Marketing Plan Guide | Version 5.0 | Published April 2022
Marketing Plan Guide
2022-2023| Published April 2022
Tips and General Guidelines
The template below is only one example of a marketing plan structure. It is by no means the only style of marketing plan.
Your marketing plan is a map and to do list for achieving success with your sound recording. Set high goals for yourself,
but stay realistic in terms of what you can afford and what you have the skills and access to achieve. Your marketing
plan should be a valuable professional tool for you to use beyond the FACTOR application process.
Develop a professional and creative presentation of your completed marketing plan. Personalize your plan to reflect
your own art and business.
Be specific and focused. Detail the expected impacts and results you hope to achieve.
Make sure the content is relevant and true.
Double-check your spelling and grammar.
Update and modify your marketing plan to fit the sound recording project that you’re submitting for jury review.
Sample Marketing Plan
Artist Overview
Give a brief overview of the artist history, achievements/accomplishments, and goals. An artist should be able to demonstrate
recent market success and accelerating momentum in their career. This section should include information relevant to past
touring, radio play, showcasing success, awards, etc.
Album Details
Artist Name:
Album Title:
Release Date:
List all track names, length of songs, writer, composer, arranger credits.
Details on Sound Recording
Provide information on whoever will be working on the album (producers, engineers, singers, musicians, designers, photographers,
etc). Note any relevant and notable past success these people have had.
Target Market(s)
Describe the target market(s) the album is geared towards (age, gender, location, culture, etc.). Explain how you will identify,
reach, and develop this target market.
Marketing Plan Guide | Version 5.0 | Published April 2022
Radio Tracker:
Describe your team who you will be or are currently working with. If the management of your business is done independently,
explain how you successfully fill these “team” roles. Detail your organizational and managerial approach. You may also want to
highlight the support network available to you.
Give details on any publicity campaigns or strategies that have been planned or executed to support the corresponding Sound
Print Advertising
If applicable, list publications you plan on targeting to promote the release. Indicate whether these initiatives are confirmed or
proposed. Provide details such as the name of the publication, the dates in which it will be featured and the reach of the
publication. Often this information is available on the publication’s website.
Radio & TV
Provide information regarding the song(s) to be featured include details on who you intend to target (give names of
program/music directors, stations, networks) and elaborate on the type of radio/TV initiative (radio tours/interviews/per-
formances/advertisement). Highlight any history in this area that will assist with the efforts to successfully execute your strategy.
Online & Social Media
Detail your online marketing and promotional initiatives. Highlight the type of advertisement and social network (exposure,
frequency, reach, and impact of ad).
Branding Tools
List any tools you plan on using to promote the album, when you plan to use them, and the impact on your promotional efforts.
These tools may include things like:
Promotional Albums (CD, vinyl, USB, Dropcards, etc.)
T-shirts and other clothing merchandise
Street Team
Provide information on the distributor that you are working with and how they will help, or identify the distributor you would like
to work with and how you will secure distribution.
If you intend to distribute independently, please provide details on how and where you plan to sell the album. Describe how you
plan to prepare the release for retail and any marketing initiatives you will employ to ensure success of the album at retail.
Marketing Plan Guide | Version 5.0 | Published April 2022
Provide realistic sales projections and specify timelines. Areas of retail to consider:
Physical Retail (HMV, Indie retailer, CD Baby, Starbucks, etc)
Digital Retail (iTunes, Amazon, Bandcamp, PureTracks, Zunior, etc.)
Off Stage
Outline any video plans to support the album (music videos, viral videos, etc.). Specify the song(s) to be featured. Provide
timelines for shooting, editing, release and broadcast. Explain where you plan to air the video (Much Music, YouTube, etc.) and
detail the anticipated exposure, frequency, reach and impact.
Outline your plans, goals, and strategies for touring in support of your sound recording. Useful details to include:
Confirmed dates
Proposed dates
Venues (bars, festivals, showcases, and other locations)
Regions (domestic/international) and why you have selected these regions
Other artists on the tour(s)
Notable past touring successes