Updated: 25 September 2019
What Is It?
The Joint Services Transcript (JST) is an academically accepted document
approved by ACE to validate a service member's military occupational experience
and training along with the corresponding ACE college credit recommendations.
How Do I Qualify?
All military members, current or former are eligible to receive a JST.
What Do I Get?
The JST contains a record of your military educational experiences, and helps
college registrars award college credit for learning gained in the military.
The JST provides a description of military schooling and work history in civilian
language and serves as a counseling tool for academic and career counselors in
advising Service members and veterans and as an aid in preparing resumes and
explaining military work experience to civilian employers.
The JST saves time and money by awarding academic credits, which means less
tuition to pay and less time spent in the classroom.
The acceptance of American Council on Education (ACE) credit recommendations
varies depending on an institution’s policies, procedures, and degree requirements.
How Do I Apply?
Request a copy of your JST and submit your official JST to any institution located on
the “Official Transcript Request” page on the JST website at; https://jst.doded.mil/
If you are missing an ACE accredited course you completed more than two months
(60 days) ago and it is an ACE accredited course, send a copy of all documentation
training certificates (DA-1059) and justification through the JST web site.
For More Information:
Visit us On-Line: www.nationalguard.com/education
Contact your State Education Office: www.nationalguard.com/select-your-state