Millennium T-360 Tripod
Model Number: T-360 Tripod
Maximum Weight Capacity - 300 pounds (136kg)
(User and Equipment)
Thank you for your purchase of this quality Millennium product! To ensure your personal
safety, please take a moment to carefully read this product Instruction Manual in its en-
tirety before attempting to set-up, install and/or otherwise use this Millennium product.
Failure to do so could result in serious personal injury or death! This Millennium product
has been designed, engineered and manufactured to provide you with years of trouble
free service.
Should you have any questions
about the installation and/or use of
this product, or any other Millenni-
um product(s) do not hesitate to call
one of our customer service rep-
resentatives at (601) 932-5832 or
visit us online at millenniumstands.
com. Our service representatives
will answer any questions you may
have about any of the complete line
of Millennium products.
WARNING! This product carries strict weight limitations. Do not use this product if you
exceed this total weight limitation. Please note this weight limit includes the user and
equipment. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Falls from a treestand can occur anytime after leaving the ground. These falls result in either serious injury or death! For
your personal safety, please take a moment to carefully read this product instruction manual in its entirety before attempting to as-
semble, set-up, install and/or otherwise use this Millennium product. At least annually, review the contents of this instruction manual
and watch the safety information included in the Quick Response (QR) Code(s) which accompanies this Millennium product(s). Ad-
ditionally, keep these instructions for the entire duration that you own this product(s). Failure to follow these instructions may result in
serious injury or death!
WARNING! The safe use and operation of this product is the sole responsibility of the user. It is also the sole responsibility of the owner
to provide any person(s) who borrow or purchase this product with these instructions. Failure to follow these instructions may result
in serious injury or death! Additionally, failure to follow these instructions may subject you to personal liability penalties as determined
by the U.S. Judicial system.
WARNING! Prior to each hunt, make sure that you have a signaling device (e.g., mobile phone, cell phone, radio, whistle, signal are,
Personal Locator Device [PLD], etc.) in your possession and on your person in an operable condition. This device must be within easy
access should you experience the need to contact emergency assistance. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious
injury or death!
WARNING! Failure to read and strictly comply with the instructions contained in this Instruction Manual may result in serious injury or
PLEASE NOTE THAT “WARNING!” statements have been placed throughout this Instruction Manual. These statements point
out important safety information and instructions, which, if not followed, could endanger the personal safety and/or property of
the operator. It is imperative that the operator of this product, or any other Millennium product(s) read and understand all the
instructions and warnings contained in this Instruction Manual prior to attempting to use this product(s), or any other Millen-
nium product(s). Failure to comply with these instructions and/or warnings may result in serious injury or death! When you see
WARNING! Thoroughly inspect this or any other Millennium product(s) prior to each use for signs of wear, damage, rot, cor-
rosion, deterioration and/or any other type of defect. DO NOT expose this product to extended exposure to direct sunlight,
excessive heat and/or freezing temperatures. Do not use this or any other Millennium product(s) if they show evidence of
wear, rot, corrosion, cracks, deterioration and/or any other type(s) of defect(s). Failure to follow these instructions may result
in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Do not remove, modify and/or omit any portion or otherwise mechanically modify this Millennium product(s) or its
assemblies in any manner. Modification, misuse and/or part substitution shall immediately void your factory warranty and may
result in serious injury or death! If you suspect that a part(s) is missing and/or defective, immediately contact Millennium at
(601) 932-5832 for replacement of missing or defective parts. Never modify your stand in any way by making repairs, or altering,
adding or attaching anything to it except if explicitly authorized in writing by Millennium. ALWAYS USE GENUINE FACTORY
WARNING! This Millennium product(s) is designed for adult use only. No one under the age of 16 shall attempt to use this or
any other Millennium® product(s) without direct adult supervision. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious
injury or death!
WARNING! Prior to attempting to use this or any other Millennium product(s) you must take the time and become familiar with
its assembly, setup, installation and removal. You must practice installing, setting-up, using and removing this product(s) at
ground-level prior to attempting to use it at heights above ground-level. Once you have become thoroughly knowledgeable
and comfortable with this Millennium product(s) set-up, installation, use and removal at ground-level, only then are you ready
to use it at heights above ground-level. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury and death!
WARNING! Never rely on a tree branch for support while climbing. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious
injury or death!
WARNING! You must always inform someone of your hunting location, where the treestand will be located and the expected
duration of the hunt. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Inspect all safety devices each time before each use. DO NOT use these devices if it (they) shows signs of wear,
damage (from freezing, excessive heat, etc.), deterioration or vandalism. Factors such as tree growth, vandals, weather and
animals may affect the performance of an unattended tree stand. Do not store these devices outdoors when not in use. Failure
to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Do not remove, modify, and/or omit any portion or otherwise mechanically modify this Millennium product(s) or its as-
semblies in any manner. Modication, misuse, and/or part substitution shall immediately void your factory warranty and may result
in serious injury or death! If you suspect that a part(s) is missing and/or defective, immediately contact Millennium at (601) 932-5832
for replacement of missing or defective parts. Never modify your stand in any way by making repairs, or altering, adding or attaching
anything to it except if explicitly authorized in writing by Millennium. Always use genuine factory authorized Millennium replacement
parts. Use of any replacement parts other than genuine Millennium parts voids your warranty and may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Prior to each hunt, make sure that you have a signaling device (e.g., mobile phone, radio, whistle, signal are or Personal
Locator Device (PLD)) in your possession and in an operable condition. This device must be within easy access should you experi-
ence the need to contact emergency assistance. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! ALWAYS inspect/check ALL expiration dates/tags on all straps, cables, etc. You must replace ALL straps and suspension
seats EVERY year. Never use any strap(s) that have expired and/or is showing any signs of damage and/or wear. Failure to follow
these instructions may result in serious injury and death!
WARNING! Make certain all chains, cable straps, etc. are tightened per this Instruction Manual prior to use. All treestand contact
points must be in contact before you step onto the stand. The correct adjustment and tightening of attachment hardware is critical to
the stable installation of this treestand. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! This product(s) is designed for adult use only. No one under the age of 16 shall attempt to use this or any other product(s)
without direct adult supervision. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Prior to attempting to use this or any other Millennium product(s) you must take a moment and become familiar with its
assembly, setup and installation. You must practice installing, setting-up and using this product(s) at ground-level prior to attempt-
ing to use it at heights above ground-level. Once you have become thoroughly knowledgeable and comfortable with this Millennium
product(s) setup, installation and use at ground-level, you are now ready to use it at heights above ground-level. Failure to follow these
instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Several Millennium treestands are equipped with a footrest, armrests and/or shooting rail. Neither the footrest, armrests
nor the shooting rail have been designed to support the users weight. Under no circumstances shall you place any more than fteen
(15) pounds of weight on these structures. Doing so will put the user in serious risk of injury or death. Failure to follow these instruc-
tions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! DO NOT modify, x/repair, alter, bend, cut, weld, or heat the treestand in any way. Also, do not attach anything to your
treestand without explicit authorized and written instructions from the manufacturer. Failure to follow these instructions will void your
warranty and may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Never attempt to climb up or down with a weapon and/or gear in your possession. ALWAYS unload your weapon and pull
it up to hunting height using a tether or pull up rope. ALWAYS lower your unloaded weapon down to the ground prior (when raising
or lowering rearms, the chamber must be open and the barrel pointing toward the ground) to attempting to climb up or climb down.
Use this same method when raising or lowering all other gear. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Prior to each use thoroughly inspect the treestand (and its components) and all safety devices each time before use for
signs of wear, rot, corrosion, cracks, deterioration and/or any other type of defect. Make certain that your treestand is tight and secure
prior to use. Protect this product from extended exposure to direct sunlight, excessive heat or freezing temperatures by storing inside
when not in use. Do not use this or any other product(s) if it shows evidence of wear, rot, corrosion, cracks, deterioration and/or any
other type of defect. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! DO NOT attempt to make adjustments to this product while in the treestand. All adjustments must be made with the entire
treestand on the ground. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! DO NOT use this or any other Millennium products(s) if you have a history of heart problems, back problems, impaired
vision, joints that lock-up, spinal fusions, equilibrium problems, high blood pressure, are not well-rested and/or any other physical
impairment that may limit your ability to use and/or operate this product(s) in the safe manner outlined in this Instruction Manual.
Additionally, do not use this or any other Millennium product(s) if you are currently taking medication (including prescription) and/or
using and/or consuming any substance, including alcohol, that may limit your ability to use this Millennium product(s) as outlined and
described in the Instruction Manual. Never use a treestand when feeling ill, nauseous or dizzy. Failure to follow these instructions may
result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! DO NOT leave your Millennium product(s) installed for more than two weeks (14 days). Any number of factors can jeop-
ardize its installation and integrity. These include, but are not limited to, weather or other environmental factors that can negatively
affect its performance. Animals can also cause damage to your Millennium product(s) that can negatively affect its performance and
your safety. Additionally, factors such as tree growth can stress and damage supporting straps, chains and/or buckles. Failure to follow
these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! ALWAYS inspect the treestand and all safety devices prior to each use. DO NOT use product if it shows signs of wear,
damage, deterioration, or vandalism. Factors such as tree growth, vandals, weather and animals may affect the performance of an
unattended treestand. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Strict weight limitations have been set for each product to ensure your personal safety. Note the weight limitations of
your stand and that this weight limit includes the user(s) and equipment. NEVER EXCEED THESE WEIGHT LIMITATIONS! Failure
to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! DO NOT attempt to use this or any other Millennium product(s) when ice, snow, and/or freezing rain has deposited or
formed on any portion of the tree or stand you intend to climb. Do not attempt to use this or any other Millennium product(s) when
thunderstorms are threatening and/or present within ve (5) miles. Do not attempt to use this or any other product(s) when any other
adverse weather condition presents itself. These include, but are not limited to, weather conditions which have the potential for
producing winds, lightning, rain, snow, sleet and/or any other atmospheric condition which may limit the user’s ability to operate this
Millennium product(s) in a safe manner as described in this Instruction Manual. Should inclement weather conditions arise during
your use of this Millennium product(s), return to the ground immediately. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious
injury or death!
WARNING! BEFORE each use, make sure all nuts and bolts are secure. CHECK all hardware and webbing prior to every use to make
sure that no damage has occurred to hardware and that webbing (as applicable) is not cut or frayed. Keep webbing from coming into
contact with any sharp edges. DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT IF ANY DAMAGE IS SUSPECTED. Failure to follow these instructions
may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! REPLACE any damaged or worn part with original parts. Never store a treestand or any of its components outdoors when
not in use. To purchase parts contact Millennium at (601) 932-5832. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury
or death!
WARNING! Always wear the appropriate foot wear when using a treestand. A good non-slip safety boot is important for your safety.
Be especially careful that boot laces do not get hooked on the treestand (or any of its components) or climbing aids (tuck shoelaces
into boot before climbing). Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! NEVER hunt out of a treestand at heights at which you are not completely comfortable. Choose the minimum hunting
height that allows for safe, effective hunting. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! DO NOT use this, or any other product(s) to climb utility poles, telephone poles, structural columns or any other man-
made structures. Never use this or any other product(s) around power generation (e.g., transformers, generators, substations, etc.)
and/or power transmission equipment. Never use a treestand on a dead, leaning, diseased or loose barked tree. NEVER USE A
to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! DO NOT stand on the treestand seat. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! A minimum of three (3) adults is required to install and/or remove a tripod. Failure to follow these instructions may result
in serious injury or death!
WARNING! The stabilizer straps and stabilization devices must be attached and tightened before attempting to climb to the seating/
standing platforms. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Check the ground under tripods to make sure it is rm and level. Sloping ground or uneven surfaces (e.g., one side
on a rock) can cause the tripod to tilt or shift as you climb. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Always maintain three-point contact when climbing up/down. Proper three-point contact means having either two feet
with one hand or one foot with two hands on the step portion of the tripod at all times when climbing up or down. Failure to follow
these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
Should you have any questions about the assembly, installation or use of this product, or any other product, please do not hesitate
to call one of our customer service representatives at (601) 932-5832 and they will answer all questions you may have about any of
the complete line of Millennium products.
WARNING! Some Millennium tripods are equipped with a footrest, armrests, backrest, and/or shooting rail. Neither the footrest,
armrests, backrest nor the shooting rail have been designed to support the users weight. Under no circumstances should you place
any more than fteen (15) pounds (7 kg) of weight on these structures. Doing so will put the user in serious risk of injury or death.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious or death!
Any number of innovative accessories are available and sold separately to compliment your new climbing system. Only genuine
authorized accessories should be used with your climbing/treestand system. Genuine replacement parts are also available online
or via telephone. Should you require parts or service, or if you just have a question about this, or any other product(s), simply give
one of our customer service representatives a call (601) 932-5832 or visit us online at millenniumstands.com.
WARNING! NEVER hunt out of a tripod at heights at which you are not completely comfortable. Depending on the hunting conditions,
choose the minimum hunting height that allows for safe, effective hunting. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious
injury or death!
WARNING! Never jump or bounce on a tripod seat. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Check the ground under your tripod to make sure it is rm and level. Sloping ground or uneven surfaces can cause your
stand to tilt or shift as you climb. Do not use this stand when high winds are present or forecast. Failure to follow these instructions
may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Never attempt to hunt from an unlevel platform. Additionally, never attempt to level your tripod at heights above the ground.
If you nd that your platform is unlevel, canted, angled awkwardly upward or downward, or in any conguration other than level, read-
just your tripod as necessary to alleviate this awkward angle. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! ALWAYS lean forward as you climb the tripod. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
Some assembly is required prior to your use of your Millennium treestand. NOTE: ALL assembly should be performed
with the tripod components laying at on the ground.
Figure 15
Components of the T-360 Tripod
WARNING! DO NOT place more than fteen (15) pounds
(7 kg) of weight on the shooting rail. Doing so will result
in an unsafe condition. Failure to follow these instructions
may result in serious injury or death!
Shooting Rail
NOTE: All ¼” bolts use # 27 at washers
and # 12 nuts and all 5/16” bolts use # 26
at washers and # 28 nuts
unless otherwise specied.
Figure 15
Components of the T-360 Tripod (Continued)
STEP 1: Bolt the two (2) halves of the platform together using four (4) ¼” x 2-5/8” bolts, eight (8) washers and four (4) nuts. Place wash-
ers under the head of bolt and nuts as shown in Figure 17. NOTE: Do not tighten the nuts at this time.
Figure 17
Bolt Platform Together
STEP 1: Next, assemble the seat by placing the upper seat support to the seat upright by using one (1) ¼” x 1-7/8” bolt, two (2) washers
and one (1) nut as shown in Figure 16-A. Now Assemble the seat frame to the upright with two (2) ¼” x 1-3/8” bolts , four (4) washers
and two (2) nuts. Place washers under the head of the bolts. Insert bolts thru seat mount bracket then thru seat assebly and place
washers under the nuts. Be sure seat locator pin is in the hole in the upright. This assures the proper position of the seat as shown in
Figure 16-B.
Figure 16 (A & B)
Seat Assembly
Figure 18
Install Seat Receiver
STEP 2: Install the seat receiver hub and platform braces at the same time using four (4) ¼” x 3” bolts and four (4) ¼” x 2” bolts, sixteen
(16) washers and eight (8) nuts. Place washers under the head of bolts and under the nuts. Note the 3” bolts go thru the hub, platform
and platform braces as shown in Figure 18. You can now tighten all the bolts you have installed thus far.
Figure 19
Assemble Three Ladder Sections
STEP 3: Assemble the three ladder sections together using one (1) leg connector angle and one (1) leg connector angle with brace
attachment. Use four (4) 5/16 x 2-1/2” bolts, eight (8) washers and four (4) nuts for each attachment. Place washers under the head of
bolts and the nuts. Note that the connector with the brace attachment will point toward the inside of the ladder. After all bolts are installed
snug all the nuts then go back and tighten them all as shown in Figure 19.
Figure 20
Assemble Two Legs
STEP 4: Assemble the other two (2) legs in the same manor as you did the ladder, snugging the nuts and then go back and tighten them
all. One leg will be shorter to facilitate the adjustable foot as shown in Figure 20.
Figure 21
Install Adjustable Foot
STEP 5:Install the adjustable foot by sliding it inside the leg and placing a 5/16” x 2-1/2” bolt thru the leg and top hole of the adjustable
foot. Be sure to place washers under the head of bolt and the nut as shown in Figure 21. You can now tighten the bolt.
Figure 22
Assemble Cross Braces
STEP 6: Assemble all the cross braces by sliding the 7/8” tube inside the 1” tube and secure with one (1) ¼” x 2” bolt, two (2) washers
and one (1) nut as shown in Figure 22. Tighten the bolts at this time .
Figure 23
Attach Cross Braces
STEP 7: Attach the 1” end of the cross braces to the bottom brace attachment on each leg using one (1) ¼” x 2” bolt, two (2) washers
and one (1) nut. Place washers under head of bolt and nut. Finger tighten only at this time. Do this on all three legs as seen in Figure 23.
Figure 24
Tie Cross Braces to Legs
STEP 8: It is helpful to tie the cross braces to the legs with some paracord or a bungee as shown in Figure 24.
STEP 9: From this point on you will need two (2) other people to help you with the assembly. The stand will be assembled on its side.
Lay the ladder section at on the ground and attach the front of the platform to it rst using one (1) 5/16 x 2-1/2” bolt, two (2) washers
and one (1) nut placing washers under head of bolt and nut as shown in Figure 25. Snug the nut, do not tighten at this time. NOTE: The
front half of the platform has only one leg attachment bracket.
Figure 25
Lay Tripod On Its Side
STEP 10: Attach the other two (2) legs to the platform in the same manner as the ladder with the ladder still laying on the ground. Be
careful not to bend the mounting brackets on the platform.
STEP 11: With all three (3) legs attached you can now attach the other end of the cross braces to the top of the legs using one (1) 1/4”x
2” bolts, two (2) washers and one (1) nut as shown in Figure 27. Have one person lift one of the legs while another person attaches the
cross brace to the top brace mount on the corresponding leg. Repeat this process until all the cross braces are installed.
Figure 27
Attach Cross Braces
Figure 26
Attach Remaining Legs
STEP 14: Make sure all the bolts are tight.
STEP 15: You can now install the pads on the shooting rail and then slide the skirt over the shooting rail snap in place . Then use the
ties inside the skirt to secure it to the uprights and the platform.
STEP 16: After the stand is erected and level ( there is a bubble level attached to the seat receiver hub) you can use a pull rope to pull up
the seat and slide the seat post into the seat receiver hub. Make sure the seat post seats completely down against the plastic bushing.
Figure 28
Attach Shooting Rail
STEP 13: Attach the shooting rail Uprights to the platform using one (1) ¼” x 2-1/2” bolt, two (2) washers and one (1) nut. Now attach
the shooting rail to the uprights using one (1) ¼”x 1-3/4” bolt, and one (1) cupped washer under the head of bolts as shown in Figure
28. NOTE: It is best to lift the platform and place on a stool or what ever is available while installing the shooting rail.
STEP 12:After all the braces are attached go back and make sure all the bolts are tight.
WARNING! Prior to attempting to use this or any other Millennium product(s) you must take a moment and become familiar
with it’s setup and installation at ground level. You must practice installing, setting-up and using this product(s) at ground-
level prior to attempting to use it at heights above ground-level. Once you have become thoroughly knowledgeable and
comfortable with this Millennium product(s) setup, installation and use at ground-level - you’re now ready to use it at heights
above ground-level. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! DO NOT use this, or any other product(s) to climb utility poles, telephone poles, structural columns or any other
man-made structures. Never use this or any other product(s) around power generation (transformers, generators, substa-
tions, etc.) and/or power transmission equipment (power lines). Failure to follow these instructions may result
in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Do not use this or any other product(s) if you have a history of heart problems, back problems, impaired vision,
equilibrium problems, high blood pressure or any other physical impairment that may limit your ability to use and/or operate
this product(s) in the safe manner outlined in this Instruction Manual. Additionally, do not use this or any other product(s) if
you are currently taking any medication and/or substance, including alcohol, that may limit your ability to use this product(s)
as outlined and described in this Instruction Manual. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Never attempt to either climb up or climb down with a weapon in your possession. ALWAYS unload your weapon
and pull it up to hunting height using a tether or pull-up rope. ALWAYS lower your unloaded weapon down to the ground prior to
attempting to climb down. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Never attempt to hunt from an unlevel tripod. Additionally, never attempt to level your tripod at heights above the
ground. If you nd that your tripod is unlevel, canted, angled awkwardly upward or downward, or in any conguration other than
level, immediately climb down to ground-level and readjust your tripod as necessary to alleviate this awkward angle. Failure to
follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Thoroughly inspect this or any other product(s) prior to each use for signs of wear, rot, corrosion, cracks, deteriora-
tion and/or any other type of defect. Protect this product from extended exposure to direct sunlight, excessive heat or freezing
temperatures. Do not use this or any other product(s) if it shows evidence of wear, rot, corrosion, cracks, deterioration and/or
any other type of defect. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Falls from a treestand can occur anytime after leaving the ground. These falls result in either serious injury or
death! For your personal safety, please take a moment to carefully read this product instruction manual in its entirety before
attempting to assemble, set-up, install and/or otherwise use this Millennium product. At least annually, review the contents of
this instruction manual and watch the safety information included in the Quick Response (QR) Code(s) which accompanies this
Millennium product(s). Additionally, keep these instructions for the entire duration that you own this product(s). Failure to follow
these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! The safe use and operation of this product is the sole responsibility of the user. It is also the sole responsibility of the
owner to provide any person(s) who borrow or purchase this product with these instructions. Failure to follow these instructions
may result in serious injury or death! Additionally, failure to follow these instructions may subject you to personal liability penalties
as determined by the U.S. Judicial system.
WARNING! Prior to each hunt, make sure that you have a signaling device (e.g., mobile phone, cell phone, radio, whistle, signal
are, Personal Locator Device [PLD], etc.) in your possession and on your person in an operable condition. This device must be
within easy access should you experience the need to contact emergency assistance. Failure to follow these instructions may
result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Prior to attempting to use this or any other product(s) you must take a moment and become familiar with its assem-
bly, setup and installation. You must practice installing, setting-up and using this product(s) at ground-level prior to attempting
to use it at heights above ground-level. Once you have become thoroughly knowledgeable and comfortable with this product(s)
setup, installation and use at ground-level, you are now ready to use it at heights above ground-level. Failure to follow these
instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! You must have at least three (3) adults to install and/or remove tripod. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious
injury or death!
WARNING! Never install, set-up, or climb to your tripod with a weapon. Use a pull up rope to carefully raise your unloaded
weapon. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! You must check the ground under the tripod to make sure it is firm and level. Sloping ground or uneven
surfaces (e.g., one foot on a rock) can cause your tripod to tilt or shift as you climb. Failure to follow these instructions
may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! DO NOT use this, or any other Millennium product(s) to climb utility poles, telephone poles, structural columns or
any other man-made structures. Never use this or any other Millennium product(s) around power generation (e.g., transformers,
generators, substations, etc.) and/or power transmission equipment. Failure to follow these instructions will result in serious
injury or death!
WARNING! Do not attempt to use this or any other product(s) when thunderstorms are threatening and/or present within ve (5)
miles. Do not attempt to use this or any other product(s) when any other adverse weather condition presents itself. These in-
clude weather conditions which have the potential for producing winds, lightning, rain, snow, sleet and/or any other atmospheric
condition which may limit the user’s ability to operate this product(s) in a safe manner as described in this Instruction Manual.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! This product(s) is designed for adult use only! No one under the age of 16 should attempt to use this or any other
product(s) without direct adult supervision. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Do not attempt to use this and/or any other product(s) when ice, snow and/or freezing rain has deposited or formed
on any portion of the tree you intend to climb. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Never attempt to either climb up or climb down with a weapon in your possession. ALWAYS unload your weapon
and pull it up to hunting height using a tether or pull-up rope. ALWAYS lower your unloaded weapon down to the ground prior to
attempting to climb down. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Thoroughly inspect this or any other product(s) prior to each use for signs of wear, rot, corrosion, cracks, deteriora-
tion and/or any other type of defect. Protect this product from extended exposure to direct sunlight, excessive heat or freezing
temperatures. Do not use this or any other product(s) if it shows evidence of wear, rot, corrosion, cracks, deterioration and/or
any other type of defect. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Prior to attempting to use this or any other product(s) you must take a moment and become familiar with its assem-
bly, setup and installation. You must practice installing, setting-up and using this product(s) at ground-level prior to attempting
to use it at heights above ground-level. Once you have become thoroughly knowledgeable and comfortable with this product(s)
setup, installation and use at ground-level, you are now ready to use it at heights above ground-level. Failure to follow these
instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! You must have at least three (3) adults to install and/or remove tripod. Failure to follow these instructions may result
in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Never install, set-up, or climb to your tripod with a weapon. Use a pull up rope to carefully raise your unloaded
weapon. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! You must check the ground under the tripod to make sure it is firm and level. Sloping ground or uneven
surfaces (e.g., one foot on a rock) can cause your tripod to tilt or shift as you climb. Failure to follow these instructions
may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! DO NOT use this, or any other Millennium product(s) to climb utility poles, telephone poles, structural columns or
any other man-made structures. Never use this or any other Millennium product(s) around power generation (e.g., transformers,
generators, substations, etc.) and/or power transmission equipment. Failure to follow these instructions will result in serious
injury or death!
WARNING! Do not attempt to use this or any other product(s) when thunderstorms are threatening and/or present within ve (5)
miles. Do not attempt to use this or any other product(s) when any other adverse weather condition presents itself. These in-
clude weather conditions which have the potential for producing winds, lightning, rain, snow, sleet and/or any other atmospheric
condition which may limit the user’s ability to operate this product(s) in a safe manner as described in this Instruction Manual.
Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! This product(s) is designed for adult use only! No one under the age of 16 should attempt to use this or any other
product(s) without direct adult supervision. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Some Millennium tripods are equipped with a footrest, armrests, backrest and/or shooting rail. Neither the footrest,
armrests, backrest nor the shooting rail have been designed to support the users weight. Under no circumstances shall you
place any more than fteen (15) pounds (7 kg) of weight on these structures. Doing so will put the user in serious risk of injury
or death. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! NEVER hunt out of a tripod at heights at which you are not completely comfortable. Depending on the hunting
conditions, choose the minimum hunting height that allows for safe, effective hunting. Failure to follow these instructions may
result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Strict weight limitations have been set for each product(s) to ensure your personal safety. Note the weight limitations
of your tripod and that this weight limit includes the user(s) and their equipment. NEVER EXCEED THESE WEIGHT LIMITA-
TIONS! Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Never jump or bounce on a tripod seat. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! DO NOT modify, x/repair, alter, bend, cut, weld, drill or heat this product(s) in any way. Failure to follow these
instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Replace any damaged or worn parts with original parts. Never store a tripod or any of its components outdoors
when not in use. To purchase genuine factory parts contact Millennium toll free at (601) 932-5832 or
Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Always wear the appropriate foot wear when using a tripod. A good non-slip safety boot is important to your personal
safety. Be especially careful that boot laces do not get hooked on the tripod or its components (tuck shoelaces into boot before
climbing). Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious
injury or death!
WARNING! Prior to climbing, make sure all legs, ladder or supporting sections are rmly connected and locked. Make certain
that none of the sections have come loose or separated. If they are, DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT(S). With the help of two (2)
other adults (three (3) total) lower the tripod back down to the ground and secure the sections as appropriate and as outlined in
this Manual. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! ALWAYS maintain three-point contact when climbing up or down. Proper three-point contact means having either
two feet with one hand or one foot with two hands on the step portions at all times when climbing up or down. Failure to follow
these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Prior to climbing, make sure all legs, ladder or supporting sections are rmly connected and locked. Make certain
that none of the sections have come loose or separated. If they are, DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT(S). With the help of two (2)
other adults (three (3) total) lower the tripod back down to the ground and secure the sections as appropriate and as outlined in
this Manual. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! BEFORE each use, make sure all nuts and bolts are secure. CHECK all hardware and webbing prior to every use
to make sure that no damage has occurred to hardware and that webbing is not cut or frayed. Keep webbing from coming into
contact with any sharp objects. DO NOT USE THIS PRODUCT(S) IF ANY DAMAGE IS SUSPECTED. Failure to follow these
instructions may result in serious injury or death!
STEP 1: With the help of two (2) other adults (three (3) total), gently lift the standing platform of the tripod and walk it up until erect.
STEP 2. Check to make sure the platform is on secure and level ground and the standing and seating platforms are level. If the
platfor: is unlevel, adjust the bottom legs until the platform is level (as directed in these instructions). NOTE: Holes are provided in the
feet to allow for staking (i.e., anchoring) to the ground for additional safety. Extreme precaution shall be used to ensure that the stand is
stable prior to climbing. We suggest the use of (3) stakes as well as (3) auger style stakes, all sold separately.
WARNING! You must secure your tripod to preclude it from tipping or shifting during installation and/or use. Failure to follow these
instructions may result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! Never attempt to level a platform by inserting, or using scrap lumber, rocks, tree limbs or branches, cardboard, or any other
material(s). Under no circumstances shall you attempt to level your platform in a manner other than described in this Instruction Manual.
Failure to follow these instructions will result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! When climbing, always maintain three points of contact as you ascend (climb up) and while descending (climb
down). Failure to maintain three points of contact puts the user at serious risk of bodily injury. Failure to follow these
instructions will result in serious injury or death!
WARNING! You must have three (3) adults to install or remove your tripod. Failure to follow these instructions may result
in serious injury or death!
STEP 1. With the help of two (2) other adults (three (3) total) slowly tip the tripod and walk it down to the ground.
Millennium Outdoors, LLC warrants this Millennium product against defect(s) in material and workmanship, under proper use and stor-
age for the period of one (1) year from the date of purchase. Proof of purchase, plus, the return of your warranty application card to our
home ofce, is required for any warranty claim. In the event this product is found to be defective within the warranty period, Millennium
Outdoors, LLC only obligation and your exclusive remedy shall be replacement or repair of any defective parts at our discretion. To obtain
warranty service, please contact Millennium Outdoors, LLC customer service at (601) 932-5832. Exclusions to this warranty include seat,
paint, plastics, webbing and/or defects caused by operator misuse and/or abuse. Limitation to liability include the forgoing warranty is
made in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied and Millennium Outdoors, LLC disclaims any implied warranty of merchantability
and tness. Millennium Outdoors, LLC shall not be liable for any damages direct, consequential or incidental arising out of the use or
inability of this product.
Your new Millennium treestand is factory finished with a state-of- the-art powder coating that guarantees years of trouble-free ser-
vice. It is recommended that you store your treestand out of direct sunlight and out of any other harsh environmental condition(s)
that may adversely affect its performance.
I have read and understand the safety, assembly and operating instructions provided with my
Millennium treestand. I have read the warranty information and know that I can call Millennium
at (601) 932-5832 with any questions or concerns that I may have about this or any other Mil-
lennium product(s). Mail to: Millennium Outdoors, LLC, 201 Fairmont Plaza, Pearl, MS 39208,
(601) 932-5832.
Copyright © Millennium Outdoors, LLC 2019. All rights reserved.
Millennium Outdoors, LLC 201 Fairmont Plaza Pearl, Mississippi 39208
(601) 932-5832