Topic A:
Topic B:
Tell us your story. What unique opportunities or challenges have you experienced throughout
your high school career that have shaped who you are today?
Most students have an identity, an interest, or a talent that defines them in an essential way.
Tell us about yourself.
Things to include:
1. Exceptional hardships, setbacks or personal experiences that have shaped your abilities or
academic credentials (illness, disability, death, nance, etc.)
2. Personal responsibilities (i.e. children, employment, caring for ill or aging parent/guardian, etc.)
3. Exceptional achievements - academic or special talents (such as National Honor Society, poetry,
music, art, bilingual prociency, etc.)
4. Educational goals and choice of major.
5. Leadership experiences (Student Council, R.O.T.C., and other school, community and religious
clubs or organizations)
6. Learning disabilities (i.e. dyslexia, etc.) *
7. Ways you have associated with the university (i.e. family members or close friends who’ve
attended the university, visits to the campus, etc.)
8. Work history (specify hours and times)
9. Community service involvement (specify hours and times)
* Be sure to include documentation and references to contact for verication, if appropriate.
ings to remember:
1. Be sure to submit your essay with your application. If it isn’t submitted with the application, be sure to
include your name and date of birth on each page that you submit.
2. Your essay should be typewritten. Do not submit handwritten essays.
3. Do not exceed 500 words. Be concise.
4. Use proper grammar and spelling (use spell check and have your essay proof-read)
5. Do not list any other universities that you’re applying to in your essay. It should be customized for the
university to which you are applying.
6. Do not include information that will not provide insight as to why you will excel in college.
7. Do not include inaccurate or false information.
College Admissions Essay Tips
Texas Tech University does not require that you submit an essay, however, it is highly recommended that
you submit at least one. There are two recommended essay topics that you may choose from on the ApplyTexas
Box 45005, Lubbock, TX 79409