North Carolina Real Estate Commission
Volume 42 May 2011 Number
NC Real Estate Broker
123 Any Street
Any Town, NC 27282
t’s time to renew your real estate license. e Commissions Web site,
real estate brokers permissible role, begins accepting online renewals - the fastest, most con-
in a short sale transaction and the
venient way to renew - on Sunday, May 15.
newly revised addenda to the standard res- e annual fee remains at $40, one
North Carolina Real Estate Commission
P. O. Box 17100
idential Oer to Purchase and Contract of the lowest in the nation. You may
Raleigh, NC 27619
form will be major topics of the 2011- charge your renewal with MasterCard,
2012 Real Estate Update Course. Visa or Discover.
ceptable for a real estate broker to provide
a broker price opinion and not risk violat-
ing North Carolina appraiser license laws,
pertinent issues in residential property
management, changes in the North Caro-
state and enter your license number and
PIN (personal identication number).
Your PIN - unless you have changed
it - will be the last four digits of your
Social Security number, which you have
already provided the Commission.
A conrmation will display upon ac-
ceptance of your renewal and you may
print and retain it for your records.
While on the Web site, update your
email, fax and residence addresses, if
needed, and check your continuing
education and postlicensing credit in-
lina Real Estate License Law that impact
licensees, resources relating to green build-
ing, and the requirements to maintain a
current, active license.
Given the increasing frequency of
short sale transactions, brokers should
develop a rm understanding of the
(See Update, page 5)
formation to be certain they are correct.
(Allow 15 days after completing CE for
credits to be posted; the CE credits dis-
played on the label of this Real Estate
Bulletin are those posted as of April 29.)
If you choose to wait, remember,
your renewal must be received by us on
(See Renew, page 3)
Other topics will address when it is ac- On the Web site, go to Renew/Rein-
By Curtis Aldendifer, Associate Legal Counsel
ach year, the Real Estate Commis-
sion receives as many as 1,000 –
1,200 complaints against brokers from
consumers, and in some cases, other
brokers. Most are resolved without dis-
ciplinary action. Some go to hearing be-
fore the Commission, which may result
in sanctions ranging from a reprimand to
a license suspension or revocation.
Material facts fall into three gen-
eral categories: facts about the property
(leaky roof, cracked foundation, termite
infestation, water intrusion, the pres-
ence of mold, etc.); facts relating to the
property, such as zoning changes or the
Disclosure of Material Facts
e top ten complaints follow with
suggestions as to how to avoid mistakes
that may lead to disciplinar
y action.
construction of a major roadway nearby;
and facts that relate to a principal’s ability
to perform under the contract, such as
a pending bank foreclosure or short sale
Typical complaints of misrepresen-
tation involve advertising a property
for rent or sale with a greater number
of bedrooms than is permitted by the
propertys septic permit, or advertising
Elmer C. Jenkins
e Commission regrets the passing
of Elmer C. Jenkins of Blowing Rock.
He served on the Commission from
1987 to 1991 and was a former Vice
Chairman and Chairman.
a larger living area for the property than
was constructed pursuant to permit.
Complaints sometimes involve hidden
defects (cracked foundation or water in-
trusion resulting in mold) that were re-
vealed by an inspection performed by a
previous buyer.
To avoid complaints of misrepresen-
tation or non-disclosure of material facts,
you need to do your homework. Dont
rely on information obtained from others
– verify it through reliable sources. Also,
check the accuracy of advertisements in
print, on the MLS, or at a Web site.
A brokers duty to disclose material
facts extends to his or her client, and to all
parties involved in the transaction (includ-
ing the lender in a short sale situation).
(See Complaints, page 6)
Published as a service to real estate licensees to promote
a better understanding of the Real Estate License Law and
Commission rules, and prociency in real estate practice.
The articles published herein shall not be reprinted or repro-
duced in any other publication without specic reference
being made to their original publication in the Commission’s
Real Estate Bulletin.
1313 Navaho Drive
P. O. Box 17100
Raleigh, North Carolina 27619-7100
Phone (919) 875-3700
Beverly E. Perdue, Governor
Marsha H. Jordan, Chairman Lincolnton
Benjamin Cone, III, Vice Chairman Charlotte
Melvin L. Alston Greensboro
Everett “Vic” Knight Raleigh
Jeffery J. Malarney Manteo
Jerry A. Mannen, Jr. Wilmington
Alice L. Mosteller Lake Junaluska
S. R. Rudd, Jr. Oak Island
M. Rick Watts Fayetteville
Miriam J. Baer
Executive Director
Mary Frances Whitley Director
Paula L. Ricard Financial Ofcer
Vickie R. Crouse Network Administrator
Wendy C. Harper Administrative Ofcer
Robert L. Forshaw Publications Ofcer
Brenda H. Badger Information Services Ofcer
Emmet R. Wood Director
Jennifer K. Boger Sr. Auditor/Investigator
William F. Dowd Sr. Auditor/Investigator
Bart H. Allen Sr. Auditor/Investigator
M. Spier Holloman Sr. Auditor/Investigator
Andrew Baker Auditor/Investigator
Pamela M. Vesper Auditor/Investigator
Larry A. Outlaw Director
Anita R. Burt Education/Examination Ofcer
Pamela R. Rorie Continuing Education Ofcer
Patricia A. Moylan Legal Education Ofcer
Lisa R. McQuillen Education/Licensing Ofcer
Matthew A. Wentz License Application Analyst
Thomas R. Miller
Legal Counsel, Director; Special
Deputy Attorney General
Janet B. Thoren Assistant Director, Legal
Charlene D. Moody Chief Deputy Legal Counsel
Curtis E. Aldendifer Associate Legal Counsel
Michael B. Gray Chief Financial Fraud
D. Scott Schiller Financial Fraud Investigator
Stephen L. Fussell Sr. Consumer Protection Ofcer
Joan H. Floyd Sr. Consumer Protection Ofcer
Jean A. Wolinski-Hobbs Consumer Protection Ofcer
Peter B. Myers Information Ofcer
Elizabeth W. Penney Information Ofcer
Glenn M. Wylie Information Ofcer
Miriam J. Baer
Robert L. Forshaw
Janet B. oren, Assistant Director,
Legal Counsel, Legal Services, has been
reappointed Special Assistant United
States Attorney for the Western District
of North Carolina.
To request a speaker from the
Commission, please submit the
“Request for Program Presenter”
form available on the Commission’s
Web site,
Miriam J. Baer, Executive Director,
spoke to the Durham Regional Associa-
tion of Realtors® on changes to the Of-
fer to Purchase and Contract form and
legislative and compliance issues.
165 Years of Experience
Commission sta members with a total of 165 years of experience were honored
recently with awards for service. Shown (l. to r.) with Commission Vice Chairman B.
C. Cone, III, (left, front), are Charlene D. Moody, Chief Deputy Legal Counsel, ve
years; Pamela R. Rorie, Continuing Education Ocer, 15 years; Jean A. Wolinski-
Hobbs, Consumer Protection Ocer, ve years; Paula L. Ricard, Financial Ocer,
20 years; Daniel K. Creech, Information Specialist, ve years; Robert L. Forshaw,
Publications Ocer, 10 years; (l. to. r., back) Elizabeth W. Penney, Information Of-
cer, ve years; Susan M. Tysor, Executive Assistant, 15 years; Frances N. Johnson,
Senior Administrative Specialist, 25 years; Sammye G. Isenhour, Legal Assistant, 20
years; and Susanne H. Viens, Administrative Specialist, 15 years.
Real Estate Bulletin May 2011
(Continued from page 1)
or before ursday, June 30 (EDT).
Miss that deadline and your license will
expire eective July 1 and you must pay
a $55 fee to reinstate it before Decem-
ber 31. After that date, a new applica-
tion, background report, and fee are
required. You may also be required to
complete additional education or pass
June 8
All meetings, unless otherwise noted, begin at 9
July 1
a.m. and are held in Raleigh in the Commissions
Conference Room at 1313 Navaho Drive
(27609). Occasionally, circumstances necessitate
August 10
changes in meeting times and locations.
September 7
the license examination at the time of
the annual BICAR requirement.
Once your license is “inactive”, you
e annual continuing education re-
cannot engage in brokerage activity until
quirement is eight hours, four of which
you take all required CE and submit the
are the mandatory, annual Update Course.
necessary paperwork.
e deadline for completing CE is June
So, be sure to take your CE and re-
10, after which no classes are available
new your license on time!
until after June 30. Incomplete CE af-
fects the status of your license - changing
it from “active” to “inactive” on July 1.
Brokers-in-charge are reminded of
This schedule provides locations, dates, and times for the courses indicated through December, 2011.
Register online at the Commission’s Web site,
Broker-in-Charge Course
Two-days. Day one, 1-5 p.m.; Day two, 8:30-5:30 p.m.
Asheville August 10, 11
November 29, 30
Holiday Inn East/Blue Ridge Parkway
Banner Elk October 18, 19 Best Western Mountain Lodge
Charlotte July 19, 20
August 15, 16
October 4, 5
November 21, 22
Hilton Garden Inn, Concord
Greensboro September 12, 13
December 12, 13
Clarion Hotel
Kill Devil Hills September 19, 20 Ramada Plaza Resort
Raleigh July 11, 12
August 22, 23
October 6, 7
November 8, 9
December 5, 6
McKimmon Conference Center
Wilmington July 25, 26
October 24-25
Coastline Convention Center
Basic Trust Account Procedures Course
Charlotte August 16, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Hilton Garden Inn, Concord
Raleigh September 6, 1 - 5 p.m.
December 8, 1 - 5 p.m.
McKimmon Conference Center
Check Commission Web site to conrm dates, times.
Real Estate Bulletin May 2011
ith the decline
in the economy
over the last several years,
the “short sale” trans-
action has increased in
nancial circumstances
to conrm that his or
her resources are truly
insucient to cover
the loan amount. Ad-
Basic Short Sale Issues
By Charlene D. Moody, Deputy Legal Counsel
popularity. Licensees are listing a larger
number of “short sale” properties and
buyer-clients are seeking supposed bar-
Brokers and buyers must remember
that a seller is always free to sell their
property for less than the remaining
amount due on the seller’s mortgage
loan as long as the seller is able to come
to closing with the dierence in order to
extinguish the mortgage lien. In general,
that is known as a “short sale”, but it
does not require approval or participa-
tion by the sellers lender. For purposes
of this article, a “short sale” transaction
occurs when the seller’s lender agrees
to extinguish the lien for less than the
amount due, allowing the seller to sell
the property free and clear of the mort-
gage lien but without paying o the full
balance due on the loan. ere are sev-
eral issues of which licensees should be
aware in order to avoid short sale pitfalls.
CY”). Sellers in short sales must be made
aware that they may be on the hook for
any deciency and just because a bank
will allow the sale of the home does not
mean that they will be left without ow-
ing the debt. A lender may accept the
short sale amount and release the lien
but refuse to consider it a full and nal
settlement of the debt. Brokers working
with sellers should make certain the sell-
er determines whether or not the lender
will hold them liable for the deciency
before the short sale is completed. Con-
versely, if the lender agrees to forgive the
remaining debt, the seller may face tax
consequences because this debt forgive-
ness may be treated as income for tax
purposes. Finally, a short sale transac-
tion may aect the seller’s credit score
and ability to purchase another home
for a period of time. Licensees should
encourage sellers to discuss these issues
in detail with their attorney and tax ad-
visor before deciding to do a short sale.
An attorney may be able to assist an
owner in pursuing options other than
a short sale (such as a loan workout,
renance, deed-in-lieu of foreclosure,
bankruptcy, or loan modication).
e North Carolina Association of RE-
ALTORS® has created a short sale ad-
dendum for both the standard form
listing agreement and oer to purchase
and contract. When these forms are
used, lender approval is simply an ad-
ditional contingency to the contract. At
the point that both the buyer and seller
have signed the contract and the sellers
acceptance has been communicated to
the buyer, the parties are in a binding
contract subject to the contingency of
the lender’s approval of the short sale.
Brokers representing sellers in a short
sale situation where the standard form
is NOT being used should advise their
seller clients to have an attorney review
the contract before they sign and be sure
the seller can be released if the lender
does not approve the short sale.
COMPLICATED. Each lender may have
dierent document and eligibility cri-
teria to determine whether a short sale
transaction will be allowed. Generally, a
lender will require proof that the bor-
rower is incapable of paying o the
loan and that the lender will fare bet-
ter through a short sale than through
the foreclosure process. Sometimes,
being upside down on the loan (ow-
ing more on the loan than current fair
market value) is enough, but the lender
may still choose to evaluate the sellers
ditionally, all debt and costs must be
ascertained in order to determine the
feasibility of a short sale. ese debts
include the amount of the delinquent
loan, any home equity or other loans
recorded against the property, past due
HOA fees, and unpaid property taxes.
e costs of the sale include any agreed
closing costs (if allowed by the lender),
escrow fees, and brokerage commis-
sions. If a seller has more than one lien
against the property, a short sale may re-
quire the approval of other lenders.
brokers must remember that it is a ma-
terial fact that a seller cannot complete
a transaction without doing a short sale
and this must be disclosed to a buyer
prior to contract even if the informa-
tion may harm the seller’s bargaining
position. Similarly, if the listing broker
learns a short sale is required after the
contract is signed, or if the property
goes into foreclosure while under con-
tract, the listing broker has a duty to in-
form the buyer. Brokers should also re-
mind sellers and buyers that short sales
are uncertain. A lender is not obligated
to approve a short sale transaction and
may choose not to involve the seller or
his listing broker in the decision-mak-
ing process.
ING SHORT SALES. ese may include the
buyer retaining a third party to negoti-
ate a short sale, requesting that the seller
execute a power of attorney for another
party or not contact the lender them-
selves, large upfront fees, and guaran-
(See Short Sale Issues, page 5)
Real Estate Bulletin May 2011
Short Sale Issues
(Continued from page 5)
tees to stop foreclosure. “Flopping” is
a newly coined word for certain scams
involving short sales. “Flopping” occurs
when a seller or buyer (and/or his bro-
ker) convinces a lender to accept a short
sale transaction while concealing from
the lender the fact that another oer at
a higher price is already lined up. e
buyer then quickly resells the property
for a prot. New regulations have been
created to prevent opping, including
90 day bans on resales.
brokers should be careful to accurately
represent the commission they will pay
to cooperating brokers and disclose that
the amount of compensation may be
adjusted based on the lender’s require-
ments for approval of the short sale.
OF A SHORT SALE. A buyer broker should
remember that just because the asking
price of the property is below the payo
amount of the loan, there is no guaran-
tee that the property is worth even the
asking price. Brokers should take spe-
cial care in assessing value in declining
markets. In addition, a lender may not
consider a short sale until a contract has
been signed by buyer and seller. Once
the parties submit a contract, the lender
may take a long time to make a deci-
sion and may reserve the right to change
the terms at the last minute. Moreover,
a seller in a short sale transaction may
not be nancially able to make any re-
pairs so the transaction is likely to be
as-is”. e listing broker is allowed to
continue marketing the property and
may receive other oers which must be
communicated to the seller and the sell-
er’s lender. Remember that the lender
has a nancial interest in the property
and is being asked to take less than the
amount owed. e lender therefore has
the right to full disclosure of all oers. If
another oer is more attractive in price
or terms, the lender may not approve
the rst contract and require the seller
to accept the later oer. Buyers must be
patient, willing to wait, and understand
that they could lose the property at any
time before closing.
In summary, short sales involve sig-
nicant risk to both sellers and buyers.
Sellers may face many nancial issues
before, during and after the closing.
e buyer must understand that not all
short sale are bargains, short sales are
generally not short transactions, and
just because the parties have signed a
contract does not mean that the buyer
will get the house. Brokers should be
well versed on these types of transac-
tions before engaging in a short sale and
should fully disclose all potential issues
to their clients.
(Continued from page 1)
limitations on services they may provide
to sellers and buyers to avoid the unau-
thorized practice of law. Issues relating to
short sales are discussed in this issue of the
Bulletin on page 4. A general discussion
of the topic appeared in the May 2009
issue of the Bulletin and may be quickly
accessed from the Commission Web site
search page by typing in “short sales” in
the Google search eld.
While the current years Update Course
addresses the January 2011 Standard
Form 2-T, Oer to Purchase and Con-
tract, the 2011-2012 Update Course will
discuss key addenda including the Back-
Up Contract, and the Contingent Sale,
Short Sale, and possibly Additional Pro-
visions addenda, as well as the Due Dili-
gence Request and Agreement.
Discussion of residential property
management issues will cover summary
ejectment actions and issues relating to
it and other recent changes in landlord-
tenant law.
e 2011-2012 Update Course will be
available as of July 1, to allow any inactive
licensee wants to reactivate their license to
rst complete necessary education.
Brokers who practice primarily in the
commercial arena are reminded that there
is a commercial version of the mandatory
Update Course usually available by Sep-
tember of each license year. All brokers,
without exception, must have either the
Real Estate Update Course or the “Real
Estate Update-Commercial” Course as
one of their two required continuing
education courses every year in order to
have a license on active status the fol-
lowing July 1.
e Commission has asked sponsors
not to schedule the 2011-2012 BICAR
Course prior to August 2011 as no bro-
ker will need the class immediately. Any
broker, who loses BIC status or eligibility
as of July 1, should:
1) Do whatever is necessary to go
back to active status on Commission re-
cords; 2) Re-declare as a BIC by send-
ing Form 2.04; 3) Wait to receive a letter
from the Commission telling the broker
what special BIC education is needed
within 120 days of re-declaring as a BIC.
Do not take any special BIC education
until after you have ocially re-declared as
BIC by sending Form 2.04 to the Commis-
Real Estate Bulletin May 2011
(Continued from page 1)
Mismanagement of Trust
e broker-in-charge is responsible
for the proper handling of funds belong-
ing to others, including the management
of the trust account and trust account
records. Although the broker-in-charge
may delegate trust accounting duties, he
or she remains ultimately responsible.
A broker-in-charge is responsible for
maintaining a monthly trust account
journal with a running balance, property
ledgers for each sale transaction or lease,
account reconciliations with bank state-
ments and journal on a monthly basis,
and a copy of the reconciliation work-
sheet with the trust account records. In
many instances, where trust account vio-
lations have occurred, the investigation
reveals that the broker-in-charge was not
properly supervising those charged with
bookkeeping duties, and was not regu-
larly (preferably monthly) reviewing the
trust account records.
A. Earnest Money Deposits -
Commission rules require that, in the
event of a dispute between a buyer and
seller or landlord and tenant regarding
the return or forfeiture of any deposit
held by a broker, other than a tenant se-
curity deposit, the broker must hold the
deposit in a trust account until a writ-
ten release from the parties authorizes its
disposition or until a court orders dis-
bursement. e rule applies even where
it appears clear to the broker that one
party has no valid claim to the deposit.
In lieu of retaining the disputed funds,
a broker may deposit the funds with the
Clerk of the Court at least 90 days after
notifying the parties claiming ownership
of the funds. ereafter, it will be up to
the parties to le a special proceeding
with the Clerk of the Court to determine
ownership of the funds. is procedure
is described in the Oer to Purchase
Disputed Deposits
Records must be retained for three
years after all funds held in trust have
been disbursed to the proper parties or
until the conclusion of the transaction,
whichever occurs later.
and Contract (Standard Form 2-T, rev.
1/2011) and enables brokers to educate
their clients regarding handling of dis-
puted deposits, and be less likely to face a
complaint about the funds’ return.
B. Tenant Security Deposits - Dis-
putes concerning the disposition of a
tenant security deposit are governed
by the Tenant Security Deposit Act
(“TSDA”), G.S. § 42-50 et.seq. When a
dispute arises between a tenant and land-
lord, a property manager should follow
the lawful directions of his or her client
(the landlord) and disburse the security
deposit accordingly.
e property manager is required to
refund the balance not retained by the
landlord to the tenant no later than 30
days following termination of the ten-
ancy, together with an itemized list of
damages charged against the security
deposit. If the extent of the landlords
claim against the security deposit cannot
be determined within 30 days following
termination of the tenancy, the property
manager must provide an interim ac-
counting within 30 days, followed by a
nal accounting and refund of the bal-
ance within 60 days of the termination
of the tenancy. ereafter, a tenant must
take the landlord to court to resolve the
Security Deposits
Charges Against Tenant
e TSDA sets forth the maximum
amount that may be imposed as a ten-
ant security deposit, depending upon
the duration of the tenancy, and further
limits the items that may be covered.
e deposit may not exceed an amount
equal to two weeks' rent if a tenancy is
week to week, one and one half months'
rent if a tenancy is month to month, and
two months' rent for terms greater than
month to month.
Items covered by the deposit include
non-payment of rent, water and sewer
service charges, damage to the premises,
nonfulllment of the rental period, un-
paid bills that become a lien against the
leased premises due to the tenants oc-
cupancy, costs of re-renting the premises
following a breach by the tenant, removal
and storage of property after an eviction
and related court costs. No other deduc-
tions are allowed.
e Real Estate License Law pro-
hibits brokers from drafting contracts,
contract provisions, or any other legal
documents, or from performing any oth-
er service constituting the practice of law
as dened by G.S. § 84-2.1. While a bro-
ker may assist a client in lling out the
standard forms approved by the N.C. Bar
Association and N.C. Association of RE-
ALTORS®, the broker must nevertheless
avoid inserting complex contingencies
into an Oer to Purchase and Contract
or addendum. If a transaction requires
more than can be inserted into the blanks
of a standard form, a broker should refer
the client to an attorney. Under no cir-
cumstances should a broker attempt to
alter or combine approved forms that
are not written to be used together. For
example, dont combine an Oer to Pur-
chase and Contract form with a standard
residential lease form in an attempt to
create a lease-purchase contract. In ad-
dition to engaging in the unauthorized
practice of law, the broker will likely run
afoul of recent legislation imposing strict
requirements and restrictions on lease-
purchase option agreements. Parties in
lease-purchase transactions must be re-
ferred to private attorneys for document
Drafting Legal Documents
A short sale transaction constitutes
a material fact that must be disclosed to
potential buyers. For a detailed discus-
sion, see the article on short sales in this
issue of the Bulletin.
Short Sales
Two common complaints against
property managers involve charges for
items such as cleaning carpets and appli-
ances, and for re-renting the premises fol-
lowing a tenants breach. e TSDA per-
mits charges against the security deposit
for property damage, but not for “ordi-
nary wear and tear.” Lease provisions im-
posing certain cleaning requirements on
the tenant prior to vacating may not be
enforced by charging the TSD and could
require enforcement through a civil court
proceeding. Much of the confusion re-
lated to improper charges for property
damage can be eliminated by the proper
use of property condition checklists.
(See Complaints, page 7)
Real Estate Bulletin May 2011
(Continued from page 6)
Disputes Regarding
Contract Acceptance
preparation and guidance.
Negotiations leading to a contract
can be fast-paced, to the extent that
brokers nd themselves communicat-
ing oers and counter-oers, as well as
acceptances, orally. An example of such
a situation occurs when an oral counter-
oer is communicated to the buyers,
who orally agree to the new terms. e
acceptance is orally relayed to the sellers,
who now mistakenly think they have a
valid contract.
e Statute of Frauds requires that all
contracts for the sale of land or for lease
agreements exceeding three years be in
writing and signed by the parties to be
enforceable. In order for a valid contract
to exist, all negotiated terms must be in
writing and signed by the parties. Any
changes must also be in writing and ini-
tialed by the parties.
e Real Estate License Law pro-
hibits brokers in a transaction from act-
ing for more than one party without the
knowledge of all parties for whom the
broker acts. e most common com-
plaints deal with dual agency, seller sub-
agency, and special relationships between
the parties.
Conict of Interest
A broker can best keep his or her
clients informed of all communications
material to negotiations between the
parties by ensuring that oers, counter-
oers, and acceptances are in writing and
contain all necessary signatures. Oral
agreements for the sale of real property
are not binding.
With dual agency, an inherent con-
ict of interest exists because the broker
is representing both the buyer and seller
who have dierent and competing inter-
ests. To avoid a complaint of this type,
Commission rules require that a broker
provide a prospective client with the
Working With Real Estate Agents bro-
chure, and thoroughly review the types
of agency and the brokers duties associ-
ated with each. e broker and prospec-
tive client must then agree as to whether
the broker will work as a sellers agent,
a buyers agent, a sellers subagent, or a
dual agent. To serve as a dual agent, the
broker must rst obtain written consent
from all parties to the transaction.
Where a broker is working with a
buyer who declines an agency relation-
ship, the broker must disclose that he or
she is working as the sellers subagent,
and caution the buyer against revealing
any condential information. e seller’s
subagent can neither advise the buyer
nor advocate on his or her behalf.
A large number of complaints cite
the brokers failure to communicate with
his or her client. In sales transactions,
sellers whose homes have remained on
the market for prolonged periods express
frustration at not being better informed
regarding the brokers marketing strate-
gies. Buyers note the lack of communi-
cation from their brokers concerning
such matters as the outcome of property
inspections or the progress in short sales
of the lender approval process. Landlords
complain about not being kept informed
regarding marketing eorts to secure new
tenants or property maintenance issues.
But, by far the most frequent complaints
we receive from brokers and consumers
alike deal with the failure of other bro-
kers to return phone calls or e-mails.
Lack of Communication
Brokers should also beware of con-
ict of interest issues that may arise in
connection with the sale of the brokers
own property. Although the broker is the
seller, a prospective buyer may assume
that the broker is representing the buy-
er’s interests. is is especially true where
the buyer had previously entered into an
exclusive agency relationship with the
broker prior to being shown the broker’s
listed property. Brokers are strongly dis-
couraged from showing properties they
own to buyers they represent. If neces-
sary, it is better to terminate the agency
relationship, refer the buyer to another
broker, and collect a referral fee, rather
than risk a conict of interest complaint.
As a duciary, it is essential that
you establish a method and frequency
of communication that is responsive to
your clients needs and preferences. As
a broker, you should return telephone
calls, e-mails, and other electronic com-
munications promptly. If you are unable
to respond promptly, due to a vacation
or trip out of town, make sure that you
have a back-up person to handle your
calls in your absence and that you notify
your broker-in-charge and your clients.
Also, be sure to create an appropriate
voice-mail message or automatic e-mail
response to alert others trying to reach
Allegations of loan fraud often re-
sult from a broker trying to assist a buyer
who is having diculty qualifying for a
loan in the amount needed to purchase
a property. To help the deal close, the
broker lends the buyer money for closing
costs without notifying the lender. Alter-
natively, the seller may be asked to lend
or “give” the buyer some money without
telling the lender, since the lender has re-
fused to allow any seller nancing. Some-
times, the mortgage broker may ask the
parties to pass money to the buyer as a
gift” outside of closing.
Loan Fraud
e rule of thumb is that any money
which passes between the parties and
third parties or even their brokers dur-
ing the course of the transaction must
be disclosed on the settlement statement
(even “extras” paid for by the buyer to
the builder over-and-above the contract
price). e reason is that such payments
may aect the loan-to-debt ratio used
by the lender to determine creditworthi-
ness. If you fail to disclose information to
the lender, you may be committing loan
fraud, which is a federal oense.
If in doubt as to whether a transac-
tion is being handled correctly, contact
an attorney or the Real Estate Commis-
Real Estate Bulletin May 2011
By Pamela R. Rorie, Continuing Education Ocer
n eager crowd of 218 real es-
tate instructors and school of-
cials from across the state attended the
Commission-sponsored 2011 Real Estate
Educators Conference in Raleigh, March
7-8, 2011.
Larry Outlaw,
Director of Educa-
tion and Licensing,
opened the confer-
ence with a sum-
mary of the signi-
cant revisions to the
2011-2012 North
Carolina Real Es-
tate Manual. Mr.
Outlaw also pre-
sented the updated
syllabi for the three
postlicense courses
tion presented its “Program of the Year”
award to George Bell for his continuing
education elective course, e NCAR
Residential Forms, and its “Educator of
the Year” award to co-honorees Cindy
Chandler and Garth Dunklin.
Commission Chairman Marsha Jordan (left) with award winners Cindy Chandler and
and gave a progress
report on the real estate license examina-
tion program.
Following Mr. Outlaw was a lively
agency disclosure discussion and role play
using the Working With Real Estate Agents
brochure presented by omas Mahlum,
DREI, with assistance from Kandyce El-
lis, Travis Everette, and Sam Pyrtle.
Another highlight of the morning’s
program was a joint presentation on the
new Oer to Purchase and Contract by
Miriam Baer, the Commissions Execu-
tive Director, Tricia Moylan, Legal Edu-
cation Ocer, and George Bell, DREI
and member of the Joint Forms Com-
mittee. e trio discussed the history and
rationale for the contract changes, pin-
pointed potential problem areas regard-
ing the use of the new form, and gave at-
tendees the opportunity to ask questions
about teaching its use to licensees.
During the rst days luncheon, the
North Carolina Real Estate Educators
Association (NCREEA) held its spring
meeting under the direction of Presi-
dent Jo-Ann C. Lavecchia. Following the
business meeting, the traditional awards
presentation was ociated by Immediate
Past President Tim Terry. e Associa-
Garth Dunklin, and George Bell.
Also during the luncheon, Commis-
sion Chairperson Marsha Jordan pre-
sented the Commissions Billie J. Mer-
cer Excellence in Education Award to
NCREEAs Educators of the Year, Cindy
Chandler and Garth Dunklin. is
award is presented annually in memory
of former Commission member and
chairperson, Billie Mercer, who was espe-
cially dedicated to the cause of real estate
education. e names of all award win-
ners are engraved on the Mercer Award
cup that is displayed in the Commissions
lobby. Commission members Everett
“Vic” Knight and Alice Mosteller also at-
tended the award presentation.
Executive Director Miriam Baer
Later in the day, Lisa McQuillen, Ed-
ucation and Licensing Ocer, informed
the group about the new online broker
license application process. Ms. McQuil-
len also reminded instructors and private
school directors about license renewals,
and recognized prelicensing schools and
instructors whose students had exhibited
outstanding performance on the license
Afterwards, Kristi Matthews of Ad-
vanced Energy pre-
sented Green and
Energy Efficient
Homes - What You
Need to Know, which
informed attendees
of requirements for
a home to be desig-
nated “green.” e
rst days program
concluded with
Pamela Vesper, Au-
who presented sug-
gestions for the elec-
tronic handling of trust accounts.
On the second day, Karen Hamil-
ton of the North Carolina Americans
with Disabilities Act Network discussed
ADA requirements when real estate pre-
license students and/or exam candidates
request special accommodations. Next,
Continuing Education Ocer Pamela
Rorie discussed proposed topics for the
2011-2012 Update and BICAR courses,
gave a status report on current continu-
ing education projects, and reminded in-
structors and CE sponsors of upcoming
renewal deadlines.
e conference concluded with the
highly anticipated “Miscellaneous Legal
Issues and Open Forum” session presid-
ed over by Commission Legal Counsel
Tom Miller, who outlined proposed leg-
islative changes and then took questions
on a variety of topics including broker
price opinions and short sales.
e Commission thanks North Car-
olinas real estate educators for their con-
tinued interest and support, and congrat-
ulates Cindy Chandler, Garth Dunklin,
and George Bell for their achievements.
Real Estate Bulletin May 2011
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Real Estate Bulletin May 2011
ISBN 978-0-
2011-2012 Edition
˜ e North Carolina Real Estate Manual, published by the Real Estate Commission, is a
comprehensive reference addressing real estate law and brokerage practice, the North Carolina
Real Estate License Law and Commission rules. It serves as the authorized textbook for the
real estate broker postlicensing courses and is highly recommended for licensees, attorneys,
instructors and anyone else engaged or interested in real estate law and brokerage practice.
˜ e 992-page, 2011-2012 edition includes coverage of the revised HUD-1 Settlement
Statement and O° er to Purchase and Contract form, a new chapter on Brokerage Compensa-
tion Issues, and updated ÿ nancing legislation and practices.
˜ e ÿ les on the Web site and on disk are “READ ONLY” and may not be printed or changed.
North Carolina
Real Estate Manual
2011-2012 Edition
North Carolina
©2011 North Carolina
Real Estate Commission
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Real Estate Bulletin May 2011
enalties for violations of the Real Estate Law and Commission
rules vary depending upon the particular facts and circumstances
present in each case. Due to space limitations in the Bulletin, a complete
description of such facts cannot be reported in the following Disciplinary
Action summaries.
boro) – By Consent, the Commission sus-
pended the broker license of Ms. Anderson
for a period of six months eective April
1, 2011. e Commission then stayed the
suspension for a probationary period of six
months. e Commission found that Ms.
Anderson, while her license was under an
active suspension eective November 15,
2007 and permitted only to work as an un-
licensed assistant in the oce where she had
been broker-in-charge, spoke with several
buyers and at least one potential seller-client
about their transactions, leading the parties
to believe that Ms. Anderson was actively
licensed and acting as a broker.
LOIS W. BLACK (Wadesboro) – By
Consent, the Commission suspended the
broker license of Ms. Black for a period of
30 months eective September 1, 2010. Six
months of the suspension were active with
the remainder stayed for a probationary pe-
riod of 24 months. e Commission found
that Ms. Black, acting as dual agent for a
property listed at $44,900 in October 2004,
increased the price to $50,000 in March
2005; that property went under contract
with a buyer for $50,000, and closed at
$54,000; and that Ms. Black did not have
a written renewal or agreement to sup-
port the price increases. e Commission
also found that Ms. Black provided buyers
in two transactions with funds for closing
costs without disclosing this to the lender
and was repaid after the sales by the sellers.
Finally, the Commission found that a seller
in a transaction agreed to accept $4,500 in
settlement of $18,000 owed in seller nanc-
ing with Ms. Blacks rm collecting the pay-
ments and that the buyers were subsequent-
ly held liable for a demand of over $16,000
when Ms. Blacks ledger stated the amount
owed was $1,540.
(Mooresville) – By Consent, the Commis-
sion suspended the broker license of Ms.
Bright for a period of six months eective
April 1, 2011. e Commission then stayed
the suspension for a probationary period of
six months through October 1, 2011. e
Commission found that Ms. Bright in 2006
sold her own property and subsequently
On All
served as listing agent when the purchaser
sought to resell the home 10 months later at
a $45,000 increase in price; that Ms. Bright
included in her le disclosure and waiver
statements which were in dispute with oth-
er representations in a contract to purchase
and which the buyers had no memory of
signing. e Commission also found that
Ms. Bright denied being a dual agent and
claimed to represent only the seller despite
written agreement to the contrary in the
LLC (Charlotte) – By Consent, the Com-
mission suspended the rm license of
Chirico Huber Properties for a period of
two years eective March 15, 2011. One
year of the suspension is active with the re-
mainder stayed for a probationary period
of one year. e Commission found that
a broker-owner of Chirico Huber Proper-
ties converted approximately $100,000 in
earnest money deposits and other funds in
the rms trust account to cover operating
expenses. e Commission noted that the
funds were replaced.
(New Bern) – e Commission accepted
the permanent voluntary surrender of the
rm license of Clear Water Marketing ef-
fective March 11, 2011. e Commission
dismissed without prejudice allegations that
Clear Water Marketing violated provisions
of the Real Estate Law and Commission
rules. Clear Water Marketing neither ad-
mitted nor denied misconduct.
CHARLES N. COKER (Raleigh) – By
Consent, the Commission suspended the
broker license of Mr. Coker for a period of
three months eective March 1, 2011. e
Commission then stayed the suspension for
a probationary period of six months. e
Commission found that Mr. Coker, acting
through a company which developed and
sold condominium units, misrepresented
to potential purchasers the number of con-
dominiums that would be sold to investor-
purchasers and homeowner-purchasers.
e Commission found that a number of
purchasers bought condominiums believing
that only four or ve units would be sold
to investor-purchasers and that Mr. Coker
negotiated and sold 14 units to a single pur-
chaser who intended to lease the units to
tenant occupants.
KEVIN G. CONNER (Kitty Hawk)
– e Commission revoked the broker li-
cense of Mr. Conner eective November
12, 2010. e Commission found that Mr.
(See Disciplinary, page 12)
Real Estate Bulletin May 2011
Disciplinary Action
(Continued from page 11)
Conner failed to hold in a trust account
and to account for security deposits total-
ing approximately $3,400 he received from
a travel network rm. e Commission also
found that Mr. Conner failed to properly
maintain and produce the trust account re-
cords for a real estate brokerage rm, failed
to disburse trust funds to the true owners of
property in a timely manner; and failed to
safeguard the funds of others when he left
the oce of a construction and real estate
rm and abandoned the account and its
records. e Commission also found that
Mr. Conner operated a real estate brokerage
rm when he knew the rm did not possess
an active real estate brokerage license, col-
lected property management fees and dis-
bursed them to an account in the name of
a real estate brokerage rm and advertised
the rms services on the internet during the
time when the rms broker license was sus-
Hawk) – By Consent, the Commission re-
voked the rm license of Conner Resorts
eective June 24, 2010. e Commission
found that Conner Resorts continued to
conduct real estate brokerage after its li-
cense was suspended in 2006. e Com-
mission also found that Conner Resorts
failed to maintain its trust account records
in compliance with the License Law and
Commission rules and failed to account for
the monies it held in trust for others.
LOY J. DELLINGER (Denver) – By
Consent, the Commission suspended the
broker license of Mr. Dellinger for a period
of two years eective January 1, 2011. One
month of the suspension was active with the
remainder stayed for a probationary period
of one year. e Commission found that
Mr. Dellinger pled guilty in Superior Court
to the class 1 misdemeanor of obstruction
of justice as the result of assisting a friend
in obtaining a North Carolina driver li-
cense when the friend was not entitled to
the same.
TABITHA E. ESTEP (Jonesborough,
Tennessee) – By Consent, the Commission
revoked the broker license of Ms. Estep ef-
fective March 10, 2011. e Commission
found that Ms. Estep, while serving in 2009
as a volunteer treasurer for the Avery Coun-
ty Fair and Avery County Little League,
used check cards from both organizations
to make unauthorized purchases, and pled
guilty to and was convicted of two counts
of felony embezzlement in Avery County.
Licensees Must
Report Convictions
Commission Rule A.0113
requires any licensee who is
convicted of a misdemeanor or
felony or who has disciplinary
action taken against him or her
by any occupational licensing
board to file a report with the
Real Estate Commission.
The reporting requirement
includes convictions for driving
while impaired (“DWI”). The
report must be filed within sixty
(60) days of the final judgment
or board action.
If you have questions about
this rule, please call the Com-
missions Legal Services Division
at 919-875-3700 for more infor-
e Commission also found that Ms. Es-
tep, while serving in 2009 as Finance Of-
cer for the Town of Beech Mountain, used
a credit card issued to Beech Mountain to
make unauthorized charges totaling in ex-
cess of $1,200 for her personal use. e
Commission further found that Ms. Estep,
in 2009, while serving as broker-in-charge
of a homeowners’ association, established
an account in the associations name and
made unauthorized charges on the account
for her personal use. Finally, the Commis-
sion found that Ms. Esteps Tennessee real
estate license was revoked in May 2010 due
to her failure to report her embezzlement
convictions and that she failed to report the
revocation to the Commission.
(McLeansville) – e Commission revoked
the broker license of Ms. Gayle eective
February 21, 2011. e Commission found
that Ms. Gayle, acting as property manager
for a landlord-client, collected rental pay-
ments totaling $4,600 from tenants and
failed to remit the funds to her landlord-
client. e Commission also found that her
landlord-client eventually lost the subject
property to foreclosure when she could not
make her mortgage payments and led suit
and won a judgment against Ms. Gayle.
Finally, the Commission found that Ms.
Gayle failed to respond to Letters of Inquiry
from the Commission and to provide trust
account records.
– e Commission suspended the broker
license of Ms. Gosen for a period of one
year eective January 25, 2011. e Com-
mission found that Ms. Gosen, acting as a
buyers agent, failed to remit or account for
an earnest money deposit received from the
buyer when contracting to purchase a prop-
erty. e Commission also found that Ms.
Gosen failed to properly maintain records
in the transaction, failed to make records
available for inspection by the Commis-
sion, and failed to provide full and accurate
disclosure of all information requested by
the Commission within the prescribed time
PETER J. GREIJN (Raleigh) – By
Consent, the Commission suspended the
broker license of Mr. Greijn for a period
of three years eective March 1, 2011. e
Commission then stayed the suspension
for a probationary period of ve years on
certain conditions. e Commission found
that Mr. Greijn, broker-in-charge of a real
estate brokerage rm, bid at foreclosure
sales between 2002 and 2004 and then paid
potential upset bidders not to le upset bids
in violation of North Carolina law. e
Commission noted that Mr. Greijn has paid
restitution in the amount of approximately
$42,000 as required by the court in a civil
matter related to those sales.
MATTHEW F. HALL (Kitty Hawk) –
By Consent, the Commission revoked the
broker license of Mr. Hall eective June
24, 2010. e Commission found that, as
the qualifying broker and president of a
(See Disciplinary, page 13)
Real Estate Bulletin May 2011
Disciplinary Action
(Continued from page 12)
construction and real estate rm, Mr. Hall
converted approximately $20,000 held in a
trust account to his own use to pay a credi-
tor of the rm. e Commission also found
that Mr. Hall entered into a contract to pur-
chase a property from a buyer and the evi-
dence tends to show that Mr. Hall promised
the buyer that he would make a $10,000
earnest money deposit on the contract and
that the deposit would be held in his rms
trust account; the check Mr. Hall deposited
into his own trust account was returned for
insucient funds and Mr. Hall failed to dis-
close the dishonored check to the seller and
failed to make the deposit as promised.
BILLIE C. HOFFMAN (Mooresville) –
e Commission revoked the broker license
of Ms. Homan eective May 1, 2010. e
Commission found that a complainant al-
leged Ms. Homan failed to account for a
$1,000 tenant security deposit paid in con-
nection with a lease of commercial property
and that Ms. Homan failed to respond to
Commission inquiries about the complaint.
e Commission also found that Ms. Ho-
man failed to provide the Commission with
trust or escrow account records relating to
the transaction.
JOHN L. HUBER (Charlotte) – By
Consent, the Commission revoked the bro-
ker license of Mr. Huber eective March
15, 2011. e Commission found that Mr.
Huber converted approximately $100,000
in earnest money deposits and other funds
in his rms trust account to cover operating
expenses. e Commission noted that Mr.
Huber replaced the funds.
– By Consent, the Commission suspended
the broker license of Mr. Huminik for a
period of six months eective December
1, 2010. ree months of the suspension
were active with the remainder stayed for
a probationary period of nine months. e
Commission found that Mr. Huminik gave
a broker associate a copy of a lenders pre-
qualication letter from a previous transac-
tion and told him to change the information
on it to create a letter needed to support a
buyers oer in an unrelated transaction.
e Commission found that Mr. Huminik
was expressly authorized by the mortgage
lender to create pre-qualication letters, but
only when the lender had authorized pre-
qualication. e Commission also found
that Mr. Huminik failed to properly dis-
close a Driving While Impaired conviction
from 1997.
Receive Credit
Where and When
Credit is Due!
When continuing education
sponsors fail to report credits to the
Commission in a timely manner, li-
censees may nd themselves on
Inactive Status on July 1.
You can avoid this problem by
going online to the Commission
Web site,, to verify
your CE credits.
– e Commission accepted the permanent
voluntary surrender of the broker license of
Mr. Kamau eective March 11, 2011. e
Commission dismissed without prejudice
allegations that Mr. Kamau violated provi-
sions of the Real Estate License Law and
Commission rules. Mr. Kamau neither ad-
mitted nor denied misconduct.
Beach) – By Consent, the Commission sus-
pended the broker license of Ms. Laney for
a period of six months eective March 1,
2011. e Commission then stayed the sus-
pension for a period of two years on certain
conditions. e Commission found that
Ms. Laney, as broker-in-charge of a branch
oce of a real estate brokerage rm which
acted as rental agent for the owners of vaca-
tion and long-term rental properties, failed
to perform monthly reconciliations of the
security deposit and rental trust accounts
for a period of 120 days. e Commission
noted that bookkeeping for the business of
the rm was divided between the branch of-
ce and home oce.
ington) - By Consent, the Commission
suspended the rm license of Laney Real
Estate Co. eective April 15, 2011. e
Commission then stayed the suspension for
a probationary period of ve years through
April 14, 2016 on certain conditions. e
Commission found that on two separate
occasions in 2006, George Laney, a quali-
fying broker who managed and controlled
the business, wrote checks on his real estate
brokerage rms trust account for his per-
sonal real estate transactions without mak-
ing contemporaneous deposits. ese trans-
actions created temporary shortfalls in the
trust account that were not cured for several
weeks. e Commission also found in 2007
that Mr. Laney caused more than $23,000
in abandoned client monies from his rms
trust accounts to be disbursed without au-
thority from former clients to his rms
corporate account. Finally, the Commis-
sion found that Mr. Laney and others in his
rm, acting as rental agents for the owners
of vacation and long term rental properties,
failed in 2010 in one of the rms oces
to perform monthly reconciliations of the
security deposit and rental trust accounts
for a period of 120 days. e Commission
noted that Mr. Laney agreed to refund the
trust account and to follow the correct pro-
cedures for disbursing abandoned funds.
ton) – e Commission revoked the broker
license of Mr. Laws eective June 1, 2010.
e Commission found that Mr. Laws ne-
gotiated a written referral agreement for a
transaction while associated with one rm
and after leaving that rm, entered into a
written buyer agency agreement for the
transaction, agreeing with his new broker-
in-charge that the commission would be
paid to his former rm. e Commission
further found that Mr. Laws led the closing
attorney to believe that no sales commission
was to be paid to either rm and should be
paid as a credit to the buyer but instead in-
structed his buyer-client to pay him the full
$48,000 commission outside of closing.
JAMES M. LEWIS, SR. (West Paducah,
Kentucky) – e Commission revoked the
broker license of Mr. Lewis eective No-
(See Disciplinary, page 14)
Real Estate Bulletin May 2011
Disciplinary Action
(Continued from page 13)
vember 12, 2010. e Commission found
that Mr. Lewis permitted a real estate licens-
ee and licensed rm to operate, from the of-
ce of his company, an unlicensed property
management business and to charge and
collect property management fees from
consumers at a time when the licenses of the
licensee and the rm were both suspended.
HOWARD P. LOGUE (Sanford) – By
Consent, the Commission suspended the
broker license of Mr. Logue for a period of
one year eective December 15, 2010. One
month of the suspension was active with the
remainder stayed for a probationary period
of two years. e Commission found that
Mr. Logue maintained a trust account for
earnest money deposits and other monies
belonging to his brokerage clients and cus-
tomers, but failed to keep accurate records.
e Commission found that Mr. Logues
trust account records did not balance with
the statements provided by his bank, that
he did not regularly reconcile his records to
those provided by the bank, and that his re-
cords failed to make a clear audit trail. e
Commission also found that Mr. Logues
trust account records were signicantly out
of balance and that he failed to safeguard
the funds of others entrusted to his care.
By Consent, the Commission revoked the
broker license of Ms. Mason eective April
15, 2011. e Commission found that Ms.
Mason, acting as bookkeeper for a real estate
brokerage rm which acted as broker and
rental agent for owners of rental properties,
converted money belonging to clients and
tenants to her own use. e Commission
also found that Ms. Mason failed to safe-
guard and account for the funds of others
in her custody and that Ms. Mason pleaded
guilty to and was convicted of the oense of
embezzlement in 2010.
DAVID W. MCKINNEY (Greensboro)
– By Consent, the Commission revoked
the broker license of Mr. McKinney ef-
fective February 15, 2011. e Commis-
sion found that Mr. McKinney, acting as
broker-in-charge of a rm which provided
property management services for owners
of rental properties, failed to maintain cli-
ent- and tenant-owned money in a trust ac-
count, failed to promptly account for and
remit trust monies in his possession, failed
to keep complete and accurate records of
trust money, and failed to make records
available for the Commissions inspection.
Your Pocket License Card
is your ticket for admission
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Allow at least 10 days to
process a replacement request
purchase and download
a replacement immediately
from the Commission’s Web site.
e Commission also found that Mr. McK-
inneys and the rms liability for the funds
of others exceeded the money on deposit in
the rms trust accounts by at least $40,000.
VICES, INC. (Greensboro) – By Consent,
the Commission revoked the broker license
of McKinney Management Services, Inc.,
eective February 15, 2011. e Commis-
sion found that McKinney Management
Services, a rm which provided property
management services for owners of rental
properties, failed to maintain client- and
tenant-owned money in a trust account,
failed to promptly account for and remit
trust monies in the rms possession, failed
to keep complete and accurate records of
trust money, and failed to make records
available for the Commissions inspection.
e Commission also found that McKin-
ney Management Services’ liability for the
funds of others exceeded the money on de-
posit in the rms trust accounts by at least
TIONS, INC. (Oak Island) – By Consent,
the Commission suspended the rm license
of Oak Island Accommodations for a period
of one year eective February 15, 2011. e
Commission then stayed the suspension for
a probationary period of two years on cer-
tain conditions. e Commission found
that Oak Island Accommodations, a rental
property management rm responsible for
handling and accounting of the funds of
others, failed to oversee its trust account
and to reconcile the trust account records,
resulting in signicant discrepancies in the
reconciled balance, journal balance, and
property trial balance. e Commission also
found that Oak Island Accommodations’
trust account records were not maintained
in such a way as to create a clear audit trail.
ESTATE (Kitty Hawk) – By Consent, the
Commission revoked the rm license of
Outer Banks Construction & Real Estate
eective June 24, 2010. e Commission
found that Outer Banks Construction &
Real Estate continued to conduct real estate
brokerage after its license was suspended
in 2006. e Commission also found that
Outer Banks Construction & Real Estate
failed to maintain its trust account records
in compliance with the License Law and
Commission rules and failed to account for
the monies it held in trust for others.
DO PARRA BERMUDEZ (Reidsville) –
e Commission permanently revoked the
broker license of Mr. Bermudez eective
January 31, 2011. e Commission found
that Mr. Bermudez applied to become a real
estate broker in May 2005 and provided
personal information on his application in-
cluding a name, Fernando Parra Bermudez,
Social Security number, and date of birth,
all of which were false, and that his true
name was and is Danilo Parra Bermudez.
e Commission found that Mr. Bermu-
dez failed to disclose to the Commission on
his license application certain convictions
in 1987 of criminal oenses in the State
(See Disciplinary, page 15)
Real Estate Bulletin May 2011
Disciplinary Action
(Continued from page 14)
of New York. e Commission also found
that Mr. Bermudez was convicted in Rock-
ingham County on or about November 27,
2006, after being licensed by the Commis-
sion and under the name of Danilo Parra
Bermudez, of Driving While Impaired and
failed to report the conviction to the Com-
mission as required by Commission rules.
e Commission further found that the
name of Fernando Parra Bermudez and
other identifying information on Mr. Ber-
mudez’ driver’s license were false and that
this information was provided in July 2006
to become aliated with a real estate bro-
kerage rm. e Commission found that
Mr. Bermudez, as the result of an alterca-
tion on or about March 1, 2007 with the
rms broker-in-charge, was convicted un-
der the name Danilo Parra on or about May
23, 2007 of assault in Rockingham County.
e Commission accepted the permanent
voluntary surrender of the broker license of
Mr. Passot eective March 11, 2011. e
Commission dismissed without prejudice
allegations that Mr. Passot violated provi-
sions of the Real Estate Law and Commis-
sion rules. Mr. Passot neither admitted nor
denied misconduct.
CYNTHIA J. PENNY (Raleigh) - By
Consent, the Commission suspended the
broker license of Ms. Penny for a period of
three months eective March 1, 2011. e
Commission then stayed the suspension for
a probationary period of six months. e
Commission found that Ms. Penny, en-
gaged by a company which developed and
sold condominium units, misrepresented
to potential purchasers the number of con-
dominiums that would be sold to investor-
purchasers and homeowner-purchasers.
e Commission found that a number of
purchasers bought condominiums believing
that only four or ve units would be sold to
investor-purchasers and that Ms. Penny was
aware that another broker with the com-
pany had negotiated and sold 14 units to a
single purchaser who intended to lease the
units to tenant occupants.
LEWIS L. PENNY (Raleigh) - By Con-
sent, the Commission suspended the broker
license of Mr. Penny for a period of three
months eective March 1, 2011. e Com-
mission then stayed the suspension for a
probationary period of six months. e
Commission found that Mr. Penny, en-
gaged by a company which developed and
sold condominium units, misrepresented
to potential purchasers the number of con-
dominiums that would be sold to investor-
purchasers and homeowner-purchasers.
e Commission found that a number of
purchasers bought condominiums believing
that only four or ve units would be sold to
investor-purchasers and that Mr. Penny was
aware that another broker with the com-
pany had negotiated and sold 14 units to a
single purchaser who intended to lease the
units to tenant occupants.
TONY PHAM (Charlotte) – e Com-
mission ordered the revocation of the bro-
ker license of Mr. Pham eective March
16, 2011. e Commission found that
Mr. Pham, who procured a tenant for the
owner of a rental property, prepared a lease
agreement which violated North Carolina
statutes by including in the agreement a
provision requiring the tenant to pay an ex-
cessive late rent fee of 10 percent of the lease
amount. e Commission also found that
Mr. Pham failed to respond to Commission
Letters of Inquiry resulting from the ten-
ant’s complaint within 14 calendar days.
ville Beach) - By Consent, the Commission
suspended the rm license of Doug Pollard,
Inc., for a period of two years eective April
1, 2011. e Commission then stayed the
suspension for a probationary period of
two years. e Commission found that in
September 2004, Doug Pollard, Inc., act-
ing as agent and broker for the owner of
nine properties, became aware that several
of its seller-client’s properties were involved
in foreclosure proceedings including one at
a particular address. e Commission also
found that Doug Pollard, Inc., in Octo-
ber 2004, learned that its seller client had
sold one of the properties and was refusing
to pay Doug Pollard, Inc., a commission.
e Commission found that immediately
following that closing, Doug Pollard, Inc.,
notied its seller-client in writing that it
would not provide any further services. e
Commission further found that Doug Pol-
lard, Inc. during the time of representation
of the seller-client, did not disclose to the
seller-client the names of other parties who
it also represented who purchased proper-
ties at foreclosure sales. e Commission
nally found that a company controlled by
Doug Pollard, Inc., bid successfully at the
foreclosure sale of the seller-clients property
at a particular address and then assigned its
rights to one of the rms buyer-clients.
JAMES D. POLLARD (Wrightsville
Beach) – By Consent, the Commission
suspended the broker license of Mr. Pol-
lard for a period of two years eective April
1, 2011. e Commission then stayed the
suspension for a probationary period of
two years. e Commission found that in
September 2004, Mr. Pollard and his rm,
acting as agent and broker for the owner of
nine properties, became aware that several
of their seller-client’s properties were in-
volved in foreclosure proceedings including
one at a particular address. e Commis-
sion also found that Mr. Pollard in Octo-
ber 2004 learned that their seller-client had
sold one of the properties and was refusing
to pay Mr. Pollard a commission. e Com-
mission found that immediately following
that closing, Mr. Pollard and his rm noti-
ed their seller-client in writing that they
would not provide any further services.
e Commission further found that Mr.
Pollard, during the time of representation
of the seller-client, did not disclose to the
seller-client the names of other parties who
Mr. Pollard and his rm also represented
who purchased properties at foreclosure
sales. e Commission nally found that
the company controlled by Mr. Pollard and
his rm bid successfully at the foreclosure
sale of the seller-client’s property at a par-
ticular address and then assigned its rights
to one of the rms buyer-clients.
– (Raleigh) By Consent, the Commission
suspended the rm license of Referral Re-
alty Group for a period of three years eec-
tive March 1, 2011. e Commission then
stayed the suspension for a probationary
(See Disciplinary, page 16)
Real Estate Bulletin May 2011
Disciplinary Action
(Continued from page 15)
period of ve years on certain conditions.
e Commission found that Referral Realty
Group, a real estate brokerage rm, engaged
in two transactions between 2003 and 2005
in which it represented sellers and failed to
disclose that it had business relationships
with the buyers and had a nancial interest
in the outcome of their transactions.
ville) – By Consent, the Commission rep-
rimanded Mr. Salame eective February 1,
2011. e Commission found that Mr. Sal-
ame, acting as a buyers agent in a transac-
tion, was aware that payments by the seller
to the buyer totaling $616 could not be
credited on the HUD-1 closing statement
because of the type of loan. Mr. Salame also
knew that the seller paid the buyer the $616
after closing, resulting in an inaccurately
documented HUD-1 closing statement.
– e Commission accepted the voluntary
surrender of the broker license of Mr. Shel-
ton for a period of one year eective May 1,
2011. e Commission dismissed without
prejudice allegations that Mr. Shelton vio-
lated provisions of the Real Estate License
Law and Commission rules. Mr. Shelton
denied misconduct.
e Commission accepted the voluntary
surrender of the broker license of Triangle
Realty Corporation for a period of three
years eective March 20, 2011. e Com-
mission dismissed without prejudice al-
legations that Triangle Realty Corporation
violated provisions of the Real Estate Law
and Commission rules. Triangle Realty
Corporation neither admitted nor denied
Rock) – By Consent, the Commission rep-
rimanded Mr. Vincent eective February
1, 2011. e Commission found that Mr.
Vincent, acting as broker-in-charge of a real
estate brokerage rm, failed to properly su-
pervise a bookkeeper who had access to the
48,000 copies of this public document were printed at a cost of .20 per copy
North Carolina Real
Estate Commission
P. O. Box 17100
Raleigh, NC 27619-7100
rms bank and trust accounts and removed
monies belonging to the rm, its principals
and its clients and converted them to per-
sonal use. e Commission also found that
Mr. Vincent failed to property maintain the
rms trust accounts and account records.
e Commission noted that Mr. Vincent
restored the more than $20,000 removed
from the rms trust accounts.
boro) – e Commission accepted the
voluntary surrender of the broker license
of Ms. Williford for a period of three years
eective April 19, 2011. e Commission
dismissed without prejudice allegations that
Ms. Williford violated provisions of the
Real Estate License Law and Commission
rules. Ms. Williford neither admitted nor
denied misconduct.
FREDERICK O. YATES (Fayetteville)
– By Consent, the Commission suspended
the broker license of Mr. Yates for a period
of two years eective December 1, 2010.
ree months of the suspension were active
with the remainder stayed for a probation-
ary period of 21 months. e Commission
found that Mr. Yates acted as a buyer’s agent
in a transaction which failed to close; that,
in connection with the contract, the buyer
wrote three checks: one for an earnest money
deposit written to the listing agent and two
with blank payee lines for Mr. Yates to des-
ignate the property payee; and that Mr. Yates
subsequently made both checks payable to
himself and endorsed them without deposit-
ing the funds in his rms trust account. e
Commission noted that Mr. Yates refunded
the buyer all monies including the original
$500 deposit, which was released to the seller
upon termination of the contract, and that
Mr. Yates has ceased performing credit repair
services for buyer-clients.
In the March, 2011 issue of the
North Carolina Real Estate Bulletin it
was reported that broker Pamela Berry
approved the unauthorized disbursement
of more than $23,000 from the trust ac-
count of the real estate company where
she was associated. In fact, the money was
disbursed from the rms trust account to
its operating account during 2007 at the
direction of a broker-owner of the rm.
Following an audit by the Commission,
the money was restored to the trust ac-
Real Estate Bulletin May 2011