Pasco-Hernando State College
the District School Board of Pasco
Early College Program Contract
EARLY COLLEGE PROGRAM LOCATIONS ............................................................................................1
GRADE LEVEL PARTICIPATION ..............................................................................................................1
PROGRAM FOCUS ....................................................................................................................................1
Assurance of High School Credit and Transferability of Courses......................................................................2
College Credit Courses Available Through Dual Enrollment ............................................................................. 2
STUDENT ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA ............................................................................................................2
Criteria for Identifying Students ......................................................................................................................... 2
ENROLLMENT PROCESS AND DEADLINES...........................................................................................3
METHODS OF INFORMING STUDENTS AND PARENTS/GUARDIANS.................................................4
Procedures to Notify Students about The PHSC Early College Program..........................................................4
Procedures to Notify Parents/Guardians about The PHSC Early College Program .......................................... 4
INSTRUCTOR QUALIFICATIONS AND SELECTION ...............................................................................4
Qualifications and Selection of Instructors......................................................................................................... 4
Academic Advising ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Ongoing Monitoring of Students’ Progress in the PHSC Early College Program .............................................. 6
PROGRAM REVIEW AND REPORTING MECHANISMS ..........................................................................7
TERMS OF FUNDING ARRANGMENTS....................................................................................................7
STUDENT PERFORMANCE CONTRACT..................................................................................................8
STUDENT PARTICIPATION IN CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES..............................................................8
District School Board of Pasco County
And Pasco-Hernando State College
Early College Program Contract
This Program Contract is made by and between the District Board of Trustees of Pasco-
Hernando State College, Florida (hereafter "PHSC") and the District School Board of Pasco
County (hereafter "Pasco County Schools").
It is the specific purpose of this Program Contract to allow for eligible high school students from
Fivay High School and Zephyrhills High School in Pasco County to enroll in certain college
courses and to receive credit for such courses from both Pasco County Schools and PHSC. The
following terms and conditions shall govern the eligibility and enrollment of the students and the
administration of the high school and college courses offered via the PHSC Early College
Program effective January 1, 2024, for the 2024 – 2025 academic year.
The policies and procedures outlined in the Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement between
Pasco County Schools and PHSC will serve as the policies and procedures for the Early
College Program Contract when such policies and procedures are not specifically stated in the
Early College Program Contract.
Pasco County Schools students in the Early College Program at Fivay High School and at
Zephyrhills High School that are also enrolled in the PHSC Early College Program may take
eligible courses through PHSC at any PHSC campus, or online, in person on their high school
campus, or online through Pasco eSchool. Students may need to travel to multiple PHSC
campuses to take certain courses that are required for their program of study.
The PHSC Early College Program allows public school students from Pasco County Schools
Early College Programs at Fivay and Zephyrhills high schools in eleventh (11
) and twelfth
) grades to participate as full-time post-secondary students.
The Early College Program is a structured high school acceleration program in which students
are enrolled full time in postsecondary courses toward an associate degree. Early College
Program participants must prioritize courses applicable as general education core courses
under s. 1007.25 for an associate degree or a baccalaureate degree.
Limited access programs (Dental Assisting, Dental Hygiene, Paramedic, Practical Nursing,
Radiography, Registered Nursing, Surgical Technology, Law Enforcement, Corrections,
Professional Pilot, and Fire Academy) are not eligible for the PHSC Early College Program.
The goal of the Early College Program is to provide post-secondary opportunities to students
who will one day become contributing members of our shared Pasco community. To achieve
this goal, Pasco County Schools and Pasco-Hernando State College will work collaboratively
with student's best interest as the focus
Assurance of High School Credit and Transferability of Courses
Approved and offered dual enrollment courses in the PHSC Early College Program will be used
to fulfill high school credit graduation requirements or elective credit. All dual enrollment
courses in the PHSC Early College Program will meet the guidelines for transferability of credit
under Florida Statutes Chapter 1007.271(12). To have a future goal orientation focus, high
school students will develop, with their high school counselor and PHSC advisor and follow a
four-year program of study leading to college entrance, post-secondary education, or workforce
College Credit Courses Available Through the Early College Program
Students enrolled in the PHSC Early College Program will be limited to enrolling in courses
which simultaneously meet the high school graduation requirements and the PHSC degree
requirements specified in the student’s selected program of study and Student Performance
Students participating in the Early College Program may enroll only in college credit courses as
specified in the Florida Department of Education Articulation Coordinating Committee Statewide
Agreement for Dual Enrollment Courses - High School Subject Area Equivalency List.
Course Delivery Methods: Eligible courses may be taken in any format that the College offers
them unless otherwise specified in the Program Contract. This listing shall be updated from year
to year and courses may be added to the list or deleted from the list at the sole discretion of
Criteria for Identifying Students
a) As indicated in Florida Statutes, Chapter 1007.271(3), and the Statement of Standards
S1, Grade Point Average (GPA), any student enrolling in the PHSC Early College
Program must qualify with a minimum cumulative unweighted high school grade point
average (GPA) of 3.0000.
b) All students who plan to enroll in the PHSC Early College Program must achieve a
satisfactory score on a common placement test approved by the Florida Department of
Education which will demonstrate readiness for college-level work as established in
State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.0315. Students who plan to enroll in the PHSC
Early College Program must receive scores on a common placement test that place
them into MAT1033 Intermediate mathematics and ENC 1101 for English.
c) Students must meet the stated pre-requisite(s) and/or co-requisite(s) for each course in
the PHSC Early College Program.
d) Students must have written approval from a parent or legal guardian, a high school
counselor, and a PHSC academic advisor.
e) Students must be residents of Pasco County and be enrolled in the Pasco County
SchoolsEarly College Program at Fivay High School or Zephyrhills High School.
f) Students who exit the PHSC Early College Program will not be permitted to reenter the
program in a later term. The student would be eligible to participate in the PHSC Dual
Enrollment Program if he/she meets the eligibility criteria for entrance and continuance.
g) Students disruptive to the learning environment may be denied Early College Program
opportunities. All Early College Program students must agree to abide by all PHSC
policies and procedures. Students understand that if they violate any items in the PHSC
Code of Student Conduct, they may be denied participation in the Early College
a) All relevant dates and deadlines pertaining to the PHSC Early College Program are
available online in PHSC’s College Catalog/Student Handbook.
b) These dates are also published online in the Course Schedule. Additionally, high school
counselors and PHSC academic advisors provide verbal notice to students of relevant
dates and deadlines pertaining to the PHSC Early College Program.
c) Students must meet with their high school counselor prior to participation to confirm that
they meet eligibility requirements for the PHSC Early College Program. All applicants
must meet the admissions criteria outlined in this Program Contract.
d) Enrollment in the PHSC Early College Program is only available in the fall of each
academic year. The PHSC Early College Program has an entry seat cap of 125
students at each Early College Program high school (Fivay High School and Zephyrhills
High School). If the number of eligible students exceeds 125 at either of the program
high schools, PHSC and Pasco County Schools will determine the number of additional
seats that may be filled.
e) The application process begins well in advance of the intended term of enrollment.
Pasco County Schools will select and submit to the PHSC VP of Admissions and
Enrollment Management the completed Early College Program student
applications by June 15 - preceding the fall term enrollment period. Students must
take a Florida Common Placement test prior to applying to the PHSC Early College
Program. PHSC will notify Pasco County Schools of any application discrepancies prior
to notifying students of their acceptance status. Applicants will be notified of their
acceptance prior to the end of their current high school spring semester.
f) Students and high school counselors will select courses for a PHSC Early College
Program student; however, it is the responsibility of PHSC to verify that the student
meets the requirements for enrollment in a course. PHSC academic advisors and
registration staff will review and verify all grade and prerequisite requirements for the
student’s selected courses prior to registering the student. If a student does not meet the
prerequisite, whether through common placement test scores or previous coursework,
the student will not be enrolled into that course.
g) Following the end of add/drop each semester the PHSC Executive Director of Enterprise
Systems will provide a report of the students enrolled in the Early College Program by
school to Pasco County Schools and the PHSC Director of Dual Enrollment, for
dissemination to high school personnel and PHSC academic advisors.
h) Students may lose the opportunity to participate in the PHSC Early College Program if
they are disruptive to the environment or behave in an otherwise inappropriate manner
in class or during the registration process as determined by PHSC officials.
Procedures to Notify Students about The PHSC Early College Program
a) Information pertaining to the PHSC Early College Program is made available to students
at the PHSC website.
b) Pasco County Schools will advertise the Early College Programs at Fivay and
Zephyrhills high schools and the PHSC Early College Program through social media
sites and on each high school’s web page. High school personnel direct students to
meet with their school counselor if they are interested in learning more about
participation in the Early College Program at Fivay or Zephyrhills high schools and the
PHSC Early College Program. High school counselors will review with the student
criteria for application and participation in the Early College Programs.
Procedures to Notify Parents/Guardians about The PHSC Early College Program
c) Information pertaining to the PHSC Early College Program is made available to parents
and guardians on the PHSC website.
d) Parents/Guardians will be notified about the option for their child to participate in the
PHSC Early College Program through a variety of means including, regular individual
advisement, annual curriculum fairs, and year-round through district and school
websites. Information will also be available to all parents and guardians on the PHSC
website, PHSC’s online College Catalog/Student Handbook, and on the school district’s
e) PHSC and Pasco County Schools will work collaboratively to create joint marketing
materials and will submit to either party two weeks prior to releasing for feedback and
Qualification and Selection of Instructors
a) In accordance with Statement of Standards F1, Faculty Credentials, all faculty teaching
in the PHSC Early College Program must meet Southern Association of Colleges and
Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) requirements/guidelines for
postsecondary instructors in the discipline. PHSC is responsible for ensuring that all dual
enrollment courses in the PHSC Early College Program are taught by qualified faculty in
accordance with the requirements noted in the PHSC Faculty Credentials and
Qualifications Manual.
Academic Advising
a) High School counselors and/or career specialists, together with PHSC academic
advisors, will provide academic advisement services (i.e., individual and/or classroom
guidance, college workshops and college days/nights) on the PHSC Early College
Program, college majors and prerequisites. In addition, high school counselors and/or
career specialists will advise students of the weighting system and assist PHSC Early
College Program students with consideration of future educational and career planning.
b) Each PHSC Early College Program student must meet with a PHSC academic advisor
and a high school counselor prior to registration at least once per semester that the
student plans to enroll in PHSC Early College Program courses. Students will need to
complete the Student Performance Contract (SAR-90) with a counselor, PHSC Advisor
and parent/guardian and are advised of the expectations for continued PHSC Early
College Program eligibility during these advising sessions. PHSC Early College Program
students can take only those courses in their chosen program of study. For additional
information on program(s) of study, please refer to Academic Programs in the current
PHSC catalog. In addition, students must have the approval of a parent or legal guardian
and their high school counselor or principal's designee.
c) Early College Program participants register for classes with a PHSC academic advisor
during open registration, based on the number of credit hours earned. Students may
take dual enrollment courses at PHSC, at their high school (Fivay or Zephyrhills) or
through Pasco eSchool. Participants must be registered as full time postsecondary
students in a minimum of 12 credit hours and a maximum of 16 credit hours in fall and
spring semesters. Six (6) of those credit hours must be taken through PHSC and the
remainder may be taken through the studentshigh school (Fivay or Zephyrhills) or
online through Pasco eSchool. Students may take up to 8 credit hours through PHSC in
the summer term between their 11
and 12
grade years. The Student Performance
Contract will list the courses requested and approved to be taken in the semester.
d) PHSC Early College Program students are permitted to repeat one class in which they
receive a grade of D or F, or from which they withdraw, provided their college GPA
remains at 2.0 or above. Course repeats will not be permitted for subsequent classes in
which a student receives a non-passing grade, or from which they withdraw.
e) Students must maintain good academic standing, which is defined as a 2.0 cumulative
grade point average (GPA), for all hours attempted at PHSC. “Attempted” means all
credit hours in which students are enrolled after the drop/add deadline date. PHSC
evaluates students for academic progress at the end of fall, spring, and summer
semesters. Students who do not maintain good academic standing will be notified in
writing by PHSC. PHSC’s Executive Director of Enterprise Systems will send an
electronic report to the school district. In determining academic progress, all college
credits will be included. Those students who do not maintain a 2.0 cumulative college
GPA in all PHSC Early College Program courses will not be allowed to continue
participating in the PHSC Early College Program. Any requests for exception to the 2.0
GPA requirement for each semester will require a written letter from the student,
documentation supporting grave extenuating circumstances, and approval from the
Principal and/or designee and the Pasco County Schools District Office. This formal
request for an exception will be submitted to the Executive Vice President, Chief
Academic Officer / College Provost for consideration. Requests will be reviewed with the
above mentioned program goal in mind in order to ensure a successful college
experience for our shared students.
f) Qualified students with disabilities who wish to receive accommodations will provide
appropriate documentation relevant to the student’s disability that meets PHSC’s
published guidelines to the College’s Director of Student Accessibility Services prior to
registering for PHSC Early College Program classes at the PHSC campuses. The
PHSC Early College Program student has the responsibility to meet with the Director of
Student Accessibility Services, who will review the documentation provided, determine
whether the student is eligible to receive accommodations and arrange for approved
accommodations to be provided. The school district and PHSC will share equally in the
cost of reasonable accommodations that are mutually agreed upon for PHSC Early
College Program students. Any costs for students with hearing impairments needing
sign language interpreters or students with visual impairments who take classes at a
PHSC campus will be paid 50% by the school district and 50% by PHSC.
g) As indicated in Statement of Standards E2, Early College Course Expectations, PHSC
Early College Program students should discuss with a PHSC advisor their selection of
college courses as it pertains to meeting PHSC degree requirements and transferability
to other institutions. Students should check with their high school counselor to ensure
that courses taken will meet all requirements for high school graduation and for Bright
Futures scholarships.
h) In accordance with Statement of Standards E2, Early College Course Expectations,
students and parents/guardians should be informed by high school counselors and
PHSC advisors of college-level course expectations. Advising should include, but is not
limited to: information indicating that registration, drop/add, and withdrawal dates may
not be altered; that two to three hours of homework are expected for each hour spent in
class, that assignment deadlines are firm, that General Education courses require
completion with a grade of "C" or higher and that all grades, including withdrawals, will
become part of the student's permanent collegiate, academic transcript. It should be
noted that the curriculum offered is a college credit curriculum. Course descriptions are
available in the online PHSC College Catalog/Student Handbook.
Ongoing Monitoring of Student’s Progress in the PHSC Early College Program
i) In the event that a PHSC faculty member has notified the Student Affairs Office of a
PHSC Early College Program student who has unexplained absences or is in jeopardy
of failure, the PHSC Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, or designee, will notify the
school district high school designee (i.e., school counselor) and the Pasco District
Supervisor over Dual Enrollment.
j) School counselors and academic advisors along with instructors will follow PHSC Early
College Program students’ progress for students in need of academic assistance.
Tutoring resources available at PHSC for PHSC Early College Program students
include the Academic Success Centers and the online tutoring system.
k) The Statement of Standards E3, Educational Planning, indicates that college course
materials and class discussions will be appropriate for college-level instruction and may
reflect topics not typically included in secondary courses. Courses will not be modified to
the high school level to accommodate variations in student age and/or maturity. It is
strongly recommended that the background and maturity level of the student be
considered prior to registration in any college credit course.
a) In accordance with Statement of Standards A1, Grade Analysis of Subsequent Course
Success, PHSC shall conduct a follow-up analysis of the grades PHSC Early College
Program students receive in subsequent courses taken at the College. The purpose of
this analysis will be to ensure that the level of preparation and future success of PHSC
Early College Program students is comparable to that of non-PHSC Early College
Program students. The information shall be shared with the school district and with the
Division of Florida Colleges.
b) PHSC, in accordance with Statement of Standards A4, Grade Comparison of Early
College and "Regular" Student Grades, shall also conduct a follow-up study to ensure
that grading standards and student learning outcomes for PHSC Early College Program
courses are comparable to those evidenced in non- PHSC Early College Program
sections of the same course. Results of this analysis shall be shared with the school
district and with the Division of Florida Colleges.
c) The Statement of Standards A5, Periodic Review, indicates that the Division of Florida
Colleges will conduct a program review of all dual enrollment programs every three
years. PHSC will share the results of these reviews with the school district.
a) The school district shall pay the standard tuition rate per credit hour from funds provided
in the Florida Education Finance Program to PHSC for students enrolled in the PHSC
Early College Program for classes taken through PHSC.
b) The College will submit an invoice representing the amount of tuition per credit hour
aggregated by the total number of credits being taken on the College’s campuses. The
tuition per credit hour shall be the standard tuition rate for Florida College System
institutions as established by the 2021 – 2022 General Appropriations Act. The invoice
will contain the names, student identification numbers, birth dates, course numbers and
titles, and credit hours for each dual enrolled student and will be submitted no later than
15 days following the last day of the “Drop/Add” period for that semester. All amounts
shall be remitted to the College by the School District not more than 30 days after the
date of submission of the invoice. Such invoices and payments may be submitted
electronically. In the event the School District disagrees with the amount invoiced, it
shall pay the amount it agrees is due within the time prescribed herein and shall notify
the College, in writing, of the basis for disputing the remaining balance. The parties
agree to meet and resolve the disagreement as soon as practicable before the end of
the College semester for which the invoice was submitted.
c) Summer semester tuition processes for enrolled Early College Program students will
follow those outlined in the active Dual Enrollment Articulation Agreement documents
between PHSC and Pasco County School District.
d) In the event of a dispute of any or all of an invoice submitted hereunder, the parties
agree that the dispute is best resolved between them without involving third parties,
including mediators, arbitrators, or the judicial system. To resolve disputes, the parties
agree that each will appoint an administrator who is familiar with the terms and
implementation of the PHSC Early College Program Contract. These individuals shall
meet within 10 days of notice to the other of a dispute and attempt to resolve the issues.
Each administrator so appointed shall appear at the meeting with full authority to resolve
the issue. In the event the appointed administrators determine that they are unable to
reach an agreement, then the School District Superintendent and the President of the
College shall meet and resolve the issue. The School District Superintendent and
President may bring such administrators as they deem appropriate to the resolution
meeting. In the event no resolution is achieved at this level then either party may elect
to file a civil action in the appropriate Court.
e) Instructional materials assigned for use within the PHSC Early College Program shall be
made available to students from the school district free of charge.
Each student participating in the PHSC Early College Program must enter into a Student
Performance Contract (SAR-90) which must be signed by the student, the student’s
parent/legal guardian, a representative of the student’s school district, and a PHSC
academic advisor. The student performance contract includes the schedule of courses
by semester, student attendance requirements, and course grade requirements for
participation in the PHSC Early College Program.
Early College Program students may participate in high school athletic programs at Early
College Program school they are enrolled in, either Fivay or Zephyrhills High School but
are prohibited by NJCAA rules from participating in collegiate athletic programs. Early
College Program students may participate in all other PHSC student activities.