OCTOBER 15, 2012, AT 7:00 P.M.
Call to Order President Mike Jaensch called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Board
members present: Jackie Romberg, Terry Fielden, Suzyn Price, Mike Jaensch,
Susan Crotty, Dave Weeks and Jim Dennison.
Administrators present were: Dan Bridges, Superintendent; Dave Zager,
Associate Superintendent for Finance/CFO; Carol Hetman, Chief Human
Resources Officer; Bob Ross, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary
Closed Session
Dennison moved, seconded by Fielden to go into Closed Session at 6:00 p.m.
for consideration of:
1. Discussion of lawfully closed minutes for purposes of approval by the body
of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated. 5 ILCS
2. Appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or
dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the
District 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1).
3. Collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or
their representatives. 5ILCS 120/2(c)(2).
4. Student Disciplinary Cases 5ILCS 120/2(c)(9).
Open Session
Romberg moved, seconded by Crotty to return to Open Session at 7: 05 p.m. A
voice vote was taken. Those voting Yes: Crotty, Romberg, Fielden, Weeks,
Jaensch, Dennison and Price. No: None. The motion carried unanimously.
Roll Call
Board Members present were: Susan Crotty, Jackie Romberg, Suzyn Price,
Terry Fielden, Mike Jaensch, Jim Dennison and Dave Weeks.
NNHS Student Ambassador present: Jodi Nemethy
NCHS Student Ambassador present: Jarjieh Fang
Administrators present: Dan Bridges, Superintendent; Jennifer Hester,
Associate Superintendent for Learning Services; Susan Rice, Director of
Communications; Bob Ross, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary
Education; Kitty Ryan, Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education;
Carol Hetman, Chief Human Resources Officer; Julie Carlsen, Director of
Community Relations; Roger Brunelle, Chief Information Officer; Dave Zager,
Chief Financial Officer; Kate Foley, Assistant Superintendent for Pupil
Services; Steve Mathis, Director of Buildings and Grounds
Pledge of
Patrick Gaskin, Principal of Elmwood Elementary School introduced the
following students who led the Pledge of Allegiance: Colin Callahan, A.J.
Winckler, Patrick Curran, Mike Ubis, Paul Anderson, Dylan Schmidt, Jacob
Kaplan, Jack Llyod and Barrett Ellman.
ACT Perfect Score of 36
Superintendent Bridges asked Principals Bill Wiesbrook and Kevin Pobst to
come forward to recognize ten students from the Class of 2013 who scored a
perfect 36 on the ACT this year, a score only 0.04 percent of students achieved
in the nation last year. Daniel Parker, Aditya Dewanjee, Gabriel Carrier,
James Schelli, Edward Miliavski, Ethan Brodeur, Kirthi Bellamkonda and
Daniel Shen of Naperville Central and Divya Shanmugam and Jason Zhao
of Naperville North all earned a top composite on the ACT. More than 1.6
million students took the ACT last year, with just 704 recording a score of 36
on the exam in the nation.
National Network of Partnership School – Partnership School Awards
Julie Carlsen, Director of Community Relations, congratulated the 2011 - 2012
School Family Community Partnership Teams at Naperville North High
School, Highlands Elementary, and Ann Reid Early Childhood Center for
winning 2012 Partnership School Awards from the National Network of
Partnership Schools at Johns Hopkins University.
The following people from NNHS were recognized:
Kevin Pobst, Lisa Kolick, Lyndsey Kokoris, Suzanne Greene and Lori Wylly.
The following people from ARECC were recognized:
Jeannie Matula, Alix Guo, Becky Pundy, and Jessica Jozwiak
The following people from Highlands Elementary were recognized:
Susan Stuckey, Cheryl DeGan, Stephanie Birch, Jennnifer Madson, Marcia
Van Dyke, Jackie Pajor, Pat Todd, Elaine Cosantino, Elida Vandenbergh, Mary
Ellen Keith, Robin Moss, Ritu Ahuja, Celeste Benak, Kris Bykerk, Margie
Callaghan, Leslie Cameli, Kim Channell, Laura Cialoni, Amy Connelly, Robyn
Czuba, Dee Dauber, Carrie Davis, Bianca Durkin, Jill Engelke, Deb Fogelsong,
Julie Hunnicutt, Shirley Kan, Liz Levitt, Gina Maras, Ann Matthews, Bridget
Moede, Mimi Qunell, Reva Ramachandran, Aarthi Ramalingam, Jessica
Ranquist, Kathy Ruiz, Ellen Smith, Kelli Spisak, Christine Stephens, Christine
Straka, Tammara and Earl Talbot, Cathy Van Poucke, Cheryl Wheatley,
Xiaohong Zhang, Amy Wallace, Wendy Serafin, Caryn Thompson, Toni
Bauer, Laura Anderson.
Jodi Nemethy, NNHS reported:
In athletics six of nine fall sports got 1
place from DVC
North beat Central in football last weekend at the Cross Town Classic
Homecoming is this weekend with activities all week and an assembly on
Friday. There will be a live band this year.
Students are happy with the proposed calendar for 13 – 14.
Jarjieh Fang, NCHS reported:
The NCHS student newspaper was nominated for the prestigious
Pacemaker Award again.
Varsity tennis team beat NNHS winning the sectional – some team
members are moving on to the State tournament.
Peter Mandich won 5
place in Illinois in Golf
The freshman class council food drive is coming up. They are trying to get
staff members involved.
A student has started a Hope Scholarship Fund to aid with poverty
Policy Initiatives Group – is a new club with the goal of making NCHS
greener. They will be holding a conservation night in November to try to
identify anything that might cause carbon emissions.
Freedom of Information Requests: None
Student Enrollment Summary
Superintendent Bridges noted that the Board received an attendance chart that
showed numbers from September 2011, Projections, 1
day, 6
day, end of
August and end of September, 2012. There has been some fluctuation due to
students moving in and out, but enrollment is very close to what was projected.
The boundary changes have accomplished the goal of reducing the enrollment
at some of the schools. Mrs. Ryan reviewed enrollment at Elmwood, Beebe and
Mill Street noting that all classes are within the size guidelines set by the
District. The class sizes at Highlands are still within District guidelines.
Dave Zager noted that the Early Childhood Program was previously held at
Elmwood so there is plenty of classroom space. However, the gymnasium is
small so plans are going forward with a design for a new gym with the
intention of converting the existing gym into a multi-purpose room. Prairie and
Steeple Run are also under consideration for either a new gym or multi-purpose
Diversity Action Plan – Parent Summit
Superintendent Bridges reported on the African American and Latino Parent
Summit hosted by College of DuPage and the Regional Office of Education
that was held on September 29, 2012. The purpose of the event was to help
parents understand and gain an awareness of the current achievement gap, learn
about factors that keep students from achieving success and also learn how to
help students excel. This event was highlighted in the District Diversity Action
Plan. Superintendent Bridges was on a panel with several other educators to
discuss opportunities for parent involvement. The event was very successful
with attendance exceeding expectations.
The next Diversity Action Plan update to the Board is scheduled for December.
We are planning to adjust the timeline for two of the activities. Diversity
awareness training for the District Leadership Team was originally planned for
fall. After some administrators attended a valuable event in September
sponsored by Regional Office of Education and the Consortium for Educational
Change, we are working with them to provide similar training in spring for our
leaders. Additionally, plans to develop a survey have been tabled as a result of
the State recently announcing plans to distribute a cultural climate survey
which will be taken by all districts. The survey will solicit input from students,
parents, and staff and the data collected will provide us with the information we
need to begin planning ways to improve the culture and climate in our schools.
Board of
Susan Crotty noted that the Naperville Education Foundation had a Strategic
Planning meeting last week and worked with Mark Peek, Vice President of
Global Technical Support for Tellabs, on the vision and mission for the NEF
going forward.
Treasurer’s Statement – The Board received the August Treasurer’s
Investments – The Board received the August Investment Report as well as
an additional Cash and Investment Report.
The Board received the September Insurance Report
The Board received Budget Reports
Action by
The following items were presented on the Consent Agenda:
1. Bills and Claims from Warrant # 372348 through Warrant # 373335
totaling $17,619,300.48 for the period of September 18, 2012 through
October 15, 2012.
2. Board Meeting Minutes: September 17, 2012, October 1, 2012
3. Personnel
Appointment – Administration
Dr. Robert Hawkins, October 22, 2012, PSAC, Interim Deputy Superintendent
Leave of Absence – Certified
Lynne Hanley, 1/7/12 to 3/29/13, NCHS, Social Studies
Resignation – Classified
Jacqueline Gentry, November 20, 2102, Kingsley, LRC Assistant
Reassignment – Classified
Marianne Dvorak, October 3, 2012, PSAC, Secretary to Dir. of Assessment
Employment – Classified
Ana Maria Almonaci, October3, 2012, Beebe, Special Education Assistant
Action on Possible Dismissal of Employees as Discussed in Closed Session
4. Application for Recognition of Schools
5. Destroy Closed Session Recordings prior to April 2011
6. Retain/Release Closed Session Minutes as Discussed in Closed Session
7. Student Discipline as Discussed in Closed Session
Mrs. Price indicated that the Board has the responsibility to review bills and
claims and financials. The review system provides safeguards and insulation
against fraud.
Price made a motion to approve Bills and Claims from Warrant #372347
through Warrant # 373335 totaling $17,619,300.48 for the period of September
18, 2012 to October 15, 2012 and all other items on the Consent Agenda from
1 – 7 with the exception of item 6, Retain/Release Closed Session Minutes as
discussed in Closed Session. Crotty seconded the motion. A roll call vote was
taken. Those voting yes: Jaensch, Price, Dennison, Weeks, Fielden, Romberg,
and Crotty. No: none. The motion carried.
Superintendent Bridges introduced Dr. Bob Hawkins who has just been
appointed to fill the position of Deputy Superintendent which is the re-titled
position of Chief Academic Officer left vacant when Kathy Duncan left last
summer. Superintendent Bridges reviewed Dr. Hawkins’ credentials and
welcomed him to D203.
6. Retain/release Closed Session Minutes as Discussed in Closed Session
There was discussion about keeping information from the public that could
easily be modified to redact personal information.
Fielden made a motion to approve Item 6, Retain/release Closed Session
Minutes as Discussed in Closed Session. Crotty seconded the motion. A roll
call vote was taken. Those voting yes: Fielden, Romberg, Crotty, Jaensch,
Dennison, and Price. No: Weeks. The motion carried.
Without Action
IASB Resolutions
Every year prior to the IASB Conference a Resolutions Committee meets to
review proposed resolutions and vote on positions that IASB will take and
lobby for. Terry Fielden is on the committee representing the DuPage District.
Mr. Fielden noted that there were 23 proposed resolutions. A representative
from each sponsoring district presented its position on their proposed
resolution. The committee discussed each and decided whether or not to
support it. 14 of the 23 initial resolutions are moving forward for the delegate
committee to vote on at the Conference. The Administration will review the
resolutions with particular attention to numbers 2, 4, 8, 9, and 10 and make
recommendations to the Board at the November 5 Board Meeting. The Board
will vote at that time.
IASB Resolutions Delegate –
It will be recommended that Terry Fielden represent the Board at the Delegate
Assembly during the Triple I Conference in November. The Board will vote
November 5, 2012
With Action
2013 – 2014 School Calendar
Superintendent Bridges reviewed the highlights:
o First day of student attendance moved from August 14 to August 21
o School will be in session on Columbus Day
o First Semester will end prior to the winter holidays
o Last day of student attendance is May 30, 2014 and will be a full day of
Price made a motion to approve the 2013 – 2014 calendar as presented. Weeks
seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Those voting yes: Romberg,
Fielden, Dennison, Price, Crotty, Jaensch, and Weeks.
Superintendent Bridges noted that the criteria for building the 2014 – 2015
calendar will be reviewed at the second meeting in January. A draft will be
presented February 4, 2013 with the expectation of approval February 19,
Policy No. 5.90, Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
Superintendent Bridges reported that the District is undergoing a
comprehensive policy review with the Illinois Association of School Boards.
Our legal counsel has reviewed the suggested revisions for Policy 5.90 and
indicated that the language is legally appropriate.
Fielden made a motion to approve the revisions of Policy 5.90, Abused and
Neglected Child Reporting as presented. Romberg seconded the motion. A
roll call vote was taken. Those voting yes: Jaensch, Price, Dennison, Weeks.
Fielden, Romberg, and Crotty. The motion carried.
School Improvement Plans
Tim Wierenga noted that each year every school presents school improvement
plans for the year for approval by the Board. He indicated that last summer the
process began by working with consultant Joe Murphy. Teams from each
school continued this work beginning with DataSpas in the fall. Schools were
encouraged to write three goals whether academic or social emotional and look
at measuring the goals through data collected. Mr. Wierenga explained that the
template used by schools to develop plans is a living document and has a
column for measuring accountability. The accountability information will be
part of the document used to build next year’s plan as well as in the evaluation
of principals.
Mr. Wierenga explained the State process called Rising Star which was
developed to help schools that did not make AYP for two years. A team from
Mill Street Elementary is implementing the process and developing a plan
through the online Illinois Interactive Report Card for a continuous
improvement cycle.
He noted that the Board is being asked to approve Plans for all schools.
Price made a motion to approve the School Improvement Plans as presented.
Fielden seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken. Those voting yes:
Crotty, Dennison, Fielden, Price, Jaensch, Weeks, and Romberg. No: None.
The motion carried.
New Business
Superintendent Bridges noted that as part of his goals discussion with the
Board on November 5, he will discuss long term plans for large initiatives like
kindergarten and foreign language.
There was a discussion initiated by Student Ambassador Jarjieh Fang regarding
the rationale for keeping closed minutes closed. It was noted that the Open
Meetings Act is very specific about topics that can be discussed in Closed
Session. For the most part, the Board feels that the conversations in Closed
Session and the contents of the minutes are sensitive and should be protected
from public view.
Old Business
Saturday, October 20, 2012, State Those Who Excel Banquet – Normal, IL
Monday, November 5, 2012, Board of Education Meeting
Monday, November 12, Veteran’s Day Breakfast, 7:00 a.m., PSAC
Monday, November 19, 2012, Board of Education Business Meeting, 7:00
p.m., PSAC
Thursday, December 6, Mock Trial, College of DuPage
Price moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 p.m. Crotty seconded the motion. A
voice vote was taken. Those voting yes were: Crotty, Price, Romberg, Weeks,
Jaensch, Dennison and Fielden. No: None. The motion carried unanimously.
Approved November 19, 2012
_______________________________ _____________________________
Mike Jaensch, President Ann N. Bell, Secretary
Board of Education Board of Education