Artemis User Guide
Information and Communications
Sydney Informatics Hub
March, 2017
© The University of Sydney
Date published: 16
March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
Table of Contents
Getting Started ............................................................................................................. 2
Access to Artemis ....................................................................................................... 2
Linux Command Line ................................................................................................. 2
Linux Text Editors ....................................................................................................... 2
Projects and UniKeys ................................................................................................. 2
Opening GUI windows on Artemis ............................................................................. 3
Software ..................................................................................................................... 3
Artemis compute nodes .............................................................................................. 4
Core allocations per Artemis queue ........................................................................... 4
Data Storage on Artemis ............................................................................................. 4
/home .......................................................................................................................... 4
/project ........................................................................................................................ 5
/scratch ....................................................................................................................... 5
Software/Programs/Applications ............................................................................... 6
Modules (or how to load installed software) .............................................................. 6
Installing software ....................................................................................................... 6
Submitting Jobs to Artemis ........................................................................................ 7
Serial jobs (1 core) ..................................................................................................... 7
Parallel jobs using OpenMP ....................................................................................... 7
Parallel jobs using MPI ............................................................................................... 8
Interactive jobs ........................................................................................................... 8
Array jobs ................................................................................................................... 9
Job monitoring/management ................................................................................... 12
Job Scheduling Priority: “Fair Share” ..................................................................... 13
Job Queues ................................................................................................................. 13
Queues available to all users ................................................................................... 13
Queue resource limits .............................................................................................. 15
Strategic Allocations ................................................................................................. 15
Data Transfer Queue (dtq) ........................................................................................ 16
Automating data transfers ........................................................................................ 16
Data transfer script: dt-script .................................................................................... 18
Example dt-script workflow ...................................................................................... 19
Compiling on Artemis................................................................................................ 20
GNU .......................................................................................................................... 20
PGI ............................................................................................................................ 21
Intel ........................................................................................................................... 21
Java .......................................................................................................................... 21
GPU .......................................................................................................................... 22
Research data store (RDS) ....................................................................................... 23
RCOS ....................................................................................................................... 23
Classic RDS ............................................................................................................. 24
Glossary ...................................................................................................................... 26
Date published: 16
March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
Getting Started
Access to Artemis
For instructions to obtain an Artemis account, see the following page:
Linux Command Line
Artemis is a Linux-based HPC with a command-line interface. If you have no background in
Linux or the Linux command line, there are a number of excellent tutorials online that will help
you get started. A recommended starting tutorial can be found here: Once you finish tutorial 4, you will have enough
command line knowledge to start use Artemis.
Linux Text Editors
It is possible to edit text files on Artemis using text editors such as Nano, GEdit, Vim or Emacs.
If you have logged into Artemis with an X server connection (that is, with the -X or -Y options to
the ssh login command and a connection to an X server running on your computer), then you
can use gedit to edit text files. If you don’t have an X server running, then the next simplest
text editor is nano. If you find yourself editing text files frequently on Artemis and want to
invest time to learn a more powerful text editor, then it is worth using either emacs or vim.
Projects and UniKeys
Once you have been granted access to Artemis, you log in using your UniKey credentials.
Throughout the guide, we use the example UniKey abcd1234 whenever we need to specify a
UniKey. Remember to replace abcd1234 with your UniKey wherever needed.
You need to know what your project is called. You need to specify a project for every job
submitted to Artemis. There are two styles of project name you can use:
Your full project name has the form RDS-FAC-Project-RW, where FAC is your faculty
code and Project is your abbreviated project name as specified in your RDMP. If you have
access to Artemis, but don’t know your project name, you could ask your Lead CI or type
groups into Artemis after logging in:
[abcd1234@login4]$ groups
The projects you are a member of are any entries that start with RDS-. In the above case,
abcd1234 is a member of the projects PANDORA and TEST. For most applications on Artemis,
you can use your project name without the RDS-FAC--RW parts. However, some applications
require the full project name. If you have difficulties using your abbreviated project name, try
using your full project name instead.
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
Throughout this guide, we will use the project PANDORA in the examples provided. Remember
to replace PANDORA with your project name when you use Artemis.
Opening GUI windows on Artemis
It is possible to open programs with a graphical user interface (GUI) on Artemis if you have an
X server running on your computer and ssh into Artemis using either the -X or -Y options.
Programs on Artemis with GUIs include gedit (a text editor), Matlab and Gnuplot.
If you are on a Linux computer, such as Ubuntu or Linux Mint, then you are already running an
X server. Therefore, you can open programs with GUIs if you log into Artemis using the -X or -
Y options.
On MacOS, you need to install XQuartz. After installing XQuartz, you can then open a
terminal window using MacOS’s built-in terminal program, then SSH to Artemis using the -X or -
Y options, as was the case for Linux.
On Windows, there are a number of X servers to choose from. The University of Sydney has a
site license for Starnet X-Win32. Follow the instructions to download and install X-Win32 here:
Dg2MzM0MTM5L3NpZC9vcE5MRnZhbg%3D%3D. Then use the new connection wizard to
set up an Artemis connection:
Select SSH and give your connection a name. For example, “John’s Artemis connection”
then click next.
The host to connect to is
The login name and password are your UniKey credentials
The command to run on host will be filled in correctly if you click the Linux option.
Click Finish
Your connection will appear as one of the options in the list. To start a command line session on
Artemis, click the connection you just made, then click Launch. A command line terminal
connection to an Artemis login node will open. If everything was done correctly, you will be
able to launch programs such as gedit from the command line.
There are many pre-installed programs on Artemis, including various compilers, scripting
languages (for example, Python, Perl and R), libraries and other specialised software. For full
details, see the Software section.
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
Artemis compute nodes
Artemis is a 4264-core HPC system comprised of the following nodes:
Artemis Phase 1 Nodes
Artemis Phase 2 Nodes
Number of Nodes
Cores per node
2 x 12
2 x 12 CPUs
2 GPUs
4 x 16
RAM per node
512 GB
128 GB
6 TB
Core allocations per Artemis queue
Some nodes of Artemis are restricted to certain groups:
Civil Engineering have ownership of 13 nodes (416 cores); they have exclusive access to
these nodes.
Some researchers were granted strategic allocations on Artemis. These nodes are reserved
for these projects. As of February 2017, 936 cores are reserved for strategic allocations.
The remaining nodes (2912 cores in total) are available to all users of the system.
Data Storage on Artemis
Artemis uses a Lustre file system that is accessible from any compute node and provides
excellent I/O performance (especially for large files). The Lustre file system contains the
following storage spaces:
Home (/home/abcd1234)
Project (/project/PANDORA)
Scratch (/scratch/PANDORA)
Remember to replace abcd1234 with your UniKey and PANDORA with your abbreviated
project name.
Data will not be backed up so we cannot offer any ability to retrieve lost data. For long term
storage please store all data in the Research Data Store (RDS).
Each researcher will be allocated their own home directory within Artemis. This can be used to
store program code, batch scripts and other files. Please note that the home directory has
limited space and is intended for storing code and configuration information. Data on /home
is backed up in case of system failure (that is, if the Lustre filesystem fails), but files cannot be
recovered if they are accidentally deleted. Important data should be stored in the research
data store.
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
To check your /home quota usage, run the following command:
The default allocation is 1 TB of project storage, shared between all members of the project.
Please note that no additional space will be provided. If you require more disk space for job
output, use /scratch instead. Since /project (or /scratch or /home) is not backed
up, please back up all important data to the Research Data Store regularly.
To check your quota and usage of your allocated storage on /project, use the pquota
/scratch is a 204 TB pool of shared storage that is intended for data that needs to be saved
during a job, but can be deleted once the job completes. As this directory is shared by all
users, please do not leave your data in this area for longer than absolutely necessary.
Transfer important files to /project if you need them after your job finishes. /scratch is not
backed up, so please back up important data to the Research Data Store.
To see how much /scratch space is available, use the following command:
df -h /scratch
To see how much space your project is using:
lfs quota -hg RDS-ICT-PANDORA-RW /scratch
Remember to replace RDS-ICT-PANDORA-RW with your project name, as described in the
Projects and UniKeys section.
For details about disk usage by specific subdirectories, use this command:
du -sh /scratch/PANDORA/directory
where the last argument is the directory you want to know the size of.
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
Artemis has many pre-installed programs available. Your batch jobs can be set up to use these
programs by loading "modules". When loaded, these modules quickly set up your batch job
environment with paths to executables and other important settings so you don't have to
manually configure your batch job environment or remember where programs are installed. A
full list of all software on Artemis can be found on the software page.
Modules (or how to load installed software)
To see all available modules on Artemis, run the following command:
module avail
this will return a (long) list of modules. To narrow down the list to programs you’re interested in
using, try using grep. The following example returns any modules with the word matlab in it:
module avail |& grep -i matlab
To load a module, for example, Matlab, use the following command:
module load matlab
this will add Matlab to your PATH and load any required dependencies. It will, by default,
load the most commonly used version of Matlab. If you require a different version, specify the
version as follows:
module load matlab/R2014b
Having multiple versions of the same program open can cause conflicts. For example, if Matlab
2014 and Matlab 2015 were simultaneously loaded, then the last version loaded will be used.
For this reason, it is good practice to unload unnecessary modules:
module unload matlab/R2014b
Occasionally, some modules confict with others and create strange and difficult to diagnose
errors. To unload all modules with one command, use module purge:
module purge
Installing software
If the software you require isn’t installed on Artemis, you can submit a High Performance
Computing request to install software via the ICT Self-Service portal. To access the form using
the links provided here, click the ICT Self-Service portal link, log in with your unikey and
password, then click the High Performance Computing request link. Alternatively, you can
compile your own programs on Artemis. For information, see the Compiling section.
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
Submitting Jobs to Artemis
Artemis uses a modified version of PBS Pro to manage and queue jobs. Some minimal example
scripts are provided below.
Serial jobs (1 core)
# your project name
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4GB
# select one chunk with 1 CPU and 4 GB memory
#PBS -l walltime=10:00:00
# actual time your job will run for
my_program > results.out
Save this script to a file (for example MyScript.pbs), then then submit it to the PBS
scheduler using the following command on the command line:
qsub MyScript.pbs
there are other #PBS directives that you may optionally use. For a full list, see the PBS
Professional user manual.
Parallel jobs using OpenMP
OpenMP is a shared memory parallelism model, so OpenMP parallelised programs can only
be run on one chunk (a “chunk” is a virtual node) and either 24, 32 or 64 cores, depending on
the node. An example script to run an OpenMP parallelised program is:
# your project name
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=4:mem=4GB
# select one chunk with 4 CPUs and 4 GB memory
#PBS -l walltime=10:00:00
# actual time your job will run for
my_program > results.out
Note: OMP_NUM_THREADS is automatically set to the number of cores per chunk on Artemis,
so you don’t have to manually set the value of OMP_NUM_THREADS in your PBS script.
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
Parallel jobs using MPI
MPI (Message Passing Interface) allows jobs to communicate across several nodes. A basic MPI
job script is shown below.
# your project name
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=4:mpiprocs=4:mem=4GB
# select 1 chunk, 4 MPI cores, 4 GB
#PBS -l walltime=10:00:00
# actual time your job will run for
# change to current working directory
module load siesta
# Also automatically loads the Intel
MPI library
mpirun -np 4 siesta < h2o.fdf > h2o.out
The above file will choose one chunk with 4 cores and 4 GB of memory. All 4 cores have been
made available to MPI as specified by the mpiprocs=4 option. It is recommended to set ncpus
and mpiprocs to the same value, unless you know you can set them differently.
Note: load the correct MPI implementation for your program. Most modules will automatically
load the appropriate MPI implementation. However, you can load your own MPI
implementation if you are compiling your own MPI programs or if you know you can use an
alternative MPI implementation.
With MPI, you can select more than one chunk:
# your project name
#PBS -l select=5:ncpus=8:mpiprocs=8:mem=4GB
# select 5 chunks, 8 MPI cores per
chunk, 4 GB memory per chunk
#PBS -l walltime=10:00:00
# actual time your job will run for
# change to current working directory
module load siesta
# Also automatically loads the Intel
MPI library
mpirun -np 40 siesta < h2o.fdf > h2o.out
This script requests 5 chunks with 8 cores each (all cores are available to MPI) and 4 GB of
memory per chunk, meaning your job will be allocated 40 cores and 20 GB of memory in
Interactive jobs
You can request an interactive job using the qsub -I directive from the command line. For
qsub -I P PANDORA -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4GB,walltime=1:00:00
Remember to replace PANDORA with your project name.
Note: You cannot use a PBS script to start an interactive job. Only qsub -I works.
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
Running programs with a GUI in an interactive job
You can open a GUI on Artemis in an interactive session by firstly logging in as described in
getting started, then requesting an interactive job using the qsub -I -X command. An
example qsub command is (all on one line):
qsub I -X P PANDORA -l
Users with strategic allocations can run interactive jobs in their allocated area by specifying a
queue in the interactive qsub command. For example, members of the project porous can
request an interactive session in their allocation with the following command (all on one line):
qsub I -X P porous -q condo-civil l
Array jobs
PBS array jobs are a convenient way of running many computations with a single script. They
are particularly suitable for jobs which need to be run many times, but with different
parameters or on different input files. To submit an array job, you need to include this PBS
directive in your PBS script:
#PBS -J start_index-end_index:increment
For example:
#PBS -J 1-10
will start an array job with 10 elements. Each job will be assigned a single value of
$PBS_ARRAY_INDEX from 1 to 10. The array indices must be integers. Another example is:
#PBS -J 1-10:2
This directive will start an array job containing 5 elements, with values of
$PBS_ARRAY_INDEX of 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9.
Two common uses of array jobs are to run a program multiple times with different
input parameters or different input files. Some example array job PBS scripts are
shown below.
Single Parameter Change
This script will start an array job with 10 elements, each element will be assigned a different
value of $PBS_ARRAY_INDEX from 1 to 10. In this case, $PBS_ARRAY_INDEX is used
directly as a command line argument to the program called my_program.
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#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4GB
#PBS -l walltime=10:20:10
#PBS -J 1-10
my_program $PBS_ARRAY_INDEX > output.$PBS_ARRAY_INDEX
Multiple Parameter Changes
This script will run the program my_program with two parameters. $PBS_ARRAY_INDEX
is only a single parameter; therefore, you will need a dictionary or lookup table to convert
$PBS_ARRAY_INDEX indices to multiple parameters.
In the following example, all parameters required for the array job are stored in a file called
job_params. The array job will read the line corresponding to $PBS_ARRAY_INDEX,
and then pass these parameters to my_program.
An example job_params file:
1 0.1
2.4524 0.2
3.45 0.3
4.4 0.4
and an example my_array_script PBS script:
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4GB
#PBS -l walltime=15:20:10
#PBS -J 1-4
params=`sed "${PBS_ARRAY_INDEX}q;d" job_params`
param_array=( $params )
my_program ${param_array[0]} ${param_array[1]}
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
Multiple input files
A third common usage of array jobs is to run the same program on multiple input files. The
example here will run computations on all files in a directory. This script first saves a list of files
in the directory to a file called file_list. The number of files in this list is then counted and
saved to a variable called num_files. A PBS array script called run_array_job, which
runs my_program with each file in the directory as input, is written to disk. At the end of the
script, the script submits run_array_job to the scheduler using the qsub command.
rm file_list
find . -type f -maxdepth 1 | sed 's/.\///' > file_list
num_files=`cat file_list | wc -l | tr -d ' '`
cat > run_array_job << EOF
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4GB
#PBS -l walltime=15:20:10
#PBS -J 1-${num_files}
filename=\`sed "\${PBS_ARRAY_INDEX}q;d" file_list\`
my_program < \$filename > \${filename}.output
qsub run_array_job
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
Job monitoring/management
There are a number of commands available to view the staus of jobs on the system. A brief set
of useful commands is shown below. For more commands, see the PBS Professional user
qstat -u abcd1234
show status of abcd1234’s jobs
qdel 1234567
delete job 1234567 from queue
show status of all jobs
qstat -f 1234567
show detailed stats for job 1234567
qstat -xf 1234567
show detailed stats for job 1234567, even after it has
When jobs finish, they produce three output files. One for standard output, one for standard
error and a resource usage file. The file formats are as follows:
<JobName>.o<JobID> Standard output file
<JobName>.e<JobID> Standard error file
<JobName>.o<JobID>_usage Resource usage file
If you don’t redirect standard output or standard error to a file, they will be printed in the .o
or the .e files and only appear after your jobs finish. These files may contain useful information
about why your job terminated before it finished.
The resource usage file contains details about how long your job ran for and also the memory
used by your job. You can use the information in the resource usage file to optimise your
walltime and memory requests for future jobs. An example resource usage file is shown below:
Job Id: 1050977.pbsserver for user abcd1234 in queue small
Job Name: TestJob
Exit Status: 0
Walltime requested: 00:03:00 : Walltime used: 00:01:36
Cpus requested: 48 :
Cpu Time: 00:36:38 : Cpu percent: 3102
Mem requested: 8gb : Mem used: 2342348kb
VMem requested: None : VMem used: 2342348kb
PMem requested: None : PMem used: None
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
Job Scheduling Priority: “Fair Share”
“Fair Share” assigns priority to jobs based on each project’s recent usage of the system. If a
project has recently used a lot of CPU time, then the priority of their future jobs, relative to
other projects, will be reduced. Once a job runs, it is allowed to complete and is unaffected by
fair share.
Fair share only has an impact when there is contention for resources. Fair Share is calculated at
a project level, so if one member of a project uses a lot of CPU time, future jobs submitted by
that project will have lower priority.
Different queues (see the Job Queues section for a description of each queue) have different
fair share weightings. The small, normal and large queues have a fair share weight of 10,
which is considered to be the “standard” fair share weighting. The high memory and GPU
queues, however, have a fair share weight of 50. If you request excessive resources (for
example, too much memory), your job may be placed in a queue with a higher fair share
In addition to the above accumulation, fair share also decays with a “half-life” of 2 weeks. If
you were to stop or reduce your use of Artemis, your fair share would decrease and the
priority of your future jobs would increase.
Overall, it is best not to worry about fair share. The sooner you submit your jobs, the sooner
they will run.
Job Queues
The qstat -Q command will show a range of queues on the system. Not all of these are
directly available to Artemis users. Some queues are reserved for users with strategic
allocations of compute resources. Your job may be routed to other “internal” queues after
submission depending on the size of your job.
Queues are requested using the following PBS directive:
#PBS -q Queue
Where Queue is the name of the queue you want to place your job in. For example, if you
wanted to place your job into the queue called “defaultQ”, you would write:
#PBS -q defaultQ
Queues available to all users
The queues available to all Artemis users are listed below:
If you don’t specify a queue, your job will be placed in this queue. Once placed in this queue,
your job will be routed to one of the following internal queues based on the resources
requested in your PBS script. The sub-queues of this queue are:
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Highmem (High Memory)
Jobs are routed to these queues based on their resource requests. For details, see the queue
resource limits table.
An “express” queue for small jobs. These jobs will typically start quickly, but will increase your
fair share weight 5 times faster than standard memory jobs in defaultQ This queue is useful for
quickly testing your jobs before submitting a longer job to defaultQ.
A low priority queue that attempts to run jobs on idle resources if and when they are
available. If your job completes it will be “free”, in that it will not increase your fair share
weight at all. The downside is there is no assurance that your job will start. If the system is
heavily utilised it may never run. Additionally, if a job in any other queue requires resources
that a scavenger job is using, the scavenger job will be suspended. If the scavenger job cannot
be resumed within a given period (approximately half the expected run time) it will be
terminated and you will lose all unsaved progress.
This queue grants access to nodes dedicated to input/output (I/O) jobs and can be used to
copy data between Artemis, the Research Data Store and other external locations. It can also
be used for other I/O intensive tasks, like compressing and archiving data, or simply for
moving or copying data around Artemis. Jobs run in this queue will not increase your fair share
weight, but we reserve the right to terminate compute jobs running in this queue. For more
information about using this queue, see the Data Transfer Queue section.
This queue is for running interactive (command line) sessions on a compute node. Interactive
sessions can only be requested using the qsub I command from the command line. You cannot
request an interactive session from a job script. This queue attracts a fair share weighting 10
times higher than standard memory jobs in defaultQ.
This queue is for performing computations with programs that use GPUs (Graphical Processing
Units). To use GPUs, request gpus in the select directive, and submit your job to defaultQ:
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:ngpus=1
ngpus should be 1 or 2 per chunk as GPU nodes have a maximum of 2 GPUs.
Note: The fair share weighting of this queue is 5 times higher than defaultQ.
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
Queue resource limits
Cores Per
Cores per
Memory per
node (GB)
per core
1 day
< 123
< 20
7 days
< 123
< 20
21 days
< 123
< 20
High Memory
7 days
123 to 6144
> 20
7 days
< 123
12 hours
< 123
2 days
< 123
10 days
< 16
4 hours
< 123
The Small, Normal, Large, High Memory and GPU queues are all accessed via the
defaultQ queue. You cannot directly request these queues.
The interactive queue is requested using the qsub -I command via the command
line. You cannot request interactive access with #PBS -q interactive.
The maximum number of jobs a user can have queued is:
o 200 in defaultQ,
o 10 in small-express.
The maximum number of cores one user can simultaneously use is 600.
PBS array jobs are limited to 1000 elements.
N/A = Not Applicable.
Strategic Allocations
Some researchers have access to dedicated compute resources on Artemis. Only members of
the Lead Chief Investigator’s projects may submit jobs to these queues.
Lead Chief Investigator
Associate Professor Luming Shen
Professor David Hensher
Professor John Rasko
Dr. Nicholas Williamson
Dr. Alejandro Montoya
Associate Professor Meredith Jordan
Dr. Fatemeh Salehi
Note: Users with strategic allocations are also free to request their jobs be run in all other
publically accessible queues in addition to their strategic allocation.
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
Data Transfer Queue (dtq)
Artemis has a queue, called dtq, that has nodes with access to /rds (which is the RCOS version
of the Research Data Store) and the internet. This queue is dedicated to running data moving
jobs and other input/output (I/O) intensive work, such as compressing and archiving files,
copying data from Artemis to the Research Data Store, or copying data to and from remote
locations. These nodes have dedicated ethernet and infiniband bandwidth to maximise file
transfer speeds, so they deliver significantly better data transfer and I/O performance than
the login nodes. No other compute nodes on Artemis have access to /rds or the internet. The
login nodes can still be used for very small I/O work, but heavy copy or I/O work should be
submitted to dtq instead.
An example dtq job, which moves the mydata directory from Artemis to RCOS, using an
example project called PANDORA, is shown below:
#PBS -q dtq
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4gb,walltime=1:00:00
rsync -avr /project/PANDORA/mydata /rds/PRJ-PANDORA/
To run this script. You can save it to a file (for example my-copy-job.pbs) and submit it to the
scheduler with the qsub command:
qsub my-copy-job.pbs
Alternatively, the data mover nodes can be used interactively. To gain interactive access to a
data mover node, type the following command:
qsub -I -P PANDORA -q dtq
remembering to replace PANDORA with your abbreviated project name.
The data transfer queue is designed for running file manipulation commands. For example, you
could use wget (for downloading data from the internet), scp, tar, cp, mv, rm, rsync
plus more. This queue, however, is not intended for compute jobs. Compute jobs running in this
queue will be terminated without notice. Since no real compute jobs are allowed to run in this
queue, jobs run in dtq will not contribute to your project’s fair share. However, your current
fair share weight will impact the priority of jobs submitted to this queue.
Resource limits for dtq can be found in the queue resource limits table.
Automating data transfers
The data transfer queue can be used to schedule data transfers and compute jobs that run
sequentially. For example, you could set up jobs that do the following:
1. Submit a dtq job to copy data to Artemis for processing.
2. Submit a processing job that automatically runs after the dtq job successfully
3. Upon successful completion of the processing job:
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a. Have the processing job copy the resultant data to another location on
Artemis; or
b. If the result of processing is to be copied to a destination that is not accessible
from the compute nodes, then submit another dtq job to copy this data to its
remote location.
4. Optionally, delete the data on Artemis that was used for processing.
This entire workflow can be automated using three PBS scripts: copy-in.pbs, process-
data.pbs and copy-out.pbs, shown below.
#PBS -q dtq
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4gb,walltime=00:10:00
rsync -avx /rds/PRJ-PANDORA/input_data /scratch/PANDORA/
#PBS -q defaultQ
#PBS l select=1:ncpus=4:mem=10gb, walltime=20:00:00
cd /scratch/PANDORA/input_data
my-program < input.inp > output.out
#PBS -q dtq
#PBS l select=1:ncpus=1:mem=4gb,walltime=00:10:00
rsync -avx /scratch/PANDORA/input_data/ /rds/PRJ-
Then, you can submit these three scripts (using the -W depend=afterok option) to the
scheduler as follows:
[abcd1234@login1]$ qsub copy-in.pbs
[abcd1234@login1]$ qsub -W depend=afterok:1260945 process-data.pbs
[abcd1234@login1]$ qsub -W depend=afterok:1260945:1260946 copy-out.pbs
If successful, your jobs should look similar to this if you type qstat -u abcd1234:
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
[abcd1234@login1]$ qstat u abcd1234
Req'd Req'd Elap
Job ID Username Queue Jobname SessID NDS TSK Memory Time S Time
--------------- -------- -------- ---------- ------ --- --- ------ ----- - -----
1260945.pbsserv abcd1234 dtq copy-in.pb -- 1 1 4096mb 01:00 R --
1260946.pbsserv abcd1234 small process-da -- 1 1 2gb 01:00 H --
1260947.pbsserv abcd1234 dtq copy-out.p -- 1 1 4096mb 01:00 H --
Note that process-data.pbs and copy-out.pbs are both in the “H” state, which
means they’re being “held” by the scheduler until the previous jobs have terminated
Data transfer script: dt-script
A data transfer script, called dt-script, has been created to help simplify data transfer
and submitting compute jobs on the transferred data. This tool is especially useful if you need
to transfer large amounts of data from RCOS to Artemis before processing it.
The syntax of dt-script is:
dt-script -P PANDORA -f <from> -t <to> -j <job.pbs>
This script uses rsync to copy from the source directory <from> to the destination directory
<to> and then submit the PBS job script contained in job.pbs that will start once the copy
successfully completes.
The arguments this script are shown in the following table:
Short argument
Long argument
The source of the data
The destination of the data
-P <project>
--project <project>
All pbs jobs require a project to run under.
Specify it here.
Skip testing of readable source. Useful if
called from a node and /rds is the source
which is not available on the calling node
-w <walltime>
--walltime <walltime>
Wall Time Required. Default 24:00:00 (24
-ncpus <ncpus>
--ncpus <ncpus>
CPU cores required. Default 1
-mem <mem>
--mem <mem>
RAM Required. Default 4GB
Set the copy job name. (default "dt-script")
-rf <rsync extra
--rflags <rsync extra flags>
Any extra rsync flags you may require
-j <pbs job
--job <pbs job script>
The pbs job script to run after the copy. if
no job script is specified, then no subsequent
job is run
-jf <flags>
--jobflags <flags>
Any extra 'qsub' flags that may be needed
to run the pbs job script specified with --job
-d <depend option>
--depend <depend option>
The default depend option is "afterok". You
may change this to "afterany" or
"afternotok" with this option
-l <logfile>
--log <logfile>
Rather than wait for the PBS output files,
you may specify a log of stdout and stderr
from the rsync command here
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
The script returns the PBS job ID of the last job it submits as follows:
If no PBS job script is specified, the PBS job ID of the dtq job is returned and may be
used as a dependency of subsequent jobs.
If a PBS job script is specified, the PBS job ID of that job is returned.
The source code of dt-script is available to all Artemis users. The path to the script is
/usr/local/bin/dt-script. Feel free to make a copy of this script if you would like
to modify it for your needs.
Example dt-script workflow
An example dt-script workflow, using the example project PANDORA, is shown below:
[abcd1234@login2]$ dt-script -P PANDORA \
-from /rds/PRJ-PANDORA/mydata \
--to /scratch/PANDORA/ \
--job /scratch/PANDORA/run-processing.pbs
[abcd1234@login2]$ qstat u abcd1234
Req'd Req'd Elap
Job ID Username Queue Jobname SessID NDS TSK Memory Time S Time
--------------- -------- -------- ---------- ------ --- --- ------ ----- - -----
1261576.pbsserv abcd1234 dtq dt-script -- 1 1 4gb 24:00 Q --
1261577.pbsserv abcd1234 small process-da -- 1 1 2gb 01:00 H --
After verifying the processing job ran successfully, you can transfer data back to RCOS using
another dt-script command.
[abcd1234@login2]$ dt-script -P PANDORA \
--from /scratch/PANDORA/mydata/ \
--to /rds/PRJ-PANDORA/mydata_output
[abcd1234@login2]$ qstat -u abcd1234
Req'd Req'd Elap
Job ID Username Queue Jobname SessID NDS TSK Memory Time S Time
--------------- -------- -------- ---------- ------ --- --- ------ ----- - -----
1261588.pbsserv abcd1234 dtq dt-script -- 1 1 4gb 24:00 Q --
Finally, you can remove any temporary data from Artemis after checking all data was
successfully transferred to RCOS:
[abcd1234@login2]$ rm /scratch/PANDORA/mydata/*
[abcd1234@login2]$ rmdir /scratch/PANDORA/mydata
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
Compiling on Artemis
Researchers using the Artemis service have access to the following compiler suites to compile
and debug their own code:
GNU (i.e. GCC, G++, gfortran)
Portland Group (PGI)
Small compiliations may be performed on the login nodes, but large compiliations should be
done by submitting a job or by starting an interactive session. Some large compilations will
fail if performed on the login nodes (especially Java compilation).
To use the GNU compilers, load the GNU compiler modules:
module load gcc
module load gcc openmpi-gcc
for OpenMPI programs.
There are many versions of the GNU compilers installed on Artemis. To see what versions are
available, run the following command:
module avail |& grep gcc
The following table shows the various commands to use when compiling code, depending on
the language and style of execution being used:
Single CPU
Using MPI
Using OpenMP
gfortran -fopenmp
gcc -fopenmp
g++ -fopenmp
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
To use the PGI compiler, load the PGI modules with the following command:
module load pgi
module load openmpi-pgi
for OpenMPI programs.
The following table shows the various commands to use when compiling code, depending on
the language and style of execution being used:
Single CPU
Using MPI
Using OpenMP
pgf90 -mp
pgcc -mp
pgCC -mp
To use the Intel compilers, load the Intel modules with the following command:
module load intel
module load intel-mpi
for Intel MPI programs.
The following table shows the various commands to use when compiling code, depending on
the language and style of execution being used:
Single CPU
Using MPI
Using OpenMP
ifort -openmp
icc -openmp
icpc -openmp
To use Java compilers, load the java module with the following command:
module load java
The java compiler is called javac. Node that all Java compilations performed on the login
nodes will fail. To compile Java code on Artemis, submit a Java compilation job to Artemis, or
compile your Java program in an interactive session.
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
To take advantage of the GPU accelerated compute nodes, your code will need to be
modified to run in the hybrid GPGPU environment. The compile chain will need to specify that
the target is GPU via the target argument to the pgcc/pgfortran compiler. This include the
compiler argument: -ta=nvidia. This compiler flag tells the PGI compiler to compile for the
Nvidia GPU.
The preferred method of accessing GPUs is to use the NVIDIA CUDA toolkit:
module load cuda
which places the nvcc compiler in your path. See the NVIDIA CUDA programming guide for
more details.
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
Research data store (RDS)
The University of Sydney provides a research data storage service (called RDS) to researchers
at the University of Sydney to meet modern data handling requirements. Data in the RDS is
regularly backed up, has built in redundancy, and is covered by the University’s Information
Security Policy.
There are two different RDS services: Classic RDS and Research Computing Optimised Storage
(RCOS). Of these two, RCOS is the easiest to use with Artemis.
Transferring data between RCOS and Artemis
RCOS is a linux-based (NFS) file server, and can be accessed from Artemis login nodes and
the data transfer queue in the directory:
where PANDORA is an example abbreviated project name. If your abbreviated project name
is TEST, then your RCOS storage is in the directory:
If you are logged into Artemis, you can use standard linux shell commands, such as cp, rsync
and mv to move data to and from Artemis and RCOS.
Note: Only the Artemis login nodes and data transfer nodes can access /rds. If you need to
analyse data on Artemis, you must transfer your data from /rds to either /project or
/scratch before submitting your job.
Transferring data between RCOS and your local computer
For instructions on transferring data to and from RCOS and your local computer, refer to the
RCOS guide (
Note: RCOS data is stored in the directory starting with /rds only. Do not store your data in
/home on RCOS because this directory is not visible on Artemis.
For further information about RCOS, see the Ask Sydney page.
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March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
Classic RDS
Transferring data between Classic RDS and Artemis using a GUI
The most straightforward way to transfer data between Artemis and Classic RDS is to mount
Classic RDS as a network drive on your computer following the instructions here:
network-drive-so-i-can-access-my-network-storage%3F, then connect to Artemis using
Cyberduck and drag-and-drop data between the Cyberduck window (which shows data on
Artemis) and the Classic RDS network drive.
Transferring data between Classic RDS and Artemis using the command line
Alternatively, it is possible to transfer data from Artemis to Classic RDS via the Artemis
command line using smbclient. To connect to Classic RDS from Artemis, type the following
smbclient // -U
abcd1234 -W SHARED
where abcd1234 is your unikey and VolumeName is the name of the volume where your
data is stored, which is usually a faculty code, like FSC for the Faculty of Science, or FEI for the
Faculty of Engineering and IT.
If you successfully logged in, your command prompt will change to this:
smb: \>
Once logged into smbclient, your command prompt will allow you to navigate the Classic
RDS filesystem using commands like cd and ls. To move a file from Artemis to Classic RDS,
use put. To move a file from Classic RDS to Artemis, use get. For example, to move a file
called my_data.out from Artemis to Classic RDS, type:
smb: \> put my_data.out
To move a file called other_data.txt from Classic RDS to Artemis, type:
smb: \> get other_data.txt
To move multiple files using a single command, use the mput and mget commands (multiple
put and multiple get). By default, smbclient will ask to confirm whether you want to transfer
each individual file. To disable this functionality, type prompt off before using mput or
mget commands:
smb: \> prompt off
smb: \> mput my_data*
To run commands on Artemis while logged into smbclient, place an exclamation mark before
your command. For example, to view files in your current directory on Artemis, type:
Date published: 16
March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
smb: \> !ls
To transfer data recursively from Artemis to Classic RDS (that is, from the current directory and
all sub-directories), use the recurse command:
smb: \> recurse on
smb: \> prompt off
smb: \> mput directory
where directory is the directory you want to copy to Classic RDS. The recurse on and
prompt off commands toggle recursive mode and disable prompting for every file
transfer, so these only need to be run once. To move data from Classic RDS to Artemis, replace
mput with mget.
Date published: 16
March, 2017. © The University of Sydney
A virtual computer. It is possible to have multiple virtual computers on one
physical computer.
Chief Investigator
Classic RDS
Windows-based file server that is backed up regularly
Central Processing Unit. Technically these two are different, but they are used
interchangeably in this document.
An extensive collection of open source software, including compilers.
Graphics Processing Unit
Graphical User Interface
High Performance Computing
Intel Compiler Suite
Intersect High Performance Computer
A high performance filesystem
Message Passing Interface
National Computational Infrastructure
A physical computer. Artemis is comprised of many nodes.
A shared memory parallelism application programming interface
An open source implementation of Message Passing Interface
Portable Batch System
Portland Group Compiler Suite
A secure shell client for Windows
Random Access Memory
Research Computing Optimised Storage - A linux-based file server that is
backed up regularly
Research Data Management Plan
Research Data Store
Secure File Transfer Protocol
Secure Shell
A command line interface to a computer
Your Sydney University Unique ID
Virtual Private Network