USENIX Association 26th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA ’12) 101
As system administrators who are also full-time students,
we aim to minimize the time we spend approving and
carrying out standard tasks that comprise much of our
day-to-day work. The less time required for these repet-
itive tasks, the more time we have available to provide
new and exciting services to our community.
To facilitate the automation of this process, we have
created the Grand Unified Task System (GUTS), which
consists of a small core (a web interface and task ex-
ecutor) that unites task request processing for a range of
modular services. This design allows for enhanced se-
curity and makes the system easily understandable and
extensible, especially to new administrators. The Python
backend provides deep integration with standard UNIX
tools; the Django-based frontend provides a web inter-
face friendly to both users and administrators. These de-
sign decisions have proven successful: deploying GUTS
in production allowed us to dramatically reduce our re-
sponse time for approving tasks, reach a much larger por-
tion of our potential user base, and more easily support a
diverse array of new services.
Keywords: infrastructure, project management, security,
teaching system administration, web
1 Introduction
Since 1993, the Swarthmore College Computer Society
(SCCS) has provided shell, mail, and web services to
students, alumni, and other users affiliated with Swarth-
more College. Because SCCS is run entirely by stu-
dent volunteers on a small budget, both server resources
and system administrator time are quite limited. To
make efficient use of these resources, users receive ac-
cess to most SCCS services only upon request. How-
ever, manually setting up user accounts, mailing lists,
and databases on a case-by-case basis is both repetitive
and excessively time-consuming. An ideal automated so-
lution minimizes the amount of time that system admin-
istrators spend performing repetitive tasks while ensur-
ing the security and supportability of the underlying sys-
tems. The Grand Unified Task System (GUTS) answers
both of these questions through via its comprehensive
web interface and deep integration with existing system
tools. It replaces an older SCCS-designed system that
performs a similar purpose, the Los [9] automated task
request and approval system.
GUTS provides a full vertical solution and includes a
submission and administration system for user requests,
a website frontend for users, and a library of backend
scripts that perform the actual tasks. An example of one
such request is user creation, which involves a number
of individual steps but is presented as a single task to
the user. We have a policy of administrator approval for
user creation tasks, but many other types of user requests
are handled automatically and immediately by GUTS,
without any interaction from the administrator (for ex-
ample, password change requests). Having an adminis-
trator check over major requests helps both with security
against malicious requests and with ensuring that various
subjective policies that are hard to enforce automatically
are followed. It is crucial that the system for handling re-
quests makes review and approval of individual requests
as easy as possible so that the administrator’s time can be
spent on reviewing the details of tasks rather than fight-
ing with the system.
Users submit tasks to GUTS via a convenient web in-
terface based on the Django [4] framework. Upon vis-
iting the GUTS website, the user sees a listing of the
available services in the form of tiles on the SCCS Dash-
board, shown in Figure 1. After selecting the task, the
user then encounters a form for entering data pertaining
to the task. The data is type-checked and verified before
further processing occurs. For tasks which do not require
administrator approval, the user receives a visual report
of the status of the task and often an accompanying email
confirmation. If the task does require moderation, GUTS
Managing User Requests with the Grand Unified Task System (GUTS)
Andrew Stromme Danica J. Sutherland Alexander Burka Benjamin Lipton
Nicholas Felt Rebecca Roelofs Daniel-Elia Feist-Alexandrov Steve Dini Allen Welkie
Swarthmore College Computer Society
102 26th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA ’12) USENIX Association
Figure 1: The SCCS Dashboard serves as the landing page for GUTS and provides users with an overview of the
available tasks they may request. Each tile represents a self-contained pluggable GUTS service. Non-administrators
do not see the Staff Requests or GUTS Information tiles.
sends an email to the administrators notifying them that
there is a task awaiting approval. After the administra-
tors review the task, the requesting user will receive an
email detailing the status of their request.
At present, almost all of our system administration
tasks follow this model. Through GUTS, users can re-
quest new accounts, change account passwords, set up
email forwarding, and create and manage mailing lists,
source code repositories, and groups.
This report first details how existing systems serving
similar purposes do not satisfy our needs (Section 2).
We then give an overview of the design of GUTS (Sec-
tions 3-5), and discuss its successes thus far (Section 6).
We finally outline some of the lessons learned during the
development process (Section 7) and identify some fea-
tures of the design critical to its success (Section 8).
2 Related Work
Because managing large systems is traditionally labor-
intensive, many different types of tools have been created
to assist system administrators in performing their jobs.
One such type of tool, exemplified by Cfengine [2] and
Puppet [11], automates the task of maintaining a large
group of systems, keeping each machine as close as pos-
sible to a policy for the files and processes that should
be present. This allows system administrators to avoid
performing repetitive tasks such as software updates on
multiple machines, and also allows the system state to be
automatically repaired if an incident or user action causes
it to deviate from policy. Though these tools are very use-
ful for simplifying the administration and improving the
robustness of a large installation of systems, they do not
immediately address the problem of responding to user
requests, which is the main cause for administrative ac-
tion at small sites like SCCS.
Another category of tool is the ticketing system, used
to log user requests and related actions by administrators.
Some examples are Request v3 [8] and RT [1], both of
which can automatically create tickets for email requests
and manage tickets via email, command-line, or web in-
terfaces. These tools keep track of the status of requests
from users, so that the administrator is free to concen-
trate on satisfying these requests. Additionally, they al-
low reporting to track trends in requests and highlight
problems. GUTS serves a similar purpose in our organi-
zation, but in addition to managing communication with
users about certain types of requests, it also handles the
execution of requested tasks.
A third category of tool simplifies administration by
providing a graphical user interface for common admin-
istrative tasks, intended to make it easier for system ad-
ministrators to configure their machines. One example
of such a system is Webmin [3], which enables admin-
USENIX Association 26th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA ’12) 103
istration of many services on UNIX machines via a web
interface. Webmin has a selection of modules that handle
the administration of various services, each of which can
configure that service on a selection of UNIX-like sys-
tems. The developers of Webmin have also created a tool
called Usermin [12] that allows users to manage features
of their own accounts via a graphical interface. GUTS
combines these roles by providing a clean user interface
for several features provided by the SCCS servers, both
administrator- and user-initiated. In addition to provid-
ing a friendly interface to these features, GUTS also en-
ables users to request administrator approval for actions
for which they do not have sufficient privileges.
Finally, GUTS is the successor to Los [9], improv-
ing on the earlier SCCS effort in many respects. Both
GUTS and Los support the automation of task approval
and execution, but Los requires that administrators ap-
prove tasks through either a custom command-line tool
or a GPG-signed email sent to the Los server. In contrast,
GUTS provides a simple, easily-accessible web interface
for one-click task approval. Since users interact with the
same interface, effort spent on improving the frontend of
GUTS benefits both users and administrators. GUTS is
also much easier to extend than Los. While Los is writ-
ten in a mix of languages and uses an inflexible, home-
grown XML-based method to define tasks, GUTS code
is pure Python, task definitions are simply functions, and
task logic and presentation can be packaged together into
modular services using the popular Django app model.
3 GUTS Core Components
At a high level, the core of GUTS combines a framework
for automating system tasks with a convenient website
that exposes these tasks to users. Built around this core
are a number of services, each bundling together one or
more tasks into a single modular package with a shared
frontend interface.
The GUTS project core consists of the libguts li-
brary which contains the services framework and other
helper code, the gutsd backend server which exposes
registered services and functions, and frontend clients
(most notably the gutsweb website) which use these reg-
istered functions to perform system actions. Figure 2
gives an overview of GUTS components, which the fol-
lowing subsections describe in detail.
3.1 GUTS Library
The libguts library provides a rich set of tools that
allow programmers to easily write both GUTS system
functions and the frontend interfaces that will call these
functions. With libguts, the frontend programmer can
user group mailinglist introspection
tripwire git emailjobs
Django Apps from Services
Django Framework
Figure 2: Architecture of GUTS components. Every-
thing above the D-Bus line runs as unprivileged users
while everything below runs as the root user. gutsd au-
tomatically loads and extracts the registered actions from
each of the installed services, while gutsweb loads ev-
erything else contained in each service.
call GUTS functions as if they were normal Python func-
tions, even though there are a number of layers and trans-
formations behind the scenes. In the following sections
we describe first the semantics of GUTS functions, in-
cluding how to register and call them, and second the
structure of GUTS services, which organize these func-
tions into modular packages.
3.1.1 Functions
A GUTS function is a single task that can be performed
on the system, such as creating a user, creating a group,
removing a repository or modifying a mailing list. Func-
tions are registered via one of the libguts Python dec-
orators. The GUTS functions run as root within the
gutsd process, so they can access any necessary parts of
the GUTS job database or the running server as needed
(for example, the user actions access the live LDAP
database, and copy files around the server). All other
code runs in the context of the calling program (in our
case, gutsweb which runs as an unprivileged user). Be-
cause GUTS functions run with elevated privileges, we
must ensure that there are no security holes and that
parameters are checked for compliance before perform-
ing any system action. GUTS allows registered func-
tions to provide type information and automatic parame-
ter checking. The libguts library includes a number of
checkers which verify commonly-used parameters. For
example, one included checker ensures that a parameter
is a valid UNIX group name.
A GUTS function is a normal Python function that has
been registered with the GUTS daemon by a decorator
from libguts. These functions fall into three types:
Info functions have no side-effects on the system
when executed. Examples include functions that list
groups to which the user belongs or return metadata
104 26th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA ’12) USENIX Association
for a source control repository.
Actions are functions with side-effects on the sys-
tem, such as a function that creates a user, removes
a repository, or adds a user to a mailing list. Ac-
tions automatically add jobs to the database when
run. Some actions are delayed, which means the
parameters are added to the jobs database when run,
but not executed until an administrator has approved
the action.
Meta functions perform some internal-to-GUTS
task, such as listing the loaded services or running
a delayed job. An augmented context is passed to
meta functions, which includes the list of services
and registered functions for the current GUTS in-
3.1.2 Services
A GUTS installation is implemented and extended
through the use of services. A service consists of a
set of registered GUTS functions packaged inside a
Django app that implements the logic and presenta-
tion of the service’s web interface. An example of a
GUTS service is the git module, described in depth
in Section 5. In short, this service provides a collec-
tion of web pages for creating, editing and exploring
Git repositories hosted on SCCS infrastructure. The
Django-based website functions call out to GUTS func-
tions to perform the actual heavy lifting of repository
creation and modification. Services can interact with
any existing system executables and libraries and are
thus a powerful way to implement website and system
functionality through GUTS. The SCCS GUTS instal-
lation includes services such as git (for Git reposi-
tories), user (account creation and management) and
mailinglists (mailing list administration). The git
service includes actions such as create
repository, and modify repository.
We expect that services will often be written by pro-
grammers with little knowledge of internal GUTS sys-
tems. Because of this, we designed the services archi-
tecture to avoid boilerplate code as much as possible.
A service leverages many of the elements of a standard
Django app, including a settings file with service-specific
settings, a url-routing module, view functions (that typi-
cally call GUTS functions) to display the relevant pages
on the website, and template files for those views. Be-
sides this, the service also contains the system-level code
that implements the GUTS functions that the service pro-
vides. In this way, the service folder is a completely self-
contained definition of everything related to that service
(with the exception of any system executables or libraries
it uses). The organization of this folder will be familiar
to Django programmers. Figure 3 shows the elements of
a service.
service (e.g. tripwire)
loaded by gutsd
loaded by gutsweb (Django)
info functions
views templates
settings other code
Figure 3: The anatomy of a GUTS service. A service
is a Django app that also contains registered GUTS func-
tions. Most of the service is loaded by gutsweb to power
the website, but the actions are loaded by gutsd so that
they can be run with superuser privileges.
Due to the self-contained nature of the service folder,
GUTS services are modular and pluggable (though, if de-
sired, they can have interdependencies where one GUTS
services may use another’s actions). When gutsd starts
up, services are automatically discovered and sent to
gutsweb. Several of the services that we have imple-
mented are described in Section 5, as examples of func-
tionality that can be plugged into GUTS.
3.2 GUTS D-Bus Daemon
The gutsd daemon provides access to GUTS services
over D-Bus [5], an open source system for inter-process
communication. The daemon runs with superuser per-
missions and registers itself on a known D-Bus interface.
On startup it automatically detects services and loads
their registered functions. It then presents these func-
tions and overall GUTS introspection information over
the D-Bus interface.
Security for gutsd rests on the use of a context ob-
ject and the sender’s username as provided by the D-Bus
function dbus
bus get unix user(). The context ob-
ject is used to provide additional information to functions
and parameter checking functions, such as the originator
of the request (website or command line) and the identity
of the user performing the request. On request submis-
sion, gutsd receives the context alongside the request
parameters (both JSON-encoded) and uses it for valida-
tion. While gutsd gives the GUTS website’s Unix user
account trusted access and allows it to perform functions
on behalf of any user, other users accessing GUTS from
the command line are only allowed to make requests on
behalf of their own user account, which gutsd enforces
by checking the sender information from D-Bus.
While we have chosen D-Bus as our inter-process
communication framework because of its wide deploy-
ment and security features, there is nothing integral to
USENIX Association 26th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA ’12) 105
GUTS that uniquely depends on D-Bus. Any other com-
munications framework with the ability to securely iden-
tify message senders could be easily used instead. A
framework without that ability could also be used by first
adding an authentication layer on top of the framework.
In our environment the D-Bus communication happens
entirely internally to a single machine, but if messages
between GUTS clients and the GUTS server are sent in
an untrusted network environment, an additional layer
of encryption (such as SSL) should be used to protect
against snooping on function parameters (which can con-
tain sensitive material such as passwords) as well as man-
in-the-middle attacks.
3.3 GUTS User Interface
The main user interface to GUTS is the gutsweb fron-
tend, a simple website with a design influenced by the
modularity of the underlying service framework. Each
GUTS service is allotted a tile on the dashboard (Fig-
ure 1) that describes the service and links the user to its
own pages. These subpages can either provide further
information or present forms for submitting a request.
For example, the mailing list service tile offers the
choice of either viewing one’s mailing list memberships
or creating a new mailing list, as shown in Figure 4.
Clicking the “Show my mailing lists” button leads to an
overview of the user’s mailing lists subscriptions, which
including an indication of any administrative privileges
for those lists. List administrators can simply click on
the respective list to be taken to a new page where they
can add or remove list members. Creating a new mail-
ing list is just as easy; the corresponding button takes the
user to a form for entering basic information about the
new list and submitting the request for approval.
The allotment of one tile per service allows users to
easily survey all the available tasks, while preserving the
bundling of related tasks into clearly distinguishable ser-
vices. It also presents a straightforward way to add the
frontend hook for a new service; the developer can sim-
ply design a new tile and insert it into the dashboard, re-
quiring minimum effort in working around the frontends
for existing services.
3.3.1 Administrator Interface
When a user submits a request for an action that re-
quires administrator approval, all staff members receive
an email that contains the parameters of the requested
action, a link to the new job on the administrative web
interface, and a notification of the current status of the
job. This is implemented by embedding in the email an
HTML image tag pointing to a URL on the GUTS server,
which will read “Executed”, “Waiting for Admin”, “Re-
Figure 4: The mailing list tile. This tile is provided by
the mailinglists service and provides access to com-
monly used tasks.
jected” or similar, depending on the current job status.
Because the image is downloaded when the message is
viewed, administrators checking their email immediately
see an up-to-date notification of the status. This noti-
fication prevents unnecessary trips to the web interface
to approve already-executed jobs (a frustratingly com-
mon occurrence when SCCS used Los). Figure 5 shows
a snapshot of the email, including the embedded image.
Figure 5: An example GUTS job notification email. Sim-
ilar emails are sent out for all delayed actions so that ad-
ministrators can approve them. The parameters dictio-
nary has already been verified at this point, but it will be
verified again once the action is approved.
Following the link in the email takes an administrator
to the status page for the selected job. This page presents
the history of the job and allows the administrator to ap-
prove or reject the job, or edit the parameters of the job
before executing it. Each job is also accessible via the
106 26th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA ’12) USENIX Association
“Pending Jobs” link in the “Staff Requests” dashboard
tile, which leads to a page that can show not only pend-
ing requests but also a log of all previously executed jobs.
4 Security Model
From a security standpoint, it is important to ensure that
user input is verified before it is used to make automated
system-administration decisions. This provides protec-
tion against security vulnerabilities and prevents actions
from running which would leave the server in an incon-
sistent state. This level of our security model is im-
plemented with a layer of parameter checker functions
that serve as a boundary between the interface-level code
and the server-side functions. The code as implemented
enforces our security guarantees while providing a con-
venient code interface for service programmers. It also
serves as a common repository of validators for various
data types, such as Unix users and mailing list names.
The input verification is all done on the server side.
Similar to the Linux kernel, which provides a system call
interface for userland to call into the kernel, the privi-
leged code (in Linux’s case, the kernel; in our case, the
checker functions) needs to carefully check the validity
of the parameters before doing anything. gutsd receives
job requests over the Desktop-Bus (D-Bus) interface [5],
and does not trust that input.
There are two kinds of verification which must be
performed. The first is traditional input verification for
web applications, in order to verify the input is correctly
formed and to prevent database injection attacks. These
are handled by individual parameter verifiers, which
might check the format of a Unix username or verify
that a flag coming from a dropdown list actually be-
longs to the set of legal options. After this basic verifica-
tion, there are function-level checkers, which can reason
about the relationships between parameters (for example,
“Does this user have administrative permissions on this
Git repository?”) with full confidence that the parame-
ters are valid for their individual data types.
To guarantee security, gutsd should check its inputs
whenever they come from untrusted sources, and when-
ever the underlying system state might have changed.
To this end, the verification typically happens multiple
times during the lifetime of a call into GUTS. There are
four ways to call into gutsd: (1) When an info func-
tion is invoked, the parameters are checked before the
function is executed; these functions do not change sys-
tem or database state. (2) When an action is invoked,
the parameters are checked first, then the action is tried.
If successful, the result is logged in the database, but
if not a parameter error is returned to the caller (usu-
ally gutsweb). (3) A delayed action’s parameters are
checked, and if successful the server enters the request
into the database and emails the staff. (4) Meta functions
are like info functions, except that they are allowed to
modify system state indirectly (e.g. by calling an action).
Through these four interfaces, invalid data never enters
the database, and data is verified both when originally
submitted and immediately before being used.
Figure 6 presents a code sample from the git service
(with some changes for brevity). This code demonstrates
several parameter checkers and the beginning of a func-
tion which implements a GUTS action. This particular
action can perform several functions related to the man-
agement of a Git repository (changing web visibility, de-
scriptions, and user access). One of the parameters it
must verify is a Unix user/group, so the action uses the
user-or-group data type provided by libguts (logic
within the function differentiates users and groups).
The permissions and visibility arguments are ver-
ified to belong to a limited set of possibilities, while
name verifies that a repository with the given name ex-
ists. Then, the action checker, check
user is admin,
verifies that the user attempting to execute this ac-
tion has the necessary privileges. It would be easy to
create a check
update settings function that called
user is admin as well as performing any other
required checks, if more checks were necessary.
The actual declaration of a GUTS action with specifi-
cation of the verifiers is implemented using the Python
function declaration syntax. A decorator provided by
libguts interprets special default arguments of type
Param to build up type information for each action
parameter. This ties into one of our major design
goals, which is to make implementing an action as
simple as writing a Python function. The function
settings in the code sample appears to be
declaring a Python function with default values for its ar-
guments. However, the decorators actually result in the
creation of an object that automatically decodes its ar-
guments from JSON, verifies them for correctness, and
encodes return values, raising exceptions that GUTS un-
derstands if anything goes wrong along the way. All of
this complexity is hidden from the service programmer.
Security Implications of gutsweb
Because gutsweb is a trusted client, a compromised
gutsweb process could perform tasks on behalf of any
user. However, the attack surface and potential damage
are limited by the defined functions, and a compromised
gutsweb process does not have root access. The fron-
tend does not contain logic about user privileges; this is
instead described and enforced in the validators for the
functions themselves, preventing duplication of informa-
tion and simplifying the implementation of gutsweb.
USENIX Association 26th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA ’12) 107
def check_user_is_admin(context, name):
username = context.user.username
repo = RepositoryGroup(settings.REPOSITORY_BASE_PATH).repository(name)
if not (repo.user_is_admin(username) or
any(repo.group_is_admin(g.groupname) for g in User(username).groups)):
context.add_error("{0} is not an administrator of {1}".format(username, name))
def repo_name_check(context, name, params):
repo = RepositoryGroup(settings.REPOSITORY_BASE_PATH).repository(name)
if not repo.exists:
context.add_error("Repository {0} doesn’t exist".format(
_permissions = (None, "none", "read", "write", "admin")
_visibilities = (None, "public", "private")
@guts.action(service="git", checker=check_user_is_admin)
def update_settings(context,
name = Param(checker=repo_name_check, required=True),
description = Param( default=None),
visibility = Param(choices=_visibilities, required=True),
entity_name = Param("user-or-group", default=None),
permissions = Param(choices=_permissions, default=None)):
pass # GUTS action logic goes here
Figure 6: A code sample illustrating parameter checking for the git.update settings action. A single GUTS
action is defined which uses the GUTS Param domain specific language to define the function’s parameters, complete
with verification functions and defaults.
5 Case Studies for Implemented Services
User account creation User accounts were a core con-
sideration when designing GUTS, because our accounts
are non-trivial compared to those of many other sites.
This consideration helped shape a number of GUTS
features such as delayed actions, automatic parameter
checkers and the split between gutsd and gutsweb.
From the start we knew we needed GUTS to support de-
layed account creation, where the user signs up for an
account and later an administrator approves it. Once the
account is approved, GUTS needs to then create an en-
try in our LDAP system, copy skeleton files, and set up
webspace, shell access and an email inbox. Doing all of
this requires integration with a number of different tools
(including LDAP, Postfix, shell commands, and Mail-
man) and therefore benefits hugely from the flexibility
that GUTS functions allow. Writing functions in plain
Python allows us to use pre-existing Python libraries as
well as to call out to specific shell executables. The in-
tegrated delayed-action support ensures that checks are
made both when the action is submitted and when it is
finally run, in order to catch errors as early as possible,
while also preventing errors that arise if the system con-
figuration changes between submission and execution.
Git repository management In an effort to provide
useful services to our users, SCCS previously created
a set of tools for managing shared and private Git [10]
repositories that are hosted on our server infrastructure.
We make extensive use of Filesystem Access Control
Lists (FACLs) to allow our users to create and use repos-
itories, allowing private or shared read, write, or admin
access as they wish. Users add, modify, and view repos-
itories via our production GUTS website. This is im-
plemented using a GUTS service which nicely integrates
with our existing Git infrastructure which has a Python
library interface. Info functions provide insight on exist-
ing repositories and action functions allow for changes
to be made in a simple (from the service programmer’s
point of view) way.
Tripwire One of the tools we use to monitor the se-
curity of our servers is Open Source Tripwire [6], a file
integrity scanner and reporting system. Tripwire is run
daily and supplies the administrator with an overview of
changed files in web directories and other high-risk ar-
eas. Originally the only way to approve or reject these
108 26th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA ’12) USENIX Association
changes was through the shell. By writing a Python
module that can parse and modify Tripwire’s report files,
however, we have now created a convenient web inter-
face for approving these reports that integrates with the
other approval systems we use every day.
Mailman One of the most popular services that we of-
fer are GNU Mailman mailing lists [7], which are fre-
quently used by many of the clubs and organizations
at Swarthmore College. Since users are often not very
comfortable or even aware of the Mailman administra-
tion interface, we decided to integrate that functionality
into GUTS. Mailman provides a convenient Python in-
terface to its list management systems, so this is fairly
easy to accomplish. Now, users can comfortably create
and administrate mailing lists directly from their dash-
board, eliminating the need to leave the GUTS interface
for common mailing list maintenance operations. For
more advanced administrative tasks, the GUTS web in-
terface provides a link to log directly into the Mailman
web interface without having to use a Mailman admin-
istrative password: GUTS sets the login cookie used by
Mailman before forwarding to the administrative page.
We have also recently added to the Mailman interface
an admin-side action which scans the mailing lists for
invalid email addresses, a constant
problem for SCCS lists since graduating students rarely
unsubscribe from their mailing lists before their email
addresses expire. Although this could have been imple-
mented as a standalone script, implementing it in GUTS
meant that we already had convenient helpers in place to
access our mailing lists and to check with the College’s
LDAP and SMTP servers for address validity.
6 Results and Reception
We made the decision to deploy GUTS in production and
officially retire Los, the former task manager, after it be-
came apparent that Los was not going to be able to keep
up with the additional services that SCCS wanted to pro-
vide to its user base. The pivotal moment came when we
wanted to automate the process of creating Git reposito-
ries for a user. This functionality would have been very
hard to implement in Los, and thus it was decided to roll
out GUTS somewhat earlier than planned. On October
10th, 2011, GUTS went live.
The results of the migration to GUTS were positive in
all areas. Since GUTS made it possible to approve de-
layed tasks via the web dashboard, administrators could
now tend to requests from any kind of web-enabled de-
vice, including smartphones. As a consequence, the me-
dian approval response time for delayed tasks dropped
by a factor of 20 to 14.3 minutes for GUTS (mean 5.2
hours; based on 606 jobs between November 2011 and
May 2012) as opposed to 4 hours and 54 minutes for Los
(mean 59 hours; based on 1177 jobs between April 2004
and September 2011).
We also more than tripled the number of new user
accounts per semester from the 2010-2011 academic
year (using Los) to the 2011-2012 academic year (using
GUTS). Although we have not attempted to measure the
exact effect of GUTS, we believe a substantial part of this
increase is from a higher conversion rate of students con-
sidering creating accounts, resulting from a greatly sim-
plified signup process (1 page with 4 fields for GUTS;
several pages for Los). We presently reach around one
third of the incoming freshman class (our primary source
of new users) every year, and expect this proportion to
increase now that we can build on the infrastructure pro-
vided by GUTS to easily expand the services we offer
and provide greater incentives for account creation.
But the greatest benefit of GUTS is that it acts as a
unifying, straightforward platform for both SCCS and its
user base: regular users are able to access most of the
features an SCCS account provides with a single click
from their GUTS dashboard, student group leaders can
easily tend to their mailing lists and websites from the
group dashboard, and administrators can quickly view,
approve, correct, or reject tasks from the staff dashboard.
Administrators can also access staff-specific areas via
GUTS, such as the task for approving Tripwire reports,
as well as built-in documentation on GUTS and a list of
registered GUTS functions generated via introspection.
This integrated approach has made life significantly eas-
ier for both the user and administrator, allowing the user
to readily discover and take advantage of the services that
SCCS offers, while lowering the hurdles for the admin-
istrator to develop, test, and roll out improvements.
7 Lessons Learned
As with all major projects, GUTS was a learning experi-
ence for those involved. This section offers a small win-
dow into our trials and tribulations in developing GUTS.
7.1 Mistaken Assumptions
There were several assumptions that we made during the
development of GUTS that did not pan out once the ser-
vice was launched. Some of these can be deduced from
the types of email that we received right after launch.
It became clear that the web interface needed to expose
a lot of the functionality much more obviously. We still
get many emails requesting password resets, even though
this functionality has long been present in GUTS. We are
working on improving the home page so that such simple
functions are immediately apparent.
USENIX Association 26th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA ’12) 109
Also, as GUTS expands in scope, some new services
that we want to integrate do not quite fit into the GUTS
model. A case in point is the Tripwire module, which
does quite a bit of processing on the server side in order
to munge the report into a readable format and present it
for staff approval in the web interface. If the report gets
too long, this processing cannot complete before Apache
decides that the process must have crashed and kills it.
An expansion to our job model will allow us to mark
certain jobs as asynchronous, so that they cannot lock up
the main gutsd process.
7.2 Pipe Dreams
Of course, in the absence of time and resource con-
straints, there are certain aspects of the GUTS archi-
tecture that might be implemented differently. Many of
these wishes have actually been resolved, as the internals
of GUTS have been rather significantly overhauled since
the system went into production. Making this work with-
out disrupting the experience for our users requires dis-
cipline in testing all new changes before pushing them to
the live system as well as good error reporting (all staff
members receive an email with a full stack trace when-
ever a user encounters a HTTP 500 server error). An au-
tomated test suite for GUTS would contribute greatly to
reducing regressions, but would also require significant
effort in mocking system interaction, due to the highly
integrated nature of GUTS services.
Another facet of the system that might be overhauled if
we had the expertise is authentication. We are quite sat-
isfied with the security model that we have implemented,
and all connections are secured with SSL so man-in-the-
middle attacks are not a concern, but the only defense
currently in place against impersonation is the Django
authentication system.
7.3 Development Challenges
We had our fair share of hurdles to be overcome during
the development process. The first of these was in de-
sign. The major reason for not writing GUTS earlier was
the lack of a good security model. The core gutsd pro-
cess has to run as root, in order to execute tasks (and even
for some harmless activities, such as querying Mailman),
but we certainly can’t have the entire web server run-
ning as root. This common-sense security requirement
is directly at odds with the purpose of GUTS, which is
to allow users to execute tasks with sysadmin interven-
tion only when necessary. In the past, Los solved this
problem by restricting the user-facing parts. The web in-
terface could only submit tasks, and the backend relied
on the security of GPG-signed email for communication.
For GUTS, we wanted tasks to be nearly full-fledged web
apps, written in pure Python, which required devising a
method for securely separating the user and server lay-
ers. The solution, discussed earlier in Figure 2, was to
strictly partition privileged code behind a D-Bus inter-
face. With D-Bus we can specify policies so that only
the GUTS web interface’s user can connect, for exam-
ple, and only explicitly exported functions are accessi-
ble. Getting this to work for our site also involved setting
up Apache MPM-ITK to run the GUTS web interface as
a special user; since we allow users to write their own
CGI scripts, this is how gutsd ensures it is talking to
gutsweb and not another rogue Apache process.
Another significant driver of design decisions was ease
of service writing. Ideally, a programmer familiar with
Python and Django should be able to write a service
without knowing about the internals of GUTS. Each ser-
vice folder, as discussed previously, looks like a Django
app. Of course, there is a fair amount of magic required
to keep up this appearance. The gutsweb interface gath-
ers parts from all of the services to make one Django app.
On the other side, gutsd exports various functions from
each service, based on decorators. We also take advan-
tage of Python’s default argument syntax to implement
the parameter checking layer. Preventing these abstrac-
tions from breaking down was a major challenge in our
development process.
Related to leaking abstractions, a design concern
which came into play at the end of the process was the
realization that GUTS could in principle be used at sites
other than SCCS, and so there should be a clear sepa-
ration between “core” functionality and anything SCCS-
specific or essentially optional. Defining and enforcing
this boundary was difficult and required reorganization
of some of the GUTS internals.
Working through these challenges in the development
process taught us a lot about the internals of Python,
Django, and how to integrate these layers into a work-
ing system. The result, while the product of a somewhat
non-linear development process, is a successful system
that satisfies all of our key design goals.
8 Conclusion and Future Work
GUTS provides an integrated environment for user and
administrator interaction with SCCS resources. Though
its original goal was simply to speed up handling of ad-
ministrative tasks so that a small group of volunteer sys-
tem administrators could effectively serve the entire col-
lege community, GUTS is extensible enough that it has
become the default platform SCCS uses for providing
new user services of any kind. Several features of GUTS
contribute to its applicability and ease of use.
First and foremost, GUTS includes a seamlessly inte-
grated privileged execution model. Each service is sim-
110 26th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA ’12) USENIX Association
ply a set of Python functions that the system calls as
needed. The system also guarantees that the inputs to
those functions are correctly formatted, and marshals in-
terprocess communication over D-Bus between the un-
privileged user interface and the privileged GUTS core.
This makes it very easy to add new privileged services
and design user-friendly interfaces to interact with them.
Secondly, GUTS streamlines the interaction between
user and administrator, using an optionally-delayed exe-
cution model. Tasks that require administrator approval
are performed via the web interface just like other tasks,
but executed only after approval is received. Further-
more, the users and the administrators interact with the
system through the same web interface. The GUTS job
model is sufficiently general that administrative tasks
such as approving delayed jobs are simply services that
GUTS provides to the staff members. GUTS can be used
as an interface to its own internals.
Lastly, our security model for services is designed
around permissions that are afforded on a user or group
basis. Parameter checkers can easily be implemented
that enforce privilege separation for individual tasks.
This means that the privileges required for an action are
fully dictated by the service that implements it; there is
no requirement that all services share a privilege model.
Although it is successfully serving many of our needs,
GUTS is still an evolving system and has much room
for improvement. The most immediate path for improve-
ment is to add new services and extend those already sup-
ported. For example, we are currently working on imple-
menting a service that allows users to create and manage
MySQL databases, and one that lets users easily update
their profiles on the SCCS-run campus photo directory.
To support more types of services, we would like to
make it safe to create long-running jobs, which currently
interfere with other jobs due to the single-threaded na-
ture of gutsd. This can be solved by providing a facility
for asynchronous jobs, which would return a response to
D-Bus immediately, and then perform their work in the
background. Managing these jobs should be relatively
easy, since GUTS already has the ability to check on the
status of jobs in the system.
A further way to improve the usefulness of GUTS
will be to increase the flexibility of the user interfaces
to the system. Some services, such as the git module,
are generally used alongside command-line tools, and
would therefore be convenient to access through dedi-
cated command-line tools themselves so we can avoid
a trip to the web interface just to create a Git repository.
We plan to implement a comprehensive command-line
GUTS interface to fill this gap. Also, since many of
the SCCS administrators approve jobs on their smart-
phones, a mobile-specific version of the web frontend
would make that process even easier.
9 Acknowledgements
This work relies upon the invaluable contributions of sev-
eral free software projects, most significantly Python,
Django [4], and D-Bus [5]. SCCS is supported through
equipment funding and space provided by the Student
Council of Swarthmore College. We also receive net-
work resources from the College’s Information Technol-
ogy Services Department.
10 Availability
GUTS is free software (released under the GNU General
Public License), available from the project homepage at
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