Benefit information illustrated within this material reflects the plan covered by Guardian as of 08/31/2017
Group Number: 00542688
About Your Benefits:
Taking care of your teeth can be expensive. That’s why the right dental insurance is so important it not only pays for preventive
care that can keep you and your family healthy, but it also helps pay for more extensive, costly and often unexpected expenses
such as fillings, crowns and root canals. Plus, you save money and have the assurance that you are getting the right care when you use
one of our contracted dentists. Guardian been providing outstanding dental plans to millions of Americans for more than 50 years.
When you enroll with Guardian, you have access to one of the nation’s largest dental networks offering significant discounts so you
know there’s always high-quality, affordable dental care close by. From preventive checkups and cleanings, to comprehensive oral
care treatments, we have you covered.
With your Guardian Choice plan, employees select either a Network Access Plan (NAP) or a Value Plan and can change their
election annually. Premium rates are the same for both plans. The Value Plan offers members who choose to see a Guardian
participating dentist the most savings and Out-of-Network benefits are limited to our PPO fee schedule.
Pickens County Board of Education All Eligible Employees Benefit Summary
The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, 7 Hanover Square, New York, NY 10004
Dental Benefit Summary
Pickens County Board of Education
Your Dental Plan PPO
Your Network is
DentalGuard Preferred
Calendar year deductible
Value Plan NAP Plan
In / Out-Net In / Out-Net
Individual $50 $50
Family limit 3 per family
Waived for Preventive Preventive
Charges covered for you (co-insurance)
Value Plan NAP Plan
In / Out-Net In / Out-Net
Preventive Care 100% 100%
Basic Care 100% 80%
Major Care 60% 50%
Orthodontia 50% 50%
Annual Maximum Benefit
Maximum Rollover
Rollover Threshold $500
Rollover Amount $250
Rollover Account Limit $1000
Lifetime Orthodontia Maximum
Dependent Age Limits
A Sample of Services Covered by Your Plan:
Pickens County Board of Education All Eligible Employees Benefit Summary
The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, 7 Hanover Square, New York, NY 10004
Plan pays (on average)
Value Plan NAP Plan
In / Out-Net In / Out-Net
Preventive Care Cleaning (prophylaxis) 100% 100%
Once Every 6 Months
Fluoride Treatments 100% 100%
Limits: Under Age 14
Oral Exams 100% 100%
X-rays 100% 100%
Basic Care Anesthesia* 100% 80%
100% 80%
Periodontal Maintenance 100% 80%
Frequency: Once Every 6 Months
Scaling & Root Planing (per quadrant) 100% 80%
Simple Extractions 100% 80%
Major Care Bridges and Dentures 60% 50%
Dental Implants 60% 50%
Inlays, Onlays, Veneers** 60% 50%
Perio Surgery 60% 50%
Repair & Maintenance of
Crowns, Bridges & Dentures
60% 50%
Root Canal 60% 50%
Single Crowns 60% 50%
Surgical Extractions 60% 50%
Orthodontia Orthodontia 50% 50%
Limits: Adults & Child(ren)
This is only a partial list of dental services. Your certificate of benefits will show exactly what is covered and excluded. **For PPO and
or Indemnity members, Crowns, Inlays, Onlays and Labial Veneers are covered only when needed because of decay or injury or other
pathology when the tooth cannot be restored with amalgam or composite filing material. When Orthodontia coverage is for
"Child(ren)" only, the orthodontic appliance must be placed prior to the age limit set by your plan; If full-time status is required by
your plan in order to remain insured after a certain age; then orthodontic maintenance may continue as long as full-time student status
is maintained. If Orthodontia coverage is for "Adults and Child(ren)" this limitation does not apply. The total number of cleanings and
periodontal maintenance procedures are combined in a 12 month period. *General Anesthesia restrictions apply. ‡For PPO and or
Indemnity members, Fillings restrictions may apply to composite fillings.
This handout is for illustrative purposes only and is an approximation. If any discrepancies between this handout and your paycheck stub exist,
your paycheck stub prevails.
Manage Your Benefits:
Go to to access secure information
about your Guardian benefits including access to an image of your
ID Card. Your on-line account will be set up within 30 days after
your plan effective date..
Find A Dentist:
Click on “Find A Provider”; You will need to know your plan, which
can be found on the first page of your dental benefit summary.
Need Assistance?
Call the Guardian Helpline (888) 600-1600, weekdays,
8:00 AM to 8:30 PM, EST. Refer to your member ID (social
security number) and your plan number: 00542688
Please call the Guardian Helpline if you need to use
your benefits within 30 days of plan effective date.
Please note, self-serve options over the phone or
online at Guardian Anytime are not available until the
case is fully implemented, please wait to speak to a
live agent when calling the Guardian Helpline.
Pickens County Board of Education All Eligible Employees Benefit Summary
The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America, 7 Hanover Square, New York, NY 10004
n Important Information about Guardian’s DentalGuard Indemnity and
DentalGuard Preferred Network PPO plans: This policy provides dental
insurance only. Coverage is limited to those charges that are necessary to
prevent, diagnose or treat dental disease, defect, or injury. Deductibles apply.
The plan does not pay for: oral hygiene services (except as covered under
preventive services), orthodontia (unless expressly provided for), cosmetic or
experimental treatments (unless they are expressly provided for), any
treatments to the extent benefits are payable by any other payor or for which
no charge is made, prosthetic devices unless certain conditions are met, and
services ancillary to surgical treatment. The plan limits benefits for diagnostic
consultations and for preventive, restorative, endodontic, periodontic, and
prosthodontic services. The services, exclusions and limitations listed above do
not constitute a contract and are a summary only. The Guardian plan
documents are the final arbiter of coverage. Contract # GP-1-DG2000 et al.
n PPO and or Indemnity Special Limitation: Teeth lost or missing before a
covered person becomes insured by this plan. A covered person may have one or
more congenitally missing teeth or have lost one or more teeth before he became
insured by this plan. We won’t pay for a prosthetic device which replaces such teeth
unless the device also replaces one or more natural teeth lost or extracted after the
covered person became insured by this plan. R3-DG2000
Guardian Choice – Additional Details
You have the flexibility to choose the plan that can best meet your needs.
Both plans can meet your needs; the difference is how out-of-network benefits are reimbursed. If you visit a dentist
in the Guardian network, you will receive the most savings through the Value Plan. If there is a possibility of using
an out-of-network dentist then the Network Access Plan offers the highest out-of-network reimbursement.
Here’s how this benefit works:
Premiums are the same for either plan
Option to switch plans each year at annual enrollment time
Save an average of 30% over what dentists usually charge by using network providers
Value Plan Network Access Plan
Plan Description:
You receive a higher co-insurance level with this
plan than you would if you selected the NAP
plan – which means less out-of-pocket costs. All
benefits are paid based on a fee schedule.
Therefore, when using out-of-network care, the
dentist may charge the difference between the
fee schedule and their regular fee.
You will receive the same reimbursement for in and out-
of-network dentists. Co-insurance percentages for in-
network care are not as high as with the Value Plan. In-
network benefits are based on a negotiated PPO fee
schedule, out-of-network charges are based on local
UCR (usual, customary, reasonable) charges.
Benefits are based on the discounted fee
schedules agreed upon by our network
Any amount that is charged over the fee
schedule is the responsibility of the patient.
Benefits are based on usual, customary and
reasonable (UCR) charges that dentists in your area
charge for each procedure.
Preventive services are covered 100%.
Co-insurance for other services is higher than
the Network Access Plan.
Preventive services are covered 100%.
Co-insurance for other services is lower than the
Value Plan.
To find a dentist in your network, visit You can also download our GuardianAnytime
mobile app to use our Find-a-Provider tool.
For Overview of your Dental Benefits, please see About Your Benefit Section of this Enrollment Booklet.
Guardian's Dental Insurance is underwritten and issued by The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America or its subsidiaries, New York, NY. Products are not available
in all states. Policy limitations and exclusions apply. Optional riders and/or features may incur additional costs. Plan documents are the final arbiter of coverage." Policy
Form #GP-1-DG2000, et al.
Dental Maximum Rollover
Save Your Unused Claims Dollars For When You Need Them Most
Guardian will roll over a portion of your unused annual maximum into your personal Maximum Rollover Account
(MRA). If you reach your Plan Annual Maximum in future years, you can use money from your MRA. To qualify for an
MRA, you must have a paid claim (not just a visit) and must not have exceeded the paid claims threshold during the
benefit year. Your MRA may not exceed the MRA limit. You can view your annual MRA statement detailing your
account and those of your dependents on
Please note that actual maximum limitations and thresholds vary by plan. Your plan may vary from the one used below
as an example to illustrate how the Maximum Rollover functions.
Plan Annual Maximum* Threshold Maximum Rollover Amount
Maximum Rollover Account
$1000 $500 $250 $1000
Maximum claims reimbursement
Claims amount that determines
rollover eligibility
Additional dollars added to Plan
Annual Maximum for future years
Plan Annual Maximum plus
Maximum Rollover cannot exceed
$2,000 in total
* If a plan has a different annual maximum for PPO benefits vs. non-PPO benefits, ($1500 PPO/$1000 non-PPO for example) the non-PPO maximum determines the Maximum
Rollover plan.
Here’s how the benefits work:
YEAR ONE: Jane starts with a $1,000 Plan Annual Maximum. She
submits $150 in dental claims. Since she did not reach the $500
Threshold, she receives a $250 rollover that will be applied to Year
YEAR TWO: Jane now has an increased Plan Annual Maximum of
$1,250. This year, she submits $50 in claims and receives an
additional $250 rollover added to her Plan Annual Maximum.
YEAR THREE: Jane now has an increased Plan Annual Maximum of
$1,500. This year, she submits $1,200 in claims. All claims are paid
due to the amount accumulated in her Maximum Rollover Account.
YEAR FOUR: Jane’s Plan Annual Maximum is $1,300 ($1,000 Plan
Annual Maximum + $300 remaining in her Maximum Rollover
For Overview of your Dental Benefits, please see About Your Benefit Section of this Enrollment Booklet.
You and your insured dependents maintain separate MRAs based on your own claim activity. Each MRA may not exceed the MRA limit.
Cases on either a calendar year or policy year accumulation basis qualify for the Maximum Rollover feature. For calendar year cases with an effective date in October, November
or December, the Maximum Rollover feature starts as of the first full benefit year. For example, if a plan starts in November of 2013, the claim activity in 2014 will be used and
applied to MRAs for use in 2015.
Under either benefit year set up (calendar year or policy year), Maximum Rollover for new entrants joining with 3 months or less remaining in the benefit year, will not begin until
the start of the next full benefit year. Maximum Rollover is deferred for members who have coverage of Major services deferred. For these members, Maximum Rollover starts
when coverage of Major services starts, or the start of the next benefit year if 3 months or less remain until the next benefit year. (Actual eligibility timeframe may vary. See your
Plan Details for the most accurate information.)
Guardian's Dental Insurance is underwritten and issued by The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America or its subsidiaries, New York, NY. Products are not available in all
states. Policy limitations and exclusions apply. Optional riders and/or features may incur additional costs. Plan documents are the final arbiter of coverage.
Policy Form #GP-1-DG2000, et al.