Annex no. 9 to Minister of Interior Decree no.…/2024 (of … …)
Application form for a residence permit
For completion by the authority.
The authority receiving the application:
Date of receipt of the application:
______ year ______ month ____ day
Area designated for the
placement of a facial
[Handwritten signature specimen of the applicant (legal
The signature must be inside the box in its entirety.
First time issuance of a residence permit: Border crossing point as place of entry, date of entry: , year
month day
Extension of a residence permit: Document number of the residence permit, date of expiry: , year
month day
Telephone number:
Email address:
Delivery of the document (in case the application is submitted by the applicant, unless the application is for a residence permit
for the purpose of training or for a residence permit for the prupose of studies):
The applicant requests delivery of the document by way of post.
Postal delivery address: place of accommodation of the applicant contact address of the attorney-in-fact
National Directorate-General for
Aliens Policing
Országos Idegenrendészeti
The applicant will collect the document at the issuing authority.
1. Personal data of the applicant
surname (as shown in the passport):
forename (as shown in the passport):
surname at birth:
forename at birth:
mother’s surname at birth:
mother’s forename at birth:
sex: male female
marital status: unmarried widow(er) married divorced
date of birth: year month
place of birth (locality):
nationality/ethnicity (nonmandatory data):
professional qualification(s):
educational attainment: primary
occupation before arriving in
2. Particulars of the applicant’s passport
passport number:
date and place of issuance: year month day,
passport type: ordinary service/official diplomatic other
date of expiry: year month day
3. Particulars of the applicant’s place of residence in Hungary
register reference
number (topographical
LOT no.):
postal code:
name of the public place:
type of the public place (i.e.
street, road, square, etc.):
street number:
legal title of residence in the place of accommodation: owner (sub)tenant family member courtesy user of
accommodation other, specifically:
4. Condition of full health insurance
Do you have full health insurance for the duration of your stay in Hungary?
based on an employment relationship I have funds to cover the costs
I have full health insurance other, specifically:
5. Conditions for return or onward travel
When your legal stay expires, which country will you return or travel onwards to?
By which means of transport?
Do you have the necessary
financial coverage?
yes, amount:
6. Applicant’s dependent spouse, child, parent
name/degree of
place and date of
legal title of residence:
residence permit
interim permanent residence
residence visa
permanent residence permit
national permanent
residence permit
EC permanent residence
interim residence card
EU residence card
national residence card
other, specifically:
immigration permit
EU Blue Card
Residence document number:
does not reside in Hungary
name/degree of
place and date of
legal title of residence:
residence permit
interim permanent residence
EC permanent residence
interim residence card
EU residence card
national residence card
other, specifically:
residence visa
permanent residence permit
national permanent
residence permit
immigration permit
EU Blue Card
Residence document number:
does not reside in Hungary
name/degree of
place and date of
legal title of residence:
residence permit
interim permanent residence
EC permanent residence
interim residence card
EU residence card
national residence card
other, specifically:
residence visa
permanent residence permit
national permanent
residence permit
immigration permit
EU Blue Card
Residence document number:
does not reside in Hungary
name/degree of
place and date of
legal title of residence:
residence permit
interim permanent residence
EC permanent residence
interim residence card
EU residence card
national residence card
other, specifically:
residence visa
permanent residence permit
national permanent
residence permit
immigration permit
EU Blue Card
Residence document number:
does not reside in Hungary
7. Other details
Permanent or habitual place of residence (prior to your arrival in Hungary):
Country: Locality: Name of the public place:
Are you a holder of a valid residence permit document in another Schengen Member State? yes no
type and number of the permit:
date of expiry: year month day
Have you ever had a rejected application for a residence permit before?
yes no
Have you ever been sentenced for a crime before? If yes, in which country and when, for what crime, and what was your punishment,
yes no
Have you ever been expelled from Hungary, if yes, when?
yes no
year month day
To your knowledge, do you have any of the contagious diseases of HIV/AIDS, or tuberculosis, hepatitis B, syphilis/lues, leprosy,
typhoid fever that require medical treatment, or are you a carrier of the infectious agent of HIV, hepatitis B, typhoid or paratyphoid
fevers in your body?
yes no
If you suffer from any of the diseases specified above, or if you are contagious or a carrier of infectious disease pathogens, do you
receive compulsory and regular medical treatment with regard to the said diseases?
yes no
8. I hereby declare that the minor child of mine indicated in my passport is travelling to Hungary together with me.
yes no
Please note that if your minor child indicated in your passport is travelling to Hungary together with you, Appendix ”A” must
be attached to/enclosed with your application.
9. Planned duration of stay and reasons
Until when are you applying for a residence permit? year month day
I hereby declare that the reason for my stay in Hungary is:
Guest self-employment (Appendix no. 9.2)
Guest investor (Appendix no. 9.3)
Seasonal employment (Appendix no. 9.4)
Employment for the purpose of investment (Appendix no. 9.5)
Employment (Appendix no. 9.6)
Residence permit for guest workers (Appendix no. 9.7)
Hungarian Card (Appendix no. 9.8)
EU Blue Card (Appendix no. 9.9)
Intra-corporate transfer (Appendix no. 9.10)
Research or (long-term) mobility of researchers (Appendix no. 9.11)
National Card (Appendix no. 9.12)
Pursuing studies or student mobility (Appendix no. 9.13)
Seeking a job or starting a business (Appendix no. 9.14)
Training (Appendix no. 9.15)
Traineeship (Appendix no. 9.16)
Official (Appendix no. 9.17)
White Card (Appendix no. 9.18)
Posted work (Appendix no. 9.19)
Medical treatment (Appendix no. 9.20)
Voluntary service (Appendix no. 9.21)
Residence permit for reasons of Hungarian national interest (Appendix no. 9.22)
Family reunification (Appendix no. 9.23)
10. I hereby declare that all data indicated in this application and in the appendix/appendices
attached/enclosed are true and correct. I understand that submission of false data or information shall result in the refusal of
the application.
Date: ..................................................... Signature: .....................................................
11. I hereby declare that I undertake voluntarily departure from the territory of the Member States of the European Union
in case a final decision is made on my application case for a residence permit. (to be completed if the application is submitted in
Date: ..................................................... Signature:.....................................................
12. I undertake to leave the territory of the Member States of the European Union and other Schengen States within 8 days of
the date on which my residence permit ceases to be valid.
In this context, I declare that I am going to undertake voluntary departure and fulfil my obligation to leave to
as a country which is considered a safe country of origin or a safe third country for me, where I will not be
at risk of persecution on grounds of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, or
as defined in Article XIV(3) of the Fundamental Law of Hungary.
The country of expulsion is:
a state where I have my habitual place of residence and that I am allowed to enter with the following permit:
type and number of the permit: ,
the/a state of my citizenship,
a state that I am allowed to enter with the following permit:
type and number of the permit: ,
It is known to me that if I do not comply with the provisions of the decision of expulsion by the deadline specified in the
decision, the immigration authority will carry out the expulsion under law enforcement escort and impose a ban on my entry
and stay.
Date: ..................................................... Signature: .....................................................
Transaction number of payment if made by an electronic payment instrument or by a bank deposit:
For completion by the authority.
If the application is approved
I hereby approve the applicant’s residence in Hungary for the purpose of _________________________ until ______ year ____
month ___ day.
Date: ......................................... Signature, stamp: .....................................................
Document number of the residence permit issued and handed over: ______________________________
I received the residence permit.
Date: ......................................... Signature of the applicant: ..........................................
In case of extension, the document number of the residence permit withdrawn: ______________________________
If the application is refused
Number of the resolution on refusal: ______________________________
Date of the refusal: ______ year _____ month ___ day
Legal basis of the refusal:
If the procedure is terminated
The number of the decision of termination: ______________________________
Date of the decision: ______ year _____ month ___ day
Legal basis of the decision: ______________________________