Revised 3/11 for the Government of the District of Columbia
Government of the District of Columbia
Contract Number:
Employer Name:
Project Contract Amount:
Employer Contract Award:
Project Name:
Project Address: ___________________________________ Ward: _________
Nonprofit Organization with 50 Employees or Less: Yes No
This First Source Employment Agreement, in accordance with The First Source Employment
Agreement Act of 1984 (codified in D.C. Official Code §§ 2-219.01 2.219.05), The
Apprenticeship Requirements Amendment Act of 2004 (Codified in D.C. Official Code §§ 2-
219.03 and 32-1431) for recruitment, referral, and placement of District of Columbia residents, is
between the District of Columbia Department of Employment Services, hereinafter referred to as
DOES”, and ________________________________________________________, hereinafter,
referred to as EMPLOYER. Under this Employment Agreement, the EMPLOYER will use DOES
as its first source for recruitment, referral, and placement of new hires or employees for all new jobs
created by the Project. The Employer will hire 51% District of Columbia residents for all new jobs
created by the Project, and 35 % of all apprenticeship hours be worked by DC residents employed
by EMPLOYER in connection with the Project shall be District residents registered in programs
approved by the District of Columbia Apprenticeship Council.
A. Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein, the EMPLOYER will use DOES as
its first source for the recruitment, referral and placement for jobs created by the
B. The EMPLOYER will require all Project contractors with contracts totaling $100,000 or
more, and Project subcontractors with subcontracts totaling $100,000 or more, to enter
into a First Source Employment Agreement with DOES.
C. DOES will provide recruitment, referral and placement services to the EMPLOYER,
which are subject to the limitations set out in this Agreement.
D. The participation of DOES in this Agreement will be carried out by the Office of
Employer Services, which is responsible for referral and placement of employees, or
such other offices or divisions designated by the Office of the Director, of DOES.
E. This Agreement will take effect when signed by the parties below and will be fully
effective for the duration of the Project contract and any extensions or modification to
the Project contract.
Revised 3/11 for the Government of the District of Columbia
F. This Agreement will not be construed as an approval of the EMPLOYER'S bid package,
bond application, lease agreement, zoning application, loan, or contract/subcontract for
the Project.
G. DOES and the EMPLOYER agree that, for purposes of this Agreement, new hires and
jobs created for the Project (both union and nonunion) include all EMPLOYER'S job
openings and vacancies in the Washington Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area
created for the Project as a result of internal promotions, terminations, and expansions of
the EMPLOYER'S workforce, as a result of this project, including loans, lease
agreements, zoning applications, bonds, bids, and contracts.
H. This Agreement includes apprentices as defined and as amended, in D.C. Law 2-156.
D.C. Official Code §§ 32-1401- 1431.
I. The EMPLOYER, prime subcontractors and subcontractors who contract with the
District of Columbia government to perform construction, renovation work, or
information technology work with a single contract, or cumulative contracts, of at least
$500,000, let within a 12-month period will be required to register an apprenticeship
program with the District of Columbia Apprenticeship Council; and this includes but is
not limited to, any construction or renovation contract or subcontract signed as the result
of, a loan, bond, grant, Exclusive Right Agreement, street or alley closing, or a leasing
agreement of real property for one (1) year or more. In furtherance of the foregoing, the
EMPLOYER shall enter into an agreement with its contractors, including the general
contractor, that requires that such contractors and subcontractors for the Project
participate, in apprenticeship programs for the Project that: (i) meet the standards set
forth in Chapter 11 of Title 7 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations, and (ii)
have an apprenticeship program registered with the District of Columbia’s
Apprenticeship Council.
A. The EMPLOYER will complete the attached Employment Plan, which will indicate the
number of new jobs projected to be created on the Project, salary range, hiring dates,
residency status, ward information, new hire justification and union requirements.
B. The Employer will post all job vacancies in the DOES’ Virtual One-Stop (VOS) at within five (5) days of executing the Agreement. Should you need
assistance posting job vacancies, please contact Job Bank at (202) 698-6001.
C. The EMPLOYER will notify DOES, by way of the First Source Office of its Specific
Need for new employees for the Project, within at least five (5) business days (Monday -
Friday) upon Employers identification of the Specific Need. This must be done before
using any other referral source. Specific Needs shall include, at a minimum, the number
of employees needed by job title, qualifications, hiring date, rate of pay, hours of work,
duration of employment, and work to be performed.
D. Job openings to be filled by internal promotion from the EMPLOYER'S current
workforce do not need to be referred to DOES for placement and referral. However,
EMPLOYER shall notify DOES of such promotions.
Revised 3/11 for the Government of the District of Columbia
E. The EMPLOYER will submit to DOES, prior to commencing work on the Project, the
names, residency status and ward information of all current employees, including
apprentices, trainees, and laid-off workers who will be employed on the Project.
A. DOES will screen applicants and provide the EMPLOYER with a list of applicants
according to the Notification of Specific Needs supplied by the EMPLOYER as set forth
in Section II (B).
B. DOES will notify the EMPLOYER, prior to the anticipated hiring dates, of the number
of applicants DOES will refer.
A. The EMPLOYER will make all decisions on hiring new employees but will, in good
faith, use reasonable efforts to select its new hires or employees from among the
qualified persons referred by DOES.
B. In the event that DOES is unable to refer qualified personnel meeting the Employer’s
established qualifications, within five (5) business days (Monday - Friday) from the date
of notification, from the EMPLOYER , the EMPLOYER will be free to directly fill
remaining positions for which no qualified applicants have been referred.
Notwithstanding, the EMPLOYER will still be required to hire 51% District residents
for all new jobs created by the Project.
C. After the EMPLOYER has selected its employees, DOES will not be responsible for the
employees' actions and the EMPLOYER hereby releases DOES, and the Government of
the District of Columbia, the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, and the
officers and employees of the District of Columbia from any liability for employees'
A. DOES and the EMPLOYER may agree to develop skills training and on-the-job training
programs; the training specifications and cost for such training will be mutually agreed
upon by the EMPLOYER and DOES and will be set forth in a separate Training
A. To the extent that this Agreement is in conflict with any federal labor laws or
governmental regulations, the federal laws or regulations shall prevail.
B. DOES will make every effort to work within the terms of all collective bargaining
agreements to which the EMPLOYER is a party.
C. The EMPLOYER will provide DOES with written documentation that the
EMPLOYER has provided the representative of any collective bargaining unit involved
Revised 3/11 for the Government of the District of Columbia
with this Project a copy of this Agreement and has requested comments or objections. If
the representative has any comments or objections, the EMPLOYER will promptly
provide them to DOES.
A. All contracts, subcontracts or other forms of government-assistance less
than $100,000.
B. Employment openings the contractor will fill with individuals already employed by the
C. Job openings to be filled by laid-off workers according to formally established
recall procedures and rosters.
D. Construction or renovation contracts or subcontracts in the District of Columbia totaling
less than $500,000 are exempt from the requirements of Section I(H) and I(I) of the
General Terms hereof.
E. Non-profit organization with 50 or less employees are exempt from the requirements.
A. If, during the term of this Agreement, the EMPLOYER should transfer possession of all
or a portion of its business concerns affected by this Agreement to any other party by
lease, sale, assignment, merger, or otherwise this First Source Agreement shall remain in
full force and effect and transferee shall remain subject to all provisions herein. In
addition, the EMPLOYER as a condition of transfer shall:
1. Notify the party taking possession of the existence of this EMPLOYER'S
First Source Employment Agreement.
2. Notify DOES within seven (7) business days of the transfer. This advice
will include the name of the party taking possession and the name and
telephone of that party's representative.
B. DOES will monitor EMPLOYER'S performance under this Agreement. The
EMPLOYER will cooperate with the DOES monitoring and will submit a Contract
Compliance Form to DOES monthly.
C. To assist DOES in the conduct of the monitoring review, the EMPLOYER will make
available to DOES, upon request, payroll and employment records for the review period
indicated for the Project.
D. The Employer will provide DOES additional information upon request.
E. With the submission of the final request for payment from the District, the
Revised 3/11 for the Government of the District of Columbia
1. Document in a report to DOES its compliance with the requirement that 51%
of the new employees hired by the EMPLOYER for the Project be District
residents; or
2. Submit to DOES a request for a waiver of compliance of the requirement
that 51% of the new employees hired by the EMPLOYER the Project be
District residents which will include the following documentation:
a. Documentation supporting EMPLOYERS good faith effort to comply;
b. Referrals provided by DOES and other referral sources; and
c. Advertisement of job openings listed with DOES and other referral
F. The DOES may waive the requirement that 51% of the new employees hired by the
EMPLOYER for the Project be District residents, if DOES finds that:
1. A good faith effort to comply is demonstrated by the EMPLOYER; or
2. The EMPLOYER is located outside the Washington Standard Metropolitan
Statistical Area and none of the contract work is performed inside the
Washington Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area:
The Washington Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area includes the
District of Columbia, the Virginia Cities of Alexandria, Falls Church,
Manasas, Manasas Park, Fairfax, and Fredericksburg; the Virginia
Counties of Fairfax, Arlington, Prince William, Loundon, Stafford,
Clarke, Warren, Fauquier, Culpeper, Spotsylvania, and King George; the
Maryland Counties of Montgomery, Prince Georges, Charles, Frederick,
and Calvert; and the West Virginia Counties of Berkeley and Jefferson.
3. The EMPLOYER enters into a special workforce development training or
placement arrangement with DOES; or
4. DOES certifies that there are insufficient numbers of District residents in the
labor market possessing the skills required by the EMPLOYER for the
positions created as a result of the Project. No failure by Employer to request
a waiver under any other provision hereunder shall be considered relevant to
a requested waiver under this Subsection.
G. Willful breach of the First Source Employment Agreement by the EMPLOYER, failure
to submit the Contract Compliance Report, or deliberate submission of falsified data,
may be enforced by the DOES through imposition of penalties, including monetary fines
of 5% of the total amount of the direct and indirect labor costs of the contract for the
positions created by EMPLOYER.
H. The parties acknowledge that the provisions of E and F of Article VIII apply only to
First Source hiring.
I. Nonprofit organizations with 50 or less employees are exempt from the requirement that
51% of the new employees hired by the EMPLOYER on the Project be District
Revised 3/11 for the Government of the District of Columbia
J. The EMPLOYER and DOES, or such other agent as DOES may designate, may
mutually agree to modify this Agreement.
K. The EMPLOYER’s noncompliance with the provisions of this Agreement may result in
A. Is your firm a certified Local, Small, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (LSDBE)?
If yes, certification number: _________
A. Do you have a registered Apprenticeship program with the D.C. Apprenticeship
Council? YES NO
If yes, D.C. Apprenticeship Council Registration Number: ________________
A. Is your firm a subcontractor on this project? YES NO
If yes, name of prime contractor: ______________________________
Dated this ________________ day of____________________20____________________
_________________________________ ______________________________
Signature Dept. of Employment Services Signature of Employer
Name of Company
Revised 3/11 for the Government of the District of Columbia
NAME OF EMPLOYER: __________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS OF EMPLOYER: _______________________________________________________________
TELEPHONE NUMBER: ________________ FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION NO.:___________________
CONTACT PERSON: ____________________________ TITLE:__________________________________
E-MAIL:______________________________TYPE OF BUSINESS: _______________________________
DISTRICT CONTRACTING AGENCY: _____________________________________________________
CONTRACTING OFFICER: ________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER: _________________
TYPE OF PROJECT: _________________________CONTRACT AMOUNT: _______________________
EMPLOYER CONTRACT AMOUNT: _______________________________________________________
PROJECT START DATE: ______________________PROJECT END DATE: _______________________
EMPLOYER START DATE: ______________________EMPLOYER END DATE: __________________
NEW JOB CREATION PROJECTIONS: Please indicate ALL new position(s) your firm will
create as a result of the Project. If the firm WILL NOT be creating any new employment
opportunities, please complete the attached justification sheet with an explanation. Attach
additional sheets as needed.
Revised 3/11 for the Government of the District of Columbia
CURRENT EMPLOYEES: Please list the names, residency status and ward information of all
current employees, including apprentices, trainees, and transfers from other projects, who will be
employed on the Project. Attach additional sheets as needed.
Please Check
Revised 3/11 for the Government of the District of Columbia
JUSTIFICATION SHEET: Please provide a detailed explanation of why the Employer will not
have any new hires on the Project.