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Annual Nonprofit Fundraisers Symposium Programproduced by The Nonprofit Alliance (TNPA) and
the Direct Marketing Association of Washington (DMAW)March 20-22, 2024
(As of Feb. 2, 2024 Schedule subject to change.)
2:00 PM 5:30 PM Registration Open
4:30 PM 5:45 PM Corporate Roundtable:
The Agency & Partner Perspective on Navigating AI
Nonprofit Roundtable:
Reframing the Case for Fundraising Investment
6:00 PM 7:30 PM Welcome Reception Everyone is welcome!
8:00 AM 9:00 AM Continental Breakfast & Conversation Table
Join a Conversation Table focused on a pressing topic or challenge
being faced by experienced fundraisers. Come out to hear from
your peers, and to share with them your own experiences, ideas,
and learnings around a specific topic, question, or
challenge. Don't miss this chance to learn about what your peers
are thinking! List of table topics coming soon.
9:00 AM – 9:15 AM Opening General Session Welcome Remarks from the Co-Chairs:
- Polly Papsadore, President, PMG
- John Perell, Director of Strategy & Member Experience,
Smithsonian Institution
9:15 AM 10:30 AM Opening Keynote
Unleash the Innovator Within
Diana Kander, A New York Times best-selling author and
innovation consultant
Description: You face a volatile external environment. You encounter pressure to stay relevant to
customers – you experience challenging workforce issues and you are being asked to do a lot
more with a lot less. All of this is asking YOU to be an innovator whether or not “innovation” is
in your job description. The big question is… Are you doing it the hard way or the easy way?
Diana will share the key skills and habits that make innovation easier and a lot more fun. You’ll
walk away ready to harness the power of curiosity to unlock new possibilities and drive yourself
and your team towards ambitious goals.
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Annual Nonprofit Fundraisers Symposium Programproduced by The Nonprofit Alliance (TNPA) and
the Direct Marketing Association of Washington (DMAW)March 20-22, 2024
10:30 AM 10:45 AM Refreshment Break
10:45 AM 12:00 Noon Breakout Session Round #1
Session Title: Innovation in the Commercial Sector: What Can Nonprofits Learn and Apply to
- Mike Ross, Co-Founder & CEO, Beanstalk Farms
- Moderator: John Wilburn, Account Director-Nonprofit Data, Epsilon
Description: Nonprofit leaders are constantly adapting relevant strategies from the for-profit
sector, from technology to management techniques, but what about innovation? What learnings
from B2C and B2B companies around innovation in product development, marketing and sales,
customer service, and audience strategies can nonprofits apply to their fundraising and donor
relationship efforts?
Session Title: AI Opportunities for Nonprofits: Leveraging AI Tools to Create Scale and Impact
- Josh Hirsch, Senior Strategist, Soukup Strategic Solutions, Inc.
Description: As a nonprofit leader you need to be exploring how the many AI tools available can
help your operations, community, and fundraising. What are the specific tools available, what is
the investment required, what are they used for, and who is using and managing them? AI tools
can decrease costs, create capacity, and help initiate work products. Join this session to learn
how other nonprofit leaders are using emerging tools in a cost-effective way to create scale and
increase their organization’s impact.
Session Title: Future-Proofing for a Historic Transfer of Wealth
- Alison Morse, Vice President, Philanthropic Consulting, National Philanthropic
- Kimberley Blease, Executive Vice President, Blakely Fundraising
- Evan Linhardt, Vice President, Private Wealth Management, Bernstein Private
Wealth Management
- Facilitator: Tracy Malloy-Curtis, JD, Vice President, Legacy Giving, Mal Warwick
Description: Over the next 25 years, an estimated $64-$85 trillion will transfer to the next
generation. Is your nonprofit ready to reach these donors and maximize these fundraising
opportunities? Join this panel of experts as they lay out the scenarios, make a case for planned
giving, analyze campaign trends, and cover everything your nonprofit will need to do to prepare,
from staff training to updating gift acceptance policies.
Session Title: Unpack Your Organizational Culture: What is it exactly and how can you improve?
- Mikhaela Reid, Head of Marketing, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans
- Jessica Shatzel, Senior Director, Head of Talent Management, Orr Group
- Ruth McFarlane, Chief Advancement Officer, Ms. Foundation for Women
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Annual Nonprofit Fundraisers Symposium Programproduced by The Nonprofit Alliance (TNPA) and
the Direct Marketing Association of Washington (DMAW)March 20-22, 2024
Description: We’ve all heard that culture eats strategy for lunch. But what exactly is
organizational culture and why is it more important than ever? The attitudes, habits, and
behaviors of a group of people define its culture.
How do you define, practice, and continuously improve your organizational culture? The daily
interactions among your team members, with your program recipients, donors, clients, suppliers,
and other members of your community - what you do every day is who you are, over and above
any general values statement you may posted on your website or in your employee handbook.
Our panelists will dig down into the granular details of their organizational cultures to
demonstrate how culture drives productivity and operational effectiveness. They will discuss
communicating all aspects of your culture down to every detail, especially in a diverse and hybrid
workforce. You’ll leave this session with new insights on engaging job candidates, early-in-career
employees, and remote staff in your culture, and how diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion
efforts contribute to your culture’s strength and success.
Session Title: How to Run Better Meetings
- Sarah Newhall, Founder & CEO, The Newhall Group, LLC
Description: Meetings seemed to have taken over the workplace. The fact is too much of a good
thing can be counterproductive. Learn the fundamental techniques and “hygiene” tips to make
your meetings productive, efficient, and enjoyable, whether in person or virtual. Does your
meeting have a clear purpose? Is the meeting necessary? What is the ideal meeting size? Do you
have a thoughtful agenda and have you shared it ahead of time? Do your meeting members offer
different perspectives? Do you structure your discussions to take in and analyze opposing views?
What’s your follow-up plan after the meeting? We’ll also explore different meeting formats and
frequencies, including standing meetings, stand-up meetings, 15-minute meetings, and more.
Plus, specific techniques to make your virtual meetings more energizing and less exhausting.
12:00 Noon 1:30 PM Buffet Lunch and Keynote Panel
Keynote Session Title: Nonprofit Transformation, The Smithsonian Institute
- Amanda Nelson, Managing Director, Orr Group
- Robert Spiller, Assistant Secretary of Advancement, Smithsonian Institution
- Becky Kobberod, Head of Digital Transformation, Smithsonian Institution
- Frank Raines, Board of Regents, Smithsonian Institution
Description: Nonprofits are reimagining themselves as our world is facing major challenges from
climate change to societal change. Nonprofits must align their mission to these challenges to be
relevant now and for future generations of philanthropy. Smithsonian Institution
is leveraging its strategic plan to drive important conversations that affect our country and the
world. Hear how this is driving organizational and philanthropic change through digital
transformation and the Capital Campaign that will go public in the Fall of 2024.
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Annual Nonprofit Fundraisers Symposium Programproduced by The Nonprofit Alliance (TNPA) and
the Direct Marketing Association of Washington (DMAW)March 20-22, 2024
1:30 PM 2:45 PM Breakout Session Round #2
Session Title: Could Corporate Social Good Make Nonprofits Irrelevant?
- John Trybus, Ph.D., Professor of Social Impact & Executive Director, Center for
Social Impact Communication, Georgetown University
- Tycely Williams, CFRE, Chief Development Officer, Bipartisan Policy Center
Description: There’s no denying that Americans are becoming more socially responsible,
especially younger generations. We make an impact by spending our dollars with the greater
good in mind: we buy electric cars that are better for the environment; we buy clothes from
socially conscious retailers like Patagonia, Bomba, and Pact; we use products because
corporations purchase renewable energy, use Fair Trade Certified ingredients, or donate their
products to those in need. Does a consumer’s broader social consciousness create a stronger
culture of philanthropy … or does it make donating to non-profit organizations seem irrelevant?
Will younger donors become more philanthropic as they age, or will they find traditional giving
unnecessary? How do we strengthen public trust in nonprofits? Join this session to discuss and
debate how the social good movement is an assetor a detrimentto individual giving.
Session Title: AI Risks for Nonprofits: Ethics, Policy, Data Privacy, Staff Training and More (runs
- John Robichaux, Executive Director, UC Berkeley Coleman Fung Institute for
Engineering Leadership
- Matthew Reisman, Director of Privacy and Data Policy, Centre for Information
Policy Leadership (CIPL)
- Warren Storey, Senior Vice President, Product Marketing & Insight, Epsilon
Description: Join this panel discussion if your nonprofit organization is currently utilizing AI tools
and grappling with issues around ethics, data privacy, organizational policy, staff training,
communications to stakeholders around all these issues, and other challenges that continue to
surface. Our speakers will share their experiences in effectively launching AI tools and developing
the necessary policies and training to create transparency and mitigate risk.
Session Title: Driving Fundraising Innovation Within Your Nonprofit: The In-House Innovation
- Carla Warner, Senior Director of Revenue Innovation, Share our Strength
- Lona Stoll, Chief Operating Officer and Executive Innovation Counsel,
Conservation X Labs (formerly Chief Innovation Officer, CARE)
- Luke Franklin, Vice President, Membership, ASPCA
Description: One way to drive innovation in a charity is to hire or assign a person dedicated to making it
happen. In this panel discussion of nonprofit innovators, learn about the genesis of the role at their
organizations, what these leaders are tasked with, their methodologies around investment, setting goals
and objectives, getting stakeholder buy-in, testing ideas and developing pilot programs, building teams,
monitoring performance, and rolling out successful projects. Learn from their examples of success
stories and lessons learned.
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Annual Nonprofit Fundraisers Symposium Programproduced by The Nonprofit Alliance (TNPA) and
the Direct Marketing Association of Washington (DMAW)March 20-22, 2024
Session Title: Future-Proofing Your Teams for Change and Disruption
- Dan Diaz, Executive Director, East Side House
- Michael Akin, President, LINK Strategic Partners
- Lizabeth Wesley-Casella, CEO, L-12 Services Corp.
Description: The people-needs of your organization are changing along with your business
model. It's time to rethink your staffing models to adapt to the evolving technology and strategic
opportunities ahead. This includes succession planning which is key to the continued success of
your organization and often overlooked.
Hear from peers who have developed new and flexible approaches to building teams that meet
the needs of a growing digital footprint and integrate strategies across fundraising disciplines. Get
insights on succession planning at all levels, including senior leadership, management, and
specialist roles, all geared towards better serving the mission of your organization now and in the
years ahead.
Session Title: You Don’t Know Me: Lessons and Updates on Data Privacy (runs twice)
- Karen Downs, Senior Vice President, Enterprise Business Operations, American
Cancer Society
- Elyse Wallnutt, Founder & Principal, Agility Lab Consulting
- Corey Cutter, Assistant General Counsel Privacy Officer, American Cancer Society
Description: Data privacy, donor ethics, and fundraising regulations are ever-changing. How can
you manage your organization to stay in compliance while keeping fundraising going? How can
you stay up to date on the latest in data privacy, donor ethics, and fundraising regulations without
a law degree? Then come join our panel discussion! Learn from the panelists’ experiences and
get the tips and advice you need to keep your organization on the right side of regulations while
still bringing in donors. Don't miss out on this opportunity to up your fundraising game!
2:45 PM – 3:00 PM Refreshment Break
3:00 PM 4:15 PM Breakout Session Round #3
Session Title: Consumer Behaviors Around Money and Impact on Fundraising
- Michael Scully, CEO and Co-Founder, BriteVox
- David Warren, Principal Director, Subscribed Institute
- Paul Finley, Vice President, Enterprise Sales, FlexPay
- Brad Smith, AAP, Senior Director, Industry Engagement and Advocacy, Nacha
- Moderator: Laura Durington, Director of Annual Giving, Catholic Relief Services
Description: People's behaviors and attitudes around money are evolving, sometimes rapidly,
which will continue to drive changes in consumer and donor thinking and actions. How will this
impact fundraising on a larger scale?
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Annual Nonprofit Fundraisers Symposium Programproduced by The Nonprofit Alliance (TNPA) and
the Direct Marketing Association of Washington (DMAW)March 20-22, 2024
This session will cover many different trends and impacts, including donation incentive strategies
like cash prize contests, buy now/pay later offers, subscription market, and sustainer loyalty and
retention strategies as these buying/giving approaches mature. Discuss evolving consumer
behaviors and justifications around discretionary spending, including credit card debt trends, the
rapid decline in check writing and the rise of digital payments, and the latest research on
consumer trust in companies and nonprofits.
This will be a jam-packed session with lots of takeaways both strategic and tactical and will also
get you to think more strategically about consumer behavior trends on an ongoing basis.
Attendees will receive resources for further study.
Session Title: Where We Use AI and Where We Use Humans in Fundraising and Donor Relations
- David Hall, Director of Pipeline Development, USA for UNHCR
- Pat Feeley, MBA, CFRE, Chief Development Officer, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
- Moderator: Sean Olds, Co-Founder and CEO, boodleAI
Description: As leaders we need to understand how AI is reshaping the fundraising landscape,
changing workflows, and impacting donor relations now and in the future. Hear from non-profits that
are navigating their way through the integration of AI to advance fundraising while avoiding pitfalls
along the way. This will be an interactive dialogue with panelists who will discuss what donors expect
in today’s digital world, how AI can be harnessed to deliver personalized donor experiences, if donor
relations chatbots are in our future, and what KPIs matter most in AI-driven donor relations.
Session Title: There’s No Reward Without Risk: Case Studies in High-Risk Creative Breakthroughs
- Yvonne Gutierrez, Chief Strategy Officer, NARAL Pro-Choice America
- Steve Abrahamson, Vice President, Membership & Advocacy, National Audubon Society
- Ellen Roeder, Chief Development Officer, The Livestrong Foundation
- Moderator: Hayley Berlent, Founder & CEO, The Additive Agency
Description: There’s nothing better than taking a giant risk and having it achieve everything you’d
hoped it would. Whether it’s a bold new storytelling direction, a unique and daring perspective on
current events, design and format techniques outside an organization’s comfort zone, or an
integrated campaign using unexpected channels, we’ll take a look at some of the most striking
approaches that paid off. Panelists will discuss how their organizations made the decision to take
a big creative swingor not -- what the outcomes were, and how it has impacted their program
moving forward. This session will help you build a case for taking creative risks within your own
organization so you can gain the freedom to try something new and achieve bigger wins.
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM Networking Reception Hosted by Moore
La Vie 88 District Square, SW, 5
Floor, Washington, DC 20024
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Annual Nonprofit Fundraisers Symposium Programproduced by The Nonprofit Alliance (TNPA) and
the Direct Marketing Association of Washington (DMAW)March 20-22, 2024
8:00 AM 9:00 AM Continental Breakfast & Conversation Tables
9:00 AM 10:15 AM Breakout Session Round #4
Session Title: Next Generation of Performance Benchmarking
- Steven Norris, CFRE, Vice President, Inova Health Foundation
- Megan Den Herder, Director, Direct Response Fundraising, Wildlife
Conservation Society
- Stephanie Soriano, Senior Vice President of Fundraising Analytics,
- Michal Heiplik, President and Co-Founder, Contributor Development
Description: Are your current KPIs your best options to understand specific audience target
segments like younger donors and planned giving prospects, reinforce the value of your
fundraising campaigns, and manage your pipelines?
In this session, we approach the entire individual giving strategy as an ecosystem and hear from
panelists who have found new non-standard metrics to better understand fundraising
performance and impact.
Session Title: How Decision Science Can Power Your Fundraising
- Thomas Kurmann, Vice President, Resource Development, Oxfam America
Description: In this lively and interactive session, you’ll explore the latest thinking in decision
science and behavioral economics fields that will change how you think about supporters and
the ways they engage with your cause.
The session will draw on the work of Nobel Prize winners Daniel Kahneman and Richard Thaler.
You’ll see practical examples of how organizations are using decision science techniques. You’ll
discover what behavioral economics is and what it tells us about how we make decisions, why
humans are predictably irrational and what this means for your fundraising, how to use
psychology to persuade donors to give, how emotions and the subconscious impact decision-
making, and much more.
Session Title: From the Frontlines: Capitol Hill Day Recap & Legislative Update
- Mark Micali, Vice President, Government Affairs, The Nonprofit Alliance
Description: Join TNPA’s Vice President of Government Affairs, Mark Micali, and a few advocate
volunteers for a lively recap of Wednesday’s Capitol Hill Day: who we met with, what they shared,
and a forecast for critical legislation. We will also have time to discuss other pending federal and
state legislation.
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Annual Nonprofit Fundraisers Symposium Programproduced by The Nonprofit Alliance (TNPA) and
the Direct Marketing Association of Washington (DMAW)March 20-22, 2024
Session Title: Sustainability in Direct Mail Fundraising: How to Design Your Sustainability Road
Map and Promote Your Program
- John Stancik, Vice President Strategy & Client Services, Grantmail Direct Marketing
- Joel Kaufman, Senior Account Executive, DCG ONE
- Moderator: Polly Papsadore, President, The PMG Group
Description: Nonprofit organizations are under pressure to be more sustainable in all aspects of
their organizations. This session focuses on nonprofit direct mail programs, which use a lot of
resources but offer a strong revenue return on investment and serve as a critical pipeline to major
and legacy gifts.
Learn about the sustainability initiatives and environmental stewardship practices of several
leading direct mail production suppliers, including printing, mailing and logistics companies that
work hard to support your direct response fundraising efforts. Find out how their ongoing work
and future plans can help you design your own sustainability road map and promote your direct
mail program to your leadership, donors, and other stakeholders.
10:20 AM 11:45 AM Closing Keynote
Profitable Growth Through Sustainable Innovation
Dave Raley, Founder, Imago Consulting
Description: From the Myths of Innovation that leaders should avoid to the Ancient Roots of
Innovation, and practical lessons from some of the biggest innovators in history and models to
follow, Dave will guide nonprofit fundraisers on how to choose the waves to ride.
11:45 AM 12:00 Noon Wrap-Up by the 2
Annual Nonprofit Fundraisers Symposium Co-chairs
- Polly Papsadore, President, The PMG Group
- John Perell, Director of Strategy & Member Experience,
Smithsonian Institution