JUNE 21, 2022
1. Live Broadcast of the June 21, 2022 PSD School Board Meeting
1.01 Link for Live Broadcast
2. Call to Order
President Hein called the meeting of the Parkland School Board to order at 7:12 pm at the
Administration Center.
PR-Present AB-Absent
Non-members present: Dr. Mark Madson, Superintendent, Leslie Frisbie, Director of
Business Administration/Board Secretary, Attorney C. Steven Miller, Solicitor.
Also present were the following: Dr. Michelle Minotti, Assistant Superintendent, James
Moniz, Parkland High School Principal, Jude Sandt, Springhouse Middle School Principal,
Karen Aulisio, Jeffery Bartman, Scott Bartman, Timothy Chorones and Damian Goodman,
elementary school principals, Brenda DeRenzo , Director of Student Services, David Keppel,
Director of School Services, Nicole McGalla, Director of Community and Public Relations,
Kelly Rosario, Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Professional Development, Lori Seier,
Director of Food Services, Nancy Bramer, Elizabeth Moyer, Christie Schlaner and Justina
Verile, employees, Emily Bachl, Aubrey Brinton, Brandon Cai, Victor Cai, Shlok Dholakia, Kate
Gilchrist, Thomas Gilchrist, Gabrielle Hochmiller, Gabriel Horvath, Zainab Jaffer, Amish
Kapoor Aryan Kapoor, Siddhant Khandelwal, Chase Klever, Sydney Klever, Kylie Knafo, Krish
Malik, Vedant Malik, Tushar Mehta, Emily Mericle, Anish Pallod, Shivam Patel, CJ Ray, Swarna
Rishika, Shashwat Sharma, Ronith Soman, Aaditri Suresh, Aishwarya Suresh, Madelyn
Wascure, Max Xu, Vivan Xu, Rishab Yanala, students, William Allen, Charles Braymer, Dean
Browing, Qian Cai, Yi Cai, Nate Davidson, James Gilchrist, Dory Hochmiller, David Horvath,
Qian Huang, Mujtaba Jaffer, Mustafa Jaffer, Natalie Janotka, Sachin Kapoor, Shashi Kapoor,
Kirk Klever, Heidi Knafo, Terry Knafo, Lisa Lesko, Shweta Malik, Vishal Malik, Sanjay Mehta,
Shuchi Mehta, Sheri Mericle, Ami Patel, Amita Pallod, Kishor Pallod, Vicki Ferrence Ray, Leslie
Reichwein, Priya Surush, Lisa Tan, Suresh Venugopal, Jim Vinup, Marie Vinup, Laura
Warmkessel, Beth Whitehill-Finch, Vivan Xu, Poashante Yanala, Visitor 1, visitors, Susan
Rumble, The Parkland Press.
Robert Cohen
Jarrett Coleman
Carol Facchiano
Patrick Foose
David Hein
Lisa Roth
Annette Wilcox
Marisa Ziegler
Jay Rohatgi
3. Pledge of Allegiance
3.01 Pledge of Allegiance
4. Student Recognition
4.01 All State Chorus
Mr. Moniz recognized Emily Bachl who participated in All State Chorus.
4.02 US Physics Olympiad Bronze Medalists
Mr. Moniz recognized the US Physics Olympiad Bronze Medalists Victor Cai and Shlok
4.03 Math Olympiad
Mr. Moniz recognized Math Olympiad Victor Cai.
4.04 PA Junior Academy of Science (PJAS) State Competition Perfect Score Recipients
Ms. Schlaner and Dr. Sandt recognized the following students: PHS - Ronith Soman,
Siddhant Khandelwal, Aishwarya Suresh, OMS - Tushar Mehta, Sydney Klever, and Madelyn
Wascure, SMS - Aryan Kapoor, Vivian Xu and Zainab Jaffer.
4.05 Delaware Valley Science Fair Category Award Winners
Mr. Moniz and Dr. Sandt recognized the following students: SMS - Vedant Malik (Gold
Medal, 1st Place Medicine and Health Category) and Zainab Jaffer (1st Place Botany
Category), PHS - Brandon Cai (Gold Medal, 1st), Shashwat Sharma (1st), Swarna Rishika
Suresh (1st), Rishab Yanala (1st), OMS - Tushar Mehta (overall Silver Medalist)
4.06 Broadcom Masters Science Finalist
Ms. Schlaner recognized OMS student Kate Gilchrist.
4.07 PA STEM K’Nex State Competition
Dr. Sandt recognized the following students: SMS - Aubrey Brinton, CJ Ray, Anish Pallod and
Shivam Patel - 2nd in State for Cargo on Wheels project.
4.08 PA Media and Design State Competition Category Award Winners
Dr. Sandt recognized SMS student - Anish Pallod (1st Place Programming Category).
4.09 Superintendent’s Student Leadership Council
Dr. Madson recognized students who participated in the Student Leadership Council from
the High School and Middle Schools. Members of the council shared their experiences on
the Council this past school year.
5. Approval of Minutes
5.01 May 17, 2022School Board Meeting
5.02 June 13, 2022- Academics, Arts and Athletics Committee Meeting
5.03 June 13, 2022 - Buildings and Grounds Committee
5.04 June 13, 2022 - Personnel and Finance Committee
Moved: Ms. Facchiano
Vote: 8-0, 1 abstention
Facchiano, D. Hein, L. Roth, A.
Nay: n/a
Abstention: P. Foose
6. Report of Executive Sessions
Ms. Frisbie reported that Executive Session was held on June 21, 2022 at 6:15pm to discuss
safety and security.
7. Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report
8.01 Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, D. Hein, L. Roth, A.
Wilcox, M. Ziegler, J. Rohatgi,
Nay: n/a
8. Public Comment of Agenda Items
Dean Browning commented on Agenda Item 9.01, the proposed tax increase.
Beth Whitehill-Finch commented on Agenda item 9.01, the proposed tax increase.
9. Adoption of Parkland School District General Fund Budget for 2022-2023
9.01 Adoption of Parkland School District General Fund Budget for 2022-2023
The Administration recommends that the Board of School Directors, pursuant to Section 687
of the Public School Code, adopt the General Fund Budget for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2022 to
June 30, 2023 as presented on the attached PDE-2028 which sets forth total projected
expenditures in the amount of $216,244,747 and a real estate tax rate of 15.90 mills ($1.590
per $100 of assessed valuation of taxable property).
The following taxes shall continue in force for Fiscal Year 2022-2023:
Local Services Tax under The Local Tax Enabling Act
Earned Income Tax (collected at .5%) * under The Local Tax
Enabling Act
Real Property Transfer Tax (collected at .5%) * under The Local
Tax Enabling Act
The following taxes shall continue in force for Fiscal Year 2022-2023 but are not collected:
Per Capita Tax under the Public
School Code
$ 5
Per Capita Tax under The Local Tax
Enabling Act
*When two political subdivisions impose and collect an Earned Income Tax or a Real Estate
Property Transfer Tax on the same person or transaction located within both political
subdivisions during the same year or part of the same year, then the tax levied by the
political subdivision shall be imposed and collected at one-half the rate. Section 311(12) of
The Local Tax Enabling Act [53 P.S. §6924.311(12)].
Mr. Foose read a prepared statement. I request my remarks be placed in the record. I do
not believe that this tax increase is appropriate for fiscal year 2022-2023. We are facing a
serious inflation crisis globally. In our area alone, gas has gone up to 4.81 or higher and the
cost for necessities like milk has risen to 3.69 a gallon. With apartments in our area costing
anywhere from $1,750 on up for two to three bedrooms, a single parent making anywhere
from $12 to $25 dollars will struggle to make ends meet. Additionally, we are seeing the cost
for electricity, oil, cable, internet, groceries, and the overall costs for living skyrocket. No
parent should have to work two plus jobs to barely get by. We have a fiduciary responsibility
to all our stakeholders-regardless of socioeconomic status. Now is the time to tighten our
belt in areas that don't negatively affect the quality of education our children receive. I was
disheartened to see at our buildings and grounds committee that the cost for breakfasts and
lunches were proposed to go up this next school year. I was relieved when my colleagues on
that committee agreed with that sentiment and no increase will occur this coming year for
our district families. While costs are going up, the district must support our families in their
hour of financial need. Thank you and I yield back my time.
Mr. Rohatgi commented that we are in an inflationary period and he understands the need
to maintain programs, but we have a lot of taxpayers on fixed incomes. He stated he was
voting no.
Ms. Ziegler commented that the Act 1 Increase was 3.4% and the Proposed Tax increase is
1.2%. The district has not raised taxes in two years and we still have a budgetary shortfall.
Parkland has the lowest millage rate in Lehigh County and the proposed increase would be
$17 to the average taxpayer. She noted except for the two years of no tax increases, the
1.2% increase is the smallest increase since 2015.
Mr. Coleman commented about the rising cost of groceries and other costs that have
drastically increased. He stated PSD has little control over the Federal and State
government, but we have control to raise taxes. He stated the Administration brought
forward a proposal with a zero tax increase and his position was that if the Administration
said there was no need to raise taxes, then there’s no need. We should look at options to
tighten the budget and not raise taxes. He commented on the idea to raise taxes in smaller
amounts is insane and he stated he would vote no.
Ms. Wilcox commented that raising taxes is never a popular decision and that everyone,
including the district is feeling the effects of rising costs. The district needs to maintain its
buildings and pay its staff. She stated she’s willing to make the hard decisions.
Ms. Roth commented that part of the Board’s duties is to budget but also long-range plan.
She said at Budget Seminar the Board was presented with options and there are anticipated
increases in demographics in the next five years. We will most likely need another building
to house the additional students. This budget is still using fund balance and the district
needs to keep funds in place for serious conditions that arise in the future.
Mr. Coleman asked if the budget vote could be tabled for further discussion?
Mr. Hein responded that the Board would vote on the budget. He also commented that the
Board did receive tax proposals, but that long-term planning plays into the planning. The
district is also not immune to rising costs and has increases in pension, charter, special
education and other mandated programs. There is $5.1M of fund balance being utilized to
balance the budget and that the administration looked at all departments and reviewed the
budget requests to ensure items are needed and necessary to run a high class program.
Ms. Facchiano commented that she was voting for the tax increase. At budget seminar we
discussed a zero option, but also presented options for discussion. With the increase in
gaming funds, the tax increase to the average taxpayer would be $17. Fund Balance is the
district’s savings account and we would need to use $7M if we don’t raise taxes. The district
is not exempt from the rising costs and she stated she does want to leave future board with
no savings account.
Roll Call Vote:
Moved: Mr. Cohen
Vote: 6-3
D. Hein, L. Roth, A. Wilcox, M.
Nay: J. Coleman, J. Rohatgi,
P. Foose
9.02 Adoption of Homestead/Farmstead Exclusion Resolution for Fiscal Year 2022-2023.
Moved: Mr. Cohen
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
10. Parkland Community Library
10.01 Levy and Collection of Annual Special Library Tax
Under the authority of the Public Library Code and in accordance with the voter referendum
of November 3, 1998 and as a result of Lehigh County reassessment and change in the
predetermined ratio effective for school districts July 1, 2013, the annual Special Library Tax
is levied and collected at the rate of .1 mills for fiscal year July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023.
Moved: Ms. Roth
Vote: 7-2
D. Hein, L. Roth, J. Rohatgi, A.
Nay: J. Coleman, P. Foose
11. Academics, Arts & Athletics Committee Mrs. Marisa Ziegler, Chairperson
11.01 Apple Hardware Technology Refresh
The Committee recommends that the Board approve and authorize the Board President to
execute the attached quote (#2211222690) for a total purchase price of $73,909.00
submitted by Apple Inc. for technology products as described in the quote. Pricing is
determined through a competitive bid process under the Technology Bidding and
Purchasing Program (PEPPM) administered through the Central Susquehanna Intermediate
Unit. The purchase will be funded through the Elementary and Secondary School
Emergency Relief (ESSER) III Fund.
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
11.02 Approval of Quote from BorderLan Cyber Security for Purchase of NetRef Software
The Committee recommends that the Board approve the attached quote #BLIQ3099 from
BorderLAN Cyber Security for a one-year subscription to NetRef software at a cost of
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
11.03 Approval of Agreement for Discovery Education Streaming
The Committee recommends renewal of the Discovery Education Streaming Agreement
between the Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit #21 and the Parkland School District at an
annual fee of $10,513.80 for a term of one year, effective July 1, 2022, as attached.
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
11.04 Award of Bids for Middle and Elementary Physical Education Supplies for 2022-2023
The Committee recommends that the Board award the following bid for Middle and
Elementary Physical Education Supplies for the 2022-2023 school year:
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
11.05 Approval of Overnight Field Trips
The Committee recommends approval of the following overnight field trips:
FBLA to National Leadership Conference in Chicago, IL; June 28-July 2, 2022
Parkland TV to Long Beach, CA; March 15-19, 2023
Parkland Chorale & Vera Voce to Washington, DC; May 5-7, 2023
OMS 8th Grade Students to Washington, DC; May 19-21, 2023
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
11.06 Approval of Quote from Dollamur Sport Surfaces for a Wrestling Mat
The Committee recommends that the Board approve the attached quote #6770 from
Dollamur Sport Surfaces for the purchase of a wrestling mat at a cost of $11,499.00.
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
11.07 Approval of Quote from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for K-6 Digital Licenses
The Committee recommends approval of the attached quote from Houghton Mifflin
Harcourt Publishing Company for a digital license to mathematics materials for grades
kindergarten through six (6). Total cost of the six-year subscription is $860,440.18.
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
School Health
Total Bid
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
11.08 Approval of Quote from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt for Training for Math Curriculum
The Committee recommends approval of the attached quote from Houghton Mifflin
Harcourt Publishing Company for the provision of Training and Coaching for new
instructional materials for the mathematics curriculum in grades kindergarten through
12. Total cost of the training is $86,400.00.
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
11.09 Approval of Quote from Bedford, Freeman & Worth for High School Statistics
The Committee recommends approval of the attached Quote #00079189 from Bedford,
Freeman & Worth for instructional materials for a High School Statistics and Probability
course. Total cost of the materials including shipping is $10,579.59
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
11.10 Approval of Quote from Bedford, Freeman & Worth for High School AP Statistics
The Committee recommends approval of the attached Quote #00079187 from Bedford,
Freeman & Worth for instructional materials for a High School Advanced Placement Statistics
and Probability course. Total cost of the materials including shipping is $20,575.80.
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
11.11 Approval of Quote from Bedford, Freeman & Worth for High School AP Statistics
The Committee recommends approval of the attached Quote #00079188 from Bedford,
Freeman & Worth for instructional materials for a High School Advanced Placement Calculus
course. Total cost of the materials including shipping is $43,987.13.
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
11.12 Approval of Quote from Centage Learning for High School Mathematics Instructional
The Committee recommends approval of the attached Quote #5878987 from Cengage
Learning for instructional materials for High School Mathematics curriculum.
$ 18,045.00
$ 53,550.00
$ 118,560.00
Shipping &
$ 9,507.75
$ 199,662.75
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
11.13 Approval of Quote from Centage Learning for Middle and High School Mathematics
Instructional Materials
The Committee recommends approval of the attached Quote #5673957 from Cengage
Learning for instructional materials for Middle and High School Mathematics curriculum.
Grade 7 Resources
$ 11,088.00
Grade 8 Resources
$ 12,096.00
Grade 7 Accelerated
$ 51,975.00
Algebra 1 Student Resources
$ 125,034.00
Algebra 1 Teacher Resources
$ 21,735.00
Algebra 2 Student Resources
$ 88,452.00
Geometry Student
$ 79,170.00
Integration Service Fee
$ 1,500.00
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
11.14 Approval of Title I Program
The Title I program will be school-wide in all elementary buildings. The program provides
reading remediation for students in kindergarten through fifth grade. Parkland is the pass-
through district for Title I funds allocated to KidsPeace. Approval is recommended for the
district's administration to apply for the 2022-23 Consolidated Grant for the Title projects. A
waiver is no longer needed, all schools are eligible to be schoolwide Title, regardless of
poverty statistics.
The following is a breakdown of the total allocation:
$ 337,276.00
Parkland School District
TOTAL Title 1 Allocation
Allocations for the non-public schools within Parkland School District will be distributed as
St. Joseph the Worker
$ 22,965.00
Moved: Ms. Roth
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
11.15 Approval of Title II Program
The focus for 2022-2023 of Title II of the Education and Economic Security Act of 1984 is
teacher quality, class size reduction, and professional development. Approval is
recommended for the district’s Administration to apply for the 2022-2023 Title II allocation in
the amount of $290,063.00.
Shipping & Handling
$ 19,552.50
$ 410,602.50
Allocations for the non-public schools within Parkland School District will be distributed as
St. Joseph
the Worker
Jewish Day
Moved: Ms. Roth
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
11.16 Approval of Title III Program
Title III funds support the district’s Language Instruction Educational Program or LIEP. The
allocated funds are used to employ a part-time teaching assistant for the high school LIEP. In
addition, funds are used for professional development, parent outreach events and
supplemental instructional materials. Approval is recommended for the district’s
administration to apply for the 2022-2023 allocation in the amount of $62,434.00.
Moved: Ms. Roth
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
11.17 Approval of Title IV Program
Title IV funds support the district’s Personalized Learning Initiative and Safe and Healthy
Schools. Approval is recommended for the district’s administration to apply for the 2022-
2023 allocation in the amount of $119,741.00.
(Approximately $5,000 will be allocated for the non-public schools within the Parkland
School District.)
Allocations for the non-public schools within Parkland School District will be distributed as
St. Joseph the
Worker School
Jewish Day
Moved: Ms. Roth
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
12. Buildings and Grounds Committee Mr. Patrick H. Foose, Chairperson
12.01 Cafeteria Prices for 2022-2023
The Committee recommends the following cafeteria prices for the 2022-2023 school year:
Elementary Lunch
Secondary Lunch
Adult Lunch
Elementary Breakfast
Secondary Breakfast
Adult Breakfast
Reduced Price Lunch
Reduced Price Breakfast
Moved: Mr. Foose
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
12.02 Approval of Bid from Valley Builders for Ironton Kindergarten Classroom Restroom
The Committee recommends that the Board accept the bid submitted by Valley Builders for
the construction of a restroom in a kindergarten classroom at Ironton Elementary School in
the amount of $81,835.00. This project will be funded through the Capital Projects Fund.
Moved: Mr. Foose
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
12.03 Approval of Construction Change Orders
The Committee recommends the approval of the following construction change orders:
New Bus Garage
CO #1Philips Brothers ElectricCredit for Building PermitDeduct $1,254.00
CO #2Philips Brothers ElectricCredit for unused contract allowanceDeduct
CO #1Warko GroupCredit for Building PermitDeduct $1,294.00
CO #2Warko GroupCredit for unused contract allowanceDeduct $2,300.00
1. CO #1Valley BuildersCredit for Plumbing/HVACDeduct $29,130.00
Moved: Mr. Foose
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
12.04 Approval of Quote from Donaldson Company for Replacement of Dust Collection
Unit at High School
The Committee recommends that the Board accept the bid submitted by Donaldson
Company, Inc. for the replacement of the dust collection unit at Parkland High School in the
amount of $18,670.00, plus freight. The School Services Maintenance Department will
provide installation.
Moved: Mr. Foose
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
12.05 Approval of Software License Agreement from GE Software, Inc. for Bus Fleet
The Committee recommends that the Board approve and authorize the Board President to
execute the attached EKOS Software License Agreement from GE Software, Inc. The
software is used to track the maintenance of the buses and the entire vehicle fleet. This
five-year contract has an initial one-time set up fee of $11,000.00 with an annual fee of
Moved: Mr. Foose
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
12.06 Approval of Quote from Backupify, Inc. for subscription to Backupify Enterprise
Backup Solution
The Committee recommends that the Board approve and authorize the Board President to
execute the attached Quote #00252110 from Backupify, Inc. in the amount of $11,226.60
for a one-year subscription to Backupify Enterprise Backup Solution to provide automated
backup for Google Workspace and Office 365.
Moved: Mr. Foose
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
12.07 Approval of Proposal from Comm-Tech AV LLC for Projection Equipment at Parkway
Manor Elementary School
The Committee recommends that the Board approve and authorize the Board President to
execute the attached proposal from Comm-Tech AV LLC in the amount of $19,744.00 for the
installation of a complete rear screen projection system for Parkway Manor Elementary
Gymnasium. Hardware and services are purchased through Comm-Tech’s COSTARS contract
and will be funded through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)
Moved: Mr. Foose
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
12.08 Approval of Proposal from Comm-Tech AV, LLC for Projection Equipment at Cetronia
Elementary School
The Committee recommends that the Board approve and authorize the Board President to
execute the attached proposal from Comm-Tech AV LLC in the amount of $19,744.00 for the
installation of a complete rear screen projection system for Cetronia Elementary
Gymnasium. Hardware and services are purchased through Comm-Tech’s COSTARS contract
and will be funded through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)
Moved: Mr. Foose
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
13. Personnel and Finance Committee - Ms. Carol L. Facchiano, Chairperson
13.01 Personnel Items
a. Andrew W. Bauer, Instrumental Music Teacher at Springhouse Middle School, has resigned
effective at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.
b. Maria L. Solotruk, Food Services Employee, has resigned effective June 8, 2022.
c. Valarie A. Hoffman, part-time Custodian at Springhouse Middle School, has retired after 9
years of service effective May 10, 2022.
d. Anthony M. Chidiac, Mechanic Helper, is resigning effective June 24, 2022.
e. Sinan A. Salih, School Bus Driver, has resigned effective May 18, 2022.
f. Dale A. Lakatosh, Jr., part-time Custodian at Ironton Elementary School, has retired after 5
years of service effective June 9, 2022.
g. Gordon Giannotti, part-time Custodian at Orefield Middle School, is retiring after 6 years
of service, effective August 15, 2022.
h. Brooke E. Zumas, Wrestling Assistant Coach at Parkland High School, has resigned effective
June 1, 2022.
i. Michael S. Dobil, .5 Assistant Athletic Director at Parkland High School, is resigning effective
June 30, 2022.
j. Melanie Romano, School Bus Driver, has resigned effective June 9, 2022.
Remove from Summer Maintenance Rolls
a. Lori Silfies, Linda Kloss, Sandra Daniels
Request for Extension of Childrearing Leave of Absence
a. Erin L. Wehr, Study Skills Teacher at Springhouse and Orefield Middle Schools, through the
end of the first marking period of the 2022-2023 school year.
b. Megan E. Posegay, First Grade Teacher at Veterans Memorial Elementary School, through
the end of the 2022-2023 school year.
Request for FMLA - The following individual has requested a leave of absence under the
Family Medical Leave Act. Approval of this request is recommended in accordance with the
FMLA guidelines.
a. Jamie L. McDonnell, Guidance Counselor at Parkway Manor Elementary School, from May
11, 2022, not to exceed 12 weeks.
Request for Sabbatical Leave of Absence for Professional Development
a. Jason E. Figueroa, Fourth Grade Teacher at Kratzer Elementary School, from August 23,
2022, through the end of the 2022-2023 school year.
Change of Status
a. Jared R. Howard, from Technology Paraprofessional to Computer Technician at Fogelsville
and Veterans Memorial Elementary Schools, effective July 1, 2022, at an annual salary of
$58,915, to replace Joanne Quinn who retired.
b. Amanda M. Anderson, from Technology Paraprofessional to Computer Technician at
Parkland High School, effective July 1, 2022, at an annual salary of $58,915, to replace Greg
Parlo who had a change of assignment.
c. Shadab R. Ashraf, from part-time to full-time English as a Second Language Teacher at
Parkland High School, effective August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,575, for a new .5
position approved in the 2022-2023 budget.
d. Nicole M. Barker, from Alternate Temporary Professional Employee to Temporary
Professional Employee Fourth Grade Teacher at Schnecksville Elementary School, effective
August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $65,495.
e. Lindsay A. Dobil, from Alternate Temporary Professional Employee to Temporary
Professional Employee First Grade Teacher at Veterans Memorial Elementary School,
effective August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $68,996.
f. Stephanie E. Evans, from Alternate Temporary Professional Employee to Temporary
Professional Employee First Grade Teacher at Parkway Manor Elementary School, effective
August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,575.
g. Kelly M. Flicker, from Alternate Temporary Professional Employee to Temporary
Professional Employee Third Grade Teacher at Fogelsville Elementary School, effective
August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,775.
h. Jill J. Hammer, from Alternate Temporary Professional Employee to a Professional
Employee Fifth Grade Teacher at Fogelsville Elementary School, effective August 23, 2022, at
an annual salary of $70,553.
i. Cynthia A. Herring, from Alternate Temporary Professional Employee to Temporary
Professional Employee Kindergarten Teacher at Fogelsville Elementary School, effective
August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,775.
j. Jordan L. Hodge, from Alternate Temporary Professional Employee to a Temporary
Professional Employee Learning Support Teacher at Kernsville Elementary School, effective
August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,675.
k. Lauren E. Patton, from Alternate Temporary Professional Employee to Temporary
Professional Employee Learning Support Teacher at Parkway Manor Elementary School,
effective August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,775.
l. Jaymi R. Sam, from Alternate Temporary Professional Employee to Temporary Professional
Employee Kindergarten Teacher at Kernsville Elementary School, effective August 23, 2022,
at an annual salary of $59,775.
m. Gena M. Stoverink, from Alternate Temporary Professional Employee to Temporary
Professional Employee English Teacher at Parkland High School, effective August 23, 2022, at
an annual salary of $68,996.
Employment of Personnel - The following individuals are recommended for employment,
pending receipt of required paperwork:
a. Lisa N. Lesko, as Principal of Fogelsville Elementary School, effective date to be
determined, at an annual salary of $115,000, prorated, to replace Timothy Chorones who
had a change of status.
b. Justina N. Verile, as Elementary Dean of Students, effective July 1, 2022, at an annual
stipend of $5,000, for a new position approved in the 2022-2023 budget.
c. Erik W. Troutman, as Project Manager at the Troxell Building, effective July 1, 2022, at an
annual salary of $105,000, for a new position approved in the 2022-2023 budget.
d. Kristina R. Corominas, as Supervisor of Special Education at the Administration Center,
effective July 18, 2022, at an annual salary of $109,000, prorated, for a new position
approved in the 2022-2023 budget.
e. Jessica J. Bean, as a Reading Specialist at Cetronia Elementary School, effective August 23,
2022, at an annual salary of $72,110. Ms. Bean is recommended as a Professional Employee
to replace Ruth Tice who retired.
f. Kelsey M. Binder, as an English Teacher at Springhouse Middle School, effective August 23,
2022, at an annual salary of $59,575. Ms. Binder is recommended as a Temporary
Professional Employee for a new position approved in the 2022-2023 budget.
g. Mark A. Figueroa, as an Instrumental Music Teacher at Cetronia and Kratzer Elementary
Schools, effective August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $60,174. Mr. Figueroa is
recommended as a Professional Employee to replace Scott Watson who retired.
h. Kylie M. Foulke, as a Speech/Language Therapist at Fred J. Jaindl Elementary School and
Orefield Middle School, effective August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $68,217.50. Ms.
Foulke is recommended as a Temporary Professional Employee for a new position approved
in the 2022-2023 budget.
i. Chey N. Garvin, as a Sign Language Teacher at Parkland High School, effective August 23,
2022, at an annual salary of $71,264. Ms. Garvin is recommended as a Temporary
Professional Employee to replace Jill Fuller who retired.
j. Jonathan S. Gray, as an Emotional Support Teacher at Schnecksville Elementary School,
effective August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $79,049. Mr. Gray is recommended as a
Professional Employee to replace Daneen Dex who had a change of assignment.
k. Marisa M. Gribble, as a Second Grade Teacher at Ironton Elementary School, effective
August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,775. Ms. Gribble is recommended as a
Temporary Professional Employee to replace Allison Stoudt who resigned.
l. Allison Haberman, as a Second Grade Teacher at Ironton Elementary School, effective
August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $75,935. Ms. Haberman is recommended as a
Professional Employee to replace Brian Mauerman who resigned.
m. Sarah C. Heidecker, as a Learning Support Teacher at Parkway Manor Elementary School,
effective August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,475. Ms. Heidecker is recommended as
a Temporary Professional Employee for a new position approved in the 2022-2023 budget.
n. Amanda L. Hein, as a Second Grade Teacher at Schnecksville Elementary School, effective
August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,475. Ms. Hein is recommended as a Temporary
Professional Employee to replace Mindy Marciniak who has a change of assignment.
o. Margaret M. Kennedy, as a Kindergarten Teacher at Schnecksville Elementary School,
effective August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $68,996. Ms. Kennedy is recommended as a
Temporary Professional Employee due to increased enrollment.
p. Erica M. Kerr, as a Second Grade Teacher at Ironton Elementary School, effective August
23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,375. Ms. Kerr is recommended as a Temporary
Professional Employee to replace Courtney Lee who had a change of assignment.
q. Michelle B. Kirn, as a Fourth Grade Teacher at Kratzer Elementary School, effective August
23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,475. Ms. Kirn is recommended as a Substitute for a
Temporary Vacancy to replace Jason Figueroa who will be on a Sabbatical Leave of Absence
for Professional Development.
r. Patricia A. Maskiell, as a Fifth Grade Teacher at Kratzer Elementary School, effective August
23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,475, prorated. Ms. Maskiell is recommended as a
Substitute for a Temporary Vacancy to replace Ellen Murphy who is on a childrearing leave of
s. Zachary T. Merkle, as a Learning Support Teacher at Orefield Middle School, effective
August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,575. Mr. Merkle is recommended as a
Professional Employee to replace Danielle Creighton who had a change of assignment.
t. Trevor J. Miller, as a Business Education Teacher at Parkland High School, effective August
23, 2022, at an annual salary of $70,553. Mr. Miller is recommended as a Professional
Employee to replace Linda Weller who had a change of status.
u. Nicole Peploe, as a Learning Support Teacher at Fred J. Jaindl Elementary School, effective
August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,375, prorated. Ms. Peploe is recommended as a
Substitute for a Temporary Vacancy to replace Kristen Vargas who is on a childrearing leave
of absence.
v. Annetta J. Rizzo, as a Kindergarten Teacher at Ironton Elementary School, effective August
23, 2022, at an annual salary of $85,344.50. Ms. Rizzo is recommended as a Professional
Employee due to increased enrollment.
w. Victoria J. Saunders, as a Third Grade Teacher at Fogelsville Elementary School, effective
August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,675. Ms. Saunders is recommended as a
Substitute for a Temporary Vacancy to replace Julie Lapp who will be on a Sabbatical Leave
of Absence for Professional Development.
x. Latasha A. Snyder, as a Certified School Nurse at Kratzer Elementary School, effective
August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,375. Ms. Snyder is recommended as a
Temporary Professional Employee to replace Deborah Frear who retired.
y. Carrie A. VanNorden, as a Kindergarten Teacher at Schnecksville Elementary School,
effective August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,375. Ms. VanNorden is recommended
as a Temporary Professional Employee to replace Erica Coverley who resigned.
z. Lauren E. Williams, as a First Grade Teacher at Kernsville Elementary School, effective
August 23, 2022, at an annual salary of $59,375. Ms. Williams is recommended as a
Temporary Professional Employee to replace Naomi Johnson who resigned.
aa. Allison Figueroa, as Marching Band Assistant Director at Parkland High School for the
2022-2023 school year, at the contracted stipend.
bb. Andrew Stephens, as .5 Assistant Athletic Director at Parkland High School, for the 2022-
2023 school year, at the contracted stipend (shared).
cc. Connie Baxter, as Marching Band Coordinator at Parkland High School, for the 2022-2023
school year, at the contracted stipend.
dd. Glenn Ruppert, as a Grounds Custodian, effective date to be determined, at an annual
salary of $52,712, prorated, for a new position approved in the 2022-2023 budget.
ee. Attached list of 2022 Summer Maintenance Employees, at the approved auxiliary salary
Approval of Day-to-Day Substitute List
a. The attached list of individuals are approved to serve as day-to-day substitutes for the
2021-2022 school year. When working as substitutes, the individuals are considered
employees-at-will without tenure rights under the School Code. The District Administration
may delete substitutes from the approved list at any time for any reason.
Ms. Facchiano thanked Pam Kelly and her staff for all their work. Dr. Madson thanked and
congratulated the retirees. He welcomed all the new hires and thanked the Administration
and Board for the time spent on the interview process.
Moved: Ms. Facchiano
Vote: 8-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, J.
Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
Abstain: D. Hein
13.02 Graduate Credit Reimbursement
Graduate credit reimbursement for personnel who have properly submitted their
credentials as appended. It is recommended these staff members be reimbursed at the
contracted rate.
Moved: Ms. Facchiano
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
13.03 Professional Employee Contracts
It is recommended that Professional Employee contracts be issued to the following
Temporary Professional Employees who have been certified to the Board Secretary of the
Parkland School District as having completed three years of satisfactory teaching in the
Moved: Ms. Facchiano
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
13.04 Approval of Delinquent Tax Collection- Portnoff
The Committee recommends that the Board approve and authorize the Board President to
execute the attached Amendment to Agreement and Resolution that will allow Portnoff Law
Associates to charge for a validation notice for delinquent property owners, as required by
guidelines of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
Moved: Ms. Facchiano
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
13.05 Award of non-Medical Insurance Programs for 2022-2023
The Committee recommends approval of the following non-medical insurance programs and
associated premiums for the 2022-2023 school year:
a. Workers' Compensation Insurance - underwritten by AmTrust Insurance, with Myers,
Benner Corporation serving as local agent, at a premium of $631,956.
b. Property and Casualty Insurance - underwritten by Utica National Insurance Group, with
Myers, Benner Corporation serving as local agent; provides coverage for property and
contents valued at $428,406,193 at an annual premium of $476,764.
c. Automobile Insurance - underwritten by Utica National Insurance Group, with Myers,
Benner Corporation serving as local agent; providing coverage for 223 vehicles with an
annual premium of $209,913.
d. Boiler/Machinery - underwritten by Chubb Insurance Companies, with Myers, Benner
Corporation serving as local agent, at an annual premium of $29,347.
e. Excess Liability Insurance - a $15,000,000 Umbrella Liability policy underwritten by Utica
National Insurance Group, with Myers, Benner Corporation serving as local agent, at an
annual premium of $59,622. Excess goes over the following underlying coverage:
Workers Compensation
General Liability
Auto Liability
School Board Legal Liability
Sexual Abuse and Molestation Coverage
f. Errors and Omissions (School Board Legal Liability) - a $1,000,000 policy underwritten by
Utica National Insurance Group, with Myers, Benner Corporation serving as local agent, at an
annual premium of $37,317.
g. Cyber Liability (Privacy Protection) - a $2,000,000 policy underwritten by Chubb Insurance
Companies, with Myers, Benner Corporation serving as local agent, at an annual premium of
h. Student Accident Insurance Program - AG Administrators at an annual premium of
i. Volunteer Accident Insurance Program - United States Fire Insurance Company, with
Myers, Benner Corporation serving as local agent, at an annual premium of $1,000.
Moved: Ms. Facchiano
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
13.06 Approval of Bond for Secretary of the Board of School Directors
The Committee recommends the Board approve a Bond for the Secretary of the Board of
School Directors for the 2022-2023 school year in the amount of $50,000 underwritten by
Travelers Insurance Company, with Myers, Benner Corporation serving as local agent, at an
annual premium of $123.00 in accordance with Sections 431 and 409 of the School Code.
Moved: Ms. Facchiano
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
13.07 Approval of Bond for School District Treasurer
The Committee recommends the Board approve a Bond for the School District Treasurer for
the 2022-2023 school year in the amount of $75,000 underwritten by Liberty Mutual
Insurance Company, with Myers, Benner Corporation serving as local agent, at an
annual premium of $286.00 in accordance with Sections 436 and 409 of the School Code.
Moved: Ms. Facchiano
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
13.08 Transfer from General Fund to Capital Reserve
The Committee recommends the transfer of $1,000,000 from General Fund to the Capital
Reserve Fund prior to June 30, 2022 for the purpose of future Capital Project needs.
Moved: Ms. Facchiano
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
13.09 Approval of Payment of Bills as of June 30, 2022
The Committee recommends approval for the Director of Business Administration to perform
an accounts payable check run on June 30, 2022 to process any outstanding invoices on hand
associated with the 2021-2022 school year to assist in closing out the fiscal year for audit
Moved: Ms. Facchiano
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
13.10 Second Reading and Approval of Board Policy
Second reading and approval of the following board policies:
Policy #
STUDENTS/Student Discipline
STUDENTS/Student Expression/Dissemination of Materials
STUDENTS/Controlled Substances/Paraphernalia
Moved: Ms. Facchiano
Vote: 8-1
P. Foose, D. Hein, L. Roth, A.
Nay: J. Coleman
13.11 Board Policy First Reading
Updated policies:
13.12 Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between Parkland School District and
Parkland Education Support Professionals Association
The Committee recommends that the Board of School Directors approve the
attached Memorandum of Understanding between Parkland School District and Parkland
Education Support Professionals Association pertaining to Health Room Aides.
Moved: Ms. Facchiano
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
13.13 Approval of Memorandum of Understanding between Parkland School District and
Parkland Education Support Professionals Association
The Committee recommends that the Board of School Directors approve the
attached Memorandum of Understanding between Parkland School District and Parkland
Education Support Professionals Association pertaining to Hall Monitors.
Moved: Ms. Facchiano
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
14. Approval of Renewal of Agreement between Bayada Home Health Care, Inc. and Parkland
School District
14.01 Approval of Renewal of Agreement between Bayada Home Health Care, Inc. and
Parkland School District
The Administration recommends that the Board approve and authorize the Board President
to execute the attached renewal Agreement between Bayada Home Health Care, Inc. and
Parkland School District to provide basic nursing care services for student(s) based on a rate
of $54.00 per hour beginning on July 1, 2022 and ending on June 30, 2023 with an option to
Policy #
STUDENTS/Electronic Devices
OPERATIONS/Food Services
COMMUNITY/Non-school Organizations/Groups/Individuals
extend the Agreement upon written consent of each party. The Agreement is subject to
termination at any time for any reason upon thirty (30) days prior written notice and shall
be subject to termination upon five (5) days’ notice for reasons set forth in the Agreement
including, but not limited to, disenrollment of the student(s) from school.
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
15. Approval of Salaries
15.01 Approval of Auxiliary Salary Schedule
The Administration recommends approval of the Auxiliary Salary Schedule for the 2022-
2023 school year.
Moved: Ms. Facchiano
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
15.02 Approval of Retroactive Summer Rate for Maintenance Staff
It is recommended to make the Summer Maintenance Employee Rate retroactive to June 13,
2022, so Summer Maintenance Employees will receive the same rate of pay for work from
June 13, 2022 through August 12, 2022.
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
15.03 Approval of Salaries for 2022-2023
It is recommended that salaries for Act 93 Administrators, Confidential Administrative
Assistants and Central Office Administrators be approved as attached.
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
16. Approval of Special Education Plan
16.01 Approval of Special Education Plan
The Administration recommends that the Parkland School District Special Education Plan be
submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Education for approval, as attached.
Moved: Mr. Foose
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
17. Reports
17.01 Lehigh Career and Technical Institute - Mrs. Marisa Ziegler
Ms. Ziegler reported the meeting was held on 5/25/22. The JOC heard from three student
reps, Dr. Rushton, Mr. Serfass. Routine items were discussed, and a new advisory council
member was approved.
17.02 Community Advisory Council - Mrs. Marisa Ziegler
Ms. Ziegler reported on the meeting held on 5/19/22. They elected officers for next year
and discussed topics for future meetings.
17.03 Parkland Education Foundation Ms. Carol L. Facchiano
Ms. Facchiano thanks everyone in the Parkland community and the district for their
contributions to the Foundation.
17.04 Carbon Lehigh Intermediate Unit #21 - Mrs. Lisa A. Roth
Ms. Roth reported on the CLIU meeting held on 6/20/22. They discussed regular items and
said there was a last minute tournament donation of $25,000 to sponsor the golf
17.05 Parkland Community Library- Mrs. Lisa A. Roth
Ms. Roth reported on the May meeting. They discussed regular items. She thanked HS Asst
Principal Dr. Maggie Drake for participating in the student representative interviews. The
student chosen previously volunteered with the Library last summer. She also reported on
the status of the nominations for new members which is occurring in July.
17.06 Lehigh Carbon Community College - Mr. David J. Hein
Mr. Hein reported on the meeting held on 6/2/22. They discussed regular items and
received reports from the different committees.
17.07 Joint Coordinating Committee Mr. David J. Hein
Mr. Hein reported on the JCC meeting held on 5/20/22. They had presentations and
discussed routine items.
17.08 Legislative Report Mr. David J. Hein
Mr. Hein reported on HB 2524, proposed HB RTK law changes and HB 2024 on mental
health. He stated budget negotiations are ongoing.
17.09 Other Reports
18. Approval of Accounts Payable
18.01 Approval of Accounts Payable
Authorization of payment of General Fund bills in the amount of
$4,841,018.87 and Construction Fund bills in the amount of $972,358.97
Mr. Coleman asked about the account code for miscellaneous expenditures and asked what
the payment to the Morning Call was for. Mr. Foose stated his positive vote does not show
support for cyber charter schools. Mr. Cohen stated his vote is not in support for items
pertaining to cyber payments.
Moved: Ms. Ziegler
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
19. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
L. Warmkessel commented on the topics of the Board meetings and her desire to focus on
School Board tasks.
M. Vinup recited a bible reading.
K. Vinup commented on his concerns about the district’s approach to equity.
D. Horvath comments on masking and the mask matrix.
W. Allen commented on accountability.
20. Roundtable
Ms. Facchiano acknowledged the students and said it’s her favorite part of the meeting. She
thanks the HS and Administration for an amazing graduation ceremony and wished
everyone a good summer.
Mr. Rohatgi said he enjoys seeing the achievements of our students, he appreciates the
work put in and thanked the students. He congratulated the graduating class.
Mr. Cohen welcomed the new staff. He congratulated the Administration for graduation
being well done and commented he had family members who graduated.
Mr. Coleman congratulated the students for their accomplishments and on having a great
year. He thanked the community for addressing the Board.
Ms. Wilcox congratulated the families, students and staff for surviving the school year with
all its challenges and conflicts, but with so many successes and achievements. She wished
everyone a good summer.
Ms. Roth said graduation was wonderful. She acknowledged the student accomplishments.
She gave a shout out to the Parkland Garden Club on their 60
anniversary and involvement
in giving elementary students blue spruce seedlings.
Mr. Foose commented on a great year and all the successes of the artists and athletes. He
thanked the Administration for graduation and thanked his fellow Board members for a
terrific year and is excited to see what’s next.
Ms. Ziegler congratulated the students and said she loved hearing about the
Superintendent’s Leadership Council. She congratulated the new hires, the teachers who
earned tenure, and said graduation was great!
Mr. Hein thanked everyone for attending the meeting. He congratulated the new staff and
retirees and congratulated the students recognized along with the Class of 2022.
Dr. Madson echoed everyone’s thoughts. He thanked the community for attending and
their comments. He said the Board has done a good job outlining the challenges with the
budget, and thanked Leslie and her staff for the year of planning with feedback from the
Board and staff. It’s been challenging with the economy. He said he was proud of the work
done to bring a recommendation and gain support of the Board on the budget. He said it
was a great end of the school year and graduation, and he was thankful and proud of the
seniors and families. He commented on some of the items brought up during public
21. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9:23 pm by motion.
Moved: Mr. Foose
Vote: 9-0
Facchiano, P. Foose, D. Hein,
J. Rohatgi, L. Roth, A. Wilcox,
Nay: n/a
22. Next School Board Meeting - The next Parkland School Board Meeting will be held on
July 19, 2022 - 7:00 p.m.
22.01 Upcoming Board Reminders
No Board Committee Meetings in July
Board Meeting
Tuesday, July 19, 2022
August Board Committee Meetings
B & G Committee Monday, August 8, 2022 @ 5 p.m. at the Administration Building
P & F Committee Monday, August 8, 2022 @ 6 p.m. at the Administration Building
AAA Committee Monday, August 8, 2022 @ 7 p.m. at the Administration Building
Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 16, 2022 - 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Leslie Frisbie
Board Secretary