Technical white paper
HP Sure Start
Automatic rmware intrusion detection and repair
HP Sure Start can automatically detect, stop, and recover from a BIOS attack or
corruption without IT intervention and with little or no interruption to user
productivity. Every time the PC powers on, HP Sure Start automatically validates
the integrity of the BIOS code to help ensure that the PC is safeguarded from
malicious attacks. Once the PC is operational, runtime intrusion detection
constantly monitors memory. In the case of an attack, the PC can self-heal
using an isolated “golden copy” of the BIOS in less than a minute.
Table of contents
Why is BIOS protection important? ............................................................................................................................... 2
HP Sure Start provides superb rmware protection ................................................................................................. 2
Architectural overview and capabilities ...................................................................................................................... 3
Firmware integrity vericationthe core of HP Sure Start .............................................................................. 3
Machine unique data integrity ................................................................................................................................. 5
Descriptor region ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Network controller protection ................................................................................................................................. 5
BIOS setting protection ............................................................................................................................................. 5
HP Sure Start–protected storage ............................................................................................................................ 5
Secure boot keys protection ................................................................................................................................... 6
Runtime Intrusion Detection (RTID) ........................................................................................................................ 7
User notications, event logging, and policy management .................................................................................... 8
HP Sure Start end user notications....................................................................................................................... 8
HP Sure Start event logging ..................................................................................................................................... 8
HP Sure Start policy controls ................................................................................................................................... 9
Remote management of HP Sure Start policy controls ................................................................................... 12
Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Appendix AHP Sure Start, Gen by Gen .................................................................................................................. 13
Appendix B—System Management Mode (SMM) overview .................................................................................. 14
Appendix CNIST SP 800-193: Platform Firmware Resiliency Guidelines ........................................................ 15
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
Why is BIOS protection important?
As our world becomes more connected, cyber-attacks are targeting client device rmware and hardware with increasing
frequency and sophistication. Tools and techniques to attack rmware were once theoretical and thought only to be
available to nation-states. Such tools and techniques have since been shown to not only exist, but to be readily available
in the public domain.
The device rmware (or BIOS) is an attractive target for attackers because of the potential advantages a successful
breach could provide:
Persistence: Firmware resides in a nonvolatile memory on the circuit board and can’t be removed simply by erasing the
hard drive.
Control: Firmware executes at the highest privilege level—outside of the OS domainwhich enables the possibility of
OS-independent malware.
Stealth: Firmware occupies a region of memory that is completely inaccessible to the operating system and system
software; since it can’t be scanned by antivirus it may never be detected.
Diculty of recovery: All these aspects make it extremely dicult to recover from this type of infection without resorting
to a service event that includes a system board replacement.
The ideal solution to protect devices against this type of attack is designed from the hardware up using “cyber resiliency
principles. These principles acknowledge that it is extremely dicult, if not impossible, to foresee and prevent every
possible attack. The ideal solution not only provides enhanced protection of the rmware, but also includes a hardware-
rooted ability to both detect a successful attack and recover from it.
HP Sure Start provides superb rmware protection
HP Sure Start is HP’s unique and groundbreaking approach to provide advanced rmware protection and resiliency to
HP PCs. It uses hardware enforcement via the HP Endpoint Security Controller (HP ESC) to provide protection of the BIOS
that reaches well beyond the industry standard and ensures that the system will only boot Genuine HP BIOS. Additionally,
if HP Sure Start detects tampering with BIOS, rmware, or runtime System Management Mode (SMM) BIOS code, it can
recover using a protected backup copy.
Summary of HP Sure Start features
HP core platform rmware authenticity enforcement and tamper protectionHP Endpoint Security Controller hardware
enforcement of the system boot, so only authentic and unmodied HP rmware and HP BIOS are loaded
Firmware health monitoring and compliance—Logging of rmware health-related events via isolated HP Endpoint
Security Controller; presents the platform rmware state along with any anomalies that could indicate thwarted attacks
Self-healingAutomatic repair of HP BIOS and HP rmware corruption, using the HP Endpoint Security Controller
isolated backup copy of HP BIOS and HP rmware
BIOS setting protectionExtension of the HP Endpoint Security Controller protection of the BIOS code to include HP ESC
backup and integrity-checking of all user or admin-congured BIOS settings
Runtime Intrusion Detection—Ongoing monitoring of critical BIOS code in runtime memory (SMM) while the OS is
Secure boot keys protection—Signicantly enhanced protection of databases and keys stored by the BIOS that are
critical to the integrity of the OS secure boot feature versus standard UEFI BIOS implementation
Protected storage—Strong cryptographic methods to store BIOS settings, user credentials, and other settings in the HP
Endpoint Security Controller hardware to provide integrity protection, tamper detection, and condentially protection
for that data
Intel® Management Engine rmware protectionEnhanced protection and recovery of the Intel Management Engine
ManageabilityAdministrator management of HP Sure Start capabilities with the Manageability Integration Kit (MIK)
plug-in for Microsoft® System Center Conguration Manager (SCCM)
For a summary of capabilities added in each generation of HP Sure Start, see Appendix A on page 13.
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
Third-party security certication
The HP Endpoint Security Controller hardware used in HP Sure Start has undergone third-party security assessment and
has been certied to provide hardware enforcement so that only authorized rmware can start on the target PC.
Assurance that a security solution works as stated is a critical piece of any purchase decision related to security products.
And because a reputation for quality can only go so far, HP has exposed the HP Endpoint Security Controller inner
workings for review and testing by an independent and accredited laboratory to validate that it works as claimed per
publicly available criteria, methodology, and processes.
Cyber-resilient design
Not only does HP Sure Start provide enhanced BIOS protection beyond the industry standard approach, but it is
designed from the hardware up to provide unmatched platform cyber-resilience to ensure BIOS recovery even in the
event of a breach or destructive attack. HP business PCs with HP Sure Start exceed the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) Platform Firmware Resiliency guidelines (Special Publication 800-193) for host processor boot
rmware and other critical platform device rmware, as discussed in Appendix C. NIST SP 800-193 is one of the leading
public sector eorts to formalize requirements for cyber-resilient platforms. For more details about HP Sure Start and
NIST 800-193, see Appendix C.
HP Sure Start–supported models
HP introduced Sure Start in 2014. Since that time, HP has enhanced Sure Start and expanded the number of products that
include it. HP Sure Start is provided across the entire 2018 Elite product lineup, including tablets, notebooks, desktops,
and all-in-ones (AIOs). HP Sure Start Gen4 is available on HP Elite and HP Pro 600 products equipped with 8th generation
Intel or AMD® processors.
Architectural overview and capabilities
HP Sure Start consists of two major architectural components:
HP Endpoint Security Controller running HP Sure Start rmware
HP Sure Start BIOS working in conjunction with the HP Endpoint Security Controller hardware and rmware
Firmware integrity verication—the core of HP Sure Start
The HP Endpoint Security Controller (HP ESC) is the rst device in the system to execute rmware when the system
powers up, active well before the system boots. The HP ESC activities include, but are not limited to, monitoring the
system power button and power sequencing the start of the host CPU execution when the user presses the power button.
When power is rst applied to the platform (before the system is turned on), the HP ESC validates that its own rmware
is authentic HP code before loading and executing the code. The HP ESC hardware uses industry-standard, strong
cryptographic methods to perform the integrity verication. The method employs a 2048-bit HP RSA public key contained
within internal permanent read-only memory. Therefore, the HP ESC is the built-in hardware-based Root of Trust (RoT)
for the platform, used to validate its rmware and the HP BIOS before they are executed. This hardware Root of Trust
The HP Sure Start controller hardware has been certied per the CSPN certication framework.
HP Endpoint
System flash
BIOS boot
BIOS copy
Recovery BIOS
boot block copy
System board
power sequencing
and reset control
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
protects against rmware replacement attacks regardless of their deployment method and serves as the foundation
upon which HP platform security is built.
Figure 1 illustrates the rmware integrity verication process. Once the HP ESC authenticates and starts executing the
HP Sure Start rmware, that rmware uses the same strong cryptographic operations to verify the integrity of the system
ash BIOS boot block. If a single bit is invalid, the HP ESC replaces the system ash contents with its own copy of the
HP BIOS boot block that is stored within an isolated nonvolatile memory (NVM) dedicated to the HP ESC.
The HP Sure Start design ensures that all the rmware and BIOS code running on both the HP ESC and the host CPU is the
code HP intended to be on the device.
Note: The system ash boot block integrity checking, and any needed recovery performed by the HP ESC, take place
while the host CPU is o. Therefore, from a user point of view, the entire operation takes place when the system is still o,
in sleep mode, or hibernate mode.
The system ash BIOS boot block is the foundation of the HP BIOS. The HP ESC hardware ensures that the BIOS boot
block is the rst code that the CPU executes after a reset. Once the HP ESC determines that the BIOS boot block contains
authentic HP code, it allows the system to boot as it normally would.
The HP ESC also checks the integrity of the system ash boot block code each time the system is turned o or put into a
hibernate or sleep mode. Since the CPU is powered o in each of these states and the CPU is therefore required to re-execute
BIOS boot block code to resume, it is crucial to re-verify the integrity of the BIOS boot block each time to check for tampering.
Figure 1. Firmware integrity verication process.
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
Additionally, for HP Intel models, HP Sure Start checks the integrity of the system ash BIOS boot block every 15 minutes
while the system is running.
Machine-unique data integrity
The HP ESC and BIOS work together to provide advanced protection of factory-congured critical variables unique to
each machine that are intended to be constant over the life of any specic platform. In the factory, a backup copy of this
variable data is saved in the HP ESC nonvolatile memory store. The backup is made available to the HP Sure Start BIOS
component on a read-only basis to perform integrity checking of the data on every boot. If any setting in the shared
ash is dierent from the factory settings, the HP Sure Start BIOS components will automatically restore the data in the
System Flash from the backup copy provided by the HP ESC.
Descriptor region
For HP Intel models, HP Sure Start protects the descriptor region of the system ash. Unique to Intel architecture, the
descriptor region contains critical conguration parameters that are sampled by the Intel Core™ logic at reset and used
thereafter to congure the Core logic. The descriptor region also includes partitioning information for the system ash
that is used by the Intel Core logic to determine where the BIOS region resides within the ash and therefore where their
CPU retrieves code for execution from reset. HP Sure Start monitors the integrity of this region and recovers it to the
intended conguration in the event of tampering or corruption.
Network controller protection
In addition, for HP Intel models, HP Sure Start protects the network controller (NIC) settings contained with the system
ash. Some HP customers have use cases that require legitimate changes to factory congured NIC settings. Therefore,
HP Sure Start does not prevent changes to NIC settings by default. Instead, HP Sure Start provides a feature that, when
enabled, warns the user that NIC settings have changed. In addition, HP Sure Start provides a method to restore the
NIC settings to factory values. Protected settings include the MAC address, the Pre-boot Execution Environment (PXE)
settings, and the remote initial program load (RPL). This restoration is possible via a read-only backup copy protected by
the HP ESC.
BIOS setting protection
As previously described, HP Sure Start veries the integrity and authenticity of the HP BIOS code. Since this code is
static after it is created by HP, digital signatures can be used to conrm both attributes of the code. The dynamic and
user-congurable nature of BIOS settings, however, create additional challenges to protecting those settings. Digital
signatures cannot be generated by HP and used by the HP Sure Start ESC hardware to verify those settings.
HP Sure Start BIOS setting protection provides the capability to congure the system so the HP ESC hardware is used to
back up and check the integrity of all the BIOS settings preferred by the user.
When this feature is enabled on the platform, all policy settings used by BIOS are subsequently backed up and an
integrity check is performed on each boot to ensure that none of the BIOS policy settings have been modied. If a
change is detected, the system uses the backup from the HP Sure Start–protected storage to automatically revert to the
user-dened setting.
The HP Sure Start BIOS setting protection feature generates events to the HP Sure Start ESC hardware when an attempt
to modify the BIOS settings is detected. The event is logged in the HP Sure Start audit log, and the local user will receive a
notication from BIOS during boot.
HP Sure Start–protected storage
Protected storage rooted in the HP Endpoint Security Controller hardware provides the highest level of protection for
BIOS/rmware data and settings protected by HP Sure Start. HP Sure Start–protected storage is designed to provide
condentiality, integrity, and tamper detection even if an attacker disassembles the system and establishes a direct
connection to the nonvolatile storage device on the circuit board.
Data integrity
The integrity of the dynamic data stored in nonvolatile memory by rmware and used to control the state of various
HP Sure Start with Dynamic Protection is available on HP Elite products equipped with 6th generation Intel Core processors and higher.
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
capabilities is critical to the security posture of the overall platform. Dynamic data includes all BIOS settings that can be
modied by the end user or administrator of the device. Examples include (but are not limited to) boot options such as
the secure boot feature, BIOS administrator password and related policies, Trusted Platform Modulestate control, and
HP Sure Start policy settings.
Any successful attack that bypasses the existing access restrictions designed to prevent unauthorized modications
to these settings could defeat the platform security. As an example, consider a scenario where an attacker makes an
unauthorized modication to the secure boot state to disable it without being detected. In this scenario, the platform
would boot the attacker’s root kit before the OS starts, without the user’s knowledge.
Industry-standard Unied Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) BIOS does implement access restrictions that should
prevent unauthorized modications to these variables, and HP implements these just like the rest of the PC industry.
However, given the risks a breach of these mechanisms poses to the platform, HP Sure Start provides secondary
defenses that are stronger than the baseline industry standard.
BIOS settings and other dynamic data used by rmware to control the state that is protected by HP Sure Start are stored
in the isolated nonvolatile memory of the HP Endpoint Security Controller that is not directly accessible to software
running on the host CPU.
Additionally, the HP ESC creates and appends unique integrity measurements each time a data element is stored in this
nonvolatile memory store. The integrity measurements are based on a strong cryptographic algorithm (hashed-based
message authentication code utilizing SHA-256 hashing) that is rooted to a secret contained within the HP ESC. The secret
is unique to each HP ESC, such that each controller generates a unique integrity measurement given an identical element.
When the data element is read back from the nonvolatile memory, the HP ESC recalculates the integrity measurement
for that data element and compares it to the integrity measurement that is appended to the data. Any unauthorized
changes to the data in the nonvolatile memory store result in a mis-compare. Using this approach, the HP ESC can detect
tampering with data elements stored in the nonvolatile memory store.
Data condentiality
For many of the data elements stored by the platform, maintaining condentiality is critical. Examples include BIOS
administrator password hashes, user credentials, and secrets optionally stored by rmware on behalf of the user for
rmware-based features such as HP Sure Run and HP Sure Recovery.
Protection of these secrets is challenging when industry-standard UEFI BIOS approaches are used, since the nonvolatile
storage is typically readable by software running on the host processor. HP Sure Start–protected storage is intended to
provide much greater protection of this condential data than a standard UEFI BIOS implementation.
In addition to a separate isolated storage, HP Sure Start leverages the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) hardware
block contained within the HP ESC to perform AES-256 encryption on all condential data elements stored in the HP Sure
Start nonvolatile memory, in addition to the data integrity measurements for those elements. The encryption key used is
unique to each HP ESC and never leaves that controller, so data encrypted by any individual HP ESC component can only
be decrypted by that same HP ESC.
Secure boot keys protection
Compared to the industry-standard UEFI secure boot implementation, HP Sure Start provides enhanced protection of the
UEFI secure boot key databases that are stored by the rmware. These variables are critical to proper operation of the UEFI
secure boot feature that veries integrity and authenticity of the OS bootloader before allowing it to start at boot.
HP Sure Start protects UEFI secure boot key databases by maintaining a master copy in HP Sure Start–protected storage.
Any authorized modications to the UEFI standard secure boot key databases by the OS during runtime are tracked by
HP Sure Start and applied to the master copy by the HP ESC. HP Sure Start then uses the master copy in HP Sure Start–
protected storage to identify and reject any unauthorized changes to the UEFI standard secure boot keys databases.
This capability, enabled by default, covers the following databases:
HP Endpoint
Security Controller
System BIOS
System flash
Main memory (DRAM)
Private Sure Start
Secure copy
ESC verifies signature
Copy BIOS if
CPU loads
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
Signature database (db)
Revoked signatures database (dbx)
Key Enrollment Key (KEK)
Platform Key (PEK) updated dynamically at runtime by the OS
Runtime Intrusion Detection (RTID)
On each boot, the BIOS code starts execution from ash memory at a xed address. This is known as the BIOS boot
code and provides capabilities needed before the OS starts. However, a portion of BIOS remains in DRAM that is needed
to provide advanced power-management features, OS services, and other OS-independent functions while the OS is
running. This BIOS code, referred to as System Management Mode (SMM) code, resides in a special area within the DRAM
that is hidden from the OS. We also refer to this code as “runtime” BIOS code in the context of HP Sure Start’s Runtime
Intrusion Detection feature. (For more details on SMM and how it works, please see Appendix B on page 14).
The integrity of SMM code is critical to the client device security posture. HP Sure Start checks to make sure HP SMM BIOS code
is intact at OS start. By adding new protection capabilities and/or providing a means to detect any attack to that code, Runtime
Intrusion Detection provides mechanisms to ensure that the SMM BIOS code remains intact while the OS is running.
Figure 2. Runtime Intrusion Detection uses specialized hardware embedded within the platform chipset to monitor SMM code for any changes.
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
Runtime Intrusion Detection architecture
The RTID feature utilizes specialized hardware in the platform chipset to detect anomalies in the Runtime HP SMM BIOS.
Detection of any anomalies results in a notication to the HP Endpoint Security Controller, which can take the congured
policy action independent of the CPU.
User notications, event logging, and policy management
HP Sure Start end user notications
Under normal operating conditions, HP Sure Start is invisible to the user. When HP Sure Start identies a problem,
recovery operations are automatic, using the default settings with no end user or IT interaction usually required.
Users may see runtime notications in the event of a BIOS integrity problem detected via the HP Sure Start Dynamic
Protection or the Runtime Intrusion Detection features while the OS is running. If any signicant event is detected or
action is taken, HP Sure Start displays a warning message via Windows® notications on the next boot. HP Notications
Software is required to enable the viewing of these Windows notications.
HP Sure Start event logging
The HP Endpoint Security Controller records critical events related to the rmware/BIOS code and data monitored by
HP Sure Start. These events are stored within the Sure Start nonvolatile memory store. When HP Notications software is
installed, the events are copied from the HP ESC to the Windows Event Viewer to facilitate access to these events by the
local user as well as the customer’s preferred manageability agent.
The following events trigger the HP Notications Software to gather all events from the HP Sure Start subsystem and
ensure that the Windows Event Viewer is updated with any events that are not already recorded there:
Windows Boot
Windows Resume from Sleep/Hibernate
HP Sure Start with dynamic protection runtime event notications
HP Sure Start Runtime Intrusion Detection (RTID)
HP Notications Software populates HP Sure Start events into a unique “HP Sure Start” application event log.
Only HP Sure Start events will be included in this log. The Windows Event Viewer path to the HP Sure Start events is the
following: System Tools/Event Viewer/Applications and Services Logs/HP Sure Start.
The Windows Event Viewer level categories related to HP Sure Start events are dened in the table on the next page.
The events are populated into Windows Event Viewer in the order that they were generated by HP Sure Start. The oldest
event in the HP Sure Start subsystem is added to the Windows Event Viewer rst and the most recent event is added last.
The timestamp for each Windows Event Viewer entry is the time it was added to that log, NOT the time the event
occurred. Each Sure Start Windows Event Viewer entry includes detailed data within the event details, which includes the
timestamp of the actual occurrence.
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
Note: Events are persistent in the HP Endpoint Security Controller even after being copied to the Windows Event Viewer.
If the Windows Event Viewer is cleared, the HP Notications Software application will replace all HP Sure Start entries on
the next event that triggers it to check for HP Sure Start event logs.
Types of HP Sure Start Windows Event Viewer events
Event Level Denition
Info Events that are expected to occur during the normal course of operation (e.g., updating the BIOS).
Warning Unexpected events that have occurred but were fully recovered from by HP Sure Start and no user/admin
action is required for the platform to be fully operational. These events are anomalous operations that the
user/admin may want to investigate further, especially if there is a trend of these events across multiple
Error Events that require the admin/HP service to act on the platforms to fully recover.
HP Sure Start policy controls
Out of the box, the HP system BIOS enables and optimizes HP Sure Start policies for the typical user. Since HP Sure Start
is enabled by default, the typical user is protected by HP Sure Start without having to modify the settings. For advanced
users, the system BIOS provides some control of HP Sure Start behavior, using policy settings in the (F10) BIOS Setup.
Unless otherwise noted, these settings and functions are located under Security/BIOS Sure Start.
Note: Policies are stored within the HP ESC nonvolatile memory that is not directly accessible by the host CPU; therefore,
a reboot is required before any Sure Start settings take eect.
The following HP Sure Start settings and functions are available:
Verify Boot Block on Every Boot
BIOS Data Recovery Policy
Network Controller Conguration Restore (Intel only)
Prompt on Network Controller Conguration Change (Intel only)
Dynamic Runtime Scanning of Boot Block (Intel only)
HP Sure Start BIOS Setting Protection
HP Sure Start Secure Boot Keys Protection
Enhanced HP Firmware Runtime Intrusion Prevention and Detection (Intel only)
HP Firmware Runtime Intrusion Detection (AMD only)
HP Sure Start Security Event Policy
HP Sure Start Security Event Boot Notication
Lock BIOS Version
Save/Restore MBR of System Hard Drive
Save/Restore GPT of System Hard Drive
Boot Sector (MBR/GPT) Recovery Policy
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
Verify Boot Block on Every Boot
HP Sure Start always veries the integrity of the system ash BIOS boot block before resuming from sleep, hibernate, or
power-o. When set to enable, HP Sure Start will also verify the integrity of the boot block on each warm boot (Windows
restart). The trade-o to consider is faster restart time versus more security. The default setting of this feature is disable.
BIOS Data Recovery Policy
When set to Automatic, HP Sure Start automatically repairs the BIOS or the Machine Unique Data when necessary. When
set to Manual, HP Sure Start requires a special key sequence to proceed with the repair. In the case of an issue with the
boot block code, the system will refuse to boot, and a unique blink sequence will ash on the system LED. The system
LED that lights may vary by platform and by instance. In the case of an issue with the Machine Unique Data, the system
will display a message on the screen. The key sequence required, and the blink sequence displayed, vary depending
whether the system is a notebook, a desktop, or a tablet. Manual mode is useful to users who can perform forensics on
the system ash contents before repair. Typical users are not encouraged to use manual mode. The default setting of this
feature is Automatic.
Network Controller Conguration Restore (Intel only)
When selected, HP Sure Start immediately restores the network controller conguration to factory defaults.
Prompt on Network Controller Conguration Change (Intel only)
HP provides a factory-dened network controller conguration which includes the MAC address. When this setting is set
to enable, the system monitors the state of the network controller conguration and prompts the user in the event of a
change from the factory-congured state. The default setting of this feature is disable.
Dynamic Runtime Scanning of Boot Block (Intel only)
When in the default setting of enable, HP Sure Start periodically checks the integrity of the BIOS boot block while the OS
is running. When in the disable setting, HP Sure Start only checks the integrity before a boot or resume from sleep or
HP Sure Start BIOS Setting Protection
The BIOS setting protection policy is disabled by default. To enable the feature, the owner/administrator of the client
device should rst congure all BIOS policies to the preferred setting. The owner/administrator also must congure a
BIOS setup administrator password.
Once that is completed, the BIOS setting protection policy should be changed to “Enable.” At this point, a backup copy
of all BIOS settings is created in the HP Sure Start–protected storage. Going forward, none of the BIOS settings can be
modied locally or remotely. On each boot, the BIOS policy settings are veried to be in the desired state, and if there is
any discrepancy, the BIOS settings are restored from the HP Sure Start–protected storage.
To modify a BIOS setting, the BIOS administrator password must be provided and BIOS setting protection subsequently
disabled, at which point changes can be made to the BIOS settings.
HP Sure Start Secure Boot Keys Protection
With this setting at the factory default of enable, HP Sure Start provides enhanced protection of the secure boot
databases and keys used by BIOS to verify the integrity and authenticity of the OS bootloader before launching it at
boot. When set to disable, only standard UEFI secure boot variable protection is used and no backup copy is kept by the
HP Sure Start subsystem.
Enhanced HP Firmware Runtime Intrusion Prevention and Detection (Intel only) and HP Firmware Runtime Intrusion
Detection (AMD only)
The RTID feature is enabled by default for all platforms shipped from the HP factory. There is no need for the end
customer/administrator to enable or otherwise deploy the feature to take advantage of HP Sure Start RTID.
The RTID feature can be optionally be set to disable by the platform owner/administrator.
HP Sure Start Security Event Policy
This BIOS policy setting controls what action is taken when HP Sure Start detects an attack or attempted attack while the
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
OS is running. There are three possible congurations for this policy:
Log event only: When this setting is selected, the HP ESC logs detection events, which can be viewed in the Applications
and Services Logs/HP Sure Start path of the Microsoft Windows Event Viewer.
Log event and notify user: This is the default setting. When this setting is selected, the HP ESC logs detection events,
which can be viewed in the Applications and Services Logs/HP Sure Start path of the Microsoft Windows Event Viewer.
Additionally, the user is notied within Windows that the event occurred.
Log event and power o system: When this setting is selected, the HP ESC logs detection events, which can be viewed
in the Applications and Services Logs/HP Sure Start path of the Microsoft Windows Event Viewer. Additionally, the user is
notied within Windows that the event occurred, and that system shutdown is imminent.
HP Sure Start Security Event Boot Notication
This BIOS policy setting controls whether HP Sure Start warnings and error messages that are displayed when the
system is booted require the local user to acknowledge the error before the boot continues. With the default Require
Acknowledgement setting, the system halts with the error message displayed. The local user must press a key to
continue the boot. If changed to Time out after 15 seconds, the message is displayed, but the boot process continues
automatically after the message is displayed for 15 seconds.
Lock BIOS Version
In the (F10) BIOS setup, this feature is located in Main/Update System BIOS.
When set to disable, you can update the BIOS using any supported process. When the HP ESC detects a valid boot block
update in the system ash, it updates the backup copy of the boot block.
When set to enable, all HP BIOS update tools refuse to update the BIOS. In addition, HP Sure Start protects the BIOS from
attempts to change the BIOS version by removing the system ash via an unauthorized method. The HP ESC records the
locked-down version of BIOS. When the HP ESC detects that the BIOS in the system ash changed, the HP ESC overwrites
the BIOS boot block with the HP ESC copy of the boot block. The HP ESC copy of the boot block executes and recovers the
remainder of the correct version of the BIOS. The default setting of this feature is disable.
Save/Restore MBR of System Hard Drive and Save/Restore GPT of System Hard Drive
In the (F10) BIOS setup, this feature is located in Security/Hard Drive Utilities. Only one of these capabilities is available,
depending on the partition type of the primary drive (GPT or MBR), as detected by HP Sure Start.
When set to enable, HP Sure Start maintains a protected backup copy of the MBR/GPT partition table from the primary
drive and compares the backup copy to the primary on each boot. If a dierence is detected, the user is prompted and
can choose to recover from the backup to the original state, or to update the protected backup copy with the changes.
The Boot Sector (MBR/GPT) Recovery Policy can optionally be used to remove the user decision for the action taken in
the event of a discrepancy found by HP Sure Start.
When set to disable (default), no MBR/GPT protection is provided by HP Sure Start.
Boot Sector (MBR/GPT) Recovery Policy
When set to Local User Control (default) the user is prompted for the action to take when HP Sure Start detects a change
in the MBR/GPT partition table. When set to Recover in the event of corruption, HP Sure Start automatically restores the
MBR/GPT to the saved state any time dierences are encountered.
HP Notication Software must be installed to view HP Sure Start events in the Windows Event Viewer.
HP Notication Software must be installed to receive notications.
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
Remote management of HP Sure Start policy controls
Out of the box, HP Sure Start policies are optimized for the typical user. Since HP Sure Start is enabled by default, there
is no need for the remote administrator to take any action to enable (“deploy”) HP Sure Start. If a remote administrator
wants to modify HP Sure Start policy settings, the same Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) APIs or HP BIOS
Conguration Utility scripts that are used to manage other platform BIOS policies can be used to manage HP Sure Start
policies. In addition, administrators can remotely manage HP Sure Start capabilities with the Manageability Integration Kit
(MIK) plug-in for Microsoft System Center Conguration Manager (SCCM).
Also, administrators can remotely manage HP Sure Start capabilities and view HP Sure Start events with the
Manageability Integration Kit (MIK) plug-in for Microsoft System Center Conguration Manager (SCCM).
HP Sure Start delivers these key benets:
Uninterrupted productivityHP Sure Start maintains business continuity in the event of an attack or accidental
corruption by eliminating downtime waiting for an IT/Service event.
Lower cost—HP Sure Start’s ability to recover automatically reduces calls to the IT Help Desk and enhances productivity,
which ultimately helps lower the maintenance cost for the platform.
Peace of mindHP Sure Start has multiple security features that run across a wide variety of software and
hardware platforms.
Protect critical BIOS rmware from malware with the industry-leading rmware intrusion detection and automatic repair
oered by HP Sure Start, exclusively available on select HP Elite PCs.
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Appendix AHP Sure Start, Gen by Gen
HP introduced Sure Start in 2014. Since that time, HP has enhanced Sure Start and expanded the number of products that
use it. The table below provides a summary of the capabilities that were added with each generation.
Generation Release date Capabilities added
HP Sure Start 2014 Firmware and BIOS authenticity enforcement, with the ability to self-heal
Firmware monitoring and compliance
HP Sure Start with
Dynamic Protection
2015 Windows Event Viewer support
Dynamic Protection (for select Intel products)
HP Sure Start Gen3
(select Intel products)
HP Sure Start with Runtime
Intrusion Detection
(select AMD products)
2017 Runtime Intrusion Detection
BIOS setting protection
Manageability Integration Kit (MIK) plug-in for Microsoft SCCM
HP Sure Start Gen4
2018 Protected storagestrong cryptographic methods to store BIOS settings, user
credentials, and other settings in the HP Endpoint Security Controller hardware
to provide integrity protection, tamper detection, and condentiality protection
for that data
Secure boot database protectionenhanced protection of databases and keys
stored by BIOS that are critical to the integrity of the OS secure boot feature
versus standard UEFI BIOS implementation
On Intel platforms, enhanced protection and recovery of the Intel Management
Engine Firmware
Third-party security certication of HP Endpoint Security Controller—testing by
an independent and accredited laboratory to validate that the HP ESC hardware
core functionality works as claimed per publicly available criteria, methodology,
and processes
HP business PCs with HP Sure Start exceed the NIST Platform Firmware
Resiliency guidelines (Special Publication 800-193) for host processor
boot rmware and other critical platform device rmware, as discussed in
Appendix C.
HP Sure Start Gen3 is available on HP Elite products equipped with Intel 7th generation processors.
HP Sure Start with Runtime Intrusion Detection is available on HP Elite products equipped with AMD 7th generation processors.
HP Sure Start Gen4 is available on HP Elite and HP Pro 600 products equipped with 8th generation Intel or AMD processors.
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
Appendix B—System Management Mode (SMM) overview
System Management Mode (SMM) is an industry-standard approach used for PC advanced power-management features
and other OS-independent functions while the OS is running. While the SMM term and implementation is specic to x86
architectures, many modern computing architectures use a similar architectural concept.
SMM is congured by the BIOS at boot time. The SMM code is populated into the main (DRAM) memory. Then BIOS uses
special (lockable) conguration registers within the chipset to block access to this area when the microprocessor is not
executing in an SMM context. At runtime, entry into SMM mode is event-driven. The chipset is programmed to recognize
many types of events and timeouts. When such an event occurs, the chipset hardware asserts the System Management
Interrupt (SMI) input pin. At the next instruction boundary, the microprocessor saves its entire state and enters SMM.
As the microprocessor enters SMM, it asserts a hardware output pin, SMI Active (SMIACT). This pin serves notice to the
chipset hardware that the microprocessor is entering SMM. An SMI can be asserted at any time, during any process
operating mode, except from within SMM itself. The chipset hardware recognizes the SMIACT signal and redirects all
subsequent memory cycles to a protected area of memory (sometimes referred to as the SMRAM area), reserved
specically for SMM. Immediately after receiving the SMI input and asserting the SMIACT output, the microprocessor
begins to save its entire internal state to this protected memory area.
After the microprocessor state has been stored to SMRAM memory, the special SMM handler code that also resides in
SMRAM (placed there by system BIOS at boot time) begins to execute in a special SMM operation mode. While operating
in this mode, most hardware and memory isolation mechanisms are suspended, and the microprocessor can access
virtually all resources in the platform to enable it to perform required tasks. The SMM code completes the required task,
and then it’s time to return the microprocessor to the previous operating mode. At that point, the SMM code executes the
Return from System Management Mode (RSM) instruction to exit SMM. The RSM instruction causes the microprocessor
to restore its previous internal state data from the copy saved in SMRAM upon SMM entry. Upon completion of RSM, the
entire microprocessor state has been restored to the state just prior to the SMI event, and the previous program (OS,
applications, hypervisor, etc.) resumes execution right where it left o.
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
Appendix C—NIST SP 800-193: Platform Firmware Resiliency Guidelines
Released in May 2018, the NIST SP 800-193: Platform Firmware Resiliency Guidelines describe guidelines for security
mechanisms to protect platform rmware against unauthorized changes, detect unauthorized changes that occur, and
recover from these unauthorized changes.
These guidelines outline three dierent resiliency properties:
1. Protected: meets all Protection and Secure Update requirements
2. Recoverable: meets all Detection and Recovery requirements
3. Resilient: meets all Protection, Detection, and Recovery requirements
Of these three properties, Resilient is the strongest, providing the most benet to HP Customers. HP Sure Start Gen3 and
Gen4 meet and exceed all Resilient guidelines in NIST SP 800-193 for host processor boot rmware, also known as the
UEFI BIOS. Further, HP Sure Start Gen3 and Gen4 also meet requirements for other Critical Platform Device Firmware, as
shown in Table 1 below.
Prior NIST guidelines for BIOS security
NIST SP 800-193 goes beyond NIST SP 800-147, which only addressed protection and the secure update of the
platform’s UEFI BIOS. HP Sure Start Gen4 and prior generations of HP Sure Start, along with HP BIOSphere Gen4 and prior
generations of HP BIOSphere, all support NIST SP 800-147.
NIST SP 800-193 also goes beyond NIST SP 800-155, which outlined security components and guidelines to establish a
secure BIOS integrity measurement and reporting chain. Likewise, HP Sure Start Gen4 and prior generations of HP Sure
Start, along with HP BIOSphere Gen4 and prior generations of HP BIOSphere, all support NIST SP 800-155.
NIST SP 800-193 Critical Platform Devices in HP Commercial PCs
NIST SP 800-193 acknowledges that the denition of Critical Platform Devices can vary. Critical Platform Devices are
dened in section 3.2 (Resiliency Properties):
“For a platform as a whole to claim resiliency to destructive attacks, the set of platform devices necessary
to minimally restore operation of the system, and suicient to restore reasonable functionality, should
themselves be resilient. We call this set of devices critical platform devices. The particular resiliency
properties may vary from platform-to-platform.
For that reason, it is important to dene this set of devices and applicable rmware for HP Commercial PCs. NIST SP
800-193 provides a reference platform architecture in Section 2 along with a list of devices which are “often critical to the
normal and secure operation of a platform.” The table below provides a mapping to each of those devices/subsystems to
the applicable rmware components in the HP Commercial Notebook PCs.
Note that each customer environment should be evaluated to determine whether there are additional peripheral devices
that are critical to restore reasonable functionality specic to the customer’s deployment.
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
Table 1: Critical Platform Device Firmware Protected by HP Sure Start or other technology
NIST SP 800-193 Platform
Architecture Reference
HP Commercial PC critical platform
device rmware
Protected by
1. Embedded Controller (EC)/Super I/O
4. Host Processor
6. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) when
implemented as Unied Memory
Architecture (UMA)
8. Host Controller (HC) for mass storage
11. Host Processor Boot Firmware
12. Platform Runtime Firmware
13. Power Supply
15. Fans
HP ESC rmware
HP UEFI BIOS rmware
HP Sure Start Gen3 and Gen4
2. Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Discrete TPM component rmware
3. Baseboard Management Controller
(BMC)/Management Engine (ME)
Intel Management Engine rmware
AMD Secure Processor rmware
5. Network Interface Controller (NIC) Intel integrated GbE NIC rmware
HP Sure Start Gen3 and Gen4
7. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Flash Descriptor rmware HP Sure Start Gen3 and Gen4
9. Hard Disk Drive (HDD)/Solid State Drive
HDD/SSD rmware
10. Embedded MultiMediaCard (eMMC)/
Universal Flash Storage (UFS)
14. Glue Logic (CPLD’s, FPGA’s) N/A
This component is not critical to boot of the platform.
This component is not critical to minimally restore operation of the system but is required to establish Ethernet connec-
tivity in environments where that connectivity is deemed critical to platform resiliency.
Mass storage devices are outside the scope of this document. Resiliency capabilities vary by storage supplier and by
storage device. Not all suppliers or devices currently meet all Resiliency requirements in 800-193.
No devices of this type are included.
BIOS – Basic Input/Output System (aka host processor boot rmware)
CPU – Central processing unit
ESC – HP Endpoint Security Controller
Gen3+ – Applies to both HP Sure Start Gen3 and HP Sure Start Gen4
Gen4 – Applies to only HP Sure Start Gen4
HMAC – Hash-based message authentication code
HW – Hardware
OS – Operating system
POST – Power-On Self-Test
RoT – Root of Trust (dened in NIST SP 800-193)
RTD – Root of Trust for Detection (dened in NIST SP 800-193)
RTRec – Root of Trust for Recovery (dened in NIST SP 800-193)
SMM – System Management Mode
UEFI – Unied Extensible Firmware Interface
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
Table 2: Required functions for Host Processor Boot Firmware
The table below provides a summary of each function described by NIST SP 800-193.
NIST SP 800-193 HP Sure Start
Roots of Trust
(Section 4.1)
Meets all
Gen3+ uses a hardware-based RoT (the HP ESC) with immutable boot rmware, which
cryptographically veries subsequent rmware before launching it, creating a Chain of
Gen3+ includes a key store and approved digital signing algorithms based on FIPS 186-4
to verify the digital signature of rmware update images.
Gen3+ uses authenticated update, detection, and recovery mechanisms, which are
anchored in Gen3+’s HW-based RoT.
Protection and
Update of Mutable
Code (Section 4.2.1)
Meets all
Gen3+ uses an authenticated update mechanism anchored in Gen3+’s HW-based RoT.
Firmware update images are digitally signed by HP’s code signing service (HP Secure
Sign) and veried by Gen3+ prior to updating.
Gen3+ integrity protects the HP ESC and UEFI ash regions, so that only its authenticated
update mechanism or a secure local update through physical presence can modify those
ash regions.
Gen3+ has no known authenticated update bypass mechanisms and contains the
ability to prevent rollback to earlier authentic rmware images with known security
Protection of
Immutable Code
(Section 4.2.2)
Meets all
Gen3+ uses a hardware-based RoT (the HP ESC) with immutable boot rmware.
Runtime Protection
of Critical Platform
FW (Section 4.2.3)
Meets all
Critical Platform Firmware executing in volatile storage (RAM) runs and:
1) ceases its operation prior to the loading of system software. That is, it runs during
POST and stops before the OS is loaded.
2) is protected from system software using SMM protections enforced by the CPU
Protection of
Critical Data (Section
Meets all
Gen4 Critical Data, such as Secure Boot authenticated variables, are only modiable
through dened APIs provided by device rmware. These APIs employ a mechanism to
authenticate that the data is originating from an authorized source before applying the
Gen4 Critical Data, such as per-platform unique factory conguration settings, are only
modiable through dened APIs provided by device rmware. These APIs employ a
mechanism to authenticate that the request is originating from an authorized HP service
provider before they allow the change.
Gen4 Critical Data, such as BIOS settings that can be congured in the eld, are only
modiable through dened APIs. These APIs are accessed only via a system administrator
who has congured the BIOS administrator password.
Gen3+ factory default settings, which are not per-platform-specic, employ the same
protection as the code. This includes integrity and authenticity verication via digital
signature. These setting updates are controlled and protected in the same manner as the
Detection of
Corrupted Code
(Section 4.3.1)
Meets all
A successful attack on the platform rmware will not impact Gen3+’s RTD. The RTD
is maintained in a private ash area inaccessible to the system software that might
compromise the platform rmware.
Firmware code is validated by Gen3+’s RTD using approved digital signature algorithms
and cryptographic hashes.
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
NIST SP 800-193 HP Sure Start
Detection of
Corrupted Critical
Data (Section 4.3.2)
Meets all
A successful attack on the Active Critical Data will not impact Gen3+’s RTD. The RTD
is maintained in a private ash area inaccessible to the system software that might
compromise Active Critical Data.
Gen3+ can save and validate critical data through use of digest hashes prior to using that
critical data, and Gen3+ can initiate a recovery of the critical data if corruption is detected.
Recovery of
Mutable Code
(Section 4.4.1)
Meets all
Gen3+’s ESC implements the recovery capability.
A successful attack on the platform rmware will not impact Gen3+’s RTRec. The RTRec
is maintained in a private ash area inaccessible to the system software that might
compromise the platform rmware.
Gen3+’s RTRec has access to a locally stored copy of the platform’s UEFI image in its
private ash area, which is inaccessible to (protected from) system software.
Gen3+ can update the locally stored authentic UEFI image in its private ash area through
an Authenticated Update mechanism.
Recovery of Critical
Data (Section 4.4.2)
Meets all
Gen3+’s ESC implements the recovery capability.
A successful attack on Active Critical Data will not impact Gen3+’s RTRec. The RTRec
is maintained in a private ash area inaccessible to the system software that might
compromise Active Critical Data.
Gen3+ can recover critical data back to factory defaults including per-platform-specic
data that is backed up in isolated & protected storage.
Gen3+ can recover non-per-platform-specic defaults from the backup BIOS image
stored in isolated and protected storage.
Gen3+ does not use policies included as part of Critical Data to restore critical data.
Logging and
Exceeds all
Gen3+ will notify user of corruption and log the event.
Gen3+’s detection mechanism is capable of logging events when corruption is detected.
Gen3+ will notify user of a recovery event and log the event.
Gen3+’s detection mechanism is capable of logging events when a recovery action has
taken place.
Exceeds all
Gen3+’s detection mechanism has policies which control the action taken by the Runtime
Automatic or
manual recovery
Exceeds all
Gen3+ Runtime Detection can initiate a recovery process automatically or after
notication of detection corruptions to the user.
Gen3+ can automatically perform its recovery operations without user interaction or it
may require user approval, dependent on policy setting.
Gen3+ gains approval from the user before replacing the current Critical Data, based on
recovery policy setting.
Gen3+ can recover Critical Data back to a last-known good state.
Gen3+ gains approval from the user before replacing the current Critical Data, based on
recovery policy setting.
Local or remote
Exceeds all
Gen3+ can automatically perform its recovery operations without user interaction or it
may require user approval, dependent on policy setting.
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L49253-001, January 2019
Technical white paper | HP Sure Start
NIST SP 800-193 HP Sure Start
Rollback prevention Exceeds all
Gen3+ and the UEFI boot block both have controls in place to protect against recovery to
an earlier rmware version with security weaknesses.
Runtime Intrusion
not required in
NIST SP 800-193 is silent on what happens to rmware once it is loaded from nonvolatile
storage (ash) into volatile storage (RAM) for execution. Gen3+ provides runtime
intrusion detection of UEFI SMM code loaded into SMM RAM.
Physical attack
not required in
Gen4 provides protection against physical attacks to the protected backup copy of
dynamic critical data. AES encryption is used on a per-component unique key to provide
condentiality of private data. In addition, HMAC integrity measurements provide tamper
prevention/detection of those keys.