Understanding Cost & Coverage Issues
with Diagnostic Breast Imaging
Understanding Cost & Coverage Issues with Diagnostic Breast Imaging
The following report represents key findings from The Martec Group’s primary and secondary
research eorts. The team was instructed to explore the cost and coverage issue with breast
diagnostic imaging in order to equip Susan G. Komen with the information necessary to strategize
eorts at the state and federal levels.
I. A Brief Summary of Findings ................................................................................................................... 3
II. Project Background ..................................................................................................................................... 3
III. Study Objectives ........................................................................................................................................... 3
IV. Research Methodology .............................................................................................................................. 3
V. Patient Perspective ...................................................................................................................................... 4
VI. Health/Insurance Professional Perspective ...................................................................................... 5
VII. Cost Analysis .................................................................................................................................................. 6
VIII. Study Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................ 7
IX. Appendix .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
X. Citations ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
Understanding Cost & Coverage Issues with Diagnostic Breast Imaging
I. A Brief Summary of Findings
Patients, insurance professionals, and health care providers recognize the cost and coverage issue with
diagnostic imaging. Cost is perceived as an added stressor and often leads to frustration, prioritization, and
avoidance for patients. Although some insurers cover additional diagnostic imaging (MRIs, ultrasounds, etc.),
the costs vary so much across the board that women are confused and often misguided. With nearly 50%
of women receiving a second procedure after their initial diagnostic test, Martec concludes that additional
coverage needs to and should be considered.
II. Project Background
Susan G. Komen was seeking proposals from firms and/or individuals to conduct an analysis of coverage and
cost for breast diagnostic imaging (mammography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging) in dierent
health insurance types – Medicare, Medicaid, and private coverage. Diagnostic imaging is used to check for
breast cancer after a lump or other sign or symptom of the disease has been found clinically or on screening
mammography. Diagnostic imaging is also typically recommended for asymptomatic women that have
undergone a lumpectomy followed by radiation therapy and those with a prior history of breast cancer.
Diagnostic imaging is typically more expensive than a screening mammography. As a result, patients are
often burdened with co-pays and other cost-sharing when receiving diagnostic imaging, unlike with screening
mammograms which are fully covered by Medicare, the Aordable Care Act (ACA) plans and most private plans.
For women who receive abnormal results on a screening mammogram, reducing out-of-pocket costs for
diagnostic imaging would improve access and utilization, and allow more timely diagnosis and treatment of
breast cancer.
This analysis defines the problem in all health insurance types across the country and provides supplemental
stories from women who have faced this challenge.
III. Study Objectives
The objectives of the study included the following:
Provide informative, national aggregate data and bell weather State data (targeted from the following group:
TX, CA, IL, FL, OH and MA), related to breast diagnostic imaging (mammography, ultrasound, magnetic
resonance imaging) coverage and cost in dierent health insurance types Medicare, Medicaid, and private plans
- “Best eorts” basis targeting ~5 representative States as data may not exist in all cases
Develop a cost analysis on the findings of screening mammography and diagnostic imaging coverage and
how this influences the following:
- Patient access
- Out-of-pocket costs
- Treatment delays/time to diagnosis
IV. Research Methodology
In-depth primary research with key decision makers (healthcare industry) and women facing this problem drove
the engagement.
Martec engaged with multiple functional decision makers across the diagnostic imaging (mammography,
ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging) and insurance industries.
Secondary research also supported the engagement and educated/informed Martec researchers prior to the
primary in-depth interviews:
Martec collected and incorporated the relevant published data into this report.
Understanding Cost & Coverage Issues with Diagnostic Breast Imaging
V. Patient Perspective
In-depth interviews with women from five targeted states (TX, CA, IL, FL, OH and MA) shed light on the issue.
Four reoccurring themes were uncovered throughout Martec’s phone interviews:
1. With diagnostic imaging costs varying so much across the board, women are unsure of what to expect—
leading to frustration, confusion, and sometimes avoidance.
- Elayne from Columbus, OH [Medicaid] “It’s not fair to people when they have to make the choice between getting
mammograms and ultrasounds vs something else…like paying rent or for their kids’ lunch.
- Krista from Wellesley, MA [Tufts] “I just found out my scheduled breast MRI is not covered by my insurance. So it
seems like I have three choices right now—cancel my MRI, private pay, or appeal the decision…which takes I don’t know
how long. I’d consider the private pay option, but no one can give me an estimate…doctors have no idea. Everyone
throughout this whole process seems to be in the dark—as if they haven’t done this a million times before.
- Stephanie from Cyprus, TX [Cigna] “He wants me to do a Diagnostic Mammogram...I asked them about out-of-pocket
charges…I would have to pay $430 and that doesn’t include radiologist charges and other separate charges. This really
pisses me o because they want us to do screening each year but then the cost is getting higher which makes it pretty
hard to aord. I know I paid half that price last year.
2. The process of getting tested is already stressful—women view the unexpected costs as a “cherry on top”
and yet another aspect of the experience to dread. Some even believe the cost is getting worse over time.
- Raechael from Chino, CA [Blue Cross Blue Shield] “It’s already a really scary process—nding a lump, getting tested, waiting
for results…wondering if I’ll be paying o my bills for the next few years is just the icing on the cake. It’s a lot to handle.
- Jan from Palo Alto, CA [Health Net & Cigna] I was referred for a mammogram and ultrasound for a lump that my primary
doctor found. Because I’m about a year too young, by insurance covers nothing. I struggled to pay $1,200 combined.
- Ebonie from Chicago, IL [Humana HMO] “I used to have Blue Cross Blue Shield and we didn’t have a copay for
normal mammograms but even then, I still paid $1700 because the no-cost mammogram lead to ultrasound, another
mammogram, and an MRI. But Humana, which I have now, is even worse because I have a $50 copay just for screening.
3. Many women decide to cancel or delay their doctor recommended diagnostic tests when they find out the
cost—either waiting for better coverage or until they can save up enough money. Others are jaded by past
prices paid and will only return for testing if they feel it is necessary (i.e. finding a lump on their own).
- Kristen from Lagrange, IL [Blue Cross] “Since I just got checked out, I probably won’t go back for at least 3 or 4 years.
The copay is so high for specialists, and even for my primary care doctor, so I’ll only go if I think I feel something again.”
- Theresa from San Francisco, CA [Anthem Blue Cross] “I have extremely dense breasts and every time I have a
mammogram or a breast exam, the technician or medical personnel comments that I would be better o having a 3D
mammogram. Since my insurance won’t cover a 3D until the regular mammogram comes back in question, the cost-
prohibitive 3D exams will not be covered, so I haven’t had one. Recently, I had genetic testing as part of a mammogram/
breast study, and the results came back as my having a gene (not the BRACs) that are indicating a very increased risk
for breast cancer. I was scheduled for a breast MRI in October, but when I found out that I would first have to meet my
$500 deductible and then still have to pay even more (insurance will only cover 80% until I meet the $2500 max out of
pocket), I ended up cancelling that procedure. I still haven’t gotten it because I can’t aord it right now.
- Annie from Wylie, TX [Medicaid] “I’m a 14-year breast cancer survivor, so you think I’d be able to aord at least a yearly
mammogram. But Obamacare is terrible. It doesn’t cover hardly anything. I’ve been waiting a few years to get checked
again because in March I qualify for Medicare and I’ve heard that’s better.
- Nancy from Chicago, IL [No insurance] “Prior to beginning my job in June, I was a contractor and responsible for
covering my own medical costs. Hence, I put o having an MRI (breast mammogram) until approximately two years ago
when I turned 48, as I did not want to pay out-of-pocket.
- Brittany from Chicago, IL [Aetna PPO] “I had to pay $549 out of pocket for my ultrasound, but they let me pay it o
monthly. I’m still making payments. It makes me hesitant to go in the future…. knowing how much it will cost me makes
me think, maybe I can put it o a little longer until I get my finances together... Some of my friends are even hesitant to
go to the gyno because they think everything will cost too much. They want to wait until they feel something.
Understanding Cost & Coverage Issues with Diagnostic Breast Imaging
4. The process has made women feel undervalued and unprotected when neither the medical or insurance
industries will fight for lower prices.
- Jean from Freeport, TX [No insurance] “I felt in the dark during the process because no one was being straight with me
when I asked about how much the MRI would cost. The fact that it’s not covered makes me frustrated as a woman and
really not valued in the medical or insurance industry.
- Laura from Tarpon Springs, FL [Florida Blue] “They [her insurance company] paid a little more after I called and made
a big fuss about it—but they don’t really care. I struggled to pay the $350 I talked them down to.
- Andrea from Evanston, IL [Medicaid] “The whole process was frustrating—financially and emotionally. So much that I
questioned whether these tests were doing any good or if the healthcare industry was just trying to nickel and dime me.
- Lo from Maitland, FL [Blue Cross Blue Shield] “I had to go around to almost a dozen dierent local doctors to find one
who would fight for me and try to get me a lower price for the ultrasound. Most accepted that the screening mam was
all that would be covered.
- Michelle from Hollywood, FL [Medicaid] “We’re not doing this for fun. There are so many things I’d rather spend money
on, but it has to be done. Breast cancer is one of the scariest things, so what am I supposed to do….it isn’t right that
something all women eventually have to do isn’t covered.
As echoed in verbatim responses, women are struggling with the cost and coverage of breast diagnostic
imaging. They are frustrated, confused, which often leads to avoidance of an already emotional and stressful
medical decision…a decision that can be crucial in detecting breast cancer.
VI. Health & Insurance Professional Perspective
To gain another perspective, Martec explored the opinions of healthcare and insurance professionals. Like their
patients, professionals also see flaws in not only the cost and coverage of diagnostic imaging, but also the
process. The following opinions were echoed:
1. Cost was defined as the primary reason women avoid diagnostic imaging or don’t follow-up after their initial
screening mammogram. Often secondarily, lack of education and mental health were mentioned.
- “Too many women fall to the wayside because they can’t aord a follow-up, then they forget about it or can’t aord to
make it a priority.
- “I have a lot of women who don’t come back…say you have a biopsy that turns out negative. We want you to come back
6 months later for a short-term follow-up…but many women don’t come back for that follow-up because their insurance
won’t cover it.
- “Our biggest problem that prevents our patients from following-up are social and mental health issues (depression,
PTSD, homelessness, substance abuse) not cost.
- “I have women who refuse to get ultrasounds because they don’t know what it’s gonna cost.
2. They agree that screening mammograms aren’t always sucient in detecting cancerous tissues and
insurance coverage should reflect that.
- “Mammography isn’t foolproof…a lot of times that ultrasound can pick up cancerous tissues that a mammogram can’t
miss. But when insurance only covers that mammogram, it’s telling these women that it’s all they need.
3. But professionals also believe women need to hold themselves more accountable throughout the process.
Not only do they need to be knowledgeable about the risks involved with skipping a screening, but they
should also be more aware of their resources.
- So many people don’t know that they can call up their insurance company and demand that more gets paid for. And
why would they? Nobody is telling them these things…. but the insurance companies don’t care. They’ll work with you if
you care enough to call.
- “They need to take more responsibility for themselves. There are so many resources out there…especially for women
with low income…these women are avoiding these tests because they think they can’t aord it or don’t know how much
it’s going to cost, but there are other ways….it doesn’t always work out, but it’s worth a shot.
- A lot of primary care doctors don’t get involved in things like that [educating women on their options] …so that’s
definitely part of the issue.
- “More women need to know what they’re entitled to if they don’t have insurance.
Understanding Cost & Coverage Issues with Diagnostic Breast Imaging
- “Women need to be asking about what other fees are involved...like a reading fee…and feel comfortable negotiating costs.
- “I wish I could tell every woman, ‘If you don’t know who to call or you can’t speak English, have someone help you.’”
4. In the end, they oered a few heartbreaking anecdotes that shed light on how big of an issue this really is.
- “It’s a business…and if patients get cancer then the insurance company is guaranteed a steady stream of income at least
for the next couple of years. It’s terrible, but that’s how it’s set up.
- “In 2015 I had a young girl come in…probably about 32, full-figured with large breasts, two young children, she came in
with a lump. She said she had it for 6 months, but her husband was self-employed and the deductible was way too high,
so she had to wait for him to have an o-year salary-wise. It turns out that in that 6 months, she developed metastatic
breast cancer and passed away 18 months later…leaving her husband and two small children behind…. she was young.
Six months of development could be the dierence between stage one and stage four… I can still picture her mother in
the waiting room after her biopsy just crying her eyes out. It took me a long time to get over that.
VII. Costs Analysis
The cost analysis portion was two-fold. First, Martec conducted secondary research to uncover previous work
done in the field.
A study published in 2018 illustrated the utilization and associated costs of breast imaging and diagnostic
procedures after a screening mammography (Vlahiotis et al., 2018).
Vlahiotis’ study used health care claims data from 2011 to 2015 so researchers could follow the path many
women take after their screening mammogram:
“The most common first diagnostic procedures were diagnostic mammography for 88.0% of patients and ultrasound for
10.8%. Following the first procedure, 49.4% of patients proceeded to a second procedure, which was most often ultrasound
(57.4%) or diagnostic mammography (33.5%). Biopsy was performed for 6.3% of patients following their first diagnostic
imaging procedure. Of the patients receiving a second procedure, 40.8% experienced a third round of diagnostic testing,
most commonly diagnostic mammography (54.2%) or ultrasound (27.4%). Biopsy was performed for 13.8% of patients
experiencing a third round of diagnostics. Half of the patients with three diagnostic procedures went to a fourth round of
procedures” (Vlahiotis et al., 2018).
Following their first diagnostic procedure, 49.4% had a second procedure, 20.1% had a third, and 10.0% had a
fourth. However, the two most common paths are:
- Screening mammogramDiagnostic mammogramUltrasoundBiopsy
- Diagnostic mammogramUltrasoundBiopsy
When the study’s sample of 875,527 patients was projected nationally, there were “12,394,432 patients annually
receiving 8,732,909 diagnostic mammograms (53.3% of patients), 6,987,399 breast ultrasounds (42.4% of
patients), and 1,585,856 biopsies (10.3% of patients).
And most relevantly, the study found the mean, median, and standard deviation of the amounts paid by
patients for dierent breast diagnostic tests between 2011 and 2015 (see Table 1).
In Martec’s primary research eorts, patients (women), healthcare professionals, and insurance professionals
were asked what the going rate was for each of the following four tests: Screening mammogram, diagnostic
mammogram, breast ultrasound, and breast MRI. The prices varied across the board but were in line with the
national averages found in Vlahiotis et al.s 2018 study (see Table 2).
The nationwide average patient cost for a diagnostic mammogram is $349 (Vlahiotis et al., 2018), although
women stated they paid anywhere from $150 (without insurance in Illinois) to $836 (BCBS PPO in Texas).
The nationwide average patient cost for a breast ultrasound is $132 (Vlahiotis et al., 2018)—but some women
paid nothing (Blue Cross in Massachusetts) and others paid $755 (United Health Care in California).
Regardless of the diagnostic procedure, some women are paying far too much while others pay nothing at all.
The inconsistency in cost and coverage is a recognized issue among both patients and health professionals.
Understanding Cost & Coverage Issues with Diagnostic Breast Imaging
VIII. Conclusions
Based on these findings, Martec concludes the following:
1. The longer it takes for women to detect breast cancer, the quicker their five-year survival rates decline
(Howlader et al., 2017). But frustration, fear, and confusion about follow-up costs can lead to avoidance and
ultimately higher risk.
2. Over 12 million women are receiving follow-up breast diagnostic procedures each year, adding up to an
annual expenditure of nearly $8 billion (Vlahiotis et al., 2018). This study has provided further background
into the issue and presents a clear need for funding to support 2nd, 3rd, and 4th line testing resulting from
initial mammography results.
3. And lastly, there is a lack of appropriate education and awareness on testing costs and procedures among
both women and healthcare professionals.
Understanding Cost & Coverage Issues with Diagnostic Breast Imaging
IX. Appendix
Table 1: Mean, median, and standard deviation of paid amounts for breast diagnostic procedures by the patient
(Vlahiotis et al., 2018).
n=875,526 n=789,062 n=73,768 n=12,696
$234 $354
$239 $297
$172 $347
Tomosynthesis $134
$113 $136
$115 $110
$93 $115
Ultrasound $132
$95 $137
$100 $76
$54 $112
Molecular Breast
$135 $299
$133 $291
$190 $175
$1,021 $1,228
$1,073 $875
$615 $1,130
Biopsy $1,938
$1,211 $1,940
$1,246 $1,901
$918 $2,064
$1,245 $1,902
$1,276 $1,951
$971 $2,075
Guided FNA
$153 $251
$154 $240
$146 $208
Other FNA $217
$172 $220
$173 $193
$159 $173
Guided Core
$694 $1,036
$712 $999
$578 $1,041
Oce Visit
$451 $720
$432 $811
$570 $783 ($807) $516
Pathology $1,264
$501 $1,243
$502 $1,381
$471 $1,682
Anesthesia $1,120
$776 $1,178
$843 $702
$356 $1,166
Commercial: data from active employees, early retirees, health care coverage under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 continues,
and dependents insured by employer-sponsored plans (i.e., persons not eligible for Medicare).
Medicare/Medicare supplemental: data from individuals enrolled in Medicare who also have group health insurance coverage paid for by a current or former
Transition: data for patients who transitioned during the reporting period from having only commercial insurance to then having Medicare plus a supplemental
insurance paid for by their current or former employer.
Understanding Cost & Coverage Issues with Diagnostic Breast Imaging
Table 2: Self-reported costs of each test based on primary in-depth interviews with patients, providers, and
insurance agents—supported by secondary research.
Screening Mammogram Diagnostic Mammogram Breast Ultrasound Breast MRI
$65, $170 $638, $1046 $250, $140, $250,
$1303, $2070, $1609,
$950, $2000, $1275
Medicare No cost if a doctor accepts
the assignment
20% of the Medicare approved amount
No cost to the patient for any of these tests.
Private Likely $0 if over 40 $336 (Blue Cross Blue
Shield PPO) , $430
(Cigna), $836 (BCBS
PPO), $360 (Aetna)
$350 (Cigna PPO),
$219, $550 (Blue
Cross Blue Shield
$161 (Aetna)
$210, $80, $330, $160 $290 $336, $350 $795, $2395, $2190,
$3117, $693, $1174
Medicare No cost if a doctor accepts
the assignment
20% of the Medicare approved amount
Medicaid No cost to the patient for any of these tests.
Private $105 (Catholic Healthcare
West), $0 (Anthem Blue
Cross), Capital Blue Cross
($0), Likely $0 if over 40
$500 (Kaiser), $1788,
$730 (Blue Cross), $265,
$403 (United Health
Care), $469 (Health Net),
$300 (Aetna)
(United Health Care)
$90, $100 $150, $660 $270, $145, $110 $295, $425, $1371,
$2139, $1280, $2041
Medicare No cost if a doctor accepts
the assignment
20% of the Medicare approved amount
Medicaid No cost to the patient for any of these tests.
Private Likely $0 if over 40 $627 (Aetna), $660
$250 (Blue Cross)
$99, $143, $250, $100 $185, $168 $145, $106, $135-240,
$620, $527, $2325,
$537, $1239, $1126
Medicare No cost if a doctor accepts
the assignment
20% of the Medicare approved amount
Medicaid No cost to the patient for any of these tests.
Private Likely $0 if over 40 $550 (BCBS FL), $187
$100 (Blue Cross)
$70, $170, $93, $160, $80 $345, $400 $130, $330, $440,
$110, $750, $370
$775, $1609, $1750,
$1821, $2027, $1758,
Medicare No cost if a doctor accepts
the assignment
20% of the Medicare approved amount
Medicaid No cost to the patient for any of these tests.
Private Likely $0 if over 40 $300 (MediGold) $190 (MediGold)
$80, $210, $380, $90,
$220, $0
$240 $290, $700, $240,
$975, $140
$1663, $1663, $4173
Medicare No cost if a doctor accepts
the assignment
20% of the Medicare approved amount
Medicaid No cost to the patient for any of these tests.
Private Likely $0 if over 40 $500 (Blue Cross) $0 (Blue Cross) $100 (Blue Cross)
Note: Certain data points were omitted because they were not found during the in-depth interviews or from secondary resources. Additionally, these costs were
self-reported and may reflect bias and inaccuracy due to a lapse of time since the test and/or client misinformation.
Understanding Cost & Coverage Issues with Diagnostic Breast Imaging
X. Citations
Breast Imaging State of the Industry. Imaging Technology News.
Published November 13, 2018. Accessed November 23, 2018.
Howlader N, Noone AM, Krapcho M, Miller D, Bishop K, Kosary CL, Yu M, Ruhl J, Tatalovich Z,
Mariotto A, Lewis DR, Chen HS, Feuer EJ, Cronin KA (eds).
SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-2014, National Cancer Institute. Bethesda, MD,
https://seer.cancer.gov/csr/1975_2014/, based on November 2016 SEER data submission,
posted to the SEER web site, April 2017.
Medical Procedure & Facility Cost, Procedure Information for Patients.
NewChoiceHealth.com. https://www.newchoicehealth.com/. Accessed October 29, 2018.
Vlahiotis A, Grin B, Stavros AT, Margolis J. Analysis of utilization patterns and associated
costs of the breast imaging and diagnostic procedures after screening mammography.
Clinicoecon Outcomes Res. 2018; 10:157-167. Published 2018 Mar 26. doi:10.2147/CEOR.S150260,
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