B i r t h d a y s & a n n i v e r s a r i e s
C e l e B r a t i o n s
B I R T H D A Y S & A N N I V E R S A R I E SC E L E B R A T I O N S
those that commemorate a particular
date or past event. This might be an his-
torical event, such as the rst walk on the Moon; a
military event, such as the beginning or ending of a
war; a national event, such as the birth of a nation or
the signing of a constitution; or a
more personal event, such as the
opening of a new business or the
receipt of an award. Usually when
we refer to anniversaries we are
referring to a yearly event, but
people may also choose to celebrate
monthly or biannually. A large cel-
ebration might be held on a c enten-
nial anniversary. An anniversary
celebration ranges from a small
personal event such as a dinner for
two people, to a large city-wide
event such as a p arade or reworks.
Anniversary celebrations might be
accompanied by balloons, owers,
special meals, or presents. In this
reading, we discuss two common celebrations: birthdays
and wedding anniversaries.
Birthdays are celebrated in a variety of ways in the
United States. A birthday is considered a special day
for the birthday person, so the
person will often get special treat-
ment from friends and family.
Children are usually very ex-
cited about their birthdays. At a
very early age, children know when their birthdays are
and how old they are. Parents often host a party on
their children’s birthdays. They will invite school
friends, neighbors, or family members. It is expected
that the people who are invited to a child’s birthday
party will bring a present for the birthday child, unless
they are told not to. The birthday
party will undoubtedly feature a
birthday cake topped with lighted
candles, one candle for each year.
As the cake is brought to the table,
everyone sings “Happy Birthday.”
When the cake is set before the
birthday boy or birthday girl, he
or she is supposed to make a wish
(without telling anyone what it is)
and blow out the candles. If all the
candles go out with one breath,
then the wish is supposed to come
true. Ice cream is usually served
with the cake. Children often open
their presents after the cake and
ice cream are served.
Adults also celebrate their birthdays, though not as
regularly as children. If someone wants to celebrate his/
her own birthday, he or she may plan a party and invite
friends or family. It is more likely that an adult will
have a party if the birthday is a “big” one, such as for
an age that ends in 0 or 5. Another “big” one is the age
of 21 when a person is considered
to be an adult. Sometimes adults
get gifts at a birthday party, but
not always. And while it is c ustom-
ary to say “Happy Birthday,” it is
PREVIOUS PAGE: A birthday girl blows out the candles on
her birthday cake.
BOVE: Children’s birthday parties often include birthday
hats and noisemakers for everyone.
B i r t h d a y s & a n n i v e r s a r i e s
C e l e B r a t i o n s
B i r t h d a y s & a n n i v e r s a r i e sC e l e B r a t i o n s
not usually appropriate to ask an adult how old he or
she is. At work, colleagues may celebrate a birthday by
giving a group card, flowers, cake, or by taking the per-
son out to lunch. Colleagues will often wish the person
a happy birthday. However not all work places cele-
brate birthdays, and, in fact, many adults don’t want to
celebrate their birthdays. Some people don’t like the re-
minder that they are continually getting older; others
just don’t like being the center of attention.
Singing “Happy Birthday to You” when cake,
flowers, or presents are given is a long-standing tradi-
tion. The song was written by two American sisters in
1893, and has been translated into several languages
around the world.
Wedding Anniversaries
Wedding anniversaries occur on the same day of
the year the wedding took place. Married couples have
many different ways of celebrating, but it is common
for them to give each other flowers or small gifts, or
enjoy a special dinner together. Sometimes couples
plan a trip for themselves to celebrate this special day.
On a couple’s first wedding anniversary, it is custom-
ary for them to eat the top tier of their wedding cake
that they had saved and frozen just for this day.
Many wedding anniversary celebrations are quiet
events that include just the married couple, but some-
times, especially if the couple has been married a long
time, they will plan a party that includes their chil-
dren, grandchildren, and possibly siblings, nieces, and
nephews. At some large wedding anniversary celebra-
tions, such as a 50th anniversary, a granddaughter or
other relative might wear the bride’s wedding dress.
Sometimes the couple decides to renew their wedding
vows in front of their progeny.
Traditionally, specific materials are associated
with particular anniversary years. Usually, the lon-
ger the period of time, the more precious or durable
is the material that is associated with it. Sometimes
the couple—or their families—use the list for gift
The traditional list includes:
1 year—paper anniversary
5 years—wood anniversary
10 years—tin or aluminum anniversary
20 years—china (porcelain) anniversary
25 years—silver anniversary
50 years—gold anniversary
75 years—diamond anniversary
commemorate: v. to hold a ceremony or observation
to remember someone or a group or event or action
biannual(ly): adv. occurring twice a year, also called
“semi-annual.” Something that occurs every two years
is biennial.
centennial: n. occuring once in a hundred years
fireworks: n. a display of explosive devices as part of a
topped: adj. placed on top
birthday boy or girl: adj+n. a term commonly used to
refer to a child on the day of his or her birth
customary: adj. commonly practiced or used as a
matter of course; usual
tier: n. a layer
vow: n. a solemn promise or commitment to a
prescribed role, typically to marriage
progeny: n. a child or descendent
durable: adj. able to resist wear or decay well; lasting
OppOsite page: A couple celebrates their 50th wedding