t is that time of year again when a
little surprise awaits those heading
down the trail into deciduous forests,
for Hamamelis virginiana (witch hazel)
is coming into bloom. It is one of the
few plants that flower this late in the
year, and will continue blooming as late
as December or January. You may
have to search the branches to find the
tiny, spider-like yellow flowers. Later
in the season, when all the leaves have fallen,
they shine like beacons in the forest sunlight.
Native Americans used the tree for a variety of
medicinal purposes, including the Cherokee, who
made infusions to treat periodic pain, to heal cuts
and abrasions, and to make a wash for sore eyes.
Chippewa also used infusions of the inner bark
as a healing skin lotion, to soothe sore eyes, and
as an emetic in cases of poisoning. Menominee
healers used the seeds in ceremonies to foresee
the likelihood of recovery for the ill. Other tribes
had similar useso many that Europeans arriv-
ing here learned of its qualities and quickly
added it to their medicine chests.
The commercialization of Hamamelis virginiana
began with Thomas Newton Dickinson of Essex,
a Baptist minister ―who made his fortune in the
unholy manufacture of Civil War uniforms.
Dickinson began brewing and distributing the
witch hazel extract in Essex CT during the
1870s, beginning the association of a family
name with a particular product - almost to the
exclusion of other names - which was to last a
century and beyond.‖
It is still favored as an astringent, appearing in a
variety of personal care products. It is a steam
distillate of freshly harvested twigs with alcohol
added up to about 14% of the total product as a
preservative. The plant contains tannins, which
can cause stomach upset and in large doses taken
by mouth can damage the kidneys. Witch hazel
has FDA approval as a non-prescription astrin-
gent for external use.
The common name has little to do with witches,
being derived from the Old English wice (and
Middle English wyche) and akin to the Old Eng-
lish wican meaning to bend or give way, referring
to its pliant branches and not to wizened old
women on broomsticks. Hazel is from Old Eng-
lish hæsel (and akin to Old High German hasel,
Old Irish coll, and Old Norse hasl), relating to
small trees in the genus Corylus. The leaves of
H. virginiana
Native Plant News
S E P T - O C T B E R 2 0 0 7
Board of Directors
Tom Harville, President
Dale Suiter, Vice-President
Lynda Waldrep, Secretary
Hugh Partridge, Treasurer
Kathy Schlosser, Editor; and
Triad Chapter
Brenda Scott, Membership
Alice Zawadzki, Past Presi-
dent and Special Projects
Jean Woods, Education
Marlene Kinney, At Large
Lara Rozzell, At Large
Mark Rose, At Large
Margaret Partridge, Triangle
Angela Haigler, Charlotte
Dwayne Truscott, Wilming-
ton Chapter
Mitch Russell, Asheville
V O L U M E 5 , N U M B E R 5 E L E C T O N I C
‘m sure that most of you have heard me talk
about how we need to be doing ―stuff.‖ So I
thought it was appropriate to give you an exam-
Through the combined efforts of Margaret Par-
tridge and Stefan Bloodworth, et. al., the
NCNPS has a native plant display at the NC
State Fair for the last two years. Last year it
was a crash project to get the garden planted but
this year there was a significant, no, magnificent
change. There are goldenrods blooming, the
swamp sunflower is awesome, the snakeroot is
brilliant white and the large flowered aster gives
us the hint of blue (yes I know we don‘t have
asters in North American now). Combined with
all the other ―green‖ plants, the garden presents
a very beautiful place for the harried fairgoers to
slow down and enjoy. We have had volunteers
on site to talk with visitors about the plants and
the Society. These volunteers get a parking pass
to the garden parking area which is at most 100‘
away from our display and a pass to get into the
fair. I need to point out that this effort is not
just for local members, any member can volun-
teer for a three hour block. Not a bad deal for
standing around talking about the plants we
love! And think about the number of people
that we get to increase their awareness of our
native flora!
So go on! Get out and talk about our NC na-
tives. It doesn‘t have to be at the Fair, it can be
anywhere. Each chapter has banners and can
get handout material so you can set up a booth
or display nearly anywhere. Yes it takes time
but it‘s time well spent. Have some fun, get out
President’s letter Tom Harville
The NCNPS Native Plant Garden at the NC State Fair Grounds.
This is a project that was taken on by the Margaret Reid Chapter,
though all members are invited to help.
tree, so watch them carefully to enjoy the full
blooming season.
You can propagate the trees from seed, which
require 120 180 days of cold scarification.
If you have seeds that matured on the tree,
they will need 60 days of warm scarification.
Germination times can be longas much as
18 monthsand the seedlings will need to be
overwintered in a greenhouse
for the first year. Time to flowering is usu-
ally six years. Witch hazel suckers, and these
can be transplanted successfully. Layering
works as well, but may take a year. If you try
cuttings, you will need a mist system to keep
them alive. The best way to get witch hazel is
to purchase a plant from a reputable nursery.
Katherine Schlosser
Novapak Corp., Oldest brand of witch hazel seen
clearly through PET. http://www.pvcc.com/News/
Articles/T-0636WitchHazel.asp (Accessed 10-
have the appear-
ance and color of
elm leaves, thus
the common name
witch hazel, rather
than the European
wyche elm. Be-
cause the wood is
flexible, it has
been used for wa-
ter dousingin
which a skilled
user walks the
ground with a
forked branch
held out straight
about waist high.
When the branch
dips sharply to-
ward the ground,
the spot is
marked and a
well is dug. It was considered a reliable method for
finding water, and is still used even in the Piedmont of
North Carolina.
The botanic name, hamamelis, is from Hippocrates, who
fashioned the name from two Greek words meaning fruit
and together, referring to the habit of the plant to bloom
at the same time that the fruits from the previous year
are maturing and dispersing. The seeds are held in a
globular capsule that pops open suddenly when mature,
ejecting the seeds with enough force that they have been
known to travel 20 feet or so, sometimes zinging unsus-
pecting passersby.
Hamamelis virginiana is a native tree growing to as
much as thirty feet tall, though usually in the 15‘ to 20‘
range. It grows as far north as zone 4 as an understory
tree in cool, moist forests with slightly acidic soil. The
simple, alternate leaves are obovate to elliptical with an
uneven base and coarsely toothed margin, from three to
six inches long. Bronze colored in spring and bright
green in summer, they turn a brilliant yellow in fall.
The yellow flowers have four narrow, crinkly petals with
a sweet, spicy fragrance that can be detected from a dis-
tance when in full bloom. Many books will tell you that
they bloom after the leaves fall, which is true. However,
they begin blooming while the leaves are still on the
S E P T O C T 2 0 0 7
P A G E 3
Hamamelis virginiana ….continued from page one
From The People’s Common Sense Medical
Adviser in Plain Englsih: or, Medicine Sim-
plified. R. V. Pierce, MD, 1917. see Guten-
S E P T O C T 2 0 0 7
P A G E 4
elcome to our newest chapter in
Asheville. Mitch Russell is the orga-
nizing force for the chapter, so extend a hearty
welcome when you met him , and the Ashe-
ville members. You can reach Mitch at
he Dolly Sods photos in Tom Harville‘s
article (page seven of the last newslet-
ter) were generously submitted by NCNPS
member Bobby Ward of Raleigh.
hop at Food Lion? Willing to do so once
in a while? If so, please sign up for their
community contributions program. Food Lion
has 1,200 supermarkets in eleven
Southeast and Mid-Atlantic states. If
you shop at Food Lion and register
your Food Lion MVP card in their
Lion Shop and Share program, you
can designate NCNPS to receive a portion of
your shopping bill to go to NCNPS each time
you shop at Food Lion. Note that you do NOT
add anything more to your shopping bill to do
this; Food Lion just takes a small part of what
you just paid them for your shopping order
and gives it to your designated charity.
It‘s easy, it‘s free. Sign up now, even if you
are not a regular shopper.
Calendar Alert
May 9-11, 2008 Toe River Field Trip (near
Newland, NC)
ust for NCNPS members: Join the NCNPS
web group to exchange photos for ID, places
to walk/hike, and just generally to create an on-
line community of native plant enthusiasts. Go
eginning with the next issue of the news-
letter, we will feature sources for native
plants and seeds. The NCNPS website
(www.ncwildflower.org) has a list of those nurs-
eries that comply with our strict position regard-
ing the sale of nonnative invasive plantsthey
don‘t sell them. Each of these nurseries will be
featured over of the course of the next year or
so. If you know of other nurseries that might
qualify for a listing on our site, let a board mem-
ber know and we will contact the nursery.
Native Plant News
Contribute! Deadline for next issue: No-
vember 15, 2007
Contact the editor:
Katherine Schlosser
P A G E 5
S E P T O C T 2 0 0 7
Chapter News
The Charlotte Chapter has had a number of activities, the latest being a talk on ―Using Native Plants in the
Landscape‖ by Mary Stauble. Mary gave good, concrete advice on sensible landscaping, using native
plants along with non-invasive exotics, and ways to be good stewards of our soil and water resources.
With the terrible drought, this is great information to have. Some other recent programs were a presenta-
tion on the Wildlife Habitat Stewardship program and a ―What‘s that Plant?‖ where people brought in a
plant or a picture of plant that they wanted identified.
In September our chapter hosted a visit by the Hendersonville/Brevard Botanical Club to see the Pied-
mont Prairies. On one day we visited Latta Plantation Park to see a restored prairie, Shuffletown prairie
to see a prairie remnant, and a tour of the Wildflower Glen, a biologically diverse property, protected by
the Catawba Lands Conservancy. On the next day we went to Redlair Farm, another property protected
by the Catawba Lands Conservancy and saw a remnant prairie there that has been expanded. We enjoyed
botanizing at all the places and getting to know each other.
We will have a booth at the Herb Festival at Latta Plantation on October 27 where we will have informa-
tion on native plants to share with the public.
Jean Woods, a chapter member, was asked to give training for the Mecklenburg Master Gardener‘s class.
The class went well with lots of questions and interest in using native plants and getting rid of invasive
plants. It is heartening to see the growing interest in natives by our gardening organizations.
The NC Native Plant Society and the South Carolina Native Plant Society joined with the Museum of
York County to put on a one day workshop on Piedmont Prairies for people maintaining or expanding
prairie sites. Dr. Larry Barden of UNCC and Dr. John Schmidt of Winthrop gave the morning lectures
and in the afternoon we visited McDowell Park restoration site and Redlair Farms.
We meet at 2:30 PM, the second Sunday of each month at the Greenhouse at UNCC and have a great line
up of programs for the fall. We are always open to new members.
November 3: Ridges Mountain in the Uwharries. Roger Robbins (biologist) will lead the walk.
December 5: Nature Art Exhibit and Plant Exchange. Location TBA
January 2: Starting From Seed and Winter Sowing. Trena McNabb and Shelley Rutkin.
January 5: Salem Lake Trail walk, Winston-Salem
February 3: Lake Townsend Trail, Greensboro
February 6: A Meadowlark Sanctuary for the Triad
March 1: Bear Slide Rock, Rockingham County
March 5: Healing Plants: Native American Plant Lore. Lisa Gould
April 2: Following Geological Clues to Find Native Plants with David McCloy
April 5: South Mountain State Park and Wee Du Nursery
(All plans are subject to change. Call 336-855-8022 or email kathy-
schlos[email protected]om to confirm and for location)
Margaret Reid
The Margaret Reid Chapter (Triangle area) has been busy with the NC State Fair gardensee photos
elsewhere in this newsletter. Contact Margaret Partridge for updates on activities:
P A G E 6
S E P T O C T 2 0 0 7
NCNPS Fall Botanizing Trip to Bird Island and the Green Swamp
Photos courtesy of Tom Harville
ur Saturday morning walk was on Bird Island, the
last island before you reach South Carolina http://
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bird_Island,_North_Carolina. Its
1286 acres are protected by the North Carolina Coastal
Land Trust. We drove to the south end of Sunset Beach
and hoofed it down the beach to the island area. I say area
because the inlet has filled in now and you can walk all the
way without wading.
We were fortunate to have Kristen Rosenfeld to lead us
into the area.
Kristen did her master‘s work on the flora of the island and was
able to get permission for us to go behind the dunes. She gave us
the ―rules‖ and a rundown on the plants we should expect to see
and there. Just behind where we were standing was the rare Sea-
beach Amaranth Amaranthus pumilus Rafinesque, tucked up on
one of the dunes.
The dunes seem so foreboding for plant life but it‘s there,
hanging on in support of the dune against the relentless
attacks by wind and sea.
Sea oats (Uniola paniculata), Salt meadow hay (Spartina patens),
Seaside elder (Iva imbrucata), and possibly American beachgrass
(Ammophila brevigulata)
P A G E 7
S E P T O C T 2 0 0 7
More Botanizing on Bird Island
When you get close you can appreciate the beauty of the dune plants
As we walked past the first line of dunes we got into a marvelous field of beach plants, e.g. Carolina sea
lavender Limonium carolinianum, black needle rush Juncus roemerianus and many others. It was October
but it was very hot in the sun and if you got back into the bush areas that blocked the breeze, you suffered.
So we stayed out in the open and hoped the cloud cover would stay.
P A G E 8
S E P T O C T 2 0 0 7
Green Swamp
Photos courtesy of Tom Harville
Sunday morning we were off to the Green Swamp http://www.nature.org/wherewework/northamerica/states/
northcarolina/preserves/art5606.html. Now I have been asked why would you go to there in the fall? The
answer is that it just as beautiful as in the spring!
We made our way off the road, across the boardwalk and
into an open stand of pines. There we were greeted by vista
of Pleea tenuifolia. As you can imagine in the early morn-
ing, the spider webs were more visible than later on. We got
to see plenty of Sarracenia, including and interesting hybrid,
Sarracenia ×catesbaei = S. flava × S. purpurea.
Back out of the pines and across the road the area was more open but
oh what treasures were waiting for you in the tall grass
P A G E 9
S E P T O C T 2 0 0 7
More Green Swamp
Photos courtesy of Tom Harville
e even managed to find Melissa before we left.
Then it was off to Boiling Spring to find the elusive
Drosera and Dionaea. Elusive? I don‘t think so! There
were so many Sundews that you could hardly step and the
red in the FlytrapsWow!
The final stop of the day was off the beaten path where we
found Spiranthes just starting to bloom, Lobelia puberula
and Epidendrum helleborine
I hope you can just imagine that I have skimmed the plants that we saw
but I‘m sure you get the idea that we had a marvelous time out in nature.
See you next trip!
More Bird Island / Green Swamp Trip
S E P T O C T 2 0 0 7
P A G E 10
Common buckeye , Green Swamp
Fellow traveler in the Green
The rare and endangered seabeach amaranth, Amaran-
thus pumilus, on Bird Island
Gulf Frittilary in Bird Island
Photos courtesy RobertBreenPhotography.com Butterfly ID by Dennis Burnette, Triad Chapter
Salt marsh pink, Sabatia stellaris, on Bird Island
P A G E 11
S E P T O C T 2 0 0 7
Bartram’s Daisy, Sabatia kennedyana: A note of history worth recording
Plant Description:
Sabatia kennedyana can form rhizomatous colonies,
with vertical, few-branched stems reaching 65 cm (25
inches) in height. Its 2 to 5 cm-long leaves are narrow
and arrayed oppositely along the stem. The flowers,
which appear from July to mid-September, are showy
and large (to 5 cm in diameter), with 9 to 11 pink pet-
als surrounding a yellow center bordered with red.
The capsules are cylindrical and measure 7 to 11 mm
in length.
Sabatia kennedyana exhibits a patchy distribution,
occurring only in Nova Scotia, Massachusetts, Rhode
Island, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.
It is reportedly historic in Connecticut (but remains
unranked in that state).
Nine sites in Nova Scotia are known, encompassing
approximately 3500 plants (COSEWIC 2001). Ap-
proximately 112 occurrences in 5 counties are verified
in Massachusetts as of 1985 (MANHESP 1985), with
37 additional historic occurrences. The species is re-
ported from 4 counties in Rhode Island, 1 county in
South Carolina, and 1 county in North Carolina
(USDA 2001). The global population is problematic
to estimate, because plant numbers fluctuate widely
depending upon pond water levels, but may range to
approximately 10,000.
Photo from USDA Plants Database
abatia kennedyana is locally known as Bar-
tram‘s daisy in the Lake Waccamaw and
Brunswick County area of North Carolina. This
southern population is considered a disjunct popula-
tion from the one in Cape Cod that occurs in the
fresh marshes and near the coast in Rhode Island,
Massachusetts, and Nova Scotia. Horticulturalist
Frank Galloway of Galloway Farms and Galloway
Botanical Gardens in Bolivia NC shares his family
history of the plant which was introduced to the area
as a gift from Bartram to a family ancestor on one
of Bartram‘s trips to the Lake Waccamaw region.
The Galloways settled in the area in the early 1700s.
Bartram‘s daisy was shared among Galloway family
friends and now has naturalized in the southeast
corner of North Carolina.
From the Center for Plant Conservation comes the
following description:
Sabatia kennedyana is a perennial, herbaceous plant
bearing gorgeous, pink, daisy-like flowers on tall
stems. It forms colonies along the shores of coastal
plain ponds from Nova Scotia south to South Caro-
lina. The population densities and reproduction of
this species are tightly tied to fluctuating water lev-
els in these ponds, and as such, are affected by wa-
ter quality and quantity in these ponds. Populations
of Sabatia kennedyana are at risk throughout its
range, as humans increasingly encroach on these
ponds, pollute their shores, and withdraw water.
Research and Management Summary:
A number of individuals and institutions have stud-
ied this species. Management activities are also un-
derway to help protect and preserve Sabatia ken-
Alice Zawadzki first brought this plant to my attention in 2003.
P A G E 12
S E P T O C T 2 0 0 7
Exploring a Piedmont Cliff Community Kathy Schlosser
Photos courtesy of Mimi Westervelt
The opposite, southwest facing bank
has deep, rich soil and a plant commu-
nity that includes Euonymus ameri-
cana, Smilax spp., Aplectrum hy-
menale, Botrychium virginianum, Chi-
maphila maculata, Geranium macula-
tum, Goodyera pubescens, Hepatica
americana, Sanguinaria canadensis,
and Uvularia perfoliata.
Primarily a beech-maple-hickory for-
est, there are also tulip poplar, paw-
paw, and spicebush. This site was
first inventoried ten years ago by the
Natural Heritage Program. Since that
time, the canopy has closed a bit, and
this fall the area is very dry. Ordinar-
ily, there is a small stream at the foot
of the cliff that keeps the liverworts
happyon our most recent visit, they
were gasping for water.
Recent studies of cliff sites have re-
vealed that some trees growing on
cliffs are surprisingly ancient, some
hundreds of years old. Intact natural
communities, even those in the midst
of developed urban areas, can still be
found and are fascinating sites to
study. We need only take a little
time to look for them.
A complete plant list is available. If
interested, contact the editor.
n the Piedmont of North Carolina are
scattered acidic cliff plant communi-
ties, often defined by moss covered
boulders and an open tree canopy. Ac-
cording to Schafale and Weakley (1990),
acidic cliffs are ―very steep to vertical
slopes [greater than 60 degrees] on
acidic rock or saprolite…[slopes] steep,
rocky, or dry enough to prevent forma-
tion of a closed tree canopy.‖
Rock cliff communities can be acidic,
circumneutral, or calcareous (alkaline).
Acidic rock cliff communities are the
least diverse of the group, and have the
fewest specialized plant species. The
bedrock yields little or no calcium and is
acidic in reaction. They support species
of dry, low nutrient plants from the sur-
rounding forests, such as Virginia
creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia),
and common polypody (Polypodium
Members of the Triad Chapter have
been watching such a site, visiting at
different times of the year. This particu-
lar cliff is a narrow ravine with granite
boulders on the northeast facing wall
reaching about twenty feet in height.
The steep wall supports a community of
Actea racemosa, Heuchera americana,
Adiantum pedatum, Dennstaedtia puncti-
lobula, and Polystichum acrostichoides.
Hydrangea arborescens grows in abun-
dance. The bottom two to three feet of
the cliff is moist and supports a large
colony of mosses and liverworts.
P A G E 13
S E P T O C T 2 0 0 7
Quest of the Orchis
I felt the chill of the meadow underfoot,
But the sun o‘erhead;
And snatches of verse and song of scenes like this
I sung or said.
I skirted the margin alders for miles and miles
In a sweeping line;
The day was the day by every flower that blooms
But I saw no sign.
Yet further I went before the scythes should come,
For the grass was high;
Till I saw the path where the slender fox had come
And gone panting by.
Then at last and following that I found
In the very hour
When the color flushed to the petals, it must have been
The far-sought flower.
There stood the purple spires, with no breath of air
Or headlong bee
To disturb their perfect poise the livelong day
‗Neath the aldertree.
I only knelt and, putting the boughs aside,
Looked, or at most
Counted them all to the buds in the copse‘s depth,
Pale as ghost.
Then I arose and silent wandered home,
And I for one
Said that the fall might come and whirl of leaves,
For summer was done.
Robert Frost, 1901
Platanthera grandiflora (purple fringed
orchid) grows in all but one county in
New Hampshirehome of Robert
Frost. Could this be the late bloom-
ing plant he describes as marking the
end of summer and the beginning of
fall? The poem was first published as
“The Quest of the Orchis” in 1901,
and after minor textual revisions he
eventually published it as “The Quest
of the Purple Fringed” in 1942.
P A G E 14
S E P T O C T 2 0 0 7
any of us have heard our esteemed leader, Tom,
say ―it‘s like herding cats‖ when trying to get
groups of us all moving in the same direction. Seems
ants have an answer to his problem. This Science
Daily report is dedicated to Tom:
Science Daily Chemicals on ants' feet tranquilise
and subdue colonies of aphids, keeping them close-by
as a ready source of food, says new research. The study
throws new light on the complex relationship between
ants and the colonies of aphids whose sugary secre-
tions the ants eat.
Scientists had previously established that certain types
of aphids live in colonies where they are used as a food
source by a neighbouring colony of ants. The ants have
been known to bite the wings off the aphids in order to
stop them from getting away and depriving the ants of
one of their staple foods: the sugar-rich sticky honey-
dew which is excreted by aphids when they eat plants.
Chemicals produced in the glands of ants can also
sabotage the growth of aphid wings. The new study
shows, for the first time, that ants' chemical footprints -
- which are already known to be used by ants to mark
out their territory - also play a key role in manipulating
the aphid colony, and keeping it nearby.
The research, which was carried out by a
team from Imperial College London, Royal
Holloway University of London, and the University of
Reading and published October 10, used a digital cam-
era and specially modified software to measure the
walking speed of aphids when they were placed on
filter paper that had previously been walked over by
ants. The data showed that the aphids' movement was
much slower when they were on paper that had been
walked on by ants, than on plain paper.
Furthermore, when placed on a dead leaf, where the
aphid's instinct is to walk off in search of healthy
leaves for food, the scientists found that the presence
of ants significantly slowed the aphids' dispersal from
the leaf. Lead author of the article published October
10, Tom Oliver from Imperial's Department of Life
Sciences, explains how ants could use this manipula-
tion in a real-life scenario:
"We believe that ants could use the tranquillising chemicals
in their footprints to maintain a populous 'farm' of aphids
close their colony, to provide honeydew on tap. Ants have
even been known to occasionally eat some of the aphids
themselves, so subduing them in this way is obviously a
great way to keep renewable honeydew and prey easily
However, Tom points out that the relationship between the
ants and the aphids might not be that straightforward:
"There are some definite advantages for aphids being
'farmed' like this by ants for their honeydew. Ants have
been documented attacking and fighting off ladybirds and
other predators that have tried to eat their aphids. It's possi-
ble that the aphids are using this chemical footprint as a
way of staying within the protection of the ants."
Professor Vincent Jansen of Royal Holloway's School of
Biological Sciences, concludes: "Although both parties
benefit from the interaction, this research shows is that all
is not well in the world of aphids and ants. The aphids are
manipulated to their disadvantage: for aphids the ants are a
dangerous liaison."
Note: This story has been adapted from material provided
by Imperial College London
If any of you are miss-
ing wings, check with
Herding Aphids: How 'Farmer' Ants Keep
Control Of Their Food
P A G E 15
S E P T O C T 2 0 0 7
Save Energy and Money this Fall with Free Workshops
id you know that the typical American family spends
nearly $2,000 a year on energy expenses? And that
much of this energy is wasted through leaky windows,
drafty doors and inefficient lighting?
You can learn how to significantly cut your energy bills
through simple no-and low-cost measures, putting money
back into your pockets where it belongs, by attending one
of the free local workshops ―Reducing Energy Expenses at
Your Home and Business.‖
The workshops, sponsored by North Carolina Cooperative
Extension and the State Energy Office of the N.C. Depart-
ment of Administration, will be divided into two sectors to
better serve local consumers.
The morning workshops will offer a commercially-focused
program for local businesses and nonprofit agencies, while
the evening workshops will be geared toward residential
consumers. Both will be held at local county extension
offices throughout the state.
The workshops are part of a month-long, statewide series in
October to assist North Carolina consumers with saving on
their energy costs and consumption. The workshops coin-
cide with the U.S. Department of Energy and the State of
North Carolina‘s recognition of October as Energy Awareness
October has been recognized by these entities as Energy
Awareness Month for several years in acknowledgement of
the critical role energy plays in the state‘s economic prosper-
ity, quality of life and environmental stewardship.
Registration for the workshops is required. Contact the Coop-
erative Extension offices in the link below for more informa-
tion or to register.
Grace Lawrence, Agent
Wake County Center
North Carolina State University
4001-E Carya Drive
Raleigh, NC 27610
Information submitted by Misty Franklin.
Red Listed Magnolia
he Red List of the
Magnoliaceae, pub-
lished jointly by Botanic
Gardens Conservation Inter-
national (BGCI) and Fauna
& Flora International (FFI),
through the Global Trees
Campaign (GTC), identifies
131 wild magnolias as being
in danger of extinction, from
a global total of 245 species.
The significance of this po-
tentially catastrophic loss
lies not only in the threat to the genetic diversity of the fam-
ily, but also because they are a highly sensitive indicator of
the well-being of the forests in which they are found. Mag-
nolias are among the most ancient groups of flowering plants
and have long been
cultivated by mankind. Some specimens growing in the pre-
cincts of Chinese temples are estimated to be up to 800 years
old. Still popular as ornamental plants in gardens around the
world (although fewer than 15 species are common in culti-
vation), in the wild magnolias are a source of timber, food
and medicines for local communities.
The Red List is a free downloadand interesting reading.
P A G E 16
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NCNPS Photo Album
Members of Triad Chapter discover what sur-
vives when power lines are sprayed.
Native Plant Garden at the NC State Fairinstalled and cared for by the Margaret Reid Chapter
McDowell Prairie. Jean Woods and the Charlotte Chap-
ter organized a Prairie Restoration Workshop with the
SCNPS and York Museum.
John Schmidt, a presenter at the Prairie Restoration
Workshop in the Charlotte area discusses plant selection
with participants.
P A G E 17
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Off the Shelf….books worth a read
resh herbs are a healthy and delicious way to spice up any meal. This indispensable guide
takes the guesswork out of using herbs in the garden and in the kitchen by providing de-
tailed information for cultivating a wide variety of herbs along with easy-to-follow recipes that
will surely impress even the most discerning palate.
Ranging from Alliums to Zingiber , the volume‘s first section provides horticultural information
for each of the sixty-three herbs found in the National Herb Garden‘s Culinary Garden. Each
entry also includes a short history of the herb, gardening basics, and suggestions for using it in
your kitchen. An informative introduction to this section compares several different definitions
of the word herb, explains the advantages of fresh over dried herbs, describes the proper storage
and use of spices, and suggests the best timing and methods for harvesting herbs.
In the second part of the book, HSA members offer classic and creative recipes for more than two hundred
dishes incorporating a variety of herbs. Among the mouth-watering recipes featured are Lemon Basil Tea
Bread, Chicken Linguine with Fennel and Tarragon, Five-Herb Pasta Salad, and Rosemary Fizz.
The concluding section of the book offers a fascinating personal tour of the two and one-half acre National
Herb Garden, which lies in the heart of Washington, D. C., at the center of the United States National Arbore-
tum, and of its intimate themed areas, including the Knot Garden, the Antique and Heritage Rose Garden, the
Dye Garden, the Colonial Garden, the Native American Garden, the Beverage Garden, the Medicinal Garden,
and many others. Complete plant lists accompany the description of each garden.
Green thumbs and gourmets alike will find inspiration in these pages to look at herbs in new ways. More than
a gardening book, more than a cookbook, The Herb Society of America’s Essential Guide to Growing and
Cooking with Herbs will prove to be an indispensable companion for all herb lovers.
The Naming of Names: The Search for Order in the World of Plants
Anna Pavord, Bloomsbury Publishing 2005
s is well known, a comprehensive system of naming, of ordering and classifying, embraces
every known plant in the world. In The Naming of Names Anna Pavord takes us on a thrilling
adventure into botanical history from the Guyanan jungle to Renaissance Europe, Ancient Greece
and sixteenth-century London to show how nature was rationalized in a way that could be under-
stood in countries and languages throughout the world. For the first time, Anna Pavord shows how the busi-
ness of naming plant names, which had begun with the Greek philosopher Theophrastus in the third century
BC, occupied the best minds in Europe for at least three hundred years until, in 1773, the process came to an
end with a Swedish book about sex …
The whole vibrant array of plant life is contained within these pages: flamboyant, irresistible superstars like
fritillaries, anemones, lilies, crocus, iris and tulips; everything from the agave and the banana to the paony and
the yucca.
The Herb Society of America’s Essential Guide to Growing and Cooking With
Katherine K. Schlosser, Louisiana State University Press, 2007
Symposium highlights:
See over 25 species at Mr. Cuba Center and Winterthur Museum and Gardens
Gain an understanding of trillium habitats and garden culture
Learn biology and current taxonomy of trilliums
Understand conservation challenges
Learn about trillium propagation and best strategies
Persimmon Pudding
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup persimmon pulp (see below)
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon grated lemon rind
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
2 tablespoons butter or margarine, softened
To make persimmon pulp: Choose soft ripe fruit with a transparent skin. Peel and strain the pulp or mash,
removing the seeds.
Sift together flour, salt, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg and sugar. Add persimmon pulp to the flour mix-
ture along with beaten eggs, milk, lemon rind and butter. Mix well. Turn batter into a well-greased and
floured 8x8x2-inch square baking dish. Bake at 350° for 45 to 55 minutes, or until pudding is done. Serve
warm with freshly whipped cream.
Diospyros virginiana. A native tree growing to about 50 feet at maturity, found from southern Connecticut to south-
ern Florida. It blooms in March or April, with fruit ripening from September to November. The hard, fine-textured
wood is used for golf heads and by crafters. It is also commonly called possumwood, probably because opossum will
beat you to the fruit given half a chance.
North Carolina’s Native Plant Society since 1951
NC Native Plant Society
1402 Bearhollow Road
Greensboro, NC 27410
NCNPS Spring Trip
May 9 11, 2008
In the Newland, NC area (Toe River)
Put the date on your calendar!