2021-2022 | Student & Parent Handbook | Pope John Paul II High School, Lacey, WA | Page 1 of 45
Student & Parent Handbook
Version 08-04-2021
2021-2022 | Student & Parent Handbook | Pope John Paul II High School, Lacey, WA | Page 2 of 45
Dear Parents and Students,
Welcome to Pope John Paul II High School! In choosing Pope John Paul II High School,
you have demonstrated a commitment to the values and philosophy of a Catholic education.
The Parent/Student Handbook reflects the policies of Pope John Paul II High School for the
2021-2022 school year.
The Pope John Paul II High School Student & Parent Handbook is available on the school
website and hard copies are available in the school’s main office. All school families must read
this document carefully. By enrolling, you and your student(s) agree to abide by the policies
of Pope John Paul II High School during the 2021-2022 school year.
The faculty and staff of Pope John Paul II High School look forward to working with you to
promote academic excellence and spiritual development in the context of the teachings of
the Catholic Church.
Together let us pray: God watch over JPII High School. Grant that it will be a place of
authentic faith, scholarship, friendship and service. Bless each student with success in
academics and activities. Stand beside our parents, teachers and staff that they may be agents
of Your holy will. Shower the benefactors of our school with blessings to exceed their
generosity. Through the example and protection of Saint Pope John Paul II, may our JPII
community bring the light and truth of Jesus into the world.
Therese Allin
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Table of Contents
Directory .................................................................................................................................................... 9
Administration and Staff 2021-2022 ....................................................................................................... 9
Faculty 2021-2022 .................................................................................................................................... 9
Mission, Vision and the JPII Value ......................................................................................................... 10
JPII Mission .............................................................................................................................................. 10
JPII Vision ................................................................................................................................................ 10
The JPII Value ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Archdiocese of Seattle .......................................................................................................................... 10
Office of Catholic Schools ..................................................................................................................... 10
Grad at Grad (The Graduate at Graduation) ...................................................................................... 11
Admissions and Enrollment Policies ..................................................................................................... 12
General Information ............................................................................................................................. 12
International Students ........................................................................................................................... 12
Students with Learning Differences ..................................................................................................... 13
Academic Information .......................................................................................................................... 14
Graduation Requirements ................................................................................................................... 14
Community Service Requirements (for Graduation) ........................................................................ 15
Community Service Day ....................................................................................................................... 15
Credits and Grading ............................................................................................................................. 16
JPII Grading Scale ................................................................................................................................. 16
Grade Point Average ........................................................................................................................... 17
Course Changes ................................................................................................................................... 17
Honors and Advanced Placement Courses ...................................................................................... 17
Academic Honors/Soaring Eagles Honor Roll .................................................................................... 17
National Honor Society ......................................................................................................................... 17
Academic Probation ............................................................................................................................ 18
Repeated Classes ................................................................................................................................. 18
Credits for College Courses ................................................................................................................. 18
Eligibility for Co-Curricular Activities .................................................................................................... 18
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Late Work and Incomplete Grades .................................................................................................... 19
Finals ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Standardized Tests ................................................................................................................................. 19
Report Cards .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Transcripts ............................................................................................................................................... 19
Transfer of Student Records ................................................................................................................. 20
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) ..................................................................... 20
Student Support and Counseling .......................................................................................................... 21
Community Period ................................................................................................................................ 21
Counseling Department ....................................................................................................................... 21
Campus Ministry ..................................................................................................................................... 21
Liturgies ................................................................................................................................................... 22
Retreats .................................................................................................................................................. 22
Freshman Retreat: Theme - Build Community ................................................................................ 22
Sophomore Retreat: Theme - Act Virtuously .................................................................................. 22
Junior Retreat: Theme - Faith and Prayer ....................................................................................... 23
Senior Retreat: Theme - Courageous Leadership .......................................................................... 23
School Policies ........................................................................................................................................ 23
Attendance ........................................................................................................................................... 23
Excused Absences ............................................................................................................................. 24
Unexcused Absence ......................................................................................................................... 24
Tardiness ............................................................................................................................................. 24
Policy on Absenteeism ...................................................................................................................... 24
Inclement Weather/Emergency Schedule Changes ....................................................................... 25
School Dances ....................................................................................................................................... 25
School Sponsored Activities ................................................................................................................. 25
Student Guests ....................................................................................................................................... 25
Transportation ........................................................................................................................................ 26
Visiting Campus ..................................................................................................................................... 26
Volunteers .............................................................................................................................................. 26
Campus Safety ....................................................................................................................................... 26
Closed Campus ..................................................................................................................................... 26
Right to Inspect ...................................................................................................................................... 26
Weapons ................................................................................................................................................ 26
Supervision of Students ......................................................................................................................... 27
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Health and Medical information ........................................................................................................... 27
Immunization Policy .............................................................................................................................. 27
Communicable or Contagious Disease ............................................................................................. 27
Medications ........................................................................................................................................... 28
Health Room .......................................................................................................................................... 28
COVID-19 ............................................................................................................................................... 28
Dress Code / Appearance .................................................................................................................... 28
Philosophy .............................................................................................................................................. 28
Personal Appearance .......................................................................................................................... 29
Enforcement of Dress Code ................................................................................................................. 29
Technology Policies ............................................................................................................................... 29
Privacy .................................................................................................................................................... 30
Acceptable Use .................................................................................................................................... 30
Unacceptable Uses .............................................................................................................................. 30
Illegal or Destructive Activities ......................................................................................................... 30
System Security .................................................................................................................................. 30
Unacceptable Conduct ................................................................................................................... 30
Plagiarism and copyright infringement ........................................................................................... 31
Cell Phones and other Personal Electronic Devices ......................................................................... 31
School Office Phone Use ...................................................................................................................... 31
Emails ...................................................................................................................................................... 31
Web Pages ............................................................................................................................................. 32
Student Web Pages .............................................................................................................................. 32
Non-Compliance .................................................................................................................................. 32
No warranties ......................................................................................................................................... 32
Vandalism .............................................................................................................................................. 32
Communication ...................................................................................................................................... 32
Procedures for Communication Between the Parents, Teachers and Administrators ................. 33
Procedure for Scheduling and Approval ........................................................................................... 33
Student Messages ................................................................................................................................. 33
Use of Student Information and Pictures ............................................................................................ 33
Emergencies and Crisis Procedures ..................................................................................................... 33
Emergency Contact Form ................................................................................................................... 33
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General Emergencies ........................................................................................................................... 33
Fire, Earthquake and Lockdown Drills ................................................................................................. 34
Discipline and the Student Code of Conduct ...................................................................................... 34
Philosophy and Expectations for Student Behavior .......................................................................... 34
Administration and Review of Behavior Policies ................................................................................ 35
Assault ................................................................................................................................................. 35
Cheating ............................................................................................................................................. 35
Disruptive Behavior ............................................................................................................................ 35
Dress Code ......................................................................................................................................... 35
Eating or Drinking in Classrooms ...................................................................................................... 36
Extraordinary Parental Conduct ...................................................................................................... 36
Extraordinary Student Conduct ....................................................................................................... 36
Forgery ................................................................................................................................................ 36
Gambling ............................................................................................................................................ 36
Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying ................................................................................................ 37
Hazing ................................................................................................................................................. 37
Improper Public Display of Affection .............................................................................................. 37
Initiating a False Alarm ...................................................................................................................... 37
Insubordination .................................................................................................................................. 37
Language ........................................................................................................................................... 37
Leaving campus without permission ............................................................................................... 37
Parking lot conduct ........................................................................................................................... 37
Physical Violence/Fighting ............................................................................................................... 37
Stealing ............................................................................................................................................... 37
Use of Electronics ............................................................................................................................... 38
Use/Possession of Weapons ............................................................................................................. 38
Vandalism ........................................................................................................................................... 38
Law enforcement .................................................................................................................................. 38
Suspension .............................................................................................................................................. 38
Dismissal .................................................................................................................................................. 39
Appeals Process .................................................................................................................................... 39
Harassment / Bullying Policy at JPII ..................................................................................................... 40
Harassment ......................................................................................................................................... 40
Operational Definitions of Harassment ........................................................................................... 40
Bullying and Cyberbullying ............................................................................................................... 41
Threats .................................................................................................................................................... 41
Retaliation / False Allegations .............................................................................................................. 41
Alcohol and Drug Policy ....................................................................................................................... 42
Tuition Policies ......................................................................................................................................... 42
Registration ............................................................................................................................................ 42
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Tuition Payment: Responsibilities and Methods ................................................................................. 43
Delinquent Accounts ............................................................................................................................ 43
Terms of Withdrawal .............................................................................................................................. 44
Withdrawal Tuition Responsibility/Refund Policy ................................................................................ 44
Schedule of Fees ................................................................................................................................... 44
Tuition Assistance Program ................................................................................................................... 45
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From time to time, circumstances may require that JPII change its general policies described in this Handbook. JPII
reserves the right to amend, supplement or rescind any provision of this Handbook at its sole discretion, with or
without prior notice. Inserts or updated pages will be distributed to students and parents reflecting changes to
the Handbook as appropriate. This Handbook is subject to interpretation by JPII which shall be binding. This
Handbook supersedes all prior handbooks or policy statements regarding the school’s general student policies.
Pope John Paul II High School admits students of any race, sex, sexual orientation, faith tradition, color, national
and ethnic origin, and disability to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made
available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, color,
national and ethnic origin, age or disability in administration of its educational policies, admission policies,
academic and financial programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Although we do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, sexual orientation, color, national or ethnic origin, it
remains our primary purpose and mission to provide a Catholic secondary education. Under some circumstances,
medically justifiable limitations may be placed on the admission/retention of students with infectious diseases
and/or life-threatening illnesses. Likewise, limitations may be placed on the admission/retention of students
whose needs the school is unable to meet. Decisions regarding admission/retention of these students is decided
on a case-by-case basis by the principal or his/her designee.
Pope John Paul II High School is accredited by the Western Catholic Education Association. Accreditation is one
way of ensuring that the school meets acceptable environmental standards, has a valid school improvement plan,
and is engaged in an on-going self-study and on-site peer evaluation process.
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Administration and Staff 2021-2022
Therese Allin
Academic Administrator
Ann Ashe
Director of Communications & Admissions
Dan Ashe
Business Manager
Monica Davis
Development Director
Todd Weiss
Athletic Director
Anthony Herness
Administrative Assistant
Margie Antles
Executive Assistant
Caiti Schmitz
Julie Suek
Faculty 2021-2022
Spanish/Academic Advisor
Gary Baits
Mary Frances Brennan
Fine Arts
Travis Conn
Theology/Campus Ministry
Jacob Hayden
Anthony Herness
Lang. Arts/Band/Comm. Service
Stephen Holland
Mathematics/College Advisor
Kimberly Karaman
Performing Arts
Humanities/Tech. Advisor
Joshua Myers
Margarita Fox
Dr. Tracy Russell
Language Arts/PE
Phil Suek
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Mission, Vision and the JPII Value
JPII Mission
The mission of Pope John Paul II High School is to provide a Catholic secondary education within a challenging
academic, spiritual, and co-curricular environment that will develop men and women who are intellectually
strong, spiritually alive and committed to serving the needs of others.
JPII Vision
Pope John Paul II High School will nurture and challenge every student to be transformed for a lifetime of
courageous leadership and service through discovery and development of their God given gifts.
The JPII Value
Become Who God Intends You to Be...
At JPII, you will experience a challenging, holistic education that prepares you for college,
career and life.
At JPII, you will explore your faith in Jesus Christ and the belief that God created each
person uniquely to learn, contribute and lead.
At JPII, you will join a welcoming community where every person is known, supported and
encouraged to engage with others.
We are intentionally shaping “stewards of the future” who are ready to serve and lead.
To live in the light and truth of Jesus…now and forever.
Saint John Paul…pray for us.
Archdiocese of Seattle
The ministries of the Archdiocese of Seattle continue the work of evangelization to encounter Christ, who calls
and sends missionary disciples, and who himself provides lifelong formation and nourishment in the Church.
Office of Catholic Schools
In the spirit of communion, solidarity, and subsidiarity, the Office for Catholic Schools provides high quality
professional development, resources, and best practices to expand the evangelizing mission of our Church as we
help one another form the school leaders God has designed for our time.
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Grad at Grad (The Graduate at Graduation)
Pope John Paul II High School educates students to
pursue truth
act virtuously
build community
You will witness this in each student because they…
Possess fundamental skills and knowledge demanded by each academic discipline
Pursue educational opportunities beyond high school
Think logically, critically and creatively in problem solving and self-expression
Analyze contemporary issues from multiple perspectives
Respect other peoples, languages and cultures
Access resources and technology to interpret, evaluate and present information
Interpret implications and consequences of assumptions behind different points of view
Therefore they are Intellectually Strong
Recognize self and others as loved by God
Understand Catholic Christianity and know major doctrines and practices of the Catholic Church
Know Christ’s Mission and participate actively and fully in the Church’s life
Build personal relationship with Christ through Eucharist, prayer and reflection
Practice reconciliation with family, friends, Church and God
See faith in Jesus as an obligation to live life as a person for others
Therefore they are Spiritually Alive
Accept personal responsibility for their growth
Strive for integrity, commitment and excellence in all things
Make life choices based upon Catholic social teachings
Challenge prejudices and stereotypes
Seek opportunities to expand their mind, heart, imagination, feelings and consciousness
Seek aesthetic, artistic and creative experiences through the arts
Engage in co-curricular activities that develop leadership, interpersonal and collaborative skills
Therefore they are Open to Growth
Accept responsibility for building and maintaining loving relationships with others
Demonstrate empathy, compassion, understanding and respect
Accept the love of God and others
Know the moral teachings of the Catholic Church as it relates to sexuality
Make responsible decisions regarding personal health and well-being
Listen respectfully and express themselves genuinely
Therefore they are Loving
Recognize service as fundamental to faith
Act with generosity toward all
Demonstrate compassion for victims of injustice
Know the impact of social, environmental and political issues on the human community
Understand the contradictions and moral ambiguities between the Church’s social teachings and popular culture
Know that faith demands active commitment to a just society
Therefore they are Committed to Doing Justice
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Admissions and Enrollment Policies
General Information
Pope John Paul II High School’s college preparatory program is designed for those students who are motivated to
learn and grow in their relationship with God and others within the context of a Catholic Community. Admission
will be based on the following criteria:
1. For incoming freshmen, a placement exam and writing prompt which are administered in the winter.
2. Transcript grades and standardized test scores from the current school attending.
3. Positive references from current math, English and science teachers, the principal or school counselor.
4. A letter from a student’s parish or church pastor, other faith leader, and/or a prominent community leader
who knows the student’s character and motivation to succeed.
5. Possible interview.
6. Successfully completing the admissions process.
The placement exam for incoming freshmen is the High School Placement Test (HSPT), a multiple choice exam
that measures student skill levels in English, math, reading and science. This exam along with other objective data
will be used to assess a student’s potential for success and future academic placement. Seventh and eighth grade
transcript grades will be evaluated in conjunction with HSPT scores and other available objective test scores.
Student should have at least a C average in their current course work.
Reference forms from a student’s current school should reflect positive comments about the student’s potential
for academic success, personal character, motivation and commitment to community. A letter from a student’s
pastor, other faith leader, and/or a prominent community leader will also add to the Admission Committee’s
understanding of a student’s personal profile.
The application form will contain a section that will give a student an opportunity to describe their involvement
in and service to their parish, school or civic communities.
The writing sample will be taken during the placement testing time and will take approximately 30 minutes. The
sample will be used in conjunction with other academic data to determine a student’s academic profile.
An interview with parents/guardian and student may be requested by the school to further assess a student’s
readiness for the rigors of the curriculum offered at Pope John Paul II High School.
International Students
International students who are not permanent residents of the United States will be admitted in accordance with
the requirements of the United States Department of State and/or the United States Department of Homeland
Security. Any foreign student who is not a permanent resident of the United States who desires to enroll in JPII
must have complete legal documentation required by the United States government in order to do so.
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Students with Learning Differences
Students with special needs shall be given the same consideration as all applicants. However, prior to admitting a
student with diagnosed learning differences, Pope John Paul II High School shall make a determination as to
whether it can provide an appropriate education for that student in light of the school’s resources and
staff/support capacity. Each student will be considered on an individual basis. JPII will consider:
1. the severity and degree of the disability; the level of support needed from special services and any special
equipment or related services the student may require;
2. the school's resources, such as available support personnel, class size, and accessibility of school facilities;
3. the accommodations, if any are necessary, and the school’s ability to provide those accommodations;
4. the student’s Student Support Plan (SSP) if one exists, and/or the school’s ability to meet a current IEP or
behavioral plan; and
5. any other considerations that may apply to the particular situation.
Parents and/or the public school district in which the student resides shall be responsible for any additional special
education services that a student may require.
Pope John Paul II High School will accept any student for whom an appropriate program can be designed and
implemented. Each student is to be considered for admission based upon his/her emotional, academic, and
physical needs; the school’s ability to support the student in adhering to all health/medical requirements; and the
resources available to the school in meeting those needs. JPII determines continued enrollment based on these
There is a limit to what schools have the capacity to do. However, the school will not discriminate against
otherwise qualified individuals on the basis of disability if, with reasonable accommodations, school staff can assist
a student in meeting the requirements of the school program.
Truth | Virtue | Community
“What really matters in life
is that we are loved by Christ and that we love Him in return.
In comparison to the love of Jesus, everything else is secondary.
And, without the love of Jesus, everything is useless.”
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Academic Information
The course of studies at JPII is designed to prepare students to succeed in college, career, and life. Within this
college preparatory framework, we seek to direct students into courses that will challenge their capacity and
potential. Every student at JPII will be given ample opportunity to be successful.
Graduation Requirements
The courses required for graduation from JPII exceed the entry requirements of Washington State public colleges
and universities and most private universities. There are 7.125* total credits possible each year and 28.5* over a
four-year high school career.
26 credits plus successful completion of the assigned community service
requirements are required for graduation.
Academic rigor of coursework will be considered in graduation
honors such as valedictorian and salutatorian.
General College Requirements
JPII Diploma Requirements
Social Studies
Modern Language
Fine/Performing Arts
Total Credits Required
* Beginning with the class of 2020, Community Period courses reflect the earned Lifetime Fitness 0.125 credit per year.
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Community Service Requirements (for Graduation)
Pope John Paul II High School's Community Service Program develops students who understand service as
fundamental and intrinsic to their faith. They demonstrate compassion for victims of injustice and know that they
are called to actively commit to building a just society. It is the program's objectives, through direct service to
others, to challenge students' perceptions and stereotypes of those they serve and create empathetic,
compassionate and courageous leaders for change. The Community Service program is an extension of this school
culture of service into the surrounding community. It is through this contact that not only the lives of those served
are changed, but the lives of our students. Details on expectations to meet the community service requirements
for graduation will be covered in the Community Period class. Service experiences are selected and designed to
bring about an affective change of heart in our students.
With these outcomes in mind, the requirements of the service program are as follows:
While encouraged to do more, students will be required to offer 80 hours of community service as a
graduation requirement during their four years of high school.
Placements must provide students with as much direct contact with those they serve as possible and
The school will select and approve placements that serve the poor, homeless, shut-ins, disabled, elderly, ill,
disenfranchised, illiterate and those with the greatest need of assistance.
Students are expected to complete their service hours outside of school time. Service to the school is an
expected part of the school culture but will not be counted as service hours.
Faculty and staff are expected to participate in school service projects and model a life of service.
Students will reflect upon and share their service experiences.
Selected placements or service sites will be approved based upon age appropriateness of students and will
be patterned as follows:
o 9th grade 10 hours (at least two different placements)
o 10th grade 20 hours (at least 3 or 4 different placements)
o 11th grade 20+ hours (no more than 2 or 3 different placements)
o 12th grade 30+ hours (only 1 placement) AND electronic reflection project
Sophomores, juniors and seniors may opt to perform their service hours during the summer. Summer
service may be performed out of state/country at approved service sites with approved service agencies.
Community Service Day
The Community Service Day is usually held the day before Christmas Vacation. The day begins with Mass and then
sends the students and staff (and often alumni) out in groups to serve the community in a variety of areas. In the
afternoon, all classes return to campus to discuss and then write a personal reflection on their service experience
and then culminate with an ASB led Christmas celebration.
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Credits and Grading
26 credits are required to graduate from JPII. Students are expected to take a minimum of 7 courses each semester
as well as their Community Period. Academic credits are assigned each semester for each course in which a
passing grade is earned. A passing grade in a semester class generates one-half credit. Grades at the semesters
are used to determine student cumulative grade point averages.
Transfer credits must be approved. These credits are entered into a separate space on the JPII transcript and will
be listed under the school where they were earned. JPII will also keep the transfer transcript and will attach it to
the official JPII transcript, when requested, when sending transcripts to colleges and universities.
JPII Grading Scale
JPII uses the following grading scale. To qualify for the honors points, the course title must include either Honors
or AP designations. All internal JPII GPA’s are calculated with general and honors values. Reporting to colleges
and universities, the GPA is calculated using the Simple Grade Point scale. Both cumulative GPA’s, JPII and Simple,
are reported on transcripts and report cards.
Grade Points
Grade Points
Grade Points
* D grades are not possible at JPII. Students need to achieve at least a C- or higher to earn credit in any class. Students
who earn below 65% have not met the standard for the course or for advancement to the next course.
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Grade Point Average
A student’s grade point average is determined by dividing the total grade points earned by the potential credits
attempted for a given academic semester. Semester grades and GPA’s will be rounded up to the nearest
thousandth in order to calculate student rankings.
Course Changes
Schedules are designed intentionally with the good of the student in mind; therefore, changes are discouraged.
In the event that students are misplaced, students/parents may request course changes. All requests for course
changes must be submitted within twelve (12) class days of the start of a semester. Transfers must be approved
by the administration. If a student drops/changes a course after twelve (12) days into a semester, the student will
receive a grade of “F” and loss of credit in the class dropped
there are mitigating circumstances such as
medical issues. These changes must be approved by the administration before taking effect.
Honors and Advanced Placement Courses
Admission to Honors or Advanced Placement courses is made on a year-by-year basis. Teachers in a given subject
area will make a recommendation for a student’s placement in an Honors or Advanced Placement course based
on the student’s current academic performance. Students and parents should refer to course syllabi for specific
requirements for admission to an Honors or Advanced Placement course.
AP Courses have been designed to meet or exceed the curricular requirements as established by the College
Board. The curricular content is equivalent to an entry-level course in college. AP tests are administered in May
of each year on the College Board scheduled dates. It is recommended that the enrolled student take the AP exam.
Depending on performance on these tests and the discretion of the college or university, students may receive
college credit or advanced placement. Students will be charged a fee to take the examinations. It is recommended
that students be enrolled in no more than two AP classes in a given year.
Academic Honors/Soaring Eagles Honor Roll
The JPII Honor Roll is published twice a year. Highest Honors are for those students who maintain a 3.9 or higher
average. The requirement for First Honors is a GPA of 3.7 or higher. For Second Honors, the requirement is a GPA
less than 3.7, but at least 3.4 or greater. Honor roll GPAs are based upon the JPII Grade Scale. All honors GPAs will
be rounded to the nearest tenth for determination of honors.
National Honor Society
The National Honor Society recognizes students who display outstanding qualities of scholarship, service,
leadership, and character. Students must have a cumulative simple GPA of 3.4 or above over at least two semesters
at JPII to apply for membership in the Light & Truth Chapter of the National Honor Society. Students must not
have received any disciplinary action resulting in suspension from JPII or have a significant pattern of disciplinary
infractions. The selection of each member into the National Honor Society shall be by a majority vote of the NHS
Faculty Council.
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Academic Probation
Probation may occur if a student is not meeting the academic requirements of his/her particular grade, or if there
is continuing serious academic deficiency. A student can be placed on academic probation by the administration
in consultation with the teachers. The administration will determine the length of the probation period. During
academic probation, the student will be ineligible to participate in co-curricular activities, required to meet with
the Academic Advisor weekly, required to attend at least two step-up sessions weekly, and sign an academic
probation contract. This process may also require conferences with parents, tutoring, testing, and or counseling
as determined by JPII staff. If there is no improvement during the probation period, or if a student fails two subjects
at the end of the semester, the student may be asked to withdraw from JPII. In such cases, families may appeal to
the administration.
Repeated Classes
If a student takes a class for a second time for any appropriate reason such as credit retrieval (as determined by
the administration), both grades will appear on the student’s transcript and count in the overall GPA. If passed,
the credit will count in the total required for graduation.
Credits for College Courses
Occasionally students will take college courses while enrolled at JPII High School. Students need prior approval
from the administration. Students are allowed to take up to two courses per semester for credit through a
community or four-year college while enrolled at JPII. Credit determination will be handled as transfer credits. JPII
does not provide financial support for tuition for college courses.
Eligibility for Co-Curricular Activities
To be eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics, school plays or musicals, Student Government, or any other
co-curricular activities, students must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or better, with no F” grades. In order to run for
Governing Board (ASB Officers and Class Officers), a student must have at least a 2.7 GPA for the previous semester
as well as current courses.
Grade checks will be made at three-week intervals throughout the school year. Dates will be posted. In the event
that a team reaches the playoffs, grade checks will be made weekly for that team. Students who receive a Warning
of failing any class at grade check will be on probation. This probation will begin on the school day following
notification. While still failing, the student will be held out of games, shows, banquets, competitions and/or
conferences until passing in all classes. The student will become eligible immediately after bringing a passing
grade report to the athletic director for all classes on the Grade Clearance Form. This form will be required for
each event until the following official grade check shows passing all classes.
Semester failures will allow students to participate in turnouts/practices but will hold them out of games, events,
shows, banquets, conferences and/or competitions for a period of two (2) weeks for one (1) failure, four (4) weeks
for two (2) failures and five (5) weeks for three (3) failures. If the student is passing all classes, they will be eligible
on either the 3rd, 5th or 6th week of the new semester.
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Late Work and Incomplete Grades
Students leaving school early for a field trip, athletic contest, or other school sponsored activity, must complete
tests/quizzes and assignments prior to their departure, or, at the teachers’ sole discretion, make other
arrangements to complete the missed work. Homework and projects are due on the date specified by a teacher.
Usually, if a student is absent from class, the student may have one day to make up missed homework for each
day of excused absence. Otherwise, acceptance of late work will be at the discretion of the teacher.
All work must be completed during the term it is assigned. A grade of Incomplete may be given by a teacher at
the end of a semester for students who have had extended absences, if given with the approval of the
administration. Incomplete grades will be accompanied by a contract between the student and the teacher for
completion of work. If the contract terms are not met, the grade reverts to the previously earned grade.
All students are expected to take their final exams at the scheduled exam times. To maintain the integrity of finals
for all students, JPII does not administer final exams prior to scheduled testing time. Any student requesting an
exception to this policy needs to contact the administration to make arrangements. Teachers are not authorized
to make special arrangements for finals until approved by administration.
Standardized Tests
JPII administers the PreACT test in the spring for freshmen and sophomores, and the PSAT to all juniors in the fall.
The purpose of these tests is twofold:
Provides an opportunity for students who would choose to take the ACT/SAT test in the future, to get
acquainted with the format of these tests.
Allows teachers to evaluate and adjust the learning process at JPII.
The school provides these assessments to the students at no additional cost. The PreACT test series is designed to
measure college readiness based upon standards formulated by the ACT Board with the contribution and
verification of a large consortium of colleges and universities. For juniors, taking the PSAT test enters them in
competition for National Merit Scholarships.
Report Cards
The purpose of report cards is to inform the student and parent of progress towards academic goals. Report cards
are sent home at the end of each semester, twice a year. Parents have access to student grades throughout the
year using the Schoology platform. Any assessment data the school collects from formal tests or classroom
assessments is used to help inform instruction and curriculum.
Transcripts are permanent records of all courses taken and semester grades earned while a student is at Pope John
Paul II High School. This record is maintained by the Academic Administrator and represents the school’s record
of each student’s academic performance. Student rank will not be listed on the transcript. Students must request
to have official transcripts sent to colleges or universities. There is no charge for this request. Unofficial transcript
copies are also available upon request.
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Transfer of Student Records
If a parent is registering a student in another school, JPII will release the student’s records upon receipt of a
“Request for Records Form” from the school where the student is enrolled or intends to enroll. The records will be
sent directly to the new school, not given to parents to deliver, and all debts/fines or unfulfilled contract
obligations owed to the school by the parent, must be discharged before records are forwarded.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age ("eligible
students") certain rights with respect to the student's education records. They are:
1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of the request for access.
Parents or eligible students should submit to the school principal (or appropriate school official) a written
request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The principal will make arrangements for access and
notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected.
2. The right to request an amendment of the student's education records that the parent or eligible student
believes are inaccurate or misleading. Parents or eligible students may ask Pope John Paul II High School to
amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write to the school principal, clearly
identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the school
decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the school will notify the
parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of the right to a hearing regarding the request for
amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or
eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing.
3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student's
education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception
that permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests.
4. A school official is a person employed by
Pope John Paul II High School as an administrator, supervisor,
instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a
person or company with whom the District has contracted to perform a special task (such as an attorney,
auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, or assisting
another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has legitimate educational interest if the
official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon
request, Pope John Paul II High School discloses education records without consent to officials of another
school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. (NOTE: FERPA requires a school to make
reasonable attempt to notify the student of the records request unless it states in its annual notification that
it intends to forward records on request.)
The right to file a complaint with the US Department of Education concerning alleged failures by Pope John Paul
II High School to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The address of the Office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
US Department of Education
600 Independence Avenue SW
Washington DC 20202-4
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Student Support and Counseling
Community Period
Community Period provides holistic, ongoing support for students. The community formed within this class will
become a family of learners focused on knowing and helping each other. Students are assigned to a specific
faculty member and peer group that journeys with them for their four years at JPII. This is a pass/fail class that
must be completed every semester to meet graduation requirements. The community service requirements will
be an integral piece of this four-year course as well as some of the following elements:
Study skills and habits of mind
Organizational skills
Community building
Physical activity
Mass/special events
College advising/future planning
Financial literacy
Counseling Department
It is our goal to offer students a supportive, safe environment. Faculty advisors and counselors are available to
students throughout the school day for academic and emotional support. We do this through:
Academic Advising: Educational guidance, organizational assistance, and regular monitoring of academic
progress, etc.
College Advising: College planning, selection, and support with the application process
School Counselor: Personal/social/emotional support and resources for resilience
Campus Ministry
Campus Ministry is an integral part of the educational process at Pope John Paul II High School. It is designed to
proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ to its students and families, to build up the Body of Christ in the
community and to promote social justice through service to others. Campus Ministry draws the entire community
into responsible participation in the life, mission and work of the Church. To accomplish these outcomes, the
school, through Campus Ministry, offers liturgies, retreats, and service. Non-Catholic students are expected to
participate in school religious experience and to attend theology classes which are assessed as academic subjects.
Non-Catholic students will be required to be present for Mass and other religious experiences. They are not
required to actively participate, but are invited and encouraged to do so.
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All-school Masses are offered monthly. Additional Masses will be offered throughout the year dependent upon
availability of priests. Parents and friends of the school are always welcome to attend school liturgies. When
offered, all students will participate in a Mass of the Holy Spirit, celebrated with all Catholic schools, Pre-K through
college, in the South Sound area.
Pope John Paul II High School offers multiple retreats for students that are based upon the charism and teachings
of Pope John Paul II. They are thematically formulated around the school's three foundational educational
elements of pursuing truth, acting virtuously, and building community. Peer and adult leaders create an
atmosphere of support, trust and sharing to encourage students to explore their Catholic/Christian identity,
relationships, values, courageous leadership and reconciliation in the context of their faith. The goal is to provide
students with the opportunity to listen and respond to God's presence in their lives and the life of their
Freshman Retreat: Theme - Build Community
Pope John Paul II, Israel-Palestine - 9/22/1999
Pope John Paul II, World Youth Day VI - 8/15/1990
The Freshman Retreat welcomes the school's newest members into our community and begins the process of
developing their individual and collective identity. It is a time to reflect upon what it means to be and act as a
"person for others."
Sophomore Retreat: Theme - Act Virtuously
Pope John Paul II, World Youth Day XII - 11/24/1991
Pope John Paul II, World Youth Day XV - 8/15/2000
The Sophomore Retreat focuses on what it means to act virtuously within the community of Pope John Paul II
High School and beyond, challenging students to live Gospel values.
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Junior Retreat: Theme - Faith and Prayer
Pope John Paul II, Saint Louis, Missouri - 1/26/1999
Pope John Paul II, SAINT LOUIS, Missouri - 1/26/1999
The Junior Retreat is a time for students to examine their faith as a relationship with Christ, and the role that prayer
(sacraments, liturgy, etc.) plays within that relationship. They are called to reflect upon how family, friends, school
community, and their church community are concrete evidence of God's love for them.
Senior Retreat: Theme - Courageous Leadership
Pope John Paul II, WORLD YOUTH DAY XII - 11/24/1991
Pope John Paul II, POZAN, POLAND - 6/3/1997
Pope John Paul II, DILECTI AMICI - 3/31/1985
The Senior Retreat offers a brief time where they can distance themselves from the stresses of career/college
selection, admissions to college, and scholarship applications. They are called, in light of their faith, to challenge
some of the values of contemporary society, and to act with courageous leadership.
School Policies
Every school day is an important academic time. Students must attend school regularly and be punctual. Students
and parents/guardians must accept full-shared responsibility for regular school attendance. Parents should make
every effort to schedule doctor and dental appointments, family vacations and other absences around the
academic calendar. Students are required to attend assigned classes and to present at the start of class.
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It is the school’s legal responsibility to maintain accurate attendance records. State law requires the school to
report excessive unexcused absences to the juvenile court based upon the BECCA Bill.
Excused Absences
All students absent from all or any part of the school day must have a parent call (360-438-7600) or email
([email protected]) the school by 9:00 AM.
For partial-day absences a parent note or email excusing the student must be received by the school office
the same day as the absence.
Failure to notify the school office of an absence may result in an unexcused absence.
Extended medical absences require a note from the doctor.
Lengthy absences may interrupt student learning. Student absences for family vacations, travel, or other reasons
are highly discouraged. The school calendar is published months in advance of the following school year. Please
refer to the school calendar prior to planning family vacations, and arrange trips during school breaks. Students
are responsible for all work assigned during their absence. Teachers are not required to provide alternative
assignments or plans.
Students need to pick up a Planned Absence Report Form from the school office at least five (5) school days
prior to the intended absence.
Teachers will complete the form indicating assigned work and due dates.
Students then seek final approval from the Academic Administrator.
Unexcused Absence
An Unexcused Absence is any absence that is not approved or authorized by the school. This includes, but is not
limited to, oversleeping, truancy, leaving campus without permission, failure to complete the planned absence
process, and/or failure to contact the school office when a student is absent (parental contact required).
Any work missed as a result of an unexcused absence may not be accepted for credit. This includes the unexcused
absences noted below. Students will have three (3) days to verify the reason for the absence. If not cleared within
three (3) days, the absence will remain unexcused and may be treated as truancy.
A student will be considered tardy if they arrive to class after the final bell to start class. If more than 15 minutes
late, the student will be marked absent. Frequent tardiness is disruptive to the teacher and students in the class
and can adversely affect the education of the student who is tardy.
Policy on Absenteeism
When a student misses six (6) class periods, excused or unexcused, (not including (SR) school related absences),
contact will be made with home outlining our process for reviewing the student’s attendance and academic
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status. Following (8) missed classes, the student may be in jeopardy of being dropped from the class(es) with a
failing grade at nine (9) missed classes. Chronic illnesses will be reviewed individually and every attempt will be
made to assist the student academically.
Inclement Weather/Emergency Schedule Changes
In case of inclement weather, JPII will inform FlashAlert.net who in turn shares the information with local radio and
television stations. We will also post an update on our JPII website at www.popejp2hs.org. There will be Schoology
post for students regarding the school emergency status. If YOU feel that roads are too treacherous in your area
please use your best judgment in keeping your student home. Please inform the school of your decision to do so.
School Dances
All school rules and regulations apply at dances. Only JPII students, their guests, and chaperones will be allowed
to attend. Guests: Each student is allowed one guest. Guests must be signed up on the list in the office no later
than 3:00 pm one day prior to the dance. No guests under high school age or over 20 years of age are permitted.
Guests must show a photo ID card to the person in charge of the dance when they arrive.
Students or guests who appear to have used any type of illegal drugs or alcohol will not be admitted to the dance
and they will be detained until they leave in the company of their parents. Consequences, as listed under the
substance abuse policies, will be determined by the administration.
Once inside the dance students will not be permitted to leave and return. The doors of the dance will be secured
and no students will be admitted thirty (30) minutes after the scheduled beginning of the dance. Students must
enter the dance upon arrival. The parking lot is not to be used as a meeting place for students or non-school
friends. Students are not allowed to go to their cars during the dance. Backpacks will not be allowed into the
Please remember that the JPII dress code is in effect for all dances. All dancing must be appropriate. Students will
receive one warning for inappropriate dancing. After the warning the student may be asked to leave the dance.
Inappropriate dancing includes anything deemed inappropriate by the chaperones. Please remember to respect
the order and cleanliness of the school or dance facility. Also respect the faculty, parents and security people who
are chaperoning the dance.
School Sponsored Activities
School sponsored activities are listed on the official school calendar and described in the Parent Newsletter.
Students are required to have a parent(s)/guardian(s) sign permission forms for participation in off campus, school
sponsored events. These permission forms are printed on official JPII letterhead. Other activities that involve JPII
students that are NOT school sponsored activities are not to be supervised by JPII faculty and staff.
Student Guests
Guests during the school day are allowed only when they are prospective students seriously considering attending
Pope John Paul II High School or approved by the administration. Arrangements for prospective students to visit
must be made by the visiting student’s parent or parents with the administration at least two school days prior to
the visit. The student’s teachers must sign a form acknowledging the guest visit prior to the visit date.
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Any vehicle that a student may drive to school needs to be registered with Pope John Paul II High School through
the office. Students who do not adhere to this policy or drive unsafely on campus are subject to disciplinary
measures including revocation of permission to park on campus. It is strongly suggested that student keep all
personal items left in the car out of sight.
Visiting Campus
All visitors to campus must first sign in at the office and receive a visitor pass before proceeding to any other
All volunteers working with or around students
must first
complete the Virtus Protecting our Children Safe
Environment training through the Archdiocese of Seattle. This must be renewed annually through the
archdiocesan program.
Campus Safety
Closed Campus
Pope John Paul II High School is a closed campus. This means that students may not leave campus unless they
have a written request from parents to do so and that request is approved by the administration. Students who
leave campus without permission will be subject to disciplinary action which may include parent contact.
Right to Inspect
In order to safeguard the JPII community and to prevent the possession, sale, and use of alcohol, illegal drugs, or
weapons the Principal and/or her designee has the right to search desks, personal belongings and anything that
a student brings onto the school campus (backpacks, sports bags, cars, cellphones, including text messages and
photos, student computers).
It is unlawful for any person to carry onto school grounds a firearm or dangerous weapon as defined by RCW
9.41.250 and RCW 9.41.280.
Students carrying a knife,
firearm, ammunition, and/or an explosive device onto
school premises, at a school sponsored activities, on school provided transportation, or in areas of facilities
while being used for school purposes will result in expulsion. Police will be notified.
The law provides an allowance for licensed persons to possess firearms within 1000 feet of a school, and state law
allows those licensed to carry a concealed pistol to possess a firearm on school grounds while picking up or
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dropping off a student. However, loaded firearms will not be allowed inside school facilities except for security
and law enforcement personnel.
Any object used to intimidate, threaten, or cause bodily harm will be considered a weapon. If the administration
determines that an object falls into the category of dangerous weapons that require expulsion, he or she shall
promptly notify law enforcement and the student’s parent or guardian regarding any allegation or indication of
such a violation. A facsimile of any weapon used to threaten, intimidate or coerce will be treated as a real weapon.
Pocketknives, squirt guns, paintball guns, chains, look-a-like weapons, and the like are subject to suspension at
the school’s discretion.
Any fireworks or explosive (including, but not limited to M-80s and other high-powered fireworks) will be
considered dangerous weapons capable of causing grave bodily harm. Both the police and the fire marshal will
be notified in the event a student is found to be in possession of such items.
Any weapon will be confiscated and disposed of in an appropriate manner as deemed by the administration. The
administration will call the police first then parents or guardians will be called.
Supervision of Students
JPII does not offer before or after school supervision of students. The school is open for student arrival starting at
7:30am. It is expected that all students will be picked up by 4:15pm on regular school days. In the case of co-
curricular activities, students will be monitored by an adult until they are picked up. Parents should arrive no later
than 15 minutes after the end of the activity.
Health and Medical information
Immunization Policy
Every student enrolled in a Level 1 Catholic School in the Archdiocese of Seattle shall be immunized against
vaccine-preventable diseases caused by infectious agents in accordance with the immunization schedule adopted
by the Washington State Department of Health Services. The only exception to the foregoing requirements for
students in our Catholic schools is a medical exemption signed by a licensed professional (M.D., N.D., D.O., ARNP,
or PA) authorized to practice in the State of Washington, including the physicians license number. Failure to
obtain required immunizations prior to admission or to maintain required immunizations during enrollment may
result in a denial of attendance.
Communicable or Contagious Disease
For the wellbeing of the school community, all are encouraged to report to the school when a student is diagnosed
with a known communicable disease. Confidentiality will be maintained as to the identity of the source. However,
the administration will notify the community and/or the health department, if necessary, to stop the spread of the
disease. Before returning to school the student must be past the period of communicability, that is: free of fever
without medication, vomiting, and/or diarrhea for 24 hours, and be able to participate in normal classroom
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“Communicable disease (contagious disease)” includes, but is not limited to, an illness caused by an infectious
agent which can be transmitted from one person, animal, or object to another person by direct or indirect means
including transmission via an intermediate host or vector, food, water, or air.
All faculty and staff will be trained in appropriate methods of responding to situations that involve human blood
and other body fluids and solids and will have available to them the materials necessary for making a response.
JPII may provide for the administration of oral medication, topical medication, eye drops, ear drops, or nasal spray
to students who are in the custody of the school at the time of administration (RCW 28 A 210.260); however, JPII
must have on file a written licensed health professional authorization form to administer medication. This form
must be current and unexpired. Necessary medications are provided by the parent/guardian and kept in the
school office. No medication is to be kept in the classroom. Medications will be dispensed only from the original
container provided by the pharmacy. A designated staff member will administer medication.
1. An emergency allergy self-injector (i.e. an Epipen), may be allowed to accompany the student throughout
the school day only after is has been determined to be necessary by the school administration on a case-by-
case basis. An emergency allergy self-injector (i.e. an Epipen) may only be administered after training by an
appropriate medical professional, written, signed, current permission from parent or guardian, and
identification of staff members who may administer the medication.
2. Students needing to use an inhaler may carry one on their person at all times once approved by school
administration and documented in the student’s medication file.
Sharing of medication in any way, including both prescription and non-prescription drugs, is prohibited.
Health Room
Our Health Room is located near to the school office. All medications will be kept in this room.
An Isolation Room, away from students and staff may be set up to care for students who are displaying COVID-19
symptoms. This room is staffed by trained school staff, who will check student temperatures, and call parents for
immediate pick up. Reducing the spread of COVID-19 is important to the ongoing health and safety of students
and staff. The school will follow recommendations of the Thurston County Health department and the
Archdiocese of Seattle Office of Catholic Schools.
Dress Code / Appearance
Pope John Paul II High School sets policies that are intended to help create a respectful academic environment
that is conducive to learning. Parents and guardians who choose to send their child to JPII accept that the
administration reserves the right to make individual determinations regarding appropriateness of dress and
appearance based on the school’s dress code.
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Different standards for different events may be deemed necessary and appropriate. In such cases, the dress code
for the event will be set by the administration for school-wide events. The faculty/coach for a special event will set
the dress code for the event. All participants in the special event are required to follow the specified dress code.
In addition to these requirements, there will be specific occasions or situations that will require more
professional/dressed-up attire. Students dress-up as an expression of reverence and respect and to show support
for the values of the school community. Liturgy days will require more dressed-up attire.
Personal Appearance
Student clothing and personal appearance should respect the dignity of self and others. School attire should
always reflect neatness, cleanliness and modesty. Clothing may not refer to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, anti-religious
or political messages, racial/cultural slurs, sexual innuendo, or violent images. Clothing should be in good
condition and fully cover undergarments and midsection.
: Pants should be worn on or above the hips. Athletic wear, including sweatpants, and athletic
shorts are permitted except for school Liturgy days. Shorts and skirts must be at least mid-thigh (with an inseam
of at least 5 inches). Jeans with designed holes, a current fashion, must not have holes above mid-thigh. Leggings
and yoga pants are allowed if worn with a top that reaches to the thigh. Pajamas are not permitted.
: Shirts must not show cleavage, t-shirts should be thick enough to not be see-through and
straps need to be at least “two-fingers” wide (no spaghetti straps without something covering the shoulders). No
crop tops where midriff is visible. JPII logo wear is acceptable at any time.
Hair/Facial Piercing
: Distracting or excessive make-up is not permitted. Facial jewelry, other than earrings, is not
allowed. Hair color must be a natural hair color.
Enforcement of Dress Code
Students who violate the dress code may be asked to change attire or cover inappropriate articles. Second and
subsequent offenses may result in additional consequences and include a parent meeting.
Technology Policies
Pope John Paul II High School's goal in providing technology access to teachers, staff members, and students, is
to promote educational excellence at the school by facilitating resource sharing, innovation, and communication.
Technology is provided for educational and professional or career-development activities. The following policy
governs use of computers and the Internet at JPII High School.
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School computer systems and the information, including electronic files and email contained on them, are the
sole property of the school. The school may monitor the use of the computer network, Internet, and email at any
time in the school’s sole discretion.
Acceptable Use
Students must know and agree to follow the school’s policy regarding the use of technology. Students must
complete the following clearance process before using any computer at JPII High School:
1. Read and sign a copy of the Acceptable Use of Technology Student/Guardian Agreement Form.
2. Return the signed Agreement Form to the administration on or before the first day of school. At this time
the student’s account will be enabled allowing access to computer resources available at JPII.
3. Register all personal laptops with the school to ensure network security and to enable wireless connectivity.
Unacceptable Uses
Illegal or Destructive Activities
1. Users will not make deliberate attempts to disrupt any computer system performance or destroy data.
2. Users will not use the school network or computer resources to engage in an illegal act.
3. Users may not connect personal laptops without technology director clearance.
4. Users may only run programs provided by the system administrators on school equipment. Users may not
install/download programs or other executable files.
System Security
1. Users are responsible for the use of their individual accounts and should take all reasonable precautions to
prevent others from accessing their resources.
2. Users will immediately notify the faculty member in charge if they have identified a possible security problem.
3. Users will not attempt to circumvent JPII’s security policy to gain unauthorized access to technology
Unacceptable Conduct
The following restrictions apply to the use of any technology device, including personal and school provided
1. Users will not use obscene, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, or disrespectful
2. Users will not post information that, if acted upon, could cause damage to people or property, or could
create a substantial disruption of the school environment.
3. Users will not engage in personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks.
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4. Users will not harass other individuals. If the user is asked to stop sending messages to them, they must
5. Users will not post false or defamatory information about individuals or organizations.
6. Users will not post chain letters or engage in "spamming" or “phishing”.
7. Users may not visit on-line social networking sites such as FaceBook and SnapChat while on campus.
8. Students may not attempt to circumvent JPII’s network policy access through the use of proxies or other
9. Students may not engage in financial transactions when using a school computer.
10. Users may not use another’s account or password.
11. Users will not play unauthorized games or visit game sites while on campus.
12. Users will not use the school network to gain access to material that is obscene (pornography), that
advocates illegal acts, or that advocates violence or discrimination towards others (hate literature).
Plagiarism and copyright infringement
1. Users will not plagiarize works that they find on the Internet and other electronic media. Plagiarism is taking
the ideas or writings of others and presenting them as if they were original to the user whether intentional
or not.
2. Users will respect the rights of copyright owners. Copyright infringement occurs when an individual
inappropriately reproduces a work that is protected by a copyright. If a work contains language that
specifies acceptable use of that work, the user should follow the expressed requirements. If users are unsure
whether or not they may use a work, they should request permission from the copyright owner or consult
the faculty member in charge for guidance.
3. Students will follow the Acceptable Technology Use document for Internet research at JPII High School
Cell Phones and other Personal Electronic Devices
The on-campus use of cellphones and other personal electronic devices is permitted only outside of class unless
part of an authorized class activity. Students making or receiving calls, text messages, or photos during class may
have their device confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the day. If there are additional violations,
the item(s) will be returned to the parent(s)/guardian(s) and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken at the
school’s discretion. The use of camera features on any electronic or communication device to take unauthorized
pictures and/or videos at any time is prohibited. The use of any electronic communication device during a test
shall be considered as, and treated as cheating.
School Office Phone Use
The school office is open from [7:30 AM to 4:00 PM]. The school telephone is available for business use only.
Students may use the phone in the office for emergencies and with permission only.
JPII provides students with email accounts for the purpose of school-related communication. These accounts
should be used with care. Students are not allowed to send personal information; they should not attempt to open
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files or follow links from unknown or un-trusted origin; they should use appropriate language; and they should
communicate with other students and/or the teacher for educational purposes only. Students are expected to
communicate with the same appropriate, safe, mindful, courteous conduct online as offline. Email usage is
monitored and archived.
Web Pages
Pope John Paul II High School retains ownership of the name and its logo. Any unauthorized use, even on a
personal web page, is prohibited.
Co-curricular organization web sites outside of the JPII web page are not
permitted unless administration approved.
Student Web Pages
Students may create a web page as part of a class activity under the supervision of their teacher. Material
presented on a student class activity web page must meet the educational objectives of the class activity. Students
will be required to remove material that fails to meet established educational objectives, school’s mission or goals,
or that is in violation of a provision of the school’s technology use regulation or student disciplinary code.
In the event a student has violated the school’s Computer or Internet Use Policy and Agreement, computer
privileges will be suspended until further notice. The administration will define disciplinary actions that will be
tailored to address specific concerns related to the violation.
No warranties
JPII does not make any warranties for the computer service provided. Students should evaluate information
gained through electronic sources in the same manner they would evaluate all other information used for their
work. Data safety is the student’s responsibility. Stored files may be deleted without notice and data may be lost
for other reasons including a system failure. Individual user files are not backed up; users are responsible for
providing backup data security for their own computer data.
Students shall not attempt to vandalize school property, including computers and related equipment. Vandalism
includes, but is not limited to, a malicious attempt to harm or destroy the data of another user or to disturb the
computer services at the School or on the Internet. This includes, but is not limited to, exercising security holes,
creating, accessing or spreading computer viruses, or any other activities designed to disrupt the computer
Consistent communication between the school and home is an important component of a positive educational
environment and is highly valued at JPII
Correspondence from the school is delivered to families in several ways
including but not limited to email blasts including Next Week @ JPII and The Eagle Family Newsletter.
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Procedures for Communication Between the Parents, Teachers and Administrators
If a student is having difficulty with a course or a policy, the student should contact the teacher or coach directly.
If the student does not feel the concern has been adequately addressed, the student should address the issue with
the administration. If the student still feels the concern has not been adequately addressed, the student’s
parent/guardian should contact the teacher, coach or administrator involved. If the parent feels that the concern
has not been adequately addressed, the parent/guardian should contact the administration.
Procedure for Scheduling and Approval
In order to schedule a School event or activity, all events including fund raising, club meetings, etc. must be
approved by the administration. The school events calendar will be updated so all communications are current.
Student Messages
Students may be given a message during school hours
through the office
. Parents, please do not call student cell
phones during the school day as it is disruptive to the educational process. If there is an emergency, call the office
and contact will be made with your student.
Use of Student Information and Pictures
The School reserves the right to use student pictures (or video) in publications and on the school’s website.
Student first names and last initial may be used when publishing pictures or video. A parent who does not wish
his/her student’s picture used must indicate this on the Registration Form at the beginning of the school year.
Emergencies and Crisis Procedures
Emergency Contact Form
The school must have an emergency form on file for EVERY student in the school. Completing the emergency
contact information requested on the SchoolAdmin portal creates this form. If any information changes during
the year, the parent must make these changes through the SchoolAdmin portal. It is very
that the
school be able to easily and quickly reach at least one parent or specified responsible person during the school
day. If you are going to be out of town, we ask that you advise us as to what procedures to follow and who to
contact if there is an emergency with your child.
General Emergencies
In case of a student medical emergency, an adult employee (typically an administrator or the school secretary) will
determine if the condition requires medical support. If it does, the adult will call 911 immediately and complete
an Incident Form. Records of all 911 calls are kept by the school. Parents will be notified of any medical
emergencies concerning their child.
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Fire, Earthquake and Lockdown Drills
It is important to prepare for any crisis in the best way possible. JPII has formulated an on-going working
comprehensive plan to help ensure the safety and protection of all adults and students in our care.
Emergency drills are held monthly. Ordinarily, these are unannounced and occur at different times within the
schedule. Teachers are trained to respond to each emergency appropriately and have updated Emergency
Procedure Guidelines available at the door of every classroom.
Discipline and the Student Code of Conduct
Philosophy and Expectations for Student Behavior
JPII is a Catholic community whose purpose is education. All members of the community are expected to work
toward this goal. At JPII, we seek to create a healthy moral environment and to build a school community reflecting
Gospel values and the spirit of Jesus' love as defined by the Grad at Grad document. We wish to protect members
of our school family from injury or malicious harm, to safeguard both private and school property, and to develop
an atmosphere that is conducive to learning. Accordingly, the rules of the school seek to achieve an atmosphere
in which students can learn and teachers can effectively facilitate learning.
Our goal is to aid our students in growing into mature and responsible Christian adults. We believe that high
expectations of student behavior is basic to this development. Furthermore, we know that correct behavior must
be taught, learned and practiced. As a starting point in creating a Christian community and cultivating habits of
responsibility, we agree to comply with the following rules and regulations.
A respectful and businesslike tone should pervade the School. Students are expected to follow the rules of
common courtesy demonstrating individual responsibility and contributing to a positive community
Demonstration of affection between students determined to be inappropriate by the School (e.g.,
prolonged hugging, kissing, inappropriate touching) is not reflective of the professional school environment
we seek. This list is not exhaustive.
As a Catholic school community, opportunities to gather in prayer are especially important. Student
behavior during liturgies and prayer services should be exemplary. Students are to participate during all
masses and prayer experiences including prayer or song as appropriate. Non-Catholic students are expected
to participate as fully as possible and to remain respectful.
We expect students, parents, teachers, administrators, and staff, to treat all others with respect. Courteous
behavior and respect for the rights of others are expected of all students both on and off campus. Any
conduct that reflects negatively on JPII, including the posting of degrading, unkind or offensive statements
or other representations using technology (e.g., Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, etc.), can be grounds for
school disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, expulsion at the School’s sole discretion.
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Administration and Review of Behavior Policies
The Administration will be in charge of administering the behavior and discipline procedures and expectations.
Teachers or staff may assign other consequences for violations of rules. In matters serious enough to warrant
suspension and/or expulsion, the Principal will make the final decision. Pope John Paul II High School reserves the
right to clarify and interpret all policies and regulations.
Description of Offenses
Examples of inappropriate behavior are included below. JPII reserves the right to discipline students for
inappropriate behavior. Nothing in this Handbook should be construed to guarantee use of any specific
disciplinary procedure or to otherwise limit the School’s sole discretion in such circumstances.
Assault is defined as a crime of violence against another individual. All acts of violence will be reported to the
police. See policy on harassment.
Cheating is defined as giving or attempting to give or receive any aid unauthorized by the instructor. Plagiarism
is a form of cheating and is defined as passing off another person’s work as one’s own. Paraphrasing without
acknowledgment of authorship is also plagiarism. Borrowing another person’s work is another form of cheating.
Cheating (including the aiding and abetting of cheating), plagiarism, or copying on tests, exams, papers, or other
schoolwork is considered a serious moral and academic offense and will be dealt with by the faculty or
administration in its sole discretion. Generally, if a student is found to be cheating:
The assigned schoolwork involved in the cheating, copying, etc. will be graded zero and the student should
receive no credit for that assignment. The student’s parents may be notified in writing by JPII.
A copy of the notification should be placed in the student’s file as well as a copy to the administration.
A second cheating incident may result in the student receiving a grade of F for the current grading period in
that subject and may lead to suspension or expulsion at the School’s discretion.
JPII reserves the right to discipline students for cheating, plagiarism or copying on tests, exams, papers or
other schoolwork in its sole discretion. Nothing in this policy or Handbook should be construed to
guarantee use of any specific disciplinary procedure or consequence or to otherwise limit the discretion of
the JPII in such circumstances. The penalties are enforced throughout the student’s 4 years at JPII and are
Disruptive Behavior
Disruptive behavior is any behavior that interferes with the learning environment.
Dress Code
The purpose of the dress code at Pope John Paul II High School is to lend dignity to both the individual and the
school; and to enhance the learning environment. See page 29 for the dress code guidelines.
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Eating or Drinking in Classrooms
Drinking or eating food, including chewing gum, in classrooms is at the teacher’s discretion. Water is acceptable.
The health and safety of the students and the classroom technology is the primary concern. Teacher and students
are responsible for necessary cleanup.
Extraordinary Parental Conduct
This Includes off-campus behavior. Membership in the Pope John Paul II High School community is a privilege and
requires a commitment from all to the furtherance of the School’s mission. In this respect, if a parent or guardian’s
conduct interferes with the full development of a student’s intellectual, emotional, spiritual and/or physical
formation, it is deemed detrimental to the furtherance of the School’s mission and therefore is unacceptable.
Parents or guardians who do any of the following acts are considered to be acting contrary to the school’s mission
and policy as reflected in this handbook:
Intentionally providing tobacco, alcohol or other mind-altering drugs, except where such drugs are
prescribed, to any JPII student or students.
Knowingly providing a location where any JPII student or students consume or ingest tobacco, alcohol or
other mind-altering drugs, except where such drugs are prescribed.
Any other intentional act or failure to act which has the effect of assisting or enabling any JPII student or
students to engage in conduct that violates the drug and alcohol and/or extraordinary conduct provisions
of this handbook.
As a consequence of any parent or guardian engaging in any of the acts or failure to act identified above, JPII shall
have the right to suspend or expel any or all of that parent or guardian’s student or students from the school
Parental cooperation is essential for the welfare of students. If, in the opinion of the administration, parent
behavior seriously interferes with the teaching/learning process or reflects negatively upon the reputation of the
JPII school community, the school may require parents to withdraw their children and sever the relationship with
the school.
Extraordinary Student Conduct
Usually the school does not involve itself in student conduct apart from school or school events. However, there
may be an occasion when student conduct, whether on campus or separate from the school, will be of such a
nature as to negatively reflect on the school and will call into question the student's continuance as a member of
the Pope John Paul II Community.
Any student who hosts or facilitates a party or gathering at which alcoholic beverages or other drugs are used by
minors, or provides or procures a facility for any such party or gathering, has seriously violated the kind of behavior
expected by members of the school community. The student(s) will be suspended pending an investigation.
It is considered forgery if a student falsifies any signatures other than their own whether written or electronic.
If money is exchanged during any activity, the student is considered to be gambling. This includes bets on games,
betting or daring others to inappropriately take action, etc.
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Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying
Harassment occurs when an individual is subjected to treatment or to a school environment which is hostile or
intimidating because of the individual's race, creed, color, national origin, physical disability, gender or sexual
orientation and will not be tolerated. Harassment can occur at any time during school-related activities or from
home in the form of cyber-bullying. (see page 40 for complete policy)
Hazing in any form or of any type is not allowed and can result in suspension or expulsion from school.
Improper Public Display of Affection
Public displays of affection are inappropriate and not acceptable.
Initiating a False Alarm
When a student purposefully and inappropriately engages an alarm of any kind is considered an offense.
A student will be charged with insubordination when the student fails to cooperate with an adult’s request to
follow policy and/or procedure.
Profanity and derogatory language is not allowed on campus or at school events.
Leaving campus without permission
Students must provide parental permission and check out with the office.
Parking lot conduct
Students can only park in their assigned area during school hours. Safety rules must be adhered to at all times.
Physical Violence/Fighting
A student shall not intentionally threaten, cause or attempt to cause physical injury to anyone on or around the
school grounds at any time. This includes any school event at home or away.
Stealing school or private property of any kind makes a student liable for expulsion. Selling and buying goods
between students in the school without prior authorization is not allowed and calls for suspension from school. If
articles bought and sold are stolen, the transaction makes one liable for expulsion. This includes incidences
occurring while attending/participating in a school sanctioned event.
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Use of Electronics
JPII strongly recommends that students NOT bring hand-held electronic devices other than student laptop to
campus. The school will not accept any responsibility for theft or loss. Students are not allowed to use or visibly
display any electronic devices at any time during school hours. However, teachers reserve the right to allow
students to use a device at their discretion. (see the technology policy on hand-held electronics page
Bookmark not defined.
Use/Possession of Weapons
Weapons of any type are strictly forbidden on school property and call for immediate suspension and liable for
expulsion. This includes any threats, verbal or written, involving weapons or anything that can be perceived as a
weapon. (see Weapons policy on page 26)
Students who deface or damage school property will be charged with vandalism and further, they will be subject
to restitution and/or punishment by law.
Law enforcement
There are actions which threaten the safety or security of members of our community that are strictly prohibited.
These behaviors not only violate JPII rules, but may also violate the law. Engaging in any of these actions may
result in immediate dismissal from JPII and may also lead to an individual's arrest.
A student may be suspended from attending classes as a result of their misconduct. Suspension prohibits the
student from the school grounds or any school activity for the duration of the suspension. Absences because of
suspension are not excused. However, suspended students must complete all work assigned during the
suspension and make up missed tests within one (1) week of their return. Students on suspension may not
participate in athletics or any co-curricular activity.
Parents will receive written notification of a suspension. The student must confer with the administrator in charge
before the student will be readmitted to classes. After a suspension, a probationary contract may be developed
that must be signed by the student, his/her parent(s), and an administrator.
If a student officer is suspended during the course of the year, he/she will be removed from office for the remainder
of the academic year. A student officer suspended during fourth quarter will be removed from office for the
remainder of the academic year and will be ineligible to run for either class or executive council positions during
the following school year.
Occasionally, the nature of the offense is such that the school feels that the student is in need of medical
intervention. If the school deems it necessary that a student is in need of medical intervention, the school can
require the student to see a mental health professional. An evaluation/risk report must be provided with
recommendations before the student is admitted back into school.
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When a student is found guilty of a dismissible offense, the following sequence will occur.
1. The Academic Administrator will consult with the Principal in all cases of dismissal.
2. Notification of incident is made to student’s parents and counselor.
3. Students who are dismissed for disciplinary reasons have the right to appeal this decision within 5 school
days after the parents or guardians have received notification of the dismissal. If an appeal is not made
within the 5 day period, the hearing is waived and the dismissal is final. If the student is dismissed, the
financial policies as outlined in the Student & Parent Handbook will be in effect. (see page 44)
4. The dismissed student shall return his/her ID card to the Principal and return rented textbooks and other
school owned property.
5. The dismissed student will have her/his parent or guardian make the necessary arrangements with the
Registrar for transferring records to a new school.
6. The dismissed student shall not be allowed back on the Pope John Paul II High School campus for any
7. The dismissed student will not be allowed to attend any function that is the sole activity/event of JPII High
School whether on campus or away.
8. Permission for exceptions to any of the above may be granted upon written request to the administration.
9. The student may appeal for re-admission.
Appeals Process
The Disciplinary Appeal Board is composed of the Academic Administrator, three faculty members, and another
faculty member who is chosen by the student to guide them through the appeal process. The Board will hear all
requests for appeal when a student is dismissed and render recommendations to the Principal.
1. Students who are dismissed for disciplinary/academic reasons have the right to appeal this decision before
the Disciplinary Appeal Board.
2. The student, parent(s) and a student-selected advocate present their case for review to the Disciplinary
Appeal Board.
3. Following this meeting, each faculty member on the Board votes independently on the status of the
4. The Academic Administrator will review this meeting and the results of the vote with the Principal.
5. The administration will inform the parents and student of the final decision.
6. If the student is dismissed, the student must follow the dismissal check out procedures as outlined in the
dismissal section.
7. If the student is readmitted, the Principal will set the length and terms of the probation based on
recommendations from the Disciplinary Appeal Board.
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Harassment / Bullying Policy at JPII
Pope John Paul II High School, as part of the greater Catholic Archdiocese, is committed to a positive and
productive community environment free of harassment and bullying. It is the explicit policy of Pope John Paul II
High School to prohibit harassment, bullying, or intimidation whether committed by a student, staff member,
volunteer, and/or parent. Pope John Paul II High School will promptly respond to allegations of harassment and
bullying and take each allegation seriously. Pope John Paul II High School will review and investigate such matters
in a professional and timely manner.
1. Pope John Paul II High School is committed to an environment that is free of harassment and bullying
whether intentional or not, while in school/parish buildings or on school/parish property, or when being
transported to and from school-sponsored activities. In addition, online harassment via email or social
media will not be tolerated.
2. Pope John Paul II High School prohibits retaliation against any student, staff member, volunteer, and/or
parent who has testified, assisted, or participated in the investigation report. Retaliation includes, but is not
limited to, any form of intimidation, reprisal, or adverse pressure.
Harassment is defined as any intentional electronic, verbal, physical, visual, or written act including, but not
limited to, one shown to be motivated by a person’s perceived race, ethnicity, genetic information, sexual
orientation including gender expression or identity, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, or disability, or
that of his/her relatives, friends, or associates, when the electronic, verbal, physical, visual, or written act:
Physically harms a student or damages the student's property;
Has the effect of substantially interfering with a student's education;
Is so severe, persistent, or pervasive it creates an intimidating or threatening educational environment; or
Has the effect of substantially disrupting the orderly operation of the school.
and that creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive school environment.
Operational Definitions of Harassment
Verbal Harassment
: Includes, but is not limited to, harassment involving derogatory comments, jokes or
slurs; belligerent or threatening words between individuals; offensive, negative remarks.
Physical Harassment
: Includes, but is not limited to, harassment involving unwanted deliberate touching,
pinching, punching, kicking, bruising, or patting.
Visual Harassment
: Includes, but is not limited to, harassment involving derogatory, demeaning or
inflammatory pictures, posters, cartoons, written words, drawings, novelties, computer-generated images
and memes, and both body and facial gestures.
Sexual Harassment
: Means harassment that includes, but is not limited to unwelcome sexual advances,
requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical contact, sexually suggestive remarks, gestures or
jokes, or other verbal or physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature if:
a. Submission to that conduct or communication is made a term or condition, either explicitly or implicitly,
of obtaining an education or employment;
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b. Submission to or rejection of that conduct or communication by an individual is used as a factor in
decisions affecting that individual's education or employment; or
c. That conduct or communication has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an
individual's educational or work performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive
educational or work environment.
5. Online Harassment: Includes, but is not limited to harassment involving emailing, texting, tweeting, or
posting indecent and/or demeaning writings, cartoons, memes, or pictures via social media.
Uncivil or unkind behavior towards others that does not meet the above standards for harassment may still subject
a student to disciplinary action. Harassment is in the perception of the victim.
Bullying and Cyberbullying
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power
The behavior is repeated over a period of time
There are three types of bullying:
1. Verbal bullying involves saying or writing mean things.
2. Social bullying, sometimes referred to as relational bullying, involves hurting someone’s reputation or
3. Physical bullying involves hurting a person’s body or possessions.
Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technology includes but not
limited to devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools
including social media sites, text messages, tweets, chat, and websites.
All allegations of harassment and bullying will be taken seriously and promptly investigated. Reports of
harassment and bullying should be made immediately to faculty, staff, and/or administration. Once an allegation
of harassment and or bullying has been reported, the administration, will adhere to Archdiocesan policy and
follow through on the investigation of the allegation.
Uncivil or unkind behavior towards others that does not meet the above standards for bullying may still subject a
student to disciplinary action.
Any threat by a student to inflict harm to self or others will be taking seriously and addressed promptly.
Administration will decide if police support or notification is needed. The police will be notified about threats
when it is deemed necessary. If a student has been threatened, the administration shall notify the student’s
parents/guardians promptly.
Any student who makes an intentional verbal or physical threat to cause a person’s death, or who makes a threat
about guns or explosive devices, will be suspended or expelled and the police will be notified.
Retaliation / False Allegations
Retaliation is prohibited and will result in appropriate discipline. It is a violation to threaten or harm someone for
reporting harassment, intimidation, or bullying, or to threaten or harm someone who participates in an
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investigation of harassment, intimidation, or bullying. It is also a violation of school rules to knowingly report false
allegations of harassment, intimidation, and bullying. Individuals will not be disciplined for making a report in
good faith, even if the report is found not to be substantiated. However, persons found to knowingly report or
corroborate false allegations will be subject to appropriate discipline.
Alcohol and Drug Policy
The use and/or possession of alcoholic beverages or drugs is prohibited by law to minors. In addition, the following
regulations shall be applicable to students of Pope John Paul II High School while they are in school, on and off
school grounds, or at school-sponsored events.
1. The selling, possession, distribution of and/or social media or other reference to alcoholic beverages, drug
paraphernalia, controlled substances including marijuana, or any substance considered to be such, is a
major violation. Students who knowingly do so will receive a long-term suspension or expulsion. Legal
authorities may be notified. Controlled substances include, but are not limited to, narcotics, amphetamines,
marijuana, hallucinogens, barbiturates, and prescription or non-prescription drugs of any nature
whatsoever. In order to return to school students will be required to state where and how they obtained the
drug or alcohol.
2. Students under the influence of any alcoholic beverages, controlled substances, including marijuana, or
other illegal substances considered to be such will receive a long-term suspension or expulsion. Legal
authorities may be notified. In order to return to school, students will be required to state where and how
they obtained the drug or alcohol and may be required to obtain a drug/alcohol assessment and follow any
3. Cigarette smoking, e-cigarettes used for vaping, JUULing (jeweling), and other similar conduct by students
will not be tolerated at any time on the school premises or at school-sponsored activities or events.
Any medication a student requires during the school day must be kept in the health room or school office (as
discussed in the Health and Medical Information section) and administered by school personnel, a parent, or a
parent-designated adult consistent with written authorization from the licensed health care professional.
Students will not be permitted to consume prescribed cannabis products on school grounds, school
transportation, and/or at school activities.
Tuition Policies
Families who wish to enroll their student at Pope John Paul II High School formalize their intention by completing
the registration form and signing an enrollment contract. The signature of the parents or legal guardians indicates
consent to fulfill all responsibilities and abide by all rules as described in the Student & Parent Handbook.
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Tuition Payment: Responsibilities and Methods
At the time of their child’s registration to attend or re-enroll at Pope John Paul II High School, parents must sign
an Enrollment Contract Promissory Note. The note describes the parent/guardian responsibility to pay the
current tuition rate by one of four approved methods in exchange for the educational programs and services
provided by Pope John Paul II High School. The parent/guardian signature indicates consent to pay all applicable
fees as described in the agreement, the Curriculum Guide and in the Student & Parent Handbook.
Parent/Guardian will choose one of the following methods of tuition payment:
One annual payment generally on or before July 20
o Annual payment methods available: check, credit card*, Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) or cash.
Two semi-annual payments on or before July 20
on or before the following January 20
o Semi-annual payment methods available: check, credit card*, EFT or cash.
Four quarterly payments on or before July 20
, October 20
, January 20
and April 20
o Quarterly payment methods available: check, credit card*, EFT or cash.
Equal monthly or semi-monthly payments for eleven months: July, August, September, October, November,
December, January, February, March, April, and May.
o Monthly or bi-monthly payments are
available by Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT).
* credit card payments will include an additional convenience fee (percentage set annually in February based upon
credit card processing service charge.)
The activity, book and technology fees are billed in July. EFT is available upon request for book rentals and fees.
JPII will assess a late fee of $10 monthly for each past due account unless specific arrangements have been
made with the business office.
A $35 fee will be assessed for each EFT or check returned by your bank for non-sufficient funds.
Delinquent Accounts
The school reserves the right to withhold any and all services for nonpayment of account.
1. Accounts not current
at the end of any semester
will result in the following:
a. Student will not be allowed to take final semester exams.
b. Student may be denied enrollment for the following semester.
2. Senior students whose accounts are not current
will not be allowed to take final exams
and will be denied
participation in all end-of-year Graduation activities (Senior Awards Assembly, Baccalaureate Mass, and
Commencement). Diplomas will be withheld until accounts are paid in full.
3. Official transcripts will not be sent by JPII for students or graduates whose accounts are not current.
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Terms of Withdrawal
Students are accepted with the understanding that they will remain enrolled at Pope John Paul II High School for
the entire academic year. The school consequently makes its commitments to the faculty and contracts for services
on a yearly basis according to the number of students enrolled at the beginning of the academic year.
The school is not relieved of its responsibilities and obligations when a student withdraws or is dismissed.
Therefore, it is understood by the parents and the school that in the event a student does not complete the
academic year, the parents are still obligated to pay in full any tuition balance as provided for in the Withdrawal
Tuition Responsibility/Refund Policy.
Parents must complete the registrar’s paperwork formally withdrawing their student before the withdrawal is
Withdrawal Tuition Responsibility/Refund Policy
The refund policy at Pope John Paul II High School is as follows:
After attendance for Fall Semester and into Spring Semester, full annual tuition is due and non-refundable.
10% of the annual tuition will be due if the student has attended school for 2 weeks or less.
15% of the annual tuition will be due if the student has attended school from 3 to 4 weeks.
25% of the annual tuition will be due if the student has attended school from 5 to 6 weeks.
50% of the annual tuition will be due if the student has attended school from 6 weeks to the end of Fall
Fees are non-refundable.
Charges will be assessed for rental books and other school owned materials not returned.
A student who transfers late into the school is responsible for the prescribed fees. If a student enters JPII after 6
weeks of instruction in a given semester any adjustment in the tuition will be at the discretion of the Principal.
If a student is withdrawn from the school for reasons beyond the control of the parents or guardian (such as a
family move or transfer), the family may appeal to the Principal for an adjustment of tuition. The decision of the
Principal is final.
Schedule of Fees
The following schedule of non-refundable fees has been established.
Registration Fee
: $300 is due with the registration form and signed enrollment contract by March for the
following school year.
Activity Fees
: $250 is billed in July with the first tuition payment under any of the 4 payment plans. This fee
helps cover student services and includes the following: Associated Student Body (ASB) card, Campus
Ministry retreats, yearbook, and testing fees.
Technology Fee
: $100 is billed in July with the first tuition payment under any of the 4 payment plans. This
fee helps cover technology services for the students such as the student server, security and infrastructure
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Book Fee
: $250 is billed in July with the first tuition payment under any of the 4 payment plans. This fee
helps cover digital learning content, contracted online learning services, textbooks, and online e-books.
Tuition Assistance Program
Pope John Paul II High School has implemented a tuition assistance program for the purpose of providing financial
help to families who otherwise might not be able to afford the cost of having their children enrolled at JPII.
Families must demonstrate the level of their financial need annually by completing the application process
through FACTS online. Any families having difficulty completing the online process please contact the business
office as soon as possible. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to pay the balance not covered by tuition
assistance and/or scholarships.
1. Family completes the application for admission process AND completes the FACTS online forms.
2. Principal and Tuition Assistance committee review financial data for all candidates.
3. School notifies families of admission status AND tuition assistance qualifications.
4. Student and parents must complete the registration process and accept the responsibilities as indicated by
their signatures on the tuition grant reply form.
5. The following conditions apply to a student’s eligibility for tuition assistance:
a. Student must maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative grade-point average to remain eligible.
b. If at any time a student’s tuition account ceases to be current, the tuition assistance grant will be
c. Student must be in good standing with the school.