International Trade Theory
James E. Anderson
Boston College
S. N. Durlauf and L. E. Blume, The New Palgrave Dictionary of Eco-
nomics, forthcoming, Palgrave Macmillan, reproduced with permission of
Palgrave Macmillan. This article is taken from the author’s original manuscript
and has not been reviewed or edited. The definitive published version of this
extract may be found in the complete New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics
in print and online, forthcoming.
International trade theory provides explanations for the pattern of in-
ternational trade and the distribution of the gains from trade. The theory
convinces most economists of the benefits of liberal trade. But many non-
economists oppose liberal trade. Opponents include some who may have
encountered trade theory but nevertheless fall prey to fallacious reasoning.
This essay attempts to convey why trade theory is so persuasive to economists
and also to deal with why many non-economists are not persuaded.
International Trade Theory
Why do nations trade what they do? Is trade a good thing? The theory of
international trade provides answers. The answers are both convincing and
elegant, hence the vast majority of economists agree about the desirability
of liberal trade. But the argument is also subtle and often misunderstood
or distorted. Thus a large proportion of the general population tends to
oppose liberal trade from confusion. This essay will attempt to convey why
the answers convince most economists and why their liberal trade position
is so often misunderstood. The essay’s focus is theory, but theory convinces
when it succeeds in fitting the data. Thus passing reference will be made
to empirical findings, a sensibility much more thoroughly developed in the
graduate textbook of Feenstra (2003).
“Buy low, sell high” logic leads economists to comparative advantage the-
ory. Comparative advantage means the comparison of relative price differ-
ences between nations to explain the pattern of trade. For example, compare
the relative price of wheat in terms of cheese at home to the same relative
price in the foreign economy in a hypothetical equilibrium with no trade
(autarky) or with restricted trade. The country with the lower relative price
of wheat is said to have a comparative advantage in wheat while the other
country has, symmetrically, a comparative advantage in cheese. Buy low,
sell high logic predicts that a country will export the good in which it has a
comparative advantage.
Notice that the focus on relative prices tends to cancel out forces (ex-
change rate manipulations, environmental or labor standards) which cause
national differences in levels of nontraded factor (or goods) prices. Note also
that by this reasoning a country must have a comparative advantage in some
good. Prices of nontraded factors of production adjust in general equilibrium
so that each country ends up in the trade equilibrium with a competitive or
absolute cost advantage in the good in which it has a comparative advantage.
Partial equilibrium thinking takes factor prices as given and does not impose
the external budget constraint that requires exports to pay for imports. Par-
tial equilibrium reasoning leads to misunderstandings explored below as the
In the case of many goods, the prediction is that a country will on average export goods
which are relatively cheap in the absence of trade and import goods which are relatively
expensive in the absence of trade. The prediction is about correlation. Bernhofen and
Brown (2005) show that Japan’s opening to trade in the 1850’s reveals data consistent
with the prediction.
absolute advantage fallacy.
Comparative advantage differences between nations are explained by ex-
ogenous differences in national characteristics. Labor differs in its productiv-
ity internationally and different goods have different labor requirements, so
comparative labor productivity advantage was Ricardo’s predictor of trade
patterns. Ricardian trade theory is useful in its simplicity and even rather
loosely confirmed by empirical evidence. The factor proportions theory added
relative factor endowment differences to the exogenous explanation of com-
parative advantage (Jones, 1987). More capital abundant countries have
higher labor productivity, but the advantage gained relative to the less abun-
dant countries varies with the relative capital intensity of the good’s technol-
ogy. Combining technology and endowment differences appears to account
well for actual trade patterns (Davis and Weinstein, 2002).
Trade theory also encompasses endogenous differences between countries.
One focus is on economies of scale. The wider market due to trade induces
a cost advantage in an industry in one of the countries. Another theory
is based on monopolistic competition, whereby the wider markets due to
trade increase product variety as buyers seek the special characteristics of
foreign brands. Differentiated products trade flows both ways within product
Trade costs also shape the pattern of trade. The economic theory of grav-
ity explains the complex bilateral trade patterns among countries. Actual
trade is much lower than gravity predicts in a frictionless world, providing ev-
idence of trade costs much larger than those due to policy or transportation.
The costs are well explained by geography and a set of national differences.
The stability of the relationships over time suggests that these costs change
There are gains from trade in all these models. But the division of the
gains will be uneven and there will be losers. Distribution matters in two
ways, between and within nations. Internationally, with only mild qualifi-
cations, gains are shared between nations: some trade is better than none.
Each nation can act through trade policy to take more of the gain, how-
ever, leading to destructive trade wars with mutual losses. Within national
economies, there are gains on average but there are ordinarily losers. National
institutions act to redistribute some of the gains (U.S. Trade Adjustment As-
sistance) or provide temporary relief from losses due to trade (escape clause
protection), at the cost of lowering the overall gain from trade.
The topics of this outline are developed below in more detail. Section
1 examines the causes of comparative advantage. Section 2 exposes the
absolute advantage fallacy. Section 3 reviews endogenous advantage. Section
4 sets out the economic theory of gravity and its implications. The concluding
section examines the gains from trade.
1 Comparative Advantage
Ricardo explained comparative advantage as due to differences in labor pro-
ductivity. Suppose that it takes two hours of labor to produce a bushel of
wheat in the home country, while it takes four hours of labor to produce a
bushel of wheat in the foreign country. Also, it takes three hours of labor to
produce a pound of cheese in the home country while it takes eight hours of
labor to produce a pound of cheese in the foreign country.
Ricardo saw that the world trade equilibrium would result in the home
country exporting cheese and the foreign country exporting wheat. This is
because in the absence of trade, a pound of cheese is worth 1.5 bushels of
wheat (3 hours per pound of cheese divided by 2 hours per bushel of wheat)
in the home country while a pound of cheese is worth 2 bushels of wheat in
the foreign country. The labor market equilibrium which accompanies such
a trade equilibrium must have a foreign wage of at most one-half of the home
wage (since with a foreign wage equal to one-half the home wage, a bushel
of wheat costs the same amount in each country, allowing production in
both). Considering a low wage foreign economy, the labor market equilibrium
accompanying the trade equilibrium could have a foreign wage no lower than
three-eighths of the home wage (since in this case a pound of cheese costs
the same amount in each country).
Notice that countries export the good in which they have the comparative
labor productivity advantage, cheese for the home country and wheat for the
foreign country. The numbers chosen make no difference to the logic, what is
essential is that comparative labor productivities differ. One special aspect
of the numbers deserves emphasis however: the home country has an absolute
labor productivity advantage in both goods yet trade occurs regardless.
Subsequent developments of trade theory generalized the production model.
The essence of comparative advantage theory remains: trade is due to dif-
ferences in relative prices that would obtain in the absence of trade, and an
average of each country’s citizens gain from such trade. The Heckscher-Ohlin
analysis of the factor proportions model predicted that a country would have
a comparative advantage in the good which made relatively intensive use
of its relatively abundant factor. Thus if the home country were relatively
abundant in capital (explaining why its labor was so much more productive
in the preceding example), it would have a comparative advantage in the
good which used capital relatively intensively (cheese in the preceding exam-
ple). Conversely the foreign country is relatively abundant in labor and has
a comparative advantage in the good which uses labor relatively intensively
(wheat in the example above).
Trade in goods compensates for the international immobility of factors.
The factor content extension of Heckscher-Ohlin trade theory predicts that
trade patterns permit each country to consume factor services as if it were
in a completely integrated world, smoothing out differences in national fac-
tor endowments. Recent empirical work has met with striking success in
combining factor endowment differences with technology differences as an
explanation of observed trade patterns (Davis and Weinstein, 2002).
Comparative advantage theory is much more general than the preceding
discussion of special cases (Deardorff, 1984), but predictions about the pat-
tern of trade weaken with generality. On average a country will import goods
that would be relatively expensive in the absence of trade. See the Appendix
for a technical statement. See Bernhofen and Brown (2004) for confirming
evidence based on Japan’s opening to trade in the 1850’s. The assump-
tions of the general model are that (i) price taking consumers minimize the
expenditure needed to realize any level of utility (real income), and (ii) pro-
ducers behave so as to maximize the national product given the resource
endowments. Assumption (i) implies downward sloping demand curves in
the generalized form. Assumption (ii) leads to upward sloping supply curves
in the generalized form. Scale economies and imperfect competition, treated
below in the section on endogenous advantage, can lead to the violation of
assumption (ii).
2 The Absolute Advantage Fallacy
Businessmen naturally compare the money cost of the same good in different
locations to draw inferences about the direction of trade. Absolute cost
advantage appears to imply that a nation imports goods that are cheaper
abroad and exports goods that are more expensive abroad. The reasoning
is insidious because it makes sense in many contexts. Absolute advantage
appropriately addresses the householder’s question of which good should be
purchased, the businessman’s question of how tough are my competitors?
The individual businessman can appropriately take all other prices as given
when contemplating his own actions, such as entering a new export market.
To see the difference between absolute and comparative advantage rea-
soning clearly, return to the Ricardian example above. If wages (measured
in a common currency) were equal in the two countries prior to the opening
of trade, the home country would have a ‘competitive’ or absolute advan-
tage in both goods: it could undersell the foreign country in both wheat and
cheese. Foreign businessmen would naturally be worried that they would all
be driven from the market. This universal bankruptcy could not be an equi-
librium, however, because the foreign workers would have no income to pay
for home produced goods. The imbalance between expenditure and income
would also mirror the absence of exports to pay for imports. Market equi-
librium would be reached through price changes, lowering the foreign wage
or raising the home wage until the foreign workers could be employed in the
industry in which the foreign economy has the comparative advantage. (Un-
less the two currencies were pegged, the exchange rate of the foreign economy
could depreciate and create the same effect.) More general models of pro-
duction lead to the same conclusion: equilibrium costs will adjust to confer
absolute advantage in the good in which each country has a comparative ad-
The absolute advantage is weak in the mathematical sense in the
case where both countries continue to produce the good.
Another illustration of the absolute advantage fallacy arises in popular
concerns about the rapid productivity growth of China compared to the US.
A 10% improvement in productivity will indeed secure a 10% cost advantage
Imports need not equal exports bilaterally in a many country world; overall balance
only is required. Imports also need not equal exports in any single time period, with the
aggregate trade imbalance offset by international borrowing or lending. Balanced trade
in the aggregate at a point in time is a simplifying assumption appropriate to analyzing
the causes of trade and the gains from trade. When allowing for intertemporal trade, the
expected present value of trade balances must be equal to zero (if not, trade is a Ponzi
scheme). With full-blown intertemporal trade, essentially the same forces determine the
pattern of trade and the gains from trade. Naturally, however, the time path of prices,
especially the factor prices in the two countries, has important implications for trade
volume and the gains from trade.
With many goods, comparative advantage applies to ranges of goods rather than to
a single good, and the dividing line between comparative advantage and disadvantage is
for the businessman over his competitor. A 10% improvement in all Chinese
productivity relative to the US is unlikely to change comparative advantage
(indeed, in the Ricardian example, comparative labor productivity advantage
is unchanged) because Chinese wages will rise relative to US wages. Similarly
a 10% drop in all US productivity due to tighter environmental regulations
will be unlikely to change comparative advantage because US factor returns
will fall.
The widespread practice of making international comparisons of ‘com-
petitive advantage’ is essentially misguided because it suggests the metaphor
of a race. The race metaphor is extended in concerns about ‘a race to the
bottom’, which supposedly expresses the dilemma of countries seeking to im-
plement pollution or labor standards but being pressured to lower standards
by their competition with foreign countries that have low standards. But
nations do not ‘compete’ as firms do. A firm may well be unable to survive
after implementing pollution reduction when its competitors abroad do not
follow suit and no other prices change in the new equilibrium. Nations can-
not similarly put themselves out of business because factor prices will change
in the new equilibrium. Polluting industries may or may not survive at the
new factor prices under the new regulations, but the nation’s factors will
be productively employed somewhere in the economy. Pollution reduction is
costly with or without trade; nothing about the nature of a trading economy
makes any essential difference to the nation’s ability to implement desired
standards. The desirability of trade is an essentially separate matter.
3 Endogenous Advantage
Many goods are traded because they are simply unavailable from local pro-
duction. Some kinds of availability are exogenous to the interaction of na-
tions diamonds and oil are found only in a few locations. Endogenous
availability is in contrast driven by advantage arising from the economic
interaction of nations. Endogenous advantage normally coexists with com-
parative advantage but it is simpler to consider special cases independent of
comparative advantage. Theory focuses on endogenous advantage resulting
from economies of scale.
In a formal but trivial sense, oil or diamond trade can be seen as comparative ad-
vantage trade big oil deposits lead to a low relative price of oil where they are found.
Moreover, comparative advantage trade is often associated with the disappearance of some
Trade based on scale economies features the possibility of multiple equi-
libria one country will produce a good with scale economies but which
nation ends up producing can be a matter of chance. Since advantage is
endogenous, it appears attractive in developing countries to attempt to re-
verse the historical head start of rich countries by starting up production
behind protection and then later being able to compete on world markets.
The record of success in such efforts is mixed.
Openness to trade will generally allow economies of scale to be more thor-
oughly exploited, so this is a new source of gains from trade. Moreover, wider
markets may support a wider range of products, still another source of gains
from trade. Each country shares in the gains from trade with scale economies
under conditions that appear to be met in practice.
The theoretical possibil-
ity that a country can lose from trade based on scale economies has drawn a
lot of attention from development economists in particular (Ethier, 1982b).
Gains can be guaranteed if a country expands production in goods with scale
economies, so it looks more attractive to use policy to promote production
of such goods.
Scale economies come in two forms: external to the firm and internal to
the firm. External scale economies are typified by specialized labor markets
such as Silicon Valley, where the concentration of the market reduces search
costs for computer engineers. External scale economies need not be location-
specific, however. Increases in the scale of downstream final production can
permit carrying on upstream input production with a specialized process
that is cheaper at large enough scale. Such scale economies can operate at
the level of the world economy and appear to be bound up with the recent
phenomenon of outsourcing (Ethier, 1982a). Global scale economies tend to
guarantee mutual gains from trade among countries.
Internal scale economies are associated with imperfect competition when
the size of the firm looms large relative to the market size. Trade tends
to intensify competition and thus to reduce the inefficiency of monopoly,
industries in some countries. Neither of these associations of comparative advantage with
availability is essential to the model, however.
This claim is based on the results from numerous simulation models of trading
economies that have been developed since the mid-70’s.
Losses result when a trading equilibrium has a country importing the good with scale
economies while still producing it. Since domestic scale is smaller, unit costs are higher,
meaning that market forces perversely ‘choose’ to import a good with higher price than
in autarky. Simulation models have not found such equilibria but they are possible.
another gain from trade.
The most fruitful form of imperfect competition for trade theory has
been monopolistic competition. Only Ford Motor Co. produces Ford autos
(monopoly) but dozens of brands compete for auto buyers. Each design has
a fixed cost of design (and marketing) which must be covered by sales net
of variable cost. The total market size limits the number of designs which
can profitably be produced. A signal accomplishment of trade theory in the
1980’s was the embedding of monopolistic competition in a general equilib-
rium trade model (Helpman and Krugman, 1985; Ethier, 1982a). Progress
was enabled by the simplifying assumption of symmetric firms: all brands
were equally desirable and all firms’ costs were the same.
Monopolistic competition provides an explanation of the two way inter-
national trade that is found in many products such as autos, and for why
two way trade is more prevalent between similar countries. Trade between
rich and poor countries, in contrast, is explained mainly by comparative ad-
vantage as autos exchange for agriculture. Relative country size matters too,
the home market effect of Krugman (1980). Here the insight has been rigor-
ously proved only for a two country example. Start with two equally sized
countries, then increase one relative to the other. Trade costs imply that the
larger country will have a more than proportionally larger share of brands.
Intuitively, with access to foreign markets being costly the home market be-
ing larger allows scale economies to be more readily exploited, increasing its
share of differentiated goods production more than its share of world income.
Monopolistic competition theory has recently focused on the heterogene-
ity of firms. Retaining the symmetry of firms on the demand side, differences
in firms’ productivities imply differential responses to trade. The best firms
export disproportionately while imports drive out the worst firms. Fixed
trade costs add explanatory power; only the best firms choose to incur the
cost of trade. A key element of the model is productivity shocks, firms dis-
cover their productivity after committing fixed costs. The distribution of
surviving firms is related to the distribution of productivity shocks as well as
economic determinants. The models of Bernard, Eaton, Jenson and Kortum
(2003) and Melitz (2003) deserve special attention. The former focuses on
competition within a variety while the latter focuses on competition across
varieties. Both models imply new gains from trade in the form of overall
productivity gains: opening trade causes the exit of weak firms and the ex-
pansion of strong ones.
4 Bilateral Trade Patterns
The trade theories presented above are focused on explaining the cross-
commodity trade pattern of essentially two trading countries. The contem-
porary world of more than 100 countries (most of which are collections of
distinct economic regions) has complex trade patterns.
The economic theory of gravity complements the preceding models by
providing an explanation of bilateral trade (Anderson and van Wincoop,
2004). Gravity fits the data well and reveals important information. The
model is based on four assumptions: expenditure on goods from all sources
is equal to income from sales to all sources, markets for all goods clear, and,
more restrictively, each country or region produces a unique good and all
countries have the same tastes for goods.
The third assumption, products differentiated by place of origin, appears
to be the most restrictive. In practice, only models of this type do at all well
in fitting bilateral trade patterns. Monopolistic competition provides one
explanation for why products appear to be differentiated by place of origin.
Eaton and Kortum (2002) show alternatively that productivity shocks in a
Ricardian model will select producers within product lines, resulting at the
aggregate level in what appears to be two way trade. In either case, gravity
ends up describing trade flows.
In a frictionless world, gravity theory predicts that the bilateral trade
in a commodity as a share of world production of the commodity will be
equal to the product of the source country’s share of world production of
the commodity times the consuming country’s share of expenditure on the
commodity. Alternatively, the model predicts that size-adjusted-trade, the
bilateral flow divided by the product of source country supply and consuming
country expenditure, should be constant across country pairs in a frictionless
Actual trade flows are far smaller than the frictionless prediction (while
shipments within regions are far larger, home bias). The deviations of actual
bilateral trade from the frictionless prediction allows inference about bilateral
trade costs. Distance appears to be more costly than can be accounted for
by transport costs. Other costs are associated with non-contiguity, language
barriers, exchange rate barriers, insecurity and other plausible bilateral char-
acteristics. Just crossing a border imposes a cost which is larger than can be
explained by policy variables.
Trade flows in the model are predicted to vary with relative resistance,
equal to the ratio of the direct bilateral trade cost to the product of inward
and outward multilateral resistance. Multilateral resistance is an index of
bilateral trade costs, inward from every source to a particular destination
or outward from a particular source to every destination. Multilateral resis-
tance is linked to country size and thus to explaining an important aspect of
trade patterns. Since borders are costly, a big country tends to have lower
multilateral resistance than does a small country because a smaller fraction
of its shipments must cross borders. . The size adjusted internal trade of big
countries will be smaller than that of small countries because big countries
have higher relative resistance to its internal trade. These differences can
be quite dramatic, as shown by studies of US and Canadian trade (Ander-
son and van Wincoop, 2003), where the US is about ten times larger than
5 Division of the Gains
The widespread support of liberal trade by professional economists is because
theory and evidence persuade them that there are gains from trade in an
average sense in all these models of the determinants of trade. But the
division of the gains will be uneven and there can be losers. Most policy
intervention with trade is explained by the policy makers’ desire to alter the
distribution of gains.
The gains from trade reasoning is illustrated with comparative advan-
tage based trade. Focus on a ‘typical’ household. Suppose that in autarky
equilibrium, as in the Ricardian numerical example, the Home typical house-
holder is willing to swap 1 unit of cheese for 1.5 units of wheat. That is,
he would be indifferent to moving his consumption and production a small
distance to offer the market 1 cheese for 1.5 wheat or 1.5 wheat for 1 cheese.
Suppose that a typical foreign country household in the autarky equilibrium
is willing to swap 2 wheat for 1 cheese. Now allow frictionless trade, and
suppose for illustrative purposes that the new equilibrium price is equal to
1.75 wheat per unit of cheese. (Generally the price must lie between 1.5 and
2, always implying mutual gains.) Each Home household offers cheese to
Foreign households in exchange for their wheat. Formerly it cost 2 wheat
for 1 cheese in Foreign but now the 2 wheat will procure 1 cheese and leave
0.25 wheat left over, a gain from trade. Similarly each Home household can
obtain 1.75 wheat for 1 cheese where formerly this would procure only 1.5
wheat, a gain from trade of 0.25 wheat. Both households and hence both
nations gain from trade. The numbers chosen illustrate a general principle:
mutual gains result from trade when autarky relative prices differ. See the
Appendix for a more formal discussion.
The mutual gains from trade claim may seem dubious because with the
numbers chosen, trade equilibrium requires that foreign wages must be lower
than home wages. In effect, trade facilitates an exchange in which more than
one unit of foreign labor exchanges for one unit of home labor, the home
country is ‘exploiting’ foreign labor. Some anti-trade sentiment on the left in
rich countries is based on this observation.
Nevertheless, foreign labor gains
from trade, as does home labor. Prior to trade, a pound of cheese cost 1.5
bushels of wheat in the home country while it cost 2 bushels of wheat in the
foreign country. By specializing in wheat production and exchanging it for
cheese, foreign workers can obtain cheese more cheaply, at a price somewhere
between 2 and 1.5 bushels of wheat. This exchange must make them better
off. As for home workers, prior to trade, a pound of cheese obtained 1.5
bushels while with trade it obtains somewhere between 1.5 and 2 bushels.
This must make them better off. Concern about the ‘fairness’ of the exchange
in rich countries should lead to policies which might actually help the poor
countries. Trade theory shows that antitrade policies by rich countries will
instead harm the poor countries
Scale economies and imperfect competition models of trade suggest fur-
ther gains. With scale economies, trade implies that the force of wider mar-
kets drives costs lower. With imperfect competition, trade stimulates compe-
tition and drives profit margins lower. Trade equilibrium with monopolistic
competition suggests that consumers and intermediate input users gain from
more variety of differentiated products. See Helpman and Krugman (1985).
The distribution of the gains matters, both between and within nations.
Nationalist trade policy can take more of the gains, leading to destructive
trade wars with mutual losses. Negotiation of trade agreements and their
enforcement through international institutions such as the WTO help to
restrain the destructive tendencies of unilateral action. Nations have an
incentive to participate in negotiations and to join institutions such as the
WTO because some trade is better than none for each nation. Theoretical
qualifications to this statement must be entered in models of trade involving
Marxism embeds the observation in a wider system of analysis, but it probably is no
longer a basis for much sentiment on the left.
scale economies and imperfect competition, but in practice simulation of such
models suggests that some trade remains better than none for each nation.
Within national economies the division of gains issue is much sharper:
some members of a nation ordinarily lose from trade. Ricardo’s one factor
trade model submerges income distribution. Multi-factor production models
feature groups who must lose from trade. Loosely speaking, these groups are
associated with import competing production. See Jones, (1987).
In equilibrium the gains must ordinarily outweigh the losses within each
nation, by the preceding national gains from trade argument. For an economy
with non-identical households, this implies that there are gains from trade
on average. Under special circumstances the gains can be redistributed so
that all households gain. In practice, these circumstances are rarely met com-
Even so, most economists tend to favor efficiency-enhancing policies
such as liberal trade on the pragmatic grounds that efficiency-reducing poli-
cies such as protection also cause gainers and losers, so it is better to go
with the larger net gains and supplement them with feasible programs to
compensate the most obvious losers.
What if losers are not compensated? A person taking this seriously must
decide on liberal trade by weighting individual gains and losses. Ethical con-
siderations give more weight to losses or gains to the poor than to the rich.
The case for liberal trade is strengthened by ethical considerations because
the illiberal trade policies of rich countries hurt the poor disproportionately,
as documented by Gresser (2002). Poor countries have comparative advan-
tage based on cheap low skilled labor, hence discrimination against their
exports harms the poor citizens of poor countries. At home in rich countries,
protection makes food and clothing more expensive, a regressive tax on poor
A benevolent and very powerful government can in principle calculate and implement
the lump sum transfers (negative for gainers, positive for losers) that are required to achieve
redistribution so that all gain. In practice, information is more limited and implementation
more difficult (because households modify their behavior to reduce their tax or increase
their subsidy) than with the lump sum story. Trade and public economic theory have
relaxed the conditions somewhat. Income taxation can in some circumstances achieve
redistribution with efficiency, but information limitations rule them out as a practical
matter; see Guesnerie (2001). Dixit and Norman (1986) show that a system of consumption
taxes (differentially taxing each commodity) that sacrifices some of the gains from trade
is powerful in achieving gains for all. For a qualification of their argument, see Kemp and
Wan (1986). Again, information limitations vitiate the applicability of this idea. Finally,
a government that can discriminate powerfully between households is sure to be lobbied
intensively by those able to organize politically, to the detriment of the unorganized.
consumers. Among the poor, losers from protection appear almost surely to
outweigh gainers.
On the way to equilibrium, it is theoretically possible that adjustment cost
losses may temporarily exceed gains, justifying temporary relief measures.
For example, workers displaced by import competition may be unemployed
for a time. Extensive investigation of US cases suggests that such adjustment
cost losses from trade are small, of short duration, and are swamped by the
gains from trade. A typical investigation reports that the net cost to the
economy of using protection to re-employ a worker far exceeds the wage
the worker would receive in the job, usually several times the wage ranging
up to ten times the wage. In practice, therefore, temporary protection for
workers cannot be justified on efficiency grounds, though it remains possible
to justify it on equity grounds. Economists in favor of liberal trade point
out that protection can be replaced with much less inefficient methods of
compensation to displaced workers.
A substantial part of the opposition to liberal trade is based on confusion
and ignorance. Confusing absolute advantage with a valid theory of trade
sows fear that a nation must protect itself from overwhelming competition.
Greatly exaggerated notions of the size of adjustment costs leads to support
for protection. Ignorance of the harm done to the world’s poor by protection
persuades many who support redistribution of income to support protection
that harms the majority of those they seek to help. The combination of
confusion and ignorance among the ‘disinterested’ with well organized special
interest groups explains the power of protectionism.
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7 Appendix
The general statement of comparative advantage is
on average a country
will import goods
are relatively expensive in autarky. Let
denote the
vector of excess demands in equilibrium, positive for imports and negative
for imports. Let
denote the vector of relative prices in autarky in the
home country and let
denote the vector of relative prices in autarky in the
foreign country. Then the vector inner product (
The key requirement for the proposition is ‘as if’ optimization by con-
sumers and producers, leading downward sloping demand and upward slop-
ing supply in the generalized sense (the substitution effects matrix of real
income compensated excess demands,
is negative semi-definite). If the
actual trade equilibrium involves trade distortions, the additional require-
ment is that trade not be on balance subsidized. Let
be the vector of trade
taxes, positive for import taxes and negative for export taxes (and negative
for import subsidies and positive for export subsidies). The requirement is
The “buy low, sell high” logic implies that a surplus is captured by trade,
so comparative advantage trade is closely linked to the gains from trade.
‘As if’ optimization means that consumers lower the expenditure required to
support given real income by reallocating consumption in trade equilibrium
as compared to autarky while optimization by producers means that income
is raised by reallocating production in trade equilibrium as compared to
Similar comparative advantage statements can be made concerning the
factor content of trade, countries tend to import (embodied in goods) the
factors that are relatively expensive in autarky. See Neary and Schweinberger
James E. Anderson