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mount(8) — Linux manual page
MOUNT(8) System Administration MOUNT(8)
NAME top
mount - mount a filesystem
mount [-h|-V]
mount [-l] [-t fstype]
mount -a [-fFnrsvw] [-t fstype] [-O optlist]
mount [-fnrsvw] [-o options] device|mountpoint
mount [-fnrsvw] [-t fstype] [-o options] device mountpoint
mount --bind|--rbind|--move olddir newdir
All files accessible in a Unix system are arranged in one big
tree, the file hierarchy, rooted at /. These files can be spread
out over several devices. The mount command serves to attach the
filesystem found on some device to the big file tree. Conversely,
the umount(8) command will detach it again. The filesystem is
used to control how data is stored on the device or provided in a
virtual way by network or other services.
The standard form of the mount command is:
mount -t type device dir
This tells the kernel to attach the filesystem found on device
(which is of type type) at the directory dir. The option -t type
is optional. The mount command is usually able to detect a
filesystem. The root permissions are necessary to mount a
filesystem by default. See section "Non-superuser mounts" below
for more details. The previous contents (if any) and owner and
mode of dir become invisible, and as long as this filesystem
remains mounted, the pathname dir refers to the root of the
filesystem on device.
If only the directory or the device is given, for example:
mount /dir
then mount looks for a mountpoint (and if not found then for a
device) in the /etc/fstab file. It’s possible to use the --target
or --source options to avoid ambiguous interpretation of the
given argument. For example:
mount --target /mountpoint
The same filesystem may be mounted more than once, and in some
cases (e.g., network filesystems) the same filesystem may be
mounted on the same mountpoint multiple times. The mount command
does not implement any policy to control this behavior. All
behavior is controlled by the kernel and it is usually specific
to the filesystem driver. The exception is --all, in this case
already mounted filesystems are ignored (see --all below for more
Listing the mounts
The listing mode is maintained for backward compatibility only.
For more robust and customizable output use findmnt(8),
especially in your scripts. Note that control characters in the
mountpoint name are replaced with '?'.
The following command lists all mounted filesystems (of type
mount [-l] [-t type]
The option -l adds labels to this listing. See below.
Indicating the device and filesystem
Most devices are indicated by a filename (of a block special
device), like /dev/sda1, but there are other possibilities. For
example, in the case of an NFS mount, device may look like
The device names of disk partitions are unstable; hardware
reconfiguration, and adding or removing a device can cause
changes in names. This is the reason why it’s strongly
recommended to use filesystem or partition identifiers like UUID
or LABEL. Currently supported identifiers (tags):
Human readable filesystem identifier. See also -L.
Filesystem universally unique identifier. The format of the
UUID is usually a series of hex digits separated by hyphens.
See also -U.
Note that mount uses UUIDs as strings. The UUIDs from the
command line or from fstab(5) are not converted to internal
binary representation. The string representation of the UUID
should be based on lower case characters.
Human readable partition identifier. This identifier is
independent on filesystem and does not change by mkfs or
mkswap operations. It’s supported for example for GUID
Partition Tables (GPT).
Partition universally unique identifier. This identifier is
independent on filesystem and does not change by mkfs or
mkswap operations. It’s supported for example for GUID
Partition Tables (GPT).
Hardware block device ID as generated by udevd. This
identifier is usually based on WWN (unique storage
identifier) and assigned by the hardware manufacturer. See ls
/dev/disk/by-id for more details, this directory and running
udevd is required. This identifier is not recommended for
generic use as the identifier is not strictly defined and it
depends on udev, udev rules and hardware.
The command lsblk --fs provides an overview of filesystems,
LABELs and UUIDs on available block devices. The command blkid -p
<device> provides details about a filesystem on the specified
Don’t forget that there is no guarantee that UUIDs and labels are
really unique, especially if you move, share or copy the device.
Use lsblk -o +UUID,PARTUUID to verify that the UUIDs are really
unique in your system.
The recommended setup is to use tags (e.g. UUID=uuid) rather than
/dev/disk/by-{label,uuid,id,partuuid,partlabel} udev symlinks in
the /etc/fstab file. Tags are more readable, robust and portable.
The mount(8) command internally uses udev symlinks, so the use of
symlinks in /etc/fstab has no advantage over tags. For more
details see libblkid(3).
The proc filesystem is not associated with a special device, and
when mounting it, an arbitrary keyword - for example, proc - can
be used instead of a device specification. (The customary choice
none is less fortunate: the error message 'none already mounted'
from mount can be confusing.)
The files /etc/fstab, /etc/mtab and /proc/mounts
The file /etc/fstab (see fstab(5)), may contain lines describing
what devices are usually mounted where, using which options. The
default location of the fstab(5) file can be overridden with the
--fstab path command-line option (see below for more details).
The command
mount -a [-t type] [-O optlist]
(usually given in a bootscript) causes all filesystems mentioned
in fstab (of the proper type and/or having or not having the
proper options) to be mounted as indicated, except for those
whose line contains the noauto keyword. Adding the -F option will
make mount fork, so that the filesystems are mounted in parallel.
When mounting a filesystem mentioned in fstab or mtab, it
suffices to specify on the command line only the device, or only
the mount point.
The programs mount and umount(8) traditionally maintained a list
of currently mounted filesystems in the file /etc/mtab. The
support for regular classic /etc/mtab is completely disabled at
compile time by default, because on current Linux systems it is
better to make /etc/mtab a symlink to /proc/mounts instead. The
regular mtab file maintained in userspace cannot reliably work
with namespaces, containers and other advanced Linux features. If
the regular mtab support is enabled, then it’s possible to use
the file as well as the symlink.
If no arguments are given to mount, the list of mounted
filesystems is printed.
If you want to override mount options from /etc/fstab, you have
to use the -o option:
mount device**|dir -o options
and then the mount options from the command line will be appended
to the list of options from /etc/fstab. This default behaviour
can be changed using the --options-mode command-line option. The
usual behavior is that the last option wins if there are
conflicting ones.
The mount program does not read the /etc/fstab file if both
device (or LABEL, UUID, ID, PARTUUID or PARTLABEL) and dir are
specified. For example, to mount device foo at /dir:
mount /dev/foo /dir
This default behaviour can be changed by using the
--options-source-force command-line option to always read
configuration from fstab. For non-root users mount always reads
the fstab configuration.
Non-superuser mounts
Normally, only the superuser can mount filesystems. However, when
fstab contains the user option on a line, anybody can mount the
corresponding filesystem.
Thus, given a line
/dev/cdrom /cd iso9660 ro,user,noauto,unhide
any user can mount the iso9660 filesystem found on an inserted
CDROM using the command:
mount /cd
Note that mount is very strict about non-root users and all paths
specified on command line are verified before fstab is parsed or
a helper program is executed. It’s strongly recommended to use a
valid mountpoint to specify filesystem, otherwise mount may fail.
For example it’s a bad idea to use NFS or CIFS source on command
Since util-linux 2.35, mount does not exit when user permissions
are inadequate according to libmount’s internal security rules.
Instead, it drops suid permissions and continues as regular
non-root user. This behavior supports use-cases where root
permissions are not necessary (e.g., fuse filesystems, user
namespaces, etc).
For more details, see fstab(5). Only the user that mounted a
filesystem can unmount it again. If any user should be able to
unmount it, then use users instead of user in the fstab line. The
owner option is similar to the user option, with the restriction
that the user must be the owner of the special file. This may be
useful e.g. for /dev/fd if a login script makes the console user
owner of this device. The group option is similar, with the
restriction that the user must be a member of the group of the
special file.
Bind mount operation
Remount part of the file hierarchy somewhere else. The call is:
mount --bind olddir newdir
or by using this fstab entry:
/olddir /newdir none bind
After this call the same contents are accessible in two places.
It is important to understand that "bind" does not create any
second-class or special node in the kernel VFS. The "bind" is
just another operation to attach a filesystem. There is nowhere
stored information that the filesystem has been attached by a
"bind" operation. The olddir and newdir are independent and the
olddir may be unmounted.
One can also remount a single file (on a single file). It’s also
possible to use a bind mount to create a mountpoint from a
regular directory, for example:
mount --bind foo foo
The bind mount call attaches only (part of) a single filesystem,
not possible submounts. The entire file hierarchy including
submounts can be attached a second place by using:
mount --rbind olddir newdir
Note that the filesystem mount options maintained by the kernel
will remain the same as those on the original mount point. The
userspace mount options (e.g., _netdev) will not be copied by
mount and it’s necessary to explicitly specify the options on the
mount command line.
Since util-linux 2.27 mount permits changing the mount options by
passing the relevant options along with --bind. For example:
mount -o bind,ro foo foo
This feature is not supported by the Linux kernel; it is
implemented in userspace by an additional mount(2) remounting
system call. This solution is not atomic.
The alternative (classic) way to create a read-only bind mount is
to use the remount operation, for example:
mount --bind olddir newdir mount -o remount,bind,ro
olddir newdir
Note that a read-only bind will create a read-only mountpoint
(VFS entry), but the original filesystem superblock will still be
writable, meaning that the olddir will be writable, but the
newdir will be read-only.
It’s also possible to change nosuid, nodev, noexec, noatime,
nodiratime and relatime VFS entry flags via a "remount,bind"
operation. The other flags (for example filesystem-specific
flags) are silently ignored. It’s impossible to change mount
options recursively (for example with -o rbind,ro).
Since util-linux 2.31, mount ignores the bind flag from
/etc/fstab on a remount operation (if "-o remount" is specified
on command line). This is necessary to fully control mount
options on remount by command line. In previous versions the bind
flag has been always applied and it was impossible to re-define
mount options without interaction with the bind semantic. This
mount behavior does not affect situations when "remount,bind" is
specified in the /etc/fstab file.
The move operation
Move a mounted tree to another place (atomically). The call is:
mount --move olddir newdir
This will cause the contents which previously appeared under
olddir to now be accessible under newdir. The physical location
of the files is not changed. Note that olddir has to be a
Note also that moving a mount residing under a shared mount is
invalid and unsupported. Use findmnt -o TARGET,PROPAGATION to see
the current propagation flags.
The full set of mount options used by an invocation of mount is
determined by first extracting the mount options for the
filesystem from the fstab table, then applying any options
specified by the -o argument, and finally applying a -r or -w
option, when present.
The mount command does not pass all command-line options to the
/sbin/mount.suffix mount helpers. The interface between mount and
the mount helpers is described below in the section EXTERNAL
Command-line options available for the mount command are:
-a, --all
Mount all filesystems (of the given types) mentioned in fstab
(except for those whose line contains the noauto keyword).
The filesystems are mounted following their order in fstab.
The mount command compares filesystem source, target (and fs
root for bind mount or btrfs) to detect already mounted
filesystems. The kernel table with already mounted
filesystems is cached during mount --all. This means that all
duplicated fstab entries will be mounted.
The option --all is possible to use for remount operation
too. In this case all filters (-t and -O) are applied to the
table of already mounted filesystems.
Since version 2.35 is possible to use the command line option
-o to alter mount options from fstab (see also
Note that it is a bad practice to use mount -a for fstab
checking. The recommended solution is findmnt --verify.
-B, --bind
Remount a subtree somewhere else (so that its contents are
available in both places). See above, under Bind mounts.
-c, --no-canonicalize
Don’t canonicalize paths. The mount command canonicalizes all
paths (from the command line or fstab) by default. This
option can be used together with the -f flag for already
canonicalized absolute paths. The option is designed for
mount helpers which call mount -i. It is strongly recommended
to not use this command-line option for normal mount
Note that mount does not pass this option to the
/sbin/mount.type helpers.
-F, --fork
(Used in conjunction with -a.) Fork off a new incarnation of
mount for each device. This will do the mounts on different
devices or different NFS servers in parallel. This has the
advantage that it is faster; also NFS timeouts proceed in
parallel. A disadvantage is that the order of the mount
operations is undefined. Thus, you cannot use this option if
you want to mount both /usr and /usr/spool.
-f, --fake
Causes everything to be done except for the actual system
call; if it’s not obvious, this "fakes" mounting the
filesystem. This option is useful in conjunction with the -v
flag to determine what the mount command is trying to do. It
can also be used to add entries for devices that were mounted
earlier with the -n option. The -f option checks for an
existing record in /etc/mtab and fails when the record
already exists (with a regular non-fake mount, this check is
done by the kernel).
-i, --internal-only
Don’t call the /sbin/mount.filesystem helper even if it
-L, --label label
Mount the partition that has the specified label.
-l, --show-labels
Add the labels in the mount output. mount must have
permission to read the disk device (e.g. be set-user-ID root)
for this to work. One can set such a label for ext2, ext3 or
ext4 using the e2label(8) utility, or for XFS using
xfs_admin(8), or for reiserfs using reiserfstune(8).
-M, --move
Move a subtree to some other place. See above, the subsection
The move operation.
-m, --mkdir[=mode]
Allow to make a target directory (mountpoint) if it does not
exist yet. Alias to "-o X-mount.mkdir[=mode]", the default
mode is 0755. For more details see X-mount.mkdir below.
-n, --no-mtab
Mount without writing in /etc/mtab. This is necessary for
example when /etc is on a read-only filesystem.
-N, --namespace ns
Perform the mount operation in the mount namespace specified
by ns. ns is either PID of process running in that namespace
or special file representing that namespace.
mount switches to the mount namespace when it reads
/etc/fstab, writes /etc/mtab: (or writes to _/run/mount) and
calls the mount(2) system call, otherwise it runs in the
original mount namespace. This means that the target
namespace does not have to contain any libraries or other
requirements necessary to execute the mount(2) call.
See mount_namespaces(7) for more information.
-O, --test-opts opts
Limit the set of filesystems to which the -a option applies.
In this regard it is like the -t option except that -O is
useless without -a. For example, the command
mount -a -O no_netdev
mounts all filesystems except those which have the option
netdev specified in the options field in the /etc/fstab file.
It is different from -t in that each option is matched
exactly; a leading no at the beginning of one option does not
negate the rest.
The -t and -O options are cumulative in effect; that is, the
mount -a -t ext2 -O _netdev
mounts all ext2 filesystems with the _netdev option, not all
filesystems that are either ext2 or have the _netdev option
-o, --options opts
Use the specified mount options. The opts argument is a
comma-separated list. For example:
mount LABEL=mydisk -o noatime,nodev,nosuid
For more details, see the FILESYSTEM-INDEPENDENT MOUNT
--options-mode mode
Controls how to combine options from fstab/mtab with options
from the command line. mode can be one of ignore, append,
prepend or replace. For example, append means that options
from fstab are appended to options from the command line. The
default value is prepend it means command line options are
evaluated after fstab options. Note that the last option wins
if there are conflicting ones.
--options-source source
Source of default options. source is a comma-separated list
of fstab, mtab and disable. disable disables fstab and mtab
and disables --options-source-force. The default value is
Use options from fstab/mtab even if both device and dir are
-R, --rbind
Remount a subtree and all possible submounts somewhere else
(so that its contents are available in both places). See
above, the subsection Bind mounts.
-r, --read-only
Mount the filesystem read-only. A synonym is -o ro.
Note that, depending on the filesystem type, state and kernel
behavior, the system may still write to the device. For
example, ext3 and ext4 will replay the journal if the
filesystem is dirty. To prevent this kind of write access,
you may want to mount an ext3 or ext4 filesystem with the
ro,noload mount options or set the block device itself to
read-only mode, see the blockdev(8) command.
Tolerate sloppy mount options rather than failing. This will
ignore mount options not supported by a filesystem type. Not
all filesystems support this option. Currently it’s supported
by the mount.nfs mount helper only.
--source device
If only one argument for the mount command is given, then the
argument might be interpreted as the target (mountpoint) or
source (device). This option allows you to explicitly define
that the argument is the mount source.
--target directory
If only one argument for the mount command is given, then the
argument might be interpreted as the target (mountpoint) or
source (device). This option allows you to explicitly define
that the argument is the mount target.
--target-prefix directory
Prepend the specified directory to all mount targets. This
option can be used to follow fstab, but mount operations are
done in another place, for example:
mount --all --target-prefix /chroot -o X-mount.mkdir
mounts all from system fstab to /chroot, all missing
mountpoint are created (due to X-mount.mkdir). See also
--fstab to use an alternative fstab.
-T, --fstab path
Specifies an alternative fstab file. If path is a directory,
then the files in the directory are sorted by strverscmp(3);
files that start with "." or without an .fstab extension are
ignored. The option can be specified more than once. This
option is mostly designed for initramfs or chroot scripts
where additional configuration is specified beyond standard
system configuration.
Note that mount does not pass the option --fstab to the
/sbin/mount.type helpers, meaning that the alternative fstab
files will be invisible for the helpers. This is no problem
for normal mounts, but user (non-root) mounts always require
fstab to verify the user’s rights.
-t, --types fstype
The argument following the -t is used to indicate the
filesystem type. The filesystem types which are currently
supported depend on the running kernel. See /proc/filesystems
and /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/fs for a complete list of
the filesystems. The most common are ext2, ext3, ext4, xfs,
btrfs, vfat, sysfs, proc, nfs and cifs.
The programs mount and umount(8) support filesystem subtypes.
The subtype is defined by a '.subtype' suffix. For example
'fuse.sshfs'. It’s recommended to use subtype notation rather
than add any prefix to the mount source (for example
'' is deprecated).
If no -t option is given, or if the auto type is specified,
mount will try to guess the desired type. mount uses the
libblkid(3) library for guessing the filesystem type; if that
does not turn up anything that looks familiar, mount will try
to read the file /etc/filesystems, or, if that does not
exist, /proc/filesystems. All of the filesystem types listed
there will be tried, except for those that are labeled
"nodev" (e.g. devpts, proc and nfs). If /etc/filesystems ends
in a line with a single *, mount will read /proc/filesystems
afterwards. While trying, all filesystem types will be
mounted with the mount option silent.
The auto type may be useful for user-mounted floppies.
Creating a file /etc/filesystems can be useful to change the
probe order (e.g., to try vfat before msdos or ext3 before
ext2) or if you use a kernel module autoloader.
More than one type may be specified in a comma-separated
list, for the -t option as well as in an /etc/fstab entry.
The list of filesystem types for the -t option can be
prefixed with no to specify the filesystem types on which no
action should be taken. The prefix no has no effect when
specified in an /etc/fstab entry.
The prefix no can be meaningful with the -a option. For
example, the command
mount -a -t nomsdos,smbfs
mounts all filesystems except those of type msdos and smbfs.
For most types all the mount program has to do is issue a
simple mount(2) system call, and no detailed knowledge of the
filesystem type is required. For a few types however (like
nfs, nfs4, cifs, smbfs, ncpfs) an ad hoc code is necessary.
The nfs, nfs4, cifs, smbfs, and ncpfs filesystems have a
separate mount program. In order to make it possible to treat
all types in a uniform way, mount will execute the program
/sbin/mount.type (if that exists) when called with type type.
Since different versions of the smbmount program have
different calling conventions, /sbin/mount.smbfs may have to
be a shell script that sets up the desired call.
-U, --uuid uuid
Mount the partition that has the specified uuid.
-v, --verbose
Verbose mode.
-w, --rw, --read-write
Mount the filesystem read/write. Read-write is the kernel
default and the mount default is to try read-only if the
previous mount(2) syscall with read-write flags on
write-protected devices failed.
A synonym is -o rw.
Note that specifying -w on the command line forces mount to
never try read-only mount on write-protected devices or
already mounted read-only filesystems.
-V, --version
Display version information and exit.
-h, --help
Display help text and exit.
mount has the following exit status values (the bits can be
incorrect invocation or permissions
system error (out of memory, cannot fork, no more loop
internal mount bug
user interrupt
problems writing or locking /etc/mtab
mount failure
some mount succeeded
The command mount -a returns 0 (all succeeded), 32 (all
failed), or 64 (some failed, some succeeded).
overrides the default location of the fstab file (ignored for
overrides the default location of the mtab file (ignored for
enables libmount debug output
enables libblkid debug output
enables loop device setup debug output
See also "The files /etc/fstab, /etc/mtab and /proc/mounts"
section above.
filesystem table
libmount private runtime directory
table of mounted filesystems or symlink to /proc/mounts
lock file (unused on systems with mtab symlink)
temporary file (unused on systems with mtab symlink)
a list of filesystem types to try
A mount command existed in Version 5 AT&T UNIX.
BUGS top
It is possible for a corrupted filesystem to cause a crash.
Some Linux filesystems don’t support -o sync and -o dirsync (the
ext2, ext3, ext4, fat and vfat filesystems do support synchronous
updates (a la BSD) when mounted with the sync option).
The -o remount may not be able to change mount parameters (all
ext2fs-specific parameters, except sb, are changeable with a
remount, for example, but you can’t change gid or umask for the
It is possible that the files /etc/mtab and /proc/mounts don’t
match on systems with a regular mtab file. The first file is
based only on the mount command options, but the content of the
second file also depends on the kernel and others settings (e.g.
on a remote NFS server in certain cases the mount command may
report unreliable information about an NFS mount point and the
/proc/mount file usually contains more reliable information.)
This is another reason to replace the mtab file with a symlink to
the /proc/mounts file.
Checking files on NFS filesystems referenced by file descriptors
(i.e. the fcntl and ioctl families of functions) may lead to
inconsistent results due to the lack of a consistency check in
the kernel even if the noac mount option is used.
The loop option with the offset or sizelimit options used may
fail when using older kernels if the mount command can’t confirm
that the size of the block device has been configured as
requested. This situation can be worked around by using the
losetup(8) command manually before calling mount with the
configured loop device.
Karel Zak <[email protected]>
mount(2), umount(2), filesystems(5), fstab(5), nfs(5), xfs(5),
mount_namespaces(7), xattr(7), e2label(8), findmnt(8),
losetup(8), lsblk(8), mke2fs(8), mountd(8), nfsd(8), swapon(8),
tune2fs(8), umount(8), xfs_admin(8)
For bug reports, use the issue tracker at
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util-linux 2.37.294-0c7e 2021-08-19 MOUNT(8)