System and Organization Controls (SOC) 3
Report over the Google Firebase System
Relevant to Security, Availability, and Confidentiality
For the Period 1 May 2021 to 30 April 2022
Google LLC
1600 Amphitheatre
Mountain View, CA, 94043
650 253-0000 main
Management’s Report of Its Assertions on the Effectiveness of Its
Controls Over the Google Firebase System
Based on the Trust Services Criteria for Security, Availability, and
We, as management of Google LLC ("Google" or "the Company") are responsible for:
Identifying the Google Firebase System (System) and describing the boundaries of the
System, which are presented in Attachment A
Identifying our service commitments and system requirements
Identifying the risks that would threaten the achievement of its service commitments and
system requirements that are the objectives of our System, which are presented in Attachment
Identifying, designing, implementing, operating, and monitoring effective controls over the
System to mitigate risks that threaten the achievement of the service commitments and
system requirements
Selecting the trust services categories that are the basis of our assertion
We assert that the controls over the System were effective throughout the period 1 May 2021 to
30 April 2022, to provide reasonable assurance that the service commitments and system
requirements were achieved based on the criteria relevant to security, availability, and
confidentiality set forth in the AICPA’s TSP section 100, 2017 Trust Services Criteria for Security,
Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and Privacy.
Very truly yours,
Google LLC
13 June 2022
Ernst & Young LLP
303 Almaden Boulevard
San Jose, CA 95110
Tel: +1 408 947 5500
Fax: +1 408 947 5717
A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited 2
Report of Independent Accountants
To the Management of Google LLC:
We have examined management’s assertion, contained within the accompanying "Management’s
Report of its Assertions on the Effectiveness of Its Controls Over the Google Firebase System
Based on the Trust Services Criteria for Security, Availability, and Confidentiality" (Assertion), that
Google’s controls over the Google Firebase System (System) were effective throughout the
period 1 May 2021 to 30 April 2022, to provide reasonable assurance that its service commitments
and system requirements were achieved based on the criteria relevant to security, availability,
and confidentiality (applicable trust services criteria) set forth in the AICPA’s TSP section 100,
2017 Trust Services Criteria for Security, Availability, Processing Integrity, Confidentiality, and
Management's Responsibilities
Google’s management is responsible for its assertion, selecting the trust services categories and
associated criteria on which its assertion is based, and having a reasonable basis for its assertion.
It is also responsible for:
Identifying the System and describing the boundaries of the System
Identifying the service commitments and system requirements and the risks that would
threaten the achievement of the service commitments and system requirements that are the
objectives of the System
Identifying, designing, implementing, operating, and monitoring effective controls over the
System to mitigate risks that threaten the achievement of the service commitments and
system requirements
Our Responsibilities
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on the Assertion, based on our examination. Our
examination was conducted in accordance with attestation standards established by the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants ("AICPA"). Those standards require that we plan and
perform our examination to obtain reasonable assurance about whether management’s assertion
is fairly stated, in all material respects. An examination involves performing procedures to obtain
evidence about management’s assertion, which includes: (1) obtaining an understanding of
Google’s relevant security, availability, and confidentiality policies, processes, and controls, (2)
testing and evaluating the operating effectiveness of the controls, and (3) performing such other
procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. The nature, timing, and extent of
A member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited 3
the procedures selected depend on our judgment, including an assessment of the risk of material
misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. We believe that the evidence obtained during our
examination is sufficient to provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.
Our examination was not conducted for the purpose of evaluating Google’s cybersecurity risk
management program. Accordingly, we do not express an opinion or any other form of assurance
on its cybersecurity risk management program.
We are required to be independent of Google LLC and to meet our other ethical responsibilities,
as applicable for examination engagements set forth in the Preface: Applicable to All Members
and Part 1 Members in Public Practice of the Code of Professional Conduct established by the
AICPA. We have complied with such independence and other ethical requirements and applied
the AICPA’s Statements on Quality Control Standards.
Inherent limitations
Because of their nature and inherent limitations, controls may not prevent, or detect and correct,
all misstatements that may be considered relevant. Furthermore, the projection of any evaluations
of effectiveness to future periods, or conclusions about the suitability of the design of the controls
to achieve Google’s service commitments and system requirements, is subject to the risk that
controls may become inadequate because of changes in conditions, that the degree of
compliance with such controls may deteriorate, or that changes made to the system or controls,
or the failure to make needed changes to the system or controls, may alter the validity of such
evaluations. Examples of inherent limitations of internal controls related to security include (a)
vulnerabilities in information technology components as a result of design by their manufacturer
or developer; (b) breakdown of internal control at a vendor or business partner; and (c) persistent
attackers with the resources to use advanced technical means and sophisticated social
engineering techniques specifically targeting the entity.
In our opinion, Google’s controls over the system were effective throughout the period 1 May 2021
to 30 April 2022, to provide reasonable assurance that its service commitments and system
requirements were achieved based on the applicable trust services criteria.
13 June 2022
San Jose, CA
Google LLC | Attachment A - Google Firebase System 4
Attachment A - Google Firebase System
Google LLC (“Google” or “the Company”), an Alphabet subsidiary, is a global technology service
provider focused on improving the ways people connect with information. Google’s innovations in
web search and advertising have made Google’s website one of the most viewed Internet
destinations and its brand among the most recognized in the world. Google maintains one of the
world’s largest online index of websites and other content and makes this information freely
available to anyone with an Internet connection. Google’s automated search technology helps
people obtain nearly instant access to relevant information from their vast online index.
Firebase is a mobile app platform (platform as a service or PaaS) developed by Google with an
integrated, unified software development kit (SDK), hereafter described collectively as (Google
Firebase or Firebase). Firebase provides developers with a suite of tools and resources to
develop and manage high quality mobile and web applications for growing their business. It
consists of complementary products, solutions, and extensions that enable developers to
independently manage their projects and mix-and-match services as needed.
Leveraging Google’s cloud environment, Firebase can be accessed from any location
with internet connectivity. This means every developer and each user they work with can be
productive from anywhere, using any device with an internet connection.
The Firebase services covered in this system description consist of the following:
Firebase A/B Testing
Firebase App Check
Firebase App Distribution
Firebase Cloud Messaging
Firebase Console
Firebase Crashlytics
Firebase Dynamic Links
Firebase Hosting
Firebase In-App Messaging
Firebase Machine Learning
Firebase Performance Monitoring
Firebase Predictions
Firebase Realtime Database
Firebase Remote Config
Firebase User Segmentation Storage
Firebase A/B Testing
Firebase A/B Testing allows developers to make data-driven decisions about changes to their
applications. Developers can run controlled experiments with Firebase Remote Config
parameters to compare alternative scenarios and see which one performs better in reaching their
Google LLC | Attachment A - Google Firebase System 5
Firebase App Check
App Check helps protect backend resources from abuse, such as billing fraud and phishing. It
works with both Firebase services and customer backends to keep resources safe. With App
Check, devices running customer applications will use an application or device attestation
provider that attests to the authenticity of the request.
Firebase App Distribution
Firebase App Distribution allows users to distribute pre-release versions of their iOS and Android
apps to trusted testers before releasing to production
Firebase Cloud Messaging
Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a cross-platform messaging solution that allows developers
to send messages to devices. Using FCM, developers can notify a client app that a new email or
other data is available to sync. Developers can send notification messages to drive user re-
engagement and retention.
Firebase Console
Firebase Console is the central web interface for application management used by developers to
enable and configure their Firebase products, as well as a common interface through which users
can interact with individual Firebase products.
Firebase Crashlytics
Firebase Crashlytics is a lightweight, real-time crash reporter that helps developers track,
prioritize, and fix stability issues that erode app quality. Crashlytics reduces troubleshooting time
by grouping crashes and highlighting the circumstances that lead up to them.
Firebase Dynamic Links
Firebase Dynamic Links is a service that allows developers to create and manage smart URLs
sending users to any location within their iOS, Android, or web application. Firebase Dynamic
Links persists during the application install process, so new users see the content they are looking
for when they open the app for the first time.
Firebase Hosting
Firebase Hosting is a fully-managed hosting service for static and dynamic content as well as
microservices. Using Firebase Hosting, developers can deploy Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)-
enabled web applications with static content and microservices to a global content-delivery
network from a single command.
Firebase In-App Messaging
In-App Messaging enables developers to drive engagement by sending customized, targeted
messages to their users, without any engineering effort, from the Firebase Console.
Firebase Machine Learning
Firebase Machine Learning provides on-device and cloud APIs to give developers solutions to
problems without requiring deep knowledge of machine learning, neural networks, or model
Google LLC | Attachment A - Google Firebase System 6
optimization. Developers are also able to use this service to train and dynamically serve and
update mobile optimized custom models to their users.
Firebase Performance Monitoring
Firebase Performance Monitoring is a service that helps developers to gain insight into the
performance characteristics of their iOS and Android applications. Developers can use
Performance Monitoring to collect performance data from their applications, and then review and
analyze that data in the Firebase Console. Performance Monitoring helps developers understand
where and when the performance of their applications can be improved so that they can use that
information to fix performance issues.
Firebase Predictions*
Firebase Predictions applies machine learning to a developer’s analytics data to create dynamic
user groups based on their user's predicted behavior. These predictions are automatically
available for use with Firebase Remote Config, the Notification composer which is a feature in the
Firebase Console, Firebase In-App Messaging and A/B Testing.
Firebase Realtime Database
The Firebase Realtime Database is a cloud-hosted, NoSQL database. Data can be synchronized
in real-time to every connected client. Developers can build cross-platform applications where
clients share one Realtime Database instance and automatically receive updates with the newest
Firebase Remote Config
Firebase Remote Config allows developers to customize how their app renders for different users.
Developers can change the app’s look and feel, roll out features gradually, run A/B tests, deliver
customized content to certain users, or make other updates without deploying a new version all
from the Firebase Console.
Firebase User Segmentation Storage
Firebase User Segmentation Storage stores developer-created audience lists to provide targeting
information to other Firebase services that use them.
* Firebase Predictions was deprecated on February 21, 2022
Data Centers
The above products are serviced from data centers operated by Google around the world. Below
is a list of Google's production data center locations that host the above products and operations
for Google Firebase:
North America, South America
Arcola (VA), United States of America
Ashburn (1) (VA), United States of America
Ashburn (2) (VA), United States of America
Ashburn (3) (VA), United States of America
Google LLC | Attachment A - Google Firebase System 7
Atlanta (1) (GA), United States of America
Clarksville (TN), United States of America
Columbus (OH), United States of America
Council Bluffs (1) (IA), United States of America
Council Bluffs (2) (IA), United States of America
Henderson (NV), United States of America
Las Vegas (NV), United States of America
Leesburg (VA), United States of America
Lenoir (NC), United States of America
Los Angeles (1) (CA), United States of America
Los Angeles (2) (CA), United States of America
Midlothian (TX), United States of America
Moncks Corner (SC), United States of America
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
New Albany (OH), United States of America
Osasco, Brazil
Papillion (NE), United States of America
Pryor Creek (OK), United States of America
Quilicura, Santiago, Chile
Reno (NV), United States of America
Salt Lake City (1) (UT), United States of America
Salt Lake City (2) (UT), United States of America
The Dalles (1) (OR), United States of America
The Dalles (2) (OR), United States of America
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Vinhedo, Brazil
Widows Creek (AL), United States of America
Europe, Middle East, and Africa
Dublin, Ireland
Eemshaven, Groningen, the Netherlands
Frankfurt (1), Hesse, Germany
Frankfurt (2), Hesse, Germany
Frankfurt (4), Hesse, Germany
Frankfurt (5), Hesse, Germany
Frankfurt (6), Hesse, Germany
Frankfurt (7), Hesse, Germany
Fredericia, Denmark
Ghlin, Hainaut, Belgium
Hamina, Finland
London (1), United Kingdom
London (2), United Kingdom
London (3), United Kingdom
London (4), United Kingdom
Google LLC | Attachment A - Google Firebase System 8
London (5), United Kingdom
London (6), United Kingdom
Madrid (1), Spain
Madrid (2), Spain
Middenmeer, Netherlands
Milan (1), Italy
Milan (2), Italy
Paris (1), France
Paris (2), France
Paris (3), France
Warsaw (1), Poland
Warsaw (2), Poland
Zurich, Switzerland
Asia Pacific
Changhua, Taiwan
Delhi, India
Hong Kong (1), Hong Kong
Hong Kong (2), Hong Kong
Hong Kong (3), Hong Kong
Jakarta, Indonesia
Koto-ku (1), Tokyo, Japan
Koto-ku (2), Tokyo, Japan
Koto-ku (3), Tokyo, Japan
Lok Yang Way, Singapore
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Mumbai, India
Osaka, Japan
Seoul (1), South Korea
Seoul (2), South Korea
Sydney (1), NSW, Australia
Sydney (2), NSW, Australia
Sydney (3), NSW, Australia
Wenya, Singapore
Indicates data centers in scope only for the period 1 November 2021 through 30 April 2022
Google Firebase runs in a multi-tenant, distributed environment. Rather than segregating user
entity data to one machine or set of machines, data from all user entities is distributed amongst a
shared infrastructure. For Google Firebase, this is achieved through a Google distributed file
system designed to store extremely large amounts of data across many servers. User entity data
is then stored in large, distributed databases, built on top of this file system.
Google LLC | Attachment A - Google Firebase System 9
Data Centers and Redundancy
Google maintains consistent policies and standards across its data centers for physical security
to help protect production servers, network devices and network connections within Google data
Redundant architecture exists such that data is replicated in real-time to at least two (2)
geographically dispersed data centers. The data centers are connected through multiple
encrypted network links and interfaces. This provides high availability by dynamically load
balancing across those sites. Google uses monitoring mechanisms that provide details such as
resource footprint, central processing unit capacity, and random-access memory availability to
monitor resource availability across their data centers and to validate that data has been
replicated to more than one location.
Authentication and Access
Strong authentication and access controls are implemented to restrict access to Google Firebase
production systems, internal support tools, and customer data. Machine-level access restriction
relies on a Google-developed distributed authentication service based on Transport Layer
Security (TLS) certificates, which helps to positively identify the resource access requester. This
service also offers transport encryption to enhance data confidentiality in transit. Google uses
encryption to secure user data in transit between Google production facilities.
Google follows a formal process to grant or revoke employee, temporary worker, contractor or
vendor access to Google resources. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), Kerberos,
and a Google proprietary system which utilizes Secure Shell (SSH) and TLS certificates help
provide secure and flexible access mechanisms. These mechanisms are designed to grant
access rights to systems and data only to authorized users.
Both user and internal access to customer data is restricted through the use of unique user
account IDs. Access to sensitive systems and applications requires two-factor authentication in
the form of a unique user account ID, strong passwords, security keys and/or certificates. Periodic
reviews of access lists are implemented to help ensure access to customer data is appropriate
and authorized. Access to production machines, network devices and support tools is managed
via an access group management system. Membership in these groups must be approved by
respective group administrators. User group memberships are reviewed on a semiannual basis
under the direction of the group administrators.
Change Management
Change Management policies, including code reviews, are in place, and procedures for tracking,
testing, approving, and validating changes are documented and implemented appropriately.
Changes are developed and deployed utilizing source code management systems and release
workflow automation tools to manage source code, documentation, release labeling and other
functions. Google requires all production-impacting code changes to be reviewed and approved
by a separate technical resource, other than the developer, to evaluate quality and accuracy of
changes. Further, all application and configuration changes are tested prior to migration to the
production environment. Following a successful pass of tests, multiple binaries are then grouped
into a candidate and deployed to production through a release.
Google LLC | Attachment A - Google Firebase System 10
Google provides controls at each level of data storage, access, and transfer. Google has
established training programs for privacy and information security to support data confidentiality.
All Google personnel, including employees, temporary workers, vendors and contractors are
required to complete these training programs at the time of joining the organization and annually
thereafter. All new products and product feature launches that include collection, processing, or
sharing of user data are required to go through an internal design review process that defines
retention and deletion timelines. This review is performed by legal and privacy teams. In addition
to the preventative controls, Google has also established detective measures like incident
response processes to report and handle events related to security. Google establishes
agreements, including nondisclosure agreements, for preserving confidentiality of information and
software exchange with external parties.
Network Architecture and Management
The Google Firebase system architecture utilizes a fully redundant network infrastructure. Google
has implemented perimeter devices to protect the Google network from external attacks. Network
monitoring mechanisms are in place to prevent and disconnect access to the Google network
from unauthorized devices.
Google has implemented a process-based service quality environment designed to deliver the
Google Firebase products to customers. The fundamentals underlying the services provided are
the adoption of standardized, repeatable processes; the hiring and development of highly skilled
resources; and leading industry practices. Google has established internal compliance teams
utilizing scalable processes to efficiently manage core infrastructure and product-related security,
availability, and confidentiality controls.
Formal organizational structures exist and are available to Google personnel on the Company’s
intranet. The intranet provides drill-down functionality for identifying personnel in the functional
operations team. Google has developed and documented formal policies, procedures, and job
descriptions for operational areas including data center operations, security administration,
system and hardware change management, hiring, training, performance appraisals,
terminations, and incident escalation. These policies and procedures have been designed to
segregate duties and enforce responsibilities based on job functionality. Policies and procedures
are reviewed and updated as necessary.
Google LLC | Attachment B - Service Commitments and System Requirements 11
Attachment B - Service Commitments and System Requirements
Service Commitments
Commitments are declarations made by management to customers regarding the performance
of the Google Firebase System. Commitments to customers are communicated via Terms of
Service, Google Firebase Service Level Agreements, and/or Data Processing Agreements. Data
Processing Agreements define the security and privacy obligations which the processors must
meet to satisfy the organization's obligations regarding the processing and security of customer
System Requirements
Google has implemented a process-based service quality environment designed to deliver the
Google Firebase System products to customers. These internal policies are developed in
consideration of legal and regulatory obligations, to define Google’s organizational approach and
system requirements.
The delivery of these services depends upon the appropriate internal functioning of system
requirements defined by Google to meet customer commitments.
The following processes and system requirements function to meet Google’s commitments to
customers with respect to the terms governing the processing and security of customer data:
Access Security: Google maintains data access and logical security policies, designed to
prevent unauthorized persons and/or systems from gaining access to systems used to
process personal data. Access to systems is restricted based on the principle of least privilege
Change Management: Google requires standard change management procedures to be
applied during the design, development, deployment, and maintenance of Google
applications, systems, and services
Incident Management: Google monitors internal communication channels, audit logs and
signals to determine the validity of security threats. Confirmed threats, including threats
related to security, are escalated to the appropriate team including incident management.
Google’s dedicated security personnel will react promptly to potential and known incidents
Data Management: Google complies with any obligations applicable to it with respect to the
processing of Customer Personal Data. Google processes data in accordance with Google
Firebase Terms of Service and/or Data Processing Agreements, and complies with applicable
Data Security: Google maintains data security policies and implements technical and
organizational measures to protect customer data against accidental or unlawful destruction,
loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access. Google takes appropriate steps to ensure
compliance with the security measures by its employees, contractors and vendors to the
extent applicable to their scope of performance
Third-Party Risk Management: Google conducts an assessment of the security practices of
third-party suppliers to ensure they provide a level of security appropriate to their access to
data and the scope of the services they are engaged to provide. Google conducts routine
inspections of subprocessors to ensure their continued compliance with the agreed upon
Google LLC | Attachment B - Service Commitments and System Requirements 12
security and privacy requirements. Google defines security practices that must be applied to
the processing of data and obtains contractual commitments from suppliers to comply with
these practices