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Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School
The mission of St. Mary Help of Christians Catholic School, in partnership with
parents, is to form Christian leaders who are faithful, prepared, and courageous.
School Office 803.649.2071
Fax Number 803.643.0092
Updated 11/03/23
I. Diocese of Charleston Elementary Schools Statement of Common Belief
The elementary schools of the Diocese of Charleston offer learning communities that are formed by
the Catholic faith and deeply rooted in an appreciation for the dignity of the human person as “created
in the image and likeness of God”. This foundational belief informs the schools’ missions, visions,
and approaches.
Similarly, all the schools deeply appreciate the infinite value of human life from life’s very beginning
to its natural end, in all. This foundational belief impacts the approach to everything that the schools
“Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of
conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized
as having the rights of a person - among which is the inviolable right of every innocent
being to life.” Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2270-2275.
Based upon this belief of human life the elementary schools of the Diocese of Charleston are led to
be fully welcoming communities. They welcome families of diverse backgrounds that seek a
Catholic education for their children. They value all students, acknowledge their unique gifts, and
believe diversity and inclusion are blessings that enrich their communities. (See
and-inclusion). Their missions direct them to help students rise above cultural insensitivity and to
teach them to treat all men and women, regardless of race, religion, sexual orientation, or political
background, with the utmost respect and dignity that every child of God deserves. Each empowers
and encourages students to act for justice and to become Christ-like leaders filled with empathy and
respect for all -- both within their own schools as well as within the greater global society.
“Catholic schools afford the fullest and best opportunity to realize the fourfold purpose of Christian
education, namely to provide an atmosphere in which the Gospel message is proclaimed, community
in Christ is experienced, service to our sisters and brothers is the norm, and thanksgiving and worship
of our God is cultivated” (US Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2005).
II. Our Catholic Identity
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School operates under the auspices of the Diocese of Charleston,
South Carolina. The Catholic Schools Office is responsible for directing the program of education in 28
elementary schools and 5 high schools. This office provides services to our school by:
Developing policy statements and setting standards for the overall operation of the school.
Providing in-service programs for pastors, principals, teachers, and School Advisory Council members.
Coordinating the development of curriculum guides for the subject areas of the school curriculum.
Providing statistical information regarding the school's performance.
Providing advice and assistance in obtaining Federal funding through Title I and II.
The history of Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School goes back to the turn of the century.
Established by Ursuline nuns in 1904 as a boarding school for wealthy young ladies, St. Angela
Academy received its name from the Ursulines’ foundress, St. Angela Merici. In 1906, at the
request of their bishop, the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy from Charleston, South
Carolina, assumed the school’s operation. The school served the educational needs of female
boarding students as well as both male and female day students. In 1939, Bernard Baruch, a friend
of James Byrnes, helped the Sisters finance a red brick building, an addition to the old school,
which is now part of Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School.
When the Savannah River Plant came to Aiken in 1950, the Catholic population skyrocketed.
Bishop Emmet Michael Walsh wanted a parochial grammar school established. Accordingly, the
brick building on York Street became Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School supported by
student tuition and the hard work of the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy. Thus, St. Angela’s
private grammar school ceased to exist and only the high school retained that name. The Sisters
continued in the grade school, a parochial school under the jurisdiction and support of Saint Mary
Help of Christians Parish.
In 1955, the Dominican Sisters from Adrian, Michigan, took charge of Saint Mary Help of Christians
Catholic School, staffing it until 1970 when they left. Again, the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of
Mercy assumed the administration and continued to provide a Catholic education to those
parents seeking one for their children at Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School until the
close of school in June, 1997. Since that date, the administrative duties of the school have been
the responsibility of a Catholic lay principal.
Since 1974, Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School has been accredited by the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). Each year, a report must be sent to Cognia, formally
known as AdvancED, of improvements made during the past school year and the school's plans
for continuing to improve its educational program. Any accreditation standards not being met
must be reported and the school's plan to remedy the situation in the near future must be clearly
stated. Every five years, a self-study must be undertaken by the school staff and a visiting
committee of at least three persons is invited to come to evaluate the school's program in relation
to the self-study. Following the recommendations of this committee, the school receives the
status of continuing accreditation or is advised to improve its offerings lest it jeopardize its
standing as a member of SACS. In the spring of 2022, all schools in the Diocese of Charleston had
their external review resulting in renewal of Cognia accreditation.
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School believes strongly in promoting a relationship between
parents, students, and the school. Below are responsibilities for each shareholder that help facilitate a
positive learning environment:
Student Responsibilities
To do all they can to help themselves learn.
To respect the God-given dignity of their fellow man.
To respect the teacher’s right to teach.
To follow classroom and school rules and procedures.
To communicate their academic progress to their parents.
To be honest, self-disciplined, and dependable.
To behave in a safe and orderly way.
Parent Responsibilities
To nourish their child’s faith life.
To help their child succeed in school.
To make sure their child is at school by 8:00 am and stays until school dismissal.
To promote personal responsibility in their child.
To support and respect administration, faculty, and staff, and the guidelines set forth in the
To become involved in their child’s education. For example, check assignment book and
homework, monitor progress, attend conferences, and volunteer at school.
To be supportive of decisions made by the administration, child study team, and teachers
concerning student’s behavior and academic performance.
To monitor their child’s Internet and social media (Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) usage.
Administration, Teacher, and Staff Responsibilities
To uphold the school’s mission statement in all things.
To lead by example in Christian principles and Gospel action.
To be an advocate for students, parents, and the ministry of Catholic education.
To create and maintain a safe, orderly, and respectful campus-wide learning environment.
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School prepares the way for students to grow in their faith and be
challenged intellectually. While recognizing parents as their child’s primary educator, the faculty is
committed so students can meet the demands of an ever-changing world. We strive to develop the
student’s self-discipline skills and recognize the unique talents God has given each child. We model and
teach Catholic doctrine and values by providing students opportunities for prayer, worship, and service to
others in our Church and society in the caring spirit of the Beatitudes.
The mission of St. Mary Help of Christians Catholic School, in partnership with parents, is to form Christian
leaders who are faithful, prepared, and courageous.
As Catholic educators entrusted with the growth and development of each child, we strive:
To recognize the primary responsibility parents have for the education of their child and the necessary
involvement of home and school.
To teach and reinforce values based on Sacred Scripture and principles of social justice.
To emphasize a Catholic community and foster experiences of prayer and worship.
To create an environment that encourages excitement for learning.
To implement Diocesan Curriculum Standards that make it possible for each student to accept increased
responsibility for his/her own learning and achievement.
To encourage interaction and cooperation in curricular and extra-curricular activities.
To provide educational experiences appreciating fine arts and diverse cultures.
To model and teach self-discipline skills.
Religious instruction at Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School is considered a sacred trust. Through
prayerful reflection on Scripture, Church and National Catechetical documents, teachers strive to be
faithful to their call to be Catholic educators. With this in mind, students are led to a deeper understanding
of their own faith and are provided opportunities for experiencing this faith in prayer and action.
Through daily prayer, regularly religious instruction, weekly Mass (and reception of the sacraments for
Catholics), and through performance of the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, our students grow
closer to their Creator and learn to recognize Him in His people. The home must do its share to foster this
spiritual development of the child as parents are, by Divine Plan, the primary teachers of their children.
Catholic parents of children receiving the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist and Confirmation are
required to attend evening classes when these are scheduled in the parish. Approximately once each week
and/or on Holy Days, a Mass is scheduled with our pastor or parochial vicar.
Community: Community is at the heart of Christian education. Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic
School fosters Christian friendships, trust and love, and awareness in students that they are children of
Eucharistic Celebrations: As an essential part of the religion program at Saint Mary Help of Christians
Catholic School, students have the privilege to attend the Eucharistic liturgy weekly and on special
occasions during the liturgical season. Various classes will have opportunities to help with the readings,
petitions, and gifts. Parents are encouraged to join in these weekly celebrations. Catholic students are
expected to attend Sunday Mass with their families.
Reconciliation: The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available to classes during Advent and Lent. Students
who have received the Sacrament of First Reconciliation have the opportunity to participate in this
sacrament. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered weekly by the parish and we strongly encourage
families to receive this sacrament on a regular basis.
Prayer: At Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School, teachers strive to give each child a positive
attitude toward prayer. Children are expected to learn the common prayers of the Church, as well as
participate in other forms of prayer during the school day. Parents are strongly encouraged to pray with
their children daily.
Religious Education Classes: Formal religion classes are taught in the classroom each day, except on days
when children participate in the Eucharistic liturgy.
Sacramental Programs: The sacramental program at Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School
recognizes the child is not only catechized and formed in faith within the classroom, but is also nurtured
in faith within the family and parish. Thus parent, school, and parish participation are important for the
child's growth in the faith community.
Saint Mary Help of Christians Parish policy regarding the preparation and reception of sacraments is as
Parents and children are involved in a two-year preparation program for the reception of the
sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Parents are required to
attend the adult classes and a retreat on the sacraments if they wish their child to receive the
Children in 2nd grade are prepared for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy
Communion. Children in 8th grade are prepared for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Parents may
request their children in grades 4 8 who have not been baptized or have received the sacraments
of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation to be prepared for these sacraments.
Other Religious Practices: Traditional religious practices and celebrations are taught and experienced
throughout the liturgical year - Advent, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost. Students also participate in devotions
to Mary, saints, and Stations of the Cross.
Sundays: The parish is the primary Eucharist worshiping community. Ordinary school sponsored activities
will not be held that conflict with Sunday parish liturgies. School athletic or social events should be
avoided during the Easter Triduum.
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School gives first preference in admission to siblings of present
students and Catholic students of families registered in Saint Mary Help of Christians Parish; second, to
Catholic students in other parishes; third, to inactive Catholics or students of other faiths. Saint Mary Help
of Christians Catholic School does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, or national origin.
Accommodations for students with special academic or physical needs can be made only within the limits
of our resources. If a student develops an academic or physical need while enrolled at Saint Mary Help of
Christians Catholic School and the need cannot be addressed within our limited resources, the
administration will assist the family in finding an appropriate learning environment that can address the
All applicants are evaluated for academic readiness.
A. New Students
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School seeks to admit new students in kindergarten and first grade
who are developmentally ready for school. For a child to find success in kindergarten, and the following
years of school, he or she should ideally be developmentally five at the time of entry. Developmental age
may or may not be consistent with chronological age. It is not unusual or abnormal for a child to be
developmentally six or more months younger than his or her chronological age. Acting in the best interest
of the child, Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School utilizes a developmental assessment to help
identify the best placement for the child. This evaluation, performed by a primary grade teacher, offers
information related to a child’s general level of maturity – separate from academic and intellectual ability.
Students entering kindergarten must be five by September 1 and developmentally 5-5 ½ at the time of
entry. Those entering grade 1 must be six by September 1 and developmentally 6-6 ½ at the time of entry.
Admission decisions for students in grades 1 through 8 are based on the student’s academic record,
standardized testing results, and a grade level placement test administered by Saint Mary Help of
Christians Catholic School. A grade level placement test is given to all new students in grades 1 through
8. This is to determine whether the school can provide an appropriate educational program and for proper
grade level placement.
New students entering grades 1 through 8 must provide copies of standardized testing results and any
existing Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan if applicable. Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic
School cannot honor IEP or 504 plans. A student may be denied acceptance if he/she does not meet school
criteria. Additional student documentation may be requested by the principal.
New students transferring to Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School from another private or
Catholic school must be in good financial standing with their previous school before enrolling.
B. Returning Students
Re-enrollment begins in January of each year. Payment of the registration fee are paid online through
FACTS SIS at the time of re-enrollment.
a. Tuition
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School is completely self-supported through tuition and parish
subsidy. Tuition is charged on a per-student basis and is dependent upon the family’s parishioner status
as approved by the pastor.
Tuition is for the academic year. If a family experiences financial hardship and would like their children to
remain at Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School, they are encouraged to apply for tuition
assistance through FACTS. It is recommended they notify the school bookkeeper and/or the principal for
further support.
Tuition is pro-rated for new students who enroll after the start of school by the number of school days
the student will be attending Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School. A new family is required to
pay the family registration and technology fees at the time of enrollment.
b. Registration Fees
The registration fee is due at the time of enrollment/re-enrollment. The registration fee is not refundable.
Re-enrollment starts in January. The registration fee can be paid online through FACTS SIS.
c. Payment Procedures
Financial obligations to the school consist primarily of the family registration in addition to the yearly
tuition fee, which is based on the number of students attending Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic
School and the family’s parishioner status. Additional fees may be charged, including but not limited to:
field trip fees, sports fees per season, lost or damaged book fees, late fees, returned check fees, and
returned ACH fees.
Tuition may be paid by one of four methods:
1. Full Payment
2. Split payments
3. 10 monthly payments
4. 12 monthly payments
Prompt payment of financial obligations is expected from all families and failure to pay tuition on time
may result in automatic withdrawal from school. Families must be current in their payments of all
financial obligations by March 31 of the current school year or registration monies for the following
school year will automatically be applied to the outstanding balance. This action will make registration
for the following year incomplete and could result in the loss of class placement. Students will not be
admitted into class at the start of the following school year if the family has any unpaid financial
obligations from the previous year. Additionally, student records will be held until all financial obligations
have been met should a family with an outstanding balance choose to move their child(ren) to another
d. Bookkeeper
The school’s part-time bookkeeper is Mrs. Kathy Sowards. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Sowards with
any questions you may have regarding tuition balances or payment options, changes to FACTS,
discrepancies in your and the school’s records, or returned checks/overdrafts. Mrs. Sowards handles all
deposits except those that are earmarked for PTO. She can be reached by calling the school office or by
e-mail to smsfinance@charlestondiocese.org.
e. Late Charges/Returned Check and ACH Charges
Statements or notices will be sent to families whose payments have not been received or have been
denied by their financial institution. The school office may call families with past due tuition accounts as
well. A $25 NSF fee will be assessed to any family who writes a check which is returned to the school. This
fee is in addition to any fees that might be charged by FACTS or the family’s financial institution.
f. In-Parish Tuition Rate
It is the school’s desire that all Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School families be active,
participating members of Saint Mary Help of Christians Parish as this helps create a sense of community
and further enriches the spiritual life of our students, families and the parish community. The In-Parish
Tuition Rate is reserved for families who regularly attend liturgy, actively participate in parish ministries,
and participate in the parish offertory program by using personal checks, the envelope system, or through
Saint Mary Help of Christians Church Online Giving.
An affirmation of active parishioner status is required annually. In addition to at least one parent being
registered, attending, and contributing, the child(ren) attending Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic
School must be baptized and members of the Catholic Church. Registered and active parishioners of Our
Lady of the Valley and St. Gerard’s also qualify.
D. Student Records
Divorced or separated parents must file a court-certified copy of the custody section of the divorce or
separation decree with the school office. The school will not be held responsible for failing to honor
arrangements that have not been made known. Visiting rights must be noted in the court-certified decree.
Changes in the custody decree must be submitted to the school office. Both parents, custodial and non-
custodial, have access to information about the student’s progress as mandated by law.
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School complies with the Buckley Amendment which acknowledges
the rights of non-custodial parents.
The principal of Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School will permit the release of student
information to parents and/or legal guardians in accordance with the following procedure:
1. The presentation of a written statement of your request to review student records.
2. Legal proof of your relationship to the child.
3. An appointment to meet with appropriate school personnel at a time mutually convenient for the
purpose of the record review.
III. Educational Program
A. Curriculum
The curriculum at Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School is formulated according to diocesan
directives. Inherent in the curriculum is a solid commitment to excellence in the development of basic
skills in reading and math. The academic program also includes religion, language arts (English, spelling,
handwriting, phonics, vocabulary development and composition skills), social studies, science, and
health/safety. Enrichment is provided through courses in music, art, physical education, foreign language,
computer education, library skills instruction, and a variety of Jr. High and career readiness electives.
An ongoing process of evaluation of curriculum needs is maintained in order to provide for growth and
improvement of the program. The benefits of the curriculum at Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic
School for the individual child have been documented by the results of national testing and the school's
status as a member of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Diocesan curriculum guides are
available to parents at https://charlestondiocese.org/schools/diocesan-curriculum-for-our-catholic-
B. Academic/Behavioral Evaluation for Services
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School strives for excellence in education and seeks to meet the
needs of all students. The principal oversees student intervention programs. In addition, the principal
develops Student Service Plans, schedules parent/teacher meetings, monitors student progress, provides
faculty/staff training, and additional resources to students who have been formally identified needing
additional academic support in the classroom. In cases where it has been determined by the principal, the
teacher, and the parent, the principal communicates with Aiken County School District for further
evaluation and/or observation. Residents of Aiken County are entitled to psychoeducational evaluation
through the Aiken County Public Schools’ Special Education Department. If it has been identified that Saint
Mary Help of Christians Catholic School cannot provide the appropriate student/classroom
accommodations needed for academic success, referrals will be made to local agencies and/or public
school programs. Parents are encouraged to follow the recommendations made on their child's behalf
and to ensure that appropriate documentation is placed in the child's permanent file in the school office.
For more information on Aiken County School District Special Programs, contact the Child Find Secretary
at 803-641-2624 to schedule screenings and/or evaluation.
C. Parent/School Communication
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School seeks to work collaboratively with students and parents
to promote student responsibility. By empowering students to be accountable for their own learning,
the school seeks to develop within students the traits of independence and responsibility. These traits
are nurtured early on with students walking themselves to classes, bringing homework to school,
submitting assignments on-time, making up assignments when absent, accepting consequences for
behavior, and asking teachers for help when needed. Students are encouraged to discuss their progress
directly with their teachers. If a student experiences academic or social difficulty, the first intervention
taken by the parent should be to redirect the student back to the teacher. Follow-up action taken by
the parent should be one that supports the role of the teacher in the classroom and the student as
responsible for his/her own learning.
To foster effective communication between home and school, Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic
School utilizes FACTS SIS, a web-based school management system. Each family creates a user
name and password at the beginning of the school year. This log in access provides pertinent
information regarding the following: your child(ren)’s academic progress, attendance, behavior,
announcements, sports, reminders, list of activities/events, forms, schedule parent/teacher
conferences, pay school lunches and Extended Care online, download progress reports and/or report
cards, and view/print the school calendar. It is important parents update their contact information
(home/cell/work phone number) and provide the name of their cell phone carrier to ensure they
receive text messages sent by the school, including those regarding important or emergency
information. Communication is also done via phone, e-mail, and conferences upon request. Through
the school website, parents can also access the school calendar, forms, and the Parent/Student
Handbook. The teacher workday is from 7:50 am to 3:20 pm. Teachers are available for meetings with
parents by appointment only.
2. Social Media
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School’s website is linked to the school’s Facebook© page. The
Diocese of Charleston has strict regulations concerning the use of social media. As such, any links to
the school must meet certain requirements and administrator rights must be assigned as specified in
the guidelines. If an additional page, for example a PTO page, is approved and established, that
source will be communicated to parents via the weekly newsletter.
Any groups of parents, volunteers, or event chairs who have set up blogs or pages on Facebook©,
Twitter©, Instagram©, or other social media sites, have not done so within the guidelines established
by the Diocese of Charleston and these should not be considered official school sites. These sites,
though helpful to groups of parents or friends, should not be considered sources of any official school
information and should not be used to post information about students or staff.
Any postings via photos, texts, e-mails, blogs, on any Internet sites that include defamatory comments
or images regarding the school, the faculty, the parish, the students, or the students’ parents should
be reported to the school administration and will be reviewed and handled in the manner most
appropriate to the situation and/or offender.
3. Student Agendas
Students in grades 3-8 utilize a student agenda. The purpose of the agenda is to teach students
organizational and time management skills. At the beginning of the year, teachers instruct students in
the use of the agenda. In keeping with the school’s philosophy of student responsibility, students are
responsible for logging announcements, homework assignments, tests, and long-term projects in their
agenda. Parents are responsible for reviewing the agenda each day with their child and checking to see
that work is complete. If students are not fulfilling their responsibility to fill in the agenda, parents are
encouraged to have a consequence at home. Students are to keep agendas in good condition. Students
are not to deface the agendas in any manner, or they will be required to purchase another one.
4. School Website/Communication
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School’s website will be continually updated with information. The
school’s parent website address is www.stmaryschoolaiken.com. News alerts and emergency notifications
will be posted on FACTS SIS and sent to parents via text message or email.
To assure open communication, parents are encouraged to write suggestions and/or concerns. If parents
wish to confer with administration and/or staff, it is requested that an appointment be made. Teachers
will check e-mail daily on school days and will respond to emails within 24 hours not including weekends
and holidays.
5. Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/teacher conferences are normally held annually in October. A second parent/teacher conference
may be held in the spring (end of February) at the request of the teacher or parent if there appears to be
an academic/behavior concern.
If there is a question concerning a child's progress or behavior, the procedure used at Saint Mary Help of
Christians Catholic School is as follows:
o Consult with the teacher first.
o If the problem or concern continues, the parent should bring the matter to the attention of the
o The pastor is the final recourse for unresolved problems.
D. Standardized Testing
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School follows the Diocesan Testing Program. The Measurement
of Academic Progress (MAP) is given to students in kindergarten-8h grade in September, January, and
May. Results are distributed to the parents during the November parent/teacher conferences. Special
testing through the public school districts may be requested either by parents or the school to identify
special instructional needs or placement.
E. Grading Scale & Report Cards
A report card will be sent home at the end of each quarter (approximately every 9 weeks). Parents are to
sign the report card envelope indicating they have received and reviewed the report card. They are to
then return the report card envelope to school by the due date indicated on the report card envelope.
Grades 1 8 (Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies, Foreign Language 6-8 only, Religion 6-8 only,
STEAM Courses/Specials 6-8 only)
A+ 98-100 C+ 80-82
A 95-97 C 77-79
A- 92-94 C- 74-76
B+ 89-91 D 70-73
B 86-88 F Below 70 or
B- 83-85 Incomplete
Grades 1 5 (Specials, Religion)
E Excellent
G Goods
N Needs Growth
U Unsatisfactory
The kindergarten report card utilizes the grading scale listed below for the following subjects: Math,
Language Arts, Science, Social Studies. Development of a Kindergartener’s progress on mastering fine and
gross motor skills as well as specific academic skills is also reflected on the kindergarten report card.
E Excellent 90-100
G Good 80-89
N Needs Growth 70-79
U Unsatisfactory 69 or below
NI Not Introduced
F. Honor Roll & Awards
Pastor’s Honor Roll This honor is awarded to any student in grades 6th-8
. Students must receive
“A’s” in all core academic and special area subjects and a “S” or higher in enrichment subjects.
A-B Honor Roll This honor is awarded to any student in grades 6th-8th who receives no grade
lower than a “B- in all core academic and special area subjects and a “S” or higher in enrichment
G. Placed/Promotion/Retention
A student can be placed or promoted each year on the recommendation of the teacher and the
principal. When making an evaluation of the student’s progress, the teacher will consider the social,
emotional, moral, as well as, academic development of the student. A student may be retained if
he/she has not made sufficient academic progress in meeting current grade level standards by May
. The decision to retain a student is determined during a Child Study Team meeting consisting of
the parent, teacher(s) and the administration.
H. Summer School
A student who does not pass a core academic subject in Grades 6-8 may be required to attend summer
school or complete summer work that will be assigned in that subject area. All arrangements must be
approved by the principal during the first week of June. The student may be tested on material before
re-entry in August.
I. Graduation
In order to receive a diploma from Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School, a student must pass
all eighth grade-level subjects listed on the report card with a year average of "D" or better. Students
who fail ninth grade-level subjects will receive a diploma, but these classes must be repeated in ninth
grade. A Certificate of Attendance will be issued to any student who does not meet the requirements.
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School is accredited by Cognia and is recognized by the public
school system. Therefore, graduating eighth graders may receive high school credits for English I,
Algebra I, Geometry, German, or Spanish. English I credit requires a final average of "C" or higher and
teacher recommendation in Lit. 9 or 9A, English, and Spelling/Vocabulary. A final average of "C" or
higher and a teacher recommendation are required in order to receive credit for Algebra I and
Geometry. Students may also be eligible to enter higher level foreign language classes, with or without
credit, upon teacher recommendation. The school will also provide assistance, as requested, to aid
students wishing to enter special programs.
Graduation is a school-sponsored ceremony. The function of the graduation ceremony is to recognize
the scholarly endeavors of the students. Participation in graduation exercises is a privilege, not a right.
Students may not participate in graduation activities until their educational, financial, and disciplinary
obligations to the school are met.
Male participants in the graduation ceremony will wear a royal blue cap and gown and female
participants will wear a white cap and gown. No decorations, pins, corsages, stoles, etc. may be worn
on the gown.
A student may be excluded from participation in the graduation exercises for reasonable cause or
consequence as deemed by the principal. Repeated and/or serious violations of the rules and spirit of
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School handbook, frequent absences and tardies, uncompleted
coursework are causes for exclusion from the graduation ceremony or activities.
J. Child Study Team
The Child Study Team is a committee of faculty, staff, administration, and district personnel which
meets to identify, assess, and review interventions and special needs of students - academically,
socially, and behaviorally. Students not making academic progress are referred to the Child Study
Team either by a parent, teacher, or principal. Necessary modifications to the curriculum, assessment,
learning environment, and other support services will be provided upon review of the Child Study
K. Grade Placement
Students who carry an “F” average in one or more core academic subjects for the year may not be
promoted to the next grade. Jr. High students who successfully complete summer school may be
considered for promotion.
L. Homework
The purpose of homework assignments is to develop initiative, responsibility, and self-direction in the
student, and to provide further opportunity to master skills taught in the classroom. Recommended
homework times are: 15 minutes for kindergarten, 30 minutes for 1
and 2
grade; 45 minutes for
, 4
, and 5
grade; an average of 15-20 minutes per subject, per night in 6
, 7
, and 8
grade. The
elementary school policy concerning weekend homework is that teachers will, insofar as it is feasible,
avoid making homework assignments on Friday that are due the following Monday. Homework over
Christmas or Spring breaks may be assigned.
Homework may consist of:
o Assignments not completed in school.
o Long- or short-range projects.
o Memorization of certain prayers, prose, poetry, math facts, words, etc.
o Handwriting practice.
o Reading of assigned materials or studying - Not all homework has to be written.
M. Make-Up Work
It is the responsibility of the parent and/or student to obtain assignments, notes, books and make-up
work or tests as determined by the individual teacher. If applicable, classwork and homework will be
gathered for an absent student throughout the school day and may be picked up between 3:00 p.m.
and 3:30 p.m. from the office.
All make-up classwork and homework must be completed in a timely manner, commensurate with the
length of the absence. All make-up tests must be taken promptly, generally within five days after the
student returns to school.
Students in Grades 6-8 who miss major tests may not make them up during class time. Students will
be expected to attend a make-up testing session. A notice confirming the make-up test will be sent
Failure to make up classwork, quizzes, or homework promptly will result in a zero being given for
the missing work, regardless of the reason for the absence. In the case of medical absence of long
duration, please consult directly with the principal.
Please note that teachers are not obligated to allow students to make up work or tests that are a result
of an unexcused absence. A grade of 0 may be assigned for work missed as a result of an unexcused
absence or tardy.
N. Missing Assignments, Books, & Signed Papers
Teachers and office staff will, within reason, allow a phone call from a student to a parent regarding a
forgotten assignment, book, paper, or permission slip. Teachers and the office staff do, though,
reserve the right to deny permission for a child to make such a call. Parenting experts discourage the
practice of parents accommodating children by bringing forgotten items to school, for children have a
much greater sense of responsibility if faced with the consequences of their forgetfulness.
Under no circumstances will a student be allowed to call home to get out of uniform clothes when
he/she has forgotten and has worn his/her uniform. There are always other students at school who
chose to wear their uniform, also forgot, or lost their out of uniform privileges. Out of uniform days
are typically announced each morning several times prior to the day and posted to the parent Google
calendar or communicated through a flyer via email.
Books and assignments that are left at school may be retrieved between 3:00 and 3:30, when the
school office is still open. Again, parenting experts encourage parents to allow their children to learn
the lesson of “natural consequences” for leaving needed materials at school or in their lockers.
Parents who accommodate children by returning to school to pick up materials, should limit such
returns by stating and enforcing a specific boundary (once per semester, once per year per child, no
more than three times, never again, or whatever is considered reasonable for the child and parent).
Parents of students with special needs regarding organizational issues, homework assignments, and
materials should meet with the teacher/s and principal as soon as the school year begins, or when
issues begin to surface. Exceptions and accommodations can be made and agreed upon to best meet
the needs of the student.
O. Internet Use
Students are responsible for good behavior when utilizing the Internet during the school day.
General school rules for behavior and communications apply. Access to the Internet is given to
students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. Access is a privilege, not a right.
Therefore, based upon the guidelines outlined in this policy, the school staff will deem what is
inappropriate use and their decisions are final. The administration, faculty, and staff of St. Mary's
School may deny, revoke, or suspend specific user privileges at any time. The user is expected to
abide by the following network rules of etiquette:
1. Internet use will be restricted to accessing instructional and reference material. This may include
the use of e-mail.
2. Use appropriate language. Do not swear, use vulgarities, gestures, poses, inappropriate emoji, or
any other inappropriate language. Sending or receiving offensive messages or pictures from any
source will result in immediate suspension of privileges and disciplinary action.
3. Do not reveal the personal address or phone number of yourself or other students. Do not
communicate any credit card number, bank account number, or any other financial information.
4. Do not use the network in such a way that would disrupt the use of the network by others.
5. Students may not download or install any commercial software, shareware, or freeware unless
they have written permission from school personnel.
6. Students who post inappropriate information, comments, or photos about SMS students, faculty,
staff, parents, or volunteers may be subject to the school’s disciplinary actions.
7. Students are prohibited from accessing the Internet on any personal device before, during, and
after school.
8. Students are prohibited from wearing “smart watches” to school.
P. School Technology Use Policy
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School provides iPads for student use in kindergarten thru 2
and Chromebooks for students in 3
grade. Students and parents are required to review and sign the
Parent/Student Technology Usage Agreement at the start of each new school year and submit it to the
school office by a specific deadline. Failure to do so will limit the child’s access to the Internet and/or use
any school issued devices.
Use of all school issued electronic devices (computers, iPads, or Chromebooks), electronic textbooks,
applications (apps), electronic tools, reference materials, software, and online information is a privilege
that carries responsibility and behavioral expectations consistent with all school rules and policies
including, but not limited to, those stated in the Parent/Student Handbook. It is understood that members
of the SMS community will use all type of electronic devices and the school’s network, if authorized, in a
responsible, ethical, and legal manner at all times.
SMS retains sole right of possession of electronic devices and related equipment. SMS administration and
faculty retain the right to collect and/or inspect all electronic devices at any time and to alter, add, or
delete installed software or hardware.
1. School Issued Electronic Devices/Lost, Stolen, Damaged School Issued Electronic Devices
1.1 Student Access to School Issued Electronic Devices
Students will have access to use electronic devices (computers, iPads, or Chromebooks) as needed
to enhance student learning. All students need to sign and return the school’s technology and
electronic device use agreement before access will be given.
1.2 General Precautions
Electronic devices (computers, iPads, Chromebooks) are school property and all users will follow
the SMS Acceptable Use Policy.
Cords and cables must be inserted carefully into electronic devices to prevent damage to the
Electronic devices must remain free of any writing, drawing, stickers, or labels.
iPads/Chromebooks should always be within the protective case when in use.
iPads/Chromebooks must never leave the classroom unless authorized by a teacher or
1.3 Screen Care
The iPads/Chromebooks screens can be damaged if subjected to rough treatment. The screens are
particularly sensitive to damage from excessive pressure.
Do not lean on the top of the iPad/Chromebook when closed.
Do not place anything near the iPad/Chromebook that could put pressure on the screen.
2. Use of Electronic Devices at School
iPads/Chromebooks are intended for use during school.
2.1 Photos
Photo/Image/Video storage on the iPad/Chromebook will be for school projects only. Storage of
personal photos or downloaded images is not allowed.
2.2 Sound, Music, Games, or Programs
Students may not download music from iTunes or any other music-sharing site. Music is only
allowed on the iPad/Chromebook if provided by the teacher for educational use. Sound must be
muted at all times unless permission is obtained from the teacher for instructional purposes.
Internet games are not allowed on the iPads/Chromebooks.
3. Acceptable Use
The use of the SMS technology resources is a privilege, not a right. The privilege of using the
technology resources provided by the school is not transferable or extendible by students to people
or groups outside the school and terminates when a student is no longer enrolled in the school.
This policy is provided to make all users aware of the responsibilities associated with efficient,
ethical, and lawful use of technology resources. If a person violates any of the policies named in
this Acceptable Use Policy, or any changes to the policy, privileges may be terminated, access to
the school’s technology resources may be denied, and appropriate disciplinary action shall be
applied. The SMS School Code of Conduct shall be applied for student infractions. Violations may
result in disciplinary action up to and including suspension/expulsion. If use is potentially in
violation of the law, law enforcement agencies may be involved.
3.1 Parent/Guardian Responsibilities
Talk to your children about values and the standards your children should follow regarding the use
of the Internet.
3.2 School’s Responsibilities are to:
Provide Internet access to all students and a school issued email account to 5
Provide Internet blocking of inappropriate content.
Provide digital citizenship curriculum and instruction to all grade levels.
Provide staff development to aid students in conducting research to ensure student compliance
of the technology usage policy.
3.3 Teacher’s Responsibilities are to:
Periodically check all students’ iPads/Chromebooks, randomly, individually, or as a result of
suspicious action on the part of the student.
Monitor student use of iPads/Chromebooks.
Provide clear instructions about assignments and provide technical assistance, especially as
related to teacher’s requirements.
Keep his/her classroom locked when iPads/Chromebooks have been left in the room and the
room is unoccupied.
Turn in any iPad/Chromebook to the school office found in a location other than a locked
classroom or a secure location identified by SMS teachers.
3.4 Student Responsibilities are to:
Use computers/iPads/Chromebooks in a responsible and ethical manner.
Obey general school rules concerning behavior and communication that apply to
computer/iPad/Chromebook use.
Use all technology resources in an appropriate manner so as to not damage school equipment.
Damage includes, but is not limited to, the loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-
deliveries or service interruptions caused by the student’s own negligence, errors, or omissions.
Use of any information obtained via SMS designated Internet system is at your own risk. SMS
specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through
its services.
Help SMS protect our students and the computer system/device by contacting a teacher or
administrator about any security problems that may be encountered.
Monitor all activity on their account(s).
Turn off and secure their iPad/Chromebook after they are finished working to protect their work
and information.
3.5 Student Activities Strictly Prohibited:
Illegal installation or transmission of copyrighted materials.
Any action that violates existing school policy or public law.
Sending, accessing, uploading, downloading, posting, or distributing offensive, profane,
threatening, pornographic, obscene, or sexually explicit materials.
Use of chat rooms or sites selling term papers, book reports, and other forms of student work.
Use of the iPad/Chromebook to make any purchases, including upgrading.
Use of any messaging services- i.e., MSN Messenger, ICQ, AIM, IMO, etc.
Internet or computer games, except those provided by SMS.
Use of outside data disks or external attachments without prior approval from the
Changing of iPad/Chromebook settings established by school.
Downloading apps.
Spamming-Sending mass or inappropriate emails.
Gaining access to other student’s accounts, files, and/or data.
Use of the school’s Internet/e-mail accounts for financial or commercial gain or for any illegal
Use of anonymous and/or false communications such as, but not limited to, MSN Messenger,
Yahoo Messenger, email, etc.
Students are not allowed to give out personal information for any reason over the Internet. This
includes, but is not limited to, setting up internet accounts, including those necessary for chat
rooms, eBay, e-mail, etc.
Participation in credit card fraud, electronic forgery, or other forms of illegal behavior.
Vandalism (any malicious attempt to harm or destroy hardware, software, or data, including,
but not limited to, the uploading or creation of computer viruses or computer programs that
can infiltrate computer systems and/or damage software components) of school equipment will
not be allowed.
Transmission or accessing materials that are obscene, offensive, threatening, or otherwise
intended to harass or demean recipients.
Bypassing the SMS iPad/Chromebook security module.
Recording (audio and/or video) of any student, faculty/staff member, or classroom without
explicit teacher permission.
3.6 Legal Propriety
Students must comply with trademark and copyright laws and all license agreements. Ignorance of
the law is not immunity. If you are unsure, ask a teacher or parent. Plagiarism is a violation of the
SMS Code of Conduct. Give credit to all sources used, whether quoted or summarized. This includes
all forms of media on the Internet such as graphics, movies, music, and text.
3.7 Student Discipline
If a student violates any minor part of the above policies, the following disciplinary steps will be
1st Offense Warning. Parents will be notified by the principal.
2nd Offense - Student will not have use of the iPad or Chromebook during the school day.
3rd Offense A full quarter (9 week) suspension of use of the iPad or Chromebook or any other
school issued electronic device. (Student still responsible for all required work.)
4th Offense Loss of use of the iPad or Chromebook and all other school issued electronic
devices for a length of time determined by the principal.
Violations of a more serious nature will be handled on a case-by-case basis, with immediate
revocation of use of the iPad or Chromebook.
Q. Physical Education Program
P.E. classes are a part of the regular curriculum. Students are expected to attend P.E. classes as other
classes in the curriculum.
A student may be excused as follows:
From classes because of a temporary illness if a note is sent by a parent. This note should explain
the nature of the illness. If more than three classes are to be missed, a doctor’s written excuse is
required. Students restricted from P.E. because of PAR (Physical Activity Restriction) may not
participate in after school sports or recess on that day.
From classes because of illness or physical impairment. A note from a doctor must be on file in
the school office before a child can be excused, and the duration of nonparticipation must be
clearly stated.
From a particular exercise or activity because of illness or physical impairment. A parent’s note is
required for a temporary impairment stating the nature and duration of the impairment. A
doctor’s note is required for a long-term absence from P.E. (long term is more than three classes.)
R. Library
Kindergarten through fifth grade have one library period per week. Junior high students may use the
library during open library time. Students may check out books as long as they do not have overdue books.
If a book is lost, the student will be charged the replacement cost.
V. Student Expectations
A. Attendance
1. School Hours
The school office is open from 7:30 am to 3:30 pm. At 8:00 am, the first bell will ring. Students will go
directly to their classrooms at this time. Roll call will commence at the 8:00 am bell. Morning prayer,
pledge, and announcements will begin promptly at 8:00 am.
School hours are:
8:00 am 3:00pm
Child(ren) must not be on the school grounds outside of regular school hours, unless they are involved in
a school sponsored activity or are participating in the Extended Care program.
2. Absences
Excessive absences affect student performance. In an academic setting like Saint Mary Help of
Christians Catholic School, it is necessary that students remain current in their studies. This can only
be accomplished by their attending all class sessions; therefore, removing students from school for
vacations, etc. is contrary to school policy. South Carolina’s Compulsory Attendance Law requires
parents/guardians to have children in school unless (see below for further details):
o The child is ill.
o It is a recognized religious holiday.
o There is a death in the immediate family.
In case of illness, these procedures should be followed:
o A courtesy call to the school office to inform of the child’s absence (803-649-2071) before
8:00 am. A message may be left on the voicemail system.
o A student shall be in class at least two hours to be considered in attendance for one-half
day. A student shall be in class at least five hours (Kind.-8th) for a full day.
o When a child returns to school after being absent, a written excuse must be brought to
the teacher/school office within five school days. Failure to submit notes for absences
within five days will result in the absence being recorded as unlawful regardless of reason.
It is not enough to have called in an absence to the school office, though this should be
done also.
o A written note is state mandated.
o The number of Absences and Times Tardy will be recorded on the quarterly report card
and permanent record.
A visit to the doctor or dentist constitutes an “excused” absence. If possible, the child’s teacher
should be informed the day before the appointment. To be dismissed from school for an
appointment, a student must present a written excuse to the teacher. Parents must sign out the
child at the office. When a child is absent more than a week from school because of an illness, she
or he will need to provide a note from a doctor for the absence to be excused.
Families leaving for an extended period must notify the school office in writing in advance of the
dates of an absence.
A student returning after an absence will have the same number of days he/she missed to hand in
the missed assignments. (Exception: Accelerated Reader points and long-term projects are due on
the due date.) It is the responsibility of the student to obtain the assignments from the teacher.
A student who misses a test must make arrangements for make-up the day of his/her return.
Parents who are leaving and placing their children in the care of another adult must inform the
school office in writing of this temporary assignment of guardianship. For example, a business trip
or vacation days away from their children.
A student who accumulates ten or more absences, excused and/or unexcused, during a quarter
may be eligible for retention for the following school year as decided by administration.
Lawful Absences
Students who are ill and whose attendance would endanger their health or the health of others may be
temporarily excused from attendance. A statement from a physician or other health provider is required
in cases of frequent or extended absences (in excess of five days). Chronic illnesses require certification
from a physician or other health care provider, to be provided with registration or at the time of diagnosis.
Such statements will become a part of the student's permanent record.
Students in whose immediate family there is a serious illness or death may be temporarily excused from
attendance. A statement from a physician or other health provider may be required. Students may be
excused from attendance for recognized religious holidays of their faith. Students may be excused for
emergencies as approved by the principal. Absences of up to ten per year will be considered lawful if the
reasons for the absences are defined as lawful according to this policy. A student must attend a minimum
of 170 days to be considered for promotion unless excessive absences are approved by the principal.
Student attendance will be recorded on a daily basis. To be counted present for the day, a student must
attend at least half of the school day. Students arriving at school after 10:00 a.m. or leaving school prior
to 1:00 p.m. will be charged with one-half day absence.
Unlawful Absences
An unlawful absence is defined as a student's willful absence from school without the knowledge of the
parents or a student's absence from school without an approved reason with or without the knowledge
of the parents. South Carolina State Law requires that (1) "school officials shall immediately intervene to
encourage the student's future attendance when the student has three consecutive unlawful absences or
a total of five unlawful absences, and (2) the administration shall promptly approve or disapprove any
student absence in excess of ten days." Parents of a child with three consecutive unlawful absences or
five unlawful absences will be required to attend a conference with the principal. To "intervene" means
to identify the reasons for the student's continued absence and to develop a plan in conjunction with the
student and parent/guardian to improve future attendance. The school will maintain evidence of
intervention activities, e.g., copies of letters to parents, intervention plans, etc. Failure of the
parent/guardian to cooperate with the school may result in a parent being referred to the Department of
Social Services. State law further states: "Any parent or guardian who neglects to enroll his (school-age)
child or ward or refuses to make such child or ward attend school shall, upon conviction, be fined not
more than fifty dollars or be imprisoned not more than thirty days; each day's absence shall constitute a
separate offense; provided, the court may in its discretion suspend the sentence of anyone convicted of
the provisions of this article."
Please note that teachers are not obligated to allow students to make up
work or tests that are a result of an unexcused absence.
3. Tardiness
Tardiness is a serious matter, since it affects not only the tardy student, but also other students. Tardiness
reflects an attitude inconsistent with Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School’s pursuit of excellence
and emphasis on the whole child. Tardiness also represents a lack of regard for education and a lack of
cooperation with the school.
It is imperative that all students be present for Morning Prayer and Pledge as this is the time where
common patriotism and our Catholic identity are reinforced. It is also the time when important
announcements are made including sports and extracurricular activities. It is the time for prayer and
special intentions making it an inherent, key part of a Catholic student’s day.
The school day starts at 8:00 am. A student is tardy if he/she has not entered the gate by 8:00 am. A
student who is marked with five or more tardies during one quarter may receive detention or other
disciplinary action decided by administration. A parent conference may also be required. A student is
marked absent for a half day if he/she arrives after 10:00 am.
Parents must walk their child(ren) into the school office to sign them in if they arrive after 8:00 am. A
school official will provide the student with a pass which must be given to the teacher upon entering the
class. Unexcused tardy students arriving during or after Morning Prayer and Pledge may be detained in
the school office until an appropriate time so as not to interrupt the learning for the whole class.
B. Backpacks & Care of Books
All students are encouraged to use a backpack for school. Rolling bookbags will not be allowed without
prior approval from administration on a case-by-case basis. Rolling bookbags are a major safety concern
to our other students.
Students are expected to take care of books and workbooks which are issued to them and keep them
covered at all times. All books, including workbooks, are to be covered within the first week of school and
kept covered all year. Workbooks should be covered with clear contact paper. Do NOT use self-stick covers
for textbooks; these damage the books. If stretchy book covers are used for textbooks, please do not use
ones which are too small; these damage book bindings. Please use extra-large stretchy covers or paper.
The cost of damage to or loss of textbooks or workbooks must be reimbursed to the school since these
will have to be replaced. The amount to be assessed will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
C. Drop-Off/Pick-Up Protocol
1. Morning Drop-Off Procedures
Children arriving/leaving are to be dropped off and picked up curbside in the designated zone on the St.
Mary's side of Fairfield Street only. Students who walk or bike to and from school must provide a note to
the school office, signed by a parent, specifying dates and destination if other than home.
Students are to go directly to the cafeteria, starting at 7 am, where they will be supervised in Morning
Care after drop-off. At 8:00 am, students will be directed to their classrooms. No playing and no
playground equipment, including balls, will be permitted to be used before school.
2. Afternoon Dismissal Procedures
Cars using the drop-off zone on the school side of Fairfield are to go as far as possible in this lane before
stopping. This will allow others to pull up behind and expedite the safe arrival and departure of the
For the safety of our children, please observe the NO PARKING signs and curb markings. Bikers also must
enter and exit by the Fairfield Street gate. Bicycles must be walked on school property. No skating of any
kind is permitted on school property.
Students will be dismissed to cars only when their names are called. All parents must participate in the
car line pickup. The sidewalk needs to be kept clear for teachers to supervise traffic and assist students to
their cars. Teacher supervision will be provided in the school yard until 3:20 pm. Students are to remain
in the playground area adjacent to the Fairfield Street gate. No playing is allowed during afternoon
dismissal. After 3:20 pm, students who are not picked up must report to Extended Care.
3. Dismissal Protocol
Students are not permitted to cross Fairfield Street during morning arrival (7:00-8:00 am) or dismissal
(2:45-3:20 pm) unless directed by a teacher on duty. This is a safety measure recommended by Aiken
Department of Public Safety. Parents should not walk up to get students. Walkers will be dismissed only
after waiting cars have been loaded. The sidewalk must remain clear. Parents leaving school grounds
during loading and unloading should go by the school office and ask staff to open the gate by St. Angela
Students and parents are expected to cooperate with teachers on duty. Students may not leave the school
yard for any reason other than to depart with their carpool unless alternate arrangements have been
made with the school office.
Students leaving school (riding or walking) with someone other than their parent or regular carpool driver
must present a note to the office at the beginning of the day. If a last-minute change of plans is necessary,
please call the school office before 2:30 pm.
D. Birthday Policy
Students are allowed to bring class treats to school. Parents may send in special treats for birthdays which
are to be shared AT LUNCH. No other holiday parties or treats will be allowed unless specific permission
is granted by the principal. No party invitations may be distributed to students at school unless invitations
include all students or all the girls or all boys in the class. All other invitations must be sent by mail or by
telephone to the child’s home.
E. Class Parties & Solicitation
Ordinarily, class parties are limited to Valentine’s Day, Christmas, and End of Year for Grades K-5.
Homeroom parents are asked to assist the teacher with the parties by arranging for and serving
refreshments and helping with other activities. The older students may be permitted to have an evening
dance (Grades 6-8).
Students may not sell items for other non-profit or profit organizations or solicit financial support for
personal projects on campus without permission from the administration. Such permission must be
requested in writing in advance. The office staff will not be responsible for distribution of materials or
F. School Uniform Regulations
For the 2023/2024 school year, please note the following school uniform regulations. School
uniforms are mandatory at Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School. If a child is issued three
or more school uniform violations in a quarter, he/she may receive detention, or another form of
disciplinary action deemed appropriate by administration. Uniforms are to be laundered,
maintained, and worn as they are designed to be worn; skirts and shorts may not be rolled up,
shirts must be tucked in and not folded under, long shirt sleeves may be neatly rolled up to the
elbow. The uniform should reflect a positive attitude of pride in self and school. Students must be
in proper uniform from the time they arrive on campus until they leave. Uniforms and shoes
should be in good shape, free from holes, stains or fading. Any hairstyle, hair color, mode of dress,
or ornamentation deemed inappropriate in the judgment of the school administration/staff will
be prohibited. School uniforms may be ordered online at www.dennisuniform.com. Our school
code for Dennis Uniform is NVSMCS. If you choose to order through Dennis, during peak season
(August- September), please allow up to seven-ten business days. All Dennis Uniform orders will
be shipped directly to the parent’s personal residence. If you choose not to order from Dennis,
you can have our school logo embroidered by Pitter Patter, located here in Aiken.
Uniforms - Boys and Girls
Jackets/Sweatshirts/Sweaters: The white, navy blue, gray, or gold Saints sweatshirt (sold annually
by SMS Athletics Department) is allowed. Navy blue fleece jackets with school logo or navy
blue/white sweaters with school logo are also allowed. Other outerwear, including sweatshirts
and non-school hoodies, will not be allowed to be worn in the classrooms. Solid navy blue,
pullover hoodies with the school logo or hoodies sold by SMS athletics are allowed in the
classroom, but may not be worn to Mass. Kindergarten and 1st grade students should have no
drawstrings in their outerwear jackets. Drawstrings present a choking hazard on playground
Socks: Solid white, navy blue, gray, or black socks only socks must be clearly visible above the
Belt: A black, brown, or a navy solid-color belt must be always worn with pants or shorts. (Unless
elastic waistband)
Athletic Shoes: Must be worn every day with socks. Athletic shoes may be a solid white, navy blue,
gray, black, tan, or a combination of the previously mentioned colors. Appropriate
advertisements, for example, a Nike swoosh or Adidas stripes, in the previously mentioned colors,
are also allowed. No sneakers with wheels are allowed. No shoes that light up are allowed. No
sandals or boots. Shoelaces must be tied tightly with the knot on the outside of the shoe.
Shoelaces must be either solid white, navy blue, gray, tan, or black. No other colored shoelaces
are allowed. Athletic shoes need to be in good condition.
Uniform Requirements for Boys
Pants: Khaki dress pants (No top stitching, jeans styling, or cargo pockets). Pants may be worn
year-round but must be worn on Mass days and other special events. Elastic waistband pants are
allowed in kindergarten - 2nd grade. If there are belt loops, a belt must be worn.
Shorts: Khaki shorts (No top stitching, jeans styling, or cargo pockets). Elastic waistband shorts are
allowed in kindergarten - 2nd grade. Shorts may be worn year-round, except on Mass days and
other special events. If there are belt loops, a belt must be worn.
Oxford Shirt (kindergarten-8th grade): SMS white oxford shirt with the logo is required to be worn
for Mass days and other special events. The oxford shirt must be clean, not wrinkled, and always
tucked in.
Plaid School Tie: School tie or bow tie is required to be worn for Mass and other special events.
The tie must be worn with the oxford shirt. Neck ties and/or bow ties are acceptable at every
grade level. Clip-on neckties are not permitted at the junior high level. If a tie is available to
purchase on Dennis Uniforms, it is acceptable.
Polo Shirt: A navy blue polo shirt with the logo is required to be worn daily. Shirts must be always
tucked in. No turtlenecks or visible t-shirts may be worn under the polo shirt.
Grooming: Hair must be neat, clean, and conservative in style, short, above the eyebrows and the
collar of the shirt. Excessive hairstyles (Mohawks, fauxhawks, etc.) will not be allowed. Hair
coloring, bleaching, highlighting, and tinting are not allowed. No facial hair. No visible tattoos
either permanent or temporary are allowed.
Jewelry: Boys may not wear earrings or bracelets. Only one necklace with a cross or religious
medal on a fine linked chain may be worn. One ring is allowed. In addition, a watch may be worn.
Smart watches are not permitted to be worn at any time on campus (Per diocese). Medical
bracelets or medical necklaces may be worn.
Cologne: Students may not wear perfume including any type of body spray.
Uniform Requirements for Girls
Plaid Jumper/Plaid Skort (kindergarten2nd grade only): Students entering kindergarten through
2nd grade must wear the uniform plaid jumper or skort. Girls are required to wear shorts
underneath the jumper. The jumper or the skort may be worn for Mass. Skorts may not be rolled
at the waist and a modest length is required (maximum of 3 inches above the crease behind the
Plaid Skort/Plaid Skirt (3rd-8th grade only): Students entering 3rd through 5th grade must wear
the uniform plaid skort or skirt. Skirts may not be rolled at the waist and a modest length is
required (maximum of 3 inches above the crease behind the knee). Girls are required to wear
shorts underneath the skirt. Warm-up or pajama pants may not be worn underneath the skirt.
Pants (kindergarten-8th grade): Girls may choose to wear khaki dress pants (no top stitching, jeans
styling, or cargo pockets allowed). Pants may be worn year-round, except on Mass days and other
special events. Elastic waist band pants are only allowed in kindergarten - 2nd grade.
Shorts (kindergarten-8th grade): Khaki shorts are acceptable (no top stitching, jeans styling, or
cargo pockets allowed). Elastic waistband shorts are allowed in kindergarten - 2nd grade. Shorts
may be worn year-round, except on Mass days and other special events. If there are belt loops, a
belt must be worn.
Oxford Shirt/White Peter Pan Collared Shirt (kindergarten-2nd grade only): SMS white oxford shirt
w/logo or white peter pan collared shirt w/logo is required to be worn for Mass and other special
events. The oxford shirt must be clean, not wrinkled, and always tucked in.
Oxford Shirt (3rd-8th grade only): SMS white oxford shirt w/logo is required to be worn for Mass
and other special events. The oxford shirt must be clean, not wrinkled, and always tucked in.
Polo Shirt: A navy blue polo shirt with the logo is required to be worn daily. Shirts must be always
tucked in. No turtlenecks or visible t-shirts may be worn under the polo shirt.
Tights/Leggings: Solid navy blue/black/gray/white tights or leggings with no ornamentation or
design may be worn with the jumper, skort, or skirt. Tights/Leggings must be in good condition
and free from holes. Socks must be worn with leggings.
Grooming: No makeup is allowed. Junior high students may use a blemish concealer or light
foundation. Hair must be neat and clean and conservatively styled. Headbands/hair accessories
are limited to SMS uniform plaid or uniform colors. These colors are white, yellow/gold, royal
blue, and navy blue. There should be no excessive ornamentation (flowers, beads, etc.). No nail
polish or artificial nails are allowed. Hair coloring, bleaching, tinting, most highlighting, or
excessive ornamentation is not allowed. Natural highlighting is also discouraged, but “natural hair
color highlights” are acceptable in grades 6-8. Only non-color lip balm is allowed. No shiny or
colored lip-gloss may be worn. No visible tattoos either permanent or temporary are allowed.
Jewelry: Only one necklace with a cross or religious medal on a fine chain may be worn. Only one
bracelet may be worn. One ring is allowed. In addition, a watch may be worn. Smart watches are
not permitted to be worn at any time on campus (per diocese). Medical bracelets or medical
necklaces may be worn. Only one pair of single post earrings (no larger than 4 mm and one solid
color) are allowed. Dangling earrings or hoops can be a hazard; therefore, they are not allowed.
Perfume: Students may not wear perfume including any type of body spray.
G. Out of Uniform Days:
On days when the students do not have to wear their uniform to school, the following guidelines for
appropriate free dress must be followed:
No sleeveless or strap style shirts or blouses, no low-cut necklines
No tight-fitting clothing (leggings, spandex)
No excessively bagging clothing
No low-slung pants or short tops that expose the midriff
No skirts, skorts, dresses, or shorts shorter than longest fingertip with arms
extended and at rest
No athletic shorts, but athletic pants are allowed
No ripped or torn clothing
No inappropriate logos, slogans, or advertising on clothing
Shoes must have backs and be close-toed
Makeup and jewelry rules remain the same
No jeans may be worn on Mass days.
**Same uniform regulations apply for dress days to boys & girls.**
Students may be given an athletic team out of uniform day for special events. Criteria for appropriate
dress for these events will be announced as necessary. The scheduling of out of uniform days will depend
largely upon how students use this privilege.
Out of uniform days are not intended to be “dress down” days. Students are always expected to be good
ambassadors of our school. If an out of uniform day is granted on a day we attend Mass, students must
dress up in church clothes, NO JEANS. Makeup is not allowed on out of uniform days.
Casual Fridays The start date of casual Fridays will be announced by administration each year in the
weekly family newsletter. Every Friday, unless communicated by administration, students may wear a
navy or gray, long-sleeve or short-sleeve T-shirt with the school logo sold only through the PTO. Students
must follow all other regular uniform requirements. No out of uniform bottoms, sweatshirts, etc., may
be worn with the casual Friday T-shirt. Casual Fridays are optional, regular uniforms are always acceptable.
H. Lunch
It is the parents' responsibility to see that their children have a nutritious lunch each day. Lunches are
stored in the classroom so items that do not require refrigeration should be packed. Lunches from home,
“sack lunches” should be sent in with the student. Parents may also order school lunches online through
FACTS SIS. The school lunch program is catered by several local restaurants and overseen by the school
lunch coordinator, Michele McDermott. She may be contacted at lunch@stmaryschoolaiken.com. The
school lunch menu is posted one month in advance online through FACTS SIS and a hard copy is sent
home. Parents are to order their child’s lunch online through FACTS SIS by a designated deadline. If your
child arrives to school and does not have a sack lunch or a school lunch has not been ordered for him/her,
they may call home from the school office. Student lunches are to be dropped off in the school office
marked with the child’s name. The school office will notify the student’s teacher a sack lunch is there for
the child.
Milk is offered at lunch time and may be paid for daily, weekly, or monthly. Milk can be paid for in advance
through FACTS SIS, by cash, or with a check payable to St. Mary’s School”. Parents are invited to join their
child(ren) for lunch on Fridays. Eating lunch with students on a day other than Friday must be approved
by the school office.
I. Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School Behavior Rules:
1. Respect yourself, others, and things.
2. Contribute to the learning environment.
3. Follow all school rules and classroom procedures.
Teachers in grades Kindergarten through 3 may employ a variety of techniques, i.e., stamps, sticker cards,
green lights, charts, etc. All teachers develop discipline cycles that reflect the consequences of student
behavior that detracts from the learning environments and that may be harmful to the student or others.
J. Code of Conduct
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School students will:
Be courteous, and show respect to one another and to all school personnel.
Use appropriate language in speech and writing.
Behave in a safe and orderly manner in the church, classroom, cafeteria, playground, Extended
Care and on field trips.
Respect church and school property and property of others.
Be honest at all times.
Come prepared for class.
Follow directions as they are given.
Remain on supervised areas of school grounds during school hours.
Be responsible for having parents sign all teacher/parent communications, including behavior and
progress reports, and return them to school the following school day.
Participate respectfully in Mass and Paraliturgies.
Clean up after themselves at all times.
Not remove any item from a classroom without the teacher’s expressed permission.
Not engage in inappropriate physical contact of any kind.
Not engage in harassment or bullying of any kind against students or teachers.
Not make threats in speech or writing.
Follow the guidelines set forth in the pre-teaching checklists.
K. Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School 24/7 Policy
Students of St. Mary’s represent the school in and outside of the school day. Any conduct both in and out
of school that reflects negatively upon the reputation of the school may be subject to disciplinary action.
The school reserves the right to discipline a student for actions committed off-campus if they are intended
to have an effect on a student or they adversely affect the safety and well-being of a student or staff
member while in school. (Please see below in regards to electronic media).
L. School Identity Policy
Students are not allowed to identify the school including through the use of the school logo or school
uniform, for any purpose outside the school without written consent from the school principal including
photos posted electronically on FaceBook, Twitter, SnapChat, etc. Violation of this policy may result in
suspension or expulsion.
M. Procedures of Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School
Roller skates/blades, skateboards, and motorized scooters are not permitted on school grounds.
The library is used for quiet study, activities, and/or reading.
It is necessary to be on time for class.
Gum is not permitted on school grounds.
Food and beverages (other than water) are to be consumed in Mercy Hall or other assigned areas
at assigned times.
Only designated areas may be used during recess, lunch recess, and before school in the morning.
No glass bottles or containers are allowed on campus.
Playground equipment may be used only during recess in designated areas.
Rough play and throwing objects at each other are not permitted.
Running in the classroom, sidewalks, or multi-purpose rooms is not permitted.
Proper dress code is to be followed on all school days.
Students must get permission before leaving supervised areas.
Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated including: cheating, forgery, copying homework, and
plagiarism. (Please refer to Section J: Academic Dishonesty)
Physical, sexual, emotional bullying or harassment will not be tolerated (Please reference K:
Harassment Policy)
The following items are not permitted on school property: knives, firearms, fireworks, matches,
lighters, smoking materials, drugs, alcohol, and obscene or offensive material.
Students are not to enter an unoccupied classroom. Further, classrooms are not to be entered
after school by students or parents to retrieve forgotten backpacks.
In the instance when a teacher leaves a room for an emergency, students are required to follow
the posted directions in the classroom. Students are to stay seated, remain quiet, and work on
the assignment.
N. Electronic Devices/Cell Phones
Students should not bring their cell phone or any electronic device (including smart watches) to school. If
he/she does so, then it must be kept in his/her backpack at all times and be turned off. Talking on a cell
phone or text messaging during school hours or while in Extended Care is not permissible. If the student
removes the cell phone from his/her backpack at any time while on school campus, the school staff or
administration may confiscate the phone and place it in the school office. The student’s parent will then
be responsible for picking up the cell phone from the school office. The second time a student does not
comply with these rules, the student will receive a detention, and the phone may no longer be allowed
on campus until the next semester following a meeting with the parents and student. The third time a
student does not comply with these rules, the student will receive a one-day suspension, and the cell
phone will not be allowed on campus for the remainder of the school year. Other electronic devices are
not permitted anywhere on campus including after-school sports, Extended Care, recess, etc. Saint Mary
Help of Christians Catholic School is not responsible for any lost, damaged, or stolen cell phone or
electronic device.
In all cases of confiscation, the principal reserves the right to check for any inappropriate information that
may be stored, received, or sent on any student’s confiscated communication or electronic device during
the school day or any school-sponsored event. When deemed necessary, this information will be
downloaded and/or printed.
O. Playground Rules
Teachers and aides supervise the school and playground areas during recess and the lunch period. There
is NO SUPERVISION after school hours except in our Extended Care program.
P. Misbehavior
Behavior unbecoming to a young Christian boy or girl will not be tolerated. Disciplinary action will be at
the discretion of the administration. Students must realize that they, whether in uniform or not, represent
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School when they are off campus. One reason for dismissal from
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School is any conduct, on or off campus, marring the name of the
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School & Parish Community. This rule will be enforced when it
pertains to student behavior in the school’s residential and commercial neighborhood. Of course, this rule
applies to all behavior, no matter where it occurs, which is contrary to Saint Mary Help of Christians
Catholic School’s principles. As a partner with parents in the education of children, the principal will notify
parents when there is cause to be concerned about a student’s activities or behavior, whether it is on or
off campus and/or through electronic means.
Q. Academic Dishonesty
Submitting work that is not one’s own is a serious offense. Academic dishonesty with homework includes,
but is not limited to, giving one’s work to another student, copying homework, submitting assignments of
substantially the same nature under different student names or submitting material which is not the
student’s personal work. Academic dishonesty with regard to tests includes, but is not limited to,
communicating with another student during a test, having other students take an AR test or taking an AR
test far below one’s reading level, copying from another student, and lending or receiving materials.
The consequences for Academic Dishonesty for all parties involved are:
1st offense - Behavior report, zero credit, detention
2nd offense - One day suspension
3rd offense - Will result in re-evaluation of the student’s continuance at Saint Mary Help of
Christians Catholic School.
These consequences are subject to change based on the severity of the infraction.
R. Harassment Policy
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School believes that all persons have a God-given right to be treated
with dignity and respect. In light of this belief, any form of harassment by students, employees, parents,
and school volunteers will not be tolerated. Bullying/Harassment Prevention and Intervention Incident
Forms are located in the school office.
The aim and goal of the school’s harassment policy is as follows:
To promote a Catholic educational environment in which harassment is not tolerated.
To take positive action to prevent harassment from occurring through a well communicated and
clear policy.
To inform students, parents, faculty, and staff of the school’s expectations and to foster a
productive partnership among the school’s stakeholders which helps maintain a positive school
1. Harassment Defined
Harassment is unwanted, repeated, harmful behavior that is directed at an individual or group on the
basis of appearance, race, sex, or national origin. It is about intimidation, control, misuse of power,
and the attempt to deny the victim of equality. Demeaning behavior, if reoccurring, is a form of
harassment. Harassment can occur any time during school or during school-related activities.
Harassment can occur whether the intended victim is present or not. It includes, but is not limited to,
any of the following:
Verbal Harassment: Verbal conduct such as epithets, derogatory jokes or comments, slurs or
unwanted sexual advances, imitations or comments.
Visual Harassment: Visual contact such as derogatory and/or sexually orientated posters,
photography, cartoons, drawings or gestures.
Physical Harassment: Physical contact such as assault, unwanted touching, blocking normal
movements or interfering with work, study, or play.
Sexual Harassment: Threats and demands to submit to sexual requests for certain benefits,
unwelcome sexual advances.
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School strongly opposes and prohibits all forms of harassment (e.g.,
harassment based on an individual’s race, color, age, religion, sex, marital or veteran status, sexual
orientation, national origin, appearance, ancestry, and disability), whether verbal, physical, or
environmental. Any person who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including
required withdrawal for students.
S. Anti-Bullying Policy
Bullying behavior is repeated and systematic harassment of a victim or victims by individuals or groups of
individuals. Bullying can be demonstrated through physical or verbal behaviors such as pushing, shoving,
kicking, hitting, name-calling, teasing, or insults. Relational and reactive bullying includes behaviors such
as exclusion and retaliation. In a classroom, bullying can disrupt the learning environment. Saint Mary
Help of Christians Catholic School strives to establish and maintain a school culture that fosters student
safety and well-being by:
Creating a social climate in the school that is warm and accepting of all students.
Setting high standards for behavior between students and teachers.
Providing adequate adult supervision.
Providing consistent and immediate consequences for aggressive behaviors.
Parents are required to monitor their students’ online and cell phone habits. Cyber bullying will
not be tolerated at Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School. Any person who participates in
cyber bulling will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including required withdrawal for
Students are encouraged to report bullying behaviors. Reports will be followed up by the teacher
and principal. Students demonstrating bullying behaviors will be processed through the Saint
Mary Help of Christians Catholic School Discipline Cycle.
T. South Carolina’s Child Abuse Reporting Statute
South Carolina's Child Abuse Reporting Statute requires the mandatory reporting of child abuse by any
school employee who reasonably believes that a minor is or has been the victim of physical injury (even
"incidents in which children injure each other while on school grounds), abuse as defined in S.C. Code
Ann. §§ 63-7-20, 63-7-310, 63-7-360, 63-7-410 (2009).
U. Abuse of Teacher
Under South Carolina law, “Any person who knowingly abuses a teacher, or other school employee on
school grounds or while the teacher or employee is engaged in the performance of his duties is guilty of
a class 3 misdemeanor.”
V. Violence
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School has zero tolerance for threatened or actual violence.
Disciplinary action will result in either case.
a. Weapons
According to diocesan policy, any incident involving an unemancipated minor, unaccompanied by a
parent, grandparent or guardian or a certified firearms safety instructor knowingly carrying or
possessing a firearm on his person within his immediate control or on a means of transportation on
school grounds must be reported to an administrator who must report to a peace officer. Threat,
possession, or use of a weapon on school premises or at school sponsored activities will result in
disciplinary action and/or required withdrawal from school.
b. Crimes and Threats
Any suspected crime against a person or property that is a serious offense or that involves a deadly
weapon or dangerous instrument or serious physical injury and any conduct that poses a threat of
death or serious physical injury to employees, students or anyone on the school property must be
reported to Law Enforcement. The suspected student will be placed on suspension until the
investigation is completed by police. The suspected student must be evaluated by a mental health
professional to determine if able to return to school without being a threat to self or others.
c. Damage or Theft of Property
Damage or theft of property, either real or personal, by a student, whether malicious or accidental at
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School, will be paid by the parents or guardian. This includes
damage to or theft of textbooks and educational materials, computers, athletic equipment as well as
damage to structures on or the grounds of the campus.
W. Tobacco, Alcohol, and other Drugs
According to diocesan policy any incident involving a person intentionally present to sell or transfer
marijuana, peyote, prescription only, dangerous, or narcotic drugs or in the possession or use of all of the
above except prescription only drugs or involved in manufacture of dangerous drugs on a school campus
must be reported to an administrator who must report to law enforcement.
Possession, use, or being under the influence of tobacco, alcohol or illicit drugs, is prohibited on school
premises and at all school sponsored activities. The possession, use, sale or attempted sale of tobacco,
alcohol or illicit drugs will result in required withdrawal from the school. Prescription and over the counter
medications must be given to the school office.
X. Discipline
Each teacher will have a classroom management plan that includes several parent contacts. After
behaviors reach that level, administration will be notified. Once parent contact has been made by
administration, administrative before school detention, a parent conference with administration,
suspension, a second parent conference with administration, probation, a request by administration to
withdrawal, and expulsion will be employed in that order.
***Serious infractions and consequences, as determined by the administration and the pastor, will be
handled on a case-by-case basis.
Serious infractions as defined by the principal could result in immediate action such as: detention,
probation, suspension, or expulsion.
A consequence of detention may be assigned for conduct violations including, but not limited to the
Repeated violations of class or school rules that have continued despite verbal warning and parent
Repeated tardiness to school and/or class
Dress code violations
Class disturbances
Failure to return signed documents
Behaviors deemed inappropriate by the school administration
Serious violations will receive immediate consequences. Serious conduct violations include, but are not
limited to:
Harassment / Bullying
Repeated and/or disruptive behavior in class
Physical aggressiveness (fighting, horseplay, roughhousing)
Academic Dishonesty
Unethical Behavior
a. What is the Purpose of a Detention?
The purpose of a before-school detention is to give the student an opportunity to reflect on the behavior
that was responsible for his/her detention. Detention is not a study hall.
b. Recess/Lunch Detention/Morning Detention
The purpose of detention is to provide an immediate consequence to the student for a minor infraction.
Habitual assignments to lunch detention may result in suspension. Detentions are given at the discretion
of the teacher/principal.
c. School Suspension
A suspension is invoked when a student demonstrates a serious disregard for Saint Mary Help of Christians
Catholic School guidelines. The student’s parents will be informed that their child has been suspended.
Suspensions may not be appealed. Suspension is generally served for one to five weekdays. The
suspension will be served in or out of school depending on the severity of the disciplinary action.
A suspended student will not be allowed to attend or participate in any school sponsored or athletic
activities during the period of suspension.
In as much as the student will not participate in class, he/she will be considered absent and will be
responsible for completing the class work provided by the teacher and all homework assignments. It is
the student and parent’s responsibility to pick up all assignments each afternoon for the days of out-of-
school suspension. All assignments are due immediately upon the student’s return to his/her classroom.
d. Immediate Suspension from School
The principal at his/her discretion has the authority to place any student on immediate suspension for any
reasonable suspicion of the following:
Endangerment of other students, faculty, staff, or self. This includes physically harming, or potentially
harming, another student.
Possession of drugs, alcohol, weapons, or tobacco, illegal paraphernalia, obscene or offensive
Through attitude or action, demonstrating serious disrespect for a teacher, administrator, fellow
student and/or disrupting the orderly process of learning.
Failure of past disciplinary actions to effect improved conduct.
Falsification or misinterpretation of notes sent to/from parents or guardians.
Serious violation of the school’s technology user’s agreement.
Failure to report to detention.
Second offense of academic dishonesty.
Violation of the Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School 24/7 Policy or School Identity Policy
Any other serious infractions of the school rules or behavior code at the discretion of the school
administration or pastor.
e. Probation
After suspension or other serious misconduct, including excessive behavior reports, or at the
recommendation of the administration, a student may be placed on disciplinary probation. The student
and his/her parent(s) will receive a probationary letter explaining the conditions of this probation. A
student who violates the conditions of his/her probation is liable for expulsion.
f. Expulsion
There are three general guidelines for consideration for expulsion:
1. When the moral or physical well-being of individual students, staff or the student body is endangered.
2. When there is prolonged and/or open disregard for school authority and/or the student violates
3. When a student is on academic probation for more than three quarters.
g. Reasons for Expulsion
Conduct of any kind that is in conflict with the values for which our Catholic community stands is grounds
for expulsion from Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School. Reasons for immediate expulsion include,
but are not limited to the following:
Possessing, using or being under the influence of tobacco, alcohol, or illicit drugs, on school premises
or at any school-sponsored activities.
Flagrant insubordination.
Further misconduct after being placed on probation.
Violating civil law of the reasonable rights and dignity of others.
Carrying a weapon or anything that may be reasonably considered to be a weapon. Threat, possession,
or use of a weapon on school premises or at school sponsored activities.
Theft of or malicious damage to parish property or the personal property of teachers or students.
Third incident of academic dishonesty.
Harassment or Bullying.
h. Faculty/Staff Expectations:
Teachers must treat all students with equality, dignity and respect in a pastoral way. Teachers will also
greet their students at the door and do a uniform check as the students are entering their classroom.
i. Verbal & Physical Abuse
Corporal punishment is not allowed as a method of discipline. Pushing, grabbing, or pulling a student is
inappropriate and not tolerated. This type of behavior is documented and placed in the employee’s
personnel file. Two documented incidents may lead to dismissal. Verbally abusive behavior toward a
student is unacceptable. Inappropriate language (any language considered inappropriate for students,
threats, racial slurs or put downs, bullying behaviors, etc.) is not tolerated. As above, incidents will be
documented and two or more incidents may lead to dismissal. (Diocese of Charleston and Procedures for
the Protection of Minors, Code of Ethics.)
j. Required Drug Testing
The school reserves the right to require drug testing of any student suspected of using illicit drugs.
k. Grievance Procedures
Every attempt should be made to resolve a conflict at the lowest possible level. Occasionally, matters may
arise which will require an objective review by third parties in order to assure the maintenance of positive
relationships within the school community. To facilitate reconciliation, communication and the
strengthening of the community of faith, the following general guidelines shall be followed: In any conflict,
an effort shall first be made to resolve the issue in a spirit of fairness and justice by following the ordinary
and regular communication channels between the people involved. If the conflict cannot be resolved to
the satisfaction of the parties involved, recourse may be made to the person with the next higher level of
accountability up to and including the school administrator. If the administrator is believed to be acting
contrary to diocesan or local school policy, then a parent may have recourse to the pastor. The pastor
determines if the decision is a proper subject for appeal. Student suspensions may not be appealed.
l. Appeal of Required Withdrawal of a Student Appeal Process
When a parent or a student (at least 18 years of age) wishes to appeal the decision of the principal, the
person will submit the appeal in writing to the pastor and include the following items.
1. The subject of the appeal
2. Any factual data, other than hearsay, the person considers appropriate
3. The efforts that have been made to resolve the issue
An appeal is to be made within 10 working days of the communication of the decision. The pastor may
designate another person to hear the appeal. The pastor’s decision is final and binding and concludes the
appeal process. The Pastor and Principal of Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School may waive any
and all regulations for just cause at their own discretion.
m. Right to Search
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School reserves the right to search and inspect desks, backpacks,
lunch boxes, bags, electronic equipment (cell phone, flash drives,) etc. when those in authority deem it
necessary to do so.
VI. Health Information and Student Care
A. Wellness Policy
All schools shall comply with South Carolina Code of Laws, Section 44-29-180 and South Carolina
Regulation 61-8, the 2022/2023 Required Standards of Immunization for School Attendance. These laws
state that no child may attend school unless such child can present to the school a verifiable immunization
record against listed communicable diseases or a plan for immunization as specified by the South
Carolina Department of Health Services. Requests for exemption will be granted only in accordance with
South Carolina law.
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School is committed to providing an environment that promotes
and protects children’s health, well-being, and the ability to learn by supporting healthy eating and
physical activities. The connection between nutrition and learning is well documented. Healthy eating
patterns are essential for students to achieve their full academic potential, physical and mental growth
and lifelong health and well-being. The purpose of this policy is to offer students the tools and knowledge
necessary to make healthy choices for their body.
SC DHEC revises its School and Childcare Exclusion List each January and requires that it be distributed to
school families. Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School distributes this Exclusion List at the start of
school each year. Parents should review the Exclusion List and keep it in a convenient location for
reference. Students and staff with certain conditions must be excluded from school until the reason for
exclusion has resolved and appropriate documentation has been provided to the school. Appropriate
documentation may be a parent note or a medical note, depending upon the illness and duration.
Briefly, students with an axillary temperature of 100.0F or an oral temperature of 101.0F or greater are
not to return to school unless the parent provides a signed note that the fever has resolved for at least 24
hours without the use of fever-reducing medication.
Students should be kept home if vomiting has occurred two or more times in a 24-hour period or for
vomiting and fever (101.0F or higher), for green or bloody vomit, or for vomiting combined with not
urinating for eight hours. A parent note is required upon the student's return to school.
1. Injury or Illness
In case of an injury or illness during the school day, the student will be sent to the school office. The school
office staff/principal will then determine if the child should be sent home or return to class. Parents will
be notified by phone to pick up sick or injured children. Parents are to keep all emergency information
current by calling the school office to let us know about changes in telephone numbers.
2. Medication
Diocesan dictates prescription medications will be administered when necessary.
Medications should be taken at home whenever possible. The first dose of any new medication
must be given at home to ensure the student does not have a negative reaction.
Diocesan medication forms are required for each prescription and over-the-counter (OTC)
medication administered in school and may require a physician signature.
All medication taken in school must have a parent/guardian signed authorization. No medication
will be accepted by school personnel without the accompanying complete and appropriate
medication authorization form.
The parent or guardian must transport medications to and from school.
Medication must be kept in the school office during the school day. All medication will be stored
in a locked cabinet or refrigerator, within a locked area, accessible to authorized personnel, unless
the student has prior written approval to self-carry a medication (inhaler, Epi-pen). If the student
self carries, it is advised that backup medication be kept in the school office.
Parents/guardians are responsible for submitting a new medication authorization form to the
school at the start of the school year and each time there is a change in the dosage or the time of
medication administration.
A Licensed Health Care Provider (LHCP) may use office stationery, prescription pad or other
appropriate documentation. The following information written in lay language with no
abbreviations must be included and attached to this medication administration form. Signed faxes
are acceptable.
* Student name and date of birth
* Diagnosis and signs or symptoms
* Name of medication to be given in school
* Exact dosage to be taken in school
* Route of medication
* Time and frequency to give medications, as well as exact time interval for additional
* Sequence in which two or more medications are to be administered
* Common side effects
* Duration of medication order or effective start and end dates
* LHCP’s name, signature and telephone number
* Date of order
All prescription medications, including physician’s samples, must be in their original containers
and labeled by a LHCP or pharmacist. Medication must not exceed its expiration date.
All Over the Counter (OTC) medication must be in the original, small, container with a label.
Medication sent in baggies or unlabeled containers will not be given.
Students are NOT permitted to self-medicate. The school does not assume responsibility for
medication taken independently by the student. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis
for students who demonstrate the capability to self-administer emergency lifesaving medications
(e.g., inhaler, Epi-pen).
Within one week after expiration of the effective date on the order, or on the last day of school,
the parent or guardian must personally collect any unused portion of the medication.
Medications not claimed within that period will be destroyed.
Immunization: All needed immunization records must be on file prior to the child attending school
Diagnosis: It is not the role of the office staff to diagnose a chronic condition. A sick child should
not be sent to school for diagnosis and treatment by the health aide.
Picking Up Sick Child: Upon receiving a call from school to pick up a sick child, parents should
report to the school office to sign out their child. Sick children should be picked up promptly.
Long Distance Field Trips: For all long distance field trips, parents are required to provide
medication for their child one week in advance of their trip. All medical forms should be
completely filled out and returned to the school health aide along with the medication in a zip
lock bag labeled with the child’s name. All medication to be distributed to students MUST be
provided to the school by the parent.
B. Student Accident Insurance
All schools in the Diocese of Charleston participate in a compulsory Student/Athletic Accident Insurance
Plan administered by Gerber Life Insurance Company. Claim forms are available from the school office.
Coverage is described in a policy brochure, which is distributed to each family at the beginning of the
school year. A fee for this compulsory insurance is collected as part of the school registration fee.
VII. General Information
A. Field Trips
Throughout the school year, teachers schedule field trips. Field trips in junior high may be overnight and
out of town. The purpose of a field trip is to provide experiences for children that directly relate to
academic development or experiences that enrich their knowledge. Field trips are for class group activities
not parent-child bonding. Teachers may contact parents to help supervise children on some field trips.
The preferred modes of transportation are buses or walking. Private automobiles may be also be used.
The school is responsible for having two chaperones per vehicle. In all cases, written permission is required
before a child can participate. The school will provide forms for this purpose. A Saint Mary Help of
Christians Catholic School permission slip signed by the parent must be returned to the teacher before
the child can go. The school cannot accept a note or phone call. Field trips are a privilege. A student may
be denied a field trip for failure to do work assigned or lack of proper behavior.
It is MANDATORY that chaperones:
Are not taking medication that would affect their supervision of students.
Supervise students who are under their care and report misconduct, etc., to the teacher as
soon as possible.
Assist the teacher as much as possible during the field trip so that it can be a learning
experience for the students.
Not leave the site of the field trip without the approval of the teacher.
Not bring other children and adults on a field trip.
Enforce school rules.
Consult teacher prior to giving student use of a cell phone.
Have participated in the Diocesan Safe Haven It’s Up to You program.
Parent volunteers should not smoke while chaperoning a field trip.
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School does not provide transportation for its extracurricular sports
programs. Parents are responsible for transporting their own children. School volunteer coaches may not
transport students to games or practices unless accompanied by another adult.
B. Visitor Regulation
Parents and other adults should never go directly to the classroom when coming to the school. All visitors
to a classroom must have permission from that teacher. If parents are helping a teacher or accompanying
a class on a field trip, they must sign in at the school office. Parents and other visitors are welcome at
school. We value your interest and involvement! However, in an effort to secure the safety of students
and personnel, the following security policy is in effect.
During regular school hours, parents and visitors will enter the school at the pedestrian gate on Fairfield
Street and check in at the school office. No individuals shall be allowed in any school building or on the
playground at any time without first checking in with the school office and obtaining a Visitor's Pass, a
Volunteer Pass, or a Substitute Pass. These passes must be visible. Faculty and staff are instructed to
personally escort any unauthorized visitor to the school office if they do not positively respond to a
request to check in with the office.
Parents are provided the access code to the Fairfield Street gate only. Parents should refrain from sharing
the code with anyone other than adults or babysitters who are authorized to pick up students from school
or Extended Care. After 3:20 p.m., parents may bypass the office and enter the campus through the gate
in the black fence between Carter Hall and the school office.
Parents and visitors may not go into buildings or classrooms during the school day unless the visit is
prearranged. This policy is primarily for security, but it is also intended to minimize classroom
interruptions. Messages or items that need to be given to your child should be brought to the school
office; please do not take them to the classroom.
All parents are asked to take leave of students in the school yard prior to 7:55 a.m. Please do not
accompany students to their classroom door.
C. Parent Participation Program
The programs at Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School thrive through involvement of our families.
Rooted in the Gospel teachings of generosity, Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School’s parent
participation program is intended to promote family stewardship and strong parent involvement in the
education of our children.
The following guidelines are provided to ensure the safety of all children as well as to encourage parental
involvement both in their child(ren)’s education and in overall school and parish life. Prior to contributing
time to any school sponsored event or project (either on or off campus), parents are required to complete
Safe Haven It’s Up to You training Seminar. Parent volunteers must present the seminar certificate to
the school office, submit a background screening, complete a volunteer application, read, and
acknowledge receipt of the Diocese of Charleston’s Sexual Abuse Policy, Confidentiality Statement, and
Volunteer Code of Conduct. All forms are available in the school office.
D. Parent Prayer Group
Prior to each school Mass, parents of school children meet at 7:55 AM. The Parent Prayer group provides
an opportunity for parents to pray for their children, for other children, families, and teachers. Students
submit prayer intentions during the week and these are collected and read at the Parent Prayer group.
The Parent Prayer group is open to all parents of St. Mary’s students, as well as parents of preschoolers,
public school, and home-schooled students. (Babies and preschoolers are welcome!)
E. School Advisory Council
The School Advisory Council is an advisory board that assists the pastor and principal in promoting the
mission of the school. Council members exhibit a clear understanding of and communicate the mutual
educational responsibility of parents, teachers and administration recognizing parents as the primary
educators of their children. The board assists the school in achieving its goals to provide quality Catholic
education by transmitting and integrating Gospel teaching in an educational process which, within an
excellent program of academics, directs students toward a conscious choice of living a responsible
Catholic life. Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School Advisory Council has a written constitution
defining membership, function, and authority.
The task of Saint Mary Help of Christians School Advisory Council is to advise the pastor and principal on
the educational programs and needs for Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School. These needs and
programs are subject to such regulations as proceed from the Diocesan Office of Education and the Office
of the Bishop of Charleston. Council members are appointed by the pastor; they may be members of Saint
Mary Help of Christians Church and/or parents of students. The faculty is represented at Council meetings
The School Advisory Council meets monthly in closed "Executive Session." Parents of students at Saint
Mary Help of Christians Catholic School may send to the Council, through the principal or pastor, a written
request to address the Council. If deemed appropriate for the Advisory Council (for information or action),
the item will be included on the next meeting's agenda. The guest speaker will be present only for that
specific portion of the Council meeting. The School Advisory Council members are not apprised of
personnel or student issues.
F. Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO)
The purpose of Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School Parent/Teacher Organization shall be to work
with the principal and teachers of Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School in accordance with the
philosophy and goals that are established to help effect the best education for its students, giving financial
support and volunteer services, also to stimulate interest, enthusiasm, and communication among the
parents. Membership dues are collected at the beginning of the year. Volunteers for the various PTO
activities will also be solicited at the beginning of each school year.
G. Fundraising Events & Activities
Fundraising engages the students/school community in positive, creative, and active events that promote
socialization and a sense of community. Fundraising activities are initiated from within the school
community. Funds raised will primarily go to support the school. Student involvement in fundraising is
voluntary but strongly encouraged.
All fundraising activities that take place on campus and or benefit Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic
School must receive pre-approval from the principal. Several school sponsored organizations hold
additional fundraisers throughout the year to help supplement their budgets. In an effort to avoid overlap
of events and requests for donations, any school class, organization or club must obtain prior approval to
holding a fundraiser, on or off campus that benefits Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School in any
way. A fundraiser, held on the Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School campus, to benefit an outside
cause must also receive pre-approval. A form must be filled out and submitted to the administration for
the activity or event before it is calendared or publicity created. Forms are available in the school office.
H. Safe Environment Training
Parents wishing to serve as volunteers must do the following:
Participate in the Diocesan mandated Safe Environment Training called Safe Haven It’s Up to
You. Failure to attend will preclude parents from volunteering at any event or activity in which
they would have direct contact with students.
Report to the school office upon entering and exiting the campus to sign in and out. Volunteers
must pick up and wear a volunteer identification badge.
Parents who volunteer on campus should never discuss student information (i.e. academic
performance, behavior) with anyone besides the school staff. A confidentiality agreement is
signed as part of the screening protocol.
As school volunteers, parents are acting as agents of the school. Behavior while performing volunteer
duties should comply with school rules and policies and should uphold the dignity of the person.
I. School Security & Safety
The faculty and staff at Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School make every effort to provide for a
safe environment. Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School is very "security aware" and has policies
and procedures in place to ensure a safe environment for our students. The school's Crisis Plan was
written using the U. S. Department of Education's "Early Warning, Timely Response, A Guide to Safe
Schools" as a guide and information source.
The perimeter of the campus is secured by fences, gates, and locked doors, and monitored by security
cameras. This security is only as reliable as staff, parents, and visitors make it. All parents and visitors
must sign in at the office and wear a visitor’s pass when on campus.
Parents are requested to not enter school grounds through the double iron gate by St. Angela Hall. The
Fairfield Street gate code does not work on this gate, therefore access through this gate must be
requested by using the gate intercom and granted by the school office. Parents are provided the access
code to the Fairfield Street gate. Parents should refrain from sharing the code with anyone other than
adults or babysitters who are authorized to pick up students from school or extended care.
If the gate code is "compromised" and a non-driving age child uses or says he/she knows the code, the
responsible family will pay a $50.00 fine and all parents/care givers will be required to sign for a new gate
code. Students in grades 4-8 will be issued a detention for using the gate access keypad, whether during
or after school hours. Students in grades K-3 will also be penalized for using the keypad.
All school employees, coaches, chaperones, and volunteers who come into contact with minors on a
regular basis must successfully complete Safe HavenIt’s Up to You. Go to
https://charleston.CMGconnect.org to complete the new online safe environment course. Create a new
account by completing all the boxes. Allocate about an hour and a half to complete the course. Upon
completion, click the “Dashboard” tab to download and print your certificate or e-mail your certificate to
office@stmaryschoolaiken.com. Several additional forms are also required in order to volunteer, coach,
or chaperone. Contact Ms. Chelchowski at office@stmaryschoolaiken.com to request forms or to confirm
that all required forms are already on file.
Students are encouraged and expected to behave in a safe manner. Additionally, to promote and maintain
a safe environment, the school/parish is co-tenant of lockers and desks and reserves the right to inspect
them at any time without notice.
J. Emergency Preparedness
Emergency procedures are posted in each classroom. Fire drills are held every month and tornado drills
twice a year so that students and teachers will be prepared in the event of an emergency. An Emergency
Alert Monitor is used in the office for serious weather and other emergency alerts from the Aiken County
Emergency Preparedness Center.
K. Unexpected Closing of School
In case of inclement weather, hurricane or tornado warnings, Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School
will notify all families of a school closure by email and/or text message. While our closing schedule will
sometimes coincide with that of Aiken County Schools, we do not have the problem of running school
buses in hazardous weather conditions, therefore Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School may be
able to stay open longer or reopen sooner than the public schools. Please check your email regularly.
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School utilizes FACTS SIS to alert parents of school or weather
emergency information as well as other school information. It is imperative that parents notify the school
office if phone numbers/contact information change. Parents are asked to complete the emergency
contact information form at the beginning of the school year so that the necessary numbers are called in
the event of a school emergency, early dismissal, or general school announcement.
L. Asbestos
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School has an inspection and management plan regarding asbestos
in the buildings. Our plan meets the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Periodic
required inspections are conducted and reports indicate that the friable asbestos has been removed or
encapsulated. The management plan and inspection reports are available at the school office.
M. About this Handbook
This handbook contains the bulk of Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School’s policies and
procedures. Students and parent(s)/ guardian(s) need to read and understand all that is contained herein.
Following the letter and spirit of what is presented in this handbook is an integral part of the school’s
smooth and successful operation. The school understands that parents/guardians and students may
question certain specifics of the handbook. Therefore, parents/guardians and students are encouraged to
contact the principal if they have any questions about school policies or procedures. The principal will
attempt either to explain the school policy or right the wrong the parent/guardian or student has
challenged. However, continued major complaints, continued failure to abide by school policies or rules
by either parents/guardians or students, or continued lack of cooperation with the principal and faculty
may indicate serious philosophical disagreement between the school and the parent/guardian or student.
In such a case, withdrawal of the student from the school may be necessary.
N. Right to Amend
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School retains the right to amend this handbook at any time.
VIII. After-school Programs and Activities
A. Extended Care Program (ECP) Policies & Procedures:
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School’s ECP is a service to working parents and their children who
are attending Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School. The program is guided by the philosophy and
policies of the school administration. The Extended Care Director, Michele McDermott, and school
employees are responsible for the implementation of the goals and policies of the program, which are
subject to the supervision of the school principal. The Extended Care Director can be contacted at
The goal of ECP is to provide a Christian atmosphere conducive to constructive growth experiences
for students who must be cared for on days when school is in session. The program also provides
a silent study hall for students to work on homework.
1. Program Schedule
The program begins on the first day of the school year and ends on the last full day of the school
year. Care is provided until 5:30 p.m. on days when school is in session. ECP closes promptly at
5:30 p.m. ECP will not be open on days that school is not in session. If a decision is reached by the
principal that the school should close during school hours due to inclement weather or other
reasons, ECP will also close.
2. Registration & Rates
Registration is a one-time charge each year of $25.00 per family. The ECP registration fee is paid
online through FACT SIS. This fee is used to cover the cost of supplies and other program expenses.
The ECP registration fee is nonrefundable. The ECP rate schedule is $6 per hour for one child, $9
per hour for two children and $10 per hour for three or more children. A substantial fee of $10.00
for every 15 minutes per family will be charged for late pickups. Parents will be billed through
FACTS SIS for the use of the Extended Care Program and can pay their bill online through FACTS
SIS. Any ECP bill not paid within 60 days of the billing due date will be assessed a 10% late fee. Any
ECP bill not paid within 90 days of the invoice date will result in your child's dismissal from ECP.
Parents or guardians should make adequate arrangements with the ECP director if a payment
cannot be made. We will do everything possible to assist you, but we must be made aware of the
3. Payment of Fees
Payment for ECP can be sent to school payable by check made out to St. Mary's ECP. Payment
should be placed in an envelope marked "Extended Care Program." Students may give the
envelope to their regular homeroom teacher to be sent to the office. If paying by check, your
canceled check is your receipt. If paying by cash, a receipt will be issued and sent home with your
child. Please keep all invoices for your tax records. A written tax statement can be provided, if
necessary, showing payments received. These must be requested 30 days in advance. Regular and
prompt payment will assure the continued employment of personnel and the provision of supplies
and equipment. If parents request mailed invoices, self-addressed, stamped envelope should be
given to the ECP director.
4. Late Pickup
Staff members are employed only until 5:30 pm. We suggest for practical purposes that families
should consider the last pickup time to be 5:15 pm. to prevent any additional charges. Staff is to
leave promptly at 5:30 pm. When a child has not been picked up and no parent contact has been
received, the following steps will be taken: (1) the staff will try to contact the parent; (2) persons
listed on the ECP Registration Form will be contacted in order to locate someone who can pick up
the child(ren) immediately; and (3) at 5:45 pm, if all contacts have been futile, the principal will be
5. Check In/Out
Children will be checked in as they enter the cafeteria each afternoon. Children who are staying
after school for tutoring, extra help, choir, or any activity that begins immediately after carline are
not allowed to check in with ECP. They should remain with their teachers until carline has ended.
Any child who enters the cafeteria is considered to be staying in ECP and parents will be charged.
ECP accepts no responsibility for escorting students to after-school activities (e.g. sports, play
practice) in St. Angela Hall. There will be NO exceptions. ECP students who want to leave ECP to
attend St. Mary's School sporting events in St. Angela Hall may do so only with written parental
permission. The children must be picked up at St. Angela Hall; they may not check back into ECP.
Children coming from other on-campus school activities to ECP must check in with a staff member.
Students may not check in to ECP after participating in an activity in the gym. Any child leaving with
a person not listed on the ECP Registration Form Contact List must bring a note stating the name
of the person with whom they will be leaving. That note must be turned in to the school office that
morning. If a student has permission to walk home from ECP, a note must be turned in to the school
6. Snacks
ECP provides a snack and a drink immediately following carline. Any child checking in to ECP after
another on-campus school activity will be given a snack at that time. Children will not be given
snacks prior to going to tutoring, choir, make up testing, etc. Snacks are only provided for children
who have signed in to ECP. Children's allergies are taken into consideration and alternate snacks
are available for those with food allergies. Please list any food allergies on the ECP registration form.
7. Outdoor Time
Weather permitting, children will have supervised playtime on the playground following snack.
Outdoor time can last for up to two hours. ECP provides balls, jump ropes, etc. for children to use.
Children are given permission to go back into the cafeteria for a short water and/or bathroom
break. Children will not be allowed to sit inside unsupervised during outdoor time.
8. Personal Belongings
Students are responsible for all supplies needed to complete homework. All books and
possessions must be secured in the cafeteria when reporting to ECP to prevent personal injury to
the students. Personal items, bookbags, lunch boxes, clothing, etc., must be labeled with students'
names. Toys and other special items may be brought to ECP. However, the ECP staff assume no
responsibility for the loss of or damage to these items. (These items are not allowed to be removed
from bookbags during the school day.) ECP staff will use their discretion on the use of personal
belongings. If a toy or other item causes disruption, the child will be asked to return it to his/her
bookbag and it will not be allowed back in ECP.
9. Electronic Devices
Students are not allowed to bring or use personal electronic devices in ECP. Cell phones must
remain in bookbags. The use of a cell phone for texting and/or calling during ECP will result in
the phone being confiscated and not returned until a parent/guardian has picked their child up. If
there is an emergency, ECP staff have access to phones in order to call parents/guardians. Please
do not text or call your children while they are in ECP. If you need to contact your child, please
contact the ECP Director. Absolutely no cameras are allowed in ECP.
10. Medication
ECP employees will dispense medication according to Diocesan and school policy. Please refer to
the medication section in the student handbook for more information. Parents will be contacted
immediately should a child become ill or suffer a major injury during ECP. All ECP staff members
have had certified First Aid and CPR training. All ECP staff members have also been trained in the
use of epinephrine pens.
11. Discipline Policy
All students are expected to: (1) abide by the rules of the program, (2) respect staff members and
other students, (3) respect all property. School rules (as stated in the School Handbook for
Students and Parents) must be followed by all students attending ECP. Repeated or severe
violations will be discussed with the parents. In each case, the principal or vice principal will be
notified of each offense and action will be taken.
B. Extracurricular Activities
1. Standards for Extracurricular Participation
Involvement in extracurricular activities foster many desirable character traits. Students may be
eligible for elected positions of respect and responsibility in some student organizations based upon
the student’s previous academic and disciplinary record. Eligibility requirements are obtained from
the faculty sponsored activity.
a. Conduct
Participation in a school sports team or activity is a privilege. Students are expected to follow the
school’s discipline plan in order to participate in the school’s sports program and extracurricular
activities. Students are subject to the guidelines of behavior set up by the school.
b. Absences
Students who are absent from school, sign in after 10:00 a.m. without a medical “admit” slip, or miss
the second half of the day (sign out at or before 1:00 p.m.) are not permitted to participate in, or
attend, any school-related activities including practices or games that day.
2. Student Council
The purpose of this service organization is to help promote a Christian atmosphere in the school, to
strive for a harmonious relationship between the faculty and the student body, to help guide and direct
other school functions and organizations, to provide a form of student expression, and to promote the
general welfare of the school
Eligibility to run for office is determined by the Junior High staff and the Principal based upon the
following standards:
Written application. An acceptable written application as approved by junior high faculty.
One written teacher recommendation.
Students with a suspension from school during the current school year may not be eligible to run
for executive office.
“C” or better in all subjects for all 2 previous quarters and at time of application.
Approval of qualification for candidacy by junior high teachers at time of application.
Failure to follow established campaign procedures will lead to immediate disqualification. All elected
officers and representatives are expected to maintain these high standards throughout their tenure.
Removal of Officers
Officers who fail to maintain the academic qualifications for office at posted school-wide grade check
dates will be ineligible for two weeks. If grades have not improved at the end of the two-week period,
the officer will be permanently removed from office. If an officer becomes ineligible for a second time
in a quarter, the officer will be permanently removed from office. An officer who receives a Detention
Form will be ineligible to conduct the duties of office for a period of two weeks. An officer who receives
a second Detention Form will be permanently removed from office. An officer will be permanently
removed from office in cases of serious behavior infractions (as determined by principal) suspension,
or expulsion. Vacancies created by removal of an officer will be filled by a special election process
determined by administration to meet the needs of the particular situation.
3. National Junior Beta Club
The purpose of this organization is to encourage and support academic excellence within the student
body of Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School Junior High (6-8); to foster and develop
leadership; to aid in character development using the Christian philosophy of this school as a
guideline; to encourage the attitude and desire for individual achievement, and to develop a
willingness to offer service. Junior Beta Club membership is open to all students in Grades 6-8 who
maintain for two consecutive marking periods at least a B (86-88) in each subject and have received
teacher approval based on effort, behavior, respect, and kindness. The students must also exhibit
characteristics of leadership and personal integrity. Students who have earned greater than three
detentions are not eligible for induction in the Beta Club. Students who are suspended for any reason are
not eligible for induction that school year. If already a Beta Club member, students who receive more than
three detentions or are suspended, become inactive for the remainder of the current school year.
In order to maintain full membership status, an average of at least a B- (83) in each “academic
subject,” is required. One C on a quarter report card will result in the student being placed on
probationary member status. The student will then have one quarter to bring the C up to a B. If this is
not achieved, or if one or more other subjects falls below 83, the student will lose membership status.
C. Athletics
a. Philosophy
The athletic program at Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School follows the philosophy of
providing a program of developing leadership and sportsmanship. The program promotes a Christian
atmosphere in which athletes grow in respect and concern for others in their own environment as well
as in society as a whole. Emphasis is placed on the development of game fundamentals and
encouraging athletes to give their best while competing. The ultimate objective of the program is for
the athletes to improve their skills while learning sportsmanship and having fun.
b. Athletics Participation Physical Form
Students need a current athletics medical authorization to play. Documentation of a physical
examination taken after June 1st must be on file in the school office. This form can be downloaded
from the school’s website under Athletics.
c. Diocesan Athletic Consent & Waiver Form
Parents must complete the Diocesan Athletic Consent and Waiver form each school year for their
child(ren) to participate in sports. This form must be turned into the school office. This form can be
downloaded from the school’s website under Athletics in the student dropdown menu.
d. Athletics Program
Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School offers students in Grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 the opportunity
to participate in competitive sports. At present, basketball, cheerleading, soccer, golf, tennis,
volleyball, track & field, and cross country are available to students. All events are under the
jurisdiction of Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School Administration, Principal, Athletic Director,
or their designate. Good sportsmanship by participants and spectators will be maintained at all
events. All coaches are volunteers and are required to take Safe Haven - It's Up to You and turn in
required paperwork which includes background screening forms. Coaches and volunteers are asked
to take Safe Haven as soon as possible and submit the certificate of completion to the Athletic Director
or school office.
Since there is a great range in individual differences among boys and girls of this age (i.e., body build,
interest, ability, experience, health, and the stages of physiological, emotional, and social maturity),
the athletic program is based on the principle of "the greatest good to the greatest number of
participants involved." The interscholastic athletic program will supplement rather than serve as a
substitute for an adequate program of physical education, intramural and physical recreation for all
students. It must be suited to the needs of boys and girls of this age. It will contribute to desirable
growth and development of its participants physically, socially, and otherwise. The welfare of the
youth concerned is of greatest importance. All other needs and problems will be secondary.
This interschool competitive program will be operated from as broad a base as possible to offer
experience to many boys and girls. The program will place emphasis on: companionship among the
participants on a squad and among squads of different schools; sportsmanship; and physical skills,
techniques, and training.
e. Athletics Code of Conduct Student Agreement
As a student participating in Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School Athletics Program, I agree
to abide by the following guidelines:
o I will treat players, coaches, fans, and officials with respect regardless of race, gender,
school, creed, or ability.
o I will exhibit good sportsmanship in my words, actions, facial expression, and body
o I will take care of my uniforms and any team equipment.
o I understand that if I am assigned to detention, I may not ask that it be rescheduled due
to a game, meet or practice.
o I understand that if I am assigned to make-up testing, the session may be rescheduled
once if I turn in a written request from my parent.
f. Athletics Code of Conduct Parent Agreement
As a parent of a student participating in Saint Mary Help of Christians Catholic School Athletics
Program, I agree to abide by the following guidelines:
o I will provide positive support, care and encouragement for all players, coaches and
officials at practices and games.
o I will not discuss rules or official calls with players, coaches or officials of our team or our
opponent’s team during, or immediately following the competition. All questions will be
directed to Mrs. Ulmer, St. Mary’s Athletic Director, who may then make a formal inquiry.
o I will require my child to treat other players, coaches, fans, and officials with respect,
regardless of race, gender, creed or ability.
o I will model and encourage good sportsmanship.
o I will require responsibility by my child, in taking care of uniforms and equipment and in
communicating with coaches.
o I understand that homework and/or behavior detention will not be rescheduled for
practice or games.
o I understand that make-up testing may be rescheduled once.
g. Athletics Rules & Regulations
Students in the fifth through eighth grades that meet the age requirements may participate in
interscholastic athletics. Students are eligible for only one school-sponsored sports activity per
season unless approved by the Athletic Director and Principal. Exception: track & field and cross
country may be played in conjunction with one other sport.
Students will not be permitted to practice without having a parent-signed permission form and waiver
and a current physical examination.
Except under special circumstances, when a bus is used, transportation to and from athletic events is
the responsibility of the parents. The coaches, athletic director, and school staff are prohibited from
arranging carpools or assigning students to drivers.
Certified athletic officials will be provided in all cases possible. When this is not possible, competent
adults will be obtained who are mutually agreed upon in advance by the schools concerned. High
school students shall not be used as game officials.
h. Athletics Academic & Behavioral Requirements
All fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth graders will be eligible to participate in the athletic program at the
beginning of the school year. Academic eligibility will be assessed at approximately four and one-half
week intervals (called marking intervals) during the school year. This assessment will occur on the dates
indicated on the school calendar for interim progress reports and quarterly report cards. Grades in all
“academic subjects” will be reviewed to establish eligibility.
To retain athletic eligibility a student must have a grade of Dor higher in each academic subject at
the end of each marking interval. A student who has one or more F’s on an interim or a report card will
be deemed academically ineligible to participate in school sponsored athletic events or club
competitions/shows. It is the responsibility of the student to see administration each Friday to check
on any grade improvement. Once a “D” average or higher is reached in every subject, the student may
rejoin school sponsored athletic events or club competitions/shows.
Athletes who are assigned a make-up test may reschedule ONLY if the make-up test is in direct
conflict with a competition. Athletes who are assigned a make-up test may request an early dismissal
by bringing a note from the parent. Athletes who have missed several tests due to absence may be
required to complete the tests before returning to full athletic participation.
i. Athletic Fees
All athletes will be required to pay a one-time fee per sport per season before the first game.