Washington State Highway Seismic Screening Tool
Technical Report
Decision and Infrastructure Sciences Division
This report has been prepared by Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne). Argonne is a U.S. Department of Energy laboratory
managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC under contract DE-AC02-06CH11357. This study was sponsored by the Department of
Homeland Security (DHS) Regional Resiliency Assessment Program. We would like to thank Patrick Massey, Jon Richeson, and
Jason Osleson at DHS for their support and guidance throughout this effort.
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December 2019
Washington State Highway Seismic Screening Tool (HSST)
Technical Report
Patrick Wilkey, Thomas Wall, Scott Schlueter
Decision and Infrastructure Sciences
Division, Argonne National Laboratory
Kim Alexander
Construction Division
Pavements Office, Washington State Department of Transportation
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Washington State Department of Transportation
Washington Emergency Management Division
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Geological Hazards in Washington State ...................................................................................................... 1
Highway Seismic Screening Tool: Damage and Repair Time Estimation ................................................... 4
Step 1: Developing a Highway Network .................................................................................................. 4
Step 2: Characterizing the Segments in the Network ................................................................................ 4
Step 3: Estimating a Peak PGD for Each Link on Liquefiable Soils ........................................................ 5
Technical Approach for PGD Estimation ............................................................................................. 5
Results of PGD Estimation for Highways ............................................................................................ 6
Step 4: Estimating a Repair Time for Each Segment ................................................................................ 9
Basis for Estimating Repair Time ......................................................................................................... 9
Assumptions in Estimating Repair Times ........................................................................................... 10
Results of Repair Time Estimates ....................................................................................................... 10
Step 5: Using the Highway Repair Time Estimate Results ..................................................................... 13
Railway and Rail Yard Damage Estimation Process .................................................................................. 13
Step 1: Developing a Railway and Rail Yard network ........................................................................... 14
Step 2: Estimating a PGD for Railway Segments and Yards on Liquefiable Soil .................................. 14
Results of PGD Estimation for Railways ............................................................................................ 14
Results of PGD Estimation for Rail Yards ......................................................................................... 16
Step 3: Using the Railway and Rail Yard PGD Results .......................................................................... 17
Assumptions in Estimating Rail System Impacts ............................................................................... 17
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................. 18
Acronyms .................................................................................................................................................... 19
References ................................................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 1: Soil Liquefaction Susceptibility in Washington State ................................................................... 2
Figure 2: Projected Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) for Washington State under the USGS M9.0 SZC
Scenario .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 3: Highway Seismic Screening Tool (HSST) Methodology ............................................................. 4
Figure 4: Statewide Distribution of Estimated PGD for Highways Located on Liquefiable Soils ............... 7
Figure 5: Distribution of Estimated PGD for Highways in the Puget Sound Area ....................................... 8
Figure 6: Statewide Average Per-mile Repair and Reopening Time Based on PGD Disruptions .............. 11
Figure 7: Puget Sound Area Average Per-mile Repair and Reopening Time Based on PGD Disruptions 12
Figure 8: Statewide Distribution of Estimated PGD for Railways Located on Liquefiable Soils .............. 15
Figure 9: Statewide Distribution of Estimated PGD at Rail Yards ............................................................. 16
Table 1: Summary of Pavement Segments and Mileages by Surface Type .................................................. 5
Table 2: Summary of PGD Impacts by Mileage of Disrupted Highways ..................................................... 9
Table 3: Summary of Average Repair Days per Mile by Mileage of Disrupted System ............................ 13
Table 4: Repair Days by Pavement Type .................................................................................................... 13
Table 5: Summary of Statewide Mileage of Disrupted Railways on Liquefiable Soils by PGD ................ 16
Table 6: Distribution of PGD at Rail Yards by Number and Area ............................................................. 17
Estimate of the Permanent Ground Deformation and Repair Times for
Highways and Railways
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Regional Resiliency Assessment Program (RRAP)
undertook the Washington State Transportation Systems RRAP project in 2017 to assess the seismic
vulnerabilities of that state’s transportation system to a Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ) earthquake. The
specific goal of that project was to assess the vulnerability of, and prioritize, transportation infrastructure
for moving goods and supplies from Incident Support Bases to Federal Staging Areas within Washington
State following a CSZ earthquake. As part of this analysis, Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne), with
input and support from the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) maintenance and
pavements offices and state geotechnical engineer, developed the Highway Seismic Screening Tool
(HSST) to inform a system-level analysis of highway recovery and reopening times. This report provides
a full discussion of the HSST’s development, implementation, and results for the CSZ scenario
The primary outcome of the HSST is to determine the approximate reopening times of highway segments
or bridges damaged by a CSZ magnitude 9.0 seismic event. This is done by calculating the permanent
ground deformation (PGD) caused by soil liquefaction along state highways, which can cause significant
damage or displacement of highway pavement structures. The term “reopening time” is different from
“restoration time” and is intended to represent the approximate amount of time that would be needed to
return highways to a minimum state of repair sufficient to support the limited movement of emergency
and response vehicles. Additionally, the HSST is referred to as a “screening tool,” as it uses network- or
system-level asset management information that WSDOT provided to assess seismic-related hazards and
vulnerabilities of highways; it does not conduct an asset-level engineering analysis of seismic-related
vulnerabilities. Accordingly, the results of the HSST analysis should only be used for system- or corridor-
level planning and investment, and not for engineering or management decisions at the asset level.
The HSST is also applied to assess the exposure of statewide rail systems to soil liquefaction and PGD
hazards. However, little information is available about the sensitivity or vulnerability of railways and rail
yards to such hazards, and therefore researchers were unable to determine approximate reopening times
for the state’s rail system following a CSZ earthquake.
Geological Hazards in Washington State
During a CSZ earthquake, the surface transportation routes in Washington State will be subjected to
deformation due to the propagation of waves of energy. Linear infrastructure, such as highways and
railroads, may be subject to ground deformations resulting in partial to complete disruption of their
function. A major source of these deformations associated with a CSZ event is the liquefaction of the soils
underlying highways and rail lines. The routes are frequently located in valleys with alluvial soils and
man-made fills which are subject to liquefaction under earthquake loadings.
Alluvial valley soils are often composed of saturated loose sands and silts that behave much like a liquid
when subjected to shaking during an earthquake. The waves of energy released during a seismic event
cause pore pressures in the sediments to increase, resulting in a decrease in the normal pressure that
provides the friction between soil grains that gives the sediments their shear strength. When the grain-to-
grain contact is lost, the sediments lose their strength and behave like a liquid, a phenomenon known as
liquefaction. Liquefaction can result in the loss of support for surface structures such as buildings and
bridges, soil flows on even very gentle slopes, large differential settlements, andif the liquefaction
occurs at depthsand boils erupting at the surface. The settlements and down-slope soil flows can trigger
major damage to buildings, roads, rail lines, and pipelines (USGS 2006a). Three factors are needed for
liquefaction to occur (USGS 2006b):
loose, granular soils,
groundwater saturation of the sediment, and
strong ground motion.
In Washington State, all of these factors would be present during a CSZ earthquake. The liquefiable soils
are located in the alluvial valleys in the Cascade mountain range and the Olympic peninsula, and in low-
lying areas around Puget Sound. Figure 1 shows the distribution of the soils across Washington State that
are susceptible to liquefaction. The soils that have moderate to high liquefaction susceptibility (and
greater) located in the valleys descending from the Cascade Range topographic divide are primarily
classified as Quaternary alluvium. The liquefiable soils in the valleys and shoreline areas of Puget Sound
consist of Quaternary alluvium, Pleistocene glacial deposits, and Holocene soils, including man-made
fills. The groundwater surfaces in the alluvial valleys and shoreline areas are commonly near the surface,
leading to a nearly completely saturated soils column. As shown in figure 2, the reference earthquake for
the CSZ used in this study is a magnitude 9.0 scenario event defined by the U.S. Geological Survey
(USGS), which will result in strong, prolonged shaking as far east as Cle Elum, Wash.
Figure 1: Soil Liquefaction Susceptibility in Washington State
The construction of Washington State’s surface transportation systems and urban development has
occurred along the valleys through the Cascade Range and along the shores of Puget Sound. These areas
are largely coincident with the locations of the liquefiable soils across the state, making the surface
transportation system and the dependent emergency response functions significantly vulnerable to a major
CSZ event (Youd 1995).
Figure 2: Projected Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) for Washington State under the USGS M9.0
CSZ Scenario
Landslides and avalanches also hold potential for damaging or obstructing passage along the highway and
railway systems after a CSZ event. Pavement segments at the locations of known landslide and avalanche
areas represent a small percentage of the total pavement system. While WSDOT and several counties
have developed maps of known or historic landslides, these efforts have a high degree of uncertainty and
do not map potential or new landslides. In addition, avalanches are seasonal and highly specific to
weather conditions and maintenance programs. As a result, this analysis did not incorporate damage,
obstruction, or repair time associated with landslides or avalanches into the overall repair time analysis.
Highway Seismic Screening Tool: Damage and Repair Time
Argonne developed the HSST to assess the PGD and associated highway repair times in consultation with
the WSDOT maintenance office, pavements office, and state geotechnical engineer. The major steps in
the HSST process, as shown in figure 3, are as follows:
1. Developing a highway network;
2. Characterizing the segments (links) in the network;
3. Estimating a PGD for each segment on liquefiable soils;
4. Estimating a repair time for each segment;
The sections that follow provide additional detail on each of these steps.
Figure 3: Highway Seismic Screening Tool (HSST) Methodology
Step 1: Developing a Highway Network
Argonne developed a highway network for Washington State using the network analyst tool in ArcGIS.
The input data for network development were WSDOT State Highway data, Open Street Map data, and
Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Liquefaction Susceptibility and Landslide
data. Researchers joined these data sets to generate a network of nodes and links that represent
intersections and highway segments, including on-ramps and off-ramps, for additional characterization.
The nodes included intersections between interstates, state highways, and primary roadways; transitions
of the highway into and out of regions with liquefaction-prone soils; and transitions of the highway into
and out of areas of known landslides. Researchers further developed the network by adding bridges as
nodes that, owing to their repair times, may influence corridor reopening times in addition to the
pavement-based reopening times calculated here. The resulting Washington State highway network
included a total of 21,356 segments (links) covering 9,425.2 miles (i.e. centerline miles of highways and
adjacent on-/off-ramps).
Step 2: Characterizing the Segments in the Network
Argonne further characterized the highway network to support estimating PGD for those segments
underlain by soils with moderate and high susceptibility to liquefaction. Within the network, 39 percent of
the highway segments and 35 percent of the highway miles are located on liquefiable soils. For all
segments in the network, researchers assigned a surface type using WSDOT’s Washington State
Pavement Management System (WSPMS) Surface Type data (WSDOT 2016). The flexible pavements
(i.e., asphalt concrete) in the Washington State network constitute 87 percent of the total miles and the
rigid pavements (i.e., Portland cement concrete) constitute 13 percent of the total miles. Table 1 shows the
breakdown of rigid and flexible pavement segments and mileages across Washington State.
Table 1: Summary of Pavement Segments and Mileages by Surface Type
Total in Network On Liquefiable Soils
Pavement Surface Type
Segments Length Segments Length
Rigid Pavement
(Portland Cement Concrete
4,949 1,263.2 2,118 448.2
Flexible Pavement
(Asphalt Cement Pavement,
Bituminous Surface Treatment,
16,407 8,161.9 6,316 2,545.1
TOTAL 21,356 9,425.1 8,434 2,993.3
The difference in pavement surface type impacts their repair times. Rigid pavements will likely require
removal of the broken concrete surface course prior to backfilling displaced sections. In addition,
compacted gravel or other temporary paving will need to be placed as a wearing surface for emergency
traffic to traverse the disrupted section.
Step 3: Estimating a Peak PGD for Each Link on Liquefiable Soils
As described previously, the PGD associated with soil liquefaction can result in damage to the highway
pavements that would be used to transport emergency equipment and supplies into the most heavily
affected areas west of the Cascades. By estimating the PGD for highway segments, researchers can
estimate the time required to bring the surface back to a condition that will allow emergency supply
vehicles to transit the highway.
Technical Approach for PGD Estimation
The RRAP research team estimated PGD using the approach outlined by Bardet, Mace, and Tobita
(1999). The empirically derived equation they developed reflects the relationship of the PGD to the
magnitude of the earthquake, the distance to the epicenter, the ground slope, and the saturated thickness
of the soil. PGD is calculated for each highway segment located on liquefiable soils using the following
 + 0.01
= 0 + 1 + 2
+ 3 + 5
+ 6
DH (m) = Amplitude of ground deformation (PGD),
M = Earthquake moment magnitude,
R (km) = Closest distance to source,
S (%) = Ground slope, and
T (m) = Thickness of saturated soil.
Bardet, Mace, and Tobita performed two regression analyses for three use cases of the PGD equation:
a slope only case, a free-face-only case, and a combined case for slope and free-face. Each use case
resulted in a set of constants for use in the equation. The two regression analyses used close to the
same set of constants for each of the three use cases. On the basis of the available data for the range of
input parameters, the research team used the following values for the constants derived for the slope-
only case for PGD estimation (Bardet, Mace, and Tobita 1999):
b0 = -7.586
b1 = 1.109
b2 = -0.233
b3 = -0.025
b5 = 0.477
b6 = 0.579
Researchers used the histograms for PGD in the study by Bardet, Mace, and Tobita (1999), and the range
of typical void ratios for alluvial soils to limit the upper PGD value to 6 m or approximately 20 percent of
the assumed saturated thickness. Researchers made these assumptions to generate a reasonable upper
bound of potential for PGD. Owing to the uncertainties associated with the exact location of the CSZ
event, the topography, and the saturated thickness of the soil, researchers made a series of assumptions, in
consultation with WSDOT and in alignment with the broader, network-level approach of this Washington
State Transportation Systems RRAP project, to allow a unified approach to calculating the PGD. The
following assumptions were used in estimating the PGD:
Magnitude = 9.0 as the reference earthquake for the CSZ;
The epicenter of a CSZ earthquake will occur about 45 kilometers (km) east of the CSZ fault
trace, on the basis of the USGS CSZ scenario earthquake whose epicenter is located at 45.733, -
R is the minimum distance from a line 45 km east of and parallel to the trace of the CSZ as
defined in WA DNR Seismogenic Features;
Slope ranges from 0.1 to 50 percent, with the upper limit based on the angle of repose for alluvial
Saturated soil thickness is set at 30 m, on the basis of discussions with the WSDOT state
geotechnical engineer; and
Liquefaction susceptibilities driving the PGD estimate were selected as moderate or greater.
The research team used a minimum slope of 0.1 percent to account for the uncertainty in the slope dataset
used. They selected the slope values at the midpoint of the individual segments as representative of the
entire segment’s slope. When a minimum value is selected for the slope areas where the slope data value
is 0 percent, the equation provides an upper limit value for PGD for those segments. The results allowed
an identification and quantification of impacts that included all segments on liquefiable soils. Because of
the uncertainties and assumptions associated with the estimation of the PGD, the researchers view PGD
values as upper limits and intend them to be used in aggregate along corridors rather than for resilience
measure decisions at specific locations.
The research team used the following data sources to develop the parameters associated with estimating
the PGD for highway segments:
WA DNR Seismogenic Features (Bowman and Czajkowski 2016)location of CSZ alignment to
determine R, closest distance to source;
WA DNR Ground Response to Earthquakes (DNR 2010)location of liquefiable soils in relation
to the highway network;
USGS M9.0 Scenario Earthquake - Cascadia M9.0 Scenario (mean value) (USGS 2017); and
Slope values derived from the USGS Digital Elevation Model (USGS undated).
Results of PGD Estimation for Highways
Using the equation and assumptions documented in the previous section, the research team estimated the
PGD associated with each of the 8,434 segments underlain by liquefiable soils, as indicated in table 1. As
shown in figure 4, the highest PGD estimates are concentrated from the Interstate 5 corridor west within
about 300 km of the inferred fault trace of the CSZ. Highways on the Olympic Peninsula and in southwest
Washington State may experience the highest PGD, owing to their proximity to the CSZ. The highways
from the I-5 corridor east to the topographic divide in the Cascade Mountain range have moderate PGD
values associated with the colocation of the highway system with the valleys in the range. East of the
topographic divide, PGD values are lower and associated with liquefaction of the alluvium in the river
valleys flowing to the east. A closer view of the Puget Sound area in figure 5 shows the extensive
potential highway surface displacement from liquefaction. The I-5/I-405 corridor and the east-west
connections in the Seattle area have estimated PGDs that are frequently in the higher ranges.
Figure 4: Statewide Distribution of Estimated PGD for Highways Located on Liquefiable Soils
Figure 5: Distribution of Estimated PGD for Highways in the Puget Sound Area
The overall statewide distribution of highway mileage subject to the range of PGD values is shown in
table 2. The majority of mileage of highway segments on liquefiable soils is estimated to experience 6
inches or less of displacement. Only 12.6 percent of the highway mileage on liquefiable soils is estimated
to experience more than 24 inches of displacement.
Table 2: Summary of PGD Impacts by Mileage of Disrupted Highways
Estimated PGD Miles % of Total
0 in
1,280.9 42.8%
0 to 6 in
937.8 31.3%
6 to 12 in
225.0 7.5%
12 to 24 in
171.4 5.7%
24 to 36 in
123.9 4.1%
36 to 48 in
47.5 1.6%
48 to 60 in
24.4 0.8%
60 to 96 in
38.3 1.3%
>96 in
144.0 4.8%
Step 4: Estimating a Repair Time for Each Segment
Basis for Estimating Repair Time
Repair time estimates are based on the magnitude of the PGD and the pavement surface type. For the
purpose of this analysis, the repair is intended to establish a highway surface to facilitate the movement of
emergency support and supply vehicles from eastern Washington into the most heavily impacted areas
west of the Cascades. Other analytical tools and approaches, such as the Federal Emergency Management
Agency’s HAZUS model, focus on full restoration times to establish pre-event highway conditions.
However, repair for the purpose of transporting emergency equipment and supplies requires only that the
highway be at a reasonable grade and have a temporary surface layer that can withstand a limited number
of vehicles per day associated with the emergency response needs. Thus, the associated repair steps
included in this analysis centered on clearing damaged highway sections, re-establishing the highway
elevation through the damaged section, and placing a temporary wearing surface of crushed rock or gravel
Discussions with WSDOT research and maintenance staff resulted in the following guidelines for the
estimation of repair times:
One foot of replacement fill over a distance of one mile can be placed in one day.
Clearing debris through damaged flexible pavement sections will not add to the time required to
place new fill.
Removal of a mile of rigid pavement debris will require one day.
The simplified result is that the repair time for a mile of flexible pavement in days is equal to the PGD in
feet. For flexible pavements, researchers derived the repair time for a segment by dividing the estimated
PGD in feet by the fill rate of 1 foot per mile per day and multiplying by the segment length. For rigid
pavements, the repair time was the repair time for an equivalent flexible pavement segment, plus a day for
each mile of pavement length to account for clearing damaged concrete pavement prior to backfilling.
The research team applied the repair time estimation for all segments, including those where the PGD was
less than 1 foot, resulting in repair times of partial days. The repair times estimated in this analysis
assume a single lane of travel. If a highway segment originally consisted of multiple lanes and multiple
lanes are required for emergency response purposes, the repair time increases in proportion to the number
of lanes repaired. The equations used for calculating repair times for flexible and rigid pavement
segments are as follows:
   
 
 
  ()
   
 
 
 
 
  
In accordance with discussions with WSDOT, the fill rate is set at 1 foot-mile per day for both flexible
and rigid pavements. For rigid pavements, the concrete clearing rate is set at 1 mile per day.
The research team used these guidelines and equations with the estimated segment PGD to provide an
estimate of repair times for each highway segment in the identified network subject to liquefaction.
Assumptions in Estimating Repair Times
In addition to the guidelines established with WSDOT, the research team made the following assumptions
when estimating and aggregating repair times:
Availability of sufficient fill materials: WSDOT has identified multiple potential sources for fill
materials, and this study assumed that the quantity and availability of these materials were
sufficient for highway repairs, and could be supplied immediately.
One-way access to the disrupted pavement: For the purpose of estimating aggregate repair
times, this study assumed access to the segments to be unidirectional. That is, in the period
immediately after the event, highway access is likely only available from one direction, allowing
only sequential segment repairs. As the repairs proceed, more segments may be able to be
accessed from both directions, reducing repair times significantly.
Availability of sufficient manpower and equipment: Major highway construction in
Washington State is generally conducted by private contractors retained by WSDOT. The amount
of equipment and manpower from across the country that would become available through
response and recovery efforts is unknown. As a result, this study did not consider those factors as
constraints in this analysis.
Because of the uncertainties and assumptions associated with the estimation of the segment repair times,
this study views repair time values as upper limits and intend them to be used in aggregate along corridors
rather than to support maintenance or improvement decisions at specific locations.
Results of Repair Time Estimates
Based on these inputs, the research team estimated the repair time associated with each of the
8,434 segments underlain by liquefiable soils. As shown in figure 6, the highest average per-mile repair
times coincide with high PGD values and are projected to occur from the I-5 corridor to the west.
Average per-mile repair times from the I-5 corridor to the topographic divide in the Cascade range are
comparatively lower, with a few higher values occurring in the alluvial valleys and fills along the major
east-west routes. Figure 7 shows the average repair times per 1-mile segment in the Puget Sound area,
where I-5 and I-405 exhibit significant repair times per mile.
Figure 6: Statewide Average Per-mile Repair and Reopening Time Based on PGD Disruptions
Figure 7: Puget Sound Area Average Per-mile Repair and Reopening Time Based on PGD
The overall statewide distribution of highway mileage for the range of average per-mile repair times is
shown in table 3. The majority of highway segments have an average per-mile repair time of 0.5 day.
Only 13 percent of the highway mileage on liquefiable soils is estimated to require more than 2 days per
mile to repair.
Table 3: Summary of Average Repair Days per Mile by Mileage of Disrupted
Repair Days/Mile Miles % of Total Cumulative %
0 days
1,280.9 43% 43%
>0 to 0.5 days
754.7 25% 68%
>0.5 to 1 day
162.7 5% 73%
>1 to 2 days
400.0 13% 87%
>2 to 4 days
187.3 6% 93%
>4 to 7 days
54.5 2% 95%
>7 to 14 day
55.8 2% 97%
>14 days
97.3 3% 100%
Even with the increased time to clear away rigid pavement debris before placing fill, rigid pavements
have similar average repair times per mile to flexible pavements. The similarity of average per-mile repair
times between flexible- and rigid-surfaced pavements occurs in large because hundreds of miles of rigid
pavements occur further east in the state, where the ground shaking is less intense, and the flexible
pavements include hundreds of miles on the Olympic peninsula and in southwestern Washington State,
nearer to the CSZ.
Table 4: Repair Days by Pavement Type
Pavement Type Liquefaction Miles Total Repair Days Avg. Repair Days/Mile
Flexible 2,545.1 3,564.3 1.4
Rigid 448.2 400.1 0.9
Overall 2,993.3 3,964.4 1.3
Step 5: Using the Highway Repair Time Estimate Results
Repair time results illustrate the relative repair times associated with PGD damage to pavement systems.
The repair time estimates are best used in aggregating the time to restoration for emergency vehicle
passage. The RRAP study used the results of the pavement repair time analysis in identifying the optimal
routes for moving emergency response supplies and resources from eastern Washington into the most
heavily affected area west of the Cascades. The pavement repair times are combined with the bridge
repair times (see report ANL/DIS-19/1, Washington State Highway Bridge Seismic Screening Tool
(BSST) – Technical Report) to understand the optimal routing options. Individual repair times should not
be used to identify specific pavement sections that require improvement.
Railway and Rail Yard Damage Estimation Process
Highways and railways are similar in that they are both linear transportation assets with similar PGD
concerns. For this study, the research team also applied the HSST process and seismic parameters to
assess the permanent ground deformation for railways and rail yards to provide some insight into their
seismic hazard and impact exposure. Researchers did not perform repair time estimates because of a lack
of information on rail infrastructure assets, as well as the activities necessary to bring railways and rail
yards back into service after major ground displacements. Thus, the major steps in the rail damage
estimation follow a process similar to that for highway damage estimation:
1. Developing a railway and rail yard network
2. Estimating a PGD for each segment or rail yard on liquefiable soils.
3. Using the railway and rail yard PGD results
Step 1: Developing a Railway and Rail Yard network
The railway network was developed from the WSDOT Washington State Rail System data (WSDOT
undated). The railway system in Washington State includes approximately 4,456 miles owned by more
than 20 different organizations. The railway network was divided into 13,155 distinct segments on the
basis of intersections, landslide areas, and liquefiable areas in the state. Burlington Northern/Santa Fe
(BNSF), with 7,200 segments and 2,285 miles, is the major rail owner/operator in Washington State.
Union Pacific (148 miles) and Palouse River and Coulee City (147 miles) are the only other
owners/operators with more than 100 miles of right-of-way. For the rail yards, the research team buffered
the outside rail lines of the yards in Washington State to generate a polygon for 54 rail yards located in
western and central Washington (BTS 2018).
Step 2: Estimating a PGD for Railway Segments and Yards on Liquefiable Soil
A total of 7,447 railway segments totaling 1,766.3 miles are underlain by liquefiable soils. For each
segment, researchers measured a distance to the CSZ and estimated a slope using the USGS Digital
Elevation Model. For each of the 54 rail yards, researchers measured a distance from the CSZ to the
centroid of the polygon and estimated a slope at the centroid of the yard from available USGS Digital
Elevation Models. Researchers estimated the area of the rail yard from the polygon and intersected the
area with WA DNR data on liquefaction to identify those rail yards subject to PGD and the associated
area that may experience the ground failure. The research team used the same equation and range of
parameters used for the highway system in calculating the PGD associated with railways and rail yards.
Results of PGD Estimation for Railways
This study estimated the PGD associated with each of the 7,447 railway segments underlain by liquefiable
soils using the equation and assumptions documented in the previous highway section. Figure 8 shows the
statewide distribution of PGD along railways. As shown in figure 8, the highest PGD estimates for
railways are concentrated along the Puget Sound & Pacific Railroad (PSAP) line south and west of
Bangor, Wash. As with the highways, railways on the Olympic Peninsula and in southwestern
Washington State may experience the highest PGD owing to their proximity to the CSZ. The railways
from the east shore of Puget Sound to the topographic divide in the Cascade Mountain range have
moderate PGD values. East of the topographic divide, PGD values are lower and associated with
liquefaction of the alluvium in the river valleys flowing to the east.
Figure 8: Statewide Distribution of Estimated PGD for Railways Located on Liquefiable Soils
The overall statewide distribution of PGD on the railway mileage underlain by liquefiable soils is shown
in table 5. More than 80 percent of the mileage of railway segments on liquefiable soils are estimated to
experience 6 inches or less of displacement. Only 8.9 percent of the railway mileage on liquefiable soils is
estimated to experience more than 24 inches of displacement.
Table 5: Summary of Statewide Mileage of Disrupted Railways on Liquefiable
Soils by PGD
Estimated PGD Miles % of Total
0 in
638.9 36.2%
0 to 6 in
784.9 44.5%
6 to 12 in
108.4 6.1%
12 to 24 in
75.3 4.3%
24 to 48 in
97.3 5.5%
48 to 96 in
24.8 1.4%
>96 in
35.8 2.0%
Results of PGD Estimation for Rail Yards
Of the 54 rail yards in Washington State shown in figure 9, 42 yards are underlain completely by
liquefiable soils. Two additional yards, the Cascade and Columbia River Railroad’s Oroville and BNSF’s
Balmer yards, are 44 percent and 98 percent underlain by liquefiable soils, respectively.
Figure 9: Statewide Distribution of Estimated PGD at Rail Yards
The estimated PGD at each of the rail yards is shown in figure 9. The PSAP’s Port of Grays Harbor rail
yard is estimated to have the greatest PGD, in excess of 14 feet. The PSAP’s Hoquiam and Aberdeen rail
yards and BNSF’s Rocky Point rail yard are estimated to have PGDs between 2-4 feet. The overall
distribution of rail yards subject to PGD is shown in table 6. More than 80 percent (36 of 44) of the rail
yards are estimated to experience less than 6 inches of PGD. Only 9.1 percent (4 of 44) of the rail yards
are estimated to experience more than 24 inches of PGD. More than 86 percent of the overall rail yard
area is estimated to experience less than 6 inches of PGD, with only 3.1 percent of the total area estimated
to experience more than 24 inches of PGD.
Table 6: Distribution of PGD at Rail Yards by Number and Area
Estimated PGD Number % of Total Area (Km
) % of Total
0 in
6 13.6% 0.2 3.7%
0 to 6 in
30 68.2% 3.8 82.4%
6 to 12 in
1 2.3% 0.4 9.1%
12 to 24 in
3 6.8% 0.1 1.7%
24 to 48 in
3 6.8% 0.1 1.8%
48 to 96 in
0 0.0% 0.0 0%
>96 in
1 2.3% 0.1 1.3%
44 4.6
Step 3: Using the Railway and Rail Yard PGD Results
The railway and rail yard PGD values are estimated to enhance understanding of potential impacts on the
Washington State rail network at a system-level; they are not intended to provide information about the
performance of specific rail segments or yards, which would require a site-level engineering analysis.
Nonetheless, they provide a valuable overview of the relative exposure of the state’s rail system to
earthquake-induced seismic impacts related to PGD and soil liquefaction-related ground failure. These
results may be useful to WSDOT, Washington Emergency Management Division, and other State
officials in engaging with private sector rail to better understand the seismic vulnerabilities of rail and of
that system’s capability to support post-CSZ earthquake response and recovery efforts.
Assumptions in Estimating Rail System Impacts
These estimated PGD values use the slope-only formula for PGD. The construction details associated
with waterfront rail yards may significantly increase the displacements at those rail yards. Rail yards such
as BNSF’s Seattle Terminal and Intermodal Gateway, Tacoma Rail’s Tacoma rail yard, and BNSF’s
Balmer rail yard, which are located on the waterfront and in some cases built on fill placed in previously
open water, may be subject to additional ground deformation. The structures retaining the fill upon which
the rail yards were built may be subject to failure owing to ground motions leading to large lateral and
vertical displacements of the contained soils into the water. Even if the underlying liquefiable soils are
contained, the bearing strength that supports such yards’ structures and rail lines may be severely
diminished, causing the structures to fail during the CSZ event. Additional details regarding the
construction of rail yards located along the waterfront would be needed to derive a more complete
understanding of the potential failure modes and associated displacements and damage.
The Highway Seismic Screening Tool (HSST) was developed to assess the potential impacts of a CSZ
earthquake to highway pavements and to inform a system-level analysis of repair and reopening times as
part of the Washington State Transportation Systems RRAP project. Given similarities in the
configuration of highways and rail systems as linear infrastructure systems, this study also uses the HSST
to examine the exposure of rail infrastructure to PGD.
The results project that statewide, the majority of highways will experience relatively low PGD74.1
percent of highway miles will experience less than six inches of PGD, with approximately 31 percent of
those experiencing none at all. The study projects that the most significant PGD will occur in
southwestern Washington and on the Olympic Peninsula, with some comparatively larger PGD occurring
throughout the Puget Sound area. Moderate to minor PGD is projected to occur along highways leading
into the Cascade Mountains, but east of the Cascades PGD is projected to occur at minor or insignificant
The repair times for highway pavements largely mirror the results of projected PGD magnitudes;
however, given the varying types and thicknesses of highway pavement structures, there is some minor
variability in per-mile repair times. The study projects that the longest highway repair and reopening
times will occur in southwestern Washington and the Olympic Peninsula, with comparatively shorter
times in the Puget Sound area. Interstate 90 shows slightly longer repair and reopening times in
comparison with parallel routes crossing the Cascades Mountains, which is likely due to the presence of
rigid concrete pavements on that highway that will necessitate additional time for damaged pavement and
debris removal prior to repaving with a temporary wearing surface.
The study also projects PGD exposure for the statewide rail system. As with the HSST results for
highways, the largest PGDs for rail systems are projected to occur on rail lines located in southwestern
Washington and on the Olympic Peninsula, with the Puget Sound and Pacific Railroad projected to
experience the greatest system-wide PGDs. Nonetheless, rail lines statewide will experience relatively
minor PGD exposure with over 80 percent of rail miles experiencing six inches of displacement or less.
Similarly, 80 percent of rail yards in Washington are projected to experience less than six inches of PGD,
with only four of the 44 rail yards studies projected to experience PGD in excess of 24 inches. This study
was unable to approximate rail line and yard reopening times given the projected PGD exposure of those
systems. Engagement with rail industry professionals could provide better context for the rail system
vulnerabilitiesand therefore, restoration and reopening timelinesgiven the PGD impacts projected in
this study.
This HSST is primarily intended to inform regional highway prioritization for emergency response
activities conducted as part of the larger RRAP project. However, the HSST could also be useful in
evaluating seismic-induced liquefaction impacts to other roadway systems, including county or local
roadways. Evaluating the seismic impacts to pavements of these regional or local systems could
complement the statewide analysis outlined in this study and provide a more complete characterization of
statewide roadway impacts. Furthermore, applying the HSST to county and local roadway systems could
also inform the identification and evaluation of feasible alternate or detour routes around state highways
and bridges that experience significant seismic-related disruptions.
The HSST uses currently available seismic and geotechnical information. This study incorporates several
analytical assumptions, particularly with respect to statewide subsurface conditions. As new or more
complete seismic and geotechnical information becomes available, planners or engineers should integrate
that information into the current HSST methodology to provide an updated analysis of seismic-induced
impacts to state highways.
BNSF BNSF Railway Company
CSZ Cascadia Subduction Zone
DNR Washington State Department of Natural Resources
EMD Washington Emergency Management Division
HSST Highway Seismic Screening Tool
I Interstate
km kilometers
PGA Peak Ground Acceleration
PGD Permanent Ground Deformation
PSAP Puget Sound & Pacific Railroad
RRAP Regional Resiliency Assessment Program
UP Union Pacific Railroad
USGS U.S. Geological Survey
WSDOT Washington State Department of Transportation
WSPMS Washington State Pavement Management System
Bardet, Jean-Pierre, Nicholas Mace, and Tetsuo Tobita, 1999, Liquefaction-induced Ground Deformation
and Failure. Los Angeles, CA: University of Southern California.
Bowman, J.D., and J.L. Czajkowski, 2016, Washington State Seismogenic Features - Seismogenic Faults,
edited by Washington State Department of Natural Resources, Olympia, WA.
Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2018, North American Rail Lines, edited by U.S. Department of
Transportation. Washington, DC.
DNR (Washington State Department of Natural Resources), 2010, Seismic Ground Response -
Liquefaction Susceptibility, Olympia, WA.
USGS (U.S. Geological Survey), 2017, "M 9.0 Scenario Earthquake - Cascadia M9.0 Scenario (Mean
de=gllegacycasc9p0expanded_se., accessed May 2018.
USGS, 2006a, "About Liquefaction," last modified August 18, 2006,
, accessed August 2018.
USGS, 2006b, "Factors of Liquefaction," last modified August 18, 2006,
, accessed August 2018.
USGS, undated, "The National Map: Your Source for Topographic Information,"
, accessed May, 2018.
WSDOT (Washington State Department of Transportation), 2016, WSPMS Surface Type, Olympia, WA.
WSDOT, undated, Railroads at 500k, Olympia, WA.
Youd, T. Leslie. 1995. "Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Ground Displacement." Third International
Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, St. Louis,
MO, April 2-7.
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