Shipping & Handling Guidelines
United Natural Foods Inc.
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United Natural Foods Inc.
Product Handling Requirements & Shipping Instructions
Shipping & Handling Guidelines
United Natural Foods Inc.
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Version History
Date Modified
Changes Made
Version Number
Jennifer Leite
Jennifer Leite
2/10/16 & 2/29/16
Lumper/Unloading fees
Jennifer Leite
Receiving Temp.
Jennifer Leite
Pallet Exchange Program
Updated & Temperature
Requirement Revision
Jennifer Leite
Capstone Contact Added
Jennifer Leite
Updated Contacts
Justin Loya
Lumper Fees;
Chris Moore
Lumper Fees
Dean Wampler
Updated UNFI SOP
Jennifer Leite
Updated pallet labeling
Table of Contents
Document: Overview.....................................................................................................................................4
Receiving: Appointment Requests ...................................................................................................................5
Receiving: Facility Locations & Appointment Hours.............................................................................................5
Listing of Natural DCs .......................................................................................................... 5
Listing of Conventional DCs .................................................................................................. 6
Receiving: Arriving for Appointment .................................................................................................................6
Receiving: Proper Documentation ....................................................................................................................6
Receiving: Late for Appointment......................................................................................................................6
Receiving: Late or Unscheduled Load Fees Natural DCs.....................................................................................7
Receiving: Late or Unscheduled Load Fees Conventional DCs.............................................................................7
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Receiving: Lumper Fees ..................................................................................................................................7
Receiving: Lumper Rates / Standard Unloading Rates Natural DCs ......................................................................8
Receiving: Lumper Rates / Standard Unloading Rates Conventional DCs..............................................................8
Receiving: Detention Charges ........................................................................................................................ 10
Receiving: Proper Pallet Handling................................................................................................................... 10
Receiving: Temperature Requirements ........................................................................................................... 11
Carton/Pallet Guidelines: Scan-able Bar Codes ................................................................................................. 12
Carton/Pallet Guidelines : Code Dating ........................................................................................................... 13
Carton/Pallet Guidelines: Special Handling/Temperature Requirements .............................................................. 13
Pallet Information: General ........................................................................................................................... 13
Pallet Information: Acceptable Pallets ............................................................................................................ 13
Pallet Information: Unacceptable Pallets......................................................................................................... 14
Pallet Information: Pallet Exchange ................................................................................................................ 15
Shipping: Shipping Documentation................................................................................................................. 15
Shipping: Bill of Lading ................................................................................................................................. 16
Shipping: Floor Loaded Containers ................................................................................................................. 16
Shipping: Small Package Shipments ................................................................................................................ 16
Shipping: FOB Pickup Requirements ............................................................................................................... 17
Shipping: Freight Invoices ............................................................................................................................. 17
Shipping: DC Detention ................................................................................................................................ 18
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Document: Overview
The purpose of this Inbound Shipping and Handling guide is to clarify UNFI’s inbound performance expectations to our
vendors for the delivery and condition of product sent to all our distribution centers. It is our intent to work with our
vendors to increase joint efficiencies and eliminate unproductive or costly activities.
These instructions provide key information on our requirements for distribution and transportation to all UNFI distribution
center locations, supersede all previously issued instructions and will continue in effect until cancelled or modified in
writing by UNFI.
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Receiving: Appointment Requests
Appointment requests are ONLY made via or email and to the appropriate appointment email address for the
facility you are delivering to. A list of facility address and appointment hours (subject to change) is enclosed.
All requests received by 2 pm (local DC time) will be responded to before the end of the scheduler's shift. Requests
received AFTER 2 pm (local DC time) will be responded to starting at 8 am (local DC time) the next business morning and in
the order received. Please keep in mind that if you send in your request at 6 pm the night before, it could be as late as 11
am (local DC) time before you receive a response depending on where your request falls in the queue.
A minimum of one day (24 hours) is required for meat, deli and direct import (dry grocery, GM and seasonal) products
unless otherwise agreed upon.
Receiving: Facility Locations & Appointment Hours
Listing of Natural DCs
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Listing of Conventional DCs
Receiving: Arriving for Appointment
The available check-in time for your appointment has been increased to 30 minutes prior but no more than 60 minutes
prior to your appointment time. At time of check-in the inbound bills of lading will be time stamped in front of the driver.
This shows the arrival on time for the appointment and starts the clock at the appointed time.
When complete, the paperwork will be time punched a second time showing when the driver receives the paperwork back
and is released. This is also the time when any detention will be identified, and detention paperwork will be provided to
the driver.
Receiving: Proper Documentation
All shipments delivered to UNFI must be accompanied by a bill of lading
All shipments delivered to UNFI must be accompanied by a detailed packing list.
Receiving: Late for Appointment
Carriers must be on-time. Being on-time removes most delivery issues.
Drop trailers still must follow the check-in process and have paperwork stamped to adhere to the receiving process.
UNFI understands that issues arise, not every truck will arrive on-time, and are making the following changes:
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o To be considered late, Carriers must report to the facility on the appointed day as failing to show-up changes your
status from late to no-show which significantly reduces the options available.
o All late trucks will be inserted into the work-in list for that days receiving and will be sequenced in the order of
actual arrival, not original appointment time. All reasonable efforts will be made to complete late loads during the
same receiving day, but as volume, number of late loads, and time of actual arrivals are all dynamic this may not be
possible. In those cases, the remaining work-ins will roll over to the next day and be first on the list for the next
receiving shift.
If a late carrier refuses to be worked in, the system and bills of lading will be noted and communicated as applicable.
If you do not arrive at the facility:
o No Shows fall into two categories; actual no show and Carriers who reschedule after noon the business day prior
to appointment. Every situation is different: DC volume, day of the week, Carrier distance from the DC, reasons for
being late, standard rules are not possible to apply. UNFI will make every reasonable effort to reschedule and
receive the load the next day.
Receiving: Late or Unscheduled Load Fees Natural DCs
Loads that are 31-60 minutes late for the scheduled delivery appointment will be charged a late fee of $54.00.
Loads that are 61 minutes or more for their delivery appointment, but accepted by the DC, will be charged a late fee of
Loads that arrive without a delivery appointment maybe accepted by the DC and those accepted will be charged a $304.00
unscheduled fee.
Loads requesting to be rescheduled within 24 hours of their delivery appointment will be charged a $254.00 fee. This also
applies to load that are refused due to late arrival.
All fees will be collected at the time of driver arrival. If the driver is unprepared or unwilling to pay the associated fees the
load may be refused.
Receiving: Late or Unscheduled Load Fees Conventional DCs
Loads that are greater than 30 minutes late for the scheduled delivery appointment will be charged a late fee of $300.
Loads that arrive without a delivery appointment maybe accepted by the DC and those accepted will be charged a $300.00
unscheduled fee.
Loads requesting to be rescheduled within 24 hours of their delivery appointment will be charged a $300.00 fee. This also
applies to load that are refused due to late arrival.
Loads that are a no call/no show to a scheduled appointment will be charged a $500 fee.
Additional fees may apply for unsatisfactory load conditions or quantity discrepancies.
All fees will be collected at the time of driver arrival. If the driver is unprepared or unwilling to pay the associated fees the
load may be refused.
Receiving: Lumper Fees
UNFI requires the carriers of all prepaid and collect shipments to use the lumper services of Capstone Logistics. All fees
have been pre-negotiated with these services. All regular carriers will need to be set up on account with Capstone Logistics
as we do not allow the use of cash on our docks. UNFI no longer allows ‘driver breakdown’, all inbound shipments will be
unloaded by Capstone Logistics.
Capstone Logistics will accept the following forms of payment:
o E-Checks (ComChek, EFS, Fleetone, T-Chek, TCH, Transfund Money Orders, Etc.)
o Credit/Debit Card (Visa, Mastercard or Discover)
o Capstone Logistics Credit Account $4 discount
With a Capstone Logistics credit account, carriers will be invoiced each week for services provided at all Capstone Logistics
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Effective November 11, 2013 Capstone Logistics will no longer extend credit terms for accounts of less than ten-thousand
dollars in annual sales.
o There are two options to pay for services onsite at the time of delivery:
Credit card (Visa, Mastercard or Discover)
Authorization check (ComChek, T-Check or money order)
All fees related to break down of any and all freight where United Natural Foods is the bill to party are allowed for
reimbursement on the freight invoice. This should be coded as a loading/unloading fee as a separate line item on the
freight invoice. Invoices for these charges will not be processed on separate invoices. Copies of the lumper fees as well as
copies of the BOL’s must be included with your freight bill.
Receiving: Lumper Rates / Standard Unloading Rates Natural DCs
Natural Capstone Logistics Rate Schedule
(Refer to Receiving: Facility Locations and Appointment Hours for List of Natural DCs)
Effective as of February 1, 2021
Service Type Rate
$0.115 per Case
Roll Off
1 to 6 Pallets: $17.00
Roll Off
7 to 14 Pallets: $35.00
Roll Off
15 Pallets or more: $63.00
Minimum Charge
Breakdown / Floor Load: $35.00
Unloading Rate
Restack: $7.00 per Pallet
Receiving: Lumper Rates / Standard Unloading Rates Conventional DCs
Conventional Capstone Logistics Rate Schedule
(Refer to Receiving: Facility Locations and Appointment Hours for List of Conventional DCs)
Effective as of September 17, 2017
Service Type Rate
o Common Carrier Pricing (additional fees apply)
o Minimum Price: $75,00, Maximum Price: $600.00
All loads that have 15 or more items are an additional $1.00 per item
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Roll Off
1 to 11 Initial Pallets: $75.00
Roll Off
12 or more Initial Pallets: $85.00
Roll Off
Pinwheeled/Double Stack: $125.00
1 to 9 finished pallets: $95.00
10 to 15 finished pallets: $115.00
16 to 30 finished pallets: $155.00
31 to 45 finished pallets: $180.00
46 to 60 finished pallets: $210.00
61 to 80 finished pallets: $250.00
81 to 99 finished pallets: $290.00
100 or more finished pallets: $325.00 plus $2.00 per finished pallet over 100 pallets
Additional Bad
$7.00 per pallet
Additional -
$7.00 per pallet
Additional -
$7.00 per pallet
Item Charge: This should be added by using a load cost adjustment
Tier Breakdown/Floor 100 or more pallets, use the load cost adjustment to add $2.00 per
finished pallet over 100 pallets
RATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Changes will be posted on Supplier Portal ( ) or UNFI
website with as much advance notification as possible.
If the supplier/shipper is paying the freight expense, UNFI is not responsible for the lumper charges. If carriers currently
deliver both prepaid and collect freight to any of our facilities please be prepared, as we isolate prepaid vendors, that they
will be required to pay for this service. The carrier will need to include these charges on their bills to those prepaid
suppliers, not to UNFI Inbound Logistics.
Select Nutrition will charge the same lumper fee structure for sort and segregate work on behalf of prepaid LTL carriers
Questions? Please contact:
o General supplier inquires (new item set up, supplier onboarding, etc.,) Contact your Supplier Manager
o Shipping & Transportations Derek Oden Manager Inbound Logistics Operations
o Appointment Scheduling Chris Moore Manager Inbound Master Scheduling
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o Capstone lumper receipt requests (Please provide location name, PO #,
and date of delivery)
o If a supplier is interested in moving from Prepaid to Collect, please contact
Receiving: Detention Charges
A detention charge may be approved on inbound loads if all the following has occurred:
o Carrier has received time stamp from receiving office showing the driver arrived no later than 15 minutes after the
scheduled appointment time confirmed in the UNFI system.
o Driver has backed into assigned door within 20 minutes of time stamp, unless delayed due to dock congestion at
assigned door.
o Driver has not been released within set timeframe.
o Roll off load (all on pallets) is not completed within 2 hours of scheduled appointment or arrival time,
whichever is later.
o Floor load is not completed within 4 hours of scheduled appointment or arrival time, whichever is later.
o Time needed to secure payment for offloading services does not count towards measurement of time for receiving
load. Time stops when driver is notified from Capstone Logistics with amount due.
o A detention charge may be approved on cross dock loads shipping from an UNFI DC if all the following has
o Carrier has arrived and checked in with the receiving office no later than 15 minutes after the scheduled
appointment time.
o Carrier has backed into the assigned door within 20 minutes of check-in time, unless delayed due to dock
congestion at assigned door.
o Driver has not been released within 2 hours of scheduled appointment or arrival time, whichever is later.
Documentation for Detention Charges
o Only the UNFI, serial numbered, detention form is to be used if detention charges have been approved.
o Forms will be kept secured by receiving clerk to be handed out for use, only when required for an
approved charge.
o Capstone Logistics representative fills out form received by receiving clerk completely and accurately.
o UNFI supervisor must sign and print name on form approving the listed detention charges.
Payment of Detention Charges
o The charge is $60 per hour after the acceptable free time, as defined above, has lapsed.
o No detention charges will be paid without a copy of a properly approved detention form.
o VSP supplier/carrier will send all detention invoices directly to the DC Receiving Manager for processing.
o UNFI Logistics managed carriers will submit invoices for detention to the IBL Payables department with load invoice.
Receiving: Proper Pallet Handling
All orders must be palletized, shrink wrapped, and be on a good quality GMA 4-way, 40x 48pallet. Pallets should be built
to maximize space within the constraints of packaging.
Product should be within the perimeter of the pallet; no overhang is acceptable. All products are to be appropriately
packaged to limit damage. Unsealed cases must be resealed or taped closed. Damage incurred from poorly packaged
products will be subject to supplier charge back.
UNFI TI/HI requirements vary by warehouse based on product volume and slot size needs. Fees related to the breakdown
or re-stacking of products or the use of substandard pallets will be the carrier’s responsibility on all prepaid shipments, plus
any applicable fees described elsewhere herein.
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Pallets must be shrinkwrapped, with no product overhanging on any side of the pallet.
Packaging must conform to the freight carrier's requirements and be able to withstand the normal hazards of
Packaging must withstand normal warehouse storage conditions.
All corner boards must be 100% cardboard on any load to any UNFI facility
Receiving: Temperature Requirements
Sanitary Transport - All products being shipped to any of UNFI facility’s must be following the April 6, 2016 ruling of the
Sanitary Transportation rule of Human and Animal Food. Under the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The purpose of
the rule is to prevent practices during transportation that create food safety risk, such as failure to properly refrigerate
food, inadequate cleaning of vehicles between loads and failure to properly protect food.
Products that require temperature restrictions at time of delivery and warehouse storage should have those requirements
clearly stated on the outside of the cases. Refrigerated and frozen products will have their temperatures probed for these
o Frozen Foods (including frozen seafood): 20°F or less degrees
o Frozen Foods: Ice Cream: 10°F or less degrees
o Refrigerated Meats, Deli Meat, and Poultry: 26°F to 40°F degrees
o Dairy Products: 29°F to 40°F degrees
o Fresh Shell Eggs: 33°F to 45°F degrees
o Seafood: 32°F - 40°F (ROP under 38°F - 45°F for molluscan shellfish only)
o Deli Meats: 26°F - 40°F
o Refrigerated Ready to Eat (RTE): 40°F
o Shelled Eggs: 45°F (Ambient)
o Refrigerated Juices: 40°F
o All Fresh Produce and Floral - must be within the temperature ranges set forth by the USDA Guidance for Fruits,
Vegetables, and Nursery Stocks.
With the implementation of the FDA Food Modernization Act (FSMA), UNFI has developed and implemented a HACCP plans
for all our facilities. With this plan, effective immediately, UNFI will be following both federal and state food safety
temperature guidelines.
Receivers on our docks will be required to verify the temperature of product within the ranges noted above. This will be
notated on the appropriate bill(s) of lading.
All seafood products requiring refrigeration, including those containing seafood as a characterizing ingredient, except for
frozen seafood products, that will be shipped into our Distribution Centers must include the following information or the
shipments will be rejected:
A Temperature Recorder showing the time and temperature starting with pre-chilling of the container and ambient
temperature must be maintained during transit. If the in-transit time is < 4hrs, date and time of loading and pre-chill
temperature(s) must be recorded on the Bill of Lading.
Proper labeling of all products, including the common market name for type of seafood, harvest tags (duplicates for file).
The market name is necessary HACCP control for potential allergen exposure.
Where applicable, the Vendor’s National Shellfish Sanitation Program (NSSP) certification number. If at any time a vendors
NSSP certification number is rescinded, the vendor must notify UNFI.
Any perishable product that is not at the temperatures stated above will be refused at the dock. Certain conditions may
apply; see below about temperature data recorders.
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As part of our temperature requirements, it is required that each delivery of temperature sensitive product has a
temperature data recorder with that shipment. For multiple loads that go into each UNFI distribution center should have a
separate temperature recorder. This will benefit and validate our temperature requirements of your shipment to each of
the UNFI Distribution Centers. This is based on our HACCP plan. If the delivery does not have a temperature recorder on
the truck the product will be automatically rejected if not in our range as stated above. If you are already providing a
temperature recorder on deliveries, thank you, no other action is required here.
FOB deliveries or UNFI drivers picking up the product.
It will be the responsibility of the supplier to meet the above-mentioned FDA and UNFI standards to the carrier that the
temperatures are within stated guidelines above and write the actual product temperature on the invoice or bill of lading
(BOL). The invoice or bill of lading (BOL) will be signed by the supplier’s representative and the driver with the temperature
of the product. UNFI drivers picking up product shall be allowed to use their company issued calibrated thermometer to
confirm product temperature before taking possession of product.
In instances where product does not meet the above-mentioned FDA and UNFI standards, UNFI will refuse the shipment.
Product refused may also not be redelivered if refused by UNFI suppliers may not take the product and refreeze or chill
down refused product to return to UNFI.
We prefer that you use either Temp Tail 4, PackSense, or Cryopak recorders for your deliveries. These will be most
compatible with our current software package. If you use a different company, please email UNFI Food Safety Team at .
Carton/Pallet Guidelines: Scan-able Bar Codes
All shipping cases must have scan-able barcodes on the outside of the case. This allows UNFI to maximize the use of our
technology for efficient and accurate receiving and product handling.
GTIN (Global Trade Item Number - 14 digit) is the preferred barcode
o GS1-128 or ITF-14
o GTIN standards are set by GS1
Unit UPC code may be used if supplier does not have GTIN numbers assigned
Bar codes should be placed on the longest side of the carton and 2 adjacent sides is optimal
For cartons shorter than 6in height place the barcode on the top of the carton
The barcode should be a minimum of 1.25from any carton edge and not overlap any seams or be covered by any taped
Barcodes may be printed, ink jetted, or part of an attached label
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Carton/Pallet Guidelines : Code Dating
Easy identification of your items upon their arrival at UNFI’s delivery location is very important to the receiving and distribution of
your product. Below please find a list of the types of carton marking that enable our dock workers to expedite the receiving process.
Shipping cartons must be identified with some or all the following information:
Complete Item Description Including Pack and Size
Easily Readable “Sell by Date”, “Use by Dateor “Pack Date
Case Pack
UPC Code or Vendor Item Code Number
Precautionary markings such as “Glass”, “Fragile, “Handle with Care, etc.
Net weight in pounds and open coded “sell by”, use by” or pack dates” must be prominently displayed on each
shipping carton
Sell by date markings for open coded merchandise must be consistent on both the inside and outside of the shipping
carton. Note: “Sell by Date information must be easily readable by dock personnel and must include the words sell
by date”, “use by date or pack date”.
All exterior product packaging markings for product dating must be consistent with the dating on the retail selling unit.
Mandatory Country of Origin labeling COOL requirements
All shipments into all UNFI Distribution Centers and Stores must comply with COOL requirements.
Carton/Pallet Guidelines: Special Handling/Temperature Requirements
If your products require special handling based on temperature, those instructions must be clearly indicated on the outside
of the carton. If your products are sold to retail in inner packs, those inner packs must also indicate any temperature
Perishable and frozen product must be delivered at proper temperature as stated on the Bill of Lading.
Pallet Information: General
UNFI racks and equipment are designed to work with GMA (Grocery Manufacturers of America) spec pallets. GMA specs
describe a stringer-style pallet with these basic characteristics:
o 48x40 where 48is the stringer length & 40 is the deck board width
o 4-way entry
o Made of hardwood
o Minimum 2500-pound capacity
Pallet Information: Acceptable Pallets
New GMA pallet
# 1 GMA pallet reconditioned with minor repair depending on pallet supplier, may be referred to as Grade 1 , Grade A,
Class 1, Class A or similar
# 2 GMA pallet reconditioned with moderate repair depending on pallet supplier, may be referred to as Grade 2 , Grade
B, Class 2, Class B or similar
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Pallet Information: Unacceptable Pallets
Block pallet generally UNFI will have all block pallets restacked
EURO pallet all sizes are too small for UNFI DC racks
Australian Standard Pallet size won’t fit properly in UNFI DC racks
Stringer pallet with 4 stringers or only two-way entry - not fully accessible on all 4 sides
Stringers 3 required, 3.50-3.75high and
Top deck boards 2 lead boards @ 5.75wide
& 5-6 deck boards @ 3.75wide with less than
3.0” spacing between boards
Bottom deck boards 3 @ 3.75” wide and
minimum 0.625 thick
Bottom lead deck boards 2 @ 5.75” wide
and minimum 0.625thick
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Plastic or metal pallet unacceptable materials, even if otherwise meets GMA specs
CHEP pallets - may be accepted but with no obligation to exchange
Pallet Information: Pallet Exchange
UNFI utilizes third party transportation companies to pick-up freight nationally. These carriers will not have pallets available
to exchange. Therefore, pallet exchange is not available for collect (UNFI managed) suppliers.
Suppliers managing deliveries into UNFI DC’s may participate in a pallet exchange. Upon delivery at a UNFI DC, UNFI will
only exchange pallets for Grade B or better (no more than 1 repair) 4-way GMA pallets when:
o The driver requests pallet exchange at check-in
o The delivery Bill of Lading indicates the number and type of pallets to be exchanged
o UNFI will exchange one pallet for each good pallet accepted. All broken or unacceptable pallets will be noted
on the BOL by the unloading service (Capstone Logistics) and will not be exchanged.
Shipping: Shipping Documentation
All shipments must be clearly labeled with the DC Name at the top and the UNFI PO number beneath. This label must be
placed on bottom left corner, under stretch wrap on 2 opposite sides of the pallet. The pallet label must be no smaller than
5x8, preferably 8 ½ x 11. This is very important, as we consolidate freight for many of our divisions.
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Each bill of lading must be accompanied by a detailed packing slip for each release / PO being delivered or picked up.
The transfer or shipping of organic products must be in compliance with the USDA National Organic Program (see Supplier
Policy document).
Products shipped in the same trailer as hazardous materials will be refused by UNFI receiving warehouse.
UNFI will contact supplier regarding any excess or unauthorized shipments within 24 hours of receiving. It is expected the
supplier will respond with disposition within 24 hours. Failure to respond will result in UNFI dete rmining the disposition of
the product. This may include donation, dumping or a “Freight Collect” return within 15 days. No supplier disposition or
UNFI disposition of product under this subsection will subject UNFI to charges, fees, or penalties for the product.
Pallets with damaged or leaking products will be re-stacked by the carrier or rejected. Carrier may hire onsite lumper
services to perform the task.
Any pallet with signs of pest infestation will be immediately rejected.
Sanitation/condition of carrier’s equipment is key to quality/condition of the delivered product. All delivering
equipment and product must be free of rodent or insect infestation and general debris.
In no event shall Vendor co-mingle nonhazardous and hazardous product on the same trailer. All Shipments containing
hazardous materials must comply with Department of Transportation regulations.
UNFI will bill back concealed damages and hidden shorts plus additional labor costs
Shipping: Bill of Lading
Two copies of bill of lading/packing slip containing an itemized list of all merchandise shipped must be included with
each shipment and must include the following information:
o UNFI’s Purchase Order Number
o UPC Code or Vendor Item Code
o Quantity Shipped by Item
o Net Weight
o Sell by Dates
o Temp controlled loads must be listed on the bill of lading
o Country of Origin information must be provided on all current invoices. The origin information must be listed
by line item.
The following must appear in the body of the Bill of Lading as an addition to any other information specified within the
instructions found elsewhere in this guide.
o UNFI’s Purchase Order Number
o Number of cartons shipped
o Delivery appointment required
o Driver Signature
o Carrier Name
o Shipper Number or Load Number
o Pick-up Date
o Seal Number
o Piece count or Pallet count (as applicable)
o Country of Origin Label information must be provided on all Bills of Lading. The origin information must be
listed by line item.
Shipping: Floor Loaded Containers
All floor loaded containers will be subject to lumper charges to palletize the product
UNFI will bill supplier for the number of pallets used at $6.50 per pallet. All damage products will be returned to carrier.
Shipping: Small Package Shipments
Cartons must be clearly marked with box count (1 of 2, 2 of 2, etc.)
Shipments weighing 1-250 lbs., not exceeding 10 pieces not requiring expedited service are to be shipped via UPS or FedEx.
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A purchase order number must be written on each carton
A packing slip must accompany each purchase order. If enclosed in carton, please clearly identify said carton
Note: UNFI signs for number of packages and not for individual items, and therefore this method of shipment may put your
company at risk of losing product. UNFI is not responsible for product not received using this method of shipment.
FEDEX/UPS. The receiving Distribution Center’s purchase order number must be noted on the outside of each carton and a
packing list in the carton with a description and quantity of the items shipped. The shipping manifest is signed by a UNFI
representative for a certain number of packages, not specific items or quantities, delivered to a UNFI Distribution Center.
The packing slip must be included in the package at time of delivery. UNFI has a reasonable time to verify/count and receive
the goods.
Back Orders will not be accepted.
Shipping: FOB Pickup Requirements
Product should be made available for pickup on the ‘request date of the purchase order. This date is provided by UNFI and
may not equal the pick-up execution date due to PO size, transport mode and transit lane. In all cases, the measurement of
‘on time performance will be the arrival of the PO at the destination DC on or by the ‘PO ETA date, with no consideration
of pick-up execution date matching the ‘request date.
Hired carriers will request DC delivery appointment on or by PO ETA date and request pick-up appointment date from the
supplier to match the mode of transport being used dependent upon PO size and transit lane. This may or may not equal
the ‘request date’.
UNFI (backhaul) will make every attempt to execute pick-up on the ‘request date’.
All UNFI trucks or hired carriers will be allowed 2 hours free loading time. All fees assessed for any delays of more than 2
hours from the scheduled appointment time will be charged to the supplier.
In order to best utilize our fleet when we schedule loads for pick-up at the suppliers dock per the agreed upon schedule.
Any loads not available at time of the scheduled pick-up will be subject to missed pick-up charges.
UNFI drivers or hired carriers can only sign for product “subject to count”. They may sign for a piece count only when this
can be done without breaking down the load or significant time loss.
All shipments must have a purchase order number and consignee name written on both the front and the back of each
Product Shortages: Any purchase order shortages not communicated back to UNFI in advance may result in fees assessed to
supplier for unused trailer space. Communication must be sent to the Buyer and Specialist preferably 96 hours in advance
of pickup, but no less than 48hours. Communication should specify the following: PO#, UNFI Item #, number of cases
shipping, number of cases shorted. If item is shorted 100% a recovery ETA date by item is required.
Transportation Allowances: Prearranged allowances are made with the understanding that our invoice for each PO will
have the proper deductions made for any and all allowances. In the event t an allowance is missing from the invoice and
must be audited, there will be a $63 administration charge that will be added to the bill back.
Shippers are responsible for securing freight on trailers or containers. This includes blocking/bracing, airbags and
appropriate loading/placement of the pallets.
Vendors shipping prepaid /FOB shipment must notify their carriers that all charges for the complete delivery to UNFI are to
be billed to the Vendor. We will not accept any carrier invoices for charges resulting from Vendor prepaid FOB destination
shipments. If we receive carrier invoices directly on these types of shipments, we will return the invoices to the Carrier and
immediately deduct all our administrative expenses from the Vendor.
Shipping: Freight Invoices
All invoices for freight related charges are to be sent to:
o East:
o West:
All inquiries regarding freight invoice payments should be directed to David Lucia:
Shipping & Handling Guidelines
United Natural Foods Inc.
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Erroneous freight charges relating to notification, sort and segregate, lumper charges, detention, billing prepaid freight in
error or other like issues will result in the bill back of the charge and an additional $63 administration charge.
Shipping: DC Detention
Detention Forms are issued by Capstone Logistics only when requested by the driver.
(Driver must ask for the form).
Both UNFI Representative (Supervisor or above) and Capstone Logistics must sign the detention form and will list details of
the occurrence.
For Logistics managed loads, the signed form should be sent with the invoice to the appropriate Billing email address listed
See Sample UNFI DC Detention Form on next page
Shipping & Handling Guidelines
United Natural Foods Inc.
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