Lynnette Cassidy
Phone: 01422 360272
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This has been a long and extremely busy half-
term with the Easter holiday falling quite late
this year. Our students have coped admirably
but I know they will be ready for their break
when it nally arrives on Friday. Y11 and Y13
will, of course, have some revision to contend
with over the holiday but should also get some
rest, lots of good quality sleep and a real break
from studying.
We have enjoyed many treats and events since
Christmas, many of which are show-cased in
more detail in this edition. I know you will enjoy
reading about them.
We were delighted to receive notication from
SSAT (Schools, Students and Teachers Network)
that we have been awarded an Education
Outcomes Award. This is further public
recognition of the schools national prole and a
tribute to the amazing work that our students
and sta do. It is also a tribute to the great
support provided to our students and the school
by our parents and carers. The award was
swiftly followed this week by a congratulatory
letter from the Schools Minister, Nick Gibb. This
recognised, in particular, the achievements of
students in the English Baccalaureate.
A real highlight for us all this half term was the
taking of the ocialschool photograph. It was
my rst experience of this type of photograph
and it was truly a wonderful occasion. We had a
real sense of being Crossley Heath’, with the
whole school population gathered together in all
our splendour on the Moor. I was immensely
The Crossley Heath
School News
Easter 2019
Andorra Ski Trip Page 2
Sports News Page 8-9
Fun on the slopes for this yearsintrepid thrill-seekers!
Round-up of a busy term of xtures and much sporting
proud of our students who waited patiently to
get onto the stand and behaved impeccably
throughout, with some good humour thrown in.
We even managed to order some glorious
weather for the occasion! The photograph has
now arrived in school and looks terric.
Another highlight was taking a small group of
students to observe new British citizens receive
their citizenship at a ceremony conducted by
Chris Harris, The Deputy Lieutenant for
Calderdale. The students had an interesting
morning watching the ceremony and meeting
participants, some of whom had fascinating
stories to tell. We anticipate many more similar
events in the future.
As always, we are striving to move the school
forward and you may recall that improving our
pastoral provision in relation to our care for
students with physical and mental health or
well-being needs is a key aspect of our vision for
2021. I am delighted that our new Healthcare
and Student Support Assistant, Duncan Beattie,
has now joined us. Mr Beattie will be getting to
know students with medical and healthcare
needs, and their families, over the forthcoming
With spring (just about!) in the air, and the
lighter mornings and evenings upon us, I do
hope that everyones spirits are lifted by the
prospect of a well-deserved break. I wish you all
a wonderful, relaxing Easter holiday.
Whole School Photo Page 3
Gillman and Soame visit on a perfect day for our ve-yearly
A Word
from the
Ski trip 2019
Lets organise a ski tripthey said. It will
be funand Its only 24 hours on a bus”.
On this premise, the 2019 ski trip was
launched with a new organiser, Mr
Spencer, and some old hands and new
faces on the sta team (Mr Barber, Mrs
Sunderland, Miss Gillespie, Ms Thristan
and Miss Smith).
After a year of preparation we
departed school with 43 pupils and ve
sta right on time at 6:45am facing 24
hours on what seemed like a
comfortable coach. 28 hours later,
owing to a missed ferry and the yellow
vest protest in France, we nally
arrived in Andorra, all agreeing that
the coach maybe wasnt so
The rst day was spent getting our
bearings, hiring equipment and
preparing for six days of snow based fun. In
a change to previous years, we were
staying right in the resort which gave
pupils access to a range of facilities with
half of the group chosing to burn o some
energy with a trip to the local swimming
pool. Three of our four skiing groups were
made up of students who had never skied
on a mountain before and so the rst two
days were spent learning the basics.
By day three, all but those who had never
skied before were making runs from the
top of the mountain and the more
advanced groups had made their rst trip
to the jump park. We were very fortunate
to have clear blue skies with plenty of snow
from previous weeks. We also had great
food with an all you can eat buet
breakfast and dinner at the hotel as well as
a hot buet at lunchtime in a restaurant
near the slope. However some of the pupils
still felt the need to keep the local
McDonalds in business and make the most
of the tax free chocolate and sweets in the
local shops.
As well as skiing we also had some
memorable evening après skiactivities
including ice skating (Mr Barber may be a
future Dancing on Ice star), snow tubing
(sitting on an inated tyre ring and sliding
down the slope), a Karaoke night in a local
youth club (which took a little warming up
before eventually we had some willing
performers) and an impromptu quiz night.
Most students enjoyed spending the
evening socialising in the hotel common
room, playing pool or cards and some even
made use of the hotel hot tub.
After six great days skiing, all the groups
joined together to allow everyone to ski
with their friends for the nal 20 minutes.
At the end of the whole day skiing we
showered at the swimming pool, ate at
our hotel then began the long journey
home at 7pm. This time, delayed due to a
crash on the French motorway, we nally
arrived back at school at 9:45pm the next
Some things we learnt: buses really arent
that comfortable after 12 hours (never
mind 27 hours); outside the UK,
McDonalds arent open 24/7 (to much
grumbling on the journey); skiing is great
fun; some of our pupils had never heard
Queens Bohemian Rhapsody but now
wont stop playing it.
As a sta team we felt it was another
fantastic trip. The pupils were a delight to
take away, denitely had fun and some of
them have made memories that will last a
life time. While some are already asking for
a trip to run again next year, the sta are
still recovering. But we will denitely be
rested and ready for a new adventure (and
to face 24+ hours on a bus) in February
The gods of good weather were smiling on us when the entire school
community of 1200 students and around 150 sta enjoyed a morning in the
sunshine for the whole school photograph at the end of March. Its an event
that only takes place once every ve years and is a huge feat of planning to
get everyone organised. Thank you to Gillman and Soame for their
professional skills during the morning. Order forms are being sent home
with our students and parents are able to order online or by telephone
directly with the company (no orders to be sent into school thank you!).
The new year started o with a non-
uniform day for The Linden Brook
Centre in Halifax which raised £828.08.
On 16 February, we raised £850 for
Calderdale Smartmove and £150 for
Calderdale Healthy Minds, both local
charities that help young people facing
dicult times in Calderdale.
In February, ve students helped out at
the Maurice Jagger Event which is run
every year by the Rotary Club. The
students had a fabulous time and so did
the guests. Well done to them for taking
part, particularly as it was over half
On Valentines day this year, some of
our entrepreneurial 6th form students
raised £37 for the British Heart
Foundation by selling roses which they
hand-delivered to sta and students
across the school.
In March we joined in with Comic Relief
Whole School
and raised £824.32 through a non-
uniform day and a hotly-contested
sta versus students netball match.
Also in March, the student-led
Lameera Society held a bake sale
selling delicious cakes which raised a
fantastic £175.13 for Oxfam. Well done
to them for their eort and hard work.
Finally, twelve members of our sta
are taking part in the Calderdale Way
relay race on 19 May. Running in pairs
and covering over 50 cumulative
miles, the event is split into 6 legs
which means we average just over 8
miles of running each. Sta are
training at lunchtimes and weekends
for the event and are raising money
for Kirkwood Hospice, a cause close to
our hearts.
Would you consider sponsoring us?
You can do so on our Just Giving
We are delighted to highlight some
exceptional achievements by students
who have been given Head Teachers
awards over the past term.
Firstly, we were very proud of our crack
team of four mathematicians who
represented the school at the Team
Maths Challenge at Bradford Grammar in
March. Aryan Bhuskute, Amaan Hussain,
Amna Khan and Isabelle Horlock
(pictured above) came within a whisker of
a third place prize in the competition.
Considering the tough opposition they
faced on the day, this was an excellent
achievement and the students really
enjoyed their day out
Awards also went to Rueben Hemmings
for an outstanding piece of work in
English and to Aliyah Akhtar (7B) for her
incredibly creative work on a science
project on the properties of light.
House Writing
On 13 March, we took 26 pupils from
a range of year groups to the
Schools Cup climbing competition
at the Depot in Pudsey. In the KS3
girls competition, we had an
amazing 5 top-ten nishes including
Josie Williamson and Erin McGrath
nishing in 2nd and 3rd. In the KS3
boys group, Dylan Hill blew away
any competition by running away
with 1st place with an astounding 14
point cushion between himself and
the nearest competitor. We also
placed well in the KS4 boys and girls
Depot Climbing
Y7 to Y10 students got creative with the topic of The
Futurein our House Creative Writing Competition.
There were inventive stories of alien danger, robot
betrayal and dystopian futures on new planets.
Shivani Gopal (9G Porter) won the short story element
with an entry focusing on child marriage. Shivani told
us about the inspiration behind her story: After
hearing so much about the inequality towards women
around the world (especially in 3rd world countries), I
felt the need to express my concern towards this issue.
Even if it's only a few people or even one person that
reads my story, it's about making people aware of how
unjust the world really is, even if we don't spot it in our
own society.
Aidan Burns (10B Savile) won the poetry element with
a creative response to peoples reactions to social
media scandals:
the warriors of love marched through the
nighttime streets and held their torches high.
bystanders watched from their windows with binoculars
and nested hatred for the man living across from him.
The winners for each Year Group were:
Y7 Zara Younis 7F Savile
Y8 Sarah Dean 8C Porter
Y9 Shivani Gopal (short story) 9G Porter
Y9 Praneetha Bharat (poetry) 9D Porter
Y10 Aidan Burns (poetry) 10B Savile
Well done to all our winners!
including Raiss
Gopaul (2nd), Sam
Ogden (3rd) and
Beth Wood (4th) in
their respective
In the overall team results section,
we came a close second to Benton
Park School but performed
magnicently throughout inside a
very chilly climbing centre – a huge
well done to all involved!
Congratulations to Y12 A level student Milly
Carson who came a very impressive 3rd in a
national competition this term. Milly entered a
vocabulary learning competition run by This Is
Languagewebsite which we subscribe to for our
Y11-13 students.
She was awarded a certicate and a prize of a £25 Amazon voucher. To
achieve her superb results, Milly spent many hours over one weekend
working on her language recall for the vocabulary testing game. Well done
also to Oliver Russell (Y13) who came 9th in the country and also was
awarded a certicate for his eorts.
Pictured above are 6th form students Jonny
Seagrave, Roan Richmond , Georgianna Smith,
Amina Ali and Lexi Crossley at the National Skills Finals in London on
Thursday 4th April. The team had the rst hour with a motivational speaker,
James Sinclair, who shared his tips for making it in business,
entrepreneurship, leadership and management. The students then
presented to judges Dragons Den-style before coming together with the
other 23 schools for feedback and the awards ceremony.
The team wasnt placed but the experience of visiting London, taking part in
the world of business at NatWest HQ and seeing other students
Two of our students, Matthew
Holden (Y12) and Benjamin Mears
(Y10), recently took part in the West
Yorkshire Schools Golf Competition
held at Hawley Golf Club in Morley.
The boys had a good day playing
against ninety other top golfers from
schools across West Yorkshire and
while they didnt quite achieve the
nal results they wanted, really
enjoyed the experience.
Some of our Y8 students taking part
in the huge range of activities
provided at the Careers Day
We organised a very successful Careers
Day on 7 March for our Y8 students to
support them in making their GCSE option
choices. The turnout from employers was
fantastic and gave the students a really
varied experience of dierent industries.
For students with an interest in law, we
had invited a former Crossley Heath
student who now works at Ramsden's
Solicitors to run sessions to explore
dierent avenues a career in law could
take. West Yorkshire police also attended
to discuss careers in law enforcement,
particularly counter terrorism. There were
some amazing questions answered in
those sessions!
Hudderseld University were able to give
students a taste of careers in health and
sessions were also run on medicine,
engineering and IT.
We were lucky to have two employees
from the BBC visit to discuss journalism
and roles in HR. Lloyds Bank gave talks
telling students about careers in project
management and nance.
To give our more creative
students some inspiration we
also had presentations from
an actor and an artist who
talked about how to get
ahead in careers harnessing
In the afternoon, students
had a chance to use the
UniFrog platform, which they
can now access online from
home. This gave everyone
the opportunity to explore their areas of
individual interest and to link to the
GCSE choices they have been making. It
is also something the school will use
with them throughout their careers
education all the way to university
applications in Y13.
A further afternoon session looked at
Future Labour Market information to
discuss which industries may grow in
our area in the future. This showed the
students how many opportunities could
be coming up, for example, the fact that
over the next 5 years, £250million will be
invested in the Leeds City Region's
medical technology sector, resulting in
more scientic and engineering jobs - an
exciting prospect!
Information Day
Overall the students had a fantastic day
and we hope were able to make more
informed decisions when it came to
their GCSE choices.
If any of our parents have an interest in
supporting future careers days and
events, please contact Mrs Martin
directly by email:
SSAT Award
Crossley Heath put a mixture of Under 16s and Under 15s
against St. George's School from Vancouver, Canada, with
whom we have developed strong links through touring
over the last decade and more.
Despite a rather one sided scoreline of 54-0 to the host
side, the game was hard-fought and physical but most
importantly played in very good spirits. The Crossley boys
played some outstanding rugby and particular praise must
go to Dan Leahy, Ed Windle, Ted Grogan and Man of the
Match, Jacob Chadwick. The team was captained by
Andrew Coates who sensibly made a point of thanking the
Crossley parents who had hosted Canadian visitors and
without whose generosity these sorts of games would not
be possible.
The return part of the German exchange took place in the rst
week of April when 31 students and 2 teachers from our
partner school, the Viktoriaschule in Aachen, spent a week in
Halifax with their partners in Y10.
The German students enjoyed trips to Manchester, Bradford,
The Piece Hall and even met the Mayor of Calderdale at their
visit to Halifax town hall.
Students from both schools also took part in a joint day trip to
York where they visited the Minster and The Shambles. On
the last day of their trip, the German students also
participated in some lessons at school, alongside their English
counterparts. The German students have all enjoyed their
time in Halifax over the week and some great friendships have
been formed.
Visitors 2019
Crossley Heath has been recognised nationally for its excellent
GCSE results in 2018 based on data from the Department for
Education and Ofsted, analysed by SSAT, the School, Students
and Teachers network.
The School was found to be among the best performing
secondary schools in the country, receiving an award for being in
the top 20% of schools nationally for progress.
The SSAT Educational Outcomes database compares all state-
funded schools in England and the highest performing schools
for a range of key measures are awarded SSAT Educational
Outcomes Awards. Many of the students who achieved these
impressive results in year 11 have gone on to enjoy studying in
our 6th form and are continuing to thrive.
Mrs Cassidy said, I am delighted that The Crossley Heath School
has been recognised in such a way with an Educational
Outcomes Award for such excellent performance at KS4. Our
sta work so hard to ensure that all students achieve their full
potential and we are proud of our sta and students for their
success”. The Award will be presented to the school at a regional
ceremony in the summer term.
We are a small group of A-level
students that have created a
sustainability campaign known as
the ‘3 Weeks to Save the World’.
This campaign is part of a Global
Social Leaders student competition
focused on the United Nations
Global Goals for Sustainable
We believe that the best chance at
achieving a better future is to
educate the younger generation on
the importance of changing
behaviours to create more
environmentally friendly
communities. To introduce younger
students to this, we have planned a 3
week programme with various
Global Goals -3 Weeks
to Save the World!
creative tasks to engage and inspire
primary school children to take
interest in looking after the
This campaign is split into 3 parts:
Week 1 - Inside the Home, Week 2 -
Outside the Home, and Week 3 - The
Global Environment. By
implementing the project in
digestible sections, we hope to keep
the children engaged with simple
coherent tasks while also educating
them on the importance of the
Excitingly, this has been picked up by
two local primary schools and we will
be visiting them to launch the
competition in the coming weeks.
Our hope is that the students will feel
We are delighted to have made two new
appointments this term on our pastoral and
student welfare team. Welcome rstly to
Duncan Beattie who has a paramedic
background and is joining us to oer
expertise in dealing with rst line health
issues in school as well as support for student
We are also looking forward to Liz Armitage
joining the Crossley Heath team in June. Mrs
Armitage will be working closely with the
pastoral team to support issues of welfare,
mental health and SEN/AEN amongst other
things. Both Mr Beattie and Mrs Armitage
have many years of experience working in
the public sector front line and cant wait to
start their new roles with us.
We are a team of six Y12
students called The Plastics
competing in the UN Global Goals
Competition which aims to achieve 17
goals by 2030. We chose to tackle the
areas of responsible consumption and
productionand life below waterfor
our project. We want to banish single
use plastics from our school as they are
a huge problem for the environment.
To achieve our aim we are starting to
sell reusable, BPA free water bottles
with our school logo on. If we can
encourage students to buy and re-ll
these bottles, this will reduce the
amount of single use plastics that are
bought in the school dining room. We
will be doing pre-orders of our
£3.50 bottles via ParentPay and we will
take delivery during rst the few weeks
of the summer term. To support this,
the dining room has recently had the
tap water facilities upgraded to make
access to drinking water much easier
for all students.
To educate other students about the
dangers and impact of plastics we took
part in the Y9 Health Fair, running our
own session and pushing the UN Goals
we are supporting. We have spoken
with Mrs Cassidy about our project and
have her full support as it is important
that Crossley Heath leads the way in
ethical consumption. The small prots
from the bottles will go towards
charities that support cleaning the
ocean and saving the marine animals
from dying due to plastic in our
We hope you will all support our project
and buy a school branded water bottle.
Goals -
engaged and empowered in
supporting the UN Global Goals and
through small actions help minimise
the impact we have on our
Two of our students,
Isabel Richardson (Y9)
and Verity Clements (Y10)
were selected to
represent West Yorkshire
in the English Schools
Cross Country
Championships, held at
Temple Newsam. Both
girls ran well in pouring
rain and slippery
conditions under foot,
with Isabel nishing in an
amazing 25th position,
rst junior girl over the
line for West Yorkshire
and Verity in the top 200 in the inter girls
race. Well done to both girls.
It has been a great season for all our
netballers, with many attending practice
on a regular basis and
our girls having much
success in their league
and Calderdale
tournaments. The
U13As and U14As and
U14Bs have also
nished the season as
Calderdale Champions.
The U13A team
demonstrated fantastic
skill and great team
work winning all their
games in the qualifying
round of their
Calderdale tournament,
then went on to beat a
keen squad from Trinity
Academy by 9 goals to 3
in the nal. Players of the team: Evie
Dagger, Grace Redfern, Cody Harrison,
Harriet Hankinson, Lucy Sears, Lucy
Gregg, Olivia Conway and Alice Munley.
The U13B team played some good
netball in their tournament showing
improvement game by game and
nishing in a creditable 3
overall, with
captain Lucy Guest
being awarded
player of the
Players of the
team: Grace
Harwood, Lucy
Guest, Lila Wilford,
Seleena Ren,
Amelie Thomson,
Alice Munley,
Aryka Amin and
Aishah Tariq.
The U14s showed their
depth in players, by
winning both the A
and B tournaments
convincingly, without
losing any games. The
u14 A were two goals
down in the rst half
of the nal, against an
and skilful
team from
North Halifax,
however our
Kerrigan and Sasmita
Thiyagesh kept their nerve in
the shooting circle, backed up
with some brilliant defensive
play by Niamh Woodhouse
and Molly Stevens, to take the
win 8-4.
Members of the
squad: Molly
Stevens, Niamh
Niamh OConnor, Mae
Wadsworth, Fatima
Sadiq, Rosa Austin,
Niamh Kerrigan, Sasmita
Thiyagesh and Ellis
The U14Bs also won all
their games comfortably
in their tournament V
teams from Rastrick,
Brooksbank, Lightclie
Academy and Ryburn to
nish their season as
Calderdale champions. Players of the
tournament were Jenny Grant and
Sally Ezzo for their fantastic shooting
and Lydia Johnson for her strong
defensive play.
Well done to all our players for a
fantastic season and for their
commitment and enthusiasm in both
training and
Good luck to our
Y11 and 13
players and hope
they have much
success with their
future netball
. . . S P O R T S N E W S S P O R T S N E W S . . .
Following the success of our Y7 and 8
students at the Calderdale Indoor
Athletics nals, the students attended
the West Yorkshire nals on 19 March.
All four teams qualied for the event,
with us being the only school in
Calderdale to achieve this feat. In a
highly competitive day, both Y 7 teams
just missed out
on a top 5
nish, both
nishing 6
Both Y8 teams
achieved top 3
nishes, with
the girlsteam
coming 3
the boys team
nishing 2
just one point!
Although all
played a huge
part in the
notable mentions must go out to
Vaega Hussain, winning her triple jump
event, and Joseph Tuton, winning his 1
lap sprint in a highly competitive race.
As well as good performances in the
individual events, the school also
excelled at the team relay events,
picking up valuable positions in every
race. This was epitomized by Jacob
Duy and Finlay Hill taking gold in the
8 lap Paarluf by an emphatic distance.
Well done to all the young athletes
who were involved and whose
behaviour and performances were a
credit to the school!
aware of the Careers Fund. This fund
exists to help present and former pupils of
Crossley Heath School to further their
chosen career and makes payments each
year to suitable applicants.
In the past we have helped our students
and former-students with contributions
towards internships, challenges,
expeditions abroad, theatre companies,
charity projects, Olympic training and
Medlink courses, to name just a few. If you
are undertaking any work experience that
managed to convert. Some excellent
results included a 1-0 win over both
Rishworth teams and Ryburn, with an
impressive 3-0 win over NHGS. The girls
came 2nd after narrowly missing out on
1st which came down to goal dierence.
Overall, the girls
showed great
throughout the
whole tournament
and did
considering some
girls have not
played hockey
before coming to
Special mention goes to
Vaega who got player of the
tournament as well as to
Scarlett who had an
outstanding performance in
goal, conceding only one
goal in the whole
The U13 girls played their last
xture of the season against
Rastrick, with some girls
stepping up to and playing
their rst game for the team.
The girls dominated the
entire game which was reected in the
score, a 12-0 win.
Imogen Hayes was awarded player of the
match, this being her rst game for the
side and making excellent plays as well as
Make use
of the
Girls rugby has had a brilliant start this
year, with many girls trying rugby out for
the rst time. The girls played their rst
festival at Ryburn, inaugural outings for
many players. As the festival progressed,
the girls gained
more condence
which was shown
in the later
from Ella Booth
meant she
received player of
the tournament
for exceptional
plays as well as
for coaching her
players who have not played before.
With the girls showing great interest in the
sport, Yorkshire Carnegie rugby coach,
Sam Allan has come into lessons to help
aid the girls in becoming more condent
in playing the sport. From these coaching
sessions you can see how condent the
girls have become in their tackling and
game play. Some of the girls will also go
on to play in a development tournament
on Wednesday which will help to increase
their knowledge of the rugby.
The U12 girls played their rst outdoor
competition of the year last week, which
was the Calderdale tournament. There
were amazing plays from the girls which
created a lot of chances, which they
some fantastic tackles. Overall, it has
been an excellent season for the U13
Girls football has had a strong season this
year with the U13s winning the
Calderdale Futsal tournament and only
conceding 1 goal throughout the
tournament. Saarah Khalil received
player of the match for outstanding play
and showing great sportsmanship. The
girls had a frustrating game against
Trinity Academy, in which CHS had all the
possession but just could not put it away.
Despite this, the girls carried on and
worked as a team to try and score.
Unfortunately the game ended in a draw.
Our 'Wasps' netball
squad (left), which
consists of present
senior and former
students and is run by
one of our parents
Julie Wisniewski, is
having an excellent
season so far.
The team play in the
2nd division of the
Monday night ladies'
league at the NBLC
and are currently in
2nd position. With just 3 games left to
play, the team are heading for promotion
to division 1 when they will face some of
the strongest teams in the District.
will incur a cost, maybe we can help
towards it?
If you would like to make an application to
the Fund, at any stage of your career either
now or in the future, simply drop a line to
the Secretary, Hazel Clayton, at
[email protected] and let us
know what youre planning.
Alternatively, your request can be passed
on via the school oce. All applications are
As students embark on the next exciting
stages of their life and continue to work
towards their future careers, please be
Closes for Easter: Friday 12 April
Re-opens: Monday 29 April
Closes for half term: Friday 24 May
Re-opens: Monday 3 June
Closed for INSET Friday 28 June
Closes for summer: Friday 19 July
29 School reopens
30 Y8 girls vaccinations. Junior Maths Challenge.
1 May PTA meeting 7pm
2 Y12 Parents Evening
3 Y10 Health Day
6 May Day - school closed
7 MFL oral exams commence
9 Iceland Trip information evening
Y11 study leave begins
Rugby Presentation Evening
13 Y7 Exams week
14 Y13 study leave begins
20 Y8 Exams week
21 Y9 Parents Evening
24 School closes for half term
2 June Y10 Iceland Trip departs
4 Y10 Battlefield Trip departs
5 PTA meeting 7pm
10 Y12 exams and study leave commence
13 Y7 ABC Parents Evening
17 Y7 trip to Chester Zoo
18 Y7 DEF Parents Evening
19 Y12 UCAS trip to Leeds
21 Y9 Rewards trip
23 Y12 Berlin trip
26 Non Uniform Day
27 11+ Open Evening
28 INSET Day - school closed to students
2019 Calendar
We are looking to recruit new committee members to help in future
events. Please get in touch and come and see us on at one of our meetings
on the rst Wednesday of every month during term time in the sports hall
from 7pm.
Please keep an eye on our Facebook page
CrossleyHeathPTA where we make announcements and mention
forthcoming events.
We welcome any suggestions for events particularly if you have been
involved in the PTA of your childs Junior school. If you have the energy to
organise an event we will be delighted to listen to a plan!
Please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to keep up to date.
Registered Charity Number: 1043362
Crossley Heath
PTA News
Term Dates
Please can parents of current Y12 students (and any Y11 & Y13
leavers who may have siblings perhaps?) ask them to come and
collect their exam certicates if they didnt attend the schools
Prizegiving event last year. Students may need their certicates
sooner than they think and it will be easier than coming back to
school in years to come to look for them! Just come to the
school oce and we will sort them out for you.
Collect your exam
Please ensure that you check
ParentPay regularly for new trips,
instalment payments due, and
resources etc., which will require
paying for, and also keep your
childs catering account topped up. Please ensure that there are
sucient funds on student accounts to enable them to have
lunch on their return after Easter.
Finally to all Music Tuition students a reminder that Summer
Term fees are now due
Many thanks - The Finance Team