Re: Letter of Intent to Lease
Dear _______________:
Per our conversation, this correspondence shall serve as a Non-binding Letter of Intent to lease the property
located at ___________________________________
Proposed Terms and Conditions:
Property: Legal Description:
Municipal Address:
Demised Premises:
Lease Term: Primary term to be _____________ (__) years effective ______, 200_
or upon completion of the premises or Tenants occupancy the later of
which shall be the determining date. Tenant to retain ___ renewal
options each for a period of ____ (_) years.
Property Access: Tenant to have full and complete access to the Property ______ (___)
days prior to Lease Commencement date in order for Tenant to
initiate and complete Tenant improvements necessary for the intended
use of the premises.
Lease Rate: $________ per month for the first _____ (_) years of the primary
term. Rent for years _____ of the primary term shall be $________
per month. Rent for option period to be $________ per month.
Deposit: A deposit check in the amount equal to the first months rent shall
accompany the executed Lease Agreement.
Expenses: The following details the party responsible for the respective
(Tenant / Landlord)
A. Electricity (Demised Premises):
B. Electricity (Exterior security lighting):
C. Water / Sewer:
D. Gas:
E. Janitorial:
F. Trash Removal (Exterior grounds/dumpster):
G. Driveways/Yard/Grass etc.:
H. Roof / Structural Maintenance:
I. Interior/Exterior Maintenance:
J. Window Washing:
K. Liability Insurance:
L. Property/Fire & Extended Coverage Insurance:
M. Ad Valorem Taxes:
N. Property Taxes:
O. Plate Glass:
P. Locks/Keys:
H/VAC: Landlord to insure that all H/VAC systems are in good working
condition prior to occupancy and shall, for a period of ____days (___)
days from date of occupancy, be responsible for any repair and/or
replacement necessary.
Electrical / Plumbing: Landlord to insure that all existing electrical system(s) and plumbing
system(s) are in good operating condition prior to occupancy.
Thereafter Tenant shall be solely responsible for all Electrical &
Plumbing systems (Tenant responsible only for plumbing above the
slab. Landlord to warrant all plumbing for 60 days from lease
Permits: Lease Agreement is contingent upon Tenant obtaining all necessary
permits to include occupancy, zoning etc. necessary for operating the
intended business.
Signage: Tenant to be responsible for any new signage in front of the leased
,Property however Landlord shall be responsible for the removal of
any unwanted existing signage.
Environmental: Tenant cannot be responsible for any existing contamination at the
site. Although Tenant does not anticipate environmental problems,
Tenant will require copies of whatever environmental information
that the Landlord may have to assist in the environmental evaluation
of the Property prior to Lease execution.
ADA Compliance: If required by Louisiana or Federal law, Landlord shall be responsible
for the property to comply with ADA regulations for restrooms and
property access.
Tenant _____________________(address)
_____________________(e-mail address)
_____________________( Work Phone)
_____________________ (Cell Phone)
Intended Use:
Lease Agreement: Lease Agreement shall be provided by the Landlord.
Non-Binding: This Letter of Intent is completely non-binding and has no effect on
either party whatsoever until a Lease Agreement has been fully
executed by both Tenant and Landlord.
Agency: Landlord and Tenant acknowledge and accept that the undersigned,
________________(Agent), as the Designated Listing Agent for the
Landlord is working as a ___________ Agent as provided for in the
attached Disclosure and Consent forms.
Brokerage: Landlord agrees to pay a brokerage fee of a minimum of ________
percent (____%) of the scheduled gross lease value to
_________________________________. Commission is due and
payable at Lease Execution. Landlord also agrees to pay a brokerage
fee of _______ percent (____%) based upon the gross scheduled lease
value on any expansions of the lease as well as ____% of the
scheduled gross lease value on any extensions, options or renewals of
the Lease Agreement.
Each party shall keep confidential each of the provisions of this Letter of Intent and all information each
party obtains regarding the other party, and Landlord shall not offer subject property to any other
prospective tenant during the term of this Letter of Intent. This Letter of Intent supersedes any and all previous
negotiations with Tenant, whether written or verbal.
If the above terms and conditions are acceptable, please indicate in the appropriate space provided and provide
a formal lease agreement for the Tenants review within ten (10) days of the acceptance date of this Letter of
Intent. Please consider this proposal valid until 5:00pm, ______________________________.
Agreed to and Accepted:
____________________ ____________________
by: Date by: Date