Department of State Growth
Form ID: PT200-6 (12/21)
Transport Access Scheme Information
What is the Transport Access Scheme?
The Transport Access Scheme (TAS) is for people with a permanent disability which signicantly reduces their mobility.
TAS provides a member with one or more of the following:
Australian Disability Parking Permit
Taxi subsidies through the Taxi Subsidy Program
Concessions on vehicle registration and driver licensing
What are the entitlements?
An Australian Disability Parking Permit entitles eligible TAS members to park:
In parking zones designated for people with disabilities, for not longer than any time which may be displayed on the parking
In an area controlled by a parking sign (including parking meters) indicating a time limit of less than 30 minutes, for a
maximum of 30 minutes,
In an area controlled by a parking sign (including parking meters) indicating a time limit of between 30 minutes and one hour,
for a maximum of two hours,
In an area controlled by a parking sign (including parking meters) indicating a time limit of one hour or longer, for twice the
time indicated on the sign.
For parking spaces controlled by a parking meter or voucher vending machine, the maximum time must be paid before the
additional time above takes effect.
The permit can be used in all States and Territories of Australia. As parking concessions may vary in the other States and
Territories, check with local councils where you are visiting to nd out the concessions available in those council areas.
Go to for more information and a full list of Terms and Conditions for use of Australian
Disability Parking Permits under the Transport Access Scheme.
The Taxi Subsidy Program entitles eligible TAS members to:
a 50% fare reduction up to a value of $25 when travelling in a standard taxi, or
a 60% fare reduction up to a value of $30 for wheelchair-reliant TAS members when travelling in a wheelchair accessible
TAS members eligible for taxi subsidies can also receive subsidised taxi travel in other States and Territories of Australia. Interstate
taxi subsidy vouchers are issued to members on request.
Go to for more information and a full list of Terms and Conditions for use of taxi subsidies
under the TAS Taxi Subsidy Program.
Vehicle registration and driver licensing concessions entitle eligible TAS members to:
a reduced driver licence fee
an exemption from annual motor tax charges (one vehicle only) with a Gross Vehicle Mass (GVM) not exceeding 4.5 tonnes
a reduced motor vehicle registration fee
an exemption from stamp duty when registering a new vehicle or transferring the registration of a used vehicle (one vehicle
only) with a GVM not exceeding 4.5 tonnes, and
a reduced Motor Accident Insurance Board (MAIB) premium on a passenger or light goods vehicle with a GVM not
exceeding 4.5 tonnes.
Please read this information before completing the
attached application form
Who is eligible?
To be eligible for the TAS the applicant must be a Tasmanian resident with a permanent disability which severely restricts their
physical mobility (it cannot be temporary or corrected by recognised surgery or treatment).
Eligibility for TAS does not take into account the status of a person’s driver licence, the availability of public transport or proximity
to public transport.
In addition, to be eligible for the Taxi Subsidy Program, the applicant must hold one of the following current concession cards:
Centrelink issued Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) issued
» Pensioner Concession Card » Pensioner Concession Card
» Health Care Card » Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
» Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
DVA Veteran Cards are not accepted as eligibility for taxi subsidies as they are not income or asset tested.
Applicants who are wheelchair reliant are exempt from the requirement to hold a concession card in order to receive taxi
Vehicle registration concessions only apply to a vehicle registered in the name of:
a member of TAS, or registered jointly with another person
in the case of a child under 16 years of age – their parent or guardian. When a TAS member turns 16, the vehicle is required
to be transferred into their name or joint names in order to continue receiving the concessions.
How do I apply?
You will need to complete a Transport Access Scheme Application.
Your medical practitioner or GP will need to complete the Medical Assessment for Transport Access Scheme section. If you hold
a driver licence and would like to continue to hold that driver licence, your medical practitioner or GP must also complete the
Medical Fitness to Drive Assessment section.
The Department of State Growth is not responsible for payment of any fee or charge by a medical or allied health practitioner for
the purpose of lling in the application.
Application forms can be found online at or over the counter at any Service Tasmania shop.
Who is an authorised person who can sign an application on behalf of an applicant?
Only the applicant or an approved authorised person can sign the Declaration and Centrelink Customer Consent on a Transport
Access Scheme application.
An authorised person is someone who has been authorised to act on the applicants behalf by one of the following methods:
Power of Attorney
Court, Tribunal or Guardianship Order
Public Trustee or Administration Order
Centrelink correspondence nominee
If an approved authorised person is signing on behalf of the applicant, evidence of authorisation must be attached to the application.
If the applicant is under the age of 16, the parent or legal guardian is considered an authorised person.
Return completed forms:
by email
by mail GPO Box 1242, Hobart TAS 7001
in person at any Service Tasmania shop
Phone 1300 135 513
Transport Access Scheme Application
Form ID: PT200-6 (12/21)
Please read the attached information before
completing this form
Part One: Applicant Information
Which program/s are you applying for?
*For the Taxi Subsidy Program you must provide your concession card details in Part Two.
Accepted concession cards are a Pensioner Concession Card, Health Care Card or Commonwealth Seniors Health Card issued by
Centrelink, or a Pensioner Concession Card or Commonwealth Seniors Health Card issued by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs
(DVA). DVA Veteran Cards are not accepted. The concession requirement is waived if you are wheelchair reliant.
Australian Disability Parking Permit Taxi Subsidies* Wheelchair Accessible Taxi Subsidiesor
Title Family name Given names
Residential address
Suburb / Town Postcode
Postal address (if not same as above)
Suburb / Town Postcode
Mobile Phone numberDate of birth
Email address
Applicant Details (person with disability)
Department of State Growth
Title Family name Given names
Residential address
Suburb / Town Postcode
Phone number
*If authorised person, evidence of authority MUST be submitted with this application.
Email address
Date of birth
Driver Licence and Vehicle Registration Details
You may be eligible for driver licensing and vehicle registration concessions. Indicate in the space below your driver licence
number and the registration number of a vehicle either registered in your name, or jointly with another person, for which
you wish the concessions to be applied.
Driver licence number Vehicle registration number
Authorised Person or Applicants Advocate Details (see attached information for accepted authorised persons)
AdvocateAuthorised person*
Select the applicant representation type
and / or
- tick the applicable boxes
- tick the applicable box
, authorise:
the Department of State Growth (the department) to use Centrelink Conrmation eServices to perform a Centrelink
or Department of Veterans’ Affairs enquiry of my Centrelink or Department of Veterans’ Affairs customer details and
concession card status to enable the department to determine if I qualify for a concession, rebate or service, and
Services Australia (the agency) to provide the results of that enquiry to the department.
I understand that:
The agency will disclose personal information to the department including my name, address, payment type, payment status,
number of dependent children, and concession card type and status, to conrm my eligibility for the Transport Access
This consent, once signed, remains valid while I am a customer of the department unless I withdraw it by contacting the
department or the agency. I can get proof of my circumstances or details from the agency and provide it to the department so
my eligibility for the Transport Access Scheme can be determined.
If I withdraw my consent or do not alternatively provide proof of my circumstances or details, I may not be eligible for the
Transport Access Scheme provided by the department.
I authorise my doctor or qualied health care practitioner to provide all medical information required in the assessment of my
application for membership of the Transport Access Scheme.
I have informed the doctor of all relevant illnesses and consent to the medical information provided with this application to be shared
with the Registrar of Motor Vehicles in relation to my eligibility to hold a driver licence under the Vehicle and Trafc Act 1999.
I consent to the Registrar of Motor Vehicles contacting any reporting health professional named in this application for further
I understand if the Registrar of Motor Vehicles cancels or suspends my driver licence on the basis of this medical report, I may be
re-licensed when I provide evidence that I meet the national medical standards. If this application is approved I acknowledge that
misuse of any concession or subsidies provided may lead to suspension or cancellation of membership and could result in legal action
being taken by the Department of State Growth. I conrm the information in this application is true and correct.
You are providing personal information to the Department of State Growth, which will manage that information in accordance with the
Personal Information Protection Act 2004.
The personal information collected here will be used by the Department, and may be disclosed to other authorities including the Registrar of Motor
Vehicles, Services Australia, the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the National Disability Insurance Agency and the Transport Commission, for
the purpose of assessing initial and ongoing eligibility for the Transport Access Scheme, registration and licensing concessions, assessing medical
tness to drive, and cross-checking eligibility against other schemes.
Failure to provide this information may result in your application not being processed or records not being properly maintained. The Department may
disclose information you provide to third parties to facilitate the Scheme or under other circumstances allowed for by law. You have the right to ask
the Department to give you access to the personal information you have provided. You may be charged a fee for this service.
If your application is approved, further personal information may be collected in relation to the scheme, and this will be managed in accordance with
the Personal Information Protection Act 2004. The Department also collects trip information for every taxi trip where a subsidy is claimed using a Taxi
Subsidy Smartcard. This information may be disclosed to other authorities including the Department of Premier and Cabinet, the National Disability
Insurance Agency, the Transport Commission, and law and enforcement authorities.
Signature of applicant (or signature of applicants authorised person*) Date signed
Personal Information Protection Statement
Part Two: Concession Card Details
Centrelink - Health Care Card
Centrelink - Pensioner Concession Card
Centrelink - Commonwealth Seniors Health Card
Department of Veterans’ Affairs - Pensioner Concession Card
Department of Veterans’ Affairs - Commonwealth
Seniors Health Card
DVA le numberOR
Provide your Centrelink CRN or DVA le number
Select your concession card type
- tick the applicable box
Part Three: Consent and Declaration
This section can only be signed by the applicant or their authorised person, an applicants advocate cannot sign on behalf of the applicant.
See attached Transport Access Scheme Information for accepted authorised persons.
Complete this section if you are applying for the Taxi Subsidy Program and are not reliant on a wheelchair.
If the applicant is under the age of 16, a photocopy of both sides of their concession card MUST be attached to the application.
*If authorised person signing on behalf of the applicant, evidence of authorisation must be attached.
wish to continue to hold a driver licence?
This section must be completed by a medical practitioner registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
Accepted medical practitioners does not include Dental, Pharmacy or Medical Radiation practitioners.
The Transport Access Scheme is not available to an applicant who has a temporary disorder, a condition that is expected to improve in
time, or conditions that are able to be corrected through surgery. If the applicants impairment is not permanent, Temporary Parking
Permits can be applied for through local councils.
If the applicant holds a current driver licence and wishes to continue to drive, Part Five of this application form MUST also be completed
by a medical practitioner/GP. Information pertaining to the applicants medical tness may be disclosed to the Registrar of Motor
Vehicles, and may result in a review of the applicants driver licence.
Impairment Details
Medical Practitioner / GP Details
Driver Licence and Fitness to Drive Details
No Yes
No Yes
(if yes, Part Five of this application MUST be completed)
1 Indicate the applicants impairment
If the applicant has a permanent disability which affects their mobility and is not included in the categories listed below, a separate
report can be attached indicating the diagnosis and expected duration of the disability. The degree to which the applicants mobility is
affected, ie wheelchair reliance etc should also be indicated.
4 Does the applicant use a complex walking aid due to a reduction in personal mobility whereby they cannot
manage steps, uneven ground or inclines? (A complex walking aid does not refer to a walking or quad stick.)
5 Does the applicant have a permanent reduction in personal mobility whereby they cannot walk a distance of 50
metres without having to rest due to pain or breathlessness?
3 Is the diagnosed impairment permanent?
6 Does the applicants impairment reduce their personal mobility whereby they always need the physical
assistance of another person from home to their destination?
7 Is the applicant totally dependent, as a direct result of their impairment, on others for mobility?
8 Is the applicant totally reliant on the use of a wheelchair for mobility?
2 What is the diagnosis of the impairment?
Severe loss of spinal function
Severe loss of function in the upper limbs
Severe loss of function in the lower limbs
Severe intellectual/neurological impairment
Severe loss of cardiac or respiratory function
Severe visual impairment
Severe psychiatric impairment
Other impairment as indicated in attached report
Provide any other information which may support this application:
Part Four: Medical Assessment for Transport Access Scheme
- answer ALL questions in this section
Yes No
Does the applicant? (tick all the applicable boxes below):
hold a current driver licence?
wish to voluntarily surrender their driver licence?
AHPRA registration number
Business address and contact details:
Practitioner’s name
Assessment of medical tness to drive (to be completed by qualied medical practitioner/GP)
1 I certify that I have examined the applicant of the attached Transport Access Scheme application (the patient) in accordance
with the relevant medical standards as set out in the National Guidelines “Assessing Fitness to Drive for Commercial and
Private Vehicle Drivers”*
Part Five: Medical Fitness to Drive Assessment
I assessed the patient according to (please tick) Commercial standards Private standards
2 Were you familiar with the patients medical history prior to this examination?
The person subject to this report has the following condition/s (tick all applicable):
Psychiatric - Cognitive impairments
Sleep Disorders
Substance Misuse
Visual aids required for
Yes No
Normal Abnormal
Visual Confrontation:
*Guidelines are available at:tness-to-drive
Specic information on the different conditions / disorders /
problems can be found in the chapters listed.
3 Does the patient meet the relevant medical standard to hold a licence? (tick one of the boxes below):
Does not meet the standards to hold a driver licence.
and/or subject to the conditions or restrictions below, if applicable:
Meets the standard to hold a driver licence, if the following is undertaken/provided: (tick all applicable)
Appropriate Specialist Assessment
Occupational Therapy Driving Assessment
Practical driving assessment by Driving Assessor
Name and type of Specialist referred:
(Including ophthalmologist for Visual Confrontation)and/or
What date, or expected date, is the appointment?
Until the assessment(s) are supplied the patient is: Fit to continue driving Not t to continue driving
Meets the standard and no longer requires periodic medical tness to drive assessments. Details MUST be provided below:
Reason for medical review
being ceased in relation to
the Assessing Fitness to Drive
Date of examinationDoctor’s name
To be completed ONLY by a medical practitioner or GP and ONLY if the applicant will continue to hold a driver licence.
Meets the standard to hold a driver licence, if a medical tness to drive assessment is undertaken every:
Business address
and contact details
please specify or more information:
If patient holds a licence that requires an assessment at the Commercial standard (eg Ancillary Certicate or MR class or
above) and you assess them at the Private Standard, their licence may be downgraded.
Is the patient prepared for their licence to be downgraded?
Date of last
Is it Sleep Apnoea:
(Chapter 1)
(Chapter 2)
(Chapter 3)
(Chapter 5)
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 6)
(Chapter 7)
(Chapter 8)
(Chapter 9)
Enter review period
Attach a separate letter if more space required
Details of any conditions or restrictions you believe should be placed on the licence