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2019-20 Parent/Athlete Handbook
Athletic Policies
Parents and Athletes
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2019-20 Parent/Athlete Handbook
Athletic Department Philosophy and General Notes
The philosophy of the Marmion Academy Athletic Department is identical to the educational philosophy
of the Academy, which should have the individual student’s needs and interests as the top priority.
Athletics is an extension of the academic day. The coaches are expected to be teachers, who not only teach
the proper techniques of their sport, but who also build character and prepare young men to carry the
values they learn with them into adult life. Athletes are expected to be students who strive to discover
their talents, and labor to realize their potential.
The teaching of poise and respect is a very important part of each practice plan. Student athletes learn to
never get involved in a dialogue with opposing players, coaches, fans or game officials. They learn to
accept defeat with humility and to win with grace.
Interscholastic athletics are a force that make desirable changes in the attitudes, habits and skills, not
only of those participating, but also of the entire student body and community. Athletes are wholesome
equalizers that exemplify the value of the democratic process and of fair play. Athletes are judged for
what they do, disregarding the social ethnic or economic group to which they belong.
The aim is to develop a highly competitive athletic program but not to lose sight of educational values
such as sportsmanship, health, and scholastic achievement and to place the proper emphasis on winning.
The athletic experience is an enjoyable part of a young person’s high school days. The staff works to see to
it that everyone involved with the athletic experience leaves with a positive feeling about themselves and
the program.
Remember to develop in order of importance:
Good People
Good Students
Good Athletes
This handbook includes many important messages, policies, and documents to which parents and athletes
must attend. The opportunity for a student to participate in sports at Marmion Academy is a privilege,
not a right. Being a member of a Marmion Academy athletic team carries certain responsibilities. Each
student athlete must commit to complete loyalty and dedication. Parent support is a key ingredient in
developing a successful young athlete. Both parents and athletes are expected to be positive leaders in
promoting good sportsmanship. Parents are asked to read this handbook carefully and discuss it with
your son as he becomes involved in the Marmion Academy athletic program. Parents are invited to take
part in our programs as supportive parents and enthusiastic spectators.
All of the athletic programs offer unique situations outside of the classroom but within the high school
environment, where life is played out, not simulated. The purposes to be achieved from the Interscholastic
Athletic Program are as follows:
1. To provide students with the opportunity to engage in competitive activities and to come to
understand that the word “compete” is derived from Latin words meaning “to strive together”.
2. To provide students with the opportunity to experience self-discipline, sacrifice, and dedication as
means of achieving goals.
3. To provide students with the opportunity to exemplify good sportsmanship as a means for learning
good citizenship.
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4. To provide students with the opportunity to experience working as a member of a team in order to
achieve a goal, and in the process, learn that cooperation and competition are not mutually
exclusive concepts.
5. To provide students with the opportunity to experience both winning and losing. Students should
come to understand that losing provides opportunities to learn, setting the stage for future
winning, and that winning is not as important as an end result, as it is as a feedback indicator
that you’re probably doing a good job as individuals and as a team.
6. To demonstrate to students that real, lasting satisfaction comes not so much from “winning” per se
as from doing the job to the best of your ability.
7. To demonstrate to students that as individuals they often are capable of achieving more than they
think they are capable of achieving.
8. To provide students with the opportunity to engage in competitive experiences in an acceptable
9. To provide students with the opportunity to experience a feeling of self- worth and to develop self-
10. To provide students with the opportunity for experience in problem solving and decision-making.
11. To provide students with the opportunity to engage in organized activities with other students
whose backgrounds and academic abilities may be dissimilar from their own.
12. To provide students with the opportunity to learn new skills beyond those acquired in physical
education classes and to improve upon those already acquired.
13. To provide students with the opportunity to understand and practice the principles of sound,
health, safety and physical fitness.
14. To provide students with the opportunity to develop the ability and desire to use their time
15. To provide students with the opportunity to have a positive rallying point for the school in order to
help them develop school loyalty and a sense of participation in a larger whole.
State & Conference Affiliations
Marmion Academy is a member of, and adheres to the rules and regulations of the Illinois High School
Association (IHSA), the Chicago Catholic League (CCL), Metro Catholic Aquatics Conference (MCAC),
and Chicago Catholic Hockey League.
Sports programs at Marmion Academy
Fall: Cross Country, Football,Golf, Hockey, Soccer
Winter: Basketball, Swimming, Wrestling
Spring: Baseball, Bass Fishing, Lacrosse, Tennis,Track & Field, Volleyball
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Attendance at preseason meetings
Prospective athletes and at least one parent/guardian MUST attend the athletic department meetings
scheduled at the beginning of each sport season if the athlete plans to participate in a sport that season.
Dates and times for these meetings will be posted on the school’s web site ( Also, they
will be included in the school calendar, and other means of communication.
Prior to the start of tryouts/practice/competition, parents and athletes are responsible for providing the
following documents and information:
A. Current health physical - physicals are considered current from 390 days from the date of the
physical. Physicals must be uploaded to the Marmion Academy website (per step 1 of the athletic
registration process).
B. Freshmen and new students are required to turn in physicals and immunization record(s) to the
Student Academic Services office, in addition, to completing step 1 of the Athletic registration
C. Returning students should upload their physicals to the Marmion Academy website (per step 1 of
the athletic registration process.
D. Proof of Health Insurance - Marmion Academy requires student athletes to be covered by health
insurance for the duration of the season and off-season workouts and provide proof of health
insurance before tryouts/practice/competition.The required proof of health insurance (i.e., copy of
health insurance card or declaration of insurance page from the policy) must be uploaded to the
Marmion Academy website (per step 1 of the athletic registration process)
E. The following documents will be made available to read and sign-off electronically via the 8to18
registration process (per step 2 of the athletic registration process).
a. Consent to Participate in Program Release of Claims for Program-Related Damages,
Injuries or Death
b. Authorization for Medical Treatment for Program Participant
c. Marmion Academy Handbook of Policies and Procedures for Parents and Athletes
d. Each head coach will provide parents and athletes with a written set of policies and
procedures for that sport. The head coach for each sport will establish team rules that
complement the policies and procedures in this handbook.
e. IHSA Steroid Testing Policy Consent to Random Testing:
F. If an athlete has any special medical problem and medical needs, theparent/guardian must
inform the athletic trainer in writing. This is essential to safeguard your son’s health.
Squad Selection
A. Selecting the members of an athletic team is the sole responsibility of the coaches of the team. The
head coach of each program will establish the criteria to be used in evaluating the candidates.
Lower level coaches will use the criteria in order to insure uniformity throughout the program.
Cuts will be made by a committee of coaches in that sport and never by just one coach. The head
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coach of the program will inform all candidates of the following: Extent of the tryout
periodCriteria to be used in selecting the teamThe approximate number of players to be
selectedExpectations of those selected in regard to the time and commitment involved (Team
Policies and Procedures Made by The Coach).
B. Each head coach will determine the procedure to be used for his particular program if a team cut
becomes necessary. Students who fail to make the team will be encouraged to seek participation in
other areas of the program. Alternative possibilities for participation in other Marmion sports
could also be discussed.
Club/Off-Season Participation
A. Athletes who are on a Marmion sports team roster may not compete, practice, workout...with a
club the sport for which he is currently on a Marmion sports roster.
1. Penalty: The athlete will be immediately suspended from the team of the Marmion sport
on which he was a member during the rule infraction; Marmion will forfeit competitions
in which it engaged during the rule infraction, notice of the rule infraction would be
given to the IHSA. The IHSA may suspend the athlete and head coach from all IHSA
sponsored athletic competition and practices up to 365 days from the date of the rule
infraction. Coaches must include this policy in their Team Policies and Procedures.
B. Athletes who are on a Marmion sports team roster (in-season) are encouraged to not compete,
practice, workout...with a club a sport different from the sport for which he is currently a
Marmion team member. If an athlete chooses to be on a club sport or workout with a club team
while on a Marmion team and in-season, he must inform his Marmion coach about it.
1. Penalty: There is no expressed penalty, unless an athlete misses a scheduled in-season
event (i.e., practice, meeting, competition). An athlete should realize his optimum effort
for the Marmion team might be compromised.
C. Students are not allowed team membership in a second sport (Marmion sponsored sport) while a
current member of a Marmion team in the same season without permission by the Athletic
Department and both head coaches.
D. Coaches and athletes will actively encourage athletes to participate on Marmion athletic teams.
Coaches and athletes will not promote only one sport.
E. Coaches and athletes will not promote a non-Marmion club team or league at the expense of a
Marmion team.
F. Coaches will not impose prerequisites on athletes for team membership or starting
positions. Coaches will not require athletes to participate in out-of-season conditioning,
weight lifting, workouts, or off-campus leagues and teams. According to I.H.S.A. bylaws,
participation in summer activities by students must be voluntary.
G. Coaches will strongly encourage athletes who are not in-season to attend Marmion sponsored
conditioning/workouts. It is vital for success to workout, weight lift, and train when an athlete is
not participating in another sport.
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H. Athletes are to attend all scheduled athletic contests, practices, and meetings for their
team. An absence due to obligations to other non-Marmion and Marmion non- graded
activities (i.e. drill team, chess team, jazz band...) will be considered an unexcused
absence that results in a penalty imposed by the coach. Athletes should know
obligations required by non-athletic clubs before signing up for them. If an athlete must
miss a team event due to a special circumstance, the athlete must contact his coach
prior to the event for the absence to be considered an approved absence. Even with
approval to be absent, athletes may experience reduced participation time in future
competitions. This may occur not just as a penalty for an absence but because the
athlete’s replacement may have used the opportunity to win the position, and because
he may not be prepared sufficiently.
A. Two failures at First Semester may result in ineligibility for at least the 3
Quarter. A student
may be ineligible for the entire second semester if substantive academic progress is not made. The
Student Academic Services and/or the Principal will make a determination on this point.
B. Failures at Second Semester do not cause ineligibility for the next Fall Semester if credits are
made up over the summer.
C. Quarter Failures Two failures at First or Third Quarter render a student ineligible, except for
practice. The student may be ineligible for a minimum of three weeks. The student can re-
establish his eligibility if, three weeks following the grading period, he is passing all subjects
previously passed plus all but one of the failed subjects.
D. To effect eligibility re-instatement, the student must obtain a form from Student Academic
Services, complete it for all of his subjects, and return it to Student Academic Services. Student
Academic Services will notify the Athletic Department and Head Coach regarding the student’s re-
instatement of eligibility.
E. The Principal, Student Academic Services may make exceptions for unusual circumstances.
Student Affairs
A. Detentions If a student amasses more than five detentions, the following disciplinary actions will
B. The student will be ineligible for all extra-curricular activities including meetings but not limited
to, practices, games, matches, competitions, rehearsals and performances.
C. Athletes are not excused from Saturday Detentions.
D. The Student Affairs Office will notify all activity moderators of the student’s
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Transfer Student Eligibility
A. The athletic department will check that a transfer athlete meets eligibility requirements set by the
I.H.S.A. The head coach will be responsible for not playing a transfer athlete in competition until
a definitive ruling by the I.H.S.A. is communicated to the Principal. A transfer athlete may
practice with the team while waiting for a ruling from the I.H.S.A. or after a ruling denying
Transportation Issues
A. Marmion will supply transportation to and from competition and mandatory off campus practice.
All teams/individuals, except occasionally varsity golf, will use Marmion Academy supplied
transportation for away competition and mandatory off campus practice.
B. The head coach will not permit an athlete/manager to leave a competition or practice before its
conclusion. The head coach may make exceptions according to his/her discretion. If the head coach
allows an athlete/manager to leave an away competition or mandatory off campus practice before
its completion, that athlete/manager may leave only with his parent/guardian. The head coach
must be informed of the athlete’s wish to leave early by both that athlete and his
parent/guardian in person.
C. When an athlete leaves a competition or mandatory off campus practice early the athlete and head
coach will arrange for that athlete’s equipment/uniform to return to school with the team. The
athlete may not take his equipment/uniform home with him without the coach’s permission.
D. When using Marmion supplied or leased form of transportation athletes are responsible
for its cleanliness. The head coach will check all buses and vans for the state of
cleanliness before the team departs from campus and again on its return to campus.
Cost to repair or clean the bus/van will be paid by the athlete(s) responsible, or the
entire team if the athlete(s) responsible for the problem cannot be identified.
E. The head coach is responsible for setting the team’s/athlete’s departure time. The departure time
will take into consideration the team’s/athlete’s transportation and preparation needs to establish
departure time.
F. The head coach has the authority to not allow an athlete who missed the bus/van that left campus
without him to play or practice at the scheduled competition/mandatory off campus practice for
that day, unless the team returns to campus and leaves campus again that day with that student.
In cases of exceptional circumstances, the head coach will use his discretion when enforcing this
G. The head coach may enforce team policy on tardiness if an athlete/manager who misses the
bus/van according to his discretion.
H. A coach may allow school provided transportation to divert from its scheduled destination for
competition or required off campus practice at the coach’s reasonable discretion (i.e. to eat at a
I. Athletes must leave campus immediately after post-practice or post-competition formalities are
completed unless they attend another school-sponsored function. Parents who pick-up their sons
should arrive no later than thirty minutes after a practice or competition is finished.
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Training Rules
A. Athletes must accept a training regimen established by the head coach in order to develop a
winning attitude and to be physically prepared for practices and competitions. The training
regimen, among many topics, addresses the athletes’ use of illegal drugs, tobacco, and other illegal
acts. Marmion athletes shall be subject to all rules and consequences established in the Marmion
Academy’s Student Handbook. Note: an offending athlete may be subject to a disciplinary
hearing and meet with the board of discipline.
B. Examples of training rules violations are:
a. Confirmed involvement in the use or possession of smoking tobacco and/or smokeless
tobacco products.
b. Confirmed involvement in the use or possession of alcoholic beverages, other illegal drugs,
steroids, and/or controlled substances.
c. Confirmed involvement in acts of vandalism, violence, theft, or any act considered unlawful
in any legal jurisdiction.
d. Confirmed involvement as a participant at a party or gathering where illegal activities are
occurring. The student will be considered a participant should he fail to leave the premises
once he becomes aware of these illegalities.
e. Confirmed involvement: Any student apprehended by law enforcement authorities or
witnessed by, reported and verified by any school official (administrator, faculty member,
coach) shall be considered in violation of the stated rules.
Facilities and Equipment
A. Coaches’ offices are for coaches. No student/athlete should be in a coaches’ area unattended or
B. All athletic facilities are off limits to students/athletes unless permission to use the facility is
granted by the athletic director or a coach. There must be an adult supervisor present when
students/athletes use the weight room, gym, wrestling practice room, or pool.
C. Rental rates and conditions for use of athletic facilities are available from the athletic director
and/or the facilities manager
D. Athletes must use facilities and equipment only for their intended purposes. Misuse or abuse of
facilities and equipment can cause added expenses for repair or replacement and even injury or
death to an athlete.
E. Students/athletes who abuse facilities or equipment may be penalized or removed from the team.
F. Students/athletes who excessively dirty, break, steal, or damage facilities or equipment will be
liable for the cost of cleaning, repair or replacement.
G. Locker rooms are used by many athletes and are not personal closets. Athletes must dress before
and after practices and competitions only in their assigned locker room.
H. Athletes are allowed in sports locker rooms only on team business. Locker rooms are not places to
hang out or store academic material.
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I. Each athlete will be issued a lock and locker. Personal locks used on locker room lockers are not
allowed and will be cut off.
J. Locker rooms will not always be locked. ATHLETES ARE TO PLACE ALL PERSONAL
K. If a student experiences a theft, he should report it to student affairs. Items that are stolen from
students usually cannot be recovered.
L. Private vehicles may not be driven on to the playing or practice fields unless in an emergency.
M. Athletes will not drive their vehicle after school to a location closer to after school practice or
competition area on campus.
N. Students will not drive a school golf cart without permission from the athletic director, a coach or
athletic trainer. Driving the golf cart safely, especially in the parking lot, is imperative.
O. Equipment and uniforms issued by a coach is recorded. Head coaches may require a monetary
deposit before an athlete may receive his equipment/uniform. An athlete’s deposit will be forfeited
to the school if the equipment/uniform is not returned within one week of the collection date. The
cost for cleaning, replacing lost equipment/uniform and equipment/uniform returned in disrepair
due to mistreatment will be deducted from the deposit and the difference will be returned to the
athlete. If cleaning, replacement, or repair cost exceeds the deposit amount, the athlete will be
billed. In a case when a deposit is not required and the athlete returns equipment/uniform dirty or
in disrepair, and/or the athlete fails to return his equipment/uniform within one week of the
collection date the athlete will be responsible for cost of cleaning, repair or replacement. In all
cases, until the cleaning/replacement/repair cost is turned in to the head coach or the
parent/guardian in writing informs the school treasurer to add the cost to the student’s tuition; the
athlete’s report card and transcript will be withheld, and the athlete will be denied participation
on a Marmion sport’s team until it is paid.
P. Athletes must use proper care (possibly washing and sanitizing) and maintenance of issued
equipment and uniforms.
Q. Equipment and uniforms may not be used for non-Marmion activities, unless the athletic director
grants permission.
A. Athletes must maintain all standards of behavior identified in the Marmion Academy Student
Handbook. School pride, loyalty, sportsmanship, and respect toward the opponent and the
opponent’s school should always be practiced.
B. Parents and athletes must always demonstrate good sportsmanship. Athletes who fail to
demonstrate good sportsmanship will be penalized according to the coach’s Team Policy and
Procedure, Marmion Academy Student Handbook, Head of School, Principal, or Athletic Director.
C. Parents who demonstrate poor sportsmanship may be reminded to change their behavior by a
coach, school administrator, and even their son(s). If necessary, it is possible that a parent may be
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asked to leave the premises and even be prohibited from attending future athletic events.
D. Excessive celebration at a competition is not good sportsmanship.
E. Parents and athletes must read and practice the CCL Sportsmanship Statement
F. Head coaches keep a written record of policy and procedure situations with athletes that involve
disciplinary action or present a major concern. A coach may fill out a copy of the Record of
Disciplinary Action and send it home to the parent/guardian. In this case, the form must be
signed by the parent/guardian and be returned to the head coach before the athlete may return to
practice or competition.
G. The following rules are in effect:
a. Derogatory cheering directed toward opponents and/or officials is not allowed.
b. No artificial noisemakers are to be used at indoor events.
c. The CCL only allows signs/banners displayed at athletic contests to be of a positive nature and
supporting the Sportsmanship Creed of the CCL.
d. Use good judgment, be responsible, and show respect for person and property.
e. An athlete/parent will share responsibility in the actions of any group or individuals with
whom he/she associates.
f. Athletes should be respectful to all adults and be cooperative in following the instructions of
g. Maintain a good reputation as a representative of the school and your family
Awards, Awards Convocations, and Post-Season Team Parties
A. There are two types of awards that the Athletic Department provides, earned awards and
participation awards.
a. Participation awards
i. Numerals are given to athletes for completion of their first season.
ii. Freshman letters are given to freshmen that completed a season on a freshman
iii. Sophomore letters are given to freshmen and sophomores
for completion of a season with a sophomore team or frosh/soph team.
iv. Varsity letters are given to senior athletes who have been on teams in the sport for
at least three seasons and have not successfully achieved the letter’s requirements.
b. Earned awards
i. Junior Varsity letters are awarded to any athlete on a junior varsity squad or
varsity squad who did not successfully achieve the requirements for a varsity letter.
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ii. Varsity letters are awarded to any athlete who successfully achieved the letter’s
requirements while a member of a varsity squad.
iii. A special award, Achievement Award (Most Valuable Player), is presented to one
varsity team member per sport. The head coach establishes the method used to
choose the award winner. It is wise for the head coach to reserve the right to choose
the award winner.
iv. Only football, basketball and swimming present a second special earned award.
The head coach in these sports establishes the method used to choose the award
B. Special Athletic Department Awards
a. Football Amby Geib Achievement Award
Pat Schuster Most Dedicated Award
b. Football (freshman) Coach Dan Jackson ’01 Memorial
Ideal Teammate with Passion and Heart
c. Golf Brother Leo Achievement Award
d. Cross Country Achievement Award
e. Soccer Achievement Award
f. Basketball Father Wilfred Achievement Award
Charles Ronan Memorial Dedication Award
g. Swimming Jim Kelly Achievement Award
Ben Graffahna Ideal Teammate Award
h. Wrestling (unnamed) Achievement Award
i. Baseball (unnamed) Achievement Award
j. Tennis Father Columban Achievement Award
k. Track & Field Glenn Gilbert Achievement Award
l. Lacrosse Father Damian Daprai Memorial Award
m. Volleyball Most Valuable Player Award
C. When an athlete earns the same letter more than once he is presented an emblem (pin) in lieu of
the letter. The pin(s) should be attached to the letter that was the original award for that athlete
in that sport.
D. Head coach and Athletic Department establish criteria used to determine earned letters and
special awards sponsored by the Athletic Department.
E. Coaches are to recognize managers, statisticians, student-trainers by awarding them manager
letters. The letters for these positions are earned only if the students work practices and contests.
F. Head coaches must submit a list of athletes and the awards they are receiving to the Athletic
Department. The Athletic Department will order the awards. Expect at least five to eight weeks
for delivery, so it is imperative that the head coaches cooperate.
G. Awards convocations will be scheduled individually by sport. The head coach of the program will
set a date and communicate that date to the members of that program. Coaches should do their
best to avoid conflicts of the next season, when setting their convocation.
H. Coaches, athletes/managers and their parents are expected to attend the convocations.
I. Coaches will instruct the athletes/managers to wear appropriate attire.
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J. The Sports’ Boosters Club provides funds to defray the cost of a team’s post-season party.
Health and Safety
A. The athletic trainer will have on file for athletes and coaches’ pertinent information for the
administering of health care. Parents and athletes must help by providing information pertinent to
the athlete’s health.
B. By no means will the athletic trainer allow an athlete to practice or compete if it is not in the best
interest of the athlete’s health. However, it is important that parents and athletes know the
difference between an injury and being sore.
C. If an athlete believes he is injured, he must report it to his coach or the athletic trainer.
D. A parent/athlete must submit to the athletic trainer, upon return form a health care provider, a
note from the health care provider explaining the athlete’s diagnosis and rehab needs. Coaches
will not practice or use in competition an athlete who does not provide this note.
E. The weight room is available for students to enjoy the benefits derived from a sound weight
training program established by Marmion coaches and not for students to use for personal weight
training programs. The director of the weight room in conjunction with the athletic director grants
use of the weight room. In-season sports have first use of the weight room. The director of the
weight room schedules uses of the weight room.
F. Athletes may use the weight room regardless of Marmion athletic affiliation provided they find a
coach on staff to supervise. Students wishing to use the weight room while a team under the
supervision of a coach is using it must be granted permission by that coach. Depending on space
and availability of equipment, the coach may grant or deny the athlete’s request.
G. General rules regarding use of the weight room include:
a. Athletes are not allowed to use the weight room without a coach present.
b. No one is allowed to work in the weight room alone.
c. No food or beverages are allowed.
d. No glass containers are permitted.
e. Proper attire must be worn at all times (Only Marmion, College or professional
apparel are allowed. No athletic gear representing another high school will be
f. Gym shoes no spikes, sandals or casual shoes are allowed
g. T-shirt or sweatshirt
h. Shorts or sweat pants
i. School uniforms and shoes are not allowed
j. No loitering allowed at any time
k. Lifters must work with a partner
l. Replace all weights on racks immediately after use
m. Return the weight room to the condition in which it was found or better
H. Coaches will lock the weight room when all students have left.The weight room will
not be left open when a coach is not present.
I. The director of the weight room may have additional rules for athletes while using the
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weight room.
J. All varsity football games and practices and most other varsity level contests and practices will
have the athletic trainer present. The athletic trainer will have the responsibility of administering
to all injured athletes and making the proper recommendation. In the event the athletic trainer is
not present, the coach in charge of the activity is to assume responsibility. Coaches will be
prepared to administer first aid.
K. The “30-30 Rule” pertaining to lightning and thunder will be practiced.
L. Athletes and coaches will pay particular attention to the stress that heat produces with athletes.
M. Hazing is absolutely prohibited and will not be tolerated. Hazing is often defined as “a rite of
passage, initiation or test of resilience that serves to authorize, permit or validate membership or
status in athletics or activities.” Other definitions contained in various state law prohibitions
include: “Recklessly or intentionally endangering the health or safety of a student or inflicting
bodily injury on a student in connection with or as a condition of membership in a club,
organization, association, fraternity, sorority or student body, regardless of whether the student so
endangered or injured participated voluntarily in the activity.” An athlete who experiences hazing
must report it to their coach/student affairs office. Marmion athletes shall be subject to all rules
and consequences established in the Marmion Academy’s Student Handbook. Note: an offending
athlete may be subject to a disciplinary hearing and meet with the board of discipline.
N. The policies and procedures in this handbook are both specific and general in nature. When it is
necessary and proper, the Head of School, Principal, Athletic Department and coaches may enforce
policies and procedures not in this handbook.