The Hyde Park Preservation Plan
Design Standards
December 9, 2010
RELEVANT DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................... 2
THE HYDE PARK PRESERVATION PLAN: OVERVIEW ................................................................ 5
1. THE NEED FOR A PRESERVATION PLAN ............................................................................................... 5
2. THE OVERALL PURPOSE OF THE HYDE PARK PRESERVATION PLAN...................................................... 5
3. THE SPECIFIC GOALS OF THE HYDE PARK PRESERVATION PLAN .......................................................... 6
THE PARTS OF THE HYDE PARK PRESERVATION PLAN ........................................................... 6
1. ADHERENCE TO DESIGN STANDARDS .................................................................................................. 6
A. The Neighborhood Conservation Combining District ............................................................... 7
B. The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties................... 7
C. Hyde Park Local Historic District Design Standards................................................................ 8
D. Previous Agreements about Specific Properties in the District ................................................. 8
2. EDUCATIONAL EFFORTS ...................................................................................................................... 9
3. REGULATION PROCEDURE OVERVIEW ................................................................................................. 9
A. Review by the Development Review Committee ........................................................................ 9
B. Requirement of a Certificate of Appropriateness ...................................................................... 9
4. PERIODIC REVIEW ............................................................................................................................. 10
DESIGN STANDARDS .......................................................................................................................... 11
1. GENERAL STANDARDS ...................................................................................................................... 11
2. EXCLUSIONS ..................................................................................................................................... 12
RESTORATION ...................................................................................................................................... 12
STRUCTURES ........................................................................................................................................ 14
6. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY STANDARDS ............................................................................................... 17
7. MULTI-FAMILY PROPERTY STANDARDS............................................................................................. 17
8. PUBLIC SPACE STANDARDS ............................................................................................................... 17
Relevant Definitions
The following definitions are relevant to the understanding of this document.
Certificate of Appropriateness: The documentation provided by the Historic
Landmark Commission after review of proposed changes to a contributing
structure in the historic district certifying that the proposed change is in
conformance with these Design Standards. Certificates of Appropriateness are
governed by Section 25-11-2 and 25-11-212 of the City of Austin Land
Development Code, which provide that a person must obtain a Certificate of
Appropriateness to change, restore, remove, or demolish an exterior architectural
or site feature of a structure that is contributing to the historic district. The City
Historic Preservation Officer can approve applications for Certificates of
Appropriateness for the following:
1. Accurate restoration or reconstruction of a documented missing historic
architectural element of the structure or site;
2. Changes which do not affect the appearance of the structure or site from
an adjacent public street;
3. Construction of a ground-floor one-story addition or outbuilding with less
than 600 square feet of gross floor area
4. Two-story additions to the rear of two-story houses; or
5. A pool, deck, fence, back porch enclosure, or other minor feature.
Contributing Structure: A structure that fits the following criteria:
1. Contributes architecturally and/or historically to the historic character of
the historic district.
2. Is at least 50 years old and maintains a high degree of integrity in that it
retains its historic appearance.
3. Was built during the period of significance for the historic district.
The determination of whether a structure is contributing to the historic district is
made by the historic preservation professional who evaluated the survey and
inventory of the buildings within the district, in conjunction with professional city
staff. A structure is designated contributing to the historic district by the
ordinance establishing the district.
Altered structures may still be considered contributing to the character of the
historic district if the alterations are minor and have not significantly compromised
the integrity of materials and design of the building. However, a building which
has been significantly altered and no longer retains its historic appearance is no
longer contributing to the district, even if the building is over 50 years old.
Fenestration: The arrangement, proportioning, and design of windows and
doors in a building.
Façade: The front or principal face of a building.
Historic District: A historic area (HD) combining district is the collection of
structures which give an area its historic character. By definition, at least 51% of
the principal buildings within the historic area (HD) combining district must be
designated as contributing to the district.
Noncontributing Structure: A structure that fits the following criteria:
1. Is less than 50 years old.
2. Has been significantly altered over time so that the building no longer
conveys its historic appearance.
3. Has been moved into the district less than 50 years ago.
A building which is over 50 years old but which has been significantly altered is
non-contributing to the district until such time as the building is restored to its
historic appearance. Current city incentives are available to owners of these
properties to encourage restoration of the structure. Hyde Park Local Historic
District Design Standards do not apply to noncontributing structures.
Preservation: Measures necessary to sustain the existing form, integrity, and
materials of a historic property. Preservation work generally focuses on
maintenance and repair of historic materials and features rather than extensive
replacement and/or new construction.
Reconstruction: New construction which replicates the form, features, and
detailing of a non-surviving site, landscape, building, structure, or object.
Reconstruction replicates the appearance and historic location of a non-surviving
feature. Examples of reconstruction include the construction of new window
screens which replicate historic screens on a structure, or the replacement of
missing eave brackets or porch features. Reconstruction should be attempted
only when physical and/or documentary (photographic) evidence is available of
the size, scale, proportion, and materials of missing features.
Rehabilitation: The repair, alterations, and additions to a historic property which
make a compatible use of the property possible, while preserving those portions
or features of the structure which convey the historic, cultural, or architectural
values of the structure. Rehabilitation generally involves the construction of
additions to historic buildings.
Restoration: The accurate depiction of the form, features, and character of a
property as it appeared at a particular period of time by removing features from
other periods in its history and reconstruction of missing features from the
restoration period. A restoration project is one that restores the historic
appearance of a building by removing later additions or modifications, such as
synthetic siding, aluminum windows, reconstructing missing architectural
features, and preserving the historic fabric of the structure.
Period of Significance: A time period during the history of a neighborhood or
district when a substantial amount of construction activity took place. For Hyde
Park, the period of significant is from 1892 to 1960. The majority of resources in
the district (87%) were built during this period of significance.
The Hyde Park Preservation Plan: Overview
1. The Need for a Preservation Plan
Hyde Park has one of the largest concentrations of historic homes in the City of Austin.
Its proximity to downtown and the University of Texas, along with an increasing interest
in redeveloping downtown Austin, has resulted in tremendous development pressure on
the neighborhood.
Local Historic District designation is intended to protect and enhance existing historic
resources. By establishing local historic district zoning, the City of Austin provides a
mechanism to ensure that architectural changes within the local historic district are
compatible with the historic character of the district. Buildings within these districts may
not have sufficient historical or architectural significance on their own to be designated as
Austin Historic Landmarks, but they have significance as part of their neighborhood
2. The Overall Purpose of the Hyde Park Preservation Plan
Because of the innate historical and architectural value of Hyde Park as a neighborhood,
the primary emphasis for the Hyde Park Local Historic District will be preservation. In
so far as possible, the existing form, integrity, and materials of a historic property or a
contributing structure will be maintained.
Restoration, as defined by the Secretary of the Interior Standards, is acceptable when the
original appearance can be verified through photographic or other evidence.
Currently, a few historical and contributing structures originally intended as residences
are being used for other purposes. As long as “those portions or features which convey its
historical, cultural, or architectural values” are preserved, such compatible reuse or
rehabilitation is also acceptable.
Hyde Park also recognizes that change is inevitable. Changes in lifestyle between 1891
and the present require different uses of space. Additions, secondary dwelling units, and
new residences or commercial structures will be built.
Consequently, the aspects of the Hyde Park Preservation Plan and Design Standards that
address new construction aim for appropriateness of construction, determined by
compatibility of two types:
1. Compatibility with neighborhood architectural patterns. Despite the
diversity of housing types in Hyde Park, most residential structures in the
neighborhood share architectural patterns, including but not limited to an
entrance in the front of the house, a front porch, a pathway from the sidewalk
to the front entrance, and windows that are taller than they are wide. For a full
list of Hyde Park neighborhood patterns, see Hyde Park Neighborhood Plan
(City of Austin Ordinance No. 000413-63, August 13, 2000).
2. Compatibility with the Hyde Park Compatibility Standards, authored by
Black, Atkinson, & Vernooy.
3. Compatibility with the immediately surrounding structures. New
buildings should be reviewed in the context of their surroundings.
Designation of the Hyde Park Local Historic District does not require property
owners to make changes to their properties, such as returning buildings to their
historic appearance. Additionally, the review of construction projects within the
district that results from district designation is limited to those projects that affect
the exterior of the building and its site; interior remodeling projects do not require
review and approval.
3. The Specific Goals of the Hyde Park Preservation Plan
The goals of the Hyde Park Local Historic District Preservation Plan are as
Preserve the historic fabric of Hyde Park.
Prevent the demolition of contributing buildings in the neighborhood.
Encourage the rehabilitation, maintenance, and retention of historic
Ensure that alterations to existing buildings are compatible with the historic
character of the structure and the district.
Assist property owners and designers in developing plans for historic
properties and encourage the compatibility of new structures in the historic
Encourage sustainable design and building practices in the neighborhood.
This document is a tool for the following interested parties:
Property owners, tenants, contractors, design professionals, realtors or
anyone else planning new construction or a change to the exterior or site of a
building within the district.
The Historic Landmark Commission, in its evaluation of whether to grant a
Certificate of Appropriateness for any project covered by these Standards.
The Parts of the Hyde Park Preservation Plan
1. Adherence to Design Standards
Documents and City Code sections governing buildings within the Hyde Park
Local Historic District include the following:
A. The Neighborhood Conservation Combining District (NCCD)
B. The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic
C. The Hyde Park Local Historic District Design Standards
D. Previous Agreements about Specific Properties in the District
A. The Neighborhood Conservation Combining District
The City of Austin Neighborhood Conservation Combining District (NCCD)
(Ordinance No. 020131-20) already regulates the modification and construction
of buildings and other structures in Hyde Park. It also provides for standards that
affect fences, driveways, accessory buildings, garages, maximum building
coverage, maximum impervious cover, maximum height, setbacks, and building
facades, among other things. In no case shall the standards established by the
NCCD be invalidated by any additional standards; they may, however, be
narrowed by additional standards in order to ensure compatibility with the historic
patterns of the Hyde Park neighborhood, an issue which is not addressed by the
B. The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of
Historic Properties
This Preservation Plan adopts The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the
Treatment of Historic Properties with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating,
Restoring & Reconstructing Historic Buildings (by Kay D. Weeks and Anne E.
Grimmer, 1995, U.S. Department of the Interior). This document provides
detailed descriptions and instructions for preservation, rehabilitation, restoration,
and reconstruction of historic structures.
Basic standards for rehabilitation were developed in 1976 and are as follows:
A property shall be used for its historic purpose or be placed in a new use that
requires minimal change to the defining characteristics of the building and its
site and environment.
The historic character of a property shall be retained and preserved. The
removal of historic materials or alteration of features and spaces that
characterize a property shall be avoided.
Each property shall be recognized as a physical record of its time, place, and
use. Changes that create a false sense of historical development, such as
adding conjectural features or architectural elements from other buildings,
shall not be undertaken.
Most properties change over time; those changes that have acquired historic
significance in their own right shall be retained and preserved.
Distinctive features, finishes, and construction techniques or examples of
craftsmanship that characterize a historic property shall be preserved.
Deteriorated historic features, finishes, and construction techniques or
examples of craftsmanship that characterize a historic property shall be
Chemical or physical treatments such as sandblasting that cause damage to
historic materials shall not be used. The surface cleaning of structures, if
appropriate, shall be undertaken using the gentlest means possible.
Significant archeological resources affected by a project shall be protected
and preserved. If such resources must be disturbed, mitigation measures
shall be undertaken.
New additions, exterior alterations, or related new construction shall not
destroy historic materials that characterize the property. The new work shall
be differentiated from the old and shall be compatible with the massing, size,
scale, and architectural features to protect the historic integrity of the property
and its environment.
New additions and adjacent or related new construction shall be undertaken
in such a manner that if removed in the future, the essential form and integrity
of the historic property and its environment would be unimpaired.
For the complete document, readers are referred to www.nps.gov/history/hps/tps/
C. Hyde Park Local Historic District Design Standards
The Design Standards itemized in this document (beginning on page 11) are in
addition to those of the NCCD and the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. The
Hyde Park Local Historic District Design Standards provide a guide for decision-
making for changes in the exterior appearance of buildings and sites within the
Hyde Park Local Historic District. In the event there is a contradiction between
the Hyde Park Local Historic District Design Standards and the Secretary of the
Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, the Hyde Park Local
Historic District Design Standards will govern.
D. Previous Agreements about Specific Properties in the District
1. For specific properties where zoning was carefully crafted and agreed to
between the neighborhood and property owners, specifically Part 5 (Hyde
Park Civic District), and specific properties noted at 4307 Speedway
contained in Ordinance NO: 020131-20, as well as the zoning for 511 W. 41st
per Ordinance 20088065-062, the neighborhood and property owners
strongly urge the Historic Landmark Commission to respect those
agreements in their determination of a Certificate of Appropriateness.
2. For the property located at 4300 Speedway, no shed roofs shall be permitted.
Otherwise, the standards established for that property by Ordinance No.
0201131-20, which created the Hyde Park Neighborhood Conservation
Combining District, together with the commercial design standards for
development along urban roadways as set forth in Subchapter E of Chapter
25-2 of the City Code, shall fully constitute the applicable design standards for
4300 Speedway. Those collective standards for 4300 Speedway are
incorporated in this preservation plan by reference. Applications for exterior
changes, including those for demolition, relocation, and building permits, shall
by reviewed by the historic preservation officer and the Historic Landmark
Commission under the City Code’s guidelines for review in a National
Register Historic District. This provision shall govern over anything else in this
preservation plan.
2. Educational Efforts
The Hyde Park neighborhood, primarily through the agency of the Hyde Park
Neighborhood Association, conducts a variety of educational efforts:
Articles in the monthly neighborhood newsletter, the Pecan Press
Presentations at the monthly neighborhood association meetings
Special meetings when required
A yearly homes tour designed to exhibit historic and contributing houses,
accompanied by a booklet that describes the history of the houses
A website that includes historical information about the neighborhood and
links to relevant preservation and design resources
Hyde Park intends to continue these educational efforts in order to raise the level
of knowledge and awareness about the historic significance of the neighborhood
among both Hyde Park residents and the larger city of Austin. It also intends to
post this preservation plan and design standards document on its website, as an
educational measure.
3. Regulation Procedure Overview
Every application for a building permit for a new structure, an addition to an
existing structure, or the replacement of doors, windows, and roofing materials
within a Local Historic District must be routed through the Historic Preservation
Office and, if necessary, the Historic Landmark Commission for a review for
appropriateness. Only after a Certificate of Appropriateness is issued can a
building or demolition permit be issued.
A. Review by the Development Review Committee
The HPNA Development Review Committee will remain a source for developers
and home owners to help resolve questions of proposed development in advance
of permitting and construction, on a voluntary basis.
B. Requirement of a Certificate of Appropriateness
Most construction activity that affects the exterior or site of a building within the
Hyde Park Local Historic District must be approved by the Historic Landmark
Commission with a Certificate of Appropriateness before a building permit is
issued by the City of Austin. A Certificate of Appropriateness is not required for
remodeling of the interior of the building or for routine maintenance. The City of
Austin Historic Preservation Office will review applications for projects that
involve the replacement of doors, windows, and roofing materials to determine if
a Certificate of Appropriateness issued by the Historic Landmark Commission is
Applying the Design Standards in this document and the requirement of City
Code, the Historic Landmark Commission will review all applications regarding
contributing and new structures for the following:
Exterior changes to existing buildings and sites that exceed ordinary repair or
New construction.
Proposed demolition of existing buildings.
Relocation of existing buildings into or out of the Hyde Park Local Historic
The Historic Preservation Office performs a preliminary review of the application.
The Historic Landmark Commission can grant the Certificate, require
modification to the plans, or deny the Certificate. Denials can be appealed to the
appropriate land use commission and after that to City Council. The Historic
Preservation Office will not release a demolition or relocation permit for an
existing primary structure within the district until the Historic Landmark
Commission has granted a Certificate of Appropriateness for the replacement
building. The Historic Preservation Office has the authority to approve minor
projects without requiring a full review by the Historic Landmark Commission.
The Historic Landmark Commission has the authority to grant exemptions to the
Design Standards if it determines that proposed new construction or changes to
existing buildings or sites will maintain the relevant historic style and retain the
character-defining features of the historic district.
4. Periodic Review
This Preservation Plan is not intended to be static. It is subject to periodic review.
Design Standards
Text in italics describes characteristics of existing structures in Hyde Park.
1. General Standards
1.1: Prevention of Demolition
Demolition of any contributing structure is strongly discouraged under all
circumstances. No person shall demolish a contributing structure or any exterior
part of any contributing structure within the local historic district without prior
approval by the Historic Landmark Commission with a Certificate of
Appropriateness. Demolition permits on primary structures within the district will
not be released until the Historic Landmark Commission has granted a Certificate
of Appropriateness for the replacement structure.
1.2: Retention of Historic Style
Respect the historic style of existing structures and retain their historic features,
including character-defining elements and building scale.
1.3: Avoidance of False Historicism
Respect each contributing structure as an example of the architecture of its time.
Do not make alterations that have no historic basis, such as the addition of
gingerbread trim to a 1920s bungalow. Do not give an existing contributing
structure a “historic” appearance it never had. When developing plans for
additions, porches, and other exterior alterations, look to other houses of similar
vintage to see how these changes were made historically, and then use that
information as a guide to developing an appropriate size, scale, and massing for
your proposed exterior change.
1.4: Appropriate Treatment Options for Contributing or Potentially
Contributing Structures
1. Preserve the historic fabric: Repair deteriorated historic features and
architectural elements.
2. Reconstruct missing or un-repairable architectural features with the following:
a) Recycled historic materials that approximate the size and match the
scale, profile, and appearance of the deteriorated or missing feature, if
b) New material that that approximates the size and matches the scale,
profile, and appearance of the historic material.
Reconstruct or rebuild missing architectural features using photographic or
physical indications as a guide.
1.5: Energy Efficiency
Historic preservation and energy efficiency can work hand-in-hand. Do not
change the architectural character of a contributing structure to maximize energy
efficiency; instead, develop a compatible means of preserving a contributing
structure and conserving energy.
1. Solar panels: Design photovoltaic and solar thermal installations on
contributing buildings so that they are in scale with the existing roofline and
do not damage historic architectural features or materials. Do not put free-
standing solar panels on the street sides of a structure. This does not apply to
landscape lighting.
2. Rainwater collection systems: Rainwater harvesting is encouraged. If PVC
piping is used for rainwater system, all pipe visible from the street shall be
painted to resemble metal. Rainwater collection tanks may be of any material,
but if visible by pedestrians from the primary street, they shall be unobtrusive.
3. Other: Graywater recycling, use of HDPE in lieu of PVC, xeriscaping, tree
stewardship, recycling of building materials, and wildlife habitat creation and
maintenance are encouraged.
2. Exclusions
The following features are excluded from any design standards:
1. Paint color
2. Interiors of houses
3. Residential Standards: Single Family and Contributing
Multifamily - Preservation and Restoration
3.1: Front of Houses
Houses in Hyde Park uniformly face the street, generally with a visible front door
and with windows facing the street.
Retain the historic facade of a house in terms of door and window placement and
exterior wall materials. Repair damaged or deteriorated exterior wall materials
where reasonably possible. If replacement of exterior wall materials is necessary,
choose a material identical in size, profile, and appearance as the historic
3.2: Doors and Doorways
1. Do not enlarge, alter, or relocate single doorways on the façade of the house.
2. Retain and repair an original entry door. In cases where replacement of an
original entry door is required, or where the house does not have the original
door, choose a replacement door that is compatible in terms of design and
appearance with the historic character of the house.
3. Retain the glazing (window or glass) in its original configuration on doors that
contain glass.
Look to other houses of similar age and style in choosing a replacement door, or
consult publications, catalogs, or design professionals to determine the
appropriate door styles and materials for the age and style of your house.
3.3: Windows
Original windows are one of the most important features of the façade of a house
and define the character of the contributing buildings in the district. Many
contributing structures in Hyde Park still retain their old-growth wood windows.
1. Repair or rehabilitate the original windows and screens.
2. The energy efficiency of original windows can be improved by using methods
that do not damage historic sashes, glass, or frames, such as
weatherstripping, insulating weight pockets, adding insulated glass and the
necessary additional balancing weights, or adding a clear interior film, or a
combination of these methods.
3. Do not use tinted glass or tinted film on original windows.
4. If replacing windows, use windows that approximate the size and match the
scale, profile, appearance, and configuration of existing historic windows. .
3.4: Porches
Front porches are an integral part of the character of homes in Hyde Park.
Consider the architectural style of the house if making decisions about changes
to the front porch.
Preserve the original front and street-side porches. Do not enclose open front
and street-side ground-floor porches with screening, glass, or other enclosure
materials. Screens are appropriate for rear porches or other porches, including
second-floor front porches.
3.5: Roofs
The most common roof forms in Hyde Park are hipped, gabled, and
combinations of hipped and gabled roofs. Roofs are generally more complex for
Queen Anne styles and simpler for the bungalows and other twentieth century
buildings. Roofs often included dormers. There are examples in Hyde Park of flat
roofs, but those are not typical of the roofs of the primary structures for
contributing residences in the neighborhood. Traditional roof materials were
wood shingles for main roofs and corrugated metal for outbuildings. There are
also examples in Hyde Park of metal shingles. Occasional nineteenth century
residences had metals roofs, but during the twentieth century, metal roofs were
not considered appropriate for residences. Wood shingles were replaced by
composition shingles in the early- to mid-twentieth century. Metal roofs returned
in popularity as an energy saving approach in the last 20 years of the twentieth
1. Retain the original roof pitches and profiles on the building. Avoid changes to
roofs on the front of the building. Avoid adding to the eave height of original
roofs, especially at the front of the structure. Retain historic dormers.
2. In replacing roof materials, consider first the use of the original material, then
the use a product that resembles the original material, such as a fiberglass or
other energy-efficient shingle. Metal roofs are also acceptable. Do not use
shaped, scalloped or diamond shingles unless they were original to the
building. Preserve original gable/attic vents and roof brackets.
Recommendation: Consider replacing any original dormers that can be
documented when roof work is done.
3.6: Chimneys
Preserve existing chimneys. Use original or similar replacement materials to
rebuild a fallen or unstable chimney.
3.7: Garages
Garages have traditionally been located to the rear of the lot and separate
structures. They are constructed in a simple but complementary design to the
main building.
1. When rebuilding an original garage or adding a second story to it, preserve
the roof pitch and style of siding.
2. When installing new garage doors, make them complementary in design to
the original structure.
4. Residential Standards: Additions to Contributing Single
Family and Multi-Family Structures
Items of most concern are finished floor height, floor-to-floor heights, roof heights
and pitches, fenestration pattern, porch size and location, setbacks, and an
overall scale that reflects neighborhood patterns.
4.1: Preservation of Historic Character
Construct additions so as to require the removal or modification of a minimum of
historic fabric. Do not construct additions which will require the removal of any
portion of the front façade. Design additions to existing residential buildings to
reflect the form and style of the existing house.
4.2: Location
Locate new additions and alterations to the rear or rear side of the building so
that they will be less visible from the street.
4.3: Roof, Fenestration, and Siding
1. Make the pitch and height of the roof of the addition compatible to that of the
existing house.
2. Make windows visible from the street on any addition compatible with those
on the existing house in terms of sash configuration, proportion, spacing and
3. Use exterior siding materials on the addition which match or are compatible
with that of the existing house.
4.4 Size and Scale of Additions:
1. Design additions to have the same floor-to-ceiling height as the existing
2. Locate second story additions at least 15’ back from the front house wall.
The front house wall is the exterior wall closest to the street. Houses on
corner lots have only one front wall.
3. Design additions so that they do not overwhelm the original building.
4. Do not raise a first story to become a second story.
1. Extend the existing roof line in the rear of the house to accommodate an
addition wherever possible.
2. Consider adding one-story additional to one-story houses.
3. Wherever possible, build additions in existing attic space without raising the
roof height. Consider the construction of attic dormers opening to the side or
rear of the house to open underused attic space. Design side wall heights on
second floor additions to be in scale and proportion to the original house.
4. Where attic heights are adequate to support second floor living space,
dormers or rear additions that do not exceed the original roof ridge height are
preferable, as are side walls that maintain the same proportions.
5. Do not locate windows so as to invade the privacy of neighboring properties.
5. Residential Standards: New Construction of Single Family
Local Historic District designation does not prevent change, but instead provides
design parameters that work with the special character of the district. Hyde Park
recognizes that any new residential structure should reflect its time;
consequently, contemporary design for new residential construction is
appropriate, as long as it fits the architectural patterns of the neighborhood and
its immediately surrounding structures. Items of most concern are finished floor
height, floor-to-floor heights, roof heights and pitches, fenestration pattern, porch
size and location, setbacks, and an overall scale that reflects neighborhood
5.1: Massing, Scale, and Architectural Elements
Use massing, scale, and architectural elements typical of the contributing
buildings on the block when designing a new building. The geometry of new
house construction shall be in a scale with contributing buildings on the same
block. When applying to Historic Landmark Commission, include photographs of
all existing adjacent buildings and any other buildings on the block which have
inspired design choices for the new construction.
5.3: Porches
Front porches on new construction are not necessary, but if present, they must
be at least 7 feet deep.
5.4: Height
Raise porch and first floor levels for new houses to a height comparable to
existing houses with pier and beam construction, even if new construction is on a
5.5: Roofs
Use a hipped roof, gabled roof, or a combination of hipped and gabled roof on
new houses, as these roof forms are traditional on the contributing structures in
the district. Use a simple roof on new construction in blocks where bungalows
with simple roof forms prevail. Shed roofs are appropriate for porches, but are
not appropriate as the principal roof on the main structure.
5.6: Entrances
Locate the primary entrance to the building on the front.
5.7: Exterior Wall Materials
Use exterior wall materials that are compatible with those on the contributing
structures on the block, such as wood, cementitious siding, brick, or stone.
5.8: Chimneys
Do not use wood siding on a chimney.
5.9: Garages
Construct new garages to be detached and located to the rear of the lot. Design
a new garage to be complementary to the main structure on the property. Do not
locate garages or carports on the façade of a building.
5.10: Garage Apartments/Secondary Units
Secondary units in Hyde Park traditionally face the street and share access to
parking with the primary unit, except in the case of corner lots, where the
secondary unit may face the side street and access parking from the side street.
Pursuant to the Hyde Park NCCD, garage apartments and secondary units are
allowed only on lots equal to or greater than an area of 7,000 square feet.
1. Design new secondary units to respect the traditional patterns of Hyde Park in
determining the location of the building and access to parking.
2. Design new secondary units and garage apartments to complement the form,
massing, materials, scale, character elements, and fenestration patterns of
the primary structure.
3. Use wood or wood-appearing garage doors.
4. Retain the historic appearance of contributing garages and carriage houses
when designing an addition to them.
5.11: Driveways
A single lane driveway, entered from the front of the lot and located to the side of
a house, is character-defining for Hyde Park. They are constructed of gravel or
runners. Parking has traditionally been located to the side or rear of the house.
Locate driveways from the front lot line along the side of the house. The NCCD
specifies acceptable materials for driveways. Locate parking as required in the
NCCD. Do not design or construct a circular drive in front of the house.
5.12: Fences
Fences shall adhere to the regulations set forth in the Hyde Park Neighborhood
Conservation Combining District (Ordinance No. 020131-20). Design fences with
materials that are compatible with the architectural character of the structure.
6. Commercial Property Standards
Commercial development in Hyde Park consists of a mixture of historic,
contributing, potentially contributing and noncontributing structures. Historic and
contributing commercial structures in Hyde Park share certain architectural
patterns: they are one-story rectangular buildings with flat roofs and entryways
consisting of double doors. At least one commercial structure, the Avenue B
Grocery, has existed and served the neighborhood since 1906 and is recognized
as one of the landmarks of Hyde Park.
New commercial buildings in Hyde Park shall adhere to the historic patterns of
Hyde Park commercial structures. Use rectangular masonry designs with double
door entries covered by an awning and appropriate fenestration. Refer to
Subchapter E of the Austin Land Development Code for appropriate street
frontage design.
7. Multi-family Property Standards
There are few multi-family structures in Hyde Park that date from a period of
significance in the history of Hyde Park; the exceptions are covered by
Residential Standards: Single Family and Contributing Multifamily. The majority
of multi-family structures, in fact, are at variance with the architectural patterns of
residential structures in Hyde Park. No emphasis is put on the preservation or
restoration of those multi-family structures that have no historic significance and
are at variance with Hyde Park architectural structures.
8. Public Space Standards
Hyde Park public space consists of streets, sidewalks, bridges, park space,
public buildings, and alleys. School buildings are a significant historical feature of
Hyde Park.
Preserve and maintain the width, materials, and historic location of contributing
civic structures, including sidewalks, retaining walls, and bridges. Maintain the
historic facades of public buildings and park structures in compliance with the
Secretary of the Interior’s Standards.