User Guide | INTERNAL
Document Version: 1.0–2023-07-24
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for
© 2024 SAP SE or an SAP aliate company. All rights reserved.
1 SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA....................................... 4
2 General Terms and Conditions (GT&Cs)...........................................5
2.1 Viewing a GT&C..............................................................6
3 Orders.................................................................... 7
3.1 Conguration of a Purchase Order or Sales Order as G-Invoicing Relevant.....................8
3.2 Buyer Initiated Orders (BIO)..................................................... 8
Requesting Agency.........................................................9
Servicing Agency..........................................................15
3.3 Seller Facilitated Orders (SFO)...................................................20
Servicing Agency..........................................................20
Requesting Agency........................................................ 24
3.4 G-Invoicing Fields............................................................30
Purchase Requisitions......................................................30
Purchase Orders..........................................................33
Sales Order..............................................................41
Billing Document..........................................................47
Supplier Invoice...........................................................48
4 Performances..............................................................50
4.1 Servicing Agency............................................................ 51
Create Debit/Credit Memo Request.............................................51
Create Debit/Credit Memo ...................................................51
Posting a Collection ........................................................53
Creating a Down Payment Request and Down Payment...............................54
Deferred Performance......................................................54
Cancel an Invoice..........................................................55
Automatically Refunding an Advance from a Prior Year............................... 55
Manually Clearing a Performance..............................................56
4.2 Requesting Agency...........................................................57
Performance Acceptance: FOB Source Versus FOB Destination.........................57
Creating a Supplier Invoice/Credit Memo.........................................61
Making a Payment.........................................................61
Partially Accepting or Rejecting a Performance.....................................62
Making a Down Payment.................................................... 63
4.3 Settlement.................................................................63
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
5 Attachments.............................................................. 65
6 SAP G-Invoicing Hub.........................................................67
7 Document Compliance Framework..............................................69
8 Pull, Push, and Send Transactions...............................................71
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
1 SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/
Product Information
Product SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Based On
SAP S/4 HANA OP 2022 and SAP NetWeaver Application
Server for ABAP 7.52 for SAP S/4HANA
Product Assistance Published
July 24, 2023
Government Invoicing (G-Invoicing) is a long-term, sustainable solution, intended to improve the quality of the
United States’ Intragovernmental Transactions (IGT) - Buy/Sell data and to support more accurate nancial
management by Federal trading partners. Driven by the US Treasury, G-Invoicing will address current buy-sell
accounting and reporting challenges by:
Providing a common platform for brokering all IGT buy/sell activity
Implementing a Federal IGT buy/sell activity
The US Treasury has mandated that G-Invoicing be implemented by the start of scal year 2023 per the US
Federal scal calendar. Federal agencies must comply with this mandate and need to ensure that their ERP
capabilities are enhanced to support the directive.
This release of SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA is compatible with US Treasury G-Invoicing release
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
2 General Terms and Conditions (GT&Cs)
GT&C’s are the foundation of the trading partner relationship between the Requesting Agency and Servicing
Agency. GInvoicing system process ows start here and information ows to the Orders and Performance.
A GT&C species whether that GT&C can be used in either Buyer Initiated Orders (BIO) or Seller Facilitated
Orders (SFO) scenarios. The GT&C determines which groups can participate in Orders against the GT&C, both
on the Requesting Agency and Servicing Agency side. When creating a purchase order, purchase requisition,
or sales order and selecting the groups, the allowable groups information is pulled directly from the Treasury
The GT&C determines the values that you can select in a purchase or sales order for the following elds on the
G-Invoicing tab, Business Unit, Cost Center, Department ID, ALC, and Partner ALC. You can only select from
values that were specied in the GT&C. For more information see, BIO Purchase Order G-Invoicing Fields [page
34]. The GT&C also determines the Period of Performance for Orders against the GT&C.
Only a GT&C with the status Open for Orders can be used in Orders.
This section details some of the key tasks that you may need to carry out in relation to GT&Cs. You can view
the available GT&Cs on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub, but GT&Cs can only be created, changed, and approved in
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
General Terms and Conditions (GT&Cs)
2.1 Viewing a GT&C
You want to view a GT&C, for example, to see if it is now open for Orders. Before a GT&C is available to view on
the SAP G-Invoicing Hub, it must rst have been pulled from Treasury using transaction /GINH/GTC_PULL_R
or transaction /GINH/GTC_PULL_S.
1. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub.
2. Choose the All GT&Cs (Requesting) or All GT&Cs (Servicing) apps.
3. Click the GT&C that you are interested in to open the details of that GT&C. Explore the various tabs.
The group-related data on the GT&C tabs is pulled live from the Treasury system.
All the data from the GT&C on the Treasury is available to view on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub but it is not
editable on the Hub.
On the GT&C Information tab, you can see important information, such as which partner (Requesting or
Servicing) can begin the ordering process, whether advances are allowed, and whether multiple Orders can
use this GT&C. On the ALC and TAS Information tab, you can see the ALC, group, and TAS information for
both the Requesting Agency and the Servicing Agency.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
General Terms and Conditions (GT&Cs)
3 Orders
G-Invoicing Orders on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub are derived from the GT&C. The Order has both a Requesting
Agency side and a Servicing Agency side. The Requesting Agency side is tied to a purchase order and the
Servicing Agency side is tied to a sales order.
During the G-Invoicing Order Creation process, both trading partners must coordinate their need to assign
TAS values to the order schedules and subsequently the associated purchase order line items and account
assignments or sales order line items in order.
G-Invoicing Orders progress through dierent stages and each stage has a Treasury Status that you can view
on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub. These statuses are as follows:
Shared with Partner 2: The Order has been created or changed by one side.
Open: The Order has been accepted by both sides and can be used in Performances. You can only make
changes to an already established purchase order or sales order when the associated Order has a status of
Rejected: The Servicing Agency has rejected the initial Order or a modication to it.
Closed: The Requesting Agency has closed the Order.
In addition to the Treasury Status, you can also view the Buyer Hub Status or Seller Hub Status of an Order
in cases where there are changes to the Order that haven't been yet synced to Treasury. For example, if a
purchase order relating to an open Order has had modication-triggering changes made (for example, the
addition of a line item) and the changes have been uploaded to the Hub, the Buyer Hub Status is Modied until
the Order is synced with Treasury. At that point, the Buyer Hub Status is cleared and the Treasury Status of the
Order changes from Open to Shared with Partner 2. Admin changes can be made to an Order without changing
the Treasury Status of the Order.
Buyer/Seller Hub Statuses
Admin Change
Re-Open - In Progress
Error - Closed
Error - Modied
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Treasury Status of Orders
3.1 Conguration of a Purchase Order or Sales Order as
G-Invoicing Relevant
At the rst level, you congure the document types that are G-Invoicing relevant. You do this for both purchase
orders and sales orders using the Document type relevant for ginvoicing customizing activity that you can nd
in ECC under: SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (SPRO) Public Sector Management Functions for
US Federal Government General Settings G-Invoicing .
At the second level, you can use the BAdIs /GINB/SO_GINV_RELEVANT and /GINB/PO_GINV_RELEVANT, to
further lter out purchase and sales orders for which G-Invoicing is not relevant. For example, because the
vendor is not G-Invoicing relevant.
If you still have the G-Invoicing tab on your purchase order or sales order, but don't require it, you can select
the Is Not G-Invoicing Relevant checkbox on the G-Invoicing tab. If you do this, the remaining G-Invoicing elds
disappear from the G-Invoicing tab at header level, and the G-Invoicing tab disappears at item level. In addition,
all G-Invoicing validations are turned o.
3.2 Buyer Initiated Orders (BIO)
A buyer initiated order scenario begins with the order being created by the requesting agency. The diagram
below shows an SAP ERP-to-ERP scenario, but either a requesting or servicing agency could also be in a
non-SAP system interacting through Treasury.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
3.2.1Requesting Agency
The topics in this section show a BIO scenario for a requesting agency on SAP ERP. Creating a Purchase Order in SAP Treasury G-
Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
This task describes the process of creating a G-Invoicing purchase order.
1. Create a purchase order using transaction ME21N.
2. In addition, complete the G-Invoicing header and item elds as set out in the following document BIO
Purchase Order G-Invoicing Fields [page 34].
The G-Invoicing tab is only available for purchase order types that you have designated as G-Invoicing
relevant in conguration. If you have not completed this conguration, none of the purchase order types
are regarded as G-Invoicing relevant.
There is a BAdI available to extend and check the elds on this tab (/GINB/GINV_PO_HEADER_CUSTUI).
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
The GT&C determines the values that you can select from for the Business Unit, Cost Center, and
Department ID elds.
3. On the Partners tab, add entries for the following partner types: Funding Ocial, Program Ocial, and Point
of Contact.
4. At item level, on the G-Invoicing tab, complete the required elds. At item level, on the Public Sector tab,
specify the earliest start date and latest end date of the Performance Date for Performances against the
Order. These dates must be within the validity dates of the GT&C.
5. Once you have completed the purchase order and checked that there are no errors, save the purchase
The purchase order is created and the purchase order number is provided at the bottom of the screen.
Conversion to dollars for service line items. If you have a quantity of 1 and unit cost of 10, it converts to
a unit cost of 1 USD and a quantity of 10.
6. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit. In the G-Inv Purchase Order Out view,
nd and submit the purchase order.
This creates the Order on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub (but does not send to Treasury yet), where a temporary
Order number with % before and after the number is provided.
7. Still in the eDocument Cockpit, open the Order by clicking View Order. Alternatively, log into the SAP
G-Invoicing Hub and to the Orders (Requesting) app. Find the Order and open it.
At this point, the Order has a Buyer Hub Status of Created but no Treasury Status.
8. In the SAP G-Invoicing Hub, sync the order with Treasury.
If successful, a Treasury Order number is provided (replacing the temporary Order number) and the
Treasury Status is set to Shared with Partner 2. There is no longer a Buyer Hub Status because this status
only exists when an Order hasn't been sent to Treasury.
9. Back in the eDocument Cockpit, in the G-Inv Purchase Order In view, nd the purchase order and choose
Post Purchase Order.
This provides the Treasury Order number from the SAP G-Invoicing Hub back to the purchase order. You
can see it on the G-Invoicing tab at header level in the Order Number eld.
Related Information
Creating a Sales Order in SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA [page 15]
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Orders Changing a Purchase Order in SAP Treasury G-
Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
You need to make a modication-triggering change (changes the modication number) to an already created
purchase order. Normally, these changes are nancial, such as a new line item or a change to quantity, but can
also be nonnancial such as a change to the ship-to address or the period of performance.
1. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub. In the All Orders (Requesting) app, nd the Order and choose Sync with
Treasury to ensure that you are seeing the most up-to-date Order.
2. Make the required modication-triggering changes to the purchase order in your SAP ERP system using
transaction ME22N.
If there is already a Performance against the Order, then you are limited in the number of elds that you can
change. The Treasury Status of the Order also determines which elds are editable. See eld restrictions in
the Data Standards section of the Treasury G-Invoicing (https://www.
3. Once you have completed the purchase order and checked that there are no errors, save the purchase
4. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit. In the G-Inv Purchase Order Out view,
nd and submit the purchase order.
This updates the Order on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub but does not update Treasury yet.
5. Still in the eDocument Cockpit, open the Order by clicking View Order. Alternatively, log into the SAP
G-Invoicing Hub and to the Orders (Requesting) app. Find the Order and open it.
The Buyer Hub Status eld is now Modied and the modication is reected in a change to the end of the
Order number, for example XXX.1. You can choose Compare Order to see the changes that have been made
since the previous version of the Order.
6. In the SAP G-Invoicing Hub, sync the Order with Treasury. The Order status changes from Open to Shared
with Partner 2.
The Order now passes to the Servicing Agency, who can modify the sales order as detailed here Changing a
Sales Order [page 16] or reject the modication as detailed here: Rejecting an Order [page 18].
Related Information
G-Invoicing Fields [page 30]
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
INTERNAL 11 Making an Administrative Change to a Purchase
There are a limited number of changes that you can make to a purchase order that will not result in a triggering
of the modication process. These two possible changes are the addition of an attachment or a change to the
point of contact information, for example, a change of partner for the Point of Contact partner type. These
changes are known as Admin Changes. You can only make such changes when the Treasury Order has a status
of Open.
1. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub. In the All Orders (Requesting) app, nd the Order and choose Sync with
Treasury to ensure that you are seeing the most up-to-date Order.
2. Make the required admin modication changes to the purchase order in your SAP ERP system using
transaction ME22N.
3. Once you have completed the order and checked that there are no errors, save the order.
4. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit. In the G-Inv Purchase Order Out view,
nd and submit the purchase order.
This updates the Order on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub but does not update Treasury yet.
5. Still in the eDocument Cockpit, open the Order by clicking View Order. Alternatively, log into the SAP
G-Invoicing Hub and to the Orders (Requesting) app. Find the Order and open it.
The Buyer Hub Status is Admin Change.
6. In the SAP G-Invoicing Hub, sync the Order with Treasury. The Order's Treasury status remains at Open
because no modication triggering changes have been made. Sending an Empty Modication
In a BIO scenario, if the Servicing Agency wants to change one or more of its order elds that are modication
relevant, for example, billing frequency, it must rst request that the Requesting Agency send an empty
modication. The Servicing Agency can then respond with its real modication.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
1. You as the Requesting Agency are notied by the Servicing Agency of their need to change one or more
of its Order elds that are modication relevant. This notication happens outside the G-Invoicing system,
usually by e-mail or phone.
2. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub.
3. Choose the All Orders (Requesting) app.
4. Search for the Order that you want to send the empty modication for.
5. Open the Order and choose Send empty mod.
6. Enter the reason for sending the empty modication and choose OK.
The Order modication number and Status elds are updated. The Servicing Agency can now respond with
its real modication. Creating or Updating Purchase Orders from
Purchase Requisitions
You can prepare some of the G-Invoicing elds in the purchase requisition that you will need in the resulting
purchase order. There is no header in a purchase requisition so not all the G-Invoicing header elds can be
completed here, for example, partners information. The availability of the G-Invoicing elds in the purchase
requisition is determined by the choice of document type and whether you have congured that document
type to be G-Invoicing relevant.
1. In your SAP ERP system, create a purchase requisition using transaction ME51N. Complete the elds on the
G-Invoicing tab as detailed here: Purchase Requisitions [page 30]. The G-Invoicing values from the rst
line item are automatically copied over for later line items in the purchase requisition, but you can change
these for each line item. On the Public Sector tab, specify the earliest start date and latest end date for
Once you select the GT&C, the Group Name and TP Group Name are pulled as suggested groups. They can
be adjusted via the value help.
The Fixed Vendor must be consistent with the GT&C because it has an ALC.
2. In your SAP ERP system, create a purchase order based on the purchase requisition. Complete the
G-Invoicing information that was not available in the purchase requisition, for example, the partners
information on the Partners tab and the Funding Ocial Date Signed and Programming Ocial Date Signed
elds on the G-Invoicing tab.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
For more information about creating a purchase order, see Creating a Purchase Order in SAP Treasury
G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA [page 9] Closing an Order
Only the Requesting Agency can close an Order. For full information on the conditions that must
be met before an Order can be closed, see the Treasury site: https://www.
1. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub.
2. Choose the All Orders (Requesting) app.
3. Search for the Order that you want to close.
4. Select the Order that you want to close and choose Close Order. In the dialog box, provide a reason for
closing the Order and choose OK. The Treasury status of the Order changes to Closed. If one or more of the
conditions for closing the order had not been met, you would receive an error message.
A closed Order can be reopened by the Requesting Agency in a Buyer Initiated Order (BIO) scenario. Reopening an Order
1. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub.
2. Choose the All Orders (Requesting) app.
3. Search for the Order that you want to reopen.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
4. Select the Order that you want to reopen and choose Reopen Order.
The Buyer Hub Status changes to Reopen - In Progress and Treasury Status remains as Closed.
5. Make the required changes in your SAP ERP system to the corresponding purchase order using
transaction ME22N and save it.
6. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit. In the G-Inv Purchase Order Out view,
nd and submit the purchase order.
7. Still in the eDocument Cockpit, open the Order by clicking View Order. Alternatively, log into the SAP
G-Invoicing Hub and to the Orders (Requesting) app. Find the Order and open it.
The Buyer Hub Status has changed to Modied and Treasury Status remains as Closed.
8. In the SAP G-Invoicing Hub, sync the Order with Treasury. The Order status changes from Closed to Shared
with Partner 2.
The Order now passes to the Servicing Agency, who can accept and approve the reopened and modied
Order or reject it.
3.2.2Servicing Agency Creating a Sales Order in SAP Treasury G-Invoicing
The Requesting Agency has prompted the creation of a Hub Order and you now need to create the resulting
sales order.
1. Pull the latest servicing Order documents using the /GINH/ORD_PULL_S_DOC transaction.
2. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub.
3. Choose the All Orders (Servicing) app.
4. Select the Order and open it. If there are no issues with the Order, choose Accept Order. You cannot create
the sales order if you have not accepted the Order.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
If you have implemented the creation of shell sales orders from purchase orders (which is done by
activating BAdI /GINB/BADI_SALES_ORD_CR), you would choose Sync to ERP. And in eDocument
Cockpit, in the G-Inv Sales Order In view, nd and submit the sales order.
If there are issues with the Order, you can choose Reject Order.
5. In the G-Invoicing Hub system, create a sales order as detailed here using transaction VA01:
When creating the sales order manually, you must enter the Treasury Order number from the SAP G-
Invoicing Hub in the Order Number eld of the G-Invoicing tab at header level.
6. Complete the G-Invoicing tab header and item level elds as detailed here: BIO Sales Order G-Invoicing
Fields [page 41].
On the Partners tab, add values for the following partner types: Funding Ocial, Program Ocial, Point of
Contact, and Prepared By.
On the Sales tab, under Period of Performance, specify the performance start and end dates.
7. Save the sales order.
Completion and validation checks take place.
8. In the eDocument Cockpit, G-Inv Sales Order Out view, nd and submit the sales order.
9. Still in the eDocument Cockpit, open the Order by clicking View Order. Alternatively, log into the SAP
G-Invoicing Hub and to the Orders (Servicing) app. Find the Order and open it
The Order has a Seller Hub Status of Created and a Treasury Status of Shared with Partner 2.
10. Sync the Order with Treasury. This serves as the implicit approval of the Order.
The Treasury Order status changes to Open and the Order can now be used for Performances. The Seller
Hub Status eld is now empty because there are no pending changes to be sent to Treasury. Changing a Sales Order
You need to respond to a modication-triggering change (changes the modication number) to an order by
changing an already created sales order. Normally, these changes are nancial, such as a new line item or a
change to quantity, but they can also be non-nancial, such as a change to the ship-to address or the period of
performance. Before you accept a changed order from the requesting agency, you can use the Compare Order
button to see what has changed.
Agencies can designate that certain G-Invoicing validations be skipped based on selected timeframes. This
enables you to make changes to sales orders independent of the BIO Treasury order data on the servicing
side, supporting scenarios like year-end draw-down and allowing realigning sales orders for the new scal
year ahead of the modication from the buyer.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
In such circumstances, the ECC and Hub orders are agged with an "Out of Sync" status
1. Pull the latest servicing Order documents using the /GINH/ORD_PULL_S_DOC transaction.
2. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub.
3. Choose the All Orders (Servicing) app.
4. Select the changed Order and open it. Choose Accept Order if you have no issues with the changes.
If you are not happy with the Hub order, you can choose Reject Order.
5. If you accepted the Order, make the required changes to the sales order in your SAP ERP system using
transaction VA02.
If there is already a Performance against the Order, you are limited in the number of elds that you can
change. The Treasury Status of the Order also determines which elds are editable.
6. Save your sales order.
7. In the eDocument Cockpit, G-Inv Sales Order Out view, nd and submit the sales order.
8. Still in the eDocument Cockpit, open the Order by clicking View Order. Alternatively, log into the SAP
G-Invoicing Hub and to the Orders (Servicing) app. Find the Order and open it
The Order has a Seller Hub Status of Modied and a Treasury Status of Open.
9. Sync the order with Treasury. The Order status changes to Shared with Partner 2 .
The Order now passes to the Requesting Agency. Making an Administrative Change to a Sales Order
There are a limited number of changes that you can make to a sales order that will not result in a triggering
of the modication process. These two possible changes are the addition of an attachment or a change to the
point of contact information, for example, a change of partner for the Point of Contact partner type. These
changes are known as admin changes. You can only make such changes when the Treasury Order has a status
of Open.
1. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub. In the All Orders (Servicing) app, nd the Order and choose Sync with
Treasury to ensure that you are seeing the most up-to-date Order.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
2. Make the required admin modication changes to the sales order in your SAP ERP system using
transaction VA02.
3. Once you have completed the order and checked that there are no errors, save the order.
4. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit. In the G-Inv Sales Order Out view, nd
and submit the sales order.
This updates the Order on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub but does not update Treasury yet.
5. Still in the eDocument Cockpit, open the Order by clicking View Order. Alternatively, log into the SAP
G-Invoicing Hub and to the All Orders (Servicing) app. Find the Order and open it.
The Seller Hub Status is Admin Change.
6. In the SAP G-Invoicing Hub, sync the Order with Treasury. The Order's Treasury status remains at Open
because no modication triggering changes have been made. Rejecting an Order
The Requesting Agency has created or modied an Order.
1. Pull the latest servicing Order documents using the /GINH/ORD_PULL_S_DOC transaction.
2. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub.
3. Choose the All Orders (Servicing) app.
4. Select the Order and open it. Choose Reject. Provide a reason for rejection and choose OK.
The rejection is sent immediately without the need to Sync with Treasury.
The Treasury Status changes to Rejected.
The Order goes back to the Requesting Agency for them to make the required changes.
You can also reject the Order later before you send the Order to Treasury.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Orders Approving an Order
The Requesting Agency has created or modied an Order.
Create or change the sales order in your SAP ERP system as described here: Creating a Sales Order in SAP
Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA [page 15] and Changing a Sales Order [page 16]. Creating or changing
the sales order and sending it to the Hub and on to Treasury serves as an implicit approval of the Hub Order. Check for and Resolve G-Invoicing Sales Order Data
When the sales order in ERP is out of sync with the corresponding accepted order in the Hub and at Treasury,
you can use this procedure to synchronize them.
At times, sales orders on ERP may become out-of-sync with the corresponding accepted orders in the Hub
and at Treasury. While G-Invoicing normally has validations in place that prevent this from happening, in some
instances, such as during year-end sales order processing or for particular kinds of sales orders, it may be
necessary to make changes to the ERP version of a sales order without those changes being immediately
synchornized with the Treasury version of the order.
When working with a sales order in ERP, the text "Order in Sync with Treasury" appears in the header data on
the G-Invoicing tab if the order is in sync. This text changes to "Order Out of Sync with Treasury" when the sales
order is out of sync.
For more information about setting up exceptions to the standard validations, see .
You can use these steps to nd all out-of-sync orders and synchronize them.
1. Execute transaction /GINB/CHECK_SYNC_SO.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Alternatively, you can execute transaction SE38, then enter /GINB/CHECK_SYNC_SALES_ORDER in the
Progam eld and click the Execute button.
2. In the Execution Options section, choose the mode you would like to use:
Check only mode
This mode fetches and displays all the sales orders that are out-of-sync and displays any logs that are
Check and Sync mode
In addition to checking, this mode also resets any out-of-sync sales order to in-sync, if the data in ERP
is already in-sync with the data in Treasury, and updates the seller Hub status.
3. Provide any search criteria you wish. The following selection parameters are available:
Header Data
Sales Documents
Document type
Sold-to party
Requesting TP agency code
GT&C Number
Order Number
Organization Data
Sales Organization
Distribution Channel
Sales Oce
Sales group
4. Click the Execute button.
The report displays a list of out-of-sync sales orders that match your selection criteria. The report's output
appears in ALV format with sales order number, trac light, order number, and message text. If you
selected the Check and Sync mode, then all sales orders that are out-of-sync are reset to in-sync, if the
data in ERP is already in-sync with the data in Treasury, and the seller Hub status is updated.
3.3 Seller Facilitated Orders (SFO)
With seller facilitated orders, the Requesting Agency's original order is often created in a non-SAP ERP system,
for example, a Web UI from the General Services Administration (GSA). After the Servicing Agency has created
the sales order, the Requesting Agency responds with the purchase order. This allows the entire ow to be
tracked in G-Invoicing.
3.3.1Servicing Agency
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Orders Creating a Sales Order
1. In your SAP ERP system, create a sales order as detailed here using transaction VA01.
2. Complete the G-Invoicing tab header and item level elds as detailed here: SFO Sales Order G-Invoicing
Fields [page 44].
On the Partners tab, add values for the following partner types: Funding Ocial, Program Ocial and Point
of Contact.
On the Sales tab, under Period of Performance, specify the earliest start date and latest end date of the
Performance Date for Performances against the Order. These dates must be within the validity dates of the
3. Save the sales order.
Completion and validation checks take place.
4. In the eDocument Cockpit, G-Inv Sales Order Out view, nd and submit the sales order.
5. Still in the eDocument Cockpit, open the Order by clicking View Order. Alternatively, log into the SAP
G-Invoicing Hub and to the Orders (Servicing) app. Find the Order and open it
The Order has a Seller Hub Status of Created and no Treasury Status.
6. Sync the order with Treasury.
If successful, a Treasury Order number is provided (replacing the temporary Order number) and the
Treasury Status is set to Shared with Partner 2. There is no longer a Seller Hub Status because this status
only exists when an Order hasn't been sent to Treasury.
7. Back in the eDocument Cockpit, in the G-Inv Sales Order In view, nd the sales order and choose Post Sales
This provides the Treasury Order number from the SAP G-Invoicing Hub back to the sales order. You can
see it on the G-Invoicing tab at header level in the Order Number eld.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
INTERNAL 21 Changing a Sales Order
You need to make a modication-triggering change (changes the modication number) to an already created
sales order. Normally, these changes are nancial, such as a new line item or a change to quantity, but can also
be non-nancial such as a change to the ship-to address or the period of performance. Before you accept a
changed order from the requesting agency, you can use the Compare Order button to see what has changed.
Agencies can designate that certain G-Invoicing validations be skipped based on selected timeframes. This
enables you to make changes to sales orders independent of the BIO Treasury order data on the servicing
side, supporting scenarios like year-end draw-down and allowing realigning sales orders for the new scal
year ahead of the modication from the buyer.
In such circumstances, the ECC and Hub orders are agged with an "Out of Sync" status.
1. Make the required changes to the sales order in your SAP ERP system using transaction VA02.
If there is already a Performance against the Order, you are limited in the number of elds that you can
change. The Treasury Status of the Order also determines which elds are editable.
2. Save your sales order.
3. In the eDocument Cockpit, G-Inv Sales Order Out view, nd and submit the sales order.
4. Still in the eDocument Cockpit, open the Order by clicking View Order. Alternatively, log into the SAP
G-Invoicing Hub and to the Orders (Servicing) app. Find the Order and open it
The Order has a Seller Hub Status of Modied and a Treasury Status of Open.
5. Sync the order with Treasury. The Order status changes to Shared with Partner 2 .
The Order now passes to the Requesting Agency. Making an Administrative Change to a Sales Order
There are a limited number of changes that you can make to a sales order that will not result in a triggering
of the modication process. These two possible changes are the addition of an attachment or a change to the
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
point of contact information, for example, a change of partner for the Point of Contact partner type. These
changes are known as admin changes. You can only make such changes when the Treasury Order has a status
of Open.
1. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub. In the All Orders (Servicing) app, nd the Order and choose Sync with
Treasury to ensure that you are seeing the most up-to-date Order.
2. Make the required admin modication changes to the sales order in your SAP ERP system using
transaction VA02.
3. Once you have completed the order and checked that there are no errors, save the order.
4. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit. In the G-Inv Sales Order Out view, nd
and submit the sales order.
This updates the Order on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub but does not update Treasury yet.
5. Still in the eDocument Cockpit, open the Order by clicking View Order. Alternatively, log into the SAP
G-Invoicing Hub and to the All Orders (Servicing) app. Find the Order and open it.
The Seller Hub Status is Admin Change.
6. In the SAP G-Invoicing Hub, sync the Order with Treasury. The Order's Treasury status remains at Open
because no modication triggering changes have been made. Sending an Empty Modication
In an SFO scenario, if the Requesting Agency wants to change one of its order elds that are modication
relevant, for example, billing frequency, it must rst request that the Servicing Agency send an empty
modication. The Requesting Agency can then respond with its real modication.
1. You as the Servicing Agency are notied by the Requesting Agency of their need to change one or more
of its order elds that are modication relevant. This notication happens outside the G-Invoicing system,
usually by email or phone.
2. Log on to the G-Invoicing Hub.
3. Choose the All Orders (Servicing) app.
4. Search for the order that you want to send the empty modication for.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
5. Open the order and choose Send empty mod.
6. Enter the reason for sending the empty modication and choose OK.
The Order Modication Number and Status elds are updated. The Requesting Agency can now respond
with their real modication. Reopening an Order
1. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub.
2. Choose the All Orders (Servicing) app.
3. Search for the Order that you want to reopen.
4. Select the Order that you want to reopen and choose Reopen Order.
The Seller Hub Status changes to Reopen - In Progress and Treasury Status remains as Closed.
5. Make the required changes in your SAP ERP system to the corresponding sales order using transaction
VA02 and save it.
6. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit. In the G-Inv Sales Order Out view, nd
and submit the sales order.
7. Still in the eDocument Cockpit, open the Order by clicking View Order. Alternatively, log into the SAP
G-Invoicing Hub and to the Orders (Servicing) app. Find the Order and open it.
The Seller Hub Status has changed to Modied and Treasury Status remains as Closed.
8. In the SAP G-Invoicing Hub, sync the Order with Treasury. The Order status changes from Closed to Shared
with Partner 2.
The Order now passes to the Requesting Agency, who can accept the reopened and modied Order or
reject it.
3.3.2Requesting Agency
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Orders Creating a Purchase Order
1. Pull the latest requesting Order documents using the /GINH/ORD_PULL_R_DOC transaction.
2. Log on to the G-Invoicing Hub.
3. Choose the All Orders (Requesting) app.
4. Select the Order and open it. If there are no issues with the Order, choose Accept Order. You cannot create
the purchase order if you have not accepted the Order.
If you have implemented the creation of shell purchase orders from sales orders, you would choose
Sync to ERP. And in eDocument Cockpit, in the G-Inv Purchase Order In view, nd and submit the
purchase order.
If there are issues with the Order, you can choose Reject Order.
5. Create a purchase order using transaction ME21N.
When creating the sales order manually, you must enter the Treasury Order number from SAP Treasury
G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA Hub.
6. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit. In the G-Inv Purchase Order Out view,
nd and submit the purchase order.
7. Still in the eDocument Cockpit, open the Order by clicking View Order. Alternatively, log into the SAP
G-Invoicing Hub and to the Orders (Receiving) app. Find the Order and open it
The Order has a Buyer Hub Status of Created and a Treasury Status of Shared with Partner 2.
8. Sync the Order with Treasury. This serves as the implicit approval of the Order.
The Treasury Order status changes to Open and the Order can now be used for Performances. The Buyer
Hub Status eld is now empty because there are no pending changes to be sent to Treasury.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
INTERNAL 25 Changing a Purchase Order
You need to respond to a modication-triggering change (changes the modication number) from the
Servicing Agency by making a change to an already created purchase order. Normally, these changes are
nancial, such as a new line item or a change to quantity, but can also be nonnancial such as a change to the
ship-to address or the period of performance. Before you accept a changed Order from the Servicing Agency,
you can use the Compare Order button to see what has changed.
1. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub. In the All Orders (Requesting) app, nd the Order and choose Sync with
Treasury to ensure that you are seeing the most up-to-date Order.
2. Make the required modication-triggering changes to the purchase order in your SAP ERP system using
transaction ME22N.
If there is already a Performance against the Order, then you are limited in the number of elds that you can
change. The Treasury Status of the Order also determines which elds are editable.
3. Once you have completed the purchase order and checked that there are no errors, save the purchase
4. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit. In the G-Inv Purchase Order Out view,
nd and submit the purchase order.
This updates the Order on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub but does not update Treasury yet.
5. Still in the eDocument Cockpit, open the Order by clicking View Order. Alternatively, log into the SAP
G-Invoicing Hub and to the Orders (Requesting) app. Find the Order and open it.
The Buyer Hub Status eld is now Modied and the modication is reected in a change to the end of the
Order number, for example XXX.1. You can choose Compare Order to see the changes that have been made
since the previous version of the Order.
6. In the SAP G-Invoicing Hub, sync the Order with Treasury. The Order status changes from Open to Shared
with Partner 2.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Orders Making an Administrative Change to a Purchase
There are a limited number of changes that you can make to a purchase order that will not result in a triggering
of the modication process. These two possible changes are the addition of an attachment or a change to the
point of contact information, for example, a change of partner for the Point of Contact partner type. These
changes are known as Admin Changes. You can only make such changes when the Treasury Order has a status
of Open.
1. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub. In the All Orders (Requesting) app, nd the Order and choose Sync with
Treasury to ensure that you are seeing the most up-to-date Order.
2. Make the required admin modication changes to the purchase order in your SAP ERP system using
transaction ME22N.
3. Once you have completed the order and checked that there are no errors, save the order.
4. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit. In the G-Inv Purchase Order Out view,
nd and submit the purchase order.
This updates the Order on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub but does not update Treasury yet.
5. Still in the eDocument Cockpit, open the Order by clicking View Order. Alternatively, log into the SAP
G-Invoicing Hub and to the Orders (Requesting) app. Find the Order and open it.
The Buyer Hub Status is Admin Change.
6. In the SAP G-Invoicing Hub, sync the Order with Treasury. The Order's Treasury status remains at Open
because no modication triggering changes have been made. Rejecting an Order
The Servicing Agency has created or changed a sales order.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
1. Pull the latest requesting order documents using the /GINH/ORD_PULL_R_DOC transaction.
2. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub.
3. Choose the All Orders (Requesting) app.
4. Select the Order and open it. Choose Reject. Provide a reason for rejection and choose OK.
The rejection is sent immediately without the need to Sync with Treasury.
The Treasury Status changes to Rejected.
The Order goes back to the Servicing Agency for them to make the required changes.
You can also reject the Order later before you send the Order to Treasury. Approving an Order
The Servicing Agency has created or modied an Order.
Create or change the purchase order in your SAP ERP system as described here: Creating a Purchase Order
[page 25] and Changing a Purchase Order [page 26]. Creating or changing the purchase order and sending it to
the Hub and on to Treasury serves as an implicit approval of the Hub Order. Creating or Updating Purchase Orders from
Purchase Requisitions
You can prepare some of the G-Invoicing elds in the purchase requisition that you will need in the resulting
purchase order. There is no header in a purchase requisition so not all the G-Invoicing header elds can be
completed here, for example, partners information. The availability of the G-Invoicing elds in the purchase
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
requisition is determined by the choice of document type and whether you have congured that document
type to be G-Invoicing relevant.
1. In your SAP ERP system, create a purchase requisition using transaction ME51N. Complete the elds on the
G-Invoicing tab as detailed here: Purchase Requisitions [page 30]. The G-Invoicing values from the rst
line item are automatically copied over for later line items in the purchase requisition, but you can change
these for each line item. On the Public Sector tab, specify the earliest start date and latest end date for
When you complete the Own ALC eld, it determines the GT&Cs that you can choose from. Once you select
the GT&C, the Group Name and TP Group Name are pulled as suggested groups. They can be adjusted via
the value help.
The Fixed Vendor must be consistent with the GT&C because it has an ALC.
2. In your SAP ERP system, create a purchase order based on the purchase requisition. Complete the
G-Invoicing information that was not available in the purchase requisition, for example, the partners
information on the Partners tab and the Funding Ocial Date Signed and Programming Ocial Date Signed
elds on the G-Invoicing tab.
For more information about creating a purchase order, see Creating a Purchase Order [page 25] Closing an Order
Only the Requesting Agency can close an Order. For full information on the conditions that must
be met before an Order can be closed, see the Treasury site: https://www.
1. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub.
2. Choose the All Orders (Requesting) app.
3. Search for the order that you want to close.
4. Select the order that you want to close and choose Close Order. In the dialog box, provide a reason for
closing the Order and choose OK. The Treasury status of the Order changes to Closed. If one or more of the
conditions for closing the order had not been met, you would receive an error message.
A closed Order can be reopened by the Servicing Agency in a Seller Facilitated Order (SFO) scenario.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
3.4 G-Invoicing Fields
For SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA eld specications and rules, see the Treasury G-Invoicing
Data Standards (https://www. ).
3.4.1Purchase Requisitions
Buyer Initiated Order (BIO)
In addition to the standard purchase requisition elds, the following SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/
4HANA header elds are relevant for all line items when creating a G-Invoicing relevant purchase requisition::
Header Level G-Invoicing Purchase Order Fields - G-Invoicing Tab
Required Description
GT&C Yes. Only GT&Cs with the status Open
for Orders can be used for purchase or-
The unique agreement number that
must be established between the Re-
questing Agency and Servicing Agency,
which will track each GT&C from the
origination through to the completion
or termination.
Business Unit
Yes if the GT&C has a value for business
unit. The business unit value provided
in the purchase order must match the
requesting business unit value in the
Treasury Business Unit eld.
Order Yes. A unique number used to identify the
order created in reference to the GT&C.
Cost Center Yes if the GT&C has a value for cost
center. The cost center value provided
in the purchase order must match the
requesting cost center value in the
Treasury Cost Center eld.
Department ID Yes if the GT&C has a value for depart-
ment ID. The department ID value pro-
vided in the purchase order must match
the requesting department ID value in
the GT&C.
Treasury Department ID.
FOB Point
Yes. Must be S or D.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Species the point at which the seller
transfers ownership of the goods to the
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Field Required Description
Own ALC Yes.
Must match one of the Requesting
Agency ALCs in parent GT&C.
It must be an active ALC.
The selected Group must contain that
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Unique identier Agency Location Code
(ALC) for a federal agency buying
goods and/or services.
Must match one of the Serivicing
Agency ALCs in parent GT&C.
It must be an active ALC.
The selected Group must contain that
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Unique identier Agency Location Code
(ALC) for a federal agency selling goods
and/or services.
Assisted Acquisition No. If this checkbox is selected, value
must be Y on GT&C.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Identies whether the document will
accommodate Assisted Acquisitions.
The Servicing Agency provides acquisi-
tion support in awarding and managing
contracts on behalf of the Requesting
Agency’s requirements for products or
Group Name
Must be an eligible Requesting Group
for the referenced GT&C.
Must be a Group the user has access to.
The selected ALC must be assigned to
this Group.
A unique and recognizable name for an
organizational group
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Field Required Description
Constructive Receipt days
Required if FOB point is D. Can-
not exceed maximum (congurable)
receipt days. You can congure
the maximum receipt days in Cus-
tomizing under: SAP Customizing
Implementation Guide (SPRO) Public
Sector Management
Functions for US
Federal Government
General Settings
G-Invoicing Requesting Agency .
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
The number of elapsed days since the
Performance Date/Transaction Date of
the Delivered/Performed transaction
before requesting agency receipt is as-
sumed to occur.
TP Group Name
Must be an eligible Servicing Group for
the referenced GT&C.
ALC must be assigned to the Group.
Buyer can only supply value if Mod = 0.
A unique and recognizable name for an
organizational group.
Funding Agency Code Required if Assisted Acquisition is se-
lected. You can still set this code even
if the Assisted Acquisition checkbox has
not been selected.
The identication code for the agency
that provided the requirement and the
preponderance of the funds obligated
by this transaction and contract ac-
tion. This code is required for assisted
acquisitions and supports requesting
agency socioeconomic credit and post
award reporting.
Stat. Auth. Fund Type
Must be one of the following values: FF
(Franchise Fund), RF (Revolving Fund),
WC (Working Capital Fund), EA (Econ-
omy Act), OA (Other Authority).
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
This identies the authority that allows
the Requesting Agency to purchase
products and/or services from another
Federal Agency.
Funding Oce Code
Required if Assisted Acquisition is se-
lected. You can still set this code even
if the Assisted Acquisition checkbox has
not been selected.
The identication code for the oce (or
other organizational entity) that pro-
vided the requirement and the prepon-
derance of the funds obligated by this
transaction and contract action. This
code is required for assisted acquisi-
tions and supports requesting agency
socioeconomic credit and post award
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Field Required Description
Stat. Auth. Fund Type Citation
Required if Authority Fund Type = FF
(Franchise Fund), RF (Revolving Fund),
WC (Working Capital Fund) or OA
(Other Authority). Optional if Authority
Fund Type = EA.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
The authority that allows the Request-
ing Agency to purchase products
and/or services from another Federal
Stat. Auth. Fund Title
Required if Authority Fund Type = FF
(Franchise Fund), RF (Revolving Fund),
WC (Working Capital Fund) or OA
(Other Authority). Optional if Authority
Fund Type = EA.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
This is the authority that allows the
requesting agency to purchase prod-
ucts and services from another Federal
In addition to the standard purchase requisition elds, the following SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/
4HANA individual line item elds are relevant when creating a G-Invoicing relevant purchase requisition.
Line Item G-Invoicing Purchase Requisition Fields - G-Invoicing Tab
Required Description
Type of Service Requirements Yes. Must be S (Severable Service), NS
(Non-severable Service), or NA (Not
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Severable Service, Non-severable Serv-
ice, or Not Applicable.
Advance Payment Indicator
No. You cannot select if the GT&C does
not allow advance.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Controls whether the schedule allows
advances (true) or not (false).
Bona Fide Need Yes.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Sucient information to describe and
support the transaction.
3.4.2Purchase Orders
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
INTERNAL 33 BIO Purchase Order G-Invoicing Fields
Buyer Initiated Order (BIO)
In addition to the standard purchase order elds, the following SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
header elds are relevant when creating a G-Invoicing relevant purchase order:
Header Level G-Invoicing Purchase Order Fields - G-Invoicing Tab
Required Description
GT&C Yes. Only GT&Cs with the status Open
for Orders can be used for purchase or-
The unique agreement number that
must be established between the Re-
questing Agency and Servicing Agency,
which will track each GT&C from the
origination through to the completion
or termination.
Business Unit
Yes if the GT&C has a value for business
unit. The business unit value provided
in the purchase order must match the
requesting business unit value in the
Treasury Business Unit eld.
Order Yes. A unique number used to identify the
order created in reference to the GT&C.
Cost Center Yes if the GT&C has a value for cost
center. The cost center value provided
in the purchase order must match the
requesting cost center value in the
Treasury Cost Center eld.
Department ID Yes if the GT&C has a value for depart-
ment ID. The department ID value pro-
vided in the purchase order must match
the requesting department ID value in
the GT&C.
Treasury Department ID.
FOB Point
Yes. Must be S or D.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Species the point at which the seller
transfers ownership of the goods to the
Own ALC Yes.
Must match one of the Requesting
Agency ALCs in parent GT&C.
It must be an active ALC.
The selected Group must contain that
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Unique identier Agency Location Code
(ALC) for a federal agency buying
goods and/or services.
When you select the ALC, the available
GT&Cs are ltered.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Field Required Description
Must match one of the Servicing
Agency ALCs in parent GT&C.
It must be an active ALC.
The selected Group must contain that
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Unique identier Agency Location Code
(ALC) for a federal agency selling goods
and/or services.
Assisted Acquisition No. If this checkbox is selected, value
must be Y on GT&C.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Identies whether the document will
accommodate Assisted Acquisitions.
The Servicing Agency provides acquisi-
tion support in awarding and managing
contracts on behalf of the Requesting
Agency’s requirements for products or
Group Name
Must be an eligible Requesting Group
for the referenced GT&C.
Must be a Group the user has access to.
The selected ALC must be assigned to
this Group.
A unique and recognizable name for an
organizational group
Constructive Receipt days
Required if FOB point is D. Can-
not exceed maximum (congurable)
receipt days. You can congure
the maximum receipt days in Cus-
tomizing under: SAP Customizing
Implementation Guide (SPRO) Public
Sector Management
Functions for US
Federal Government
General Settings
G-Invoicing Requesting Agency .
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
The number of elapsed days since the
Performance Date/Transaction Date of
the Delivered/Performed transaction
before requesting agency receipt is as-
sumed to occur.
TP Group Name
Must be an eligible Servicing Group for
the referenced GT&C.
ALC must be assigned to the Group.
Buyer can only supply value if Mod = 0.
A unique and recognizable name for an
organizational group.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Field Required Description
Funding Agency Code Required if Assisted Acquisition is se-
lected. You can still set this code even
if the Assisted Acquisition checkbox has
not been selected.
The identication code for the agency
that provided the requirement and the
preponderance of the funds obligated
by this transaction and contract ac-
tion. This code is required for assisted
acquisitions and supports requesting
agency socioeconomic credit and post
award reporting.
Stat. Auth. Fund Type
Must be one of the following values: FF
(Franchise Fund), RF (Revolving Fund),
WC (Working Capital Fund), EA (Econ-
omy Act), OA (Other Authority).
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
This identies the authority that allows
the Requesting Agency to purchase
products and/or services from another
Federal Agency.
Funding Oce Code
Required if Assisted Acquisition is se-
lected. You can still set this code even
if the Assisted Acquisition checkbox has
not been selected.
The identication code for the oce (or
other organizational entity) that pro-
vided the requirement and the prepon-
derance of the funds obligated by this
transaction and contract action. This
code is required for assisted acquisi-
tions and supports requesting agency
socioeconomic credit and post award
Stat. Auth. Fund Type Citation
Required if Authority Fund Type = FF
(Franchise Fund), RF (Revolving Fund),
WC (Working Capital Fund) or OA
(Other Authority). Optional if Authority
Fund Type = EA.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
The authority that allows the Request-
ing Agency to purchase products
and/or services from another Federal
Funding Ocial Date Signed
Yes. The order becomes eective on the
date it is signed by both the Requesting
Agency and Servicing Agency ocials.
Program Ocial Date Signed Yes. The order becomes eective on the
date it is signed by both the Requesting
Agency and Servicing Agency ocials.
Stat. Auth. Fund Title
Required if Authority Fund Type = FF
(Franchise Fund), RF (Revolving Fund),
WC (Working Capital Fund) or OA
(Other Authority). Optional if Authority
Fund Type = EA.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
This is the authority that allows the
requesting agency to purchase prod-
ucts and services from another Federal
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
In addition to the standard purchase order elds, the following SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA line
item elds are relevant when creating a G-Invoicing relevant purchase order:
Line Item G-Invoicing Purchase Order Fields - G-Invoicing Tab
Required Description
Line Number Yes. Must be unique per order. Unique identier for each line on the
Type of Service Requirements Yes. Must be S (Severable Service), NS
(Non-severable Service), or NA (Not
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Severable Service, Non-severable Serv-
ice, or Not Applicable.
Advance Payment Indicator
No. You cannot select if the GT&C does
not allow advance.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Controls whether the schedule allows
advances (true) or not (false).
Bona Fide Need Yes.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Sucient information to describe and
support the transaction.
US Government Fields
Required Description
Schedule Number No. The sequential sub-line structure below
an order line. It contains the detailed -
nancial information and shipping infor-
mation. SFO Purchase Order G-Invoicing Fields
In addition to the standard purchase order elds, the following SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
header elds are relevant when creating a G-Invoicing relevant purchase order:
Header Level G-Invoicing Purchase Order Fields - G-Invoicing Tab
Required Description
GT&C Yes. Only GT&Cs with the status Open
for Orders can be used for purchase or-
The unique agreement number that
must be established between the Re-
questing Agency and Servicing Agency,
which will track each GT&C from the
origination through to the completion
or termination.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Field Required Description
Business Unit Yes if the GT&C has a value for business
unit. The business unit value provided
in the purchase order must match the
requesting business unit value in the
Treasury Business Unit eld.
Order Yes. A unique number used to identify the
order created in reference to the GT&C.
Cost Center Yes if the GT&C has a value for cost
center. The cost center value provided
in the purchase order must match the
requesting cost center value in the
Treasury Cost Center eld.
Modication Number System created An identier assigned to an order by the
system when a modication is made to
the original order record. For example,
Department ID Yes if the GT&C has a value for depart-
ment ID. The department ID value pro-
vided in the purchase order must match
the requesting department ID value in
the GT&C.
Treasury Department ID.
FOB Point
Yes. Must be S or D.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Species the point at which the seller
transfers ownership of the goods to the
Own ALC Yes.
Must match one of the Requesting
Agency ALCs in parent GT&C.
It must be an active ALC.
The selected Group must contain that
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Unique identier Agency Location Code
(ALC) for a federal agency buying
goods and/or services.
Must match one of the Servicing
Agency ALCs in parent GT&C.
It must be an active ALC.
The selected Group must contain that
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Unique identier Agency Location Code
(ALC) for a federal agency selling goods
and/or services.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Field Required Description
Assisted Acquisition No. If this checkbox is selected, value
must be Y on GT&C.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Identies whether the document will
accommodate Assisted Acquisitions.
The Servicing Agency provides acquisi-
tion support in awarding and managing
contracts on behalf of the Requesting
Agency’s requirements for products or
Group Name
Must be an eligible Requesting Group
for the referenced GT&C.
Must be a Group the user has access to.
The selected ALC must be assigned to
this Group.
A unique and recognizable name for an
organizational group
Constructive Receipt Days
Required if FOB point is D. Can-
not exceed maximum (congurable)
receipt days. You can congure
the maximum receipt days in Cus-
tomizing under: SAP Customizing
Implementation Guide (SPRO) Public
Sector Management
Functions for US
Federal Government
General Settings
G-Invoicing Requesting Agency .
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
The number of elapsed days since the
Performance Date/Transaction Date of
the Delivered/Performed transaction
before requesting agency receipt is as-
sumed to occur.
TP Group Name
Must be an eligible Servicing Group for
the referenced GT&C.
ALC must be assigned to the Group.
Buyer can only supply value if Mod = 0.
A unique and recognizable name for an
organizational group.
Funding Code Required if Assisted Acquisition is se-
lected. You can still set this code even
if the Assisted Acquisition checkbox has
not been selected.
The identication code for the agency
that provided the requirement and the
preponderance of the funds obligated
by this transaction and contract ac-
tion. This code is required for assisted
acquisitions and supports requesting
agency socioeconomic credit and post
award reporting.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Field Required Description
Stat. Auth. Fund Type Yes.
Must be one of the following values: FF
(Franchise Fund), RF (Revolving Fund),
WC (Working Capital Fund), EA (Econ-
omy Act), OA (Other Authority).
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
This identies the authority that allows
the Requesting Agency to purchase
products and/or services from another
Federal Agency.
Oce Code
Required if Assisted Acquisition is se-
lected. You can still set this code even
if the Assisted Acquisition checkbox has
not been selected.
The identication code for the oce (or
other organizational entity) that pro-
vided the requirement and the prepon-
derance of the funds obligated by this
transaction and contract action. This
code is required for assisted acquisi-
tions and supports requesting agency
socioeconomic credit and post award
Stat. Auth. Fund Type Citation
Required if Authority Fund Type = FF
(Franchise Fund), RF (Revolving Fund),
WC (Working Capital Fund) or OA
(Other Authority). Optional if Authority
Fund Type = EA.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
The authority that allows the Request-
ing Agency to purchase products
and/or services from another Federal
Funding Ocial Date Signed
Yes. The order becomes eective on the
date it is signed by both the Requesting
Agency and Servicing Agency ocials.
Program Ocial Date Signed Yes. The order becomes eective on the
date it is signed by both the Requesting
Agency and Servicing Agency ocials.
In addition to the standard purchase order elds, the following SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA line
item elds are relevant when creating a G-Invoicing relevant purchase order:
Line Item G-Invoicing Purchase Order Fields - G-Invoicing Tab
Required Description
Line Number Yes. Must be unique per order. Unique identier for each line on the
Type of Service Requirements Yes. Must be S (Severable Service), NS
(Non-severable Service), or NA (Not
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Severable Service, Non-severable Serv-
ice, or Not Applicable.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Field Required Description
Advance Payment Indicator
No. You cannot select if the GT&C does
not allow advance.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Controls whether the schedule allows
advances (true) or not (false).
Bona Fide Need Yes.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Sucient information to describe and
support the transaction.
US Government Fields
Required Description
Schedule Number Yes The sequential sub-line structure below
an order line. It contains the detailed -
nancial information and shipping infor-
3.4.3Sales Order BIO Sales Order G-Invoicing Fields
In addition to the standard sales order elds, the following SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA header
elds are relevant when creating a G-Invoicing relevant sales order:
Header Level G-Invoicing Sales Order Fields - G-Invoicing Tab
Required Description
GT&C Yes. Only GT&Cs with the status Open
for Orders can be used for sales orders.
The unique agreement number that
must be established between the Re-
questing Agency and Servicing Agency,
which will track each GT&C from the
origination through to the completion
or termination. Only GT&Cs with the
status Open for Orders can be used for
purchase orders.
Business Unit
Yes if the GT&C has a value for business
unit. The business unit value provided
in the sales order must match the serv-
icing business unit value in the GT&C.
Treasury Business Unit eld.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Field Required Description
G-Invoicing Order Number Yes. A unique number used to identify the
order created in reference to the GT&C.
Cost Center Yes if the GT&C has a value for cost
center. The cost center value provided
in the sales order must match the serv-
icing cost center value in the GT&C.
Treasury Cost Center eld.
Department ID Yes if the GT&C has a value for depart-
ment ID. The department ID value pro-
vided in the sales order must match the
department ID value in the GT&C.
Treasury Department ID.
FOB Point
Yes. Must be S or D.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Species the point at which the seller
transfers ownership of the goods to the
Own ALC Yes.
Must match one of the Servicing
Agency ALCs in parent GT&C.
It must be an active ALC.
The selected Group must contain that
Unique identier Agency Location Code
(ALC) for a federal agency selling goods
and/or services.
Must match one of the Requesting
Agency ALCs in parent GT&C.
It must be an active ALC.
The selected Group must contain that
Unique identier Agency Location Code
(ALC) for a federal agency buying
goods and/or services.
Constructive Receipt days
Required if FOB point is D. Can-
not exceed maximum (congurable)
receipt days. You can congure
the maximum receipt days in Cus-
tomizing under: SAP Customizing
Implementation Guide (SPRO) Public
Sector Management
Functions for US
Federal Government
General Settings
G-Invoicing Requesting Agency .
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
The number of elapsed days since the
Performance Date/Transaction Date of
the Delivered/Performed transaction
before requesting agency receipt is as-
sumed to occur.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Field Required Description
Group Name Yes.
Must be an eligible Servicing Group for
the referenced GT&C.
ALC must be assigned to the Group.
A unique and recognizable name for an
organizational group.
Assisted Acquisition No. If this checkbox is selected, value
must be Y on GT&C.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Identies whether the document will
accommodate Assisted Acquisitions.
The Servicing Agency provides acquisi-
tion support in awarding and managing
contracts on behalf of the Requesting
Agency’s requirements for products or
TP Group Name
Must be an eligible Requesting Group
for the referenced GT&C.
ALC must be assigned to the Group.
A unique and recognizable name for an
organizational group.
Stat. Auth. Fund Type Yes.
Must be one of the following values: FF
(Franchise Fund), RF (Revolving Fund),
WC (Working Capital Fund), EA (Econ-
omy Act), OA (Other Authority).
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
This identies the authority that allows
the Requesting Agency to purchase
products and/or services from another
Federal Agency.
Program Ocial Date Signed
Yes. The order becomes eective on the
date it is signed by both the Requesting
Agency and Servicing Agency ocials.
Funding Ocial Date Signed Yes. The order becomes eective on the
date it is signed by both the Requesting
Agency and Servicing Agency ocials.
Billing Frequency Yes. W (Weekly), M (Monthly), Q (Quar-
terly), or O (Other)
The frequency of an occurrence for an
item, for example, collection, bill, or in-
Billing Frequency other explanation Yes if O (Other) is selected as the Bill-
ing Frequency, you must add a free
form text briey explaining the Billing
Free form text briey explaining the Bill-
ing Frequency.
Adv. Rev. Recognition Methodology Yes. Identication of the methodology used
to account for the Requesting Agency's
expense and the Servicing Agency's
Adv. Rev. Recognition Description
Yes if the Advance Revenue Recognition
method is one other than Straight One,
Accrual Per Work, or Monthly.
Field identies the specic frequency.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Field Required Description
Advance Payment Authority Citation Yes if the agreement allows advanced
For agreements with Advance Payment
allowed, free-form text stating the Serv-
icing Agency’s specic authority that al-
lows advances.
Advance Payment Authority Title
Yes if the agreement allows advanced
For agreements with Advance Payment
allowed, free-form text as Title stating
the Servicing Agency’s specic author-
ity that allows advances.
In addition to the standard sales order elds, the following SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA line
item elds are relevant when creating a G-Invoicing relevant sales order:
Line Item G-Invoicing Sales Order Fields - G-Invoicing Tab
Required Description
Line Number Yes. Must be unique per order. Unique identier for each line on the
Schedule Number Yes. The sequential sub-line structure below
an order line. It contains the detailed -
nancial information and shipping infor-
Type of Service Requirements
Yes. Must be S (Severable Service), NS
(Non-severable Service), or NA (Not
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Severable Service, Non-severable Serv-
ice, or Not Applicable.
Capitalized Asset Indicator Yes. Species when the Seller considers
the line item to be a capitalized asset
(True). Otherwise False. SFO Sales Order G-Invoicing Fields
In addition to the standard sales order elds, the following SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA header
elds are relevant when creating a G-Invoicing relevant sales order:
Header Level G-Invoicing Sales Order Fields - G-Invoicing Tab
Required Description
GT&C Yes. Only GT&Cs with the status Open
for Orders can be used for sales orders.
The unique agreement number that
must be established between the Re-
questing Agency and Servicing Agency,
which will track each GT&C from the
origination through to the completion
or termination. Only GT&Cs with the
status Open for Orders can be used for
purchase orders.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Field Required Description
Business Unit Yes if the GT&C has a value for business
unit. The business unit value provided
in the sales order must match the serv-
icing business unit value in the GT&C.
Treasury Business Unit eld.
G-Invoicing Order Number Yes. A unique number used to identify the
order created in reference to the GT&C.
Cost Center Yes if the GT&C has a value for cost
center. The cost center value provided
in the sales order must match the serv-
icing cost center value in the GT&C.
Treasury Cost Center eld.
Department ID Yes if the GT&C has a value for depart-
ment ID. The department ID value pro-
vided in the sales order must match the
department ID value in the GT&C.
Treasury Department ID.
FOB Point
Yes. Must be S or D.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Species the point at which the seller
transfers ownership of the goods to the
Own ALC Yes.
Must match one of the Servicing
Agency ALCs in parent GT&C.
It must be an active ALC.
The selected Group must contain that
Unique identier Agency Location Code
(ALC) for a federal agency selling goods
and/or services.
Must match one of the Requesting
Agency ALCs in parent GT&C.
It must be an active ALC.
The selected Group must contain that
Unique identier Agency Location Code
(ALC) for a federal agency buying
goods and/or services.
Constructive Receipt Days
Required if FOB point is D. Can-
not exceed maximum (congurable)
receipt days. You can congure
the maximum receipt days in Cus-
tomizing under: SAP Customizing
Implementation Guide (SPRO) Public
Sector Management
Functions for US
Federal Government
General Settings
G-Invoicing Servicing Agency .
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
The number of elapsed days since the
Performance Date/Transaction Date of
the Delivered/Performed transaction
before requesting agency receipt is as-
sumed to occur.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Field Required Description
Group Name Yes.
Must be an eligible Servicing Group for
the referenced GT&C.
ALC must be assigned to the Group.
A unique and recognizable name for an
organizational group.
Assisted Acquisition No. If this checkbox is selected, value
must be Y on GT&C.
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Identies whether the document will
accommodate Assisted Acquisitions.
The Servicing Agency provides acquisi-
tion support in awarding and managing
contracts on behalf of the Requesting
Agency’s requirements for products or
TP Group Name
Must be an eligible Requesting Group
for the referenced GT&C.
ALC must be assigned to the Group.
A unique and recognizable name for an
organizational group.
Stat. Auth. Fund Type Yes.
Must be one of the following values: FF
(Franchise Fund), RF (Revolving Fund),
WC (Working Capital Fund), EA (Econ-
omy Act), OA (Other Authority).
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
This identies the authority that allows
the Requesting Agency to purchase
products and/or services from another
Federal Agency.
Program Ocial Date Signed
Yes. The order becomes eective on the
date it is signed by both the Requesting
Agency and Servicing Agency ocials.
Funding Ocial Date Signed Yes. The order becomes eective on the
date it is signed by both the Requesting
Agency and Servicing Agency ocials.
Billing Frequency Yes. W (Weekly), M (Monthly), Q (Quar-
terly), or O (Other)
The frequency of an occurrence for an
item, for example, collection, bill, or in-
Billing Frequency other explanation Yes if O (Other) is selected as the Bill-
ing Frequency, you must add a free
form text briey explaining the Billing
Free form text briey explaining the Bill-
ing Frequency.
Adv. Rev. Recognition Methodology Yes. Identication of the methodology used
to account for the Requesting Agency's
expense and the Servicing Agency's
Adv. Rev. Recognition Description
Yes if the Advance Revenue Recognition
method is one other than Straight One,
Accrual Per Work, or Monthly.
Field identies the specic frequency.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Field Required Description
Advance Payment Authority Citation Yes if the agreement allows advanced
For agreements with Advance Payment
allowed, free-form text stating the Serv-
icing Agency’s specic authority that al-
lows advances.
In addition to the standard sales order elds, the following SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA line
item elds are relevant when creating a G-Invoicing relevant sales order:
Line Item G-Invoicing Sales Order Fields - G-Invoicing Tab
Required Description
Line Number Yes. Must be unique per order. Unique identier for each line on the
Schedule Number Yes. The sequential sub-line structure below
an order line. It contains the detailed -
nancial information and shipping infor-
Type of Service Requirements
Yes. Must be S (Severable Service), NS
(Non-severable Service), or NA (Not
Modication of this eld not allowed if
Performance reported.
Severable Service, Non-severable Serv-
ice, or Not Applicable.
Capitalized Asset Indicator Yes. Species when the Seller considers
the line item to be a capitalized asset
(True). Otherwise False.
3.4.4Billing Document
In addition to the standard billing document elds, the following SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
header elds are relevant when creating a G-Invoicing relevant billing document:
Header Level G-Invoicing Billing Document Fields - G-Invoicing Tab
Required Description
G-Invoicing Order Number Yes. Must reference an IGT Order in
open status.
Identifying number for purchase order
assigned by G-Invoicing at the time of
order creation by the buyer.
Reference Performance Number Required if you create a credit memo.
This number references the perform-
ance number of the debit memo.
A number that links a new performance
transaction to an existing performance
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Line Item G-Invoicing Billing Document Fields - G-Invoicing Tab
Field Required Description
Reference Performance Detail Number Required if you create a credit memo.
This number references the perform-
ance detail number of the debit memo.
A number that links a new Performance
Detail to an existing one.
G-Invoicing Order Line Number System generated. Identier of a specic Line Item within
the Order.
G-Invoicing Schedule Number System generated. Identier of a specic Schedule within
the Line Item, containing the detailed
nancial and shipping information.
3.4.5Supplier Invoice
In addition to the normal supplier invoice elds, the following SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA line
item and line item details elds are relevant when creating a G-Invoicing relevant supplier invoice:
Line Item G-Invoicing Supplier Invoice Fields - G-Invoicing Tab
Required Description
Order Number Yes. Must reference an IGT Order in
open status.
Identifying number for Purchase Order
assigned by G-Invoicing at the time of
Order creation by the Buyer.
Order Line Number Derived for UI. Identier of a specic Line Item within
the Order.
Ref. Performance Num
Performance by receiving agency must
always reference the servicing agency's
Performance Number.
Negative performance must reference a
prior Performance Number of the same
Must be unique within a single Perform-
ance Number.
A number that links a new Performance
Transaction to an existing one.
Line Item Details G-Invoicing Supplier Invoice Fields - G-Invoicing Tab
Required Description
Schedule Number Derived for UI. Identier of a specic Schedule within
the Line Item, containing the detailed
nancial and shipping information.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Field Required Description
Reference Detail
Positive performance by Receiving
Agency must reference the Servicing
Agency's Performance Detail Number.
Negative performance must reference
positive Performance of the same Type.
Performance must not reference previ-
ous Performance with negative QTY.
A number that links a new Performance
Detail to an existing one.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
4 Performances
Performances can be made against an Order that has a status of open. After there has been a delivery of goods
or once expenses have been posted against a WBS element, the Performance stage begins normally with a
billing document from the Servicing Agency.
The following performance types are available:
Delivered/Performed: Originates on the Seller side (relates to a billing document, either a debit memo or
credit memo). In FOB source, the Delivered/Performed gets linked to a supplier invoice on the Receiving
Agency side. In FOB Destination, the Delivered/Performed is not linked to an invoice/credit memo on the
Receiving Agency side.
Received/Accepted: Originates on the Hub. In FOB Source, Received/Accepted has no bearing on the
supplier invoice on the Receiving Agency side. In FOB destination, Received/Accepted triggers a supplier
invoice on the Receiving Agency side.
Advance: Relates to a down payment.
Deferred Payment: Reects the FI Accruals on the Servicing Agency side.
The following Treasury statuses are available for Performances:
Settled (Cash has gone from Receiving Agency to Servicing Agency)
In an FOB Source scenario, the Delivered/Performed goes from pending to settled, and the Received/Accepted
is only informational. While in an FOB Destination scenario, the Delivered/Performed is informational, and the
Received/Accepted goes from pending to settled.
The following Hub acceptance statuses are available for Performances in FOB Source:
Acceptance implied
Partially accepted
(In the case of partial acceptance, there will be a balance to resolve. Only when the balance is brought back
to 0 by a credit or an additional partial acceptance will the acceptance status go to Fully accepted.)
Fully accepted
The following Hub acceptance statuses are available for Performances in FOB Destination:
Partially accepted
(In the case of partial acceptance, there will be a balance to resolve. Only when the balance is brought back
to 0 by a credit or an additional partial acceptance will the acceptance status go to Fully accepted)
Fully accepted
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
4.1 Servicing Agency
4.1.1Create Debit/Credit Memo Request
For services billing: for example, costs have been on WBS element that you want to bill.
1. In your SAP ERP system, run a resource-related billing request for the corresponding sales document using
transaction DP91.
2. Select the item(s) you want to bill and choose Billing Request.
A debit memo request is created with the amount that you chose to bill. On the G-Invoicing tabs of the
debit memo request, all the relevant information is copied over from the sales order.
4.1.2Create Debit/Credit Memo
You have created a debit/credit memo request for services or a delivery for materials.
The accounting period in performance acceptance and rejection can be congured using maintenance
view /GINH/V_ACC_PER. For more information, see SAP Note 3235858 - Congure the ability to choose
accounting period.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
1. In your SAP ERP system, in a debit/credit memo request, choose Sales Document Billing .
A debit/credit memo is created. On the G-Invoicing tabs of the debit/credit memo, all the relevant
information is copied over from the sales order.
2. Save the debit/credit memo.
3. Choose Billing document Display to conrm that the required accounting documents were created.
4. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit. In the G-Inv Billing Document Out view,
nd and submit the debit/credit memo. This will normally be a scheduled step.
A Performance is created.
Services amounts and quantities are transformed from 1 unit for X USD each to X units of DO for 1 USD
5. Still in the eDocument Cockpit, select the document and click View Performance to view the Performance
on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub. Alternatively, log into the SAP G-Invoicing Hub and to the Orders (Servicing)
app. Find the Performance and open it
The Performance has a Performance Type of Delivered/Performed and a Status of Created and a
temporary number.
6. Sync the Performance with Treasury.
If the Order is FOB Source, the Performance has a Performance Type of Delivered/Performed , a Treasury
Status of Pending and then after another sync to Treasury Settled, and an Acceptance Status of Acceptance
If the order is FOB Destination, the Performance has a Performance Type of Delivered/Performed , a
Treasury Status of Informational and an Acceptance Status of Open.
Debit memo/credit memo references the debit memo's Performance. The acceptance status should
only be seen on the positive Delivered/Performed . Any negative Delivered/Performed does not have
an acceptance status because the acceptance status is only on the positive Delivered/Performed.
The Requesting Agency now creates a corresponding supplier invoice/credit memo.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
4.1.3Posting a Collection
In FOB Destination, customer invoices and credit memos are often settled automatically, even if the Received/
Accepted was only partially accepted or if more than one document has to be settled against the initial
In cases where automatic settlement is not possible. In these cases, the system sets a ag that prevents
automatic settlement, and Auto Settlement: Not Allowed appears in the document header.
1. Execute settlement transaction /GINH/S_STL_PERONERP.
2. Enter the performance you want to settle.
3. Select the Type of Settlement Run.
Settling with Direct Processing (Recommended)
1. Click Execute. The system executes a job with the name /ginb/create_settlement_job_S in
ERP that creates a cash posting for the collection.
Settling with eDocuments (Deprecated)
1. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit.
2. In the G-Inv Settlement In view, nd the corresponding eDocument.
3. Choose Post Accounting Document. This is normally a scheduled step.
4. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit, where the accounting document will
create a Settlement Out eDocument.
5. In the G-Inv Settlement Out view, nd the corresponding Settlement Out eDocument.
6. Submit the document to update the performance with the relevant accounting document.
If you navigate back to the performance on the Hub (D/P Performance for FOB Source and R/A Performance
for FOB Destination) and refresh it, under the Settlement Details tab, the Accounting Document Number eld is
Related Information
Settlement [page 63]
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
4.1.4Creating a Down Payment Request and Down Payment
There is a sales order with advance. You have added a down payment at item level.
1. In your SAP ERP system in transaction VA02, create a billing document and as Billing Type choose the
congured down payment request type.
2. Save the down payment request.
3. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit. In the G-Inv Billing Document Out view,
nd and submit the down payment. This will normally be a scheduled step.
A Performance of type Advance is created.
4. Still in the eDocument Cockpit, select the document and click View Performance to view the Performance
on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub. Alternatively, log into the SAP G-Invoicing Hub and to the Orders (Servicing)
app. Find the Performance and open it
The Performance has a Performance Type of Advance and a Status of Created.
5. Sync the Performance with Treasury.
The Status is Pending but after a short delay and another sync with Treasury changes to Settled .
6. Once the Performance is Settled, send the Performance to your SAP ERP system using the /GINH/
7. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit. In the G-Inv Down Payment In view, nd
and submit the down payment document.
A down payment is created against the original sales order.
4.1.5Deferred Performance
Deferred Performance reects the FI Accruals on the Servicing Agency side. SAP provides a Deferred
Performance Write API. Deferred Performance does not go through eDocument but straight to the SAP
G-Invoicing Hub and on to Treasury.
Order should be in open status and Order advance indicator should be OFF.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
1. Use the Deferred Performance Write API to update a deferred performance. Use transaction SE37 and the
transaction/report /GINH/FM_DEFERRED_PERF_CREATE.
The performance number is returned from Treasury.
2. Pull the latest servicing performance documents using the /GINH/PERF_PULL_S transaction.
3. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub .
4. Choose the All Performances (Servicing) app.
5. Find the updated deferred Performance using the performance number. The Performance Type is Deferred
Performance and the Status is Informational.
4.1.6Cancel an Invoice
To cancel a G-Invoicing relevant bill, the Servicing Agency has to wait until the Reference Performance Number
is established in the Treasury system.
4.1.7Automatically Refunding an Advance from a Prior Year
At least a cash disbursement account must be maintained for the company code and document type for which
you wish to reverse a downpayment from a prior year. See for more information.
This feature is available only when you use the billing plan with FAS/FAZ as a billing document type.
Sometimes, you need to return a downpayment you have already received. If the downpyament was received
during the previous scal year, the return will be linked to the previous year's downpayment document, and you
can track more details in congurable budgetary line item elds.
1. On the Sales Order billing plan tab, create an FAS entry to reverse the downpayment. At the header level in
the generated billing document, the performance number for the prior year's downpayment will be linked.
Should there be additional downpayments, then the system will default to the most recent performance.
Make sure that the linked performance points to the correct performance number.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
The new performance related to the reverse downpayment is settled in the Hub and transferred to the ERP
2. Open the relevant clearing document. Depending on your system's conguration, you can review the
following line items, which are readable by the budgetary ledger:
1. The debit customer account and the credit cash disbursement account
2. The debit customer account and the credit cash disbursement account and also the debit entry account
and the credit entry account
4.1.8Manually Clearing a Performance
Often, posting a collection or making a payment results in a clearing document that gets posted automatically,
and in those instances no manual activity is required.
When multiple partial postings or collections have been done for the same performance, they may need to be
manually cleared, which includes clearing all the partial payments against the underlying invoice. This process
updates the performance on the Hub with the reference to the clearing document.
There are several ways to manually clear a performance. The procedure below illustrates one way, using
transaction FB05 - Post with Clearing. For general information on clearing, see General Ledger Accounting
(FI-GL) > Clearing.
1. Execute transaction FB05.
2. In the Type eld, enter type ZV - Payment Clearing. Enter at least the other required information,
including Document Date, Company Code, and Currency Rate.
3. Click Choose open items.
4. Enter the relevant Account and select Document Number in the Additional selections box.
5. Click Process Open Items.
A clearing document is created. You can view and submit this document in the eDocument Cockpit under the
G-Inv Settlement Out view.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
If you navigate back to the performance on the Hub (D/P Performance for FOB Source and R/A Performance
for FOB Destination) and refresh it, under the Settlement Details tab, the Clearing Document Number eld is
4.2 Requesting Agency
4.2.1Performance Acceptance: FOB Source Versus FOB
The actions triggered by accepting a Performance on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub are dierent depending on
whether the Performance relates to an Order that is FOB Source or an Order that is FOB Destination. In FOB
Source, the Received/Accepted performance type does not trigger a supplier invoice/credit memo parking
and results only in an update to Treasury. It is the Delivered/Performed performance type that triggers the
supplier invoice/credit memo parking and gets linked to this supplier invoice/credit memo number on the
Receiving Agency side. In FOB Destination, we have the opposite situation. Received/Accepted triggers a
supplier invoice/credit memo on the Receiving Agency side, while the Delivered/Performed is not linked to
an invoice/credit memo. The invoice/credit memo is only triggered after acceptance. In FOB Destination,
all Performances must be accepted on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub before they can be settled. In FOB Source,
acceptance is not required for settlement.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
FOB Source: Performance Acceptance on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub
FOB Source: Performance Acceptance on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub
1. The Delivered/Performed (D/P) is received from Treasury into Hub after the Servicing Agency has created
a billing document.
2. The Delivered/Performed is sent to SAP ERP for parking/posting using transaction MIRO.
3. The Delivered/Performed is updated with the posted supplier invoice/credit memo number.
4. The Delivered/Performed status is updated on the Hub to Settled.
5. The Settled Delivered/Performed triggers the payment without the need for acceptance.
6. Received/Accepted Performance. The Receiving Agency manually enters a received quantity on the Hub
only in cases of zero or partial acceptance. There is no need to do an acceptance at all if the full quantity is
being accepted.
7. The Received/Accepted is sent to Treasury.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
FOB Destination: Performance Acceptance
FOB Destination: Performance Acceptance on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub
1. The Delivered/Performance (D/P) is received from Treasury into Hub after the Servicing Agency has
created a billing document.
2. The Receiving Agency manually enters a received quantity on the Hub in all cases. It is this acceptance on
the Hub that triggers the creation of the supplier invoice/credit memo and the update to Treasury.
3. The Received/Accepted Performance is sent to Treasury. The Performance is validated in the transaction
and so it always succeeds.
4. The quantity accepted in the Hub gets sent to SAP ERP for parking using transaction MIRO.
5. Supplier invoice/credit memo posting that can trigger the Payment if Settlement has happened.
6. The Received/Accepted Performance gets settled in Treasury.
7. After the Received/Accepted Performance has been settled and the supplier invoice/credit memo has
been posted, the payment is posted in SAP ERP.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
FOB Destination: Constructive Receipt on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub
FOB Destination: Constructive Receipt on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub
If a Delivered/Performed is not accepted within the number of days specied in the Constructive Receipt days
eld of the Order, Treasury accepts the Delivered/Performed.
1. The Delivered/Performed is received from Treasury into SAP G-Invoicing Hub after the Servicing Agency
has created a billing document.
2. When Treasury sends Constructive Receipt performance as already settled, it generates the Received/
Accepted on the Hub with the Status of Settled.
3. The Constructive Receipt quantity gets sent from the Hub to SAP ERP for parking using transaction MIRO.
4. When the manual posting of the supplier invoice/credit memo is made, the payment is posted in SAP ERP.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
4.2.2Creating a Supplier Invoice/Credit Memo
The Servicing Agency has created a billing document, for example, a debit/credit memo, which results in a
performance Delivered/Performed (D/P)
1. Pull the latest Performance documents using the /GINH/PERF_PULL_R transaction.
2. Send the Performance to your SAP ERP system using the /GINH/SEND_PERF_TO_ECC program. You
could alternatively navigate to the Performance on the Hub and choose Sync to ERP. In FOB Destination,
the supplier invoice/credit memo is not created until you accept the Performance. In FOB Source, no
acceptance is necessary. For more information, see Performance Acceptance: FOB Source Versus FOB
Destination [page 57].
3. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit. In the G-Inv Supplier Invoice In view, nd
the invoice/credit memo and choose Park Incoming Invoice.
A parked supplier invoice is created.
4. In your SAP ERP system, review the parked invoice and post it.
5. In the eDocument Cockpit, G-Inv Supplier Invoice Out view, nd the invoice and submit it.
If you navigate back to the Performance on the Hub and refresh it, the Linked Invoice eld is updated with
the number of the supplier invoice that you created.
4.2.3Making a Payment
When a supplier invoice or credit memo has posted, you can use this task to make a payment.
Supplier invoices and credit memos are often settled automatically, but in cases where automatic settlement
is not possible, the system sets a ag that prevents automatic settlement, and Auto Settlement: Not Allowed
appears in the document header.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
1. Execute requesting settlement transaction /GINH/R_STL_PERONERP.
2. Enter the performance you want to settle.
3. Select the Type of Settlement Run.
Settling with Direct Processing (Recommended)
1. Click Execute. The system executes a job with name /ginb/create_settlement_job_R in ERP
that creates a cash posting covering the payment.
Settling with eDocuments (Deprecated)
1. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit.
2. In the G-Inv Settlement In view, nd the corresponding eDocument.
3. Choose Post Accounting Document. This is normally a scheduled step.
4. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit, where the Accounting Document creates
a Settlement Out eDocument.
5. In the G-Inv Settlement Out view, nd the corresponding Settlement Out eDocument.
6. Submit the document to update the performance with the relevant accounting document.
If you navigate back to the performance on the Hub (D/P Performance for FOB Source and R/A Performance
for FOB Destination) and refresh it, under the Settlement Details tab, the Accounting Document Number eld is
Related Information
Settlement [page 63]
4.2.4Partially Accepting or Rejecting a Performance
A Delivered/Performed performance has been created. All positive acceptance is done against the Delivered/
Performed; all negative acceptance is done against the Received/Accepted.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
1. Pull the latest requesting Performance documents using the /GINH/PERF_PULL_R transaction.
2. Log on to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub.
3. Choose the All Performance (Requesting) app.
4. Select the Performance and open it. In FOB Source, the Performance Type is Delivered/Performed, the
Status is Settled, and the Acceptance Status is Acceptance Implied. In FOB Destination, the Performance
Type is Delivered/Performed, the Status is Informational, and the Acceptance Status is Open. Choose
Reject in the case that you want to reject the entire Performance. In the case of a partial acceptance,
choose Create Acceptance and provide a reason for the partial acceptance and enter the accepted
quantity. Choose Save and OK.
The partial acceptance goes directly to Treasury without needing to go through the eDocument Cockpit. In
FOB Source a new Performance document is created of type Received/Accepted and Status Informational.
4.2.5Making a Down Payment
The Servicing Agency has created an Advance Performance and the Performance has the status of Settled.
1. Pull the Performance documents using the /GINH/PERF_PULL_R transaction.
2. Send the Performance to your SAP ERP system using the /GINH/R_PER_DPATOERP program. You could
alternatively navigate to the performance on the Hub and choose Sync to ERP.
3. Use transaction EDOC_COCKPIT to open the eDocument Cockpit. In the G-Inv Down Payment In view, nd
and submit the down payment document.
4.3 Settlement
In FOB Source in a "no advance" scenario, Delivered/Performed is automatically settled and results in the
movement of cash from the Receiving Agency to the Servicing Agency. A Received/Accepted is informational
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
In FOB Destination, in many cases automatic settlement is possible, even in cases where the
Received\Accepted does not fully cover the Delivered\Performed or in cases where a negative credit memo is
posted against negative Received/Accepted.
Certain scenarios, though, do require manual settlement, and in such cases the system sets a ag that
prevents automatic settlement. Custom logic can be maintained to control when the system activates these
ags. (See the SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA Administration Guide > . Note that you must be
logged into the SAP Help Portal for this link to work. To make sure you are logged in, click the person icon at the
top right of the screen. )
Settlement in No Advance Scenarios
Requesting Agency
Servicing Agency
Supplier Invoice Credit Memo Billing Document Credit Memo
FOB Source Triggering Docu-
How to Settle Automatically Automatcally Automatically Automatically
FOB Destination Triggering Docu-
How to Settle Automatically, un-
less the Automatic
Settlement Not
Allowed ag is set
Automatically, un-
less the Automatic
Settlement Not
Allowed ag is set
Automatically, un-
less the Automatic
Settlement Not
Allowed ag is set
Automatically, un-
less the Automatic
Settlement Not
Allowed ag is set
Because performances that only partially cover the Delivered/Performed can be settled, underlying
accounting documents may remain in an uncleared state. Such performances require manual activity to be
fully cleared.
You can search for performances that require manual activity by ltering the Manual Activity Needed ag
for the value Yes.
Settlement of Advance
Requesting Agency
Servicing Agency
Supplier Invoice Credit Memo Billing Document Credit Memo
FOB Source Triggering Docu-
Advance Return of Advance Advance Return of Advance
How to Settle Automatically Paid Automatically Collected
FOB Destination Triggering Docu-
Advance Return of Advance Advance Return of Advance
How to Settle Automatically Paid Automatically collected
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
5 Attachments
In SAP ERP, you can add attachments to purchase orders, sales orders, and billing documents. When you add
attachments in ERP, they are available in the related Order or Performance on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub after
you send the ERP document out through eDocument. The attachment will also be available on Treasury after
you sync the Order or Performance with Treasury from the Hub.
You can create attachments as you create a purchase order by choosing Create Create Attachment in
the Object Services menu and uploading the attachment. The attachment displays in the attachment list after
you save the purchase order. When you send the purchase order to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub, the attachment
displays in the Order under the Attachments tab. The attachment will also be available in the Order on the
Servicing Agency side after they pull the latest version of the Order. You cannot create attachments as you
create a sales order, but you can add them after the sales order has been saved. When you send the sales order
to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub, the attachment displays in the Order under the Attachments tab. The attachment
will also be available in the Order on the Receiving Agency side after they pull the latest version of the Order.
When you add an attachment to a GT&C, Order, or Performance on Treasury, these attachments will also be
available on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub after you pull the latest version from Treasury. However, it is not possible
to pull attachments from the SAP G-Invoicing Hub to ERP.
Adding an attachment to a sales or purchase order as the only action is not registered in the eDocument
Cockpit as an admin change, so a non-modifying change - for example, adding a space to a header text - is
required to trigger the eDocument Cockpit update.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
You cannot delete an attachment in the SAP G-Invoicing Hub but you can delete it from a purchase order or
sales order (but not a billing document) in ERP. After you delete the attachment from the purchase order or
sales order in ERP, the attachment is also removed from the Order on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub when you send
out the purchase order or sales order to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub via eDocument. If you added a comment in
ERP about the deletion, this comment will be available to view in the Order on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
6 SAP G-Invoicing Hub
SAP has provided the SAP G-Invoicing Hub to give the user a full view of all details of the Treasury's G-Invoicing
documents: GT&Cs, Orders, and Performances. For Order and Performance documents, the related SAP
documents are also shown. ERP documents are enabled as links. Similarly, you can navigate from the ERP
documents to the Order and Performance documents on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub via links.
You can also carry out certain G-Invoicing related tasks on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub. For example, you can
reject a modication to an Order, do a partial acceptance of an Order quantity, or send an empty modication.
You can view the Treasury status of each Order and Performance on the SAP G-Invoicing Hub. Where the Buyer
Hub Status or Seller Hub Status of an Order or Performance is populated, this indicates that a change to the
Order or Performance has not yet been synced to Treasury. Once the sync happens, there is no value displayed
in the Buyer Hub Status or Seller Hub Status elds.
Users and administrators can use the SAP G-Invoicing Hub to view error details. For Performances and Orders,
these issues are displayed on the Error Details tab. For more technical information, the Service Logs app
contains information on all the calls and the information sent to the Treasury web service and the information
that comes back from Treasury.
Access to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub apps is controlled by business roles. You need to be assigned to the relevant
role in order to see the corresponding apps.
G-Invoicing - Business Roles
Description Access to Apps
Requesting Side GT&C Specialist
My GT&Cs (Requesting)
All GT&Cs (Requesting)
Servicing Side GT&C Specialist
My GT&Cs (Servicing)
All GT&Cs (Servicing)
Requesting Side Order Specialist
My Performances (Servicing)
All Performances (Servicing)
Servicing Side Order Specialist
My Orders (Servicing)
All Orders (Servicing)
/GINU/BR_PER_REQ_SPECIALISTNEW Requesting Side Performance Special-
My Performances (Requesting)
All Performances (Requesting)
/GINU/BR_PER_SER_SPECIALISTNEW Servicing Side Performance Speicialist
My Performances (Servicing)
All Performances (Servicing)
/GINU/BR_GINV_ADMIN Administrator Service Logs
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
SAP G-Invoicing Hub
If you have access to an app, what you can see and do within that app is controlled by the following
authorization objects.
G-Invoicing - Authorization Objects and Activities
Authorization Object
Description Actions/Activities
GINH/GTCR Requesting Agency GT&C Pull from Treasury
/GINH/GTCS Servicing Agency GT&C Pull from Treasury
/GINH/ORDR Requesting Agency Order Pull from Treasury, Push to Treasury,
Sync to ERP, Accept Order, Close Or-
der, Reopen Order (BIO Scenario), Send
Empty Modication (BIO Scenario)
Servicing Agency Order Pull from Treasury, Push to Treasury,
Sync to ERP, Accept Order, Reopen Or-
der (SFO Scenario), Send Empty Modi-
cation (SFO Scenario)
Requesting Agency Performance Pull from Treasury, Push to Treasury,
Sync to ERP, Create Acceptance, Create
Negative Acceptance, Reject Perform-
Servicing Agency Performance Pull from Treasury, Push to Treasury,
Sync to ERP
/GINH/ARCH Authorization Object for Archival of
GTC, Orders, and Performance
/GINH/ADMN Authorization object for Administration
Each of these authorization objects has Group Identier and Activity authorization elds. The Group Identier
eld controls the groups that can access the authorization object. The Activity eld controls what activities
these groups can do with that authorization object. The authorization object and values are assigned to an
authorization role that is then assigned to a user.
Users with SAP_ALL or SAP_NEW roles have access to all objects. These super user roles overrule the
G-Invoicing authorization objects.
The All apps show GT&Cs, Orders, or Performances that a group you are assigned to is associated with. The
My apps show GT&Cs, Orders, or Performances only for the user that prepared the Order or Performance. For
example, for an Order this could be the user who prepared the order. If you have access to an Order in your My
Orders app, you will also have access to the Performances related to that Order in your My Performances app.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
SAP G-Invoicing Hub
7 Document Compliance Framework
The Document Compliance Framework allows you to create electronic documents based on source
documents, such as invoices, that you have created in other SAP applications. The system uses the Application
Interface Framework (AIF) to map the transactional data to the required XML format.
In SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA, you use the eDocument Cockpit (part of the Document
Compliance Framework) to push documents or changes to documents that you made in your SAP ERP system,
for example a purchase order, to the SAP G-Invoicing Hub. You also use the eDocument Cockpit to pull
documents from the SAP G-Invoicing Hub, for example, invoices, to your SAP ERP system. In the process of
pulling and pushing, the Document Compliance Framework triggers the mapping and transformation of the
documents via AIF, from SAP ERP to the Treasury format and back from the Treasury format.
When you post an ERP document, it creates an entry in the relevant eDocument Cockpit view. For example,
for a purchase order, this is G-Inv Purchase Order Out view. When you submit this entry in the G-Inv Purchase
Order Out view, it pulls the latest version of the ERP purchase order and submits it to AIF for mapping and
transformation into the Order XML format required by Treasury. This Order is then uploaded to the SAP
G-Invoicing Hub.
Purchase Order to Hub Order
When you send a Hub Order or Performance to ERP using the Sync to ERP button, it creates an entry in the
relevant eDocument Cockpit view. For example, for an invoice, this is G-Inv Supplier Invoice In view. When you
submit this entry in the G-Inv Supplier Invoice In view, it pulls the latest version of the Hub invoice and submits
it to AIF for mapping and transformation into a supplier invoice format that can be read by SAP ERP and can
park the invoice in ERP.
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Document Compliance Framework
Performance to Supplier Invoice in ERP
eDocument Cockpit Views
When you submit a document from one of the eDocument Cockpit views, you get either the latest ERP
document version in the case of the Out views or the latest Hub document in the case of the In views.
G-Inv Billing Document Out
G-Inv Down Payment In
G-Inv Purchase Order In
G-Inv Purchase Order Out
G-Inv Sales Order In
G-Inv Sales Order Out
G-Inv Settlement In (Serves both Requesting and Servicing Side settlement)
G-Inv Supplier Invoice In
G-Inv Supplier Invoice Out
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Document Compliance Framework
8 Pull, Push, and Send Transactions
SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA provides you with transactions to send documents between the
SAP G-Invoicing Hub and Treasury, and from the Hub to SAP ERP.
Pull, Push, and Send Transactions
Description Run As Open Query
Send Requesting Agency Order from
Hub to ERP
/GINH/SEND_PERF_TO_ERP Send Requesting Agency Performance
from Hub to ERP
Send Requesting Agency Down Pay-
ment Performance to ERP
Settle Requesting Agency Performance
on ERP
Send Servicing Agency Order from Hub
to ERP
Send Servicing Agency Down Payment
Performance to ERP
Settle Servicing Agency Performance
on ERP
Pull Requesting Agency GT&Cs from
Treasury to Hub
Yes, with ALC option chosen
Push Requesting Agency Order docu-
ments from Hub to Treasury
Pull Requesting Agency Order docu-
ments from Treasury to Hub
Yes, with ALC option chosen
Pull Requesting Agency Performances
from Treasury to Hub
Yes, with ALC option chosen
Push Requesting Agency Performances
from Hub to Treasury
Pull Servicing Agency GT&Cs from
Treasury to Hub
Yes, with ALC option chosen
Push Servicing Agency Order docu-
ments from Hub to Treasury
Pull Servicing Agency Order documents
from Treasury to Hub
Yes, with ALC option chosen
Pull Servicing Agency Performances
from Treasury to Hub
Yes, with ALC option chosen
Push Servicing Agency Performances
from Hub to Treasury
Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
Pull, Push, and Send Transactions
Important Disclaimers and Legal Information
Some links are classied by an icon and/or a mouseover text. These links provide additional information.
About the icons:
Links with the icon
: You are entering a Web site that is not hosted by SAP. By using such links, you agree (unless expressly stated otherwise in your
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Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
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Application Help for SAP Treasury G-Invoicing for SAP S/4HANA
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