Guide to
Guide to Project
You’ve been asked to lead a project. You appreciate the vote of confidence, but are you
panicking because you haven’t a clue where to begin? Do you worry that stakeholders will tug
you in a million directions, making it impossible to set clear goals, let alone deliver the goods
on time and on budget? How will you know when to stick to your original plan and when to
be flexible? And how will you keep all your team members excited about this project—when
they have so many other pressures on them?
This guide will give you the confidence and tools you need to manage projects effectively.
You’ll learn how to:
Choose the right team and keep it humming
Avoid “scope creep
Zero in on critical tasks and map out a logical sequence
Make heads or tails of Gantt and PERT charts
Get disruptive team members on board
Keep stakeholders in the loop
Gauge your project’s success
Stop throwing good money after bad
Capture—and use—lessons learned
Guide to Project
You’ve been asked to lead a project. You appreciate the vote of confidence, but are you
panicking because you haven’t a clue where to begin? Do you worry that stakeholders will tug
you in a million directions, making it impossible to set clear goals, let alone deliver the goods
on time and on budget? How will you know when to stick to your original plan and when to
be flexible? And how will you keep all your team members excited about this project—when
they have so many other pressures on them?
This guide will give you the confidence and tools you need to manage projects effectively.
You’ll learn how to:
Choose the right team and keep it humming
Avoid “scope creep
Zero in on critical tasks and map out a logical sequence
Make heads or tails of Gantt and PERT charts
Get disruptive team members on board
Keep stakeholders in the loop
Gauge your project’s success
Stop throwing good money after bad
Capture—and use—lessons learned
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 2
continued on next page
4 The Four Phases of Project Management
12 The Cast of Characters: Whos Who in Project Management
Phase 1: Planning
15 A Written Charter: Your Marching Orders
17 Dealing with a Project’s “Fuzzy Front End”
by Loren Gary
19 Performing a Project Premortem
by Gary Klein
21 Will Project Creep Cost You—or Create Value?
by Loren Gary
Phase 2: Build-Up
24 Setting Priorities Before Starting Your Project
by Ron Ashkenas
27 Boost Productivity with Time-Boxing
by Melissa Raffoni
28 Scheduling the Work: Put the Horse Before the Cart
32 A Rush to Failure?
by Tom Cross
38 Getting Your Project Off on the Right Foot
41 The Discipline of Teams
by Jon R. Katzenbach and Douglas K. Smith
Phase 3: Implementation
42 Effective Project Meetings
43 The Adaptive Approach to Project Management
45 Why Good Projects Fail Anyway
by Nadim F. Matta and Ronald N. Ashkenas
46 Monitoring and Controlling Your Project
by Ray Sheen
49 Managing People Problems on Your Team
page 3
51 The Tools of Cooperation and Change
by Clayton M. Christensen, Matt Marx, and Howard H. Stevenson
52 Don’t Throw Good Money (or Time) After Bad
by Jimmy Guterman
Phase 4: Closeout
54 Closing Out Your Project: Handing Off Authority and Control
by Ray Sheen
57 Closing Out Your Project: Capturing Lessons Learned
by Ray Sheen
59 Glossary
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 4
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Four Phases of
Project Management
Whether you’re in charge of developing a website, designing a car, moving a department to a new facil-
ity, updating an information system, or just about any other project (large or small), you’ll go through
the same four phases: planning, build-up, implementation, and closeout. Even though the phases have
distinct qualities, they overlap. For example, you’ll typically begin planning with a ballpark budget
gure and an estimated completion date. Once you’re in the build-up and implementation phases,
you’ll dene and begin to execute the details of the project plan. That will give you new information, so
you’ll revise your budget and end date—in other words, do more planning—according to your clearer
understanding of the big picture.
Here’s a chart that outlines the activities of each phase, plus the skills and tools you may need for
doing the work:
Project Phases
Planning Build-Up Implementation Closeout
Determine the real
problem to solve
Assemble your team
Monitor and control
process and budget
Evaluate project
Identify stakeholders
Plan assignments
Report progress
Close the project
Define project
Create the schedule
Hold weekly team
Debrief with the team
Determine scope,
resources, and major
Hold a kickoff meeting
Manage problems
Develop a post-
evaluation report
Prepare for tradeoffs
Develop a budget
page 5
The Four Phases of Project Management
will become even clearer once you figure out
who all your stakeholders are—that is, which
functions or people might be affected by the
project’s activities or outcomes, who will con-
tribute resources (people, space, time, tools, and
money), and who will use and benet from the
project’s output. They will work with you to spell
out exactly what success on the project means.
Have them sign o on what they expect at the
end of the project and what they are willing to
contribute to it. And if the stakeholders change
midstream, be prepared not only to respond to
the new players but also to include all the others
in any decision to redirect the project.
Whether you’re managing a project in a cor-
poration or working as an independent consul-
tant, it’s critical to have the support of the people
you’re working for. They may take a blue-sky
view and demand an enormous amount of work
within an unrealistic time period or expect you
to perform miracles with inadequate resources
or stang. As the project manager, you’ll need
to make sure the requirements and resources
line up fairly evenly, or you will set yourself up
for failure.
Define project objectives. One of your most
challenging planning tasks is to meld stakehold-
ers’ various expectations into a coherent and
manageable set of goals. The project’s success
will be measured by how well you meet those
goals. The more explicitly you state them at the
Task analysis
Process analysis
Team building
Leading and
Cost-benefit analysis
of options
Conflict management
Recruiting and hiring
Problem solving
Work Breakdown
Scheduling tools
(CPM, PERT, Gantt)
report: analysis and
lessons learned
Planning: How to Map Out a Project
When people think of project planning, their
minds tend to jump immediately to schedul-
ing—but you won’t even get to that part until the
build-up phase. Planning is really about defin-
ing fundamentals: what problem needs solving,
who will be involved, and what will be done.
Determine the real problem to solve. Before
you begin, take time to pinpoint what issue the
project is actually supposed to x. It’s not always
Say the CIO at your company has asked you,
an IT manager, to develop a new database and
data entry system. You may be eager to jump
right into the project to tackle problems you
have struggled with rsthand. But will that solve
the company’s problem? To increase the project’s
chances of success, you must look beyond the
symptoms you have observed—“We can’t get the
data out fast enough and “I have to sift through
four dierent reports just to compile an update on
my clients’ recent activity”—to nd the underly-
ing issues the organization is trying to address.
Before designing the database, you should ask
what type of data is required, what will be done
with it, how soon a x is needed, and so on. If
you don’t, you’ll run the risk of wasting time
and money by creating a solution that is too sim-
plistic, too complicated, or too late—or one that
doesn’t do what users need it to do.
Identify the stakeholders. The real problem
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 6
The Four Phases of Project Management
To create a WBS:
Ask, “What will have to be done in order to
accomplish X?”
Continue to ask this question until your an-
swer is broken down into tasks that cannot be
subdivided further.
Estimate how long it will take to complete
each task and how much each will cost in
terms of dollars and person-hours.
A WBS typically consists of three to six lev-
els of subdivided activities. The more complex
the project, the more levels it will have. As a
general rule, you shouldn’t have more than 20—
and only an enormous project would require
that many.
Here in the planning phase, don’t worry
about the sequence of activities. You will take
care of scheduling in the build-up phase. Rather,
use the WBS to create the framework that you’ll
ll in once you have a better sense of your sta,
budget, and time constraints. Padding estimates
is an acceptable way to reduce risk, but do it
outset, the less disagreement you will face later
about whether you have met expectations. In
the planning phase, however, much is still in
ux, so you’ll revise your objectives later on, as
you gather information about what you need to
When defining objectives, think SMART.
They should be:
Suppose your HR department has been
tasked with identifying potential new provid-
ers for your company’s health benefits plan
because the current ones aren’t delivering the
level of service they should given how much
money employees have to pay for them. The
project’s SMART objectives may be to:
1. Survey <action-oriented> at least six
<measurable> providers that meet the de-
partment’s minimum threshold criteria for
service quality.
2. Recommend <action-oriented>, at the June
<time-limited> board of directors’ meeting,
the three <specific> that offer the best and
broadest coverage at a cost that is at least
10% <realistic> less than the company’s cur-
rent per-employee contribution.
Keep the following factors in mind as you de-
ne your project’s objectives:
Quality. Identify quality standards, and deter-
mine how to measure and satisfy them.
Organization. Calibrate goals depending on
the people and other resources you have
Communication. Determine what informa-
tion each stakeholder needs and how to de-
liver it.
Determine scope, resources, and major
tasks. Many projects fail either because they bite
off more than they can chew and thus grossly
underestimate time and money or because a
signicant part of the work has been overlooked.
One tool that can help you avoid these problems
is the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), which
aids in the process of determining scope and
tasks and developing estimates. (See sample on
this page.) The underlying concept is to subdi-
vide complex activities into their most manage-
able units.
How to Plan a Project 25
Work Breakdown Structure
Develop a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to ensure that you do not overlook a significant part of a complex
activity or underestimate the time and money needed to complete the work. Use multiple pages as needed.
Describe the overall project:
Level 1 Level 2 Level 2
Major Task Sub Tasks Sub Tasks Sub Task Duration
Obtain equipment. Purchase 3 Web servers and 2 Cut P.O. and order servers. 5 days
Ship equipment to new data center. Ale rt data center that equipment is 2 days
slated for arrival.
Provision and Physically install hardware. Rack and cable new equipment in data 2 days
implement center and ensure physical and network
equipment. connectivity.
Load operating systems. Load base-level operating systems for 1 days
Web and database servers.
Load applications. Load application level software, includ- 2 days
ing Web server software, database ap-
plications, and any required dependencies.
Mirror content to new servers. Copy configur ations from production 3 days
sites, transfer les to new servers, and
load appropriately.
Test equipment. Test m achines. Ensure network connectivity , as well as We b 2 days
and database access, functionality , and
Go live w ith new Cutover to new production site. Switch Web and database access to new 1 day
equipment. sites.
Da ta and content Run a series of predetermined tests to 1 day
integrity check. ensure that data is accurate and that
any updates since mirroring have been
captured and applied as necessary.
Test again. Let sites burn in for 24 hours and Run series of test once more to ensure that 1 days
check integrity once again. updates and logging is functioning correctly.
Decommission old Remove equipment from data center. De-install equipment, erase software and 1 day
equipment. content.
Reabsorb equipment for future use. Ship equipment back to inventory. 1 day
The overall project will migrate 3 Web servers and 2 databases to a new physical data center. The project requires that 5 new
servers be provisioned in the new data center; these servers will mirror the production servers existing in the old data center. The
new servers will be built to the same specifications as the old ones, they will run the same application and have the same content.
Once implemented, the new equipment will be tested to confirm functionality. The sites will have a cutover and “go live” data.
Finally, the old equipment will be decommissioned and reabsorbed into inventory.
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page 7
Assemble your team. Your first task in this
phase is to assess the skills needed for the proj-
ect so you can get the right people on board.
This assessment flows directly from the Work
Breakdown Structure you did during the plan-
ning phase, in which you developed your best
estimate of the necessary tasks and activities.
You may need to bring in people—either tempo-
rary workers or employees from other parts of
the organization—who have certain skills. Don’t
forget to budget time and money for training to
cover any gaps you can’t ll with people who are
already up to speed.
Plan assignments. If you’ve built your own
team, you’ve probably already decided who
will do what. Or, if you’ve inherited a team but
worked with the members before, you can still
make the assignments yourself. But if a new, un-
familiar group is assigned to you, list the people
on the team, list the skills required, and talk to
each team member about her own skill set before
you match people to tasks. This approach starts
the process of team communication and cohe-
sion. For example, if the project calls for a skill no
one on the team possesses, members may know
someone else who has it—or they may express
interest in being trained themselves.
Clearly, you can’t do everything yourself,
even if you want to. After you’ve decided how
you will assign tasks to team members, give each
person the information and resources needed to
succeed—and then back off and let your team
members do their jobs. You may, as the project
proceeds, have to delegate more tasks than orig-
inally anticipated. Be exible enough to do so—
without forgetting that you, as project manager,
are the one whos accountable for results.
Create the schedule. It would be nice if you
could tally up the to-dos and say, “With the re-
sources we have, we will need this much time”—
and then get exactly what you’ve asked for. But
the reality is, most projects come with xed be-
ginning and end dates, regardless of available
To create a realistic schedule within those
constraints, work backward from any drop-dead
deadlines you know about—that is, dates that
cannot be changed—to see when your deliver-
ables must be ready. For instance, if an annual
report is due for a shareholder’s meeting and you
know it takes the printer two weeks, then all the
nal art and copy for the report must be ready to
go to the printer two weeks before the meeting.
Depending on the complexity of your project,
openly and communicate your reasons to the
As a result of your thoughtful planning, you’ll
be able to rough out an estimate of how many
people—with what skills—you’ll need for the
project. You’ll also have a good idea of how long
the project will take.
Prepare for trade-offs. Time, cost, and qual-
ity are the three related variables that typically
dictate what you can achieve.
Quality = Time + Cost
Change any of these variables, and you change
your outcome. Of course, such alterations of-
ten occur in the middle of a project. If your
time frame for developing a new database
management system is suddenly cut in half,
for instance, you will need to either employ
twice the number of people or be satisfied
with a system that isn’t as robust as originally
planned. Don’t let bells and whistles get in the
way of mission-critical activities. The key is
to establish a level of quality that meets your
stakeholders’ needs.
Knowing from the start which variable is
most important to each stakeholder will help
you make the right changes along the way. It’s
your responsibility to keep everyone informed
of any tweaks and tell them what the conse-
quences will be in terms of time, cost, and
How to Get the Project Going
In the build-up phase, you bring your team to-
gether. Time estimates become schedules. Cost
estimates become budgets. You gather your re-
sources. You get commitments, and you make
Tips for Delegating Effectively
Recognize the capabilities of your team members.
Trust your teams ability to get the job done.
Focus on results, and let go of your need to get involved in how tasks are
Consider delegation as a way to develop the skills of your team.
Always delegate to the lowest possible level to make the best use of staff
Explain assignments clearly and provide resources needed for successful
Deflect reverse delegation. Do not automatically solve problems or
make decisions for your staff members. Focus on generating alternatives
The Four Phases of Project Management
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 8
the members of your team possess all the re-
quired skills? Will training involve travel? Will
you need to teach users how to implement
your project when it’s completed?
Supplies. Will your team need anything in ad-
dition to the usual computers, software, and
so on?
Space. Do people have to be relocated? How
much room will be required in the new space,
and at what cost? Will there be ongoing main-
tenance expenses?
Research. Will you have to buy studies or
data to support this project? How much re-
search will your team have to perform itself?
At what cost?
Capital expenditures. What expensive equip-
ment or technical upgrades will be necessary
to do the job? Will any capital expenditures
pay for themselves? If so, how?
Overhead. What is your projected overhead
expense? Is it in line with your company’s
standard overhead percentage?
After you’ve entered the gures from these
standard categories into the budget, ask a
trusted adviser what you forgot. Did you over-
look insurance? Licensing fees? Costs for legal or
accounting support?
A budget, no matter how carefully planned, is
just your best guess. Expect actual numbers to
deviate from original estimates, and stay as ex-
ible as possible within your limitations of time,
quality demands, and total money available.
How to Execute the Project
It’s time to put the plan into action. The imple-
mentation phase is often the most gratifying, be-
cause work actually gets done, but it can also be
the most frustrating. The details can be tedious
and, at times, overwhelming.
Monitor and control process and budget.
Whether you have a formal project control sys-
tem in place or you do your own regular check-
ups, try to maintain a big-picture perspective so
that you don’t become engulfed by details and
petty problems. Project-monitoring software
systems can help you measure your progress. No
single approach works for all projects. A system
that’s right for a large project can easily swamp
a small one with paperwork, whereas a system
that works for small projects won’t have enough
muscle for a big one.
Respond quickly to changes in data or infor-
mation as they come in, and look for early signs
you may also rely on tools such as the Critical
Path Method and a Performance Evaluation and
Review Technique (PERT) chart to help with the
sequencing of tasks and a Gantt chart to map out
their chronological order and duration. You’ll
learn how to use these tools elsewhere in this
guide. For now, though, keep in mind the “work-
ing backward” rule of thumb and these basic
steps for scheduling:
1. Use the Work Breakdown Structure or a simi-
lar outline to develop a list of activities or
tasks, and plot out their sequence by deter-
mining which ones are critical to achieving
the desired nal outcome.
2. Assign each task a deliverable—for instance,
compose rough draft of survey questions.
3. Use deliverables to create a schedule with re-
alistic due dates.
4. Identify bottlenecks that could upset the
5. Determine ways to remove bottlenecks, or
build in extra time to get around them.
6. Establish control and communication sys-
tems for updating and revising the schedule.
7. Keep all stakeholders involved in and in-
formed of the project’s progress and any
schedule modications.
Hold a kickoff meeting. As soon as you’ve
chosen your players and set the schedule, bring
everyone together for a kicko meeting. Go over
the project’s plan and objectives with the group
in as much detail as possible, and review the
proposed time frame. Be sure to clarify roles and
Encourage people to point out spots where
problems may occur and where improvements
could be made. Take all suggestions seriously—
especially in areas where the team members
have more experience than you do—and adjust
your estimates and activities accordingly.
Develop a budget. The rst question to ask
when developing a budget is, “What will it take
to actually do the work?” To determine your
costs, break down the project into the following
Personnel. Have you included all costs, both
ongoing and extra, for employees and con-
tract workers? (This is typically the largest
part of a budget.)
Travel. Is everyone onsite, or will employees
be brought in from other locations?
Training. Does everyone know how to use all
the necessary equipment and software? Do
The Four Phases of Project Management
page 9
waste time. You and your team can stay focused
by meeting once a week and periodically ask-
ing yourselves what’s essential to the project’s
Set clear agendas for your meetings. Try
structuring them around production numbers,
revenue goals, or whatever other metrics you’ve
chosen to gauge performance. Many of your
agenda items will naturally stem from targets
the project has missed, met, or exceeded: For
instance, you may need to discuss as a group
whether to incorporate more travel into the
project because you’ve noticed a decline in pro-
ductivity at a satellite oce. Or you might ask
the product designers on your team to continue
gathering among themselves on a biweekly basis
because they’ve doubled their creative output
since they’ve begun doing so. Keep the momen-
tum going by following up each week on any
to-dos and connecting them with the metrics
for overall performance. Also, celebrate small
successes along the way—that will rekindle the
team’s enthusiasm as you make progress toward
your larger objectives.
Manage problems. Some problems have
such far-reaching consequences that they can
threaten the success of the entire project. Here
are four of the biggest you’ll face:
1. Time slippage. The most common problem
in project management is falling behind
schedule. Delays may be unavoidable, but
you can usually at least improve the situation.
The first step is to recognize that you’re be-
hind. If you’ve been monitoring the project’s
progress carefully, you’ll quickly notice when
schedules are being readjusted to accommo-
date delays or unexpected bottlenecks.
2. Scope creep. Time slippage can result from
internal pressure to alter the scope of the
project. When stakeholders ask for changes,
it’s your job to communicate clearly to them
how those changes will aect cost, time, or
On some projects, scope creep is an on-
going battle for the project manager. After
specific milestones and budgets have been
agreed upon, people may begin to see more
that could be achieved. Don’t get caught up in
trying to solve problems that lie beyond the
established scope of your project—even ones
that your company urgently needs to address.
3. Quality issues. Quality assurance plays a
major role in any project’s success. Unfortu-
nately, it sometimes gives way to deadline
of problems so you can initiate corrective action.
Otherwise, all you are doing is monitoring, not
exercising control. Make it clear to your team
that your responses to problems that arise won’t
do any good if you don’t receive timely informa-
tion. (In most cases, the weekly updates are ne.)
But don’t jump in to x things too quickly—allow
your team members to work out small problems
on their own.
Watch the real numbers as they roll in to
ensure that they are matching the budgeted
amounts. Be ready to explain why extra costs
are unavoidable. Common ones that sneak up
on projects include increased overtime to keep
things on schedule, consultant fees to resolve
unforeseen problems, and fluctuations in cur-
rency exchange rates.
Report progress. Stakeholders will generally
want regular updates and status reports. Consult
with them to see how much information they’d
like and in what format. Don’t hide or down-
play problems as they come up, or you can eas-
ily transform them into crises. If you keep your
stakeholders informed, they may turn out to be
good resources when issues do arise.
Hold weekly team meetings. When you’re
immersed in project details, it’s easy to be di-
verted from critical activities to side paths that
Tips on Controlling Project Slowdowns
Try these approaches before accepting the inevitability of a delay in project
Renegotiate with stakeholders. Discuss the possibility of increasing the
budget or extending the deadline.
Use later steps to recover. Reexamine budgets and schedules to see if
you can make up the time elsewhere.
Narrow the project’s scope. Can nonessential elements of the project be
dropped to reduce costs and save time?
Deploy more resources. Can you put more people or machines to work?
Weigh the costs against the importance of the deadline.
Accept substitution. Can you go with a less expensive or more readily
available item?
Seek alternative sources. Can you get the missing item elsewhere?
Accept partial delivery. Can you keep work going if you take the items
that are ready now and receive the rest of the delivery later?
Offer incentives. Can you provide bonuses or other enticements to facili-
tate on-time delivery?
Demand compliance. Will insisting that people do what they said they
would get the desired result? This may require support from upper man-
agement. Use this tactic selectively; be careful not to damage important
relationships in pursuit of your goal.
The Four Phases of Project Management
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 10
it’s still important to recognize the teams eorts
and accomplishments.
Debrief with the team. No matter what the
outcome, make sure you have scheduled a
post-evaluation—time to debrief and document
the process so that the full benefits of lessons
learned can be shared. The post-evaluation is
an opportunity for discovery, not for criticism
and blame. Team members who fear they’ll be
punished for past problems may try to hide them
rather than help find better ways of handling
them in the future.
Develop a post-evaluation report. The post-
evaluation report documents all information
that will be useful not only for the current team
and stakeholders but also for future project man-
agers who may use it to plan their own projects.
(See the sample report below.) It should include:
Insights from the team. Which lessons identi-
ed during the debrief should be applied go-
ing forward?
pressure. Don’t rush essential quality checks
for the sake of the schedule. And when you
examine deliverables, use the most appro-
priate tools—such as detailed inspections,
checklists, or statistical sampling—to accept
or reject them. Return or rework rejected de-
liverables, depending on costs.
4. People problems. These are often the most
dicult challenges a project manager must
confront. They can generally be avoided or
handled early on if you communicate fre-
quently with each team member. Weekly
sta meetings may not be enough; daily in-
teraction—with individual team members or
with the team as a whole—may be necessary.
Pay attention to small signs of emerging prob-
lems, such as a team member’s increased tension
and irritability, loss of enthusiasm, or inability to
make decisions. When you see signs like these,
get to the heart of the problem quickly and deal
with it. Don’t let it grow from a small irritant into
a disaster.
How to Handle End Matters
Though some projects feel endless, they all,
eventually, come to a close. How do you, as proj-
ect manager, know when to make that happen?
And how do you go about it?
Evaluate project performance. Before clos-
ing out your project, your team needs to meet its
goals (or determine, along with key stakeholders,
that those goals no longer apply). Compare your
progress with the scope everyone agreed on at
the beginning. That will tell you how well the
project has performed—and if there’s still work
to do. When you discuss your ndings with your
stakeholders, make sure you reach consensus
with them on how “nished” the project is. Keep
your scope front and center so everyone uses the
same yardstick to measure success.
Close the project. The steps you take to wrap
things up will depend on whether your team as-
sumes ownership of its own deliverables, hands
them o to others in the organization, or must
terminate the project altogether. Later in this
guide, you’ll learn about these three types of
closeouts and some techniques you can use
to make them go smoothly. If all has gone as
planned with your project, then it’s time for
celebration. Even if, as is more likely, there are
some rough spots along the way—the project
takes longer than expected, the result is less than
hoped for, or the costs overtake your estimates—
How to Handle End Matters 77
Project Closeout: Analysis and Lessons Learned
Project name: Project Phoenix Date: 5/29/200X
Present at this session: Rafael, Phil, and Carmen
Project Phase/Task What Worked What Didn’t Work Ways to Improve
Equipment acquisition Obtained the Web servers Logistical problems w ith availabil- Need to order equipment
on time and on budget. ity of database servers—caused earlier.
a delay. Expedited order that in-
troduced additional expense.
Provision and implement Two days were recovered
equipment through the efforts of
Rafael and Carmen during
provisioning phase.
Test Equipment Testing phase was success-
ful; during testing, a bug in
the database content was
discovered and corrected
prior to cutover.
Go live with new equipment Smooth cutover w ith Some users were unaware that Publicize work window to
minimal downtime. there would be a brief outage. user base more aggressively.
Test again Tested fine.
Decommission old Decommissioned sites and Some confusion ov er serial Check serial numbers at an
equipment erased content success- numbers and inventory, earlier phase to minimize
fully; reabsorbed stock but straightened out in problems at the end of
into inventory. the end. project.
Target analysis: How well did the project/team do ...
In achieving goals and meeting project objectives?
Success; all goals were achieved.
At meeting deadlines and the final completion date?
Success; met our target date.
At monitoring and staying within budget?
Success; we were well within projected budget parameters.
At communicating with stakeholders?
Partial success; we could have done better at communicating requirements earlier to individuals involved in the phases of the
Resources assessment: Were the resources allocated appropriate, sufficient and efficiently used? (i.e., time , people, money)
Generally, the resource allocations we re appropriate. The project went slightly over budget, but was not inappropriate . The people
involved had the exper tise necessary to carry out the highly technical phases of the project. The time resources were appropriate
as the project was completed on time with no room to spare.
Lessons learned: What are the key lessons learned that can be applied to future projects?
At each phase of the project, it is crucial to anticipate the next steps and to alert groups or individuals of resource
requirements as early as possible in the process. By so doing, we probably could have acquired the equipment in a more timely
manner and would not have had to scrabble so much in the latter phases to meet our target dates.
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The Four Phases of Project Management
page 11
Risk assessment. Could or did any risks
cause nancial loss, project failure, or other
Limitations of the audit. Do you have any
reason to question the validity of the post-
evaluation? Is any information missing or
suspect? Did anyone in the group seem to re-
sist providing details?
Even after you’ve completed your project,
you can draw on the knowledge you’ve gained,
the skills you’ve learned, and the relationships
you’ve formed. You’ve accumulated valuable as-
sets. The trick is to keep using them as you begin
new projects.
Adapted from Pocket Mentor: Managing Projects (product
#1878), Harvard Business Review Press, 2006
Future status. What will happen to the
project now that it has been completed?
Was it part of a larger project, or was it a self-
contained entity that completed its goals?
Status of ongoing critical tasks. What is the
current state of ongoing tasks that contain a
high level of technical risk or are being per-
formed by outside vendors or subcontractors?
A Note About Project Management Offices
Large companies often have what’s called a project management office
(PMO), which does some combination of the following:
Establishes processes and templates to guide project managers in planning
and execution.
Provides coaching and assistance to business leaders, project managers,
and team members trying to apply the processes and templates.
Directly manages projects to achieve desired objectives. (PMOs in heavily
matrixed organizations don’t usually take on this responsibility.)
A PMO that’s well run helps each project team develop an appropriate plan,
conduct a reasonable risk estimate, and track progress—and it allows teams
room to deviate from standard procedure when it makes sense to do so.
The Four Phases of Project Management
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 12
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Cast of Characters:
Whos Who in Project
To meet your project objectives, you need the right people on board—and they must have a clear un-
derstanding of their roles. Here’s a breakdown of who does what.
The sponsor champions the project at the highest level in the company and gets rid of organizational
obstructions. She should have the clout to communicate eectively with the CEO and key stakeholders,
provide necessary resources, and approve or reject outcomes. It’s also important that she have “skin in
the game”—in other words, accountability for the project’s performance.
Project Manager
The project manager identies the central problem to solve and determines, with input from the spon-
sor and stakeholders, how to tackle it: what the project’s objectives and scope will be and which activi-
ties will deliver the desired results. He then plans and schedules tasks, oversees day-to-day execution,
and monitors progress until he evaluates performance, brings the project to a close, and captures the
lessons learned. The project manager receives authority from the sponsor. In many respects, he’s like
a traditional manager because he must:
Provide a framework for the project’s activities
Identify needed resources
Negotiate with higher authorities
Recruit eective participants
Set milestones
Coordinate activities
Keep the vision clear and the work on track
Make sure everyone on the team contributes and benets
Mediate conicts
Make sure project goals are delivered on time and on budget
Team Leader
Large projects may include a team leader, who reports directly to the project manager. In small proj-
ects, the project manager wears both hats. The team leader cannot act like the boss and still obtain the
page 13
The Cast of Characters: Whos Who in Project Management
scape, all of which help the team get things
done and avoid conicts with operating units
and their personnel
When forming project teams, people tend
to focus too narrowly on technical skills and
overlook interpersonal and organizational skills,
which are just as important. For instance, a bril-
liant programmer may thwart team progress if
she is unwilling to collaborate. By contrast, an
organizationally savvy person with average
technical skills may be the team’s most valu-
able member, thanks to his ability to gather re-
sources and enlist help from operating units.
Individuals who are strong on all four skill
measures are few and far between. Make the
most of the talent available, and take steps to
neutralize weaknesses in your group. Look for
people not just with valued skills but with the
potential to learn new ones. Once you identify
a candidate for membership, discuss her po-
tential contribution with the sponsor. Consult
her supervisor as well, since team membership
absorbs time that would otherwise go toward
regular assignments.
You may have to add new members and pos-
sibly bid thanks and good-bye to others over
time, as tasks and needs change. One note of
caution: Team members gradually develop ef-
fective patterns for working together, making
decisions, and communicating. Cohesion is un-
dermined when too many people join or exit the
Contributions and benefits. Free riders—
team members who obtain the benets of mem-
bership without doing their share—cannot be
tolerated. However, not every member has to
put in the same amount of time. For example,
a senior manager who must direct much of his
attention to other duties may still add value to
the project by securing resources or by building
support within the organization.
Just as each member must contribute to the
team’s work, each should receive clear benets:
a learning experience that will pay career divi-
dends, for instance, or a fatter paycheck or bo-
nus. Otherwise, individuals will not participate
at a high level—at least not for long. The benets
they derive from their regular jobs will absorb
their attention and make your project a second-
ary priority.
Alignment. The goals of the project team and
those of its individual members must align with
organizational objectives. For that reason, ev-
eryone’s eorts should be coordinated through
benets of team-based work. Instead, he must
adopt the following important roles:
Initiator. Rather than tell people what to do,
the leader draws attention to actions that
must be taken for team goals to be met.
Model. He uses his own behavior to shape
others’ performance—by starting meetings
on time, for example, and following through
on between-meeting assignments. Leaders
often rely heavily on this tactic, since they
typically cannot use promotions, compensa-
tion, or threats of dismissal to inuence team
Negotiator. He gets what he needs from re-
source providers by framing the project as
mutually benecial.
Listener. He gathers from the environment
signals of impending trouble, employee dis-
content, and opportunities for gain.
Coach. He finds ways to help team mem-
bers maximize their potential and achieve
agreed-upon goals. Coaching opportunities
are abundant within teams because the skills
members eventually need are often ones they
don’t already have.
Working member. In addition to providing
direction, the leader must do a share of the
work, particularly in areas where he has spe-
cial competence. Ideally, he should also take
on one or two of the unpleasant or unexciting
jobs that no one else wants to do.
Team Members
The heart of any project, and the true engine of
its work, is its membership. That’s why bringing
together the right people is extremely important.
Criteria for membership. Although the skills
needed to accomplish the work should govern
team selection, keep in mind that you’re un-
likely to get all the know-how you need without
providing some training. Consider the following
areas of prociency:
Technical skills in a specic discipline, such
as market research, finance, or software
Problem-solving skills enabling individuals
to analyze dicult situations or impasses and
to craft solutions
Interpersonal skills, particularly the ability to
collaborate eectively with others—a critical
aspect of team-based work
Organizational skills, including networking,
communicating well with other parts of the
company, and navigating the political land-
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 14
The Cast of Characters: Whos Who in Project Management
the company’s rewards system. This kind of re-
inforcement begins at the top, with the sponsor.
Since she is accountable for the teams success,
some part of her compensation should be linked
to the team’s performance. Moving down the
line, the project manager and team members
should likewise see their compensation aected
by team outcomes. Such alignment gets every-
one moving in the same direction.
Adapted from Harvard Business Essentials: Managing Proj-
ects Large and Small (product #6198BC), Harvard Business
Review Press, 2004
The Project Steering Committee
Some projects have a steering committee, which consists of the sponsor and
all key stakeholders. The committee’s role is to approve the charter, secure
resources, and adjudicate all requests to change key project elements, such as
deliverables, the schedule, and the budget.
A steering committee is a good idea when different partnering companies,
units, or individuals have a strong stake in the project. Because it represents
these various interests, it is well positioned to sort out complicated interfirm
or interdepartmental project problems. Likewise, it can be helpful if you
anticipate many change requests. The downside to having a steering
committee? It involves another level of oversight, and its meetings take up the
time of some of the company’s most expensive employees. So don’t have a
committee if you don’t need one.
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 15
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
A Written Charter: Your
Marching Orders
Every project should have a charter that spells out the nature and scope of the work and manage-
ment’s expectations for results. A charter is a concise written document containing some or all of the
Name of the project’s sponsor
Project’s benets to the organization
Brief description of the objectives
Expected time frame
Budget and resources available
Project manager’s authority
Sponsor’s signature
Creating a charter forces senior managers to clearly articulate what the project should do. Consider
this example:
Phil was the sponsor of his company’s eort to reengineer its order fulllment and customer service
operations. As an outspoken critic of these functions, he was the right person for the job. He had long been
dissatised with the time it took to ll orders and with the company’s mediocre customer service, and he
thought the costs of these operations were too high. So he put Lila in charge of a project to improve them.
What sorts of cost cutting was Phil anticipating? What exactly were his complaints about the current
system? What would success look like? Lila attempted to pin down Phil on those questions, but without
success. He was too busy to think it all through and too eager to delegate responsibility for the project’s
outcome. Other company executives were also anxious to see improvements but, like Phil, had no clear
ideas about the outcomes they wanted. So when Lila quizzed senior managers about the subject, they cited
no specic goals. Lacking guidance, Lila and her team members developed their own goals and criteria
for success.
The team pushed forward, and Lila reported progress to Phil over the course of the 10-month eort.
Resources were always a problem, particularly since Lila was never sure how much money she could spend
and how many people she could add to the team at key stages. Every request for resources had to be negoti-
ated on a case-by-case basis with Phil.
The team eventually completed its tasks, meeting all of its self-declared goals. It had cut order-
fulllment time by one-third and the overall costs of fulllment and customer service by 12%. And 90%
of customers could now get all their issues resolved with a single phone call. The team celebrated with a
splendid dinner, and members went back to their regular duties.
page 16
A Written Charter: Your Marching Orders
then a logical deadline can be established only
after the project manager and team break down
the objectives into sets of tasks and estimate the
duration of each task. Nevertheless, the charter
should contain a reasonable deadline—one that
can be amended as the project team learns more
about what it must do.
Of course, options are always more plentiful
than time and resources. One useful technique
for making the right choices is to have key
stakeholders and project participants join in a
brainstorming exercise to dene what should be
within scope and what should not.
Think of the sponsor’s expectations (the ends
to be sought) as part one of the charter and the
project plan (the means) as part two. The project
manager typically creates the plan, but it’s im-
portant to get the sponsor’s approval on it so you
don’t run into the same problems Lila faced with
Phil. Ideally, it represents the best ideas from
many or all team members. It’s especially valu-
able for large, complex endeavors because it pro-
vides details about tasks, deliverables, risks, and
timetables. It serves as a road map for the team.
Adapted from Harvard Business Essentials: Managing Proj-
ects Large and Small (product #6211BC), Harvard Business
Review Press, 2004
Senior management, however, was not entirely
pleased with the outcome. “You did a pretty good
job,” Phil told Lila.“The improvements you’ve
made are significant, but we were looking for a
more sweeping reorganization and larger cost sav-
ings.” Lila was stunned and more than slightly an-
gry. “If he wanted these things,” she thought, “why
didn’t he say so?”
Situations like this are common but can be
avoided with a charter that claries the project’s
objectives, time frame, and scope.
As Lila’s case demonstrates, project managers
need more than a broad-brush description of
the objectives for which they will be responsible.
Ambiguous goals can lead to misunderstandings,
disappointment, and expensive rework.
Take, for instance, the following statement:
“Develop a website that’s capable of providing
fast, accurate product information and fulfill-
ment to our customers in a cost-eective way.
What exactly does that mean? What is “fast”?
How should accuracy be dened? Is one error in
1,000 transactions acceptable? One in 10,000?
To what degree must the site be cost-eective?
Each of those questions should be answered in
consultation with the project’s sponsor and key
A thoughtful charter species the ends, but
the means should be left to the project man-
ager and team members. Telling the team what
it should do and how to do it would undermine
the benefits of having recruited a competent
group. As J. Richard Hackman writes in Lead-
ing Teams: “When ends are specied but means
are not, team members are able to—indeed, are
implicitly encouraged to—draw on their full
complement of knowledge, skill, and experi-
ence in devising and executing a way of operat-
ing that is well tuned to the team’s purpose and
Time Frame
In addition to setting specic, measurable objec-
tives, you’ll need to establish a time frame for
achieving them. The project cannot be open-
ended. In some cases, the deadline must be
rm, and the scope becomes variable. Suppose
a software company promises to deliver a new
release every three months. The project team
must make adjustments to the scope of its new
releases—adding or dropping product features—
to meet each deadline.
By contrast, if the project’s scope is fixed,
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 17
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
Dealing with a Project’s
“Fuzzy Front End”
by Loren Gary
Project management used to be about driving out uncertainty. You nailed down all the deliverables at
the outset and ne-tuned your specs so implementation could be as routine as possible. Sure, there
were always a few surprises, but overall you had a pretty good idea of what to expect. In many of to-
day’s complex projects, however—whether they involve new-product development, IT installation, or
internal process improvement—uncertainty simply can’t be eliminated.
If you were retooling a shoe company’s manufacturing plant, says David Schmaltz, a Washington-
based project management consultant, “perhaps only 10% of the work would be devoted to building
the new production line, but 50% would have to do with the uncertainty surrounding which shoe
style will sell best in the next quarter….Thus, instead of trying to cut its time to market by building
production lines faster, the company focuses on building production lines that can more easily ac-
commodate changing shoe styles.
Studies of exceptional project managers in fast time-to-market industries show that the initial
phase of a complex project, often referred to as the fuzzy front end, has a disproportionately large
impact on end results. So it’s important to tread carefully. Resist the urge to dive right into implemen-
tation. “Dening the problem rst gives you greater degrees of freedom in solving it,” says Bob Gill,
president of the Product Development and Management Association, a New Jersey–based nonprot.
“Instead of assuming that your riveting equipment is operating too slowly, if you step back and say,
‘The real issue is that my cost of manufacturing the product is too high,’ you enable other possible al-
ternatives to solving the problem—for example, redesigning the process so that the product requires
fewer rivets.
Build Your Community Early
You’ll need input from key stakeholders before you can reach a robust understanding of the nature and
scope of what needs to be done. Ask people in various groups likely to be aected by your project to
help explore the opportunities, advises Peter Koen, a professor at the Stevens Institute of Technology,
also in New Jersey. “Asking up front the questions about the unmet needs and the value of what you’re
doing can help prevent unsatisfactory results down the road—for example, bringing out products to a
mature and declining market.
As you invite others into the work of dening the problem, you’ll soon realize that your project’s
community is much larger than you originally imagined. And it will shift over time, points out Chuck
page 18
Dealing with a Project’s “Fuzzy Front End”
disappoint,” says Schmaltz. You know that un-
settling hunch you’ve got, now that the fuzzy-
front-end conversations are winding down, that
the project will take much longer than expected
and will cost a lot more, too? “Only by disap-
pointing the project champion with this news in
the beginning can you delight him in the end,
Schmaltz says. “Otherwise you end up being a
slave to his unrealistic expectations, and instead
of guaranteeing success, you’re almost certain
to produce failure.
Loren Gary was the editor of Harvard
Management Update.
Adapted from Harvard Management Update (product
#U0306C), June 2003
Kolstad, CEO of Antara, a high-tech rm in Cali-
fornia. “Stakeholders who have only informa-
tional input into the early phases of the project
may wield decision-making power later on.” If
you make it clear in those early days that you
value their insights and will incorporate them,
your stakeholders will be much more inclined to
give you the buy-in you need. Here’s where your
recruitment skills come into play: As you share
your developing vision for the project with a
colleague whose assistance you’ll need, ask
her what’s in it for her. Help her nd her project
within yours.
Assuming a typical complex project, which
lasts less than a year, “the week or two you
spend at the outset just having conversations
with people is far from useless, despite its ap-
pearance,” says Schmaltz. When plans slip or
new requirements are added, he continues, the
relationships you’ve built during this initial
phase will “constitute a benevolent conspiracy
of people committed to figuring out how to
make the project work.
Work Backward
Research about cognitive bias has shown that
decision makers are unduly inuenced by how
they initially frame their thoughts about a topic.
Once you’ve defined the problem, don’t focus
yet on the current process or product you want
to improve. Instead, says Jim Goughenhour, vice
president of information technology at Sealy,
“imagine what the ideal end state would look like,
then work back to put in as much of it as you can
given the time, budget, and political realities.
The traditional approach to one of the proj-
ects Goughenhour oversees—creating a consis-
tent sales reporting system—would have been
to revisit the purpose of all the existing reports
used by sales and marketing people throughout
the company and explore ways of combining
them. “If wed done that,” he says, “we’d have
spent most of our money making minor im-
provements that didn’t come close to the ideal.
Be the Voice of Reason
By the end of the project’s initial phase, you’ll
produce a general plan that sets expectations
within the project community and the company
at large. That’s certainly no small task, but it can
be an even bigger challenge to manage the ex-
pectations of your sponsor—the project cham-
pion three or four levels above you who insists
that the work be completed in four weeks.
Remember your “sacred responsibility to
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 19
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
Performing a Project
by Gary Klein
Projects fail at a spectacular rate. One reason is that too many people are reluctant to speak up about
their reservations during the all-important planning phase. By making it safe for dissenters who are
knowledgeable about the undertaking and worried about its weaknesses to speak up, you can improve
a project’s chances of success.
Research conducted in 1989 by Deborah J.Mitchell, of the Wharton School; Jay Russo, of Cornell;
and Nancy Pennington, of the University of Colorado, found that prospective hindsight—imagining
that an event has already occurred—increases the ability to correctly identify reasons for future out-
comes by 30%. We have used prospective hindsight to devise a method called a premortem, which
helps project teams identify risks at the outset.
A premortem is the hypothetical opposite of a postmortem. A postmortem in a medical setting
allows health professionals and the family to learn what caused a patient’s death. Everyone benets
except, of course, the patient. A premortem in a business setting comes at the beginning of a project
rather than the end, so that the project can be improved rather than autopsied. Unlike a typical critiqu-
ing session, in which project team members are asked what might go wrong, the premortem operates
on the assumption that the “patient” has died, and so asks what did go wrong. The team members’ task
is to generate plausible reasons for the project’s failure.
A typical premortem begins after the team has been briefed on the plan. The leader starts the exer-
cise by informing everyone that the project has failed spectacularly. Over the next few minutes those
in the room independently write down every reason they can think of for the failure—especially the
kinds of things they ordinarily wouldn’t mention as potential problems, for fear of being impolitic.
For example, in a session held at one Fortune 50–size company, an executive suggested that a billion-
dollar environmental sustainability project had “failed” because interest waned when the CEO retired.
Another pinned the failure on a dilution of the business case after a government agency revised its
Next the leader asks each team member, starting with the project manager, to read one reason from
his or her list; everyone states a dierent reason until all have been recorded. After the session is over,
the project manager reviews the list, looking for ways to strengthen the plan.
In a session regarding a project to make state-of-the-art computer algorithms available to military
air-campaign planners, a team member who had been silent during the previous lengthy kicko meet-
ing volunteered that one of the algorithms wouldn’t easily t on certain laptop computers being used
page 20
Performing a Project Premortem
in the eld. Accordingly, the software would
take hours to run when users needed quick re-
sults. Unless the team could nd a workaround,
he argued, the project was impractical. It turned
out that the algorithm developers had already
created a powerful shortcut, which they had
been reluctant to mention. Their shortcut was
substituted, and the project went on to be highly
In a session assessing a research project in a
different organization, a senior executive sug-
gested that the project’s “failure” occurred be-
cause there had been insucient time to prepare
a business case prior to an upcoming corporate
review of product initiatives. During the entire
90-minute kickoff meeting, no one had even
mentioned any time constraints. The project
manager quickly revised the plan to take the
corporate decision cycle into account.
Although many project teams engage in pre-
launch risk analysis, the premortem’s prospec-
tive hindsight approach oers benets that other
methods don’t. Indeed, the premortem doesn’t
just help teams to identify potential problems
early on. It also reduces the kind of damn-the-
torpedoes attitude often assumed by people
who are overinvested in a project. Moreover,
in describing weaknesses that no one else has
mentioned, team members feel valued for their
intelligence and experience, and others learn
from them. The exercise also sensitizes the team
to pick up early signs of trouble once the project
gets under way. In the end, a premortem may be
the best way to circumvent any need for a pain-
ful postmortem.
Gary Klein is the chief scientist of Klein
Associates, a division of Applied Research
Associates, in Fairborn, Ohio.
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Will Project Creep Cost
You—or Create Value?
Setting strict limits on scope can help a project succeed,
but you need a system flexible enough to recognize value.
by Loren Gary
Allow the wrong changes to your project, and you can veer o course, run over budget, and miss key
deadlines. Reject the right change, and you may fail to capitalize on a major opportunity. Hence the
dilemma: How do you stay open to improvements without succumbing to “creep,” in which small
tweaks add up to budget- or schedule-busting modications? By making sure the project’s boundaries
are sharply delineated and the impact of potential alterations or slippage can be quickly calculated.
The Planning Phase
A surprising number of projects get under way without a thorough attempt to dene parameters. Haste
is the chief culprit here, says Dave Moatt, who brings 40 years of industry project-management ex-
perience to his role as senior operations adviser at Harvard Business School (HBS). As you plan your
project, clarify it in the following important ways:
Differentiate scope from purpose. A project’s purpose is the general benet it will provide to the
organization,” explains Alex Walton, a Florida-based project consultant. “Its scope comprises the par-
ticular elements (or product attributes) that the project team can control and has agreed to deliver.
For example, a project’s purpose may be to create a new electronic game that will increase a toy
company’s holiday sales by 40%. But the team developing the product needs to know what features
it must have and what the budget for producing it will be. The scope statement provides this kind of
information; it spells out, in a few sentences, how the team intends to achieve success and, thus, the
criteria on which it will be evaluated. Get input on scope from your key stakeholders to align their ex-
pectations with the project’s actual trajectory.
Plan in the aggregate. Dening scope isn’t enough to ensure clear boundaries, however. “Organiza-
tions also need to do aggregate project planning,” says HBS professor Steven Wheelwright, “in which
they develop a strategy that lays out a pattern and rhythm for when subsequent projects will occur.
This is especially important for product development. Lacking a schedule for future projects, a product
engineer with a new idea may grow concerned that it will never be implemented and thus try to slip it
into the product that’s now in development—regardless of the impact on the cost and schedule.
page 22
Will Project Creep Cost You—or Create Value?
really wants—might choose to create the other
three rst because it is condent that the market
wants them. The launch date for the fourth fea-
ture would be set to occur later, after the team
has gathered enough additional customer input
to conrm that it is critical.
But don’t wait until all subprojects are com-
plete before checking on whether the whole
project (or product) is going to be a success, says
Wheelwright. He recommends an approach
known as periodic system prototyping: “At
regular intervals during the execution phase,
link up all the subprojects for a system test. This
helps ensure that the subprojects you’ve created
are coming together as planned.
Should This Add-On Be Approved?
During construction of McArthur Hall, HBS’s res-
idence for students in executive education pro-
grams (some of which last as long as eight weeks),
a scope-change decision was made to create 10
rooms so guests of attendees could visit for a few
days at a time.
Reducing the number of rooms for students
by 10 would have cut into the programs long-
term revenue potential by reducing the available
space for registrants. Better to build 10 additional
rooms to accommodate guests, the project’s ex-
ecutive sponsor argued, and to pay for the addi-
tional cost over several years out of the larger in-
come stream that would result from keeping the
number of exec-ed suites as originally planned.
Careful ROI analysis, in other words, helped the
project’s overseers nd the optimal way of deal-
ing with the proposed add-on.
By following the recommendations outlined
here for your project’s planning and execution
phases, you can eliminate scope changes that
don’t merit such analysis. If you define clear
boundaries up front, the change requests that
come through are much more likely to be worth
serious consideration.
When considering a scope change, make sure
your stakeholders fully understand the purpose
of the change. For example, have market condi-
tions made it important to accelerate the sched-
ule so that the product can ship earlier than
originally planned? Do new industry standards,
adopted since the planning phase, need to be ac-
commodated? Or is a new technological solution
required, because the one initially chosen hasn’t
panned out?
Next, explain how the proposed change af-
fects everything: the scope statement and proj-
ect plan, the available resources, the total cost,
Analysis of prior projects serves as a valuable
adjunct to aggregate planning. Study the past
several internal IT projects your company has
undertaken. What patterns emerge? Your nd-
ings can help you identify and better prepare
for potential trouble spots in IT projects on the
docket for the coming years.
Set the rules. Another way to minimize
creep is to require conscious discussion and ap-
proval before signicant changes can occur. For
Set up a change control board. In highly
structured project environments, such a
group is responsible for “gathering informa-
tion about the impact that a proposed change
will have on the schedule, budget, or scope;
voting on the proposed change; and then
sending a request-for-change document on
for the project sponsors’ signature,” says Bob
Tarne, a senior consultant who specializes in
IT and telecommunications projects for PM
Solutions in Pennsylvania.
For an IT project aecting the sales, mar-
keting, and logistics departments, your
change control board would contain senior
managers from those units. Smaller proj-
ects—costing less than $1 million and lasting
less than 12 months—can eectively function
without a formal board, says Tarne. The proj-
ect manager can simply solicit the advice of
key stakeholders as needed.
Establish thresholds for additional work. Mi-
chele Reed, an independent project manage-
ment consultant in Washington, says, “Any
change entailing more than 5% of the original
cost or hours budgeted for that particular line
item in the project should trigger a formal re-
quest for a scope change.
Limit the number of new features. Set guide-
lines for how many new major and minor fea-
tures can be included in a project of a certain
size. This helps the project team control the
inherent fuzziness of front-end planning by
forcing it to choose only the ones that are
most important to customers right now.
The Execution Phase
When it’s time to implement the project, break
it into small components with short time frames
and focus rst on the tasks with the least uncer-
tainty and variability.
For example, a software development team
working on a product with four new features—
the fourth of which it is not yet sure the market
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 23
Will Project Creep Cost You—or Create Value?
and the schedule. Finally, encourage stakehold-
ers to consider what will happen if the change
is not made. In these deliberations, says HBSs
Moffatt, the opinions of people who repre-
sent the end users should be given the greatest
As the project manager, if you’re lobbying for
a change, you’ve got to have a plan for funding
it. If the future revenue generated by the add-
on won’t cover the cost, nd other places in the
project where you can save money, and focus on
things you can directly control within the next
30 to 90 days in the schedule, advises Reed.
Loren Gary was a contributing editor of Harvard
Management Update.
Adapted from Harvard Management Update (product
#U0501C), January 2005
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 24
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
Setting Priorities Before
Starting Your Project
by Ron Ashkenas
In a rush to demonstrate initiative and take action, new project managers often launch activities with-
out rst getting a sense of which ones are the most critical and what the sequence should be. As a result,
they unwittingly slow things down.
Take this example: Plant managers at a global manufacturing company kept getting peppered with
unnecessary, often redundant, data requests from corporate headquarters. To reduce this burden, the
head of manufacturing asked a senior engineer to lead a project team to streamline data sharing. Upon
receiving the assignment, the engineer enthusiastically (1) red o an e-mail requesting that all heads
of corporate functions nominate team members and send lists of the data they wanted from the plants;
and (2) sent a note to a dozen plant managers asking for their views about which reports to eliminate.
Within hours, the new project manager was overwhelmed and confused: Some of the corporate execu-
tives balked at her requests because this was the rst they’d even heard of the project; others said they
needed more details about the problem before they could respond; and still others sent long lists of
required reports. The plant managers, too, came back with an odd mix of questions and requests. So
instead of getting o to a fast start, the project manager stirred up resistance, created extra work for
herself and others, and ended up with a pile of information that wasn’t very useful.
It’s not as dicult as you might think to avoid a situation like this. Here are three simple steps you
can take to get your priorities right before you set your project in motion:
1. Clarify the assignment. Do not start any activities until your stakeholders have blessed your char-
ter. You can easily spin your wheels on all sorts of misguided tasks if you’re not clear on the overall
objectives of the project and how success will be measured (what); the business context for it (why);
the resources available (who); the timing (when); and any key constraints or interdependencies (how).
Though it would be nice if your boss or project sponsor had sorted out these issues before giving you
the assignment, the reality is that most projects are not commissioned with this level of specicity
and clarity—so it will be up to you to get it. In the example above, if the project manager had done this
before sending e-mails, she would have discovered that the head of manufacturing had talked only in
general terms to the other corporate functional leaders about the data-overload problem—and had not
told them he was starting a specic project with a dened goal and timetable.
2. Organize your troops. Once you’ve gured out what needs to be accomplished and recruited
team members, get people engaged quickly so they feel ownership of the project. Ask for their
reactions to the charter and their experiences regarding the issues, and treat them as partners
page 25
Setting Priorities Before Starting Your Project
have approached them differently.
3. Pull your project plan together. You’re
now ready to develop a project plan, or at least a
good working draft, given what you know about
your objectives and your stakeholders. Conduct
a brainstorming session with your team to iden-
tify all the activities that might be required to
complete the project—including data collection,
completion of “quick wins,” stakeholder meet-
ings, and presentations. Encourage your team to
be creative and not to worry at this point about
timing. Write each item on a sticky note, and
post the notes on the wall.
Once all the activities are up there, orga-
nize them into categories and put the group-
ings in sequence. Some of the categories will
“run” in parallel and represent separate (but
probably related) work streams. The notes on
the wall, taken together, represent your proj-
ect plan.
Now take a hard look at that total picture.
Give each team member 100 “units” to allocate
to the various activities (without discussion); ask
them to pay close attention to which ones must
be done successfully to achieve the project’s ob-
jectives. Then compare the allocations and see
which activities are considered critical as op-
posed to “nice to do.” This should lead you to the
tough discussion of which ones to drop or delay
so the highest priorities will get the focus and the
resources they require. After you’ve completed
this exercise, go back to the overall project plan
and make the necessary adjustments: Remove
the low-value steps, and load the high-value
ones for success.
Clearly, it’s counterproductive to get things
moving without prioritizing tasks. But con-
trolling the all-too-natural impulse to jump
the gun only at the beginning of your project
is not sufficient. New opportunities, issues,
ideas, and threats will continue to material-
ize, as will new steps and work streams—of-
ten without anyone understanding how these
items even made their way onto the table.
You’ll need to keep setting and resetting pri-
orities to make sure you and your people are
always on target. To do this, bring your team
together at least once a month to step back
and reassess the project plan. At each of these
meetings, ask your team two questions: First,
“Has anything changed that should make us
rethink our priorities?” And second, “If we
were just given this assignment now, would
rather than temporary subordinates. Work
with them to develop a “modus operandi” for
your team—how often you will meet, how you
will communicate with one another, when
you will review progress with the sponsor, and
so on. If you don’t get organized from the be-
ginning, you’ll waste time later chasing down
people, coordinating calendars, and repeating
key messages.
The same goes for identifying and reach-
ing out to stakeholders. Have your team help
you create a “map” of the people who will be
affected in some way by the project. Sketch
out how they relate to one another and to the
project—and then do a political analysis of
the key players. Which individuals or groups
will be supportive and enthusiastic about
your project? Which ones might be anxious
or even resistant? Who will need to be won
over or given special attention? Such analysis
would have revealed to the project manager
in our manufacturing example that some (or
all) of the corporate functional leaders—who
would have to change their way of collecting
data to comply with her requests—would not
be supportive of her project and may in fact
be hostile. And with that insight, she might
Sample Charter for Data-Streamlining
What: Reduce corporate’s requests for data from plants by 50%—and free up
at least four hours per week for the plant managers and staff.
Why: The plants need to focus on increasing equipment utilization while
managing a greater mix of products. This means spending more time planning
and leading and less time reporting. Currently, every corporate function is
asking for information from the plants—often the same information in different
forms at different times.
Who: The project manager will recruit team members from plant operations,
corporate finance, quality assurance, and human resources. Others may be
called upon as necessary. All members will be part-time but may have to
dedicate 25% of their time to this effort.
When: The project should commence immediately. Develop an inventory
of current reporting requirements within 30 days and recommendations for
consolidation and streamlining within 60 days. Start eliminating redundant
reports within 90 days. Complete implementation within 120 days.
How: The corporate functions must reach consensus about which common
data requests can be met with existing systems and standardized reports. Data
requests that are unique for particular plants should be exceptions, not the
rule, and should involve minimal customization.
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 26
Setting Priorities Before Starting Your Project
we approach it dierently?” This will help you
keep your priorities clear—and your project on
Ron Ashkenas is a senior partner at Schaffer
Consulting in Stamford, Connecticut, and the
author of Simply Effective: How to Cut Through
Complexity in Your Organization and Get Things
Done (Harvard Business Review Press, 2009). He
is a regular blogger for
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 27
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
Boost Productivity
with Time-Boxing
by Melissa Raffoni
Everybody needs more time—but since no one gets more than 24 hours a day, the only choice is to use
those hours more eectively. One proven technique, time-boxing, involves just three steps.
First, list everything you and your team members want to accomplish in a given week, month, or
quarter. Include project goals and the tasks necessary to achieve them. It may help to group activities
by job function, such as strategy, business development, daily operations, and people management.
With that kind of framework, you can see whether the team is spending its time in the right places.
Second, estimate how much time each item will require. Think carefully about the steps for com-
pleting the tasks. This is the part that “keeps me honest,” says Beran Peter, CEO of Instruction Set, an
educational consulting company in Massachusetts. “If I realize I’m not going to hit my estimate, I’m
able to assess why and evaluate how I might make a change to get back on track.
Third, block o the appropriate amount of time for each item. If you think writing a business plan
will take 32 hours, try setting aside four hours for every Tuesday and Thursday over the next four
weeks. The challenge, of course, is prioritizing and tting the time in where it makes sense. Don’t forget
to allow some leeway. Change is inevitable, and you may need to add tasks midstream.
Once you get started on time-boxing, you’ll nd it has several benets:
It forces you to think through project goals and gure out how much time you really need to make
them happen.
It provides a framework for setting expectations and boundaries. If a team member’s calendar is
full, she’ll have to say no to extra requests—or you’ll have to work with her to consciously reassess
It improves your ability to estimate time demands.
It enables you to assess—and pull the plug on—unproductive initiatives that suck up too much time.
Your team will feel better about the work it’s doing. Everyone will be more focused. You’ll all ac-
complish more. And—no small matter—people will avoid burnout from taking on more than they can
Adapted from Harvard Management Update (product #U99120), December 1999
Editors Note:
To keep your project on schedule,
you’ll need team members who
are focused and productive. Here
are some tips for getting their
calendars—and your own—under
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 28
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
Scheduling the Work: Put
the Horse Before the Cart
Now that you’ve used the Work Breakdown Structure to identify and dene your project’s tasks and
estimate how long each will take, you’re ready to put them in sequence. That involves three steps:
Examining relationships between tasks
Creating a draft schedule
Optimizing the schedule
Examining Relationships Between Tasks
Task relationships dictate the order of activities in a project. Suppose ABC Auto Company plans to
introduce a new passenger car and has asked a team to design and test it. The team needs to build and
test both external and internal components before it can test the whole car. Because of those depen-
dencies, the project’s tasks must be scheduled in this sequence: (1) design the vehicle, (2) build and
test both external and internal components, and (3) test the vehicle built from those components. (See
the chart below.)
is a dependent relationship between these three activities. Obviously
we cannot do Step 2 before we’ve completed Step 1, and we cannot
perform Step 3 until 1 and 2 have been completed. If time is an issue,
we could eliminate Step 2 altogether, drinking directly from the bot-
tle. But Step 1 would continue to be an antecedent to Step 3.
Many workplace activities are similarly dependent on other ac-
tivities. Remember the vehicle project we introduced—the one
where ABC Auto Company plans to introduce a new passenger car?
That project team must both design and test its new vehicle. But
before the project team can test the car, it must build and test both
external and internal components. Figure 6-1 maps the necessary
relationship between these activities. Here, the project must (1) de-
sign the vehicle, (2) build and test both external and internal com-
ponents, and (3) test the vehicle built from those components. Because
of dependencies, these tasks must be scheduled in a linear manner.
However, note in the figure that component building and testing can
follow two parallel tracks simultaneously—one for external compo-
nents and another for internal components. Why? Because each of
the build-and-test sets of activities is dependent on vehicle design,
and not on one another. Recognizing opportunities to work differ-
ent activities in parallel, as in this example, is one of the ways that
managers can reduce the overall time of their projects.
Scheduling the Work 3
Task Relationships
Build External
External Test
Project network diagram
(Sample automobile project)
3/13–4/11 4/11–4/21
Build Internal
Internal Test
3/13–4/5 4/6–4/19
Source: Harvard ManageMentor
on Project Management (Boston: Harvard Business Publishing,
2002). Used with permission.
Project Network Diagram: Task Relationships
Sample automobile project
Component building and testing, however, can simultaneously follow parallel tracks—one for ex-
ternal components, another for internal ones. Why? Because those two sets of build-and-test activi-
ties depend on vehicle design but not on each other. By recognizing opportunities to perform dierent
activities in parallel, as in this example, you can reduce the amount of time your overall project takes.
page 29
Scheduling the Work: Put the Horse Before the Cart
This chart tells you that at the earliest, you
can complete the project in 11 days. It also shows
that activities A and E are critical to your overall
deadline. Given this information, you may want
to readjust your resources and put more toward
these tasks.
Let’s revisit the ABC Auto Company project
and the accompanying network diagram, dis-
cussed earlier. The diagram not only illustrates
dependencies between tasks but also reveals
the critical path: (1) vehicle design, (2) build
external components, (3) external test, and (4)
vehicle test. Why does this progression of tasks
dene the critical path? Because it’s the longest
path in the diagram. The other path—which
passes through (1) build internal components
and (2) internal test—is shorter by two days.
Team members working on those activities
could spend two extra days on them and still not
throw the vehicle test off schedule. And they
wouldn’t shorten the overall schedule if they
completed their work on noncritical-path ac-
tivities ahead of time. The reason? Tasks on the
critical path determine total project duration.
Gantt chart. If all you need is a way to show
when activities should begin and when they
should end, try making a Gantt chart. You can
easily create one with spreadsheet or project-
management software. (See the chart at the top
of the next page.)
This is a popular scheduling tool because it’s
simple and it allows people to see the project at
a glance. But it does not spell out relationships
between tasks, as CPM does, so you may want
to make note of dependencies inside the time
PERT Charts. Some project managers use
Performance Evaluation and Review Tech-
nique (PERT) as an alternative to the Gantt
method for scheduling. Because it illustrates
the critical path (it’s essentially a network dia-
gram) and lays out the project milestones, it’s a
handy tool for communicating the big picture
Once you’ve evaluated the relationships be-
tween tasks, brainstorm with your team to come
up with a rough sequence that makes sense in
light of the dependencies you’ve identied.
Creating a Draft Schedule
At this point, you’re ready to create a draft
schedule, which involves assigning a deliver-
able to each task (for instance, “build prototype
for market testing”); setting realistic due dates;
identifying bottlenecks so you can eliminate
them, develop workarounds, or add time to ac-
commodate them; and establishing a protocol
for updating or revising the schedule. In your
draft schedule, indicate start and end dates for
all activities and recognize task relationships.
Remember, this is just your first stab at sched-
uling—you’ll make adjustments later, after the
team has had a chance to review it.
Project managers rely on several tools for
scheduling their teams’ work. Here are a few
useful ones to have at your disposal:
The Critical Path Method. As its name sug-
gests, the Critical Path Method (CPM) helps
you identify which tasks are critical—those
that must be completed on time for the project
to meet its deadlines—so you can allocate re-
sources eciently. Project managers often use
CPM to plot the sequence of activities.
Consider a project involving six tasks
with the following requirements and time
Activity Requirement Time to Complete
A 5 days
B 3 days
C A and B completed 4 days
D B completed 7 days
E A completed 6 days
F C completed 4 days
You can diagram the critical path as follows
(see the chart below):
for the project to meet that deadline. Using this information, you
may want to readjust your resources and put more toward these
critical activities.
Several software programs are available to help you construct
more complex versions of the critical path.
Monitoring with the PERT chart. There are two other widely ac-
cepted tools for scheduling and monitoring projects—flow charts
such as the Performance Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
and bar charts such as the Gantt chart (see figures 2 and 3).
The PERT chart is similar to the CPM. The CPM’s primary
purpose is to establish what the critical path is—what the essential
tasks are—at the start of the project, so that the project manager
can plan carefully for these critical tasks. The PERT chart, on the
other hand, shows the progress of each task or the entire project,
and is used more as a monitoring tool.
How to Get the Project Going 39
Days 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Estimated Estimated
Start: Finish:
0 days 11 days
5 days
5 days
6 days
7 days
3 days
3 days
4 days
Critical path diagram
PMS_Projects_ch04.qxd 1/19/06 10:11 AM Page 39
Critical Path Method
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 30
Scheduling the Work: Put the Horse Before the Cart
Errors. Are all time estimates realistic? Pay
particular attention to tasks on the critical
path because if any of these cannot be com-
pleted on time, the entire schedule will be o.
Also, review the relationships between tasks.
Does your schedule reect the fact that some
tasks can’t start until others are completed?
Oversights. Have any tasks been left out?
Have you allowed time for training?
Overcommitments. In reviewing the sched-
ule, you may discover that some employees
would have to work 10 to 12 hours per day
for months on end to complete the tasks as-
signed to them, for instance, or that a piece of
equipment is booked to deliver above and be-
yond its capacity. If you nd such problems,
redistribute the load.
Bottlenecks. Any task that causes the work
feeding it to pile up must be identied and
dealt with. Think of an auto assembly line
that stops periodically because the people
to your team members. (See sample below.) A
PERT chart may have many parallel or intercon-
necting networks of tasks, so periodic reviews
are essential for complex projects. As you’re
tracking your project’s progress later on, you
may need to come back and revise the chart. For
example, if the time between dependent tasks
exceeds your estimates, and those tasks are on
the critical path, you’ll have to make up for lost
time elsewhere in the schedule to avoid missing
the project’s overall deadline.
Which scheduling tools are best for your pur-
poses? Whichever ones t how you like to work,
allow you to keep all team members informed,
and remind people that they are part of a larger
Optimizing the Schedule
After you’ve created the draft schedule, work
with your team to improve it. Have the group
help you look for:
Activities 4/8–4/14 4/15–4/21 4/22–4/28 4/29–5/5 5/6–5/12 5/13–5/19 5/20–5/26
Install new servers
Obtain equipment
Implement equipment
Test equipment
Go live with new equipment
Repeat testing
Decommission old equipment
Evaluate process
Source: Harvard ManageMentor
on Project Management (Boston: Harvard Business Publishing, 2002), 26. Used with permission.
Gantt Chart
networks of tasks so that periodic reviews are encouraged for com-
plex projects. Unlike the Gantt chart, it indicates all the important
task relationships and project milestones. (Note: The terms PERT
chart and network diagram are practically synonymous.)
Which scheduling tool is best for your purpose? The best
method is the one with which you are comfortable and that does the
job. Don’t be lured into using something just because everyone else
does or because it’s the latest thing.Take a hard look at how you like
to work, and use the scheduling method that best fits your habits.
To assess which method might suit you best, look at the system
you use for tracking and scheduling your own work.Are you satis-
fied with it? If you are, this system may be the way to go with track-
ing and scheduling the entire project. But remember that a system’s
usefulness comes from its ability to inform all the team members of
what is going on and to keep them aware that they are part of a
larger effort.
8 Managing Projects Large and Small
Project Phoenix PERT Chart
23 31
5 6 7
Source: Harvard ManageMentor
on Project Management (Boston: Harvard Business Publishing,
2002), 25. Used with permission.
data center
Numbered boxes represent milestones
Arrows represent task duration, show
sequential and concurrent tasks
Dotted lines indicate downtime while
concurrent task is in process
PERT Chart
page 31
Scheduling the Work: Put the Horse Before the Cart
who install the seats cannot keep up with the
pace of the line. The usual way to handle this
problem is to speed up the work process used
in that task or add resources to it (for example,
more people or better machinery).
Imbalances in the workload. Are some team
members being asked to do more than their
share while others do very little? Rebalancing
the load could reduce the overall schedule.
Slack time that can be filled. You may be able
to shorten the whole schedule by shifting re-
sources away from noncritical-path activities.
For example, if you have four people working
on a noncritical task that has four to ve days
of slack time, shift some or all of those people
to a critical task for several days.
Even if you’re using project-planning soft-
ware to keep track of tasks and times, do this
kind of thorough reality check with your team
members. Any software you consider buying
should make it easy to develop and change
charts, calculate critical paths, produce sched-
ules and budgets, factor in weekends and holi-
days, create dierent scenarios for contingency
planning, and check for overscheduling of indi-
viduals and groups.
Adapted from Harvard Business Essentials: Managing Proj-
ects Large and Small (product #6242BC), Harvard Business
Review Press, 2004, and Pocket Mentor: Managing Projects
(product #1878), Harvard Business Review Press, 2006
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 32
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
Editors Note:
HBR’s case studies present
fictionalized accounts of actual
dilemmas faced by leaders, and
offer solutions from experts.
A Rush to Failure?
A complex project for the space station must come in on
time and on budget—but the push for speed might be its
by Tom Cross
There is absolutely no reason why the contractors shouldn’t be able to give us rapid product devel-
opment and awless products—speed and quality both,” David MacDonagle said as he tried to light
a cigarette. The warm wind, portending rain, kept blowing out his matches. Finally he gave up and
slipped the cigarette back in his pocket.
MacDonagle, the head of the Canadian Aeronautics Administration, was nervous. Everyone at CAA
headquarters was nervous. Very shortly, the project that many of them had devoted the past four years
to would have its rst real-world test, 350 kilometers above the earth. Feeling cooped up in the execu-
tive oces and oppressed by the presence of the media, MacDonagle had gone outside to breathe some
air—actually, some tobacco smoke—and had invited the sharp young program manager Samantha Van
Sant to join him.
Van Sant, a former Canadian army major, had a lot of skin in the project too. Since 2006 she’d been
managing the two contractors the CAA had commissioned to build the $1.2 billion set of giant robotic
arms known as Retractable Extended-Arms Compatible Holder, or REACH, for the International Space
“So how do you deal with nerves?” MacDonagle asked.
“I usually go out for a run,” Van Sant said, looking down the road that led from CAA headquarters
through the cornelds, on which she’d logged many miles.
They turned to look back at the agency’s buildings, which despite their grandeur looked small in
the empty Quebec landscape. The sight reminded Van Sant of one of MacDonagle’s catchphrases: “We
are a small spacefaring nation.…
Canada was indeed a small player in space compared with the U.S., Russia, Europe, and Japan.
Always at risk of being marginalized, the CAA had done everything possible to get the REACH con-
tractors, Hollenbeck Aircraft and Eskina Software Systems, to complete the rst phase of the project
in time to get it to the space station this year, when the orbiting lab would ocially be complete.
And, amazingly, they had made the deadline—and come in on budget. REACH was now attached to
the station, though there was still much more to come, including an even more sophisticated set of
“hands” that would t on the ends of the robotic arms for extremely delicate work. The additions
page 33
A Rush to Failure?
drawing the collectors.
He drew a gash in one of them. “A hole here
means less electricity,” he said, tapping the
board. “Ever since the solar array got that hole
from those ying needles, the space station has
been operating on less power. Fixing it is tricky,
because it’s very far from the modules where
the astronauts work and because of the risk of
electrocution. Once an array is in place, you can’t
turn it o. It keeps generating power from sun-
light. So if a spacewalker were to try to go out
there and x it, he’d be liable to get 100 volts of
direct current through his body. That’s where
REACH comes in.
He took a moment to draw the Canadian cre-
ation, then stepped back to admire his sketch.
The machine’s two long arms stretched out to-
ward the solar array in a nurturing embrace.
“Fixing solar arrays isn’t what REACH was
designed for,” MacDonagle said. “It’s meant to
do the mundane work of replacing battery units
on the exterior of the space station. But since
REACH is up there, it’s being pressed into ser-
vice for the repair. It will stitch together the so-
lar array while the astronauts control it from the
safety of their module.” He put the cap back on
the marker and began elding questions.
As Van Sant watched, someone tapped her on
the arm. It was Alfred Siroy, the head of a CAA
panel that had been trying to nd out why there
were so many quality issues with equipment
from the Hollenbeck-Eskina venture.
“How long before they deploy it?” he asked.
“Soon—later—I’m not sure,” she said.
Siroy always made Van Sant defensive. Hed
made no secret of his disapproval of the way the
REACH program was being managed, and of the
parallel approach in particular. She knew that
this viewpoint would gure in his forthcoming
report. Fortunately, he was an overly meticulous
writer, so the draft was taking forever. She asked
him how the writing was going.
“Slow,” he said, shaking his head. “But we do
have a title: ‘The Rush to Failure.’”
This gave her a start. “What failure?” she
asked. “REACH is about to perform a critical re-
pair task.
He shot her a skeptical look. “Rapid ramp-up
was a laudable goal,” he said. “But you have to
give a contractor adequate time for QA. And you
have to have a contract that gets the incentives
He continued: “We did an analysis. Your
compressed schedule forces Hollenbeck-Eskina
to cut corners, resulting in prototypes that fail.
were to continue for two more years.
The contractors had been great about speed;
the problem was quality. Glitches with the soft-
ware, motors, and circuits had kept turning up.
The fact was, not a single test in four years had
gone flawlessly. “Yeah, yeah, we can fix that,
the contractors’ reps always said, dismissing the
CAA’s concerns. “Hey, this is life in the fast lane,
a rep told Van Sant after one of REACH’s arms
had failed to retract on command. “Remember,
we told you that the compressed schedule would
increase the risk.
The contract that she managed called for par-
allel development, meaning that the project’s
phases—R&D, prototyping, testing, production,
and quality control—overlapped, with each
one beginning while the previous one was as
much as 50% incomplete. That was sacrilege in
some aerospace circles. But owing to the space
station’s construction deadline and the ever-
present threat of cuts to the CAAs budget, the
agency was aiming to do a decade’s worth of
work in six years. Computer simulations had
to take the place of some real-world testing.
Component quality control was less thorough.
Because of all the unknowns in the project, the
CAA had agreed to a cost-plus-xed-fee contract,
under which the contractors were paid a speci-
ed amount over their costs for labor, materials,
and overhead.
MacDonagle’s insistence on a rapid approach
to development had been one of the main rea-
sons Van Sant had been hired as a program
manager. During her years in the army, she had
established a bulletproof reputation for being ag-
gressive and goal oriented. She and MacDonagle
saw eye-to-eye. She knew speed was critical.
“We’d better go, I guess,” MacDonagle said.
“The media hounds are waiting. I told them I’d
do quickie interviews once I got back. I know
what they’ll ask me: Is REACH going to work this
time?” As they headed toward the building, the
rain started. He looked at Van Sant. “So is it?”
Trouble in the Air
Red marker in hand, MacDonagle held forth
before a group of reporters, asking whether
they were aware that 50 years ago, the U.S. had
blasted half a billion inch-long copper needles
into orbit to reflect radio waves and thereby
facilitate communications. Those needles
were still oating around, and some had torn
through one of the space station’s solar collec-
tors. “The solar arrays are the big bird’s big red
wings,” he said, turning to the whiteboard and
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 34
A Rush to Failure?
around the screens. MacDonagle and Van Sant
had long since given up trying to avoid them and
were mingling with them as the repair attempt
unfolded high above West Africa.
Everyone watched in silence as the crane,
jury-rigged for the purpose, carried a space-
walker toward the space stations torn solar array.
REACH couldn’t even be seen—it was docked
somewhere else.
“Harris Webb,” MacDonagle said ruefully as
he watched the gure in the shiny suit. “It’s so
fitting.” Years ago, MacDonagle and Webb had
been pilots on the same shuttle mission, and
Webb, though much younger, had been chosen
to lead it. A U.S. physician, mountaineer, author,
pilot, and gourmet cook, as well as an astronaut,
he was the ultimate go-to guy, brilliant and fear-
less—almost to the point of being foolhardy.
The reporters were excitedly discussing his
stunt. Because REACH had failed, Webb was
going out on the end of the crane to repair the
array by hand. In one gloved hand he held what
looked like an oversized hockey stick wrapped
in insulation, so that he could stop himself from
bumping into the arrays. In the other he carried
several two-meter lengths of plastic cable that
would be used to “stitch” the pliable solar array
back together.
“Wow,” a reporter gasped as Webb, reaching
awkwardly, began threading one of the cables
through the openings in the array.
“Cowboy,” MacDonagle hissed under his
breath. He put his hands on his head and looked
at the ceiling.
Van Sant spotted Charlie Truss, one of the
reps from Hollenbeck, sitting in a corner, his tie
loose. He looked miserable. But she didn’t feel
pity for him—just annoyance. She went over to
“Whatever happens up there tonight,” she
said, “things are going to change down here. Our
only way forward from this asco is to show that
we’ve taken concrete steps to improve QA and
nally get some positive results.
“I’m all for that,” Truss said. “But anything
you do to increase QA is going to slow things
down. Once that happens, the costs start in-
creasing and you become vulnerable to budget
cuts. If we turn our existing contract into a tradi-
tional aerospace contract with all those sequen-
tial steps and inevitable delays, we might as well
say good-bye to the improvements to REACH
that are in the pipeline.
“If speed has to be sacrificed for a more reli-
able REACH, then so be it,” Van Sant said. “The
Substituting computer simulations for rigor-
ous ground testing is a recipe for disaster. There
isn’t an electronic data management system
that would allow the contractors and the CAA
to access current test data for analysis. The pro-
totypes aren’t equipped with the instruments
that would provide adequate test data. And the
contractors have no incentive to push back: The
cost-plus contract puts all the risk on the CAA.
The agency and the contractors have dierent
goals and objectives.
Van Sant couldn’t disagree about the con-
tract; its weaknesses had become increasingly
evident to her. But if speed was the priority, they
were unavoidable. “The contract language is an-
cient history,” she said dismissively.
“You can rewrite history,” Siroy said. “Any con-
tract can be altered as long as both sides agree—
you know that.
Suddenly, Van Sant saw, one of the staff
members who’d been monitoring the goings-on
at the space station began ushering MacDonagle
away from the reporters, who, smelling blood,
tried to follow. MacDonagle caught her eye, and
Van Sant didn’t like the look she saw on his face.
Something bad had happened.
She slipped inside the communications room,
where journalists weren’t allowed, just before
the door was shut. Over the speakers she could
hear the astronauts at the space station talking
about the power switching unit and using the
word “failure.” She heard someone say, “We
have to go to Plan B.
REACH was probably experiencing the same
problem that had come up during its last on-
ground test. A system failure notification had
gone o, but the contractors had dismissed it as
a “reporting error,” meaning it hadn’t reected
a true mechanical breakdown. Still, no one
wanted to deploy REACH while red lights were
ashing. There was too great a risk that the ro-
botic arms would fail at a critical moment.
“What’s Plan B?” Van Sant asked MacDonagle.
“I don’t know,” he said quietly, “but whatever
it is, it won’t involve anything that came from
us. REACH is Canadas only contribution to the
space station.
Support from on High
“We’ve got video!” someone shouted, and there
on the screens were multiple images of a man
in a space suit dangling at the end of a loading
It was well past midnight, but the reporters
were still at CAA headquarters. They gathered
page 35
of robot hands that are so nimble they can peel
a hard-boiled egg. I say, Get it ready and shoot it
up here. We’ll start using it right away. I’ve got a
few eggs that need peeling.
Van Sant was stunned, and she could see that
Truss was, too. Then, giving her a small smile,
he asked: “What were you saying about the
Tom Cross is a senior director in executive
education at the University of Virginias Darden
School of Business, where he develops executive-
learning programs for Department of Defense
leaders. Previously he was a senior executive at
such firms as KFC and Office Depot.
A Rush to Failure?
contract has major aws. You’re accountable for
speed but not performance. We have to share
the risk. We need a contract with performance-
based incentives and penalties so that we can
balance speed, quality, and results. Our goal is
reliable components and systems that perform—
and that should be your goal, too. We need to
work as a unied team willing to push back on
each other to get results.
Behind her the reporters gasped. She rushed
to a screen and was relieved to see only that
Webb, as he had nished his repair, had acciden-
tally let go of a set of pliers, which was now drift-
ing o into space.
But then Webb did something incredible. He
turned to his Earth audience and began making a
statement defending the failed REACH. “Every-
one’s going to blame REACH, but they shouldn’t,
he said. “It’s a great piece of technology. I want
to commend David MacDonagle and the CAA for
overcoming a lot of technical obstacles in a big
hurry and getting REACH up here on time. It’s
going to be a vital part of our operations. One lit-
tle power-unit problem doesn’t mean anything.
Complex machines fail—that’s just the way it
is. We’ll x it, just like we xed the solar array.
I understand that the CAA has a great upgrade
coming in the next couple of months—a new set
Should Van Sant push for a rene-
gotiated contract for REACH?
See commentaries that follow.
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 36
Commentary #1
by Gary L. Moe
Whenever you hear about large, complex, costly
government-sponsored tech initiatives that fail
to meet expectations, the blame almost always
falls on the “hurry up” schedule. If only the pub-
lic agency hadn’t pushed the contractors so hard,
if only the developers had been given more time
to rene the design, if only a few more months or
years had been built into the production sched-
ule, the technology would have worked per-
fectly. But it’s not true.
Government sponsors can give contractors
all the time and money in the world to complete
a detailed requirements analysis and perfect
a project design, and the nished product still
probably won’t work flawlessly. So-called big-
bang design, in which developers labor might-
ily to get every last detail correct, is incapable of
yielding a fully functioning, error-free product,
because human beings, no matter how brilliant
they are, cannot foresee all the issues that might
arise in a complex technology.
What’s needed instead is an iterative devel-
opment process, whereby you build a prototype
or even a fully edged product and then put it
out there, test it, and learn from its weaknesses,
most of which you couldn’t have seen on the
drawing board or in a 3-D simulation. In the next
iteration, you enhance the product. Then you
run another round and another and another until
nally you have something that works. The more
complex a technology is, the more iterative the
development needs to be.
This is how products are developed in the
nongovernment sector. Take the auto industry.
Cars are so complex that a manufacturer will put
a model through a number of builds and a lot of
testing before starting full production. In soft-
ware, this process is called agile development.
Developers write code for a week, test it to nd
out how to improve it, and then write some more
An interactive approach also works best
when it comes to organizational change. No mat-
ter how hard you work on designing a reorgani-
zation, you will get it only 60% right, so you have
to keep working at it, and nally you’ll get to 90%
right. (It never gets any better than that.)
Iterative development can work both for big
long-term projects and for big one-os, which
is what many components of the International
Space Station are. You break the development
into pieces and apply the build-test, build-test
method to the parts.
So why do government organizations, espe-
cially those that are defense- or space-related,
favor the big-bang approach? There are a number
of reasons, some involving the way procurement
is handled. But the root of the problem is that it-
erative development entails experimentation,
and experimentation entails failure. Govern-
ment agencies don’t like failure because it ruins
political careers. So they try to avoid experimen-
tation. But usually what they end up with is an
even bigger failure—and no clue about why it
My advice for Samantha Van Sant, then, is to
restructure the contract to break further devel-
opment of REACH into small chunks and require
the contractors to practice iterative improve-
ment, instead of striving for full initial function-
ality. Cutting down on the functionality deliv-
ered in each phase might help too, since 80% of
cost and schedule overruns are usually due to
the last 10% to 20% of requested functionality.
Gary L. Moe is a director in McKinsey’s Business
Technology Office and is based in Silicon Valley.
A Rush to Failure?
Human beings,
no matter how
brilliant, cannot
foresee all the
issues that
might arise in a
complex project.
page 37
A Rush to Failure?
Commentary #2
by Tom Quinly
In the world of cutting-edge product develop-
ment, the struggle between speed and quality
is over. Speed has won—decisively. In today’s
highly competitive global markets, getting in-
novations out quickly can mean the dierence
between success and failure. But it’s also a given
that the quality must be high. Quality has be-
come table stakes.
A lot of research has been published on the
holy grail of lightning-speed development.
Concurrent engineering programs, agile teams,
risk mitigation programs, spiral development,
outsourcing, harmonizing tools, and advanced
simulation and modeling tools all can help you
attain it, but your own people, processes, and
market demands will determine the right recipe.
What works best for us is forming small, sea-
soned, highly talented teams; being clear about
time-to-market expectations; making sure de-
velopers have the right set of tools; and keeping
our technical teams engaged, customer focused,
and happy.
Bureaucracy, however, is an innova-
tion killer. It’s inevitable that as a business
grows, things that don’t add value creep
into processes. With each slipup theres
a tendency to add another process check. In iso-
lation, each makes perfect sense, but in the ag-
gregate, innovation is choked, and the team can’t
move nimbly.
I recall an experience early in my career,
when a major development project had gone
poorly. At an executive review, I was prepared to
explain what had happened, what we’d learned,
and what wed done to stop the bleeding. Our
CEO looked around at the others in attendance
and said that he was disappointed—not in the
group that had failed (mine), but in the other
groups, because they hadn’t failed. They weren’t
being as aggressive as he expected. That story
lives on in the lore of the company, and it says a
lot about our culture.
It’s not that we encourage failure—we use it
as a tool. Complex development programs rarely
(if ever) come out of the gate perfectly; some-
thing unanticipated often happens. A lot can be
learned from reviewing failures and looking at
processes, expectations, people, and tools. Were
our requirements too ambitious or ill dened?
Did we not map the highest-risk areas and have
well-designed mitigation plans? This relentless
focus on learning improves predictability, re-
duces cycle time, and helps us get a high-quality
oering to market ahead of the competition.
That’s why I would advise Van Sant
to give up the dinosaur perspective that
speed means having to sacrifice quality.
She should engage the entire team in examining
the failures and exploring ways to achieve qual-
ity without upsetting the schedule. If REACH
has few qualied alternative partners, then dis-
rupting a long-standing contract with a highly
experienced and specialized partner would be
counterproductive. If Hollenbeck-Eskina is the
best option, I would avoid having to reopen the
contract and potentially lose the partner’s deep
project knowledge. However, if Hollenbeck-
Eskina was not totally engaged and forthcoming
in helping understand and correct the failures, it
may be time to involve other potential partners
or to stand rm on a contract renegotiation.
Tom Quinly is president of Curtiss-Wright
Controls, based in Charlotte, North Carolina,
which develops products for aerospace, defense,
and industrial markets.
HBR Reprint R1104N
Reprint Case only R1104X
Reprint Commentary only R1104Z
The struggle
between speed
and quality is
over. Speed has
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 38
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
Getting Your Project
Off on the Right Foot
With your project team formed, your charter delivered, and the teams tasks scheduled, you’ve still
got a few critical matters to take care of before work commences. First, your project needs a launch—a
special event that marks its ocial beginning. Second, you must set up activities and provide tools that
foster team building. And third, you must institute behavioral norms that make collaborative work
possible and communicate them to all participants.
Why Launch Meetings Matter
The launch represents the very rst project milestone. If conducted properly, it has substantial sym-
bolic value.
The best way to kick o a project is through an all-team meeting, one with appropriate levels
of gravity and fanfare. You’ll have already held many planning sessions with key individuals—but
those informal get-togethers are no substitute for a face-to-face meeting attended by all team mem-
bers, the sponsor, your stakeholders, and, if appropriate, the organizations highest-ranking ocial.
Physical presence at this meeting has great psychological signicance, particularly for geo-
graphically dispersed teams, whose members may have few future opportunities to convene
as a group. Being together at the beginning of their long journey and getting to know one an-
other on a personal level will build commitment and bolster participants’ sense that this team
and project are important. If certain people cannot attend the launch meeting because of their
geographic location, they should participate virtually, through videoconferencing or, at the very
least, speakerphone.
The sponsor’s presence and demeanor at the launch speak volumes about the importance—or un-
importance—ascribed to the project’s mission. As Jon Katzenbach and Douglas Smith write in “The
Discipline of Teams” (HBR March–April 1993):
“When potential teams rst gather, everyone monitors the signals given by others to conrm, sus-
pend, or dispel assumptions and concerns. They pay particular attention to those in authority: the
team leader and any executives who set up, oversee, or otherwise inuence the team. And, as always,
what such leaders do is more important than what they say. If a senior executive leaves the team kick-
o to take a phone call ten minutes after the session has begun and he never returns, people get the
Here are your main tasks for the launch:
Welcome everyone aboard. Acknowledge and thank all those who will contribute to the project.
Mention each person by name. Many attendees will be core team members, and others will be
page 39
Getting Your Project Off on the Right Foot
Establish Norms of Behavior
It takes time to build an eective project team.
Individuals come to the effort with personal
agendas. Some may view their new teammates
as competitors for promotions, recognition, and
rewards. Others may harbor grudges against one
or more of those with whom they have been
thrown together. And there’s always a member
or two lacking in social skills.
Such problems can undermine your project if
they’re not contained or neutralized. One of the
best ways to manage them is to set up unambig-
uous norms of behavior that apply equally to all.
As Jon Katzenbach and Douglas Smith point out
in The Wisdom of Teams, the most critical rules
pertain to:
Attendance. The team cannot make deci-
sions and accomplish its work if members
fail to show up for meetings or joint work ses-
sions. If you, the leader, are chronically late or
absent, people will follow your example.
Interruptions. Turn cell phones off during
meetings and work sessions. Also, make it
clear that people are not to interrupt others.
Everyone has a right to speak.
Sacred cows. Agree that no issues will be o-
limits. For example, if a process-reengineering
team knows that a change will upset a par-
ticular executive, its members should not be
reluctant to discuss it.
Disagreements. Team players are bound to
come up with competing solutions as they
tackle problems. Encourage them to vent
disagreements in constructive ways.
Confidentiality. Some team issues may be
sensitive. Members will discuss them freely
only if what is said within the team stays
within the team.
Action orientation. The purpose of teams
is not to meet and discuss. It’s to act and
produce results. Make that clear from the
What behavioral norms should your group
observe? That depends on the purpose of the
group and the personalities of its members.
But the basics include mutual respect, a com-
mitment to active listening, and an under-
standing of how to voice concerns and handle
To guarantee the free ow of ideas, some
groups may want to adopt specic guidelines
that support calculated risk taking, for in-
stance, or spell out procedures for acknowl-
edging and handling failure. Whatever norms
peripheral members who participate for a
limited time or in a limited way. But all are
Ask your sponsor to say a few words. Have
him articulate why the project’s work is im-
portant and how its goals are aligned with
larger organizational objectives. Otherwise,
people won’t see consequences for them-
selves and the company, and they won’t
make their best eort.
Make introductions. Unless people are al-
ready familiar with one another, they prob-
ably won’t know who has which skills. If the
group isn’t too large, ask participants to in-
troduce themselves, to say something about
their background and expertise, and to ex-
plain what they hope to contribute to and get
from the project.
Share the charter. Explain the goals, deliver-
ables, and timetables you’ve documented.
Seek consensus. Get everyone to agree on
what the charter means.
Describe the resources available. Although
you’ll certainly want to stoke the teams en-
thusiasm at the launch, it’s equally important
to set realistic expectations about the amount
of support (both workers and budget) you’ll
Describe incentives. What will members re-
ceive, beyond their normal compensation, if
the team meets or exceeds its goals?
Though participants will develop a sense of
belonging and common goals only with time and
through shared experiences, you’ll have planted
the seeds at the launch meeting. People should
now begin to think of themselves as members of
a real team.
Provide Activities and Tools for
Working Together
Giving people collective goals and handing out
free T-shirts with a team logo creates a team in
name only. Project teams gel through joint work,
idea sharing, and give-and-take in decision mak-
ing and information exchange.
A project manager can facilitate that kind
of collaboration through regularly scheduled
meetings, communication tools such as proj-
ect newsletters and websites, and the physical
colocation of team members. Off-site social
events may also be valuable, since they can
help groups cohere. You’ll want to encourage
people to forge the bonds of trust and friend-
ship that make team-based work stimulating
and productive.
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 40
Getting Your Project Off on the Right Foot
your group follows, make sure all members
have a hand in establishing them—and that
everyone agrees to abide by them. Members’
participation and acceptance will head off
many future problems.
Adapted from Harvard Business Essentials: Managing Proj-
ects Large and Small (product #6280BC), Harvard Business
Review Press, 2004
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Idea in PracticeThe Idea in Brief
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 41
A team’s essential discipline comprises five
1. A meaningful common purpose that
the team has helped shape. Most
teams are responding to an initial
mandate from outside the team. But to
be successful, the team must “own” this
purpose, develop its own spin on it.
2. Specific performance goals that
flow from the common purpose. For
example, getting a new product to
market in less than half the normal time.
Compelling goals inspire and challenge
a team, give it a sense of urgency. They
also have a leveling effect, requiring
members to focus on the collective
effort necessary rather than any differ-
ences in title or status.
3. A mix of complementary skills. These
include technical or functional expertise,
problem-solving and decision-making
skills, and interpersonal skills. Success-
ful teams rarely have all the needed skills
at the outset—they develop them as
they learn what the challenge requires.
4. A strong commitment to how the
work gets done. Teams must agree on
who will do what jobs, how schedules
will be established and honored, and
how decisions will be made and modi-
fied. On a genuine team, each member
does equivalent amounts of real work;
all members, the leader included, con-
tribute in concrete ways to the team’s
collective work-products.
5. Mutual accountability. Trust and
commitment cannot be coerced. The
process of agreeing upon appropriate
goals serves as the crucible in which
members forge their accountability to
each other—not just to the leader.
Once the essential discipline has been
established, a team is free to concentrate
on the critical challenges it faces:
For a team whose purpose is to make
recommendations, that means making
a fast and constructive start and pro-
viding a clean handoff to those who will
implement the recommendations.
For a team that makes or does things,
it’s keeping the specific performance
goals in sharp focus.
For a team that runs things, the primary
task is distinguishing the challenges
that require a real team approach from
those that don’t.
If a task doesn’t demand joint work-
products, a working group can be the
more effective option. Team opportunities
are usually those in which hierarchy or
organizational boundaries inhibit the skills
and perspectives needed for optimal re-
sults. Little wonder, then, that teams have
become the primary units of productivity in
high-performance organizations.
Reprint R0507P
Harvard Business Review, July–August 2005
(republished from 1993)
To buy the full-length article,
The word team gets bandied about so loosely that
many managers are oblivious to its real meaningor
its true potential. With a run-of-the-mill work-
ing group, performance is a function of what the
members do as individuals. A team’s performance,
by contrast, calls for both individual and mutual
Though it may not seem like anything special,
mutual accountability can lead to astonishing
results. It enables a team to achieve performance
levels that are far greater than the individual bests
of the team’s members. To achieve these benefits,
team members must do more than listen, respond
constructively, and provide support to one another.
In addition to sharing these team-building values,
they must share an essential discipline.
The Discipline of Teams
A summary of the full-length article, with lists of key ideas and company examples.
Jon R. Katzenbach is a founder and senior
partner of Katzenbach Partners, a strategic and
organizational consulting firm, and a former
director of McKinsey & Company. Douglas K.
Smith is an organizational consultant and a
former partner at McKinsey & Company.
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 42
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
Effective Project Meetings
Run your meetings well, and you’ll infuse your project with energy, momentum, and direction. How
do you make them productive? Follow these simple guidelines.
Setting the Stage for the Meeting
Make sure a meeting is even necessary. If you can accomplish your goal eciently without calling
one (via e-mail, for example), do so—and avoid eating up everyone’s time.
Clarify the meeting’s objective. If it is to make a decision, explain that and give participants the time
and materials needed to prepare.
Sound out key participants on important agenda items ahead of time. What you discover may sug-
gest that alterations are in order.
Invite only people who have something to contribute or who can learn from the discussion.
Provide an agenda in advance that clearly supports the objective.
Insist that people get up to speed on the issues before they arrive, bring relevant materials with
them, and show up ready to contribute to the discussion.
Running the Meeting
Restate the meeting’s purpose. This will sharpen the group’s focus.
Let everyone have a say. If one or two individuals are dominating the conversation or if certain at-
tendees are shy about leaping in, say, “Thanks for those ideas, Phil. What are your thoughts about
this problem, Charlotte?”
Keep the discussion centered on the key issues.
End with conrmation and an action plan that includes a clear time frame: “OK, we’ve decided to
hire DataWhack to install the new servers. And, as agreed, I will obtain the purchase order today,
Bill will phone the salesperson later this week and set up the schedule, and Janet will begin looking
for someone to take the old equipment o our hands. We’ll regroup at the usual time next week to
see where things stand.
Following Up
Send out a note summarizing the meeting’s outcomes. People will be encouraged by it because it’s
evidence that the team is one step closer to its goal.
Remind individuals of their tasks and deadlines.
Oer support to anyone who may be overwhelmed with other work or may struggle with a task.
People are often reluctant to ask for assistance, even when they recognize that they need it.
Adapted from Harvard Business Essentials: Managing Projects Large and Small (product #6198BC), Harvard Business Review
Press, 2004, and Harvard ManageMentor, an online product of Harvard Business Publishing
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 43
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Adaptive Approach
to Project Management
Does your project involve an unfamiliar technology or material? Is it substantially larger than others
you’ve overseen? Are the tasks dierent from those your team has handled in the past?
If you answered yes to one or more of those questions, the traditional approach to project manage-
ment may not work. That’s because it takes for granted that you can pinpoint what needs to be done,
what it will cost, and how much time you’ll need. In situations with higher levels of uncertainty—if
you face unanticipated risks, for instance, or if the range of potential outcomes is very wide—deci-
sion tools such as return on investment, net present value, and internal rate of return (which assume
predictability of future cash ows) cease to be useful. You may have to consider a more adaptive
A New Model for Sponsors
The adaptive model of project management creates a new role for project sponsors, one that
Robert Austin likened to venture capitalism in the 2002 Science article “Project Management and
Discovery.” Rather than give teams a big pile of resources at the beginning, they support projects
in stages, as results roll in. Like VCs, sponsors advance resources to purchase information and
reduce uncertainty—and each investment gives them the option of remaining in the game.
used by venture capitalists (VCs).Venture capitalists, he notes, seldom
give entrepreneurs a big pile of cash at the beginning of their work.
Instead,VCs stage their commitment as their entrepreneurial part-
ners produce results.
For example, if the entrepreneur has a start-up
software company with a plan to develop a breakthrough applica-
tion, the VC will provide only enough cash for the project to move
forward to the next level. If the entrepreneur succeeds in reaching
that level, the VC will review progress and develop expectations for
the next step. Here, the results of the just-completed step provide
new information for the VC, who will finance the following step if
the prospects are favorable.
The venture capitalist advances cash to probe and seek feed-
back—that is, to purchase information, learn, and reduce uncer-
tainty. Each investment gives him an option to remain in the
game—if there is a game! In effect, the financier pays to preserve his
option to do more.
In this adaptive model, key project activities move forward
through a series of learning experiences as represented graphically in
figure 9-1.
Project Adaptation 9
The Adaptive Model of Project Management
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
page 44
The Adaptive Approach to Project Management
prototyping.” Many tasks serve as probes—that
is, as learning experiences for later steps. This
tactic is analogous to the notion of the “cheap
kills” that research and development organi-
zations use to sort through many possibilities
quickly and at low cost. When the right solution
is not apparent, they try a number of simple ex-
periments to separate promising and unprom-
ising options. Even failed experiments provide
insights into what will work.
Adapted from “Project Adaptation: Dealing with What You
Cannot Anticipate,Harvard Business Essentials: Managing
Projects Large and Small (product #6273BC), Harvard Busi-
ness Review Press, 2004
In their research on large IT implementation
projects, Lynda Applegate, Robert Austin, and
Warren McFarlan (the authors of Corporate In-
formation Strategy and Management) found that
companies such as Cisco Systems have enjoyed
success with adaptive project-management
models that:
Approach tasks iteratively. Teams engage
in small incremental tasks, evaluate the out-
comes of those tasks, and make adjustments
as they move forward.
Have fast cycles. Short lead times allow an
iterative approach.
Emphasize early value delivery. Small, early
deliverables encourage feedback and the
incorporation of learning into subsequent
Staff the project with people who can adapt.
Some people are faster learners than others
and are more amenable to change.
Cisco refers to its approach as “rapid iterative
What-If Planning and Chunking
To enhance their ability to adapt to shifting conditions, some firms rely on
the techniques that Cathleen Benko and F. Warren McFarlan call “what-if
planning and chunking” in their book Connecting the Dots: Aligning Projects
with Objectives in Unpredictable Times. Sweden-based software firm Ellipsus
Systems used what-if planning to decide which programming standard—
wireless application protocol (WAP) or Java—it would choose for its software.
Since it was unclear which standard would dominate, cofounder Rikard
Kjellberg designed projects based on both and then took early prototypes to a
trade show to test participants’ preferences. His contingency planning led to a
successful partnership with Java-maker Sun Microsystems.
Minnesota hotel-management company Carlson Hospitality Worldwide uses
chunking to break big, expensive projects into smaller, more manageable
ones, thereby boosting their chances of receiving approval and funding.
After the board of directors rejected a $15 million request to overhaul the
company’s central reservation system, managers broke the project into work
units that each had stand-alone benefits and minimal mutual dependencies.
That is, if one chunk was canceled, others could still move ahead. The board
soon approved the first chunk. Ultimately, Carlson’s new reservation system
was voted best in the industry; its voice-reservation chunk alone generated
$40 million in annual revenue by 2003. “Chunking helps us learn constantly
and perpetually reassess our priorities,” says CIO Scott Heintzeman. “It also
reduces risk and focuses people’s efforts on each work unit. And because the
work on each chunk extends for no more than three to six months, people
maintain their energy and enthusiasm.
Adapted from “Close the Gap Between Projects and Strategy,Harvard
Management Update (product #U0406A), June 2004
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Idea in PracticeThe Idea in Brief
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 45
Why Good Projects Fail Anyway
A summary of the full-length HBR article, with lists of key ideas and company examples.
Rapid-results initiatives have several defin-
ing characteristics:
Results orientedThe initiatives
produce measurable payoffs on a small
The World Bank wanted to improve the
productivity of 120,000 small-scale farm-
ers in Nicaragua by 30% in 16 years. Its
rapid-results initiatives included “increase
pig weight on 30 farms by 30% in 100 days
using enhanced corn seed.
VerticalThe initiatives include people
from different parts of the organization—
or even different organizations—who
work in tandem within a very short time
frame to implement slices of several
horizontal—or parallel-track—activities.
The traditional emphasis on disinte-
grated, horizontal, long-term activities
gives way to the integrated, vertical,
and short-term. The teams uncover
activities falling in the white space be-
tween horizontal project streams, and
properly integrate all the activities.
Take a companywide CRM project. Tradi-
tionally, one team might analyze customers,
another select the software, a third develop
training programs. When the projects fi-
nally complete, though, it may turn out that
the salespeople won’t enter the requisite
data because they don’t understand why
they need to. Using rapid-results initia-
tives, a single team might be charged with
increasing the revenues of one sales group
in one region within four months. To reach
that goal, team members would have to
draw on the work of all the parallel teams.
And they would quickly discover the sales-
people’s resistance and other unforeseen
FastThe initiatives strive for results
and lessons in less than 100 days. De-
signed to deliver quick wins, they more
importantly change the way teams
work. How? The short time frame
establishes a sense of urgency from the
start, poses personal challenges, and
leaves no time to waste on interorga-
nizational bickering. It also stimulates
creativity and encourages team mem-
bers to experiment with new ideas that
deliver concrete results.
Balancing Vertical and Horizontal
Vertical, rapid-results initiatives offer many
benefits. But that doesn’t mean you should
eliminate all horizontal activities. Such
activities offer cost-effective economies of
scale. The key is to balance vertical and
horizontal, spread insights among teams,
and blend all activities into an overall
implementation strategy.
Dissatisfied with its 8% revenue increase
in two years, office-products company
Avery Dennison launched 15 rapid-results
teams in three North American divisions.
After only three months, the teams were
meeting their goals—e.g., securing one
new order for an enhanced product with
one large customer within 100 days. Top
management extended the rapid-results
process throughout the company, reinforc-
ing it with an extensive employee commu-
nication program. As horizontal activities
continued, dozens more teams started
rapid-results initiatives. Results? $8 million+
in new sales, and $50 million in sales fore-
cast by year-end.
Reprint R0309H
Harvard Business Review, September 2003
To buy the full-length article,
Big projects fail at an astonishing rate—well over
half, by some estimates. Why are efforts involving
many people working over extended periods of time
so problematic? Traditional project planning carries
three serious risks:
White space: Planners leave gaps in the project
plan by failing to anticipate all the project’s
required activities and work streams.
Execution: Project team members fail to carry
out designated activities properly.
Integration: Team members execute all tasks
flawlessly—on time and within budget—but
don’t knit all the project pieces together at the
end. The project doesn’t deliver the intended
Manage these risks with rapid-results initiatives:
small projects designed to quickly deliver mini-
versions of the big project’s end results. Through
rapid-results initiatives, project team members iron
out kinks early and on a small scale. Rapid-results
teams serve as models for subsequent teams who
can roll out the initiative on a larger scale with
greater confidence. The teams feel the satisfaction
of delivering real value, and their company gets
early payback on its investments.
Nadim F. Matta is a managing partner, and
Ronald N. Ashkenas is a senior partner, of
Schaffer Consulting in Stamford, Connecticut.
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 46
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
Monitoring and
Controlling Your Project
by Ray Sheen
Unlike processes—where the same people repeatedly perform the same activities—projects often in-
volve unique activities (such as using new technologies, building new buildings, or writing new soft-
ware) carried out by individuals who may be working together for the rst time. So as a project leader,
you’ll need to actively monitor progress to gure out whether your plan is really bringing the team
closer to its objectives.
When monitoring and controlling a project, you’ll follow ve basic steps:
1. Track project activities. It’s important to check in with team members regularly to make sure
they’re completing their tasks and meeting quality standards. You can do this most eectively through
team meetings if everyone works at the same location. However, given how common distributed teams
are in today’s business environment, it can be dicult to get the entire group together. When that’s
the case, I conduct separate working sessions with individuals or small groups needed for particular
activities. For example, I recently participated in a “live meeting” conference call where engineers
from three locations helped prepare a product-development proposal for a customer. If I had created
a draft, sent it around for comments, and then tried to integrate all the feedback, it could easily have
taken weeks to complete the document. Instead, I had the right engineers reviewing it over the phone
for about three hours, until everybody agreed on the wording. After a working session like this, I loop
the rest of the team in at a larger group meeting or through e-mail.
I also use “buddy checks” to verify that tasks are done properly. When someone completes an
activity, another team member looks at the results. This is not an in-depth technical analysis; it’s a
quick check to conrm that the person who did the work hasn’t accidentally overlooked something
or misunderstood the requirements. A team member checking a training plan for a new system, for
example, would make certain that all departments in need of training have been included. If possible,
have someone who will use the results of the activity do the buddy check. When I worked with a medi-
cal device company on developing a new product, I had its regulatory department review the design
documentation and test data to ag any missing information that would be required later for regulatory
submittal. If a team member with a stake in the activity’s result is not available, you can do the buddy
check yourself—but make it clear that it’s not a performance appraisal. It’s just one team member look-
ing out for another.
2. Collect performance data. A few companies have project management information systems
that automatically generate reports. If you have access to one, by all means use it—but also seek out
page 47
Monitoring and Controlling Your Project
scope, or even cancel the project. On one soft-
ware development project I oversaw, we had an
excessively “buggy” rst release. Before trying
to x the software, I quickly checked the require-
ments document and realized that the develop-
ers were using an out-of-date version. We had to
reschedule the software development task for
that module, causing us to delay project com-
pletion by about a month, but the change clearly
needed to be made.
4. Report progress to your stakeholders.
Some project managers and team members
perceive stakeholder reviewswhich involve
preparing reports and conducting progress
meetings—as wasted effort because they take
time away from other activities. However, if
managed properly, these reviews propel a proj-
ect toward success. There are three types: man-
agement reviews, tollgate reviews, and technical
reviews. For all three, record and circulate action
items, and keep meeting minutes in the project
le for future reference.
The purpose of the management review is
to manage risk. Stakeholders may examine sev-
eral projects at a time to see if the portfolio as a
whole will generate the desired business per-
formance and to identify systemic weaknesses.
They’ll look at individual projects on their own
merits as well. Such reviews are normally held
at regular intervals—monthly, for instance.
When conducting them, keep in mind that your
stakeholders care about reaching business goals,
not about following the teams day-to-day ac-
tivities. I recently attended a review where the
project leader spent nearly 30 minutes describ-
ing technical designs the team was considering
and testing, which only bored and frustrated the
stakeholders. Instead, he should have spent ve
minutes telling them the project was on sched-
ule (it was), that the team had made progress on
its technical analysis (it had), and that no new
risks had been identied.
Creating a project dashboard is a great way to
summarize your objectives and show stakehold-
ers whether the project, as currently planned
and managed, will achieve them. (You can break
it down into components such as schedule, cost,
and performance.) This is often called a stop-
light chart, since it usually indicates activity sta-
tuses in red, yellow, and green. Most companies
have a standard format to help senior managers
quickly and eciently assess progress and risks
on many projects. When using color coding,
make sure everyone understands exactly what
each color means. For example, do you list all in-
performance data through short pulse meetings,
where team members share status updates on
activities and assess risks, either face-to-face or
virtually. I limit these to 10 minutes and discuss
only the tasks started or nished since the last
meeting. The purpose is to get a quick sense of
where things are, not to roll up sleeves. If the
team identies any problems or risks, I resolve
them in a separate working session with the ap-
propriate individuals.
I normally pulse projects on a weekly basis,
which allows me to track progress adequately
and identify problems in time to respond to
them. However, when a project is in crisis mode,
the “pulse rate” quickens. I once managed a
project in which the power system for a new
facility failed three days before the building
needed to be up and running. An important busi-
ness objective hinged on that deadline. The team
worked around the clock to identify the cause of
the failure, replace the destroyed component,
and bring the facility back on line. All that would
normally have taken two to three months, but
we had three days, so I pulsed the project every
three hours.
3. Analyze performance to determine
whether the plan still holds. Activities seldom
go precisely as anticipated. They may take more
or less time; they may overrun or underrun the
budget. A departure from your plan isn’t a prob-
lem unless it’s likely to compromise the teams
objectives. On one project, I had an engineer re-
port at a pulse meeting that a new mold would
be two weeks late. But since the mold wasn’t on
our critical path and we had nearly six weeks of
slack time in that portion of the schedule, the
team didn’t need to take special action. If the
late deliverable had put us in danger of missing
an important goal, I would have called a meeting
with the appropriate team members to gure out
a solution.
This is the time when careful project planning
pays dividends. Knowing the critical path will
help you decide which issues warrant a sched-
ule change. If you’ve identied risks up front that
could undermine your objectives, you can more
easily recognize which snags are threats to the
project’s success. Having estimated each activ-
ity’s duration and costs and carefully noted any
uncertainties, you’ll be able to distinguish be-
tween variances that aren’t a big deal and those
that suggest larger underlying problems.
When a plan does need revising, you may
have to extend the end date, apply budget re-
serves, remove deliverables from the project’s
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 48
Monitoring and Controlling Your Project
record them (along with the rationale) on some
type of change log in the project records. You can
use your normal project-planning processes and
techniques to revise your plan. Send the new
plan to your team members, and explain any
changes that aect them.
Minor changes may come up as you’re imple-
menting a contingency plan or working out de-
tails of a portion of the project that was planned
only at a high level. The project team can usually
manage these on its own, without seeking stake-
holder approval, unless the changes will directly
aect stakeholders or their departments.
As youre monitoring your project, remember
that meeting your objectives trumps everything
else. Don’t get hung up on compliance with the
original plan. In my experience, almost every
project plan must be revised at some point—
especially when you’re developing new prod-
ucts or systems, because what you learn in the
early stages sheds light on how later-stage tasks
should take shape. Don’t be afraid to change
course if it will bring you within reach of your
Ray Sheen teaches and consults on project
and process management. He has more than 25
years of experience leading projects in defense,
product development, manufacturing, IT, and
other areas, and has run a project management
office in GE’s Electrical Distribution business.
complete tasks in red? Or are some of them green,
because the plan for completion is approved and
under way?
When you need to report bad news in a man-
agement review, always couch it in terms of risks
to project objectives. Explain how certain task
delays will prevent the team from realizing proj-
ect goals on time, for instance, or how a resource
shortage will reduce the rigor of an activity and
thus the quality of its deliverable. When you
present problems, also give options for respond-
ing to them and discuss the risks associated with
each solution. The stakeholders will decide
which risks they want the business to take.
The tollgate review (also called the stage-
gate review, or phase-gate review) is a decision
meeting, not a status check. It’s used when a
business plans and executes projects in discrete
phases. In it, the project team summarizes the
results of the preceding phase and presents a
plan for the next phase. The stakeholders as-
sess the plan, options, and risks, and then de-
cide whether to approve, redirect, or cancel the
project. If they say to proceed to the next phase,
they also provide the team with the necessary
resources, including funding.
At a technical review (sometimes referred to
as a peer review), an independent team of ex-
perts—internal or external consultants, say, or
representatives from a regulatory agency—pro-
vides an in-depth analysis of project results. The
purpose is to ensure that team members did the
work accurately, completely, and to the right
quality standard. Stakeholders may give a stamp
of approval at this time: If the team has success-
fully completed one phase of the project, it can
now proceed to a tollgate review for approval to
begin the next phase.
5. Manage changes to the plan. When revis-
ing a plan, you may make major changes or just
minor tweaks that will allow the team to meet
its objectives.
If you propose major changes to your stake-
holders, spell out the costs and risks of adopting
them and those of sticking with the original plan.
A defense contractor that I work with was asked
by the Air Force to improve performance of a
weapon-system component. After the Air Force
reviewed the proposed options (which included
costs, risks, and schedules) and selected one, the
contractor synchronized updates to design doc-
umentation, manufacturing processes, supplier
contracts, the project schedule, and the budget
so the transition would be as seamless as pos-
sible. When making such large-scale revisions,
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 49
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
Managing People
Problems on Your Team
Your most important resource is your people. After you’ve done the hard work of selecting the right
team members and getting them revved up for the project, you need to make sure they stay on task,
pull their weight, work collaboratively, and reach the quality standards you’ve established with your
stakeholders. If you don’t, you’re highly unlikely to meet your goals, let alone your deadlines and bud-
get targets. Here’s how to recognize and deal with various people problems you may encounter as a
project manager:
Team Structure Problems
Your team lacks nec-
essary skills.
Possible Causes
You overlooked cer-
tain skill requirements
during planning.
You discovered a need
for new skills in the
midst of the project.
Potential Impact
The project doesn’t
move forward as fast
as it should, or it stalls.
Arrange for a team
member to be trained
in the skills needed.
Hire outside consul-
tants or contractors
who have the skills.
A team member
Possible Causes
This could happen for
many reasons, ranging
from sudden illness
to departure from the
Potential Impact
Severity depends on the
skills and knowledge
If you can easily re-
distribute the work or
hire someone with the
same expertise, the
impact may be slight.
If not, the loss could
create a crisis.
Have backup team
members at the ready.
Cross-train people so
they can fill in for one
Make one person’s
departure an oppor-
tunity to bring an even
more skilled team
member on board.
page 50
Managing People Problems on Your Team
Interpersonal Problems
Team members are
too friendly.
Possible Causes
They spend excessive
amounts of time
chatting or discussing
personal problems.
Potential Impact
Overall productivity
Time is wasted, and
the project slows
Hard-working team
members resent
those who work less
Emphasize that social
gatherings need to be
planned for after work.
Reorganize team
subgroups to disrupt
Conflicts exist within
the team.
Possible Causes
People have a hard
time reconciling dif-
ferent personalities,
working styles, or
areas of expertise.
Potential Impact
The schedule, qual-
ity of work, overall
productivity, and team
cohesiveness could all
Focus team members
on the projects goals,
not on personal
Separate the underly-
ing causes from the
surface disturbances,
so you can solve prob-
lems at the root.
Propose solutions, not
Productivity Problems
Time is spent on the
wrong tasks.
Possible Causes
People manage their
time poorly.
A team member pre-
fers some tasks over
others, regardless of
relative importance.
You’ve sent the wrong
message about
Potential Impact
Work on critical tasks
is delayed.
The overall project is
Clarify which tasks are
most important.
Assign tasks to pairs of
team members to work
on together so they
can keep each other in
Provide resources
to help members
improve time manage-
ment skills.
The quality of the work
is poor.
Possible Causes
A team member
misunderstands the
requirements of the
Different people
measure the work by
different standards.
Someone doesn’t
have adequate skills to
complete a task.
Potential Impact
Work must be redone,
costing money and
The project fails.
Be clear from the start
about quality expecta-
tions and standards of
Develop an action
plan for improving the
quality of the team
member’s work.
Provide training and
support to develop
Adapted from Pocket Mentor: Manag-
ing Projects (product #1878), Harvard
Business Review Press, 2006
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Idea in PracticeThe Idea in Brief
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 51
Scenario #1: If employees agree on goals
but disagree on how to achieve them,
use leadership tools: vision, charisma,
salesmanship, and role modeling.
In December 1995, Microsoft’s Bill Gates
published his visionary “Internet Tidal
Wave” memo. The memo persuaded
employees that the World Wide Web
would become integral to computing
(which countered most employees’ beliefs).
Employees responded with products
that crippled Internet rival Netscape and
maintained Microsoft’s dominance in the
software industry (which employees and
the company wanted).
Scenario #2: If employees disagree on
both goals and how to get there, use
power tools: threats, hiring and promo-
tion, control systems, and coercion.
To merge JP Morgan with BankOne, CEO
Jamie Dimon slashed hundreds of execu-
tives’ salaries 20% to 50%. He threatened
to select a single IT platform to replace the
firm’s myriad systems if the IT staff didn’t
pick one themselves in six weeks. And he
told branch managers theyd lose their jobs
if they failed to meet sales quotas.
Scenario #3: If employees agree on both
goals and how to get there, use culture
tools to counter complacence. In particu-
lar, use “disaggregation” (separating the
organization into entities that each have
their own agreed-upon goals and plans
for achieving them) to disrupt high-level
agreement about goals and methods that
could otherwise preserve the status quo.
Hewlett-Packard recognized that its new
inkjet printer business—with its unique
technology and economics—could thrive
only if it was protected from the cultural
expectations of its traditional laser printing
business. Disaggregating the two busi-
nesses eliminated the need for cooperation
between them and enabled the groups to
operate on very different profit models.
Scenario #4: If employees disagree on
goals but agree on how work should be
done, use management tools: measure-
ment systems, standard operating proce-
dures, and training.
In many companies, the reasons unionized
manufacturing workers come to work differ
markedly from those of senior managers.
But as long as workers accept manage-
ment’s assertion that following certain
manufacturing procedures will help them
make products with desired quality and
cost, they will follow those procedures.
Reprint R0610D
Harvard Business Review, October 2006
To buy the full-length article,
Why do managers struggle so hard to get em-
ployees’ cooperation on change initiatives? Even
charismatic leaders have spotty records—winning
commitment to change in some cases but failing
dismally in others.
According to Christensen, Marx, and Stevenson,
too many leaders use the wrong change tools at
the wrong time—wasting energy and risking their
credibility. For example, a vision statement helps get
people on board if they already agree on where their
organization should go. Without that consensus, vi-
sion statements won’t change behavior—aside from
provoking a collective rolling of eyes.
How to wield the right change tools, at the right
time? Gauge how strongly your people agree on
1) where they want to go and 2) how to get there.
Then select tools based on the nature of employees’
agreement. For instance, if people disagree about
goals and ways to achieve them (common during
mergers), use power toolssuch as threatening
to make key decisions yourself. If employees have
goals that differ from your companys but agree
on how work should be done (think independent
contractors), use management tools—including
training and performance measurement systems.
Choose the correct tools, and you spur the changes
your firm needs to stay ahead of rivals.
The Tools of Cooperation and Change
A summary of the full-length HBR article, with lists of key ideas and company examples.
Editors Note: Sometimes you need to manage change within projects. Other times
the projects themselves are agents of change in a company, and you have to overcome
organizational resistance. Arm yourself with the right tools, and you can elicit cooperation
rather than entrenchment.
Clayton M. Christensen is the Robert and
Jane Cizik Professor of Business Administration
at Harvard Business School in Boston. Matt
Marx was a doctoral student at HBS. Howard
H. Stevenson is HBSs Sarofim-Rock Baker
Foundation Professor of Business Administration
and the chairman of the board at Harvard
Business Publishing.
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 52
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
Don’t Throw Good Money
(or Time) After Bad
by Jimmy Guterman
You approved the development of a high-prole new product for your company a year ago—but now
things aren’t going well. Despite previous forecasts that customers needed your product, the market
has changed, and the response is uncertain at best. But you’re not going to give up and throw away $10
million, are you?
Actually, spending another dime on a doomed product is the wrong decision. Yet chasing after sunk
costs (investments that are no longer recoverable) is a common error. Just another couple hundred thou-
sand dollars, you say to yourself, and we’ll be able to recoup our investment.
Don’t fall for that line of reasoning. True managerial wisdom lies in a kind of forgetfulness—the abil-
ity to ignore prior investments, costs, and benets, and to focus instead on the situation at hand. When
faced with insucient information and tight time constraints, managers regularly use simplifying
strategies, known as judgment heuristics, as decision-making shortcuts. Problem is, human psychol-
ogy always enters into the process, leading to cognitive biases—conclusions based on misperceptions
or faulty inferences. The sunk-cost trap is a type of cognitive bias. Harvard Business School professor
Max H. Bazerman, author of Judgment in Managerial Decision Making, likens this “nonrational escala-
tion of commitment” to standing at a bus stop for hour after hour. At some point, you have to admit
that the bus is not coming.
You can avoid escalating your company’s commitment to a product, person, or strategy beyond a
reasonable point. These guidelines will help.
Don’t make choices merely to justify past decisions. Should you retain an underperforming, abu-
sive contractor simply because you hired him and don’t want to be accused of ip-opping? Should
you continue to extend credit to a company that has consistently failed to meet its obligations, since
it promises that just one more loan will turn everything around? In the abstract, the answer to both
questions is clearly no. But it’s easy to let context obscure your better judgment.
Avoid this problem by gathering external evidence to support your choices. When deciding whether
to move forward on a project, consult as many outside sources and devil’s advocates as you can, so
you’re sure to consider how people other than your supervisor might view your quandary. Failure
to see the big picture often results in overly cautious decision making, which in turn can lead to the
sunk-cost trap.
Focus on the quality of the decision, not the quality of the outcome. Many people fall into the
sunk-cost trap because they fear being judged for the unfortunate consequences of their good-at-
page 53
Don’t Throw Good Money (or Time) After Bad
manager to work for you. Although you had ex-
pected excellent performance, early reports sug-
gest that she is not performing as you had hoped.
Should you fire her? Perhaps you really can’t
aord her current level of performance. On the
other hand, you have invested a fair amount in
her training. Furthermore, she may just be in the
process of learning the ropes. So you decide to
invest in her a bit longer and provide additional
resources so that she can succeed. But still she
does not perform as expected. Although you
have more reason to ‘cut your losses,’ you now
have even more invested in this employee.
Precise targets can help you avoid such
rounds of rationalizing. Establish in advance
how much time and money you’re willing to
pour into a project or person before you need to
see specic results. As the investment sage War-
ren Buett once said, “When you nd yourself in
a hole, the best thing you can do is stop digging.
Targets tell you when to put down the shovel.
They enable you to discriminate, says Bazerman,
“between situations in which persistence will pay
o and situations in which it will not.
Jimmy Guterman is a senior editor at
Adapted from Harvard Management Update (product
#U0205D), May 2002
the-time decisions. When things go sour, HBS
professor emeritus Howard Raia explains, de-
cision makers become “more worried about acts
of commission, like changing course, than acts
of omission, like continuing to take the company
down the wrong road. If I just go along as things
are now, the thinking goes, things might change. If
I commit an act of commission and admit that the
current course is wrongheaded, that may trier
a review…. There are huge internal and external
pressures to keep going even if all parties realize
it’s wrong and it’s going to stay wrong.
If you’re managing a decision maker, you can
prevent unnecessary escalations of commitment
by making it clear that no one will be punished
for not owning a crystal ball.
The more you equate time with money, the
more susceptible you are to the sunk-cost trap.
That’s the conclusion Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology marketing professor
Dilip Soman reached after conducting a series
of sunk-cost experiments. As he noted in a 2001
article in the Journal of Behavioral Decision Mak-
ing, sunk costs don’t usually trip us up when
our main investment is time. But they do pres-
ent a problem when we become more adept at
converting that investment into a monetary
Use decision rules to prevent cloudy think-
ing. In Judgment in Managerial Decision Making,
Bazerman lays out a common scenario: “You
personally decided to hire a new middle-level
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 54
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
Closing Out Your
Project: Handing Off
Authority and Control
by Ray Sheen
Now that you’ve executed your project, it’s time to gauge your success and then nalize activities, rang-
ing from transferring control of new systems or facilities to presenting deliverables to stakeholders.
Why not nalize activities rst? Because you can’t know when to close up shop until you’ve deter-
mined whether you’ve met your objectives.
In other words, success means achieving the goals in your charter and scope statement—not neces-
sarily nishing all the tasks on your Gantt chart. Whether your team is releasing a product, adopting a
new system, opening a facility, or improving a process, you’ll need to validate that those goals, if still
relevant, have been reached. Since stakeholders care far more about realizing business benets than
they do about adhering to the plans “critical path,” the team needs to get out of the weeds and sharpen
its focus on those benets as it completes the project.
Awhile back, I bumped into someone I had worked with years ago on a product-development initia-
tive, and he mentioned that it was one of the best projects our organization had done. After we parted
ways, I tried to reconstruct what was so good about it, because it was not well planned or executed. I
realized it was the closeout phase that saved us. In our plan, we had overlooked some business systems
that had to be changed to accommodate the new product; we were late getting sta assigned, so we
soon fell behind schedule; and we had to replan the project on several occasions as a result of estimat-
ing errors and technical problems. Scrambling to recover from the delays, we went over budget by
about 10%. In the endgame, however, we made up for those earlier problems by meeting market needs.
We made sure that when the product launched, it worked well, it was easy for customers to order and
for us to build, and our business systems could support it without diculty. All that paid o—sales
exceeded expectations. That’s why stakeholders viewed the project as a success, despite the stumbles
in planning and execution.
Once you’ve achieved your objectives—or determined that they’re no longer relevant—you’ll take
one of three approaches to winding down your project:
The team hands off the project to itself. In such cases, team members become the primary users
and maintainers of their own deliverables. When I was at GE, for example, we had a project team that
designed and oversaw the installation of a new high-voltage power test facility. Once that was up and
page 55
Closing Out Your Project: Handing Off Authority and Control
item, and when everything on the punchlist is
nished, so is the project. Because stakeholders
have already agreed on your nal to-dos, they’ll
be much less likely to ask for “just one more
thing” at this stage. The punchlist is a good t
when you need to terminate a project, because
the team may have a hard time letting go, and
this focuses the group on closure. While work-
ing with a contract manufacturer of plastic parts
several years ago, I helped a team use this tool
to ensure that all the tests, inspections, and pi-
lot runs needed to certify a new mold were done
and that the mold was brought on line in a timely
The “stakeholder handshake.Projects that
have a fuzzy scope statement—as many re-
search initiatives and small, informal projects
do—benet from this technique because it keeps
the work from going too far beyond the plans
boundaries. Meet with your key stakeholders
to compare the project’s accomplishments with
the contract or scope statement, and ask them to
agree on whether the project is indeed nished.
Have them set an end point or elect to close the
project now and, if necessary, open a new one.
Such meetings tend to include wide-ranging
discussions of options, so it’s good to come
prepared with several proposals. Following the
meeting, document the stakeholders’ decision
and circulate it so there’s no confusion. When I
conduct a project-management assessment for
an organization, I often close it in this fashion.
Many times, I’ve been asked to “see what we
need to improve.” After I complete my review, I
meet with the executive who hired me. Usually
we agree that the assessment is over, discuss the
findings, and then determine if I’m needed to
help implement them.
The “scope creep parking lot.During proj-
ect execution, eager stakeholders may have pro-
posed additional ideas, or team members may
have been tempted to add bells and whistles.
Ideally, you’ve captured those items in a list that
some project managers call the “scope creep
parking lot,” so they’re not lost—but they also
haven’t derailed the plan by introducing new ac-
tivities or changing boundaries. Now that you’re
closing the project, it’s time to review this list
so you can create follow-on proposals for your
stakeholders. This technique can be effective
when a team prepares to hand o a project to it-
self because stakeholders may be more likely to
accept the deliverables if they know they’ll have
the opportunity to tweak them later. I’ve used
the scope creep parking lot on several software-
running, the head of the team and several other
members went on to manage the facility. If your
team inherits its own deliverables, it will need to
close any administrative accounts or les (such
as supplier contracts and purchase orders) asso-
ciated with development and open new ones for
operational deployment.
The team terminates the project. Here, all
activities come to a halt, and the organization
either releases or redeploys the resources. This
can happen when a project has problems, such
as a massive overrun, but sometimes it’s due to
forces outside the team’s control. For instance, I
once worked with several project teams on coor-
dinating nancial processes for two companies
planning to merge. The teams had been in place
for months and had made great progress when
an unexpected government ruling barred the
merger at the last minute. The teams disbanded
within 24 hours. This type of closeout is admin-
istratively straightforward (the end is indisput-
able, after all), but it can be emotionally dicult
because people often lose their assignments—or
their jobs—without warning.
The team integrates the project. When using
this approach—by far the most common and the
most challenging—your team must ensure that
others embrace its deliverables and apply them
appropriately. In the dozens of new-product ini-
tiatives I’ve helped manage, it has taken as much
or more time and work to hand o the product
design to the manufacturing and quality or-
ganizations and to ensure the training of sales,
marketing, and service sta as it has to design,
develop, and validate the products themselves.
As you integrate your project, you may face or-
ganizational resistance to change. If you think
that will happen, you can add a transition phase
to the project that includes pilot runs, beta tests,
and any other activities that will make adoption
Clearly, your closeout method will depend
largely on business conditions—and so will the
tools and techniques you’ll apply within it. Here
are a few I’ve found especially helpful in manag-
ing expectations as projects near completion:
The punchlist. This is used mainly in con-
struction projects, but it works well for any type
of project where people may try to slide in extra
requests—for example, additional features— at
the end. The team meets with the stakehold-
ers and reviews the results of project activities.
During that review, everyone helps identify re-
maining tasks, which you put on a “punchlist”
of nal action items. The team then tackles each
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 56
Closing Out Your Project: Handing Off Authority and Control
development projects. In each case, although
minor issues were found during user-acceptance
testing, the projects could close because we
worked them into the scope for the next release.
Whichever closeout approach and tools
you use, don’t forget to celebrate your team’s
achievements. Success breeds success. Even on
projects that weren’t perfectly planned or exe-
cuted, team members have worked hard to meet
the business objectives and should be rewarded
if they’ve done so. This will encourage them to
do good work for you in the future—and the pos-
itive example will prompt other teams to achieve
their project goals as well. Hold o on discussing
opportunities for improvement. It’s best to do
that in a separate lessons-learned session that’s
focused on improving the way you manage the
next project. For now, take a moment to “bask in
the glow” of your current project.
Ray Sheen teaches and consults on project
and process management. He has more than 25
years of experience leading projects in defense,
product development, manufacturing, IT, and
other areas, and has run a project management
office in GE’s Electrical Distribution business.
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 57
Copyright © 2011 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
Closing Out Your Project:
Capturing Lessons Learned
by Ray Sheen
Though every project is dierent, you can and should always learn from what you’ve just done. Com-
panies with a project management oce (PMO) conduct a lessons-learned session—sometimes called
a postmortem or an after-action review—as a formal part of each project’s closeout. Those without
a PMO typically share insights informally, as team members reminisce. Either way, it’s important to
capture learning while the experience is still fresh.
For example, I recently led a small project that lasted only a few months, and the team gathered for
a dinner immediately after we wrapped things up to talk about what went right and what went wrong.
It was a great conversation, and the next project we do will be better because of it. Since the project
had a short time frame and the team was intact for the whole thing, it was relatively easy to discuss all
aspects, from early planning through completion. When we returned from the dinner, one of the other
team members and I updated the project folder with notes about our lessons learned.
By contrast, when I managed an engineering department at a Fortune 500 company, some of our
projects lasted three years, and the core teams inevitably changed over time. I remember conducting
a lessons-learned session with a product development team right after it had launched a new oering.
Unfortunately, only one person in the room had been on board back when the project began—and she
had moved into a dierent role by the time it was winding down. With the benet of hindsight, we
could spot errors that the original team had made in the project plan. But we could not identify the
events or explain the thinking that led to those errors, since most of us had not been there. From then
on, I took a dierent approach to long-term projects: I started gathering lessons after each phase rather
than waiting until the project’s end, so the team could clearly recall and accurately analyze what hap-
pened. This had the added bonus of allowing us to incorporate the lessons sooner.
When I conduct lessons-learned sessions, I follow a four-step process:
1. Evaluate the business case. The rst question I ask is, “Has the project delivered on its prom-
ised result?” This isn’t meant to help you judge how well the team did the work; it’s to gauge
whether the project has met senior management’s expectations as claried in the project selection
and approval process—and whether those goals were really within reach. Projects are approved on
the basis of forecasted business benets, such as sales growth, cost reduction, cycle-time improve-
ment, defect reduction, or increased capacity. Whatever the forecasted benet, has it been realized?
If not, were the original assumptions and project justications inaccurate? By carefully examining
these issues and sharing the ndings with the project’s sponsor, a team can improve its organiza-
page 58
Closing Out Your Project: Capturing Lessons Learned
the next three to four months we created the
procedures and systems that allowed for coordi-
nated, simplied project planning and execution.
4. Evaluate individuals’ performance. Last,
I ask, “What feedback do I need to give team
members on their performance (good or bad),
and what should I tell their supervisors?” I rec-
ommend following this step, even if it’s not of-
ficially required, for all core team members. I
typically ask the full team to help identify the
“superheroes” among them. This both publicly
reinforces the importance of contributing your
best and minimizes the impression that the
project leader is playing favorites. The members
with poor performance I address individually. Of
course, specic methods for conducting any per-
formance appraisals must be in accordance with
local human resource practices.
An eective lessons-learned process encourages
continuous improvement. However, in my ex-
perience, the reports from these sessions are sel-
dom read by anyone—so don’t pin all your hopes
on the documentation you’ve tucked away in the
project le. Instead, turn the lessons into a list of
action items for the PMO or for your team mem-
bers to ensure that they are incorporated into the
next project. Apply the insights right away by
updating checklists, tweaking review processes,
and making any other necessary adjustments be-
fore the next project launches.
Ray Sheen teaches and consults on project
and process management. He has more than 25
years of experience leading projects in defense,
product development, manufacturing, IT, and
other areas, and has run a project management
office in GE’s Electrical Distribution business.
tions ability to select projects and to establish
realistic objectives in project charters. If you
have a PMO, it will normally take responsibil-
ity for incorporating such lessons into project-
initiation processes.
2. Evaluate the project plan. Next I ask, “Was
the project plan reasonable and appropriate
for the project goal and business conditions?” I
consider whether it excluded any necessary ac-
tivities or included any unnecessary ones. I also
look at the cost and schedule estimates for each
activity. These should reect the business and
technology conditions at the time the project be-
gan and provide sensible buers. Then I review
the initial risk assessment to determine which
risks were not anticipated, which ones were im-
properly rated, and which response approaches
were inadequate. Finally, I consider the practices
established for both team and stakeholder com-
munication. Did the plan allow enough oppor-
tunities for updates and information exchange?
Did conversations take place at the right times,
with the right people? Were decisions made in a
timely fashion?
3. Evaluate the project-management meth-
odology. The third question I ask is, “Were the
organizations project-management procedures
and systems beneficial?” To answer it, I focus
on whether the company even has procedures,
templates, or checklists; how current and rel-
evant they are (if they do exist); how appropriate
the mandated reviews and control points were
for the project; and how useful the project-
management information system was in com-
municating the project’s plans and status to all
the players.
Lessons learned are often embodied in
companies’ project-management procedures
and systems. When I served as a consultant to
a midsize contract manufacturer, I was sur-
prised to nd that it had no centralized project-
management procedures, even though all of its
work was project based. The rm simply hired
experienced project managers and allowed
them free rein. This led to a “rock star” mental-
ity among project managers and no consistency
in approach. Anyone assigned to a new project
team had to learn new scheduling, budgeting,
and reporting techniques. The duplication of
systems and resulting ineciency in project ex-
ecution took a high toll on the organization. In-
dividuals participating on multiple projects had
to support multiple, often conicting, meetings
and report formats, leading to numerous “re-
dos.” The company established a PMO, and over
Harvard Business Review Guide to Project Management page 59
Charter A concise written description of the projects intended work. The charter may contain the name of the
sponsor, the project’s benefits to the organization, a description of the objectives, the expected time frame, and a
Critical Path Method A planning technique used for complex projects that consist of several activities. Any activi-
ties that need to be completed before others can move forward are considered “critical”—in other words, necessary
for the on-time success of the project. The total duration of the project is defined by the critical path.
Gantt chart A bar chart showing when project tasks should begin and when they should end.
Launch A special meeting or event that marks a projects official beginning.
Management review A meeting where stakeholders may examine several projects together, as well as individually,
to see if the portfolio as a whole will generate the desired business results and to identify weaknesses.
Network diagram A scheduling chart that indicates all the relationships between tasks and reveals the critical
path. Generally synonymous with a PERT chart (below).
Performance Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) A scheduling method that, when charted, represents
every task as a node that connects with other nodes required to complete the project. A PERT chart may have
many parallel or interconnecting networks of tasks, so periodic reviews are encouraged for complex projects. Un-
like the Gantt chart, it indicates all the important task relationships and project milestones.
Post-evaluation A meeting where the project team debriefs and documents its process for the purpose of learn-
ing and sharing lessons and making improvements. Also called a lessons-learned session, a postmortem, or an
after-action review.
Project Management Office A corporate office (typically in a large company) that establishes processes and
templates to guide an organization’s project managers in planning and execution, provides assistance to individuals
trying to apply those processes, and sometimes manages individual projects.
Project Steering Committee A group that approves the project charter, secures resources, and adjudicates all
requests to change key project elements, including deliverables, the schedule, and the budget.
Punchlist The project teams final list of action items, approved by key stakeholders.
Scope creep The tendency (often as a result of pressure from stakeholders) to permit changes that exceed a proj-
ect’s scope and may wreak havoc on the schedule, the quality of the work, or the budget.
Scope creep parking lot A list of additional ideas or bells and whistles proposed during a project. The idea is to
“park” them so they can be revisited later, without danger of derailing the current project.
Stoplight chart A project-monitoring tool that uses red, yellow, and green color coding to indicate the status of
each project activity.
Sunk costs Project investments that are no longer recoverable.
Technical review A meeting where an independent team of experts provides an in-depth analysis of project
results to ensure that team members did the work accurately, completely, and to the right quality standard. Some-
times called a peer review.
Tollgate review A meeting where the project team summarizes the results of the preceding phase and presents a
plan for the next phase so stakeholders can decide whether to approve, redirect, or cancel the project. Also called a
stage-gate review, or a phase-gate review.
page 60
Variance The difference (positive or negative) between actual and expected results in the budget. Managers use
variance to spot sources of trouble and areas of exceptional performance.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) A planning routine that breaks down a project’s goal into the many tasks
required to achieve it. The time and money needed to complete those tasks are then estimated.
Adapted from Harvard Business Essentials: Managing Projects Large and Small (product #3213), Harvard Business Review Press, 2004
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