Miami-Dade County, Florida Project Title: Convenience Stores at MIA
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This document is a draft Scope of Services for a future RFP solicitation
and is subject to change without notice.
This is NOT a solicitation advertisement.
Miami International Airport (MIA) is the leading economic engine for Miami-Dade County and the State of
Florida. Founded in 1928, MIA now offers more flights to Latin America and the Caribbean than any other
U.S. airport. Today, MIA enjoys top rankings as the leading international freight airport in the United States
and ranks as one of the nation’s top three leading airports for international passenger traffic.
MIA’s prominent presence in international passenger traffic and cargo activity has fueled a host of other
industries, such as: tourism, cruise industry, international banking, and commerce. More than 77% of all
exports and 80% of all imports between the United States and the Latin American/Caribbean region flow
through MIA. It should also be noted that MIA is the port of entry for about 70% of all international traffic
arriving by air to Florida. MIA is the world’s largest Latin American/Caribbean gateway, offering 1,290 weekly
departures with non-stop service to 73 destinations in the region. With 49% of total passenger traffic being
international, MIA is among the top two airports in the U.S. with the highest international to domestic
passenger ratios.
The core concessions programs at MIA (Food & Beverage, Retail and Duty-Free units) utilize nearly 271,000
square feet of space throughout the pre- and post-security areas of the North, Central and South Terminals.
Commensurate with the cultural and geographic diversity of MIA’s international passenger base, the
concessions program includes a wide array of brands and concepts including some of the world’s leading
retailers and restaurants, international and regional brands specifically targeted to the unique makeup of the
MIA traveler base and renowned local concepts curated to deliver an authentic expression of the cultural
richness of the Miami area.
The Miami-Dade Aviation Department (MDAD) has established concession goals and objectives to better
meet or exceed the demands of today and tomorrow's traveling public. These goals and objective include:
A. Enhance the image of the Airport as a world-class airport.
B. Enhance customer service and satisfaction by improving product choice, price, and customer
C. Optimize sales and revenues.
D. Optimize design and location of retail units.
E. Present a local and regional identity concept that enhance the “sense of place” and convey the
cultural richness and diversity of Miami to the traveling public.
F. Provide national and international branded concepts.
G. Increase the Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (ACDBE) participation to the extent
Miami-Dade County, Florida Project Title: Convenience Stores at MIA
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Proposer shall propose for two (2) nationally-branded convenience stores located in available spaces
at the North (pre-security) and South (post-security) Terminals of Miami International Airport.
MDAD’s vision for these spaces is that of a convenience store that appeals to the greatest number of
passengers possible with goods and services priced to be considered as “reasonable” to employees, Airport
patrons, and both domestic and international travelers.
The convenience stores should stock a range of everyday items such as coffee, groceries, snack
foods, confectionary, packaged delicatessen items, beverages, beer, wine, ice creams, tobacco
products, lottery tickets, over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, toiletries, newspapers and magazines for
The convenience store should provide a small delicatessen counter/area which offers food products
such as sandwiches, wraps, salads, soups, etc., as well as beverages.
The convenience stores may also offer miscellaneous services such as money order and wire
transfer services, and the use of a fax machine or photocopier for a small per-copy cost.
The Proposer is not allowed to sell cannabidiol (CBD) products or other products or services that
may impact existing concessionaires in the surrounding locations.
The Proposer will provide the agreed upon goods and services to the public three hundred sixty-five (365)
days a year in accordance with the Tenant Handbook (at link) Any
costs to install, maintain, manage and operate the Location as well as all equipment and fixtures, and any
other infrastructure on the Airport, necessary and appropriate for the operation of the convenience store, will
be borne by the Proposer.
The Proposer shall comply with MDAD Operational Directive No. 16-04 regarding Polystyrene (Styrofoam)
Ban at Miami International Airport at link:
04%20Polystyrene%20Ban%20at%20MIA.pdf. .
The Proposer shall finance, develop, manage, design and construct, operate and maintain the Locations
depicted in Exhibit 1 Locations (awarded in As-Is condition) for the purpose of establishing high quality,
state of the art convenience store concessions as approved by the Department. The minimum expectations
are depicted as follows:
A. Financing Requirements:
1. Finance the design, construction and build out of the Locations depicted in Exhibit 1 – Locations
B. Development Requirements:
1. Convey or reflect the character of the South Florida Region, Miami-Dade County, its residents,
and/or Miami International Airport in its interior design concept in accordance with Article TBD of
the Draft Form of Agreement.
C. Management Requirements:
1. Manage the Location in a way that maximizes the highest and best use and financial return to the
2. Monitor and enforce compliance with the terms and conditions of the Draft Form of Agreement,
including but not limited to the clauses, customer service, insurance, pricing, capital expenditures,
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quality of merchandise, hours of operation, detailed reporting of number and type of sales
transactions, payment of fees to the Department, rent, and company brand signage.
3. Maintain permanent records for each leased Location.
4. Maintain computerized records on a commercially available property management software program
acceptable to the Department. Programs and all data collected should be available to the Department
on-line (digital and electronic).
5. Develop, maintain, and make available, if requested, all files, to include copies of licenses, permits,
insurance certificates, and letters of credit.
6. Provide from time to time, as requested by the Department, annual financial statements
demonstrating its financial capacity to perform its obligations under the terms of the Agreement.
D. Design and Construction Requirements:
1. Design and construct (build out) the Locations in accordance with Article TBD of the Draft Form of
Agreement. NOTE: These are As-Is Locations.
E. Operational Requirements:
1. Provide quality control audits and reports, including compliance with market basket pricing policy,
cleanliness of the Location, timeliness of service or quality of the products
2. Generate and provide the Department monthly revenue reports and such other financial and
management reports as are usual and customary in sophisticated airport concession management
programs. Prepare other reports and analysis as may be requested periodically by MDAD, including
number of transactions per hour, average sales per transaction, and sales per product category
indicated in Article 3.05 of the Draft Form of Agreement.
3. Develop annual revenue projections by month for each Location, to be updated on a regular basis.
4. Provide on-site staff to perform daily functions as required by the Scope of Services and the
Standards of Operations identified in the Draft Form of Agreement per Article 5, subject to
acceptance by the Department.
5. Ensure compliance with the Department and other governmental agency identification badging
6. Implement any new policies, and procedures, and operational directives as issued from time to time
by the Department.
7. Ensure payment is submitted with the Monthly Report of Transactions to the Department.
8. Respond to customer complaints in a timely manner.
9. Maintain a sufficient inventory to minimize stock-outs and ensure the quality and freshness of
products offered. Under no circumstances will the Proposer sell products after their expiration date.
F. Maintenance Requirements:
1. Maintain or cause to maintain the Location pursuant to Department standards, which may be
promulgated from time to time.
2. Coordinate and maintain general oversight of deliveries of goods and products for the concession
operations from any designated on or off-Airport storage area.
3. Shall take such corrective action as necessary to maintain the Location within acceptable conditions
as required by the Department.
4. Keep the convenience store in a clean and orderly condition and appearance at all times, including
all equipment, fixtures and any personal property.
The Proposer shall, at its sole cost, obtain all permits, licenses, certifications and approvals required for
operation and performance herein, and as may be required by any and all entities that have jurisdiction,
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A. For delicatessen operations:
1. Food Service Certifications:
a) Food Manager Certification In accordance with Chapter 509.039, Title XXXIII of the Florida
Statutes, a manager of a food service establishment shall have demonstrated a knowledge of
basic food protection practices, and shall complete training and pass a certification exam within
30 days of hire by the Concessionaire.
b) Food Handler Certification In accordance with Chapter 509.049, Title XXXIII of the Florida
Statutes, all food service employees shall be trained and certified on correct food handling,
safety, and hygiene practices within 60 days of hire by the Concessionaire.
2. In accordance with Chapter 500, Title XXXIII of the Florida Statutes, a food permit from the
department is required of any person who operates a food establishment or retail food store. A Retail
Food Establishment Permit issued by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
is required for any facility manufacturing, processing, packing, holding or preparing food, or selling
food at wholesale or retail in Florida.
B. For beer and wine sales operations:
1. Retail Beverage License:
In accordance with Chapter 564, Title XXXIV of the Florida Statutes, a 2APS Liquor License in
compliance with Florida Beverage Law is required for the sale of beer and wine. The Proposer shall
meet all requirements of the Florida Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco for the license
which shall be attained by the Proposer, held at its sole liability, and maintained for the duration of
the Agreement.
C. For lottery operations:
1. In accordance with Chapter 24, Title IV of the Florida Statutes, a Lottery Retailer License issued by
the Department of the Lottery is required for selling lottery products in Florida.
D. For transmitting money/wire transfer and issuing money orders:
1. In accordance with Chapter 560, Title XXXIII of the Florida Statutes, anyone who wants to engage
in (or advertise doing so) selling or issuing payment instruments or transmitting money for a fee
(Money Service Business) must obtain a Money Transmitter License first from the Florida Office of
Financial Regulations. Authorized vendors of a licensee acting within the scope of authority
conferred by the licensee are exempt from licensure but are otherwise subject to the provisions of
Chapter 560.
Concessionaire shall be subject to all MDAD requirements, U.S. Transportation Security Administration (TSA),
and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) mandates, pertaining to the issuance of airport identification
badges, including: personnel completion of the Security Identification Display Area (SIDA) training conducted
by MDAD, and respective background checks required by the TSA and CBP Unescorted Access Privilege
Rule. Concessionaire shall be required to conduct background investigations and to furnish certain data on
such personnel before issuance of such ID badges, which data may include fingerprinting applicants for such
badges. All personnel working need to be badged before work commences. Badges must be displayed at all
times. The fee for ID badges/background checks is approximately $58.00 per employee biannually. Parking
for the Concessionaire, its staff and any Subcontractors shall be provided at the Concessionaire’s expense.
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The current rates per decal are as follows: Four (4) months – Fee of $120; Eight (8) months Fee of $240;
Twelve (12) months – Fee of $360. Rates are subject to change. Updated rates are published at
A. It is the intent of the County that the best possible Services be provided to the public, while generating
revenue. For consideration of providing services at MIA for the operation and maintenance of
convenience stores, the Concessionaire shall pay the greater of the following two (2) variable
revenue to the County:
1. Percentage Fee of Monthly Gross Revenues
The Concessionaire shall pay MDAD the percentage of Gross Revenues earned at its respective
Location(s) per Article 3.04 of the Draft Form of Agreement. The Proposer shall enter its
proposed Percentage of Gross Revenues Fee in Attachment C – Revenue Proposal Schedule.
2. Annual Rental
The Concessionaire shall pay the prevailing Class VI Terminal rental rates for the lease of the
Location(s), prorated and payable in equal monthly installments in U.S. funds, on the first day
of each and every month, per Article 3.06 of the Draft Form of Agreement. Payments for annual
rental shall commence on the beneficial occupancy date.
B. Additional Payments
1. Support Space
The Concessionaire shall pay the prevailing Class VI Terminal rental rates for support space,
which includes administrative and/or storage space. Payments for support space rent shall
commence on the beneficial occupancy date, per Article 3.06 of the Draft Form of Agreement.
Rental rates are subject to recalculation and adjustment in accordance with the policies and
formulae approved by the Board. At the time of advertisement of this Solicitation, the Class VI
Terminal rental rate is $89.80.
2. Concession Marketing Fee
The Concessionaire shall pay MDAD a concession marketing fee of one half (1/2) of one percent
(1%) of Gross Revenues, per Article 3.09 of the Draft Form of Agreement. The Concession
Marketing Fee shall be used for marketing the concessions at the Airport. and will be assessed
annually, to be paid monthly to MDAD, on the twentieth (20
) of the month, beginning on the
month following the Location opening.
3. Construction Permit Fee
The Concessionaire shall pay a permit fee to MDAD in an amount equal to one percent (1%) of
the estimated construction cost of the improvements, per Article 4.01 of the Draft Form of
In an effort to support MIA’s commitment to world-class customer service, a program was created with the
Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau (GMCVB) to enhance the customer service skills of MIA
employees and concessionaires. Concessionaire personnel who interact directly with the public (passengers,
customers, etc.) shall be required to complete the Miami Begins with Me Customer Service Champion
Program, provided by the GMCVB, through Miami Dade College School of Continuing Education &
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Professional Development (details can be made available by contacting 305-237-7494 or at
[email protected]). This service is provided at no cost to the Concessionaires.
The Proposer shall:
A. Coordinate and implement regular employee customer service training programs, to include
employees from Concessionaire. The Concessionaire will submit its/their customer service-training
program within thirty (30) Days of the Lease Effective Date of the Agreement, for the Department’s
review and approval.
B. Participate in any airport-wide customer service program implemented by the Department.
The Proposer shall:
A. Employ at all times a sufficient number of personnel necessary to assure prompt, courteous and
efficient service. Officers, staff, and personnel shall be properly trained and attired and must wear
identification badges in accordance with MIA requirements.
B. Employ a full time, experienced and properly trained on-site manager, to represent and act on behalf
of the Concessionaire in all matters pertaining to the business operation. The manager shall be
available during normal operating hours, and be delegated authority to ensure the competent
performance and fulfillment of the responsibility of the Concessionaire. The manager shall be
responsible for the premises as well as proper conduct and appearance of its officers, agents,
employees, suppliers and representatives.
C. Employ a management person(s) who shall be on call and available for emergencies or other matters
related to the operations herein (i.e. theft, vandalism, maintenance issues), outside of normal
operating hours.
The price of all goods and services offered for sale shall be clearly marked and/or displayed. For merchandise
with a pre-printed price affixed by the manufacturer or distributor, the selling price shall not exceed the pre-
printed price.
A. Competitive street price will dictate the Department’s pricing policy for this contract, also referred to
as Market Basket/Competitive Pricing Policy. The Concessionaire shall comply with this Policy as
stated in Article 5.02 of the Draft Form of Agreement. Competitive street pricing represents the
average price charged for the goods and services at three (3) convenience stores within Miami-Dade
County Greater Miami Area locations. Concessionaire will be responsible for providing price
comparisons upon request by the Airport for similar goods and services at similar facilities to assure
compliance with this policy.
B. Concessionaire shall request approval from the Department in advance of any proposed increase in
the sales price of the goods and services offered for sale by the Concessionaire. Pricing comparable
from three (3) convenience stores (excluding other Airports, sports arenas and other major venues)
within Miami-Dade County Greater Miami Area locations will be required.
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C. All goods and services shall be sold in accordance with the prices approved by the Department.
A. The County shall have the right, without limitation, to monitor and test (i.e. secret shopper) the quality
of goods and services of the Concessionaire, including, but not limited to personnel and the
effectiveness of its cash-handling procedures, through the use of a shopping service, closed circuit
television, and other reasonable means.
B. The County shall have the authority to make periodic reasonable inspections of the convenience
store, equipment, and operations during normal operating hours to determine if such are being
maintained as agreed to. The Concessionaire shall be required to make any improvements in
cleaning or maintenance methods reasonably required by the County. If corrective action is not
immediately taken, the County will cause the same to be cleaned, and the Concessionaire shall
assume responsibility and liability for such cleaning. Periodic inspections may also be made at the
County's discretion to determine whether the Concessionaire is operating in compliance with the
terms and provisions of the Agreement.
The Concessionaire shall utilize its own cash register/point-of-sale system for sales transactions which shall
produce daily sales totals for reporting gross revenues and be able to provide a monthly reconciliation of daily
sales in a format approved by MDAD. In addition, provide multiple payment options to customers, including
cash, credit card and debit card payments, as well as being capable of accepting NFC (near field
communications) payment methods such as Google Wallet, ApplePay, Samsung Wallet. The Concessionaire
shall remain in compliance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Security Standards published by the PCI
Security Standards Council in effect and at all times. Refer to Articles 3.26 and 3.27 of the Draft Form of
Any and all signage must have prior written approval from MDAD per Article 7 of the Draft Form of Agreement.
Moving or flashing signs, advertisements, or notices on the outside of the Location(s) are strictly prohibited.
Refer to Articles 2.07 and 3.23 regarding unauthorized advertising
The Proposer shall secure the convenience store premises and provide necessary security measures to
protect the customer and MDAD. The Proposer shall provide a detailed Security Plan that includes data
protection within ninety (90) Days of the Lease Effective Date of the Agreement for the Department’s review
and approval.
The Proposer shall provide a Transition Plan, including a timeline schedule commencing post Contract award
with specific tasks and an estimate of the steps and duration required for the implementation of the Services.
The Transition Plan will be reviewed and finalized upon MDAD’s approval.