1 | P a g e
Quayle Bible Collection
[Bible] 13
14 cm
Gift of Allie Gayle Wilcox (daughter of Bishop Quayle)
A complete Bible, lettered by an Italian copyist in a tiny hand on abortive parchment with flourishes in
red and blue. The flyleaf is supposedly a palimpsest. 428 leaves.
Housed in a silver repousse case.
c.1 Stutzman 5
[Genesis 34:10-41:50] Southern England, 13
1 leaf, 20.5 x 25cm
Purchased by the Friends of the Library, 1985
The Genesis text covers the life of Jacob and the story of his son Joseph in Egypt.
The leaf is written Latin in blackletter script on parchment. It is numbered in the margins and
decorated with blue & red ink. References and notes in green and brown inks.
[II Maccabees 14:14 15:21] France, 13
1 leaf, 10.5 x 14.5cm
The text from II Maccabees is the prelude to the great battle between Nicanor and Judas Maccabeus.
The Latin text is written in gothic script
. C3
[Bible] Spain, 14
Parchment MS, 28cm
Original collection
An illuminated manuscript Latin Bible on abortive parchment, this example of Spanish medieval
workmanship has many large, illuminated initial letters. The fly leaf is a letter from the Archbishop of
Lund dated 1442.
Binding: black stamped calf.
c.1; Stutzman 6
(1966 $10,000)
2 | P a g e
[leaf] Biblia, Vulgate. Mainz : Johann Gutenberg, 1452-56.
1 leaf, 28x39cm
Gift of Mrs. Helen Foresman Spencer to honor Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Y. Thomas, 1972
Printed in 42 lines per page on paper. From the Wisdom of Solomon.
[Bible] Vulgate. Strassburg : Heinrich Eggestein, 1469
Folio 39 cm; volume II only
Original collection
Eggestein’s 3
edition. According to Paul Needham, the 3d ed. is based on the copy of Gutenburg’s 42-
line Bible now at Cambridge. Ours has 45 lines to the page as does the Cambridge copy.
Our copy seems quite incomplete there are 245 leaves. It lacks 6 illustrations. There is a leaf pasted in
the back with red lines through the text.
Binding: re-backed in 1959, incorporating the older blind-stamped binding lozenges with flowers and
fleurs de lys.
Previous owners: Dr. Phillipp Jakob Streyer, Abbott of the Benedictine monastery of St. Peter in the
Black Forest, dated 1753, William Paterson, Rudolph F Kelker (1871), son Wm Anthony Kelker. Dibden’s
description of the Duke of Sussex’ 1
vol indicates he had the 2
ed. Frank Glenn thought ours went
with the v.1 of Sussex not sure why he thought that.
1469.1. D&M note 2 after 6080; Hain 3036-7; Copinger 5 or 7; Goff B-533; Spencer 18; ISTC ib 00530000.
OCLC: 20925948
[Bible] Vulgate. Basel : Bethold Ruppel (Rodt) and Bernard Richel, circa 1470.
Folio, 39 cm
From Quayle’s original collection, but given later by Allie Gayle Willcox
The present volume consists of 436 leaves, forty-eight lines to the column. It is thought, by Paul
Needham to have been set from the Eggestein Bible, 3
edition (1469.1).
The name of the publisher, place, and date published are nowhere to be found in the book, but
Berthold Ruppel is credited with printing the first part between 1468 and 1473. After his death, the rest
of the volume was finished by his partner, Bernard Richel, not after 1474.
Titles of the books, initial letters, and chapter numbers were all completed by hand in red and blue
substances which appear to be paint rather than ink. Stutzman writes that what appear to be silver
filings have been added to the illumination. The second half of the book has large wood- or metal-cut
initials; the first one noticed was on the verso of leaf 252, in Isaiah. After that, they are very scattered.
Binding: stamped pigskin over oak boards.
Previous owners: Rudolph Kelker
1470.1. D&M note after 6081, Stutzman #8, notes; Hain 3038 & 3045; Copinger 11 or 12; OCLC: 17961936
3 | P a g e
[Bible] Vulgate. Nuremberg : Anton Koberger, 1475.
Folio, 42 cm
Original collection
The 1475 Bible was Koberger’s first Bible. It was printed in double columns and illuminated in red and
blue with headings in red.
Binding: calf over oak boards, has been rebacked
Previous owners: The first page has a note that the Bible belonged to the Monastery of Udal et Afroe
which might be the Monastery of SS Ulrich et Afrae, a Benedictine monastery that operated its own
printing press as early as 1472 in Augsburg. Unable to find any reference to Udal et Afroe.
1475.1. D&M note 2 after 6081; Hain 3056; Stutzman 10; OCLC: 228679764
[Bible] Vulgate. Venice : Francisus de Hailbrun and Nicholaus de Frankfordia, 1476.
Folio, 27cm
Original collection
This is the second edition of the Vulgate from the press of Hailbrun and Frankfordia; it is one of the
first Bibles to have printed signatures. The text is printed in double columns of 51 lines. Initials and
flourishes made by hand in red and blue ink.
Binding: Rebound in the 19
century by Douglas Cockrell in modern red-brown leather, blind-tooled. A
note inside cover says “wants 2 blanks.”
1476.1. D&M note 3 after 6081; Stutzman 11; Spencer 19; Hain 3054; Copinger 24; Hain Copinger 3063 or
2239. OCLC: 15210617
[Bible] Vulgate. Nuremberg : Anton Koberger, 1477.
Folio, 33 cm
Gift of the WC Markham Family, 1958.
A second edition of 1475.1. The 1475 edition appears to end with the Apocalypse; the 1457 has the
Epistle of Menardus at the back plus what may be a table of canons or a concordance. There are
handwritten marginal notations.
Binding: modern two-tone brown leather. Free form modern marbling.
1477.1. D&M note 2 after 8061; Stutzman 12; Goff B-552; OCLC: 13521531
[Bible] Vulgate. Venice : Theodoricus de Reynsburch and Reynaldus de Novimagio, 1478.
Folio, 29cm
Original collection
The Stutzman catalog copy hints that the rubricator was a manuscript rubricator. Initials are principally
in red and blue. The first initial of the Prologue is painted with decorations extending into the margin.
It looks like space was left to do the same at the beginning of Genesis. The text is printed in two
columns, 53 lines per column.
Although it has been rebound, the volume has the original flyleaves, margins trimmed.
Binding: brown calf.
4 | P a g e
Previous owners: from the collection of the Earl of Ashburnham.
1478.1. D&M 6083; Stutzman 13; Hain 3070; Goff B-556 Copinger 35; OCLC: 7018741
[Bible] Vulgate. Venice : Nicholaus Jenson, 1479.
Folio, 32 cm
Nicholaus Jenson’s second Bible, the first in Latin, is printed in double columns, fifty-one lines each.
Jenson printed an earlier Bible in Italian. Printed initial directions are overlaid with rubrications in red
and blue. Some of the chapter numbers are decorated.
Binding: blind stamped pigskin over oak boards.
Previous owners: In the back is a stamp of Kerr A Richardson, Glasgow bookseller in the late
nineteenth century.
1479.1. D&M 6083 check this, Stutzman #14; Hain 3073; Copinger 40. OCLC: 4484373
[Bible] Vulgate. Cologne : Conrad Winters, 1479.
Folio, 40 cm
Friends of the Library, 1991
This volume was never rubricated so large blank spaces remain where initials were planned.
Conrad Winters was an early printer in Cologne, if not the first.
Binding: brown leather
Previous owners: stamp of the Bibliothecae Domus Professae Societatis Jesu Antv. in the front. Also J
Fr Van de Velde (Louvain)
1479.2. No D&M; Goff; B-565; BM 15th cent.; I, 247-248 (IC4035); GW; 4240; Hain-Copinger; 3071;
Pellechet; 2300; Goff B-565. OCLC: 33197639
[Bible] Biblia Sacra, Vulgate. Basel : Johannes de Amerbach, 1482.
Folio, 31 cm
Original collection
Hand rubricated initials. Referred to as a fontibus ex graecis edition of the Vulgate which first
appeared in 1479
Binding: light blind stamped pigskin, perhaps original, rebacked
1482.1 D&M note after 6083; Goff B-573; Stutzman 15; OCLC: 43817274.
[Bible] Biblia Latina, Vulgate. Venice : Johannes de Herbort, 1483.
Folio, 30 cm
Original collection
Decorated in red penwork.
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The printing in this double-column volume doesn’t go straight across the page. Miss Osborne said
there were indications that some leaves have been lost and replaced with leaves from another copy.
There are 366 unnumbered leaves to the end of the Apocalypse and thirty-three leaves following that.
Binding: the covers are a blind-tooled brown calf over pasteboard. The volume was rebacked with
blind-stamped pigskin from another book. Evidence that the repair was done long ago is shown by the
worm holes in both the pigskin and the original calf.
Previous owners: George Livermore’s bookplate is inside the front (his library was dispersed in 1894).
1483.1. D&M no number; Stutzman 16; Goff B-579; OCLC: 12006764.
[Bible] Textus Biblia, Vulgate. Strassburg : Johann Prüss, 1486.
Folio, 31 cm
Original collection
The text is a “Fontibus ex Graecis” edition. According to Darlow and Moule, the title page, which is
missing from this copy, bore only two words, “Textus Biblia.” This was the first Bible to bear a title
page. Initials are both indicated in print and rubricated.
The name of the printer and the place of publication do not appear on the title page or in the
colophon, but it is generally ascribed to Prüss. The colophon bears the date 1486.
Binding: printed, stamped calf. Some restoration work done by Adjarian (Grolier).
1486.1. D&M note after 6086; Goff B-588, Stutzman 17. OCLC: 33028371
[Bible] Vulgate. Basel : Johann Froben, 1495.
Octavo, 16cm
Original collection
The title page is very rudimentary. Includes a preface and list of the books of the Bible with a summary
of their contents. A woodcut of Jerome faces his letter. Fontibus ex Graecis edition. Froben’s Bibles
have been called “The Poor Man’s Bibles” because they were small and relatively inexpensive.
Erasmus worked in the Froben workshop to correct the text.
Book initials are hand printed in black ink. Hand-written references in the margins.
Binding: blind-stamped pigskin, repairs made in 1985
Previous owners: Julian La Pierre.
1495.1. D&M note after 6086; Hain 3118; Copinger 103; Goff B598; Stutzman 18; OCLC: 46492453
[Bible] Biblia Integra, Vulgate. Basel : Johann Froben, 1495.
Octavo, 17cm
Original collection
A second copy of 1495.1. It has a very rudimentary title page. The place of publication and the date are
handwritten. The initial letters were hand-inked, not at all elaborate. The woodcut of St Jerome at the
front is missing.
Binding: brown calf, one clasp is missing.
6 | P a g e
Previous owners: Several unreadable, H. Wright, 1870.
1495.2. D&M note after 6086; Stutzman 19; OCLC: 46492453
[Bible] Edited by Petrus Angelus de Monte Ulm. Brescia : Angelus et Jacobus Britannicos, 1496.
Octavo, 18cm
Original collection
The text of Peter Angelus de Monte Ulmi, revised by Gregory Britannicus.
The first initial of each book is from a woodcut, initials that begin a chapter are 2 lines high. Initials
have been omitted from part of the New Testament and some of the Epistles; the direction letters
have been left. The book is printed in two columns of 51 lines and has 554 leaves without pagination or
catch words. The title page is missing and there are waterstains from Luke to the end of the book.
Binding: light brown calf with gold stamped spine. Early marbling in a stones pattern.
1496.1. D&M note after 6087; Hain 3119; Copinger 106; Goff B-599; ISTC ib00599000; Stutzman 20.
OCLC: 51084690
[Bible] Biblia, Petrus Angelus de Monte Ulmi. Venice : Hieronymo Paganini, 1497
Octavo, 18cm
Original collection
Possibly a reprint of the first edition of 1491 or 2. Paganini was the first printer to provide an illustrated
title page. For that he used a woodcut of St. Peter with the keys to heaven and the inscription “Tu es
Petrus.” The colophon contains the name of the publisher, the date, and the place of publication.
Paganini’s last book.
There are two columns of fifty-four lines. Initials are not present blank and without indicators.
Included are an alphabetical table of contents and notes.
Binding : modern brown leather, spine tooled in gold
1497.1. D&M 6087; Hain 3123; Copinger 110; Goff B-601; Stutzman 21. OCLC 7015371
[Bible] Vulgate. Paris : Simon Vostre, 1512.
Folio, 31 cm
Original collection
Simon Vostre was the publisher; the volume was printed by Philippi Pigouchet. There are a number of
tables and an index. There is a full page woodcut before the letter of Jerome picturing monks with
books, surrounded by pictures of saints with books. A few pages later is a large woodcut of the
Vostre’s books are well-known for their decoration and metal cut initial letters by Geoffrey Troy.
Binding: modern binding of smooth calfskin
Previous owners: Julian La Pierre, MD the bookplate was removed and put in the file when the book
was rebound.
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1512.1 BM, page 32; Stutzman 22. OCLC: 55107735
[Bible] Biblia cum concordantiis veteris et novum testamenti. Vulgate. Lyons : Jacques Sacon, 1515.
Folio, 37 cm
Gift of the WC Markham family, 1958.
The third of many editions issued between 1506 and 1522. It was printed by Sacon with funding
provided by Anton Koberger of Nuremberg. The title page provides an early example of two-color
printing. Each initial letter is elaborately decorated (woodcuts) and there are three large woodcuts
(Christ with a lamb, the creation, and a nativity). The six-panel creation woodcut is the same as that in
1518.1 and similar to others in the collection. Bishop Quayle’s notes state of the 1518 edition, “these are
probably the work of Jean Bourdichon and the smaller ones were in part executed after those of the
celebrated Mailermi Bible and in part engraved by Hans Springinklee.”
Binding: Vellum.
1515.1. D&M 6091 and 6101; Stutzman 23. OCLC: 54974161
[Bible] Biblia Sacra. Vulgate Lyons : Jacques Sacon, 1518.
Folio, 37cm
Original collection
A fifth edition Sacon Bible printed for Anton Koberger. The description is generally that of 1515.1. The
engraved title page is framed architecturally with Christ in the center, Peter to his right and probably
Jerome to his left, and three coats of arms above. Woodcuts of the Creation & Nativity may be by Jean
Bourdichon after those in the Malermi Bible by Hans Springinklee, as in 3
ed. About 45 of the
woodcuts in the New Testament are different from those in the 3
edition. A note in the colophon
mentions that significant expense was born by Anton Koberger.
Previous owners: Monastery Beati Virgines de Ebrach in Bavaria (dissolved in 1803), John, Jr or John A.
McAllister (Philadelphia, John Jr died 1877, John A in 1896 gave his collection to the Library
Binding: pigskin stamped with floral designs, marbled edges, brass clasps.
1518.1. D&M 6091, 6101; Stutzman 25. OCLC: 54974129
[Bible] Biblia Sacra. Vulgate. Lyons : Jacques Sacon, 1518.
Folio, 37cm
Original collection
A second copy of the fifth edition Sacon Bible (1518.1). Some water stains.
Binding: two-tone calf, tooled panel, repairs performed by Adjarian at Grolier in 1961
Previous owner: Micah Haney
1518.2. D&M 6091, 6101; Stutzman 26. OCLC: 54974129
William A. Quayle, Catalog (unpublished catalog of the original collection, Baker University, Baldwin City, KS)
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[Bible] Biblia cum concordantus veteris et novum testamentum. Vulgate. Lyons : Jean Moylin de Cambray,
Folio, 39cm
“Biblia Magna, Ad Laudem et Gloriam Sanctissime Trinitatis” on the arch on the title page which is
printed in black and red and elaborately decorated in red. A Stephano Guenardi (or Pinet) was the
publisher and bookseller, per the colophon. A “Fontibus ex Graecis” edition. John de Gradibus was
responsible for annotations in the Concordance.
Has woodcut initials. Illustrations are small woodcuts with borders, some pages have wood or metal
cut borders. The beginnings and ends of chapters are printed in red.
Binding: stamped tawed pigskin, clasp missing, leather tabs serve as a thumb index.
Previous owner: Joannes Hirninger
1520.1. Stutzman 27. OCLC: 863472555
[Bible] Vulgate. Lyons : Jacques Sacon, 1522.
Octavo, 19 cm
Original collection
Probably one of the last books printed by Jacob Sacon. Except for size, it is very much like the 1515
edition, with many of the same woodcuts. There are 57 lines to the column.
Woodcut before Genesis shows the 6 days of creation in six panels. There are metal cut initials
w/stippling and tiny woodcuts at the beginnings of each of the Gospels, Acts and Revelation.
Binding: stamped pigskin with metal clasps and bosses, gold inside the cover. The edges are gilt and
gauffered which indicates the binding was not done before 1650.
1522.1. D&M 6102; Stutzman 28. OCLC: 47835659
[Bible] Polyglot. Biblia Sacra. Nuremberg : Joannes Petreius, 1527.
Octavo, 16 cm
Original collection
This is the first Bible printed by the editor-printer Petreius. It is a revision of the Vulgate made by
comparing it with the Complutensian Polyglot of 1514-1517 which was the earliest of the great
The title page is a woodcut with the emblems of the four evangelists. The initials are also woodcuts.
Binding: vellum spine label red w/gilt letters
Previous owners: bookplate for Jacobus Maximilianus Co. Collatti sancti saluatoris S.R.I.N.V. ec. (circa
1771, of Wurtemberg?).
1527.1. D&M 6107; Stutzman 29. OCLC: 46770522
Hattie Osborne, ibid
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[Bible] Biblia, Vulgate. Paris : Robert Estienne, 1528.
Folio, 36cm
Original collection
This was the earliest critical edition of the Vulgate. Three early manuscripts were collated and
compared with the best printed editions, including the Complutensian polyglot. It is the first of forty-
five editions of the Bible printed by Estienne. This copy is complete. It contains the “order of books,”
Jerome’s prologue, and following the text is a list of Hebrew names and an index to the Old and New
Geoffrey Tory, writer-printer-engraver was responsible for the lovely metal cut initials. The title page
as well as the title page to the appendix has Estienne’s full page device, an olive tree with falling
Binding: Russian leather (calf skin prepared with willow bark and scented with birch oil), gold tooled
inner edges and marbled end papers in a stones pattern.
Previous owners: Michael Wodhull, George Aitchison (bookplate 1897)
1528.1 D&M 6109; Stutzman 30. OCLC: 49725927
[Bible] Vulgate. Nuremberg : Johannes Petreius , 1529.
Octavo, 16 cm
Original collection
This second edition of Petreius’ Bible has more decoration than the first (1527). Some initials are
ornamental woodcuts, some decorated in red. The small capitals have some red coloring. A two-page
manuscript calendar on vellum was inserted at the beginning and at the back, three vellum leaves with
St. Augustine’s “on the praise and utility of the Psalms.” The title page is decorated with emblems of
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and biblical scenes.
Binding: vellum
Previous owners: AD Wagner
1529.1. D&M 6107; Stutzman 31. OCLC: 12849244
[Bible] The Most Sacred Bible, tr by Richard Taverner. London : John Byddell, 1539.
Folio, 28 cm
Original collection.
This is a first edition of Taverner’s Bible, which is largely a revision of the Matthew Bible of 1537.
The title page and some other pages are facsimiles, text not complete after Colossians I, several pages
repaired at the back.
Binding: repaired in 1960 Adjarian (Grolier)
10 | P a g e
Previous owners: W. Bosworth 1632 given to his daughter Elizabeth King.
1539.1. D&M 24; Stutzman 32. OCLC: 7448756.
[New Testament] Il Nuovo Testamento, tr by Antonio Brucioli. Venice : Bartholomeo de Zanetti, 1540.
Octavo, 16cm
Original collection
Antonio Brucioli (1487-1566) and his brothers first published the New Testament in 1530. It was later
condemned and placed on the Index of Prohibited Books in 1559. The fourth edition, of which this is a
copy, is called the “Burnt” Bible because all known copies of the first three editions were burned.
Binding: Bishop Quayle’s notes state that the brown morocco binding is “super-extra” with delicately
gold tooled inside borders and gold marbled edges (perhaps gilt over marbling), bound by 19
Parisian bookbinder Trautz-Bauzonnet.
Previous owners: Robert Samuel Turner
1540.1 Stutzman 33. OCLC: 312241985.
[Bible] The Byble in Englyshe, tr Myles Coverdale. London : Edward Whitchurch, 1540.
Folio, 36cm
Original collection
This is the second edition of Coverdale’s Great Bible of 1539. It is sometimes referred to as Cranmer’s
version since it bears his prologue.
The title page is said to have been designed by Hans Holbein. God, from the clouds, gestures toward
Henry VIII below, on a throne. He hands the “verbum dei” to Archbishop Thomas Cranmer on his right
and Thomas Cromwell on his left. Below them, Bishops pass Bibles to the priests and nobles to lesser
nobles. Finally, in the lowest register, more humble folk shout ‘Vivat Rex’ and “God Save the King.”
In the first edition woodcuts are framed by a border or columns which are lacking in this and
subsequent editions. Wood- or metal-cut initials. The pointing hands in the margins and text, showing
the passages Coverdale considered ‘dark,’ and wished to annotate, have ruffles about the wrist, while
the hands in other editions have a cuff only. Stars in the text of the 1539 edition are six-pointed
whereas later editions have five-pointed stars.
Some pages are missing, some are water-stained and others toward both the front and back have
been repaired.
Binding: old black calf with a plain panel. The original binding was rebacked by JC Sheehan in 1985
1540.2. D&M 30; Stutzman 34. OCLC: 152578431
[Bible] The Byble in Englyshe, tr by Myles Coverdale. London : Edward Whitchurch, 1541.
Folio, 37cm
Original collection
The fifth edition of the Great Bible. The text is generally the same as above.
Quayle, op. cit.
11 | P a g e
The title page, all the preliminary leaves, and part of Genesis are missing. Other pages are missing
pages throughout the book, as well, pages at the end are mutilated, some missing.
Binding: brown calf over boards, elaborate stamped panel, rebound with new backstrip.
1541.1 D&M 37; Stutzman 35. OCLC: 270555893
[New Testament] Novum Testamentum, Erasmus. Basel: Johann Froben and Nicolaus Episcopius, 1545.
Quarto, 22cm
Original collection
The only edition issued by the Froben press in which a Latin text does not accompany the Greek. The
text is Erasmus’ fifth edition with an introduction by Philip Melancthon.
Binding: contemporary gold-tooled German dark morocco; gauffered edges.
Previous owners: A Holmes, 1825; Geo T. Strong, 1841
1545.1. D&M 4609; Stutzman 36. OCLC: 37410646
[Bible] The Byble. London : John Daye and William Seres, 1549.
Folio, 30cm
Original collection.
This is a reprint of the Matthew’s Bible of 1537, edited by Edmund Becke who also wrote the
dedication (missing from this copy) and notes found in no other edition of the Bible.
Sometimes called the “Wife-beater’s Bible” for the note that appears at the end of Peter 1:3: “He
dwelleth with his wife according to knowledge, that taketh her as a necessarye healper, and not as a
bonde servuante or a bonde slave. And yf she be not obedient and healpful unto hym endeavoureth to
beate the feare of god into her heade, that thereby she maye be compelled to learn her dutie, and to
do it.” It is also called the “Bug Bible,” though the rendering “Bugges” in Psalm 91:5 is found first in
the Coverdale Bible of 1535 and subsequently other translations.
A few small woodcuts, especially in Revelation.
Binding: older calf binding rebacked with light brown leather. The numbering of pages is often
incorrect. This copy is imperfect, missing a number of pages including the first title page.
1549.1. D&M 47; Stutzman 37. OCLC: 5028987
[New Testament] The Newe Testament our oure Saueour Iesus Christ, tr by William Tyndale. No location : no
publisher, 1549
Gift of Milton McGreevy, 1962
It is thought this was printed in Antwerp.
Woodcut initials are smallish, fairly plain and very similar before Paul’s letter to the Philippians. After
that, they vary quite a bit in size and style. There are 21 illustrations -- in Revelation only said to be
based on drawings of Holbein.
12 | P a g e
Binding: brown leather blind panel
Previous owner: Charles Fountaine-Walker, bookplate (might check Quaritch catalog of 1893), F Fry no.
1549.2 OCLC: 34503781
[New Testament] The New Testament in Englishe, tr by William Tyndale. London : Thomae Gaultier pro I.C.,
Octavo, 18cm
Original collection
The fourth edition of Tyndale’s English and Erasmus’ Latin texts, printed side-by-side. The English is in
black letter; the Latin in roman type. The first edition was printed in 1525. The New Testament is
followed by the Epistles of the Old Testament.
The note “pro I.C.” following the printer’s name indicates that the publisher and editor of this edition
was John Cawood.
The leaves are not numbered. The title page and two leaves of tables are missing and other leaves
have had the margins restored. The book contains the bookplate of Lord Amherst of Hackney’s library
which was sold at auction at Sotheby’s in 1908.
Binding: brown morocco, blind stamped and gold tooled. The binder’s stamp of Wm. Pratt (active in
London 1823-38) is inside front cover, back cover detached.
1550.1 D&M 58; Stutzman 38 OCLC: 270542808
[Bible] The Whole Byble, tr by Myles Coverdale. [Zurich] : [Christopher Froschover], 1550.
Quarto, 24 cm
Original collection
The angular German type of Froschover’s Zurich press was used for the text of this Bible. It resembles,
but is much smaller than the type used in the Coverdale Bible of 1535. Preliminary leaves added by
Andrewe Hester in London.
Binding: modern dark blue crushed levant, gold tooled, trimmed very close.
Previous owners: This copy was in the Caxton Exhibition, lent by the Maggs brothers. It contains the
bookplates of Henry Huth, a 19e English book collector and of Lea Wilson.
1550.2. D&M 55; Stutzman 39. OCLC: 63052609
[Bible] Die Gantze Bibel, tr by Leo Jud. Zurich : Christoph Froschauer, 1551
Folio, 38cm
Gift of the Nebraska Historical Society, 1991
Translated by Leo Jud, based in part on Luther’s translation. There are lots of colored woodcuts
prominent colors are an olive green and very slightly rusty red.
In bad shape, it has been repaired with inappropriate materials such as Christmas tape.
Binding: brown calf, ruled.
13 | P a g e
Previous owners: Mrs. IC Maust, Nebraska Historical Society
1551.1. D&M 4196. OCLC: 774856614
[Bible] Biblia Sacra, Vulgate. Lyons : Jean Tournes, 1554.
Octavo, 17 cm
Original collection
The text is based on the vulgate of Robert Estienne. It is illustrated by 198 woodcuts by Bernard
Salomon, called “le petit Bernard.” This is the first Bible to have his woodcuts, but the woodcuts may
have been used in religious works before, as indicated by the worm holes which show as small rings.
The woodcuts in the New Testament are smaller than those in the Old Testament and have floral
bands at either side. Some pale yellow coloring.
The fly leaves appear to have been replaced and the original title page pasted on a new leaf.
Binding: old leather, edges of covers are blind stamped, edges sprinkled w/ red and blue
1554.1. D&M 6134; Stutzman 40; Copinger 359. OCLC: 46942370
[Gospel of St. Matthew] Evangelium Matthaei ex Hebraeo fidelitur redditum. Paris : Martin Le Jeune, 1555.
Original collection
Two books have been bound together. The first, in Latin, was published in 1555; the second in Hebrew,
in 1551. The Latin version is taken from a Hebrew manuscript found in Rome, translated into Latin by
Jean Mercier and edited by Jean du Tillet, Bishop of Brieuc. The Hebrew text appears to be edited by
Jean Cinqarbres.
Binding: vellum; the typewritten label, “Polyglot, 1555,” is pasted on the spine
1551-1555.1. D&M 5094 (Latin) & 5095 (Hebrew); Stutzman 41. OCLC: 41074192
[Bible] Biblia Sacra, Vulgate. Lyons : Jean Tournes, 1556.
Folio, 39cm
Original collection, 1908
Contains the woodcuts of Bernard Salomon as does 1554.1. The Old Testament woodcuts don’t have
floral borders at the sides, but the New Testament cuts do. The initials could be metal cuts. The Roman
type is especially clear. Many hand-written marginal notes.
Binding: blind-stamped tawed pigskin with small portraits, clasps missing
Previous owner Rudolph Kelker (bought 1840)
1556.1. D&M 134 or 6138; Stutzman 42. OCLC: 465273770
[Bible] Biblia, tr by Sebastien Castellion. Basel : Joannnes Oporinus, 1556.
Folio, 37cm
Original collection
14 | P a g e
A third edition. A characteristic of Sebastien Castellion’s Latin versions is the use of classical terms for
recognized ecclesiastical terms such as “collegium” for “synagoga,” and “fanum” for “timplum”
which caused great unpleasantness with the Calvinist community.
The lines and columns are numbered. Historiated initials. Printer’s device on the title page is Arian
riding a dolphin. 1
leaves have been repaired.
Binding: stamped vellum with oval centerpiece
Previous owners: Montagu family (Ditton Park bookplate, Montagu home, probably after the 1812 fire)
1556.2. D&M 6137; Stutzman 43. OCLC: 26290991.
[New Testament] Il Nuovo Testamento di Iesu Christo, tr by Antonio Brucioli (Italian) & Desiderius Erasmus
(Latin). Lyons : Guillaume Rouillé, 1558.
16mo, 12cm, 2 volumes
Purchased, 1996
The Italian text is a revision of Brucioli’s 1530 translation first published in Venice by Lucantonio Giunta.
Brucioli’s and Erasmus’ texts sit side by side on the page with the Italian to the outside of the page and
Latin to the inside.
The title page is engraved by Pierre Vase (Eskrich), who was attached to the Rouillé Press. He may
have been responsible for the initials and the headers, as well. No other illustrations.
Binding: red leather with a gold border, repeated on the edges and another pattern just inside the
covers. The edges are gilt and gauffered although the gauffering is faint and appears toward the front
of the first volume and the end of the second volume as though it had initially been bound as a single
volume. The endpapers are marbled with a stone pattern, grey predominating.
Previous owners: Around the circular bookplate on the pastedowns of each volume reads “Norman
Court” which was a country house close to Salisbury and in the center is a monogram WB (William
Baring? Charles Baring Wall?) or VB at the bottom of the border is a bee.
1558.1. D&M 5591; Bibles Paris 4362; Adams B 1692; Barbieri 69; Baudrier. OCLC: 46594668.
[Bible] The Bible and Holy Scriptures. Geneva. Geneva : Rowland Hall, 1560.
Small quarto, 26 cm
Original collection
This is the first edition of the Geneva Bible, the first English Bible printed in Roman type and with verse
divisions. Marginal notes are in small roman type; references and contents before chapters in italics. It
is sometimes referred to as the Breeches Bible after the translation of the story of Adam and Eve.
Profuse marginal notes, often Calvinistic.
There are twenty-six engravings in the text and five full page maps. The title page in this copy may be
a reproduction.
Binding: paneled tooled brown levant, repairs by Adjarian (Grolier) in 1959
1560.1. D&M 77; ESTC S202758; STC (2
) 2093; Stutzman 44. OCLC 43861945.
15 | P a g e
[Bible] The Bible and Holy Scriptures. Geneva. Geneva : Rowland Hall, 1560.
Small quarto, 23 cm
Original collection
A second copy of 1560.1, lacking a title page and list of books. One map damaged, another missing,
and the tables at the end of the book are missing. A few of the margins of the leaves are damaged
slightly, some signs of previous mold problems, and some have been trimmed too closely.
Binding: brown, gold tooled leather, front cover has detached.
1560.2. D&M 77; Stutzman 45; ESTC S202758; STC (2
) 2093; OCLC 43861945
[Bible] The Bible and Holy Scriptures, Geneva. Geneva : John Bodley, 1562.
Folio, 32cm
Original collection
John Bodley is accepted as the printer of the second edition of the Geneva Bible although no printer is
named. The New Testament title page is dated 1561. Claims of revision were made but the only
differences were in type, size, and the number of mistakes. The Bible received the nickname “Whig”
Bible from a passage in the Beatitudes which reads “Blessed are the ‘place’ makers.” An error in Luke
21 reads, “Christ ‘condemneth’ the poor widows,” rather than “commendeth.”
Illustrations are the same as the 1560 edition.
The first title page is missing; also missing are the five maps and the last page of the tables. Several
pages are mended.
Binding: half-binding in red morocco (maybe 19
century). Marbled papers in stones pattern.
1562.1 D&M 84; Stutzman 46. OCLC: 70189733.
[New Testament] Das Newe Testament, Luther. Nuremberg : Valentin Newber, 1562.
12mo, 16cm
Original collection, 1908
This volume is illustrated with many woodcuts and ornamental initials, some roughly colored by hand.
Apocalypse illustrations are vaguely Durer-like. Water has caused some of the colors to run.
Binding: three-quarter calf with paper, the spine is detached and in the folder
Previous owners: Matthias Jacob Adam Steiner (1740-96, collector of rare bibles); Johann Josef Grafs
1562.2. Stutzman 47; no record in OCLC.
[Bible] Biblia Sacrosancta veteris et novi testament, Vulgate. Venice : Lucantonio Giunta, 1564.
Folio, 32cm
Original collection
The Vulgate as edited by Isidoro Chiari in 1542.
Woodcut initials at the beginnings of the chapters. A nice, small woodcut of the Nativity at the
beginning of Matthew.
16 | P a g e
The colophon is dated 1557 (date of 1
ed), but the title page, printed in red and black, gives 1564. The
printer’s device is a fleur de lys in red with an L and an A Luc Antonio. Appears to be complete.
Binding: brown calf
Previous owners: Bibliotheca FF Prdo Anglorum Bornheimy 1755, John McAllister.
1564.1. D&M 6121; Stutzman 48; OCLC: 5430760
[Bible] Biblia, ad vetustissima exemplaria castigate, Vulgate. Antwerp : Christoph Plantin, 1564.
16mo, 12cm, 4 of 5 volumes
Gift of Irene Murphy, 1976
It is called the Louvain edition of the Vulgate because it had the sanction of the Theological Faculty of
Louvain. It was widely accepted as the authorized Roman Catholic version until the publication of the
Sixtine Bible in 1590.
Dates vary -- vol.1 title page has 1565 and the colophon 1564; v.2 has 1564 in both places; v. 3 1564/1565;
v.4 1564/1565. Volume 4 ends with Malachai.
Red leather, gold tooled cover, edges and inside; marbled end papers. Some water damage. Volume 3
is badly damaged.
1564.3 OCLC: 316867069
[Bible] Biblia. Antwerp : Christopher Plantin, 1565.
Octavo, 19 cm
Original collection, 1908
A Louvain edition reprinted, with modifications, from the Estienne Bible of 1538.
The leaves are numbered by the press. Small ornamental initials mark the beginning of each book,
verse divisions appear in the margins, and the title page is engraved.
Binding: backed in sheepskin; sides mottled brown paper on pasteboard. Some pages are loose.
1565.1. D&M 6129; Stutzman 49. OCLC: 465273778
[New Testament] Iesu Christi D.N. Novum testamentum, tr by Theodore de Bèze. Geneva : Henri Estienne,
Folio, 41cm
Original collection
This is the earliest of de Bèze’s editions of the Greek Testament. With some modifications, the text
follows Robert Estienne’s text of 1551. Two Latin texts are given - the Vulgate and de Bèze’s own - and
de Bèze’s Greek. His commentary, in Latin, appears at the tops and bottoms of the pages. Dedicated
to Queen Elizabeth.
Woodcut initials and head pieces. Estienne used Ulrich Fugger’s type.
Binding: contemporary stamped pigskin over wood; stamped panel; with clasps.
17 | P a g e
Previous owners: Widder?
1565.2. D&M 4629; Stutzman 50. OCLC: 8664604
[Bible] La Bible, tr by Pierre Robert Olivetan. Geneva : Francois Estienne, 1567.
Octavo, 17cm
Original collection
This is the first French Protestant version, based on the Hebrew and Greek. John Calvin, Olivetan’s
cousin, provided the prefaces and support for the undertaking. Prayers, Catechism and Clement
Marot’s Psalms w/music are all included. There is a folded map in the Acts of the Apostles.
Hand-ruled in red.
Binding: red morocco binding, gold edges.
1567.1. D&M 3730; Stutzman 51. OCLC: 55481666
[Bible] Biblia Sacra, Vulgate. Lyons : Guillaume Rouille, 1567.
Quarto, 19cm
Original collection
The vulgate version of Henri Estienne.
A small, thick quarto illustrated throughout in woodcuts by Pierre Vase (known also as P. Eskrich) after
the manner of Bernard Salomon. The title page is decorated with human figures, grapes and other
fruits. There are 100 pages of alphabetical index, lists of names, and the prologue of St. Jerome.
Woodcut initials are 6 lines high.
Binding: vellum. The margins were cut down when it was rebound.
1567.2. BM p44; Copinger 422; Stutzman 52. OCLC: 38258858
[Bible] Holie Bible, the Bishops’ Bible. London : Richard Jugge, 1568.
Folio, 42cm
Original collection
A first edition, often called the “Jugge” Bible, after the printer or the “Treacle” Bible because of Jer.
8:22, “is there no treacle in Galaad.”
The note beside Psalm 45:9 explains thus the “golde of Ophir:” “Ophir is thought to be the Ilande in
the west coast, of late founde by Christopher Columbo, from whence at this day is brought most fine
The text is printed in double columns, fifty-seven lines to a full column. Headlines and marginal
references are in Roman type, but the marginal notes and the contents before chapters are in black
letter. Illustrations, maps, plans and portraits include Archbishop Parker and his coat of arms.
The title page and one leaf following and three leaves at the end are in facsimile.
Binding: calf, blind tooled.
Previous owners: from the library of Francis Fry (1803-1886); Sarah Matilda Barclay
18 | P a g e
1568.1 D&M 89; Stutzman 53; OCLC: 7987743
[Bible, leaf] The Bishop’s Bible. London : Richard Jugge, 1568.
Gift of the Bridwell Library
Conjugate leaves from Ezekiel, chapt. 4, presented by the Bridwell Library on the occasion of the
dedication of the Annex, September 27, 1973
[Bible] “Bear” Bible, tr by Casadorio de Reina. Basel : T. Guarinus, 1569.
Quarto, 27cm
Original collection, 1908
A first edition of the earliest complete Bible in Spanish, by Cassiodora de Reina (c1520-1594). The back
of the title page bears rules 3 & 4, devised at the behest of the Council of Trent to guide bishops and
priests in deciding what books were to be allowed to whom.
It is sometimes referred to as the Bear Bible, from Samuel Apiarius’ device, a bear pulling honey from a
tree, surrounded by angry bees.
Binding: stamped pigskin (17
century?); repaired 1985; original clasps.
1569.1. D&M 8472; Stutzman 54; OCLC: 7004127
[Bible] Holy Byble, Bishops’ Bible. London : Richard Jugge, 1573. Black letter
Quarto, 24cm
Original collection
The second quarto edition and the fourth edition of the Bishops’ version. It resembles in most
particulars the first quarto Bible of 1569, except the New Testament seems to follow closely the 1572
folio. Preceded by the Book of Common Prayer and followed by Sternhold and Hopkins’ Psalms with
some music, printed by John Daye in 1573. Maps cited in Delano Smith’s Maps in Bibles.
The general title page and fifteen of the 44 preliminary leaves are missing and there are a number of
small mutilations.
Binding: smooth calf with large brass bosses and brass clasps; centerpiece is diamond-shaped brass
with gold tooling around the edges. Both covers have detached.
Previous owners: contains the angling bookplate of Thomas Alcock Beck, a copy of which was
featured at the exhibition of angling bookplates at the Grolier Club 1918.
1573.1. D&M 100; Stutzman 55; Herbert 135; OCLC: 48181283
[Bible] The Holy Byble, the Bishops’ Bible. London : Richard Jugge, 1574. Black letter,
Folio, 34cm
Original collection
The third folio edition and the fifth Bishops’ Bible published. It is the first to contain a statement of
authorization. Since history does not record authorization by either the Queen or Parliament, it was
probably authorized by the church authorities.
19 | P a g e
Included is a two-page map printed from the same block as that used for the 1535 Coverdale Bible;
however there is a different letterpress in the scroll, and Parker’s arms appear in the tablet, dated
1574. Cranmer’s Prologue is printed in italics. There are three title pages in addition to the general. The
title page and all preliminary leaves before the preface are missing from this copy.
Binding: blind tooled ooze calf, the title stamped in gold on red morocco on the spine.
Previous owners: Alex Paterson, Tho. Richards, 1695.
1574.1. D&M 101; Stutzman 56; OCLC: 25649601
[New Testament] Iesu Christi D.N. Novum Testamentum, tr by Theodore de Beze. London : Thomas
Vautrollerus, 1574.
Octavo, 16cm
Original collection, 1908
This is the first separate edition of Theodore de Bèze’s interpretation of the New Testament. It was
edited by Pierre Loyseleur de Villiers, a theological professor from Geneva and printed in the office of
the Blackfriars in London. The printer, Vautrollerus, was a Huguenot refugee who obtained permission
from Queen Elizabeth to print this version. The commentary is de Bèze’s with additions by Joachim
The roman type of the text is small and the commentary in the margins is even smaller. Woodcut
Binding: brown mottled calf, blind-tooled on the cover, gilt on the edges of the covers, red-sprinkled
page edges.
Previous owner: RL Hopper
1574.2. D&M 6162; Stutzman 57; OCLC: 16317749
[Bible] Biblia, Louvain. Venice : Haeredes Nicolai Bevilaquae et Socii, 1576.
Folio, 39cm
Original collection
A large folio edition of the Louvain Bible, edited by Johannes Henten. The colophon indicates that the
volume was printed in Venice by Giacomo Vidali for the heirs of Nicolai Bevilaquae.
Borders, woodcuts and historiated initials. Woodcuts in the Old Testament are framed at the sides
with architectural designs, there are no frames in the Apocrypha and New Testament.
Binding: plain calf on sides; gold tooled. Missing front flyleaf and, perhaps more before the title page.
Several pages have been repaired.
Previous owners: Libreria Francesco Perrella Napoli Museo (bookseller)
1576.1 Stutzman 58; OCLC: 12567396
[Bible] Holy Byble, Bishops’s Bible. London : Richard Jugge, 1576.
Quarto, 20cm
20 | P a g e
The eighth edition of the Bishops’ Bible. It was the first quarto printed with numbered verses. The
preface is missing its first pages. Includes a calendar and Book of Common Prayer.
Binding: a modern brown leather.
Previous owners: from the library of Francis Fry, John Shankling, Thos Ellinott.
1576.2 D&M 108; Stutzman 59; OCLC: 40784199
[New Testament] Douai-Rheims translation. Rheims : John Fogny, 1582.
Quarto, 22cm
The Old Testament was published in 1608.
There is a binding error with Gg before Ff (following page 224)
Binding: modern maroon leather, gilt edges.
Previous owners: Thos Gaisford’s (Bodleian curator) bookplate
1582.1 D&M 134; Stutzman 60; OCLC: 2757481
[Bible] The Bible and Holy Scriptures Conteyned in the Olde and Newe Testament, Geneva. London : Deputies
of Christopher Barker, 1592.
Folio, 30cm
Original collection
The frontispiece, a woodcut of the Garden of Eden, was also used by Robert Barker for some editions
of the Bishops’ Bible. The New Testament is L Tomson’s English translation of Th. de Beze’s text. The
New Testament title page is dated 1591, but the colophon has 1592.
It is printed black letter, in double columns, sixty lines to a full column. The border to the general and
New Testament title pages is like that in Barker’s folio edition of the Bishops’ Bible of 1584.
The general title page is missing from this volume. Early pages have been repaired.
Binding: calf, rebacked by Adjarian (Grolier, 1960)
1592.1 D&M 161; Stutzman 61; OCLC: 20310156
[Bible] Biblia Sacra, vulgate. Tubingen : Georg Gruppenbach, 1593.
Folio, 25cm
Original collection
The vulgate text was edited by Lucas Osiander. Printed in clear fine type, The initial letters are large,
heavy, and black.
There are two title pages, one for the Old and one for the New Testament. The New Testament
bearing a coat of arms with two fishes. The frontispiece is a portrait of Duke Ludwig of Wittemberg.
Woodcut initials at the beginning of each book, other initials a just big and heavy. A few pages are
21 | P a g e
Binding: tawed pigskin with a portrait and initials MWB (or maybe MVB) and 1594, the flyleaves seem
newer & a few pages are mended.
1593.1 Stutzman 62; OCLC: 22966325
[Bible] Geneva. London : Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1594.
Octavo, 22cm
Original collection
The 1594 edition is the third of three editions printed by Christopher Barker, after he bought the
patent from Sir Thomas Wilkes for the printing of all official documents, Bibles, and Testaments.
The title page and possibly some front matter is missing and several pages are torn.
Following the title page of the New Testament are questions and answers concerning the doctrine of
predestination, the use of the sacraments, and names and order of the books of the Bible.
After the New Testament are found “Two right profitable and fruitfull concordances, or large and
ample tables alphabetical,” collected by R.F.H. printed by Christopher Barker (nd).
After the concordance are pages from the Book of Common Prayer beginning with “the visitation of
the sicke” and including all of the Psalms, ending with a woodcut with inscription
The last page has “Howe to take profite in reading of the Holy Scriptures,” by T. Grashop on the recto
and “Of the incomparable treasure of the holy Scriptures with a prayer for the true use of the same.”
Binding: rebound (Adjarian 1960), smooth brown leather, the spine gold tooled.
Previous owner: Edward Hopkins.
1594.1 D&M 170; Stutzman 63; OCLC: 20336792
[Bible] The Bible that is the Holy Scriptures, Geneva. London : Deputies of Christopher Barker, 1599.
Quarto, 22cm
Stutzman says the title pages are new it’s not obvious to me. To the Christian Reader, Of the
incomparable treasure…, how to take profite in reading…, and the names and order of the books
precede the text.
New Testament translated from the Greek by Theodore de Beze and into English by L. Tomson with
the annotations of Fr Junius in Revelation.
There are tables and the Sternhold & Hopkins metrical Psalms with music after the New Testament.
Errors include: “defile” for “put”; “beards” for “harps”; “thing” for “dung.”
Between the Old and New Testaments is pasted an engraving of Theodore de Beze, engraved by TA
Binding: black morocco, gold tooled, gilt edged, marbled end papers in nonpareil curls
22 | P a g e
Previous owners: Walter Crompton, 1737, Johan S Crompton & Dona Feminarum, 1719, Winfield
genealogy; James Print, 1899,
1599.1 D&M 188; OCLC: 4689385.
[New Testament] Novum Testamentum Dni. Nri. Jesu Christi, by Elias Hutter. Nuremberg : np, 1599.
Folio, 38cm, volume I of 2
Original collection
Volume I contains the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, Epistle of John, Epistle of Jude, and the
Elias Hutter (1533-1602?), a Hebrew professor at Leipzig, edited and published this twelve language
polyglot. The texts are printed in six columns across two pages: (1) Syriac (in Hebrew characters) and
Italian, (2) Hebrew and Spanish, (3) Greek and French, (4) Latin and English, (5) German and Danish,
(6) Bohemian and Polish. The English text is from the Geneva Bible.
The general title page is missing, we have half titles for each book. Pages are imperfectly numbered.
Binding: brown calf, title on the spine. The leather is quite worn. The endpapers are a paste paper
design which is repeated on the edges.
1599.2 D&M 1430. OCLC: 55236365
[Bible] Biblia Sacra. Vulgate Antwerp : Ex Officina Plantiniana, apud Jan Moretus, 1608
12 mo, 19cm
Gift of Roberta Cowles, 1988
Sixto-Clementine version of the vulgate, edited by Pope Clement VIII. In the front, there is a list of the
books of the Bible in the order prescribed by the Council of Trent. Contains praise for Moreto by
Clement VIII. Printers device after the Bible text. Bound with Romanae Correctionis in Latin Bibliis, by
Francisco Luca.
Bound in brown calf, blind lined panel at the edge of the cover, edges sprinkled red.
Previous owner: Library of the College of Crema
1608.1 OCLC: 10127023
[Old Testament] The Holie Bible, Douai-Rheims. Douai : Laurence Kellam, 1609.
Quarto, 21cm two volumes.
The authorized Roman Catholic version of the Old Testament in English, this version came from the
same translators as the Rheims New Testament of 1582. Volume Two has a separate title page and was
published in 1610.
Margins trimmed close.
Binding: modern maroon leather, gilt edges
Previous owners: Margaret Weld.
23 | P a g e
1609.1. D&M 231; OCLC: 2476901
[Bible] Biblia Sacra. Venice : Antonio Pinelli,1609.
30cm, volume 2 of 2
Original collection
Begins with Job. Three Latin translations are given: from Vulgate, the Hebrew, and the Septuagint. The
Hebrew translation is in italics. One woodcut initial for the preface.
Binding: original vellum (spine in rough shape)
1609.2. Stutzman 67; OCLC: 644099845
[Bible] Geneva. Edinburgh : Andro Hart, 1610.
Folio, 34cm
Original collection, 1917
New Testament revised by Laurence Thomsen, with the annotations in Revelation of Fr. Junius.
Foliation errors in the 150’s. One woodcut in Exodus and 4 maps.
Binding: rubbed tooled calf, part of the title page missing
1610.1 D&M 233; Stutzman 68; OCLC: 70210168
[Old Testament] Biblia en lengua Espanola, tr by Abraham Usque. Amsterdam : np, 1611.
Folio, 33cm
Original collection
The Ferrara edition of the Hebrew Bible made by Abraham Usque, a Jew from Portugal, and first
printed in 1553 under the protection of the Duke of Ferrara. It was produced for Spanish-speaking
Jews who fled Spain and Portugual in the Inquisition. The text is written in double columns and
without verse divisions. A representation of the Ark on the title page.
Binding: stamped pigskin, colored a dark brown; part of the title page is missing
1611.1 D&M 8476. OCLC: 54339323
[Bible] The Holy Bible conteyning the Old Testament and the New, King James Version. London : Robert
Barker, 1611.
Folio, 40cm
Original collection
This first edition is referred to as the “He” Bible which comes from Ruth 3:15 which reads here, “and
he went into the citie.” Most subsequent editions use the pronoun “she.”
The text is in black letter; chapter headings, marginal references, and words supplied by the
translators in text are in Roman type; the alternate readings are in italic.
The first title page, two pages of preliminary matter, and the last leaf of the text are reproductions.
Binding: modern crimson levant with a long scratch, edges richly gauffered.
24 | P a g e
Previous owners: it is said to come from library of the Duke of Northumberland (from the Baker
convocation program, 1968)
1611.2. D&M 240; OCLC: 7919747
[Bible] The Holy Bible conteyning the Old Testament and the New, King James Version. (hereinafter the title
and version designated simply “KJV.” London : Robert Barker, 1611.
Folio, 43cm
Original collection
A “She” variant.
The title page is missing.
Binding: calf over heavy boards, brass corners and bosses, rebacked and repaired by JC Sheehan.
Previous owners: gift of Mr Wm Hopton to Johy Burden, 1843
1611.3 D&M 250; OCLC: 70216683
[Bible] KJV. London : Robert Barker, 1613.
Original collection
Both title pages and colophon have 1613. The first initial letter in the letter from the translators was set
sideways, making the first word “Neale” rather than “Zeale.” No metric psalms, no genealogies, no
maps. Includes the concordances of R.F.H. printed by Robert Barker in 1615.
Previous owner: David Richardson, the New Gables Castle, James Pope (1662), contains note by Fr. Fry
Binding: modern, half calf with brown marbled paper.
1613.1 D&M 250; OCLC: 15243790
[Bible] Biblia. Leyden : Jan Paedts Jacobson, 1614.
Folio, 38cm
Original collection
A reprint of the Embden Bible which was first printed in 1562 for the Reformed church.
Metrical psalms with some music follow the text.
Binding: contemporary blind-tooled, with brass centerpiece and four corner pieces, clasps; gauffered
1614.1 D&M 3299; OCLC: 69059891
[Bible] KJV. London : Robert Barker, 1616.
Small folio, 23cm
Original collection
The title page & colophon are dated 1616. The first of two general title pages is lost. Several of the first
pages have been repaired clumsily.
25 | P a g e
A condensed version of the Booke of Common Prayer (1615.1), printed in 1615 by Robert Barker bound
at the front with a title page in red and black. Genealogies by John Speed follow. Sternhold & Hopkins
metric psalms (1619.1) printed in 1619 for the Company of Stationers.
Binding: gold stamped black morocco.
Previous owners: the Loades family, Mary Mash
1616.1 D&M 269; Stutzman 74; OCLC: 79470093
[Bible] Biblia. Arnheim : Jan Jansen , 1616.
Folio, 31cm
Original collection.
Text translated by Jacob van Liesvelt. Illustrated with hand-colored woodcuts. A two-column Bible
with marginal notes and indexes.
Binding: half calf with marbled paper over paste board. Bound with 1615.1 and 1619.1
Previous owners: Reverend John Wright, authority on Bibles in America; Petri Jacobi Teding van
Berkhout, 1846.
1616.2 D&M; Stutzman 75; OCLC: 69065235
[Bible] KJV. London : Robert Barker, 1617.
Folio, 42cm
Original collection, 1922
This third folio edition resembles the others by Barker. The title page, perhaps an experimental one,
originally had the wrong date which has been erased and corrected with a pen. This copy is noted for
its fore-edge painting. Christ shows his hands to his disciples. On the inner edge of the binding are
stamped in the gold the words: “Handle me and see, it is I myself.” The art of fore-edge painting was
not developed before the middle of the 17
Binding: gold stamped morocco; brass bosse and corners
Previous owners: EC Crawshaw
1617.1 D&M 269; Stutzman 76; OCLC: 6228461
[Bible] KJV. London : Bonham Norton and John Bill, 1620.
Small quarto, 21cm
Original collection
Genealogies, printed by John Speed. Description of Canaan with map. The date 1619 appears on the
general title page; 1620 on the New Testament title page and colophon. The preface is bound at the
back of the volume.
Bound in brown calf, rebacked in 1960 by Adjarian (Grolier).
Previous owners: Rudolph F. Kelker; Nicholas Briggs (1717). Joseph McDonough Rare books Albany,
26 | P a g e
1620.1 D&M 289; OCLC: 63668536
[Bible] KJV. London : Bonham Norton and John Bill, 1625.
Small quarto, 24cm
Original collection
Book of Common Prayer; Genealogies; OT; Apocr; NT; Two Right Profitable…(1622/1621); Sternhold &
Hopkins Metric Psalms (1623.1); and a concordance (1622.1). Some pages repaired. Does not contain
the description of Canaan.
Binding: rebacked, blind stamped calf with ten brass bosses and catches for two clasps.
Previous owners: Mairis bookplate
1625.1 D&M 303; OCLC: 5029007
[New Testament] Novum Testamentum, tr by Theodore de Beze. SL : Jacob Stoer, 1627.
12mo, 12cm
Original collection
The text is Greek with a Latin translation. The title page has a device with an angel leaning on the cross
with a skeleton lying at its foot. There are woodcut initials. The copy in the BNF has hand-written
“Geneva” as the printing location. Stoer died in 1610, so this is presumed to have been printed by his
Binding: marbled paper over pasteboard, spine in red leather. Damage to the bottoms of the pages is
variously explained as water or fire damage.
1627.1 Stutzman 80; OCLC: 456819752
[Bible] Biblia Sacra. Geneva : Philippum Albertum, 1630
Folio, 35cm, three volumes
Purchased, 1955
Volumes one and two contain the Old Testament, volume three, Beze’s translation of the New
Testament from the Greek with Tremellius and Junius’ notes. Pages are missing from each volume.
Binding: dark blue morocco armorial binding; gold edging on inside.
Previous owners: these volumes were at one time at Rufford Abbey in Nottingham. On the armorial
bookplate the motto “bee fast” is that of Henry Savile and “murus oeneus conscientia sana” is from
the abbey before it was given to the Savile family.
1630.1 D&M 6212; OCLC: 49654081
[New Testament] Novum Testamentum. Cambridge : Thomas Buck, 1632.
Octavo 20cm?
Bound with The Booke of Common Prayer, 1631. OCLC says bcp is 1632 by Robert Barker, the psalms
are for the companie… in 1632.
1632.1 D&M 4678; OCLC: 10786509
27 | P a g e
[Bible] KJV. London : Robert Barker and assignes of John Bill, 1634.
Folio, 40cm
Original Collection
The fourth distinct folio edition, it agrees with the 1617 Folio. This copy was lent by Henry J. Atkinson
for the Caxton Exhibition; his book plate is no longer in the book. Includes Calendar and John Speed’s
Binding: note on flyleaf states, “This Bible was bound anew in 1713.” It was bound again more recently
by Adjarian (Grolier, 1960) in brown leather over boards although the covers from an earlier binding
were retained.
1634.1 OCLC: 49201497
[Bible] KJV. Cambridge : Thomas Buck and Roger Daniel, 1638.
Folio, 40cm
Original collection
Called the “Cambridge” Bible, this edition served as the standard for many subsequent editions.
The title page of this copy is engraved by Will Marshall and colored by hand it appears that either the
original or a copy has been cut out and pasted onto a sheet at the beginning. The pasted paper feels
much smoother than the original pages. The book is ruled throughout in red by hand, although hand
work was not the rule for this edition. Buck and Daniel’s 1638 edition of Sternhold & Hopkins’ metric
Psalms with some music is bound at the back.
Binding: dark brown morocco with two pieces of red leather inlaid, gold tooling, gauffered edges, the
work of Thomas Buck, marbled endpapers.
1638.1 D&M 403; OCLC: 13955895
[Bible] KJV. London : Robert Barker and Assigns of John Bill, 1639.
Quarto, 23cm
Original collection
Bound with the Book of Common Prayer (1636.1) and the Psalms (1639) also printed by Robert Barker.
Binding: ooze calf
Previous owners: Contains the book plate of George May Elwood; Thomas Marshall
1639.1 D&M 417; Stutzman 84; OCLC: 24961352
[Bible] KJV. London : Robert Barker and Assigns of John Bill, 1641.
Octavo, 18cm
Original collection
The third edition printed in 1641 by this publisher. The Booke of Common Prayer (missing the title page
and a few more) is bound at the front. The Whole Booke of Psalmes (1640) with music, by Thomas
Sternhold & John Hopkins is bound at the back.
Previous owner: George May Elwood, Rochester, NY (small book stamp in the back)
28 | P a g e
Binding: leather, the bosses and clasps are missing. The leather is torn and some of the gatherings are
1641.1 D&M 426; Stutzman 85; OCLC: 4829884 for the BCP & 644094441 for the Psalms
[Bible] La Sacra Bibbia, translated by Giovanni Diodati. Geneva : Petro Chouet, 1641.
Folio, 32cm
Gift of GF Alcott
This is the second edition of the first protestant translation into Italian. It was first published in 1603,
notes added in 1607. The first edition of his metric psalms is bound at the back. The first title page
bears an engraving by A Bosse. The 2
title page has the printer’s device that the Estienne’s used an
olive tree with branches falling. Apparently Henry Estienne’s son Paul sold their types to Chouet.
Bound with The Way to True Happinesse, printed by Robert Young, nd.
Binding: brown leather, simple panel with gold, rebacked with five raised bands, edges speckled with
blue. Some water damage.
1641.2 Stutzman 87; D&M 5600 ; OCLC: 41443408
[Bible] KJV. London : Barker and Assigns of Bill, 1642.
Octavo, 17 cm
Original collection
The Apocrypha follows the New Testament. The Bible text is preceded by Book of Common Prayer
with its own title page (1642) and followed by Sternhold & Hopkins Psalms with its own title page
(1645) published by GM for the Companie of Stationers.
Binding: brown leather, rebacked, blind tooled, missing a bosse and the clasps.
1642.1 D&M 440 (not 439); Stutzman 86; OCLC: 48694883
[New Testament] Jesu Christi, Domini Nostri, Novum Testamentum. Cambridge : Roger Daniel, 1642.
Folio, 33cm
Original collection, 1908
The New Testament was printed in Greek, Old Latin (Vulgate) and New Latin (de Beze) arranged in
three columns across the page with de Beze’ commentary (1598) across the top and bottom of each
page. It was bound with Commentarius in Novum Foedus of Joachim Camerarius which was also
printed by Roger Daniel in 1642.
Binding: calf, crudely rebacked long ago and the front cover is now detached
Previous owners: Joseph McDonough (Rare Books, Albany, NY); James Gyley (admitted to Lincoln Inns
1642.2 Stutzman 87; OCLC: 5919340
[Bible] Biblia Sacra. Vulgate Cologne : Bernardi Gualteri, 1647.
Octavo, 17cm
Original collection
29 | P a g e
Sixto-Clementine version of the Vulgate.
Title page has a wood cut and there are a few woodcut initials.
Binding: black leather w/ texture, gold tooled panel & edges. Combed marbled pattern end papers.
Square cut out of the last page
Previous owner: Gift to WA Quayle from Col. Moore, San Antonio TX.
1647.1 Stutzman 88; OCLC: 6507199
[Bible] Die Gantze Heilige Schrifft, Luther. Luneburg : Johann Stern, 1654.
12mo, 13cm
Original collection
The only ornamentation in the book is a full page woodcut preceding the title page to the New
Testament. Includes the Apocrypha
Binding: black calf, gauffered edges.
Previous owner: Rudolph Kelker (1894)
1654.1 Stutzman 89; OCLC: 85006697
[Bible] KJV. London : Evan Tyler, 1654.
Original collection
Title page to the Old Testament has been removed. Margins trimmed very closely. Handwritten notes.
Binding: 18
century morocco, gold tooled, single silver clasp, marbled endpapers.
1654.2 D&M 504; Stutzman 90; OCLC: 49878689
[Bible] Biblia Sacra, tr by Tremelius & Junius, and Theodore de Beze. London : Evan Tyler & Anne Maxey, 1656.
Original collection (purchased at the sale of the Browning Estate, 1912)
Title page engraved by R Gaywood.
The margins have been trimmed in binding.
Binding: a simple, modern smooth blind-tooled light brown calf
Previous owner: Robert Browning
1656.1. D&M 6226; Stutzman 91; OCLC: 867292982
[Bible] Biblia Sacra, Roman Catholic Bible of 1599. Antwerp : Pieter Jacopsz Paets, 1657.
Folio, 36cm
Original collection
30 | P a g e
The Sixto-Clementine Bible, revised under Marco Antonio Colonna was originally published by Jan
Moretus in 1599. This is a later printing by Paets. There are many woodcut illustrations by Christoffel
van Sichem. Those in Revelation are after Albrecht Durer and retain his monogram. Several others are
after originals by Martin Heemskerk.
Binding: calf over oak boards, perhaps original, elaborately decorated with brass centerpiece, eight
corner pieces and clasps.
1657.1 D&M 3314; Stutzman 92; OCLC: 54330456
[Bible] Biblia Sacra, polyglot, ed by Brian Walton . London : Thomas Roycroft, 1657.
Folio, 46cm six volumes.
Original collection, 1922
Called the London or Walton’s Polyglot, it is considered the most accurate and best equipped of the
great Polyglots.
(1) Hebrew with interlinear Latin translation;
(2) Latin Vulgate following Clementine text;
(3) Greek Septuagint with parallel Latin translation;
(4) Chaldee paraphrase with Latin translation;
(5) Syriac version with Latin translation;
(6) Arabic version with Latin translation. Also contains critical apparatus and other material.
There were two forms of the preface, one honoring Cromwell and a later one honoring Charles II.
They were called republican and loyal. This version is the “loyal” so it was probably not actually
printed before 1660.
Frontispiece, portrait of Brian Walton, engraved by Lombard. The title page by I Webb inv, W Hollar
fec. The 2
title page is in black & red. Maps of the Holy Land & Jerusalem are by Wenceslas Hollar.
Other engravers supplied illustrations in the Prologue.
Binding: gold tooled red calf; inside cover also gold tooled. The leather is not in good shape but the
boards seem sound. Title in gold on spine. Fleur de lys watermark on flyleaf. Lexica volume is missing.
1657.2 D&M 1446; OCLC: 1836147
[Bible] KJV. Cambridge : John Field, 1657.
12mo, 17cm
Original collection
The Old Testament was printed by John Field, but the New Testament title page indicates it was
printed by the assigns of John Bill and Christopher Barker, 1671. No psalms, no prayer book.
Binding: black morocco, gold tooled, marbled endpapers with wave pattern.
1657.3 D&M 516; OCLC: 6640146
[New Testament] Novum Testamentum, edited by Etienne de Courcelles. Amsterdam : Elzevir, 1658.
12 mo, 15cm
Original collection
The first edition of Courcelle’s Greek Testament. The text follows that of the second Elzevir edition
(1633) with one variation: readings and commentary are given below the text.
31 | P a g e
Binding: green morocco, gold tooled border, gilt edges, marbled endpapers
Previous owners: J Dawson Brodie bookplate
1658.1 D&M 4698; OCLC: 257447812
[Bible] KJV. London : Henry Hills and John Field, 1660
Gift of Allie Gayle Wilcox, 1975.
There are two general title pages before the Old Testament. The first indicates it was printed by Henry
Hills and the second, that it was printed by Henry Hills and John Field. The New Testament was printed
by Henry Hills and John Field. The Sternhold & Hopkins Psalms (1655.1), printed by A.M. for the
Companie of Stationers in 1655, are bound at the back.
Tortoise shell binding, silver clasp, probably 19
century, marbled endpapers, non-pareil swirls or
1660.1 OCLC: 11390195
[Bible] Biblia Sacra, vulgate. London : Evan Tyler, 1661.
12mo, 15cm
Original collection
Tremellius & Junius edition.
Title page design similar to the Browning Bible.
Binding: black with gold tooling, perhaps contemporary or early. Marbled endpapers resembling a
peacock design. Clasps & quoins are black maybe silver.
Previous owners: Robert Ervin at the George on Bread Street, London; armorial bookplate Tuta
Laboris Nullis Traus.
1661.2 D&M 6231; Stutzman 97; OCLC: 71694500
[Leaf, New Testament] New history Testament our-Lord Jesus Christ our-deliverer, by John Eliot. Cambridge,
MA : Samuel Green and Marmaduke Johnson, 1661
Two conjugate leaves.
Original collection
Two leaves from the first New Testament published in America. John Eliot, who came to America in
1631, was pastor of Roxbury church and translated the New Testament into the Algonquian language.
These leaves are encased in a mylar envelope, appear quite fragile.
[Bible] Bibel, Die Heilige Schrifft. Nuremberg and Frankfurt am Main : Johann Andrea & Wolffgang Endter
and B. C. Wust, 1661.
Quarto, 28cm
Original collection
32 | P a g e
Referred to as the “Catholic Bible of Mainz.” The roots of this Bible reach back to Hieronymus’ 1529
edition which was revised by Johann Dietenberger in 1534, drawing on numerous other scholars.
Caspar Ulenburg then revised it in 1630 and a group of Mainz scholars built on his work to produce this
version in 1662. It became the standard German Catholic version for many years. The Old Testament is
dated 1661 and the New Testament, 1662.
There are 11 engraved portraits (Jacob Sandrart, Georg Strauch & Cornelius Visher) and 16 12-panel
scenes and numerous woodcuts by IM or MI illustrating the stories of the Bible. Dedicated to Johann
Philipp von Schönborn
Binding: embossed pigskin with clasps & pigskin straps.
Previous owners, Henry Harcourt Horn (bookplate)
1661.3 not in D&M; Stutzman 99; OCLC 816562086
[Bible] Bibel, Luther. Frankfurt am Main : B. C. Wust, 1664.
Quarto, 22cm
Original collection
There are 3 folded maps and, in most of the books (as in the “Book” of Ruth), a full page engraving.
Binding: dark morocco with corners in dark green
1664.1 not in D&M; Stutzman 100; OCLC: 179918443
[Bible] KJV. Cambridge : John Field, 1668.
Quarto, 23cm
Original collection
Sometimes called the “Preaching Bible,” it has small print and full pages. BCP; OT title page has 1668;
NT title page (1666); Sternhold & Hopkins Metric Psalms (1666) w/o music. There may be some pages
missing before Genesis.
Binding: plain brown morocco
Previous owners: Richard Townsend; J Townsend Collins
1668.1 D&M 548; Stutzman 101; OCLC: 68962796
[Bible] Biblia Sacra. Vulgate. Amsterdam : Johann Jacob Schipper, 1669.
Original collection
The Old Testament, edited by Emanuel Tremellio & Francis Junio but without notes; the New
Testament by Theodore de Beze. On the verson of the title page there is a quotation from Menochio’s
Instutuio politica. The Apocrypha are missing.
The title page is decorated with an unsigned woodcut or engraving. Red lines border each page.
Woodcut/engr initials?
33 | P a g e
Sternhold & Hopkins metric Psalms, printed by JM for the Company of Stationers in 1677 is bound in
the back. (1677.2)
Binding: morocco gold tooled, marbled endpapers in wave pattern.
Previous owners: Johannes Sanders
1669.1. D&M 6238; Stutzman 102; OCLC: 6120944
[Bible] La Sainte Bible. Amsterdam : Louys & Daniel Elzevier, 1669.
Folio, 43cm, two volumes
Original collection
Samuel & Henri des Marets’ annotated edition of the French Geneva version. This two-volume edition
has Elzevir’s device, folding maps, and illustrations.
Binding: crushed levant with old calf, restoration work done in 1959
1669.3 D&M 3761; Stutzman 103; OCLC: 1561971
[Bible]Biblia, Statenviertaling. Gorinchem : Helmich et Johannes van Cappel, 1672.
Octavo, 16cm
Original collection.
The text approved by the States General for use in the Netherlands. The Old & New Testaments are
followed by the Psalms w/music and prayers also printed in 1672.
Binding: black morocco, clasps missing, a “girdle” Bible, the rings at the top fasten to a chain to hang
the Bible from a girdle at the waist.
Previous owners: bookplate of the Right Hon. Patrick Hume, Earl of Marchmont (1702).
1672.1 D&M 3325; Stutzman 104; OCLC: 312807513
[New Testament] Le Nouveau Testament, French Geneva. Amsterdam : La Veuve de Schippers, 1677.
12 mo, 14cm
Original collection
Binding: mottled red calf, tooled in gilt. Bound with the Psalms 1677.1.
Previous owners: Sarah Anne Rhodes
1677.1 D&M 3765; Stutzman 105; OCLC: 46518977
[Psalms] Les Psaumes de David, French Geneva. Amsterdam : La Veuve de Schippers, 1677.
12 mo, 14cm
Original collection
Geneva psalter w/music by Theodore de Beze & Clement Marot.
Binding: mottled red calf, stamped in gilt (in the manner of Nicolas Denis Derome, 18
century). Bound
with the New Testament, 1677.1.
34 | P a g e
Previous owners: Sarah Anne Rhodes.
1677.1 Stutzman 105; OCLC: 469815314.
[Bible] Biblia Sacra. Vulgate Cologne : Jacob Naulaeum, 1679
24mo, 12cm, volumes 1-4 of 5
Original collection
A Sixto-Clementine version.
Binding: red with gold tooled panel, marbled endpapers combed with a wavy design.
Previous owners: inscription (hard to read) Alle uso del C Sere Antonio… atti alla libraria di Sap…ura
1679.1 Stutzman 106; OCLC: 490226386
[Bible] KJV. Oxford : Moses Pitt, 1682
Small folio, 29cm
Gift of CK McAninch, 1977
BCP (pages missing at the front); OT; Apocr; NT; Sternhold & Hopkins metric Psalms w/o music.
Binding: brown calf, blind tooled, front cover is detached.
Previous owners: CW McAnich; Orianna W Chappell.
1682.1 OCLC: 49828942
[Bible] Biblie, Dat is de Gantsche H. Scrifture, Statenviertaling. Dordrecht : Hendrick and Jacob Keur &
Amsterdam : Marcus Doornick, 1686.
Folio, 43cm
No maps, no illustrations beyond the title pages, initials and headers. Title page has armorial &
architectural engraving. Some pages mutilated a couple with corners gone.
Binding: light brown calf with heavy brass bosses (repaired with wire) and clasps. Panel blind-stamped
with a sort of floral design in the corners and center.
1686.1 OCLC: 29395464
[Bible] History of the Bible, by Nicholas Fontaine, tr by John Coughan. London : Samuel Roycroft for Richard
Blome, 1688
Folio, 41cm
Bible stories, each story printed opposite an illustration sponsored by someone, sponsors include a
number of the royal family.
Maps of the Exodus, Jerusalem, travels of the Apostles and Canaan
Missing pages at the front, corners of the pages at the back are deteriorating
35 | P a g e
Binding: brown calf, spine repaired with brown paper
1688.1 OCLC: 5635945
[Bible] Die Gantze Heilige Schrifft, Vulgate. Nuremberg : J. A. Endter, 1692.
Folio, 45 cm
Original collection
Illustrations: title page Moses & Jesus engraved by Gabriel Ehinger after Johann Jacob von Sandrart;
portraits of the Saxon nobility Fredericus, Johannes, Johnann Friederich der erste, Johann Wilhelmus,
Johannes der Vierdt, Johannes Ernestus der Vierdt, Fridericus der Neundte un Aeltere, Utrecht,
Wilhelmus Quartus & children, Albertus Tertius, Ernestus der Dritte (Bern?), Bernhardus der Grosse;
Johannes Wilhelmus Dux Saxoniae Landgravius, Duringiae. The portraits were engraved by Gabriel
Ehinger,Peter Paul Troschel, Johann Durr and Philip Killian after paintings by JJ Sandrart and Christian
Richter. The portraits are followed by map of Jerusalem places numbered, not signed, not Hollar’s;
another map of Jerusalem by Johanne Baptista Villalpando. Within the text there are unsigned woodcuts
in several registers or in panels engraved by Leonhard Heckenauer, Ehinger, Troschel and Geo Koler after
paintings by Sandrart ; map of Canaan; full page evangelist & lion after Matthew. Toward the very end is a
group portrait of the participants in the conference of the Peace of Westphalia.
Printer’s device has a scull crowned, with Wolfgang Endter’s motto, there is an elaborate coat of arms
& it is not signed.
Binding: embossed pigskin over oak boards, brass plates at corners. Portrait of Luther on the front
cover, maybe Melanchthon on the back.
1692.1 OCLC: 312074124
[Bible] KJV. London : C. Bill and the Executrix of T. Newcomb, 1696.
Folio, 38cm
Original collection
The Book of Common Prayer is bound at the front, same printers, same date.
Binding: simple blind panel calf, front cover is detached
1696.3 Stutzman 111; OCLC: 15360998 (Bible) & 269516929 (Book of Common Prayer)
[Heptateuch] Heptateuchus, Liber Job et Evangelium Nicodemi; Anglo-Saxonice. Historiae Judith
Fragmentum; dano-saxonice, tr Aelfric, ed Edward Thwaites. Oxford : e Theatro Sheldoniano, 1698.
Octavo, 23cm
Woodcut frontispiece and Genesis header and initial by M Burghers. Verso of the title page is blank,
making it from issue 2.
Binding: rebacked, half calf with marble paper. Bound with 1807.2
Previous owners: H. Price.
1698.1. OCLC: 4899857
[Bible] Luther. Basel : Emanuel und Johann Georg Konig, 1701. Black letter,
Folio, 39cm
36 | P a g e
Original Collection
Noted for its 311 copper plate engravings. Frontispiece engraved by A Aubrey after Johann Jacob
Ringlinis. Appears to be complete.
Binding: stamped pigskin, corner pieces and center pieces of stamped brass. One clasp missing.
1701.1. OCLC: 602033142
[Bible] KJV. London : Charles Bill and the Executrix of Thomas Newcomb, 1709.
Folio, 40cm
The Book of Common Prayer is bound at the front, also contains the Metrical Psalms. The first pages,
including the title page are missing. Pages are missing from the back of the Bible, as well. There are a
few ornamented initials in the New Testament.
Binding: in sad shape, the leather (ooze) is peeling off of the pasteboard, marbled endpapers of a
Stormont & Shell pattern
1709.2 OCLC: 17831401
Biblia Sacra. Hanover : Nicolai Forsters, 1715.
12 mo, 18cm
Original collection
Text of Tremellius, Junius and Beze. No engraved title page intro by Johannes Stephanus Menochius
and preface by Andreas Revelus.
Binding: velum
1715.1 Stutzman 113; OCLC: 6311213
[Bible.] Biblia, Luther. Halle : Waisenhaus, 1715
Gift of Mrs. Ralph O. Taylor, 1963
Binding: Rebacked, brown leather, clasps missing. The first leaves, including the title page are in bad
shape. Repairs done in 1933.
Previous owners: Dederick Hickman (Apr 28, 1715); gr dau Mrs Hanna Taylor (1870); dau Amelia Taylor;
gr son Ralph Taylor
1715.2 OCLC: 248200382
[Bible] KJV. 1717. Oxford : John Baskett, 1717.
Folio, 49cm, in one volume
Original collection
An unusually large Folio with fine typography, sometimes called a “basketful of errors” or the
“Vinegar” Bible because of the headline to Luke 20, “The parable of the Vinegar” instead of the
vineyard. The books of the Old Testament and the major books of the New Testament all have
engravings at the head of the book. The New Testament title page has the date 1716.
37 | P a g e
Binding: modern calf (1960), tooled border. Missing a few pages at the front including the title pages.
1717.1 D&M 735; OCLC: 29533636
[Bible] KJV. Edinburgh : James Watson, 1722.
Octavo, 17cm
Original collection
The Apocrypha is not included. Scottish metric psalms bound at the back. Robert Wood engraved the title
Binding: 19
century red morocco, gold tooled border.
1722.1 D&M 751, Stutzman 115; OCLC: 270105207
[Bible] KJV. Edinburgh : John Baskett, 1726.
Quarto, 25cm
Original collection
The earliest Edinburgh Bible to bear John Baskett’s name on the title page.
Previous owners: David Eckley, 1842, from ancestors; it was presented to Bishop Quayle in 1915 by Dr.
Staley, who acquired it during his trip to European hospitals during World War I.
Binding: smooth calf, rebacked with ooze calf from which most of the top layer of leather has come
1726.1 D&M 759; Stutzman 116; OCLC: 39111330
[Bible] Biblia. (Luther). Tubingen : Johann Georg und Christian Gottfried Cotta, 1730.
Folio, 45cm
Original collection
Frontispiece engraving by Seiller Schaffhusianus (repaired). Diagram of Solomon’s temple (IF Schmidt)
corner cut out not sure it was original to the book; it is tipped in. Numerous engravings in the text by
George David Nessenthaler; there are also woodcuts at the beginning of Genesis & Matthew in nice
frames. There is a map in Exodus, not signed and a map of the travels of Paul in Acts. Includes
Binding: eighteenth century German binding, stamped pigskin, portrait of Luther stamped in center of
upper cover; Melancthon on the lower, and other portraits stamped on back; corner pieces and two
heavy brass clasps. Red sprinkled edges.
1730.1. D&M 4231, Stutzman 117; OCLC: 7336295
[Bible.] Sacra Biblia, tr by Johann Dietenberger. Nuremberg : Johann Christoph Lochner, 1732.
Folio, 37cm
Gift of GF Alcott
First published in Mainz in 1534. Illustrations, headers, initials and 15-panel, full-page plates. Pages
missing at the back.
Binding: blind-stamped pigskin over oak boards
38 | P a g e
Previous owners: Francis J Lutz
1732.1 Not in Stutzman; OCLC: 312087350
[Bible] The Holy Bible, KJV. Edinburgh : R. Freebairn, 1735.
12 mo, 13cm, volume 2 only
Original collection
The volume begins in the middle of Proverbs. The Psalms at the back are “allowed by the authority of
the General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland.”
Previous owners: James Miles, Antiquarian Bookseller, Leeds; Mrs Walls, Shipton
Binding: contemporary dark blue morocco, gold-tooled, Scottish, endpapers green and gold pattern.
1735.1 no record in D&M ; Stutzman 118; OCLC: 316433393
[Bible] KJV. Oxford : John Baskett, 1736.
Quarto, 25cm
Original collection
The price of this Bible is printed on the title page, “nine shillings, unbound.” Includes Apocrypha. New
Testament (1735).
Binding: green or black morocco, gold tooled front cover is detached, back cover is missing.
1736.1 might be D&M 790; Stutzman 119; OCLC: 45711870
[Bible] Biblia, Luther. Basel : Emanuel and Johann Rudolph Thurneysen, 1736.
Folio, 39cm, 2 vols in 1
Original collection
Has a foreward by M. Friedrich Battier and M. Theodor Gernler and Luther’s “vorrede.” There is one
map of the travels of the Apostles before the New Testament. No other maps were seen.
The frontispiece is dated 1720, but the title page has 1736.
Binding: calf with brass corner pieces. Pages at the front and back are loose and deteriorating.
Previous owners: Rudolph F Kelker
1736.2 Stutzman 120; OCLC 7334750
[Bible] Biblia, Luther. Basel : Emanuel and Johann Rudolph Thurneysen, 1736.
Folio, 39cm
Original collection
copy, the only map seen is the one before the New Testament.
Binding: calf with brass corner pieces, front cover detached. The title page is damaged.
39 | P a g e
1736.3 Stutzman 121; OCLC 7334750
[Bible] Catholische Mayntziche Bibel. Frankfurt am Main : Philipp Heinrich Hutter, H. L. Bronner, 1740.
Folio, 38 cm
Original collection
A revision by Mainz scholars of Ulenburg’s revision of Dietenberger’s version originally published at
Cologne in 1662.
Frontispiece engraved by Andreas Reinhards, portrait of Bp Philip Carl by CH Muller, and illustrations
like those of the Strassburg Bible of 1630 (D&M 4217).
Binding embossed pigskin over wooden boards, clasps.
Previous owner: Johnann Bain? Sam? Volts, stamp of Isaac St Goar (d. 1886), Frankfurt
1740.1 D&M 4236; Stutzman 124; OCLC 84716199
[Bible] Biblia Sacra, Vulgate. Lyons : Pierre Bruyset Ponthus, 1743.
Quarto, 26cm
Original collection
A Sixtine vulgate edition financed/published by the Bruyset brothers in Mercotorio “sub signis solis &
cruces aurae.” Petrus Bruyset comes from the colophon. OCLC 43184324 lists Pierre Bruyset Ponthus
as the author and Bruyset Freres as the publisher/printer.
Binding: calf
Previous owners: Silvy, Pretre. Fairus Lincoln, 1816; C Brooks, 1823
1743.1 D&M ; Stutzman 125; OCLC 43184324
[Bible] Biblia, Luther. Germantown, PA : Christoph Saur, 1743.
Quarto, 26cm
Purchased, 1962
This is a copy of the Halle Bible, 34
edition, with books 3 and 4 Esdras and 3 Maccabees from the
Berlenburg Bible. It is the first Bible to be printed in America after John Eliot’s Algonquin Bible. 1200
copies were printed from type supplied by H. E. Luther, a type-founder of Frankfurt am Main.
Binding: original calf over boards, 2 clasps, both missing.
1743.3 D&M 4240 ; Stutzman 127; OCLC 1204944.
[Bible.] Biblia, Statenvertaling. Dordrecht : Jacob & Hendrik Keur, 1744
Folio, 34 cm
Gift of Esther Peers, 1953
Apocrypha of 1744 bound at the back. Eight-panel engraved illustrations. Contains 4 maps.
40 | P a g e
Binding: both covers are detached, brown tooled calf, brass fittings. Many pages are missing or in bad
Previous owner: Voorhees family, Simonsons
1744.1 D&M ; not in Stutzman; OCLC 513442508
[Gospels] Sacrorum Evangeliorum. Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1750.
Quarto, 30cm
Original Collection
Gospels printed from a transcript of Codex Argenteus with a Latin translation by Erik Benzelius and
notes by Edward Lye. The Gothic is printed from typed used by F Janius in 1665 and presented by him
to the Clarendon Press.
Binding: tan calf, covers detached.
This volume once belonged to Robert Southey and has his signature with the date, 5 August, 1823, on
the title page, tooled oval with Herbert Norman Foans, MD on the covers.
1750.1 D&M 4560; Stutzman 128; ESTC T147449; OCLC: 16263127
[Bible] KJV. Edinburgh : Adrian Watkins,1756.
48 mo
Gift of Edward Firsman
This small Bible was found in a Boone cabin in Missouri. The Scottish metric Psalms were printed in
Belfast by Daniel Blow in 1764.
Bound in brown leather & backed with a strip of black velvet, initials on the covers are T.M. (Thomas
1756.1 D&M ; Stutzman 131; OCLC: 722982692 is the number for the electronic version there is no
OCLC record for a paper 12mo.
[Bible] KJV. Oxford : Thomas Baskett, 1756.
Quarto, 25cm
The Book of Common Prayer is missing the title page; followed by the Old and New Testaments;
Sternhold & Hopkins’ metrical psalms (1754) w/o music. Lacks illustrations & the 5 folded maps.
Previous owner: Mary Godber
Binding: brown paneled calf, the leather is worn away at the hinges.
1756.2 D&M 839; not in Stutzman; OCLC: 84708341
[Bible] L’Ancien et le Nouveau Testament. Paris : Theodore De Hansy, Claude Herissant, Guillaume Desprez,
41 | P a g e
A picture Bible, illustrated with engravings after paintings of Raphael and other grand masters.
Desprez was a Jansenist bookseller in 1657, Th de Hansy worked in the 1760s; Claude Herissant’s
widow published in 1689 with Claude & Nicolas Herissant.
Binding: a modern brown morocco, red labels on spines, raised bands, marbled endpapers.
Previous owner: Emmanuel Vittrel
1756.3 D&M ; not in Stutzman; OCLC: 252893833
[New Testament] Le Nouveau Testament, version. Amsterdam : D. Onder de Linden, 1761.
12 mo, 15cm
Orginal collection
Bound with Psalms with music, printed by Onder de Linden in 1747.
Binding: gold-tooled mottled brown calf by Gruell, a hint of gauffering on the edges. In Roman type,
marbled endpapers in a stone pattern, the spine is missing.
Previous owners: Fred S Collins, bookseller, Boston.
1761.1 D&M ; Stutzman 132; OCLC: 319793994
[Bible] KJV. Cambridge : Joseph Bentham, 1762
Quarto, 31cm, 2 vols
Frontispiece engraved by C. Grignon.
Binding: old black calf with gold tooling, marbled endpapers a long non-pareil pattern in v.1, short
combed pattern in v.2
Previous owners: George Baker, Esq. (Inner Temple, from cover)
1762.2 D&M ; Stutzman 133; OCLC 7075234
[Bible]Dutch Bible, Statenviertaling. Amsterdam: Ph. Losel, H Brandt, D. onder de Linden, O van Grafhorst, G
de Groot, P. Schounten, 1762.
Octavo, 18cm
Original collection
The title page (either the general title page or the Old Testament title page). The title page to the New
Testament is dated 1761, but the rest of the bibliographic information came from that page.
Bound with the Psalms & catechism, Amsterdam : J Ratelband & J Bouwer, 1793.
Binding: possibly fishskin, gilt edges, heavy silver clasps, fitting, and corner pieces; embossed with figures;
marbled endpapers
Previous owners: John N Hoare
42 | P a g e
1762.1 Stutzman 133; OCLC: 48623784
[New Testament] Novum Testamentum. Oxford : Clarendon Press by John Baskerville, 1763.
Quarto, 30cm
Only 500 copies of this edition using the Baskerville type were printed. The text follows generally that
of John Mill, who edited which Estienne’s Greek text.
Previous owners Philip John Miles; Louis H Dahl (Emanuel College, Cambr, 1889-1892); Gulielmi Miles
dd Dr Heate.
1763.1 D&M 4755 or 4725?; Stutzman 134; OCLC: 3958584
[Bible] KJV. Cambridge : John Baskerville, 1763
Folio, 49cm
Purchased for the collection by Mrs. Leroy Wolfe in memory of Jennie Wolfley Lytle, 1963
Binding: red levant with gold tooling, gilt edges, marbled end papers, stone swirl pattern
1763.3 D&M ; OCLC: 5949130
[Bible] Biblia, Luther. Germantown, PA : Christoph Saur, 1763.
Quarto, 26cm
Purchased, 1962
Second edition, printed by the son of the Christoph Saur who printed the 1743 edition (Stutzman 127),
it differs from the earlier in very few respects. The title-pages are in black, and the black letter type is
set closer throughout the book. Some smaller type is used. There is a new preface. 2000 copies were
Binding: leather over boards, 2 clasps with leather straps, marbled endpapers. Pages loose and
Previous owners: Johannes Sauder family.
1763.2 D&M 4240, note; Stutzman 135 OCLC:2996651
[Bible] KJV. Edinburgh : Alexander Kincaid, 1764.
12mo, 14cm
Original collection
No Apocrypha, although they are listed in the table of contents, they don’t form part of the signature
sequence, no Psalms.
Binding: red leatherwith gold tooling, marbled endpapers, a metal edge with a single silver clasp and
chain attached at the top.
1764.2 D&M 861; OCLC: 154146577, except there are no psalms.
[Bible] Die Heilige Schrift, Luther. Nuremberg, Johann Endter, 1765.
Folio, 40cm
43 | P a g e
Original collection
copy. The date of printing is in roman numerals. Paper seems not of the best quality.
Frontispiece on recto, engraved by A Nunzer. Engraved or woodcut printer’s device on title page (has
coats of arms). Engraving of Luther signed by A Nunzer opposite H2.Following the life of Luther are 10
portraits of Saxon nobility, not signed.
1. Friederich der Dritte, oder Weise (Fredrich the Wise
2. (the same guy) only called Johannes der Altere und Bestandige, (John the Constant)
3. Johann Wilhelm der Erste, Herzog zu Sachsen,
4. Johannes, der Vierdte des Ramens, Herzog zu Sachsen, 2c
5. Friederich, der Neundte und Aeltere, Herzog zu Sachsen, 2c
6. Wilhelm der Vierdte, Herzog zu Sachsen, 2c and children
7. Albrecht der Dritte, Herzog zu Sachsen, 2c
8. Ernst, der Dritte, Herzog zu Sachsen, 2c
9. Bernhard, der Grosse und Ullererste, Herzog zu Sachsen, 2c
Followed by a four-panel engraving w/ Adam & Eve, Noah, & Aron, and Moses, engraved by A. Nunzer.
Woodcuts in the text are framed or have borders at the sides with titles at top and bottom. Many of
these woodcuts are unsigned, but several initials appear frequently -- E.P., M and Virgil Solis. Some of
the EPs have Virgil Solis mark, as well. NT title page with the evangelists was signed by A. Nunzer, as
Binding: blind stamped pigskin? (a little dark), clasps missing
Previous owner Charles Gindley, 1846
1765.1 OCLC: 64033036, 833101586 or 312091328 (all four are just slightly different from one another,
1&2 are very similar and 3&4 are very similar)
[Bible] Die Heilige Schrift, Luther. Nuremberg, Johann Endter, 1765.
Folio, 40 cm
Original collection
copy of 1765.1
The frontispiece is printed on the verso in this copy & not signed. The date of printing is in roman
numerals. The front matter is different or in a different order from the first copy. The portrait of
Luther is not signed and looks different from the 1
copy (see head scarf/veil of Luther’s wife). The
Saxon nobility follow G4 Bernard der Gross was cut out. The 4-panel engraving w/Adam and Eve is
not signed. Same woodcuts as the first copy.
Binding: dark pig or calf, blind stamped, metal corners, paper seems to be of poor quality. Similar to 1
copy but not quite the same.
Previous owner Jacob Schull. Lots of Schull family names, probably genealogical in nature.
1765.2 OCLC: 64033036, 833101586 or 312091328 (all four are just slightly different from one another,
1&2 are very similar and 3&4 are very similar)
[Bible] Die Heilige Schrift, Luther. Nuremberg, Johann Andrea Endter, 1765.
Folio, 40cm
Original collection
44 | P a g e
Frontispiece on recto engraved by IA Delsenbach after P. Decker. The port of Luther signed by Gust:
Aa: Miller, Augustani, fecit. Norimbergae, 1717 (as is the 4
copy). The full page engravings signed T.T.
Preister inv & delin, G.Lichtensteger,fec. The fold-out group portrait with numbers to identify them is
not signed. Saxon nobles full length ports are signed J.C. Clausner. Otherwise as in the 4
Binding: light pigskin with straps & very plain clasps, no metal. There is kind of a crude design on the
front cover in the middle and nice floral border very faint.
Previous owners: John Kurtz
1765.3 OCLC: 64033036, 833101586 or 312091328 (all four are just slightly different from one another,
1&2 are very similar and 3&4 are very similar)
[Bible] Die Heilige Schrift, Luther. Nuremberg, Johann Endter, 1765.
Folio, 40cm
Gift of Mr & Mrs Ivan Siegrist, 1974
Frontispiece on recto, signed by I.A. Delsenbach. Title page is different from 1
& 2
copies, the
printing date is Arabic numbers and the type is significantly larger than 1
& 2
copies. There are no
woodcuts, There are 4 full page engravings by J Lichtensteger after JJ Priester. The frontispiece
(angels & Virgin) to NT signed by Delsenbach, also the full page engraving after NT title page, is
signed. The unsigned group port with numbers to identify folks is present. Portraits of the Saxon
nobility are bound at the back of the book and are signed by J.C. Clausner.
Binding is pigskin, without any decoration. It has almost the same straps & clasp hardware (not all
there) as the 3
copy. Electors signed by JC Clausner at the very back of the volume.
1765.4 OCLC: 64033036, 833101586 or 312091328 (all four are just slightly different from one another,
1&2 are very similar and 3&4 are very similar)
[Bible] KJV. Edinburgh : Alexander Kincaid, 1766.
12mo, 18cm
Gift of Nebraska Historical Society
The Apocrypha in the table of contents but missing from the volume. Scottish metric Psalms bound in
back, printed 1767. Illustrated with copper plate etchings.
Plain brown binding, a few leaves damaged or torn.
Previous owners: Henrietta White, AC Ellsworth, Vassel Whilez?
1766.1 Not in Stutzman; OCLC: 314908634
[Bible] KJV. Oxford : T. Wright and W. Gill, 1769.
Quarto, 30cm
Original collection
OT; Apocr; NT (1772). Edited by Benjamin Blayney with emendations by Dr Paris.
Binding: red morocco, borders and back tooled in gold, marbled endpapers in stones pattern.
45 | P a g e
Previous owners: Hamish Carter (1777)
1769.1 D&M 887; Stutzman 141; OCLC: 5272600
[Bible] KJV. Edinburgh : A Kinkead, 1769 not in the database
[Bible] KJV. Oxford : Charles Eyre and William Strahan, 1772.
Quarto 22cm, 2 volumes
Original collection.
NT title page has 1771, but the colophon has 1771. The Scottish Psalter, printed by Thomas Lumisden
and John Robertson in Edinburgh, 1746, is bound at the back.
Binding: rebound in gilt stamped red calf, marbled endpapers and gilt edges. It is possible that the
original binding is under the new one.
Previous owners: bears the bookplate of Robert Lewis Stevenson at Vailima as well as the signature of
his grandmother, Mrs. Balfour Pilrig and the name of his cousin, Isabel Strong.
1772.1 D&M 900; Stutzman 142; OCLC: 780672377
[Bible] KJV. Birmingham : John Baskerville, 1772.
Folio, 42cm
Original collection.
Inferior to the 1763 Baskerville Bible which is considered Baskerville’s “magnum opus,” this edition is
thought by some authorities to be spurious. There are several full page engravings.
Binding: modern plain brown leather, bound by Adjanian in 1960.
Previous owner: John S Pakington
1772.2 Stutzman 143; Herbert 1210; OCLC: 5137912
[Bible] Biblia, Luther. Germantown, PA : Christoph Saur, 1776.
Quarto, 26cm
Purchased, 1962
A third edition of the 1743 Germantown Bible. 3000 copies of this edition were printed, but invading
British used the Bibles for litter for horses and paper for cartridges. Wright says that Catharine Saur,
the daughter of the publisher, secured ten copies, and after they were bound presented them to her
children. There are many more extant, however. The title page may be a facsimile
Binding: leather over boards, cracked spine, coming apart at the hinges, 2 clasps missing.
Previous owners: genealogical info on the Jacobs family, Wm Molanich? Jacobs
1776.1 D&M 4240, note; Stutzman 144; OCLC: 10158656
[Bible] Biblia, Luther. Germantown, PA : Christoph Saur, 1776.
Quarto, 25cm
This copy may also have been acquired in 1962.
46 | P a g e
A second copy of the 1776 Saur, this Bible belonged to the Roop or Rupp family.
Binding: leather over boards, 2 clasps. Pages in fairly good condition, none loose.
1776.2 D&M 4240, note; Stutzman 145; OCLC: 10158656
[Bible] Geneva. With observations by Mr [Jean Frederic] Ostervald. Glasgow : John and James Robertson, et
al, 1777
Quarto, 26cm
Gift of Charles A Foster, 1949
Metric Psalms from the Scottish Psalter are bound at the back. Back cover is detached and pages are
missing at the front and after Ps 119.
Binding: old calf
1777.1 OCLC: 320046629
[Bible] KJV. Philadelphia : Robert Aitken, 1781-1782.
16cm, 2 volumes
Purchased, 1967
Both Old and New Testaments, bound together. The first entire English Bible printed in the New
World. The OT has the arms of Pennsylvania with Virtue, Liberty and Independence on a banner. The
endorsement of the US Congress is printed before the text.
The first page of Genesis appears to be a photocopy, otherwise appears complete.
Binding: brown blind stamped leather, has been rebacked by Adjarian (Grolier, 1960)
Previous owners: Lovin Lewis, Daniel Lewis, Azariah Davison
1781-82.1 Stutzman 146; D&M after 928; OCLC: 5468451
[Bible] KJV. Oxford : W. Jackson and A. Hamilton, Clarendon Press, 1782.
12 mo, 16cm, 2 volumes
Original collection.
Binding: red morocco, center mandolas gold on black with IHS, Greek border. The front cover of vol. 1
is detached and the spine of vol 2 has split down the middle.
James Miles, antiquarian bookseller, Leeds.
1782.1 D&M 931 (I don’t think our last leaf is Qa12b); Stutzman 147; OCLC: 212791651
[Bible] Biblia, by Martin Luther. Nuremberg : Johann Andrea Endter, 1788
Folio, 41cm
This Bible has the same frontispiece as the 1765 Endter printings, but these are signed by I.M.
Seligmann; the same woodcuts are found in the text. The portraits of the Saxony nobles are at the
front of the volume, signed by J.C. Clausner. The Luther portrait signed by Miller. The 4 panel
47 | P a g e
engraving w/Adam & Eve is not signed. In the New Testament the angels & Virgin is signed by
Delsenbach, the Evangelists is not signed.
Binding: blind stampet panel cover w/ lozenge design, corner bosses, clasps. Flyleaf printed pattern in
red and blue like wall paper. Fore-edge design is in blue very faint.
1788.1 OCLC: 312091431
[New Testament] The New Testament with analysis, by John Wesley. London : Printed and sold at the New
Chapel, City Road, 1790.
12 mo, 14cm
Gift of Dr. C. B. Zook.
Dr. George Cell, of Boston University, recommended the purchase of this volume.
Previously owned by the Garrett Bible Institute, Milton Lapham, James Gamblie.
Binding: polished brown leather. The front cover is detached.
1790.1 D&M 1157; Stutzman 148; B. M., p. 806; OCLC: 5540606
[Bible] Holy Bible, KJV. Berwick : John Taylor, 1793
Folio, 27cm
Original collection.
This is an English translation of the French Geneva Bible with observations by Jean Frederic Ostervald,
a Swiss theologian at Neufchatel. Unsigned engravings, perhaps by Abraham Girardet.
Binding: light brown leather. Front cover missing.
Previous owners: Brooks family
1793.1 D&M ; Stutzman 149; OCLC: 25270508
[Bible] KJV. Edinburgh : Mark and Charles Kerr, 1793.
Gift of Olin Robins
Title page mutilated, first page starts in chapter 32. A page (p.13) from Pilgrim’s Progress with a
woodcut, found in Ezekiel chapter 9. In chapt 48 there is another page from perhaps a life of Bunyan.
Missing a great many pages at the end.
Binding: modern black pebbly sort of leather.
Previous owners: John Kinkead; Archibald & Emily McAlister;
1793.2 not in Stutzman; OCLC: 5920799
[Bible] KJV. London : by R. Bowyer and J. Fittler, 1795. Roman type,
Quarto, 25cm, 2 volumes
Original collection
48 | P a g e
Printed for Thomas Bensley in two volumes with separate title page for each. The Bible is noted for the
engravings by James Fitler, from pictures by famous artists, Durer, Rembrandt, Rubens, and others.
Binding: dark green crushed levant, simple gold line at the edge of the cover, binding nice and firm.
1795.1 D&M 961; Stutzman 150; OCLC: 13191924
[Bible] KJV. Oxford : Printed at the Clarendon Press by W. Dawson, T. Bensley, and J. Cooke, 1796.
Octavo, 22cm
Original collection
The Apocrypha are listed in the table of contents but are not present in the book.
Binding: brown calf, simple blind tooling, some mottling; engraved brass clasps. Price unbound 4/8-
Previous owner: Joseph Jeffery, Lynn, MA;
1796.1 D&M 966; Stutzman 151; OCLC: 54086052
[Bible] KJV. Philadelphia : Jacob R. Berriman, 1796.
Folio, 43cm
Original collection.
A first edition from the Berriman Press. Eighteen illustrations by James Purves and engravers
Alexander Anderson, Cornelius Tiebout, William Rollinson and Amos Doolittle. Contains a map of the
countries surrounding the Garden of Eden engraved by A Anderson. Also missing one map and two
Binding: brown calf, has been rebacked.
1796.2 D&M ; Stutzman 152; Hills 53; OCLC: 5270164
[Bible] Luther. Basel : Emanuel Thurneysen, 1798.
Gift of Wm Middlekauff
A few large woodcuts.
Binding: light brown leather, blind stamped pigskin, bosses on corners & center, one clasp.
Previous owners: there are genealogical notes in German, some in English.
1798.1 D&M ; Not in Stutzman; OCLC: 6849643
[Bible] KJV. Philadelphia : Thompson & Small, 1798
42cm, 2 volumes in 1
From the Hot Press of John Thompson
Binding: red levant, front flyleaf missing and the front cover is detached. Endpapers marbled paper of
a stones pattern with oxblood. Repairs were attempted with something like rubber cement.
1798.2 D&M ; Not in Stutzman; OCLC: 2161515
49 | P a g e
[Bible] KJV. Philadelphia : John Thompson and Abraham Small, 1798
Nebraska Historical Society
copy of 1798.2. Includes Apocrypha and an index.
Frontispiece by Barralet, engraved by Larsen.
Binding: the cover is detached
1798.4 D&M ; Not in Stutzman; OCLC: 2161515
[New Testament] Novum Testamentum. Worcester, MA : Isaiah Thomas, 1800.
12 mo, 16cm
Original collection.
The earliest Greek Testament to be printed in America. It is based on Mills text, but the editor, Caleb
Alexander, made several changes.
Printed in April 1800 although the advertisement on the last page is dated 1802.
Binding: brown calf, both covers are detached, the spine is in bad shape, pages are fine.
Previous owners: Samuel C Perkins (Philadelphia)
1800.1 D&M 4775; Stutzman 153; OCLC: 35857198
[Bible] KJV. London : Thomas Bensley, for Thomas Macklin, 1800.
Royal folio, 48cm seven volumes.
Original collection.
The type for this Bible, said to the largest ever used in a book, was cut by Joseph Jackson, who had
worked in the Caslon foundry, and Vincent Figgins. The Aprocrypha was published as volume eight in
1816, but this library has only the first seven volumes. There are 110 copperplate engravings made by
noted engravers of the time. Text is printed in double columns with twenty-nine lines to the column.
Binding: crimson crushed levant
Previous owners: Alexander Baring
1800.2 D&M 982 & 1006 ; Stutzman 154; OCLC: 4644781
[Bible] KJV. London : Thomas Bensley, for Thomas Macklin, 1800.
Folio, 48cm, 7 volumes
Mary Roberts Histed
Binding: gold stamped blue leather
1800.3 D&M 982 & 1006 ; not in Stutzman; OCLC: 4644781
[New Testament] Novum Testamentum. Worcester, MA : Isaiah Thomas, 1800.
12 mo, 16cm
50 | P a g e
Nebraska State Historical Society
copy of 1800.1
Previous owner: John Harrison Shepherd; Century Library
Binding: full calf, spine is gold stamped
1800.4 D&M 4775; Stutzman 153; OCLC: 35857198
Torah. Undated.
Parchment scroll
Original Collection.
Scholars who have examined this undated Torah or Synagogue Roll have not established its age. More
study is required. There are no book or chapter divisions and no vowel points. The scroll, containing
the entire Pentateuch, is made from thirty-seven skins. The parchment is 69cm tall and about one
hundred feet long, the spindles stand about 99cm tall. The names Jeremy Cohan and Joseph Cohen
are carved on the mahogany cylinders.
Stutzman #4
[Book of Esther] Scroll, early 19
Parchment scroll
Wilcox, 1976
The Esther scroll has one spindle, on the left and broken at the bottom. It is decorated in primarily in
red and blue with architectural and floral elements with a face at the top of every other section. The
parchment is 20cm tall and the spindle is 26cm.
[New Testament] Testament Newydd. London : George Eyre & Andrew Spottiswoode; Barritt & Co.; printed
by Barritt and Co., Ystorfa Biblau a Gweddi-Lyfrau, nd
Provenance unknown
Probably sometime between 1837 and 1846 (Andrew Spottiswoode was a printer from 1820 to 1866,
George Eyre 1816-1830?)
[Bible] KJV. New York : George F. Hopkins for William Durell, 1801.
Folio, 36cm
Original collection.
The text was copied from Collin’s quarto edition. Illustrations engraved by John Scoles, JJ, Alexander
Anderson, H Corbold, Joseph H Seymour and Gilbert Fox.
Binding: brown calf, red morocco strip bearing name of George Miller in the center, the front cover is
detached from the book. Endpapers are marbled paper with a stones pattern created with oxblood.
Previous owner: George Miller
51 | P a g e
1801.1 D&M ; Stutzman 155; Hills 76; OCLC: 207203171
[Bible] KJV. Oxford : at the Clarendon Press by Dawson, Bensley, and Cooke, 1807.
Folio, 43cm
Original collection
Binding: tooled ooze calf.
Previous owners: note “first used on Sunday, August 7
1814, Chas Pilkington, Vicar and Hy
Posthlewaite, churchwarden. ?PR Hogboom?
1807.1 Stutzman 156. OCLC: 38491539
[Bible] The Holy Bible, tr by Charles Thomson. Philadelphia : Jane Aitken, 1808.
Octavo, 23cm, 4 volumes
Gift from Mrs. Inez Ross in memory of her sister, Mrs. Zellars.
This is the first translation of the Septuagint into English and the first American translation of the New
Testament. It was one of the Bibles consulted for the making of the Revised Standard Version in 1881.
The printer, Jane Aitken, took over her father’s (Robert Aitken’s) printing establishment in
Philadelphia and was a significant printer and binder in her own right despite myriad financial
Binding: black calf with a tiny gold border. Corners worn.
1808.1 D&M 1006; Hill 153; Stutzman 157; OCLC: 557484907
[New Testament] The New Testament. London : Richard Edwards, 1810.
Quarto, 30cm
Original collection.
Wycliffe’s New Testament. “The New Testament, translated from the Latin, in the year 1380, by John
Wiclif, D. D. To which are prefixed Memoirs of the life, opinions, and writings of Dr. Wiclif; and an
historical account of the Saxon and English Versions of the Scriptures, Previous to the opening of the
fifteenth century. By the Rev. Henry Hervey Baber, M. A.” This is a reprint of the later Wycliffe version,
as edited by Lewis and published in 1731.
Binding: green marbled paper over pasteboard, green morocco spine
Previous owners: John Bowden Freme, Joseph McDonough Rare Books, Albany
1810.1 D&M 1014. Stutzman 158; OCLC: 25280337
[Bible] KJV. Philadelphia : William Woodward, 1810.
32 mo, 14cm, two volumes.
Original collection.
Binding: bound in two volumes, red morocco, gilt edges
Previous owners: M.A. Jacobs in gold inside an oval on the binding
1810.2 D&M ; Stutzman 159; OCLC: 8874992
52 | P a g e
[Bible] Biblia De Gantsche H. Schrifture, Statenviertaling. Amsterdam : (NT) Gravius, J Brandt, FG onder de
Linden, & P den Hengst, 1810.
Octavo, 17cm
Original collection.
Binding and title page are almost identical to those of 1762.1 except that this volume has many
engravings and the earlier edition does not. 1810 on the first title page, no dates on the NT or Psalms
title pages. Bound with Evangelische Gezangen, Amsterdam : Johannes Allart, 1806.
Binding: fishskin, corners and clasps of silver, missing one clasp. Marbled endpapers.
1810.3 D&M ; Stutzman 160; OCLC: 66276743
[Bible] The Holy Bible. Newcastle-upon-Tyne : Sarah Hodgson, 1811.
Folio, 34cm
Original collection.
The text is apparently based on the London Polyglot, compiled by J.D. Carlyle. This is one of twelve
copies made on “paper vellum” or imitation vellum .
Binding: dark blue morocco, gold tooled.
1811.1 D&M 1663; Stutzman 161; not quite OCLC: 1126177 our’s is 6cm larger and printed on the heavier
paper vellum.
[Bible] KJV. Philadelphia : Mathew Carey, 1812.
Folio, 28cm
Original collection.
A first edition from the press of Mathew Carey, who was given the money to start his newspaper and
printing establishment by Lafayette.
Illustrations by Tiebout, Tanner, & several unsigned. Maps engr by J Bower, F Shallus, and several
unsigned maps.
Binding: red morocco, gilt trimmed.
Previous owners: Asa Peabody
1812.1 OCLC: 51073535
[Bible] KJV. Philadelphia : Mathew Carey, 1812.
Nebraska Historical Society
A second copy, this one bound probably by an early owner with a coarse cloth. No illustrations or
Previous owners: Samuel Haycraft family
1812.2 OCLC: 51073535
53 | P a g e
[Bible] KJV. Baltimore : John Hagerty, 1812.
12mo, 13cm
Purchased PRBM
BW Sower, printer.
Binding: treed calf, with red label. Pages trimmed very closely.
1812.3 OCLC: 1471975
[Bible] KJV. New York : E. Duyckinck, et al., 1815
Nebraska Historical Society
New York edition
1815.1 OCLC: 31247588
[New Testament] Novum Testamentum. London : B. F. B. S., 1816.
Original collection
Syriac Bible, edited by S. Lee, based upon Schaaf’s edition and a number of manuscripts. Printed by the
British Foreign Bible Society.
Binding: light brown soft leather, blind tooled, bound by Watkins. Both covers detached.
1816.1 OCLC: 2689174
[New Testament] New Testament with explanatory notes, by John Wesley. London : Printed for the
Proprietors, 1817.
16 mo, 13cm
Gift of Dr. L. H. Murlin.
Contains Wesley’s notes, a sketch of his life, a portrait of him, and a few other engravings.
Binding: red morocco, stamped with name, Mary A. Thomas. Marbled end papers in a stones pattern.
Previous owners: Mary A Thomas.
1817.1 OCLC: 22143489
[Bible] Biblia, Statenviertaling. Amsterdam : Johannes Brandt en zoon, Petrus den Hengst en zoon, FG onder
de Linden (Haarlem); Johannes Enschede en zonen, 1818.
Gift of Geraldine Kohout, 1997
The New Testament title page gives only Johannes Enschede en zonen, 1821. Evangelische Gezangen
title page includes P den Hengst en zoon, J Brandt en zoon, Rutger Hoyman, Johannes Enschede en
zonen, RJ Schierbeek , m van Heyningen Bosch, 1829.
Binding: brown fishskin and a single silver clasp. Marbled endpapers.
54 | P a g e
1818.1 OCLC 64373886
[Bible] KJV. NY : D. Fanshaw, for the American Bible Society, 1819. Stereotyped by D. and G. Bruce.
12 mo, 18cm
Original collection.
Binding: plain brown calf with a red label on the spine.
Previous owners: Wm Boerum, US Navy, US Constitution 1821.
1819.1 OCLC: 31798465
[Bible] The Old and New Testaments, English Polyglott. English, 1819. Samuel Bagster, London.
Octavo, 17cm.
Original collection.
Binding: dark purple straight grain morocco, gilt trimmed, gilt edges.
Previous owners: has the stamp of James Miles, antiquarian bookseller, Leeds
1819.2 OCLC: 694820314
[New Testament] El Nuevo testamento de Nuestro Senor Jesu Cristo, Vulgate. NY : American Bible Society,
Translated by El Rmo P Felipe Scio de S Miguel.
Binding: original treed sheep
Previous owners: TH Bowen bookplate, G Russell, 1857
1819.3 OCLC: 7246533
[Bible] De Bible ober ie Ganze Heilige Schrift, Luther. Bremen : Carl Schunemann, 1822.
Includes the Apocrypha.
Binding: brown leather, leather straps, clasps missing, edges sprinkled red or brown.
1822.1 not in Stutzman; OCLC: 14054884
[Bible] Leabhuir an Tsean Tiomna, tr Uilliam Bhedel. Dublin : G. and J. Grierson and M. Kenne, for the B. F. B.
S., 1827.
The first edition of the Bible in Irish character printed for British and Foreign Bible Society. Based on
the authorized version and edited by J. McQuige.
Binding: brown leather, blind tooled interlaced celtic design.
55 | P a g e
1827.1 D&M 4444; Stutzman 169; OCLC: 39994034
[Bible] The Holy Bible. Paris : np , 1827.
Original collection
Jean-Daniel Kieffer, translator was the first to translate the Bible into Turkish. He worked at the
Minstry of Turkish Affairs under Napoleon. Also wrote a Turkish/French dictionary.
In Ottoman Turkish, written in Arabic characters
Binding: brown calf
1827.2 OCLC: 60446021
[Bible] [Biblia], Luther. Philadelphia : JC Ritter, 1827.
Original collection.
Missing the general title page through p 69 of the Old Testament and after 446 of the New Testament.
Includes the Apocrypha.
Binding: brown leather.
1827.3 Stutzman 171; OCLC: 42742217
[Gospel of Luke] El Evangelio de Jesu Christo segun San Lucas. London : J. Moyes, 1829
Gift of Evelyn Anderson
Written in Aymara which is a South American Indian language, and Spanish.
Binding: Watkins, binder, black leather over pasteboard.
1829.2 OCLC: 30495338
[Bible] Comprehensive Bible, KJV. Philadelphia & London : J. B. Lippincott & Samuel Bagster and Sons, 1829
Quarto, 29cm
Original collection.
This is Blaney’s revision of the King James. Many full page engravings.
Binding: heavy cardboard covered and gold tooled, gauffered edges.
1829.1 Stutzman 172; OCLC: 6026414
[Bible] KJV. NY : B Waugh & T Mason, 1832.
18mo, 12cm
Original collection
Published for the Methodist Church. Engraved frontispiece for the Old Testament is the Peaceable
Kingdom and New Testament’s is Christ instructing Nicodemus, both by Westall and Longacre (James
Barton?). Printed by J Collord, stereotyped by James Conner.
56 | P a g e
Binding: dark blue morocco with gold tooling, title in gold on spine, a little tear at the top of the spine.
Previous owners: William Boerum, US Navy (1835)
1832.1 Not in D&M; Stutzman 174 ; the closest OCLC record is 636542437, for a 29cm edition which
does not appear to have any notes or references.
[Bible] KJV. New York : Samuel T. Armstrong & Crocker and Brewster, 1832.
Quarto, 27cm
King James version in six volumes with commentary by Thomas Scott. Stereotyped by T. H. Carter &
Co., Boston from the fifth London edition published by Bellamy and Roberts.
Binding: plain brown leather.
Previous owners: Annie Green
1832.2 Stutzman 173; OCLC: 21571923
[Bible] The Holy Bible, by Noah Webster. New Haven : Durrie & Peck, 1833
This is a revision of the King James Version by Noah Webster rather than a new translation.
Binding: plain brown calf with marbled endpapers in a stones pattern. The spine is peeling away from
the text at the top. Missing the last 5 pages.
Previous owners: Hugh Dunn Fisher
1833.1 not in Stutzman; OCLC: 4404134
[Bible] The child’s Bible, by a lady of Cincinnati. Philadelphia : Fisher & Brother, 1834.
Bible stories for children. There are several illustrations
Binding: cloth, the hinges are detaching
1834.1 (in file) OCLC: 3037859
[Bible] KJV. Devotional Family Bible. London & New York : George Virtue, 1835
Folio, 37cm, vol 2 only
Original collection
Edited by Rev. Alexander Fletcher, “with practical and experimental reflections on each verse of the
Old and New Testaments, and rich marginal references.”
Binding: brown leather with Trinity Church in gold
Previous owners: Trinity Church, NY
57 | P a g e
1835.1 OCLC: 43166687
[New Testament] The New Testament. London : Steven and Pardon, 1836
Quarto, 22cm
Original collection
The text is Tyndale’s 1526 New Testament, includes engraved portrait of Tyndal and a memoir of his
life and writings by George Offor together with the proceedings and correspondence of Henry VIII,
Thomas More, and Thomas Cromwell.
This is one of twelve copies that were illuminated in gold and colors.
Binding: morocco.
1836.1 D&M 1149; Stutzman 176; OCLC: 2280907.
[Bible] The Pictorial Bible, KJV. London : William Clowes and Sons for C. Knight and Co., 1836-8.
Octavo, 27cm
Original collection.
Three volumes with woodcuts, some after the masters.
Binding: dark purple morocco, gold borders, gold tooled edges inside covers.
1836-38.1 Stutzman 178; OCLC: 476590210
[Gospels] Les Evangiles, tr by Isaac-Michel le Maistre de Sacy. Paris : J. J. Dubochet, 1838.
Original collection.
The Gospels as translated by De Sacy from the Vulgate. Printed title is dated 1837; illuminated title
page dated 1838. Frontispiece by Theophile Fragonard, vignettes, and ornamental borders, some with
color. Orrin Smith’s name printed on the borders.
Binding: by C. Lewis (on the pastedown) in red levant, spine gold stamped.
1838.1 D&M 3891; OCLC: 386630
[New Testament] The Sacred writings of the apostles and evangelists. Pittsburgh : Forrester and Campbell,
Octavo, 34cm
Gift of Herbert E. Hershey.
The sixth edition of a translation made from the Greek by Dr. George Campbell, James MacKnight, and
Philip Doddridge with an introduction by Alexander Campbell.
Binding: brown calf
Previous owners: has WAQ bookplate
1839.1 OCLC 58935788
[Bible] Biblia Polyglotta. London : S. Bagster and Sons, nd.
58 | P a g e
Folio, 27cm
Original collection
Called the Bagster Polyglot, this edition gives the Old Testament in Hebrew, taken from Van der
Hooght’s edition; in Greek, from Carafa’s edition; in Latin, authorized Vulgate; and in English, the KJV.
It is printed in eight columns across two pages, two columns each of Hebrew, English, Greek, and
Latin. This may be volume 1 of a 2 volume set.
The title page is lacking and pages have been trimmed, cutting into the page headings. No date found
on the bible, itself.
Binding: red cloth
1839.2 no good match in OCLC
[Bible] Biblia Hebraica, by Augustus Hahn. Leipzig : Karl Tauchnitz, 1839.
Original Collection
Van der Hoogts version of the Hebrew Old Testament, edited by Augustus Hahn.
Binding: half calf with brown marbled papers
1839.3 OCLC: 4044978
[Bible] KJV. Hartford, CT : Andrus, Judd and Franklin, 1839
Fifteen engraved leaves after the masters and engraved by Illman & Pilbrow. Stereotyped by J. Howe.
Page 474 is numbered 774.
Binding red leather with gold tooling, title in gold on spine.
Previous owners: Charlotte Russell Lucas
1839.4 Not in D&M; Hills 1044; OCLC: 316965624
[Psalter] The Psalter or Psalms of David. London : James Burns, 1843
23 cm
Original collection.
Elaborate borders decorate the Psalms, “Printed as they are to be sung or said in Churches,” in black
and red. The psalms are followed by the order of service for the burial of the dead and the Book of
Common Prayer. Includes music.
Binding: brown paper over pasteboard, back cover missing, text block coming apart
Previous owners: John Purchas
1843.1 OCLC: 10637017 (23cm), no record found for the 37cm volume.
[Psalter] The Psalter or Psalms of David. London : James Burns, 1843.
37 cm
59 | P a g e
Original collection.
Elaborate borders decorate the Psalms, “Printed as they are to be sung or said in Churches,” in black
and red. The psalms are followed by the order of service for the burial of the dead and the Book of
Common Prayer. Includes music. The text is exactly the same as that of 1843.1, the same size but
printed on larger sheets of paper.
Binding: brown paper over pasteboard, covers are detached an the text block is in danger of coming
1843.2 D&M ; Stutzman 126 (gives publication date of 1743); OCLC: 10637017 (23cm), no record found
for the 37cm volume.
[Bible] The Cottage Bible and Family Expositor, KJV. Hartford : Case, Tiffany, and Burnham, 1844.
Quarto, 28cm, volume 1 of 2
Gift of Dr. B. A. Gessner.
To the text are added notes by Thomas Williams and selections from the Polyglott and other standard
works. Edited by William Patton. Illustrated with 14 engravings (some signed) and three maps
engraved by M Osborne.
Binding: brown calf, marbled endpapers and edges.
1844.1 OCLC: 45420729
[Bible] KJV. Troy, NY : W & H Merriam, 1844
Gift of Mrs EM Hansell
Several engravings by Gimber (probably Stephen). No notes or references, has an index before the OT.
Matthew, Mark & Luke entirely missing, the NT pages are loose and probably many more are missing.
Binding: red leather with a flap
1844.1; no OCLC#
Illuminated Bible. English, 1846. Harper and Brothers, New York.
Folio, 35cm
Allie Gayle Wilcox?
Contains 1600 engravings by J. A. Adams, who is credited with having made the first electrotype in
America from a woodcut. This was the first use of the electrotyping in the United States. Published by
the Harper brothers who were brought up in a devoutly Methodist household.
Binding: red morocco, elaborate gold tooling, front cover is detached.
Previous owners: James S Dillingham, has WAQ’s bookplate, given to Allie Gayle Parmenter in 1929.
1846.1 OCLC: 8238768
[Bible] the English Version of the Polyglott Bible. Philadelphia : Sorin & Ball, 1846
60 | P a g e
Original collection
From the Polyglott of 1796. The OT is dated 1846; NT, 1845; Metric Psalms published by John Ball in
1850. Plates engraved by JB Neagle. Stereotyped by JCD Christman.
Binding: brown leather with horizontal lines.
1846.2 not in D&M; Stutzman 188; OCLC: 8259546
[Bible] The Holy Scriptures, tr Myles Coverdale. London : Samuel Bagster and sons, 1847. Roman type,
Folio, 27cm, two volumes.
Original collection.
This is the second modern edition of the 1535 Coverdale Bible. There is an engraving of Coverdale in
the frontispiece, J Bain; the title page is printed in red and black; memoir of Coverdale is included as
well as a bibliographical description of the original edition.
Binding: black morocco, gold tooled, gauffered edges. Marbled endpapers curl pattern.
Previous owners: James Maidment bookplate
1847.1 D&M 1376, OCLC: 5157130
[Bible] An tiomna Nuadh ar Dtighearna agus ar Slanightheora Josa Criosd. London : Richard Clay for the
British and Foreign Bible Society, 1847
Binding black pebbled paper over paste board with scotch tape on the spine and vintage Velcro
rounds on the front cover.
Previous owner, William Hastie, who has given many items to the collection.
1847.2 D&M 5544; OCLC: 41402149
[New Testament] The New Testament in English, tr by John Wycliffe. Chiswick : Charles Whittingham, for
William Pickering, 1848.
Quarto, 24cm
Original collection
The frontispiece looks like a decorated manuscript, floriated with red ink. The text was taken from a
manuscript in the collection of Lea Wilson and Norwood, and not the copy that is usually known as
Binding: polished calf
1848.1 OCLC: 5129518
[Gospels] The Holy Gospels. London : Chapman and Hall, 1849.
Folio, 32cm
Original collection.
Charles Heath engraved the many illustrations for this art edition which has the text within borders
showed life of Christ.
61 | P a g e
Binding: half morocco, gilt edged.
1849.1 Stutzman #191; OCLC: 31246377
[Bible] Holy Bible. London : William Pickering, 1850.
Quarto, 33cm, 4 volumes
Purchased from the Espenlaub Fund
This edition includes both the text of John Purvey and that of Nicholas of Hereford from manuscripts
in the British Museum and edited by the Rev. Josiah Forshall and Sir Frederic Madden. There is a very
full list of Wycliffe manuscripts after the Preface. Earlier authoritative editions were published in 1731
by Lewis, edited in 1810 (1810.1) by Baber and printed by Richard Edwards and an edition of an earlier
manuscript in 1848 (1848.1) printed by Pickering.
Binding: full calf tree binding, hinges loose, v4 back cover detached
Previous owners: Henry G Denny
1850.2 OCLC: 3928608
[New Testament] New Testament, KJV. NY & Boston American Tract Society, 1851.
Octavo, 23cm
Original collection, perhaps purchased from the Espenlaub foundation
Edited by Justin Edwards. Contains maps at the front.
Binding: brown cloth, leather spine. The front cover and several pages are detached. Very worn.
Previous owners: D Young
1851.1 OCLC: 3408419
Parables of our Lord. London : John Mitchell, 1851.
Original collection.
Illustrated by John Franklin, this volume was highly valued by Bishop Quayle. Of it he said, “Printed on
heavy paper in crimson, blue and black, with really beautiful ornamental letters, the parable itself
being always printed in crimson. It is beautiful and heartening and when the days are dark with winter
cloud or autumn snow, to open the volume and see its glory look, is like walking through the heavenly
Binding: brown, half calf
1851.3 OCLC: 54326731
[Bible] The Holy Bible, Douai-Rheims. London : Simms and M’Intyre, 1852.
12mo, 14cm
Gift of Florence Dodder & Dorothy Pippert
Binding dark brown leather, covers detached, split into three sections
62 | P a g e
1852.1 OCLC: 264889019
[Bible] La Biblia Sagrada traducida en Espanol. NY : Edicion Esteriotipica, 1852.
Binding: brown embossed leather over pasteboard. Floral designs.
1852.2 OCLC: 13026392
La vie de N.S. Jesus-Christ. Paris : Pilon, 1853.
Folio, 45cm, 2 volumes
Original collection.
Two large folio volumes arranged by M. I’Abbe Brispot with 130 steel engravings taken from collection
of Pere Jerome Natalis, S. J., who lived early in the sixteenth century.
Binding: red morocco with gold tooling on sides and wide inside border.
1853.1 Stutzman 197; OCLC: 1944231
[Bible] KJV. NY : American Bible Society, 1854
14cm, 805p + 250p
Nebraska State Historical Society
Binding: red leather with a flap.
1854.1 D&M 1190; OCLC: 23466188
[John] The Gospel according to John. Honolulu : Mission Press, 1854
19cm, 101p
Gift of Randall
English and Hawaiian, printed parallel, for the AB Society.
Previous owners: LW Allyne, Fh Hastings Cheu? From Fbures N Allyne?
Binding: half or quarter calf with marbled paper over pasteboard.
1854.2 OCLC: 6191647
[Bible] KJV. NY : American Bible Society, 1856.
Quarto, 15cm
Binding: brown leather, gold tooling, EE Balch on the center, a single clasp.
1856.1 Stutzman 198; OCLC 7415478
[Bible] Bible. [Hong Kong, Anglo-Chinese Press, 1856]
20cm, 3 volumes.
Original Collection.
63 | P a g e
There is one volume, unbound and tied together with thread. The pages are uncut. It was apparently
printed on rice paper. Bishop Quayle considered this a rare collector’s item.
[Gospels] The Holy Gospels. NY : Appleton, 1856
Folio, 36cm
Original collection
An art edition illustrated by Fredrick Overbeck and engraved by Keller. The illustrations are
accompanied by Gospel passages and poetry from well-known writers.
Binding: brown leather, embossed; lettering in gold. Endpapers are marbled paper in a stones pattern.
1856.3 Stutzman 200; OCLC: 11589441
[Bible] KJV. Philadelphia : Lippincott, 1856.
Gift of Janet Ikenberry
Engraved frontispiece. Includes metric Psalms at the back. Binding: black leather, simple gold line at
the edge.
Previous owners: Thomas Robinson Sweet who was the brother of William H Sweet (Baker President,
1885) who was held in Libby Prison in the Civil War.
1856.4 OCLC: 38864962
[Book of Genesis] Genesis or the First Book of Moses, tr by SA Worcester. Park Hill : Mission Press, 1856.
In Cherokee using the Cherokee syllabary.
Binding: eight parts, unbound.
1856.6 OCLC: 7499956
[Psalms] Psalms of David. No location : np, 1861.
Folio, 46cm
Original collection.
Illuminated by Owen Jones. Prayer book version.
Binding: moulded papier-mache. The title on the wrapper is “The Victoria Psalter.”
1861.1 OCLC: 48702853
Sermon on the Mount. NY : Day and Son, 1861.
Folio, 58cm
Original collection
64 | P a g e
Illuminated by W. and G. Audsley; illustrated by Charles Rolt.
Binding: brown morocco, gold tooled, by Leighton.
1861.2 Stutzman 202; OCLC: 5255777
[Bible] Soldier’s Pocket Bible. NY : American Tract Society, nd
32 mo, 11.5cm
Gift of O. G. Gulteng, Alton, Kansas.
A Cromwell Soldier’s Bible taken from the body of Almarcin Doak, who was killed in the Battle of
Martinsburg, June 14, 1863. Doak’s name and date of Dec. 30, 1861 are written in the back. The Bible
was presented to this collection by his grandson.
Binding: thin, blue cloth binding, printed in gold
1861.3 OCLC: 1058514 (close, ours has 32 pages and is 11.5cm)
[New Testament] KJV. NY : American Bible Society, 1862.
Gift of the Russ Family
Excerpts from the Old and New Testaments first issued in 1643 to Cromwell’s soldiers. The first
American edition was published in 1861.
Binding; black leather
Previous owners: AC Russ
1862.2 Stutzman 203; OCLC: 13967063
Biblisk historia, JF Akerblom. Stockholm : PA Norstedt & Soners, 1863.
Nebraska State Historical Society Library
Information on the title, author and printer comes from the Catalogue of the educational division of
the South Kensington Museum and OCLC. The Catalogue contains an 1862 entry for this title. OCLC has
an 1873 edition.
Binding: green & brown marbled paper in stones pattern with a cloth spine.
1863.2 OCLC: close to 60650668, Quayle copy is clearly dated 1863 and has 96 pages, but is the same
[Parables] The Parables of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. London : Routledge, Warne & Routledge, 1864.
Quarto, 26cm
Original collection.
Paintings of John Everett Millais, engraved by the Brothers Dalziel (George and Edward). Printing on
one side only in red and black on very heavy paper.
Binding: brown morocco, blind tooled, gauffered edges.
65 | P a g e
1864.2 OCLC: 4547299
[Bible] Kleine Volks-BilderBibel, by Martin Luther. Philadelphia : J Kohler, 1865
Frontispiece, a portrait of Martin Luther. Illustrated with woodengravings.
Binding: brown leather, embossed, black, white and gray combed marble endpapers.
Previous owners: Grace Irwin
1864.3 OCLC: 42901137
[Bible.] Y Bibl Cyssegr-Lan sef yr hen Destament a’r Newydd, tr. London : G. E. Eyre, A. W. Spotteswoode,1865.
Original collection
Old Testament title page is missing; New Testament title page is dated 1865. Pages missing at the end.
Binding: brown calf over pasteboard
Previous owners: John Davies, 1875 (tooled on the front cover)
1865.1 no OCLC record found.
[New Testament] KJV. London : Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts and Green, 1865.
Original collection
Illustrated with wood engravings from Italian paintings.
Binding: blue cloth with Greek cross.
1865.2 OCLC 2294721
[Bible] KJV. New York : American Bible Society, 1865
15 cm
Missing the last page of the New Testament.
Binding brown leather with a flap
1865.3 OCLC: 20297547
[Bible] The Holy Gospels. London : Henry G. Bohn, 1865.
Folio, 31cm
Original collection
Illustrated with woodcuts or wood engravings by F. Branston, T. Bolton T. Williams and others. It is
very much like the 1849 edition except for the title page.
Binding: marbled paper, sprinkled edges.
66 | P a g e
1865.4 OCLC: 37699686
[Genesis, chapters 37-38] Joseph and His Brethren. London : Day and Son, 1865.
Original collection.
Lithographs by Owen Jones, Henry Warren and Albert Henry Warren.
Binding: red cloth with paper decoration in gold and green, front cover detached and many pages
1865.5 Stutzman #211; OCLC: 7064664
[Bible] KJV. Philadelphia : William W. Harding, 1866.
Quarto, 30cm
Presented by relatives of John Wesley Powell.
Illustrated with engravings before the Old and New Testaments
Stutzman states that this once “belonged to John Wesley Powell, the first explorer of Grand Canyon.”
However, I don’t see any evidence of that. It does seem to have belonged to his family and has
genealogical data, obituaries and pictures, none of which are of John Wesley Powell.
Binding: maroon morocco, gold trimmed , one clasp. The spine has come loose at the front and one
gathering is loose, quite worn.
1866.1 Stutzman 212; OCLC: 8259771
[Bible] KJV. NY : American Bible Society, 1867.
18mo, 15cm
Original collection
Binding: brown leather, blind lines framing the front cover, title in gold on the spine, corners a bit
Previous owners: Wm Boerum Wetmore (1867), Quayle appears to have bo’t in 1907.
1867.1 Stutzman ; OCLC: 17597298
[New Testament] KJV. NY : American Bible Society, 1867.
32mo, 12cm
Original collection
Binding: red leather with flap.
Previous owners: Charles Parmenter (1868)
1867.2 Stutzman 214; OCLC: 6404614
[Bible] KJV. NY : American Bible Society, 1868.
Gift of Mrs Barret Heddene
67 | P a g e
Binding: black leather, elaborate, front cover is detached.
Previous owners: JL Price, St Louis
1868.2 not in OCLC
[New Testament] New Testament, KJV. NY : American Bible Society, 1868.
40cm Volume I, The Gospels.
Gift of Virgil Wood.
This large volume is printed in embossed type without ink. It was designed to be read by the blind,
perhaps shared with a sighted person. Raised-letter Boston line type.
Previous owners: John E. Burton, Emory M. Wood.
1868.1 OCLC: 764735878
[Bible] Bibelen eller den heliga skrift. Stockholm : BFBS, 1873.
Gift of the Nebraska State Historical Society
The New Testament title page references printer Samuel Rumstedt.
Binding: brown leather, blind tooled. Pages loose in the Psalms and beginning of the New Testament.
1873.1 no record in OCLC
[Bible] The Hexaglot Bible, ed by Edward Riches de Levante. London : Dickinson and Higham, 1876.
Folio, 31cm, six volumes.
We also have the 1901 edition, also edited by de Levante.The six languages are arranged in parallel
columns: Septuagint (in Greek); Syriac (of the New Testament); Vulgate (Latin); Authorized English;
German; and “the most approved French versions.” This edition has red and black title page, and all
pages outlined in double black lines.
Binding: green cloth, title in gold lettering on the spine.
Previous owners: Henry Carleton Sayres
1876.1 OCLC: 849133
[New Testament] Den Heliga Skrift, Luther’s translation, ed by H M Melin, illustrated by Gustave Dore.
Stockholm : Famili-Journalens, 1877.
Gift of Freda Stalkfleet, 2006
Melin worked on this edition of the Luther translation from 1859-1865.
Gustave Dore first published these illustrations in France in 1865, after which they were republished
often Europe and the United States with various Bible translations.
Binding: black leather with gold tooling, covered with a cloth/paper dust jacket.
68 | P a g e
1877.1 OCLC: 53836513
[Old Testament and Apocrypha] Den Heliga Skrift, Luther’s translation, ed by H M Melin, illustrated by
Gustave Dore. Stockholm : Famili-Journalens, 1877.
Gift of Freda Stalkfleet, 2006
Contains the Old Testament and the Apocrypha. Melin worked on this edition of the Luther translation
from 1859-1865.
Gustave Dore first published these illustrations in France in 1865, after which they were republished
often Europe and the United States with various Bible translations.
Binding: black leather with gold tooling, covered with a cloth/paper dust jacket.
1877.2 OCLC: 11143677
[Bible] Bible. Istamboul : , 1885.
Quarto, 27cm
Original collection
Binding: stamped red calf, very worn
1885.1 OCLC: 741082840?
[Bible] KJV. Oxford : University Press, 1885.
Octavo, 20cm
Original collection
From the Browning collection sold in 1913. This Bible once belonged to Sarianna, sister to Robert
Binding: black morocco, edges red under gilt.
1885.3 D&M 1288; OCLC: 2280981
[Bible] Comprehensive Teachers’ Bible. KJV. London : S. Bagster and Sons & NY : James Pott, nd
Presented by the Quayle family.
Bishop Quayle’s personal copy, this volume contains his notes.
Binding: limp black leather.
Biblia Pauperum. London : Unwin Brothers, 1885.
Octavo, 24cm
Original collection.
“Conteynynge thirty and eight wodecuttes illustrating the life, parables and Miraclis offe oure Blessed
Lord & Savior Jhesus Crist with a proper Descrypcions thereof extracted from the Originall Texte offe
69 | P a g e
John Wiclif.” This volume is No. 226 of the 375 copies printed form America from old wood blocks that
were shown in the Caxton Exhibition in 1877. The wood blocks came from Nuremberg and were
believed to date form the fifteenth or sixteenth century.
Binding: ivory imitation vellum, gold tooled.
Previous owners: Edward McPherson
1885.4 OCLC: 927750
[Bible] Y Bibl Cyssegr-Lan. NY : American Bible Society, 1888.
12mo, 19cm
Original Collection
Binding: brown cloth with darker design, edges sprinkled red.
1888.1 Stutzman 222; OCLC: no record found
[Bible] Den Heliga Skrift. Philadelphia : Holman, 1890
Folio, 33cm
Gift of Keith Percival, 2015
This is a Luther Bible translated into Swedish.
Illustrations are by Gustave Dore and are different from the other Dore Bibles and the Bible Gallery in
the collection. A section containing reproductions called the Hoffman Galeri is bound between the Old
and New Testaments.
Binding: brown leather, deeply embossed. The front cover is detached.
1890.2 OCLC: 28253998
[Bible] La Sacra Bibbia, Rome : Depositi di Sacre Scritture, 1891.
Maps in back.
Binding: brown cloth, embossed. The spine has been repaired with yellow paper.
Previous owners: Amos W Patten, 1894.
1891.1 OCLC: 41491378
[New Testament] Novum Testamentum. Philadelphia : David McKay, 1892.
Gift of Dr. W. R. McCormack.
The second American edition. Text is the textus receptus of 1624, published by Elzevir as edited by
1892.1 OCLC: 9085940
[Bible] Bibelen eller den hellige Skrift. Minneapolis : Den Forenede kirkes boghandels, 1892
70 | P a g e
Nebraska State Historical Society
Contains the Old Testament, Apocrypha and the New Testament, published for the United Lutheran
Church in America.
Binding: black embossed leather
Previous owners: Mrs Iver Birkley
1892.2 OCLC: 854109553
[New Testament] Chinese Bible. Shanghai, 1894
Gift of Laurence Sikman
This is a copy of the New Testament presented to the Empress Dowager of China on her 60
Binding: shiny black leather stamped with bamboo designs, red edges. Re bound by Reynolds in 1972
1894.1 OCLC: 181833237
[Bible] KJV. London : Grolier Society, 1900.
Octavo, 25cm 14 volumes
Original collection.
A fourteen volume “Edition De Grande Lux,” of which Bishop Quayle said, “Elegantly printed with new
type on handmade paper, and illustrated with 70 beautiful etchings on Japanese vellum from paintings
by celebrated British and Foreign Artists, brilliant impressions.” Only 1000 copies were printed.
Binding: full pigskin, block sides, gilt tops.
1900.1 Stutzman #226; OCLC: 2000030 (chose this record because there is no date in the book, the
cataloger took the date from the pre-1956 NUC)
[Bible] The Hexaglot Bible, ed by Edward Riches de Levante. NY : Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1901.
Folio, 31cm, six volumes.
Original collection.
Edward Riches de Levante also edited the 1874 & 1876 editions published in London, but not the 1859
edition.The six languages are arranged in parallel columns: Septuagint (in Greek); Syriac (of the New
Testament); Vulgate (Latin); Authorized English; German; and “the most approved French versions.”
This edition has red and black title page, and all pages outlined in double red lines.
Binding: black cloth, title in gold lettering on the spine.
1901.1 Stutzman 227; OCLC: 2660604
[Psalms] Psalter. London : Edward Arnold & NY : Samuel Buckley, 1902.
Original collection.
71 | P a g e
This is No. 226 of the 250 copies published of the Psalms of David from the Bible of Archbishop
Cranmer. The pages are not cut. Printed in England, it contains many woodcuts in black, by CR Ashbee.
There is also decoration in red.
Binding: blue vellum, green ribbon ties.
1902.1 OCLC: 288451
The Old Testament. Paris, London & NY : M. De Brunoff, 1904.
Folio, 35cm, two copies of a two volume set
One set a gift, the other from the original collection
Another Tissot art edition, this copy contains three hundred and ninety-six compositions illustrating
the Old Testament. The illustrations are in black and white and in color. Tissot died two years before
this edition was published.
Binding: green cloth, gold trimmed
1904.1 Stutzman 230; OCLC: 1493636
The Old Testament. Paris, London & NY : M. De Brunoff, 1904.
Folio, 35cm, two volumes.
Gift of Mr & Mrs D. E. Palmer
Second or third copy of 1904.1. They all seem to be numbered the same.
Binding: green cloth, gold trimmed
Previous owners: David and Bessie Palmer
1904.1 OCLC: 1493636
[New Testament] Twentieth Century New Testament. Chicago : Fleming H. Revel, 1904.
Original collection.
A translation made into modern English from the original Greek by about twenty scholars representing
various sections of the Christian Church. The books are divided into three groups: Historical, Letters,
and an Apocalypse.
1904.2 OCLC: 6101107
[Bible] KJV. Cambridge, England : Dove’s Press, 1903-5.
Quarto, 33cm, 5 volumes
Original collection
This Bible is regarded as the masterpiece of Cobden-Sanderson and the Dove’s Press. There is one
column to each page, the margins are wide, and initials and other parts are printed in red. This edition
was limited to 500 copies.
Binding: vellum.
1903-5.1 OCLC: 421967
72 | P a g e
[Hebrew Bible] The twenty-four books of the Holy Scriptures. NY : Bloch, 1907.
Translated by Isaac Leeser from the Massoretic.
Binding: light brown, the spine is repaired with a cloth tape, as are the first and last pages.
1907.1 OCLC: 5186788
[Bible] KJV. London: Nonesuch Press, 1924-7. (NY : Dial Press)
31cm, 5 volumes
Gift of the Espenlaub Memorial, 1966
There are a few copper-plate engravings.
Binding: paper with gold.
1924-27.1 OCLC: 21408780
The Children’s Bible, by Henry A. Sherman and Charles Foster Kent. NY : Charles Scribner, 1925
Ex libris, Baker University Library
Originally published in 1922.
1925.1 OCLC: 864428
[New Testament] The Red Letter New Testament KJV. London and New York : Collins’ Clear-type Press, 1929.
16 mo, 17 cm
Gift of Florence L. Snow.
Illustrated in color with scenes from Palestine and pictures of Bible scenes.
Binding: olive wood engraved with Greek Cross.
1929.1 OCLC:7543685
[Apocrypha] KJV. London : by the Cresset Press at the Curwen Press, 1929.
Quarto, 33cm
Purchased, before 1956
Illustrated with wood engravings by fourteen 20th century artists. This is copy 344 of 450 printed.
1929.2 OCLC: 80336734
[Psalms] Psalmau Dafyyd, tr by William Morgan. [Newtown, Wales] : Gregynnog Press, 1929.
Gift of James L Gardner, 1978
William Morgan made the first Welsh translation of the Bible in 1588. This is number 136 of 200 copies
73 | P a g e
Binding: quarter calf with brick red and beige cloth.
Previous owners: Leonard Twiston Davies
1929.3 OCLC: 29621148
[Bible] KJV. Philadelphia : Co-operative Bible Publishers, 1929.
Presented by Herbert Hoover.
The Twentieth Century Edition, No. 73. This Bible was “Presented to President Hoover by Frank R.
Chandler,” and later given to the Quayle collection.
Binding: blue fabricoid, with gold seal: open Bible inside the legend, “To read, to fear, to hope, to
PR-2 OCLC: 874432159
[Gospels] The Four Gospels, KJV, illustr by Emil Rudolf Weiss . Leipzig : Poeschel & Trepte, 1932
The Gospels, illustrations before each Gospel and initials
Limited edition of 1500, this is 1362, signed by ER Weiss.
Binding: slipcase, binding is paper over pasteboard with a vellum spine.
1932.1 OCLC: 1237862
[Ecclesiastes] The Wisdom of Jesus, the Son of Sirach, commonly called Ecclesiasticus. Chelsea : Ashendene
Press, 1932.
30cm, in a case
Purchased, 1981
Text by AD Power from the KJV and Revised versions.
Binding: slipcase, orange soft leather with ties. Case made from marbled paper.
1932.2 OCLC: 5196271
[Revelation] The Revelation of Saint John the Divine. [Newtown, Wales] Gregynog Press, 1932.
Gift of Mrs Sam W Ferguson, 1978
The text is Scrivener’s edition of the King James known as the Paragaraph Bible. Woodcuts by Blair
Hughes Stanton. This copy is number 71 of 250.
Binding: red leather, bound at the Gregynog Press
1932.4 OCLC: 6018892
[Lamentations] The Lamentations of Jeremiah. [Newtown, Wales] : Gregynog Press, 1933.
74 | P a g e
Gift of james l Gardner, 1978
The text is Scrivener’s edition of the King James known as the Paragaraph Bible, as was used for the
Revelation of Saint John the Divine. Woodcuts by Blair Hughes Stanton. This copy is not numbered.
Binding: black leather, blind stamped with the title.
1933.1 OCLC: 2458962
[New Testament] Zemona Hoemao Maheon-Hestomohestova…, translated by Rodolphe Petter. NY :
American Bible Society, 1934.
Gift of Rodolphe Petter, Lame Deer, Montana, 1944.
Translated into Cheyenne by Rev. Rodolphe Petter of the Mennonite Church, who spent more than
forty years a missionary among the Indians.
Binding: black cloth
FL/NA OCLC: 1290376
[Bible] Oxford Self-Pronouncing Bible. London, NY & Toronto : Oxford at the University Press, nd.
16 mo.
Presented by Harry S. Truman.
The Sunday School Teacher’s edition with a cyclopedic concordance. President Truman inscribed the
Bible: To Baker University may it instill Exodus 20 and Matthew 5.6.7 as the “code” by which all
should live.
Binding: black leather.
[Bible] KJV. Oxford : University Press, 1935.
Folio, 48cm, two volumes.
Gift of Mrs. W. P. Fisher, 1946
A great lectern Bible designed and supervised by Bruce Rogers, printed by John Johnson. Only 200
copies were printed on handmade paper. This appears to be one of them although it is not numbered.
Also called the Oxford Bible.
Binding: gold tooled green French levant.
1935.1 OCLC: 2687061
[New Testament] John Wesley’s New Testament. Philadelphia : John C Winston Co., 1938.
Gift of the brothers and sisters of George C. Cell, in his memory
75 | P a g e
George C. Cell wrote the introduction to this edition (based on the 1790 edition) of the Wesley New
Testament. George Cell, professor of Theology at Boston University, recommended the purchase of at
least one book to the Quayle Collection.
1938.1 Stutzman 242; OCLC: 1267371
[New Testament] The new covenant, commonly called the New Testament. NY : Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1946.
Gift of Sam Hedrick.
Binding: blue cloth
1946.1 & 1946.2 Stutzman 243; OCLC: 1425298
[Bible] The Holy Bible in Urdu, Revised Version. Printed in Great Britain : sl, 1947.
16 mo, 21cm
Presented to Quayle Collection by the India Centenary Choir of the Methodist Church in Southern Asia, April 22,
In Urdu characters, this book reads from back to front.
Binding: tan cloth
1947.1 OCLC: 21388390
[New Testament] The New Testament. Paterson, NJ : St. Anthony Guild Press, 1947.
Gift of Margaret Heckethorn
A revision of the Challoner-Rheims Version which was translated from the Vulgate.
Binding: black cloth
1947.2 Stutzman 245; OCLC: 14993836
[Bible] KJV. Cleveland & New York : World Publishing Co., 1949.
Folio, 49cm
Purchased, 1949
Printed by A. Colish from designs by Bruce Rogers, for the World Publishing Company, this is called the
Bruce Rogers Bible, and has his colophon at the end of the book. There were 975 copies printed.
Binding: red levant, gold trimmed.
1949.1 OCLC: 2679197
[Bible] KJV. Cleveland & New York : World Publishing Co., 1949.
Folio, 49cm
Gift of Velma Filley and children, 1961
Printed by A. Colish from designs by Bruce Rogers, for the World Publishing Company, this is called the
Bruce Rogers Bible, and has his colophon at the end of the book. There were 975 copies printed.
76 | P a g e
Binding: red levant, gold trimmed.
1949.1 OCLC: 2679197
[Bible] The Holy Bible, Revised Standard Version. NY : Nelson, 1952
Gift of 1
Methodist Church and Ives Chapel, both of Baldwin City, KS
Binding: maroon leather & cloth.
1952.1 OCLC: 332060
[Book of Daniel] Daniel 3, KJV. Cleveland : World Publishing Company, 1954
Gift of Lilian Case
A private publication, 1250 numbered copies of which this is 1151. Typography by Jos. Trautwein with
illustrations by Ismar David.
Binding: red cloth, cased.
1954.2 OCLC: 1251977
[Bible] KJV. Chicago : John A Hertel, 1955.
Presented by Dwight D. Eisenhower.
The Blue Ribbon Bible, School and library reference edition, bound with a Masonic section, including
Progressive steps in Masonry, Eastern Star encyclopedia, and biographies of Masonic presidents. Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Hollander, Denver, Colorado, presented this Bible to President Eisenhower, who in turn
gave it to the Quayle Collection.
Binding: blue cloth with gold trim, gilt edged.
PR-3 OCLC: 62147497
[New Testament] The New Testament, tr Henry Einspruch, 2
ed. Baltimore : Lewis and Harriet Lederer
Foundation, 1959.
A translation of the New Testament into Yiddish.
Binding: red cloth with dust cover.
1959.1 OCLC: 37428780
[New Testament] The New English Bible. Oxford & Cambridge : Oxford University Press & Cambridge
University Press, 1961.
Gift of Mary McCormick (1961.1)
Binding: 2 copies, blue cloth with dust jacket.
77 | P a g e
1961.1 & 1961.3 OCLC: 415048
[New Testament] The New Testament Octapla. NY : Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1962
Gift of the Hazen Foundation
Consists of eight English versions of the New Testament. Luther Weigle took exception to the choices
Samuel Bagster made in putting together the 1841 Hexapla which contained Wycliffe’s 2
text (by
John Purvey), Tyndale’s 1534 translation, the Great Bible of 1540, William Whittinghams 1557 precursor
of the Geneva Bible, the Rheims NY of 1582, and the King James, or Authorized Version. Weigle uses
Tyndale’s 1535 revision, the 1540 Great Bible, the second edition of the Geneva Bible published in 1562,
The Bishops’ Bible as revised in 1572 and printed in 1602, and the King James Version as revised in 1873,
the American Standard Version of 1901 and the Revised Standard Version as published in 1960.
Binding: brown cloth
1962.1 OCLC: 382759
[Epistles] Living letters, by Kenneth Nathaniel Taylor. Wheaton, IL : Tyndale House, 1962.
A paraphrase of the epistles.
Binding: paperback
1962.2 OCLC: 3128183
[Gospels] The Gospels, KJV. Verona : Officina Bodoni, 1962.
The woodcuts were made by Bruno Bramanti after the originals created by Bartolomeo di Giovani in
1495. Our copy is number 150 of 320 made.
Binding: red morocco, the title stamped in gold. The slipcase is missing.
1962.3 OCLC: 1205505
[Bible] Holy Bible. KJV. London : Nonesuch Press, 1963.
24cm, 3 volumes
This Bible contains the 1611 King James text and is illustrated with 105 of the 16
century woodcuts of
Bernard Salomon.
Binding: green cloth, gold stamped
1963.1 OCLC: 85088949
[Bible] KJV. Topeka : Washburn College, 1979.
36cm, 3 volumes
Gift of Mrs Walter Albert Young and Mrs Earl D Carter
78 | P a g e
The Washburn Bible was designed by Bradbury Thompson, illustrated with reproductions of works of
art chosen by J Carter Brown and one original print by Josef Albers serving as a frontispiece to each
volume. Our copy is number 151 of 398.
1979.2 OCLC: 5884477
[Bible] The Holy Bible, New Standard Revised Edition. San Francisco : Arion Press, 2000.
45cm, 2 volumes
Purchased, 2000
This Bible is sometimes called the Millenium Bible. Illuminated initials. Limited to 400 numbered
2000.1 OCLC: 45296593
[Bible] KJV. Oxford : Henry Frowde, 19xx
William A Quayle
This is one of two of Quayle’s “working” Bibles in the collection. This one was purchased when he
served St. James Church in Chicago. There are quite a few notes in his hand.
20thc.1; no OCLC #
[Bible] KJV. London : S. Bagster and Sons, 19xx
William A Quayle
This is the second of two of Quayle’s “working” Bibles in the collection ~ a Comprehensive Teacher’s
Bible. This one was purchased when he lived in Baldwin City. There are quite a few notes in his hand in
this volume, as well.
20thc.2; no OCLC #
79 | P a g e
Hymnals, Missals, Breviaries, Hours (to be used for worship)
[Breviary. Use of Rome] Italy, 1474.
13 cm
Gift of Allie Gayle Wilcox, 1975.
1474 is in the colophon. Initials decorated, margins decorated in red, blue and purple ink. Some gold
decoration 1
page, 2
section begins with John? With book and sword, plus border with gold and
flowers, 3
w/ Luke? Pen and ink christmas passages? 4
section apostle with a beard Peter? Pen
and book. appears at the end of the third section close to the end of the book.
Binding: vellum
[Devotional text] Germany, 15
Gift of Allie Gayle Wilcox, 1975
Manuscript written on parchment. It appears to be a book priests would take to the sick and dying
with the appropriate readings, prayers and psalms (with music).
[Breviary. Use of Rome] Italy 15
25cm, 112 leaves
Gift of Allie Gayle Wilcox, 1975
Handwritten on parchment. Breviary of the Fransiscan order. Msg Jan-Apr of the calendar, several
others. From info in front. “The date of writing is fixed approximately by a note in a rubric : “Tabula
novissima edita a pap Jo. Xxii
Binding half vellum with printed paper. Phillipps MS 12287
[Book of Hours of the Virgin] Italy, 15
12cm, 176 pages
Gift of Allie Gayle Wilcox, 1975
Handwritten on vellum. There are 2 historiated initials, 2 borders. Bound in green morocco, gilt edges,
“Missale” on the spine in gold.
Belonged to the Albani Family. 2 handwritten notes, one dated 1448, the other 1669. Tiny nonpareil
marble pattern.
[Breviary] The Netherlands, 15
16cm Vellum
Gift of Allie Gayle Wilcox, 1975
80 | P a g e
Handwritten on vellum. Several borders decorated with animals, leaves, shells.
Binding: Once belonged to the Monastery of Le Parc near Louvain and carries the oval emblem of the
monastery stamped on the cover -- Bibliotheca Parchensis with lilies of the valley in the center. 5 raised
bands, title on spine with more elaborate designs.
[Book of Hours] England, 15
Leaf is 13 x 18cm
Gift of McGraw (Fred?)
Brown ink on parchment
[Miniature from a Book of Hours] France (Paris?), c1420
Vellum leaf, 10 x 15cm
Gift of Charles Kopke
An Illumination of the Annunciation, framed.
Previous owners: Margaret Catherin O’Reilly; Kansas City Art Institute
[Book of Hours] Flanders, Early 16
2 leaves, printed on vellum, 16 x 21cm
Purchased by the Friends of the Library, 1983
Illuminated with 3 miniatures, St Lawrence, St Christopher and St Sebastion, floral borders. Letters in
blue and gold.
[Psalms and Prayers] Germany, 1512.
MS on vellum and paper, 11cm
Gift of Allie Gayle Wilcox, 1975
This is written in german. It includes a calendar, the seven penitential psalms, the Eucharist and a brief
passage from the Gospel of John. Initials are in red and blue. There are 253 leaves of an original 518
(from the table of contents) (according to Rosenthal, 1975). Contains one small, pasted-in woodcut.
Binding: a deerskin girdle binding with metal bosses at the corners and center, one clasp.
Previous owners: Phillipp N Smidoter?
[Psalter] Psalterium Hebreum, Grecu, Arabicu, & Chaldeu, cũtribus latinis interptoibus & glosis. Genoa :
Petrus et Paulus Porrus, Genoa, 1516.
Folio, 34cm
81 | P a g e
Original collection
Often referred to as the Genoa Psalter, probably the first polyglot printed. The Psalter gives in eight
columns across the double page the Hebrew, a literal Latin version of the Hebrew, the Latin Vulgate,
the Greek Septuagint, the Arabic, the Chaldee (in Hebrew characters), a literal Latin version of the
Chaldee, and Scholia or commentary in Latin.
Augustino Giustiniani, Bishop of Nebbio, edited the work. In the preface, he promised the entire Bible
in this form.
The title appears in the five languages printed within an arabesque border. Inserted in the psalms is a
note on the life and discoveries of Christopher Columbus. The print is large and clear with type
appropriate to each language. This copy bears the seal of the Society of Jesu, Douai.
Binding: vellum, the text is complete
Previous owners: Bibliotheque Publique de Douai; Joannis Cleriq Abbe D’Ambianansis?
1516.1 D&M 1411; Stutzman 24; OCLC: 45590125
[Hours of the Virgin, Use of Rome] Paris : Germain Hardouin, [1520?].
Gift of Helen Foresman Spencer, 1982
Printed on parchment. Miniatures painted over prints. Similiar to the item listed by Christie’s Lot 60 /
Sale 6853. Ours has 96 leaves and 21 large-ish illustrations. Several of our illustrations do not have text
at the bottom as seen in some online images. Almanac covers 1520-1532.
Binding: modern red textured leather, 5 raised bands, little floral designs in the corners
1533.1 similar to OCLC 76393900
[Prayers] Book of Common Prayer. London : Robert Barker, 1631
Bound with Novum Testamentum, 1632
1632.2 OCLC:
[Psalter] The whole book of Psalms collected into English Metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and
others. London : GM for the Company of Stationers, 1640.
Octavo, 17cm
Original collection
1641.1 Bound with KJV 1641.1. OCLC: 644094441
[Psalter] The whole book of Psalms collected into English Metre, by Thomas Sternhold, John Hopkins, and
others. London : JM for the Company of Stationers, 1677.
Original collection
Continues the red line frames of the Bible, no music.
Bound with 1669.1.
82 | P a g e
1677.2 OCLC: 62589623
[Prayers] Oratio Dominica, edited by John Chamberlayne. London : Benjamin Motte for Daniel Brown and
Wm Keblewhite, 1700.
Half title reads: The Lord’s Prayer in above a hundred languages, versions and characters.
Binding: blind tooled brown leather with centerpiece. Appears to be a recent binding.
1700.1 OCLC: 16167763
[Hymnal] Ausbund, das ist Etliche Schone Christliche Lieder, by Thomas von Imbroich. Germantown, PA :
Christoph Saur, 1751
Octavo, 16cm, 814 p.
Gift of ? Long
Bound with Confessio oder Bekantnuss, (OCLC: 81634710); Ein warhafftiger Bericht von den Brudern
im Schweitzerland, in dem Zurcher gebiet (OCLC: 84142893) and Funff schone geistliche Lieder, 1752
Binding: brown leather, two clasps, both missing, bad shape, pages missing
1751.1 OCLC: 46260064
[Hymnal] Short Hymns on selected passages of the Holy Scriptures, by Charles Wesley. Bristol : E. Farley, 1762
12mo, 16cm, 2 volumes
No printed music
Binding: blue with gold tooling, seems more recent than the hymnal
1763.3 OCLC: 10318188
[Hymnal] New version of the Psalms of David fitted to the tunes used in churches, by Nicholas Brady and
Nahum Tate. Boston : William M’Alpine, 1767
Gift of Friends of the Library, 1986
Binding: plain black leather. Bound with Watts and Bayley.
1767.1 OCLC: 208361599 has Brady & Watts, 549433942 for the Psalm-Singer’s Ass’t
[Hymnal] A collection of hymns, Isaac Watts. Boston : William M’Alpine, 1767
Gift of Friends of the Library, 1986
Bound with Brady & Tate
1767.1 OCLC: 208361599
[Hymnal] The psalm-singers assistant, by Daniel Bayley. Boston : William M’Alpine, 1767.
83 | P a g e
Gift of Friends of the Library, 1986
Bound with Brady & Tate & Watts
Binding: modern sheepskin
1767.1 OCLC: 549433942
[Hymnal] A collection of Psalms and hymns, by John and Charles Wesley. London : R. Hawes, 1779
From the Kansas Methodist Historical Society
The 10
Binding: dark brown paper over paste board? covers and light brown spine. Ex lib, spine damaged at
the top and bottom
1779.1 OCLC: 10318133
[Psalter] Psalms of David in Metre, (Scottish Psalter). Philadelphia : Robert Aitken, 1783.
Purchased, Spencer Fund, 1988
Scottish metrical psalms with analysis by Matthew Henry
Binding: marbled paper & red calf, some of the last pages have been mended
1783.1 OCLC: 314702079
[Psalter] The Psalms of David imitated in the language of the New Testament, by Isaac Watts. London : J.
Bruce, et al, 1791.
Gift of John C Quice
Binding: plain brown leather. There has been a spill on the cover and the corners are quite worn.
1791.1 OCLC: 13213432
[Hymnal] A selection of Psalms and Hymns for private and social worship. London : J Davis, 1798.
Gift of John Endacott
Bound in brown cardboard by Charles Pedlar, the donor’s uncle.
1798.3 OCLC: 82544411
[Hymnal] Nogle af salig Biskop Hans Adolph Brorsons Psalmer. Copenhagen : Undreas Seidelin, 1823
Gift of the Nebraska State Historical Society
Danish translations of German pietist hyms. Bp Brorson was best known as a lyricist, but also
composed music, of which there is none in this volume.
84 | P a g e
Binding: half leather with marbled paper (stones pattern with ox blood) over pasteboard.
Previous owners: PS Vig (Danish American Lutheran pastor and professor, one of the founders of the
United Danish Evangelical Lutheran Church)
1823.1 OCLC: 464837659
[Prayers] Zlaty Nebe Kljc, neb, Wraucne katolicke modlitby… need help with this
Gift of the Nebraska State Historical Society, 1991
Czech prayer book, illustrations engraved by F. Zelinka.
Binding: brown leather cathedral design with Madonna and child.
1831.1 OCLC: possibly 85108425
[Prayers] Book of Common Prayer and Psalter. Charles Whittingham for William Pickering, London.
Folio, 35cm
Original collection
Binding: vellum, gold tooled; on spine, “Book of Common Prayer, Victoria, 1844.”
1844.3 OCLC: 3103329
[Prayers] Pictorial edition of the Book of Common Prayer. London : Ward & Lock, [1846]
Illustrated with woodcuts and woodcut initials.
Binding: green cloth, the front cover is loose
1846 OCLC: 18846334
[Hymnal] The Psalms and Hymns with the catechism, confession of faith, and canons of the Synod of Dort.
Philadelphia : William G. Mentz, 1847.
Hymnal of the Reformed protestant Dutch Church in North America.
Bound for M.S. Wygant in brown leather with gold floral designs
1847.3 OCLC: 18083934
[Psalter] The Book of Psalmes. Toronto : Upper Canada Bible Society printed by H Rowsell, 1856.
Nebraska State Historical Society Library
In Ojibwa
Binding: tan leather over pasteboard, the spine is coming off.
Previous owners: Nebraska State Historical Society; HH Cotton.
85 | P a g e
1856.5 OCLC: 4557160
[Hymnal] [Select Melodies]
13cm, 384p
Gift of Esther P Taylor
Missing several pages at the beginning including the title page. The preface indicates that original
work are marked WH, which is probably William Hunter, a prolific hymn writer. No music. It is said to
have been used at Baker in 1858.
This could be one of any of the editions printed between 1851 & 1857. It could have been published by
Higgins & Perkinpine, John Ball, or the Methodist Book Concern. It was printed by L Johnson,
Binding: light brown leather, the front cover is sewn to the spine rather crudely and the label dangles.
Previous owners: Esther P Taylor, who wrote her name and the date 1857.
1857.1 Stutzman 268
[Prayers] Lutheran prayer book. Baltimore : T. Newton Kurtz, 1857.
Nebraska State Historical Society
The third edition. Includes hymns with music.
Binding: brown leather, label on spine.
Previous owners: Owen R Brobst, NSHS
1857.2 OCLC: 37666154
[Hours] Heures illustre, by B. Charles Mathieu. Paris : Bachelin-Deflorene, 1870
Original collection
Book of hours begun by Mathieu, finished by Guillaume Regamey
Binding brown leather with metal clasps with enamel?
1870.x not in Stutzman; OCLC 35669891
[Psalter] Svenska Psalm-Boken, Stockholm : U.L. Normans, 1875
Nebraska State Historical Society, 1991
A Swedish psalm-book bound with the Svenska Evangelii-Boken, also printed by U.L. Normans in 1875.
1875.1 OCLC: 53347546 is close the book at Augustana College was printed by Frans Svanstrom and
only measures 9cm
86 | P a g e
[Prayers] The Lord’s Prayer in the principal languages, dialects and versions of the world, compiled by GF
Bergholtz. Chicago : by the author, 1884
Binding: green cloth, pages loose.
Previous owners: Anna Porter Giambarresi
1884.1 OCLC: 2323232
[Psalter] Psalms of the Singer David, by John Henry Nash. San Francisco : JH Nash, 1929.
Illustrated with woodcuts by William Wilkie.
Binding: marbled paper, worn.
Previous owners: John Roland Abbey (letter from Nash to Capt. Abbey laid inside front cover)
1929.5 OCLC: 6745017
[Oddity] Child’s Bible : the life of Jesus, by Cecil C. Carpenter. Peoria, IL : Baby Bible & Prayer Book Co., 1932
One tiny white book printed for the Burliew-Cowan Funeral Home, Manhattan, KS and a second copy
bound in black paper.
1932.3 OCLC: 5788367
87 | P a g e
[Gospels] Evangeliorem Quattuor Codex Lindisfarnensis. Oltun et Lausanna : Urs Graf, 1956,1960
2 volumes, 41cm
Gift of Mrs Spencer, 1982
Facsimile of the Lindisfarne Gospels, limited to 680 copies, vellum binding.
695-698F OCLC: 1440544
Beati in Apocalipsim Libri Duodecim, by Beatus of Liebana. Madrid : Editora Internacional de Libros Antiguos,
Edilan, 1975.
Volumes 2-3, 25cm, volume 3
Gift of Mrs Spencer, 1982
975.1F OCLC: 2368898
The Lorsch Gospels, by Wolfgang Braunfels. New York : George Braziller, 1967.
38cm, 2 volumes
Gift of Mrs Spencer, 1982 (Glenn Books)
810.1F OCLC: 870811
Codex Cenannensis (The Book of Kells). Bern, Switerzland : Urs Graf-Verlag, 1951.
Folio, 40cm, three volumes
Number 177 of the 500 facsimiles printed of the manuscript of The Book of Kells, which is in the Trinity
College Library, Dublin. Scholars place the date of the manuscript from the sixth to the ninth century.
“In size, as in position of the parts, the production matches the original, paginatim, lineatim,
C.F OCLC: 1133352
[Bible] Pamplona Bible, by Francois Boucher. New Haven : Yale University Press, 1970
31cm 3 volumes.
Binding: cloth in case
1194.1F OCLC 184312
[Book of Hours] Le Livre d’Heures de la Reine Anne De Bretagne, edited by M l’abbe Delaunay. Paris: L.
Curmer, 1861.
23cm, 2 volumes
Gift of Charles Kopke, 1990
Binding: black leather over pasteboard, clasps on the facsimile volume.
15thC.6F OCLC: 4178184
88 | P a g e
Martin Luther’s Little Catechism, translated into Algonquian by Johannes Campanius. Stockholm : Ivar
Haeggstrom, 1937.
Facsimile of Lutheri Catechismus first printed in Stockholm by Burchard in 1696. Notes are by Isak
Binding: by Lundstedts in Lund, cream paper with gold embossing
Previous owners: Roscoe Edlund
1696.4F OCLC: 2196996
The Woman’s Bible, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Revising Committee. Seattle : Coalition Task Force on
Women and Religion, 1974.
21 cm
A facsimile of the book published by the European Publishing Co, in New York in 1898. It contains only
a few passages from several books of the Bible with commentary by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the
Revising Committee.
Binding: paper
1898.1F OCLC: 1092209
The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth, by Thomas Jefferson. Washington : Government Printing Office,
23 cm
Provenance unknown
This is a photostatic reproduction of the “Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth extracted textually
from the Gospels in Greek, Latin, French, and English, by Thomas Jefferson.” There is a single, folded
piece of paper with a reproduction of two maps.
Binding: red leather with gold tooling
1904.4F OCLC: 52127567
The Gutenberg Bible, a new facsmile. Paterson, NJ : Pageant Books, 1960.
A facsimile edition of the Gutenberg Bible in its original size with the illuminations reproduced in full
color and gold. Page size is approximately 12 by 18½ inches and margins are wide.
Binding: half leather with gold stamping; sides decorated; marbled end papers.
1452-6 F OCLC: 6235265
Der Antichrist und die funfzehn Zeichen. Munich: Prestel-Verlag, 1970
30cm, 2 volumes
A facsimile of a block book undertaken by H. Theodor Musper.
89 | P a g e
1970.2 OCLC: 3493444
90 | P a g e
Sanskrit formula, date unknown
Purchased about 1943
“This sheet is a sanskrit formula, transliterated into Tibetan letters. This formula (Tibetan Gzungs,
Sanskrit dhāranī) is one of two such formulae most commonly used for the consecration of mchod-
rten, religious structures erected to enshrine relics such as the ashes of a holy man and to serve as
objects of circumambulation.” (TV Wylie)
The material upon which it was written is variously referred to as a papyrus leaf or birch bark. It is
enclosed in glass.
Wylie speculates that it came from one of Aurel Stein’s expeditions.
Undated.1 MSS, no OCLC#
Terra cotta cone. Circa 2060 BCE. Ur.
Cuneiform inscription for a temple of justice, consists of a short biography of Libit-Ishtar, King of
Babylon. The inscription reads:
The divine Libit Ishtar,
The humble shepherd of Nippur
The faithful husbandman of Ur
Who does not change the face of Eridu,
A lord who befits Erech,
The king of Esin,
The king of Sumer and Akkad*
Who captivated the heart of Ininni, am I
When justice in Sumer and Akkad he had established…
The temple of justice he built.
Stutzman 1
Cuneiform tablets. Circa 2000 BCE. Ur.
Stutzman #2
Egyptian papyrus. Circa 2000 BCE. Egypt.
Fragments of papyrus which show Egyptian hieratic instead of the common Greek of later Egypt.
Stutzman #3
[Leaf from the Homilies of Gregorius Magnus] Picanza, Italy : 12
18 x 27cm
Gift of the Friends of the Library, 1985 (Phillip J Pirages)
91 | P a g e
In Latin, the leaf is on parchment, in a Carolingian hand. Inks are brown and red.
[Leaf from the letters of St. Jerome] Rome: Sixtus Reissinger, 1466.
1 leaf, 23 x 33cm. book is 40cm
Gift of G. Howell, 1982.
The leaf comes in an historical essay by Jeremy Duquesnay Adams, bibliographical essay by John L.
Sharpe III, edited by Bennett Gilbert. Contains an original leaf from the incunable edition.
Binding: vellum-backed marbled boards, spine lettered in gilt. Number 104 of 300 copies. Chalmers 170.
1466.1 OCLC: 9193674
An original leaf from the Polycronicon. San Francisco : Book Club of California, 1938
Printed leaf, paper, size, book is 30cm.
Gift of the Friends of the Library, from Wilsey Rare books, 1985
Written originally in Latin by Ranulf Higden, was a history of the world from its creation through,
perhaps sometime in the 1340’s. It was continued by several different authors, notably by John of
Trevisa when he translated it from Latin into English in 1387. On original leaf is included in the book
with essays by Benjamin P Kurtz, Oscar lewis and Edwin Grabhorn.
Binding: brown paper over pasteboard with ties.
1482.2 OCLC: 3121372
[Commentary] Postilla super totam Bibliam, by Nicholaus de Lyra. Printed perhaps in Strassburg : Johannes
Mentelin, not after 1472.
Folio, 31 cm
Original collection
Perhaps the third volume of what is known as the “Paris edition,” this commentary contains the
scriptures from Isaiah to the end of Maccabees. Because of the peculiar round hand Gothic type, the
work is identified as that of Johannes Mentelin, the first printer and bookseller in Strasburg. The text
appears in two small columns in the center of the page, surrounded by commentary, the notes of
Nicholaus de Lyra, who was born at Lyra in Normandy in 1270 and died in Paris in 1340. His most
notable work is his commentary on the scriptures. Luther is said to have used these notes in his
translation of the Bible into German. There are many woodcuts, on showing Ezekiel’s vision. Each book
has its own prologue. There is a page bound in the front with a note in German.
Binding: stamped vellum over oak boards.
Previous owners: John Matthews, NY.
1471.1 D&M note after 6081; Stutzman 9
Liber Chronicarum, edited by Hartmann Schedel. Nuremburg : Anton Koberger, 1493
Folio, 46cm
Purchased from Rollie B Hall Fund, 1963
92 | P a g e
A history of the world from the creation compiled from a number of sources by Nuremburg physician,
historian and book and art collector, Hartmann Schedel. The first editions were published in Latin, this
is the first German edition. The woodcut illustrations were created by Michael Wolgemut and Helmut
Pleydenwurff about 689, some were used more than once.
Physical book
1493.1 OCLC: 4541682
Of the Assumpcyon of Our Lady, by? Westminster : Wynken de Worde, 1497.
Leaf, paper, 20 x 28cm
Printed on paper, handwritten notes at the bottom of the page. Woodcut of angels surrounding the
Adversus execrabilem Antichristi bullam, by Martin Luther. Wittenberg : Melchior Lotter the younger, 1520
Gift of Allie Gayle Wilcox, 1975
Two pamphlets. First the Adversus…the bottom of the title page was cut when it was discarded from
Bibliotec. P.R. Stuttg as a duplicate. The first page has a floral woodcut “F” The second is the first 6
leaves of A commentarie of M. Doctor Martin Luther upon the Epistle of S. Paule to the Galations…
which appears to have been revised & corrected by Thomas Vautroullier at Blackfriars for William
Norton, 1588. Device reads Anchora Spei.
Binding: some kind of cardboard covers with cloth spine. The bottom 3 inches of the title page of
Adversus has been cut off, The pages of the Commentarie are in bad shape there are numerous
handwritten notes, but much is missing at the edges.
Previous owners: Adversus was discarded as a duplicate from the public library in Stuttgart, the
Commentarie belonged to FC Ewer, 1869.
1520.2 OCLC: 64051989 (Adversus) & 20150110 (Commentarie don’t add holding to OCLC)
Flavii Josephi Opera. Basel : Johann Froben, 1544.
Original collection.
The works of Flavius Josephus.
This book exists in 2 states. In ours Frobenius’ first name, “Hieronymo,” is spelled with an iota as the
letter rather than an upsilon.
Binding: early 20
century blind-stamped crushed levant
Inscribed, Conventz Ratisbonensis (Regensburg) fr Cain (Caen?) S. Augustani et doni Adi D. Joan
Hueber SS Theol. ? Cie 1642
1544.1 Stutzman 251; OCLC: 13106168
Der Ander Teil, by Martin Luther. Jena : Christian Rodinger, 1555
93 | P a g e
Folio, 34cm
Original collection
A collection of Martin Luther’s works from 1522 through 1525. Bulls, letters, treatises, and
commentaries are included.
Binding: blind stamped pigskin
Previous owners: CD 1557 blind tooled on the cover;
1555.1 OCLC: 12440445
Pisne Duchownj Ewangelistskél. SL : 1564.
Quarto, 27cm, 376 p
Gift of Dr. G. J. Goodsheller, Marion, Kansas.
A Bohemian hymnal used by followers of Huss, the hymnal was in the same family until given to this
Illustrated with borders, music, historiated initials
Binding: full calf, most pages have been heavily repaired
1564.2 OCLC: 255680352
Decretum D.Gratiani, by Johannes Gratian. Venice : Nicolaus Benilqua, 1567.
Quarto, 27 cm
Original collection.
The Decretum is a twelfth century work of Johannes Gratian (Gratianus) on canon law. It is divided
into three parts; in all are maxims of Gratian and his questions and answers. Canones Poenitentiales is
printed separately at the end. There are two full-page woodcut tables and somesmall woodcut initials
at the end 1211-1214, 1224-1229 & other places. Otherwise just plain red initials. Scraps of other early
works used in the binding.
Printer’s device 3 columns with F.S. G.B. & N.B. D.Z. on the pedestals perhaps Nicolo Bevilacqua,
?Daniel Zanetti, and others.. Prefatory material on a whiter paper quite different from the
Binding: suede or deerskin over pasteboard, oval stamp in the center of the cover.
1567.3 OCLC: 60604370
Postilla, Das ist ausslegung der Episteln… by Simon Musaus. Frankfurt am Main : Schwartzenberger &
Feyerabendt., 1574
Simon Musäus was a theologian working around Frankfurt and Nuremberg.
Woodcuts are by Jost Amman who was associated with the Feyerabendt printing establishment. Some
are signed IA, some are unsigned. Amman may have designed the woodcuts for the initials, as well.
94 | P a g e
Bound in pigskin over wooden boards. Small, blind-stamped portraits of Peter, Paul, John and perhaps
one or two other New Testament figures decorate the front and back covers.
Previous owners: D Burgdorfer, JS Losuns?,Carl Graus/r (Gausewitz?), pastor at St Paul in Milwaukee
bought the book for $12.00.
1574.3 OCLC: 633693200
Rerum Sacrarum Liber, by Lorenzo Gambara. Antwerp, Christoph Plantin, 1577
Quarto, 23cm, 194 p
Friends of the Library, 1981
An emblem book with poetry and illustrations, with commentary by Jacobus Pactus.
Title with an ornamental border signed by Bernardo Passari with coat of arms of Pope Gregory XIII and
two cardinals. Includes 55 illustration (etchings). The plates were probably made in Italy after drawings
by Bernardo Passeri, whose name appears at foot of the t.p. border. The engraving on p. 88, however,
is signed with the monograms of Joannes Wierix and Pieter van der Borcht. Ill. on p. 160 repeated on
Binding: black with a simple panel & sort of an acorn design at the corners in gold, inner cover and
edges gilt stamped with floral designs, marbled endpapers in a nonpareil swirl. 5 raised bands. Bound
by Win Stanley, Mancester (stamp)
Previous owners Michael Richey (1701), Henry Huthi Library, Arnold Hoffmann bookplate
1577.1 OCLC: 80369326
Two and Twentie Sermons of Maister John Calvin, tr by Thomas Stocker. London : Thomas Dawson (for John
Harison and Thomas Man), 1580.
20cm, 190 leaves
First English edition.
Binding: brown calf. Marbled endpapers.
1580.1 OCLC: 58791419
Works of the Very Learned and Reverend Father in God, John Jewell, not long since Bishop of Sarisburie.
London : John Norton, 1611
Folio, 33cm, 1 volume
Original collection
Missing several pages at the beginning, several parts, actually. The first part in this vol is “an answer to
a certaine book lately set forth by M Harding…”
The margins have been trimmed & cut of some handwritten marginal notes.
Binding brown leather, beveled, repaired, a simple panel, has a hook and the remains of original
1611.4 OCLC: 42945834 probably
95 | P a g e
[Commentary] In Apostoli Pauli Ambas Epistolas ad Corinthios, by Wolfgang Musculus. Basel : Sebastian
Henric Petri, 1611.
Folio, 34cm
Original collection
The text of the letter of Paul to the Corinthians with commentary with commentary by Wolfgang
Musculus, first published in 1566. Bound with his In Divi Joannis Apostoli Evangelium of 1681.
Woodcut printer’s device with an anvil on the title page and at the end.
Binding: blind-stamped tawed pigskin, bound w/1618.1
1611.5. OCLC 458802930
[Commentary] In Divi Joannis Apostoli Evangelium. Basel : Sebastian Henric Petri, 1618. Roman type,
Folio 34cm
Original collection
The text of John the Evangelist with commentary with commentary by Wolfgang Musculus, first
published in 1580. Bound with his In Apostoli Ambas Epistolas ad Corinthios of 1611.
Woodcut printer’s device with an anvil.
Binding: blind-stamped tawed pigskin, bound w/ 1611.5
1618.1. OCLC 458802930
[History] Das Grosse Pomrische Kirchen Chronicon, by Daniel Cramer. Alten Stettin : Nicol. Barthelt, 1628
This is a history of the Pomeranian Evangelical Church, first published in 1602. The title page has
portraits of Bp Martislaff and Bp Otto. The title page is printed in red and black and there is a
handwritten index at the back. Dedicated to Bogislaw XIV, Duke of Stettin and Bishop of Cammin,
accompanied with a portrait.
Bound in vellum.
Previous owners: Facing the title page is a note, looks to be the provenance from 1781 to 1836.
1628.1 OCLC: 367529291
[Sermons] Elenchus Catecheticus Antipapisticus, by Jakob Stöker. Jena : Johan Rieffenbergers, 1634
Quarto, 20cm
Engraved title page,
Binding: plain velum, blue edges
Previous owners: Caspari Felicis Agricolae
1634.2 OCLC: 83047597
[Sermons] Buss- und Gebet-Spiegel Danielis, by Johann Saubert. Nuremberg : Wolfgang Endter, 1639
96 | P a g e
Quarto, 21cm, 443 p
29 sermons on Daniel chapter 9. Engraved general title page, the portrait is missing, corner of flyleaf is
Binding: gold stamped velum with centerpiece
Previous owners: AF Siemon Bro., buchhandling, Ft Wayne, IN
1640.1 OCLC: 54226491
[Concordance] A large and complete concordance to the Bible in English, by Samuel Newman. London :
printed for Thomas Downes and James Young, 1643.
Gift of Allen & Pearl McCaul, 1994
Originally by Clement Cotton, revised by Samuel Newman.
Binding: brown calf over pasteboard, front hinge loose, much worn, pages missing at the back.
1643.1 OCLC: 6371703
[History] Bello Belgico, by Famiano Strada Lyons : Jacob Marius, 1645
12mo, 14cm
Original collection
A history of the religious wars in the low countries. Contains the famous lion map of Belgium &
portraits. Woodcut initials begin each chapter.
Binding in limp vellum, yapp edges.
1645.1 OCLC: 9927394
Prophetischer Spruch-Postill, by Salomon Glass. Nuremberg : Wolfgang Endter , 1655
Quarto, 17cm, 1147 pages
Text area is quite dark, the paper feels like cheap woodpulp paper.
Binding; half vellum w/black leather.
1655.1 OCLC: 41607406
The Great Exemplar of Sanctity and Holy Life according to the Christian Institution, by Jeremy Taylor. London
: R. Norton for Richard Royston, 1657.
Original collection.
Taylor served Charles II as Chaplain in Ordinary.
Illustrated with copperplate engravings
Binding: half calf, marbled paper, back cover detached, some pages may be missing
97 | P a g e
1657.4 OCLC: 2176945
Lexicon Graeco Latinum in Jesu Christi DN Novum testamentum, by Georg Pasoris. Geneva : Phillipus
Albertum, 1662
Octavo, 18cm
Original collection
Printer’s device Altum Sapero.
Binding: vellum
Previous owner Balpositi?
1662.1 OCLC: 863347147
Coelum Empyreum, by Henry Engelgrave. Cologne : Gabrielem a Roy, 1669.
Original collection
Frontispiece has a nice wood engraving, not signed. Appear to be the feasts important to the Jesuits
and perhaps the stories behind them?
Bound in vellum, cover loose
Antiquitates Biblicae, by Joh. Cunradi Dietrici. Giessen : Jacob Gottried Selyer, 1671
Gift of the Nebraska State Historical Society, 1991
Portrait of Dieteric as a frontispiece.
Binding: blind stamped vellum
1671.1 OCLC: 15336247
Commentary in Universam Philosophiam, by Aristotle or notes on Aristotle
MSS. 23cm, 2 volumes
Gift of Allie Gayle Wilcox, 1975.
A commentary on some of the major works of Aristotle, handwritten.
Binding: centerpiece oval with CAROLUS on front EVERARD on back, reddish brown leather over
pasteboard. Marbled endpapers, stones & curls pattern in red, green, orange, white, gray.
Previous owners: note in front, “These volumes belonged to Dr. Adam Clarke and are described in the
Catalogue of his MSS published by his son, p64, no 146” It has Quayle’s bookplate and may have been
part of his original collection, perhaps given to his daughter during his lifetime.
1680.2 MSS, no OCLC number.
[Commentary] Het Vufde en latest Deel, by Franciscus Ridderus. Rotterdam : Joannes Borstius, 1680.
98 | P a g e
Quarto, 12cm
Original collection.
A Dutch commentary and parts of the Bible, both Old and New Testament. Series title is Schriftuerlyck
Licht, over Schyn-strydende, Duystere, en Misduyde Texten der Heylige Schrifture. Ridderus was a
Dutch Reformed minister.
Appears to have been published with Vaderlijcke aenspraecke, aen D. Henricus Groenewegen, wegens
sijn uytgegevene apologie. There is no separate title page, but the pagination begins again with page
Binding: vellum,
Previous owners: “WB Sprague, DD, with compliments of Sam’l Stafford, Nov 19
1852”; Theodore
Romeyns, 1783.
1680.1 OCLC: 257554636
Christliebs Himmel auf Erden in Gedancken, by Joseph Hall, tr into German by Johan Havecker. Magdeburg :
Johann Luderwaldt, 1684
Frontispiece, engraved port of Joseph Hall by Erasmus Andressohn.
Binding: half bound with black levant & black cloth. Bound w/Heimliche seufftzer einer andachtigen
seelen, also by Joseph Hall (64 p.) (OCLC: 258284956) and Fortsetellunge der Soliloquiorum und Hertz-
gesprache mit Gott, also by Hall (55 p) (OCLC: 257976031)
1684.1 OCLC: 312133110
Philologiae Sacre, by Salomon Glass. Frankfurt & Leipzig : Christophorum and Davidem Fleischerum, 1691.
Quarto, 22cm
Original collection.
Frontispiece a portrait of Glass engraved by JC Bocklin.
Binding: HMM, looks like velum w/tooled oval doodad on the front, to me. Paper label on spine. red
and black morocco.
Previous owners: James Beecham Russell, JG Armstrong
1691.1 OCLC: 56895929
Theologica Didactico-Polemica, by Johann Andreas Quenstedt. Wittenberg : Johann Ludolph Quenstedt, 1691
Folio, 34cm, 1 book in 4 parts
By Johann Andreas Quenstedt, Lutheran theologian at the University of Wittenberg. This was his
major work, first published in 1685 very orthodox. It was published by his son, bookseller and one-time
Lord Mayor of Wittenberg
Binding: parchment, the front parchment is coming loose from the boards. The title page has been
repaired and the first leaves are a bit tattered at the edges.
99 | P a g e
Previous owners: W Ulrich inside the front cover.
1691.2 OCLC: 40210532
Works of Thomas Goodwin. London : F. Darby, F. Richardson, and T. Snowden, 1692.
Original collection.
Volume III of the works of Thomas Goodwin, D. D., “Sometime President of Magdalen College in
Binding: blind tooled brown sprinkled calf.
Previous owners: Gilmanton Theological Library; Joseph Sewall; Samuel Sewall, 1700;
1692.2 Stutzman 291; OCLC: 37112401
[Commentary] Criticorum Sacri. Frankfurt am Main : Johann Philippi and Johannis Nicolai Andrea, 1696.
Folio, 35cm, 9 volumes
Original collection.
Considered to be the most complete edition of the time. There are separate title pages for each
volume; dates on the title pages differ, some 1695 and some 1696, 1700, 1701.
Contains bookplates of the monastery of the Discalced Carmelites of Ratisbon (or Barefoot Friars)
Binding: original vellum.
1696.1 OCLC: 39994404
[Commentary] Critici Sacri. Frankfurt am Main : Johannis Philippi and Johannis Nicolai Andrea, 1696. Roman
Folio, 7 volumes
Original collection.
A 7 volume set of the above.
Binding: brown leather, the pages are in better shape than those in the 9-volume set.
Previous owners: I.G.V.W. 1696 stamped on the cover; Garrigue & Christern Foreign Booksellers, NY
[Catechisms] Isagoge in libros ecclesiarum Lutheranarum symbolicos, by Johann Benedict Carpzov. Leipzig :
David Fleischer, 1699.
21cm, 1 volume
Bound in vellum
Friends of the Library, 1983
Portrait of Carpsov on frontispiece, by JC Höckner, scul.
Binding: brown calf
100 | P a g e
Previous owners: W. Ulrich; has a booksellers ticket of Hugo Rother, Theol. Buchhandlung Antiquariat
in Berlin
1699.1 OCLC: 9996644
Magnalia Christi Americana, or, the Ecclesiastical History of New England, by Cotton Mather. London :
Thomas Parkhurst, 1702
Purchase from the Spencer Fund, 1981
Contains the map of New England and advertisement for Thomas Parkhurst.
Binding: half crimson morocco, repaired 1981
Previous owners: George Phillips Parker, label from Ayer library.
1702.1 OCLC: 193699
Deliciae Evangelicae, by Johann Samuel Adami. Dresden & Leipzig : Johann Christoph Mieth, 1704.
17cm, 1293 pages.
Festivals of the church. The binding has VI written at the bottom of the spine -- 6
Binding: Plain vellum cover
Previous owners: has stamp of Oswald Weigel, Leipzig seller of rare books; E Baese, 1888.
1704.1 OCLC: 837607826
[Sermons] Heilsame Sterbens und Todes-Betrachtungen, by Johann Heinrich Weyhenmeyer. Ulm : Daniel
Bartholomai, 1706
Observations on death and dying.
Frontispiece portrait of Weyhenmeyer, by Wolf Philipp Kilian. Tail pieces include a lovely “memento
mori” on page 106. Bound with XII Conciones miscellaneae, 1706.
Binding: dark brown or black leather, blind stamped plain panel & decorations at the bands. Some
damage to the top of the spine. Gilt edges. Two clasps.
1706.1 OCLC: 2198000
[Sermons] XII Conciones miscellaneae, by Johann Heinrich Weyhenmeyer. Ulm : Daniel Bartholomai, 1706
Bound with his Heilsame sterbens und Todes-Betrachtungen, 1706. See that entry for a description.
1706.1 OCLC: 2198124
Expository notes with practical observations on the New Testament, by William Burkitt. London : printed for
Thomas Parkhurst, Jonathan Robinson, John Wyatt, 1709.
101 | P a g e
Frontispiece is a portrait of Burkitt.
Binding: appears to have been a three quarters binding over paper then over leather over pasteboard,
covers detached.
1709.1 OCLC: 38088865
Exhortations et Instructions Christiennes, by Louis Bourdaloue. Lyons : Anisson & Posuel, 1721.
15cm, Volume 1 only
Original collection.
Sermons written by a Jesuit priest, they seem especially directed at religious communities.
Binding: full calf
Previous owners: difficult to read le Duc Ptess?; M Saindon; Mary & Ann Doyle;
1721.1 Stutzman 262; OCLC: 220040256
Thesaurus Evangelico Homileticus, by Johann Christoph Lehmann. Bautzen & Leipzig : David Richter, 1722.
Quarto, 16cm, volume 2 only
Gift of Lillian Satron Anderson
Frontispiece has a port of Lehmann surrounded by the Evangelists, engraved by Ment(z)el.
Binding: brown calf
1722.2 OCLC: 25404292
Erklarung der Ersten Epistel St Johannis, by Romanus Teller. Leipzig : Johann Christian Martini, 1725
23cm, 1966 p.+
Nebraska State Historical Society
Commentary on the first epistle of John.
Binding: vellum, tailpiece is loose
Previous owners: Carlos V Guzman
1725.1 OCLC: 254345809
Kupfer Bibel, in Welcher die Physica Sacra, Jean Jakob Scheuchzer, Augsburg & Ulm : Johan Ulrich Wagner,
39cm, 4 volumes
Gift of Decherd Turner, 1977
Copper plate engravings, by Johann Andreas Pfeffel after drawings by Melchior Fuseli.
Binding: vellum with red spine label
102 | P a g e
1731-1735.1 OCLC: 16725711
Gesamte Geistreiche Bucher vom wahren Christenthum das ist, by Johann Arndt. Frankfurt am Main :
Reinhold Eustach Moeller, 1739.
Octavo, 18cm
Original collection.
A devotional text, sermons on sin & repentence, holy living.
Binding: brown calf with clasps.
Previous owners: Johann Jacob Mei[s]er? Johann David Anvereiht
1739.1 D&M : Stutzman 123; OCLC: 6824827
Lexicographorum Principis. Thesaurus linguae latinae, by Robert Estienne. Basel : Emanuel & Johann Rudolf
Thurneysen, 1740.
Folio, 40cm, vol.1 of 4
Gift of GF Alcott
Printer’s device – Noli Altum Sapere and an oval with R Stephanus’ portrait engraved by D Redinger.
Binding vellum over pasteboard, red label w/ gold lettering
Previous owner: Ow? Aldrich.
1740.2; OCLC: 2112282
[Concordance] Sacrorum Bibliorum. Venice : Nicolaum Pezzana, 1754. Roman type,
Folio, 30cm
Original collection
Printer’s device – Moses and Peter reclining w/dove above Peter. A concordance to the Vulgate.
Binding: mottled brown morocco. Leather torn on corner
1754.1 OCLC: 3921777
Juvenal et Persius. Birmingham : John Baskerville, 1761
Quarto, 30cm
Purchased, 1989
The sixteen satires of Juvenal and six satires of Persius
Binding: olive morocco, CY monogram on the covers, marbled endpapers in a tiny stone pattern,
repaired 1982
Previous owners: RW Tucker?
1761.2 OCLC: 3407465
A Course of lectures, by Philip Doddridge. London : J. Buckland, et al, 1763.
103 | P a g e
Ex Lib Baker University Library, given by WAQ.
1763.4 OCLC: 192454
Christian Samuel Ulbers Gott-geheiligte Betrachtungen der samtlich Leidens-Geschichte des sterbenden Jesu
in 24 predigten. Breslau : Wilhelm Gottlieb Korn, 1769
Octavo, 18cm
Gift of Miller, 1932
Binding; half vellum with brown sprinkled paper over pasteboard.
1769.3 OCLC: 752187423 is the closest I can get, it is for the 1758 edition.
[Letter] Letter from John Wesley to John Bredin, July 10, 1772.
Gift, 1974
Addressed to Dewsbury, to Mr T. Taylor, Preaching House, Manchester
[Sermons] Evangelische Jesus Schul, by Philipp Ehrenreich Wider. Nuremberg : J. A. Endter, 1773.
20 cm
Original collection.
Sermons and commentary on services for special days.
Frontispiece engraved portrait of Wider. Half title engraved.
Binding: blind stamped calf, dated 1779, initials JGST, missing one clasp, spine damaged.
1773.1 OCLC: 19731504 (1785)
Forma Sacra or a Sacred Platform of Natural and Revealed Religion, by Thomas Blackwell. Boston : William
M’Alpine for the Rev. Mr Williams of Windham, 1774.
A “new edition.”
Binding: plain brown calf. Spine cracked, flyleaves have come away from the pasteboard.
Grand Street Presbyterian Church Sunday School
1774.1 OCLC: 1468212
Pastoralium de Daphnide et Chloe, by Longus. Paris : Didot, 1778
26cm, 2 volumes in one
Original colleciton
Latin and Greek texts face one another. Critically edited by Jean Baptiste Gaspard D’Ansse de Villoison.
Binding: Marbled endpapers, stones pattern on the back, both covers are missing
104 | P a g e
1778.1 OCLC: 59227870
[Common-place book of Sara (Sally) Wesley, 1759-1828
Sara Wesley was the only daughter of Charles Wesley to survive into adulthood, 1780. This item was
authenticated in 1963 by David E Estes, Emory University.
Binding: warped vellum
1780.1, MSS no OCLC #
Trones evangeliska grund I Jesu Christi lidandes halsosamma kannedom, by Maximilian Friedrich Christoph
Steinhofer; Stockholm, 1782
Octavo, 17cm
Part of page 479/480 is missing
1782.3 OCLC: 186942157
[Commentary] An Exposition of the Old and New Testament, by Matthew Henry. Edinburgh : Bell and
Bradfute, 1790
Quarto, 27cm
Gift of Gordon Coldsmith, 1956
Originally published between 1708 and 1710.
The Quayle volume has no iIllustrations, portraits, maps, plans, or charts as some copies apparently
Binding: brown calf, most volumes have covers that are either missing or detached
Previous owners: Sam’l Ralston
1790.2 OCLC 17922104318
Extracts from an Humble Inquiry into the Scripture Account of Jesus Christ, by Thomas Emlyn. Boston :
Samuel Hall, 1790.
21 cm
Nebraska Historical Society, 1991
Pages 1-46 are all we have. The item is unbound, gatherings are just sewn together.
The Works of John Howard. London : Printed for J. Johnson, C. Dilly, and T. Cadell, 1792
Quarto, 30cm, volume 2 of 2
Original collection
Volume II contains the second edition of John Howard’s history of Lazarettos, hospitals and prisons
throughout Europe.
Binding: original binding of diced calf
105 | P a g e
Previous owners: contains the bookplates of Robert Browne and Samuel Tanner.
1792.1 OCLC: 14858444
Truth vindicated or a scriptural essay wherein the vulgar and frivolous cavils commonly urged against the
Methodist Episcopal Church are briefly considered in a letter to a friend, by John Ffrirth. Burlington : Isaac
Neale, 1794
The text was originally written in 1790. Bound with An account of the conversion of an Indian in a letter
to a friend, from the Gospel Magazine. Also printed by Neale in 1794.
Binding: plain brown calf, the front cover is hanging on by a thread and the back cover is starting to
pull away.
Previous owners: Richard Hatfield (pd 3/6)
1794.1 OCLC: 3952346
Remarks on the Book of Daniel and the Revelations, attributed to Samuel Osgood. New York : Greenleaf’s
Press, 1794.
Octavo, 21cm
Errata bound at the front.
Binding: plain brown calf, red title label on spine.
Previous owners: J Touelle?
1794.2 not in Stutzman; OCLC: 5997087
Surprising Accounts of the revival of religion in the United States of America, compiled by William W
Woodward. [Philadelphia] : William Woodword, 1802.
12mo, 17cm
Previous owners: Edward Lynch, John Ono
1802.1 Shaw & Shoemaker 3587; OCLC: 13897890
The first number of the Etymological Organic Reasoner, by Samuel Henshall. London : Richard Taylor, 1807.
Octavo, 22cm
Purchased, 1988
The Gothic Gospel of Saint Matthew from the Codex Argenteus and the Saxon from the Durham book,
by Samuel Henshall with a separate title page follow.
Binding: half calf. Bd w/ 1698.1
1807.2 OCLC: 219992663
The reformed pastor, a discourse on the pastoral office, by Richard Baxter. Cincinnati : JW Browne & Co., 1811.
106 | P a g e
Abridged by Samuel Palmer.
Binding: brown calf, torn away from
Previous owners: William Shannon, JM Clark; Abraham Still (bot of Wm Shannon)
1811.2 OCLC: 11723699
Illustrations of the Book of Job. 1825. William Blake, London : , 1825
Original collection
The individual engravings used for the Book of Job are collected in sleeves in a spiral-bound folder.
Thirty years’ correspondence between John Jebb and Alexander Knox, ed by Charles Forster. London : James
Duncan and John Cochran, 1836.
22cm, 2 volumes
Gift of Ralph Tanner, 1986
edition, marbled papers in a curl pattern. Purple leather binding.
Previous owner: Charles Battin 1852;
1836.3 OCLC: 26968837
[Koran] The Koran in English…, tr by George Sale. London : Charles Daly, 1836
Gift of Loren Keve
First translated in 1734, this Koran was a standard English version for over a century and was reprinted
Binding: marbled endpapers in a dahlia pattern
1836.4 OCLC: 38223164
Palaeographia Sacra Pictoria, by JO Westwood. London : William Smith, 1843-1845.
Illustrations from 4
through 16
century manuscripts.
Binding: half calf with red leather and marbled paper
Previous owners: Katharine Elizabeth Peckover.
1843-45.1 OCLC: 555081505 (although this may not be a quarto)
[Ecclesiastes] The Preacher. London : Longman & Co., 1849.
107 | P a g e
Illuminated by Owen Jones.
Binding: red leather, by Remnant, Edmonds & Remnants
1849.2 OCLC: 557698926
Woman in sacred history, by Harriet Beecher Stowe. NY : JB Ford and Co., 1874
Nebraska State historical Society, 1991
Binding: dark red cloth with designs in black, title in gold.
1874.1 OCLC: 1872369
The Doré Bible Gallery, illustrated by Gustave Doré. Philadelphia : Henry Altemus, 1890
Binding: pictorial cloth binding. Brown with black and gold illustrations and wording. The spine is
coming off, the front cover and the first third of the text block is detached from the rest.
1890.1 OCLC: 13633810
The Life of our Savior Jesus Christ. London : Sampson Low, Marston & Co., 1897.
Folio, 40cm, 2 volumes
Gift of Dr. Charles Still, Kirksville, Missouri.
“Three hundred and sixty-five compositions from the four gospels with notes and explanatory
drawings by J. James Tissot.” The Paris publishers are said to have given Tissot, a famous French
painter, 1,100,000 francs for the drawings in the first edition. This work is in two volumes, and was
printed in Paris.
Binding: blue cloth, gold trimmed. The books have some water damage.
1897.1 OCLC: 713247521
The Life of Our Saviour Jesus Christ, with notes and illustrations by J James Tissot. New York : McClure-Tissot
Company, 1899.
34cm, 4 volumes
This book has passages from the New Testament focusing on the life of Jesus with copious
illustrations and notes supplied by Tissot.
Binding: gold stamped, teal cloth
1899.1, 1899.2 OCLC: 2067930
Historic Illustrations of the Bible. London : Fisher, Son and Co., nd.
28cm, 2 volumes I have seen only volume 2
Original collection.
“Illustrations principally after the Old Masters.” Text is in English, French and German.
c.4 Stutzman#225; OCLC: 33084224
108 | P a g e
The Life of our Savior Jesus Christ. NY : The Werner Co., 1903.
Folio, 35cm, three volumes
Original collection
“Three hundred and sixty-five compositions from the four gospels with notes and explanatory
drawings by J. James Tissot.” This is not a complete text but has passages from the gospels describing
the illustrations. The text is arranged in two columns, Latin in one and the English translation in the
other. The material in this edition is the same as in the 1897 edition printed in Paris.
Binding: green cloth, marbled endpapers
1903.1 Stutzman #360; OCLC: 4575591
Bible in Art, W. Shaw-Sparrow. London : Hodder and Stoughton, 1904.
30cm, two volumes.
Original collection.
Edited by W. Shaw-Sparrow. Volume I is entitled Gospels in Art, and Volume II, Apostles in Art. Some
Bible text is given but most of the work is taken up with the engravings from pictures of the Scriptures
by the great masters of art.
Binding: modern red cloth.
1904.3 OCLC: 427478862
Rubaiyat of hope, by AAB Cavaness. Cinncinnati : Jennings & Graham, 1906
Original collection
AAB Cavaness graduated from Baker in the first graduating class. He and his brother James M were
both writers. Quayle wrote the introduction.
Binding: half calf with green marbled paper.
1906.1 OCLC: 2058943
Le Opere di Dante. Florence : R Bemporad & Figlio, 1921
Gift of Virginia Markham
Binding: brown leather with fleur de lys design, the spine is loose.
1921.1 OCLC: 13840012
Twenty-seven drawings, by William Blake. McPherson, KS : Carl J Smalley, 1925.
Illustrations of John Miltons Paradise Lost and Comus. 1050 copies printed.
Binding: paper, worn. Front cover is detached.
1925.2 OCLC: 248288
109 | P a g e
Until the Day Dawn, by W.H. SL, 1927
Quarto, 28cm
Modern illuminated manuscript, both initials and miniatures. The text includes prayers, Bible verses,
and several musical settings of biblical texts.
Binding: three-quarter green leather binding over cloth.
Science and health with keys to the Scriptures, by Mary Baker Eddy. Boston : Trustees of Mary Baker Eddy
Will, 1939
Gift of the Christian Science Churches and Societies in Kansas
Binding: blue leather
1939.1 OCLC: 499540405
Job, invented and engraved by William Blake. NY : United Book Guild, 1947.
Introductory note by Kenneth Patchen.
1947.3 OCLC: 60698591
Bible. (Verve. Numeros 33-34), illustrations by Marc Chagall. Paris : Verve, 1956.
Purchased, 1957
This book consists of reproductions of the Bible illustrations that Marc Chagall made between 1930
and 1955, many in color.
Binding: paper over pasteboard with Chagall illustration, the front cover is coming loose.
1956.1 OCLC: 5789966
The 500th Anniversary Pictorial Census of the Gutenberg Bible. Chicago : Coverdale Press, 1961.
Folio, 43cm
Presented by Dr. Charles I. Leff
By Don Cleveland Norman with introduction on the life and work of Johannes Gutenberg by Aloys
Ruppel. This is copy 116 of the 985 printed. The book was designed by Michael Stancik; body type face
is fourteen-point Baskerville, six-point leaded; composition, plates, printing done by Melin Printing
Company on eighty-pound off-white rag-content paper. This work locates and describes known extant
copies and fragments of Gutenberg Bibles. It is profusely illustrated in black and white and in color.
Binding: by R. R. Donnelley and Sons, hand bound on four tapes; maroon cloth (imitation leather).
1961.2 OCLC: 175336
The Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City : Deseret Book Co., 1962.
110 | P a g e
1962.4 OCLC: 1535264
Bible Meditations. [Kansas City, MO] : Hallmark Cards, [1970’s]
A tiny book of 60 pages with a verse from each book of the Old and New Testaments.
c.x OCLC: 84845164