Sonia Livingstone Mariya Stoilova ▪ Rishita Nandagiri
December 2018
Children’s data and
privacy online
Growing up in a digital age
An evidence review
Table of contents
1. Executive summary ........................................................................................................................ 3
2. Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................................ 5
3. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1. Context .................................................................................................................................... 6
3.2. Aims of the project and the evidence review ......................................................................... 8
4. Methodology .................................................................................................................................. 8
5. Children’s privacy online: key issues and findings from the systematic evidence mapping ..... 10
5.1. Conceptualising privacy in the digital age............................................................................. 10
5.2. Dimensions of children’s online privacy ............................................................................... 12
Interpersonal privacy .................................................................................................................... 13
Institutional privacy ...................................................................................................................... 13
Commercial privacy ....................................................................................................................... 14
Types of digital data ...................................................................................................................... 16
5.3. Privacy and child development ............................................................................................. 17
5.4. Children’s negotiation of privacy and information disclosure .............................................. 21
5.5. Children’s privacy protection strategies ............................................................................... 22
5.6. Media literacy ....................................................................................................................... 23
5.7. Differences among children .................................................................................................. 26
Socio-economic inequalities .......................................................................................................... 26
Gender differences ........................................................................................................................ 27
Vulnerability .................................................................................................................................. 28
5.8. Privacy-related risks of harm ................................................................................................ 28
5.9. Privacy protection and children’s autonomy ........................................................................ 30
5.10. Supporting children ........................................................................................................... 30
6. Recommendations ....................................................................................................................... 34
Appendices ........................................................................................................................................... 36
Appendix 1: Detailed methodology .................................................................................................. 36
Approach ....................................................................................................................................... 36
Search terms and outcomes ......................................................................................................... 36
Databases searched ...................................................................................................................... 38
Screening ....................................................................................................................................... 39
Coding ........................................................................................................................................... 40
Appendix 2: List of coded sources .................................................................................................... 41
Appendix 3: Glossary ........................................................................................................................ 48
References ............................................................................................................................................ 51
Cover image: Max Pixel
1. Executive summary
Children’s autonomy and dignity as actors in the
world depends on both their freedom to engage
and their freedom from undue persuasion or
influence. In a digital age in which many everyday
actions generate data whether given by digital
actors, observable from digital traces, or inferred
by others, whether human or algorithmic the
relation between privacy and data online is
becoming highly complex. This in turn sets a
significant media literacy challenge for children
(and their parents and teachers) as they try to
understand and engage critically with the digital
With growing concerns over children’s privacy and
the commercial uses of their data, it is vital that
children’s understandings of the digital
environment, their digital skills and their capacity
to consent are taken into account in designing
services, regulation and policy. Using systematic
evidence mapping, we reviewed the existing
knowledge on children’s data and privacy online,
identified research gaps and outlined areas of
potential policy and practice development.
Key findings include:
Children’s online activities are the focus of a
multitude of monitoring and data-generating
processes, yet the possible implications of this
datafication of children’
has only recently
caught the attention of governments,
researchers and privacy advocates.
Attempts to recognise children’s right to
privacy on its own terms are relatively new and
have been brought to the fore by the
adoption of the European General Data
Protection Regulation (GDPR, 2018) as well as
‘Datafication’ refers to the process of intensified
monitoring and data gathering in which people
(including children) are quantified and objectified
positioned as objects (serving the interests of others)
rather than subjects (or agents of their own interests
and concerns); see Lupton, D. and Williamson, B. (2017)
The datafied child: The dataveillance of children and
implications for their rights. New Media & Society 19(5),
by recent high-profile privacy issues and
In order to capture the full complexity of
children’s privacy online, we distinguish
among: (i) interpersonal privacy (how my data
self is created,
accessed and multiplied via
my online social connections); (ii) institutional
privacy (how public agencies like government,
educational and health institutions gather and
handle data about me); and (iii) commercial
privacy (how my personal data is harvested
and used for business and marketing
The key privacy challenge (and paradox)
currently posed by the internet is the
simultaneous interconnectedness of voluntary
sharing of personal information online,
important for children’s agency, and the
attendant threats to their privacy, also
important for their safety. While children
value their privacy and engage in protective
strategies, they also greatly appreciate the
ability to engage online.
Individual privacy decisions and practices are
influenced by the social environment. Children
negotiate sharing or withholding of personal
information in a context in which networked
communication and sharing practices shape
their decisions and create the need to balance
privacy with the need for participation, self-
expression and belonging.
Institutionalised aspects of privacy, where
data control is delegated voluntarily or not
to external agencies such as government
institutions, is becoming the norm rather than
the exception in the digital age. Yet there are
gaps in our knowledge of how children
experience institutional privacy, raising
questions about informed consent and
children’s rights.
The invasive tactics used by marketers to
collect personal information from children
have aroused data privacy and security
concerns particularly relating to children’s
‘Data self’ refers to all the information available
(offline and online) about an individual.
ability to understand and consent to such
datafication and the need for parental
approval and supervision, especially for the
youngest internet users. While the
commercial use of children’s data is at the
forefront of current privacy debates, the
empirical evidence related to children’s
experiences, awareness and competence
regarding privacy online lags behind. The
available evidence suggests that commercial
privacy is the area where children are least
able to comprehend and manage on their
Privacy is vital for child development key
privacy-related media literacy skills are closely
associated with a range of child
developmental areas. While children develop
their privacy-related awareness, literacy and
needs as they grow older, even the oldest
children struggle to comprehend the full
complexity of internet data flows and some
aspects of data commercialisation. The child
development evidence related to privacy is
insufficient but it undoubtedly points to the
need for a tailored approach which
acknowledges developments and individual
differences amongst children.
Not all children are equally able to navigate
the digital environment safely, taking
advantage of the existing opportunities while
avoiding or mitigating privacy risks. The
evidence mapping demonstrates that
differences among children (developmental,
socio-economic, skill-related, gender- or
vulnerability-based) might influence their
engagement with privacy online, although
more evidence is needed regarding the
consequences of differences among children.
This raises pressing questions for media
literacy research and educational provision. It
also invites greater attention to children’s
voices and their heterogeneous experiences,
competencies and capacities.
Privacy concerns have intensified with the
introduction of digital technologies and the
internet due to their capacity to compile large
datasets with dossiers of granular personal
information about online users. Children are
perceived as more vulnerable than adults to
privacy online threats due to their lack of
digital skills or awareness of privacy risks.
While issues such as online sexual exploitation
and contact with strangers are prominent in
current debates, more research is needed to
explore potential links between privacy risks
and harmful consequences for children,
particularly in relation to longer-term effects.
No longer about discipline and control alone,
surveillance now contains facets of ‘care’ and
‘safety’, and is promoted as a reflection of
responsible and caring parents and is thus
normalised. Risk aversion, however, restricts
children’s play, development and agency, and
constrains their exploration of physical, social
and virtual worlds.
While the task of balancing children’s
independence and protection is challenging,
evidence suggests that good support can make
an important difference to children’s privacy
online. Restrictive parenting has a suppressive
effect, reducing privacy and other risks but
also impeding the benefits of internet use.
Enabling mediation, on the other hand, is
more empowering in allowing children to
engage with social networks, albeit also
experiencing some risk while learning
independent protective behaviours.
While the evidence puts parental enabling
mediation at the centre of effective
improvement of children’s privacy online,
platform and app features often prompt
parental control via monitoring or restriction
rather than active mediation. Media literacy
resources and training for parents, educators
and child support workers should be
considered as the evidence suggests
important gaps in adults knowledge of risks
and protective strategies regarding children’s
data and privacy online.
The evidence also suggests that design
standards and regulatory frameworks are
needed which account for children’s overall
privacy needs across age groups, and pay
particular attention and consideration to the
knowledge, abilities, skills and vulnerabilities
of younger users.
2. Acknowledgements
We are grateful to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for funding this project. In particular, we
would like to thank the team Robert McCombe, Lisa Atkinson, Adam Stevens, Lisa O’Brien and Rachel
Bennett for their support.
We are thankful to our expert advisory group members for sharing valuable recommendations:
Jonathan Baggaley (PSHE Association)
Dr Ayelet Blecher-Prigat (Academic
College for Law and Science)
Dr Leanne Bowler (Pratt Institute)
Dr Monica Bulger (Future of Privacy Forum
and Data & Society Research Institute)
John Carr, OBE (Childrens Charities
Coalition on Internet Safety)
Professor Nick Couldry (Department of
Media and Communications, LSE)
Jutta Croll (Stiftung Digitale Chancen)
Julie de Bailliencourt (Facebook)
Anna Fielder (Privacy International)
Kerry Gallagher (ConnectSafely.org)
Patrick Geary (UNICEF)
Emily Keaney (Office of Communications)
Louis Knight-Webb (Who Targets Me)
Professor Eva Lievens (Law Faculty, Ghent
Claire Lilley (Google)
Dr Orla Lynskey (LSE Law)
Louise Macdonald (Young Scot)
Alice Miles (Office of the Children’s
Andrea Millwood-Hargrave (International
Institute of Communications)
Dr Kathryn Montgomery (School of
Communication, American University)
Dr Victoria Nash (Oxford Internet Institute)
Dr Elvia Perez Vallejos (University of
Jen Persson (DefendDigitalMe)
Joseph Savirimuthu (University of
Vicki Shotbolt (Parent Zone)
Professor Elisabeth Staksrud (University of
Dr Amanda Third (University of Western
Josie Verghese (BBC School Report)
Dr Pamela Wisniewski (University of
Central Florida
We also thank the LSE Research Division and James Deeley at the LSE Department of Media and
Communications for their ongoing project support and assistance, and Heather Dawson at the British Library
of Political and Economic Science for her expert suggestions and guidance with relevant databases and
3. Introduction
3.1. Context
The nature of privacy is increasingly under scrutiny
in the digital age, as the technologies that mediate
communication and information of all kinds become
more sophisticated, globally networked and
commercially valuable. The conditions under which
privacy can be sustained are shifting, as are the
boundaries between public and private domains
more generally. In public discourse, widely
expressed in the mass and social media, there is a
rising tide of concern about people’s loss of control
over their personal information, their understanding
of what is public or private in digital environments
and the host of infringements of privacy resulting
from the actions (deliberate or unintended) of both
individuals and organisations (especially state and
private sector), as well as from hostile or criminal
Our focus is on privacy both as a fundamental
human right vital to personal autonomy and dignity
and as the means of enabling all the activities and
structures of a democratic society. Within this, it is
the transformation in the conditions of privacy
wrought by the developments of the digital age that
occupy our attention in this report. These centre on
the creation of data which can be recorded,
tracked, aggregated, analysed (via algorithms and
increasingly, via artificial intelligence) and
monetised from the myriad forms of human
communication and activity which, throughout
history, have gone largely unrecorded, being
generally unnoticed and quickly forgotten.
The transformation of ever more human activities
into data means that privacy (rather than publicity)
now requires a deliberate effort, that it is far easier
to preserve than remove the record of what has
been said or done, that surveillance by states and
companies is fast becoming the norm not the
exception, and that our data self (or ‘digital
footprint’) represents not merely a shadow of our
‘real’ self but rather, a real means by which our
options become determined for us by others,
according to their (rather than, or at best, as well as
our own) interests.
The position of children’s privacy in the digital
environment is proving particularly fraught for three
main reasons. First, children are often the pioneers
in exploring and experimenting with new digital
devices, services and contents they are, in effect,
the canary in the coal mine for wider society,
encountering the risks before many adults become
aware of them or are able to develop strategies to
mitigate them. Although children have always been
experimental, even transgressive, today these
actions are particularly consequential, because
children now act on digital platforms that both
record everything and, being often proprietary, own
the resulting data traces (Montgomery, 2015). The
growing monetisation, dataveillance,
datafication and sometimes misuse or hacking of
children’s data, and thereby privacy, is occasioning
considerable concern in public and policy circles.
While it is often children’s transgressive or ‘risky
opportunities’ (Livingstone, 2008) that draw
attention to the added complexities of the digital
environment, these raise a more general point. In
the digital age, actions intended by individuals to be
either private (personal or interpersonal) or public
(oriented to others, of wide interest, a matter of
community or civic participation) in nature now take
place on digital networks owned by the private
sector, thereby introducing commercial interests
into spheres where they were, throughout history,
largely absent (Livingstone, 2005).
Second, despite their facility with and enthusiasm
for all things digital, children have less critical
understanding of present and future risks to their
wellbeing posed by the use of the digital
environment than many adults. Most research
attention has concentrated on teenagers, but
increasingly the very youngest children are
becoming regular uses of the internet (Chaudron et
al., 2018). So, too, are those who are at risk or in
some ways vulnerable as regards their mental or
physical health or their socio-economic or family
circumstances. This raises new challenges regarding
the demands on children’s media literacy (especially
its critical dimensions) as well as that of the general
public (including parents and teachers). Meeting
these challenges inclusively and at scale is generally
seen as the remit of educators, yet the task may be
too great, insofar as understanding the complexities
of digital data processes and markets is proving
beyond the wit of most adults.
Third, children’s specific needs and rights are too
little recognised or provided for by the design of the
digital environment and the regulatory, state and
commercial organisations that underpin it
(Livingstone et al., 2015). Here there are growing
calls for regulatory intervention, again on behalf of
children and also the general public, including for
mechanisms even to know who is a child online and
for privacy-by-design (along with safety- and ethics-
by-design) to become embedded in the digital
environment, so that children’s specific rights and
needs including regarding their personal data are
protected (Kidron et al., 2018). The recent
Recommendation from the Council of Europe (2018)
on guidelines to protect, respect and fulfil the rights
of children in the digital environment offers a
comprehensive framework, and something of a
moral compass for states, as they seek to address
the full range of children’s rights specifically in
relation to the internet and related digital
technologies. Within this, privacy and data
protection are rightly prominent.
In Europe, 2018 saw the implementation of wide-
ranging new legislation in the form of the General
Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), incorporated
into UK law by the Data Protection Act 2018. This
recognises that personal data protection is a
fundamental right in the EU (Jourová, 2018) and
seeks to return a measure of control to the
individual (or internet user) regarding their privacy
online. In a series of policy documents, the UK’s data
protection authority, the Information
Commissioner’s Office (ICO), explains the
implications of the GDPR for UK citizens in general
and for children in particular.
As regards the latter,
Recital 38 of the GDPR sets out the imperative for
regulatory provision to protect children’s data:
Children merit specific protection with regard
to their personal data, as they may be less
aware of the risks, consequences and
safeguards concerned and their rights in
relation to the processing of personal data.
Such specific protection should, in particular,
apply to the use of personal data of children for
the purposes of marketing or creating
personality or user profiles and the collection of
personal data with regard to children when
using services offered directly to a child.
For details, see Children and the GDPR
the-gdpr/) and Guide to the General Data Protection
Regulation (https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-
The ICO recently held a consultation
on how such
protection can and should be achieved for children
and a number of pressing challenges are already
becoming apparent (Livingstone, 2018). In this
review, our concern is less with the specifics of
regulation and more with the conditions under
which children use the internet, the implications of
their activities (and those of others) for the personal
data that is collected and analysed about them and
especially, how children themselves understand and
form views regarding their privacy, the uses of their
data and the implications for their engagement with
the digital environment all part of their media
literacy. GDPR Recital 38 makes clear reference to
children’s vulnerabilities, their awareness of online
risks and the adverse consequences to their privacy
that regulation should seek to prevent.
However, throughout the consultations and
deliberations during the long build-up to the GDPR,
children’s views were barely included, and research
with or about children was little commissioned or
considered. Nonetheless, the GDPR builds on a
series of assumptions regarding the maturity of
children (to give their consent) and the role of
parents (in requiring their consent for the use of
data from under-age children), most notably in
relation to GDPR Article 8.
It also presumes
knowledge of how children can understand the
Terms and Conditions of the services they use (in
requiring that these be comprehensible to services
users), the risks that face children (in the
requirement for risk impact assessments) and more.
Hence our primary question what do children
understand and think about their privacy and use of
personal data in relation to digital, especially
commercial, environments?
See Call for evidence Age-appropriate design code
Parental consent is required for underage children only
when data is processed on the basis of consent (rather
than another basis for processing, such as contract, legal
obligation, vital interests, public task or legitimate
interests). For more details see: https://ico.org.uk/for-
3.2. Aims of the project and the evidence
With growing concerns over children’s privacy online
and the commercial uses of their data, it is vital that
children’s understandings of the digital
environment, their digital skills and their capacity to
consent are taken into account in designing services,
regulation and policy. Our project Children's data
and privacy online: growing up in a digital age seeks
to address questions and evidence gaps concerning
children’s conception of privacy online, their
capacity to consent, their functional skills (e.g., in
understanding terms and conditions or managing
privacy settings online) and their deeper critical
understanding of the online environment, including
both its interpersonal and especially, its commercial,
dimensions (its business models, uses of data and
algorithms, forms of redress, commercial interests,
and systems of trust and governance). The project
also explores how responsibilities should be
apportioned among relevant stakeholders and the
implications for children’s wellbeing and rights.
The project takes a child-centred approach, arguing
that only thus can researchers provide the needed
integration of children’s understandings, online
affordances, resulting experiences and wellbeing
outcomes (Livingstone and Blum-Ross, 2017).
Methodologically, the project prioritises children’s
own voices and experiences within the wider
framework of evidence-based policy development
by conducting focus group research with children of
secondary school age, their parents and educators,
from selected schools around the country;
organising child deliberation panels for formulating
child-inclusive policy and educational/awareness-
raising recommendations; and creating an online
toolkit to support and promote children’s digital
privacy skills and awareness.
Given current regulatory decisions regarding
children’s awareness of and capacity to manage
digital risks and their consequences for their
wellbeing manifest in policies for privacy-by-
design, child protection, child and parent consent,
minimum age for use of services, and so forth the
project focuses on children aged 11 to 16
(Livingstone, 2014; Kidron and Rudkin, 2017;
Macenaite, 2017; UNICEF, 2018).
The aim of the evidence review is to gather,
systematise and evaluate the existing evidence base
on children’s privacy online, particularly focusing on
key approaches to the study of children’s privacy in
the digital environment; children’s own
understandings, experiences and views of privacy
online; their approach to navigating the internet and
its commercial practices; their experiences of online
risks and harm; ways of supporting children’s privacy
and media literacy; and how differences in age,
development and vulnerability make a difference.
4. Methodology
The research questions guiding the review are:
How do children understand, value and
negotiate their privacy online?
What are the digital skills, capabilities or
vulnerabilities with which children approach
the digital environment?
What are the significant gaps in knowledge
about children’s online privacy and
commercial use of data?
We conducted a systematic mapping of the evidence
(Grant and Booth, 2009; Gough et al., 2012; EPPI-
Centre, 2018), utilising a comprehensive and
methodical search strategy, allowing us to include a
broad range of sources including policy
recommendations, case studies and advocacy
guides. Here we summarise our methodology
briefly. For a detailed account of the methodology,
including search terms, databases, inclusion criteria
and screening and coding protocols, see Appendix 1.
Three groups of search terms were combined, to
identify research about children, privacy and the
digital environment (primarily the internet, but
including all digital devices, content and services
that can be connected to it). This demanded a
particularly multidisciplinary approach to the
research framing and interpretation of results.
We identified three disciplines relevant to the scope
of the review social and cultural studies, legal and
regulatory studies, and technological/computer
sciences (see Figure 1), with databases and search
terms (children, privacy, digital) chosen to match
these three areas. This review focuses on the
overlap between the three areas, centring on the
privacy and data literacy of children.
Figure 1: Concept mapping of three disciplines and their overlaps
Table 1: Results by category
Number of studies
Type of study
(n = 105)
(n = 105)
(coded across multiple
Study focus
(coded across multiple
Type of privacy
(coded across multiple
Data type
(coded across multiple
The systematic evidence mapping included an
extensive search of 19 databases that covered the
social sciences, legal studies and computer science
disciplines, resulting in 9,119 search items. We
consulted our expert advisory group for additional
relevant literature, adding 279 more items to our
review. This gave us a total of 9,398 search results.
We screened these results for duplicates and
relevance, leaving a total of 6,309 relevant results.
Using a predefined inclusion criteria and a two-
phase process, we narrowed the results to a final
sample of 105 studies (see Table 1 above and the
Report Supplement for a summary of each source).
We limited the resulting sources to empirical
research studies with children, including both
primary and secondary data analysis studies.
Summaries of these studies can be found in the
Report supplement.
The primary research studies draw more on
quantitative than qualitative methodologies, with a
significant number using mixed-methods
approaches. We also categorised the empirical
studies by age, study focus and the types of privacy
and data investigated. Studies tend to focus on
children across different age groups, with a majority
of them focusing on 12- to 19-year-olds. There is a
dearth of research on 0- to 7-year-olds, and to a
lesser but still significant extent for 8- to 11-year-
olds. The studies focus predominantly on the
behaviours and practices of young people, as well as
on their attitudes and beliefs. We also categorised
the types of privacy explored in our sample, finding
that interpersonal privacy is, by far, the most
frequently addressed. This is also reflected in the
types of data investigated in our sample, where data
given is the most common type of data explored.
In what follows we begin with a conceptual analysis
of privacy in the digital age, moving, then, to
empirical findings regarding children’s
understanding of privacy in relation to digital and
non-digital environments.
5. Children’s privacy online: key issues and findings from the systematic
evidence mapping
We first explore the key areas related to children’s
privacy online which we identified during the
systematic evidence mapping, starting with how
privacy has been conceptualised in relation to the
digital environment, the key dimensions that
constitute child privacy and the types of data
involved, and the links between privacy and child
development. We then focus on how children
manage (and negotiate) their privacy online and the
protection strategies they employ. We also consider
how differences among children might put some
children in particularly vulnerable situations, and
review the privacy-related risks and harm that
children face. Finally, we review the evidence on
privacy protection, children’s autonomy and best
approaches to supporting children’s privacy online.
5.1. Conceptualising privacy in the digital age
Definitions of privacy can be difficult to apply in the
digital environment, as are efforts to measure
privacy empirically (Solove, 2008). From Westin
(1967: 7) we find the classic conceptualisation of
privacy: the claim of individuals, groups, or
institutions to determine themselves when, how and
to what extent information about them is
communicated to others. The tensions Westin
identified between privacy, autonomy and
surveillance apply strongly in the contemporary
digital environment, even though his work was
written much earlier. Recent theoretical approaches
also tend to define privacy online in terms of
individual control over information disclosure and
visibility (Ghosh et al., 2018), but they seek ways of
acknowledging how this control depends on the
nature of the social and/or digital environment.
Thus contextual considerations are increasingly
important in discussions of privacy. Nissenbaum’s
(2004) theory of privacy as contextual integrity
refers to the negotiation of privacy norms and
cultures. For her, information sharing occurs in the
context of politics, convention and cultural
expectations, guided by norms of appropriateness,
distribution of information and violation. Hence
these norms must be examined and taken into
account when making judgements about privacy and
privacy-related actions.
Another approach, communication privacy
management theory, focuses on the relational
context, framing privacy as a process of boundary
negotiation within specific interpersonal
relationships. Thus privacy emerges from (or is
infringed by) the negotiation over the social rules
over what information is shared, when and with
whom, and how these rules are agreed with others
(Petronio, 2002). Increasingly it is argued that
privacy is better understood in relational rather than
in individual terms (Solove, 2015; Hargreaves, 2017).
Rather than focusing on an individual’s intent to
control their information, it can be more productive
to understand how privacy-related actions for
instance, to keep or tell a secret, to disclose
sensitive information to others, to collaborate with
others to establish social norms for information
sharing depend on and are meaningful within the
specific relationships (and their contexts, norms and
boundaries) to which individuals are party. These
actions are embedded in a context of norms, legal
and policy regulations, and rights (O'Hara, 2016).
To conceptualise privacy in the digital age, we start
by observing how the nature of the digital
environment adds complexity to the social
environment, especially with the widespread
adoption of social media. boyd and Marwick (2011)
use the notion of networked privacy to refer to the
public-by-default nature of personal
communications in the digital era, thus affecting the
decisions of individuals about what information to
share or withhold. They outline four key affordances
(or socially designed features of the digital
environment) of networked technologies:
persistence, replicability, scalability and
searchability. These affordances mean that people
must contend with dynamics not usually
encountered in daily life before, over and above the
established demands of social interaction. These
include the imagined audience for online
posts/performances, the collapse and collision of
social contexts, the blurring of public and private
spheres of activity, and the nature of network
effects (notably, the ways in which messages spread
within and across networks).
One consequence is that where social interactions
used to be private-by-default, they are increasingly
becoming public-by-default, with privacy achieved
‘through effort’ rather than something to be taken
for granted. Another is that where social
interactions used to be typically (although not
necessarily) ephemeral, they are increasingly
digitally recorded through digital traces that are
themselves amenable to further processing and
analysis, whether for individual or organisational
(public or commercial) benefit. Yet another is that,
because of the affordances of online environments
(including the conditions of identifiability or
anonymity, as well as the effects of particular
regulation or design), people tend to act differently
online than offline.
Studies suggest that the mediated nature of social
network communication facilitates greater self-
disclosure of personal information than face-to-face
interaction (Xie and Kang, 2015). The importance of
online self-representation and identity experiments
to youthful peer cultures also fuels online sharing of
personal information. In these contexts teenagers
may prioritise what to protect more than what to
disclose, with exclusions carefully considered (boyd
and Marwick, 2011). Steeves and Regan (2014)
identify four different understandings of the value of
privacy by young people: contextual, relational,
performative and dialectical. Contextual
understandings relate to how privacy is guided by
certain norms and values, often complicated by
evolving environment and disagreements with what
these norms are, especially with adults. Relational
understandings associate privacy with forming
relationships which need to be based on
transparency, mutuality and trust, but some online
relationships that young people have (with school
boards, marketers, potential employers or law
enforcement agencies) are one-dimensional,
Steeves and Regan (2014) suggest.
In such a context, the idea of consenting to online
privacy terms and conditions does not involve
reciprocity; it forms a one-way relationship allowing
the monitoring of the consent-giver who has no
other option but to agree or be refused the benefit.
These one-way relationships are purely
instrumental, do not involve a process of
negotiation, and jeopardise autonomy when the
online environment allows the instrumental and
commercial invasion of privacy. Finally, dialectical
understanding of privacy points to the tension
between the public and the private spheres which
have collapsed online, which means that young
people can seek both privacy and publicity online at
the same time necessitating the constant
negotiation of privacy and consent which cannot be
given away irreversibly (Steeves and Regan, 2014).
So, while the dynamics of the online context can
threaten and potentially violate privacy, children
also experience its affordances as supporting their
identity, expressive and relational needs by
enhancing their choice and control over personal
information and thus, their privacy online (Vickery,
2017). Online spaces, while technically public, can be
experienced as offering greater ‘privacy’ because
they are parent-free compared with, for example,
what a child can say or do at home (boyd and
Marwick, 2011). Hence, while children, like anyone
else, are influenced by social as well as digital
environments, their privacy perceptions and
practices might be different from how adults
(parents, educators, policy-makers) envision them or
wish them to be. For example, a 13-year-old girl
participating in the ethnographic study of London-
based schoolchildren by Livingstone and Sefton-
Green (2016) explained that she considered
Facebook to be public and Twitter private, because
her cohort’s social norms dictated that they were all
on Facebook, making any posting visible to everyone
she knew (even though her profile was set to
private), whereas few of her friends used Twitter so
she could have a conversation there which was
visible only to a select few.
Similarly, a study of Finish children aged 13 to 16
creating own online blogs expereinced them as
intimate spaces affording welcome opportunities for
making new connections, rather than spaces where
information is shared publicly (Oolo and Siibak,
2013). A final example is the study of a youth online
platofrm for anonymous sharing of experiences of
online hurtful behaviour (MTV Over the Line) by
Zizek (2017), who describes that communicating
with strangers in this context carries trust and
closeness characteristics that are usually ascribed
to children’s relationships with family or friends. This
shifts privacy from traditionally shared in non-public
circles to being shared in a public space creating a
new way of dealing with what is seen as public and
private (Zizek, 2017). This means that one cannot
simply determine contextual norms from a formal
knowledge of the digital environment but rather,
empirical research including the views and
experiences of children is vital.
5.2. Dimensions of children’s online privacy
In this review, we follow Nissenbaum’s definition of
privacy as ‘neither a right to secrecy nor a right to
control, but a right to appropriate flow of personal
information’ (Nissenbaum, 2010: 3). This embeds
the notion of privacy as relational and contextual
(relationships being a specific, and crucial, part of
any social context) in the emphasis on ‘appropriate
(as judged by whom? Or negotiated how?) and
‘flow’ (from whom to whom or what?).That is, it
does not assert the right to control as solely held by
the individual but rather, construes it as a matter of
negotiation by participants. But what kinds of
relationships, in what kinds of context, and as part of
what power imbalances are pertinent for children’s
privacy in the digital age?
A recent UNICEF report on childrens privacy online
and freedom of expression distinguishes several
dimensions of privacy affected by digital
technologies physical, communication,
informational and decisional privacy (UNICEF, 2018).
Physical privacy is violated in situations where the
use of tracking, monitoring or live broadcasting
technologies can reveal a child’s image, activities or
location. Threats to communication privacy relate to
access to posts, chats and messages by unintended
recipients. Violation of information privacy can occur
with the collection, storage and processing of
children’s personal data, especially if this occurs
without their understanding or consent. Finally,
disruptions of decisional privacy are associated with
the restriction of access to useful information which
can limit children’s independent decision-making or
development capacities (UNICEF, 2018).
Consequently, the report pays particular attention
to children’s right to privacy and protection of
personal data, the right to freedom of expression
and access to information diversity, the right to
freedom from reputational attacks, the right to
protection attuned to their development and
evolving capacities and the right to access remedies
for violations and abuses of their rights as
specified in the UN Convention on the Rights of the
Child (1989).
Such attempts to recognise children’s right to
privacy on its own terms are relatively new and have
been brought to the fore by the recent more
comprehensive focus on privacy (and its violations)
in the light of the discussions prompted by the
adoption of the GDPR across Europe. Until then, the
privacy discourse tended to be developed mainly in
relation to adultsprivacy, undervaluing the privacy
of children, and also tended to see children’s privacy
as managed by responsible adults (like family
members) who had children’s best interests at heart
(Shmueli and Blecher-Prigat, 2011).
For our
systematic mapping of the current debate and
emerging research regarding children’s privacy
online, its dimensions and relevant actors, we find
the distinction between interpersonal, institutional
and commercial privacy helpful. This means that,
while we have the questions of rights firmly in mind
(UNICEF, 2018), to grasp the import of the available
empirical research we focus more pragmatically on
the nature of the relationships and contexts in which
children act in digital environments and on how they
understand the implications for their privacy (i.e., to
their appropriate flow of personal information).
Specifically, we distinguish three main types of
relationship (or context) in which privacy is
important: between an individual and (i) other
individuals or groups (‘interpersonal privacy’); (ii) a
public or third sector (not-for-profit) organisation
(‘institutional privacy’); or (iii) a commercial (for-
profit) organisation (‘commercial privacy’).
Interpersonal privacy
We found that the predominant amount of
attention to children’s privacy online relates to the
interpersonal dimension, and most of the existing
studies demonstrate that individual privacy
decisions and practices are influenced by the social
environment how individuals handle sharing with
or withholding information from others, how
existing networks, communication and sharing
practices influence individual decisions, and how
desire for privacy is balanced with participation, self-
expression and belonging. Issues related to peer
pressure, offline privacy practices and concerns and
parental influences also form important connections
to the social dimension of privacy (Xu et al., 2008;
Heirman et al., 2013). Children’s online practices are
shaped by their interpretation of the social situation,
their attitudes to privacy and publicity and their
ability to navigate the technological and social
environment and development of strategies to
achieve their privacy goals. These practices
demonstrate privacy as a social norm, achieved
Linked to questions of the child’s right to privacy is a
debate, inflected differently in different countries and
cultures, regarding the parent’s rights over their child,
including the parent’s right to manage (or invade) their
child’s privacy. Archard, D. (1990) Child Abuse: parental
rights and the interests of the child. Journal of Applied
Philosophy 7(2), 183-94, Shmueli, B. and Blecher-Prigat, A.
(2011) Privacy for children. Columbia Human Rights Law
Review 42, 759-95.
through an array of social practices configured by
social conditions (boyd and Marwick, 2011; Utz and
Krämer, 2015).
For example, a qualitative study of UK children aged
13-16 and their use of social media found that
teenagers form ‘zones of privacy’ using different
channels for disclosure of personal information in a
way that allows them to maintain intimacy with
friends but sustain privacy from strangers and
sometimes, parents (Livingstone, 2008). Their
behaviour on social media demonstrated the
shaping role of social expectations in the peer group
and their own understanding of friendship and
intimacy on privacy norms and behaviours. Privacy
decisions are also influenced by factors such as the
privacy settings of one’s friends, the intensity of
social media use, gender, types of contacts on one’s
social media profile, privacy concerns, wanting to be
in control of one’s personal information, prior
negative experiences of sharing personal
information or parental mediation (Youn, 2008;
Abbas and Mesch, 2015).
Institutional privacy
In digital societies, the collection of children’s data
begins from the moment of their birth and often
includes large amounts of information collected
even before they reach the age of two (UNICEF,
2018). Institutionalised aspects of privacy where
data control is delegated to external agencies, such
as government institutions, is becoming the norm
rather than the exception in the contemporary
digital era (Young and Quan-Haase, 2013). Still, the
discussion of institutional privacy in relation to
children was much less prominent in the literature,
and when discussed it was mostly seen as a
legitimate effort to collect data, not raising the same
critical concerns that we see in relation to either
children’s own privacy practices or commercial
practices. The main attention was focused on the
technical solutions related to institutional privacy,
the improvement of safety features and techniques
to restrict unauthorised access (Al Shehri, 2017), but
not on what the purpose of this data gathering is,
how it is shared with others and what the longer-
term consequences might be.
Amongst the criticisms of institutional privacy are
the contribution of governments and local
authorities to the increase in personal data
gathering and their ability to request individual data
from industry, for example, in an attempt to predict
criminal or terrorist behaviour (Solove, 2015;
DefendDigitalMe, 2018). There is also the potential
of institutional administrative data, collected in
circumstances in which one would expect
confidentiality, to be shared across intra- and inter-
governmental, public and commercial institutions,
for purposes described as for ‘public benefit', such
as fraud prevention, health and welfare or
Still, existing studies show that individuals care
about how their personal data is collected and
processed by public section organisations and what
this means for their privacy. For example, Bowyer et
al. (2018) explore how families perceive the storage
and handling of their data (personal data,
relationships, school records and academic results,
social support and benefits, employment, housing,
criminal records, general practitioner and medical
records, library usage) by state welfare and civic
authorities, using game-based interviews. The study
found that families often consider their data as
‘personal’ and want to be in control of it, especially
in relation to information perceived to be ‘sensitive’.
This was often prompted by recognised risks (of a
criminal, medical, welfare, social and psychological
nature) and fear of the consequences of mishandling
or misuse of the data (Bowyer et al., 2018). This
study, however, did not focus on children; it
considered them as part of the family. Similar
findings are discussed by Culver and Grizzle (2017)
who did a global survey with children and young
people (aged 14-25, no distinction made by age
groups) and found that 60% of the survey
respondents disagreed that governments have the
right to know all personal information about them
and 50% agreed that the internet should be free
from governments’ and businesses’ control.
However, 38% thought that governments have the
right to know this information if it would keep them
safe online and 55% said that their security was
more important than their privacy (Culver and
Grizzle, 2017).
Other research looked at institutionalised privacy in
relation to young adults (e.g., students and online
learning and monitoring platforms), but there was
little discussion of a parallel, institutionalised privacy
for children (e.g., digital learning platforms,
fingerprint access to school meals, profiling of
attendance and academic performance). In fact,
these new approaches to digital learning are often
presented as ‘revolutionary’ and transformational to
parents, even though they raise many questions in
relation to the merging of for-profit platforms and
business models with public education (Williamson,
The potential risks behind institutional privacy are
demonstrated by a study of American schools
exploring the use of third-party applications and
software to monitor and track students’ social media
profiles and use during and after school (Shade and
Singh, 2016; Bulger et al., 2017). The research
demonstrated that, while the monitoring is justified
by school governors as an attempt to tackle bullying,
violence and threats by and directed at students, the
business imperatives raise ethical concerns about
young peoples right to privacy under a regime of
commercial data monitoring. Some of the examples
included in the study comprised monitoring and
analysing public social media posts made by
students aged 13+ and reporting on a daily basis
posts flagged as a cause for concern to school
administrators. The reports included screenshots of
flagged posts, whether they were posted on/off
campus, time and date and user’s name and
highlighted posts reflective of harmful behaviour to
students, as well as actions that are harmful to
schools themselves shifting from an interest in the
safety of youth to the protection of the school. It
was unclear if the businesses cross-reference their
data with other records or information available,
creating an assemblage of surveillance (Shade and
Singh, 2016). While this demonstrates the potential
risks, more research is needed to fill in the gaps
related to how children and teenagers experience
institutional privacy, so as to draw further attention
to the management of informed consent and
children’s rights in settings such as schools and
health services (Lievens et al., 2018).
Commercial privacy
The means for processing children’s data are
advancing and multiplying rapidly, with commercial
companies gathering more data on children than
even governments do or can collect (UNICEF, 2018),
pushing commercial data collection to the top of the
privacy concerns. Marketers employ many, often
invasive, methods to turn children’s activities into a
commodity (Montgomery et al., 2017), monitoring
of online use and profiling via cookie-placing,
location-based advertising and behavioural
targeting. They also encourage young consumers to
disclose more personal information than necessary
in exchange for enhanced online communication
experiences (Bailey, 2015; Shin and Kang, 2016), or
as a trade-off for participation and access to the
digital services and products provided (Micheti et al.,
2010; Lapenta and Jørgensen, 2015). The invasive
tactics used by marketers to collect personal
information from children aiming to reach and
appeal to them as a designated target audience
have led to rising data privacy and security concerns
(Lupton and Williamson, 2017). These particularly
relate to children’s ability to understand and
consent to such data collection and the need for
parental approval and supervision, particularly in
relation to children under the age of 13 (or higher in
some countries in Europe)
(Livingstone, 2018).
While the commercial use of children’s data is at the
forefront of current privacy debates, the empirical
evidence lags behind, with very few studies
examining children’s awareness of commercial data
gathering and its implications. The majority of
research on young people in this area is based on
young adults (18+) or older teenagers (16+), and
demonstrates that even these more mature online
users have substantial gaps in their privacy
knowledge and awareness. Some of the barriers that
have been identified by the existing research on
children’s understanding of commercial privacy
relate to the incomprehensibility of how their online
data is being collected and used (Emanuel and
Fraser, 2014; Acker and Bowler, 2018), how it flows
and transforms being stored, shared and profiled
(Bowler et al., 2017), and to what effect and future
consequence (Murumaa-Mengel, 2015; Bowler et
al., 2017; Pangrazio and Selwyn, 2018). While the
research demonstrates that some commercial
privacy concerns exist (related to being tracked
online, that all the data is stored permanently, the
inability to delete one’s data), children generally
display some confusion of what personal data means
and a general inability to see why their data might
be valuable to anyone (Lapenta and Jørgensen,
The existing evidence also suggests that children
may also provide personal data passively and
unconsciously when using online services like social
media, provoked by the platform design and
configuration (De Souza and Dick, 2009; Madden et
al., 2013; Pangrazio and Selwyn, 2018; Selwyn and
Pangrazio, 2018). Generally, children are more
Parental consent is required for underage children only
when data is processed on the basis of consent.
concerned about not being monitored by parents
(Shin et al., 2012; Third et al., 2017) or about breach
of privacy by friends and by unknown actors (such as
hackers, identity thieves and paedophiles), and less
so about the re-appropriation of their data by
commercial entities.
Children also struggle with privacy statements due
to their length and complicated legal language or
the inefficient management of parental consent by
children’s websites (Children's Commissioner for
England, 2017b) which either overlook, detour or
avoid parental consent. Some children may feel
obliged to agree with the Terms and Conditions and
they see targeted advertising as a default part of
contemporary life (Lapenta and Jørgensen, 2015).
The evidence also suggests that children do not feel
that they can change their behaviour much, feel
unable to invest the time needed to constantly
check the privacy settings, and are not sure how to
avoid data profiling (Lapenta and Jørgensen, 2015;
Pangrazio and Selwyn, 2018). As a result, they
experience a contradiction between their desire to
participate and the wish to protect their privacy, in a
way that might cause a sense of powerlessness
(Lapenta and Jørgensen, 2015; Pangrazio and
Selwyn, 2018; Selwyn and Pangrazio, 2018).
There is some evidence that commercial privacy is
related to different behaviours than interpersonal
privacy resulting from the different type of follow-up
engagement: while individuals examine the reaction
of friends towards their posts on social media, they
do not often deliberately communicate with
commercial entities, so the consequences of their
data being used may remain unknown to them,
making them less concerned about commercial than
interpersonal privacy (Lapenta and Jørgensen,
2015). Better knowledge of commercial privacy,
however, can be associated with a greater desire to
have control over the display of advertising content.
A study of 363 adolescents aged 16-18 from six
different schools in Belgium showed that as their
level of privacy concern increased, so did their
sceptical attitudes towards advertisement targeting,
resulting in lower purchasing intention: ‘This
demonstrates that adolescents adopt an advertising
coping response as a privacy-protecting strategy
when they are more worried about the way
advertisers handle their online personal information
for commercial purposes’ (Zarouali et al., 2017:
162). This demonstrates the importance of exploring
commercial privacy in relation to children,
particularly with a developmental (Fielder et al.,
2007) and educational/media literacy focus as so far
we lack sufficient up-to-date research.
Types of digital data
Figure 2: Dimensions of privacy and types of data
With digital media now being embedded, embodied
and everyday (Hine, 2015), the contemporary digital
world has become ‘data-intensive, hyper-connected
and commercial’ as an increasing amount of data is
being collected about online users, including
children (van der Hof, 2016: 412; Winterberry
Group, 2018). To capture this comprehensive
collection of data and to think about what children
know and expect in relation to different types of
data, we adapted a typology from privacy lawyer
Simone van der Hof (2016) to distinguish:
Data given the data contributed by individuals
(about themselves or about others), usually
knowingly though not necessarily intentionally,
during their participation online.
Data traces the data left, mostly unknowingly
by participation online and captured via data-
tracking technologies such as cookies, web
beacons or device/browser fingerprinting,
location data and other metadata.
Inferred data the data derived from analysing
data given and data traces, often by algorithms
(also referred to as ‘profiling’), possibly
combined with other data sources.
Each of these types of data may or may not be
‘personal data, that is, ‘information that relates to
an identified or identifiable individual’, as defined by
the ICO and GDPR.
The different dimensions of privacy incorporate
different types of data (see Figure 2) and therefore,
represent different degrees of ‘invasiveness’
(indicated by the intensity of the colour of the
boxes), especially having in mind that only one type
of data is actively contributed by individuals the
‘data given’
When considering privacy online, do children think
mostly about their individual privacy and the data
they or others (friends or family) share about them
online? How knowledgeable are they about the data
traces they leave and about how these can be used
to profile them (inferred data) for commercial
For more on ‘personal data’ see What is personal data?
Data given
Data given off
Data given
Data traces
Inferred data
Data given
Data traces
Inferred data
5.3. Privacy and child development
Research shows that children of different ages have
different understanding and needs. The truth of this
claim does not mean it is easy to produce age
groupings supported by evidence, nor that children
fall neatly into groupings according to age; they do
not. Any age group includes children with very
different needs and understandings. Even for a
single child, there is no magic age at which a new
level of understanding is reached. The academic
community has, by and large, moved beyond those
early developmental psychology theories which
proposed strict ages and stages. But nor does it
consider children to be equivalent from the age of 5
and 15, for instance. Rather, developmental
psychology, like clinical psychology and, indeed, the
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, urges that
children are treated as individuals, taking into
account their specific needs, understandings and
While children develop their privacy-related
awareness and literacy as they grow older, their
development is multifaceted and complex; it does
not fall neatly into simple stages or change suddenly
once they pass their birthday. In addition, children’s
development can be very different based on their
personal circumstances. For example, a 15-year-old
from a low socio-economic status (SES) home (DE)
might have similar knowledge and digital literacy as
a 11-year-old from a high SES home (AB), as we
show here (Livingstone et al., 2018a). Hence, we
urge that consideration of age groups and age
transitions considers cognitive, emotional and
social/cultural factors. For instance, in the UK,
around the age of 11, most children move from
smallish, local primary schools to large, more distant
secondary schools. Many risky practices online and
offline occur at this transition point, because
children are under pressure quickly to fit into a new
and uncertain social context. They are likely, then,
for social and institutional (rather than cognitive)
reasons, to access many new apps and services, to
feel pressured to circumvent age restrictions, to
provide personal information not provided before,
and so forth. To give another instance, children who
suffer risks or hardships or disabilities in their day-
to-day world are likely to experience different
pressures to join in online, again meaning that
consideration of their age alone would fail to fulfil
their best interests.
However, child development theory and some
existing evidence points to the diverse
understandings and skills that children acquire, test
and master at different ages and its subsequent
influence on their online interactions and
negotiations. The evidence suggests that design
standards and regulatory frameworks must account
for children’s overall privacy needs across age
groups, and pay particular attention and
consideration to the knowledge, abilities, skills and
vulnerabilities of younger users. Chaudron et al.’s
(2018) study of young children (aged 0-8) across 21
countries found that most children under 2 in
developed countries have a digital footprint through
their parents’ online activities. Children’s first
contact with digital technologies and screens was at
a very early age (below the age of 2) often through
parents’ devices, and they learn to interact with
digital devices by observing adults and older
children, learning through trial and error and
developing their skills. They did not have a clear
understanding of privacy or know how to protect it.
The Global Kids Online study observed clear age
trends in four countries, where older children were
more confident in their digital skills than their
younger counterparts. Young children (aged 9-11) in
particular showed less competence in managing
their online privacy settings than teens (aged 12-17)
(Byrne et al., 2016).
Privacy is vital for child development key privacy-
related media literacy skills are closely associated
with a range of child developmental areas
autonomy, identity, intimacy, responsibility, trust,
pro-social behaviour, resilience, critical thinking and
sexual exploration (Peter and Valkenburg, 2011;
Raynes-Goldie and Allen, 2014; Pradeep and Sriram,
2016; Balleys and Coll, 2017). Online platforms
provide opportunities for development (while also
introducing and amplifying risks) that children can
use to build the skill entourage that they need for
their growth (Livingstone, 2008). There is also solid
evidence that understanding of privacy becomes
more complex with age and that the desire for
privacy also increases (Shin et al., 2012; Kumar et al.,
2017; Chaudron et al., 2018).
Despite the relationship between child development
and privacy functioning and competencies, the
evidence on this is patchy. How do children
understand and manage privacy based on their age
and development? What is the most suitable age to
start learning about privacy online, and how should
this learning expand as children grow up and
develop? These are important questions, which the
systematic evidence mapping could not answer
sufficiently. Due to the nature of the existing
research, it is difficult to provide robust evidence to
support strictly identified age brackets and to cover
the full age spectrum under 18 years. A large
number of studies focus on 12- to 18-year-olds,
paying much less attention to younger cohorts and
studies rarely disaggregate findings amongst the
different age groups (Livingstone et al., 2018b).
Further difficulties arise from the fact that current
evidence on children’s privacy concerns, risks and
opportunities utilises a range of age brackets and
applies them inconsistently.
Attempting to overcome the above difficulties and
boiling the research down to its essence, we
mapped the development of children’s
understanding of privacy by age, with the caveat
that the differences within as well as across age
groups can be substantial. We identified three
groups of evidence (see Table 2 below): children
aged 5-7, 8-11 and 12-17. Hence, we think that
there is little evidence to support the more nuanced
differences in the age groups at present.
Table 2: Child development and types of privacy
Interpersonal privacy
Institutional and commercial privacy
5- to 7-
A developing sense of ownership,
fairness and independence
Learning about rules but may not
follow, and don’t get consequences
Use digital devices confidently, for a
narrow range of activities
Getting the idea of secrets, know how
to hide, but tend to regard
tracking/monitoring as helpful
Limited evidence exists on
understanding of the digital world
Low risk awareness (focus on device
damage or personal upset)
Few strategies (can close the app, call
on a parent for help)
Broadly trusting
8- to 11-
Starting to understand risks of sharing
but generally trusting
Privacy management means rules not
internalised behaviour
Still see monitoring positively, as
ensuring their safety
Privacy risks linked to ‘stranger
danger’ and interpersonal harms
Struggle to identify risks or distinguish
what applies offline/online
Still little research available
Gaps in ability to decide about
trustworthiness or identify adverts
Gaps in understanding privacy terms
and conditions
Interactive learning shown to improve
awareness and transfer to practice
12- to 17-
Online as ‘personal space’ for
expression, socialising, learning
Concerned about parental monitoring
yet broad trust in parental and school
Aware of/attend to privacy risks, but
mainly seen as interpersonal
Weigh risks and opportunities, but
decisions influenced by desire for
immediate benefits
Privacy tactics focused on online
identity management not data flows
(seeing data as static and fragmented)
Aware of ‘data traces’ (e.g., ads) and
device tracking (e.g., location) but less
personally concerned or aware of
future consequences
Willing to reflect and learn but do so
Media literacy education best if teens
can use new knowledge to make
meaningful decisions
5- to 7-year olds
Starting with the youngest group we identified the
5- to 7-year-old children we found that there is
limited evidence on their understanding of privacy,
but the existing studies suggest that children of this
age are already starting to use services which collect
and share data - for example, 3% of the UK children
aged 5-7 have a social media profile and 71% use
YouTube (Ofcom, 2017b). Children of this age
gradually develop a sense of ownership and
independence, as well as the ability to grasp
‘secrecy’ that is necessary for information
management abilities and privacy (Kumar et al.,
2017). While children are confident internet users,
they engage in a narrow range of activities and have
low risk awareness (Bakó, 2016). They do not
demonstrate an understanding that sharing
information online can create privacy concerns
(Kumar et al., 2017), and their perception of risks
arising from technology use is associated mainly
with physical threats (e.g., mechanical damage to
the device) which are easier to comprehend, while
abstract notions such as ‘privacy’ and ‘safety’ are
hard to grasp (Chaudron et al., 2018). For example,
when playing with internet-connected toys, the
children do not necessarily realise that these devices
record and share their data (McReynolds et al.,
At this young age children have little clear
understanding of how to engage in online privacy
protection (Chaudron et al., 2018), and rely on
adults to advise them and create rules. Their
strategies at this age include mainly closing the app
or website, providing fake information and asking
trusted adults for help (Kumar et al., 2017). Children
of this age can identify some information as
sensitive and might want to hide it from parents to
avoid getting into trouble (Kumar et al., 2017) but
they often do not see monitoring of their activities
or tracking their devices as a cause for concern or
breach of privacy (Gelman et al., 2018).
8- to 11-year olds
While over one in five UK children aged 8-11 (21%)
have a social media profile (Ofcom, 2017b), even
though they are officially below the required age to
use these platforms, children at this age still struggle
to identify risks or distinguish what applies
offline/online. They have gaps in their ability to
decide about trustworthiness of the sources and
content or identify commercial content (e.g.,
adverts) (Ofcom, 2017b). Children start to
understand that sharing can create some risks for
them (Kumar et al., 2017), but associate privacy
hazards mainly with ‘stranger danger’ (Weeden et
al., 2013; Raynes-Goldie and Allen, 2014; Children's
Commissioner for England, 2017b). Children aged 8-
11 approach privacy management based on rules
and not internalised behaviour, hence they find it
hard to apply their knowledge to practical situations
(Kumar et al., 2017) and they still have gaps in
understanding privacy terms and conditions which
are unclear and inaccessible to them.
Children’s sharing of personal data at this stage is
guided by parental advice (Livingstone, 2008), and
those whose parents are actively mediating their
internet use are sharing less personal information
online (Miyazaki et al., 2009). Children of this age
also see monitoring more positively than adults (e.g.,
that it might be for the benefit of their own safety),
but they also start to develop a desire for
independence (Livingstone, 2008) and might come
up strategies to bypass parental monitoring,
supervision or surveillance when it is undesirable
(Barron, 2014). The effects of warning signs on
websites notifying children of age-inappropriate
content can have the opposite effect children are
more likely to share their data than on sites where
there is no warning as they become curious
(Miyazaki et al., 2009). The research also
demonstrated that there are some effective
examples of interactive learning approaches used
with children of this age which are shown to
improve awareness and transfer to practice (Zhang-
Kennedy et al., 2017).
12- to 17-year olds
For the oldest group of children children between
12 and 17 years of age we found they are by now
aware of privacy risks: they engage in careful
consideration of information disclosure (Wisniewski
et al., 2015) and balance their desire to protect
themselves with the need to participate and
socialise (Oolo and Siibak, 2013; Betts and Spenser,
2016; Dennen et al., 2017; Third et al., 2017). They
also weigh risks and opportunities but their
decisions are often influenced by the immediacy of
and desire for benefits, more than distant and
uncertain risks in the future (Youn, 2009; Yu et al.,
2015). Yet their decisions are based on their still
partial understanding of the nature and operation of
the internet and its uses of personal data.
The older children become, the more actively they
use the internet, and the more technical skills they
acquire (Madden et al., 2013). For example, 46% of
UK children aged 12-15 know how to delete the
history records of the websites they have visited
(27% have done it), 36% know how to use a browser
in incognito mode (20% have used it), 18% know
how to unset filters preventing them from visiting
websites (and 6% have done it), and 7% know how
to use a proxy server (3% have used one) (Ofcom,
2017b). These technical skills, however, are not
necessarily paired with good knowledge of privacy
risks or with effective privacy protection strategies.
With greater internet use comes higher exposure to
online risks, including those related to privacy
older teens share more personal information, to
more people, and across a larger number of
platforms (Madden et al., 2013; Xie and Kang, 2015).
Children of this age (12-17) have a good
understanding of online restrictions and monitoring
by the school (Cortesi et al., 2014; Acker and Bowler,
2018) for example, they know their online
activities are monitored when using a school
computer and the content they can access is
restricted. Children also demonstrate some
awareness of the ‘data traces’ they leave online
(e.g., in relation to seeing advertisements following
their earlier searches) (Zarouali et al., 2017) and of
device tracking (e.g., that some apps use their geo-
location) (Redden and Way, 2017), but find it hard to
make a personal connection how their data is
being collected and to what effect (Emanuel and
Fraser, 2014; Acker and Bowler, 2018). Yet even at
this age, children have little knowledge of data flows
and infrastructure they mostly see data as static
and fractured (e.g., located on different platforms)
(Bowler et al., 2017), which can create a false sense
of security. They have little awareness of future
implications of data traces, particularly related to
distant future, which is hard to predict or conceive
(Murumaa-Mengel, 2015; Bowler et al., 2017;
Pangrazio and Selwyn, 2018).
The online environment at this stage is seen as a
‘personal space’ for self-expression and socialising,
and children are often concerned about parental
intrusion of their privacy (boyd and Marwick, 2011;
Redden and Way, 2017; Martin et al., 2018). The
sense of control over one’s personal information,
which such online identity management provides,
can actually increase the extent of children’s self-
disclosure (Peter and Valkenburg, 2011), making
children more likely to share personal information
(Emanuel and Fraser, 2014). At this age, privacy risk
functions mostly as a ‘learning process’ – children
are mostly engaged in retrospective behaviour,
trying to rectify the past, and hold expectations that
they are able to retract their online activities
(Wisniewski et al., 2015; Wisniewski, 2018).
A major gap in children’s understanding of privacy is
that they associate it mainly with interpersonal
sharing of data and rarely consider the commercial
or institutional use of their data (Davis and James,
2013; Steijn and Vedder, 2015; Livingstone et al.,
2018b). Hence, their privacy strategies are mainly
limited to management of their online identity for
example, withholding or providing fake information,
or creating multiple identities, removing content,
tags or withdrawing from the internet, managing
privacy settings or friendship circles (Livingstone,
2008; Almansa et al., 2013; Emanuel and Fraser,
2014; Weinstein, 2014; Mullen and Hamilton, 2016).
At the same time, children can be quite trusting of
online platforms, choosing to accept the default
privacy settings based on the belief that the site
designers and developers have already considered
privacy issues, and built adequate privacy
protections into the site’s architecture (Davis and
James, 2013) thus undermining their own initiative
in relation to privacy.
Children struggle with some aspects of privacy
while they know rather well what type of personal
information they have disclosed online, they are less
certain who has access to this information, and
often struggle to name the privacy setting of their
disclosed contents (Moll et al., 2014). Children are
both overestimating and underestimating how
private their profile content is, sugesting an overall
confusion rather than a tedency to underrate the
privacy risks. They tend to overestimate the privacy
of information such as favourite music and their
school, but underestimate the privacy of their email
address or birthday (Moll et al., 2014). While this
evidence is insufficient to answer all the questions
about child development, it undoubtedly points to
the need for a tailored approach that acknowledges
developments and individual differences amongst
children. It also demonstrates that data and
evidence pertaining to design standards and
regulatory frameworks based on disaggregated age
groups are low and merit further investigation.
5.4. Children’s negotiation of privacy and
information disclosure
There is a widespread consensus in the literature
that children are seen as showing less concern about
privacy online and their conceptions of ‘privacy’ and
‘the privatediffer from that of adults (Steijn et al.,
2016). Based on such comparisons, children are
criticised for sharing too much personal information
online, lacking maturity in their decisions and
missing the capacity to judge about the
repercussions their actions. Yet the evidence
demonstrates that children are not oblivious to the
privacy consequences of their online behaviour.
They are constantly negotiating between the risks
and opportunities of communicating in networked
publics (Livingstone, 2008), and are attuned to the
tensions between their desire to engage, to protect
themselves and their responsibility to others
(Lapenta and Jørgensen, 2015; Third et al., 2017).
Children use extensively digital media for self-
disclosure and, while aware of the privacy risks, they
weigh these against the opportunities involved (such
as online self-expression and identity, creating
intimacy via confiding in others, and establishing
new relationships) (Aslanidou and Menexes, 2008;
De Souza and Dick, 2009; Lapenta and Jørgensen,
2015; Livingstone and Sefton-Green, 2016; Balleys
and Coll, 2017). In certain cases personal data can
become an asset to children and their means of
part-taking and participation. Garbett et al. (2018: 9)
demonstrate this in their study of a wellbeing
system aiming to encourage primary schoolchildren
to reflect on their own personal activity data. Using
an avatar, children could compare their results to
others and contribute to the success of their fitness
and wellbeing teams. They could also ‘socially
negotiate access to their identity’ (Garbett et al.,
2018: 9) by revealing their identity to selected
others based on friendships and judgements of
Young people’s understanding of privacy is less
focused on personal information than adults’ and
they are less concerned about risks related to data
mining, profiling or identity theft because dealing
with bankers, future employers and authorities
seems distant and less relevant (Steijn and Vedder,
2015; Steijn et al., 2016). Therefore, it is not
surprising that they report less concern about
privacy and are more active on social media, which
provides both personal and social benefits. While
children might enjoy self-exposure to known and
unknown audiences on a range of social platforms,
they also hold a complex set of norms associated
with who should access their information and how
they should react to it and feel discomfort when
these norms are not being followed (Steeves and
Regan, 2014).
Some children also experience a tension between
the desire to withhold information and peer
pressure to share and be popular online (have more
likes or followers), and their online choices
(tailoring messages to audiences, choosing different
platforms based on audiences or purposes) are
influenced by their privacy concerns (Livingstone,
2008; De Souza and Dick, 2009; Betts and Spenser,
2016; Hofstra et al., 2016). In such cases, decisions
about self-disclosure seem to be influenced by the
immediacy and greater certainty of benefits over the
more distant and potential nature of risks (Yu et al.,
2015; Betts and Spenser, 2016). Children also see
privacy as embedded in the context of who is
present and what is then socially appropriate given
their presence and the context (boyd and Marwick,
2011). The desire for privacy, however, is not about
‘hiding’ but rather about asserting control (boyd and
Marwick, 2011), which children try to do via
managing their online representation for example,
by meticulously staging profile pictures (Almansa et
al., 2013) or negotiating content posted by others,
such as friends or family members (Lapenta and
Jørgensen, 2015).
Children, however, are often confronted by their
lack of complete control over what others share
about them sites allowing tagging or @-ing in
responses, for example, exacerbate the public-by-
default nature of networked publics and force
children to consider what they wish to obscure or
remove retrospectively (boyd and Marwick, 2011;
Betts and Spenser, 2016; Pangrazio and Selwyn,
2018). As a result, children might demonstrate a
‘pragmatic non-concern’ about things they cannot
control such as what friends might post or how
commercial entities might use their data, exhibiting
an ‘intellectual detachment’, having a vague
awareness that they are affected by data profiling
but remaining intellectually disengaged from this
process due to the overwhelming and uncontrollable
misuse of their data (Pangrazio and Selwyn, 2018).
Children’s control over their representation online is
also challenged by the tension between parents’
practices (e.g., sharenting’) and children’s privacy.
For example, an online survey with 331 parentchild
pairs (children aged 10-17) in the USA demonstrated
that parents and children disagree on the
permission-seeking process when it comes to
posting information online (Moser et al., 2017).
Children believe that parents need to ask permission
more than their parents think they should, and also
objected to the sharing of content reflecting
negatively on the child’s self-preservation, content
perceived as ‘embarrassing’, unflattering or overtly
revealing (Moser et al., 2017). While the research
demonstrates that parents do consider their
children’s privacy when posting information about
them online (Blackwell et al., 2016), the issue of
privacy decision-making remains problematic.
Parents shape children’s digital identity through
sharenting, and these disclosures can sometimes
follow them into adulthood (Moser et al., 2017). This
information sharing, sometimes without children’s
consent, makes them narrators of their children’s
lives and stories and gatekeepers of their children’s
personal information. This can give rise to a
potential conflict of interest in the future, as
children’s digital identities evolve and they come to
resent their parents’ disclosures. While a lot of
research focuses on how children make decisions
about sharing content online and how they
negotiate this with others, much less attention is
paid to the commercial dimensions of such
‘volunteered’ content, and more information is
needed on the extent to which children feel
competent and able to negotiate institutional and
commercial privacy, or, in fact, if they would like to.
5.5. Children’s privacy protection strategies
Internet privacy has attracted attention due to the
large-scale collection of personal information,
making it easy to copy, tag, search, replicate or
decontextualise. There seems to be a contradiction
between willingly volunteering personal information
online and the expressed concern for privacy online
identified as the privacy paradox (Barnes, 2006;
Norberg et al., 2007). However, the existing
evidence demonstrates that children deploy a range
of privacy protection strategies from selective use
of platforms based on the privacy they provide, to
withholding or providing fake information, to
removing content, tags or withdrawing from the
internet, to managing privacy settings or friendship
circles (Almansa et al., 2013; Feng and Xie, 2014).
This implies that children value their privacy and
engage in protective strategies but the disclosure
forms part of a trade-off that teens engage in so as
research shows, they weigh up what they might lose
or gain or what the risk and reward may be.
Children might engage in withholding strategies
(reflecting and deciding not to share content
considered to be inappropriate), proactive strategies
(actively selecting channels, settings, altering
content) or might not have any strategies, for
example, when they are not aware of different
privacy options or risks (Davis and James, 2013).
When using proactive strategies, children select
amongst the multiple communication channels
afforded to them, opting for private dyad
communication channels (like text messaging or
private messenger) to discuss more intimate and
personal matters, while reaching out to social media
platforms to reconnect with older friends or access
information that may be otherwise hard to come by
(Heirman et al., 2016; Mullen and Hamilton, 2016;
Dennen et al., 2017). Other strategies involve
content modification (such as changing textual
descriptions, removing tags or altering images);
management of audiences and boundaries, for
example, by segmenting friend groups within
services and between them or removing and
blocking people (Madden et al., 2013; Mullen and
Hamilton, 2016); or using social steganography (as a
form of privacy management this involves children
[de]coding messages for their intended audience or
using language and specific references for their
intended audiences) (boyd and Marwick, 2011).
A major point of interest in relation to privacy
protection management is the role of privacy
concerns on children’s strategies. If children are
concerned about their privacy, are they more careful
with their sharing practices? If they are concerned
about privacy, does it mean that they are more
aware of the potential risks and better able to
mitigate them? Are children’s privacy concerns a
reliable predictor of actual privacy protective
behaviours, and if so, of what types of behaviour? It
seems intuitive to expect that better awareness of
privacy risks and higher concerns would produce
more effective privacy protection strategies, and a
substantial body of work has sought to explore this
connection. The evidence, however, has
demonstrated a very mixed picture and the impact
of privacy concerns on privacy protective behaviours
is varied.
Some of the research demonstrates the paradox of
people sharing information even though they have
disclosure worries with privacy concerns not being
associated with information-disclosing behaviour
(Shin and Kang, 2016). For example, warning
safeguards notifying children of unsuitable content
or minimum age requirements can have the
opposite effect they can increase personal
information disclosure as they seem to create
curiosity rather than awareness or concern
(Miyazaki et al., 2009). Other existing studies
demonstrate some connection between a higher
level of privacy concern and strategies to handle
privacy risks, such as higher likelihood of changing
privacy settings, reading privacy messages, providing
less personal information, reporting unsolicited
emails or responding negatively to them, or
expecting negative consequences from information
disclosure (Moscardelli and Divine, 2007; Youn,
2008; Chai et al., 2009; Madden et al., 2013; Chi et
al., 2018).
Children might become more concerned about their
privacy following the misuse of their data, realising
the accessibility to sensitive information, or deciding
that risks outweigh the benefits. The differences in
the findings might be related to the ways privacy
concerns and privacy protective behaviours are
measured, or to considering additional factors, such
as internet use, digital skills, trust or socio-cultural
norms. For example, factors such as the sense of
control over one’s personal information and who
can access it can influence what and how much
children disclose online (Davis and James, 2013). The
expected attitudes of parents and friends also
influence children’s intention to share personal
information (van Gool et al., 2015) if children
expect that their parents and friends would
disapprove, they tend to share less.
Hence, a related question arises whether trust has
any effect on sharing information online and the
evidence is again mixed. While trust appears to be
an important influencer of self-disclosure, including
sensitive information, because it minimises the
perceived risk (Xie and Kang, 2015), it does not
explain fully children’s privacy protection strategies.
Some studies suggest that trust in their social
networks makes children more likely to disclose
personal information and less likely to engage in
protective behaviours (Steeves and Webster, 2008;
S-O'Brien et al., 2011; Abbas and Mesch, 2015). A
study using a nationally representative survey with
800 USA teenagers aged 12 to 17 also found that
trust was associated with disclosure of contact
information (such as phone number and email
address). However, trust did not predict disclosure
of insensitive information (school name, relationship
status and personal interests) and personal
identification information (photo and real name)
(Xie and Kang, 2015). Interestingly, the same study
did not find any relationship between regret of
posting personal information and privacy settings or
self-disclosure, but discovered that children who
were more frequent users had larger network sizes,
and were in contact with people they did not know,
and were more likely to regret posting information
online. Still, the rationale behind children’s privacy
behaviours is still unclear and the findings are mixed.
While there was substantial evidence to show that
children care about their privacy and engage in a
range of protective behaviours, many questions
remain unanswered when it comes to how children
choose their protective behaviour, which privacy-
protection strategies are more efficient, and why
some children are more protective of their privacy
than others. Yet, the evidence demonstrates
important gaps in children’s practices – their privacy
protection strategies are more focused on the
interpersonal than the commercial domain,
suggesting important gaps in their understanding of
privacy risks and abilities to handle the
commercialisation of their personal data. It is also
likely that some explanation of the mixed evidence
on children’s protection strategies might be offered
by looking at media literacy and whether children
have the necessary digital skills to protect their
online privacy.
5.6. Media literacy
Children’s media literacy plays an important part in
how children understand, manage and safeguard
their privacy, prompting substantial research
attention into this area. Privacy skills cannot be
researched or taught in isolation from general media
literacy and even digital citizenship to manage
privacy online one needs to understand the internet
itself (Culver and Grizzle, 2017).
As David Buckingham (2015) argues, ‘the increasing
convergence of contemporary media means that we
need to be addressing the skills and competencies
the multiple literacies that are required by the
whole range of contemporary forms of
communication.’ He identifies four areas of online
media literacy competence: representation,
language, production and audience. ‘Production’
involves knowing the parties involved in online
interactions and the reasons for communicating,
including awareness of commercial influences which
are often invisible to children.
Hence, media literacy involves an understanding of
how media and information are created, analysed,
distributed, applied, used and monestised (Oolo and
Siibak, 2013; Culver and Grizzle, 2017). For example,
the recent draft statutory guidance on teaching
Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex
Education (RSE) and Health Education by the
Department for Education includes several
references to online data and privacy as part of
knowledge about relationships, online media,
internet safety and harm. The guidance suggests
that education should teach children how
information is shared and used online both in
interpersonal relationships and commercial
Pupils should have a strong understanding
of how data is generated, collected, shared
and used online, for example, how personal
data is captured on social media or
understanding the way that businesses may
exploit the data available to them.
(Department for Education, 2018: 21)
The guidance also suggests that the concept of
personal privacy and permission-seeking should be
taught from the beginning of primary school.
Livingstone (2014) similarly suggests that (social)
media literacy needs to encompass competences
across several areas: affordances (including privacy-
related), the communication (creating and decoding
it), and the social interactions (e.g., relationships,
privacy, anonymity). The development of this (social)
media literacy is related to children’s cognitive and
social development and privacy competences play
an important part in it (Livingstone, 2014). Media
literacy also needs to include children’s
understanding of their data worlds, digital traces
and data flows, as well as the analytical skills needed
for personal data management involved in the
curating and obfuscating digital data lives (Walrave
and Heirman, 2013; Acker and Bowler, 2017; Bowler
et al., 2017), as well as the ability to demand one’s
right to privacy (Culver and Grizzle, 2017).
The evidence on children’s privacy-related media
literacy includes evaluation of withholding and
proactive strategies children use (Davis and James,
2013), as well as their knowledge and competence
in this area. For example, a UK-based representative
study of internet users aged 12 to 15 demonstrated
that a third (34%) knew how to delete their
browsing history, one in four (24%) knew how to
amend settings to use a web browser in privacy
mode, one in ten (10%) knew how to disable online
filters or controls and 6% knew how to use a proxy
server to access particular sites or apps. The
proportion of children who said that they had done
these things in the past year was much smaller
(ranging from 11% who had deleted their search
history to only 1% who had unset any filters or
controls or used a proxy server) (Ofcom, 2017a). The
privacy skills of children seem also to be improving
over time a longitudinal European study of
children aged 9-16 found that there was an increase
in the proportion of children who know how to
change their privacy settings (43% of 11- to 13-year-
olds in 2010 and 55% in 2014) and those who know
how to delete their browsing history (37% in 2010
and 53% in 2014) (Livingstone et al., 2014).
However, while many children know how to change
their privacy settings, many choose not to. There
was an increase in the number of children who have
a public social media profile between 2010 and
2014: from 11% to 19% in the UK compared to the
European average of 25% in 2010 and 29% in 2014
(Livingstone et al., 2014). This demonstrates that
being able to do something does not necessarily
translate into a privacy protective behaviour
((Ofcom, 2017b; Ogur et al., 2017). The same study
also found that around one-quarter of 11‐ to 16-
year-olds in Europe talk about private things online,
with over a third saying they talk about different
things online compared to face‐to‐face interactions,
and that they find it easier to be themselves online
(Livingstone et al., 2014). Still, the proportion of
children who discuss private issues online decreased
over the period of four years. Children in the UK and
Ireland were overall better off that their peers in
other European countries (Belgium, Denmark, Italy,
Romania and Portugal) they start using social
media later and when they do, they have fewer
online contacts and are more likely to have a private
profile. Still the study found that many children lack
sufficient media literacy skills and their overall
awareness of privacy risks might need improvement.
In addition, technical architectures can additionally
complicate privacy protection with shifting setting
defaults and inconsistent levels between different
platforms, making it difficult to maintain a consistent
privacy level (Oolo and Siibak, 2013; Bailey, 2015).
While the evidence related to commercial privacy is
scarce, it demonstrates that this is an area of media
literacy which children find particularly challenging
(Bowler et al., 2017; Coleman et al., 2017; Acker and
Bowler, 2018). In a qualitative USA-based study of
young people aged 11-18, Bowler et al. (2017) found
that teens have varying interpretations of the nature
of data and a broad understanding of the lifecycle of
data. However, most respondents found it difficult
to connect with data at a concrete and personal
level, with the notion of a personal data dossier
either non-existent or proving too abstract a
concept. Some were able to connect data to digital
traces but seemed to imagine data as static, held in
a single place and had little knowledge of data flows
and infrastructure. While aware of the security
issues related to social media, they have spent little
time thinking more broadly about the digital traces
of their data and implications for their future selves
(Bowler et al., 2017).
There is evidence that children’s understanding of
commercial privacy increases with age for
example, a New Zealand study of children and young
people aged 8 to 21 found that the younger groups
had much less understanding of different privacy-
related security issues, such as allowing apps to
access camera, contacts and personal information
(name, address, mobile number) only 2% of the 8-
to 12-year-olds reported awarenss compared to 18%
of the 13- to 17-year-olds and 24% of the over-18s.
Similarly, small proportions knew that installed apps
can access information not required for its operation
and may use this information for other purposes
such as online advertisements, but this improved
with age: 1% of 8- to 12-year-olds, 15% of 13- to 17-
year-olds and 26% of 18- to 21-year-olds (Tirumala
et al., 2016).
Children are seen as particularly susceptible to
digital advertising, and even though young internet
users are faced with large quantities of online
advertising, the evidence related to their influence
on children is scarce. Some of the key issues related
to children’s exposure to online advertising arise
from their inability to distinguish between website
content and advertisements, difficulty in
understanding the relationship between website
content provider and the advertiser, and issues
related to collecting children’s data (van Reijmersdal
et al., 2017). For example, a study of Dutch children
aged 9-13 found that they process advertising in a
non-critical manner, and seeing adverts which were
close to their interests and hobbies was effective in
creating a positive attitude towards the brand and
consequently increases intentions to buy the
products (van Reijmersdal et al., 2017). This is also
demonstrated by a recent Ofcom (2017b) study of
the media practices and competences of children
aged 3 to 11, which discovered that children find it
difficult to identify online advertisements that have
evolved into a complex advertising and marketing
environment. Children reported knowledge of
personalised online advertising and brand
ambassador advertising (e.g., via vloggers), but were
not always able to identify this in practice, especially
when it is designed to work similarly to other social
media content. The study also found that children
understand advertising revenue through sponsored
ads, but many are unable to identify it accurately
(even when the word ‘ad’ appears), and believe
Google as an authenticating and trustworthy source
(Ofcom, 2017b).
Teaching children about privacy can also prove
challenging, as a participatory experimental study of
Australian children aged 13 to 17 demonstrated
(Selwyn and Pangrazio, 2018). The study found that
while children are active on social media and
consider themselves relatively safe, many are
uncertain about what information others can see
about them and are concerned about the
permanence of their online posts. After using a
specific app designed to demonstrate the gathering
of personal data, the children became more aware
of geolocation data (perceived as creepy, unsettling
and invasive). They also found the data analysis
inaccurate (assuming different interests, nationality,
visited places), which the children found reassuring
as a sign that the internet does not know
everything about them. As part of the experiment
the children were able to adopt different response
tactics check the Terms and Conditions, research
and report back on the commercial background of
social media platforms, run ad-blocking, tracking and
geo-spoofing software, or alter their selfies in a way
that aims to confuse facial recognition and photo
analysis. The first two activities enabled them to
become more aware of data use and sharing, the
business model and ownership of the services, while
the latter two were seen as uninteresting or
ineffective. The authors describe the experiment as
relatively ineffective in provoking the participants to
change their personal data practices due to the
perceived lack of effectiveness of any alternative
actions combined with lack of time and expertise
(Selwyn and Pangrazio, 2018). The children also did
not object to being targeted by advertising which
was perceived as an acceptable element of mobile
media use. While children were generally interested
and concerned about online privacy, they also felt
overwhelmed and annoyed but did not feel
empowered to make changes, and nor did they feel
in control of their privacy, leading the authors to
argue in favour of changes to the business model
which would not only make personal data use more
transparent, but would also enable children to
engage more actively and agenticly with the online
platforms raising their critical awareness (Selwyn
and Pangrazio, 2018).
While there is concern about children’s online
privacy, more evidence is needed in order to identify
the effective media literacy education approaches.
Some of the existing evidence suggests that privacy-
related education can increase children’s awareness
of technological solutions or tighter privacy settings
as coping and threat-mitigating strategies (Chai et
al., 2009; Youn, 2009). Still, most initiatives
(government legislation, educational programmes or
parental control applications) are based on adult
perspectives and do not facilitate the development
of children’s autonomous understanding of privacy
(Raynes-Goldie and Allen, 2014). Steeves and Regan
(2014) point out that most educational programmes
(e.g., EU’s Ins@fe initiative, the
myprivacy.mychoice.mylife campaign by the Privacy
Commissioner of Canada and the US government’s
Kids.gov) refer to privacy as information control,
advise children on the dangers of disclosing personal
information, and associate the lack of disclosure
with safety. This not only creates the image of the
online environment as dangerous and unsafe, but
also does not correspond to children’s own concerns
(Steeves and Regan, 2014).
Privacy literacy skills need to be enacted by children,
rather than taught as external rules, and need to
reflect the actual concerns and experiences of
children (Raynes-Goldie and Allen, 2014). Most
positive effects are observed when children are able
to make more autonomous decisions about
effectively protecting themselves online, can gain
experience in coping with unexpected or undesired
situations, and are able to learn from mistakes
(Youn, 2009; Feng and Xie, 2014; Wisniewski et al.,
2015; Wisniewski, 2018). While a substantial
number of studies explored children’s strategies to
protect their privacy and the occasions when they
fail to do this, we did not find a comprehensive
framework that discusses the different dimensions
of privacy skills that children need in order to
protect effectively their privacy online and to remain
safe from harm. A much better understanding of
what digital skills are needed in the area of privacy is
needed, which not only distinguishes between
awareness and behaviour and conceptualises
privacy skills as part of more comprehensive media
literacy, but also takes into account the difference
between risks and harm what is detrimental for
one child might be harmless for another.
5.7. Differences among children
Not all children are equally able to safely navigate
the digital environment, taking advantage of the
existing opportunities while avoiding or mitigating
risks. The evidence mapping demonstrates that
differences between children might influence their
engagement with privacy online, and while ideally
the evidence base would be more robust, there is
certainly an argument to be made for the benefits of
child-focused perspectives which give recognition to
children’s voices and explore their heterogeneous
experiences, competencies and capacities.
Socio-economic inequalities
Socio-economic inequalities are under-researched in
relation to privacy, but some of the existing
evidence suggests that effects related to device
ownership and use, as well as parental practices,
might cause disadvantages to some children
(Dennen et al., 2017; Acker and Bowler, 2018). A
comparative European study found that socio-
economic status (as well as age and gender) made a
difference in relation to online privacy. Children
from lower SES were much less likely to have a
public social media profile or to share personal data,
such as their address or phone number (Livingstone
et al., 2010). While UK children were much more
likely to guard their privacy online than their
European peers (by having a private profile, starting
to use social media when older, having fewer online
contacts, sharing incorrect age), socio-ecnomic
inequalities still make an important difference
(Livingstone et al., 2010; Livingstone et al., 2014).
Similarly, Feng and Xie (2014)’s study of socialisation
and privacy-protection strategies of US children
aged 12 to 17 found that teens whose parents have
higher educational levels tend to be more concerned
about their online privacy, which may be attributed
to more active mediation strategies by parents.
There was a signifcant relationship observed
between childrens level of privacy concern and their
privacy-setting strategies they were more likely to
set their profile to private or partially private if they
are concerned with privacy, and children with better
educated parents were better off in this regard. We
discuss the impact of parenting on children’s privacy
skills in more detail later on in this report (see
section 5.10).
The importance of socio-economic inequalities was
also highlighted by a qualitative research exploring
the privacy strategies of low-income and minority
ethnic US youth aged 14 to 19 (Vickery, 2015). The
study found that young people from this group want
to control the context in which their information is
shared and who has access to it. Yet, they often
have limited access to technology and experience
more strongly the need to share devices which may
disturb their privacy and create the need for
constant negotiation: ‘the boundaries of sharing and
privacy are constantly renegotiated at the
intersection of localized social norms, economic and
social capital, and the technical affordances of
particular platforms and devices’ (Vickery, 2015:
282). This leads to a blur of what constitutes a
private or shared device. Furthermore, young
people from low-income backgrounds were found to
be subject to greater surveillance through different
activities and obligations.
In this context, the mobile phone served as a status
symbol and a gateway to greater independence and
freedom, but some teens also chose to disconnect
as a way of maintaining privacy and reverse typical
power dynamics. Others split their online activities
across different platforms in a fluid and
disconnected manner which was a ‘deliberate
privacy strategy intended to resist the ways social
media industries attempt to converge identities,
practices, and audiences’ (Vickery, 2015: 289).
Different contextual norms of privacy underpinned
the different platforms, and young people navigated
away from the ones they felt more closely
monitored. Young people from low-income
backgrounds also experienced the misinterpretation
of their identities and communicative practices by
majority peers, which created a complicated need to
navigate across cultural contexts and the feeling of
lack of privacy when these contexts collapsed. While
all young peeople balance strategies for protection
with opportunities for participation, some
marginalised groups also feel the need for self-
censorship and disconnection, which silence them
further (Vickery, 2017). While there was substantial
evidence to demonstrate that socio-economic
inequalities play an important role in relation to
children’s privacy, more research is needed to
explain the actual effects.
Gender differences
Most of the research on online behaviour in highly
internet-penetrated countries shows little gender
differences in internet use and online risks, yet some
of the existing evidence in relation to privacy
demonstrates important gender differences in
privacy risk perception, the level of concern and
protection behaviours. A study of Canadian girls
(aged 15-17) and young women’s (aged 18-22)
experiences with social media and their perspectives
in policy-makers’ debates found that girls are
overlooked within policy and policy responses,
relying on gender-neutral language and ignoring the
socio-cultural norms that play out in online spaces
(Bailey, 2015). Girls also experience the impacts of
stereotypical notions of female beauty and
technological architectures that simultaneously
enabled and limited control over their fully
integrated online/offline lives. The perceived
gendered risks of loss of control over data or
appropriation of their data made privacy
exceptionally important to girls (Moscardelli and
Divine, 2007; Bailey, 2015; Malik et al., 2015). In
some contexts such gender stereotypes can affect
girls access to technologies and freedom of online
participation, for example, due to tighter parental
regulations and more intense monitoring (Badri et
al., 2017).
Several studies found that girls are less likely to
reveal personal information, to accept requests from
unknown people, and more likely to engage in
protective behaviours than boys (Steeves and
Webster, 2008; Mullen and Hamilton, 2016; Öncü,
2016). For example, a survey of children aged 9-18
from Australia, Japan, Indonesia, Korea and Taiwan
found that girls in these countries were overall much
less likely to take ‘provocative pictures’ than boys,
while evidence from Ireland showed that girls are
more likely to be online friends with their parents
(Mullen and Hamilton, 2016). Still, there was some
evidence that girls face more risks survey data
from 395 high school students in the USA aged 14 to
18 show that girls are more likely to experience
misuse of personal information and receive
unwanted emails (Youn and Hall, 2008). Girls also
perceive privacy risks to be more serious than boys,
which includes feeling more uncomfortable about
privacy risks and reporting higher likelihood of
conflicts with parents or teachers about such risks.
Boys, on the other hand, are more likely to read
unsolicited emails and to provide their information
to websites, but are also more likely to send
complaints about spam (Youn and Hall, 2008).
However, not all studies find gender significant in
influencing privacy behaviour, and some studies
show the opposite. For example, a survey of USA
children aged 12 to 16 found that girls are more
likely to contact strangers online and to have a social
media profile earlier on (Martin et al., 2018), while a
Croatian survey of children aged 14 to 18 found no
differences based on gender and age (Velki et al.,
2017). More evidence is needed to explain the
different conclusions and explore gender differences
throughout child development. It is possible that
gender differences vary between cultural contexts,
and some gaps are bigger at a younger age and
diminish later in life.
We did not find robust evidence on vulnerable
children which explores effects on privacy in relation
to the digital environment. There was an
acknowledgement that the existing privacy
protection model which has a parent-centred
approach reinforces existing privileges and leaves
out the most vulnerable groups of children, such as
foster children (Wisniewski, 2018). There was also
some evidence that children who thought they could
rely on their family for support when needed were
less likely to share personal information with a large
number of online friends, while those who relied
more on support from friends and significant others
were more likely to have more contacts online
(Öncü, 2016). However, studies looking at the
impact on vulnerable children were mostly missing.
During the literature search we came across a
number of studies on vulnerable young adults,
which remained outside the scope of the final
review. Some of the excluded examples related to
posting more frequently and experiences of
loneliness (Al-Saggaf and Nielsen, 2014) and
experiences of stigma towards disclosing sensitive
information about illness and medication (Zhang,
2012) are worth mentioning here as they
demonstrated some connection between
vulnerability and online privacy behaviours. They
suggest that more evidence is needed to explore if
there are any similar effects at a younger age and to
establish if perceived vulnerabilities might influence
privacy-protective behaviours. It is necessary to
identify if such impacts are significant, if they lead to
higher likelihood of experiencing harm and what
types of vulnerabilities are at play. On the other
hand, digital technologies can be used to create new
opportunities and improve digital skills of vulnerable
children. For example, a number of studies in the
sample demonstrated that designing interactive
technologies for children with special needs can
offer new opportunities for support and
participation, addressing the freedoms and rights of
these children (Alper et al., 2012). Hence, the
positive effects and opportunities of digital
technologies on living with vulnerability have been
explored in much greater depth, while the evidence
on any possible negative effects on children’s
privacy is lacking.
5.8. Privacy-related risks of harm
Privacy concerns have intensified with the
introduction of digital technologies and the internet
due to their ability to compile large datasets with
dossiers of granular personal information about
online users (Selwyn and Pangrazio, 2018). A
substantial body of literature discusses privacy
online risks that children face: these are related, on
the one hand, to the technological affordances and
digital ecology, and on the other, to children’s own
online practices. Key issues that have come to the
fore include online marketing and commercial
activities, awareness of and willingness to provide
personal information online, the effects of privacy
disclosures (including reputational damage,
blackmailing, stalking or identify theft), issues
related to participation on social networking sites,
and unawareness of the privacy online policies of
platforms. Children are perceived as more
vulnerable than adults to privacy online threats,
such as re-identification, due to their lack of digital
skills or awareness of privacy risks (Children's
Commissioner for England, 2017a). There is also a
link between the amount of time spent online and
involvement in social networking sites, which is
positively associated with online information
disclosure (Steeves and Webster, 2008; Shin and
Kang, 2016). This trend, however, is not new, as
existing research on children’s internet use
demonstrates that more time spent online is linked
to more opportunities and more risks (Livingstone
and Helsper, 2010).
The technology-related privacy risks are linked to
features such as GPS-enabled tracking, potentially
creating threats to anonymisation due to coarse-
grained location data or undesirable tracking, or
ecology-based features such as the ease of obtaining
fake social media accounts which can result in
spreading malware, stealing personal information,
spying on users’ activity or inflicting the digital
environment with fake content. The consequential
risks relate to brokers selling the data to other
agents (advertisers, further education recruiters and
employment agencies), fuelling large-scale and
highly personalised spear-phishing attacks, and
exposure to perpetrators of child sexual abuse and
violence (Dey et al., 2013; Murumaa-Mengel, 2015).
Children’s own online practices have been under
substantial scrutiny for privacy risks. Often children’s
privacy is viewed from a normative adult
perspective, representing them as carelessly
oversharing personal information, and is entangled
with issues of security and the need to face risks to
physical, emotional and academic/vocational safety.
What information children make publicly available
has received considerable research attention, with
studies pointing out that a significant amount of
‘private’ information (current city and school,
graduation year, inferred year of birth and list of
school friends, favourite activities, music, films and
relationship information) can be directly available on
social media, including profiles of minors registered
as adults (Almansa et al., 2013; Dey et al., 2013) and
even information about engagement in illegal
activities (Williams and Merten, 2008).
A survey with Canadian children aged 11 to 17 found
that large proportions of children were willing to
disclose personal information such as real name,
address or email when engaging with different
online activities: signing up for a free email account
(76%), creating a social media profile (76%), posting
on their blog (57%), entering a contest (56%),
registering for a game site (69%), participating in a
chat room or discussion forum (48%) or using a
dating site (39%) (Steeves and Webster, 2008).
Almost half of the respondents (49%) had never
read the Terms and Conditions of the sites they visit
and thought it was safe to share secrets via email
and online messages (45%), and nearly a third (31%)
had shared passwords with friends. The risky
behaviour increased with age at the age of 17 42%
of children were most willing to disclose personal
information, compared to 39% of the 15-year-olds
and 21% of the 13-year-olds. At the same time the
older children were less likely to engage in
protective behaviour 38% of the 17-year-olds
compared to 36% of the 15-year-olds and 26% of
the 13-year-olds were classified as least likely to use
protective behaviours. The older children were also
more likely to report intentionally visiting websites
with adult content (pornography) 21% of the
children aged 17, 18% of those aged 15 and 7% of
those aged 13 (Steeves and Webster, 2008).
Another source for concern is to whom this
information is available as some children have public
profiles that might be accessed by people unknown
to them. While there is no convincing evidence that
such contact with ‘strangers’ results in experiences
of harm, and some existing studies on internet use
acknowledge that these perceived ‘strangers’ are
likely to be just friends of friends (Byrne et al., 2016),
the fact that children share personal information
with people they might not know is automatically
seen as a privacy risk. The evidence usually explores
the type of information shared online and to whom
it is available. For example, a qualitative study of
Spanish and Columbian school students aged 12 to
15 found that children are quite generous with the
personal information they share online more so in
Spain than in Colombia and adding unknown
people as friends was not uncommon (Almansa et
al., 2013). This meant that unknown people had
access to their personal information about a third
of the students’ profiles contained personal
information, such as birthday, address and school, as
well as favourite activities, music, films, and about a
fifth relationship information. However, other
studies which looked at regret of posting did not find
that privacy settings or self-disclosure increased the
likelihood of regretting sharing the information (Xie
and Kang, 2015). Therefore, ‘stranger danger’ seems
to be more of a normative perception of what
privacy risks are rather than evidence-based
observation about increased harm.
In spite of the substantial focus on privacy online
risks, much less attention is paid to children’s
experiences of harm from the risks, making the
evidence on any negative consequences from
privacy breaches rather scarce. While studies on the
negative effects from privacy risks on young adults
exist (see for example Alkis et al., 2017 about the
effects of unintended disclosure of personal
information on anxiety), more research is needed to
explore any potential links between privacy risks and
harms and their effects on children. Some evidence
on how teenagers approach risk demonstrates that
they seem to perceive privacy risks ‘as a learning
process’ (Wisniewski, 2018: 87), taking measures
when risks have escalated to a potentially harmful
situation. Hence, the ability to handle these risks is
an important part of the learning and development
process, and foreclosing these risks would limit
children’s autonomy and ability to develop.
5.9. Privacy protection and children’s
Surveillance, globally, is becoming the norm in public
spaces, even when occupied by children. Mobile
phones have brought surveillance and monitoring
into the realm of personal relationships, normalising
the perception that all children should be
accountable and accessible at any time and place,
with parental surveillance gaining increased
prominence. No longer about discipline and control
alone, surveillance now contains facets of ‘care’ and
‘safety’, and is promoted as a reflection of
‘responsible and caring parents’ and is thus
normalised (Barron, 2014).
However, child surveillance raises a number of
problems first, in relation to the practice itself;
second, due to the underlying assumptions about
risk, safety and childhood; and finally, in relation to
breaches to children’s rights to autonomy and
independence. Efforts to create a ‘risk-free
environment’ are unrealistic and unachievable
(Barron, 2014). The existing research evidence
demonstrates that with greater presence in the
digital environment, children face greater risks but
also more opportunities (Livingstone and Helsper,
2010). While working to reduce online risks and
maximise opportunities is an excellent approach to
creating the optimal online environment for
children, it is important to remember that every
child will be exposed to risks at some point, and a
risk-free environment is unfeasible, both online and
offline. Risk aversion also restricts children’s play,
development and agency, and constrains their
exploration of physical, social and virtual worlds
(Barron, 2014). Surveillance can have negative
effects by limiting independence, reducing pro-
active risk management (Wisniewski, 2018) and
undermining children’s right to participation. It
might obstruct children’s development of important
skills, such as learning to be ‘street smart’, and it
could affect negatively the trust relationship
between the parent and the child.
Finally, the existing evidence demonstrates that
surveillance creates resistance in children and
deployment-evasive tactics to avoid or circumvent
monitoring or discovery of rule-breaking. The
strategies involve pretending the mobile was in a
silent mode, it ran out of credit, or had a flat battery,
giving false information, deleting texts or using
specific characteristics or codes in texts that are
likely to make them hard to read by adults (Barron,
2014). Children’s engagement in online spaces can
serve a social role allowing them to make sense of
the world and their relationship to society, to
explore their own identities and interests in
relation/resistance to the norm in ways that are
less significantly influenced or controlled by adults
compared to physical spaces (boyd and Marwick,
2011). The social space of networked publics takes
on greater significance and critical value it
functions as a communication channel, and also as
the space holding an ‘imagined community’ (boyd
and Marwick, 2011).
5.10. Supporting children
While the task of managing a healthy balance
between children’s independence and protection is
challenging, there is a substantial amount of
evidence demonstrating that the right support
makes an important difference to children’s privacy
online. The existing evidence focuses predominately
on the role of parents, while other sources of
support such as educators and child support workers
need more exploration. Friends are, alongside
parents, amongst the most important sources of
both information and support (Byrne et al., 2016;
Walker et al., 2016) but again, this is rarely
evaluated in relation to prvacy. Parental mediation
research focuses on the role of parents as
socialisation agents in adolescents’ media
consumption and the strategies that they employ to
control and supervise media use. In relation to
privacy, the studies explore the role of parents in
children’s privacy online concerns and information-
disclosing behaviour.
The notion that children are at risk online due to
their poor decisions related to privacy and
information disclosure is prevalent in the litarature.
While restrictive online practices reduce privacy
risks, they also reduce the online benefits and do
not teach children to effectively protect themselves
online (Wisniewski, 2018). For example, parental
supervision can reduce children’s willingness to
disclose personal information and can increase
children’s privacy protective strategies (Steeves and
Webster, 2008).
Still, it is not sufficient to fully protect children’s
online privacy as it only reduces privacy risk-taking
but does not eliminate it. Some of the behaviours
that can be seen as risky (sharing passwords,
pretending to be someone else online, posting
personal information) can be explained by children’s
perception of the online environment as a place for
socialising and the importance of sharing
information for maintaining friendships
predominantly with people they already know and
trust. In such cases parental supervision is not
effective because it is incompatible with children’s
social needs and expectations (Steeves and Webster,
2008). Even when effective in reducing privacy risk-
taking, parental supervision cannot remove risks
even children with the highest level of parental
supervision who are amongst the most active in
social interaction are less likely to display privacy-
protective behaviour than those with low levels of
engagement in social interaction (Steeves and
Webster, 2008). Furthermore, children’s
understanding of online privacy-protection practices
does not necessarily translate into reduced privacy
risk-taking (Steeves and Webster, 2008).
It can be argued that privacy-protection strategies,
such as adjusting privacy settings, should be seen as
a form of resilience behaviour (Rimini et al., 2016).
Resilience, understood as ‘an individual’s ability to
thrive in spite of significant adversity or negative risk
experiences’ (Wisniewski, 2018: 87), can be
increased by modifying emotions and behaviours,
for example, via self-monitoring, impulse control
(prioritising long-term consequences over short-
term desires) and risk coping (addressing an
encountered problem in a way that reduces harm,
which is influenced by children and parents’ risk
perception). In fact, privacy-protective behaviours
are linked to stronger self-efficacy and exposure to
information from verious sources (Moscardelli and
Divine, 2007; Chai et al., 2009). Experiential learning
allows risk-taking behaviours to act as learning
opportunities and contribute to the development of
risk-coping behaviours (risk acting as a learning
process) (Jia et al., 2015). When faced with privacy
risks, children tend to attempt to manage low-level
risks on their own and turn to external support for
higher-level risks, which ties in to their
developmental learning processes. Hence, exposure
to privacy risk and subsequent coping mechanisms
should be viewed as a part of children’s learning
processes and development as competent digital
users (Jia et al., 2015).
Earlier research on children’s internet use
demonstrated that there are different styles and
approaches of parenting mediation, which have, in
turn, different effects on children’s online behaviour
and competence. Restrictive mediation (control-
based) refers to parents’ limiting access to media or
rule-setting about appropriate media context or
exposure. Enabling mediation (autonomy-
supportive) refers to parents’ explaining or
discussing undesirable aspects of media
consumption and suggesting proper ways in which
to use and engage with it. The existing evidence
suggests that enabling mediation, by virtue of its
critical discussion and engaging in dialogue, is more
effective. Restrictive mediation can be effective in
reducing risks associated with childrens online use,
but can cause boomerang effects by limiting
children’s online opportunities. The research on
parenting and privacy online uses the same
parenting mediation model to explore the effects on
children’s privacy online.
In their study of the effects of parenting styles on
children’s privacy (including secondary analysis of
the 2012 Pew Research Center’s privacy
management survey of 588 USA-based teenagers
aged 12 to 17 and one of their parents), Wisniewski
et al. (2015) found that 81% of parents were worried
about their child’s privacy online. Parents who were
more concerned engaged more in privacy measures,
but the different strategies they used had different
effects on their children’s behaviour. The authors
identified two types of parental mediation
strategies: (i) direct parental mediation (reflecting
technical and restrictive mediation and including the
use of parental controls, setting the child’s privacy
settings); or (ii) active parental mediation
(instructive or monitoring behaviours including
talking about posting practices and reviewing or
commenting on existing posts). The study also
identified two types of children’s privacy behaviour
on social media: (i) privacy risk-taking, which
included sharing of basic information (such as
photos, name, date of birth and relationship status)
or more sensitive information (videos of themselves,
mobile number, email address) and taking part in
risky interactions (e.g., talking to online strangers,
regretting posting online content, automatic
location sharing); and (ii) privacy risk-coping
involving seeking advice or engaging in safety
behaviours such as posting fake information,
deleting content, blocking or deleting contacts, and
deactivating one’s account (Wisniewski et al., 2015).
The study found that children whose parents
engaged in a more direct intervention were less
likely to disclose basic information online and more
likely to seek advice but were also less likely to
engage in safety behaviours. Parental active
mediation was linked to higher likelihood of
disclosure of sensitive information and engagement
in safety behaviour, meaning that children made
more autonomous decisions and were encouraged
to learn from mistakes. Children whose parents
were more concerned about privacy also showed a
higher level of concern and were, in turn, more likely
to seek advice and engage in safety behaviours.
Children who engaged in one type of risky behaviour
(e.g., sharing basic data) were also more likely to
engage in others (sharing sensitive information).
Children associated only risky interventions with
higher privacy risk, which was, in turn, linked to
advice seeking and coping behaviours, while
sensitive information was associated only with
coping behaviours and basic information was not
linked to either perceptions of higher privacy risk or
coping behaviour.
Based on this, the authors suggests that children
have mainly retrospective behaviour when it comes
to privacy risks (Wisniewski et al., 2015). Controlling
parents had the most suppressive effect reducing
privacy risk, corrective behaviours but also
frequency of use of social networks and the network
complexity of their children. Active mediation was
found to be more empowering as children engaged
with social networks more, experienced some risk,
but also engaged in coping behaviours. This was
observed particularly strongly for the children of
highly engaged parents who had high engagement
and complex social networks, despite the restriction
from direct parental intervention. None of the
parent styles were effective in reducing contact with
strangers, possibly because the children did not
disclose this to their parents.
A number of other studies also demonstrate the
better outcomes of enabling parental mediation in
relation to privacy (Moscardelli and Divine, 2007). A
survey with 395 secondary school students from a
public school in the USA found that family
communication patterns affect children’s
perceptions of privacy-related parental mediation,
their privacy concerns and the formulation of
privacy protection measures (Youn, 2008). Rule-
making did not create higher privacy concern, but
co-using the internet with parents and discussions
about privacy resulted in higher privacy concern,
suggesting that children had developed a better
privacy risk awareness. The children who were more
concerned about privacy also supported
government regulation, school education and
wanted the right to be forgotten (name removal
request) (Youn, 2008). Similarly, in a survey with 746
children in Singapore aged 12-18, Shin and Kang
(2016) found that enabling mediation was more
effective in reducing privacy risks it was negatively
associated with intention to disclose personal
information and also with actual disclosure.
Adolescents who frequently talked to their parents
also had heightened privacy concerns, which may
indicate heightened awareness.
While this evidence puts enabling mediation at the
centre of effective improvement of children’s
privacy online, platform and app features often
prompt technical solutions. A study of 75
commercially available mobile apps on Android Play
found that an overwhelming majority of features
(89%) within these apps supported parental control
via monitoring or restriction rather than active
mediation. In addition, many of the apps were
‘extremely privacy invasive, providing parents
granular access to monitor and restrict teenagers’
intimate online interactions with others, including
browsing history, the apps installed on their phones
and the text messages teens sent and received’
(Wisniewski, 2018: 88). In the analysis of the reviews
of these apps, Wisniewski found that children
evaluate the apps much less positively than parents,
and experience them as restrictive and invasive. The
possible solutions can involve encouraging children
to self-regulate their behaviour, designing apps
based on children’s needs and safety features which
do not compromise privacy (e.g., by giving parents
access only to meta-level information and not the
granular details) (Wisniewski, 2018). Most
importantly, children’s privacy needs to be
facilitated by enabling parental mediation, and
channels of further support through education need
to be explored.
Privacy online training for parents, educators and
child support workers should also be considered as
the evidence suggests important gaps in adults
knowledge of privacy online risks and the best
protective mechanisms (Chaudron et al., 2018).
Parents and educators alike lack the understanding
of third party gathering and use of personal
information, and may fail to recognise the privacy
risks of online educational activities (Walker et al.,
2016). Parents also struggle to moniotor what
children do online, find it hard to understand the
privacy protocols, are sometimes unaware of the
minimum age requirements of apps, and struggle to
support children sufficiently in relation to privacy
(Walker et al., 2016; Ofcom, 2017b). They might also
fail to comprehand the full extent of commercial
risks for children’s privacy. For example, an
ethnographic study of children aged 7-18 and their
parents showed that parents understand children’s
privacy risks as external threats (from predators,
adult content and spyware) and risks from
inadvertent revealing of personal information by
children, but lack sufficient comprehension of
commercial risks (Rode, 2009).
Even when parents are aware of the privacy
implications of their children’s internet use, they
might be unable to monitor this sufficiently. For
example, a qualitative study with parentchild pairs
in the USA focusing on the exploration of parents
and children’s perceptions of the privacy of internet-
connected toys discovered that the parents were
sensitive to the issues surrounding the constant
child data recording and how this data would be
retained and used by the companies. Still, they
doubted that they would have the time to listen to
the recordings and check what data the company
has on their child (McReynolds et al., 2017). Quite
often parental mediation strategies include
monitoring of children’s actions with or without
technological aids, using blocking technology for
certain activities deemed risky or threatening,
encouraging self-restraint and discussing safe
behaviour (Rode, 2009). While these strategies are
important for children’s online safety, the gaps
related to commercial and institutional use of
children’s data are symptomatic. Hence, a really
comprehensive system supporting both children and
adults around all types of privacy and online data is
necessary for developing privacy-related media
6. Recommendations
Introducing a comprehensive approach to privacy
While a substantial amount of research is focused on
children’s interpersonal privacy, much less attention
is paid to institutional and commercial privacy, even
though the evidence demonstrates that children
struggle to fully comprehend and manage the
commercial use of their personal data. A more
comprehensive approach which tackles all
dimensions of privacy in developing awareness and
capabilities is needed to address these gaps.
A balance of protection and autonomy
A healthy balance between children’s independence
and protection can foster their development, agency
and exploration of the physical, social and virtual
worlds. Policy and educational measures to ensure
children’s privacy online and safety should also
facilitate their autonomy, pro-active risk
management and right to participation.
A child-focused approach
With growing concerns over children’s privacy online
and the commercial uses of their data, it is vital that
children’s understandings of the digital
environment, their digital skills and their capacity to
consent are taken into account in designing services,
regulation and policy. A child-focused approach can
give recognition to children’s voices and facilitate
and support their heterogeneous experiences,
competencies and capacities. It can also create
opportunities of peer-to-peer support and a more
inclusive and tolerant online environment.
Banning discrimination or less favourable
treatment based on personal data
Getting access to personal data can result in future
discrimination or less favourable treatment (e.g., in
relation to education, employment, credit or
insurance opportunities). Data provided during
childhood can ‘follow’ individuals through their adult
life due to the longevity of the traces left online.
Therefore, policy attention needs to be focused on
preventing less favourable treatment and
discrimination based on harvesting personal data
and using it in ways that go beyond its original
intention, especially if this data is collected from a
person under the age of 18. Rights by design is vital
so a child could check, contest, rectify, erase or edit
information about themselves.
Digital skills and privacy education at an early age
Children start facing privacy decisions and risks as
soon as they enter the digital environment, long
before their media literacy prepares them to make
decisions in their own best interests. Some studies
demonstrate the effectiveness of interactive
learning materials to introducing privacy-related
issues (such as protection of personal information,
online trust, location sharing, cyberbullying and
passwords, digital trail) to children as young as 7
(Zhang-Kennedy and Chiasson, 2016; Zhang-
Kennedy et al., 2017). Privacy proficiency tests show
significant improvement in children’s privacy
knowledge and privacy-conscious behaviour
retention after one week, highlighting the great
potential of digital and privacy skills education at an
early age (Zhang-Kennedy and Chiasson, 2016;
Zhang-Kennedy et al., 2017). In addition, media
literacy and privacy-related skills need to be enacted
by children, rather than taught as external rules, and
need to reflect the actual concerns and experiences
of children (Raynes-Goldie and Allen, 2014). Children
need to be able to make more autonomous
decisions about effectively protecting themselves
online, to gain experience in coping with unexpected
or undesired situations, and to learn from mistakes
(Youn, 2009; Feng and Xie, 2014; Wisniewski et al.,
2015; Wisniewski, 2018).
Focus on individual differences and psychological
Individual differences and psychological factors
should be at the centre of privacy policy and
evidence gathering, rather than technological
factors, as they are the most influential in explaining
children’s privacy awareness, experiences and
behaviours. A better understanding of what personal
and environmental influences contribute to
children’s effective management of their privacy
online can facilitate a more efficient approach to
privacy literacy. The current evidence suggests that
existing vulnerabilities and social marginalisation
(Marwick and boyd, 2018), child development
(Kumar et al., 2017) and values towards privacy and
trust (Steeves and Webster, 2008; Youn, 2009) are
important ways of accessing and explaining the
differences between children a starting point
towards designing better privacy protection and
media literacy education.
Supporting children by supporting adults
Adults are often left feeling ‘behind’ digital
developments and struggling to identify the best
ways to support children. A comprehensive system
supporting both children and adults around them
parents, educators and child support workers is a
prerequisite for developing effective media literacy.
Rather than focusing predominantly on parental
mediation, a wider approach which engages
children’s support networks in their full breadth can
allow children in different circumstances to receive
the support they need.
Improving the privacy affordances of the online
The available evidence also suggests that children
are not fully aware of the threats coming from
commercial entities that collect, record and
aggregate data on their platforms, and nor do they
fully understand how their data is used for economic
profit by targeting ads or customising content.
Further work is needed to increase the transparency
of data collection, improve privacy control
navigation, enable granular control over privacy
settings to match the elaborate data-harvesting
techniques and create better industry standards
around user empowerment. Ease of use, ubiquitous
functions and user-friendly features of the privacy
setting interface may reinforce children’s privacy
protection behaviours.
Children cannot be expected to be solely responsible
for handling the complex commercial environment.
This makes necessary the changes to the business
model which would not only make personal data use
more transparent, but would also enable children to
engage more actively and agentically with the online
platforms, raising their critical awareness (Selwyn
and Pangrazio, 2018). Some possible changes
o The principle of data minimisation by default
is crucial in ensuring that children’s data is
gathered only when it is service-critical and is
not shared with third parties, reducing the
fake ‘voluntary’ data sharing by children.
o Default settings can be improved by
switching data harvesting and profiling off by
default safeguard children’s personal data
more efficiently, protecting particularly
children who do not know how to change
their settings.
o Hidden paid-for activities including in-app
purchases are hard for children to identify and
can lead to unintended exposure to
commercial content, sometimes unsuitable
for the child’s age. Transparency and age
verification are needed to redress these
o Designing age-appropriate content needs to
be an ongoing process that takes into account
the wider digital ecology and children’s
changing knowledge, needs and competences
within the dynamic internet environment.
o Location of responsibility should lie within the
industry, rather than children, their parents
and educators. The focus should fall on the
overall design of online environment and its
ecology, rather than enforcement of
regulatory measures.
o A close working collaboration between
government, industry, educators and child
representatives for creating a sense of shared
ethical responsibility for delivering high-
quality services to children is needed.
Better evidence base
The evidence mapping identified substantial gaps in
existing knowledge in relation to all dimensions of
privacy online, but particularly with reference to
institutional and commercial uses of data. More
research is needed to improve our understating of
how children’s developmental needs affect privacy
risks and related media literacy; what skills are
needed to protect online privacy and how best to
teach these skills to children; what support
strategies are most efficient in helping children to
take advantage of the existing opportunities, avoid
harm and foster resilience and self-efficacy; and
what policies and regulations are best equipped to
mitigate privacy risks and foster a safe online
environment for children.
Appendix 1: Detailed methodology
We expected the body of literature focusing
directly on children’s interactions with online
commercial environments would be sparse,
and so adopted an inclusive approach to the
literature search, recognising that research
might be published across the psychological
and social sciences, including media studies,
legal studies and computer science.
We applied the following inclusion criteria in
searching for evidence:
Relating to children’s online privacy –
interpersonal, institutional or commercial.
On children’s privacy protection strategies,
media literacy and digital skills.
Exploring children’s perspectives and
experiences of privacy, online
environments and digital skills (expanded
to include adults if relevant to children’s
experiences or when children are
included, for instance, in research on
families or parents).
From any country but published in English.
Published since 2007 to ensure relevance
for current contexts and current
technological advances.
Preferably published in peer-reviewed
journals, although policy or advocacy-
related publications from non-
governmental organisations (NGOs),
government reports, industry sources and
other relevant grey literature that meet
quality requirements were included.
Deriving from high-quality,
methodologically robust research, both in
terms of the systematic evidence mapping
and in terms of the sources analysed.
A systematic evidence review approach, seen
as ‘the classical’ evidence review (Gough et al.,
2012), was considered. However, in seeking to
include a wide range of literature to capture
the complexity of online privacy in relation to
commercial use and its implications for
children, the team applied a systematic
mapping of evidence (Grant and Booth, 2009;
Gough et al., 2012; EPPI-Centre, 2018).
Thus, the search strategy included a broad
range of sources such as end-of-year reports,
policy recommendations, conference papers,
advocacy tools, methodological guides and
case studies. To capture the depth of
complexity and insights available in the
disciplines, the team requested input from a
range of experts on recommended literature
and research sources, which added to the
comprehensiveness of the results (see the
Acknowledgements). This allowed us to
describe the nature of the research field and
facilitated the interpretation of the findings,
informing our final synthesis.
Search terms and outcomes
In consultation with the LSE academic support
librarian Heather Dawson, the team selected
19 databases based on their suitability to the
review’s scope and aims. These cover the
social sciences, legal studies, computer science
studies, government publications, legal
documents and grey literature.
We categorised the search terms into three
groups: (i) child terms, (ii) technology terms
and (iii) privacy terms. Search testing was
conducted to ensure validity, optimal coverage
and efficiency. The terms were discussed,
conceptually mapped and reviewed by the
team for reliability, before fine-tuning them to
produce the final search combination:
Group 1, child terms: child* OR youth OR
teen* OR adolescen* OR minor OR kid OR
girl OR boy OR student OR pupil
Group 2, technology terms: digital* OR
mobile* OR internet OR online
Group 3, privacy terms: priva*
The search included title AND abstract AND
keywords (where keyword search was
available). For some databases, search options
restricted us to abstracts, metadata, keywords
or title only. In the initial search testing, Group
2 included the term ‘data’ but this returned a
large number of extraneous results. In Group 3
we attempted including ‘data’ and ‘secur*’ but
this produced a large number of irrelevant
sources and were therefore removed. The
search produced 9,119 sources (see Table 3).
The expert recommendations and grey
literature additions bring the total to 9,398
sources in all.
Table 3: Databases, search protocol and results
Search words
Search areas
Number of
Web of Science Core
Groups 1, 2, 3
Groups 1, 2, 3
Title and abstract
International Bibliography of
the Social Sciences (IBSS)
Groups 1, 2, 3
Title and abstract
Communication & Mass
Media (via EBSCO)
Groups 1, 2, 3
Title and abstract
Groups 1, 2, 3
Title and abstract
Child Development &
Adolescent Studies (via
Groups 1, 2, 3
Title and abstract
British Education Index (via
Groups 1, 2, 3
Title and abstract
Groups 1, 2, 3
Title and abstract
IEEE/IET electronic library
Groups 1 and 3
ACM Digital Library
Child* and Priva*
CORE’s Open Access
Child* and Priva*
Title and abstract
PAIS International
Groups 1, 2, 3
Anywhere but full
Criminal Justice Abstracts (via
Groups 1, 2, 3
Title and abstract
Groups 1, 2, 3
Title (no abstract
Index to Foreign Legal
Periodicals (IFLP) via
Groups 1, 2, 3
Westlaw UK
Search within
results of Group 1
adding Group 3
Lexis Library
Search within
results of Group 1
adding Group 3
SSRN Papers
Search within
results of Group 1
adding Group 3
Title, abstract, key
Search within
results of Group 1
adding Group 3
TOTAL search results
TOTAL search results without duplicates
Final sample after screening
Databases searched
Web of Science Core Collection
Provides access to articles covering all aspects of the sciences, social
sciences and humanities
Covers a wide range of science and social science subject areas
including gender studies, women’s studies and LGBT issues
International Bibliography of the
Social Sciences (IBSS)
Includes over 3 million bibliographic references dating back to 1951
Communication & Mass Media (via
Full text and cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for journals on
communication, mass media, linguistics, rhetoric, language, logic and
closely related fields
The Education Resources Information Centre (ERIC) is an authoritative
database of indexed and full-text education literature and resources.
Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences of the US
Department of Education
Child Development & Adolescent
Studies (via EBSCO)
This bibliographic database is a key source for the current and
historical literature related to the growth and development of
children up to age 21
British Education Index (via EBSCO)
Provides information on research, policy and practice in education
and training in the UK and some international literature. Covers all
aspects of education from preschool to higher education; sources
include education and training journals
This bibliographic database provides high-quality indexing and
abstracts for journals covering the broad spectrum of sociological
IEEE/IET electronic library
Contains almost one-third of the world’s current literature in
electrical engineering, communications and computer science
ACM Digital Library
The world’s most comprehensive database of full-text articles and
bibliographic literature covering computing and information
Core Open Access Search
Aggregates all open access research outputs from repositories and
journals worldwide
PAIS International
Produced by the Public Affairs Information Service, this indexes the
content (often with abstracts) of over 1,000 journals, as well as some
books, theses and government documents, on the subjects of public
affairs, international relations, social policy and other social science
subjects. Coverage is from 1972 onwards
Criminal Justice Abstracts (via EBSCO)
This bibliographic database provides records selected from the most
notable sources in the criminal justice field. It covers journals from
around the world, reflecting the increasing globalisation of
criminology studies
Premier online database containing more than 155 million pages and
200,000 titles of legal history and government documents in a fully
searchable, image-based format, provides comprehensive coverage
from inception of over 2,500 law-related periodicals and contains
entire databases dedicated to treaties, constitutions, case law, world
trials, classic treatises, international trade, foreign relations and more
Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals
(IFLP) via HeinOnline
Preeminent multilingual index to articles and book reviews in over
500 legal journals published worldwide. It provides in-depth coverage
of public and private international law, comparative and foreign law
and the law of all jurisdictions
Westlaw UK
Easily searchable source of case law, legislation, news, legal journals,
commentary, current awareness alerts and EU legal materials
Lexis Library
A legal database which provides access to selected full text case law,
legislation and journal articles from the UK, EU, US and other selected
jurisdictions worldwide
SSRN Papers
Research repository that spans across multiple disciplines
British and Irish Legal Information Institute covers British and Irish
case law and legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission
reports and other law-related British and Irish material
Expert Literature
We included 279 sources recommended by experts in the field in the
systematic review, retaining 26 in the final scoping
Figure 3: The screening process
The collection of 9,398 sources (‘search
results’) was cleaned by removing duplicates,
which reduced the search results to 6,309
sources (see Figure 3). These were screened
for relevance through two stages:
1. The results were screened on the basis
of titles, abstracts and executive
summaries and the results which did
not meet the inclusion criteria were
2. The full texts were screened, applying
the same criteria for relevance and a
new requirement for methodological
rigour. Results where the full text was
not available were also removed.
This produced a final set of 105 sources to be
read and coded. Summaries of the 105 sources
are available in the Report supplement.
Most exclusions were due to:
‘Priva*’ capturing the ‘private sector’,
thus discussing technological
developments but not focusing on
privacy-related issues, for example:
software development (e.g., apps for
children); ICT education and digital
skills generally, without a specific
focus on privacy; not relevant to the
digital environment (some databases
which did not allow the cross-over of
all three search groups).
Search terms relating to digital* OR
mobile* OR internet OR online that
focused on technical aspects such as
engineering or IT skills,
‘Child’ present but study relates to
adults not children (e.g., child custody;
childbirth; adult children).
Studies using adult ‘student’ samples
and not children. In cases where the
literature on children (aged under 18)
was particularly scarce, some of the
See http://www.lse.ac.uk/media-and-
studies on young adults were left in
the sample to help us identify
potential areas of research interest.
Studies not substantially related to
privacy (e.g., focused on online
purchase choices).
Robustness of the research
methodology: unconvincing
description of the methodology or
terminology/key research terms.
The search also produced databases of
conference proceeding (rather than
individual papers) which were
removed due to low relevance of the
individual sources.
Similar outputs by the same author
(e.g., conference paper and a journal
article) the most recent or reliable
source was retained.
The final results were coded via a coding
template developed for the purpose of the
systematic evidence mapping and constructed
to that it meets the review requirements. The
coding involved recording key information
about: the approach to and definitions of
privacy; key findings related to children’s
experiences of online privacy; and research
methodology and context (type of study,
methods and type of data, age groups,
research questions and geographic scope,
study value and reliability, limitations).
Summaries of the codes studies can be found
in the Report supplement.
Appendix 2: List of coded sources
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Appendix 3: Glossary
Affordances are understood as the fundamental properties of an object that define its potential uses
in an environment. The perceived uses are influenced by an individual’s skills and capabilities (Gibson,
1966). In relation to the digital environment we can divide affordances into (i) design features of the
internet (data permanence, remixability, identification via IP address, URL tracking, use of cookies or
tags etc.); (ii) network effects of the internet (scalability, spread, difficulty of erasure, multiplicity of
versions); and (iii) organisational (institutional and commercial) practices (nature of terms and
conditions, minimum age, design of privacy settings, data collection and processing policy, process of
redress, security features and vulnerabilities, interrelations and interdependencies among
organisations, etc.). boyd and Marwick (2011) apply this notion to networked technologies, describing
four different technical affordances:
(i) Persistence: online content is automatically recorded and archived
(ii) Replicability: online content is duplicated easily
(iii) Scalability: there is great potential visibility of digital content
(iv) Searchability: digital content is accessible through search engines.
Following the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), we define a child as a
person under the age of 18. We recognise that ‘teenagers’ (or ‘young people’ or ‘youth’) may bear
adult responsibilities and may not consider themselves children, and that cultures and contexts
matter in determining the significance of ‘child’ and ‘childhood’. The primary focus of our research
project is on secondary school children aged 11-16.
Media literacy
Media literacy is widely defined as the ability to access, analyse, evaluate and create messages across
a variety of contexts (Aufderheide, 1993). Buckingham (2015) suggests four areas of knowledge in
media literacy online:
(i) Representation: assessing and evaluating material encountered, including its biases,
reliability and positionality
(ii) Language: includes understanding codes and conventions underpinning particular forms
of communication, and an awareness of how media are constructed
(iii) Production: awareness of who is communicating and why
(iv) Audience: understanding how, why and to whom media are targeted and towards what
interests, and the interactivity afforded by online spaces.
In relation to the internet, if media literacy is to be promoted fairly and effectively, critical attention is
needed to ‘(i) the symbolic and material representation of knowledge, culture and values; (ii) the
diffusion of interpretative skills and abilities across a (stratified) population; and (iii) the institutional,
especially, the state management of the power that access to and skilled use of knowledge brings to
those who are “literate”’ (Livingstone, 2004: 3). Media literacy is dependent on media affordances in
that an individual’s ability to access, analyse, evaluate and create messages depends on the
communicative affordances of the specific context, including that of the digital environment.
Institutional provision to promote and support media literacy may include awareness-raising
initiatives and media education provided through schools.
We use the term ‘parent’ synonymously with ‘carer’ or ‘guardian’ to refer to the adults most closely
involved in or responsible for a child’s welfare and upbringing, recognising that this may include
biological parents living separately from the child or step-parents or foster parents living with the
child. We make no assumptions as to the number of parents or their sexuality, and we recognise that
other family members (e.g., grandparents or aunts and uncles) may care for a child (including
undertaking ‘parental mediation’ of their internet use). We also recognise that some children receive
little or no parenting, irrespective if they possess biological parents (Byrne et al., 2016).
Privacy is a fundamental human right, recognised in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the
International Convention on Civil and Political Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights, the
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and codified in many national laws and constitutions. It
underpins many other rights, is essential for freedom and democracy and remains intrinsic to human
dignity (Solove, 2008). Westin (1967) explains privacy as the right of individuals, groups or institutions
to determine if, when and to what extent information about them is shared with others. Nissenbaum
(2004) builds on this understanding by suggesting that privacy is provided by appropriate flows of
information, which conform to contextual norms and codes. Privacy is relational (Solove, 2015;
Hargreaves, 2017) and is distinguished by the type of relationship an individual has with (i) other
individuals or groups, (ii) a public or third sector (not-for-profit) organisation, or (iii) a commercial
organisation. Thus we distinguish three main types of privacy for the purposes of this report:
- Interpersonal privacy
Interpersonal privacy arises from the relationship between one individual (or group) and another
individual (or group or community). This relationship is generally founded on processes of
communication or information sharing, and may reflect mutual interests or the interests of one
party more than the others. The relationship may be equal or unequal in terms of power and
control over use of personal data.
- Institutional privacy
Institutional privacy arises from the relationship between an individual (or group or organisation)
and a public or third sector (not-for-profit) organisation. Generally, the collection and use of
individuals’ personal data is undertaken for reasons of the public interest. Nonetheless, there is
also a generally unequal power relationship between individuals and institutions, impeding
individuals’ ability to control the provision and use of their personal data.
- Commercial privacy
Commercial privacy arises from the relationship between an individual (or group or organisation)
and a commercial organisation. Often at stake here is the nature of the commercial business
model by which individuals are provided with online resources by a commercial organisation
which generates revenue from the collection and use of those individuals’ data, especially given
the generally unequal power relationship between individuals and companies, impeding
individuals’ ability to control the provision and use of their personal data.
Personal data
Personal data is information that can identify or help identify individuals directly, or indirectly in
combination with other information; it includes pseudonymised data. Based on van der Hof (2016),
we identified three types of data: data given, data traces and interred data. ‘Data given’ relates to the
data contributed by individuals (about themselves or about others), usually knowingly though not
necessarily intentionally, during their participation online. ‘Data traces’ is the data left, mostly
unknowingly by participation online and captured via data-tracking technologies such as cookies,
web beacons or device/browser fingerprinting, location data and other metadata. ‘Inferred data’ is
the data derived from analysing data given and data traces, often by algorithms (also referred to as
‘profiling’), possibly combined with other data sources. Each of these types of data may or may not be
‘personal data’, that is, ‘information that relates to an identified or identifiable individual’, as defined
by the ICO and GDPR.
The right to privacy is included in Article 16 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989),
Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (1953) and Article 12 of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (1948). In this report we regard the right to privacy as both a
fundamental human right and a means of enabling other rights, for which we refer to the full range of
rights included in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, including to its conception of the child
as an independent rights-holder. Secondarily, we take note of the emergence of so-called digital
rights’, regarding these as some of the legal and institutional means by which privacy may be
protected or fulfilled in practice.
Systematic evidence mapping
This refers to a review process that systematically identifies and describes the research that exists
within the boundaries of the review question (EPPI-Centre, 2018). Systematic evidence mapping (i)
describes the nature of the research field, (ii) informs the conduct of a synthesis, and (ii) aids in
interpretation of the findings (Grant and Booth, 2009; Gough et al., 2012; EPPI-Centre, 2018).
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