Common Uses for Git ........................................................... 1
Expectaons and Assumpons ............................................ 1
Introducon to Version Control ........................................... 2
Installing Git on Windows .................................................... 4
Using the Command Line ..................................................... 6
Registering for GitHub .......................................................... 8
Conguring Git ..................................................................... 8
Creang a Repository ........................................................... 9
Inializing a Workspace ..................................................... 10
Comming Changes .......................................................... 11
Stashing and Reverng Changes ........................................ 12
Using Branches .................................................................. 13
Using Pull Requests ............................................................ 14
Addional Resources ......................................................... 15
If you arent a version control expert aer reading this booklet, dont worry. You have
only been introduced to the laundry list of features provided by Git and GitHub. What
you have learned should be enough to make use of core version control principals but
there is plenty more to explore. Try reading some of the resources below or just trying
new things by yourself with an experimental repository.
To learn more about version control, Git, or GitHub, check out the following websites:
To learn more about command line interfaces in Windows, try these websites:
Graphical interfaces for using Git are available from the following websites:
Oen, a new branch is used in the workspace to make a series of changes. Aer these
changes have been commied, reviewed, and pushed to the repository they need to
be merged into the master branch. provide an interface for reviewing
and merging changes from one branch to another.
On the
GitHub repository page, select
the branch you want to
merge and 
located above
the le list. Alternavely, if
the branch is new GitHub
will show an orange box
with a Compare & pull
requestbuon. GitHub will
provide a simple form to
create the pull request with a tle and descripon. Above the form is a blue box which
you can use to specify which branch to merge into. It should default to master, which
is what we want. Below the form is a list of commits and a di,or comparison of
changes between the two branches. Once you know that the changes are correct, 
Aer creang the pull request, you will be brought to the web page for
that request. Normally this would provide an opportunity for other contributors
to inspect your changes and provide feedback. When the pull request has been
reviewed, merge it by 
. A message can be provided if desired.
Aer merging a pull request, the
branch may not be needed any more.
The pull request page will oer a
buon to delete the branch on the
repository. To delete the branch on your workspace, use the command git branch
–D <branch> where <branch> is the name of the branch you wish to delete.
. The master branch on the repository change should now look
the same as the branch which was merged.
 
When working as a team on a project with many documents, it can be very frustrang
trying to keep things organized. When passing les around, it can be a struggle to
know which version is the most recent. Two team members may want to do work on
the same le at the same me for enrely dierent reasons. If they each work on their
copy of the le, which do you keep
at the end? How do you combine
their changes?
A le server or shared folder can
help keep all of the les in one place, but eding with mulple people is sll
troublesome. For some les, a collaborave editor such as Google Docs may help
migate the issue, but simultaneous eding can be confusing and there are few editors
which are truly designed for it. What we really need is a tool to allow mulple people
to work on the same le
and easily combine their
Git is a 
soware soluon. It is
designed to allow mulple contributors to edit a pool of les located in a .
GitHub is a website which hosts Git repositories. Although other version control
soluons and repository hosng sites exist, Git and GitHub are parcularly popular and
Can combine mulple sets of changes to a single text le
Shows which contributor is responsible for each change
Allows changes to be removed or reverted
Makes it easy to nalize and distribute specic versions
This booklet is designed to teach fundamental version control concepts and explain
how to use these concepts with Git and GitHub. Both tools oer a plethora of
addional features, but aer nishing these instrucons you will be able to set them
both up and properly use their primary features on a Windows computer. Since Git is
most oen used via a command line interface, basic instrucons on how to use the Git
Bash soware will also be provided.
Before beginning these instrucons, it is assumed that you are familiar with some
basic funconality of a modern Windows computer. This includes the ability to start
programs, navigate the le system using the Windows Explorer soware, and navigate
to and interact with web pages. If any of these tasks sound unfamiliar, it is
recommended that you learn them before connuing with this booklet.
Although Git is most oen used for programming
projects, it works well with any projects which use
plain-text les. This includes web development,
LaTeX, markup, or simple text documents.
were introduced previously as a useful means for contextualizing a series
of commits. They allow for mulple versions of the repository to exist based on the
mastercommit path. To create a new branch, you must specify a commit within an
exisng branch to act as a starng point. Generally, you start a new branch from the
last commit in another branch (usually the masterbranch).
First, we need to make sure that the workspace is completely aware of
any new commits on the repository. Since it does not automacally update
whenever new commits or branches are added to the repository, we must manually
tell the workspace to update.  git fetch origin to update
local informaon about the origin remote.
To create a new branch from master, 
git checkout origin/master –b new_branch. Again, we see originand
masterin the command which can
be substuted for any remote or
branch name on the specied remote.
The -b new_branchsecon tells Git to create a completely new branch based on
origin/master with the name new_branch. Noce the branch name change from
masterto new_branch. To switch back to master or another branch, use the
command git checkout <branch> where <branch> is the name of the desired
branch. Just typing the command git branch will also show you a list of all branches
on your workspace.
Once we have a new branch, we can change something and commit
normally (page 11). Almost all of the steps are the same as when comming to
master. The only dierence is that instead of pushing with git push origin
master, we use the command git push origin new_branch. 
. When you open
the repository page, you can see any changes
you made on the master branch. If you want
to see changes for new_branch, you must select it from the
branch dropdown list. 
. Now the page should show all changes
for the newly created branch.
Instead of saving a whole le, version control soware works by saving sets of changes
made to the les within repository. These groups of changes are called . By
using commits, users are able to work on the same le simultaneously because their
commits will remain separate. Somemes two commits will conict with each other
when both are applied, but in these cases the version control soware can idenfy
which changes are aected so that they can be easily resolved.
When a repository is rst created, it will be empty. To make changes to the repository,
a user will need to set up a local . The workspace is a folder which contains
local copies of the les from the repository. It allows you to down commits from
the repository - updang all of the les in the workspace - and new commits up
to the repository. Aer the workspace is ready, you will be able to push your rst
In the commit diagram to the right, the rst
commit is represented by the dot labeled A.
This commit is the rst set of changes made to
the repository, so it will involve creang one or
more les. Each commit aer A is aached to
the previous commit, creang a chain or series
(see commits Band Cin the diagram).
These commits can involve adding new les,
changing exisng ones, or even deleng les.
As a general rule, the changes within a commit
should be related. This is because commits can be removed if it is later decided that
the changes are not wanted. If many unrelated changes are a part of the same
commit, it is likely that only some of the changes will need to be removed but the
whole commit will have to be removed anyway. The unrelated changes will then have
to be added back to the repository manually with a separate commit. Keeping changes
related also helps a team understand the purpose behind a commit without inspecng
each individual change.
 
In addion to commits, Git oers features called . A branch is simply a series
of commits, which result in a parcular set of les. By default, the repository is
created with a single branch named master.This is usually the branch with ocial
les that everyone is working on.
Like a tree, branches split from other branches. In the top diagram a new branch,
appropriately named new_branch,is created based on commit C of the master
branch. The les in master will sll only consist of the changes in commits A, B, and C.
However, the les in new_branch will consist of the changes in commits A, B, C, and D.
We can connue adding
addional commits to either
branch and they will remain
separate paths.
Oen mes branches are
used when making a set of
changes on the workspace. A new branch is created on the workspace based on the
latest commit in the master branch. Commits are added to the branch unl all desired
changes have been made, then the branch is pushed up to the repository. In the
repository, a feature called a allows the commits in a branch to be
reviewed by the other contributors and then merged into the master branch. In the
example diagram, a pull request from new_branch into master would append the
commits D and E onto the end of master, immediately aer commit G.
The repository also provides . A fork is basically a copy of a repository for an
individual contributor. A contributor can push to his fork instead to avoid adding
branches to the primary repository. Pull requests can then be made from branches on
a fork to branches in the primary repository.
Somemes you might be in the middle of making
changes for something when a higher priority
change comes up. How do you switch to making a
separate set of changes without comming
unnished work or loosing your progress? Git
provides us with the git stash command for these situaons.
. The git status command should reect this change.
Next, git stash to temporarily revert the le back
to what is on the repository. The changes are placed at the top of a stackof
changes. If you do not
immediately noce the
changes, you may need
to re-open the le.
Once again, git
status will conrm the
changes by showing you
that there are no
modied les. Now
your workspace is ready
to work on another task.
Aer the task has been nished and commied, you can 
 git stash pop. This command pops
the changes from the top of the stack of changes which, as long as no other changes
have been stashed, will be the changes you made previously.
Somemes you modify a le and later decide you want to remove those modicaons.
You could try to undo all the work manually, but there is an easier way. The git
checkout command is used to copy content from the repository to your local
workspace. It can be used to copy enre branches or
just single les or folders. In this case, we only want to
checkout the le we modied earlier.
To checkout the le, git checkout <path>
where <path> is the relave path of the designated le. Again, the git status
command should reect the changes by no longer showing the le in the change list.
Its nally me to create
a commit. First we make a simple change to
the repository by creang a new le.
This can be done a number of ways, but
the simplest is to 
While in the workspace on Git Bash, try entering the command git status. This
shows us that a le has been created or modied but is not selected to be a part of the
To select les to be commied,git add
<path> where <path> is the relave path of the designated le or folder. Also,
the command git add A can be used to add all les in the list. Now if you enter
the git status command again, you can see
that the le had been stagedfor the commit.
A le can be removed from the staging list by
typing git reset <path> where <path> is
the path of the designated le. The git reset
command can also unstage all les in the commit if <path> is omied enrely.
To nalize the commit, git commit m
“<Message> where <Message> is a
brief descripon of what has been changed.
The message part may seem trivial, but it is
important to communicate why a change
was important to others and possibly even
your future self.
Lastly, to add the commit to the repository git push
origin master. “Originis the name of the remote which references the
primary repository and masteris the name of the current branch. You will need to
provide your GitHub name and password to push.
 To get the installer, hp://git-scm.com/downloads on
your preferred browser. Once there, from the box
under the Downloadsheader. If you are using
another operang system, select the appropriate
link. Although the installer will not be exactly the
same, the installaon steps should be very similar to
those for Windows. Aer clicking the link, the le
should automacally download.
Locate the le and by opening it. If a popup
asks if you want to allow the installer to execute, select Yes.The installer
should greet you with a welcome page.  to skip both the
welcome page and the license agreement. Dont forget to readthe license
agreement carefully.
The next three pages ask about where to install the soware,
which components should be included, and where the start menu shortcuts
should be placed. Only modify the values on these pages if you feel comfortable with
them. For most users, the default parameters are appropriate for all three pages.
 to connue.
 
*Make sure that the
A folder must be setup locally to read, create, and modify les on
the repository. This folder is commonly referred to as the . From the
command line, we can use the mkdir command to make the workspace folder. On Git
Bash, make sure you are in the folder where you want to create the workspace. For
most, the home folder is a good folder to choose. 
mkdir <name> where <name> is the name of the workspace folder (usually the
repository name). Next, cd <name>. Noce that
the path above your command line changed to the path of the workspace.
To designate the current working folder as a git workspace, simply
git init. If the Windows opon to show hidden les and
folders is turned on, you should noce that a new folder named “.gitwas created in
the workspace. This folder contains all of the Git informaon in the workspace. If you
ever want to remove the workspace designaon, simply delete the .git folder (try the
command rm r .git). If you cannot see the .git folder in your workspace, try using
the command ls –A.
You may also noce that “(master)was added aer the path above the command line
prompt. This tells us that we are on the branch named master.Well cover more on
how to use branches later.
Lastly, we need to add the GitHub repository to the workspace as a
. A remote is a reference to a repository which can be used in the
workspace. The primary remote for a workspace is usually called origin,so we can
git remote add origin <HTTP> 
, where <HTTP> is the HTTP address of the repository we recently
created. In this instance we are calling this remote originbecause it is the standard,
but any name can be used in the command when adding a new remote. SSH addresses
can also be used in place of HTTP addresses, but they require some addional setup.
next page in the Git installer
provides you with three opons.
The rst opon, Use Git from
Git Bash onlyis the default
selecon. However, it is
generally safe to select Use Git
from Windows Command
Prompt.This selecon extends
compability for Git commands
to the Windows Command Prompt. We will not be using this feature for the sake of
these instrucons, but it is useful for users who prefer using the built-in Windows
command line interface. Go ahead and 
 Three more
opons are presented on
the second page. This me, the
opons aect how line breaks
are treated in text les.
Windows treats line breaks
dierently from other operang
systems, so some editors such as
Notepad will have trouble
reading line breaks in les from
other operang systems. Git
provides a feature which can
automacally convert other line breaks into Windows-style line breaks when les are
retrieved from a repository. It will also convert them back before comming changes
to the repository. There are very few instances where this feature is not desirable, so
it is safe to 
the nal page and .
Git and its primary components should now be
fully installed and ready to run.
 We need to create a
repository to work with on GitHub. If you are
logged in on hps://github.com/ youll see a series
of tutorials on the front page. These can be very
useful for beginners, but for now just 
The following page requests a name and descripon
for your repository. These elds are fairly straighorward and they can be almost
anything youd like as long as the name is not taken by another user.
Next it asks whether or not the repository is public or private.
Private repositories will only be
visible to invited users and require
either a payed plan or for you to
register your account as an educaonal
one using a valid university email
address. The remaining elds can be
ignored. 
When you click the buon, GitHub will bring you to your
empty repository page, which provides many suggesons for geng started. The
most important part of the page for now is the blue box which provides the HTTP and
SSH addresses of the repository. These addresses will allow us to connect to the
repository using Git locally. For these instrucons we will be using HTTP addresses,
which require a name and password any me a connecon is made between Git and
GitHub. For informaon on how to setup a repository with SSH links instead, visit
The  is a simple interface for execung tasks on a computer. Instead of
interacng with pictures and buons, a user simply types a command and presses the
Enterkey. Of course, it is impraccal to do everything in a command line as it
requires memorizaon of commands and can somemes be much slower than its
counterpart, the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
Unfortunately, while GUI soware for using Git is available, some opons are daunng
for beginning users while the others simply do not oer more than the most basic
features. This booklet will focus on using the command line interface for Git since it
allows for all of Gits features to be used without presenng too much informaon for
basic users to be comfortable with.
If a GUI is sll preferable, the most popular opons are GitHub for Windows by GitHub
(available at hps://windows.github.com/) and SourceTree by Atlassian (available at
When Git was installed, a command line soware called was installed with it.
Git Bash emulates the popular Bashcommand line interface used on many other
operang systems. Although Git is usable in the Windows Command Prompt, Git Bash
is typically the preferred interface. The Git-specic commands are almost idencal
between the two interfaces, but the more basic system commands can be very
dierent. For more informaon on how to use the Windows Command Prompt, check
out hp://dosprompt.info/.
Try opening Git Bash to see the basic command line interface. Aer the introducon
text, you should see a line which shows the Windows username of whatever account is
logged in, an “@” symbol, and the name of the computer. In the example image, the
username is Branden and the computers name is Alexus. Following is a “~” or a lde
character. It represents the folder which is currently open. More specically, it
represents the homefolder.
 
Before using Git, you must congure Git to use your name and email
address for GitHub. You can do this by opening Git Bash and entering the com-
mands git config --global user.name “<Username>and git config
--global user.email “<Email> where <Username> and <Email> are the
username and email address used to register with GitHub. Be sure to note that there
are two dashes before each global.
To use GitHub, you must have a
registered account. 
hps://github.com/ in your preferred browser and
The next page will ask you to
select an account payment plan. The free
plan allows for unlimited public repositories and
some private repositories for students and
educators with valid email addresses. For most
users, the free plan is enough. Make sure that
Help me set up an organizaon nextis not
checked and .
(somemes called
directories) organize a
computers le by grouping
them and nesng within other
folders. Root folders in
Windows are represented by
drives. On most systems, the
root folder or drive will simply
be labeled “/c.The Windows
Explorer labels this as C:\
 are addresses used to show where a le or folder is located. They list every
folder between the root and the specied le or folder separated by a slash. For
instance, the absolute path for J.txt in the diagram would be “/c/H/I/J.txt.If a path
begins with a slash, it is called an and always starts at the root directory.
Without a starng slash, it is a  and depends upon the current folder.
From H, the relave path for J.txt
would be I/J.txt.
One folder will also be set as the
, represented by the
“~” character. For Windows, the
home folder defaults to “/c/Users/<Username>where <Username> is the account
name of the user who is currently logged in.
Interacng with les and folders in the command line is very similar to using the
Windows Explorer program. To see the contents of the folder youre in, type the
command ls (remember to press enter to submit a command). To change folders,
type cd <path> where <path> is either the relave or absolute path of the folder
you want to go to. Addionally, you can type cd ~ to go to the home folder or cd ..
to go up to the parent folder. Other system commands are given by the table below.
Display the path of the current working folder
List all les and folders in the current working folder
cd <path>
Change the current working folder
mv <path> <path>
Move a le or folder to another path
cp <path> <path>
Copy a le or folder to another path
rm <path>
Remove a le or folder (must provide –r for folders)
mkdir <path>
Make a new folder
Close the command line interface
Quotes are not normally necessary to denote a
path, but if any le or folder has spaces in it, a
path must be wrapped with quotaons. This can
be avoided by using underscores (or “_”) instead
of spaces when naming les and folders.