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Louis N. Wilson
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Jonas Clark Book Collection
MANUSCRIPT BOOKS…………………………………………………………………2
XVI CENTURY…………………………………………………….. ………………….12
XVII CENTURY…………………………………………………………………...…...18
XVIII CENTURY…………………………………………………………...………….29
XIX CENTURY…………………………………………………..…………………….35
MODERN BOOKS………………………………………………………..……………35
(NJC) A-1-1-1
Holy Bible
On vellum
Manuscript book said to be from ca. 1275
Printed on vellum in Northern France or southern England
1. A-1-1-2
Illuminated Syriac Breviary, with Arabic notes or commentary in margin. An original and early
oriental manuscript, written in black and red, with specimens of Eastern Illumination, in colors
(yellow, red and black), scattered throughout the volume. 570 pages thick vellum 8 1/16 x 6 ¼
in. 4to. Bound in original binding.
2. A-1-1-3
Manuscript of the XIII Century on 129 leaves, vellum, with illuminated capitals written in 2
columns. I. Incipiunt excerpta naturalia, etc. A book on the different reigns of nature. 55 leaves.
II. Sermon on St. Denys. 6 leaves. (leaf 6 blank). III. Opus quadragesimum, etc. A work
compiled by Brother Jacob of Parma of the Preacher's Order. 68 leaves.
The three parts are written by three different hands, the third a little more modern than the first
and second.
3. A-1-1-4
Cursus de beata virgine ad matutinum… Illuminated Manuscript of the XV Century, on 352
leaves of delicate vellum, with 42 large initials, ornamented in colors, and 138 small letters in
red or blue; besides an exquisitely painted full-page miniature, Flagellation. 16mo. Bound in
4. Filing Cabinet
Horae Beatae Mariae Virginis, cum Calendariis… Manuscript on vellum, with 9 large initials,
painted in colors, heightened with gold, and 1161 small letters in gold; 9 pages surrounded with
borders of flowers. 12mo. black cloth with brass corners.
Interesting as an example of the workmanship of the period. Written on 256 leaves by monks
about 1420-1435.
5. A-1-2-1
S. Gregorius. Incipit prefacio bn. gregorij pape i exposicionem ezechielis prophete, etc…. f.
147a. Explicuit omelie sa. Gregorij pape in extrema pte. ezechielis prophetae numero decem
feliciter. f. 147b and f. 148 blank. f. 149a. Incipit pfacio. beati gregorij pape. . . . Finis. f189bm.
Explicit beati gregorij pape urbis rome anno dm. mcccclxi (1461) folio in oak boards, covered
with leather, in the original binding.
Commentary upon the prophet Ezekiel. Latin Manuscript written in double columns on thick
paper with large rubricated capitals. Neatly written in early Gothic characters.
6. A-1-2-2
Commentary upon Job; usually known by the name of "S. Gregory's Morals on Job." Latin
Manuscript of the XV Century written on thick paper. Bound together with the “Consolation of
Theology, by John Gerson" 2 vols. in 1 folio. Original calf binding.
Both Manuscripts 130 ff. + 36 ff. written in 2 columns: rubricated and illuminated.
7. A-1-1-5
Evangelium secundum Johannem. Manuscript of the XVI Century written on vellum, contains a
large number of initials painted in different colors. Old calf (size 3 7/8 x 3).
A good specimen of early calligraphy, written on 165 leaves.
8. A-1-2-3
Recueil de Chirurgie tire des plusieurs excellents autheurs qui en ont escrit traitant des tumeurs,
fractures, luxations, bandages, plaies, ulceres, des choses naturelles, non naturelles, et contre
nature. En faveur des etudiants en cette art. Escrit par Meurisse. 330 leaves 4to. calf (about
Beautiful specimen of early penmanship, with engraved plates inserted of eminent medical
worthies, and anatomical plates.
9. A-1-2-4
Jami,.Yusuf va Zuleikha. The celebrated poetical Romance of Joseph and Zuleikha. 8vo.
Manuscript in Persian, elegantly written in the Talik character, the text surrounded by gold lines,
headings done in white letters on gold grounds, bound in morocco extra, native style, with
overlap. [XVII Century.]
10. A-1-1-6
Dalail-u 'L-Khairat. Arabico-Indian Manuscript. The Guide to Good Works: an ancient and
famous Prayer Book much used in Africa. 12mo. in native morocco binding, enclosed in a green
silk bag worked with gold thread, a fine specimen of Indian work.
Beautifully written within gold and colored lines, with illuminated ‘Anwan and illuminated
headings to each part.
11. A-1-1-7
Heurs et Priers. [Catholic Prayer Book] French Manuscript on heavy paper, ruled throughout
with red and black lines, rubricated capitals; small 4to. full red calf, extra, with silver clasps, gilt
edges, and back richly gilt.
A fine specimen of calligraphy, and of contemporary binding, contains 235 pages but only 194
pages filled out, the rest ruled throughout; 5 neatly executed vignettes.
12. A-1-1-8
Henricus [Hembuche] de Hassia. [De Langenstein prope Mar- burg] canon Wormat., Prof.
Viennens. Austr. Exposico, etc., 1. 1a Exposico venerabi1.’ Mgri He~rici de Hassia / super /
orationem dnicam / . . .
1. 13a Incipit Exposicio eiusdam sup. Ave Maria. . . 1. 19a Incipit speculu. anime . . . 1. 32c
Explicit hic Anime specu1u quo te videt in se / Qui facis ut p. te sistat Reg. (ui) escat i. te Amen.
/ Without signature, catchwords, printer’s place, printer or date [Cologne, p. Ulrick Fell de
Hanan 1470] 4to. full mor, richly gilt.
Hain 8389. Hennen 16 (has only 31 leaves) Proctor 842. Voullieme 783. Panzer 1. p. 329,
Denis Suppl. p. 548, v. Seemiller 1 p. 548. Beautiful copy with 27 lines to a page, initials in red
and blue rubricated throughout. [by Jacobus de Reymbach.]
13. A-1-2-5
Justinus. In Trogi Pompei historias libri XLIII. 1. 1. [C] um multi ex Romani's. . . 1. 140a . . .
barbarum ac ferum . . . Finis Historias ueteres peregrinaqy gesta reuoluo / Justinus . . lege me:
sum trogus ipse breuis / Me gallus ueneta Jenson Nicolaus in urbe / Formauit: Mauro principe
Christophoro . . . MCCCCLXX. Small folio.
Brunet III, p. 619. Editio Princeps. 140 leaves unnumbered, 30 lines to a page. This copy
belonged to the Duc de Noailles. Dibdin says: “The collector of the early pieces of the celebrated
printer of this edition need not lament the want of any other specimen of his press, if he be
fortunate enough to possess the present rare and very beautiful production of it.
This copy was presented to Mr. Clark, for the University Library, by Mr. Samuel H. Putnam, of
Worcester, Mass.
14. A-1-2-6
Aristoteles. Problemata, Latine ex interpretatione Theo. Gazes. Without place or date (ca 1471)
1/2 calf.
Rain 1720. A specimen of early printing (302 pages), broad margins, without pagination,
catchwords or signatures. On margins of first three pages is an English translation of the preface.
15. A-1-1-9
Datus Augustinus. 1. 1 Augustini. Dati. Scribae. Se/ nensis. Ele- gantio1ae foeli / citer. Incipiunt.
30 leaves, 1. 30b Et sic est finis. Deo gratias. Small 4to. calf. Without signature or catchwords,
printer’s place, printer or date. [Bologna or Mantua, 1472.]
Hain 5976, Brunet p. 526, 30 leaves of 25 lines. Specimen of early printing in Roman characters
which appear to be those used by Azzoguidus, the first printer of Bologna who commenced there
in 1471. Attributed by Brunet to Bologne.
16. A-1-3-1
Durandus Guil. (episc. Mimatens.)-1.1. Incipit Racionale divinorum officiorum [Basileae, Bernh.
Richel and Michael Wenssler, 1474-75]. folio.
Hain-Copinger 6463. Heckethorn p. 18, No. 5. Like most of the books printed about 1470 it was
issued without title page, catchword, printer’s name or date. . Pri.nted on 206 leaves, double
columns, 60 lines to a page. The first letter of the text being illuminated in gold and colors and
initial letters in colors, capitals, in red. Burger, p.l08 says, The book is printed with the types of
Sachsenspiegel, 1474. Bernh. Richel, it is stated, carried on his printing business in 1475 at
Basle; Michael Wenssler, who was printing at Basle; 1474-1476, left that place, and in 1493
introduced the typography at Clugny, which was famous for its Benedictine Abbey, and where
he printed the “Missale Cluniacensis" in folio.
17. A-1-2-7
S. Augustinus. Aurelij Augustini epi. de ciuitate dei liber primus [libri XXII.] feliciter incipit./[at
the end] Confectus. Uene/tijs ab egregio e di1igeti magistro Nico1ao ienson: Petro mozenicho
principe: Anno a na-
tiuitate domini mile / simo quadringentesimo septuagesimo / quinto sexto nonas octobres.
(1475.) Small folio, leather.
Hain 2051. Proctor 4096. Pellechet 1550. Gardini, III. From the celebrated Venetian
press of Nicolas Jenson. Printed in Gothic letter, double columns, 304 leaves of 46 lines, with
ample margins, and in excellent condition. It is the first book printed in Gothic letter.
18. A-1-2-8
S. Bernhardus. 1. la Incipit Speculu. bti. bernhardi ab /batis. de
honestate vite . . . 1. 4a Incipiunt octo / pucta. mediate, quibz. puitur. ad pfe. / ctionem. vite
spiritualibus . . . 1- 8b Amen. small 410. Calf.
Both Hain 2901 and Pellechet 2145 attribute this book to Fust and Schreffer; Proctor 885
attributes it to Zell at Cologne. [See Burger, pl. 74.] An impression of the utmost rarity, and in
excellent condition, having 26 lines to a page, rubricated throughout. [About 1475.]
19. A-1-3-2
Guillermus. [Epix. Paris.] Postilla 1. 1a blank. 1. Ib Itam bona. et exitu. beatu. Ego fratris
Gwilerin . . . . 1. 302a Explicit postilla super
epjstolas et evangelia. . . . 1. 302b 1476. folio, leather.
Hain 8254. Fine copy with large margins and many notes in ink by another hand. All capitals are
left out, 302 numbered pages, 35&36 lines to a page. Attributed by Hain to Guenther Zainer,
20. A-1-3-3
Plinius. Fol. la Historia Naturale Di. C. Plinio Secondo /Tradocta Di Lingua Latina In Fiorentina
/ Per Christophoro Landino Fiorentino / . . . Fol. 4b blank. Fol. 5a: Libro Primo Della Naturale
Historia Di. C.
/ Plinio Secondo Tradocta In Lingua Fiorentina . . . . Fol. 20b blank.
Fol. 21a: Libro Secondo Della Historia Naturale Di. C. Pli-/ Nio Secondo. . . . Fol. 358 blank.
Fol. 413b Opus Nicolai Iansonis Gallici / Impressum / Anno salutis MCCCCLXXVI Venetiis.
folio Leather.
Finely printed in Roman letter, long lines 50 to a page, with large margins without marks, very
large initials at the commencement of each book in red, blue or solid gold. A most superb copy
of the First Italian version of Pliny. See: Panzer, vol. III, p. 113; Hain 13105. Proctor 4099.
Audiffredi, pp. 129-130; Santander, vol. III, pp. 275-276
76 [Van Praet] Catalogue des livres imprimes sur velin, vol. III, pp. 53-54; Dibdin Bibl.
Spencriana, vol. II, pp. 261-262; Brunet, vol. IV, p.718. This copy formerly belonged to the
celebrated Harleian Library.
21. A-2-4-2
Astesanus. Fr. de Astis. [ordin. Min.] Summa de casibus conscientiae. Libri VIII. De preceptis;
De virtutibus et vitiis; De sacramentis,
De sacro penitetie; De sacromento ordinis; De excommunicatione; De matrimonio. Venetiis,
Joannis de Colonia sociique eius Joannis Manthen de Gherretzen. Venetiis finis impositus. 1478,
folio. Pigskin with clasps.
Panzer III, p. 136, 339. Clement II, p. 170. Hain-Copinger 1893. Proctor 4329. Pellechet 1405.
Rubricated throughout, double columns, 55 lines to a page. Capitals in red and blue.
22. A-1-2-9
Henricus de Vrimaria. 1. la Preceptoriu. egregij professo / ris sacrae G 2. theologiae aedis. beati /
augustini magistri herici. de vri / maria. . . 1. 94a Et sic est finis huius libri etc. . . . 94b blank.
Guido de Monte Rochen. (seu Rotherii.) Manipulus curatorum. 1. 1 blank. 1. 2a Epla. guidonis
ad dum. raymun/ dum. . . . Incipit plogus. in librum qui di / citur manipulus curatoru. . . . (finis)
Explicit manipulus curatoru. / libellus
utillis ac sacerdotibus per / necessari . . . impressus Coloniae per / Coradum. de hombourch.
1478, folio, leather. Hain 8180. Both books are printed in double columns, 38 lines to a page,
with ample margins and many notes in an old hand.
23-25. A-1-3-4
Livius. Le deche di M. Tito Livio Patavino Historico dignissimo tradotte in lingua italiana. . . .
[finis] Decadem de rebus ab urbe condita foris domiquegestis a Petro madio correctam at que
emendatam Antonius bononiensis imprimendi artificio celeberrimus artifex summa cum
diligentia. Venitiis, impressa per maestro Antonio da Bologna. . . MCCCCLXXVIII. folio.
Bound in 3 vols., half parchment.
. Hain 10145. Brunet III, p. 1112, Graesse p. 234. History of Livy, translated into Italian by
Ruggiero Ferrario.
26-27. A-1-3-5
Plutarch. Vitae Parallelae: 1. 1a Thesei vita per lapum florentinum ex / Plutarco Graeco in
Latinum versa. 1. 233a Registrum. vol. II, leaves 1, 2, blank. 1. 3 Cymonis viri illustris vita ex
Plutarcho Grae / co in Latinum per Leonardum Justinianum versa. 1. 227b Virorum illustrium
vitae ex Plutarcho graeco in / Latinum versae . . . per Nicolaum / Jenson Gallicum Venetiis /
ipressae. MCCCCLXXVIII. 1. 228a Registrum. 1. 228b blank. 2 vols. folio, full morocco.
Hain 13127. Proctor 4113. Printed in a beautiful roman letter. 50 -51 long lines to a
page. with signatures a2-10, b12, C-m10. n8, 0-X10, yz8, &8=233 ff. (the 16 leaf blank); A12,
B-E10. F-O8, pp8, Q-Z10, Z8, &&10=228 ff. (first 2 of which are blank) leaves unnumbered.
Tall copy. Presented to Mr. Clark, for the University Library, by Mr. Samuel H. Putnam, of
Worcester, Mass.
28. A-1-2-10
Carraciolus, Robertus de Litio. Sermones. Add..Sermo de morte.
Nuremberg, per Fr. Creussner 1479, folio. Leather. Hain 4458 & 4493. Proctor 2147 & 2148.
Printed in gothic characters, long lines without marks, rubricated, large pen work initials in red
and blue.
29. A-1-3-6
Nider. Johannes. Praeceptorium legis. 1. 1a-29a Tabula. 1. 29b blank. 1. 30a Incipit prologus in
expositionem decalogi scm. ftem. Johannez
Nider sacre theologie professorem ordinis predicatorum. Col. 2. Incipit preceptorium divine
legis. . . . [at the end] Augustae, per Jo. Wiener, 1479, folio, leather.
Hain 11792. Proctor 1732 Zapf I, p. 51. Finely printed in gothic letter, on 361 leaves. 38 lines to
a page. double columns, without marks. 1. 1a has. a free space for the capita1s on which is
pasted an old contemporary woodcut of Christ in the manger, and on 1. 30a one of Christ in the
garden of Gethsemane.
30. A-1-3-7
Albertus de Padua. Ord. Erem. S. Aug. Incipit solemne opus .:) expositionis Evangeliorum
Alberti de Padua. . . . [at the end] Ulme per
Joannem Zainer 1480 . . . Addidit . . Incipit concordancia in passiones dominicarum ab egregio
quondam Nicolao Dinckelspichel collectam . . . folio 384 leaves of 41 lines each, leather.
Rain ~74. Proctor 2523. Graesse p. 57.
Contatns numerous manuscript marginal notes in an old hand writing. Printed in Gothic
31. A-1-3-8
Boccaccio. Genealogiae deo / rum. Tabula 10 leaves. 1. 11a Genealogiae deorum gentilium
Johannis boccatii de certaldo Ad Ugo / nem
inclytum Hierusalem & Cypri regem . . . . 1. 259b Deo gratias. 1. 260a
blank 1. 260b (q) Via istud opus genealo / giae deor. gentiliu. e ado / plixum: ut Rubricae ad /
unum ut supra. . . 1. 29& Impressum Mcccc / lxxxi 1. 297a Registrum 1. 297b blank. 1. 298a
Joannis Bochaccii de Cer- taldo: de montibus: siluis: fontibus, etc. Reggio d'Emilia, Bartholo-
maeus et Laurentius Bruschus 1481, folio, leather.
Rain No. 3319. Proctor 7250. Only 3 books by these printers, of which this is the second.
32. A-1-3-9
Lyra, Nicolaus de. Postilla morales seu mysticae super Bibliam. . 1. 1 Dialogus qui vocatur
scrutinium scripturarum compossit p. patres domium. Paulum . . . . ad epistolam Nicolai de lyra.
Anno Mccccxxxiii, etatis sue anno l.xxxi. 39 lines to a page. All capitals in red. Finis: Deo
gratias 410. leather.
33. A-1-4-1
Thomas de Aquino. Super iv libros Sententiarum. 1. 1a Sancti Thome de Aquino. .. super quarto
libro sententiarum preclarum opus fe / liciter
incipit. 1. 301b . . . impendio Johannis de Colonia: Nicolai Jenson / sociorumque summa cu.
diligetia Uenetijs impssum / finit: Anno. . . . Mccclxxxi, 1. 302a-308b Tabula 1. 309a Registrum,
folio, leather.
Hain No. 1484. Proctor 4680. Pel1echet 1071. Printed in a small gothic letter, double columns of
56 lines, with signature [leaves not numbered], woodcut device of John of Cologne on last leaf,
printed in red. First page decorated with a large illuminated initial, and numerous other initials in
red and blue.
34. A-1-4-2
Aegidius Romanus. [Columna], ord. Erem. S. Aug. Bituricensis Ecclesie Archipulis super
secundo libro sententiarum opus. Impressum Uenetiis, Joanne Mocenico inclyto Uenetiaru
principe ducante. 1482, folio. Pigskin.
Hain 127. Renouard, Catalogue I, p.I27. An interesting early print of 5281eaves [1. 6 blank]
double columns, 5'1 lines to a page.
35. A-2-1-1
[Farinator] Lumen Animae. 1. 1: Liber moralitatum elegantissimus magnarum reru. naturalium
lumen anime dict [Strassburg?]. 1482 folio, 274 leaves [first and last leaf blank] in 2 columns, 43
lines to a page, leather.
Hain 103:13 [Rain has only 272 leaves] Proctor 413. Graesse p. 552. Rubricated copy.
Probably printed by Flach, the printer of the "Legenda Aurea."
36. A-2-1-2
Blondus Flavius. Historiarum Romanarum decades tres. (at the end) Finis historiar (um) Blodi:
quas morte praeuetus. dno. copleuit . . . Venetiis p. Octauianu Scotum . . . Mcccclxxxiii folio 372
leaves (unnumbered) Sign. a-z, A-S, calf.
Hain 3248. Proctor 4575. Brunet p. 978. Graesse 442. Copy of the Editio Princeps,
printed in Roman type, 42.lines to a page. The author was secretary to Pope Eugenius.
37. A-1-1-10
Eusebius Pamphilus. (Episc. Caesariens.) Eusebii Caesariensis Episcopi Chronicon Id / Est
Temporum Breviarium lncipit Foelici / Ter . . Quem Hieronymus Praesbiter Divino / Eius
lngenio Latinum Facere Curavit: . . . [At the end] Erhardus Ratdold Augustensis solerti vir in-
genio maxima / cura plurimis undique comparatis exemplaribus Eusebij li- / bros chronicos ac
reliquas in hoc volumine de temporib’ / additiones . . . im- / pressit Venetijs Duce inclyto loan.
Mocenico Romanor, / imperatore Phrederico . . . 14834to. Leather.. .
Hain 6717. Proctor 4390. Redgrave 36. I.r blank, leaves 2-I2=Tabula, without
catchwords, and 168 leaves numbered (signed a-x). Printed in gothic and rounded characters,
rubricated, lines per page varying from 36-37.
38. A-1-5-1
S. Hieronymus.. lncipit: in libros vitas patrum sanctorum Egiptiorum, etiam eorum qui in Scithia,
Thebaida, atque Mesopotamia morati sunt. [At the end] Nuremberg per Anthonium Koburger,
1483. folio. Parchment.
Hain 8598. Proctor 2032. A very rare and celebrated book (without signatures,
catchwords or numeration, printed on 156 leaves in gothic letter, double columns, 61 lines to a
page, with numerous hand colored initials. At the end are some musical notes and memoranda by
a very old hand. In the frontcover is pasted in a Calendar table embracing the years 1486 to
1579; all the Leap-years, weeks and Sundays are given in a Latin designation. This book was so
popular that it was soon translated into various languages. That into English was made by
William Caxton, and was first printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1495.
39. A-2-1-3
S. Augustinus. 1. la blank. 1. Ib-8b Tabula. 1. 9 blank. 1. lOa Incipit secuda quinquagena summi
/ et incoparabilis. doctoris Augustini p. / sulis aurelii sup. psalterium sancti p. - / phete dauid.
Without date printed 1484.]
Sign. Tabula. B. from 1. 10, Sign. A-LL. Printed in double columns, folio. Stamped calf binding.
Rubricated throughout. All capitals in red.
40. A-2-2-1
Turrecremata, Joh. de. [Torquemada] Card. tit. S. Sixti, ord. Praed-[in fine] Excellens opus dni.
Johannis de Turrecremata-question- em dignissimarum cum solutionibus earundem circa textus
epistolarum atque evangeliorum tam de tempore quam de sanctis et festorum emer- gentium
totius anni cum introductionibus thematum et cum tabula alphabetica flog theologiae meruit
appellari. Anno Mcccclxxxiiii Daventriae per Richardum (Paffroed) folio. Oak boards covered
with leather, with clasps and bosses. Lacks sign.a1.
Hain 15717. Sign. a-t, v, x-z. aa-tt. vv, xx-zz. aaa-kkk.
41. A-2-5-1
Voragine. Jacobus de. Le legende de sancti composte per fratre
Jacobo de Voragine del ordine de fratri pdicatori. Venetia, per Andrea Paltascichis 1484 folio,
full calf.
Graesse p. 396. Translated from the Latin by Nicolaus de Manerbi. Rubricated throughout.
42-43. A-1-6-1 and A-1-6-2
Pisis. Raynerus de. Pantheologia I. Pars. . Incipit tabula sup prima parte pan / theologiae . . .
impressa Venetiis cura ac impensis Herman / ni Liechtensteyn . . . 1486. Sequitur secunda pars /
de littera folio, 2 vols. Original binding with bosses.
Hain 13019. Proctor 4788. Panzer III 229, 923. Copinger I, page 382. British Mus. 3805
g.2. Printed in early gothic in double columns with illuminated initials blue and red, and
rubricated throughout.
A learned and curious theological dictionary in which the subjects are arranged in alphabetical
44. A-2-1-4
Aeneas Sylvius. Pius Secundus, Epistolae 52. Incipit Epistola sive oratio Pii in conventu
Mantuano . . . [In fine] Anthonius Zorathus impressit opera et impendio Johannis petri
nouariensis. Anno Mcccclxxxvii (1487) Sign. a-u [U8 blank]-Tituli epistolarum Pii secundi, quae
in hoc diui no codice continentur. Without signature [in fine] has Pii secundi Pontif. Max.
Epistolas quam diligentissime castigatus Anthonius Zorathus impressit opera et impendio
Johannis Petri Novariensis 1487 small folio, half parchment.
Beautifully printed in Roman characters, 35 long lines to a page.- another copy, wanting
blank leaf at beginning and table of chapters after the date at end; has a fine old engraved portrait
inserted, folio vellum.
45-46. A-2-3-2 and A-2-1-5
Eyb. Albertus de. Margarita poetica seu Oratorum, Poetarum, hystoricorum, ac philosophorum
eleganter dicta. Parisiis, Ulrich Guering, Mcccclxxxvii (1487) folio, leather.
Hain 68213 Renouard. Catalogue, II p. 219. See Clarke, Adam, Bibliographical Dictionary. 231
leaves 53 lines to a page.
47. A-2-1-6
Ferrerius, Vincentius [s. de Valentia,] (ord. Praed.). Sermones de tempore, pars hyemalis. . . [at
the end] . . . i. inclyta Basilea so / licitius
emendati ac p. Nicolau. kesler eiusde. in -/ colamqz. diligenter impressi: finiunt MCCCC
octuagesimioctaui (1488), folio. Oak boards.
Hain-Copinger 7004. Proctor 7671. Sermones de tempore et de sanctis 3 parts in 2 vols. I, 196
1eaves (1. 196 blank). II, 236 leaves. III, 124 leaves (1. 124 blank). Printed in gothic characters
on 195 leaves, double columns, 57 lines to a page. Vincent Ferrer, theologian and Spanish
preacher, was born in Valencia and died in 1419.
48. A-2-1-7
Statham, Nic. Abridgment of the Law. 1. 1,2 [Table, at end of which is] Per me R. Pynson. 1. 3a
Accompte / ( ) N Accompte. le pleitif. conta. dun reeipte en autre con tie. . . . End on 1. 190a. 1.
190b [woodcut device of Guillaume Le Talleur]. Printed in a curious II “secre-
tary type,” 50 long lines to a page, with sign. [Table 2 11] a-y 8, z, r 6, leaves unnumbered, fine
woodcut device of the printer G. Le Talleur [Rouen, Guillaume Le Talleur] for Richard Pynson
[London, s. a. c. 1490], folio.
Not Seen by Hain 15092. Contains 190 leaves. Proctor 8768. Wooley Photos. 382. Probably the
first book issued by Pynson. Compiled by Statham, who was baron of the Exchequer in the reign
of Henry VI, and is evidently the first attempt to methodise the laws as contained in the
determinations which had taken place in the reign of Edward I, in the courts of law, and contains
many original authorities not extant in the year books of these reigns. It is printed in old Norman
French, with copious original annotations, and bears the imprint of R. Pynson, and is without
doubt unique.
49. A-3-4-1
Albertus ab Imola, [1. 1 blank] 1. 2 Incipit lectura excellentissimi iuris utriusque monarche ac
principis Alexandri ab imola. Sign. H8a finis. Venitiis Mccccxci. Sign. H8b blank. I la Apostille
seu additiones secunde partis ff. veteris ad Bar. Alexa. d'Imola. M6b Finis Apostillarum secunde
partis ff. veteris Dni. Alexandri de Imo. Impressum Venetiis per Georgium Arriuabene
Mantuanum, Mcccclxxxxi, folio, half leather.
Panzer III, p. 302. With ample margins, printed in double columns, 78 lines to a page. .
50. A-2-3-1
Schedel Hartmannus. Folio la Registrum / huius ope- / ris libri cro- / nicarum / cu. figuris et
ymagi / bus ab initio mudi. / .folio 286a (cclxvi). Completo in famosissima Nurembergensi urbe
Operi / de hystoriis etatum mundi. . . . Collectum breui tempore Auxilio docto- /ris hartmani
Schedel. . . . Anno Millesimo quadringentesimo nonagesimo tertio. folio 286b blank. folio 326b
Adest nunc studiose lector finis libri Cronicarum. . . . Antho-/ nius Koberger, Nuremberge . . .
impressit . . . Michaele /wolgemut et wilhelmo Pleydenwurff . . . figure inserte sunt. Anno salutis
1493, folio.
Printed in Gothic letters, 20 unnumb. 11. + 11. I -cclxvi + 6 unnumb. 11. (for the Sarmacia) + 11.
cclxvii-ccc. Hain 14508; Proctor 2084; Harrisse, 13, Nordenskioeld, p. 9,-- With over 2000
woodcuts by Michael Wolgemuth, the master of Albrecht Duerer. Among the woodcuts are a
portrait of Pope Joan, a Dance of Death, a Map of the World and a Map of Europe, besides
numerous large views of cities, genealogical trees, heads of many celebrated personages, etc.
This work is a remarkably fine specimen of early printing and of early engraving, and Dibdin
says, In the Bibliotheca Spenceriana, “If Koburger had printed only this chronicle, he would
have done enough to place his name among the most distinguished of his typographical
51. A-2-5-2
Boccaccio. 1. 1. Genealogiae Joannis Boccatii cum demonstrationi / bus in formis arborum
designatis. Ejusdem de / montibus et syluis, de fontibus, lacubus: / et fiuminibus. Ac etiam de
stagnis / et paludibus: necnon et de maribus: seu diuersis/ marls nominibus . . [at the end]
Venetiis ductu et expensis Nobilis viri D. Octauia / ni Scoti . . . Mccccxciiii per Bonetum
Locatellum, folio, leather. Hain 3321, Proctor 5052. Rivoli p. 140. Unknown to Brunet. Printed
in round characters on 162 leaves, sign. a-u [up to 1. 116 printed in 1 column, 62 lines to a page,
then in double columns, 64 lines to a page. Illustrated with 13 Genealogical Trees
[Rivoli has only 11] and many ornamental initials. With the printer's device at the end .
52. A-1-1-11
Guillermus (episc. Paris.). Postilla Guillermi super epistolas et / euagelia, de tepore et de sanctis.
Et pmo. dominica sm. / litterale sensum juxta concordan / tias evangelistarum. 2 parts in 1 vol.
Without signature, catchwords, printers place, printer or date. [Basileae, Mich. Furter, ca 1497?]
With 50 fine wood engravings in the first part, 92 and 61 leaves, in 2 columns and 49 lines to a
page, 410. Oak boards with stamped pigskin back.
Different from Hain 8250. Weisbach 63 [not in Proctor]. Very interesting old print with many
notes by an old hand. In the first part is inserted a good portrait of Martin Luther with the date
1546; in the 2nd part, the head of
Christ with the crown of thorns, both made by hand in ink. Portrait of Luther is evidently taken
from Epitaphium des Ehtwirdigen Herrn Vaters M. Luther. With portrait by Lucas Cranach.
Wittemberg, I546, sq. 4tO.
53. A-2-1-8
Schedel (Hartmannus) Liber Chronicarum. (Finis) 1. 338a Finit
hic feliciter liber Cronicarum cum / figuris et imaginibus ab initio mundi vs. / q. nunc temporis.
Impressum ac finitum / in vigilia purification is Marie in imp / iali vrbe Augusta a Johanne
Schen / sperger . . . / Mccccxcvii (1497)
(1497) 1. 340a Registrum . . . 1. 365a Finit Registrum / folio, leather.
388num. and 28 unnum. for the table. Gothic Char. 2 col. 2ed., in latin. A principal work of the
German xylography of the XV cent. Lacks first five leaves.
Hain-Copinger 14509. Proctor 1786. Hellebrand 285. Schubert 1419. Brunet I, 1860. Ebert I,
322. Maittalre 634. Panzer I 125 155.
54. A-2-1-9
Biel. Gabriel. Fol. 1 Sacri canonis / misse Exposi- / tio in alma uniuersi- / tate Tuwingesi /
ordinarie / lecta / . . .(at the end) opa. et lucubratoe sedula Eximij viri wedelini steinbach. . . .
acurate elimata librariorum caracterisatoe in luce pdijt. Expensis Friderici meynberger
in vigilia sancti Andree. Anno dni. 1499 1. folio, 1/2 parchment.
Hain 3179. Proctor 3231 Steiff 8 I-III. 366 printed leaves, fifty-three lines to a page, with
marginal notes by an old hand.
(NJC) A-1-1-15
“Epistolae Basilii Magni, Libanii rhetoric…”
Venetiis: Aldus, 1499
May only be volume 2 of 2.
55. A-2-2-2
ΩΦΕΛΙΜΟΝ…. / Venetiis, per Zachariam Kaliergum Cretensem, anno 1499, die viii Julii. Large
folio. Oak boards, half leather. Contemporary binding.
Hain-Copinger 6691. Proctor 5644. Panzer III, 466, 2551. Brunet II, 1085. Proctor: The printing
of Greek p. 117.
Sign. A-Ω AA-∆∆, 224 unnumbered leaves, double columns, 50 lines to a page. With 24
ornamented vignettes, 24 large initials and a quantity of smaller ones, also two typographical
devices, all these pieces are printed in red. Printed on very heavy paper with ample margins, 16
1/2 x 11 1/2.
First edition of the great work on Greek Etymology, printed by Nicolas Vlastos of Creta under
Anne, daughter of Lucas Notaras, Grand Duke of Constantinople. The name of Vlastos is on
each vignette. One of the first books printed in Greek characters. De Bure styles this edition one
of the most splendid that ever issued from the printing press; the editor was the learned Marcus
Musurus, Professor of Greek in the University of Padua, and who assisted Aldus in the revision
of the Greek MSS. and books. Musurus was appointed Archbishop of Malvasia by Leo X in
56. A-2-1-10
Aldus.-Cicero. In hoc volumine haec continentur: Rhetoricorum ad C. Herennium, libri IV. M. T.
Cicero, de inuentione, libri II; de oratore ad Quintum fratrem, libri III; de claris oratoribus, q.
dicitur Brutus, liber I; Orator ad Brutum, liber I; Topica ad Trebatium, liber I; Oratoriae
partiones, liber I; de optimo genere oratorum praefatio quaedam. Index rerum notabilium.
Venetiis in aedibus Aldi et Andreae Soceri, 1521. Oak boards, covered with pigskin.
Renouard, Catalogue II, p. 77.
57- 60. A-2-1-11
Aldus..-Cicero. Opera. M. Tullius Cicero, Mannucciorum Commentariis illustratus antoquaeque
lectioni restitutus. Venetiis, apus Aldum 1583, folio. 10 vols. in 4 full russia.
Brunet II, p. 8. Renouard, Catalogue II, p. 7i. Complete copy, in perfect condition, a rare and
valuable Aldine edition. This edition is composed from different volumes of Cicero, printed by
Aldus, Jr., 1578-1583, and illustrated with engraved titles. This copy sometime in the libraries of
J. Baudinel and of George North, Jr., with their names on title. The dedication of the Timacus is
addressed to the famous Crichton, but Dr. Kippis seems not to have known it, when he wrote the
life of that remarkable man in the “Bibliographia Britannica."
61-64. A-1-1-12
Aldus.-Livius. Historia. A beautiful copy of the rare Aldine edition. - T Vois. 1-4 Venetiis, in
aedibus Aldi et Andreae Soceri 12mo. 1518, 1519.
1520, 1521, full calf. Lacks vol: Sprinted in 1533.
Brunet III, p. 1104-1105. Renouard, Catal. IV,p. 70, large copy.
65. A-2-2-3
АΝӨОΛΟΤΙΑ ΔΙΑΦΟΡΩΝ. Florilegium diversoruxp epigrammatum vet- erum in septem libros
divisum. Original text with annotations by Henr. Steppanus. Paris, 1566, 8vo. calf.
Brunet I, p. 308. Renouard, Catalogue II, p. 130.
66. A-1-1-13
Appianus Alexandrinus. Delle guerre civili de Romani, tradotta da Alex. Braccese. Firenze, per li
heredi di Ph. di Giunta 1525, 4to. ½ leather.
Brunet I, p. 358. Panzer VII, 43,235. Printed in Italic type, with the device of the Junta Press on
title. Melanchthon's copy with a few notes.
67. A-2-5-3
Bible. Genevan Version, commonly called the “Breeches” Bible, containing the Old and New
Testament. London, C. Barker, 1599, 4to. calf.
Title page to the New Testament missing. Bibl. Sussex II, 326.
68. A-2-5-4
Bordone. Benedetto. Isolario, nel quale si ragione di tutte l'Isole
nel mondo . . . . con la glonta del Monte del Oronouamente ritrouato. Vinegia ad instantia, e
spese del Nobile huomo M. Federico Toresano. MDXLVII, small folio. Parchment.
Graesse I, 495; Sabin I, 6421; Harrisse N. 275; Leclerc N. 182; Fumagalli N. 676. Title in red
and black, enclosed in fine woodcut border, and three double-sheet maps-one of the World, with
America marked as ''Terra del laboratore"and “ponete Modo nouo, besides these 107 small and
half page maps, one full-page map of British Isles, and one double-sheet plate of Venice. 1. 10
has a view of the city of Temistitan [Mexico] 1. 13 maps of Cuba and Jamaica, and 1. 14 map of
Guadalupe. Benedetto Boroone, Italian miniature painter and geographer, born in Padua, was
according to Fontanini and Tiraboschi the father of the celebrated Julius Cæsar Scaliger.
69. A-1-1-14
Brooke, Robert. La Graunde Abridgment, 351 pp. La Secounde part du Graunde Abridgement,
328 pp. London, by Richard Tottyl, 1576, bound in 1 vol. calf.
Engraved titles. Lowndes p. 283. This abridgment which is principally founded upon that
of Fitzherbert, is digested under a greater number of titles and besides the authorities collected by
Fitzherbert. Brooke abridges a great number of readings, which seem to have fallen under his
own knowledge as a judge and chief justice of common-pleas, and which are nowhere else
extant, except in a small volume selected from this abridgment entitled new cases.-Worrel.
70. A-3-3-3
Caelius. Ludovicus. [Rodjgnus]. Ludovici Caelii Rhodigini lectionum antiquarum libri xvi.
Basileae apud Joannem Frobenium MDXVII, folio Pigskin, Stamped binding.
1. 2a and 3a bears a fine woodcut title. Illustrated with large initials. Printer's device on title and
back. With marginal notes by an old hand.
71. A-2-5-5
Caesar. Julius der erst Roemisch Keiser van seinen Kriegen erstmals uss dem Latin in Tuetsch
bracht von W. Ringmannus Philesius, und nuw gedruckt. Strassburg, Joannis Gruenninger, 1507,
folio. Oak boards, half covered with pigskin, 9 x 6 1/8.
Brunet I, p. 1462. First Edition.
Copy in beautiful preservation, illustrated with 10 full pages, and 182 smaller woodcuts, all hand
72. A-3-4-2
Camerario, Joachim. Symbolorum et emblematum ex volatilibus
et insectis desumptorum centuria tertia collecta. Noribergae Paulus Kaufmann, 1597. With 100
engraved plates and title. Bound with Acht-en-dertig Konstice Zinnebeelden met dichtkundge
uitleggingen. With vignette on title and 38 plates. Amsterdam, Bernh. Maurik, 1737, 410. 1 vol.
Bound with other volume, Acht-en-dertig (see XVIII Century)
73. A-3-4-3
Casa. Joannis. Latina monimenta. Quorum partim versibus, partim soluta origine scripta sunt.
Florentiae, in officinal untarum Bernardi filiorum 1567 410. Parchment.
Brunet I, 1610.
Contains Carmina, Petri Bembi vita. Gasparis Contarini vita, Orationes Thucydides, etc.
74. A-3-5-1
Centuria, XII, Ecclesiastiae historiae, continens descriptionem mplisasimarum rerum in regno
Christi, Per autores contexta. Accessit: Rerum verborumque, in hac Centuria praecipue
memorabilium, turn locorum scripturae explicatorum geminus index. Basileae, ex officina
Oporiniana 1569. Folio. Parchment.
75. A-2-5-6
Chaucer, Geoffrey. Workes, newly printed. [Edited by Thos. Speght.]
Black letter, ornamental woodcut title with the date 1574; another, to the Canterbury Tales,
showing pedigree of Henry VIII; full page woodcut arms of Chaucer and copper-plate of the
"Progenie." London, Adam Islip 1598, folio.
Contains an epistle to the editor from Francis Beaumont, the Dramatist (incomplete). "Chaucer's
Dream" and "The Flower and the Leaf" printed for the first time in this edition.
76. A-2-5-7
Cicero. M. T. Ciceronis Rhetorici ad Herennium Libri sex. De inventione libri duo. Francisci
Manturantii in Ciceronis ad Herennium del. libros. enarrationes. Antonii Mancinelli in primum
Cice. ad Heren. expositio. M. Fabii Victorini in Libros Cice. de inventione comentarii
summacura & studio nuper emendati. Mediolani, Leonardus Pachel, 1511.
Text on each page surrounded by commentary in smaller type.
77. A-2-5-8
Cyrillus Alexandrinus. Commentarii in Leviticum, 1514.-Thesaurus XIV libros complectens
1514 del. [at the end 1513] .-In Evangelium Joannis a Georgio Trapezontio traductum, 1508.
Parisiis, W. Hopol 1508 -1514, folio. Bound in 1 vol. Parchment.
Brunet II, P.462.
Printed in Roman type, each part has an ornamental woodcut title and curious full-page wood cut
on the last leaf by a German artist, and containing the printer's device and the arms of Cologne,
also illustrated with ornamental initials.
78. A-3-4-4
Dionysius Carthusianus. [Rikel.] Contra Alchoranum et sectam Machometicam libri V. Accessit
ejusdem: De instituendo bello adversus Turcaset de generali celebrando concilio. Contra vitia
superstitionum, qui bus circa cultum veri Dei erratur. Coloniae, apund Pet. Quentel. 1533, 16mo.
Brunet IV, p. 1302. Peignot, Livres condamnes au feu I p. 98. Illustrated with a
large woodcut.
79. A-2-6-1
Erasmus. In Novum Testamentum annotationes, ab ipso autore jam
quintum sic recognitae, ac locupletate, ut propemodum novum opus videri possit. Basileae in
officina Frobeniana 1535, folio, calf.
With printer's device on title. Bibliotheca Erasmiana II, 59.
80. A-2-5-9
Faber, Joannis. [Surnamed the Hammer of Heretics.] Opus adversus nova quaedam et a
christiana religione prorsus aliena dogmata Martini Lutheri. Lipsiae, Melchior Lotther 1523, 4to.
Panzer VII p. 221, N. 828. Goedecke II, 224. Beautiful copy of the 2nd edition, with title in red
and large ornamental capitals. (First edition printed in Rome in 1522.) Faber was the friend of
Erasmus and confessor to the Emperor Ferdinand who appointed him Bishop of Vienna.
81. A-2-6-2
Fabricius, Georgius. . Originum illustrissimae stirpis Saxonicae libri VII. Accessit: leones seu
Imagines regum Imp. ac principatum Saxoniae item inclyta prosapiae continens genealogiam
stemmaovitichindeum ducum Saxoniae. Ex recognitione Nicolai Reusner. Jenae, Typis Tob.
Steinmann, 1597, folio, leather.
Illustrated with plates, portraits, coat of arms and genealogical tables.
82. A-2-6-3
Grafton, Richard. Chronicle at large, and meere history of the
affayres of Englande and kinges of the same deduced from the creation of the worlde, and so by
contynuance unto the first yere of the reigne of our queene Elizabeth. London, Denham 1568-69,
2 vols. in 1, thick 4to. Original stamped calf binding.
Brunet I, 1691.
Lacks title page. Contains many wood cuts and large initials (some 2 1/8 x 2 1/2). Bible
pieces. Vol. I is dated 1569, and Vol. II 1568.
83. A-2-5-10
Gregorius IX. Decretales dni. pape Gregorii noni accurata diligentia nuper emendate…. [at the
end.] Impresse Parisiis solerti cura Thielmani Kerver. Anno Mcccccxix 4to. leather.
Specimen of early printing in Gothic characters, 4 leaves unnumbered, 53211. numbered and 25
11., Tabula, double columns, rubricated, illustrated with a large woodcut (15 x 14) and printer's
device on title. Headlines and portions of pages printed in red, and decorated throughout with
many beautiful woodcut letters.
84. A-3-7-1
Gregorius IX. Decretales. With many very interesting wood cuts in
the text. Large woodcut, Christ before Pilate, framed with a border of 16 smaller pictures.
Lugduni, 1584, folio. Pigskin.
85. A-2-5-11
Herodotus. Historiographi libri IX, musarum nominibus inscripti, interprete Laur. Val. Access.
Coloniae, apud Eucharium Cernicornum, 1526, folio, leather.
Title page with border. Illustrated with large initials.
86. A-2-5-12
Jewell, John. [Bishop of Sarisburie.] A defense of the apologie of the churche of Englande.
Conteininge an answeare to a certain booke lately set foorthe by M. Hardinge, and entituled a
Confutation, etc. London, 1570, folio, leather.
Lowndes 1209.
87. A-2-5-13
Josephus, Flavius. Josephi Judei Historici praeclara Opera. . . . . [at the end.] . . . . est elaborata
opera Francisci Regnault and Joannis Petit librarijs impressa. . . . . Vale impressum Parrhisij.
Anno MDXIX, 4to. boards.
Panzer VIII 57,1103.
Title in red and black within ornamental woodcut border, numerous large and small ornamental
woodcut initials in the crib lee style.
88. A-2-5-14
Jovius, Paulus. Elogia virorum bellica virtute illustrium veris imaginibus Supposita quae apud
Musaeum spectantur. Florentinae in officina Laurentii Torentini Ducalis typography. 1551, folio,
89. A-3-6-1
Lerius, A. Joannes. Historia navigationis in Brasiliam quae et America dicitur. Nunc primum
Latinitate donata [Genevae] Ernst Vignon, 1586. 12mo. vellum.
Brunet III, p. l005. Unknown to Leclerc.
Beautiful copy with the very rare folding plate, page 178, representing the battle of the
Towonkinambanets with the Margaiats. The volume contains besides, 6 full page wood cuts, one
of which (p. 207) gives a curious representation of the Indians haunted by evil spirits. Pages 271-
297 are filled with dialogues in Brazilian and Latin.
Brunet says that this first Latin edition is scarcer than the original French.
90. A-3-7-3
Livius. Latinae Historiae quicquid hactenus fuit reditum sed aliquanto quam anteatum
magnificentius, turn emaculatius. Accesserunt autem Quintae Decadis libri V nunquam antehac
rediti. . . . Addita est
Chronologia Henrici Glareani . . . et index copiosissimus. Fruere lector,
favens illorum industriae, qui nec sumptu nec labore deterrentur a provehenda re literia, Basileae,
ex officina Frobeniana, 1531, folio. Bound by Silani in tree calf extra, gilt back and edges.
Brunet III, p. 1105-1106. Renouard, Cat. IV. p. 71. Bibliotheca Erasmiana, I,39. Beautiful copy
of Grynaeus's very handsomely printed edition, with preface of Erasmus. Dibdin states: This is
the first edition of Livy which presents us with the 41st, 42nd, 43rd, 44th, 45th books. . . .
published from a MS, written about the fifth century. Brunet says: Cette édition est rare, and
Panzer terms it: Editio princeps tertiae classis, eaque rarissima.
91. A-3-7-4
Livius. historiae clarissimi rerum gestarum populi.Romani ex centum quadraginta libri triginta,
qui soli supersunt, castigatiores quam antehac unquam visi, autore Jacobo Sobio. Accessit: L.
Flori epitome in libros CXL et Index rerum. Coloniae, apud Jo. Soterem, 1525, folio, half
Title with wood cut border, and many large wood cut initials. Graesse says: "Le texte de cette
edition tres correcte."
92. A-2-5-15
Luther, Martin. Auslegung der Euangelien yon astern his auffs Aduent. Wittemberg, Peter Seitz,
1536.-Auslegung der Evangelien an den furnemesten Festen im gantzen jar gepredigt durch
Martin Luther. Wittenberg, Hans Luft. Bound together in 1 volume. folio. Stamped pigskin.
Each part has a wood cut title with border, P. Troschal, sculps., large initials and wood cuts.
93. A-3-5-2
Magnus, Olaus. Historia delle genti et della natura delle cose settentrionali. Nuovamente tradotta
in lingua Toscana. Vinegia, appresso I Giunti, 1565, folio. Parchment.
Brunet, III, 1302. First Italian edition.
Contains numerous very curious woodcuts of monsters, methods of entrapping birds and hunting
animals, catching fish, games, methods of warfare, etc. Some of the cuts represent Esquimaux
hunting seals, driving reindeer, etc.
94. A-4-1-1
Muenster, Sebastian. Cosmographiae universalislibri VI. Basileae,
Henricpetri, 1550, folio, Parchment.
Harrisse 300, p. 1099-1113. Ebert, 14500.
Good copy with border on title page, portrait of the author by Hans Holbein, and a large number
of views, maps and other pictures in woodcuts by Chr. Stimmer, D. Kandel, K. Hofreuter and
Hans Rud, Manuel Deutsch. Has 14 double page maps. Especially interesting for its account of
the voyages of Columbus. Alonso Pinzon, Vespuccio, etc.
95. A-2-5-16
Orosius, Paulus. Opus prestantissimum. Impressum Parhisiis pro Joanne Petit, 1510, 4to.
With the printer's device on the title and marginal notes by an old hand. Orosius was sent from
Spain, in the year 414 to St. Augustine, with whom he lived a year studying the scriptures. His
History from the creation was translated into Anglo-Saxon by King Alfred.
96. A-3-6-2
Ovid. Le metamorfosi. Ridotte da G. A. dell Anguillara in ottava rime. Con le annotatione di M.
G. Horologgi e gli argomenti e postille di M. F. Turchi. Venetia, Bern. Giunti, 1584, 4to.
With frontispiece, IS fine engraved plates (full-page) and many smaller pictures, G, Frinco
sculps. and numerous ornamental initials.
97. A-3-7-5
Philo, Judaeus. In libros Mosis. De mundi opificio, historicos, De legibus. Eiusdem libri
singulares. Greek text. Parisiis, Ex officina Adriani Turnebi MDLII, folio, calf.
Renouard, Catal. I, p.51. Brunet IV, p. 614, Editio princeps.
98. A-3-7-6
Plinius, Secundus. Epistolarum libri X. Ejusdem Panegyricus Traiani dictus. Cum commentariis
Joannis Mariae Catanei. Multis epistolis cum illarum interpretatione adiectis. Ex chalcographia
Jodoco Badio. Parisiis, 1533.-AΡΙΣΤΟΦΑΝΗΣ.Kωμωδίαι'εννέα. Aristophanis comoediae novem
cum commentariis antiquis. Basileae, in officina Frobeniana MDXLVII,-bound together in 1
vol., folio. Oak boards, half covered with pigskin.
With woodcut, title and the words .. “Veneunt Iodoco Badio & Ioanni Roigny."
99. A-3-7-7
Pomerius. Sermones Pomerii de Tempore Hyemales et Estinales. Sermones Quadragesimales
Impesique ac dilizer emendati expesis. puidi. Jobis Rymman in imperiali oppido. Hagenau p.
industriosu Henricu Grau finiunt feliciter. Anno 1502, folio, leather.
100. A-3-6-3
Pontanus, Joannes Jovianus. Opera. Without date, place or printer's name. 12mo., parchment.
Renouard II, p. 91.
Probably printed at Venice by Gregorio de Gregori, 1515-1518. Printed in the Aldine characters.
101. A-3-7-8
Psalterium. In sacrosanctum Davidis Psalterium commentarii, ed. Wolfgangi Musculi Dusani.
Accessit: De luramento et usura appendices duae cum locuplete rerum et verborum indice.
Basileae, per del Joannem Heruagium MDLXIII, folio, half leather.
Wolfgang Musculus, or Meusslin, a German reformer, scholar and commentator was born 1497
and died 1563. He was converted by Martin Luther in 1520, banished from Augsburg in 1548 to
Switzerland, where he died shortly after the completion of his commentary on the Psalms.
102. A-4-1-2
Ramusio, M. Gio. Battista. Delle navigationi et viaggi, vol. I. La descriptione del'Africa, del
paese del Prete Janni, con varij viaggi, dalla Citta di Lisbona, dal Mar Rosso insino a Calicut, e
all isole Moluche, done nascono le Spelierie, et la Navigatione attorno il mondo. Con la relatione
dell'isola Giapan, scoperta nella parte del Settentrione: Et alcuni capitoli appartenenti alla
Geographia, estratti dell' Historia del S. Giouan di Barros Portoghese. Venetia nella stamperia di
Giunti, 1563, folio, leather.
Harrisse 304, Graesse, quotes as the best edition vol. I, 1563. With printre's device on title and
end, woodcut plates and text illustrations, marginal notes in ink by an old hand.
Between the edition of 1563 and that of 1613, (vol. I) there is no difference except in the title and
the arrangement of the first three preliminary leaves; in the edition of 1613 and 1606, however,
there are three copperplate maps, which are not in any other edition.
103. A-3-7-9
Sleidanus, Joan. De statu religionis et rei publicae, Carolo Quinto Caesare, Commentarii.
Argentorati, Rihely Fr. MDLVI, folio. Oak boards covered with stamped pigskin, with clasps.
First edition.
Brunet V, p. 409.
104. A-4-3-1
ΤΟΤΤΟ, ΆΝΔΡΕ ΣΟΦΟΙ. . . . . . With Froben's mark. Basileae MDXLIIII (1544) At the end: 1.
395b Basileae, Apud Hieronymuobenium,/Et Nicolaum Episcopium, Men/se Augusto, Anno
MDXLIIII, folio, leather.
Hoffmann III, 462. Brunet V 587; Graesse VI.526. After the Aldine (1514) with a few changes.
396 leaves including last leaf with printer's mark; double columns. Greek characters, sign a-z6,
A-Z6, aa-uu6.
105. A-3-6-4
Titelmannus, Franc. Paraphrastica elucidatio in evangelia secundum Mathaeum et Joannem
additis annotationibus. Parisiis, Math. Dupuys, 1545, folio. Vellum.
Unknown to Brunet.
(NJC) A-3-7-2
Iacobi Cviacii ivrisconsviti Opera, qvoe de ivre fecit, et edi volvit
Cujacius Jacobus
Hanoviae: typis Wechelianis, qpdu Cladium Marnium, 1602
106-107. A-4-1-3, A-7-1-1
Alexander ab Alexandro. [Ord. S. Basil.] Genealium dierum libri VI. Cum commentariis Andr.
Tiraquelli, Dion. Gothofredi, Chr. Coleri et N. Merceri. Lugd. Batav., 1673, Ex officina
Hackiana. 2 vols. leather.
Beautiful edition with two frontispieces, Appelmans sculps. Ebert 420. Brunet I,167.
"Best edition. the' Geneales Dies' are on the model of Aulus Gellius, a repertory of
miscellaneous learning on every subject of Roman philology and antiquities, affording
explanations of many hundred passages that might perplex a student."- Hallam.
108. A-7-1-2
Annus Mariano.-Benedictinus, sive sancti illustres ordinis D. Benedicti, in singulos anni dies
cum suis iconibus et vitae elogiis distributi ab Alma Congregatione Academica universitate
Salisburgensi MDCLXVIII. With frontispiece; each page surrounded by an ornament border and
with the saint for each day.
109. A-4-2-1
Augustine. Of the citie of God: with the learned comments of Jo. Lod. Vives. Englished by J. .
H.. Printed by George Eld, 1610, folio. Half leather.
Lowndes, 87.
110. A-4-2-2
Babington, Gervase. (Bishop of Worcester) Works. With fine engraved portrait, R. Elstrask
sculps. London, 1615, folio, calf.
Contains: Comfortable notes upon the five books of Moses, also the exposition upon the creed,
the commandments, the Lord's prayer, etc.
Lowndes, 92.
111. A-7-1-4
Bartholinus, Casp. De inauribus veterum syntagma, 148 pp. w. illustr. Accessit: Bartholinus,
Thomas. De annulis narium, 17 pp. w. illustr .-Bartholinus Thomas. De armillis veterum
schedion. Accessit: Wormius, Olaus. De aureo cornu Danico ad licetum responsio. Engraved
frontispiece and little vignette on title. Editio novissima. With a large folded plate: Aureum
Christiana V, cornu and other plates, besides text illustrations, 165 pp.-Bartholinus, Thomas.
Antiquitatum veteris puerperii synopsis. With vignette on title, plates (two large folded) 184 pp.-
all together bound in one volume. Amstelodami, Henricus Westen, 1676, 18ma. half calf.
Curious and very interesting works on the Ear-rings, Nose-rings and Bracelets of the ancients.
112. A-4-1-4
Baudius. Dominicus. Epistolae semicenturia auctae. Accessit eiusdem orationes et libellus de
Foenore. Lugduni Batav.,1650, 16mo. vellum. These letters are considered the most entertaining
of the works of Baudius. During his residence in England he became acquainted with several
persons of distinction, particularly Sir Philip Sidney. Among his correspondents are nearly all the
distinguished literati of the time.
With autograph of "Robert Proud" 1782 [an historian of Penna.].
113. A-4-2-3
Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher. The Wild-Goose Chase. A
comedy. London. Humpherey Moseley, folio, 1652, half mor. First Edition.
Lowndes, 137.
114. A-4-2-4
Beaumont, Francis, and John Fletcher. Fifty (53) Comedies and Tragedies. All in one volume.
Published by the Author's Original Copies, the Songs to each Play being added. London. Printed
by J. Macock, for John Martyn, Henry Herringman, Richard Marriot, MDCLXXIX, folio, full
lea., g. e.
Lowndes, 137.
115. A-7-1-3
Bible.-Genevan, or Breeches Version with New Testament and two right profitable and fruitful
concordances, or large and ample tables alphabeticall; collected by R. . F. . H.. London, Robert
Barker, 1605, 4to. calf, neatly rebacked.
Black Letter. With woodcut title.
Lacks title to the Old Testament, several leaves defective and imperfect at end of 2nd table.
115a. A-7-1-5
Another copy. 1610
116. A-7-1-6
Bible.-Another copy of the above, bound in leather with clasps. London, 1611.
117. A-3-7-10
Bible.-Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and the New. Newly translated out of the
original tongues. With engraved title. London, Robert Barker, 1611, 4to. leather.
Black letter. First edition of the authorized translation now in use, commonly called King
James's Bible,
Lowndes, 186.
118. A-7-1-7
Bible.-Holy Bible containing the Old Testament and the New. Newly translated out of the
original tongues. With engraved title. London, Bonham Norton and John Bill, 1628, 4to. calf.
119. A-7-1-8
Bible -Royal version. Woodcut titles, carefully ruled with red throughout. London, Company of
Stationers, 1650, 8vo. Bound in old green morocco, gilt edges. .
A rare edition, not in Offor's fine collection. As a commonwealth issue it is remarkable for
having the Royal Arms of Charles the First on verso of title.
120. A-4-4-1
Bible, Das ist: Die gantze heilige Schrift durch D. Martin Luther, verteutscht: Mit D. Pauli
Tossani Glossen und Auslegungen. Frankfurt am Mayn, Theodor Falkeysen. 1668, folio.
Pigskin, with clasps and corners.
121. A-4-4-2
Bible, dat is de gantsche H. Schrifture, vervattende alle de Canonijcke Boecken des Ouden en
des Nieuwen Testaments. With fine engraved title. Dordrecht, 1700, folio, leather, with clasps
and corners.
122. A-4-2-5
Burton, Robert. Anatomy of melancholy. Fifth edition. Oxford, H. Cripps, 1638.
Lowndes, p. 328.
122a. A-4-2-6
Cabala, sive Scrinia sacra, mysteries of state and government in letters of illustrious persons and
great Ministers of State in the reigns of Henry VIII, Queene Elizabeth, King James and King
Charles. Now collected and printed together in one volume. [Formerly in 2 vols.] London, 1663,
folio, leather.
Second edition. Lowndes, .p. 343. The word Cabal is formed from the Initial letters of the names
of five ministers in Charles II time: Clifford, Ashby, Buckingham, Arlington and Lauderdale.
123-124. A-7-1-9 and 7-1-10
Cassiodorus, Magnus Aurelius. Opera omnia, quae extant ex fide manuscr. auctiora et
locupletiora. Ed. P. Brosseus, Aureliae Allobrogum, Sumptibus Petri, et Jacobi Chouet, 1609,
12mo. 2v.
125. A-4-2-7
Cave, William. Antiquitates Apostolicae: or, the history of the Lives, Acts and Martyrdoms of
the holy apostles of our Saviour and S. Mark and Luke. Add: A discourse concerning the three
great dispensations of the church, patriarchal, mosaical and evangelical. 5th edition, revised with
some additions. With many plates. London, 1684, folio, leather.
Lowndes, p. 395.
126. A-4-2-8
Cave, William. Ecclesiastici: or, the History of the Lives, Acts, death and writings of the most
eminent fathers of the church [IV Century]; also an account of the rise, growth and progress of
Arianism and all other sects of that age. With an introduction containing an historical account of
the State of Paganism under the first Christian emporours. With plates. London, Rich. Chiswel,
1683, folio, leather.
Lowndes., p. 395, Brunet I, 1699.
127. A-4-2-9
Chevalier, Nic. [or Chevalie.] Histoire de Guillaume III, Roy d'Angleterre, d'Ecosse, de France,
et d'Islande, Prince d'Orange, etc. With fine engraved plates and illustrations. Amsterdam, 1682,
folio, half mor.
Illustrated by 12 full-page engravings by Romain de Hooge, 2 vignettes and 119 engravings on
copper, of medals:-forming the Medallic History of William III.
Brunet I, 1838.
128-132. A-4-6-1 through A-4-7-3
Corpus Juris Civilis Justinianei, cum commentariis Accursii, scholiis Contii et D. Gothofredi
Cucubrationibus ad Accursium. Accesserunt Jacobi Cuiacii paratitla in pandectas et codicem;
ejusdemque notae observationes et emendationes. Item Chronici cannones et fasti regii et
consulares, eodem Contio auctore. Lugduni, 1627, folio, 5 vols. Pigskin.
Contents: I Digestum vetus.-II Infortiatum.-III Digestum novum.- IV Codicis Justiniani repetita
prolectio.-V Legum parvum.
Brunet, has, 6 vols. I,608. Best edition.
133. A-4-2-10
[Dapper]. Die Unbekannte Neue Welt oder Beschreibung des Weltteils Amerika und des Sued-
Landes: darinnen yom Ursprunge der Amerikaner, Suedlaender und yon den gedenkwiirdigen
Reysen der Europaeer darnach zu gehandelt wird. Durch, O. D., etc. With fine engraved
copperplates including the rare view of New York. Amsterdam, 1673, folio, leather.
The engravings also include views of various cities and large maps.
134. A-7-1-11
D' Avenant, William. Gondibert: an heroick poem in three books.
London, Th. Newcomb, 1651, calf.
See: Retrospectio Review II, 304-324. D'Israeli's Quarrels of authors, II, 231, and Miscellaneous
in prose by Aikin and Barbault. Brunet II, 534.
First edition. Lowndes, p. 595: This poem on its appearance was attacked by the wits of the day
to which the author replied. Butler quizzes it in his argument to the first Canto to Hudibras.
Hunter says it gives an indication of the popularity of 'Romeo and Juliet' as there are scenes laid
in Verona and a character named Tybalt. There seems to be absolutely no proof to support the
suggestion of Aubrey that D' Avenant was a natural son of Shakespeare.
135. A-5-3-1
Diodorus. Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian. In 15 books. 5 Added: Fragments of
Diodorus that are found in the Bibliotheca of Photius. Translated into English by G. Booth.
London, 1700, folio, leather.
Lowndes, 648.
A work in high reputation for its general correctness.
Books I-V cont.: Antiquities of Egypt, Asia, Africa, Greece, the Islands, and Europe. VI-XV
Historical account of the affairs of the Persians, Grecians, Macedonians, and other parts of the
136. A-4-2-11
Diogenes Laertius.-Gassendus, Petrus. Animadversiones in decimum librum Diogenis Laertii,
qui est de vita, moribus, placitisque Epicurio Editio III. With portrait of Epicurus on title.
Lugduni, Franc. Barbier, 1675, folio, 2 vols. in 1, leather.
Comprising a full account of the Epicurean philosophy and also of the life and opinions of
137. A-4-3-3
Discourse, [A] of artificial beauty, in point of conscience, between two ladies. With fine
engraved frontispiece. London, printed by J. L., 1692, 12mo. calf.
This work is ascribed to Dr. Gauden [the supposed author of the Eikon Basilike] by Ant. à
Wood, but it seems rather to have been the work of Obadiah Walker. Wood, in his first edition,
ascribed the work to Jeremy Taylor, but corrects this mistake in his 2nd edition.
138. A-4-5-2
Donellus, Hugo. Commentariorum juris civilis libri XXVIII. In quibus jus civile universum
singulari artificio atque doctrina explicatur. Scipio Gentilis rec. ed. posteriores etiam libros
supplevit. Hanovie, Typis Wechelianis apud haeredes Joannis Aubrii, 1612, folio. Pigskin.
139. A-4-2-13
Dryden, John. Fables, Ancient and Modern. .Translated into verse from Homer, Ovid, Boccace
and Chaucer, with original poems by Mr. [John] Dryden. Printed for Jacob Tonson, within
Gray's Inn Gate, next Gray's Inn Lane,
1700, folio, calf.
Lowndes, 678, First edition.
It is singular that a 2nd edition of this work was not called for till 13 years after the death of the
author, though now, perhaps, the most popular of all his works.
See description and full collection in Frederick Locker's Rowfant Library Catalogue, Appendix
140-147 and 150. A-4-3-4 (BOXED)
140. A-4-3-4
Elzevir .-Barclay, Jo. Argenis, Editio novissima. Cum Clave, hoc est, nominum propriorum
elucidatione hactenus nondum edita. Amsterdam, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1671, 12mo. calf.
Unknown to Graesse. Brunet I, 652.
141. A-4-3-4
Elzevir .-Cunaeus, Peter. De republica Hebraeorum libri III. Editio novissima. Lugd. Bat. ex
officina Elzeviriana, 1632, 16mo. vellum.
142. A-4-3-4
Elzevir.-Emmius, Urbo. Res publicae Graecorum. Lugd. Batav. ex officina Elzeviriana, 1632,
24mo., 2 parts in 1 vol., vellum.
With fine engraved title.
143. A-4-3-4
Elzevir.-Erasmus. Colloquia nunc emendatiora cum omnium notis.
With engraved title. Amstelodami, Typis Ludovici Elzeviri, 1650, 24mo. vellum.
144-145. A-4-3-4
Elzevir .-Helvetiorum res publica. Diversorum auctorum, quorum nonnulli nunc primum in
lucem prodeunt. With engraved title. Lugd. Bat. ex officina Elzeviriana, 1627, 18mo. Parchment
or calf. [2 copies.]
Josias Simler was the author of this work. The above is one of the first two of the three issued
under this date.
146. A-4-3-4
Elzevir. Res publica Romana, P. Scriverio auctore. Lugd. Bat. ex officina Elzeviriana, 1626,
24mo. vellum, gilt edges.
147. A-4-3-4
Elzevir. Spigellus, Adrianus. Isagoges in rem herbarum libri II. Lugd. Bat. ex officina
Elzeviriana, 16mo. Calf
148. A-7-1-12
Esquemeling, John. The history of the Bucaniers of America: or, the true account of the most
remarkable assaults committed upon the coasts of the West Indies by the Bucaniers of Jamaica
and Tortuga, English, Dutch, Portuguese, etc. Written by John Esquemeling and Basil Ringrose,
two of the Bucaniers who were present at those Tragedies. 2nd edition. Add: The voyages and
bold attempts of Captain Cook and Sharp in the South Sea. With description of the cities of
Panama, Hispaniola, Tortuga, etc., and a new map of the South Sea and the Sea Coasts of
America. Together with the effigies of the Bucaniers, curiously done in 19 copperplates. London,
Printed for William Whitwood, 1695, small 4to. Bound in full calf, gilt back.
149. A-7-1-13
Etherege, Sir George. The man of mode; or, Sir Topling Flutter; a comedy acted at the Duke's
Theatre, London, Printed by J. Macock for Henry Herringman at the Sign of the Blew Anchor of
the Lower Walk of the New Exchange, 1676, small 4to.
First edition. Etherege's best-known play. The epilogue is by Dryden.
“Sir George Etherege was as thorough a fop as ever I saw; he was exactly his own Sir Fopling
Flutter; and yet he designed Dormiant the genteel rake of wit for his own picture,"-Spence
150. A-4-3-4
Facetiae. Selectiones Nic. Frischlini, quibus accesserunt Henr. Bebelii Facetiae; Sales item, seu
Facetiae ex Poggio selectae; nec non Alphonsi Regis Arragonum Facetiae; Prognostica, ab
Jacobo Henrich. \. manno. Amstelodami, Joh. Janssonius, 1651, 18mo. vellum.
Joli édition que je crois appartenir aux presse de Blaeu.-Pieters: Annals des Elzevier.
151. A-7-1-14
Fletcher, John. The Tragedies of Rollo, Duke of Normandy. Oxford, Printed by Leonard
Lichfield, 1640, 4to. boards.
First edition.
152. A-4-2-14
Great Britain-Parliament. Laws and acts of Parliament made by King James I, II, III, IV, V,
Queen Mary, James VI, Charles I, Charles II [with a Catalogue of the Books containing the old
laws written before King James I], collected from the Publick Records by Sir T. Murray. Folio
old cf. nt. pl. Edin., David Lindsay, 1681.
153. A-5-2-1
Grimeston, Ed. [or, Grimstone.] A general historie of the Netherlands. With the genealogie and
memorable acts of the Earls of Holland, Zeeland, and West-Friseland, from Thieny of Aquitaine.
With fine engraved title-border and 57 curious portraits. London, A. Islip and G. Eld, 1609, folio,
Lowndes, p. 946.
154. A-5-2-2
Hall, Joseph. [Successively Bishop of Exeter and Norwich.] Works. With a table now added to
the same. London, Printed by M. Fletcher, 1634, folio, boards.
Lowndes, p. 979. With fine engraved woodcut title.
155-157. A-7-1-15 through A-7-1-17
Hall. Joseph. [Successively Bishop of Exeter and Norwich.] Epistles in 6 decades. London, by H.
L., 1608-11, 12nw. 3 vols. calf.
Lowndes, p. 980.
158-161. A-5-2-3 through A-5-2-6
Hazart, C. Kercklycke historie geheele wereldt namelyck van de voorgaende en de
teghenwoordige eellwe, Beschreven door P. Cornelius.Nazart [So J.] Antwerpen, M. Cnobbaert,
1667-71, folio, 4 vols. leather.
Describing the different religious ceremonies and the sufferings and martyrdom of the saints,
particularly of the Society of Jesus, illustrated with 120 copperplate engravings.
162. A-5-2-7
Heylyn. Peter. Theologia veterum: or, the summe of Christian Theologie, possitive, polemical,
and philological, contained in the apostles creed, according to the rendries of the ancients both
Greeks and Latines. In three books. London, 1654, folio, leather.
Lowndes, p. 1060.
163. A-5-3-4
Historia deorum fatidicorum, vatum, sibyllarum, phoebadum, apud Priscos illustrium, cum
eorum iconibus. With title vignette and 50 fine engraved copperplates. Coloniae Allobrogum,
1675, 4to. vellum.
164. A-5-2-8
Historiae sacrae tam Veteris quam Novi Testamenti. Biblische Figuren, darinnen die
fuernembsten Historien in h. Schrift begriffen. Figures de la Bible, etc. With 280 engraved
plates, by Mathaeus Merian, with description in French, English, German and Dutch language.
Amsterdam, Nicol. Vischer [no date] 4to. calf.
Brunet III, 1650.
(NJC) A-3-1, A-3-2, A-3-3-1, A-3-3-2
Iacobi Cviacii ic praestantissimi Opera Omnia
Jaques Cujas, 1658
Impensis Societatis Typrographicae Librorum…: Paris
10 Volumes
165. A-5-2-9
Howell. William. Institution of general history, being a compleat body thereof, from the
beginning of the World till the Monarchy of Constantine the Great. London, Printed for Henry
Herringman, 1662, small folio. Leather. [Title page mounted.]
Lowndes, p. 1130.
A very valuable work.
(NJC) A-3-5-2
Corpus Juris Civilis
Simon van Leeuwen
Amsterdam: 1663
2 volumes
166. A-5-2-10
Josephus. Flavius. Joodsche Historien ende boecken noch Egesippus vande ellendige verstoringe
der Stadt Jerusalem. New edition by L. V. Bos. Dordrecht, by Jacobus Savry, 1665, folio, calf,
richly gilt, with engraved title.
167. A-5-2-11
Knolles, Richard. Generall Historie of the Turkes, to the rising of the Othoman Familie, with
continuation to 1629. With fine executed portraits by T. Cecill, 4th edition. 1631, Adam Islip,
folio, calf.
with fine engraved title, Laur. Johnson, sculp.
Brunet III, 681. Lowndes, p. 1286: In Dr. Johnson's Rambler No. 122, is a very high [by some
thought an injudicious and ill-founded] eulogium on this work.
Lacks, pp. 1445 and 1446.
168. A-4-5-1
Linschoten. [Hugues, Jean.] Histoire de la navigation. Contenant diverses descriptions des lieux
iusques a present decouverts par les Portugais: Observations des Coustumes et singularites de
dela et autres declarations. Avec annotations de B. Paludanus, 2 edition augmentee. Amsterdam,
Jean Ebertsz Cloppenbach, 1619. With fine engraved title and copperplates.-Hugues, Jean, Le
grand Routier de Mer, la navigation des lndes Orientales, et le voyage de la coste du Bresil, des
Antilles, et du Cap de Lapo Gonsalves. New translated from the Flemish into French.
Amsterdam, 1609. With engraved title.-Description de l' Amerique et des parties d'icelle, com
me de la Nouvelle France, Floride, des Antilles, Jucaya, Cuba, Jamaica, etc. Avec une carte
geographique de l'Amerique, Australe qui doit estre inseree dans la page suivante. Amsterdam,
1619, w. engraved title. 3 parts bound in 1 vol. folio, vellum.
This work, which ran through many editions, was formerly in such high repute that it was used
by nearly every sea captain as guide and log-book in voyages to the East and West Indies.
Brunet III, 109l.
169. A-5-3-2
Livius. The Romane historie, also the breviaries of L. Florus with a chronology to the whole
historie and the topography of Rome. Translated from the Latin by Philemon Holland. Added a
supplement to the second Decad of Livy [which was lost] written in Latine by J. Freinshemius
and now translated into English. London, 1659, folio, leather.
Lowndes, p. 1374.
(NJC) A-2-4-1
Iurisconsult: et antecessories Opera Omnia
Hughes Donell, 1672-1770
typis J. Riccomini: Lucae
12 volumes
170. A-4-5-3
Ludolphus, Jobus. Historia Aethiopica sive descriptio Regni Habessinorum, quod vulgo male
Presbyteri Johannis vocatur. Ejusdem ad suam Historiam Aethiopicam commentarius.
Francofurti ad Moenum apud Joh. D. Zunner, 1681-91, folio, 2 vols. in 1, vellum.
Brunet III, 1224.
Curious folding copperplates of animals, etc. One of a sheep with an enormous tail supported by
a small cart attached to the animal.
A rare work, "full of recondite and important information on the origin of the Abyssinians,
climate, soil productions, and the natural history, physical and moral state of the inhabitants,
171. A-5-2-12
Marcus Aurelius. APXONTOPOΛOΓION, or the diall of princes: containing the Golden and
Famous Book of Marcus Aurelius, declaring what excellency consisteth in a prince that is a good
christian; and what evils attend on him that is a cruell tirant. Written by Don Antonio of
Gueuara, Lord Bishop of Guadix. First translated from the French by Thomas North. With
addition of a fourth booke stiled by the name of the favoured courtier. London, 1619, folio, calf.
172. A-4-5-4
Mendo, R. P. Andres. [So J.] Principe perfecto y ministros aiustados, documentos, y morales. En
emblemas, Leon de Francia, Horacio Boissaty, George Remeus, 1662, 4to. vellum.
With little vignette on title and 80 very interesting copperplates. [9XI0.]
173. A-5-2-13
Milton, John. Paradise Lost. A poem in twelve books. Fifth edition. With fine engraved portrait,
R. White, sculps., and plates, M. Burg, sculps., London. Jacob Tonson, 1692, folio, leather.
Lowndes, 1558.
174. A-5-1-1
Missale Romanum. ex decreto sacrosancti concilii Tridentini restitutum, Pii V cum calendario
etiam Gregoriano. Venetiis apud Juntas,
1602, folio. Pigskin. Very interesting binding with corners. Printed in red and black.
175. A-5-1-2
Missale Romanum. ex decreto sacrosancti concilii Tridentini restitutum, Pii V iussu editum et
Clementis VIII auctoritate recognitum. Ingolstadii, ex officina Ederiana apud Andream
Angermarium, 1610, folio. Printed in Roman characters in red and black, 2 columns. With large
woodcut. - Proprium festorum Diocesis Frisingensis Romani Missalis dispositioni
accommodatum, sub regimine Joannis Theodori, Frisingae, Typis Joannis Christiani Caroli
Immel, 1729, folio. Both parts bound in \ 1 vol. Pigskin.
176. A-5-4-3
Panvinius. Onuphrius. De ludis circensibus libri II. De triumphis liber unus, qui bus universa
fere Romanorum veterum sacra ritusque declarantus. Cum notis Argoli et addimento Nicolai
Pinelli. Patavia, Typis Pauli Frambotti Bibliopolae, 1642, folio. Parchment.
With finely engraved title and many copperplates. Brunet IV, 350.
177. A-5-2-14
Philips, Katherine. Poems by the most deservedly admired Mrs. Katherine Philips, the matchless
Orinda. To which is added: Monsieur Corneille's Pompey and Horace, Tragedies. With several
other translations out of French. With fine executed portrait by Faithorne. London, printed by J.
M. for H. Herringmann, 1669, small folio. Bound in original English panelled calf.
This edition contains 34+198+8+124 pages. The genuine first edition was published in folio,
1667. Lowndes, 1852.
178. A-5-4-1
Plutarch. Les vies des hommes illustres Grecs et Romains. Translated into French by M. Jaques
Amyot. Vol. II, Paris, 1600. thick 8vo. vellum.
Cont.: Agesilaus, Pompeius; Alexandre. Julius Cæsar, Phocion, Caton d'Utique, Agis and Cleon,
Tiberius and Gaius, Demosthenes, Cicero, Demetrius, Antoninus, Artaxerxes, Dion, M. Brutus,
Aratus, Galba, Othon, Hannibal, Scipion, Epaminondas, Philippus de Maced., Dionysius l'aine,
Octavius Cæsar, Plutarque, Seneque, Miltiades, Pausanias, Thrasybulus, Conon, Iphicrates,
Chabrias, Timotheus, Datames, Hamilcar.
Illustrated with small portraits in medallion form.
179. A-5-4-2
Pontanus, Joh. Isacius. Rerum et urbis Amstelodamensium historia. Accessit: Sub calcem
Auctores vestustiores duo nunquam atea editi: Quorum nomina et seriem versa pagella indicabit.
Amstelodami, Jodocus Hondius, 1611, folio, vellum.
With engraved title, plates and maps.
180. A-5-3-4
Prayer Book. The book of common prayer [1613], Black letter, also the whole book of Psalms
collected into English meeter by J. Sternehold, W. Whittingham, John Hopkins and others.
London, 1614, 2 vols. in 1, vellum. Lacks title page.
Only the prayer book has numbered pages. Includes musical notations.
181. A-5-5-1
Pufendorf. Samuel. Commentariorum de rebus Suecicis libri XXVI ab expeditione Gustavi
Adolfi ad abdicationem usque Christiane. Ultrajecti, apud Johannem Ribbium, 1686, folio.
Brunet IV, 960. With fine engraved portrait, Munirikhuysen, and frontispiece, Mulder fec.
182. A-5-6-1
Purchas' Pilgrimage or relations of the world and the religions observed in all ages. In four parts.
London, William Stansby, 1613, folio, leather.
Brunet IV, 979. Lowndes, 2011.
First edition. The first part contains a theological and geographical history of Asia, Africa and
America, including the Islands.
183. A-5-6-2
Raleigh's History of the World. With engraved title. London, Walter Burre, 1614, folio, calf.
Lowndes, 2039. Brunet IV, 109l.
184. A-5-6-3
Sandys, George. Travells, containing an history of the original and present state of the Turkish
empire, the Mahometan Religion and Ceremonies, a description of Constantinople, also the
Greece, with the religion and customes of the Grecians, of Egypt, a voyage on the River Nylus of
Armenia, Grand Cairo, Rhodes, the Pyramides, Colossus, state of Alexandria, a description of
the Holy Land, of the Jews and several sects of Christians, Italy and the Islands as Cyprus, Crete,
Malta, Sicilia, the Oeolian Islands. Seventh edition. Illustrated with 50 engraved maps and
illustrations. London, 1670, folio, calf.
Lowndes, 2189, Brunet V, 125.
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus. Morals. Translated into English by L'Estrange. London, Newcomb,
1682. Lowndes, 2241. (Sir Roger l'Estrange.)
186. A-5-4-4
Spizelius, Theoph. Vetus academia Jesu Christi, Iconibus, Exemplis et Documentis priscorum
Pietatis verae doctorum et professorum illustrata. With 50 engraved portraits.-Templum honoris
reseratum, sive L. illustrium Aevi hujus Theologorum et Philologorum imagines ac elogia. With
50 portraits.-Augusta Vindelicorum, Gottlieb Goebel, 1671-73, 4to. Both parts bound in 1 vol.
Unknown to Brunet.
187. A-5-6-4
Testament. Novi testamenti libri historici Graece et Latine perpetuo commentario ex antiquitate,
historiis, philologia, illustrati. Ed. Baduin
Walaeus. With frontispiece, J. v. Mours sculps. Lugduni Batav., ex officina et typographia
Adriani Wyngaerden, 1653, 4to. Pigskin.
188. A-5-6-5
Testament. Novum testamentum, Hebraeo-Teutonicum, ed. M. Christiani Molleri. Francofurti ad
Oderam, Mich. Gottschalck, 1700, 4to. Half parchment.
189. A-5-6-6
Thucydides. History of the Grecian war in eight books. Translated from the original by Thomas
Hobbes of Malmsbury. Second edition, corrected and amended. With frontispiece and maps.
London, 1676, folio, leather.
Lowndes, 2680. Unknown to Graesse and Brunet.
190-195. A-7-2-15 through 7-2-20
Virgilius. Opera cum notis Servii, Philargyrii, etc., plerisque commentaries Donati, Probi,
Nanuii, Salini, Germany, etc. 3vols. in 6 parts.
Each part has a fine engraved copperplate, G. Appelmans, sculps. Lugd. Batav., 1680, calf.
Graesse VI, 341. Brunet VI, 1290.
Best Variorum edition. .
“The typography is extremely beautiful and not inferior to the best Elzevir editions in octavo."-
(NJC) A-4-2-12
Fables of Aesop
London: 1699
Donor: Mrs. R Heald
(NJC) A-4-3-2
Of the Law and Nature of Nations
Samuel Pufendorf, 1717
London: R. Save [et. al]
(NJC) A-1-5-2
Barnabae Brissonii Regii in Gallia…De VerborAum quae ad jus pertineut significatione libri
Barnabae Brisson, 1721
Lipsia: Apud Thomas Fristch
About law terms and phrases
72. A-3-4-2
Acht-en-dertig Konstige Zinnebeelden met dichtkundigeuitleggingen. With vignette on title and
38 plates. Amsterdam. Bernh. Maurik, 1737.
Bound with Camerano (see under XVI Century, page 13).
196. A-7-2-1
Address on the convention for forming a new Constitution of Government for the State of
Massachusetts Bay to their Constituents, Boston.
Printed by White and Adams, 1780 [18 pages]. A constitution of frame of government agreed
upon by the delegates of the People of the State of Massachusetts Bay, Boston. Printed by Eddes
and Sons, 1780 [53 pages], uncut. .
197. A-6-1-1
Aesop. Fables and other eminent mythologists. Translated into English with morals and
reflexions by Sir Roger L'Estrange. Fables of Barlandus, Amianus, Abstemius, Poggius and
others. With engraved
portrait, R. White, sculps., and one plate. London, 1704, folio, leather.
Graesse I, 36.
198. A-5-6-7
Aristotle.-Pye, Henry James. [Poet Laureate.] A commentary illustrating the poetic of Aristotle,
by examples taken chiefly from the modern poets. To which is prefixed a new and corrected
edition of the translation of the epic. London, 1792, 4to. Full calf.
Lowndes, 2014
199. A-5-6-8
Articles of confederation and perpetual union between the States of New Hampshire,
Massachusetts Bay, Rhode Island and Providence plantations, Connecticut, New York, New
Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and
Georgia, Lancaster, [Pennsylvania] printed: Boston, reprinted by John Gill, Printer to the General
Assembly, 1777, folio, 16 pages. Added: To the inhabitants of the State of Massachusetts-Bay, 4
pages. [See page 33.]
Bound with other volume, Massachusetts-Bay
200. A-5-6-9
Bacon, John. Liber regis vel thesaurus rerum ecclesiasticarum. With an appendix containing
proper directions and precedents relating to presentations, institutions, inductions, dispensations,
etc., and a complete alphabetical index. London, 4to. calf.
Lowndes, 97.
A very valuable and useful work which has entirely superseded that by Ecton.
The royal book, or treasury of ecclesiastical affairs, containing an account of all the ecclesiastical
livings in England, with a full index.
201-209. A-6-1-2 A-6-1-10, 210. A-6-2-1
Bayle. A general dictionary historical and critical. With corrections and observations printed in
the late edition at Paris, is included, and interspersed with several thousand lives never before
published. Edited by John Peter Bernard, Thomas Birch, John Lockman and others, and the
articles relating to Oriental History by George Sale. London, 1734-1741, folio, 10 vols. 1/2
leather. Lowndes, 134, Bayle's Dictionary is a very useful work for those to consult who love the
biographical part of literature, which is what I love most.-Dr. Johnson.
211. A-5-6-10
Bible. History of the Holy Bible contained in the Old and New Testament and Apocrypha with
the lives, travels and sufferings of our Lord and the apostles. London, 1755, folio, calf.
Illustrated with 250 historical sculptures and maps by the best artists. The whole originally
designed by Richard Blome. [Blome, Cosmographer of Her late Majesty Queen Anne.]
212. A-7-2-2
Bible. Printed in Lettish language. Rhiga, 1794, thick 8vo. calf, original binding with clasps.
Lord Stuart de Rothesay's copy.
213. A-7-2-3
Biblia Hebraica, ed. D. Jo. Heinr. Michaelis. With frontispiece. Halae Magdeburgjcae, 1720, 1.
8vo. Pigskin, with portrait of Martin Luther on front and back cover.
With autograph of J. A. Dalhe, the celebrated German theologian and Hebrew scholar. This copy
was used by Dalhe in translating the Old Testament. .
214-218. A-6-2-2, A-6-4-1, A-6-1-11, A-6-2-3, A-6-1-12
Bolingbroke. Works of Henry St. John, Lord Viscount Bolingbroke. London, David Mallet,
1754, 4to, 5 vols. leather. Lowndes, 232. Best edition.
219. A-6-4-2
Bryant, Jacob. Observations and inquiries relating to various parts of ancient history containing
dissertations on the Wind Euroclydon, and on the Island Melite. Together with an account of
Egypt and of the Shepherd Kings. With maps. Cambridge, 1767,4to, half leather.
Lowndes, 296.
First edition. Calculated to throw light on that ancient Kingdom of Egypt, as well as on the
history of the Assyrians, Chaldeans, Babylonians, Edomites and other Nations.
220. A-6-3-1
Butler, Joseph. [Bishop of Durham.] The analogy of religion, natural and revealed to the
constitution and course of nature. Added two dissertations: I, Of personal identity; II, Of the
nature of virtue. London, 1736, 4to. calf.
221. A-7-2-4
Dottrina christiana, per uso delle Missioni della Giorgia. Tradotta della lingua Italiana in lingua
civile Giorgiana da David Flukaanti. Roma, 1741, 12mo. half roan.
222-223. A-5-6-11, A-5-6-12
Dryden, John. The comedies, tragedies and operas. With an inserted portrait made by hand.
London, 1701, folio, 2 vols. calf. Lowndes, 678.
Now first collected and corrected from the originals.
224-225. A-6-1-13, A-6-1-14
Fenelon. The Adventures of Telemachus. An epic poem from the French with alterations by the
Rev. Mark Anthony Meilan. Second edition. London, W. Wilson, 1792-1794, 4to. 2 vols. calf.
With engraved portrait of the Rev. M. A. Meilan and beautiful plate to each book of the
adventures, J. Barlow, sculps.
226. A-6-3-2
Gospels. Translated into Singalese language by Johann Joachim Fybrants and Henricus Philipsz.
Colombo, 1780.-Letter of Apostel Paulus to the Romans, Corinthians and Gallats. Ephesier,
Phillipenser, Kollosser, Thessalonier, Thimotheus, Titus; Philemon and the Hebrews. Translated
into Singalese language by H. Philipsz. Colombo, 1772-76, 4to. Bound together in 1 vol. leather.
[Native binding.]
227. A-7-2-5
Hamilton, Alexander, [M. D.] .The family physician: or A treatise on the management of female
complaints, and of children early in infancy. First Worcester edition. Worcester, Isaiah Thomas,
1793. 351 p.
228. A-7-2-6
Henry, Matthew. The Communicant's Companion, or, instructions and helps for the right
receiving of the Lord's supper. Tenth edition.
With fine engraved portrait, N. Mors, sculps. Boston, 1731, 12mo.leather.
229-234. A-6-4-3 A-6-4-8
Homer. Iliad. Translated from the Greek with notes by Mr. Pope. London, W. Bowyer, 1715-20,
4to.6 vols. leather.
Lowndes, 1100.
The original Subscription-edition. Illustrated by Vertue with map, vignettes and beautiful portrait
of Homer after an antique marble in the Farnese Palace, Rome. Brilliant impression.
235-239. A-6-4-9 A-6-4-13
Homer. Odysee. Translated from the Greek by Mr. Pope. London, Bemh. Lintot, 1725-26, 4to.5
vols. leather.
I,owndes, 1100.
With portrait, G. Verine. sculps., and frontispiece. P. Fonrdrinier, sculps.
240. A-7-2-7
Magna Charta. History and Defence of Magna Charta, containing a copy of the original charter
at large, with an English translation, also the liberties which are confirmed by the Bill of rights,
etc. To which is added an essay on parliaments, describing this origin in England. London, J.
Bell, 1769, leather.
199. A-5-6-8
Massachusetts-Bay, State of. House of Representatives, Dec. 15. A four-page address. “setting
forth the reason which induced the House to pass an Act for calling in the Bills of Credit emitted
by this Government and obviating the objection that have been made to it," extracted from the
minutes of the House and signed by Samuel Freeman, Clerk. Bound with Articles of
Confederation and perpetual union." [See page 30 .]
241. A-7-3-1
Mather, Cotton. Magnalia Christi Americana; or, The Ecclesiastical History of New England,
from its First Planting in the Year 1620 unto the Year of Our Lord 1698. Title to Book I reads,
The first book of the New English History reporting the design where on, the manner where in,
and the people where by, the several colonies of New England were planted. With a narrative of
many memorable passages relating to the settlement of these plantations and an ecclesiastical
map of the country. By the endeavor of Cotton Mather, London. Printed for Thomas Parkhurst,
at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside near Mercers Chappel, 1702, folio, calf.
Collation: General title, 1 p.+ Title to Book 1 (Antiquities. The First Book, etc.), 1 p.+An
Attestation, 6 pp., unnumbered+A Prefatory Poem, 4 pp., unnumbered+To the Reverd. Mr.
Cotton Mather, 4 pp., unnumbered General Introduction, 10 pp., unnumbered.+The Contents, 2
pp., unnumbered+An Exact Mapp of New England and New York, 2 leaves +The First Book, pp.
1-38+Ecclesiarum Clypei. The Second Book (title-page to Book 2), 1 p.+lntroduction, page
1+The Second Book, pages 2-75 (verso blank)+Polybius. The Third Book (title-page to Book 3),
1 p.+lntroduction, page 1+The Third Book, pages 2-238+Sal Gentium. The Fourth Book (title-
page to Book 4), 1 p.+The History of Harvard Colledge, pages 125-222+Acts and Monuments.
The Fifth Book (title-page to Book 5), 1 p.+The Fifth Book, pages 3-100+Thaumaturgus. The
Sixth Book (title-page to Book 6), 1 p.+The Sixth Book, pages 1-88+Ecclesiarum Prælia. The
Seventh Book (title-page to Book 7),1 p.+lntroduction, page 3+The Seventh Book, pages 4-118+
Books printed for Tho. Parkhurst, 2 leaves.
242-257. A-7-3-2 A-7-3-17
Montfaucon. Antiquity explained, and represented in sculptures. Translated into English by
David Humphreys. London, J. Tonson and J. Watts, 1721-25, folio, 16 vols. leather.
Lowndes, 1590.
258. A-7-2-8
Ovid's Epistles. Translated by several hands. Eight edition with a new translation of three
epistles and several cuts never before published. With frontispiece. London, 1712, calf.
258a. A-5-6-14
Ovid's Metamorphoses in fifteen books translated by the most eminent hands. London, 1717,
folio, calf.
259-265. A-7-3-18 A-7-3-24
Picard, Bernard. Historie generale des ceremonies, moeurs et coutumes religieuses de tous
lespeuples du monde. Representees en 243 figures dessinees de la main de Bernard Picard. Avec
des explications historiques, et curieuses, par M. l'Abbe Banier and M. l'Abbe le Mascrier. Paris,
Rollin et fils, 1741, folio, 7 vols. leather.
I, II, Ceremonies religieuses des Juifs et des Catholiques. III, Ceremonies religieuses des Grec
schismatiques et des Protestans. IV, Ceremonies religieuses des Protestans. V, Ceremonies
religieuses des Mahometans et des Idolâtres.
266. A-5-5-2
Pomai, R. P. Francois. [So J.] Le grand dictionnaire royal I, Francais-Latin-Alleman. II, Latin-
Alleman-Francais. III, Alleman- Francais-Latin. With engraved frontispiece. Fourth edition.
Francfort sur le Main, 1709, 4to. Parchment.
267. A-5-6-13
Royaumont. The History of the Old and New Testament extracted out of Sacred Scripture and
Writings of the Fathers, also the lives, travels, and sufferings of the apostles, with a large and
exact historical chronology of all the affairs and actions related in the Bible. Translated from the
Sieur de Royaumont. London, 1701, folio, calf.
Illustrated with 240 engraved plates, by P. P. Bouche, J. Kip. and others.
Lowndes, 2147.
*ESTC lists Nicolas Fontaine as author
268. A-7-4-1
Santos. - Francisco de los. A description of the Royal Palace, and monastery of St. Laurence,
called the Escurial and of the Chapel Royal of the Pantheon. Translated from the Spanish by
George Thompson. Illustrated with copperplates. London, 1760, 4to. leather.
Lowndes, 2190.
269. A-7-4-2
Sewel. William. History of the rise, increase, and progress of the Christian people called
Quakers, intermixed with several remarkable occurrences. Translated from the Low Dutch. Now
revised and published with some amendments. London, 1722, folio, leather.
Lowndes, 2249.
270-271. A-7-4-3, A-7-4-4
Sophocles. Tragoediae VII quae extant omnia cum veterum grammaticorum scholiis. Ed. Rich.
Fr. Brunck. Greek text with notes. Argentorati, 1786,4to.2 vols.leather.
272-273. A-7-5-1, A-7-4-5
Tasso, Torquato. La Gierusalemme liberata. Edited by N. F. Haym and illustrated with plates by
Vander-Gucht, copied from those in Castelli's edition of 1590. London, 1724, 4to. 2 vols. leather.
Lowndes, 2574.
274-275. A-6-1-15, A-7-5-2
Temple, William. Works. In 2 vols. to which is prefixed the life and character of William
Temple. With portrait, A. Vertue, sculps. London, 1740, folio, half leather. With large margins.
276. A-7-4-6
Testament. Hetnieuw testament. Translated into Telugu language. Colombo, Pieter Bruwaart,
1759,4to. leather. [Native binding.]
277- 280. A-7-4-7 A-7-4-10
Vertot [L'Abbe.] Histoire des chevaliers hospitaliers de S. Jean de Jerusalem appellez depuis les
chevalliers de Rhodes et aujourd 'hui les chevaliers de Malte. With maps and portrait, Cars,
sculps. Paris, 1726, 4 vols. Half calf.
(NJC) A-1-2-11
The history of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire
Edward Gibbon
London: Printed for W. Strahan and T. Cadell, in the Strand, 1776-1788
6 volumes
281-285. A-7-2-9 A-7-2-13
Voltaire. Works. Translated from the French with notes, critical and explanatory by William
Campbell, J. Johnson and others under the direction of W. Kenrick. London, 1779-80, 5 vols.
[complete in 15 vols.] calf.
Comprising the essay on the manners and spirit of Nations. With engraved portrait.
Lowndes, 2791.
286-289. A-8-1-1 to A-8-2-2
Westphalen, Ernest Joach. Monumenta inedita rerum Germanicarum praecipue Cimbricarum et
Megapolensium, quibus varia Antiquitatum, Historicarum, Legum Juriumque Germaniae,
Holsatiae, etc., argmenta illustrantur. Illustrated with numerous portraits and curious
copperplates of Idols, Monuments, Inscriptions, Costume, Arms, etc., etc. Lipsiae, Jo. Christ.
Martin, 1739-45, folio, 4 vols. vellum.
Contain a great deal of curious information on the Antiquities. Laws, and History of Ancient
290. A-7-2-14
Constitution of the State of Massachusetts and that of the United States; the Declaration of
Independence with Washington's Farewell Address. Boston, Printed by Manning and Loring,
1805, 12mo. Half roan.
291. A-7-4-11
Froissart, John. Memoirs of the life of Sir John Froissart. Added: Some account of the
Manuscript of his chronicle in the Elizabethan Library at Breslau and a complete index. Edited
by Thomas Johnes. Dibbs plate. Haford, 1810, 4to. calf.
Lowndes, 843.
This volume forms a supplement to Johnes' Superb Edition of Froissart's Chronicles and has an
index to the four volumes.
292. A-7-5-3
Joinville, Jean, Sieur de. Memoirs containing a history of part of the life of Louis IX. Added:
Notes and Dissertations of M. du Cange on the above; together with the dissertations of M. le
Baron de la Bastic on the life of St. Louis, M. l'Evesque de la Ravaliere and M. Falconet on the
assassins of Syria. Translated by Thomas Johnes. Haford, James Henderson, London, 1807, 4to.
2 vols. in 1. Leather.
Lowndes, 1224.
With engraved frontispiece, map and plates. Contains a history of part of the life of Louis IX,
King of France, surnamed St. Louis, including an account of that King's Expedition to Egypt in
1. JC VIII-3
Abbott, John Stevens Cabot. The history of Napoleon Bonaparte. Illus. por. map. N. Y., Harper
and Brothers, 1855. 2v.
2. JC I-3
A'Beckett, Gilbert Abbott. The comic history of England. Illus. pl. Lond., Bradbury, Evans and
Co., 18-. 624p.
3. JC, LBC I-3
A'Beckett, Gilbert Abbott. The comic history of Rome. Illus. pl. Lond., Bradbury, Evans and
Co., 18-. 308p.
***4. A'Beckett, Gilbert Abbott. ed. George Cruikshank's table-book. Illus. pl. Lond., Punch
Office, 1845. 284p.
***5. Abrantes, Laure Permon (Junot) duchesse d'. Memoirs of Napoleon, his court and family.
Por. N. Y., Appleton, 1873. 2v.
6. JC I-1
Adams, William Henry Davenport. Famous beauties and historic women. Lond., Skeet, 1865. 2v.
7. JC VII-5
Adams, William Henry Davenport. Lighthouses and lightships. Illus. N. Y., Scribner, 1870.
322p. (Illus. lib. of wonders.)
8. JC I-1
Addison, Joseph. Sir Roger de Coverley; by the Spectator; the notes and illustrations by W.
Henry Wills. Illus. Lond., Longman, 1850. 227p.
***9. Adelung, Johann Christoph. Historical sketch of Sanskrit literature with bibliographical
notices. Oxford, D. A. Talboys, 1832. 234p.
***10. Aesop. Fables; with a life of the author. Lond., Stockdale, 1793. 2v.
11. JC V-7
Aikin, Lucy. Memoirs of the court of King Charles the First. 2d ed. Por. Lond., Longman, 1833.
12. JC VIII-9
Aikin, Lucy. Memoirs of the court of King James the First. 2d ed. Por. Lond., Longman, 1822.
13. JC IV-10
Ainsworth, William Francis. ed. All round the world; an illustrated record of voyages, travels,
and adventures in all parts of the globe; illus. by Dore, Berard, Lancelot, Noel, and others. Maps.
N. Y., Putnam, 1873. 820p.
14. JC II-9
Akenside, Mark. Poetical works; ed. by A. Dyce, with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and
Co., 1865. 454p.
15. JC XI-8
Allen, Fred H. Masterpieces of modern German art, with portrait and biographical sketch of each
artist. Pl. por. Bost., Estes and Lauriat, 1884. 2v.
16. JC, LBC I-3
Allen, Paul. History of the American revolution. Por. Bait., Hopkins, 1819. 2v.
Note. This book, though bearing Allen's name on the title page, was written by John Neal and
Mr. Watson.
17. JC XI-8
American Art Review; a journal devoted to the practice, theory, history and archaeology of art.
IIlus. pl. Edition de Luxe. 4v. and 1 vol. proof plates. Bost., Estes and Lauriat, 1880-81. 5v.
18. JC II-10
Amicis, Edmondo de. Holland and its people. Illus. pl. N. Y., Putnam, 1885. 397p.
19. JC, LBC I-3
Anderson, Christopher. Annals of the English Bible. Por. Lond., W. Pickering, 1845. 2v.
20. JC, LBC I-4
d'Arblay, Mme. Frances (Burney). Memoirs or Dr. Burney. Lond., E. Moxon, 1832. 3v.
21. JC, LBC II-2
d' Arblay, Mme. Frances (Burney). Diary and letters; ed. By her niece. Por. Lond., Colburn,
1843-46. 7v.
22. JC II-9
Arnold, Thomas. History of Rome. New ed. Lond., Fellowes 1857. 5v.
23. JC X-6 to X-7
Art Journal. 1849-79. Lond., 1849-79. 35v.
24. JC II-6
Atkinson, Joseph Beavington. Art tour to northern capitals of Europe. N. Y., Macmillan, 1873.
25. JC VIII-7
Atlantic Souvenir. Por. N. Y., Derby and Jackson, 1859.
26. JC, LBC III-5
Audubon, John James. The birds of America from, drawings made in the United States and their
territories. Y. Audubon, 1840-44. 7v.
27. JC, LBC III-5
Audubon, John James and Bachman, John. The quadrupeds of North America. Colored pl. N. Y.,
Audubon, 1849-54. 3v.
28. JC IV-5
Aurelius Antoninus, Marcus, emperor of Rome. Meditations; tr. fr. the Greek with notes and an
account of his life. Glasgow, Foulis, 1752. 288p.
29. JC X-5
Austen, Jane. Novels; with a memoir by her nephew J. E. Austen Leigh. v. 1-5, new ed., v. 6, 4th
ed. Lond., Bentley and Son, 1878-80. 6v.
30. JC, LBC I-4
Autograph leaves of our country's authors; ed. By J. P. Kennedy and A. Bliss. Balt., Cushings
and Bailey, 1864. 200p.
31. JC V-2
Ayre, John. The treasury of Bible knowledge, being a dictionary of the books, persons, places,
events, and other matters of which mention is made in Holy Scripture. New ed. Illus. pl. maps.
Lond., Longmans, 1872. 943p.
32. JC, LBC I-5
Bacon, Francis, viscount St Albans. Works; new ed. by Basil Montagu. Por. Lond., Pickering,
1825-34. 16v. in 17.
33. JC XI-4
Bancroft, George. History of the United States from the discovery of the American continent.
22d ed. Por. Bost. Little, Brown and Co., 1867-74. 10v.
34. JC, LBC I-3
Barbauld, Mrs. Anna Laetitia (Aikin.) Works; with a memoir by Lucy Aikin. Por. Lon .,
Longman, 1825. 2v.
***35. Barham, Richard Harris Dalton. The Ingoldsby legends; or, Mirth and marvels; with illus.
by George Cruikshank, John Leech and John Tenniel. Lond., Bentley, 1870. 514p.
Baring-Gould. See Gould, Sabine Barin;
36. JC VIII-9
Bartlett, William Henry. Footsteps of our Lord and his Apostles in Syria, Greece and Italy: a
succession of visits to the scenes of New Testament narrative. 2d ed. Illus. pl. map. Lond., Hall,
Virtue and Co., 1852. 237p.
37. JC VIII-9
Bartlett, William Henry. Forty days in the desert, on the track of the Israelites; or, A journey
from Cairo, by Wady Feiran, to Mount Sinai and Petra. 2d ed. Illus. pl. map. Lond., Hall, 18-.
38. JC VIII-9
Bartlett, William Henry. Gleanings, pictorial and antiquarian, on the overland route. 2d ed. Illus.
pl. Lond., Hall, Virtue and Co., 1851. 256p.
39. JC VIII-9
Bartlett, William Henry. Jerusalem revisited. Illus. pl. Lond., Hall, Virtue and Co., 1855. 202p.
40. JC I-5
Bartlett, William Henry. The Nile boat; or, Glimpses of the land of Egypt. Illus. pl. N. Y., Harper
and Brothers, 1851. 218p.
41. JC VIII-9
Bartlett, William Henry. The Nile boat; or, Glimpses of the land of Egypt. 3d ed. Illus. pl. Lond.,
Hall, Virtue and Co., 1852. 218p.
42. JC VIII-5
Bartlett, William Henry. Pictures from Sicily. New ed. Illus. pl. map. Lond., Hall, Virtue and
Co., 1859. 200p.
43. JC IV-9
Bartlett, William Henry. Pilgrim fathers; or, The founders of New England in the reign of James
the First. Illus. pl. Lond., Hall, Virtue and Co., 1853. 240p.
44. JC VIII-9
Bartlett, William Henry. The Pilgrim fathers; or, The founders of New England in the reign of
James the First. 2d ed. rev. Illus. pl. Lond., Hall, Virtue and Co., 1854. 240p.
45. JC VIII-9
Bartlett, William Henry. Walks about the city and environs of Jerusalem. 2d ed. Illus. pl. map.
Lond., Hall, Virtue and Co., 18-. 255p.
46. JC VII-8
History of the United States. Pl. maps. N. Y., Virtue, 1856. 3v.
***47. Bartoli, Pietro Sante. Antiquissimi Virgiliani codicis bibliothecae Vaticanre picturre.
Plates. Roma, Apud Venantium Monaldini, 1776.
48. JC V-10
Batty, Robert. Hanoverian and Saxon scenery; from drawings. 60 plates. Lond., R. Jennings,
49. JC II-6
Baxter, George R. Wythen. Humour and pathos; or, Essays, sketches and tales. Illus. Lond.,
Routledge, 1842. 262p.
50. JC IV-1
Beattie, James. Poetical works; with a. memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1865. 315p.
51. JC VIII-10
Beattie, William. Caledonia. Pl. Lond., Virtue, 18-. 2v.
52. JC III-10
Beattie, William. Ports, harbours, watering-places, and coast scenery of Great Britain. Pl. Lond.,
Virtue, 1842. 2v.
53. JC VI-10
Beattie, William. Scotland illustrated. Lond., Virtue, 1838. 2v.
54. JC, LBC II-5
Beaumont, Francis and Fletcher, John. Works; with notes and a biographical memoir by A.
Dyce. Por. Lond., E. Moxon, - 1843-46. 11v.
55. JC I-1
Becker, Wilhelm Adolph. Charicles; or, Illustrations of the private life of the ancient Greeks,
with notes and excursuses; tr. by Frederick Metcalfe. 3d ed. Illus. N. Y., Appleton and Co., 1866.
56. JC I-1
Becker, Wilhelm Adolph. Gallus; or, Roman scenes of the time of Augustus; with notes and
excursuses illustrative of the manners and customs of the Romans; tr. by Frederick Metcalfe. 3d
ed. Illus. N. Y., Appleton and Co., 1866. 535p.
57. JC IX-7
Beecher. Henry Ward. Star papers; or, Experiences of art and nature. N. Y., J. C. Derby, 1855.
58. JC, LBC III-3
Belknap, Jeremy. American biography. Bost.,Thomas, 1794. 2v.
59. JC VI-2
Bell, Robert. ed. Golden leaves from the works of the poets and painters. Illus. Lond., Griffin
and Co., 18-. 392p.
60. JC I-4
Beloe, William. Anecdotes of literature and scarce books. Lond., Rivington, 1806-12. 6v.
61. JC XI-2
Belzoni, Giovanni Battista. Narrative of the operations and recent discoveries in Egypt and
Nubia. 3d ed. Lond., Murray, 1822. 2v.
62. JC VII-10
Berington, Joseph. History of the lives of Abeillard and Heloise; with their genuine letters. 2d ed.
Birmingham, Swinney, 1788. 498p.
63. JC III-10
Berlin Gallery: (The) being a series of views of the principal churches, buildings, monuments,
etc., with a selection of subjects from the Royal picture gallery and other collections. Pl. N. Y.,
Appleton, 18-. 252p.
64. JC III-6
Berry, Mary. Extracts from her journals and correspondence; ed. by Lady Theresa Lewis. 2d ed.
Pl. por. Lond., Longmans, 1866. 3v.
***65. Bewick, Thomas and Bewick, John, illustrators. Select fables; with cuts by Thomas and
John Bewick, and others, previous to the year 1784; with a memoir and descriptive catalogue.
Illus. por. Newcastle, Hodgson, 1820. 332p.
***66. Bible, New Testament. New Testament; illus. with engravings from designs of Fra
Angelico, Pietro Perugino, Francesco Francia and others. Lond., Longman, 1865. 540p.
67. JC I-1
Bigsby, Robert. Old places revisited; or, The Antiquarium enthusiast. Lond., Wright, 1851. 3v.
68. JC VIII-7
Black, Charles Christopher. Michael Angelo Buonarroti, the story of his life and labours. Por. pl.
Lond., Macmillan, 1875. 262p.
69. JC VII-4
Blackie, John Stuart. Homer and the Iliad. Edin., Edmonston and Douglas, 1866. 4v.
70. JC IX-9
Blades. William, ed. The dictes and sayings of the philosophers; a facsimile reproduction of the
first book printed in England by William Caxton, in 1477. Lond., Stock, 1877. unp.
71. JC I-3
Blasis, Carlo. The art of dancing: comprising its theory and practice, and a history of its rise and
progress, from the earliest times; tr. by R. Barton. Pl. Lond., Bull,1830. 548p.+16p.+22p. Half-
title: (The code of Terpsichore.)
72. JC II-6
Blessington, Margaret (Power) Gardiner, countess of. confessions of an elderly gentleman. Por.
Lond., Longman, 1836. 287p.
73. JC II-6
Blessington, Margaret (Power) Gardiner countess of. confessions of an elderly lady. Por. Lond.,
Longman, 1838. 342p.
74. JC V-9
Bloomfield, Georgiana Liddell Bloomfield, 2d baroness. Reminiscences of court and diplomatic
life. Pl. por. N.Y., Putnam, 1883. 2v.
***75. Boccaccio, Giovanni. The Decameron; or, Ten days’ entertainment; including the
suppressed novels; tr. from the Italian; to which are prefixed remarks on the life and writings of
Boccaccio. Por. Lond., Sharp and Son, 1833. 2v.
76. JC IV-5
Boethius, Anicius Manlius Torquatus Severinus. Of the consolation of philosophy; tr. by
Viscount R. Preston. 2d ed. Por. Lond., J. Tonson.1712. 273p.
Boissy, Teresa Gamba. marquise de, See Guiccioli. Teresa Gamba, contessa.
77. JC I-1
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John. 1st viscount. Works; with a life containing additional information
relative to his personal and public character. Phil., Carey and Hart, 1841. 4v.
78. JC II-6
Bombaugh, Charles Carroll. Gleanings for the curious from the harvest-fields of literature; a
melange of excerpta. Por. Hartford. Worthington and Co., 1875. 864p.
79. JC VI-9
Book of birthdays; or, Anniversary poetry of human life. Lond., Darton and Co., 1867. 240p.
80. JC VII-5
Boswell, James. The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. Por. Lond., Pickering, 1826. 4v. (Oxford
Eng. classics.)
81. JC VI-7
Bourne, Henry Richard Fox. Memoir of Sir Philip Sidney. Lond., Chapman and Hall, 1862.
82. JC IV-10
Bowes, James Lord. Japanese marks and seals. Illus. map. Lond., Sotheran and Co., 1882. 379p.
***83. Bowles, William Lisle. Poetical works; ed. with memoir by G. Gilfillan. N. Y., Appleton,
1855. 2v.
84. JC V-9
Bowring, Sir John. The kingdom and people of Siam; with a narrative of the mission to that
country in 1855. Pl. por. Lond., Parker, 1857. 2v.
85. Archives
Brandt, Sebastian. The ship of fools, tr. by Alexander Barclay. Illus. Edin., Paterson, 1874. 2v.
86. JC V-2
Bray, Mrs. Anna Eliza (Kempl) Stothard. Life of Thomas Stothard. Illus. pl. Lond., Murray,
1851. 246p.
87. JC VIII-3
Brewster, Sir David. Letters on natural magic. New ed. by J.A. Smith. Lond., Tegg, 1868. 424p.
***88. Brockedon, William. Finden's illustrations of the life and works of Lord Byron, with
original and selected information on the subjects of the engravings. Pl. Lond., Murray, 1833-34.
89. JC V-10
Brockedon, William. Illustrations of the passes of the Alps. Plates. Lond., W. Brockedon, 1828.
90. JC, LBC I-3
Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre, an autobiography. Lond., Smith, Elder and Co., 1847. 3v.
91. JC IX-9
Brotherhead, William, ed. Book of the signers, containing facsimile letters of the signers of the
Declaration of Independence. Illus. por. Phil., Brotherhead, 1861. 114p.
92. JC X-8
Brotherhead, William, ed. Centennial book of the signers; being facsimile letters of each signer
of the Declaration of Independence; with a history of the Centennial exhibition. Pl. Phil.,
Stoddart, 1872. 295p.
***93. Brough, Robert Barnabas. The life of Sir John Falstaff; illus. by George Cruikshank; with
a biography of the knight from authentic sources. Pl. Lond., Longman, 1858. 196p.
94. JC VIII-2
Brougham and Vaux, Henry Peter Brougham, 1st baron. Historical sketches of statesmen who
flourished in the time of George III. 2d ed. Por. Lond., Knight and Co., 1839-43. 3v.
95. JC VIII-1
Brougham and Vaux, Henry Peter Brougham, 1
baron. Lives of men of letters and science who
flourished in the time of George III. Por. Lond. Knight and Co., 1845-47. 2v.
96. JC X-8
Brougham and Vaux, Henry Peter Brougham, 1
baron and others. Old England's worthies: a
gallery of portraits of the most eminent statesmen, lawyers, warriors, men of letters and science,
and artists of our country; accompanied by biographies. Illus. por. Lond., Sangster and Co., 18-.
***97. Browne, Matthew. Chaucer's England. Illus. por. Lond., Hurst and Blackett, 1869. 2v.
98. JC I-3
Browne, Sir Thomas. Works; including his life and correspondence; ed. by S. Wilkin. Por. fac-
sim. Lond., W. Pickering, 1835-36.4v.
***99. Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth (Barrett). Poems. Por. N. Y., J. Miller. 1856. 5v.
100. JC, LBC I-3
Bryan, Michael. Biographical and critical dictionary of painters and engravers, with the ciphers,
monograms, and marks, used by each engraver; ed. by G. Stanley. New ed. rev. and enl. Pl. por.
Lond., Bohn, 1849. 3v.
101. JC XI-7
Bryant, William Cullen, ed. Picturesque America; or, The land we live in; a delineation by pen
and pencil of the mountains, rivers, etc., of our country. Illus. pl. N. Y., Appleton and Co., 1872-
74. 2v.
102. JC I-1
Buckingham and Chandos, Richard Plantagenet Temple-Nugent-Brydges-Chandos-Grenville, 2d
duke of. Memoirs of…. courts and cabinets…. George III to Victoria. Por. Lond., Hurst and
Blackett, 1855-61. 10v.
103. JC I-2
Buckle, Henry Thomas. History of civilization in England. 3d ed. Lond., Parker, Son, and Bourn,
1861. 2v.
104. JC I-2
Buckle, Henry Thomas. Miscellaneous and posthumous works; ed. with a biographical notice by
Helen Taylor. Lond., Longmans, 1872. 3v.,
***105. Bulfinch, Thomas. Age of chivalry; or, Legends of King Arthur. Pl. Bost., Tilton and
Co., 1863. 414p.
***106. Bulfinch, Thomas. The age of fable; or, Beauties of mythology. Illus. pl. Bost., Tilton
and Co., 1863. 488p.
***107. Bulfinch, Thomas. Legends of Charlemagne; or, Romance of the middle ages. Illus. pl.
Bost., Tilton and Co., 1864. 373p.
***108. Bunsen, Christian Karl Josias, Freiherr von. God in history; or, The progress of man's
faith in the moral order of the world. tr. fr. the German by S. Winkworth. Lond., Longmans,
1868-70. 3v.
109. JC X-8
Bunyan, John. The Pilgrim's progress; with a memoir of the author's life, by Thomas Scott, and
illustrative notes by the editor. Pl. por. Lond., Arnold, 1844. 192p.
110. JC V-10
Burger, Ludwig. ed. Die Hohenzollern in Bild und Wahlspruch. Por. Berlin, Lobeck, 1866. unp.
***111. Burke, Edmund. Works; rev. ed. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866-67. 12v.
***112. Burke, Sir John Bernard. Visitation of the seats and arms of Great Britain. Ser. 1-2. Pl.
Lond., Colburn, 1852-58. 4v.
113. JC IX-9
Burnet, John. A treatise on painting, in four parts, consisting of an essay on the education of the
eye with reference to painting, and practical hints on composition, chiaroscuro, and colour. New
ed. Pl. Lond., Sotheran and Co., 1880. v. p. Burney, Frances. See d' Arblay Mme. Frances
***114. Burns, Robert. Complete works: ed. by A. Cunningham. Illus. Lond., Virtue, 18-. 434p.
115. JC III-10
Burns, Robert. Life and works; ed. by P. H. Waddell. Pl. por. Glasgow, Wilson, 1867. 2v.
116. JC IV-7
Burns, Robert. Poems and songs. Illus. N. Y., Sheldon and Co., 18-. 336p.
117. JC VIII-1
Burns, Robert. Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect. Kilmarnock, Wilson, 1786. 240p.
118. JC VI-6
Burns, Robert. Poetical works; with a sketch of the author's life. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and
Co., 1865. 3v.
119. JC V-9
Burton, John Hill. The history of Scotland from Agricola's invasion to the revolution of 1688.
Edin., Blackwood and Sons, 1867-70. 7v.
120. JC I-8
Burton, William Evans. cd. The cyclopædia of wit and humor; containing choice and
characteristic selections from the writings of the most eminent humorists of America, Ireland,
Scotland and England. Illus. por. N. Y., Appleton and Co., 1867. 2v.
121. JC V-9
Bury, William Coutts Keppel, viscount. Exodus of the Western nations. Lond., Bentley, 1865.
122. JC I-4
Butler, Mrs. Frances Anne (Kemble). A year of consolation. Lond., Moxon, 1847. 2v.
123. JC X-1
Butler, Samuel. Hudibras; ed. by Z. Grey. Illus. por. Camb., J. Bentham, 1744. 2v.
124. JC IV-1
Butler, Samuel. Poetical works; with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 2v.
125. JC, LBC I-5
Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th baron. Childe Harold's pilgrimage, a romaunt. Illus.
Lond., Murray, 1841. 320p.
126. JC IV-1
Byron, George Gordon Noel Byron, 6th baron. Poetical works. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co.,
1866. l0v.
127. JC VIII-2
Calabrella, Baroness de. cd. Evenings at Haddon Hall. Pl. Lond., Colburn, 1846. 453p.
128. JC VI-5
Campan, Mme. Jeanne Louise Henriette (Genest). Memoirs of the private life of Marie
Antoinette. Por. Lond., Colburn and Co., 1823. 2v.
129. JC VI-7
Campbell, John Campbell, baron. Lives of the Lord Chancellors, and Keepers of the Great Seal
of England. 5th ed. Lond., Murray, 1868. 10v.
130. JC XI-4
Campbell, Thomas. Life and times of Petrarch with notices of Boccaccio and his contemporaries.
2d ed. Por. Lond., H. Colburn, 1843. 2v.
131. JC I-9
Campbell, Thomas. Life of Petrarch. Por. Lond., Colburn, 1841. 2v.
132. JC VII-10
Canova, Antonio. Works in sculpture and modelling, engraved by H. Moses, with a biographical
memoir by Count Cicognara, and descriptive notes. Pl. Lond., Chatto and Windus, 1876. 98p.
133. JC VII-9
Carlyle, Thomas. Collected works. Lib. ed. Lond., Chapman and Hall, 1869-72. 30v. and index.
134. JC VII-9
Carlyle, Thomas. Translations from the German; uniform with his coll. works. Lond., Chapman
and Hall, 1871. 3v.
135. JC VI-10
Carne, John. Syria, the Holy Land, Asia Minor, etc., illustrated from drawings by W. H. Bartlett,
William Purser, etc.; descriptions by…Carne. Lond., Fisher, Son, and Co., 1836. 3v. in 2.
136. JC IV-10
Cartoon portraits and biographical sketches of men of the day: drawings by Frederick Waddy.
Lond., Tinsley, 1873. 147p.
137. JC I-9
Cary. Alice and Cary, Phoebe. ed. The Josephine gallery. Por. Phil., Lippincott and Co., 1869.
138. JC I-2
Cassell's illustrated history of England; new and rev. ed., continued to the end of 1873. Illus.
Lond., Cassell, Petter and Galpin, 18-. 9v.
139. JC VI-10
Cats, Jakob and Farlie, Robert. Moral emblems with aphorisms, adages and proverbs, etc., illus.
by John Leighton, tr. and ed. by R. Pigot. N. Y., Appleton, 1860. 240p.
***140. Cattermole, Richard. The great civil war of the times of Charles I and Cromwell. Pl. por.
Lond., Bohn, 1857. 279p.
141. JC IV-5
Caulfield, James. Portraits, memoirs and characters of remarkable persons from the revolution in
1688 to the end of the reign of George II. Por. Lond., H. R. Young, 1819. 4v.
142. JC, LBC I-3
Cavendish, George. Life of Cardinal Wolsey; with notes by S. W. Singer. Por. Chiswick, C.
Whittingham, 1825. 2v.
143. JC VII-5
Cazin, Achille. Phenomena and laws of heat; tr. and ed. by Elihu Rich. Illus. N. Y., Scribner,
1871. 265p
144. JC III-10
Centennial International Exhibition, Philadelphia, 1876.Masterpieces. Illus. pl. Phil., Gebbie and
Barrie, 1876, 3v.
145. JC III-4, continued III-5
Chalmers, Alexander. The British essayists; with prefaces historical and biographical. Por. Bost.,
Little, Brown and Co. 1866. 38v.
146. JC VII-6 to VII-7
Chalmers, Alexander. ed. General biographical dictionary, new rev. and enl. ed. Lond., J.
Nichols and Son, 1812-17. 32v.
147. JC IV-5
Chalmers, Alexander. History of the colleges, halls and public buildings attached to the
University of Oxford, including the lives of the founders. Illus. Oxford, Collingwood, 1810.
148. JC I-2
Chambers, Robert. ed. Biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen. . .with a supplemental
volume continuing the biographies to the present time by Thomas Thomson. New ed. Por.
Glasgow, Blackie, 1855. 5v.
149. JC I-4
Chambers, William and Chambers, Robert. pub. Miscellany of useful and entertaining tracts.
Illus. Edin., Chambers, 1844-47. 20v. in 10.
150. JC XI-6
Champlin, John Denison and Perkins, Charles. comp. Cyclopedia of painters and paintings. Illus.
N. Y., Scribner, 1886-87. 4v.
***151. Chateaubriand, Francois Auguste Rene, vicomte de. The Congress of Verona;
comprising a portion of memoirs of his own times. Lond., R. Bentley, 1838. 2v.
152. JC VIII-4
Chatterton, Thomas. Poetical works, with a memoir. Por. Bost Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 2v.
153. JC XI-5
Chaucer, Geoffrey. Canterbury tales, with an essay on his language and versification, glossary,
etc. by T. Tyrwhitt. Pl. Lond., Pickering, 1830. 5v.
154. JC IX-7
Chaucer, Geoffrey. Romaunt of the rose, Troilus and Creseid, and the minor poems, with life of
Chaucer by Sir Harris Nicolas. Lond., Pickering, 1846. 3v.
155. JC III-4
Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, earl of. Letters; ed. by Lord Mahon. New ed. Por. Lond.,
R. Bentley, 1847-53. 5v.
156. JC VI-6
Child, Francis James. ed. English and Scottish ballads. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 8v.
A-8-3-1 to A-8-3-5
The English and Scottish Popular Ballads
Francis James Child
Houghton, Mifflin and Company: Boston and New York, 1898
5 volumes, Binding breaking vol. 1
***157. Christmas with the poets; a collection of songs, carols, etc. relating . . .to Christmas.
Illus. Lond., D. Bogue, 1855. 202p.
158. JC IV-1
Churchill, Charles. Poetical works; with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 3v.
***159. Cicero, Marcus Tullius. Life and letters. Por. Lond., Bohn, 1854. 828p.
160. JC V-2
Citation and examination of William Shakespeare, Euseby Treen, Joseph Carnaby and Silas
Gough, clerk, before...Sir Thomas Lucy, knight, touching deer-stealing, 1582, with a conference
4 Master Edmund Spenser with the Earl of Essex, touching the state of Ireland, 1595. Lond.,
Saunders and Otley, 1834. 284p.
161. JC, LBC II-8
Clarke, Mrs. Mary Cowden. World-noted women; or, Types of womanly attributes of all lands
and ages. Pl. N. Y., Appleton and Co., 1871. 407p.
162. JC I-1
Clayton, Ellen Creathorne. Queens of song; being memoirs of some of the most celebrated
female vocalists. . . with a chronological list of all the operas that have been performed in
Europe. Por. Lond., Smith, Elder and Co., 1863. 2v.
Clement, Mrs. Clara Erskine. See Waters, Mrs. Clara En kine (Clement).
163. JC XI-7
Colange, Leo de, ed. Picturesque world; or, Scenes in many lands. Illus. pl. Bost., Estes and
Lauriat, 1881. 2v.
164. JC II-1
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Literary remains; collected and ed. by H. N. Coleridge. Lond.,
Pickering, 1836-39. 4v.
165. JC IV-1
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor. Poetical works; with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co.,
1866. 3v.
166. JC, LBC I-2
Collier, John Payne. History of English dramatic poetry to the time of Shakespeare; and annals
of the stage to the time of the Restoration. Lond., J. Murray, 1831. 3v.
167. JC IV-1
Collins, William. Poetical works; with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 222p.
168. JC, LBC I-3
Combe, William. The tour of Dr. Syntax in search of the pic turesque; a poem. 9th ed. Pl. Lond.,
Nattali and Bond,18- 3v.
169. JC V-10
Contemporary American biography. Por. N. Y., Atlantic Pub. and Engraving Co., 1895-99. 2v.
170. JC, LBC I-3
Cook, Dutton. Art in England; notes and studies. Lond., Low, Son, and Marston, 1869. 359p.
171. JC, LBC III-1
Cooper, James Fenimore. Novels. Illus. N. Y. Houghton, 1867-69. 32v.
172. JC VIII-3
Cooper, James Fenimore. Pages and pictures from [his] writings; with notes by Susan Fenimore
Cooper. Illus. por. N. Y., Townsend and Co., 1861. 400p.
173. JC V-10
Coppee, Henry, comp. Gallery of famous English and American poets. Illus. Phil., E. H. Butler
and Co., 1859. 400p.
174. JC X-7
Correggio, Antonio Allegri da and Parmigianino. Frescos; engravings by Paolo Toschi. Pl. Bost.,
Osgood and Co., 1876. unp.
175. JC I-1
Costello, Louisa Stuart. Memoirs of eminent Englishwomen. Por. Lond., Bentley, 1844. 4v.
176. JC I-9
Costello, Louisa Stuart, comp. Rose garden of Persia. Lond., Longman, 1845. 193p.
177. A-6-5-4 Cottafavi, Gaetano. Raccolta delle principali vedute di Roma e suoi contorni. Pl.
Rome, Cuccioni. 18-. unp.
178. JC II-8
Cottle, Joseph. Early recollections chiefly relating to Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Lond., Longman,
1837. 2v. in 1.
179. JC IV-1
Cowper, William. Poetical works; with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1865. 3v.
***180. Cox, George William. The mythology of the Aryan nations. Lond., Longmans, 1870.
181. JC VIII-10
Coxe, Peter. The social day; a poem. Pl. por. Lond., J. Carpenter and Son, 1823. 354p.
Crayon, Geoffrey, pseud. See Irving, Washingto]
182. JC, LBC I-3
Creasy, Sir Edward Shepherd. Memoirs of eminent Etonians; with notices of the early history of
Eton college. Lond., Bentley, 1850. 504p.
183. JC V-10
Crockett, Henry Clay. The American in Europe. N. Y., Lond., Print and Pub. Co., 18-. 216p.
184. JC VI-6
Croker, John Wilson. ed. Johnsoniana; or, Supplement to Boswell. Lond., Murray, 1836. 530p.
185. JC VIII-6
Croker, Thomas Crofton. Fairy legends and traditions of the South of Ireland; new ed. with a
memoir of the author by T. F. D. Croker. Lond., W. Tegg, 1862. 366p.
186. Special Collections NC 1115 R56 1855a
Croly, George. The Holy Land; illus. by D. Roberts. Pl. Lond., Day and Son, 1855. 6v. in 3.
187. JC I-1
Croly, George. Salathiel, a story of the past, the present, and the future. New ed. Lond., Colburn,
1829. 3v.
188. JC IV-6
Cunningham, George Godfrey. ed. Illustrious Englishmen. Por. Glasgow, A. Fullerton and Co.,
1837. 8v.
189. JC I-3
Curtis, George Ticknor. Life of Daniel Webster. 2d ed. Por. N. Y., Appleton, 1870. 2v.
190. JC I-3
Curtius, Ernst. History of Greece; tr. by A. W. Ward. Lond., R. Bentley and Son, 1873. 5v.
191. JC XI-7
Dafforne, James, ed. Pictures by Clarkson Stanfield, with descriptions and a biographical sketch.
Pl. Phil., Lippincott and Co., 18-. 101p.
***192. Dante Alighieri. Vision of hell; tr. by H. F. Cary, with critical and explanatory notes,
life of Dante, and chronology. New ed. illus. by G. Dore. Pl. Lond., Cassell, Petter and Galpin,
18-. 183p.
193. JC VI-7
Dante Alighieri. Vision of purgatory and paradise; tr. by H. F. Carr, with critical and explanatory
notes; illus. by G. Dore. Pl. Lond., Cassell, Petter and Galpin, 18-. 337p.
David, Toussaint Bernard Emeric-. See Emeric-David, Toussaint Bernard.
194. JC VI-7
Davies, Charles Maurice. History of Holland, from the beginning of the tenth to the end of the
eighteenth century. Lond., Parker, 1841-44. 3v.
195. JC X-7
Davillier, Jean Charles. Spain; tr. by J. Thomson; illus. by G. Dore. Pl. N. Y., Scribner, 1876.
196. JC VI-5
DeFoe, Daniel. Novels and miscellaneous works, with a biographical memoir of the author. Por.
Lond., Tegg, 1840-41. 20v.
197. JC VI-9
Dennistoun, James. Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino; illus. the arms, arts and literature of Italy
from 1440-1613. Pl. maps. Lond., Longman, 1851. 3v.
198. JC VII-5
Depping, Guillaume. Bodily strength and skill; tr. fr. the French, and enl. by C. Russell. Illus. N.
Y., Scribner, 1871. 338p.
199. JC VI-6
DeQuincey, Thomas. Works. Por. Edin., Black, 1862-71. 16v.
200. JC I-1
Dermoncourt, General. The Duchess of Berri in La Vendee. Por. Lond., Bull and Churton, 1833.
201. JC IX-6
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. A bibliographical, antiquarian and picturesque tour in France and
Germany. Illus. pl. Lond., Shakespeare press, 1821. 3v.
202. JC IX-6
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. A bibliographical, antiquarian and picturesque tour in the northern
counties of England and in Scotland. Illus. pl. Lond., Richards, 1838. 2v.
203. JC IX-6
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. The bibliographical Decameron; or, Ten days pleasant discourse upon
illuminated manuscripts, and subjects connected with early engraving. Illus. pl. Lond.,
Shakespeare press, 1817. 3v.
204. JC IX-6
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. Bibliomania; or, Book-madness; a bibliographical romance. New and
improved ed. Illus. pl. Lond., Bohn, 1842. 716p.
205. JC IX-6
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. Bibliotheca Spenceriana; or, A descriptive catalogue of the books
printed in the fifteenth century, and of many valuable first editions in the library of George John
Earl Spencer. Illus. Lond., Shakespeare press, 1814-22. 7v.
206. JC IX-6
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. An introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the
Greek and Latin classics; together with an account of Polyglot Bibles. . . Hebrew Bibles, Greek
Bibles. . . the Greek fathers, and the Latin fathers. 4th ed. enl. and rev. Lond., Harding and
Lepard, 1827. 2v.
207. JC IX-6
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. The library companion; or, The young man's guide, and the old man's
comfort in the choice of a library. Lond., Harding, Triphook and Lepard, 1824. 2v.
208. JC IX-6
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. Reminiscences of a literary life. Por. Lond., Major, 1836. 2v.
209. JC IX-6
Dibdin, Thomas Frognall. Typographical antiquities; or, The history of printing in England,
Scotland and Ireland Joseph Ames and William Herbert; enl. with copious notes. Illus. pl. Lond.,
Miller, 1810-19. 4v.
210. JC, LBC 3-5-3
Dickens, Charles. Bleak House; with illus. by H. K. Browne. Lond., Bradbury and Evans, 1853.
211. JC, LBC 3-5-2
Dickens, Charles. The life and adventures of Nicholas Nickleby; with illus. by Phiz. Por. Lond.,
Chapman and Hall, 1839. 624p.
212. JC, LBC 3-5-1
Dickens, Charles. The personal history of David Copperfield; with illus. by H. K. Browne.
Lond., Bradbury and Evans, 1850. 624p.
213. JC IX-7
Dickens, Charles. Works. Pl. Bost., Fields, Osgood and Co., 1867-70. 27v.
214. JC II-6
Dickens, Charles; the story of his life; by the author of the “Life of Thackeray.” Pl. Lond.,
Hatten, 1870. 367p.
215. JC VIII-3
Disosway, Gabriel Poillon. ed. Our excellent women of the Methodist church in England and
America. Por. N. Y., Buttre, 1861. 286p.
***216. D'Israeli, Isaac. Amenities of literature; consisting of sketches and characters of English
literature. Lond., Moxon, 1841. 3v.
***217. D'Israeli, Isaac. Amenities of literature; consisting of sketches and characters of English
literature. 2d ed. N. Y., Langley, 1841. 2v.
***218. D'Israeli, Isaac. Calamities of authors; including some inquiries respecting their moral
and literary characters. Lond., Murray, 1812. 2v. '
***219. D'Israeli, Isaac. Curiosities of literature; with a view of the life and writings of the
author by his son. 14th ed. Por. Lond., Moxon, 1849. 3v.
***220. D'Israeli, Isaac. Curiosities of literature. Ser.1, 7
ed. rev. ser. 2, 2d ed. rev. Lond.,
Murray, 1823-24. 8v.
***221. D'Israeli, Isaac. The literary character; or, The history of men of genius, drawn from
their own feelings and confessions. 4
ed. rev. Lond., Colburn, 1828. 2v.
***222. D'Israeli, Isaac. Miscellanies of literature. New ed. rev. N. Y., Langley, 1841. 352p.
***223. D'Israeli, Isaac. Quarrels of authors; or, Some memoirs for our literary history,
including specimens of controversy to the reign of Elizabeth. Lond., Murray, 1814. 3v.
224. Special Collections DA 28.1 N24 1821
Dodsley, Robert. Chronicle of the kings of England, from William the Norman to the death of
George III. Por. Lond., Fairburn, 1821. 286p.
225. Special Collections DA 28.1 N24 1821a
Dodsley, Robert. Chronicle of the kings of England, from William the Norman to the death of
George III. Por. Lond., Fairburn, 1821. 2v.
226. JC, LBC II-2
Dodsley, Robert. Old English plays; 4th ed. ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. Lond., Reeves and Turner,
1874-76. 15v.
227. JC IV-1
Donne, John. Poetical works; with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 431p.
228. JC, LBC II-5
Doran, John. In and about Drury Lane; and other papers. . pl. Lond., R. Bentley and Son, 1881.
***229. Doran, John. Works. Pl. Lond., Bentley, 1856-69. 12v.
230. JC II-10
Dore, Gustave. Dore Bible gallery, containing one hundred illustrations and a page of
explanatory letter-press facing each. N. Ogilvie, 18-. 100p.
231. JC VI-9
Draper, John William. History of the intellectual development of Europe. N. Y., Harper, 1863.
232. JC IV-1
Dryden, John. Poetical works; with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 5v.
233. JC, LBC II-5
Dryden, John. Works; illus. with notes, historical, critical, explanatory, and a life of the author,
by Walter Scott. Por. Lond., Miller, 1808. 18v.
234. Du Maurier, George. Trilby; with illustrations by the author. N. Y., Harper, 1895. 464p.
235. JC VI-7
Dunton, John. The life and errors of John Dunton; with the lives. . . of . . . contemporary divines,
and. . . selections from his. . . works. Por. Lond., Nichols, Son and Bentley, 1818. 2v.
236. JC VII-9
Duruy, Victor. History of Rome and the Roman people. . the fall of the empire; tr. by W. J.
Clarke; ed. by J. P. Maha Illus. maps. Bost., Estes and Lauriat, 1884-87. 8v. in 16.
237. JC VI-10
Duyckinck, Evert Augustus. National portrait gallery of eminent Americans; portraits from
paintings by Alonzo Chappel; biographical and historical narratives by . . . Duyckinck. N. Y.,
Johnson, Frye and Co., 1861. 2v.
238. JC VI-10
Duyckinck, Evert Augustus. Portrait gallery of eminent men and women of Europe and America.
Por. N. Y., Johnson, Wilson and Co., 1873. 2v.
239. JC X-8
Ebers, Georg. Egypt; descriptive, historical, and picturesque tr. from the German by C. Bell, with
introd. and notes by S. Birch Illus. pl. Lond., Cassell, Petter and Galpin, 1878. 2v.
240. JC VI-2
Ellet, Mrs. Elizabeth Fries Lummis. Queens of American society. Por. N.Y., Scribner and Co.,
1867. 464p.
241. JC, LBC III-5
Elliott, Charles Wyllys. Pottery and porcelain, from early times down to the Philadelphia
exhibition of 1876. Illus. N. Y., Appleton, 1878. 358p.
***242. Ellis. George. cd. Specimens of the early English poets; with a biography of each poet.
Lond., Washbourne , 1845. 3v.
243. JC IX-9
Elmes, James. Memoirs of the life and works of Sir Christopher Wren, with a brief view of the
progress of architecture in England. Por. plans. Lond., Priestley and Weale, 1823. 532+147p.
244. JC VI-7
Elmes, James. Metropolitan improvements; or, London in the nineteenth century: being a series
of views. . . from original drawings by Thos. H. Shepherd, with historical, topographical and
critical illustrations. Pl. Lond., Jones and Co., 1827. 316p.
245. JC X-7
Emeric-David, Toussaint Bernard. A series of studies, designed and engraved after five paintings
by Raphael; with historical and critical notes. American ed. Pl. Bost., Osgood and Co., 1875.
246. JC II-2
Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Works. Bost., Osgood, 1876. 9v.
247. JC I-3
Evelyn, John. Diary and correspondence, with the private correspondence between King Charles
I and Sir Edward Nicholas, ed. by W. Bray. New ed. rev. and enl. Por. Lond., Colburn, 1854. 4v.
248. JC XI-6
Evelyn, John. Silva; or, A discourse of forest-trees, and the propagation of timber in His
Majesty's dominions; [and] The terra: a philosophical discourse of earth, with notes by A.
Hunter. 5th ed. rev. Pl. por. Lond., Colburn, 1825. 2v.
249. JC VI-9
Everett, Edward. Life of George Washington. Por. N. Y., Sheldon & Co., 1860. 348p.
250. JC IV-1
Falconer, William. Poetical works, with a memoir. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 236p.
251. JC V-7
Falkland, Amelia FitzClarence Cary, viscountess. Chow-chow being selections from a journal
kept in India, Egypt, and Syria. Por. Lond., Hurst and Blackett, 1857. 2v.
252. JC VII-2 to VII-3
Family Classical Library. Lond., Valpy, 1830-34. 52v.
253. JC XI-5
Fielding, Henry. Works, with a life of the author. 2d. ed. Por. Lond., A. Millar, 1762. 8v.
254. JC X-8
Finden, Edward. ed. The beauties of Moore; a series of portraits of his principal female
characters, from paintings by eminent artists; with descriptive letterpress. Pl. Lond., Chapman
and Hall, 1846. unp.
255. JC VII-3
Finlay, George. Greece under the Romans; a historical view of the condition of the Greek nation.
. . . B. C. 146 to A. D. 716. 2d ed. Pl. Edin., Blackwood and Sons, 1857. 580p.
256. JC VII-3
Finlay, George. The history of Greece from its conquest by the Crusaders to its conqnest by the
Turks; and of the Empire of Trebizond, 1204-1461. Edin., Blackwood and Sons, 1851. 519p.
257. JC VII-3
Finlay, George. The history of Greece under Othoman and Venetian domination, A. D. 1453-
1821. Edin., Blackwood and Sons, 1856. 367p.
258. JC VII-3
Finlay, George. History of the Byzantine and Greek empires from 716 to 1453. 2d. ed. Illus.
Edin., Blackwood and Sons, 1854. 2v.
259. JC VII-3
Finlay, George. History of the Greek revolution. Edin., Blackwood and Sons, 1861. 2v.
260. JC III-10, plus one volume at V-10
Fisher's drawing room scrap book. Illus.por. Lond., Fisher, Son, and Co., 1835, 1845-47, 1849.
261. JC VIII-5
Floyer, Sir John. tr. Sibylline oracles; tr. fr. the Greek. Lond., J. Nicholson, 1713. 336p.
262. JC VII-5
Fonvielle, Wilfrid de. Thunder and lightning; tr. fr. the French and ed. by T. L. Phipson. Illus. N.
Y., Scribner, 1871. 285p.
263. JC II-3
Foss, Edward. Judges of England. . . and the courts at Westminster from the time of the
Conquest. Lond., Longman, 1848-64. 9v.
264. JC VII-4
Francis, John. Chronicles and characters of the London stock exchange. 2d ed. Lond., Longman,
1851. 360p.
265. JC VII-4
Francis, John. History of the bank of England, its times and traditions. Lond., Willoughby, 18-.
266. JC VII-10
Franklin, Benjamin. Works... with notes and a life of author by Jared Sparks. Pl. Bost., Gray and
Co., 1840.
267. JC VI-9
Friswell, James Hain. The gentle life; essays in aid of the formation of character. Lond., Low,
1870. 406p.
***268. Froissart, Jean, Chronicles of England, France, Spain and adjoining countries from the
latter part of the reign of Edward II to the coronation of Henry IV; tr. from the French by T.
Johnes with a life of the author, an essay and a criticism. Illus. pl. Lond., Routledge and Sons,
1868. 2v.
269. JC IV-5
Froude, James Anthony. Cæsar; a sketch. Pl. map. Lond., Longmans, 1879. 494p.
270. JC VIII-6
Froude, James Anthony. History of England from the fall Wolsey to the defeat of the Spanish
Armada. New ed. Lond., Longmans, 1870. 12v.
271. JC VIII-6
Fuller, Thomas. Church history of England to 1648. 3d. ed. by J. Nichols. Pl. Lond., Tegg, 1842.
272. JC VIII-6
Fuller, Thomas. History of the University of Cambridge and of Waltham Abbey; with the Appeal
of injured innocence; new with notes by J. Nichols. Illus. Lond., Tegg, 1840. 688p.
273. JC VIII-6
Fuller, Thomas. History of the worthies of England; new ed. by P. A. Nuttall. Por. Lond., Tegg,
1840. 3v.
274. JC VIII-6
Fuller, Thomas. The holy state and the profane state; new with notes by J. Nichols. Lond., Tegg,
1841. 463p.
275. JC I-6
Galileo, Private life of; comp. principally from his correspondence and that of his eldest
daughter, Sister Maria Celeste. Por. Lond., Macmillan and Co., 1870. 307p.
276. JC IV-10
Gallery of English and American women famous in song, with an introduction by Henry Coppée.
Illus. Phil., Stoddart, 1875. 576p.
277. JC IV-10
Gallery of famous English and American poets, with an introductory essay by Henry Coppée.
Illus. Phil., Stoddart, 1874. 487p.
278. JC V-10
Gallery of portraits, with memoirs: under superintendence of the Society for diffusion of useful
knowledge. Illus. por. Lond., Knight, 1833-37. 7 vols.
279. JC VII-3
Galloway, William Brown. Egypt's record of time to the Exodus of Israel critically investigated.
Lond., Rivington, 1869. 570p.
280. JC, LBC II-2
Galton, Francis. Hereditary genius; an inquiry into its laws and consequences. Lond., Macmillan,
1869. 390p.
281. JC II-5
Garland, Hugh A. Life of John Randolph of Roanoke. 13
ed. Por. N. Y., Appleton, 1874. 2v.inl.
***282. Gay, John. Fables. v. 1, 3d ed., v. 2, 5th ed. Illus. Lond., Tonson, 1729-55. 2v. in 1.
283. JC IV-1
Gay, John. Poetical works; with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 2v.
284. JC X-8
Gems of the Dresden gallery, comprising the most famous and popular works in the Dresden
collection, with notices of the works and the artists. Pl. Bost., Osgood and Co., 1877. 105p.
285. JC II-4
George, Mrs. Anita. Annals of the queens of Spain from the period of the conquest of the Goths
down to the reign of….Isabel II. Por. N. Y., Baker and Scribner, 1850. 2v.
286. JC XI-5
Gibbon, Edward. The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire; with notes by H. H.
Milman. Map. Lond., Murray, 1838-39. 12v.
287. JC XI-5
Gibbon, Edward. Miscellaneous works, with memoirs of his life and writings, composed by
himself; illus. from his letters with occasional notes and narrative by John, Lord Sheffield. New
ed. enl. Pl. por. Lond., Murray, 1814. 5v.
***288. Gilchrist, Alexander. Life of William Blake, with selections from his poems and other
writings. Illus. pl. por. Lond., Macmillan, 1863. 2v.
289. JC VIII-7
Gladstone, William Ewart. Juventus mundi: the gods and men of the heroic age. Lond.,
Macmillan, 1869. 551p.
290. JC IX-9
Wolfgang von. Works. Por. Lond., Bell and Daldy, 1872-73. 5v.
291. JC IV-1
Goldsmith, Oliver. Poetical works; with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1865.
292. LBC I-5-2 Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield. Lond., Low, 1861. 133p.
293. JC, LBC II-4
Goldsmith, Oliver. Works; ed. by Peter Cunningham. Lond., Murray, 1854. 4v.
294. JC X-8
Gonse, Louis. L'art Japonais. Illus. pl. Paris, Quantin, 1883. 2v.
295. JC VIII-10
Goodrich, Frank Boot. Court of Napoleon; or, Society under the first empire. 3d. ed. Por. N. Y.,
Derby and Jackson, 1858. 416p.
296. JC IV-10
Goodrich, Samuel Griswold. A history of all nations from the earliest periods to the present time.
Illus. map. N. Y., Miller, 1856. 1221p.
***297. Gorling, A. and others, comp. Art treasures of Germany, with portraits of the most
celebrated masters and explanatory and biographical notices. Pl. Bost., Walker and Co., 18-.
298. JC, LBC I-5
Gouffe, Jules. Royal book of pastry and confectionary; tr. fr. the French by A. Gouffe. Illus.
Lond., Low, 1874. 474p.
***299. Gould, Sabine Baring-. Curious myths of the middle ages. Illus. Lond., Rivington, 1868.
2v. in 1.
300. A-6-6-1 Goupil and Co. pub. Salon of 1889. Illus. pl. Paris, Goupil and Co., 1889. v. p.
301. JC IV-1
Gray, Thomas. Poetical works, with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1865. 223p.
302. JC VI-9
Great truths by great authors; a dictionary of aids to reflection. Phil., Claxton, 1868. 564p.
303. JC VII-4
Green, Henry. Shakespeare and the emblem writers. Illus. Lond., Trübner and Co., 1870. 571p.
304. JC II-9
Greville, Charles Cavendish Fulke. Journal of the reigns of King George IV and King William
IV; ed. by Henry Reeve. Por. Lond., Longmans, 1874. 3v.
305. JC X-8
Grindlay, Robert Melville. Scenery, costumes and architecture, chiefly on the western side of
India. Colored plates. Lond., Smith, Elder and Co., 1830. unp.
306. JC II-6
Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. The poets and poetry of America; with additions by R. H. Stoddard;
rev. and enl. ed. Por. N. Y., Miller, 1877. 669p.
307. JC VI-10
Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. The republican court; or, American society in the days of Washington.
Por. N. Y., Appleton, 1855. 408p.
308. JC I-9
Guiccioli, Teresa Gamba, contessa. My recollections of Lord Byron, and those of eye-witnesses
of his life. Lond., Bentley, 1869. 2v.
309. JC VII-5
Guillemin, Amedee Victor. The sun; fr. the French, by A. L. Phipson. Illus. N. Y., Scribner,
1871. 297p.
310. JC I-8
Guinot, Eugene. A summer at Baden-Baden. Illus. Lond., Mitchell, 18-. 299p.
311. JC VIII-5
Guizot. Francois Pierre Guillaume. Memoirs to illustrate the history of my time. Lond., Bentley,
1858-61. 4v.
312. JC VII-4
Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume. Popular history of France; tr. by Robert Black. Illus. Bost.,
Estes and Lauriat, 1869. 6v.
313. JC VIII-7
Gutch, John Mathew. cd. A lytell geste of Robin Hode, with other ancient and modem ballads
and songs relating to this celebrated yeoman, to which is prefixed his history and character. Illus.
pl. Lond., Longman, 1847. 2v.
314. JC I-3
Hall, Samuel Carter. cd. Book of gems: the poets and artists of Great Britain. Illus. Lond.,
Saunders and Otley, 1836-49. 3v.
315. JC XI-7
Hall, Samuel Carter. cd. National gallery; Vernon collection, and a selection from the works of
modern sculptors. Pl. Lond., Virtue and Co., 18-. 3v.
316. JC X-8
Hall, Samuel Carter. cd. Royal gems from the galleries of Europe, with notices biographical,
historical and descriptive. Pl. Lond., Virtue, 18-. 2v.
317. JC VIII-3
Hall, Samuel Carter and Hall, Mrs. Anna Maria Fielding. Ireland; its scenery, character, etc.
Illus. Lond., How and Parsons, 1841-43. 3v.
318. JC VIII-1
Halstead, Caroline Amelia. Richard III, as Duke of Gloucester and King of England. Lond.,
Longman, 1844. 2v.
319. JC XI-6
Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Etching and etchers. 3d ed. Pl. Lond., Macmillan and Co., 1880. 360p.
320. JC XI-8
Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Paris, in old and present times, with especial reference to changes in its
architecture and topography. lllus. pl. Bost., Roberts. 1885. 94p.
321. JC III-10
Hamilton, Anthony, count. Memoirs of Count Grammont, a new tr., with notes and illustrations.
Por. Lond., Harding, 18-. 363+84p.
322. JC IX-4
Hamilton, Anthony, count. Memoirs of Count Grammont, tr. fr. the French with notes and
illustrations. 2d ed. rev. Por. Lond. Longman, 1809. 3v.
323. JC VIII-2
Hanson, Charles Henry. The land of Greece, described and illustrated. Pl. map. Lond., Nelson
and Sons, 1886. 400p.
***324. Harford, John Scandrett; The life of Michelangelo Buonarroti; with tr. of many of his
poems and letters; also memoirs of Savonarola, Raphael, and Vittoria Colonna. Pl. por. Lond.,
Longman, 1857. 2v.
325. JC VI-4
Hartwig. George. The aerial world; a popular account of the phenomena and life of the
atmosphere. Illus. pl. map. Lond., Longmans, 1877. 556p.
326. JC VI-4
Hartwig, George. The polar world; a popular description of man and nature in the arctic and
antarctic regions. Illus. pl. maps. Lond., Longmans, 1874. 548p.
327. JC VI-4
Hartwig. George. The sea, and its living wonders….and the progress of maritime discovery from
the earliest ages to the present time. 5th ed. Illus. pl. map. Lond., Longmans, 1876. 524p.
328. JC VI-4
Hartwig, George. The subterranean world. 3d ed. Illus. pl. maps. Lond., Longmans, 1875. 522p.
329. JC VI-4
Hartwig. George. The tropical world; aspects of man and nature in the equatorial regions. New
ed. Illus. pl. Lond., 1877. 556p.
330. JC VIII-10
Hassard, John Rose Greene. ed. Wreath of beauty. Pl. N. Y., Appleton, 1864. 336p.
***331. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Marble faun. Illus. por. Camb., Riverside Press, 1889. 2v.
332. JC VII-7
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Works. Por. Bost., Fields, 1870. 18v.
333. JC II-5
Hayes, Edward. ed. The ballads of Ireland, collected and ed. with notes historical and
biographical. 5th ed. Pl. Dublin, Duffy, 18-. 2v.
334. JC I-7
Hazlitt, William. Miscellaneous works. N. Y., Derby and Jackson, 1859. 5v.
335. JC VII-8
Hazlitt, William Carew. History of the Venetian empire. Maps. Lond., Smith, Elder and Co.,
1860. 4v.
336. JC X-5
Head, Sir Francis Bond. Bubbles from the brunnens of Nassau. 3d ed. Lond., Murray, 1834.
337. JC I-6
Heath, Charles. Gallery of British engravings. Pl. Lond., Longman, 1836-37. 3v.
338. JC III-10
Heaton. Mrs. Mary Margaret. Masterpieces of Flemish art including examples of the early
German and the Dutch schools, with memoirs of the artists. Pl. Lond., Bell and Daldy, 1869.
339. JC, LBC III-5
Heaton. Mrs. Mary Margaret and Black, Charles Christropher. Leonardo da Vinci, and his
works. Por. pl. Lond., Macmillan, 1874. 302p.
340. JC V-2
Heber. Reginald. bp. Narrative of a journey through the provinces of India. 2d ed. Illus. Lond.,
Murray, 1828. 3v.
341. JC I-4
Heeren, Arnold Hermann Ludwig. Works. Lond., H. G. Bohn,1847-57. 6v.
342. JC IV-1
Herbert, George. Poetical works; with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1865. 308p.
343. A-7-4-12
Herbert, George. Works in prose and verse. Por. Lond., W. Pickering, 1846. 2v.
344. JC VIII-5
Herbert of Lea, Mary Elizabeth Herbert, baroness. Impressions of Spain in 1866. Illus. Lond., R.
Bentley, 1867. 280p.
345. JC VIII-3
Herodotus. The boys' and girls' Herodotus, being parts of the "History" of Herodotus, ed. for
boys and girls, with an introd. by John S. White. Illus. pl. map. N. Y., Putnam’s Sons, 1884.
346. JC IV-1
Herrick, Robert. Poetical works; with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 2v.
***347. Hewitt, John. Ancient armour and weapons in Europe from the iron period of the
northern nations to the end of the thirteenth century. IIlus. Lond., Parker, 1855-60. 3v.
348. JC XI-4
Hinchliff, Thomas Woodbine. Over the sea and far away; being a narrative of wanderings round
the world. Pl. Lond., Longmans, 1876. 416p.
***349. Hogarth, William. Works; with descriptions and a comment on their moral tendency by
J. Trusler and anecdotes of the author and his works by J. Hogarth and J. Nichols. Por. pl. Lond.,
Brain and Co., 18-. 2v.
350. JC XI-1
Holcombe, James Philemon. ed. Literature in letters; or, Manners, art, criticism, biography,
history, and morals illustrated in the correspondence of eminent persons. N. Y., Appleton, 1866.
351. JC V-9
Holland, Saba (Smith) lady. A memoir of the Rev. Sydney Smith; with a selection from his
letters; ed. by Mrs. Austin. 4th ed. Lond., Longman, 1855. 2v.
***352. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, according to the authorized
version, with illus. by Gustave Dore. Pl. Lond., Cassell, Petter and Galpin, 18-. 2v.
353. JC XI-7
Home book of art, containing a series of plates after one hundred classical and popular pictures
by the most famous artists of the world, with descriptive texts. Pl. Bost., Osgood and Co., 1882.
354. JC VIII-8
Homes of American authors; anecdotal, personal and descriptive sketches by various writers.
Illus. N. Y., Putnam and Co., 1853. 366p.
355. JC IV-4
Hone, William. The every-day book; or, The guide to the year. Illus. por. Lond., Tegg, 18-. 2v.
356. JC IV-4
Hone, William. The table book of daily recreation and information, concerning remarkable men
and manners. Illus. Lond., Tegg, 18-. 870p.
357. JC IV-4
Hone, William. The year book of daily recreation and information, concerning remarkable men
and manners. Illus. Lond., Tegg, 18-. 824p.
358. JC IV-1-2
Hood, Thomas. Poetical works; with some account of the author. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and
Co., 1866. 5v.
359. JC IX-4
Horace. Works; with a life by H. H. Milman. Illus. Lond., J. Murray, 1849. 490p.
360. JC II-6
Howitt, William. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets. Illus. Lond., Bentley,
1847. 2v.
361. JC VII-3
Howitt, William. Visits to remarkable places: old halls, battlefields, and scenes illustrative of
striking passages in English history and poetry. Ser. 1 and 2. Illus. Lond., Longman, 1840-42. 2v.
362. JC V-7
Huc, Evariste Regis, abbe. The Chinese empire; forming a sequel to the work entitled
“Recollections of a journey through Tartary and Thibet.” Map. Lond., Longman, 1855. 2v.
***363. Huc, Evariste Regis, abbe. Christianity in China, Tartary and Thibet. Lond., Longman,
1857-58. 3v.
364. JC V-2
Hughes, William. The treasury of geography, physical, historical, descriptive, and political,
containing a succinct account of every country in the world. New ed. Pl. Lond., Longmans, 1872.
***365. Hume, David. The history of England. Pl. por. Lond., Pickering, 1826. 8v.
366. JC X-8
The hundred greatest men; portraits of the one hundred greatest men of history. Por. Lond., Low,
1879-80. 8v. in 4 v.
367. JC II-6
Hunt, James Henry Leigh. Correspondence; ed. by T. Hunt. Por. Lond., Smith, Elder and Co.,
1862. 2v.
368. JC II-8
Hunt, James Henry Leigh. The indicator and companion. Lond., H. Colburn, 1834. 2v.
369. JC V-5
Hunt, James Henry Leigh. Saunter through the West end. Illus. por. Lond., Hurst, 1861. 2v.
370. JC, LBC I-3
Hunt, James Henry Leigh. The town; its memorable characters and events; St. Paul's to St.
James's. Illus. por. pl. Lond., Smith, Elder and Co., 1848. 2v.
371. JC VII-5
Hunt, Robert. ed. Popular romances of the west of England; or, The drolls, traditions, and
superstitions of Old Cornwall. Ser. 1-2. Pl. Lond., Hotten, 1865. 2v.
372. JC I-2
Huth, Alfred Henry. The life and writings of H. T. Buckle. 2d ed. Por. Lond., Low, 1880. 2v.
Ingoldsby, Thomas, pseud. See Barham, Richard Harris Dalton.
373. JC V-7
Irving, David. The lives of the Scottish poets, with preliminary dissertations on the literary
history of Scotland, and the early Scottish drama. 2d ed. rev. Por. Lond., Longman, 1810. 2v.
374. JC VIII-5
Irving, Washington. Bracebridge Hall. Illus. N. Y., Putnam, 1858. 465p.
***375. Irving, Washington. History of New York; by Diedrich Knickerbocker. Illus. N. Y.,
Putnam, 1850. 454p.
376. JC IV-10
Irving, Washington. Life and letters; ed. by P. M. Irving. Por. N. Y., Putnam, 1883. 3v.
(Memorial ed.)
377. JC VI-8
Irving, Washington. Life of George Washington. Pl. por. N. Y., Putnam and Co., 1856-59. 5v.
378. JC VIII-5
Irving, Washington. Sketch book of Geoffrey Crayon. Rev. ed. Illus. por. N. Y., Putnam, 1848.
379. JC VIII-5
Irving, Washington. Tales of a traveller; by Geoffrey Crayon. Illus. N. Y., Putnam, 1850. 456p.
380. JC XI-5
Irving, Washington. Works. Pl. Phil., Lippincott and Co., 1869-70. 27v.
***381. Jabet, George, ed. Poet's pleasaunce; by Eden Warwick. Lond., Longman, 1847. 432p.
382. JC IV-6
Jackson, Catherine Charlotte (Elliott), lady. The court of the Tuileries from the Restoration to the
flight of Louis Philippe. Por. Lond., Bentley, 1883. 2v.
383. JC IV-6
Jackson, Catherine Charlotte (Elliott), lady. The French court and society; reign of Louis XVI
and First Empire. Por. Lond., Bentley and Son, 1881. 2v.
384. JC IV-6
Jackson, Catherine Charlotte (Elliott), lady. Old Paris; court and literary salons. Por. Lond.,
Bentley and Son, 1878. 2v.
385. JC IV-6
Jackson, Catherine Charlotte (Elliott), lady. The old regime; court, salons, and theatres. Por.
Lond., Bentley and Son, 1880. 2v.
386. JC III-6
James, George Payne Rainsford. The history of Charlemagne with a sketch of the state and
history of France from the fall of the Roman empire, to the rise of the Carlovingian dynasty. Pl.
Lond., Longman, 1832. 510p.
387. JC III-6
James, George Payne Rainsford. A history of the life of Edward the Black Prince, and of various
events connected therewith, which occurred during the reign of Edward III, King of England.
Map. Lond., Longman, 1836. 2v.
388. JC III-6
James, George Payne Rainsford. A history of the life of Richard Cœur-de-lion, King of England.
Lond., Saunders and Otley, 1841-49. 4v.
389. JC III-6
James, George Payne Rainsford. ed. Letters illustrative of the reign of William III, from 1696 to
1708, addressed to the Duke of Shrewsbury by James Vernon. Por. Lond., Colburn, 1841. 3v.
390. JC III-6
James, George Payne Rainsford, The life and times of Louis the Fourteenth. 2d ed. Por. Lond.,
Bentley, 1838. 4v.
391. JC III-6
James, George Payne Rainsford. The life of Henry the Fourth, King of France and Navarre. Por.
Lond., Boone, 1847. 3v.
392. JC I-7
James, George Payne Rainsford. Works, rev. and corrected by the author. Pl. Lond., Smith, Elder
and Co., 1844-49. 21v.
393. JC, LBC II-8
Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell (Murphy). Characteristics of women. 24 pl. N. Y., Appleton, 18-.
394. JC V-5
Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell (Murphy). Characteristics of women, moral, poetical, and
historical. 3d ed. rev. and enl. Illus. Lond., Saunders and Otley, 1836. 2v.
395. JC V-5
Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell (Murphy). Commonplace book of thoughts, memories and
fancies. 2d ed. Illus. Lond., Longman, 1855. 371p.
396. JC V-5
Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell (Murphy). Diary of an ennuyée. New ed. Lond., Colburn, 1826.
397. JC II-5
Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell (Murphy). Legends of the Madonna, as represented in the fine
arts. 3d ed. Illus. pl. Lond., Longmans, 1867. 344p.
398. JC II-5
Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell (Murphy). Legends of the monastic orders, as represented in the
fine arts. 4th ed. Illus. pl. Lond., Longmans, 1867. 462p.
399. JC V-5
Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell (Murphy). Romance of biography; or, Memoirs of women loved
and celebrated by poets. 3d ed. Pl. Lond., Saunders and Otley, 1837. 2v.
400. JC II-5
Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell (Murphy). Sacred and legendary art. 5th ed. Illus. pl. Lond.,
Longmans, 1866. 2v.
401. JC V-5
Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell (Murphy). Social life in Germany, illustrated in the acted dramas
of Princess Amelia of Saxony. Lond., Saunders and Otley, 1840. 2v.
402. JC V-5
Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell (Murphy}. Winter studies and summer rambles in Canada. Lond.,
Saunders and Otley, 1838. 3v. in 2.
403. JC II-5
Jameson, Mrs. Anna Brownell (Murphy) and Eastlake, Elizabeth (Rigby), lady. History of our
Lord as exemplified in works of art. 2d ed. Illus. pl. Lond., Longman, 1865. 2v.
404. JC V-7
Jeaffreson, John Cordy. The life of Robert Stephenson. 2d. ed. Por. Lond., Longmans, 1866. 2v.
405. JC, LBC II-2
Jeanne d' Arc, Memoirs of, with the history of her times. Por. Lond., Triphook, 1824. 2v.
406. JC VI-6
Jerrold, Douglas William. Works, with life by W. B. Jerrold. Pl. Lond., Bradbury, Agnew and
Co., 1851. 5v.
407. JC V-3
Jesse, John Heneage. George Selwyn and his contemporaries; with memoirs and notes. Por.
Lond., Bentley, 1843-44. 4v.
408. JC V-3
Jesse, John Heneage. Literary and historical memorials of London. Map. Lond., Bentley, 1847.
409. JC V-3
Jesse, John Heneage. London and its celebrities; a second series of literary and historical
memorials of London. Lond., Bentley, 1850. 2v.
410. JC V-3
Jesse, John Heneage. Memoirs of King Richard the Third and some of his contemporaries; with
an historical drama on the battle of Bosworth. Por. Lond., Bentley, 1862. 531p.
411. JC V-3
Jesse, John Heneage. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts, including
the Protectorate. Pl. Lond., Bentley, 1840. 4v.
412. JC V-3
Jesse, John Heneage. Memoirs of the court of England from the Revolution in 1688 to the death
of George the Second. Por. Lond., Bentley, 1843. 3v.
413. JC V-3
Jesse, John Heneage. Memoirs of the life and reign of King George the Third. Lond., Tinsley
Brothers, 1867. 3v.
414. JC V-3
Jesse, John Heneage. Memoirs of the Pretenders and their adherents. Por. Lond., Bentley, 1845.
415. JC VIII-2
Johnson, Rossiter. cd. LIttle classics. Bost., Osgood and Co. 1875. 16v.
416. JC VI-2
Johnson, Samuel. Lives of the most eminent English poets, with critical observations on their
works; with notes corrective and explanatory by Peter Cunningham. Lond., Murray, 1854. 3v.
417. JC VI-2
Johnson, Samuel. Works. Por. Lond., Pickering, 1825. 11v.
418. JC X-8
Johnston, Elizabeth Bryant. Original portraits of Washington including statues, monuments, and
medals. Pl. Bost., Osgood and Co., 1882. 257p.
419. Special Collections NK 1510 J7 1868
Jones, Owen. The grammar of ornament; illus. by examples from various styles of ornament.
Illus., pl. Lond., Quaritch, 1868. 157p.
420. JC, LBC I-4
Jonson, Ben. Works, with notes critical and explanatory and a biographical memoir by W.
Gifford. Por. Lond., Bickers and Son, 1875. 9v.
421. JC VI-5
Josephus, Flavius. Works; new tr. by R. Traill; ed. with notes by I. Taylor. Illus. Lond., Houlston
and Stoneman, 1851. 2v.
422. JC VIII-7
Kane, Elisha Kent. Arctic explorations; the second Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John
Franklin, 1853-55. Illus. pl. por. Phil., Childs and Peterson, 1856. 2v.
423. JC VIII-4
Kane, Elisha Kent. The United States Grinnell expedition in search of Sir John. Franklin; a
personal narrative. New ed. Illus. pl. por. map. Phil., Childs and Peterson, 1856. 552p.
424. A-6-6-3 Keats, John. Endymion; illus. by W. S. J. Harper. Pl. Bost., Estes and Lauriat,
1888. 141p.
425. JC IV-2
Keats, John. Poetical works; with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 438p.
426. JC IV-8
Keddie, William. ed. Anecdotes, literary and scientific. Illus. N. Y., Routledge and Sons, 18-.
***427. Keightley, Thomas. The fairy mythology, illustrative of the romance and superstition of
various countries. New ed. rev. and enl. Pl. Lond., Bell and Sons, 1882. 560p.
***428. Keightley, Thomas. Mythology of ancient Greece and Italy; 4th ed. ed. by Leonhard
Schmitz. Pl. Lond., Bell and Sons, 1877. 508p.
429. JC VI-2
Keightley. Thomas. Shakespeare-expositor; an aid to the perfect understanding of Shakespeare's
plays. Lond., J. R. Smith, 1867. 431p.
Keppel. William Coutts. viscount Burg, See Burg, William Coutts Keppel. viscount.
430. JC XI-6
Kirkland, Mrs. Elizabeth Stansbury. Book of home beauty, with twelve portraits of American
ladies. N. Y., Putnam, 1852. 145p.
***431. Kitto, John. Gallery of scripture engravings, with descriptions. Pl. Lond., P. Jackson,
18-. 3v.
Knickerbocker. Diedrich, pseud., See Irving, Washington.
432. JC VI-9
Knight, Charles. Half-hours with the best authors; including biographical and critical notices.
New ed. rev. Illus. por. Lond., Warne and Co., 18-. 4v.
433. JC II-3
Knight, Charles. Half-hours with the letter-writers and autobiographers. Lond., G. Routledge and
Sons, 1867-68. 2v.
434. JC VI-4
Knight, Charles. History of England. Illus. pl. Lond., Bradbury, Evans and Co., 1862. 8v.
***435. Koenig, Gustav. Life of Luther in forty-eight historical engravings; with explanations by
Archdeacon Hare; continued by S. Winkworth. 2d ed. Lond., Longman, 1856. 141p.
436. JC XI-8
Kretschmer, Albert and Rohrbach, Carl. Costumes of all nations, from the earliest times to the
nineteenth century. 104 colored plates. Lond., Sotheran and Co., 1882.
437. JC VII-5
Lacombe, Paul. Arms and armour; tr. by C. Boutell. Illus. N. Y., Scribner, 1871. 296p.
***438. Lacroix, Paul. The arts in the middle ages, and at the period of the renaissance. Illus. pl.
N. Y., Appleton, 1875. 520p.
439. JC, LBC III-3
Lacroix, Paul. The 18th century; its institutions, customs and costumes: France, 1700-1789. Illus.
pl. Lond., Chapman and Hall. 1876. 489p.
***440. Lacroix, Paul. Manners, customs and dress during the middle ages and during the
renaissance period. Illus. pl. N. Y., Appleton, 1876. 554p.
***441. Lacroix, Paul. Military and religious life in the middle ages, and at the period of the
renaissance. Illus. pl. N. Y., Appleton, 1876. 504p.
442. JC, LBC III-3
Lacroix, Paul. Science and literature in the middle ages, and at the period of the renaissance. Pl.
N. Y., Appleton, 1878. 552p.
443. JC II-3
Lamb, Charles and Lamb, Mary. Tales from Shakespeare with twelve illustrations from the
Boydell gallery. Lond., Bickers and Son, 1876. 386p.
***444. The land we live in: a pictorial and literary sketch-book of the British empire. Lond.,
Knight, 18-. 4v. in 2.
445. JC VI-2
Landor, Walter Savage. Imaginary conversations of literary men and statesmen. 2d ed. rev. and
enl. Por. Lond., Colburn, 1826-29. 5v.
446. JC VII-5
Lanoye, Ferdinand Tugnot de. Rameses the Great; or, Egypt 3300 years ago; tr. fr. the French.
Illus. N. Y., Scribner, 1870. 296p.
447. JC VII-5
Lanoye, Ferdinand Tugnot de. Sublime in nature. Illus. N. Y. Scribner, 1871. 344p.
448. JC VIII-3
La Villemarque, Theodore Claude Henri Hersart. vicomte de. Ballads and songs of Brittany; tr.
by Tom Taylor. Illus. Lond., Macmillan, 1865. 239p.
449. JC V-6
Lecky. William Edward Hartpole. History of England in the eighteenth century. Lond.,
Longmans, 1878-82. 4v.
450. JC V-6
Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. History of European morals, from Augustus to Charlemagne.
2d ed. Lond., Longmans, 1869. 2v.
451. JC V-6
Lecky, William Edward Hartpole. History of the rise and influence of the spirit of rationalism in
Europe. 3d ed. Longmans, 1866. 2v.
452. JC VII-5
Lefevre, Andre. Wonders of architecture; tr. from the French by R. Donald. Illus. N. Y.,
Scribner, 1871. 264p.
***453. Legend of St. Ursula and her companions; with illuminated miniatures taken from the
church of S. Ursula at Cologne. Lond., J. C. Hotten, 1869. 120p.
454. JC VII-5
Le Pileur, A. Human body; tr. fr. the French. Illus. N. Y., Scribner, 1871. 256p.
455. JC V-9
Le Sage, Alain Rene. The adventures of Gil Blas of Santillane; a new translation. 3d ed. Pl.
Lond., Osborne, 1766. 4v.
456. JC VIII-2
Lichtenstein, Marie, princess. Holland House. 2d ed. Por. Lond., Macmillan, 1874. 2v.
457. JC V-2
Lindley, John and Moore, Thomas, ed. The treasury of botany; a popular dictionary of the
vegetable kingdom. New and rev. ed. Illus. pl. Lond., Longmans, 1874. 2v.
458. JC I-6
Lingard, John. History of England, from the first invasion by the Romans to the accession of
William and Mary in 1688. Por. Bost., Estes and Lauriat, 1883. 10v.
459. JC XI-1
Lockhart, John Gibson, tr. Ancient Spanish ballads, historical and romantic. New ed. rev. Illus.
Lond., Murray, 1842. unp.
460. JC VI-8
Lockhart, John Gibson. Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott. Pl. por. Edin., Black, 1870.
461. JC VIII-10
Lodge, Edmund. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. . . with biographical and
historical memoirs. Por. Lond., Harding and Lepard, 1835. 12v. in 6.
462. JC II-10
London interiors, with their costumes and ceremonies. Illus. Lond., G. Virtue, 1841. 126p.
London, Zoological society. See Zoological Society, London.
463. JC II-6
Longacre, James Barton and Herring, James, ed. National portrait gallery of distinguished
Americans. Por. Phil., Longacre, 1837-40. 4v.
464. JC IV-2
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Complete works. Rev. ed. Por. Bost., Ticknor and Fields, 1866.
***465. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Poetical and prose works; with biographical sketch by
Octavius B. Frothingham. Illus. pl. por. Host., Houghton, 1879-83. 3v.
***466. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Tales of a wayside inn. Por. Bost., Ticknor and Fields,
1866. 160p.
467. JC I-8
Lossing, Benson John. American centenary; a history of the progress of the. . . .United States
during the first one hundred years of its existence. Pl. Phil., Porter, 1876. 617p.
468. JC I-5
Lossing, Benson John. The Hudson from the wilderness to the sea. Illus. N. Y., Virtue and
Yorston, 1866. 464p.
469. JC II-6
Lossing, Benson John. Mount Vernon and its associations, historical, biographical, and pictorial.
Illus. por. pl. N. Y., Townsend and Co., 1859. 376p.
470. JC VII-8
Lossing, Benson John. Washington and the American republic. Pl. por. N. Y., Virtue, 1870. 3v.
471. JC VIII-2
Lowell, James Russell. Poetical works. New rev. ed. Illus. por. Bost., Osgood, 1877. 406p.
472. JC VIII-2
Lubke, Wilhelm. Ecclesiastical art in Germany; tr. fr. the 5th Ger. ed. by L. A. Wheatley. 4th ed.
Illus. Edin., J. C. Jack, 1877. 299p.
473. JC IV-4
Lubke, Wilhelm. History of sculpture from the earliest ages to the present time; tr. by F. E.
Bunnett. 2d ed. Illus. Lond., Smith, Elder and Co., 1878. 2v.
474. JC VIII-1
Lubke, Wilhelm. Outlines of the history of art; ed. by Clarence Cook. Illus. N. Y., Dodd, 1878.
475. JC VIII-10
Lyell, Sir Charles. Principles of geology; or, The modern changes of the earth and its inhabitants.
11th rev. ed. Illus. pl. maps. N. Y., Appleton, 1873-74. 2v.
476. JC I-5
Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton, Bulwer-Lytton, 1st baron. Leila; or, The siege of Granada:
and Calderon, the courtier. Pl. por. Lond., Longman, 1838. 400p.
477. JC V-7 to V-8
Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 1st baron. Novels. Edin., Blackwood and
Sons, 1859-66. 42v.
478. JC VIII-3
Lytton, Edward Robert Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 1
earl. Lucile. Illus. pl. Bost., Osgood and Co.
1885. 332p.
479. JC, LBC I-3
Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1
baron. Lays of ancient Rome. New ed. Illus. Lond.,
Longmans, 1867. 210p.
480. JC VI-9
Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1
baron. Works; ed. by Lady Trevelyan. Por. N. Y.,
Appleton, 1866. 8v.
481. JC I-8
McGregor, Robert B. The Byron gallery of engravings illustrating Lord Byron's works, with
selections from his poems. N. Y., R. M. Martin, 1849. 122p.
482. JC VIII-5
Mackay, Charles. ed. The illustrated book of Scottish songs from the 16th to the 19th century;
new ed. rev. by Charles Rogers. Illus. Lond., Houlston and Wright, 1867. 336p.
483. JC VI-10
Maclise, Daniel. Gallery of illustrious literary characters (1830-1838) drawn by Maclise and
accompanied by notices chiefly by William Maginn; ed. by W. Bates. Lond., Chatto and Windus,
1873. 239p.
484. JC III-10
Magazine of Art. Illus. Lond., Cassell, Petter and Galpin, 18-, 2v.
485. JC VIII-2
Mahmut. Letters written by a Turkish spy, who lived five-and-forty years undiscovered at Paris,
1637-1682. New ed. Por. Lond., Vernon and Hood, 1801. 8v.
486. JC X-5
Malcolm, Sir John. Sketches of Persia, from the journals of a traveller in the East. New ed.
Lond., Murray, 1828. 2v.
487. JC X-7
Mapei, Camillo. Italy, classical, historical, and picturesque; preceded by an introductory essay on
the recent history and present condition of Italy and the Italians. Pl. Lond., Blackie and Son,
1864. 164p.
488. JC VII-5
Marion, Fulgence. Wonderful balloon ascents; or, The conquest of the skies; fr. the French. Illus.
N.Y., Scribner, 1870. 218p.
489. JC VII-5
Marion, Fulgence. Wonders of optics; tr. and ed. by C. W. Quinn. Illus. N. Y., Scribner, 1871,
490. JC VI-9
Martial, Marcus Valerius. The epigrams of Martial tr. into English prose, each accompanied by
one or more verse translations from the works of English poets. Lond., Bell and Daldy, 1865.
491. JC IV-2
Marvell, Andrew. Poetical works; with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 335p.
492. JC V-1
Matthews, Mrs. Anne (Jackson). Memoirs of Charles Matthews, comedian. Por. Lond., Bentley,
1838. 4v.
493. JC V-2
Maunder, Samuel. The biographical treasury; a dictionary of universal biography; new ed. rev.
by W. L. R. Cates. Pl. Lond., Longmans, 1873. 1282p.
494. JC V-2
Maunder, Samuel. The scientific and literary treasury; new ed. rev. by J. Y. Johnson. Pl. Lond.,
Longmans, 1872. 820p.
495. JC V-2
Maunder, Samuel. The treasury of history; comprising a general introductory outline of universal
history, ancient and modern. New ed. Pl. Lond., Longmans, 1872. 960p.
496. JC V-2
Maunder, Samuel. The treasury of knowledge and library of reference; new ed. rev. by B. B.
Woodward and others. Pl. Lond., Longmans, 1873. 899p.
497. JC V-2
Maunder, Samuel. The treasury of natural history; or, A popular dictionary of zoology; new ed.
rev. by T. S. Cobbold. Illus. Lond., Longmans, 1873. 798p.
498. JC VIII-1
Meadows, Kenny. Heads of the people; or, Portraits of the English drawn by Meadows with
essays by Douglas Jerrold and others. Lond., Willoughby and Co., 1841. 2v.
499. JC VII-5
Menault, Ernest. Intelligence of animals; fr. the French. Illus. N. Y., Scribner, 1871. 363p.
500. JC VI-3
Menzel, Wo1fgang. German literature; tr. by Thomas Gordon Oxford, Talboys, 1840. 4v.
Meredith, Owen, pseud. See Lytton, Edward Robert Lytton Bulwer-Lytton, 1st earl.
***501. Merle d' Aubigne, Jean Henri. History of the Reformation in the sixteenth century.
Illus., pl. Glasgow, Collins, Sons and Co., 1871. 724p.
502. JC, LBC I-4
Meteyard, Eliza. Life of Josiah Wedgwood, from his private correspondence and family papers,
with an introductory sketch of the art of pottery in England. Illus. por. Lond., Hurst and Blackett,
1865-66. 2v.
***503. Metternich-Winneburg, Clemens Wenzel Lothar, Reichfürst von. Memoirs, 1773-1829,
ed. by Prince Richard Metternich; tr. by Mrs. Alexander Napier. Por. Lond., Bentley and Son,
1880-81. 4v.
504. JC VII-5
Meunier, Amedee Victor. Adventures on the great hunting grounds of the world. Illus. N. Y.,
Scribner, 1870. 297p.
505. JC IV-4
Meyer, Julius. Antonio Allegri da Cocreggio; ed. by Mrs. M. M. Heaton. Por. pl. Lond.,
Macmillan, 1876. 304p.
***506. Michaud, Joseph Francois. History of the crusades; tr. fr. the French by W. Robson. 2d
ed. Maps. Lond., Routledge and Co., 1852. 3v.
507. JC XI-5
Milman, Henry Hart. The life of Edward Gibbon, Esq., with selections from his correspondence,
and illustrations. Por. Lond., Murray, 1839. 455p.
***508. Milton, John. Paradise lost; ed. with notes and a life of Milton, by R. Vaughan. Illus. by
G. Dore. Pl. Lond., Cassell, Petter, and Galpin, 18-. 329p.
***509. Milton, John. Paradise lost; with illus. by J. Martin. Pl. Lond., Washbourne and Co.,
1853. 373p.
510. JC IV-2
Milton, John. Poetical works; with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown, and Co., 1866. 3v.
511. JC VII-4
Mishna. Eighteen treatises from the Mishna; tr. by D. A. de Sola and M. J. Raphall. Lond.,
Sherwood, 1843. 368p.
512. JC VIII-10
Mitchell, Mrs. Lucy Myers (Wright). History of ancient sculpture. Illus. N. Y., Dodd, Mead, and
Co., 1883. 766p.
***513. Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin de. Dramatic works; tr. by H. Van Laun. Por. Edin., W.
Paterson, 1875-76. 6v.
514. JC VII-5
Monnier, Marc. Wonders of Pompeii; tr. fr. the French. Illus. N. Y., Scribner, 1871. 250p.
515. JC IX-7
Montagu, Basil. comp. Selections from the works of Taylor, Latimer, Hall, Milton, etc. 4th ed.
Lond., Pickering, 1834. 340p.
***516. Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de. Essays; tr. by C. Cotton; ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. Por.
Lond., Reeves and Turner, 1877. 3v.
***517. Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de. Works; tr. and ed. by W. Hazlitt. New ed. Lond.,
Templeman, 1865. 660p.
518. JC IV-2
Montgomery, James. Poetical works; with a life. Por. Bost., Little, Brown, and Co., 1865. 5v.
519. JC II-9
Moore, Frank, ed. American eloquence; a collection of speeches and addresses, by the most
eminent orators of America, with biographical sketches and illustrative notes. Por. N. Y.,
Appleton and Co., 1872. 2v.
***520. Moore, J. S. ed. The pictorial book of ancient ballad poetry of Great Britain, historical,
traditional, and romantic; together with a selection of modern imitations and translations. New
ed. Illus. Lond., Bell and Daldy, 1860. 870p.
***521. Moore, Joseph West. Picturesque Washington; pen and pencil sketches of its scenery,
history, traditions, etc. Illus. map. Providence, Reid, 1884. 308p.
522. A-6-6-2 Moore, Sir Thomas. Lalla Rookh; an oriental romance. Illus. Bost., Estes and
Lauriat, 1885. 273p.
523. JC IV-9
Moore, Sir Thomas. Lalla Rookh, an oriental romance. 20
ed. Pl. Lond., Longman, 1842. 396p.
524. JC III-3
Moore, Sir Thomas. Memoirs, journal and correspondence; ed. by John Russell. Por. Lond.,
Longman, 1853-56. 8v.
525. JC IV-2
Moore, Sir Thomas. Poetical works; with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1865. 6v.
526. JC VIII-10
Moore, William F., ed. Representative men of Massachusetts, 1890-1900. Por. Everett, Mass.
Pub. Co., 1898. 491p.
527. JC IV-4
Morley, Henry. Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. Illus. Lond., Chapman and Hall, 1859. 506p.
528. JC VIII-6
Motley, John Lothrop. History of the United Netherlands: from the death of William the Silent to
the twelve years' truce-1609. Por. map. N. Y., Harper, 1868-69. 4v.
529. JC VIII-6
Motley, John Lothrop. The rise of the Dutch republic; a history. Por. N. Y., Harper, 1868. 3v.
530. JC X-8
Naphegyi, Gabor. Album of language, illustrated by the Lord’s prayer in one hundred languages.
Phil., Lippincott, 1869. 324p.
531. JC VII-8
Napier, Mark. Memoirs of the Marquis of Montrose. Por Edin., Stevenson, 1856. 2v.
532. JC VII-8
Napier, Mark. Memorials and letters illustrative of the life and times of John Graham, of
Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee. Por. Edin., Stevenson, 1859-62. 3v.
533. JC VI-3
Napier, Sir William Francis Patrick. Life and opinions of General Sir Charles James Napier. Por.
Lond., Murray, 1857. 4v.
Nathan ben Saddi. pseud. See Dodsley, Robert.
534. A-6-5-2
New England historic-genealogical society. Memoir of Edward Everett. Pl. por. Bost., N. E.
hist.-genealog. soc., 1865. 97p.
535. JC VIII-8
New general biographical dictionary, projected and partly arranged by H. J. Rose. Lond.,
Fellowes, 1850. 12v.
536. JC, VIII-1
New York Central Park, Description of. Illus. N.Y., F. J. Huntington and Co., 1869. 206p.
537. JC, LBC II-3
Nichols, John. Literary anecdotes of the eighteenth century. Por. Lond., Nichols, 1812-15. 9v.
538. JC, LBC II-3
Nichols, John and Nichols, John Bowyer. Literary history the eighteenth century. Por. Lond.,
Nichols, 1817-58. 8v.
539. JC II-8
Niebuhr, Barthold Georg. Collected lectures; tr. and ed. by Leonhard Schmitz. Por. Lond.,
Walton and Maberly, 1852-53. 8v.
540. JC II-8
Niebuhr, Barthold Georg. History of Rome; tr. by J. C. Hare and C. Thirlwall. New ed. Lond.,
Walton and Maberly, 1855-60. 3v.
541. JC II-8
Niebuhr, Barthold Georg. Life and letters and selections from his minor writings; ed. and tr. by
Susanna Winkworth, with essays on his character and influence. 2d ed. Lond., Chapman and
Hall, 1852. 3v.
542. JC IV-10
Nolan, Edward Henry. The history of the war against Russia. Por. pl. maps. Lond., Virtue and
Co., 18-. 7v.
543. JC II-6
North, Roger. The lives of the Right Hon. Francis North, Barol Guilford. . . the Hon. Sir. Dudley
North, . . . and the Hon. and Rev. Dr. John North; a new ed. with notes and illus., historical and
biographical. Por. Lond., Colburn, 1826. 3v.
544. JC, LBC I-3
Northcote, James. One hundred fables, original and selected; ser. 1-2. Illus. por. Lond., Lamford,
1828-33. 2v.
545. JC X-8
Old England: a pictorial museum of regal, ecclesiastical, baronial municipal, and popular
antiquities. Illus. pl. Lond., Knight and Co., 1845. 2v.
***546. Omar Khayyam. Rubáiyát; rendered into English verse by Edward Fitzgerald, with an
accompaniment of drawings by Elihu Vedder. Bost., Houghton, Miffiin and Co., 1886.
547. JC, LBC I-3
Palliser, Mrs. Fanny Bury. History of lace. 2d ed. illus. Lond., Sampson, Low and Marston,
1869. 442p.
548. JC II-10
Palmer, Henrietta Lee. Stratford gallery; or, The Shakespeare sisterhood. Pl. N. Y., Appleton,
1859. 302p.
549. JC V-3
Pardoe Julia. City of the Magyar; or, Hungary and her institutions in 1839-40. Lond., Virtue,
1840. 3v.
550. JC V-3
Pardoe Julia. Episodes of French history, during the consulate and the first empire. Por. Lond.,
Hurst and Blackett, 1859. 2v.
***551. Parker, William Burckhardt. Lares and penates; or, Cilicia and its governors; ed. by W.
F. Ainsworth. Illus. Lond. Ingram, Cooke and Co., 1853. 394p.
552. JC IV-4
Parkes, Joseph and Merivale, Herman. Memoirs of Sir Philip Francis, K. C. B., with
correspondence and journals. Por. Lond., Longmans, Green and Co., 1867. 2v.
553. JC V-6
Parkman, Francis. The conspiracy of Pontiac, and the Indian war after the conquest of Canada.
6th ed. rev. and enl. Map. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1870-74. 2v.
554. JC V-6
Parkman, Francis. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. Map. Bost., Little, Brown
and Co., 1877. 463p.
555. JC V-6
Parkman, Francis. The discovery of the great West. 6
ed. Map. Bost., Little, Brown and Co.,
1872. 425p.
556. JC V-6
Parkman, Francis. The Jesuits in North America in the seventeenth century. 7th ed. Map. Bost.,
Little, Brown and Co., 1872. 463p.
557. JC V-6
Parkman, Francis. The old regime in Canada. Map. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1875. 448p.
558. JC V-6
Parkman, Francis. The Oregon trail; sketches of prairie and Rocky Mountain life. 5th ed. rev.
Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1873. 381p.
559. JC V-6
Parkman, Francis. Pioneers of France in the new world. 10
ed. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and
Co., 1874. 427p.
560. JC IV-2
Parnell, Thomas. Poetical works and Poetical works of Thomas Tickell, with a memoir. Por.
Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1865. 2v. in 1.
561. JC, LBC I-2
Passavant, Johann David. Raphael of Urbino, and his father Giovanni Santi. Pl. Lond.,
Macmillan, 1872. 313p.
***562. Patrician; ed. by J. Burke, 1846-48. V. 1-6. Lond., E. Churton, 1846-48. 6v.
563. JC III-10
Payne, Albert Henry. Book of art, with the celebrated galleries of Munich. . . with descriptive
text and a history of art. Pl. Dres., Payne, 19-. 3v.
564. JC I-3
Peaks, passes and glaciers; being excursions by members of the Alpine Club. Ser. 1, 4th ed., ed.
by J. Ball; ser. 2, ed. by E. S. Kennedy. Illus. pl. map. Lond., Longman, 1859-62, 3v.
565. JC V-5
Pepys, Samuel. Diary and correspondence, with a life and notes by Richard Lord Braybrook. 5th
ed. Por. Lond., Colburn, 1854. 4v.
566. JC, LBC III-3
Perrot, Georges and Chipiez, Charles. History of art in Chaldea and Assyria; tr. from the French
and ed. by W. Armstrong. Illus. pl. Lond., Chapman and Hall, 1884. 2v.
567. JC V-10
Petherick, John and Petherick, Mrs. B. H. Travels in Central Africa, and explorations of the
western Nile tributaries. Illus. pl. por. Lond., Tinsley Brothers, 1869. 2v.
568. JC VII-3
Philip, Robert. Life and times of George Whitfield. Por. Lond., G. Virtue, 1838. 588p.
569. JC VII-3
Philip, Robert. Life, times and characteristics of John Bunyan. Por. Lond., T. Ward and Co.,
1839. 596p.
570. A-6-5-1
Photographs of noted rulers, nobles, statesmen, authors, etc. 2v.
***571. Photographs of paintings. (Each vol. contains about 50 photographs. No. title pages or
text.) 5v.
***572. Pictures and portraits, of the life and land of Burns. Pl. por. Lond., Virtue, 1840. 96p.
***573. Pigot, Richard. The life of man; illus. by John Leighton. Lond., Longmans, 1866. 240p.
574. JC VII-5
Pigott, Grenville. Manual of Scandinavian mythology, cont. a popular account of the two Eddas
and of the religion of Odin. Lond., W. Pickering, 1839. 370p.
575. JC VIII-3
Plutarch. The boys' and girls' Plutarch; being parts of the "Lives," ed. for boys and girls, with an
introd. by John S. White. Illus. pl. maps. N. Y., Putnam's Sons, 1884, 468p.
***576. Poe, Edgar Allen. Lenore. Pl. Bost., Estes and Lauriat, 1886. unp.
577. JC VIII-4
Polko, Frau Elise (Vogel). Reminiscences of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy; tr. fr. the German by
Lady Wallace. Por. Lond., Longmans, 1869. 251p.
***578. Pollok, Robert. The course of time, a poem; with a memoir of the author. 14th ed. N. Y.,
M'Elrath and Bangs, 1832. 32 and 240p.
579. JC VIII-4
Pope, Alexander. Poetical works, with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 3v.
580. JC, LBC II-5
Porter, Whitworth. Knights of Malta, or, The order of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem. Pl.
Lond., Longman, 1858. 2v.
581. JC VI-4
Prescott, William Hickling. Works. Por. Phil., Lippincott, 1869-70. 15v.
582. A-6-5-5
Principali vedute di Roma e suoi d'intorni, disegnate e incise da valenti artisti Pl. Rome, Cesarj,
1857. unp.
583. JC, LBC II-4
Prior, James. Life of Oliver Goldsmith. Lond., Murray, 1837. 2v.
584. JC VIII-4
Prior, Matthew. Poetical works, with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 2v.
585. JC I-10, continued II-10
Punch and London Charivari. 1841-82. v.1-83. Lond., 1841-82. 83v. in 42.
***586. Pyne, William Henry. The history of the royal residences of Windsor Castle, St. James's
Palace, Carlton House, etc. Pl. Lond., Dry, 1819. 3v.
587. JC VII-8
Rabelais, Francois. The romance of Gargantua and Pantagruel; tr. by Sir T. Urquhart. Pl. Edin.,
Stevenson, 1838. 501p.
588. JC VII-5
Radau, Rodolphe. Wonders of acoustics; tr. from the French; rev. by Robert Ball. Illus. N. Y.,
Scribner, 1870. 267p.
589. JC V-3
Raikes, Thomas. Portion of his journal kept from 1831 to 1847, comprising reminiscences of
social and political life in London and Paris. Por. Lond., Longman, 1856-57. 4v.
590. JC IV-10
Rand, John C. comp. One of a thousand; biographical sketches of one thousand representative
men. . . of Massachusetts, 1888-89. Por. Bost., First Nat. Pub. Co., 1890. 707p.
591. JC VII-4
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, ed. Memoirs, correspondence, and private papers of Thomas
Jefferson, late president of the United States. Por. Lond., Colburn and Bentley, 1829. 4v.
592. JC VIII-8
Random truths in common things. Lond., Religious tract soc. 18-. 360p.
593. JC I-3
Ranke, Franz Leopold von. History of the popes; tr. by E. Foster. Por. Lond., Bell and Sons,
1876. 3v.
***594. Raspe, Rudolph Erich. Adventures of Baron Munchausen; ed. by T. T. Shore. 3d ed.
rev. Illus. by G. Dore. Lond., Cassell, Petter and Galpin, 18-. 216p.
595. JC III-5
Rawlinson, George. The five great monarchies of the ancient eastern world; or, The history,
geography and antiquities of Chaldæa, Assyria, Babylon, Media and Persia, collected and
illustrated from ancient and modern sources. Illus. map. Lond., Murray, 1862. 4v.
596. JC III-5
Rawlinson, George. Historical evidences of the truth of the Scripture records. Lond., Murray,
1859. 551p.
597. JC III-4
Rawlinson, George. History of Herodotus. New ed. Por. Lond., Murray, 1862. 4v.
598. JC III-5
Rawlinson, George. Manual of ancient history, fr. the earliest times to the fall of the Western
empire. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1869. 580p.
599. JC V-5
Reade, William Winwood. The veil of Isis; or, The mysteries of the Druids. Lond., Skeet, 1861.
600. JC VI-3
Redding, Cyrus. Fifty years' recollections, literary and personal. 2d rev. ed. Lond., Skeet, 1858.
601. JC VI-3
Redding, Cyrus. Memoirs of remarkable misers. Lond., Skeet, 1863. 2v.
602. JC II-6
Redgrave, Richard and Redgrave, Samuel. Century of painters of the English school, with
critical notices of their works and an account of the progress of the art in England. Pl. por. Lond.,
Smith, Elder and Co., 1866. 2v.
603. JC V-9
Reeve, Lovell Augustus, ed. Portraits of men of eminence in literature, science, and art, with
biographical memoirs. Por. Lond., Reeve and Co., 1863-66. 6v. in 3.
604. JC V-1
Retrospective review; 1820-26, ser. 1, v. 1-14; 1827-28, ser. 2, v. 1-2; 1853-54, new ser. v. 1-2.
Lond., Baldwin, 1820-54. 18v.
605. JC IV-4
Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Literary works; with a memoir of the author by H. W. Beechey. Por.
Lond., Cadell, 1835. 2v.
606. JC VI-9
Richardson, Fredericka, compo The Iliad of the East: a selection of legends drawn from
Valmiki's Sanskrit poem, the Ramayana. Lond., Macmillan and Co., 1870. 315p.
607. JC, LBC I-5
Rimmel, Eugene. Book of perfumes. 5th ed. Illus. Lond., Chapman and Hall, 1867. 266p.
608. JC V-2
Rimmer, Alfred. About England with Dickens. Illus. Lond., Chatto and Windus, 1883. 307p.
609. JC V-2
Rimmer, Alfred. Our old country towns. Illus. Lond., Chatto and Windus, 1881. 319p.
610. JC V-2
Rimmer, Alfred. Rambles round Eton and Harrow. Illus. Lond., Chatto and Windus, 1882. 290p.
611. JC VIII-5
Roberts, William. History of letter-writing to the fifth century. Lond., Pickering, 1843. 700p.
612. JC III-6
Robertson, William. Works; to which is prefixed an account of the life and writings of the author
by Dugald Stewart. V. 1-3 new ed. v. 4-5 2d ed. Por. Lond., Longman, 1845-69. 6v.
613. JC, LBC I-4
Robinson, Henry Crable. Diary, reminiscences and correspondence; sel. and ed. by T. Sadler. 2d
ed. Por. Lond., Macmillan, 1869. 3v.
614. JC VII-3
Robinson, William. Biblical studies. Map. Lond., Longmans, 1866. 356p.
615. JC III-10
Rogers, Augustus C. ed. Sketches of representative men, north and south. Por. N. Y., Atlantic
Pub. Co., 1872. 612p.
616. JC VIII-10
Rogers, Samuel. Italy, a poem. Pl. Lond., Moxon, 1838. 274p.
617. JC VIII-10
Rogers, Samuel. Poems. Pl. Lond., Moxon, 1838. 266p.
618. JC VIII-7
Rollin. Charles. The method of teaching and studying the belles lettres; or, An introduction to
languages, poetry, rhetoric, history, moral philosophy, physics, etc. . . . tr. from the French. 11th
ed. rev. Lond., Otridge, 1810. 3v.
619. JC VI-7
Roscoe, Thomas. Tourist in Spain. Illus. pl. Lond., Jennings and Co., 1835-38. 4v.
***620. Roscoe, William. Life of Leo X; 4th ed. rev. by T. Roscoe. Por. Lond., Bohn, 1846. 2v.
621. JC VII-4
Roscoe, William. Life of Lorenzo de' Medici, called the Magnificent. 7th ed. rev. by T. Roscoe.
Pl. por. Lond., Bohn, 1846. 540p.
622. JC IV-10
Rose, Thomas. Westmoreland, Cumberland, Durham and Northumberland. Pl. Lond., Fisher,
1832. 220p.
623. JC IX-9
Rousselet, Louis. India and its native princes; travels in Central India; rev. and ed. by Lieut.-Col.
Buckle. Illus. pl. maps. Lond., Chapman and Hall, 1875. 579p.
624. JC VIII-7
Ruskin, John. Modern painters. Pl. N. Y., Wiley, 1878-79. 5v.
625. JC VIII-7
Ruskin, John. Seven lamps of architecture. Pl. N. Y., Wiley, 1880. 206p.
626. JC VIII-7
Ruskin, John. Stones of Venice. Illus. pl. N. Y., Wiley, 1880. 3v.
627. JC VII-4
Russell, Rachel (Wriothesley) Russell. lady. Letters. Lond., Longman, 1853. 2v.
628. JC VI-10
Rutter, Henry. Life, doctrine and sufferings of . . . Jesus Christ; added the Acts of the apostles
rendered into blank verse by C. C. Pise. Pl. N. Y., Martin, 1844. 581p.
629. JC III-10
Saint John, James Augustus. Lives of celebrated travellers. Lond., Colburn and Bentley, 1831-
32. 3v.
630. JC V-3
St. John, Spenser. Life in the forests of the far East. Pl. maps. Lond., Smith, Elder and Co., 1862.
631. A-6-5-3
St. Petersbourg en photographie. n. t. p. unp.
632. JC IV-5
St. Pierre, Jacques Henri Bernardin de. Paul and Virginia, with an original memoir of the author.
Illus. pl. Lond., Orr, 1839. 306p.
633. JC VIII-3
Saintine, Boniface Joseph Xavier. called. The myths of the Rhine, tr. from the French by M.
Schele de Vere; illus. by Gustave Dore. N. Y., Scribner, 1875. 423 p.
634. JC V-6
Sanford, John Langton and Townsend, Meredith. Great governing families of England. Map.
Edin., Blackwood, 1865. 2v.
635. JC IV-10
Sartorius, Carl. Mexico; landscapes and popular sketches, ed. by Dr. Gaspey. Illus. N. Y., F.
Lange, 18-. 202p.
636. JC VI-9
Saunders, Frederick. Festival of song; a series of evenings with the poets. N. Y., Bunce and
Huntington, 1866. 376p.
637. JC VII-5
Sauzay, Alexandre. Wonders of glass-making. Illus. N. Y., Scribner, 1870. 325p.
638. JC IX-5
Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von. Works; tr. from the German by A. J. W. Morrison. Por.
Lond., Bell and Daldy, 1872-73. 4v.
639. JC II-5
Schlosser, Friedrich Christoph. History of the eighteenth century, and of the nineteenth till the
overthrow of the French empire, with particular reference to mental cultivation and progress; by
D. Davison. Lond., Chapman and Hall, 1843-52. 8v.
***640. Schonheiten Sammlung; Gallerie von sechs und dreissig weiblichen Bildnissen aus
verschiedenen Ständen und Nationalitäten...gemalt von Joseph Stieler. Por, München, Piloty and
Loehle, 18-. 38pl.
***641. Shroeder, John Frederick. Life and times of Washington. Illus. por. N. Y., Johnson, Fry
and Co., 1857. 2v.
642. JC VIII-4
Scott, Sir Walter. Poetical works with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 9v.
643. JC III-3
Scott, Sir Walter. Waverley novels. Illus. pl. Edin., Cadell, 1842-47. 12v.
644. JC VI-8
Scott, Sir Walter. Works. Pl. Edin., Black, 1847-69, 4v.
645. JC IX-9
Searing, A. E. P. Theland of Rip Van Winkle: a tour through the romantic parts of the Catskills:
its legends and traditions. Illus. N. Y., Putnam, 1884. 147p.
646. JC VIII-9
The Seven Sages ed. fr. a ms. in the library of Cambridge University by T. Wright. Lond., Percy
Soc., 1845. 116p.
***647. Sevigne, Marie de Rabutin Chantal, marquise de. Letters; ed. by Mrs. S. J. Hale. N. Y.,
Mason Bro., 1859. 438p.
648. JC XI-4
Shakespeare, William. Pictorial edition of his works, ed. by Charles Knight. Illus. Lond., Knight
and Co., 1839. 8v.
649. JC VIII-4
Shakespeare, William. Poetical works, with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866.
650. JC XI-6
Sheldon, George William. American painters. Enl. ed. Pl. N. Y., Appleton, 1881. 228p.
651. JC IX-9
Sheldon, George William. Hours with art and artists. Pl. N. Y., Appleton and Co., 1882. 184p.
652. JC VIII-9
Shelley, Mrs. Mary (Wollstonecraft), and others. Lives of the most eminent French writers. Phil.,
Lea and Blanchard, 1840. 2v.
***653. Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Poetical works; ed. by Mrs. Shelley, with a memoir. Por. Bost.,
Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 4v.
654. JC I-5
Shepherd, Thomas H. Metropolitan improvements; or, London in the 19th century, from
drawings by Shepherd; notes by J. Elmes. Lond., Jones and Co., 1827. 174p.
655. JC VIII-10
Shepherd, Thomas H. Modern Athens displayed in a series of views; or, Edinburgh in the
nineteenth century; fr. the original drawings. Lond., Jones and Co., 1829. 88p.
656. JC, LBC II-3
Shirley, James. Dramatic works and poems; with notes by W. Gifford; additional notes and some
account of Shirley and his writings by A. Dyce. Por. Lond., J. Murray, 1833. 6v.
657. JC, LBC II-3
Simpson, Sir George. Narrative of a journey round the world, during the years 1841 and 1842.
Por. map. Lond., Colburn, 1847. 2v.
658. JC II-9
Skelton, John. Poetical works, with a memoir. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 3v.
659. JC, LBC I-4
Smiles, Samuel. Lives of the engineers, with a history of their principal works. Illus. por. Lond.,
Murray, 1862-5. 4v.
***660. Smith, Adam. Wealth of nations; ed. by J. E. T. Rogers. Por. Oxford, Clarendon Press,
1869. 2v.
661. JC V-7
Smith, Sydney. Works. 2d ed. Por. Lond., Longman, 1840. 3v.
662. JC IV-5
Smollett, Tobias George. History of England. Oxford, W. Pickering, 1827. 5v.
663. JC VII-7
Smollett, Tobias George. Works; with memoirs of his life; prefixed the Commencement and
progress of romance by J. Moore. Por. Lond., B. Law, 1797. 8v.
664. JC I-3
Snorro Sturleson. The Heimskringla; or, Chronicle of the kings of Norway; tr. from the Icelandic
with a dissertation by S. Laing. Lond., Longman, 1844. 3v.
665. JC VII-5
Sonrel, L. Bottom of the sea; tr. and ed. by E. Rich. Illus. N. Y., Scribner, 1870. 402 p.
666. JC V-1
South, Robert. Sermons. New ed. Oxford, Univ. Press., 1842. 5v.
667. JC VIII-9
Southey, Robert. Common-place book. ser. 1-4; ed. by J. W. Warter. Lond., Longman, 1850. 4v.
668. JC II-1
Southey, Robert. The doctor. Por. Lond., Longman, 1834-47. 7v.
669. JC XI-1
Southey, Robert. Life of Nelson; twelve illus. by Westall. Lond., Bickers and Son, 1877. 351p.
670. JC IV-2
Southey, Robert. Poetical works, with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 10v.
***671. Southgate, Henry, comp. Many thoughts of many minds; selections. Lond., Griffin and
Co., 1870. 682p.
672. JC, LBC I-4
Sparks, Jared. The Life of Washington. Pl. por. map. Bost., Andrews, 1856. 2v.
673. JC VII-5
Specimens of the old masters. n. t. p. 50pl.
***674. The Spectator; with a biog. and crit. preface and explanatory notes. Lond., Routledge,
18-. 4v.
675. JC IV-3
Spenser, Edmund. Poetical works, the text. . . revised and illustrated with notes original and
selected by Francis J. Child. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 5v.
676. JC V-2
Spenser, Edmund. Works; ed. by J. P. Collier. Por. Lond., Bickers and Son, 1873. 5v.
677. JC II-10
Spofford, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth (Prescott). Art decoration applied to furniture. Illus. pl. N. Y.,
Harper, 1878. 237p.
678. JC III-10
Sprague, William Buel, ed. Women of the Old and New Testaments; a series of portraits with
characteristic descriptions. Illus. N. Y., Appleton, 1850. 229p.
679. JC VI-3
Stebbing, Henry. Lives of the Italian poets. 2d enl. ed. Lond., Bull, 1832. 3v.
680. JC VI-2
Stephen, Sir James. Lectures on the history of France. 3d ed. enl. Lond., Longman, 1857. 2v.
681. JC VIII-5
Sterne, Lawrence. Works; with a life of the author written by himself. Por. Lond., Strahan, 1780.
***682. Stieler, Karl, and others. Italy from the Alps to Mount Etna; ed. by Thomas A. Trollope.
Illus. pl. N. Y., Scribner, 1877. 468p.
683. JC X-7
Stieler, Karl, and others. The Rhine from its source to the sea; tr. by G. C. T. Bartley, from the
German. Illus. pl. Phil., Lippincott and Co., 1878. 373p.
684. JC V-1
Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the queens of England from the Norman conquest; new ed. rev. and
enl. Por. Lond., Longmans, 1871. 8v.
685. JC VI-8
Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the queens of Scotland and English princesses. Illus. Edin.,
Blackwood, 1850-59. 8v.
686. JC VI-1
Strickland, Agnes. Queens of England. New ed. Por. N. Y., Appleton, 1852. 323p.
687. JC XI-7
Strutt, Joseph. Complete view of the dress and habits of the people of England, from the
establishment of the Saxons in Britain to the present time; ed. by J. R. Planché. Pl. Lond., Bohn,
1842. 2v.
***688. Sue, Marie Joseph Eugene. Mysteries of Paris. Lond., Chapman and Hall, 1845-46. 3v.
689. JC IV-2
Surrey, Henry Howard, earl of. Poetical works; with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and
Co., 1866. 190p.
690. JC VIII-4
Swift, Jonathan. Poetical works, with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 3v.
***691. Swinburne, Algernon Charles. William Blake; a critical essay. Illus. Lond., J. C. Hotten,
1868. 304p.
692. JC V-7
Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. History of English literature; tr. fr. the French by H. Van Laun.
Lond., Chatto and Windus, 1875. 4v.
693. JC I-5
Taine, Hippolyte Adolphe. Tour through the Pyrenees; tr. by J. S. Fiske and illus. by G. Dore. N.
Y., Holt, 1875. 523p.
694. JC II-10
Tallis, John and Co., pub. History and description of the Crystal palace, and the exhibition of the
world's industry in 1851. Pl. Lond., Tallis and Co., 18-. 2v.
***695. Tasso, Torquato. Jerusalem delivered; tr. into English Spenserian verse, with a life of
the author, by J. H. Whiffen. 5
ed. Por. Lond., Bohn, 1854. 500p.
696. JC XI-7
Taylor, Bayard, ed. Picturesque Europe: a delineation by pen and pencil of the natural features
and the picturesque and historical places of Great Britain and the Continent. Illus. pl. N. Y.,
Appleton and Co., 1875-79. 3v.
***697. Taylor, Bayard. Poems. Por. Bost.. Ticknor and Fields, 1866. 419p.
698. JC IV-9
Taylor, John. Records of my life. Por. Lond., E. Bull, 1832. 2v.
699. JC VI-6
Taylor, William Cooke. Memoirs of the House of Orleans. Por. Lond., R. Bentley, 1849. 3v.
700. JC VIII-4
Taylor, William Cooke. Memoirs of the House of Orleans, including sketches and anecdotes of
the most distinguished characters in France during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Por.
Lond., R. Bentley, 1849. 3v.
701. JC V-10
Taylor, William Cooke. National portrait gallery of eminent personages, chiefly of the nineteenth
century, with memoirs. Por. Lond., Jackson, 18-. 4v.
702. JC VII-5
Telfer, John Buchan. Crimea and Transcaucasia; narrative of a journey. Illus. maps. Lond., H. S.
King, 1876. 2v.
***703. Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1st baron. A dream of fair women. Illus. pl. Bost., Osgood,
and Co., 1880. 103p.
***704. Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1st baron. Idylls of the king; illus. by C. Dore. Lond.,
Moxon and Co., 1868. v. p.
***705. Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1st baron. The May queen. Illus. Lond., Low, 1861. 39p.
***706. Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, 1st baron. Works. Por. Lond., Strahan and Co., 1872-73.
707. JC IX-4
Thackeray, William Makepeace. Works. Illus. pl. Lond., Smith, Elder and Co., 1869. 22v.
708. JC I-9
Thausing, Moriz. Dürer, his life and works; ed. by F. A. Eaton. Pl. por. Lond., Murray, 1882. 2v.
709. JC I-6
Thiers, Marie Joseph Louis Adolphe. History of the consulate and the empire of France under
Napoleon; tr. by D. F. Campbell. Por. Lond., Colburn, 1845-61. 20v in 10. Sequel to "the history
of the French revolution."
710. JC VIII-4
Thomson, James, Poetical works, with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 2v.
711. JC VIII-4
Thomson, Mrs. Katherine (Byerley). Memoirs of the Jacobites of 1715 and 1745. Por. Lond., R.
Bentley and Son, 1845-46. 3v.
712. JC VIII-8
Thomson, Mrs. Katherine (Byerley) andThomson, John Cockburn. The queens of society, by
Grace and Philip Wharton. 3rd ed. Pl. Lond., Routledge and Sons, 1867. 575p.
713. JC VIII-8
Thomson, Mrs. Katherine (Byerley) and Thomson, John Cockburn. The wits and beaux of
society, by Grace and Philip Wharton. 3d ed. Pl. Lond., Routledge and Sons, 1867. 508p.
714. JC, LBC I-4
Thornbury, John Walter. The life of J. M. W. Turner, R. A., founded on letters and papers
furnished by his friends and fellow academicians. Por. Lond., Hurst and Blackett, 1862. 2v.
715. JC VIII-7
Thornbury, John Walter. Old and new London. . . its history, people and places. Illus. Lond.,
Cassell, 18-. 4v.
***716. Thucydides. History of Thucydides; tr. into English…with. . . annotations. . . and a life
of Thucydides. . . by S. T. Bloomfield. Lond., Longmans, 1829. 3v.
717. JC VIII-3
Ticknor, George. Life, letters and journals. 7th ed. Por. pl. Bost., Osgood and Co., 1877. 2v.
718. JC I-8
Ticknor, George. Life of William Hickling Prescott. Pl. por. Bost., Ticknor and Fields, 1864.
***719. Tower Menagerie; comprising the natural history of the animals contained in that
establishment. Illus. Lond., R. Jennings, 1829. 241p.
720. JC VI-2
Tozer, Henry Fanshawe. Researches in the highlands of Turkey; including visits to Mounts Ida,
Athos. . . . to the Mirdite Albanians. . . with notes on the ballads, tales, and classical superstitions
of the modem Greeks. Pl. map. Lond., Murray, 1869. 2v.
***721. Universal songster. Lond., Jones and Co., 18-. 3v.
722. JC VIII-4
Vaughan, Henry. Poetical works, with a memoir. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 307p.
723. JC II-5
Vertue, George. Anecdotes of painting in England, with some account of the principal artists and
incidental notes on other arts; ed. by Horace Walpole, with additions by J. Dallaway. Por. pl.
Lond., Major, 1828. 5v.
724. JC VII-5
Viardot, Louis. Wonders of Italian art. Illus. N. Y., Scribner, 1870. 343p.
725. JC II-2
Viardot, Louis and others. Brief history of the painters of all schools. Illus. Lond., Low,
Marston, Searle, and Rivington, 1877. 467p.
726. JC XI-6
Victoria, queen of Great Britain. Leaves from the journal of our life in the Highlands, from 1848
to 1861; and an account of earlier visits to Scotland, and tours in England and Ireland, and
yachting excursions; ed. by Arthur Helps. Illus. pl. Lond., Smith, Elder, and Co., 1868. 198p.
727. JC II-6
Vincent, Frank. Land of the white elephant. Illus. map. Lond., Low, 1873. 316p.
728. Virgil. Æneid; tr. into Eng. verse by J. Conington. N. Y., W. Widdleton, 1867. 482p.
729. JC I-5
Virgil. Works; tr. by J. Dryden. 3d ed. Illus. Lond., J. Touson, 1709. 3v.
730. JC V-7
Waagen, Gustav Friedrich. Treasures of art in Great Britain Lond., Murray, 1854. 4v.
731. JC, LBC II-2
Walpole, Horace. 4th earl of Orford. Catalogue of the royal and noble authors of England,
Scotland and Ireland, with lists of their works; enl. and continued to 1806, by T. Park. Por.
Lond., J. Scott, 1806. 5v.
732. JC, LBC III-4
Walpole, Horace, 4th earl of Orford. Works. Por. Lond., Colburn, 1840-59. 25v.
733. JC I-8
Walsh, Robert. Constantinople, and the scenery of the seven churches of Asia Minor. Illus. by T.
Allom. Lond., Fisher, Son and Co., 18-. 2v.
734. JC, LBC I-2
Walton, Izaak. Complete angler, . . . and Instructions how to angle, . . . by Charles Cotton, with
original memoirs and notes by Sir Harris Nicolas. Illus. por. pl. Lond., Pickering, 1836. 2v.
735. JC XI-8
Waring, John Burley. Masterpieces of industrial art and sculpture, at the International exhibition,
London, 1862. Pl. Lond., Day and Son, 1863. 3v.
736 JC XI-8
Washington, George. Pres. of the U. S. Fac-simile of his account with the United States
commencing June, 1775, and ending June, 1783. Por. n. p. 1857. 66p.
737. JC II-6
Waters, Mrs. Clara Erskine (Clement). Handbook of legendary and mythological art. 11th ed.
Illus. N. Y., Hurd and Houghton, 1877. 510p.
738. JC II-6
Waters, Mrs. Clara Erskine (Clement). Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers, and their works.
4th ed. mus. N. Y., Hurd and Houghton, 1877. 661p.
739. JC VI-5
Watts, Alaric Alfred. ed. The literary souvenir; or, Cabinet of poetry and romance. Pl. Lond.,
Hurst, Robinson and Co., 1825-35. 11v.
740. JC IV-3
Watts, Isaac. Poetical works, with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 476p.
741. JC II-5
Webster, Daniel. Works. 15th ed. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1869. 6v.
742. JC II-6
Wells, William Vincent. Life and public services of Samuel Adams. Por. Bost., Little, Brown
and Co., 1865. 3v.
***743. Westwood, John Obadiah. Palreographia sacra pictoria; being a series of illustrations of
the ancient versions of the Bible, copied from illumined manuscripts. Pl. Lond., Smith, 1843-45.
744. JC X-7
Wey, Francis. Rome; with an introd. by W. W. Story. Illus. pl. map. N. Y., Appleton, 1873.
Wharton. Grace, pseud. See Thomson, Mrs. Katherine (Byerley).
Wharton, Philip. pseud. See Thomson, John Cockburn.
745. JC VI-2
Wheeler, James Talboys. Geography of Herodotus, developed, explained and illustrated. Maps.
Lond., Longman, 1854. 607p.
746. JC IX-9
Wheeler, James Talboys. History of the imperial assemblage at Delhi, held on the 1st January,
1877, to celebrate the assumption of the title of Empress of India by Her Majesty the Queen,
including historical sketches of India and her princes past and present. Por. pl. maps. Lond.,
Longmans. 18-. 248p.
747. JC VIII-4
White, Henry Kirke. Poetical works, with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1865.
748. JC VIII-2
Whittier, John Greenleaf. ed. Songs of three centuries. New rev. ed. mus. Bost., Osgood, 1877.
749. JC X-8
Wilkie gallery: a selection of the best pictures of Sir David Wilkie, with notices biographical and
critical. Por. pl. Lond., Virtue, 18-. unp.
750. JC VII-4
Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner. Manners and customs of the ancient Egyptians. Ser.1-2. Illus.
Lond., Murray, 1837-41. 6v.
751. JC III-5
Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner. Modern Egypt and Thebes. mus. Lond., Murray, 1843. 2v.
752. JC I-4
Williams, D. E. The life and correspondence of Sir Thomas Laurence. Pl. por. Lond., Colburn
and Bentley, 1831. 2v.
753. JC III-3
Williams. George. The Holy City, Jerusalem; 2d ed. including an architectural history of the
church of the Holy Sepulchre, by R. Willis. Illus. Lond., J. W. Parker, 1849. 2v.
754. JC I-7
Williams, Robert Folkestone. Lives of the English cardinals, including historical notices of the
papal court from Nicholas Breakspear to Thomas Wolsey. Lond., Allen and Co., 1868. 2v.
755. JC V-10
Willis, Nathaniel Parker. American scenery; or, Land, lake, and river illustrations of transatlantic
nature. Pl. Lond., Virtue, 1840. 2v.
756. JC XI-6
Willis, Nathaniel Parker, and Coyne, Joseph Sterlin. Scenery and antiquities of Ireland; illus. by
W. J. Bartlett. Lond., Virtue. 18-. 2v.
757. JC IV-6
Willmott, Robert Eldridge Aris. comp. Poets of the 19
century, with English and American
additions arr. by E. A. Duychinck Illus. N. Y., Harper, 1875. 674p.
758. JC XI-7
Wilson, James Grant. and others. ed. Picturesque Palestine, Sinai and Egypt. Illus. pl. N.Y.,
Appleton and Co., 1881-83. 2v.
759. JC IV-4
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim. History of ancient art; tr. by G. H. Lodge. Pl. por. Bost., Osgood
and Co., 1880. 2v.
760. JC I-8
Winkles, Henry and Winkles, Benjamin. Architectural and picturesque illustrations of the
cathedral churches of England and Wales, with historical and descriptive accounts. New ed. Pl.
Lond., Bogue, 1851. 3v.
761. JC VI-10
Winsor, Justin. ed. Memorial history of Boston; including Suffolk county, Massachusetts. Illus.
maps. Bost., J. R. Osgood, 1881-82. 4v.
762. JC VIII-2
Winthrop, Robert Charles. Life and letters of John governor of the Massachusetts Bay Company
at their emigration to New England, 1630. Pl. por. Bost., Ticknor, 1864-67. 2v.
763. JC VIII-4
Wood, Edward J. Wedding day in all ages and countries. Lond., R. Bentley, 1869. 2v. in 1.
764. JC I-4
Wood, John George. Bible animals; being a description of every living creature mentioned in the
Scriptures, from the ape to the coral. Illus. pl. Lond., Longmans, 1869. 652p.
765. JC VII-8
Wood, John George. Natural history. Illus. Lond., Routledge, 1868-74. v. p.
766. JC I-8
Wood, John Turtle. Discoveries at Ephesus, including the site and remains of the great temple of
Diana. Illus. pl. Bost., Osgood and Co., 1877. v. p.
767. JC I-9
Woolman, John. Journal, with an introd. by John G. Whittier. Bost., Osgood and Company,
1876. 315p.
***768. Wadsworth, Christopher. Greece; pictorial, descriptive and historical. Illus. pl. Lond.,
Orr and Co., 1840. 356p.
769. JC IV-3
Wadsworth, William. Poetical works. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1865. 7v.
770. JC V-10
Wornum, Ralph Nicholson. Some account of the life and works of Hans Holbein. Illus. pl. por.
Lond., Chapman and Hall, 1867. 426p.
***771. Wright, George Newnham. Chinese empire; illus. from sketches by T. Allom. Illus.
Lond., Fisher, Son and Co., 18-. 2v.
772. JC IV-10
Wright, George Newnham. France illustrated; drawings by Thomas Allom. Pl. Lond., Fisher,
Son and Co., 18-. 4v. in 1.
773. JC IV-10
Wright, George Newnham, ed. Gallery of engravings Lond., Fisher. 3v.
774. JC VI-9
Wright, George Newnham. Life and times of Louis Philippe Por. Lond., Fisher, Son and Co., 18-
. 624p.
***775. Wright, George Newnham. Rhine, Italy and Greece; drawings and descriptions. Lond.,
Fisher, Son and Co., 1841. 2v.
776. JC III-10
Wright, George Newnham. Shores and islands of the Mediterranean; drawn by Sir G. Temple
and others. Illus. Lond., Fisher, Son and Co., 18-. 156p.
777. JC VI-10
Wright, George Newnham and Buckingham, L. F. A. Belgium, the Rhine, Italy, Greece and the
shores and islands of the Mediterranean. Pl. Lond., Lond. print and pub. Co., 18-. 2v. in 1.
778. JC III-3
Wright, Thomas. England under the House of Hanover its history and condition during the reigns
of the three Georges, illustrated from the caricatures and satires of the day. Illus. pl. por. Lond.,
Bentley, 1848. 2v.
779. JC VI-9
Wright, Thomas. Womankind in Western Europe, from the earliest times to the seventeenth
century. Illus. pl. Lond., Groombridge and Sons, 1869. 340p.
780. JC, LBC I-3
Wright, Thomas and Jones, Harry Longueville. Memorials Cambridge: a series of views of the
colleges, halls, and public buildings, engraved by J. Le Keux, with historical and descriptive
accounts. Pl. Lond., Bogue, 1847. 2v.
781. JC IV-3
Wyatt, Sir Thomas. Poetical works, with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1865.
782. JC, LBC II-3
Wynne, James. Private libraries of New York. Pl. N. Y., French, 1860. 472p.
783. JC I-4
Xenophon. Expedition of Cyrus into Persia, and the Retreat of the ten thousand Greeks; tr. by
Edward Spelman. Por. Lond., Lackington, Allen and Co., 1811-13. 4v.
784. JC IV-3
Young, Edward. Poetical works, with a memoir. Por. Bost., Little, Brown and Co., 1866. 2v.
785. JC VIII-1
Zoological Society, London. Gardens and menagerie of the zoological society delineated. Illus.
Chiswick, C. Whittingham 1830-31. 2v.
786. JC VII-5
Zurcher, Frederic and Margolle, Elie. Meteors, etc., tr. fro the French by W. Lackland. Illus. N.
Y., Scribner, 1871. 324p.