Northwest Region Utilization
UR 69: Orthognathic Surgery
Medical Necessity Criteria
Department: Non-Behavioral Health
Section: KPNW Region
Applies to: KPNW Region
Review Responsibility: Kelly Dezura, DMD;
Alexis Kleinman, DMD
Number: UR 69
Effective: 01/2017
Last Reviewed: 3/21, 3/22, 5/23, 5/21/24
Last Reviewed/Revised: 4/20
Medical necessity criteria and policy are applied only after member eligibility and benefit coverage is determined.
Questions concerning member eligibility and benefit coverage need to be directed to Membership Services.
The purpose of these criteria is to define KFHPNW coverage for orthognathic surgery to treat a limited
number of medical conditions, as mandated by WAC 284-43-5640.
Orthognathic Surgery- the surgical correction of abnormalities of the mandible and/or maxilla. The
underlying abnormality may be present at birth or may become evident as the patient grows and develops
or may be the result of traumatic injuries.
Malocclusion- imperfect positioning of the teeth when the jaws are closed. The condition may also be
referred to as an irregular bite, crossbite, or overbite.
Congenital- a condition present at birth such as a cleft lip or cleft palate.
For Medicare Members
Source Policy
CMS Coverage Manuals None
National Coverage Determinations
Local Coverage Determinations (LCD) None
Local Coverage Article None
Kaiser Permanente Medical Policy Due to the absence of an NCD or LCD, Kaiser
Permanente has chosen to use their own Clinical
Review Criteria, “Orthognathic Surgery” for medical
necessity determinations. Use the criteria below.
Orthognathic surgery and supplies are covered for any of the following:
1) conditions resulting from a skeletal malocclusion which resulted from TMJ arthritis, ankylosis,
trauma or tumor and is not amenable to orthodontic therapy alone.
2) sleep apnea with a referral from a Sleep Medicine specialist. Patient must have documented
severe OSA (obstructive sleep apnea) or the patient has documented mild-moderate OSA with
severe symptoms (based on Epworth Sleepiness Scale) with an identifiable dentofacial deformity
such as maxillary or mandibular hypoplasia. Patient is also either intolerant or unable to use
3) a congenital anomaly that is not amenable to orthodontic therapy alone with a referral from a
cranio-facial specialist (e.g. ENT, Cranio-facial Surgeon, Oromaxillo-facial Surgeon).
Although this is a WA State mandate, the coverage criteria will be universally applied to all lines of
business beginning 1/1/17 except as follows:
Washington and Oregon Medicaid- these criteria do not apply to Medicaid.
Added Choice/POS: members may directly access non-KP providers under their Tier 2 and Tier 3 benefits,
without prior-authorization, for office visits that do not include a procedure. Procedures and levels of
care other than office visits require prior-authorization.
WAC 284-43-5640; Essential health benefit categories, section (3)b,iii,B