Comptroller’s Office
ubject: Business License Renewal Application
he Business License that has currently been issued by the City of North Chicago will expire on April
30th and must be renewed for the year that begins May 1st. To assist you with the annual renewal
process of your license, the following is enclosed:
usiness License Application
Business License Application Check List
Current schedule of Business License Fees
lease complete the application along with the required documents and the fee that is due for the
license being applied for no later than May 1
of each year. We ask that you calculate the fee due on
the application and return payment for the amount due with your Business License renewal packet
pon receipt of your application and fee, it will be reviewed by the Police, Economic & Community
Development, (for both building and zoning compliance) Public Works and Fire departments.
Inspections may be required by one or all of the noted departments. Inspections of properties within
the City are authorized in accordance with the City’s Municipal Code.
lease note that if your business is one that will involve the sale of food or food products, a further
approval is required and must be obtained from the Lake County Health Department. They can be
contacted at 847.377.8040
t is our goal to issue your license within 15 business days of application submittal as long as any
required inspections are scheduled and approved. Inspections can be scheduled either in person or by
calling Economic & Community Development at 847.596.8670 or Fire at 847.596.8780.
f your business is home-based, you must obtain a Home Occupation Certification Statement before
submitting your Business License Application. To obtain that certification, please contact the
Comptroller’s Department at 847.596.8627 for information.
hank you for your cooperation in the renewal of your City Business License. Should you have any
questions, please contact the Comptroller’s Office at 847.596.8627.
City of North Chicago
Office of the Comptroller
1850 Lewis Avenue
North Chicago, IL 60064
Voice: 847-596-8620 Fax: 847-596-8639
Renewal Application New Application Renewal
Business Information:
Name of Business:
Business Address:
Business Phone Number: Fax Number:
Email Address:
Type of Business: Sole Proprietorship Corporation Partnership Not-for-Profit
(Check all that apply) Home Based
Business category: Manufacturing Retail Service Other
Describe business product or service provided:
Number of Employees: Number of Parking Spaces:
Illinois Sales Tax ID No. FEIN No.
Business Owner Information
Owner Name:
Owner Address:
State: _____________
Phone Number: Cell Number:
Fax Number: Email:
Drivers License No.:
Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor? Yes No
If yes, please explain
Emergency Contact Information:
Emergency Contact Name: Phone:
Does your business have an alarm installed? Yes No
If yes, alarm type:
Billing Information:
Relationship to Business:
Billing Address:
State: _____________
Phone Number: Cell Number:
Fax Number: Email:
Property Owner Information:
Owner or Representative Name:
State: _____________
Phone Number: Cell Number:
Fax Number: Email:
Business License Application
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Name of Business:
Fee Schedule Information:
General License Fee: (per enclosed fee schedule)
Square Footage License Fee: (check appropriate box for gross floor area of your business)
Under 3,000 Square Feet -$
3,000 to 10,000 Square Feet 200$
10,001 to 20,000 Square Feet 400$
Over 20,000 Square Feet 800$
Vending Machines: (coin operated candy, beverage, food, music , cigarette, pool, game, etc.)
Number of vending machines X 75$ =
Do you sell over-the-counter tobacco products? If yes, add $75.
Other Fees:
Barber Shop - Number of chairs over three X 50$ =
Beauty Shop - Number of chairs over three X 50$ =
Filling Station - Number of hoses over three X 50$ =
Junk Dealers - Number of wagons and vehicles X 50$ =
Total (enclosed check with application)
(Account No. 01.00.3320)
Notes: Additional licenses may be required depending on the business activity. Refer to Business License Ordinance.
A business license does not authorize the holder to conduct business in violation of any City Ordinance.
Restaurants or businesses selling food must provide a copy the Lake County Food Permit Certificate.
Return completed application with fee(s) due to: City of North Chicago; Comptroller's Office;
1850 Lewis Avenue; North Chicago, IL 60064. Make check payable to: City of North Chicago. Thank You
The signatory below certifies that to the best of his/her knowledge all the foregoing information is true and
correct as provided.
Applicants Signature: Date:
Print Name:
Note: The above is general information only and should not be construed as total compliance with the City of North Chicago
Municipal Code.
*To prevent delays in processing, please reference the checklist below to ensure all paperwork is complete prior to submitting
the business license application
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Business License Application
Business License Application Checklist
Signed Business License Applications (complete all pages)
Copy of Lake County Food Permit Dispenser Certificate (if appl.)
Copy of Business/Property/liability Insurance Declaration
Copy of State -Child Care & Liability Insurance Declaration
Copy of Driver’s License/State I.D. Owners and Manager
Copy of Rental Lease for new business.
Copy of State License (Barber/Beauty Shop, etc. (if appl.)
Less than 3,000 square feet -
From 3,000 to 10,000 square feet 200.00 Per annum
From 10,001 to 20,000 square feet 400.00 Per annum
Over 20,000 square feet 800.00 Per annum
Business license fee 200.00 Per annum
Renewal business license fee 200.00 Per annum
Business inspection fee (initial) included above
Business inspection fee (renewal) included above
Menageries 20.00 Per day
Carnivals 100.00 Per day
Exhibitions of inanimate objects 100.00 Per day
Other amusements 100.00 Per day
Circuses 250.00 Per day
Sideshows & Concessions 50.00 Per day
Street parades in conjunction with circus 50.00 Per day
Athletic Exhibitions (license required) 5% of gross receipts
Music Devices (for public use) 75.00 Annual fee
License 200.00 Per annum
License - up to three chairs 200.00 Per annum
License - each chair over three 50.00 Per annum
License - up to three chairs 200.00 Per annum
License - each chair over three 50.00 Per annum
License - first table 400.00 1st table
License - each additional table 50.00 Each additional table
License - first lane 200.00 1st alley
License - each additional lane 40.00 Each additional alley
License 250.00 Per annum
Surety bond required $15,000
License 350.00 Per annum
License - General Contractor (not located in City) 100.00 Per annum
License - Specialty Contractor (not located in City) 60.00 Per annum
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License (Not located in City) 100.00 Per Annum
Class A (entertainment at eating place) 200.00 Per annum
Class B (entertainment at beverage place) 450.00 Per annum
Class C (human body w/ eating/beverage) 1,100.00 Per annum
License for up to three hoses 200.00 Per annum
License for each additional hose 50.00 Per annum
License 200.00 Per annum
Christmas Tree Sales 25.00 Cash Bond
Permit required No Fee
License 300.00 Per annum
License 20.00 Per day or
License 100.00 Per month
License 250.00 Per annum
License for each wagon used 50.00 Per annum
License for each vehicle used 50.00 Per annum
License (Business located in City) 200.00 Per annum
License (Contractor, not located in City) 60.00 Per annum
Vehicles Subject to Sticker Fees Per Schedule
Application fee (nonrefundable) 200.00 Application Fee
Special use permit required
Masseur/Masseuse Permit 25.00 Original Permit
10.00 Per annum renewal
License - licensed premises 250.00 Per annum
License - unlicensed premises 10.00 Per day
License-For each installation $10.00 per square foot of display
area per year
License 300.00 Per annum
License 350.00 Per annum
Surety bond required 10,000.00 Performance Bond
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Class A Business License (limited to three) 300.00 Each business
Class A Taxicab License (not to exceed 25 per business) 300.00 Each taxicab
Inspection fees ( 2 @ $50 each) 50.00 Each 6 months per taxicab
Re-inspection for failed inspection 35.00 Each taxicab
Chauffeur's License 20.00 Each driver
Class B Taxicab License 1,000.00 Each taxicab
Inspection fees 50.00 Each 6 months per taxicab
Re-inspection for failed inspection 35.00 Each taxicab
License 20.00 For each occasion
License 200.00 Per annum
Permit fee 250.00 Per annum
License 200.00 Per annum
License 1,100.00 Per annum
License - Class A 1,000.00 Per annum
License - Class B 200.00 Per annum
License 250.00 Per annum
License 1st location 200.00 Per annum
License each additional location 60.00 Per annum
License 75.00 Per machine
Video Gaming Terminal License 1,000.00 Per annum/Per Terminal
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ity of North Chicago
Home Occupation Certification Statement
I, , hereby swear that I have read and
understand the provisions regarding home occupations as set forth in the North Chicago Zoning
In signing this certification statement, I attest that the operation of my business,
, in
North Chicago, Illinois, will be consistent with the North Chicago Zoning Ordinance.
Furthermore, upon submission of this statement I will provide the Department of Economic
Development with a site plan of the subject property (if applicable), including storage locations
for all work vehicles and/or equipment.
I also understand that in the event my business grows or changes to a point where it is no
longer consistent with the City of North Chicagos home occupation regulations, I shall cease
operation of the business from my residence and I shall find a more appropriate location for the
Signature Date
(Effective 10-06)
Must be received by the City or postmarked on or before the 20th of
the calendar month succeeding the end of the month filing period
Calendar Month for Which Tax Return Applies: ____________________________________
Name of Establishment: ________________________________________________________________
Business Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: _______________________________________________________________________
1. Gross receipts from the sale of prepared food
and alcoholic beverages exclusive of all taxes (Line 3 of ST-1), (Line 4a on ST-2)... $____________________
2. Food and Beverage Tax Liability (Line 1 multiplied by 1.0%)…..…….....….…........... $____________________
3. Penalty: Interest (5.0% of line 2 per month or fraction thereof)….……....……..…….. $____________________
4. Total Due the City of North Chicago (add lines 2 and 3)….…….....…….…….…..….. $____________________
Is the required copy of the State of Illinois Sales Tax Return Form ST-1 or ST-2 attached?....________________
If not, please explain __________________________________________________________________________
I hereby affirm that the information presented in this return is taken from the books and records of the
above named business and is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________
Signature and Title of Individual Preparing Return Date
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________
Print Name of Individual Preparing Return Telephone #
Due Date: The completed food and beverage tax return and payment of the tax liability must be
received by the City or postmarked on or before the 20th day of the calendar month succeeding
the end of the month filing period.
The completed tax return and payment should be mailed to:
City of North Chicago
Comptroller's Department – Food and Beverage Tax
1850 Lewis Avenue
North Chicago, IL 60064
Any questions regarding the food and beverage tax should be directed to the Finance Department at 847-596-8620
Forms available at