Playful Learning and
Joyful Parenting
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Charlotte Anne Wright, Kathy Hirsh-Pasek & Bo Stjerne Thomsen
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Key messages 3
Parenting today • 5
Parent engagement in playful
learning across a spectrum 9
The ve characteristics of
learning through play 15
Fifteen approaches to bring
the characteristics to life 17
Actively engaging 21
Meaningful • 25
Socially interactive • 31
Iterative • 37
Joyful • 41
How to support parents to engage
their children in playful learning 45
Framing the content 46
Honouring the context 50
Identifying key conduits 51
Future research directions 53
Closing thoughts • 55
References • 57
We extend gratitude to Adrián A. Pedroza,
Dr. Brenda Jones Harden, Dr. Dana Suskind,
Dr. Margaret Caspe and Merrill Gay who
generously shared their time and invaluable
expert insight with us. We are grateful for the
support from colleagues at Temple Infant
and Child Lab and the LEGO Foundation who
provided constructive feedback and ideas
along the way. Special thanks to Ally Masters,
Katelyn Fletcher, Gavkhar Abdurokhmonova,
Riley Cullen, Aaron Morris and Anne Holme.
Last but certainly not least, we appreciate
Gail Albert, who tirelessly supported every
step of this project.
Cite as:
Wright, C.A., Hirsh-Pasek, K., & Thomsen,
B.S. (2022). Playful Learning and Joyful
Parenting [White paper]. The Lego
Foundation. www.learningthroughplay.com
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Science conrms the powerful role parents
play in shaping their child’s short- and long-
term success and well-being.
There is no doubt that normal, everyday
parent–child interactions help shape a child’s
life trajectory. From infancy, early parent–
child engagements build a child’s brain archi-
tecture. The experience of a sensitive and
responsive parent throughout childhood
positively impacts a child’s achievement and
social-emotional competencies through ad-
olescence, and even into adulthood.
The current moment represents an urgent
opportunity to inspire more joyful parent-
ing by giving parents permission to let their
children play.
Parents have been told how to parent for
centuries. The parenting industry has cre-
ated a culture of hurried parenting in more
recent years – a culture where parents feel
constant pressure to prepare their child for
the future, rather than enjoy and nurture
them in the present. The stressors of COV-
ID-19 have only exacerbated demands on
parents. Throughout all of this, a key piece of
what makes parenting so powerful is miss-
ing – joy. It is time to bring joy to parenting
by illuminating how something as seemingly
simple and fun as play can prepare children
for the 21st century.
Parents can use the characteristics of play-
ful learning to bring joy and learning into
daily interactions and routines.
This paper consolidates research ndings to
oer 15 behaviours and actions that can be
nested into normal parent–child interactions
to foster the ve characteristics of learning
through play in spaces and activities that
make up an average day in the life of families.
The menu of approaches is not another ‘how-
to book’ or ‘manual’ for parents to pore over
and follow meticulously. Rather, it is a toolbox
that brings the science of learning and devel-
opment to life for parents in a manageable
and meaningful way.
Programmes can empower parents across
dierent cultures and contexts to engage in
playful learning.
Parents can change the lens on how they
view everyday interactions with their child
when they are supported to understand how
play connects to the science of learning and
how playful learning can contribute to their
desired outcomes. Programmes should
engage parents as partners to better under-
stand and appreciate how playful learning
comes to life in unique and culturally varied
contexts. Programmes can consider an array
of conduits to promote accessibility and the
inclusion of all parents.
Key messages
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Parenting today
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Parents* are the most important people in a
child’s life
Parents are a child’s rst teachers, brain
builders, the social navigators and the foun-
dation for children’s emotional well-being.
If we look beneath the surface of parent
child actions, we begin to see the richness
of learning and social growth embedded in
the recesses of every interaction. A moth-
er soothing her crying infant oers a live
demonstration of how to create a safe space
– a chance to reinforce calm in what might
seem like chaos to the young child. When a
father builds a sandcastle with his sons, he
is ‘just playing’ to some, but to the trained
eye he is modelling sharing, a beautifully
timed back-and-forth engagement that is a
bedrock for learning. Parents travel through
these mini engagements multiple times per
hour, rarely mindful of the lasting impact that
they are having on their child’s life trajecto-
ries. A sensitive and joyful parent is a critical
piece of a child’s ecosystem. The better we
understand the components that help par-
ents interact with their children in positive
ways, the more we nd that joyful, respon-
sive parenting supports children’s develop-
ment. This paper illuminates the behavioural
jewels often naturally occurring in parent
child engagements. It uses the latest and
best science to make the case that encour-
aging small nuggets of change in everyday
moments can enrich the experience of being
a parent while helping every child reach their
full potential.
*We dene a parent as any family member, caregiver or guardi-
an who plays a lead role in caring for a child.
A reality check: Parents are inundated with
a tsunami of information about how to par-
Parenting gurus are not new. The rst known
book with parenting advice dates back to
1544 when author Thomas Phaer urged new
mothers to use pigeon blood to stop a ba-
by’s crying and rub rabbit brains on the gums
of their teething infant. This advice would
hardly be considered sane today. More re-
cently, the iconic Dr Spock warned parents
to avoid turning on the vacuum cleaner lest
it scare the child. The advice keeps coming
and parents are left wondering which titbits
should be treasured and which trashed. Since
Phaer’s ‘The Boke of Chyldren,’ hundreds
of millions of books brimming with sound
and well-worn advice for parents have been
published. Today, a simple Google search
of ‘parenting books’ yields over 200 million
results! And that count does not even include
the handouts, blogs, newsletters, advice col-
umns and parenting sections in newspapers,
among others. Indeed, telling parents what to
do has become a multibillion-dollar industry,
with investors ‘capitalizing’ on the ‘economic
opportunity’ oered by millennial parents
(Bossi, 2020; Klich, 2019).
While scientic research nds a strong con-
nection between the time a child spends in
unstructured activities and better self-di-
rected learning skills, like making and working
towards their own goals (Barker et al., 2014)
the parenting industry provides a laundry list
of structured activities that parents ‘must
provide if they want their child to succeed
(Paul, 2008). The result is what psychologist
David Elkind calls the ‘hurried child’ syndrome
(Elkind, 1981, 2006). Behind every ‘hurried
child’ we nd a hurried parent trying to sort
out which advice to heed (Hirsh-Pasek, Go-
linko & Eyer, 2004). The culture of hurried
parenting creates a climate in which parents
are pressured to prepare their children to
‘win at the starting line’, rather than enjoy
and nurture their children in the present (Li
& Chen, 2017, p. 1474). For many, childhood
has started to feel like a race rather than a
destination in and of itself.
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Hurried child, hurried parent: A global
Both academic studies and popular media
have documented the hurried child, hurried
parent syndrome. From Nigeria (Ogundare,
2021) to South Korea (Shin, Jahng & Kim,
2019) to Canada (Hennig, 2017) to Britain
(Kirkova, 2014) evidence of the oversched-
uling of children and concern about the
pressure parents feel to give their child an
academic edge are rising. Increases in par-
ents’ investment of time and money in their
children, particularly among middle- and
upper-class families, present evidence of
shifting parenting norms (Gauthier & de
Jong, 2021; Kornrich & Furstenberg, 2012).
The concept that parents should invest a
substantial amount of time and money to set
their child up for success has become nor-
malized around the world (Faircloth, 2014;
Gauthier et al., 2021; Shin, Jahng & Kim,
2019; Sjödin & Roman, 2018). Many parents
who do not have the nancial means to enroll
their children in many activities still believe
this is something they should be doing (Ben-
nett, Lutz & Jayaram, 2012; Chin & Phillips,
2004; Ishizuka, 2019).
COVID-19: The ultimate parent stressor
Stressors for modern-day parents were only
exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic (Ad-
ams et al., 2021; Brown et al., 2020; Kurata et
al., 2021). Parents had children at home 24/7
as schools and public services closed and
went into lockdown. They were told that they
needed to avert learning loss, support their
children to manage emotional strain, and
help their child stay safe from a deadly virus.
The avalanche of advice columns and news
items aimed at parents during COVID-19 was
suocating. How could a parent allay fears,
explain why children were not able to see
their friends, and keep them glued to remote
learning, all while trying to cope themselves
and keep up with their own responsibilities
(Bennett, 2020; Cooney, 2020)? Put simply,
parents needed some recess themselves to
manage constant demands and stressors
(Freisthler et al., 2021).
Bringing joy to parenting through playful
Parenting has always required hard work,
but perhaps the current storm of stressors
makes this a perfect time to start a move-
ment for playful learning and joyful parenting.
Although the parenting industry may tell par-
ents otherwise, science indicates that par-
ents need not stress over buying expensive
toys, downloading the latest educational app,
or lling their child’s schedule with structured
activities to accelerate their learning. Rather,
a considerable amount of current research
suggests that children can develop the skills
they need for the 21st century and parents
can nd joy from something more natural –
playful learning.
Opportunities for playful learning are right
before our eyes if we only know where to
look. A walk through the park sparks exper-
imentation with shadows, a ride on the bus
is an opportunity to incorporate a search for
dierent shapes in the road signs, a trip to
the laundromat could nish with a race to
make pairs of socks. Looking beneath the
surface allows parents to change the lens on
how they view the everyday experiences in
their life. It highlights how parents can enrich
and populate these moments in ways that
support playful learning and, in turn, foster
joyful parenting and happy, social, thinking
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Parent engagement
in playful learning
across a spectrum
Play is historically hard to dene (e.g., Ber-
gen, 1988; Gray, 2017; Sutton-Smith, 1997).
Today, most agree that play is best concep-
tualized across a spectrum reecting varying
degrees of child and adult involvement in the
experience, including choice and structure
and the presence of a learning goal (Figure
1; see Zosh et al., 2017, 2018; 2022). The
spectrum of play begins with free play which
is child-initiated and child-directed. Next is
guided play where children maintain autono-
my while adults guide them towards a tar-
geted learning goal through scaolding and
pre-preparation of the environment (Weis-
berg, Hirsh-Pasek et al., 2016). Games have
set rules and constraints for play embedded
within their structure (see Hassinger-Das et
al., 2017). The spectrum ends with direct in-
struction, which is adult-designed and con-
trolled. Direct instruction is no longer playful
learning but rather can be ‘chocolate covered
broccoli’ (Habgood & Ainsworth, 2011, p.
172), meaning it may be disguised as play
(for example, when a parent instructs their
child to write letters in soap suds during bath
time), but it remains direct instruction.
Child-led Child-led,
Adult-designed /
scaffolded. Set rules
and constraints for play
Adult-designed /
controlled. Set
constraints for activity
Figure 1. The play spectrum (as seen in Zosh et al., 2017)
If children are overscheduled, they no longer
have time for free play. Yet, free play is fun-
damental to a child’s well-being (Milteer et
al., 2012). Experiences of free play in tod-
dlerhood and the preschool years predict a
child’s ability to focus, to remember, and to
think exibly (in other words, their executive
function skills) (Colliver et al., 2022; White
et al., 2021). In some instances, like learning
set procedures, children benet from direct
instruction (Klahr & Nigam, 2004, but see
Dean & Kuhn, 2007), but guided play is the
sweet spot for achieving a learning goal (Al-
eri et al., 2011; Skene et al., 2022; Weisberg
et al., 2016). A recent meta-analysis showed
that guided play pedagogies often did better
than direct instruction (Skene et al., 2022). At
worst, the approach was equal to the out-
comes produced by direct instruction. The
bottom line is that for most, if not all, skills,
guided play is the best way to support early
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
What does this look like in practice?
Imagine a parent who wants to teach their
child about shapes (all examples adapted
from Hassinger-Das et al., 2017, p. 193). The
manner in which the parent can encourage
their child to learn about shapes would be dif-
ferent depending on whether they take a free
play, guided play, games or direct instruction
Imagine a mother gives her daughter blocks
of dierent shapes and sizes, and the child
chooses to build a castle with the blocks: that
is free play. Now imagine the mother gives
her child dierent shapes and says that she
received a message from the child’s ‘Queen’
toy that they must nd out secret to what
makes a ‘real’ triangle. The mother supports
her daughter as she manipulates the materi-
als to make triangles and non-triangles. The
mother asks questions to guide a discussion
about what makes a triangle ‘real’ before they
report back to the ‘Queen.’ That is guided
play. If the mother supports her daughter to
play a game with a goal to identify all the tri-
angles and t them together to make a cas-
tle, this experience falls under games. What
if the mother shows her daughter pictures of
dierent shapes, points out the triangles, and
then shows her a video about triangles? That
is direct instruction and does not fall under
the umbrella of playful learning. Research
suggests that if the mother teaches her
daughter about shapes via the guided play
scenario, her daughter would likely be more
engaged, show more exploratory behaviours
and develop better shape knowledge than
if her mother used the free play or direct in-
struction approach (Fisher et al., 2013).
Free play
During free play, children have complete
choice and control. They set their own goals
and follow their own interests. Imagine a child
playing dress-up with their dolls. Or a group
of children going on an ‘adventure’ to nd
treasure in the park. Or a child building a fort
with materials they nd around the house.
These are all examples of free play because
the child has free rein over what they do.
The children in these examples develop
social-emotional and learning-to-learn skills
as they play freely (Colliver et al., 2022; White
et al., 2021). During free play, a parent steps
back and lets their child fully take the lead.
The parent may observe their child, but they
give their child space and time needed to
have complete agency over their play and
step in to support them only when necessary.
Guided play
Parents support children to achieve learning
goals within the context of play during what is
called guided play. Within guided play, a child
maintains autonomy within a well-curated
environment and/or with adult scaolding
(Weisberg et al., 2016). Parents can inten-
tionally set up the environment or activities
for the child to explore or can be the ‘guide
on the side’ who gently reinforces and asks
questions to move the learning along. A
father saying to his son, “I wonder if we can
build a tall, strong tower with these blocks of
dierent sizes,” encourages guided play. The
father follows his sons lead as his son tries
to build the tower, prompting his thinking
by saying things like, “Hmmm, I notice our
tower keeps falling when we put the small
blue block on the bottom…” and “Why is our
tower staying steady when the big red block
is on the bottom, but not when the small
blue block is on the bottom?” to support him
along the way. Accumulated research sug-
gests that guided play can lead to gains in
literacy, math, and social skills (Fisher et al.,
2013; Han et al., 2010; Nicolopoulou et al.,
2015; Toub et al., 2018; Skene et al., 2022)
and develops complex problem-solving be-
haviours in children (Hollenstein et al., 2022).
Parent roles across the play spectrum
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Direct instruction
Child agency is largely absent during direct
instruction. Therefore, it does not fall under
the umbrella of playful learning. We recog-
nize that play is not the only way for parents
to support children’s learning. Parents can
think about the complexity of the task at
hand to distinguish when they should directly
instruct their child from when they should
support their child’s playful learning. For
example, take learning how to tie your shoe-
laces. Children can experiment for months by
themselves and may not ever derive a good
plan for learning to tie their shoelaces with-
out direct instruction. When using the direct
instruction approach to learning, parents can
teach through modeling and concrete exam-
ples to help make it more meaningful for their
child (Lee & Anderson, 2013).
Games oer an interesting case of guided
play because to a great extent a game di-
rects the activity of the participants. Rules,
structure, and level of child choice built into
the game become the ‘rules’ the players live
by. The game itself determines the child’s
goal and naturally scaolds the child’s ac-
tions (Hassinger-Das et al., 2017). Games
include physical games like tag, board games
and card games, as well as digital games.
High-quality games have been found to
contribute to gains in literacy, numeracy, and
social skills (Cavanaugh et al., 2017; Gibb et
al., 2021; Ramani & Siegler, 2008; Scalise,
Daubert & Ramani, 2018). On the other hand,
there are excellent games that have no learn-
ing goal and so-called ‘educational’ games
that are not optimal for learning, as is the
case with many digital apps (Hassinger-Das
et al., 2021; Meyer et al., 2021). Parents sup-
port their children by helping their child se-
lect a high-quality game, setting up the game
for them, playing games alongside them and
scaolding along the way, or by reinforcing
the roles of the players as the children learn
to execute the rules of the game.
More than one way to play
As illustrated by the play spectrum, there is
more than one way for parents to support
their children’s playful learning. Parents oer
dierent levels of support according to which
type of playful learning approach is taken.
Parents can consider the purpose of the
activity and whether the activity has a learn-
ing goal when deciding just how to approach
a given activity. Child agency is the common
thread throughout all types of playful learn-
ing. To encourage agency, parents can pro-
vide the time and space necessary for their
child to play freely, curate the environment to
encourage rich playful learning experiences,
or scaold their child’s exploration through
intentional questioning and prompting while
they play (Jensen et al., 2019; Weisberg,
Hirsh-Pasek et al., 2013, 2016; Zosh et al.,
2017, 2018).
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
The ve characteristics of
learning through play
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful learning is a relatively new eld that
embodies all the fundamental characteris-
tics of learning experiences that best suit
what we know about how brains learn. To
stimulate learning, the experience should
be actively engaging; that is, it requires
the learner to not only be hands-on but
also ‘minds-on’ (Hirsh-Pasek et al., 2015,
p. 8). It should be meaningful for children
by giving them opportunities to make con-
nections between new and prior knowledge
and contribute to something that matters
to them. Learning can take place when the
child is alone, but research tells us that when
learning is socially interactive children build
deeper understanding of content and strong-
er relationships. When experiences involve
iterative processes – testing and trying out
dierent hypotheses to get closer to solving
a problem – it also leads to deeper learning
for children. Children are more motivated to
learn when experiences are fun, so learning
experiences should also be joyful.
These characteristics – actively engaging,
meaningful, socially interactive, iterative,
and joyful – are reinforced in numerous arti-
cles throughout the literature on the science
of learning. Taken in tandem, they overlap
almost entirely with denitions of play. These
characteristics promote deep, transferable
learning that is retained over time and build
the 21st- century skills children need to
thrive (Golinko & Hirsh-Pasek, 2016; Hirsh-
Pasek & Golinko, 2022; Hirsh-Pasek et al.,
Joyful Dull
Actively engaging Passive / Distracting
Iterative Repetitive
Meaningful Disconnected
Socially interactive Solitary
Figure 2. The ve characteristics of learning through play
Fifteen approaches to
bring the characteristics
to life
What if we could promote these ve
characteristics in everyday parent–child
interactions? Consolidating the research
ndings, we nd 15 approaches that can be
nested into normal routines to foster the ve
characteristics in spaces and activities that
make up an average day in the life of families
(see Figure 3). Our menu of approaches is not
another ‘how-to’ or ‘manual’ to be heaped
atop the modern parents-can-do-better
oerings. The 15 approaches are not meant
to be studied and applied in every parent
child interaction. Rather, the approaches are
tools for parents to consider in whatever
way makes sense for them. The collection
of approaches brings the science of learning
and development to life for parents in a
manageable and meaningful way.
routines and moulded to be made meaning-
ful across contexts. Parents can embed the
approaches in whatever they do to stimulate
joy and learning.
We appreciate that there is much more to
learn about the variation in how parents and
children across cultures and contexts engage
in playful learning together. In the next phase
of this project, we will focus our investigation
on the nuances of how playful learning comes
to life for parents and children across diverse
cultures and contexts (see Future research
directions section).
A note about contextual and cultural
Parenting approaches, as well as conceptu-
alizations of and opportunities for play and
learning, are deeply personal and depend-
ent on a family’s unique context and culture
(Gaskins, 2015; Harkness et al., 2020; Rogo,
1990; Roopnarine, 2012). Some parents may
not have the discretionary time to play with
their child and others may not nd it appro-
priate to play with their child. We designed
the 15 approaches to be broad and exible
so they may be incorporated into a variety of
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
9. Share activities
that promote social
8. Engage in two-way
7. Be a collaborative
2. Help them get
to the next step
3. Create a supportive
1. Support their
13. Share positive
14. Find the fun
15. Share interests
and leisure activities
12. Praise the
11. Encourage
10. Embrace
ambiguity and
4. Build on their
6. Build on existing
5. Let them join
in daily tasks
How parents support
their child’s
playful learning
Figure 3. How parents support learning through play
This paper presents each approach as
connected to one of the ve characteristics
of learning through play according to what
research suggests is the most signicant
connection. This structure helps us organize
the white paper. However, it is important to
note that, just like the ve characteristics
are mutually supportive of learning through
play, most approaches may support multiple,
if not all, of the characteristics of learning
through play.
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Actively engaging
During an actively engaging experience, chil-
dren are both hands-on and ‘minds-on,’ im-
mersed and involved in the learning process
themselves, rather than acting as recepta-
cles for information (Chi, 2009; Hirsh-Pasek
et al., 2015, p.8; Yannier et al., 2021). Actively
engaging learning encourages more explor-
atory behaviours and engagement (Bonaw-
itz et al., 2011), builds more spatial (Frick
& Wang, 2014), math (Ferrara et al., 2011;
Children show more active engagement
when parents support their autonomy
(Callanan et al., 2017; Grith & Arnold, 2019;
Grith & Grolnick, 2014; Wei et al., 2019).
Parents can support their child’s autonomy
by giving their child choice in what they do,
allowing consistent opportunities to partic
ipate in household or community activities
and decisions, and giving their child the space
and time necessary to discover things on
their own rather than being told exactly how
to do it. Autonomy-supportive parenting
predicts a wide range of positive short- and
long-term child outcomes (see Joussemet et
al., 2005 and Vasquez et al., 2016, for a re
view), including intrinsic motivation (wanting
to do things for oneself; Bronstein, Ginsburg,
& Herrera, 2005; Deci & Ryan, 2008; Gonzalez
& Wolters, 2006), self-regulation (the ability
to control impulses; Meuwissen & Carlson,
2019) and executive function skills (the
skills that are the founda-
tion for success; Bernier, Carlson & Whipple,
2010; Distefano et al., 2018). Parental pro-
vision of choice, in particular, is connected
to a child’s stronger executive function skills
(Castelo et al., 2022). Parents themselves
also benet from autonomy-supportive par-
enting. A study of nearly a thousand parents
found that autonomy-supportive parenting
(as dened by the study as giving children
choice within certain limits) was positive-
ly associated with less parental stress and
more parental vitality during the COVID-19
pandemic (Neubauer et al., 2021).
Tip: Follow your child’s pace when they
are engaged in a task. If they get stuck, ask
open-ended questions (for example, ask ‘What
else could you try?’) to encourage them to nd
solutions themselves, rather than showing
them what to do.
1. Support their autonomy
Imagine a child who is building a ramp to
make his toy car go faster. His father sits
nearby, folding laundry. When the child strug-
gles and calls to his dad for help, his dad asks
him questions to elicit his thinking (eg., ‘What
have you tried so far? Did that work? Why
not?’). After a short back-and-forth discus-
sion, the boy returns to work on his ramp
independently. Now imagine if the boy’s fa-
ther stepped in before his son asked for help
and instructed him to put more blocks on
his ramp tower to increase the ramp’s slope.
In the rst scenario, the father supports his
son’s autonomy by letting his son maintain
control over the activity (even when the son
asks for help) while, in the second scenario,
he takes the son’s autonomy away by con-
trolling the experience.
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Fisher et al., 2013), and literacy competen-
cies (Han et al., 2010; Zosh et al., 2013) and
activates related parts of the brain (Kersey
& James, 2013) more than passive learning
does. Parents promote actively engaging
learning experiences for their children by
supporting their child’s autonomy, helping
their child get to the next step, and creating
a supportive environment.
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
2. Help them get to the next step
While parents support their child’s autonomy,
they can also take note of when their child
needs a little more help to get to the next
step. Scaolding, or building the structure
that enables children to move forward, is a
fundamental way adults support children’s
learning (Vygotsky, 1978; see Mermelshtine,
2017 for a review) without taking over. Scaf-
folding is best when children are given inten-
tional constraints that guide their eorts.
Like bowling with bumpers, a well-scaolded
activity allows children to exercise agency
within a structured setting that both consid-
ers what they can already do and supports
them to get to the next level. Parents scaold
when they control parts of the task that are
beyond what their child can do, which allows
their child to focus on – and succeed in – what
they are capable of independently (Wood,
Bruner & Ross, 1976). They break down the
task into manageable steps by noticing their
child’s limits and providing the stepping-
stones needed to reach the desired goal.
Parents gradually reduce and withdraw sup-
port, yielding to the child’s initiative and skill
(Carr & Pike, 2012; Wood & Middleton, 1975),
and ‘lter and focus’ the evidence that their
children encounter while they explore (Crow-
ley et al., 2001, p. 729). Children of parents
who show appropriate scaolding behaviours
during a task tend to have higher cognitive
abilities (Mulvaney et al., 2006), better ef-
fortful control (Neale & Whitebread, 2019),
better reasoning skills (Stright, Herr & Neit-
zel, 2009), executive functioning (Hammond
et al., 2012), and self-monitoring behaviours
(Neitzel & Stright, 2003).
Tip: Support your children by asking them
questions that have more than one answer
(for example, ‘What happened when you tried
___?’), thinking aloud (for example, ‘Hmm,
well we already know __, so we could try ___.’)
or drawing their attention to certain features
of the task at hand (for example, ‘Notice ___.
How does that compare to ___?’). This type of
support can also be accomplished through the
environment, by presenting the child with pro-
gressively more dicult tasks once they have
mastered the easier one.
3. Create a supportive environment
Parents help children succeed by creating an
environment that minimizes distractions and
inspires active engagement. The environ-
ment is a child’s ‘third teacher’ (Strong-Wil-
son & Ellis, 2007). Positive outcomes from
the Montessori approach, which includes
an organized and predictable ‘prepared
environment’, speak to the power of the
environment to stimulate learning (Lillard,
2013). Analogously, chefs prepare a mise en
place – prep the ingredients and tools before
they start cooking – to guide the creation of
a dish. Parents intentionally prepare a child’s
learning environment and provision the ma-
terials available to guide their child towards a
learning goal (Weisberg et al., 2014). Curat-
ed environments of this sort exist in school
classrooms (e.g., Higgins et al., 2005; Lillard,
2021), children’s museums (e.g., Sobel &
Jipson, 2016) and in built-in environments in
cities (e.g., Bustamante et al., 2020; Hassing-
er-Das et al., 2021).
The quantity and quality of materials a child
has access to is a large part of how a physical
environment can promote active engage-
ment and learning (Raikes et al., 2006; Rodri-
guez & Tamis-LeMonda, 2011; Rodriguez et
al., 2009; Tomopulous et. al, 2006). Access
to toys has been associated with positive
outcomes and is often used as a measure for
what makes a ‘stimulating’ home environ-
ment (e.g., Bradley, Caldwell & Rock, 1988;
Dreyer, Mendelsohn & Tamis-LeMonda,
1996). A supportive environment, however, is
more about the kinds of toys, programmes or
apps that are available than the sheer num-
ber of choices. Open-ended toys that allow
for many dierent uses and manipulations
(such as blocks) inspire active engagement
and rich adult language (Verdine et al., 2014).
Similarly, apps are engaging for children when
they provide immediate feedback based
on the child’s actions, are open-ended, and
have minimal distractions (such as sound
eects, and animations that take a child
o-task) (Hassinger-Das et al., 2020; Hirsh-
Pasek et al., 2015; Meyer et al., 2021). In the
case of electronic toys and books, features
like sounds and lights may distract children
from being fully and meaningfully engaged
(Parish-Morris et al., 2013; Zosh et al., 2015).
Other environmental factors, such as having
a TV on in the background (Courage et al.,
2010; Schmidt et al., 2008) or a parent who
is distracted by their cell phone throughout
the day (Gaudreau, Hirsh-Pasek & Golinko,
2021; Reed, Hirsh-Pasek & Golinko, 2017),
also tend to constrain children’s engagement
and learning.
Tip: Just like chefs prep their food before
cooking, prep your child’s room or space
before they start playing. Prioritize quality
over quantity when thinking about what toys
and materials to provide. Access to toys and
materials that are open-ended (meaning your
child can use them in dierent ways), matters
more than the number of toys they have access
to. Also, keep in mind that having background
music or the TV on may also distract your child
from learning.
Deeper, more enduring learning happens
when experiences and activities are mean-
ingful for the child. That kind of learning
allows information to be transferred to new
situations and to ‘stick’ over time (Zosh et
al., 2018). Meaningful learning can happen
when content is made relevant to the child’s
life (Boaler, 2002; Dintersmith, 2018; Lee,
2007; Love, 2015), and when learning serves
a purpose greater than just information
recall (Istomina, 1977; Mistry, Rogo & Her-
man, 2001). In recent years, there has been
a movement to promote ‘deeper learning’ in
4. Build on their interests
When parents build on and expand their
child’s interests, they create meaningful
opportunities for their child to explore exist-
ing interests in a new way and deepen related
learning (Ito et al., 2013; Takeuchi, Vaala &
Ahn, 2019). Parents can build on and expand
their child’s interests by facilitating experien-
tial learning related to their child’s interests,
providing relevant materials, and by encour-
aging related projects and activities (Barron,
2006; Crowley & Jacobs, 2002; Dunst, 2020;
Takeuchi, Vaala & Ahn, 2019). Time for explo-
ration, particularly through leisure activities,
is key for interest development (Hofer, 2010).
Thus, parents can take care to avoid overem-
phasizing structured and/or competitive ac-
tivities related to their child’s interests, at the
risk of limiting self-directed and open-ended
learning (Ito et al., 2013).
The experience of interest-based learning
has both short- and long-term benets for
children (Hidi & Renninger, 2020; Renninger &
Hidi, 2017). In the short term, children have
better attention, are more engaged, show
more positive aect, and are better able to
consolidate information during meaningful
interest-based learning experiences than
those that are not connected to their inter-
ests (Renninger & Hidi, 2017). The accumula-
tion of multiple and repetitive interest-based
learning experiences has the potential to
inspire a child’s future education and career
path in the long term (Darling-Hammond et
al., 2020).
Tip: Support your child’s interest development
by providing relevant materials, encouraging
related projects and taking them to virtual or
in-person events connected to their interests.
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
schools. Deeper learning, as dened by this
movement, is meaningful because it is em-
bedded in real-world situations or problems,
making the experiences both authentic and
interdisciplinary (Darling-Hammond et al.,
2020; Mehta & Fine, 2019). Parents can pro-
mote deep, meaningful learning for their child
by building on their child’s interests, let-
ting their child join them in daily tasks, and
building on their child’s existing knowledge.
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
5. Let them join in daily tasks
Everyday experiences like sorting laundry,
preparing dinner, and getting ready for school
all provide rich opportunities for meaningful
learning (Alcalá et al., 2014; Rogo, 2003;
Vandermaas-Peeler et al., 2018). Parents can
allow children join them in daily tasks and
highlight relevant knowledge and skills along
the way. Children across cultures are moti-
vated to learn knowledge and skills relevant
to their family and community (Gaskins &
Paradise, 2010; Rogo, 1990, 2003). In the
words of psychologist and philosopher Alison
Gopnik, parents do not have to ‘do special
things’ to teach their children relevant skills
(2016, p. 112). Rather, they can ‘slow down
and exaggerate their own actions’ and make
it ‘easy for their children to join in’ (p. 111).
Studies nd that incorporation of learning
into day-to-day tasks can make a dierence
to how children perform academically (Colliv-
er, Arguel & Parrila, 2021; LeFevre et al., 2009;
Vandermaas-Peeler et al., 2018). For exam-
ple, LeFevre and colleagues (2009) found a
robust relation between how often children
participated in informal activities with quan-
titative components (such as cooking and
shopping) and their mathematical procien-
cy. Beyond academic performance, when
children are purposefully involved in everyday
family and community tasks, they build their
funds of knowledge; the skills and knowledge
that are particularly meaningful to their
household and their culture (González, Moll &
Amanti, 2006).
Tip: Involve your child in routines like cooking,
cleaning, shopping, sorting mail and taking
out the rubbish. Slow down and narrate your
actions and invite your child to help you in a way
that meets their ability, gives choice and builds
a sense of purpose.
Imagine a father and his four-year-old daugh-
ter baking cookies from their family recipe.
There is much meaningful learning to happen
for his daughter in this seemingly normal
task! The father helps his daughter develop
concepts of print when he demonstrates how
he reads the recipe from right to left to nd
out what ingredients they need. He sup-
ports her autonomy and condence when he
invites her to try dierent styles of chocolate
chips and choose which ones she would like
to use. Then, he supports her understanding
of one-to-one correspondence when they
count as they put cups of chocolate chips
one-by-one into the mixing bowl. She devel-
ops her executive function skills as she learns
how to follow the steps of a complex se-
quence and control her urge to put ‘just one
more’ scoop of chocolate chips in the bowl!
Throughout the experience, she is learning
how she can contribute to a special family
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
6. Build on existing knowledge
Parents, experts in their child’s previous
experiences, can help children make meaning
by building on existing knowledge. They do
this by noting how a new experience relates
to something that the child or family has
already encountered (Zimmerman & McClain,
2014), by asking prompting questions to get
their child to make these connections them-
selves (Callanan et al., 2017), and by using
comparisons between what a child already
understands and new information (Valle &
Callanan, 2006). Analogies are a powerful
vehicle for learning, particularly for learn-
ing abstract concepts (Gentner et al., 2015;
Gentner, Loewenstein & Thompson, 2003;
Jee et al., 2010). In fact, 7-to-12-year-old
children were able to learn about evolution by
natural selection - a complex topic often not
taught until high school - after they engaged
in an analogy-based tutorial session (Shtul-
man, Neal & Lindquist, 2016). When parents
make analogies and help their child see rel-
evant connections, their child tends to show
more engagement, understanding, and re-
tention of new knowledge than when parents
simply explain something to them without
any connections (Callanan et al., 2017; Jant
et al., 2014).
Tip: Help your child make connections between
what they already know and something new by
asking your child questions to guide them to
make these connections for themselves ( for
example, “What does this remind you of?”), by
modelling making these connections yourself
(for example, “This reminds me of when we…”,
and by using comparisons between what they
already understand and new information (for
example, “This is a lot like ___ because___.”).
A mother and her daughter visit a pond to
skip rocks. One day, the daughter picks up
a rock and throws it into the pond. To her
surprise, the rock bounces o the pond – it
had frozen overnight! Her mother helps her
make sense of this by connecting the ice on
the pond to how they freeze water to make
ice cubes at home. This connection helps her
daughter understand how freezing temper-
atures can change the properties of water to
turn it into ice.
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Socially interactive
Humans have a socially gated brain such
that we best process all information we
learn through social interaction (Kuhl, 2007;
Meltzo & Kuhl, 2016). It is interaction with
a more advanced peer or adult that enables
children to operate in what Vygotsky (1978)
called the zone of proximal development,
in which they can move from needing adult
scaolding to operating at a new level of
thinking on their own. Learning alongside
others is key to the development of essential
21st-century skills like collaboration, com-
munication and critical thinking, and the
7. Be a collaborative partner
Parents can be their child’s collaborative
partner in playful learning at all ages. This
back-and-forth social engagement be-
gins as early as infancy. The well-timed and
emotionally matched exchanges between
parents and babies create a foundation for
later learning (Masek et al., 2021; Piazza et
al., 2020). As children get older, parents and
children collaborate during playful learning
when they work together to set goals and
contribute equally to nding a solution (Sobel
et al., 2021). To act as a collaborative partner
while still scaolding towards a learning goal
for their child, parents pose thought-provok-
ing questions, note that children are missing
information, and make gentle suggestions
(Callanan et al., 2020; Medina & Sobel, 2020).
Several studies nd that children with par-
ents who were more collaborative during
tasks (like playing with electric circuits and
gears) at museums were more engaged in
the task and explored more systematically
than children whose parents took a directive
approach (Callanan et al., 2020; Medina & So-
bel, 2020; Sobel et al., 2021). When parents
collaborate with their child, they model how
to be curious and creative explorers (Callanan
et al., 2020).
Tip: To promote learning without giving the
answer, use prompting phrases and questions
that start with ‘I wonder…’, ‘What if…?’, ‘What
do you think about…?’, ‘When ___ happened, it
made me think about__.’
Note: The 15 approaches relate to how parents can support the ve characteristics of learning through play in their own interactions
with their child, so they do not address how parents can nurture social interaction between their child and other children. But being
a playful parent doesn’t mean you always have to be the one engaging with your child. Children need social interaction with other
children outside of school, and the frequency of playdates is associated with higher levels of social competence in preschool children
(Ladd & Hart, 1992). You can also foster learning through play by creating space and opportunities for your child to interact and play
with other children.
support of a social partner helps build a
stronger understanding of content (Chi,
2009; Golinko & Hirsh-Pasek, 2016; Hirsh-
Pasek et al., 2020, 2022). Parents are a child’s
rst, and often most important, social part-
ner. Thus, parents have a signicant op-
portunity to empower their child’s learning
through play as their collaborative partner
and by engaging in two-way conversations
with their child. Parents can share activities
with their child as vehicles for positive social
interactions and playful learning.
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
8. Engage in two-way conversation
A strong research base supports the signif-
icance of socially contingent parent–child
conversation; specically back-and-forth, or
two-way, conversation (Hirsh-Pasek, Alper
& Golinko, 2018; Suskind, 2015). Put simply,
talking with rather than talking at children is
critical to how much children learn from an
experience (Roseberry, Hirsh-Pasek & Go-
linko, 2014). David Dickinson, a research
professor from Vanderbilt University, sug-
gests that parents should ‘strive for ve’
conversational turns to keep the interaction
going. The key to reaching that goal is using
open-ended questions – those questions
that spark conversation rather than asking
for the one right answer. These types of
questions inuence how much a child learns
and remembers from an experience (Hedrick
et al., 2009; Yu, Bonawitz & Shafto, 2019)
and have been linked to positive vocabulary
outcomes (Blewitt et al., 2009) and STEM
learning (Haden et al., 2014). Notably, it is
not the frequency of questions that makes
the dierence, but rather how contingent
the questions are to the child’s own talk or
exploration. This means that parents can
pose questions to elaborate on their child’s
thinking, encourage their child to generate
explanations, call attention to relevant as-
pects of the experience, and stimulate more
back-and-forth conversation, rather than to
test their child’s knowledge (Benjamin, Ha-
den & Wilkerson, 2010; Callanan et al., 2020,
2017; Eason et al., 2021; Hedrick et al., 2009;
Jant et al., 2014; Vandermaas-Peeler, Massey
& Kendall, 2016; Willard et al., 2019).
Tip: Take conversational turns with your child.
Ask your child questions that spark meaning-
ful back-and-forth conversation, rather than
simple yes-or-no questions.
Imagine a mother and daughter walking
to the supermarket through the park. The
daughter has recently been learning about
shadows at school. As they walk, the mother
models curiosity as she moves her body in
dierent ways to experiment with her shad-
ow. She asks her daughter what she notices.
Then, rather than point out other shadows
to her daughter, she says, ‘We can see both
of our shadows today! Hmm… I wonder what
else has a shadow,’ and they engage in a rich
two-way discussion as they ‘hunt’ for oth-
er shadows, and compare them (eg., ‘Why
is that tree’s shadow bigger than the other
tree’s shadow?’), along their walk. The follow-
ing week they walk through the park again,
but on a cloudy day. The mother acts sur-
prised and asks her daughter, ‘Where did our
shadows go?’ These open-ended questions
are the springboard for engaging two-way
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
9. Share activities that promote social interaction
There are plenty of activities that can be
done solo. Yet, parents can engage in a
plethora of activities that promote posi-
tive interaction and learning with their child.
Games (see Hassinger-Das et al., 2017 for
a review; Bjorklund, Hubertz & Reubens,
2004; Huang, Sun & Tang, 2021; Ramani et
al., 2015;), puzzles (Clegg et al., 2021), and
blocks (Christakis, Zimmerman, & Garrison,
2007; Ferrara et al., 2011) help facilitate
meaningful dialogue while also providing the
context for parents to support their child’s
learning (Verdine et al., 2014).
In contrast, some electronic games and toys
impede meaningful parent–child interaction.
Certain features of electronic toys and books,
such as noises, lights and extraneous activi-
ties, tend to hinder parent–child talk and in-
teraction (Miller et al., 2017; Parish-Morris et
al., 2013). Parents tend to use richer language
and show more scaolding behaviours when
they engage in traditional games and toys,
rather than electronic ones, with their child
(Schnieders & Schuh, 2022; Sosa, 2016; Zosh
et al., 2015). This does not mean that parents
must avoid electronic toys and games alto-
gether. Rather, parents should be aware that
there is a risk of letting the electronics ‘do
the talking for them,’ as electronic toys and
games do not inspire back-and-forth talk as
naturally as traditional toys and games (Sosa,
2016, p. 136).
Tip: Traditional toys, like blocks, tend to inspire
more meaningful back-and-forth talk between
parents and their child than electronic toys do.
This certainly does not mean you should avoid
electronic toys altogether! Just take care not
to let talking toys reduce chances for positive
interaction between you and your child. Inter-
action with a responsive electronic toy is not a
substitute for positive interaction with a re-
sponsive human.
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Iteration reects the idea that learning itself
is a scientic process. Children are natural
scientists (e.g., Gopnik, Meltzo, & Kuhl,
2001; Gopnik & Wellman, 2012; Piaget, 1945),
and ‘young brains are designed to explore’
(Gopnik, 2016, p.35). With iteration, children
build on their learning with each new engage-
ment in the activity, which distinguishes it
from repetition (Zosh et al., 2017). Iteration
is more like playing jazz than playing a pre-
scribed and well-rehearsed piano piece. Jazz
is about taking a theme and ring on it to ex-
plore and expand the possible patterns that
can emerge. Just like jazz, learning occurs
10. Embrace ambiguity and uncertainty
Parents can embrace ambiguity and uncer-
tainty while their children engage in a task
by staying open to dierent solutions, rather
than focusing on the ‘right answer.’ Children
need uncertainty, a gap in understanding,
to drive their curiosity and exploration (Jir-
out & Klahr, 2012). Children are more likely
to systematically explore and try dierent
solutions if they don’t have all the evidence
or are presented with ambiguous evidence
(Bonawitz et al., 2012; Cook, Goodman &
Schulz, 2011; Gweon & Schulz, 2008; Legare,
Gelman & Wellman, 2010; Schulz & Bonawitz,
2007; Stahl & Feigenson, 2015). Bonawitz
and colleagues (2011) found that when an
adult provided a demonstration of ‘how a toy
worked’ before children had a chance to ex-
plore it themselves, the children explored the
toy less and discovered fewer toy functions
than when the adult gave children the chance
to explore it themselves rst.
Parents can model exploration and ques-
tion-asking as positive responses to uncer-
tainty (Evans, Todaro et al., 2022) and mis-
takes. The importance of the opportunity to
make, and learn from, mistakes is supported
by a large research base (Denervaud et al.,
2020; Kapur, 2008; see Metcalfe, 2017 for a
review) and exploratory behaviours are tied
to creativity (Evans et al., 2021). So, parents
can rest assured that it is okay (and even
benecial!) if their child does not get it right
the rst time.
Tip: Be patient when your child makes mis-
takes. Encourage them to continue testing and
trying out their ideas and model question-ask-
ing and reection as appropriate responses to
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
through the process of experimenting with
dierent possibilities, testing hypotheses,
and asking, discovering, and exploring ques-
tions that arise to get closer to a solution.
When children engage in these processes,
they build their creativity, critical thinking,
and problem-solving behaviours (Golinko &
Hirsh-Pasek, 2016; Hirsh-Pasek et al., 2020;
Hirsh-Pasek et al., 2022). Parents can support
their child’s iteration by embracing ambigui-
ty and uncertainty, encouraging persistence
and focusing on the process over the prod-
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
11. Encourage persistence
Inherent in the iterative process is persis-
tence – in the face of ambiguity and failed
attempts, one must persist and try, try
again! To persist, children need grit – what
psychologist Angela Duckworth denes as
having passion, perseverance, and stami-
na (Duckworth et al., 2007, 2019). Parents
nurture grit when they help their child to
see what they can do during a task and leave
room for their child to improve. Children are
more persistent when they are autonomous
or gently guided in their attempts than when
an adult takes over for them (Leonard et al.,
2021). Self-explanation, rather than expla-
nation from an adult, also inspires a child’s
persistence (Callanan et al., 2020), so parents
can rst ask their child to reect on their at-
tempts, rather than tell them why something
is or is not working. Parents can acknowledge
the diculty of the task but reassure their
child that they can improve with practice
(eg., ‘This might be hard now, but it will get
easier with practice’; Autin & Croizet, 2012;
Haimovitz & Dweck, 2016; Leonard, Garcia &
Schulz, 2020).
Tip: When your child is struggling with a task,
avoid giving them the solution right away.
Rather, reassure them that new things are hard
at rst, but they get easier with practice. Sup-
port them by encouraging them to think about
why what they’ve tried so far hasn’t worked and
to keep trying dierent solutions using what
they know.
12. Praise the process
To persist and continue iterating in the face
of failure, a child must see failed attempts
as something to improve upon, rather than
representative of their abilities (Haimovitz
& Dweck, 2016). Parents can support their
children to have this growth mindset by
using process praise. Extensive research
done by Dweck and her colleagues (Dweck,
1998, 2006; Gunderson et al., 2013; Mueller &
Dweck, 1998) nds that when an adult praises
a child’s intelligence, rather than their eort,
the child tends to avoid future risk-taking to
save face. When children are praised for their
hard work (e.g., ‘I notice that you are trying
out dierent things!’) their growth mindset is
cultivated, and they tend to be more engaged
and self-motivated during challenging tasks
(Gunderson et al., 2013). This is even true for
the youngest learners. Lucca, Horton and
Sommerville (2019) note that 18-month-olds
who had parents who used process praise
(praising eort or thinking; eg., ‘I noticed that
you tried to put that piece on top of this one.
That was a great try!’) over person praise
(praise for a xed trait; eg., ‘You’re so smart!’)
and generic praise (praise that did not t in
the other categories; eg., ‘Yay!’, ‘Good!’) dur-
ing a gear stacking task were not only more
likely to persist during the task itself, but also
during a separate task where parents were
Tip: Praise your child’s eort (for example, say,
‘I noticed that you tried to put that piece on top
of this one. That was a great try!’), rather than
compliment xed traits (such as saying, ‘You’re
so smart!’) or giving general positive feedback
(like, ‘Yay! Good job!’).
Imagine a child trying to build a sandcastle
at the beach. She gets frustrated when the
waves keep knocking her castle down. “This
is too hard!” she shouts to her father, sitting
nearby. Her father responds, “This is hard,
and I see you working hard and trying dif-
ferent things to gure out how to keep your
castle safe from the waves. Let’s talk through
what you’ve tried so far to help us gure this
out.” When the daughter successfully keeps
her castle safe from the waves by construct-
ing it further away from the shoreline and
building a moat, the father says, “Wow you
worked really hard to keep your castle safe
from the waves by moving away from the
shoreline and making a moat, even though
it was challenging,” rather than, “You are so
smart, I knew you could do it,” or “Good Job!”
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Parents play an important role in bringing joy
into their child’s daily life. The power of joy
goes beyond that of a cherished emotion.
Neuroscientists nd that positive aect and
surprise are related to learning (Betzel et al.,
2017). In fact, research connects feelings of
joy to memory, attention, creativity, motiva-
tion, and executive function (Cools, Nakamu-
ra & Daw, 2011; Dang et al., 2012; Diamond,
2012). Promoting a sense of joy in the con-
text of a learning experience helps make the
learning goal ‘sticky,’ ensuring that children
build deep, enduring knowledge. So, what can
parents do to maximize joy in their child’s life?
They can share positive emotions, nd the
fun in problem-solving, and share interests
and leisure activities.
13. Share positive emotions
‘Emotions are contagious’ is an adage we
all know to be true. The research supports a
bi-directional relationship between parent
and child emotions, meaning that parents
and children can ‘catch’ each other’s emo-
tions (Bai, Repetti & Sperling, 2016; Kokkinaki
et al., 2017; Tronick, 1989). From infancy,
children observe and copy the emotions of
their parents*, who encourage and extend
the positive emotional responses of their
child (Morris et al., 2007). For joy in particu-
lar, Barry and Kochanska (2010) nd that the
expression of joy in a parent predicts the
expression of joy in their child and vice versa.
Experiences of shared positive emotions
between child and parent have ripple eects
on a child’s socioemotional development. In
fact, parent–child experience of joint positive
emotions is associated with less aggressive
behaviour in the child (Lunkenheimer et al.,
2020) and the child’s positive social func-
tioning (Eisenberg et al., 2003) years later.
Parents and children tend to have a lower
positive aect when parents are heavily
involved in their child’s learning (Schmidt et
al., 2021) and homework (Pomerantz, Wang
& Ng, 2005), suggesting that child autonomy
not only promotes the positive outcomes
noted in the rst approach, but also a family’s
positive emotional climate.
Tip: Don’t hold back expressing positive feel-
ings with your child – share smiles and laughs
whenever you can! And don’t forget to model
voicing feelings, so that children can learn to do
name emotions.
*We focus on one emotion – joy – in this report as joy is a characteristic of learning through play. However, this does not mean you
should hide more dicult emotions like frustration, sadness or fear from your children! Children need to learn that all emotions are
valid and need opportunities to watch parents model how to appropriately manage all emotions – including dicult ones (Eisenberg et
al., 1998; Morris et al., 2017). When parents help their child label emotions and cope with big feelings, their child builds strong social and
emotional skills and is more likely to show prosocial behaviour (Garner et al., 2008). The reality of life is that some days go by without
much joy. On those days you can discuss how you are feeling and explain how you will cope to your child. For example, ‘I am feeling sad
because I miss Grandma today and wish she was here. To help me feel better, I am going to look at some photographs of us together. Do
you want to look at the photos with me?’
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
14. Find the fun
When we say nd the fun, we mean that
parents can use humour, exibility and crea-
tivity as an approach to problem-solving and
learning. Parents provide their children with
emotional socialization through modeling,
so when parents respond to problems with
a playful and creative attitude, children can
learn positive coping techniques (Eisenberg,
Cumberland & Spinrad, 1998). Parents and
children tend to experience more thought-
ful back-and-forth conversations and more
overall positive behaviours when parents
have a playful attitude (Menashe-Grinberg
& Atzaba-Poria, 2017; Waldman-Levi, Fin-
zi-Dottan & Cope, 2020). A playful approach
to parenting is positively associated with
emotional regulation ability and adaptability
for both parents and children (Shen, Chick &
Pitas, 2017; Shorer et al., 2021).
Tip: Use humour, exibility and/or creativi-
ty when you and your children run into minor
challenges and frustrations. Did you and the
kids make a mess? Turn on a stopwatch and
see how quickly you can all clean up! Is the
playground closed today? Create an obstacle
course in the yard or living room with things
around the house! Forget to buy an ingredient
needed for dinner? Brainstorm what else may
be a good substitute to create a new recipe!
Imagine a child who is learning the getting-
ready-for-school routine. When he can’t
nd his folder and lunchbox to put in his bag,
he gets frustrated, plops down on the oor,
and tells his mother he doesn’t want to go
to school anymore. His mother joins him
on the oor and patiently says, “I know you
are frustrated. I feel frustrated when I can’t
nd things I need, too. Something I like to do
when this happens is to take a deep breath
and, when I feel ready, I turn nding what is
lost into a game. Do you want to try?” He
nods and they take a deep breath together.
Then, his mother whispers in a silly voice ex-
plaining that they are on a secret ‘Get Ready
for School’ mission, sets a timer for them,
and they zoom around the house to nd the
missing items. They shout, ‘Mission com-
plete!’ after they put all the school supplies in
the son’s bag. Here the mother models how
to use fun and exibility as an approach to
solving a problem.
15. Share interests and leisure activities
When parents and children share interests
and leisure activities, they also share the
positive emotions promoted by unstruc-
tured, low-stress, and enjoyable activities
(Bai et al., 2016). In infancy, a fun joint lei-
sure activity may take the form of a game of
peek-a-boo (Fernald & O’Neill, 1993; Parrott
& Gleitman, 1989). As children grow, par-
ents and children can share joy in a variety
of activities like music, dance, games, art,
and unstructured sport play (Bai et al., 2016;
Ginsburg, 2007). Activities like these not only
bring joy and pride, but they also challenge
and improve executive functions (Diamond,
2012). To quote developmental cognitive
neuroscientist Adele Diamond, ‘When we
love what we are doing, we have far more en-
ergy and can get far more done’ (2014, p. 9).
It makes sense, then, that sharing interests
and leisure activities with a parent is associ-
ated with indicators of child and adolescent
well-being (Coyl-Shepherd & Hanlon, 2013;
Oer, 2013), as well as parent and child satis-
faction with family life (Agate et al., 2009).
Tip: Share unstructured activities that pro-
mote joy for both you and your child. When
your child is a baby, this may look like a fun
game of peek-a-boo. As your child gets old-
er, you can share activities like music, dance,
games, art or unstructured sport play...really
anything you and your child enjoy!
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
How to support parents
to engage their children
in playful learning
How can we help parents embody these
messages to bring about playful learning
in daily life with their child? To answer this
question, we consider how parent-facing
programmes can frame the content shared
in this paper, honour the unique and culturally
varied context of families, and identify key
conduits for sharing playful learning research
and resources with parents.
Framing the content
What do parents already know and believe?
Parent beliefs shape parent behaviours
(Hoover-Dempsey & Sandler, 1997; Sigel,
1985; Sigel & McGillicuddy-De Lisi, 2002;
Simpkins, Fredricks & Eccles, 2012). When
framing the content shared in this paper with
parents, start by considering parent beliefs
regarding their role in their child’s learning,
how play connects to learning, and whether
they believe they can be successful. These
beliefs are foundational to how parents will
be empowered to engage in playful learning
with their child.
1 Parents can believe they have an
important role in their child’s learning
and development. There is a strong
association between parent beliefs
about their role in their child’s learning
and their involvement in their child’s
learning (Hoover-Dempsey, Walker
& Sandler, 2005; List, Pernaudet &
Suskind, 2021; Weigel, Martin & Bennett,
2 Parents can appreciate the power of
play. Parent beliefs related to how play
connects to learning will determine how
they engage their children in play (Fisher
et al., 2008; Haight, Parke & Black, 1997;
Ihmeideh, 2019; LaForett & Mendez,
2017b; Lin & Li, 2018; Manz & Bracaliello,
2016; Parmar, Harkness & Super, 2004;
Roopnarine & Jin, 2012).
3 Parents can have self-ecacy. When
parents have self-ecacy, they believe
they have the skills and knowledge
needed to help their child, and that they
know where they can access informa-
tion and resources (Ardelt & Eccles,
2001; Bandura, 1997; Hoover-Dempsey
& Sandler, 1997).
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
What can inspire a shift in mindset?
Parents who hold these beliefs can be em-
powered to engage their child in playful
learning. We can support parents to develop
understanding and self-ecacy by providing
insight on the connection to science, elu-
cidating what we mean by playful learning,
drawing connections between playful learn-
ing and personally meaningfully outcomes,
and showing parents they can be successful.
1 Connect content to science. Parents
are more likely to trust parenting
information that is rooted in scientic
research and presented with authority
(Kinsner et al., 2018; List, Pernaudet &
Suskind, 2021; Wilton et al., 2017). List,
Pernaudet, and Suskind (2021) found
when parenting advice was connected
to the science of child development,
children demonstrated improved
vocabulary as well as a breadth of skills.
2 Make denitions clear. Play is
notoriously hard to dene (e.g., Bergen,
1988; Sutton-Smith, 1997) which leaves
us with widely varied parental views
of play (Fisher et al., 2008; LaForett
& Mendez, 2017b; Lin & Li, 2018). By
helping parents see the power of the
ve characteristics and their overlap
with the science of how children learn
(Hirsh-Pasek et al., 2020; Zosh et al.,
2017, 2018), play becomes more than
a four-letter word and playful learning
becomes a possibility.
3 Connect playful learning to parent and
child outcomes. All parents want to do
what is best for their child. Let’s oer
parents the evidence that illustrates
how playful learning promotes positive
outcomes across a breadth of skills.
a Child outcomes: Research nds
that playful learning fosters the
transferable skills – collaboration,
communication, content, critical
thinking, creative innovation, and
condence (termed the 6Cs by Go-
linko & Hirsh-Pasek, 2016) – that
researchers, educators, and em-
ployers say are crucial for success
in the 21st century (Golinko &
Hirsh-Pasek, 2016; Hirsh-Pasek et
al., 2020; Darling-Hammond et al.,
2020). To help inspire new ways of
thinking, parents can be present-
ed with evidence that normative
teaching and learning methods
(e.g., rote learning, direct instruc-
tion) are not always in alignment
with goals for their child (Meadows,
1999; Winthrop et al., 2021).
b Parent outcomes: During such a
stressful time for parents, it must
be clear to parents that playful
learning is not only benecial for
their child, but also for them. Play
naturally promotes positive par-
ent–child interaction and helps
build a strong parent–child bond
(Milteer et al., 2012). Parents
around the world report that play-
ing with their child makes them
feel more energized, creative and
relaxed, as well as closer to their
child (LEGO, 2018). It is no surprise
that parent–child play can lead to
reductions in parent stress (Cates
et al., 2016; Weisleder et al., 2019).
4 Show parents that they can be suc-
cessful. Parents need to see and feel
the ways in which playful learning can be
naturally integrated into their daily rou-
tines. Playful learning should not add re-
sponsibility for the parent. It requires no
manuals or books, just consciousness
as parents change the lens on everyday
behaviours. Parents can be supported
to identify and create conscious playful
learning interactions throughout their
day that help them feel successful.
Systemic barriers to playful learning
Even if parents have beliefs inspiring them
to support their child’s play, certain system-
ic and structural factors can be barriers to
parent engagement in learning through play.
When families struggle to make ends meet,
time for parents and children to play or even
be together is a precious commodity (Milteer
et al., 2012). Families around the world re-
port that they are ‘time poor’ and that work
and busy lifestyles are the top factors that
prevent them from playing with their child
(LEGO, 2018). Although beyond the scope
of this report, we recognize that to fully
empower all parents to engage their child in
learning through play would take wide-scale
comprehensive solutions to address struc-
tural inequities, including supportive family
policies, such as sucient paid family and
medical leave (Waldfogel et al., 2019), child
benets like cash transfers (Gennetian et
al., 2021), and adequate living wages (Hill &
Romich, 2018). Furthermore, neighbourhood
safety and the accessibility of playful com-
munity spaces can be challenge to outdoor
and physical play (Coyl-Shepherd & Hanlon,
2013; Faulkner et al., 2015; Milteer et al.,
2012). The reality is families face a variety
of challenges that may inuence how much
time and energy parents have to interact
with their child. This challenge presents
yet another reason why we must make the
research and related resources as accessible
as possible to all parents, including helping
parents see natural ways to integrate joy and
learning into their normal daily routines.
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Honouring the context
Context and culture shapes how parents
parent. Parent beliefs and behaviours, as well
as their access to resources, are all shaped
by their unique context and culture (Belsky,
1984; Harkness et al., 2013; Rogo, 2003;
Whitebread & Basilo, 2013). It is crucial to
understand how context and culture shape
parent engagement in playful learning so
programmes can build on parents’ funds of
Parents are powerful partners. The nuances
of playful learning across contexts and cul-
ture must be well understood and honoured.
When parents are partners, not clients (Win-
throp et al., 2021), these nuances can be bet-
ter appreciated and diverse ways of knowing,
teaching and learning can be elevated.
1 Focus groups, interviews, interactive
media campaigns and surveys can
elucidate what playful learning means,
and how it manifests, for families in
varied cultural contexts. The science
will come to life for parents when it
is framed in such a way that they can
see themselves, and their children, in
the examples. The play spectrum, ve
characteristics and 15 research-backed
approaches presented in this paper
are the foundation for how parents can
engage their child in playful learning, but
real examples from parents should be
the building blocks.
2 A network of parent champions for
playful learning can be built. Parents
learn from other parents – whether it
be from a ‘mommy blog’, play group or
a casual chat with a friend. Thus, par-
ents are powerful messengers to other
parents (Day et al., 2012; O’Neil, Volm-
ert & Gerstein Pineau, 2019; see Abrien-
do Puertas/Opening Doors). ‘Word of
mouth parent advocacy’ is inuential
(Sanders & Mazzucchelli, 2022, p. 10).
Parent champions for playful learning
can be spokespeople who inspire a
movement for playful learning in their
communities. They can also be a bridge
to help programmes and initiatives con-
tinually strengthen their understanding
of how parents can be supported.
3 Projects can collaborate with parents
to embed playful learning in places and
spaces in their communities. Initia-
tives like Playful Learning Landscapes
Action Network (PLLAN) collaborate
with parents and community leaders to
transform everyday places in their com-
munities into enriching, social spaces
that promote playful learning. These
initiatives are examples of how to take
parent engagement in playful learning
to the next level. Parents who are ac-
tively engaged in the creation of playful
learning infrastructure in their commu-
nity learn about the principles of playful
learning while they make their worlds
more meaningful for their family. Par-
ents develop self-ecacy as they come
to understand that playful learning can
happen in the places they visit every day
like grocery stores (Ridge et al., 2015),
libraries (Hassinger-Das et al., 2020a),
and even at bus stops (Hassinger-Das et
al., 2020b).
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
A note about close ties and social networks
Parents turn to their social networks –
other parents, close friends and relatives
– for parenting advice (Kinsner et al.,
2018; McCatharn et al., 2021; Simons et
al., 2021; Takeuchi, Vaala & Ahn, 2019), so
it is important to consider how to share
this research widely, not just with parents.
In fact, among the top ve sources of
parenting information are immediate family
members, friends, and extended family
(Kinsner et al., 2018). Parents with less
education, in particular, are more likely to
be inuenced by closer ties (Winthrop et
al., 2021). Social psychologists nd that
interpersonal networks play a large role in
determining whether a person adopts a
particular innovation (Burn, 1991; Darley &
Beniger, 1981). Kinsner and colleagues (2018)
urge those involved in parent engagement
initiatives to message to extended family,
particularly grandparents, as this is where
many parents turn for parenting information.
Identifying key conduits
Parents get parenting advice and resourc-
es in a variety of ways. Whether it be from a
friend, a grandparent or an expert, through
a casual conversation or a web search, par-
ents turn to dierent people and places for
help with parenting. Parenting interventions
involving multiple entry points have a greater
chance of achieving a wider reach and great-
er uptake (Prinz & Sanders, 2007). A number
of conduits can be considered to promote
accessibility and the inclusion of all parents.
1 Involve everyday places and spaces.
Playful learning initiatives situated in
everyday places like libraries (Hassing-
er-Das et al., 2020a), laundromats
(Neuman, Portillo & Celano, 2020), su-
permarkets (Hanner et al., 2019; Ridge
et al., 2015), food pantries (Shivaram
et al., 2021), and bus stops (Hassing-
er-Das et al., 2020b) all see positive
parent–child engagement and results.
Resources and opportunities for playful
learning are more accessible and there
is greater potential to include all parents
when playful learning is embedded in the
places that parents and children already
visit (Schlesinger et al., 2020).
2 Partner with people in the community
who are trusted messengers. Trust is
a key component of successful parent
engagement initiatives (Mapp & Berg-
man, 2021; Winthrop et al., 2021). Par-
ents across demographics deeply trust
their health care providers (Kinsner et
al., 2018). Well-child visits to the pedia-
trician are routine and nearly universal,
so they oer a way to deliver parenting
support that is accessible and free from
stigma (Mendelsohn et al., 2005; Shah et
al., 2019). There are many examples of
successful parenting interventions us-
ing paediatricians and other health care
providers as conduits (Cates et al., 2016;
Johnston et al., 2004; Shah et al., 2019;
see Peacock-Chambers, Ivy & Bair-Mer-
ritt, 2017, for a review). Parents tend
to also look to their child’s teacher for
advice and support, particularly in early
childhood (Adams & Christenson, 2000;
Kinsner et al., 2018). Religious leaders
can serve as eective messengers to
parents because they are trusted by
their congregants and they interact with
families on a regular basis (Kinsner et al.,
3 Leverage media and technology. Me-
dia and mobile technology can be an
ecient, cost-eective and non-stig-
matizing way to reach a substantial
number of parents, particularly those
parents who may not otherwise receive
parenting support (Sanders et al., 2021;
Sanders & Prinz, 2008). There is a dearth
of studies that have analysed mass
media campaigns that target parents;
however, there are several examples of
mass media campaigns that success-
fully addressed public health and safety
challenges (Elder et al., 2004; Wakeeld,
Loken & Hornik, 2010). When advice is
successfully shared over mass media,
the targeted behaviours become more
normative, and when behaviours be-
come normative, mindsets are more
likely to shift, and population-level
change is more likely to happen (Sand-
ers & Mazzucchelli, 2022). Modern
parents often rely on their mobile device
to share and receive information (Pew
Research Center, 2021), so phone-
based media such as social media and
texting can be particularly powerful
conduits. Parents are heavily involved
in social media (Duggan et al., 2015;
Lupton, Pedersen & Thomas, 2016) and
several organizations have successfully
used apps (Irvin et al., 2020) and texting
(York, Loeb & Doss, 2019; Galinsky et al.,
2017) to reach parents with parenting
information and support.
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Future research
Parenting and playful learning in dierent
cultures and contexts
More research needs to be done to uncover
the ways in which culture and context shape
how parents engage their children in learning
and play. Cross-cultural examples and evi-
dence should be collected to discover how
playful learning comes to life across diverse
How do parents engage with their children
in learning and play across diverse contexts
and cultures?
Reaching all parents
Research suggests that certain settings and
mechanisms may be particularly eective
conduits to engage parents. We still need to
learn more about which conduits would be
most successful to reach and support all par-
ents with playful learning resources.
What conduits are both inclusive and ef-
fective in sharing our research with families
across contexts?
How can all parents, particularly low income
and ‘time-poor’ parents, be supported to
feel like they can be successful in engaging
their child in playful learning?
Changing the lens
Although recent research suggests that
parents may be looking more favourably to-
wards playful learning (Eason & Ramani, 2020;
LaForett & Mendez, 2017a; LEGO, 2018; Lin
& Li, 2018; Winthrop et al., 2021), there is still
a need to better understand how parents
in a variety of contexts conceptualize play.
From there, we must consider prominent
parent beliefs related to play and explore
dierent ways to change the lens on play and
its connection to learning, when necessary.
Systems theory says that in order to shift
collective mindsets, members of society
need to understand that existing practices
do not align with their desired goals (Mead-
ows, 1999; Winthrop et al., 2021). So, we also
need to explore and honour what outcomes
matter to parents, and then investigate mis-
alignments that may exist between parents’
personal goals and current practices.
What beliefs do parents have about play
and learning? How do these beliefs con-
verge or diverge according to dierent con-
texts and cultures?
What child outcomes matter to parents?
Are there any common themes of desired
child outcomes across contexts?
How can we show parents that playful
learning outcomes align with their desired
outcomes in a way that inspires a shift in
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
Closing thoughts
In the race to make sure their child succeeds
in the 21st century, joy – a key piece of what
makes parenting so powerful – is missing. It
is time to bring joy to parents, for the sake
of both parents and children. Parents can
see that supporting their child to thrive in
the 21st Century need not require expen-
sive structured activities or fancy gadgets.
Rather, science elucidates the magic that lies
within the everyday moments parents and
children share. Parents can be empowered
to use the principles of playful learning, and
the approaches introduced in this paper, to
nd natural opportunities for joy and learning
as they go about their day. When we better
understand what playful learning means to
parents in dierent contexts, and involve
parents as partners, we can create a move-
ment for playful learning and joyful parent-
ing. This movement gives parenting back
to parents while simultaneously supporting
children to develop the breadth of skills they
need for our complex and ever-changing
world. We know a world where parents and
children share in the joy and curiosity inher-
ent to playful learning is possible. This white
paper is just the rst step towards our mis-
sion to empower all parents to feel condent
and inspired to engage in playful learning
anytime, anywhere.
Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting
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Playful Learning & Joyful Parenting