practice: Young Children with Challeng-
ing Behavior (Office of Special Education
Programs, U.S. Department of Educa-
tion, Cooperative Agreement
#H324Z010001) and the Center on the
Social and Emotional Foundations for
Early Learning (Administration for Chil-
dren and Families, U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services, Cooperative
Agreement #90YD0119/01).
Teaching Pyramid diagram adapted
from L. Fox, G. Dunlap, M.L. Hemmeter,
G.E. Joseph, & P.S. Strain, “The Teach-
ing Pyramid: A Model for Supporting
Social Competence and Preventing
Challenging Behavior in Young Children,”
Young Children 58 (July 2003): 49.
Photos courtesy of the authors. Illus-
tration © Adjoa Burrowes.
The Teaching Pyramid
Social and Emotional
Teaching Strategies
Positive Relationships with Children,
Families, and Colleagues
Classroom Preventive practices
Beyond the Journal
Young Children
on the Web • November 2006
for Supporting Social Competence and
Reinventing Challenging Behavior in
Young Children,” in the July 2003 issue
of Young Children.
The foundation for universal prac-
tices begins with nurturing and re-
sponsive caregiving that supports
children in developing a positive sense
of self and in engaging in relationships
with others. At this level, teachers
focus on their relationships with
children and families. Universal class-
room practices include developmentally appropriate, child-centered classroom
environments that promote children’s developing independence, successful inter-
actions, and engagement in learning. While universal practices may be enough to
promote the development of social competence in the majority of children in the
classroom, teachers may find that there are children whose lack of social and
emotional skills or whose challenging behavior requires more focused attention.
In this article we look at the secondary level of the teaching pyramid, which
emphasizes planned instruction on specific social and emotional skills for children
at risk for developing more challenging behavior, such as severe aggression, prop-
erty destruction, noncompliance, or withdrawal. Children who may be considered
at risk for challenging behavior are persistently noncompliant, have difficulty
regulating their emotions, do not easily form relationships with adults and other
children, have difficulty engaging in learning activities, and are perceived by teach-
ers as being likely to develop more intractable behavior problems.
Research shows that when educators teach children the key skills they need to
understand their emotions and the emotions of others, handle conflicts, problem
solve, and develop relationships with peers, their problem behavior decreases and
their social skills improve (Joseph & Strain 2003). Emphasis on teaching social
skills is just one component of multiple strategies to support a child at risk for
challenging behavior. Additional critical strategies include collaborating with the
family; addressing the child’s physical and mental health needs; and offering the
support of specialists and other resources to address the child or family’s indi-
vidual needs.
Reframing problem behavior
The teaching pyramid model guides teachers to view a child’s problem behavior
as serving a purpose for that child. Some children may use problem behavior
instead of socially conventional and appropriate behavior to avoid or join interac-
tions and activities, obtain or avoid attention, and obtain objects. For example, a
child who wants another child’s toy may hit the other child instead of asking to
have a turn with the toy. Other children may use problem behavior to express their
disappointment or anger to the teacher, rather than asking for help or sharing
their feelings with words. For example, a child may throw toys or destroy materials
when frustrated rather than asking a teacher for help.
Reasons for challenging behavior
Children may use problem behavior to get their needs met for a variety of rea-
sons. For example, a child may have language development problems, social-
emotional delays, difficulties with peer interactions, or developmental disabilities;
Teachers may find
that there are
children whose
lack of social and
emotional skills or
whose challenging
behavior requires
more focused
Beyond the Journal
Young Children
on the Web • November 2006
she may have experienced neglect or trauma; or she may simply have not had
opportunities to learn appropriate social or communication skills before entering
When teachers view challenging behavior as actions children use to get their
needs met, they can reframe problem behavior as a skill-learning or skill-fluency
issue. Skill fluency refers to a child’s ability to use a skill consistently and indepen-
dently. Children with problem behavior may not have appropriate social or communi-
cation skills or may not use those skills well in a variety of situations. Reframing
problem behavior as a skill-instruction issue opens the door to the development of
effective strategies teachers can implement in the classroom: if young children
with problem behavior are missing key social and communication skills, then a
next step is to teach them those skills!
A skill-learning issue
Many skills are important in children’s development of relationships with adults
and peers. Skills help children learn self-regulation (ability to respond appropri-
ately to anxiety, distress, or uncomfortable sensations) and how to problem solve
(see “Social and Emotional Skills to Teach,” left). Young children at risk for chal-
lenging behavior (children at the secondary intervention level) may not be fluent
in or have the ability to use these skills. The teaching pyramid model encourages
early educators to teach children these skills systematically, using planned proce-
dures within developmentally appropriate activities and with sufficient intensity to
ensure that children learn the skills quickly and can use them when needed (Grisham-
Brown, Hemmeter, & Pretti-Frontczak 2005).
Teaching social skills
In thinking about how to teach social skills systematically, teachers need to be
aware of the three stages of learning (Bailey & Wolery 1992) (see “Stages of Learn-
ing,” p. 4). The first stage is skill acquisition—the skill is introduced to the child;
the second stage is fluency—the child has learned the skill and can use it easily;
and the final stage of learning is skill maintenance and generalization—the child
can use the skill over time and in new situations. In this article, we present strate-
gies for addressing each stage of learning in the instruction of social skills.
Introducing a new skill: Show-and-tell
Explain the new skill. When you first teach a
child a social or emotional skill, it is important to
ensure that you have explained the skill in concrete
terms so the child understands what the skill is and
when to use it. Children who have social develop-
ment challenges may find the nuances of social
behavior difficult to interpret. Thus, it is important
to identify the skill (“ask to take a turn”), demon-
strate or identify when it is used (“Watch Emily ask
to play with the water wheel”), and link the idea or
concept to other skills the child has (“When you see
your friends playing with a toy you want, you can
watch them play, you can wait for a turn, or you can
ask them for a turn”).
Social and
Emotional Skills
to Teach
Following rules, routines,
and directions
Identifying feelings in
oneself and others
Controlling anger and
Problem solving
Suggesting play themes
and activities to peers
Sharing toys and other
Taking turns
Helping adults and peers
Giving compliments
Understanding how and
when to apologize
Expressing empathy with
others’ feelings
Recognizing that anger
can interfere with problem
Learning how to recognize
anger in oneself and others
Learning how to calm
Understanding appropri-
ate ways to express anger
It is important to
identify the skill,
demonstrate or
identify when it is
used, and link the
idea or concept to
other skills the
child has.
Beyond the Journal
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Demonstrate it. For many children, it is helpful to provide both a positive
example of someone using a skill and an example in which the skill is not
used. For example, you may ask children to demonstrate the wrong way to
ask for a turn and the correct way to ask for a turn. In this manner, children
can practice under a teacher’s guidance and receive additional information
about how the skill is appropriately used.
Give positive feedback. When children first learn a new skill, they need
feedback and specific encouragement on their efforts to use the skill. The
importance of feedback cannot be overstated! Think, for example, about a
time when you learned something new—such as a language, a sport, or a
craft. The instructor most likely gave you feedback: “That’s right, you did it”
or “That looks good, I think you are getting it.” Feedback may provide the
support a child needs to persist in practic-
ing a newly learned skill. Have you ever
tried to learn a new skill and quit when
you were in the early learning stages?
Perhaps you did not receive encourage-
ment or maybe those initial attempts were
so uncomfortable or awkward that you
decided to stop practicing.
Provide opportunities for practice.
There are a variety of instructional meth-
ods for teaching new social and emotional
skills (Webster-Stratton 1999; Hyson 2004; Kaiser & Rasminsky 2007). An
important teaching practice at the acquisition stage of learning is providing
multiple opportunities for a child to learn a skill in meaningful contexts—
that is, in activities that are part of the child’s natural play or routines. The
more opportunities for practicing, the quicker the child will learn the skill.
The box “Classroom Teaching Strategies” (see p. 5) lists a variety of ways to
teach social and emotional skills within typical classroom activities.
Building fluency: Practice makes perfect
When learning to play a new song on the piano, the player must practice
before the song becomes easy to play. Similarly, when a child learns a new
skill, he needs to practice to build fluency in the skill. When teaching social
skills, teachers need to ensure that a skill is not only learned but also prac-
ticed often enough that the child becomes fluent in the skill and can easily
use it. Consider the following example:
Madison struggles when playing with peers. Recognizing that Madison needs extra
help in learning how to ask others to play with toys, her teacher, Mr. Jackson, decides
to read the children a story about taking turns and asking to join play during group
time. On that same day, several times during center activities and outdoor play, Mr.
Jackson reminds Madison to “ask to play.” After that day of focused instruction on
using the skill, whenever Madison tries to enter a game without asking to play, Mr.
Jackson provides corrective feedback or redirection, stating, “Madison, you need to
ask to play” or “Madison, you may not grab toys; ask to play.” A month later, Madison
still has difficulty entering play and asking to play with toys.
Why did Madison have difficulty learning the skill? Perhaps Mr. Jackson
did not provide enough opportunities to practice, so Madison quickly forgot
to use the new skill. Or possibly Madison had not learned when and how to
use the skill: she may not have become fluent in the skill.
Stages of Learning
Stage 1—Skill acquisition:
The teacher introduces a new
skill to a child by giving concrete
examples of what the skill is and
how to use it. For example, the
teacher may say, “It’s hard to
wait until it is your turn to ride a
trike. I’m going to help you learn
how to wait.”
Stage 2—Skill fluency:
Practice makes perfect
The teacher provides many
opportunities to practice the skill
so the child can eventually use
it with ease. Practice opportuni-
ties may include prompting the
child (“How can you ask to play
with Brendan?”), helping the
child remember to use the skill
(“I know you are disappointed
and you want a turn right now.
What can you do instead?”),
and identifying situations that
call for the use of the skill (“We
have three children who want to
sit at the art table and only one
chair. What can we do?”).
Stage 3—Skill mainte-
nance and generalization:
“You got it!”
The teacher continues to pro-
mote the child’s use of the skill
in familiar and new situations.
For example, when the child
uses his newly learned skill of
giving compliments with his
mother, the teacher says, “You
gave your mom a compliment!
Look, she’s smiling because
you said you like her haircut.”
Adapted from D.B. Bailey & M. Wolery,
Teaching Infants and Preschoolers with
Disabilities, 2nd ed. (New York:
Macmillan, 1992).
When a child learns a
new skill, he needs to
practice to build
fluency in the skill.
Beyond the Journal
Young Children
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Modeling. Demonstrate the skill while explaining what
you are doing. As you pass a block to a child, say,
“Look, I am sharing my blocks with my friend.”
Modeling with puppets. Use puppets to model the
skill while interacting with a child, an adult, or another
puppet. A puppet can explain to the teacher and the
class how she became angry and hit her brother to get
a toy. You can ask the puppet to consider other solu-
tions and then discuss what a child might do when he
or she wants a toy that another child is using.
Preparing peer partners. Ask one child to show
another child the skill or to help the child use the tar-
get skill. You can prompt the peer by saying, “Carmen,
Justin is still learning how to wait and take turns.
Since you know what to do, can you help him? Show
him the line-up picture while you wait for a drink at the
water fountain.”
Singing. Introduce a new skill through a song. To
teach children to trade toys, pass out small toys during
a large group activity, then sing the following song to
the tune of “Mary Had a Little Lamb” and practice
I can be a problem solver, problem solver, problem solver,
I can be a problem solver, let me show you how.
Maybe I can trade with you, trade with you, trade with you,
Maybe I can trade with you; let me show you how.
Children then practice trading toys with each other.
Doing fingerplays. Introduce the skill with a finger-
play, then follow up with a discussion or story. While
showing fingers, have children recite this rhyme:
One little friend cried, “Boo-hoo”; a friend gives a hug
and then there are two.
Two little friends share with me; we play together and
that makes three.
Three little friends ask for more; they all say “Please,”
and then comes four.
Four little friends take turns down the slide; another
comes to play, and that makes five.
Five little friends have fun at school, because they
follow every rule.
Using a flannel board. Introduce a new skill using
flannel board activities and stories. For example, to
teach turn taking you could have flannel pieces for
Humpty Dumpty and change the rhyme so that “All the
king’s horses and all the king’s friends / Work as a
team to put Humpty together again.” As you say the
rhyme, have the children take turns putting the pieces
(castle, bricks, Humpty Dumpty pieces, horses, and
friends) on the flannel board. When you finish the
rhyme, extend the activity by talking about how Humpty
felt when he sat on the wall; when he fell; and when
his friends helped put him back together.
Using prompts. Give a child verbal, visual, or physi-
cal prompts to use a skill during interactions and
activities. When a child who has difficulty with initiating
play interactions moves toward a group playing to-
gether, you might say privately, “Remember to use
your words and ask to play.”
Giving encouragement. Provide specific feedback
when the child uses the skill. For example, describe
what the child did: “You asked Joey for a turn. I saw
that you two had a good time playing together.” En-
couragement can be verbal or a signal (a thumbs-up
or high five).
Using incidental teaching. Guide the child to use
the skill during interactions and activities. Quietly say
to the child, “Quan, I see that you are very angry that
all the trucks are being used. What can you do when
you are angry? Let’s go over the steps.”
Playing games. Use games to teach problem solv-
ing, words that express feelings, identification of
others’ feelings, friendship skills, and so on. Place
photographs of each child in a bag. Have the children
take turns pulling a photo out of the bag and offering a
compliment to the child in the photo.
Discussing children’s literature. Read books to
help teach friendship skills, feeling words, problem
solving, and so on. While reading a story, pause and
ask the children how a character in the story might feel
or ask them to suggest ideas for solving the character’s
Classroom Teaching Strategies
Instruction is more effective when it is embedded in the meaningful activities and con-
texts that occur throughout a child’s day (Katz & McClellan 1997). Here are suggestions
and examples for teaching social skills within classroom activities.
Additional ideas for many of these activities may be found on the Web site of the Center on the Social and Emotional
Foundations for Early Learning, at Under Resources, click on Practical Strategies.
Find more activities in “Teaching Children a Vocabulary for Emotions,” and “Child-Friendly Ideas for Teaching Problem
Solving” by Lise Fox and Rochelle Harper Lentini, in this issue of
Beyond the Journal.
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Young Children
on the Web • November 2006
To ensure that children learn a skill to the fluency level, teachers can use several
strategies. They may offer the child multiple opportunities to practice, help the
child link the new concept or skill to other social skills, or remind the child in ad-
vance so he or she can use the skill or concept in new situations.
Scaffolding the use of the skill within
interactions may be effective. For example,
the teacher can monitor child interactions
and offer a verbal bridge for problem solving
when children have conflicts or face difficul-
ties (Katz & McClellan 1997). The teacher can
pose questions like “What else can you do?”
to help children problem solve or “How do
you think Emily felt when you said that?” to
help them take the perspective of the other
child. When scaffolding, the teacher need
only offer as much support or guidance as
the child requires to navigate the situation,
and she should be cautious about becoming
overly directive or controlling the situation.
Additional teaching techniques to pro-
mote fluency include reminding the child,
as she goes into a situation, to use the new
skill; creating opportunities to practice by
staging situations that call for the skill
(creating a problem-solving task or plan-
ning an activity that requires
sharing or taking turns); and
providing the child with peer
buddies who can remind her to
use the new skill.
In the fluency stage of learning,
the teacher should continue to
offer encouragement when the child is practicing the skill.
Promoting maintenance and generalization: “You got it!”
For a child acquiring a new social skill, the final stage of learning is maintaining
and generalizing the skill—learning it to the point that it becomes part of the child’s
social skill repertoire and he uses it in familiar and in new situations. When teach-
ing children social skills, it is important to ensure that children reach this stage.
For many children, moving from skill acquisition to skill generalization occurs
quickly and seamlessly with little teacher effort. However, for children who are at
risk for social development delays or challenging behavior, a more systematic
approach may be needed.
To ensure maintenance and generalization of a new skill, after introducing the
skill and providing practice opportunities, teachers can offer repeated opportuni-
ties to practice the skill in familiar and new situations. At this stage of learning,
children continue to need occasional encouragement to remember to use the skills,
and they need feedback on the successful use of the skill in new situations. The
example that follows describes how Ben’s teacher supported and encouraged Ben
to use his newly learned problem-solving ability in new situations.
Teachers can offer repeated
opportunities to practice the skill
in familiar and new situations.
Beyond the Journal
Young Children
on the Web • November 2006
Four-year-old Ben tends to get very frustrated when playing with his peers, especially on the
playground. He screams, pushes children, and grabs toys. Ms. Mitchell, his teacher, has intro-
duced a four-step problem-solving process to the class, using a puppet (who has a problem to
solve) and picture cards depicting the problem-solving process: (1) Ask yourself, What’s my
problem? (2) Think, think, think of some solutions; (3) What would happen? and (4) Give it a try.
Although Ben uses the process during play times, Ms. Mitchell realizes that he needs
additional prompting to problem solve in new situations. Today the class is visiting the
children’s museum. Before entering, Ms. Mitchell takes Ben aside and reviews the problem-
solving steps.
Inside the museum, there are several magnet activity stations, all occupied. Knowing that
Ben will want to play with the magnets, Ms. Mitchell moves near him to give him support.
She reminds Ben about the problem-solving steps: “Remember, think, think, think.” Ben then
says to a child playing with the magnets, “Can I play too?” The child hands him a magnet
and they build together. Ms. Mitchell looks at Ben, winks, and smiles.
The goal at this stage of instruction is for children to use the social skills they
have learned in a variety of situations, helping them build satisfying relationships
with children and adults. They are then motivated by their successes and the joy
they experience playing and developing relationships. As children develop new
social skills and grow in their social competence, they gain access to a wider
variety of play and learning opportunities; increase the duration and complexity of
play interactions and engagement in social interactions; build friendships with
peers; and feel good about themselves.
It is critically important that early educators identify children who need focused
instruction—children who may be considered at risk for challenging behavior.
Teachers can guide them to learn new social and emotional skills, teaching them
within child-centered, developmentally appropriate activities. It is equally impor-
tant to design a systematic teaching approach that allows such children to acquire
and use their new skills easily, over time, and in a variety of situations.
When young children do not know how to identify emotions, handle disappointment
and anger, or develop relationships with peers, a teacher’s best response is to teach!
Bailey, D.B., & M. Wolery. 1992. Teaching infants and preschoolers with disabilities. 2nd ed. New
York: Macmillan.
Buscemi, L., T. Bennett, D. Thomas, & D.A. Deluca. 1995. Head Start: Challenges and training
needs. Journal of Early Intervention 20 (1): 1–13.
Fox, L., G. Dunlap, M.L. Hemmeter, G.E. Joseph, & P.S. Strain. 2003. The teaching pyramid: A model
for supporting social competence and preventing challenging behavior in young children. Young
Children 58 (4): 48–52.
Gilliam, W.S. 2005. Prekindergarteners left behind: Expulsion rates in state prekindergarten systems.
Grisham-Brown, J., M.L. Hemmeter, & K. Pretti-Frontczak. 2005. Blended practices for teaching
young children in inclusive settings. Baltimore: Brookes.
Hemmeter, M.L., R. Corso, & G. Cheatham. 2005. Issues in addressing challenging behaviors in
young children: A national survey of early childhood educators. Manuscript.
Hyson, M. 2004. The emotional development of young children: Building an emotion-centered cur-
riculum. 2nd ed. New York: Teachers College Press.
Joseph, G.E., & P.S. Strain. 2003. Comprehensive evidence-based social-emotional curricula for
young children: An analysis of efficacious adoption potential. Topics in Early Childhood Special
Education 23 (2): 65–76.
Kaiser, B., & J.S. Rasminsky. 2007. Challenging behavior in young children: Understanding, prevent-
ing, and responding effectively. 2nd ed. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Katz, L.G., & D.E. McClellan. 1997. Fostering children’s social competence: The teacher’s role. Wash-
ington, DC: NAEYC.
Webster-Stratton, C. 1999. How to promote children’s social and emotional competence. London:
Paul Chapman.
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the Education of Young Children. See Permis-
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