Welcome to Bowen
Since its advent, the written word has possessed the power to
build nations, empower the powerless, and persuade Admissions
Committees. Crafting a personal statement can elevate a solid
application to that of an outstanding candidate. Intimidating,
yes. Challenging, yes. Impossible, no.
Prepare yourself to translate your passions, interests, and
uniqueness into flowing prose. Consider your defining moments.
What was the seminal event which drives your personality?
What challenges did you surmount to arrive where you are
today? What life experiences do you possess as a result of your
diversity that can serve to enlighten and enrich others?
Law school involves a mastery of the written word and the
personal statement is an opportunity to allow those abilities to
sparkle. This personal statement resource guide is intended to
provide you with the tools and best practices you need to
succeed in your personal statement.
Now give yourself permission to let your personal statement
showcase your greatest asset your individuality.
Visit our website to learn more.
Matthew V. Kerns, Esq.
Assistant Dean of
Admissions, Scholarships,
& Enrollment Data
Table of Contents
Best Practices ….……………………………….6
Dos and Don’ts………………………..…….…...7
Successful Traits………………………………..8
The personal statement serves several objectives:
A personal statement may be the only opportunity to get to know an applicant on an
individual level. It is your opportunity to become more than your GPA and LSAT
A solid personal statement follows the schools’ instructions, ties in a theme, employs
a logical progression of ideas while making use of graceful transitions, and acquaints
the reader with the author.
Law school is a writing intensive endeavor and your personal statement is the
Admissions Committee’s opportunity to get a sense of your writing abilities.
Use the personal statement to display your ability to write concisely, precisely, and
Write, rewrite, edit and then write again. Your personal statement should never be a
first draft. It should be a polished final version that you would be proud to publish.
A personal statement can take nearly any direction and use any literary approach.
There is no template or checklist for developing a successful personal statement,
rather a series of suggestions and best practices.
Impactful personal statements are clearly written, heavily edited, and concise.
Reasons for wanting to attend law school
Every applicant is interested in attending law school. Reflect on why you would like
to go to law school. What is your personal journey that has prompted you to apply?
Step back, how would others approach the very same topic. Is your approach the
same or different? How do you stand out from the crowd?
Your personal statement will be one in several hundred that an admissions
committee will read. If you and the hundreds of other applicants all provide the same
medicinally direct answers of “I want to attend law school because…” the forgettable
factor increases.
How do I stand out in a crowd?
No two applicants are exactly the same, however there are many that have similar
approaches to the application process. What are your life experiences that make you
unique? How can you craft your story to persuade the Admissions Committee that
you will be a successful law student?
Guiding prompts are not looking for the “right” answer; rather they are a tool to aid
the self-reflection process.
Best Practices
Common Threads of Great Personal Statements
A great personal statement goes beyond the prompt and conveys to the reader a
determination to grow, a passion for helping others, and the characteristics necessary
to succeed in law school.
Clear voice. You are the star of your personal statement. If describing a person who
influenced your life, remember to not be overshadowed.
Personal experiences embody the old adage “write about what you know,” it also
makes for the best personal statements.
Strong imagery using heighten details and organized ideas.
Hook your readers, while being cautious to avoid cliché and hyperbole.
Address prompts in your own style.
Details and depth hook readers, generalities are not impactful.
Continually narrowing the focus of your personal statement until you are able to
focus on specific details.
Your last chance to leave an impression with the Admissions Committee, do not
repeat your introduction.
Resist the urge to use the personal statement as a vehicle for telling the Admissions
Committee how badly you want to attend law school by using lists of your attributes
and winning qualities.
Make a short list of your top qualities and tell a story or anecdote where these
qualities are apparent.
Storytelling is not overly dramatic or unprofessional. You want to show the
Admissions Committee your potential for success, don’t just tell them that you will be
Interweave elements of a diversity statement, if a separate diversity statement option
is not provided in the application package.
Diversity statements or themes can be crafted regardless of an individual’s history or
Dos and Don’ts
Research essay topics of each school application
Be yourself, be truthful, be open
Tell an engaging personal story and create visuals for your reader
Get help. Discuss possible topics and direction with your pre-law advisor. Go with
ideas, leave with a plan.
Narrow your focus
Start strong, your first paragraph needs to hook your readers
Share how your background or diversity sets you apart and drives you to succeed in
law school
Use plain English
Repeat, rehash, or reiterate your résumé
Write what you think the admissions committee wants to hear
Be pompous
Tell your chronological life story
Be cliché
Use third person
Name drop
List your qualifications
Use legal terminology
Submit a legal brief or style your personal statement as one
Successful Traits
Potential for Success
Will a student succeed in law school? Students are admitted with the understanding
the student possesses the skills to not only graduate law school but pass the bar
Leadership takes many forms from holding office to supervising a project.
Sometimes leadership is developed through trial and error; typically these are
formative events in one’s life which may be good source material for a personal
Share what drives you and where your passions lay. Inspire your admissions
committee to accept you.
Public Service
Sharing your commitment to your community is an attribute which receives high
marks from admissions committees.
Law schools are educating the public servants of the future and want to know if you
have an existing commitment to service.
Not giving up is an imperative trait of a good lawyer, it also makes a successful law
Find an opportunity to weave into your story a challenge you overcame or moved
An experience which altered your world view can also enlighten an admissions
Diversity comes in many shapes, sizes, and colors.
Do you have a unique perspective due to diversity, life-experience, or hardship? Your
unique life experiences shaped you in a way unlike your peers.
How can you bring that perspective to law school enriching the school and enhancing
the learning experience for your peers and professors?
Well Rounded
Life experience is important and you are the sum of your parts.
If an admissions committee believes an applicant is prepared for the challenges of
law school then they believe the student possesses the foundation for a future
The vast array of challenges and experiences will require someone with an open
mind able to rise to the occasion.
Examples of Excellent Personal Statements
Grammar/Style Guides
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation: An Easy-to-Use Guide with Clear Rules,
Real-World Examples, and Reproducible Quizzes 11th Edition by Jane Straus, Lester
Kaufman, Tom Stern
The Elements of Style, Fourth Edition by William Strunk, Jr.
The Little Red Writing Book by Brandon Royal
The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need: A One-Stop Source for Every Writing
Assignment by Home Comforts